kny-agere · 11 months
Hello! If at all possible, could you write a drabble about Little Daki and Little Akaza having a playdate together with a Cg Gyutaro and Cg Douma looking after them? I love to imagine that they have little playdates together and get into mischief while little! ^^ I think that it's adorable! (As always 0% pressure!)
-Kerfuffle :3
Hehe this was soooo fun to write, I think Daki definitely gets away with a lot less than Akaza does (Sorry Douma but I think Gyutaro has more experience in this area) and it shows here
“Oh I feel like a grandpa now!” Douma claps his hands cheerfully at the sight of Akaza and Daki… Playing isn’t quite the right word when Daki is just bossing the elder around, but if it’s what suits the duo then it’s an appropriate exchange.
Gyutaro’s frown deepens and he scratches his neck. “How’re you a grandpa? Don’t tell me you’ve gotten anybody pregnant.” His voice is dry and humorless. All of his attention is focused on his sister.
“Hm? Oh well if I turned you into a demon that makes me like you’re papa. And even though Daki’s you’re sister she’s more like your baby too sometimes. That’d make me a proud grandfather right? It’s like we’re a big family!” His tone is a strange mix of real mirth and the faux cheery tone he puts over everything he says. It’s always hard to tell what the man is really think.
“You shouldn’t say dumb sh- stuff like that. Learn to shut your mouth sometimes.”
“Awww, see it’s like you’re going through a rebellious phase!”
Gyutaro huffs but doesn’t have any response other than that. He’s not the easiest to talk to, but Douma generally gets along with him the most compared to anyone else (subtracting his own sister of course).
So in the silence he turns his attention back to the children. They’re playing dolls or something similar. Every few moments Akaza’s eyes dart nervously around. He can barely look at Douma, and ignores Gyutaro completely. The blonde doesn’t understand the embarrassment. It’s not as if the other’s are in a position to judge either.
Regardless the feeling leaves Akaza quieter than usual. He moves the figures around aimlessly. Every few moments he murmurs small little phrases to contribute to the pretend show.
Daki however is much louder. Her bratty and demanding nature remains constant throughout all her forms. She was happy however with her partner’s obedience. Even when the girl had demanded all the “prettiest and bestest” dolls Akaza hadn’t even blinked. All the figures where of fine quality in the end, worth a pretty penny that Douma had gladly paid. The dolls where mostly women with fine dresses and beautiful painted faces. That drove their game of pretend towards princesses and other royals that gossiped amongst each other.
“Oh lady akane, my husband is still fighting in the war! I miss him so much.” Daki moves her doll around as she creates the narrative.
Akaza smiles, fingers hanging in between his lips. His own figure stays mostly silent as he does. Instead he just hums as he manipulates the head of the doll.
Daki pauses her movements. “And now pretend that, pretend you’re actually in love with me and you’ll confess your feelings!” She giggles at the idea of it.
Still intent on keeping his mouth shut Akaza simply bobbles the head around and presses its face against the one in Daki’s hand. Both demons laugh at the imitation of a kiss.
“Lemme see yours!” She swipes the doll from his hand before Akaza can object. He doesn’t try to steal it back, but a frown graces his features.
Before anyone in the room can even react Daki places the two figures in a lewd position. She squeals with loud joy before Gyutaro snatches the toys from her hands.
“We don’t play like that.” His voice is commanding as he towers over the girl.
Douma is quick to approach the scene too. He scoops up his boy, who had partially covered his face at the realization of what Daki was trying to portray. “It was a little funny!” Gyutaro’s grimace deepens as he shoots the elder a threatening look. “Oh but I suppose not very appropriate. Perhaps it’s best we go our separate ways for now.”
“Yea yea, sounds great.” Gyutaro holds his sister, who is pleading to keep playing.
“Please Nii-chan I won’t do it again! I’m sorry ok.” Her hands tug at his hair as she tries to slip out of his grasp. “I was just de-depict-ting a proper narratorive.” Daki pauses her begging to carefully pronounce the words.
“You can be sorry at home.”
“Nooo! I wanna keep playing.”
Their conversation fades to background noise as Douma travels further down the hallway. “Did you have fun sweet boy?” He lightly bounces the demon in his arms.
Akaza giggles softly and wraps himself tighter around Douma. “Uh-huh.”
“Good, how about we set up another playdate? Maybe after Daki has learned her lesson.”
“Are you listening baby?”
A finger pops out of Akaza’s mouth. “Yes! I wanna play again.”
“Alright, you can lay you head back down. I know you must be tired.”
Soft pink hair tickles Douma’s neck as the boy searches for a more comfortable position. He’s sure by the time they get home Akaza will be fast asleep.
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tribow · 3 years
Intense and flashy sakuga animation is great, but some of the stuff people freak out about have these crazy, over-exaggerated, and allmost seizure inducing effects that make me completely lose sight of the choreography.
A somewhat recent example of this is Gyutaro vs Tengen fight in Demon Slayer. (keep in mind I have not watched this anime, I just saw the fight scene). The effects and detail in the animation is truly incredible. Ufotable's ability to combine CG backgrounds, 2D animation, and effects is always insane, but I can honestly barely follow the fight.
I don't feel the weight of any impact. Each deflection, blow, and clash are better communicated through the sound design more than the animation. However, the destruction from the fight is absolutely beautiful. The finishing blows were amazing. The rotating camera shot is really cool.
Yet, everything else is just felt like a light show of effects. There are several parts in the fight where my brain was like, "wait what hit him," and I had to slow it down to even see what it was.
Again, this isn't me saying the animation is terrible, I'm only saying it's failing to communicate some of what is happening to me and I've seen many "top 10 epic sakuga fights" have this exact same issue but even worse.
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kny-agere · 10 months
Hi, if possible, could I request Little Douma and Daki with Cg Gyutaro? If possible, could it be a scenario where Daki and Gyutaro don't know that Douma regresses, but Douma ends up regressing whilst trying to help Gyutaro look after Daki whilst she was regressed, and he also ends up regressing? Sorry if this was too specific, and of course, you do not have to write this if you do not want to.
Ok I hope this meets ur needs!! It’s less of a “omg he regresses??” and more so a natural evolution because I think Gyutaro wouldn’t be too surprised if he’s already familiar with Daki + I think ot suits Douma’s personality lol
“You’re supposed to be helping watch her, not making messes too!” Gyutaro has always been a bit of a stickler for the rules. His rules at least. The man is happy to let Daki break whatever rules he sees as useless but the moment she crosses some arbitrary line he reins her in.
Douma never cared for much of that. He has little constraint as it is, when he’s allowed to indulge he does so happily. Currently he’s helping Daki spread paint over the walls.
“It’s a lot more funner like this though! And I think Daki-chan would agree right?”
“Yea! He lets me do whatever I want instead.”
The two laugh in unison. Douma draws a very squiggly figure with sharp teeth and messy hair that’s probably meant to be Gyutaro.
His snarl deepens. “Ah but now you’ve gotten her nice kimono all dirty, and it’s hard to get paint out.” With Gyutaro it’s always hard to tell if he’s being spiteful or genuine. Most of the time it’s a strange combination of both.
Pausing the girl looks down at the delicate silk over her front. There’s smears over the folds and where the sleeves sometimes slip over her hands. The paint is a bold green against the purple fabric. Almost immediately tears well up in her eyes. Like a tsunami her sadness engulfs the room immediately. “Douma-sama! Why would you d-do that. This was my, my favorite one an’ now it’s all ruined!” Her voice goes up three octaves as sobs bubble up between her words.
For all his faults the blond does look genuinely sorry. He tries to soothe Daki, offering to buy her new clothes, but she’s decided that this one is irreplaceable. Though there’s likely a dozen other that look nearly identical sitting in her large dresser her mind is hyper-focused on the now.
It’s easy for Gyutaro to soothe her. He makes soft promises until she’s no longer screaming. “This is why we gotta listen to the rules ok? Next time are you gonna listen?”
Daki still sounds rather sullen as she delivers a quiet, “yes.”
“Why don’t we change our clothes and then we can have a nap.”
He picks the girl up, turning around to find Douma. When the man isn’t immediately in sight he frowns. After circling the room he places his sister back down. “Wait here for a second.” Before she can complain he’s already stepping away.
Climbing upwards he pushes his way into the attic. It’s the most obvious spot unless Douma wants to be accosted by hordes of curious women. (Which on second thought it does sound like something he’d enjoy.) The blond os spread out in the corner. His face is almost melting into the rough wood flooring.
With little care Gyutaro nudges the man’s side with his foot. In return he receives a very petulant, “go away.”
“Stop whining, you were the one making a mess.”
“I was jus’ having fun!” When Douma sits up his face is an usual splotchy red. It’s unusual for him at least, Daki often sports the look shortly before any of her tantrums. “I don’t see why you always have to make me look bad.” His tone lacks any of its typical cheeriness.
“We can have fun but that doesn’t mean we can break rules either.” Gyutaro crouches down to get on the man’s level. “And if you wanna keep coming over you gotta listen too.”
Grateful for his demonic strength the younger man scoops Douma into his arms. Immediately his mood brightens. “Oh I’ve never been carried before! Well, once ‘kaza-dono did, but that was only so he could throw me after. But this is much nicer-”
“And you gotta be quiet too because I’m gonna make Daki nap.”
In a poorly hushed tone he continues. “You didn’t say me though! So I get to keep playing right? I’ll even follow the rules, well most of them anyways.”
“All of them,” Gyutaro insists. There’s no room for argument in his voice but Douma attempts anyways.
“I’ll try! I’m not very good at ‘membering things though. And technically I’m still higher ranked than you so if I wanted to I could-“
“Stop raising your voice!”
When they enter the room again Daki has changed (not into pajamas, instead haphazardly putting on another kimono that isn’t tied well) and is eagerly waiting their arrival. “I don’t wanna go to bed anymore! If you guys are playing then I am too.”
Before Gyutaro can shut down the idea Douma is suggesting dozens of games and the two are all riled up. He’s not sure if he’ll survive the night.
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kny-agere · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a drabble with Cg Kokushibo & Douma looking after A little Akaza who's in babyspace? Maybe this is the first time he's regressed so young and there both trying to figure out how to best take care of him? (Idk why but I think they'd make a pretty good caregiving duo since they'd probably balance each other out lol) I also really like your work! The drabbles I've read are very cute! ^^
Thank you for the compliments!! I hope you enjoy this :>
It was hard finding someone to take care of him. Akaza wouldn’t let anyone see him as weak just because he indulged in certain comforts. At first he considered one of the lesser demons as caretakers, but the lower moons tended to rotate quickly and he didn’t get along well with Hantengu or Gyokko. Gyutaro wasn’t a horrible candidate but his sister claimed most of his attention.
Looking at the demons above himself Akaza felt cornered still. He found Douma too grotesque to be useful in such a way, and it’d be deluded to think that Muzan cared about anyone other than himself.
Kokushibo however was promising. The man was quiet, but Akaza preferred that anyways. He just wanted someone to keep him company, a stable hand against his back.
So they fell into things naturally. Kokushibo had a surprising aptitude for caring for others, which extended to Akaza. He was still quiet, but would scoop the demon up to cradle or redirect his energy when needed. There was no sense of shame either, it was an understanding that their gentle moments together were separate from their lives as upper moons. No titles were needed when exchanging words.
That wasn’t to say everything was perfect. Kokushibo was bad at explaining things to Akaza, if he didn’t understand the downsides to destroying a room or refused to end a meeting when scheduled. Akaza sometimes got overwhelmed and rejected any of the other’s advances without reason.
Right now they were both struggling however. The rare meetings between upper moons are always hard. At least one of them ends up decapitated, with others injured in some way. It’s not quite as bad as individual meetings, in which Akaza knows he’ll be hurt, but still they’re not fun.
So they leave afterwards to one of the infinity castles many rooms. Kokushibo often faces the least of Muzan’s wrath, he stands straight and tall. Akaza stumbles behind him, clinging to the man’s loose robes. He keeps tripping over his legs and stumbling into Kokushibo’s back.
“Wait until we find a room.” Kokushibo gives the instructions directly. His hand lightly pushes Akaza away from him.
A wet sounding whimper leaves his lips. “I-I’m tryin’!” His legs feel heavy. Without the support his stance wavers again.
It’s uncommon for him to cry. Technically no tears have left his eyes yet, but the high cracks in Akaza’s voice are a sign that tears are on the way.
Frowning Kokushibo turns to the upper moon. Usually Akaza can take well enough care of himself. Currently he looks distressed however.
The older demon does what he knows how to and picks up the other. Akaza immediately wraps arms so tightly around his neck that it becomes hard to breathe. A stripped face hides itself within Kokushibo’s long locks. His updo sways as he walks, bouncing against Akaza’s cheeks.
Again there’s a sort of strange feeling, a disturbance to their usual routine. Often the younger demon will sit on his lap or ride on his back, there’s no clinging, no curled fists in his clothing or soft breaths echoing against his neck. It bothers Kokushibo a bit, the annoyance of too much physical contact.
So when they finally arrive to an adequate room he tries to set Akaza down. At first arms stay wound around his neck, but slowly he pries them off. As the boy flops to the ground he lets out a loud wail and tries to hide his face. One hand reaches out to attach itself back to Kokushibo.
He hopes that if he doesn’t turn away the fist currently grabbing his pants the boy might stop crying. Usually Akaza’s tears were still filled with anger or frustration rather than plain distress.
But after only a minute or two of waiting he’s already grown tired of the sobs. They’re not dying in volume or intensity. “Stop that. You shouldn’t be so loud.”
He refuses to quiet down until hands pick him up again. It still takes a moment for his tears to stop but eventually Akaza silences himself. His thumb is stuck into his mouth, but drool still trails down his chin.
Fishing a handkerchief from his pocket Kokushibo wipes up the mess under the boy’s lips. “What’s wrong?” This meeting hadn’t gone awfully all things considered. Akaza and Douma had bickered as usual, Hantengu was the one who ended up harmed, and then everyone was sent back towards their regular regions.
As Akaza attempted to answer he could only start off with stuttered syllables that didn’t evolve into any actual words. More drool slippered down his chin as he tried several times to repeat himself.
“Stop… you can tell me later.” The only thing more annoying than his cries were whatever the noises he had been making were.
He assumed that the younger demon would be relieved at the instructions, not longer having to try something beyond his current abilities, but tears built back up in the corner of his eyes. However the boy remained quiet (other than the occasional sniffle) this time, something Kokushibo was thankful for. He could think properly without the interruption.
Akaza was acting unusual. Perhaps the stress from the earlier meeting was still too much even considering the relative gentleness compared to other ones. It was possible this was unrelated to the master’s generally callous behavior, instead inspired by events Kokushibo hadn’t witnessed. Whatever it was had been enough to send Akaza into a state even younger than he typically regressed, that much was clear.
While he could coexist relatively well with the boy when he was toddler aged, the idea of Akaza being even more dependent on him was a little off-putting. Not because of anything the boy had done, but more so the fact that Kokushibo had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.
Holding him was working well enough for now. Even his silent tears had tapered off and he was once again sitting comfortably within the elder’s arms. Kokushibo settled in a more comfortable situation and wrapped his arms tighter around Akaza.
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kny-agere · 9 months
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First meeting - Cg! Hinatsuru, Little! Reader
Sleep it off - Cg! Rengoku, Little! Reader
Rem Cycle - Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Kyojuro, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Gyomei, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Akaza, Little! Reader
Cg! Tengen, Little! Iguro
Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Zenitsu
Cg! Uzuis, Little! Daki
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Kanae, Little! Shinobu
Bigbro! Tomioka, Little! Kamaboko trio
Cg! Mitsuri, Bigbro! Muichiro, Little! Iguro
Cg! Shinobu, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Uzui + Wives, Little! Inosuke
Cg! Uzui + Wives, Little! Tanjiro
Cg! Urokodaki, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Shinobu, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Tomioka, Little! Iguro
Cg! Rengoku, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Tomioka, Little! Reader
Cg! Uzui + Wives, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Kotoha, Little! Douma
Cg! Akaza, Little! Douma
Cg! Gyomei, Little! Genya, Little! Muichiro
Cg! Tomioka, Little! Iguro
Cg! Koyuki, Little! Hakuji
Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Iguro
Cg! Kokushibo, Little! Akaza
Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Gyutaro, Little! Daki, Little! Douma
Cg! Urokodaki, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Uzui, Little! Zenitsu
Cg! Gyutaro, Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza, Little! Daki
Cg! Rengoku, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Kotoha, Little! Douma, Ft. Baby Inosuke
Cg! Genya, Little! Muichiro
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Shinobu, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Kokushibo, Little! Muichiro
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kny-agere · 1 year
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First meeting - Cg! Hinatsuru, Little! Reader
Sleep it off - Cg! Rengoku, Little! Reader
Rem Cycle - Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Giyuu
Cg! Gyutaro, Little! Daki, Little! Douma
Cg! Urokodaki, Little! Giyuu
Cg! Uzui, Little! Zenitsu
Cg! Gyutaro, Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza, Little! Daki
Cg! Rengoku, Little! Giyuu
Cg! Kotoha, Little! Douma, Ft. Baby Inosuke
Cg! Genya, Little! Muichiro
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Shinobu, Little! Tomioka
Cg! Douma, Little! Akaza
Cg! Kokushibo, Little! Muichiro
Cg! Mitsuri, Little! Iguro
Cg! Douma
Little! Douma
Cg! Shinobu
Cg! Muzan
Cg! Tanjiro
Cg! Uzui
Cg! Kokushibo
Little! Akaza
Little! Suma
Little! Zenitsu
Cg! Mitsuri
Little! Tomioka
Little! Rengoku
Character Ai bots
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