#cereza pokemon
id0what1want · 6 months
Never a Dull Moment
Just a few examples of Cereza being a threat to public safety herself. (Cereza is my insert for Juliana) When Kieran and Cereza are exiting the Dreaded Den for the first time, he's inevitably like 'watch your step, it could be slippery' and without warning Cereza jumps off the adjacent cliff Now, she had neglected to tell Kieran about the Rotom Phone's catching feature up until that point, so naturally, Kieran has a miny heart attack. Cereza is laughing her ass off and waving up at Kieran with the biggest grin while Kieran looks like his spirit left his body. "Sorry for the scare! It was too good to pass up!" She calls up to him. Kieran, despite it all, can't hold back a snort, then full laughter like his dear friend. His laughter is half breathless from the scare, but it truly is never a dull moment with Cereza. Cereza trains her Pokémon herself. Like, firsthand. She boxes with her Primeape, Wukong, dodges attacks for accuracy practice, races with them to practice for speed, et cetera. Imagine the Blueberry students surprise when at the crack of dawn, they witness one of the wildest, edge of your seat, cinematic chase scenes known to man when Cereza decided for a game of tag for some speed training. It looks like on the outside like her Pokemon are trying to actually kill her, though she assures as she darts by that she won't get hurt. A little hard to believe when actively running and dodging swoops from a seven-foot-tall metal corvid, but hey, never a dull moment. Cereza has decked Drayton before. Granted, it was a formal fight, but it certainly made waves in her impression at Blueberry Academy. Cereza was a bit irked that she was known more for punching Drayton than for being a Paldean Champion, though she had to admit it was funny that her reputation wasn't hurt but rather improved due to the unanimous agreement considering how annoying Drayton is. She and Drayton are surprisingly on good terms. The way it went down was upon Drayton's introduction, he made a passing, teasing comment. "I thought Paldea's newest top champ woulda been a bit bigger." Cereza, putting two and two together, responded. "Ohh, aren't you the Champion that lost his title to the kid from the smallest town in Blueberry Academy's zoning system? Must've been the upset of the decade." She grins, dishing it back. Drayton's eyebrows raise. "Those are fightin' words." He comments with a whistle. Cereza cracks her neck. "Bet, I could take you in a fight." "Hm... normally I'd say no but with my pride on the line, sure, I'll bite." If Drayton had researched a tad further, he might have known that Cereza makes a habit of training in hand to hand with her Annihilape. Luckily his nose wasn't broken. There's definitely more, I'll elaborate one day
✨do whatever you want forever✨
~ Cytoplasm
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kaguyass-houraisan · 2 months
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More of that DC Pokémon AU...
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masked-vee · 3 months
Vekpa: NICE SLIPPERS. I should have gotten a pair as well, these FLOORS ARE COLD… One of you is an Eevee, CORRECT? My DAUGHTER is an EEVEE TOO… she might like to hang out with YOU. I think she is a LITTLE NERVOUS about spending the night AWAY FROM HOME.
The tiny Eevee's peered from behind their friend. "Mouse here is an Eevee, yes." Cereza gestured to her friend. Mouse shyly shuffled so they were in full view, tail slowly swaying side to side.
"My name is Mouse, pleased to meet you sir." Mouse signed.
"In case you don't know sign language, they just said their name is Mouse and that it's nice to meet you. My name is Princess Cereza of the Chestnut Kingdom." The Zorua respectfully bows, and Mouse follows suit, bowing the same as her.
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double date feat @niximilart​‘s oc
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startgamc · 6 months
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"Why are they so stressful..."
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heartlesslygold · 2 months
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I know this pretty rave girl
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qpneuma · 1 year
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cereza, my scarlet/violet student 
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dartstrix · 7 months
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Final Hit 1 - Bayonetta vs Greninja
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subsequentibis · 2 years
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ive been having fun thinking about how my ocs would like the new pokemon
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mandibugs · 11 months
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the chrysoberyl re-re-design nobody asked for
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A woman resembling the Pokemon Tsareena. She has light skin, long green hair, and magenta eyes. She is wearing a small pink and green crown, pink wire-frame glasses, a sleeveless pink top, magenta elbow-length gloves, a white skirt resembling petals, pink tights, and magenta thigh-high heeled boots. She has her arms crossed in front of her and is looking down at the viewer with a stern glare. One leg is held up, as though she is about to stomp on something in front of her. The background is a spiral of pink and green vegetation. End ID.]
Tried to do another perspective experiment with this one. I think it turned out okay in terms of technical skill, but I realized a bit too late that the pose I have Cereza in may imply...something. Something that's in-character for any character based on Tsareena, to be fair, but not something I'd necessarily intend to imply... ^^; But eh, by the time I realized it I was already over halfway done with this and I didn't want my work to go to waste.So here, just don't be too weird with her, more for my sake than hers of course cuz I don't think Cereza would mind that kind of attention if she were real XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Tsareena and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Cereza MacQueen and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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id0what1want · 6 months
Wisteria Lake
I have thoughts. So, I am finally throwing my whole hat into the Dipplinshipping ring.
(This occurs during the Teal Mask)
Kieran awoke to a knocking on his window. He groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes as he stifled a yawn. He blearily caught sight of Cereza's face through the glass. The slight shock managed to drag him out of sleep as he drew closer to the window, opening it. "What are you doin', it's like- I dunno, late. Plus-" Kieran started, picking at his bangs a bit to get them to lay right. "I know I know, just-" Cereza was out of breath and it looked like stars sparkled deep in the burgundy pools of her irises, her eyes wide and practically rippling with excitement. It seemed wherever she was, she ran to get Kieran as fast as she could. She grasped onto his windowpane but didn't enter save for her face leaning close to his. "You've gotta see this." "What is it?" A touch of pink dusted Kieran's face as Cereza's excitement was infectious and spurred on his curiosity, making him completely forget the hour. Cereza only grinned, one corner of her lip quirking up more than the other to make her smile endearingly lopsided. "It's a surprise. I'll meet you out front, get shoes on." And with that she hopped down from his window, disappearing into the night. Kieran took a second to process the situation before rushing to get socks and shoes on, grabbing his bag and trying his best to keep the rustling to a minimum. His steps were nimble as they dodged the floorboards he knew were loud. He muffled the sound of the sliding door as much as he could as not to alert anyone.
Cereza was waiting out front as promised. She held out an arm and her Corvisquire, Charon, descended seemingly from the night itself to perch on her arm. "Are they still there?" She asked the ruby eyed corvid. It let out a chirp and a nod, earning a smile and a scratching on the neck from Cereza. Kieran stepped forward and Cereza turned to him. It might have just been a trick of the low light, but Kieran swore her eyes must have brightened. Charon left Cereza's arm as she rushed to meet Kieran. "Kieran! I found something in the Wistful Fields, you HAVE to come see!" She took hold of his wrist, tugging him in the direction. "How are you even up at this hour?" His eyes widened slightly as her hand gripped his wrist. They were surprisingly weathered for a girl their age, likely from adventures like the one Kieran was being dragged into currently. Not that he minded. "Me and sleep have a strained relationship, you could say. It's not my fault that the world wakes up at night." Cereza shrugs as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Kieran's brows raise. "'The world wakes up at night'?" He echoes. Cereza turns, walking backwards so she can face him and talk at the same time. She cups her hands behind her ears. "Mhm, hear all the Pokemon? Lots of species are strictly nocturnal or just more active at night. I guess I've always been more of a night owl myself, nighttime is just... better." Cereza smiled. Kieran considered her words. "Wowzers... I've always been kinda curious about the Pokemon I can hear at night but..." Kieran's words trailed off as he listened closer. "It's a lot easier to hear 'em now that the Yanma have stopped flyin' around." Cereza guided him through the apple fields, cutting through them and trailing off the path. "C'mon, this way is faster!" She started to run without warning, startling Kieran. "Come on Kiki, keep up!" Cereza's laugh joined the chords of the night, mixing with the various Pokemon cries as Kieran rushed to catch her, a smile etched onto his own face. "I wouldn't have to keep up if you slowed down!" He called after her as she disappeared into the trees. He could still hear her laugh slipping through the branches, giving away her location. "I bet you can't catch me!" She challenged, igniting a fire of competition in Kieran's chest. The chase had begun, and Cereza burst from the thicket of trees first, now faced by hills of path, grass, and small cliffs of gravel. Kieran was hot on her heels. Cereza heard him exit the trees behind her and took the chance to slide down the steep incline, her shoes scraping against rock as she expertly used a hand to steady her descent. Kieran screeched to a halt at the edge of the incline, hesitant. Cereza turned around to check on him after realizing he hadn't followed her yet. Before she could open her mouth, Kieran slid down the hill in pursuit of her, albeit with less practiced experience than Cereza.
When he approached the bottom, his balance got a little squirreling and his landing was more of a stumble than stable. Cereza ran towards him in an attempt to catch him but was surprised to find Kieran pushing ahead of her and stealing the lead while she was distracted. She scoffed, amusement thick in her tone. "You jerk! You don't even know where we're headed!" She called after him, running across the grass as fast as her legs could carry her. The two felt the wind across their faces, a midnight breeze as they passed various Pokemon minding their own business, alarmed by the sudden disturbance of two kid trainers sprinting through the tall grass. Cereza vaulted over stumps, stones, and hills, though she wasn't raised in Kitakami, she adapted to the land well. But Kieran knew these fields, he had a hometown advantage, he knew every rough patch to guide her through, every pitfall to dodge to trip her up. The thrill of the chase caused an adrenaline rush almost like a Pokemon battle. A smile of elation tugged at Kieran's lips as he felt like he was almost flying through the fields. He didn't expect another stab of adrenaline to his heart however when a Hoothoot took flight right in front of Kieran's path of choice, bringing him to a startled, screeching stop. Cereza unfortunately didn't register Kieran stopping in time and couldn't slow her momentum down enough to avoid crashing into him. She reflexively threw her arms around his waist, holding on tight as they both collapsed into the grass. Her arms loosened as he wriggled from her grip, turning into a slight playful tussling match as the 'chase' continued. Cereza pounced with the likeness to a Skitty, Kieran returning the same mannerisms as the rolled in the grass, fits of giggles and yelps escaping the two. Cereza managed to pin him down for a moment, panting. "Caught you-!" She yelped as Kieran lunged forward, knocking her off him and him onto her, a triumphant smile on his face. His face was flushed from all the running. "No... I caught you." He panted. Cereza wriggled out of his grip as they both took a breather. Charon, with perfect timing, flew down and perched on Cereza's head. He voiced his annoyance with an irritated squawk.
"We're coming, you impatient bird!" She teasingly shooed him off of her head, returning him to his ball. At the sound of Charon's squawk, something rustled in Cereza's bag. Alerted to the movement, she started to unzip it. Before she even finished unzipping the bag, a little lizard-like Pokemon wriggled free from her bag from the smallest possible crevice Cereza had opened. A Dreepy chirped with delight at being free, nuzzling into Cereza's hair as a greeting. Cereza laughed at its antics. "Hello, Deadeye." Cereza greeted. Kieran watched the little Pokemon curiously, he hadn't met this one yet. Deadeye noticed Kieran and approached, getting close to his face and sniffing him as if judging his character. Kieran leaned away reflexively at first before staying still and letting Deadeye assess him. Deadeye let out a trill of approval before gently bonking his head against Kieran's and returning to Cereza's side. "This is Deadeye, I caught him back in Paldea." She introduced. Kieran looked at Cereza as she ran her fingers down Deadeye's spine. She makes a similar clicking trill, almost like a cooing noise as Deadeye does a satisfied full body shimmy. "He's a Dreepy, right? We don't have any of 'em in Kitakami, I've never met one before." Kieran thinks out loud. Cereza gets up and stretches. She helps Kieran up, the grass rustling around them. Though the two trainers halted their chase, it seemed that the wind was still in pursuit of its own target. The breeze blew around them, tousling their hair. "Well, this surprise is partially for him too. Come on, I can see Wisteria Lake from here."
As they approached the lake, Cereza grabbed onto Kieran's hand. Before he could register what was happening, Cereza tugged him down into a crouch with her. He opened his mouth to speak but Cereza placed her free hand over it to muffle him. She made sure the wisteria trees concealed their position next to the lake. "Look." She whispered, pointing to the section of the lake bathed in moonlight. There, a pod of Dragonair and Dratini swam in the water, no doubt roosting. Their scales glistened, bathed by the rays of the moon and sparkling with the freshwater of the lake. Their movements were graceful and mesmerizing, unlike anything the two had ever seen in real life. It was captivating. Kieran's eyes widened and Cereza dropped her hand from his mouth. His eyes practically sparkled as his jaw dropped, his mouth forming an ovoid 'o'. He could see why Cereza was so excited. Cereza pulled herself up into the branches of the wisteria tree next to them, helping Kieran up into the spot next to her. This wisteria tree was old and sturdy, barely creaking under their combined weight. "I've never... I thought... Dratini don't live in this lake." Kieran managed to finally find the words to reply quietly. He hoisted himself up to be fully next to Cereza. She watched the dragons intently, unable to tear her eyes away. "They're migrating and roosting in this lake before the next rain, which is due tomorrow." Cereza explained in a hushed tone. "Because Dragonair control the weather." Kieran finished her thought for her. "Bingo." Cereza grinned. She gazed at the creatures, taking in every minute flick of their tails, every sound to escape their voice boxes. "Aren't they beautiful?" Kieran turned to look at Cereza. He had never heard her voice sound like that, enchanted by awe. Enamored, even. Her expression was captivated by a similar awe, her burgundy eyes focused on the dragons with a glimmer of wonder. While Cereza took in the sight of the Dratini and Dragonair, Kieran similarly gazed at her. The wisteria blooms framed her, bathing her in an almost lavender glow from the moonlight filtering through the petals. The light illuminated the upturned corners of her lips, highlighting every feature of her face. "Yeah. They are." He smiled; his eyes locked on her in the same way she couldn't tear her eyes away from the Dragonair. The moment was interrupted by Deadeye emerging from under Cereza's bag once again, his ghostlike tail wagging as he watched the Dratini play in the water. He nipped Cereza's cheek playfully to get her attention. She winced and held her cheek, narrowing her eyes at Deadeye with a lighthearted smile. "Little squirt." She teased. Deadeye made the Dreepy equivalent of a giggle before starting to float towards the Dratini. Cereza tugged on his tail gently, concern flitting in her chest for a moment. "Slow, don't spook them." She advised gently. She tentatively let go of his tail. She held her breath as she watched Deadeye approach the nearest Dratini. Her grip on the branches tightened. Kieran noticed Cereza tense and shakily put a hand over hers. She meets his eyes, and they share a look. Cereza turns her attention back to Deadeye, exhaling slowly.
Deadeye chirps at the Dratini, catching its attention. The Dratini tilts its head and Deadeye tilts his in turn. They circle one another, assessing each other carefully. The Dratini sniffs Deadeye and Deadeye wiggles as if it tickles him, trilling in amusement. The Dratini seems satisfied, diving into the water. Deadeye tilts his head in confusion. The Dratini surfaces with similar confusion, making a noise that seems like the equivalent to 'are you coming?'. Deadeye realizes what it meant and makes a happy cry, diving into the water after the Dratini and letting it give way to underwater chase. Cereza sighs in relief, chuckling at Deadeye's mannerisms. Kieran laughs with her. The Dratini gets caught by Deadeye and Deadeye does a little victory lap. The Dratini chitters and gestures for Deadeye to come meet the Dragonair presumably watching over the flock. Deadeye approaches the Dragonair and catches its attention, but Deadeye gets an idea and rushes off before they can properly meet each other. Deadeye darts over to Cereza who picks up on this and descends from the tree, her feet landing on the grass with a thump. She makes sure to crouch as a sign of respect and submission in case the Dragonair is watching. "What are you doing?" Kieran hisses, alarm filling his senses as he looks between the group of (undoubtedly powerful) dragon pokemon and his friend that just entered its line of sight. "Just watch." She replies quietly. Deadeye bites her sleeve and tries to tug her along but struggles because of his small size. Cereza stands a little taller, gazing up at the Dragonair that was now swimming over. The Dragonair lowers itself to Cereza's level, narrowing its eyes at her. The Dratini that were playing moments ago have gathered behind the Dragonair, curious about the newcomer. A sound forms in the back of its throat, sounding melodious like birdsong yet clicks like the call of a Lapras. Deadeye makes a similar clicking trill in response, shimmying with its little body. He smiled as if introducing Cereza. The Dragonair stared down Cereza, as if it dared for her to break eye contact. Kieran's worry compounded and he dropped down from the tree soundlessly, frozen as he witnessed Cereza interact with the dragon. Cereza stood her ground, approaching closer to the Dragonair and leaning down more. She made a similar noise to the trill she soothed Deadeye with, again like a mix between the purr of a Purrloin and the coo of a Pidove making something that sounded like the reptilian clicks of the dragon types she was familiar with. She held out a flat hand with her palm facing up, so the Dragonair knew it was okay to approach and assess her. She kept herself loose and relaxed as not to spook it. Cereza remained still as the Dragonair sniffed her hand, only turning her hand over so the creature could smell both sides thoroughly. The Dragonair snorted and turned away, diving in the water without haste or concern.
The Dratini came closer and took their turn to sniff and assess her, though the little ones were much more invasive than their elder. Little mouths nipped at skin and clothing, eliciting giggles from Cereza. She turns back to Kieran, eyes brightened and rushes over to him. A few Dratini trail behind her as she takes his hands, a wide grin on her face. "Come on, come meet them!" Kieran's eyes widened. "Woah, wait-" He started as Cereza dragged him toward the edge of the water where Deadeye and the rest of the Dratini were playing, even some of the Dragonair were humoring the little ones. She let go of his hand and took off her socks and shoes, setting them safely by the water before stepping in. She smiled, turning to Kieran. "It's not cold!" She took something out of her pocket, they were what looked to be Leppa berries she had picked with Kieran the day before in the orchard. She knelt into the water, holding her cupped hands out for the Dratini to eat from. The Dratini were delighted and flocked to Cereza, making her laugh even more with delight. Kieran took his shoes off, rushing after her without really thinking. He tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. "Uh, Cereza?" Before she could turn around and address his question, a curious Dratini noticed Kieran and got close to his face, looking him over. "Oh! Hello!" His eyebrows rose as the Dratini chirped at him, the other Dratini starting to become curious about him as well. Cereza took notice and stood up to be next to him. She took his hands and handed him a few Leppa berries to feed them. "What just happened between you an' that Dragonair?" Kieran asked while Cereza filled his hands with berries. "That Dragonair is the head of the pack, it was just checking to make sure I was safe to interact with." Cereza hummed. She stepped back so the Dratini had room to approach him. The curious little serpents were delighted to find berries in his hands too and pecked and nibbled at the berries. Kieran giggled, the giggles bubbling up into laughter. "Haha, stop! That tickles!" A few Dratini nipped at his clothes like they did to Cereza and Cereza laughed with Kieran as they feed the dragonlings.
Cereza tossed a berry to Deadeye and he caught it without trouble, swallowing it whole. The Dratini witnessed this and immediately darted over to Cereza, wanting in on the game. "Woah, woah, one at a time!" She laughed. She faked throwing a berry to the far side of the lake and all the Dratini fell for it, diving under the water to reach the other side faster. Kieran and Cereza chuckled as they watched Deadeye catch up to his new friends, racing after them and starting another, larger game of chase. One of the younger Dragonair approached Kieran and Cereza and Kieran stiffened at the presence of the serpent. Cereza made the dragon call she did before as a greeting, waving with a smile. "Hello, feeling left out on the berry train?" Cereza giggled as the Dragonair sniffed all of her clothes in search of the berries, nudging at her pocket in pursuit of them. The Dragonair sung a short, high note as if in affirmation. Cereza made her dragon call back, adding a whistle arpeggio at the end (one that sounds like she learned it from Charon). Kieran actually approached this time, walking through the water to stand close to Cereza, amazed as she holds up the berry for the Dragonair to eat from her hands. The Dragonair gently picked up the berry with its jaws, taking care not to make contact with Cereza. The Dragonair sung another note of thanks and Cereza cooed a note of her own back.
"How do you do that?" Kieran looked at Cereza in amazement. Cereza shrugged. "Lots of trial and error with Deadeye. I can try and teach you if you want. Can you roll your Rs and whistle?" Cereza started. Kieran nodded. "It's just a combo of those two, like a happy medium between them." Cereza demonstrated how to do it and Kieran listened and watched intently. After a moment, he nods. "I think I've got it." Kieran took a deep breath and gave it his best shot... and the sound that came out is somewhat strangled and definitely incorrect. Cereza snorted and there's a moment of suspense before the two burst into fits of laughter. It's the kind of laughter that they try to stifle but starts up again the moment they make eye contact. Kieran attempted the noise again, worse this time because of how hard he was laughing. The Dragonair gave the two weird looks as Cereza clutched her stomach doubled over in a fit of giggles. She mimicked the sound Kieran made and Kieran splashed some water on her in playful mock offense. "Shut up!" He managed to get out between laughs. Cereza stuck her tongue out at him. "Come over here and make me, Kiki." She challenged. She's immediately met with another splash to the face, soaking her clothes. There was a moment of pause while Kieran waited for a reaction, Cereza pushing her wet bangs from her face. She grins deviously before splashing him back, revenge-soaking his clothes and forcing him to push his own bangs back from his face. It didn't take long for it to turn into a full-scale water fight, Deadeye and one of the initial Dratini even join in, the two dragonlings giggling at the silliness. Kieran waded into deeper water to escape, the point where he couldn't touch the bottom. He treaded water as he looked back at Cereza, only to find her gone. His head whipped around, looking for her. Out of nowhere, he suddenly felt arms wrap around his waist, dragging him down underwater. His yelp was cut off by the mouthful of water he soon ingested, dragged under by his assailant. Kieran struggled free with a push to where he assumed the mischievous attacker's face was. The two surfaced with a gasp and Cereza barely caught her breath before laughing as Kieran coughed out the water he swallowed. "Point, Cereza!" She announced triumphantly, shivering slightly from being soaked to the bone. "Nuh uh, that's gotta be cheating!" Kieran protested, but he couldn't fight the smile on his face as he snorted at the whole situation. "You're just a sore loser, Kieran!" Cereza splashed water at him. She started to tread back to the shallower end but didn't expect Kieran to chase after her and drag her back. She yelped in alarm as held her in a vice grip. "Hey, what gives?" "Well since the move is fair..." He dropped Cereza then dunked her under, already laughing when she came up for air with a gasp, coughing up the water she swallowed. "Are you okay?" He asked with a smile as his laughter died down. Cereza huffed in mock offense. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She mocked Carmine's sharp tone with a partial falsetto, earning another snort from Kieran. "Seriously, we should go dry off though." "Aw man, you're right, how are we gonna dry off?" Kieran realized, going back to the shallow end with Cereza. Cereza grinned. "I've got an idea." When the two got back to shore, they wrung out their clothes to the best of their ability before trying out Cereza's 'idea'.
Cereza brought out Charon from his pokeball and Kieran immediately caught on. "This is a terrible idea." He stated. Cereza lightly punches his shoulder. "It'll be fine. Charon, kick up a gust for us, would ya?" She calls out to her avian friend. Charon caws in affirmation before blowing a strong wind at Kieran and Cereza, each powerful wingbeat aimed to dry away the water that clung to their clothes. After a minute, Cereza called over the rushing whistle of the wind. "Alright Charon, that's good!" The wind died down and Charon rested on a wisteria branch as Cereza and Kieran checked their clothes. Cereza looked at Kieran and snorted, holding back a snicker. He looked at her, eyes wide. "W-what's so funny?" His hair was thoroughly tousled and messy, Cereza's was no doubt the same. Wisteria petals were caught and tangled in his half-dried hair, matching the purple underlayer. "Hold on, you've got-" Cereza laughed lightly, leaning closer. "You've got something in your hair." She picked the petals out of the black and mauve locks, scattering them on the ground where they belonged when she was done. Kieran froze, not moving a muscle as Cereza meticulously raked her hands through his hair for a final check. "Yep, all good now." She leaned back then picked a petal from her own hair, going to where she set down her bag and shoes and bringing them to a spot under the wisteria tree to rest. Kieran followed close behind her after putting his own socks and shoes back on. She whistled for Deadeye's attention, and it was immediately caught. Deadeye chirped his goodbyes to his friends to which a chorus of little Dratini voices and richer Dragonair tones rang out in farewell. He darted back to shore where Cereza sat, trying to wrestle its way into her bag again. "Oh no you don't, you're sopping!" She grabbed the wriggling little Dreepy with one hand, holding him away from the bag as she pulled out a towel from her bag. Kieran's jaw dropped. "You had a towel this whole time?!" He asked in shock, his mouth forming another 'o' shape. Cereza realized her mistake. "Whoops." She shrugged, laughing as Kieran sighs, his shoulders slumped as he shook his head. She dried off Deadeye, wrapping the little dragon into a toweled burrito and setting him down. He was thoroughly bound so he couldn't move while he dried. She then pulled out two towels, one for her and one for Kieran. She tossed the towel at Kieran's head, laughing when it landed on his face in such a way that it covered it entirely, making him look like a ghost. "How many towels can you fit in that tiny bag?" He asked, baffled by the infinite inventory of the backpack. "Don't worry about it." Cereza waved it off. She leaned against the tree, relaxing as she watched the Dragonair once again. She took out a brush and untied her low twin tail braids, brushing out her hair with her fingers first before going in with the brush. Her hair was even paler blonde than the color of a Mimikyu's rag, the muted, pale color light enough to be mistaken for white in certain lighting and brown/gray in others. Her hair was normally twisted and a touch wild, probably the reason why she tied them back in low twin tails all the time. Now that it was down, Kieran could see that her hair was thick and wavy, like a hex maniac's. Deadeye managed to break free of his towel prison and he settled himself in Cereza's lap. Cereza focused on brushing her hair while it was still slightly wet, not wasting the chance.
Kieran heard a shift in the grass and his head snapped in the direction of the sound. He caught a glimpse of a blue tail fleeing behind a tree. Kieran tilted his head, trying to get a better look. A Dratini cowered by the tree, likely curious about Cereza and Kieran but too shy to get close. Kieran knelt down, thinking of how Cereza would approach the small dragonling. The small serpent hid its face behind its tail, trembling. He cleared his throat, taking another stab at the cooing dragon call. He was surprised to hear it half decent. Definitely not as polished as Cereza's, but recognizable. "I won't hurt you, we're friendly, I promise." He offered his hand gently to the Dratini, his voice gentle. The Dratini lifted its tail slightly to peek up at Kieran with one eye. Its stomach rumbled and it cowered again. Kieran took note of this and stood up, startling the Dratini. "Hold on, I'll be right back!" He rushed over to Cereza. "Cereza, do you have any more berries?" His voice was determined, earnest. Cereza raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, a few oran berries. Need some?" Kieran nodded and Cereza got out the berries, handing them to him. "What are they for-" "Thanks, bye!" He quickly went back to the Dratini and Cereza sat there slightly confused before going back to what she was doing. Kieran slowly held out an oran berry with a cupped hand. "C'mon little guy, I know you're hungry..." The Dratini tentatively approached, picking up the berry from his hand carefully and setting it down on the ground. As soon as the oran berry hit the grass, the Dratini started scarfing it down. Kieran raised his eyebrows then smiled. He got up to go sit by Cereza again, leaving the Dratini to eat its food in peace. The Dratini gulped down the last of its food then looked at Kieran walking away. It stayed where it was for a moment, as if considering. The Dratini cautiously slithered behind Kieran, trying its best to be sneaky. Kieran sat back down beside Cereza who at this point had moved on from brushing her hair to braiding it back to the twin tails they were used to. "What was that about?" She turned to greet him, scooting over a little so they sat a little closer together. Before Kieran could open his mouth, Cereza noticed a little white snout peeking out from behind the trunk of the wisteria tree they were sitting under. "I see you made a friend." "Huh?" Kieran blinked, confused. He turned to where Cereza was looking and spotted the Dratini that shied away at his gaze. "Oh! Come back for more berries?" He offered an empty hand like how Cereza did to the Dragonair. After a few seconds of suspense, the Dratini sniffed Kieran's hand flinching away a bit when Kieran turned it over so the Dratini could examine it fully. The Dratini licked his hand Kieran smiling at the gentle gesture. "Wow, he either really likes you or is licking the oran berry residue off your hand." Cereza stated. "Oh." Kieran replied awkwardly. He stifled a yawn, not wanting Cereza to think he was getting sleepy, or worse, bored. Cereza caught the way he started to yawn then conspicuously cleared his throat, however. "Alright then, I'll start packing up. We have a busy day tomorrow and I can imagine that Carmine is hell to deal with in the morning." Cereza had already folded all the towels, placing them in her weirdly infinite bag and zipping it up. Deadeye was nodding off, his head drooping then perking up, drooping then perking up. "I'm not tired-" Kieran started to protest only to be met with a hand over his mouth. "S h u t." Cereza said simply. She turned to her dozing dragonling, taking out his ball. "Alright Deadeye. Home time." Deadeye made a half-awake sound of protest. He attempted to nudge away the ball but in his sleepy daze he accidentally nudged the button in the process, returning him to his ball regardless. Cereza chuckled and shook her head.
"Are you gonna say goodbye to your little friend there?" Cereza put Deadeye's ball in the pokeball section of her bag. Kieran turned to the little Dratini. It had now become comfortable, resting its head on his wrist. He gently removed the small serpent from his arm, patting its head. "Travel safe 'lil guy." The Dratini chirped and bumped its head against Kieran's hand like a skitty. Kieran chuckled before standing and waving goodbye. Cereza turned, having already started on the way home. "You coming?" She called back. Kieran nodded, glancing one last time at the lake before running after Cereza.
Epilogue: (after the Ogerpon fight) Kieran finished tying up his hair. He looked in the mirror. It was strange to see his face in so much detail. Well, he was going to have to get used to it from now on. "Kiki? Our bus is leaving soon. I'm gonna head over, don't be a Slowpoke like last time, alright?" Carmine knocked on the door before calling through it. Pretty courteous by her standards. Her footsteps and the creaking of the floorboards suggested her exit. Kieran slung his bag over his shoulder. He had already packed. He had a lot of time since he was holed up in his room since the evening of the night before. He kept the goodbyes with his grandparents brief. His grandfather noticed Kieran's change in demeanor but decided to let him be. There was no use trying to convince a Rhyhorn to budge after all.
Kieran opened the door and took one step out the door before being interrupted by a Pokemon's call at his feet. The door slid shut behind him as he looked around for the source, eventually looked down. A blue tail, a rounded white snout, and a pair of fin-like ears that were perked up and alert. It was a Dratini- no, the Dratini from that night at Wisteria Lake. "If you came lookin' for more berries, you're barking up a Sudowoodo." Kieran dismissed, trying to step around the serpent. The Dratini became annoyed and blocked his path, making a noise of protest. "I don't have food for you, shoo!" Kieran stepped over the Pokemon, continuing on his way to the bus stop and trying to ignore the Dratini. The Dratini and the tightness in his chest. He shoved down the memories of wisteria petals and moonlit lakes. His train of thought was interrupted by a bump he felt on his ankle. He looked down to find the Dratini pushing a pokeball against his ankle with its snout. He had to give the creature points for its tenacity. Kieran's eyebrows raised. He leaned down on one knee, picking up the Pokeball. "How did you...?" His thoughts escaped his lips. The Dratini puffed up its chest, though a slight tremble gave away its nervousness. Kieran considered it. Dragonite are strong, he needed strength if he was going to surpass her. "Hm. Well, only cuz you're stubborn. I better see this enthusiasm in training, got it?" He held the pokeball down to the Dratini's level, allowing it to press the button with its snout. The ball shook once then made a nodding motion, a satisfying click signifying Kieran's successful catch. Kieran stood, pocketing the ball. "We're flying to the top, Dratini." He mused under his breath as he continued on to the bus stop, the sky gray and tense with the threat of a storm. ... THIS TOOK ME THREE DAYS TO WRITE HOLY BINGLE Me, clueless: I'll just write this cute little thing lol, it should take me like 20 minutes 5,663 words and three whole days later: Anyway, first formal blurb, I'm totally not nervous what are you talking about. Special thanks to my beta reader, I love you forever pookie :} I always want to hear your thoughts and questions, my askbox is but a humble Munchlax starved of berries!! (I'm in a Pokemon metaphor mood rn lmao)
✨Do whatever you want forever✨
~ Cytoplasm
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kaguyass-houraisan · 2 months
PART 2 OF THIS POST: (still open to ideas and suggestions !!) https://www.tumblr.com/kaguyass-houraisan/748807356547268608/tom?source=share
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Kristal literally called him boring and Aiden is literally Normal like he's surrounded by crazy ass mfs so naturally I gave him a normal type. He deserves and gets one Pokémon that he showers w affection and that's a Pidove. Like his shirt reminds me of a bird so... also it's half flying type and let's not forget the end of season 2 now 😹😹 and I wanted him to give protag vibes and like he's just fooling around Unova all the time... i was told in a greeting he said he got James into Pokémon BW and idk if this is true but Aiden is a unovan... i believe it so hard... he's here to vibe not a single thought in those glass eyes... he's a grown man ready to explore !!
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THE ELEGANT ELECTRONIC ELECTRIC TYPE GYM LEADER !! Definitely gave Elesa Raihan and Iono a run for their money, he's a star BITCH. He's vlogging and doing tiktoks during battle and posing for every picture ever. He's electrifying and dazzling and I imagine his partner is an oricorio or like. Something similar. I was fond of him having a chatot but idk... I like to think he's from Alola originally bc Paldea doesn't count for Brazil seeing as Pokémon like quaxly are foreign to there... so I think originally from Alola works ! He might also have steel types or mixes between the types... idk really I'm still working... but as you can see he was inspired by oricorio in his design and the hourglass motif in his og design... I wanted him in heels..
I llike the idea of him being the Nimbasa gym leader, but that's if I don't create a fan region like the Tipiskaw Region... in that case he's the 8th gym leader or 7th, bc I believe Miriam would have been the fairy type gym leader prior to Jake so we will see. I also hc Riya as a gym leader too but we will see what I shit out...
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masked-vee · 3 months
Lief @Mouse: "So what's with the mask, kiddo? Got some sorta costume going on?" His tone was fairly teasing as he looked over Mouse, presumably trying to view their face from the side, or see it in the eye holes.
Mouse quickly hides behind Cereza.
"It's a species thing in our homeworld. Mouse is actually a type of monster known as a masked kid, hence why they wear the mask." The young Zorua explained. "And, please don't do that, they're very shy." Mouse quietly nodded in agreement.
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sanguineswallowsong · 21 days
I am Yanqing OR Chime !!!!
I am a fictionkin ( mainly Yanqing! But I have the rest listed under the cut!!!) PLEASE INTERACT IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR MEDIA/CANON MATES PLSPLSPLSPLSPLS!!!!!!! MY DISCORD IS VIRTUEINVEIN!!!! PLS FRIEND ME!!
I am bodily 15, but don't mind minors or adults interacting with my posts or getting in contact!!
I have a partner, and I'm uncomfortable with flirting! So please don't!!
Simply put: I am transmasc genderfluid! I am also neurodivergent!!
Pronouns: he/him/his/they/them/their/she/her/hers/xe/xem/xeir/ae/ae/aer
My current interests or hobbies are honkai star rail, wuthering waves, jujutsu kaisen, cosplaying, art, talking in general, singing, music, swords, digital art specificly and some other things
Please DNI if you're racist, xenophobic, lgbtq+phobic, terf/radfem, misogynistic, sexist, transmed, proship/anti-anti, darkship, map/pedo, zoophile/zoo, anti-kin, dsmp or qsmp related, know me outside this account or factkin!!
I think that's all i need to mention but I'm not sure???
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Full fictionkinlist (good god) ٩ ˊᗜˋ
Highest -
Yanqing (hsr)
Miles "tails" prower (sth)
Pom-pom (hsr)
Silver wolf (hsr)
High -
Jin ling (mdzs)
The Melusine (genshin)
Fischl (genshin)
Amy Rose (sonic the hedgehog)
Diona (genshin)
Lingyang (wuwa)
Sora (kingdom hearts)
Ortho shroud (twst)
Riddle rosehearts (twst)
Epel felmier (twst)
Gregoriah (regretevator)
Yuji itadori (jjk)
Klee (genshin)
Medium -
Strawberry cream cookie (cr)
Aya (bsd)
Strawberry crepe cookie (cr)
Sorbet shark cookie (cr)
Custard cookie III (cr)
Bennett (genshin)
Collei (genshin)
Razor (genshin)
Robin (hsr)
Freminet (genshin)
Misha (hsr)
Kyouka (bsd)
Elise (bsd)
Cereza (bayonetta)
Cheka (twst)
Sigewinne (genshin)
Sonic (sonic the hedgehog)
Charcadet (pokemon)
Jirachi (pokemon)
Popplio (pokemon)
Joltik (pokemon)
Low -
Sylveon (pokemon)
Mimikyu (pokemon)
Columbina (genshin)
Chongyun (genshin)
Xiao (genshin)
Furina (genshin)
Mew (pokemon)
Ayaka (genshin)
Nanako (jjk)
Mary (IB)
Damian Wayne (DC)
Wanderer (genshin)
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lightofunova · 3 months
(@masked-vee) Princess Cereza bowed respectfully, Mouse quickly followed her action, mimicking her bow too. "My friend and I would like to thank you for inviting us to this party." She and Mouse straightened up, before the female Zorua continued. "My name is Princess Cereza, and this is my silent friend, Princex Mouse." Mouse shily waves after they were introduced. "I know their mask gives them an odd appearance, but I promise they're very kind." And the tiny Eevee nods truthfully.
“Welcome! I’m glad you could both make it!!” She bows back towards both of them politely. “It is a pleasure to meet you both, I’m Reshi.” The goddess gives both pokemon a wide grin. It was interesting just how much royalty had been attending this evening. She wondered just how many people had gathered to enjoy the party.
“An appearance is only as odd as you percieve it. I’ve had many pokemon state my appearance is odd or stange but-“ She stopped, a thought popping into her head of couple nights prior. The Gala. Destino. A string of strong insults. It was a miracle she hadn’t heard them again tonight…yet.
“-but I would not worry too much. Plenty of different pokemon of different forms have gathered! I hope you can find something that makes you feel at home here! Do let me know if there’s anything you need!”
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