#certification course philadelphia
pttiedu · 1 year
Shaping the future with hands-on expertise is our mission. Through dedicated training and practical skills, we empower individuals to excel in their chosen fields, contributing to a brighter, more innovative tomorrow.
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pttedu · 1 day
Aspiring technicians need to have practical experience. Read more to learn how a trade school program helps technicians get skilled trades jobs.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 28 will be posted soon.
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Currently 27 chapters completed: 1.09M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 28 because at the end of Chapter 27, Buck, Eddie and Chris had just arrived in Philadelphia, PA so that Buck could say goodbye to his friend, Malone who passed away in December. Also, he wants to visit Daniel's grave again but this time he brought his husband and their son with him. While they're in PA, they're going to Hershey and Lancaster but is it possible they'll bump into the Buckley parents while they're visiting museums and eating Hershey's chocolate? When they were planning the trip, Eddie hoped they wouldn't but with their luck, it's possible. Buck planned a celebration for Eddie while they're there since he received his Paramedic Certification Certificate but Eddie's the only one who doesn't know about it.
When they return to L.A., of the four cardiac tests Dr. Salazar scheduled for Buck, he'll have two left to complete but the Diazes are worried since he fainted during the tilt table test and they're wondering if there are any long-term effects to his heart after the lightning strike. Additionally, all three members of the Diaz family are supporting one another as Buck continues to face the fact that he died last year and as he proceeds to deal with all 7 stages of grief. He was on the bargaining stage at the end of Chapter 27 but the next stage is depression so how will he deal with it, especially with everything else that's going on in their family?
Here's a snippet from Chapter 28 of Buck and Eddie having a conversation while they're in bed in their hotel room in Philadelphia, PA.
They're lying in bed facing each other and Buck decides to ask the question he's been wanting to ask since Tuesday. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You know you can ask me anything.  What would you like to discuss?”
He unwraps one of his arms, lifts his hand and cups his cheek.  “First, I want you to know how proud I am of you.”  After the words leave his lips, he closes the millimeters of space between them and he places a kiss onto his lips that’s soft, tantalizing and filled with love and devotion.  When he pulls back, he continues.  “Babe… from September to December, you worked hard to pass your Paramedic Certification Course, you accomplished your dream and me and Chris wanted to celebrate your achievement with you again.  I know we did it back in December after you finished your final exam but you’re officially a paramedic now and that’s important.”
Eddie nods as he remembers everything they did earlier in the day to celebrate.  With a smile on his face, he replies, “Thank you for the cake, the song and for the tour at the Giant Center”.
“You know you don’t have to thank me.  We wanted to do all of it just for you, Eddie because you deserve it.”  He takes a moment to prepare the next part because he knows how his husband internalizes everything and he wants the next thing he says to land properly.  “You becoming a paramedic is huge and extraordinary but we didn’t know you received your official certificate until I found it inside of one of the drawers in our credenza.  Um… you didn’t tell us about it but do you want to talk about why you didn’t mention it?”
Eddie sighs as the internal conflict he’s felt since it arrived last week increases.  “When it was delivered last Friday… I opened and looked at it but…”  He shrugs his shoulders as he tries to think of the words, he wants to use to describe how he felt.
“But what?” 
“With everything we have happening right now... it all seems so far away and I’m wondering if I should…”
He interrupts him and whisper asks, “If you should what?  Eddie, please don’t say you’re thinking about stopping.”
How is Eddie going to respond to Buck's question? 👀
Is he really considering giving up his dream of becoming the Critical Care Paramedic of Los Angeles County? 🙃
If so, why? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-27 are available on AO3.
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NHLPA launches a new program to help players prepare for life outside of hockey
i.e. dad yelling at u to get a real job bc ur etsy shop aint be bumpin forever
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the kids are getting a high school guidance counsellor and co-op term! what colour is ur parachute nursey
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no wonder sabres on the rise oko's media hits so beautifully eloquent. they got smartypants mini gm at the helm
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i just find this so interesting and wonderful ...and like if a big hockey butt wants to come hit me up for improv classes i'm not complaining🫠 imma make a union actor (nate. realistic) two time emmy winner (sid. dream on u don't have that ass) outta u
full article under cut:
Early in his time in the NHL, Darnell Nurse says he did not notice a lot of players talking about what to do after hockey. Going into his ninth season, the chatter is now normal.
“People are curious as to what there is outside the game and what you can do to prepare yourself,” Nurse said.
Plenty of players have taken it upon themselves to prepare for the future, like Zdeno Chara getting his real estate license and others finishing college degrees or exploring business opportunities. The NHL Players’ Association on Thursday launched a program that gives its members the chance to do a personality analysis and delve into real estate, business or other avenues while still in the league.
The hope is to help them develop interests outside of hockey while playing and ease the transition to life afterward.
“It’s something that’s been missing a little bit,” veteran center Lars Eller told The Associated Press. “It’s kind of well known that one of the struggles for a professional athlete is the transition on to the next thing once he’s done with his professional career. And this platform helps you with that transition, and it’s something you can start even while you’re still playing so you can sort of hit the ground running once you’re done.”
New union boss Marty Walsh made helping former players one of his top priorities. His arrival in March coincided with a process two years in the making, after player feedback indicated the desire for more assistance outside of hockey.
The result is the NHLPA UNLMT program. Retired defenseman-turned-psychologist Jay Harrison is available to do an assessment, and players can get involved with companies ranging from Money Management International to The Second City comedy and improv theater and institutions like the University of Florida and Stanford’s graduate school of business.
Former goaltender Rob Zepp, who’s spearheading the program as the union’s director of strategic initiatives, said an extensive survey provided the building blocks for something that was designed to be 1-on-1 and customized for players to figure out what might interest them.
“What we’ve seen so far it really runs the gamut: anything from enhancing one’s personal brand to starting a podcast to taking these certificate-level courses in real estate, in entrepreneurship, in business, in leadership, communication skills, networking skills,” Zepp said. “We have players that are interested in or are currently pursuing commercial real estate avenues or farming ventures or construction.”
Eller, Nurse and Buffalo captain Kyle Okposo are among the players who have tried UNLMT so far. Okposo has already graduated from Stanford’s business leadership program, while Eller has spoken with Harrison and taken some of the courses offered.
“They’re not waiting until people’s careers are over,” said Nurse, who is still in his prime at 28. “It’s something that you can dip your feet into and grab a hold of while you’re still playing and giving you resources and opportunities to kind of figure out what you want to do.”
Zepp got a degree from the University of Waterloo and an MBA from the University of Liverpool the old-school way — tapes and textbooks sent by mail and tests taken in front of a proctor — while playing mostly in the minors and Europe before before 10 games with Philadelphia in 2014-15. He felt like having something to study made him a better goalie and understood there was plenty of idle time on the road.
Eller, who is a silent partner involved with helping start-up businesses, thinks the same way.
“We, as players, we have — not a lot of freedom once the season is starting — but we do have a lot of free time,” said Eller, who scored the Stanley Cup-winning goal for Washington in 2018 and is a pending free agent at 34. “It’s a huge positive if you have something else that you can take your mind off of hockey and do something productive with that time.”
Walsh got to know several Bruins alumni when he was mayor of Boston and has since talked to other former players and come away with a mandate to protect guys beyond their time on the ice.
“When they played, they gave it their all, and a lot of them didn’t really have anything after that,” Walsh said. “They didn’t make big contracts. They really didn’t have a strong pension system. A lot of them, even going back further than that, lost stuff. We can’t let that happen again.”
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nordleuchten · 2 years
24 Days of La Fayette: December 2nd – Louis Cloquet de Vrigny
Louis Cloquet Vrigny was, just like Brice yesterday, one of La Fayette’s fellow travellers onboard La Victoire. However, unlike Brice, who was more of a “last-minute” edition, Vrigny was planned to accompany La Fayette all along. His name and proposed rank were noted down in the agreement Silas Deane signed with La Fayette and the Baron de Kalb.
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Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 18-19.
Vrigny was promised a commission as a Captain in the Continental Army on December 1, 1776. His rank would continuously cause problems over the course of the next months but La Fayette was very outspoken on Vrigny’s behalf, probably more than for any other of his aides.
The problems began while still in France as we can see in a letter that Lord Stormont, a British diplomate in France, wrote to friend and college Lord Weymouth on April 9, 1777:
There are fourteen french officers gone with Him [La Fayette], I know for certain that one of them, who is to be aide de Camp to La Fayette and who is only a Lieutenant, tho’ he has been eighteen years in the french Army, wrote to his Colonel the Day He embarked. In this Letter, some particulars of which are material, He says je vais m'embarquer moi Quatorzieme not including La Fayette, I am the only one of the fourteen, who has not a Congé from Prince Montbarry. I beg that you would endeavour to obtain it for me. It is hard that I should be the only exception, and it is the more Extraordinary, as Count Broglie, whom I saw at Rauen, and who strongly advised the Step I have taken, promised to use his Interest with Prince Montbarrey. Upon the Receipt of this Letter, the Colonel tho’ He had always given his Opinion strongly against the Lieutenants Resolution, went to M. Montbarrey, made the Application, and had a general Evasive Answer, qu'il verroit ce qu'il y auroit a Jaire.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 44-45.
Eventually, Vrigny, the Lieutenant in question here, received permission from the King of France to leave for America and was commissioned a Major in 1777.
After La Victoire landed just off the American cost, La Fayette, de Kalb as well six other officers and two servants travelled by land to Charleston. Vrigny travelled by sea to Charleston. Upon the arrival of all of the passengers of La Victoire in Philadelphia, Vrigny was given the rank of a Captain as promised. He belonged to the set of La Fayette’s initial four aide-de-camps. Being born in 1733 he was older than most of La Fayette’s aide-de-camps at the time and later on but he also had more experience in military matters than most of his colleagues.
Due to Vrigny’s experience with the cavalry and Washington’s desire to strengthen this particular branch of the Continental Army, Silas Deane had promised Vrigny that he would be allowed to raise and command his own regiment. With regards to that, La Fayette wrote a letter of recommendation for Vrigny to the Committee of Foreign Applications (probably around November 1, 1777.)
Mr. de Vrigny who has now the commission of Major in the french service begun by being in the rgt. of family de Noallles, Cavalry, from the year 1754 till 1758. He made in that interval! two campaigns of war near the person of my uncle the Marechal Due de Mouchy then lieutenant general who gave him an honourable certificate of good conduct and behaviour.
He was received after it in the corps of horse rangers under the famous partisan Ficher as lieutenant; which corps was granted (Ficher being dead) to the Mquis. de Conflans officer of the greatest reputation in our service. That general who is a friend of mine gave me the best accounts of Mr. de Vrigny who is yet Captain in the same rgt. called now houzards de Confians with commission of Major as I mention ned above.
As I think that the military knowledge and experience of this genteleman, principally in the kind of war used till this moment by our light dragoons, could be useful to our excellency's Gral. Washington army, I wishoud that he could be employed in it with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 141-142.
Vrigny had himself petitioned Congress on August 1, 1777. Both letter proofed to be fruitless at the time but La Fayette was relentless and wrote to Henry Laurens on the matter as well. He wrote on November 20, 1777:
Dear Sir
His excellency wrote to Congress some days ago in order to reccommend Mr. de Vrigny, actually Major in the french service, who desires to be employed in this with the rank of Lieutenant colonel. After General Washington's speacking for him, any thing from me can be but very weak and even very useless. However I think it my duty, as well as becoming to desire of seeing him employed to let you know, Sir, how interesting it seems to me to have that officer in our cavalry-a good officer of horse is not a short matter to be formed-Mr. de Vrigny enjoyed a fine militar reputation in a corps much reputed itself in our army last war. His kind of duty had a great likeness with this of our light dragoons, and Gral. Pulaski well convinced how such a man could be useful and to himself and to the advantage of the service expressed me the greatest desire of his being employed and in expecting an answer from Congress took him at his quarters.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 155.
The aforementioned invention by Washington was done in the form of a letter that Washington wrote to the President of Congress on November 1, 1777:
There is a French Gentn here, Monsr Vrigney, in whose favor the Marquis seems much interested—He assures me he is an Officer of great merit, and from that motive & a regard to the service wishes to see him promoted—The rank he holds in France and his present expectation are contained in the inclosed Copy of a paper given me by the Marquis. Monsr Vrigney also has Honorable certificates of his services nearly corresponding with the Marquis’s account of them. If Congress are pleased to honor him with a Commission in the Army of the States, I must try to imploy him.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 140-141.
After the invention from La Fayette and Washington, Vrigny was finally given the desired rank in a resolution from Congress from February 2, 1778:
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Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 273.
Louis Cloquet de Vrigny resigned his post in October 1778. He explained his resignation with the fact that his furlough from French service had expired and he therefore needed and wanted to return. His resignation was accepted by Congress on October 21, 1778. On October 22, 1778 Henry Laurens wrote to George Washington that:
Within the present Cover Your Excellency will receive three Acts of Congress of the 21st Instant.
1. for granting Monsr de Vrigny such testimonial of his zeal and services as he is entitled to.
“To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 22 October 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 17, 15 September–31 October 1778, ed. Philander D. Chase. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008, pp. 525–526.] (07/30/2022)
George Washington replied to the letter on October 26/27:
I shall pay a proper regard to the act of Congress respecting Monsr de Vrigny.
“From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 26–27 October 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 17, 15 September–31 October 1778, ed. Philander D. Chase. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008, pp. 584–586.] (07/30/2022)
There have never been any documents found that Washington might have issued for Vrigny. On October 28, Vrigny petitioned the Continental Congress for pay and extra rations for his service from June 1, 1777 to January 31, 1778 but was denied because he served as a volunteer. Congress did however agree to pay him for the time from February 1, 1778 until his resignation in October.
Vrigny was made a Chef de Brigade of the 2e Regiment de Dragons in 1793 back in France. Until January 1, 1792, the 2e Regiment de Dragons was known as the Condé-Drachen-Regiment. Vrigny served there with another of La Fayette’s former aide-de-camps, Colomb.
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trinaphleb · 3 days
The Top 10 Phlebotomist Colleges: Your Path to a Rewarding Medical Career
**Title:⁣ The Top 10 Phlebotomist Colleges: Your⁢ Path to a ‌Rewarding Medical Career**
Are you interested in ‍pursuing a career in⁤ the medical field but aren’t sure where to start? Becoming a phlebotomist could be the perfect first step for you! Phlebotomists ⁢play‍ a vital role in the healthcare system by collecting⁢ blood samples for testing, transfusions, research,⁣ or donation. If you’re considering this career path, ​enrolling in a reputable⁢ phlebotomy program at one ‍of the top colleges in ‍the ⁢country ‍is crucial to your success. In this article, ⁣we’ll‌ explore⁣ the top 10 phlebotomist colleges that can help you kickstart your journey to ‍a rewarding medical career.
**Benefits of Becoming a Phlebotomist**
Before we ⁢delve into the list of top ‌colleges, let’s ‍first discuss the ⁤benefits of becoming a phlebotomist.
1. ‍**Short Training Period**: Unlike other medical professions⁤ that require years of​ schooling, you can become a certified⁢ phlebotomist in as little as a few​ months. 2. **High ⁤Demand**: With the growing ⁤need for healthcare services, phlebotomists are in high demand⁢ across various settings,⁤ including hospitals, clinics, and labs. 3. **Competitive Salary**: Phlebotomists earn a competitive salary, especially considering the relatively short training period required. 4.⁣ **Career Advancement Opportunities**: Becoming a phlebotomist can serve as a stepping ⁢stone to other healthcare ⁢careers,⁣ such ⁢as medical assisting or nursing.
**The Top 10 Phlebotomist Colleges**
Now, let’s explore the top 10 phlebotomist colleges in the​ country that offer excellent training programs and resources for aspiring phlebotomists:
1. **University of Southern California (USC)**
⁤ -​ Location: Los Angeles, ⁤California ‍ – Program: ‌Phlebotomy Technician Certificate ​⁤ – Highlights: Comprehensive curriculum,​ hands-on training, and experienced instructors.
2. **Johns Hopkins University**
⁢ ⁢ – Location: Baltimore, Maryland – Program: Phlebotomy Training ‍Program -​ Highlights: Prestigious institution, cutting-edge facilities, and strong emphasis on ‍patient​ care.
3. ⁢**Harvard Medical‍ School**
⁤ ‌ – Location:⁤ Boston, Massachusetts ‌ – Program: Phlebotomy ⁣Certification ​Course ​‍ – Highlights: World-renowned⁣ faculty, research opportunities, ‍and state-of-the-art labs.
4.​ **Stanford University**
​ – Location: Stanford, California – Program: Phlebotomy Skills Workshop ⁢ – Highlights: Small class ⁢sizes, personalized instruction, and ​access to advanced technology.
5. **University of Pennsylvania**
⁢ ⁣ – Location: Philadelphia,⁢ Pennsylvania ‌ ‍ – Program: Phlebotomy ⁢Training ⁣Program ⁣ – Highlights: Clinical ‍rotations, externship opportunities, and strong alumni network.
6. **Yale School of Medicine**
​ ‌⁣ – Location: New Haven, Connecticut ⁣ – Program: Phlebotomy⁤ Technician Training ​ – Highlights: Multidisciplinary approach, ‍collaboration ⁣with medical professionals, and career services support.
7. **Columbia University**
⁣ – Location: New York, New York -‌ Program: Phlebotomy Certification Program ‌ -⁢ Highlights: Interdisciplinary coursework, research​ projects, ‌and access ⁤to top-tier⁤ hospitals.
8. **Duke University**
‌ ⁢ ​- Location: Durham, North ‌Carolina ‍- Program: Phlebotomy​ Training Workshop ⁣ – ‍Highlights: ⁤Hands-on‌ experience, simulated lab exercises, and professional development opportunities.
9. **University of Michigan**
– Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan – Program: Phlebotomy Technician Certificate Program ‌ ‍ – Highlights: ‍Flexible scheduling, online options, and industry partnerships for job placement.
10.​ **University of Chicago**
‍ – Location: Chicago, Illinois ​ – Program: Phlebotomy ‍Training ⁣Course ⁤ – Highlights: Comprehensive coursework, clinical practicum, and mentorship programs.
**Practical​ Tips ⁣for Choosing a⁢ Phlebotomist College**
When selecting a phlebotomist college, consider the following factors to ensure you ⁣make the best‍ choice for your educational and‍ career goals:
– **Accreditation**: Look for programs accredited⁤ by national organizations like the National ⁣Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). – **Hands-On Training**: ‌Ensure the program‍ includes practical training in⁣ blood collection techniques ​and laboratory procedures. – **Job⁣ Placement Assistance**: Check if the college offers career services, internships, or externships to help you secure employment after graduation. – **Cost and Financial ‌Aid**: Compare tuition costs, ⁢fees, and available financial aid options to make an informed decision.
Embarking on a career as a phlebotomist can be a fulfilling and‍ rewarding journey in the medical⁢ field. By enrolling in one of⁢ the top 10 phlebotomist colleges‌ mentioned above, you can receive the ⁢necessary training ⁣and resources to succeed in this in-demand profession. Remember to consider ‌your personal ‌preferences, educational needs, and ‌career aspirations when choosing a college that aligns with ⁣your goals.⁢ With dedication, passion, and the right education, you can ⁤achieve your dream of becoming a skilled and⁢ compassionate phlebotomist.
Whether you’re a recent high school graduate, career changer, or healthcare professional ​looking to expand your skill set, becoming a⁤ phlebotomist ​could be the⁢ start of an exciting‍ and fulfilling ‌medical career.‌ Start your journey by exploring the top phlebotomist colleges and taking the⁣ first ⁤step towards achieving your goals.
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Open Your Future: Top CNA Classes in Pennsylvania Revealed
Title: Unlock Your Future: Top CNA Classes in Pennsylvania Revealed
Meta Title: Discover the best CNA classes in Pennsylvania to‍ kickstart your healthcare career
Meta Description: Are you looking to become a Certified Nursing Assistant ‌(CNA) in Pennsylvania? Look no further! Read on to find out about the top⁣ CNA classes in the state and start your journey towards a rewarding healthcare career.
Introduction: If you’re considering ⁣a career ‍in⁤ the⁣ healthcare field, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) can be a great starting point. CNAs play a crucial role in providing direct patient care and support to nurses and other healthcare professionals. In ‍Pennsylvania, there are ⁣several reputable CNA classes ‍that can⁢ help‌ you get the necessary training​ and certification​ to begin your career. In this article, we’ll reveal some of the top CNA classes in ​Pennsylvania to help you unlock your future in⁢ the healthcare industry.
Benefits of​ Becoming a CNA: Before we dive into the top CNA classes in ⁣Pennsylvania, let’s explore ​some of the benefits‌ of ‌pursuing a career as ⁤a Certified Nursing Assistant:
-‍ High demand: CNAs are in high demand across healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies. – ‌Job stability: The healthcare industry is expected to continue‍ growing, providing CNAs with long-term job stability. – ‌Fulfilling work: As a CNA, you’ll‌ have ‍the ⁣opportunity ⁤to make a difference in ⁤the lives of patients⁤ by providing direct care and ⁣support. – Advancement opportunities: Becoming a CNA can also serve as a stepping stone to further education and career advancement in nursing or other healthcare professions.
Top CNA Classes in Pennsylvania: 1. Community College of ⁣Philadelphia 2. Harrisburg Area‍ Community College 3. Temple University 4. Pennsylvania Institute of Health and ⁢Technology 5. Pennsylvania College of Health ‍Sciences
Each of these institutions offers ⁣comprehensive CNA training programs that include classroom instruction, hands-on clinical experience, and preparation for the state certification exam. By enrolling in one of these top CNA classes in Pennsylvania, you can ​receive the training and support you need to‌ launch ⁣your career as a Certified Nursing Assistant.
Practical Tips⁣ for Choosing​ a CNA Class: When selecting a CNA class in Pennsylvania, consider the following factors to ensure you choose the best program‍ for your needs:
– Accreditation:⁢ Make sure the CNA class is ‌accredited by⁣ the Pennsylvania Department of Education or another recognized accrediting body. – Course curriculum: ‌Review the course curriculum to ensure it ⁤covers all essential⁣ topics and prepares ⁢you for the state certification exam. – Instructor qualifications:‌ Check ⁣the qualifications and experience of the instructors to ensure they are knowledgeable ‍and experienced in the field. -⁤ Facilities and resources: Visit the training facility to assess the resources ⁢available, such as simulation labs and⁣ clinical placements. – Reviews and reputation: Read reviews from past students and employers‌ to gauge the reputation of the CNA class.
Conclusion: Becoming a Certified ‌Nursing Assistant in ‌Pennsylvania can be a rewarding and fulfilling career⁤ path. By choosing one of the top CNA ⁤classes in the state, you can receive high-quality training and preparation for a successful career in healthcare. Whether you’re just starting your journey ​or looking to advance​ your career, unlocking your future as a CNA is within reach.
If you’re ready to take the next step towards becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Pennsylvania, consider enrolling in one ⁤of the top CNA classes mentioned in this article. With the right training and dedication, you can embark on an ‍exciting career in healthcare and make a positive impact on the lives of others.
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alicevgcna · 1 month
Open Your Future: Top CNA Programs in Philadelphia PA
**Unlock Your Future: Top CNA Programs in Philadelphia,⁢ PA**
Are you considering⁤ a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Philadelphia, PA? If so, you’re making a wise choice. CNAs play a crucial role in providing quality care to patients in various healthcare settings. To kickstart your career in this rewarding field, it’s⁣ essential to enroll ​in‌ a reputable CNA program ​that will provide ‌you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
In this article, we will explore the top CNA programs ⁤in Philadelphia, PA, that‌ will help you unlock⁢ your future and achieve your career goals.
**Why Choose a CNA Program in Philadelphia,‌ PA**
Philadelphia, PA, is home to a thriving healthcare industry, with numerous opportunities for CNAs to find ‌employment in hospitals, ⁢nursing homes, assisted ‍living facilities, and home health care agencies.‍ By completing a CNA program in Philadelphia, you’ll have a ⁢competitive edge ​in‍ the job market and be well-prepared to ⁢provide high-quality care to patients.
**Top⁢ CNA Programs in Philadelphia, ⁣PA**
1. **Community College of Philadelphia** – The Community College ‍of Philadelphia offers a comprehensive CNA program that ⁣covers essential​ topics such as patient care, communication skills, and infection control. The program includes both classroom instruction and hands-on clinical experience to prepare⁤ you for a successful career as a CNA.
2.​ **Pennsylvania Institute of Technology** – The Pennsylvania Institute of Technology⁤ offers a CNA program that emphasizes practical skills training and real-world experience.​ The ​program includes CPR certification, medical terminology, and direct patient care experience to help⁤ you excel in​ your role as a CNA.
3. **Delaware County Community College** – Delaware⁣ County⁤ Community College ‍offers a CNA program that focuses​ on the fundamentals of​ nursing care and patient safety. With small class sizes and experienced instructors,⁤ you’ll receive personalized attention and support throughout your training.
4. **Lincoln ‍Technical Institute**​ – Lincoln Technical ⁢Institute ‌provides a comprehensive CNA program that combines classroom⁤ instruction with hands-on training in a simulated healthcare setting. The ‌program covers topics such as vital​ signs, personal care skills, and ethical behavior to ‌prepare you for a⁤ successful career as a CNA.
**Benefits of Enrolling in a⁢ CNA​ Program**
– ⁤**Hands-on Experience**: CNA programs in Philadelphia, PA, provide ​hands-on training that will help you develop the practical skills needed to excel in your role. -⁢ **Job Placement Assistance**: Many⁣ CNA ‍programs offer ‌job placement assistance to ‍help graduates find employment in the healthcare industry. – **Flexible Schedules**: ⁣CNA programs in Philadelphia, PA, offer flexible‌ scheduling options, making it easier for ⁤working professionals ⁤to pursue their education.
**Practical Tips for Success**
– Attend all classes and clinical sessions ⁤to maximize your learning experience. – Study regularly and review course materials to ensure you understand the concepts. – Seek guidance from instructors and classmates if you need help with any topic. – Stay motivated and focused on your career goals to succeed in⁣ your CNA program.
By enrolling in ⁣a top ​CNA program in‍ Philadelphia, ‍PA, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in your career as a Certified Nursing Assistant. With hands-on training, experienced⁣ instructors, and job placement‌ assistance, you’ll be well-prepared to provide quality care to patients in a variety of healthcare settings. ⁣Unlock ⁤your future today‌ by choosing a reputable CNA program in Philadelphia, PA, and take the first step towards ‌a rewarding career in healthcare.
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oliviaphleb · 1 month
Leading Schools for Phlebotomy: Where to Get Certified in Blood Draw Techniques
**Title:⁢ Top Schools ‌for‌ Phlebotomy: Where to Get Certified in Blood Draw Techniques**
**Meta Title: Discover the best schools for phlebotomy ⁣certification and start your ‌career in blood draw techniques ​today**
**Meta Description: Interested in becoming‍ a certified⁤ phlebotomist? Learn about the top schools for phlebotomy ​certification and kickstart your career in blood draw techniques.**
If you ⁤are looking to pursue a career in healthcare that ⁣involves drawing blood, becoming a⁢ certified‌ phlebotomist is ⁤a great choice. Phlebotomists play a crucial role in⁤ the healthcare system by collecting blood samples for diagnostic testing, blood donation, or research purposes. To become a certified phlebotomist, you will need to complete a training⁢ program at ‌a reputable‍ school or institution. In this article, we will explore the top schools for phlebotomy certification where ‍you ⁤can learn the necessary skills and techniques for⁤ a ​successful career in blood draw.
### Why Choose Phlebotomy Certification?
Before we delve into the ‌top schools for ​phlebotomy certification, let’s discuss​ why becoming a ​certified ⁢phlebotomist is ⁢a rewarding career choice:
– **Job Stability**: The demand for‍ phlebotomists⁤ continues to grow⁤ as more healthcare facilities and laboratories require blood draw services. – **Short Training Period**: Phlebotomy certification programs are relatively⁢ short, typically lasting a few months, making it an accessible entry point into the healthcare field. – **Rewarding Work**: Phlebotomists have the ⁣opportunity to interact with patients and make a difference in their healthcare journey. – **Career Advancement**: With experience and additional certifications,‍ phlebotomists can pursue ⁣various career paths within the⁤ medical‍ field.
Now that you understand the​ benefits of pursuing phlebotomy‌ certification, let’s ​explore ⁢some of the top schools where you can receive the necessary training.
###​ Top Schools​ for Phlebotomy Certification
1. **Los Angeles ORT College**: Located in Los Angeles, California,‍ Los Angeles ORT College offers a comprehensive phlebotomy training ​program ⁤that covers essential skills such as​ venipuncture,⁤ specimen ⁤collection, ‍and infection control.
2. **Central​ Texas Phlebotomy Institute**: If you are in the⁤ Texas area, Central Texas Phlebotomy Institute is a‌ top⁢ choice‌ for phlebotomy certification.​ Their‍ program includes hands-on training⁤ and real-world⁢ experience in ⁢blood⁤ draw techniques.
3. **Midwest Institute**: With multiple locations ​in Illinois and Missouri, Midwest Institute provides a flexible phlebotomy certification program that prepares​ students for ⁤the National⁤ Healthcareer Association’s ⁣Phlebotomy Technician Certification exam.
4. **Philadelphia Technician ‍Training Institute**: If you are on the East Coast, Philadelphia Technician Training⁢ Institute ⁤offers ⁣a comprehensive phlebotomy program that covers ​anatomy, physiology, and ‍medical⁣ terminology in addition to blood draw techniques.
5. **Houston ⁢School of Phlebotomy**: Located in Houston, Texas, the Houston School of Phlebotomy offers a fast-track phlebotomy ‌program that can be completed in ⁤as little as four weeks.​ Students receive hands-on training‌ in venipuncture and capillary puncture techniques.
### Benefits and Practical ​Tips
– **Research Accreditation**: When choosing a phlebotomy program, ensure that ⁤the school is accredited by ‌a recognized accreditation body to ensure quality education. – **Gain Experience**: Consider ​volunteering or shadowing a ⁣phlebotomist to gain insight into the day-to-day responsibilities of the role. -⁣ **Continuing Education**: Stay updated on the latest trends ​and technologies‍ in phlebotomy by pursuing continuing education courses or workshops.
### Conclusion
Becoming a certified ⁤phlebotomist is a fulfilling ⁤career choice that ‌offers job‌ stability and ⁣opportunities⁣ for growth. By‌ enrolling in ​a​ reputable⁤ phlebotomy certification program, you can ‌gain the necessary skills and ‍experience to embark on a successful career ​in ​blood draw techniques. ⁤Consider the top schools ‌mentioned in this article ⁤and take the ⁢first step towards becoming a certified phlebotomist today.
Whether you are a healthcare professional looking to ​expand your‌ skill set or a career changer interested in the⁢ medical field, phlebotomy certification can open doors to exciting opportunities in ⁣the healthcare industry. Start your journey towards becoming a certified phlebotomist today and ‍make​ a ‌meaningful impact on patient care and diagnostic ⁤testing.
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mayaduffphleb · 2 months
Leading Colleges Offering Phlebotomy Programs: Your Guide to Kickstarting a Career in Healthcare
Are you considering ⁣a career in healthcare but not sure where to start? Look no further than phlebotomy programs, ​a great way to kickstart ​your journey into the ⁤medical field. Phlebotomists ⁢play a crucial ‌role in​ healthcare by drawing ⁢blood for tests,⁣ transfusions, donations, and research. It’s a rewarding career that offers job stability​ and growth opportunities.
If you’re ready to pursue a phlebotomy program, ⁢you may be wondering⁤ where to find the best colleges offering such programs. In this guide, ⁣we’ll explore some of the top ‍colleges in the United ⁢States that provide comprehensive phlebotomy ​training. Whether ⁣you’re‌ a recent high school graduate or looking to ⁤switch careers, these colleges can⁢ help you achieve your goals in ⁤the healthcare industry.
**Why Choose a Phlebotomy Program?**
Before we dive into the top colleges offering phlebotomy‍ programs,⁣ let’s discuss why choosing a phlebotomy program is a smart decision for your ‍career:
1. **Short Training Period**: Phlebotomy programs typically last between 4 to 8 months,⁢ making it a quick way to enter the healthcare‍ field. 2. **High⁣ Demand**: The demand for phlebotomists is projected to grow by 17% ⁣from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average⁤ for all occupations. 3. **Entry-level⁣ Position**: Phlebotomy is often considered‌ an entry-level position ​in ⁤healthcare, allowing you to gain experience and advance to other‌ roles.
**Top⁣ Colleges Offering Phlebotomy Programs**
Here are some of the best colleges in the United States that offer phlebotomy programs:
1. **Harvard Medical School**: – Program ⁣Name: Phlebotomy Training Program – Duration: 6 months – ‍Location: ‍Boston, MA – Cost: $3,500 – Highlights: Hands-on training, certification exam prep
2. **Johns Hopkins University**: – Program Name: Phlebotomy Technician Program ⁣ – Duration: 4 months ​ – Location: Baltimore, MD ‍ – Cost:⁤ $2,800 – Highlights: Clinical externship, job placement assistance
3. **University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)**: ⁤ ⁣- Program Name: Phlebotomy Certificate Program – Duration: ‌8 months – Location: Los Angeles, CA – Cost: $4,000 – Highlights: Lecture-based courses, lab simulations
4. **University of​ Pennsylvania**: – Program Name: Phlebotomy Training Course – Duration:​ 5⁢ months ​ – Location: Philadelphia, PA ‌ – Cost: $3,200 – Highlights:⁢ Small class⁣ sizes, personalized ⁣instruction
**Benefits of Attending a ⁤Phlebotomy Program**
– Hands-on training: Gain practical experience in drawing blood and handling specimens. – Certification: Become a certified​ phlebotomy technician, making you more marketable to ⁣employers. – Job placement‍ assistance: Many programs‍ offer job⁣ placement services⁢ to help you secure a position after graduation.
**Practical Tips ​for Success​ in a Phlebotomy‌ Program**
– Practice drawing ‍blood on friends and family⁤ to build your skills. – Stay organized and manage your time effectively to juggle‍ coursework and hands-on training. – Network with professionals ‍in the healthcare industry to explore ⁢job‍ opportunities.
Choosing a phlebotomy program ⁢is a great way to enter the healthcare field and kickstart your career. With ‌the right training and certification, you can become‍ a valuable member of the healthcare⁢ team. Consider ​attending one of the top colleges mentioned in this‍ guide to receive comprehensive phlebotomy training and start your journey towards a​ rewarding career in healthcare. Remember, success in​ phlebotomy comes‍ with ​dedication, hard⁤ work, and a passion for helping others. Good luck on your​ path to becoming a ⁢phlebotomy technician!
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hayleymedbil · 2 months
The Top 10 Medical Billing and Coding Colleges: A Guide to Jumpstarting Your Healthcare Career
Title: The Top 10 Medical Billing and Coding Colleges: A Guide⁣ to Jumpstarting Your Healthcare Career
Meta Title: Explore⁣ the top 10 medical billing and​ coding colleges to kickstart your ‍healthcare career today!
Meta Description: Discover the best medical billing and coding colleges to pursue your passion in the healthcare industry. Take the⁤ first step⁣ towards a successful career⁤ with our comprehensive⁢ guide.
Introduction: Are you⁤ interested in ⁢pursuing a⁣ career in healthcare that doesn’t involve direct patient care? Medical billing and coding could be the ideal path for you. These professionals play⁣ a crucial role in the healthcare industry by ensuring that ⁤medical records are accurately coded ‍and bills are processed correctly. If you’re‍ considering a career in ‍medical billing and coding, ⁤choosing the right educational institution is key to your success. In‌ this⁣ guide, ⁢we’ll explore the top 10‌ medical billing and coding colleges that can help you jumpstart‍ your healthcare career.
1. **University of Phoenix** – Location: Online -‍ Program: Bachelor of​ Science in Health⁣ Administration with a⁢ concentration in Health Information Systems -⁤ Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission – Note:‍ The University of Phoenix offers flexible online classes, making it‌ ideal for working professionals.
2. **American Academy of Professional⁤ Coders ⁣(AAPC)** -‍ Location: Online – Program: Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification – Accreditation:​ AAPC – Note:‍ The AAPC is⁤ a reputable institution known for its focus on medical coding certifications.
3.​ **American⁢ Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)** – Location: Online – Program: Registered Health Information⁢ Technician (RHIT) certification – Accreditation: AHIMA – Note: AHIMA offers a range of certifications and resources for ‌aspiring medical billing and coding professionals.
4. **Penn Foster Career School** – Location: Online – Program:⁣ Medical Billing ⁢and Coding Certification – Accreditation: DEAC – Note: Penn Foster offers self-paced online courses, making it convenient for busy individuals.
5. **Carrington College** – Location: Multiple campuses across the US – Program: Medical Billing and ⁢Coding Certificate – Accreditation: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education⁢ Schools (ABHES) – Note:⁣ Carrington College provides hands-on training and ⁣externship opportunities for real-world experience.
6. **Herzing University** – Location: Multiple campuses across ‌the‍ US – Program: Bachelor of Science in ⁤Health Information Management – Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission – Note: Herzing University offers a ⁤comprehensive⁢ program that prepares students for careers in health information management.
7. **National Healthcareer Association‌ (NHA)** – Location: Online – Program: Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) – Accreditation: NHA – Note: NHA is a respected organization ⁤that⁤ offers certification programs for healthcare professionals.
8. **Keiser University** -‌ Location: Multiple campuses across Florida – Program: Associate of Science in Medical Administrative Billing and Coding – Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges ‌and Schools Commission⁣ on ​Colleges – Note: Keiser University provides a hands-on learning experience and career placement assistance for graduates.
9.⁢ **Drexel University** – Location: Philadelphia, PA – Program: Bachelor of ⁤Science in Health Services Administration with a concentration in Health Information Management – Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education – Note:⁢ Drexel University offers⁢ a comprehensive curriculum with industry-relevant coursework.
10. **Rasmussen⁤ University** – Location: Multiple campuses across the US – Program: Health ‍Information Technician Associate’s Degree – Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission -⁢ Note: Rasmussen University offers a blend of online and on-campus courses for flexibility.
Conclusion: Choosing the right​ medical billing and coding college is crucial for your career success ​in the healthcare industry. By exploring ​the top 10 institutions listed above, you can​ kickstart your journey towards a fulfilling and rewarding​ career. Whether you prefer online ⁤programs, hands-on training, or a blend of both, there’s⁣ a college out there that’s perfect for you. Take the first step towards your healthcare career today with one of ‌these top medical billing and coding colleges!
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pttiedu · 6 months
Dive into the fascinating world of plumbing and pipe-fitting as we unravel the subtle yet crucial disparities between two seemingly similar professions. From intricate installations to meticulous repairs, witness firsthand the expertise and craftsmanship that sets plumbers and pipe-fitting technicians apart. Join us as we explore the unseen differences and celebrate the unsung heroes behind the pipelines that keep our world flowing smoothly.
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pttedu · 2 days
From Grief to Strength: A PTTI Alumnus’ Touching Story
In this moving testimonial, Mike Jones, a proud PTTI alumnus, shares a deeply personal moment that forever changed his life. When tragedy struck and he lost his mother, it was PTTI’s founder, Mr. Sherman McLeod, who extended compassion, understanding, and financial support. From that day forward, Mike learned not only about education but also about empathy, resilience, and the power of community. Join us as we delve into this heartwarming narrative—a reminder that sometimes, schools are more than just institutions; they become our lifelines
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hayleycna · 2 months
Browsing the Path to CNA Certification in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive Guide
**Title: Navigating the Path to CNA ‌Certification in Philadelphia: A Comprehensive Guide**
**Introduction:** Embarking on a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) can be a fulfilling and rewarding journey. In Philadelphia, there are various steps and requirements ⁣that individuals must fulfill to obtain their CNA certification.⁤ This comprehensive guide aims to provide aspiring CNAs in Philadelphia with all the information ‌they need to successfully navigate the path to certification.
**1. Understanding the Role of a⁢ CNA:** Before pursuing CNA​ certification, it’s important ⁣to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a Certified Nursing Assistant. CNAs provide direct patient care in various healthcare ‍settings ‌under the supervision of registered nurses or licensed practical nurses. They assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and feeding patients, as well as monitoring vital signs ‍and reporting any changes​ in a patient’s condition.
**2. Requirements for CNA ‍Certification in Philadelphia:** To become a CNA in Philadelphia, individuals must meet certain requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. These requirements typically include ​completing a state-approved CNA training program, passing a competency evaluation exam, and undergoing a criminal background check. Additionally, individuals must be at least 16 years old and have a high school⁤ diploma or GED.
**3. Finding the Right CNA Training Program:** One of the most important steps in the journey to CNA certification is completing ⁢a state-approved training‍ program. There are numerous healthcare​ facilities, vocational schools, and community colleges in Philadelphia that offer CNA ⁤training programs. It’s important to research⁤ and select a program that meets the​ state’s requirements and provides the necessary skills and knowledge⁣ to excel as a CNA.
**4. Taking⁢ the Competency Evaluation Exam:** After completing a CNA training program, individuals must pass a competency evaluation exam to obtain their certification. The exam typically consists of a written or oral section and a skills demonstration ‌portion. It’s important to prepare thoroughly for the ​exam​ by reviewing ⁣course ⁢materials, practicing skills, and seeking guidance from instructors.
**5. ‍Applying for CNA Certification:** Once the competency evaluation exam‌ is successfully completed, individuals can apply for CNA certification through the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The application process usually ⁢involves submitting proof of completion of a state-approved training program, passing the competency exam, and undergoing a criminal background check. Upon approval, individuals will receive​ their CNA certification,⁤ allowing them to practice in healthcare settings in Philadelphia.
**Benefits and Practical Tips for Aspiring CNAs:** – CNAs play a crucial role in the healthcare system by providing essential care to​ patients. – Pursuing a​ career as a CNA can lead to job stability and opportunities for advancement⁢ in the ⁤healthcare field. -‍ Practical tips for aspiring CNAs include‍ developing strong communication skills, building⁣ rapport with patients, ‍and staying updated on ‍industry trends and best ⁢practices.
**Conclusion:** Obtaining CNA certification in Philadelphia requires dedication, hard work, and a commitment to providing quality care to patients.⁤ By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive ​guide, aspiring CNAs can successfully navigate the path to certification and embark on a‍ rewarding career​ in the healthcare field. Remember to stay informed about the latest industry developments, continuously enhance your skills, and approach your role as a CNA with ‍compassion and professionalism. Good⁢ luck on your journey to becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in Philadelphia!
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cnstv · 2 months
7/26 Woke up in the early morning hours with sudden, urgent concerns why it seemed almost impossible that I'd get my passport later this same day so that we could fly tonight. My lost passport had come from the agency in Philadelphia, and could I really assume that any agency in the country, in this case New York, could re-issue this passport? This would imply that for example the photos would have to be in some sort of federally accessible computer system already. Also, the original of my naturalization certificate was now in Philadelphia – would this have any bearing on my elgibility for getting a passport from New York?
My nerves were a wreck, and with three other people sleeping in my apartment, I resorted to walking up and down the outside corridor for what must have been almost two hours. I then tried to get passport photos early on a Friday morning in Manhattan. The streets, having quited down over night, were slowly coming back to life as some cool air moved gently through them. The CVS at Amsterdam and 86th, supposedly open 24 hours, had a hastily written note in its door saying that it was closed and one should go to 42nd street instead. I went back home, turned on the kitchen light and hoped it would not disturb the sleeping children a few feet away too much. I filled in the form I was supposed to fill in, then got my stuff and, after checking Google, tried the CVS at Columbus Circle (57th), only to be told that photos would not be taken until 8, but my appointment at the agency was already at 8. Tried the Duane Reade across the street, where the cashier did not even understand the word passport photo and said no.
I walked down another ten blocks to a CVS at 49th, and was told the photo person would come at 7, in 10 minutes. I witnessed the weirdest wake-up activity in that CVS, which is actually pretty massive, with two full floors, and apparently a shift of security workers, or renovation workers, coming in, among which I waited for my passport photo person. The picture looked just a anemic as you'd expect when someone has slept barely two hours.
So I took an Uber to the passport agency, where, behind metal barricades, lines were already forming outside the building at 7.30. It was a peculiar contrast between the disarray, if not, in places, desparation of the people lining up, the shoddiness of the government building, including the heavily scratched foggy plexiglass barriers. and the efficiency with which applicants were processed, the knowledge of the workers about even obscure situations like mine, and the definitiveness of their answer – yes of course, we have same-day service. I was given a pick-up time of 2pm, five hours later, and at that time I could indeed pick up my passport, a full one with ten-year validity, and the entire multitude of security holograms encasing my picture, the one I'd sent to Philadelphia.
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isabelwcna · 3 months
Get Certified: Your Guide to Starting a CNA Program in Philadelphia
**Title: Get‌ Certified: Your Guide to ‌Starting a⁢ CNA‍ Program in Philadelphia**
**Introduction:** Are you considering⁤ a career in‌ healthcare as ‍a Certified‍ Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Philadelphia? Getting certified is the first step ⁤towards this rewarding career path. In this guide, we will walk ⁣you through the process ⁢of starting a⁤ CNA program in⁣ Philadelphia, providing you with valuable information and practical tips to help you get started.
**Why Become a CNA in Philadelphia?** Philadelphia, as a bustling city, offers ⁢ample opportunities for healthcare professionals, including CNAs. With a ⁤growing elderly population ⁢and the increasing demand for healthcare services, becoming a⁣ CNA in Philadelphia can open up doors to a stable and fulfilling⁤ career in the healthcare industry.
**Benefits of‍ Becoming a CNA in Philadelphia:** – Competitive wages – Job security and stability – Opportunities for career advancement in the healthcare industry – ‍Chance to make ⁢a meaningful impact on patients’ ⁢lives
**Steps to Starting a CNA Program in ⁢Philadelphia:**
**1. Research CNA Program Requirements** Before enrolling in a CNA program, it’s essential to research the requirements set by the Pennsylvania Department ​of ‍Health. These requirements typically include a high school diploma or GED, a clean criminal record, and completion of a state-approved CNA training program.
**2. Find an⁢ Accredited CNA Program** Look for accredited CNA programs in Philadelphia that meet the​ state’s requirements. Accredited programs ensure that you receive quality ​education and training that prepares you for the certification exam and your‍ future ‌career as a CNA.
**3. Enroll in a CNA Program** Once you’ve selected a‌ CNA program, enroll in the course and‍ attend ⁢all classes and clinical training sessions. These programs typically cover ⁢topics such as ⁢infection control, patient care, and medical terminology.
**4. Complete Clinical Training** Clinical training is a crucial part of your⁣ CNA program, as it allows you to gain ⁤hands-on experience working with ⁢patients in a healthcare setting. Make the most of this training by actively participating and learning from experienced healthcare professionals.
**5. Pass the Certification Exam** After completing your CNA program and clinical training, you will need ‍to pass the Pennsylvania⁢ CNA certification ‌exam. This exam consists of written and skills evaluation components, testing your knowledge and practical skills as a CNA.
**6. ⁣Obtain Your CNA Certification** Once you’ve successfully passed the certification exam, you will receive your CNA certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Congratulations!‍ You are now a certified nursing assistant ready to start your⁣ career in Philadelphia.
**Practical Tips for Success:** – Stay organized and dedicated to your studies – Seek guidance from experienced CNAs and healthcare⁣ professionals – Practice your skills regularly to ensure you’re prepared for⁣ the certification exam – Stay updated on the latest⁤ healthcare practices ‍and regulations in Philadelphia
**Conclusion:** Starting a CNA program in‌ Philadelphia is an exciting ⁢first step towards a ⁣fulfilling career in healthcare. By following the steps outlined ‌in this guide, you can embark on your journey towards becoming a certified nursing assistant ⁤and making a positive impact on the lives of patients in Philadelphia. Good luck!
By following⁤ these steps and tips, you can kickstart your journey to becoming a certified nursing⁢ assistant in ⁤Philadelphia. If you’re ⁢passionate about helping others ⁣and interested in pursuing a⁣ career in healthcare, enrolling in a CNA program ⁤is a ​great⁤ way to get started.⁤ Take the ‌first ⁢step today and begin your rewarding career as a CNA⁢ in Philadelphia.
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