#cg! missy
agerefandomrambles · 2 months
Title: Buggy Boys
Word count: 1094
Little! Spider + Ant
Cg! Missy + Harper
Warnings: classification, crying
Plot: heartbreak high classification au fic
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Spider, Missy, Ant, Harper, Amerie, Darren, Quinni and Cash are all sat in the amphitheatre.
Quinni, Darren and Cash are sitting criss cross apple sauce on the floor, chatting quietly. Missy, Harper and Amerie are standing by the entrance, talk loudly amongst themselves. Spider and Ant are sitting on the seats along the wall. Neither one is talking, instead staring ahead as they churn thoughts in their head.
They are the last of the year 12's waiting, and despite the cahtter, the room is somehow overwhelmingly silent.
It's the beginning of year 12 and the whole class is getting their classifications. There's 4 potential classifications: caregiver, little, flip and neutral.
Neutral is the most common, with 47% of the population falling into the neutral category. Neutrals can have tendencies of any of the other classes but they ultimately fall under none of the above. They function as normal all of the time.
Littles and caregivers both make up 19% of the population, coming together to form 38% of the population. Littles sometimes fall into a younger headspace where they rely more heavily on others. Caregivers are built to support and care for the littles.
Finally, flips make up 15% of the population. A flip can both regress or care for those that are regressed. Some flips lean one way or another but they can be both.
The test is quick and easy. The teens get asked some simple questions and then get their blood taken.
Within minutes, they have the results back. They group together silently, pushing aside past grievances and arguments to come together.
Quinni opens hers first, a wide grin on her face. Then, she opens the letter and in big bright letters, an orange NEUTRAL appears. She leafs through the letter, finding a pamphlet explaining her class and details on how to register with the government. "It's like opening a letter" she exclaims gleefully.
Cash and Darren open each other's, both sighing in relief when they get the same NEUTRAL as Quinni. "Thank God. I am so not built to be a caregiver" Darren sighs dramatically, clutching at their chest for added flair.
Amerie opens hers next, the whole group sitting in shock when the words FLIP stare back at them.
"Hey it's ok babe, we'll help you" Harper consoles, pulling Amerie into a hug.
"Yeah, it's no big deal" Darren chimes in.
"You get the best of both worlds?" Cash adds hesitantly.
"Yeah ok... I'm ok. Why don't you go Harps?" Amerie says after a long moment of silence. She wipes at her eyes and visibly pulls herself together.
Harper tears her envelop open, Missy lightly punching her in the arm when a bright red CAREGIVER is written in bold.
"And to noones suprise, our group mum is actually a mommy" Missy jokes, quickly getting a punch from Ant, Harper and Spider.
"OK then, let's see yours then" Spider teases, pulling her in close as they carefully open her envelope together. They skim through the envelop, but right in the middle is CAREGIVER
The group chat happily about the results and spider and Ant send each other a look. "Last two?" Spider says, though he phrases it like a question.
Ant just looks up at him, blinking with wide eyes. Ant hasn't spoken since the test, choosing instead to sit at the back of the group.
"I bet I can guess what his is going to be" Harper jokes. She gets up from her spot and sits in front of Ant, gently grabbing his attention by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey kiddo. Can I open your envelope? It's imporant"
Ant just nods, still not talking. Missy smiles at him and picks up the letter. She carefully opens it and places it on the table, displaying a light blue LITTLE for everyone to see.
Ant just whimpers at seeing the words and launches himself into Harper. Harper catches him with a grunt, steadying the both of them with the other hand.
"You're all good kiddo, I got you" she murmers, running her hands through his hair while he sobs into her chest.
"Awe it's alright Ant, I'll be your little buddy" Amerie jokes, sitting down besides Harper.
Cash and Darren join the two, not knowing how to help and instead offering silent support with their presence.
Quinni sits from across the table and silently hands Ant a pair of noise cancelling headphones and a fidget cube. Harper helps him put them on and he calms down almost instantly, content to sit in Harper's lap and play with the fidget cube.
"Spider, you haven't done yours y-" Missy trails off mid sentence. Everyone looks up from a now very happy Ant to see a very distraught Spider spitting off to the side.
He's clutching his open letter in his hand, the light blue of the LITTLE still clearly visible. He makes eye contact with Missy, his whole body still.
"Hey Spidey, you ok?" She asks cautiously, standing up and carefully walking over to him, watching for a reaction.
"I'm a little" He says, almost in a whisper.
"I know. Looks like we've got two little buggy boys" she chuckles over her joke to herself, before slowly sitting next to him. She gives a quick nod of her head to tell the rest of the group to leave them alone for a bit.
The two sit in silence for a long while, Spider processing this new information and Missy silently offering the support he needs.
"I don't have any gear" Spider says quietly, not making eye contact.
"That's OK, you can apply for a grant with the government to get some if you want it" Missy replies gently.
"I um... I don't know how to be little" Spider mutters, finally lifting his head to look at Missy with pleading eyes.
"Oh, well that I can help with. Can I touch you?" Missy chuckles, scooting closer. Spider just nods and leans into her.
Missy waits until he's comfortable before nodding at the rest of the gang to come over now.
Ant is the first to toddle over. He plops down in front of Spider and waits (as patiently as a 5 year old can wait) for Spuder to look up.
When spider looks up, Ant grabs his hand, says " We're buggy boys :)" before racing off. Spider lets Ant drag him along but he sends a glare Missys way.
Missy and Harper both laugh before trailing behind the two littles, chatting while they play pirates and fairies and superheros and mermaids.
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madhatter0309 · 1 month
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ways to spice up working: Missy playlist✨
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starsurface · 5 months
Super fun idea (imo) - soft play! 🎠🪁Could you do MK1 Johnny Cage with a baby regressor (and toddler if that's fine) at one? Ty!
Hi!! Yes, I'm so sorry for how late this is!!! :(
This is a Johnny Cage w/ Babyspace Regressor pt 2, but the first for Toddlerspace Regressor!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage MK1 w/ Baby(pt 2)-Toddlerspace Regressor Hcs
⭐ He loves any and all regressors, but toddlers are his best fit!!! He’s really good with baby regressors too!!
⭐ We’ll focus on toddler regressor for a second:
⭐ Energetic toddlers that like to run around his house? My, my your energetic!! Thank goodness your Dada can keep up because he’s just that awesome! 😎
⭐ A crafty toddler? Amazing!! He loves crafty regressors, toddler or baby!!
⭐ Your making a mac and cheese picture? Wait a minute, is that his mac and cheese? Did you ask to use that? . . . Maybe he can let it go this one, his baby’s work looks so gorgeous!!
⭐ A sneaky toddler or baby? Now, now Mister/Missy, just don’t do anything too bad now!!
⭐ He finds it really funny when you try to sneakily grab an extra piece of candy, but your giggling a bit too loudly and he can obviously tell what your doing . . . But he won’t stop you . . Atleast this time
⭐ He’ll let you wear his sunglasses!! You can look just as awesome as your Dada!! 💪
⭐ Karaoke? Or regressors that like singing? Disney song night!!! He’ll even help you with the big kid words!
⭐ Now, some baby regressor focus!!
⭐ For crafty littler regressors, he’ll help guide your hand, or will happily accept a pretty scribbled picture!! He’ll even frame it after it’s happy time on the fridge!! :D
⭐ He’ll get you separate sunglasses, but the exact same as his
⭐ Not that he doesn’t trust you!! . . . But some babies chew . . And he likes his sunglasses, darling
⭐ Any kind of padding you need, he will never, ever, be mean to you about!!
⭐ In fact, I once said in my CG Johnny Cage w/ Padding Regressor Hcs that if you ever felt embarrassed about padding, he’d wear one with you just to show you that they’re not bad
⭐ ^ I stand by this Hc, he’s got the (loving) ego for it
⭐ Plus he’s your Dada!! He can’t have his baby feeling icky or embarrassed about something they shouldn’t be!! And he’ll do whatever he can to make sure your okay!!
⭐ Ugh, bottle-feeding 🥺
⭐ He loves bottle-feeding you, you on his lap, or your head on his lap, near naptime or just while watching a movie, his baby in his arms <3
⭐ Some general Baby/Toddler Hcs now:
⭐ He finds it really funny if you try to copy him
⭐ You flex in the mirror after he flexes? Now you two are giggling and flexing your muscles!! 💪
⭐ The only thing he doesn’t like is his own potty mouth, it’s not a bad habit, but sometimes some no-no words slip . . . Let’s not repeat Dada’s big kid no-no words, alright, Sweetheart?
⭐ He’ll buy you custom items!!
⭐ A plushie from a show you really like? He can get one exactly like it, he likes seeing you happy!
⭐ Custom-designed pacis or sippies/bottles too!! Whatever design or aesthetic - Whatever you want really! How can he say no to his baby’s happiness? He has the money 🥺
⭐ One of you two’s a cuddle bug, and it’s not always you
⭐ Johnny’s a MASSIVE cuddlebug, especially when you're small!! (although all the time really)
⭐ Sometimes Johnny fears that the Pappirazzi will find out about your regression, and he’s already made an entire plan in his head (especially one where they look bad)
⭐ ^ It would never come to this, he makes sure of it
⭐ Which is why he’ll take you out sometimes when your small!! Maybe a bit more for older kiddos or age dreamers, but a trip to McDonalds won’t hurt anyone
⭐ Restablishing, but his favorite activity with all regressors is
⭐ Have you seen his wardrobe? He’s got fashion (and costumes!!)
⭐ With baby regressors he’ll get soft onesies, or character onesies, and help you have a fashion show by carrying you on your make shift run way
⭐ Toddler regressors he’ll get some cute outfits, or costumes like his Indiana Jones one, and cheer as you put on a show for him and his stuffies (they all loved your rpeformance by the way!!)
⭐ Baby or toddler, he’ll try to always carry
⭐ Your his baby, he’s Johnny Cage, why would you need to walk or crawl when your Dada’s a big, strong, action movie star? 🥺
⭐ One of his little nicknames for you would be Superstar!! <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Sorry for the long no posting guys, I had a hard time writing for some reason these past few days. But don't worry!! I'll post more soon!! Finals schedule is coming up so I should be able to write some things during that time, hopefully. <3
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lilveeblog · 7 months
super undies !!
a super cute little!jj x cg!emily
penelope garcia cameo !!
jj wants to show off her new undies to penny but someone walks in
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“JJ! Are you ready to go love?” Emily asked, shouting through the house.
“Almost!” JJ replied. She quickly grabbed her snacks and headed towards the door.
“Come on Jay, any slower,” Emily smirked and motioned out the open door.
“I cominggg!” JJ whined and ran through the front door and over to the car.
Hotch had given the team the morning off due to the late landing last night so Emily and JJ had spent the morning in bed. JJ insisted they watch cartoons and then have a bath but Emily didn’t mind. She knew JJ was wavering between headspaces today but also knew she didn’t have a lot of work to do so she’d be okay. She just had all her fingers crossed there wasn’t going to be a case.
“We listen music?” JJ asked softly from the passenger seat.
“Hm I’m not sure,” Emily teased.
“Whyyy?” JJ pouted, throwing back her head.
“Because I don’t really feel like listening to head shoulders, knees and toes!” Emily laughed. JJ huffed and crossed her arms.
“I’m not that small!”
Emily shot her a smile and turned on the radio. “I know sweet. I’m just teasing.”
“You not funny,” JJ groaned and turned away from Emily.
“Oh come on baby!”
But JJ was stubborn and she didn’t find the joke funny. For the rest of the ride, she stayed turned towards the window, ignoring Emily’s pleas.
“We’re here, come on,” Emily said as they pulled up.
“I know I see dat mama,” JJ grumbled, taking off her belt but Emily put her hand on JJ’s. The younger girl, who had now slipped further in her stubbornness, looked at her caregiver with her ‘evil eyes’.
“Lose the attitude. I was only messing. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings but we’re going to have a good day - okay?”
JJ huffed again before getting out of the car and heading towards the doors. Emily rolled her eyes and sighed, getting out and grabbing both their bags.
They got into the elevator and Emily turned to her little one again.
“Sweetheart, are you going to be grumpy all day?”
“I not wo friend,” JJ replied, crossing her arms again.
“Why not?”
“You meanie. I going to spend day with Penny,” she mumbled.
“Okay, okay fine. Here’s your bag, you know where I am if you need me okay?” Emily said, handing JJ her bag as they got out of the lift.
“Mhms, not gonna need you though,” she mumbled and began walking away but Emily grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
“I love you,” she whispered, pulling her closer to her.
“Mamaaaaa,” JJ groaned, turning away but Emily hugged her tight.
“Say it back or the tickle monster will get you,” she whispered.
“Love you,” Jj squealed at the thought of being tickled. Emily let her go and JJ scurried off to Penelope’s office.
Emily entered the bullpen and sighed seeing Garcia stood in there. The team turned to her, confused on where JJ was.
“No blondie?” Derek asked before Emily got the chance to say anything. She set her bag down and shook her head.
“Blondie is grumpy because I made a joke in the car,” she said softly. “She’s gone to find you, Penelope.”
“Oh!” Garcia laughed. “I guess I better go then! See you later guys.” She left the bullpen and rounded the corner just as JJ entered via the top room. The team didn’t notice JJ at first as she crept down the stairs. They began chatting about their nights/mornings and JJ slid into Emily’s chair. She put her fingers on her lips when Spencer saw her and he tried hard to hold back a laugh.
As Emily went to sit, she gasped feeling the younger girl underneath her. She jumped up and screeched as the rest of the team, including JJ burst out laughing.
“Jay!” Emily groaned, realising who the mysterious chair was. “What are you doing missy!”
“Mama your face,” JJ cried, still curled over in laughter.
“You are so cheeky,” Emily laughed, grabbing her little one.
Five minutes later, after the group had calmed down, JJ skipped off back to Garcia’s office. No longer in a serious grump with Emily but still wanting to hang out with her best mate. She also had a surprise for her!
She got to the door and knocked quickly but didn’t wait for a response.
“Pennnnny,” she chimed happily as she skipped in.
“There’s my sweet little sugar plum!” Penelope giggled and opened her arms. JJ crashed into her, attacking her in a hug.
“Penny I gots show yo somefin,” JJ said quickly, scrambling back to her feet.
“Ooh - what is it?” Penelope teased. JJ smiled and quickly pulled down her leggings, revealing her underwear covered in superheroes.
“Look! They super!” And did a twirl. Garcia burst out laughing at the little one's antics.
“They sure are super baby-” But what none of them anticipated was Kevin walking in just as JJ wiggled her bum to show them off more. Penelope gasped and JJ scurried to pull up her pants again. But her cheeks were hot and tears were in her eyes and it made her want to curl up and sob in her mama. Kevin covered his eyes in a haste and Garcia helped the little one with her pants but as soon as they were up, JJ ran from the room, a sob escaping her. She didn’t even bother shutting the door behind her like she is supposed to.
She ran to the bathroom. She didn’t want to see her mama, still grumpy with her. She slid to the floor and cried heavily into her knees. The embarrassment. Hardly even in her headspace any longer, she just felt like a huge hole should appear so it can swallow her up and she never has to face anyone ever again.
“Whatever happened to knocking you absolute feverish silly goose head!” Garica exclaimed. She was angry at Kevin. She hit him with the file in his hand a few times before walking out to find the sobbing blonde. She went to the bullpen, expecting to see JJ in her mama’s arms but stopped, confused, when she saw Emily laughing with the boys. Emily saw her and furrowed her eyebrows. Garcia motioned for Emily to follow and Emily got up quickly.
“What's going on? Where’s Jay?”
“I thought she’d be with you! She ran off from my office.”
“Ran off? Why?”
Garcia sheepishly explained the situation and Emily couldn’t help but laugh at the comical side of it. JJ had been so excited to show Penelope her superhero underwear, both blondes being fans of marvel comics and the films. But now it didn’t go as planned.
“She’ll be in the bathroom,” Emily said and headed in that direction. Garcia followed. As they opened the door they could hear the crying and it broke Emily in half. She hated hearing JJ cry.
“JJ, open the door for mama,” Emily said to the only closed cubicle.
“N-not small,” JJ choked out through her sobs and Emily knew that made it worse as the embarrassment was with her as an adult not a child.
“Sweetheart open the door, it’s okay.”
“D-don’t need you,” JJ whimpered. “Meanie head.”
Emily smiled slightly, despite the situation. She was wavering on headspaces and she was thankful, she could get JJ to slip easier now, hopefully for a nap and she won’t be so grumpy when she wakes up.
“She says, not listening to mama. Open the door meanie head.”
“I not one!” JJ stomped from behind the door.
“You’re not?” Emily gasped.
“No,” JJ sniffled.
“Well you’re going to have to open the door for me to check it’s a JJ head not a meanie head.” The door unlatched and JJ opened it. She was sniffling but still shook her head.
“See mama? JJ head no meanie head.”
Emily smiled a little more and went into the cubicle, leaning in front of her little girl.
“Silly mama, thought you had a meanie head on,” she whispered and grabbed some tissue to softly wipe her away her baby’s lingering tears. “Now, you want to tell mama what got you so upset?”
“I not ‘set,” JJ sniffled.
“Hey, them tears and runny nose tell me otherwise. Talk to mama baby, what’s going on?”
JJ took a big breath, sighing. She felt rubbish and her cheeks grew red again as she tried to explain what happened to Emily.
“So Kevin saw your undies?” Emily asked, trying to hold back her smile.
“An my bum bum shake mama!” JJ gasped, like it was the most atrocious thing in the world. Emily laughed, she couldn’t not.
“He saw your bum bum shake? Your cute little bum bum?” Emily asked and JJ huffed, crossing her arms.
“It no cute! It barrassin-”
“I know baby but it’s a little funny. Plus it’s only Kevin. Aunt Penny’s boyyyyfriend,” she teased and Gaarcia hit her onthe back of the head gently. JJ tried not to smile.
“No fair.”
“I know baby, mama knows but he’ll probably forget by tomorrow! You know what Kevin is like he’s the silliest head of us all.”
JJ really tried not to laugh at that, she really did.
“That’s right JJ, one time, he even forgot to wear his undies!” Garica announced ot the pair. JJ laughed then, covering her mouth and letting out little giggles.
“Yeah! At least you’ve got them on and I bet he’s jealous at how super they are!” JJ smiled more and pulled her pants down, showing Emily and Garcia her undies again.
“They are super undies!”
“They are!” Emily and Garcia agreed.
The rest of the day went on as JJ told every single person she spoke to about her super undies. Thankfully, it was only her team so no more embarrassment. And she didn’t see Kevin again, as he was jealous and was cooped up in his office for the rest of the day, buying his own superhero undies.
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littlest-nightingale · 7 months
I think Missy and Crowley (fem) would have very similar aesthetics when it comes to regression. Like yes they're wearing pretty dresses and doing makeup BUT they're also digging holes in the yard and playing with sticks and putting stickers all over their cgs stuff. They are having a tea party. With blood (red Kool aid)
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year2000electronics · 8 months
So I remembered how you said shimmer voice was based on lady Gaga. Now I can imagine shimmer performing as mc for the troll fashion twins singing Bad romance while the models show off their stuff and the fashion. And maybe the twins design shimmer an outfit for her to debut during the last parts of the song, you know when she starts singing in French to end the show.
Oh I love the idea of CGS doing the song lady marmalade with cool outfits maybe not creek although he could probably do Missy Elliot part.
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babybatxxx · 20 days
Paige from young Sheldon agere outfit moodboard!!
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I love Paige sm she’s so me core! The board is inspired by the party episode in season 6 bc it’s my fav episode!
Her cg would definitely be Missy and Sheldon as a babysitter (he sucks at it tho)
Sheldon gave her the Harley plush :D
I made a Paige core Spotify playlist 🔭
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 months
Ok so I'm having like the most day™️ ever and I was wondering if maybe I could request some cg! Spider headcanons?
Caregiver Spencer ‘Spider’ White headcanons
warnings: !!season 2 spoilers!!, cg!missy, cg!malakai, cg!harper, cg!quinni, references to cait being a bad parent
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not one to initiate physical touch further than holding his littles hand when they’re in public but will never turn them away if they want to cuddle
cooks the best food & super accommodating to any pickiness his little might have
he tries to enforce rules & punishments but lets things slide if he doesn’t think it’s a big deal
usually cares with missy or malakai if there’s someone else around
soooo protective
has no problems going off on someone on his littles behalf
loves it when his little wears his clothes
has a million dvd’s of all types of movies so movie nights are a must
also has a bunch of vinyls that he lets his little choose from to have playing in the background as they do other things (physical media king!)
prefers staying in to going out
If he does take his little out it’s usually to a park or beach, somewhere where they can do some physical activity
will always play any sport his little wants, he’ll rope missy or malakai into it if he can too
only trusts missy, malakai, harper or quinni to babysit his little if he’s not around
master bedtime story reader
always has a mini first aid kit in his bag alongside a mini regression kit
if possible, he’ll carry his little on his hip or back or shoulders
tries to limit his little’s screen time (may or may not be successful)
pins any and all artwork his little makes on the fridge - certain pieces he’ll get framed to keep in his room
tries to protect his little from bigger & ‘scarier’ topics if he can
despite trying to act like he doesn’t, he loves stuffed animals
gets really into make believe games with his little
reluctantly lets his little dress him up, malakai usually has to encourage it to get him to cave (he has fun every time but is too stubborn to admit it)
will try & teach his little some easy songs on his guitar if they want
after season 2, he doesn’t like going on hikes the same way he used to but he’ll take his little to a marked trail (that he’s memorized over and over again) so they can hike for a bit- he prefers if someone else goes with them
try’s to adapt gentle parenting techniques so he doesn’t make the mistakes his mother made
guilt eats him alive if he ever makes his little upset
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Welcome Home Agere Fic - Baby’s Instinct
Characters: Little!Wally Darling, CG! Poppy Partridge, CG!Missy McBee (OC), CG! Eddie Dear, CG! Barnaby B. Beagle
Chapters: 1-4(?)
Setting: Poppy’s Barn (living room, kitchen), Missy’s Hive (restaurant, upstairs apartment), Eddie’s Post Office (front desk, upstairs apartment), Barnaby’s Dog House (living room, bathroom, guest bedroom)
Premise: Just the various little things that Wally calls his caregivers.
Author’s Note: Ok two things: One, this might be my biggest writing project yet. I’m planning on going with four chapters PLUS an oc, so I’m really getting dynamic with my interactions. Hopefully, this works out in my favor, lol
Wish me luck!!
Chapter 1: POPPY
The smell of Poppy’s kitchen always filled Wally with joy, but oh so much hunger.
The titular painter had been babysat by his feathered fellow for the day, and she had decided to bake him a special treat, for he had been very polite and well-mannered to her. He cleaned his toys, went to sleep on nap time, and even said please and thank you. Behavior like this was to be rewarded properly.
Wally sat eagerly in front of the oven, watching as his reward grew from the heat. Poppy had promised to make him these apple cinnamon muffins if he was polite - one of his favorites- so he made sure he was on his best behavior possible. Thankfully, even if it took some proper puppy-eyes to convince her fully, his manners got him the reward he desperately wanted.
Wally practically bounced on his knees as he pressed against the glass of the oven, giggling excitedly as he did. Poppy had dressed him in the cutest red and yellow onesie, and even gave him a matching hat just to add to the cuteness. Seeing him this giddy in his getup was an adorable sight to behold for the feathered mother.
“Muffin, muffin, I wan’ muffin!”, Wally excitedly said while tapping on the glass frantically. Poppy chuckled, gently running a wing against the waving hand. “I know dear, but you must be patient, you know? It needs to take a little longer to be perfect, okay?”
Wally nodded, still staring intensely at the muffins. Poppy shook her head admirably, a low chuckle and hum as she sat beside her giggling baby.
Soon time went by, and a resounding ‘ding!’ rang through the kitchen. Wally practically sprang into his feet, jumping and waving his hands in excitement.
“They done they done!!”, he yelled giddily, “take ‘em out!” Poppy nodded, reaching for her oven mitts and sliding them on her wings carefully. She waved her baby away from the hot oven and opened the door, the hot air hitting her like a brick. She moved the hot wire rack towards her to grab the muffin tin… until she saw a tiny yellow hand reach forward.
“Wally, NO-“ she shouted, but it was too late. He had touched the tin.
“OWIE-“ he wailed, immediately retracting his hand from the tin and holding it close. Tears began to bead at the corners of his eyes, his hand burnt slightly and shaking. Poppy immediately pulled the tin from the oven, closing the oven shut and ripping off her mitts. She quickly moved towards the sniffling baby, and cradled the burnt hand in hers.
“Oh honey,” she cooed worriedly, “you know you shouldn’t touch hot metal!” She bent and twisted the hand gently to see if the damage was severe, afraid of how burnt her baby was. He sniffled, wiping his free hand underneath his runny nose and teary eyes.
“I sorry, m’ just wann’ed th’ muffins…” he whimpered, his voice wavering heavily and hiccuping loudly. Poppy frowned deeply, planting a quick chaste smooch on the top of his head before picking him up. She rested him cradled on her wing, his burnt hand still being held by the other.
She walked to the sink and ran the faucet of refreshing cold water, checking to make sure it was cold enough. She then led Wally’s injured hand towards the water, and let it run over his burn and cool it down. The pain subsided soon after, and Wally retracted his hand from the water then.
“Are you feeling better, baby?” Poppy asked Wally. He nodded, his earlier distress a thing in the past.
“You must be more careful around hot things like that, sweetie! You got really hurt! Promise me you won’t do that again, will you?” Wally guiltily averted his eyes, then nodded. Poppy pulled him into a tight embrace, him going limp in her presence.
Poppy then began to carry him towards the living room, where her blanketed nest sat. It was a huge room filled with just about anything, but mostly with a large tv, a pantry, a large coffee table with a complimentary coffee maker, and a large hay and pillow-covered couch. It was a space built for everyone, and it fit everyone perfectly.
She carefully laid Wally down comfortably on the nest, the pillows cushioning him from the itchy hay. She patted his head with her wing, then turned to go back to the kitchen. “I’m going to go back and get the muffins, alright dear?”
Wally’s initial excitement for the muffins returned, his smile returning and his hands now clapping once more. He watched as Poppy carefully removed each muffin from the tin and placed them onto a large plate, before grabbing two smaller plates and placing one of the muffins onto each plate.
She then went her way towards the once more excited baby, the plates in her wings. Once she got to the nest, she handed Wally one of the plates, and sat beside her with her own.
“Now, the muffin here is really hot, okay?” Poppy warned the excitable boy, “It just came from the oven and needs a bit to cool. Can you blow on it to cool it off, honey?” Wally quickly nodded before turning back to his plate. He pursed his lips into an O shape and blew harshly at the hot muffin, earning a giggle from Poppy.
Once he figured the muffin was cooled off fully, he carefully held the muffin and took a big blink from the side.
The muffin was light and fluffy, with the occasional crunch from the bits of apple stuck inside. It smelled amazing, the cinnamon sugar creating a sweet and aromatic scent, and the apples bringing the flavors together without overwhelming the muffin.
Wally was quite literally on cloud nine, munching away at the delicious confection. Poppy smiled, biting carefully herself at her own muffin, making sure no crumbs got stuck to the hay beneath her.
“Now, Wally,” she started, “what do we say when we’re given something?” Wally wiped his sleeve messily against his mouth, swallowing any chunks of muffin down to talk properly.
“F’ank you, mama.”
Poppy’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden nickname.
He…he called her mama.
That’s her, that’s mama.
She cleared her throat, trying to fight the urge to scoop him up and kiss him all over his face.
“You’re welcome, baby,” she said, patting her baby on his head. He smiled, leaning into the touch and cuddling beside her, still munching on the muffin.
His mama was always there, they both knew it.
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bramblebush2 · 2 months
Me and my friends are playing Danganronpa: Lapse >:]
We're at the start of chapter three and we're kinda in love rn.. We obviously do voice acting and since the cast is comprised of 12 from what we've seen it was easy to split amongst us with 4 per person :D
I'm Kanon, Missy, Art and Ashley :3 we have such stupid voices for them but they're the only ones I can associate them with ..
Kanon has an annoyed posch accent that I used for Sirius when playing Witchs Heart with them as well
Missy is.. very british
Art is just my normal voice but super energetic
Ashley has a cowboy accent because,, horse girl
We didn't bother searching up nationalities beforehand which was bothersome when we gave someone else a British accent who suddenly started speaking French 😭😭
Anyways danganronpa Lapse is peak..
Here's just random thoughts that contain some spoilers until ch3 under the cut
So so far we've played until the bad end from ch3 and... omg that caught us off guard.
We live a while away from each other, so we can't get together as much as we want. When we do hang out, we love playing visual novels and doing stupid voices over them. We've played Yttd, Witchs Heart, a bit of Ace Attorney, In Stars and Time and Raincode like this :D ( feel free to share some recommendations of visual novels with some larger main casts for us to play :3 )
So rambling aside God that bad end scared the shit out of us. My house is close to a train station so a bit before the train arrived the others had packed up and we were kinda addicted so we decided to stretch a little bit and play one more scene. Suddenly the fucking light switch off and the mc just fcking dies?? Jumpscare. Then it said Kanon lost and while walking to the station we could.not.stop yapping about that ending. What did Kanon lost mean? Was it her who killed the mc or someone else? (Don't answer this btw lmao)
Anyways aside from that, other thoughts. When we saw the chapter title for chapter 3 and the cg that accompanied it we immediately pointed out it depicted a marigold. A marigold being Kanon's flower. Super suspicious.... We're afraid she'll be either the victim or the murderer this chapter. It was the same with Pandora in the first chapter with the French title and stuff.
Before that we were speculating that maybe the creator might throw a curveball and have Echo kill someone while not in the right heads pace after Ashley's death. When the whole scene with Missy and the Dagger appeared we were convinced that they would. Bur they seem to have recovered?? Maybe I'll swallow my words later when we continue playing though..
We are convinced that Forte will be killed at some point and that Sei will kill someone. Not for any particular reason except that's just the vibes we got?
Damn we're missing Cyrus rn.. he and his stupid name (when we saw the name Cyrus Suryc we immediately said: evil, and we were right, kinda)
So when we play games we first go through the roster of characters and sort who voices who among ourselves. This unintentionally lead to some spoilers a lot of the time. Like Pandora's sister being listed among the character roster despite her not having appeared yet and us thinking Zero was just some participant when he's actually the monokuma of this game kinda.
Anyways so this is our character sorting. Just calling them by their online aliases:
Eve (not listed but she got an extra character since Zero isn't technically a participant as far as we know)
Ketchup (girl idk what else to call you
Pandora's sister who still hasn't appeared
If you have played the game, you've probably noticed thar our division is terrible 😭 2 of my characters have murdered 2 Mag's and Ketchups characters are all alive and well (tho we have no idea where Pandora's sister is)
Also damn we were in super denial about it being Art in ch1. He rly didn't seem like he would die this early. Again, based off of nothing but vibes from us lmao. We basically called Ashley right away when we found out she was alive. We haven't found the third victim yet, we first went with the Lyle and Kanon group which led to our unfortunate demise 😢 if the third victim is anyone other then Kanon then were certain she was the killer but if it's not we have no clue. We like to bet who is the killer before the chapter even starts so we all got our money on Echo this time but now that they're recovering we're not so sure anymore.. We'll see
I love yapping about this stuff
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theogclownboy · 3 months
can you please do little kissy missy and CG huggy wuggy
i only do the smiling critters and not the other characters to poppy playtime, sorry but it's not on my list to do it
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agerefandomrambles · 1 month
Title: Shut Down
Word count: 1050
Little! Spider
Cg! Missy + Quinni
Warnings: swearing, arguements, autistic shut down
Plot: When spider and Ant get into an arguement, spider regresses and shuts down, making Missy freak out
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Spider and Ant are sitting alone during recess. There's a large circle of space around them but that's because they're arguing loud enough that people don't want to get too close.
"It's always about you! I feel like a fucking walking second place around you spider!" Ant screams, getting in Spiders face.
Spiders eyes immediately well up but instead of letting them spill, he screams back, "well maybe if you had a personality outside of bimbo, people would see you!"
"Well fuck you too then!" Ant screams, before stalking away, visibly fuming.
Spider just sits there in shock. In the back of his mind, he knows that everyone in the courtyard are looking at him and Ant but he just can't find it in himself to care.
His eyes follow Ant as he storms off and his shoulders sag. He reaches up to rub his eyes, surprised when they come away wet.
He let's out a pitiful sniffle and pulls out his phone, texting Missy a very jumbled text before putting his phone away and curling up in a ball to escape the stares.
He doesn't know how long he stays like that, curled up with his head tucked into his legs and sniffling softly, but at some point in time, a tap on his back pulls him back to reality a little bit.
He pulls his head up, blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden influx of light. Once he can see, he glances around before his gaze lands on Missy.
She's sitting beside him, looking at him with concern written clearly on her face. That's one thing that he loves about her. That she never hides what she's feeling.
He just looks at her with wide, unfocused eyes. He blinks slowly and softly rubs his thumbs of his knuckles, an old nervous habit from when he was little.
"Hey kiddo. You had a fight with Ant huh?" Missy asks. She's dealt with regressed spider and Ant before and it's not uncommon for them to fight like brothers. This is the first time that he didn't starting sobbing or yelling after a fight though.
Her frown deepens when he doesn't respond to her question. He just keeps staring at her, almost as if he weren't here.
"Spi? What's going on? Are you ok?" She asks, the knot in her chest tightening at his lack of response.
Spider dimly registers that Missy is talking to him, but it's as if he's underwater or perhaps moving in slow motion. He can see her lips moving but the words that come out of her mouth are jumbled and confusing.
The thing that vaguely worries him in his slowed state is the look on her face. He reaches our and roughly moves her face with his hand, trying to fix it.
"Hey kiddo. I'm just going to call Quinni really quick. I'm not going far" she says, doing her best to mask the quickly growing panic. She give him a chance to respond, not that she was expecting a response anyway.
She steps just far enough away that noone will be able to hear her before pulling out her phone and quickly dialling Quinnis number. The phone only rings twice before quinni picks up.
"Hello?" She answers politely.
"Quinni. Thank God you picked up. I think something is really wrong with Spider. He got into a screaming match with Ant and now he won't respond to me at all and I just don't know what to do. Can you come help please?" Missy rambles, pacing back and forth as she watches Spider.
He just sits where she left him. He draws his legs balc up but other then that, he doesn't move, I stead just staring blankly at the wall.
"I'll be there in 3" quinni responds, before hanging up.
Missy glances over at spider and decides to watch him from where she is so she doesn't freak him out any more.
True to her word, Quinni takes exactly 3 minutes before appearing at Missy's side.
She briefly glances at Missy, giving her a quick nod before squatting down to Spiders level
"Hey Spi. It's Quinni. I'm going to give you a pair of headphones and then we're going to go to the drama room away from all these people." Quinni narrates what she's doing as she's doing it. Spider follows her with his eyes but otherwise doesn't say anything.
Soon, Quinni, Spider, and Missy are sitting in the drama room.
Quinnis pulled out her emergency kit and Spider is sitting in the corner with a fidget cube, a paci, a weighted blanket stolen from the nurse and has noise cancelling headphones on.
Missy and Quinni are sitting on the other side of the room, talking quietly.
"Quinni? What the hell is wrong with him?" Missy quietly says, her eyes wide and scared.
Quinni chuckles lowly before answering, "it's called a shutdown. Basically, he got so worked up about his fight with Ant that he kinda turned his brain off. Once he comes down from the arguement, he'll go back to normal."
So, Quinni pulls out a book and Missy pulls out her headphones and the unlikely trio sit in comfortable silence for an hour.
Eventually, a small whine from Spider pull the two caregivers attention.
"Hey buddy. Do you want some communication cards?" Missy asks kindly. Spider nods, so Quinnk roots around in her bag and pulls out his favourite shark themed communication cards.
He flips through them before showing them the "Thank you" card, and quietly says "feeling a little better"
"I'm glad to hear it" Missy says, a small grin evident on her face. "Can I hug you?"
Spider doesn't even nod, he just launches himself into her arms.
They sit, relishing the comfort of one another for a long time before Spider pulls back. The caregivers only need one look at his face to know he's not little anymore.
"Thank you Quinni. Thank you Missy. I feel a lot better now" Spider says, his cheeks a slight pink as he puts the little gear away.
"I'd like to go find Ant and apologise" he says as he stands up, helping Quinni stand too.
"That sounds like a brilliant idea" Missy supports, grinning as he walks out of the room.
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chaerybombs · 2 years
sickly - dahyun x j - line
"even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax."
word count ─ 1.3k
tags ─ little!dahyun, cg!j-line, sickfic (sorta?)
notes ─ first rq done! i hope u like this, im not a big fan of how it came out personally :( also, im very glad u enjoyed my last work!!
( carrd )
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even since before their rest, twice had been planning something fun to do, no cameras involved. a fun day out where they don't have to pretend or conceal anything, and just relax. their idea was to go on a picnic, all of them bringing seperate things for them to share. the whole group was very exctied for the event, discussing what they'd bring weeks in advance.
initially, dahyun was very excited. but once the day was coming up, she was feeling a bit off, she assumed she was coming down with something. the others were very disappointed chances are she couldn't attend, but they understood.
the night before their day out, momo came into the school meal club's dorm room to see dahyun sitting in her bed on her phone, keeping a box of tissues handy next to her. "still feeling sick, huh?" she asked the younger. eliciting a nod. "i'm so sad you can't go with us, i know you were really excited." she said with a small frown. "it's fine, really, you guys will have a great time even without me." dahyun reassures. momo nodded before walking off to the doorway. "goodnight dubu, sleep well." she said, making her way to her own room. 
the next morning, dahyun felt somehow worse. her stomach was churning, her throat was burning, her nostrils were almost completely blocked, and she felt an oncoming headache. she groaned, when would this sickness subside? she had felt like she'd been suffering for weeks, when it's only been a few days. as she laid there, contemplating on whether or not she wanted to get up for breakfast. meanwhile, tzuyu had gotten up and over to her bed to check up on her. 
dahyun flinched, startled by the other. "you feeling alright?" tzuyu asked, worry in her eyes. "i feel horrible." dahyun complained, screwing her eyes shut. "aw, that's so lame, i really wanted you to be able to go." the youngest of the group whined, pouting. "tzu you know what'd be really nice?" the other cocked her head to the side in response. "if you went and made breakfast for me!" she said, putting her hands together and making puppy dog eyes.
however, tzuyu wasn't so easily fooled. "i know well you can do it yourself. if jihyo was able to go around and do all her chores in the dorm while sick you can go make yourself some eggs or something." she said, crossing her arms. "but jihyo's different." dahyun said, pouting even more dramatically. tzuyu rolled her eyes and walked out. dahyun was sure she had no intention of getting her breakfast, and she flopped backwards groaning as loud as her sore throat would let her. 
soon, though, tzuyu came back with scrambled eggs on a plate. "you are lucky i'm in a good mood, dahyun." she said, smirking slightly. "thanks, tzu, i owe you." dahyun smiled, picking up her fork. tzuyu nods and walks out and into the kitchen where the other members reside.
eventually, noon comes and the others are getting ready to leave for their picnic. dahyun was still upset she wasn't able to show up, insisting she was fine enough to go, but sana wouldn't let a peep come out of her the moment they checked her high temperature. "you're staying back and that's final missy." sana said, wagging her finger at the younger. at one point, mina offered to stay back at the chance dahyun gets lonely or even regresses, she'd feel horrible if she were all sick and little, but dahyun declined her offer. "i don't wanna be the reason you miss out, i'll be fine." she assures, not fully sure if she trusted what she was saying. she regressed frequently and couldn't resist the urge very well, so chances are they'd come home to a little.
nobody was quite convinced, but there was no arguing with her, she didn't wanna make anyone say. once they were all ready, she shooed the group out of the door, wishing them a fun time. the moment they were out, she plopped on the couch, letting out a loud, dramatic cough as she did so. the idea of regressing sounded absolutely heavenly in her mind, but she had JUST promised the others she would be fine and didn't need to.. but technically it's not like it was guarenteed she'd regress SUPER little, maybe just kidspace, around 5-7,  a space she didn't go into often. she was typically in babyspace or toddlerspace, loving to be babied. the moment she put on one of her favorite cartoons and sat cross legged in front of the tv, she betrayed her promise to herself and slipped right down to around 3. 
lucky for her and the other members, she wasn't the mischevious type, preferring to keep it on the chill side and color and nap most days. at that point, all she wanted to do was sleep, feeling her eyelids droop. after an episode of her show, she turned off the tv, waddled to her bedroom, and crawled under the blankets. the warmth of the fluffy blanket gifted to her by jeongyeon consumed her, lulling her to sleep quickly.
after about an hour, the twice members were all done chatting and eating the snacks they brought, and five of said members wanted go go shopping, and then the other three, those being the j-line, wanted to go back to the dorm to check up on their dubu. the others understood and on their way to the mall dropped the three off before going off on their shopping spree. 
dahyun stirred awake, hearing the sound of keys jingling and familiar voices rambling on. she rubbed her tired eyes with her clenched fists before getting up. she felt a bit better, headache nowhere to be seen. 
she sat in confusion on who just interuptted her very important dream, tearing up a bit but automatically feeling better when she saw her beloved sana peeking in. she reached out, smiling ear to ear, waiting to be embraced by her caregiver. sana gladly gave her the hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "how are you feeling, dubu?" sana asked, tilting her head in question. "oo.. kay!" dragging out the "o" sound. momo suddenly appeared from sana's side, startling dahyun. "omo!" she yelped. "have you eaten since breakfast? i bet you're hungry, babes." momo said, lightly pinching the cheek dahyun just got her kiss from sana on. the little shook her head, not having much of an appetite. "ti'ed." dahyun said, flopping backwards. mina was the next and last to scare the daylights out of the poor thing, popping up from thin air. "you sure?" dahyun screamed again before pouting, tired of the others' playing around. she nodded before wiggling around, wanting the empty space around her to be occupied by the others. momo crawled into the bed, positioning dahyun where her back would be to her chest, sitting between momo's legs.
dahyun felt arms tightly wrapped around her waist, giggling happily. sana and mina took the places at her sides, looking at her happily. "do you want any more medicine baby?" mina asked, pushing her own loose hairs behind her ear. dahyun shook her head once more, she just wanted to sleep right then and there, nothing more. as she was deep in thought about whatever it was running through the littles head, sana popped her pink pacifier in her mouth, eliciting a hum of satisfaction from the little. from behind the pacifier, dahyun mumbled, "s'ory?" she always loved getting read to before napping, no matter how many times shes heard it. "of course, angel." momo cooed before reaching over to the nightstand to pick up a book they'd been reading a few days earlier. as she read, dahyun felt her eyelids become heavier and heavier, snuggling impossibly closer to the girl behind her. "sweet dreams, baby." sana smiled, pressing a kiss onto the tip of dahyun's nose.
after their shopping spree, twice finally made it back to the dorms, first instinct being to see how dahyun was feeling, making their way to the bedroom. as they peeked their heads in one by one, they all felt their hearts melt seeing the four girls piled on the bed asleep. lots of photos were taken, photos that'd be used against them later, for sure.
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littlest-tortle · 10 months
CG!Kissy Missy
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fictional agere challenge
day 7: an "unfitting" character (a villain, someone from horror, etc.) that you hc as a caregiver
it's my own personal headcanon/theory that Kissy Missy would rather just be a toy again, to play with kids like when the factory was open. i think she'd make a good caregiver, especially for the littles that love plushies
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lilveeblog · 1 year
no no no !!
little!jj x cg!elle
jj’s new favourite word is no
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“where’s my peanut?” elle shouted. she stalked through the house, jj’s jumper in one hand and shoes in the other. she heard the familiar giggle from the behind the door and rolled her eyes.
“i think i smell her!”
jj gasped and elle shut the door quickly with her foot, trapping jj in the room with her.
“oh there she is!” elle gasped, seeing jj and pretending she had no idea she was there.
“cheater!” jj giggled, pointing at elle.
“i didn’t cheat now get here you stinker,” elle laughed. she dropped jj’s things and grabbed her girl around the waist as she tried to run off. jj screeched and kicked her legs.
“shoes and jumper, now,” elle laughed, tickling her.
“no maaaa!! no wannna go!” jj replied, giggling loudly from the tickles.
“you don’t want to go? you don’t want to go see aunty penny and uncle derek and jason and aaron?” elle gasped, letting her girl go from her grip. elle was sat in front of the door now so she knew jj couldn’t get out of the bedroom.
“no, ma we gotta stay here!” jj said, jumping up and down. elle was amazed with the amount of energy she had.
“but we have dinner plans missy,” elle said. she grabbed jj’s jumper and went to grab her hand. they were meant to have left 5 minutes ago.
“no maaaa!” jj whined and pulled off, she went to climb onto the bed and get under the covers but elle got there first.
“shoes please,” she said.
“no no no ma!” jj said again, pulling at the covers.
“never mind no!” elle teased, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her between her legs.
“nooo!” jj squealed, wiggling like a worm.
“why not? why do you not want to go see allllll your friends?”
“no ma ! no go ! no shoes ! no jumper !”
“okay little miss no,” elle sighed, sliding her own shoes off. “let’s have a race to see who can put their shoes on first!” she knew jj was just being difficult for the sake of it. she didn’t have a reason for not going.
“a race?” jj gasped, sitting up onto her knees.
“yeah! who can put their shoes on and get to the front door first!”
“what prize?” jj asked.
elle thought for a minute and then said, “a fort and a movie night!” jj gasped and instantly began putting her shoes on.
“i going to win!” she cheered. elle laughed and got her shoes back on too. just as she was sliding the last one on- jj shot up from the bed and ran downstairs to the front door.
“oh no! she’s going to win!” elle fake groaned to add to the dramatics. she grabbed jj’s jumper, her bag and phone before heading to the door with jj.
“ma you lose ! you lose!”
“first one to the car!” elle laughed as she opened the front door. jj gasped and ran to the car, getting inside instantly. elle knew it was too easy. sometimes jj just needed that extra encouragement.
they arrived at gideon’s twenty minutes late due to traffic but they knew the team wouldn’t mind. she turned in her seat to see a happy jj wiggling her legs ready to get out.
“i want best behaviour baby,” elle said softly.
“yes ma.”
“i’m serious,” elle laughed. jj had answered far too quick. she got out and opened jj’s door but stood in the way so she couldn’t get out straight away.
“no more of this ‘my favourite word is no’ no arguing or cheeky back talk please. it’s going to be a nice dinner and you have to listen to the adults - got it?” elle said, sternly.
“yes ma,” jj whined, pouting. elle smiled and kissed her cheek and helped her from the car. jj ran up to the door and rang the bell as elle walked up behind her.
the team had had a great time so far, playing games and drinking. dinner was served and they were all sitting around the table like a proper family. elle noticed jj picking at her plate though and got worried. she’d had a great day, all day - she didn’t want food to trigger her now.
“you okay?” elle asked, quietly so no one else could hear.
“yucky,” jj mumbled back. elle laughed a little and wrapped her arm around jj.
“you haven’t even tried it yet,” elle said again. jj huffed. elle picked up the fork from jj’s hand and stabbed some of the potatoes. she brought it to jj’s mouth. jj shook her head.
“come on, just a bite baby,” but jj didn’t like that. instantly, she pushed elle away, the plate away and her chair away. she ran from the room and they heard a door slam. elle was in too much shock to react.
“what was that about?” derek asked - shocked too.
“i erm- i have no idea,” elle shook her head, dumbfounded and followed after jj quickly.
it wasn’t hard to find her. she was curled up on the back step, huffing and picking at the grass by her feet. elle sat down silently next to her and jj didn’t react, too ashamed.
“do you want to talk about it?” elle asked after a few moments.
“no like that food,” jj mumbled, pulling at the grass harder.
“you didn’t even try it baby,” elle sighed.
“no care. smells and looks yucky.”
elle sighed, “okay. how about you come back inside and we get you something else to eat?”
“no hungry. no want to come in,” the little huffed.
“okay. well you’re going to stay out here for the rest of the night?” elle asked. jj nodded and elle sighed.
“why do you not want to come in?”
“no want to.”
“why love? what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” elle knew something else was going on. she moved closer to jj and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
“jus feel silly,” the younger girl sighed. “no eat and everyone see me.”
“they don’t care angel, they know you struggle.”
“no, not fair,” jj huffed and hid in elle. elle wondered then, if that was her reason for her protests about leaving. deep down, somewhere in jj’s head, she was scared this was going to happen. alright jj has reassured elle she’d eat - that she liked what gideon was making.
“okay,” elle said gently. she had to respect jj’s feelings and right now, she knew her girl was going to seriously struggle being back around them all. “let’s go grab your things and we can go home. okay?”
jj looked up at elle hopefully. elle nodded and stood up, holding out her hand.
the pair got home an hour later, after grabbing mcdonald’s on the way home and jj was ready for bed. her sleepy eyes and walk made it obvious to elle that it was bed time.
“come on then, up the stairs peanut,” elle said, dragging jj through the house.
“sleepy ma,” jj mumbled, sitting on the bottom step.
“i know baby, that’s why we gotta get you to bed!” elle laughed a little. she bent down in front of her little and began taking off her shoes. jj groaned and leaned back on the stairs.
“come on stinky!” elle said. she held out her hands and assisted jj up to her bed. elle made quick work on getting her changed into her nighttime clothes and getting her tucked in.
“ma stay with me,” jj whimpered, rubbing her eyes sleepily and yawning.
“ma has to shower and get ready for bed but then i’ll come and sneak in with you okay,” elle suggested, running her hands through jj’s hair.
“okay,” jj mumbled, already half asleep.
“goodnight peanut, ma loves you,” she kissed her little one’s head and snuck out of the bedroom to the bathroom - ready for a much needed relaxing evening.
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littlest-nightingale · 4 months
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