#ceo AFO
mamashenanigans · 4 months
No-Quirks CEO AFO AU Snippet!
Wanted to do something different and try to write Kudo and Bruce interacting for the first snippet of this story.
Quick background:
1. Yoichi died right before their surrogate gave birth to their daughter, Kotomi.
2. Something happened between Kotomi and AFO(Daiki Shigaraki) three years ago that has changed her outlook on her Uncle. Only she and Kudo know as her father doesn’t want to reveal such sensitive information about his brother-in-law, regardless of how much he may hate him.
3. Yoichi’s last words to Kudo before his death, along with a video will, are important to Kudo even if some of it does involve his brother-in-law.
4. AFO is incredibly rich and the CEO of All for One Industries. He became a recluse after Yoichi’s death and hardly leaves his skyscraper where both his business and living quarters are. His business ambitions became far darker after the death of his only moral compass. Kotomi took on her dad’s role of trying to persuade AFO concerning his business dealings. She’s actually been quite successful in the last three years, but doesn’t talk about it much unless cornered by her father’s old teammates.
5. The One for All Operation was created by whistleblowers, law enforcement, and others to try and finally have AFO pay for his crimes, but they’ve never been able to succeed due to AFO’s legal team and ability to pay anyone to do anything. Kotomi knows nothing about this.
Anyway, enjoy this little snippet. It’s a rough draft so excuse any grammar mistakes.
“Knock, knock!” Bruce called out as he let himself into Kudo’s apartment. He let out an impressed whistle as he took in his surroundings.
“Wow, Kudo, my man! This is quite a nice place you have here!” He shouted as he moved further in following the sound of running water. He found Kudo in the kitchen at the sink, his back turned towards his friend. Bruce casually leaned on the corner of the archway and quirked a brow.
“Um, you hear me, ol’ fearless leader?”
”Yes, Bruce. I heard you before you even walked in. And that’s the reason why we preferred you at a computer most of the time.” Kudo answered nonchalantly, his back still turned.
Bruce would have chuckled if the words didn’t sound so hollow. He eyed the fancy kitchen then asked, “So, where’s Kotomi?”
Kudo turned off the faucet and turned around. “Where do you think?”
”Dear ol’ Uncle, huh?” Bruce shook his head, but couldn’t help but grimace as he caught sight of a large television on the wall of the adjourning family room.
“Speaking of which,” Bruce leveled his eyes with Kudo’s, “how’d you afford all this, Kudo?”
Kudo threw down the cloth he was using to dry his hands and turned back around. He planted his palms on the counter and growled, “I knew this was coming. I don’t want to do this right now, Bruce.”
”You promised that you wouldn’t use any of his dirty money and, damn, you haven’t since Yoichi passed, but now you’re fine with it?”
”Bruce, I lost my job-.”
”So?! You’ve changed your cover jobs more times than I can count! You got a whole new apartment! Have you really sold out like this?” Bruce breathed in heavily once he finished and gestured to the family room.
Kudo slammed his fists on the counter then spun around once more, his glare piercing through Bruce.
”I did it for Kotomi, okay! The private school here is one of the top in the country and my daughter’s too damn smart to miss out! The university here is just as prestigious! I know Yoichi would want what’s best for her too! So, yes, he offered and I accepted.”
Bruce sputtered. “Oh, an offer, huh? And what was it exactly, Kudo?”
”He offered to pay for all of it! The school, the apartment, even the university once she goes there! I couldn’t pass it up, Bruce! I was tired of watching her potential be wasted! She can do so much for this world, like Yoichi wanted to himself…”
Bruce closed his eyes as his thoughts wandered to his old friend. Yoichi was one of those dreamers that always wanted to do good in the world. Even though he knew his brother’s business had morphed into something dangerous, the man could never take his twin out of his life. Daiki had always been a shadow in the background of their friend group’s relationship. For a good while, many of the One for All Operation members were wary of him, convinced he must be a spy. Yoichi wasn’t, but he also never committed entirely to the cause. He was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place: he hated what his brother’s company was becoming, but still believed he could change him. Or, at the very least, guide those predatory eyes to something less evil…if only for a moment.
“Since you won’t just fucking say it, Kudo, what’s the catch? Aye? What did he want?”
Kudo finally broke eye contact and looked away.
“Pfft, it has to do with Kotomi, right?”
”Yes!” Kudo yelled. Bruce took a step back and shook his head.
”So, what? Are you forcing her to visit him now? That poor girl—”
”She wants to go,” Kudo whispered and Bruce barely heard it.
“Excuse me? Wants to go? You’re joking right? Who wants to be around that asshole?”
”She does! I’m not making her do anything and that’s…that’s the hard part, Bruce!” Kudo finally left his vigil over the sink and sat himself down at the kitchen table. He grabbed his head in his hands. “She’s been more than willing for the last three years to see him. It was harder when we lived farther away. It became harder and harder to deny his limos that came to pick her up, to turn away the delivery men with gifts, and keep her from running off to ride some derelict train to the city. This…this works for her and for him.”
Bruce scoffed. “Does it work for you, Kudo?”
“It does if Kotomi is happy and able to have the best education possible.”
”Dude, you know that’s not what I’m asking.”
”And that shows you aren’t a parent.”
Bruce decided not to detonate that bomb and moved on. “So, what? She visits him more often now? That’s all he wanted?”
”Often isn’t quite the right word,” Kudo bit out. Bruce tilted his head in question, so Kudo continued. “He…he has her spend the night a lot. Like…a week at a time. Her, uh, her school is pretty close, so…”
”Are you joking?! Are you guys sharing custody or something?”
Kudo was out of his chair faster than Bruce could react and was now in his friend’s face.
“Don’t you ever say that again!”
”Why? Did it strike a nerve?”
”GET OUT!” Kudo roared and Bruce was smart enough to obey.
As he backpedaled towards the front door, he couldn’t help but call back, “Our team has been working for DECADES to get that man behind bars! I know Yoichi wasn’t aware of all of our plans, but are you sure he would want this?”
Bruce slammed the door as he exited leaving Kudo to stand alone in the hallway of his new home. He clenched his fists and looked at the floor, tears held back just barely.
”Yes,” he whispered only to himself, “I know he would and that’s why it hurts.”
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Gold moments of My Villain Academia:
Fire vs Ice cousins battle aka that one time Dabi and Geten unknowingly had a fight over who had been most used and traumatized by their father figures.
Toga dropped a reporter from the sky to kill her because the woman was trying to turn her into a martyr for media narrative. Bonus because she did it with her crush's power <3 who says romance is dead.
Gamer boy has endless beef with politicians and racists cults, recruits his friends to do something about it and they end up taking over their resources and houses.
The Meta Liberation Army fucking it up by fixing Twice's biggest trauma in the worst way possible. It's like throwing or hitting the local printer and it starts to work like crazy.
CEO gets defeated by the biggest losers ever and becomes enamoured with their hot mess of a leader. Cringefail conquers, I guess.
Giran was an absolute show, I miss him so so much, bnha give me back Giran.
Tomura defeating a business man powered by stress (not kidding that's literally his quirk) by being so mentally unwell everyone was left with a wtf face.
THE BIG VILLAINS BEING CAPITALISM!!!!!! CEO, head of a media platform, politician, that one techguy, nepobaby... You name it.
On a serious note, Tomura Shigaraki's part are some of the best chapters in bnha and no one can deny it. Tenko's story and how AFO turned him into Tomura...
Moral of the story is death to racism, go and traumatize capitalism back, being insane also pays off and if your boss is a good boss, he'll find a way to pay for that sushi night.
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bicheetopuff · 11 months
I think the people complaining about AFOs back story have forgotten what his character represents.
He’s a manipulative rich old man that wants to own and monopolize every major resource in the world so that he can be considered a god.
His entire being is a metaphor for major corporations and every politician and billionaire ceo ever… so him being a narcissistic and greedy kid isn’t at all surprising. He doesn’t have a traumatizing backstory because he’s a manipulative power hungry chump like he has been the entire series.
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helga-grinduil · 10 months
I think the real difference between AFO and LoV's backstories is that while LoV's backstories are sympathetic and, well, are made for you to sympathise with them, AFO's is... It's not sympathy, you do not sympathise with him. It's about pity. It makes you feel pity towards him.
That sorry bastard never had a chance. He was doomed since the moment he realised his mother is not going to feed him unless he takes food from her himself. He was already a murderous little egoist that didn't see other people as people as a toddler, because the circumstances of his infancy demanded that of him in order for him to survive, and then instead of being corrected it got cultivated. LoV members all have points in life that were *before*. AFO doesn’t. He's the most pitiful character in MHA because he's just a simple human that could've been an ordinary soulless CEO somewhere in Japan, or a baker, or a writer, but he never had a chance because life said 'and fuck that one baby specifically'.
And the worst part is that he's still a normal human, and humans CAN change and CAN learn, and while you can't relate to him, you can understand perfectly how his worldview was shaped from day 0, but it's hard to teach an old dog a new trick, especially when the dog is a century old one, and the trick in question is empathy and 'you should care about people'. There was a time for an intervention somewhere early on, and then it was no more. He's never going to grow out of that childlike mind that he has. It's impossible at this point. It's pity because he was just a baby in an awful situation once, and he's just a human shaped by that baby's experience now, but there's nothing to be done.
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blackberreh-art · 1 year
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Yesterday I asked twitter for help in regards to what fem!AFO would look like, and ppl had some really fucking great ideas
The vibe I'm going for is 'rich, evil stepmother from a korean drama who happens to be the CEO of a super wealthy, super sus megacorporation', and i love her
(she's still seven feet tall and can crush a man's head with her thighs)
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Cruella De Vil AU! Does Yoichi get mistaken for a sickly cub and gets adopted by a bunch of white tigers?
For new people the premise of this AU is that AFO is an ordinary if corrupt fashion CEO obsessed with making a coat from a white tiger. Your idea actually ties in very well with the events as I imagined them:
-AFO sends his minions to the jungle to hunt the tiger because he's way too important to do it himself. The minions are Machia and Garaki and they can't stand each other.
-Yoichi shows up just behind them to warn park ranger Second about the tiger poachers. Then Yoichi insists on coming along to stop them. Second tries to dissuade him, but Yoichi says he will go into the jungle himself if Second doesn't let him come along. Second considers how much trouble it would be if a Japanese tourist died in the jungle and reluctantly agrees.
-Yoichi thinks that he knows all about wilderness survival from his comics. In fact, Yoichi's comics taught him useless stuff like "moss grows on the north sides of trees" and nothing about proper footwear for jungles or that monkeys bite if you try to pet them. In most of my AUs, Second immediately simps over Yoichi. But this is the AU where Second spends the whole trip longing to ship Yoichi back to Japan in a cardboard box. Yoichi thinks that park rangers are amazingly cool and spends the whole trip trying and miserably failing to impress his new crush. (It's okay, Second will eventually start to find the stupidity endearing. Yoichi is lucky that he is pretty.)
-Second gets in a pitched battle with poachers Garaki and Machia. He's down with a bullet in the shoulder, then Yoichi uses a hairspray and matches to create a miniature flamethrower and send the poachers' jeep over a cliff. This is the moment when Second falls in love. Unfortunately Yoichi falls off the cliff too.
-When a very worried Second tracks Yoichi down, he's in a cave surrounded by two mated female tigers and their cubs. Yoichi believes that his awesome comic book wilderness abilities have successfully tamed the tigers. Actually the tigers have mistaken him for a sickly cub and are trying to nurse him back to health. (Yes, I know this is not how tigers work but this is crack.)
-The tigers are Second's adopted family. He was raised by tigers in the jungle since he was a baby Mowgli-style, and the tigers adopted Yoichi partly because he smells like their son/big brother. (This is the rare AU where Second is not afraid of cats, but cats are afraid of him because he smells like tiger.) Second spends a lot of time persuading his Moms to let Yoichi go by promising to look after the weak little cub and bring him for visits.
-Yoichi sends his big brother lots of pictures posing with tigers and brags about how having a living tiger is way cooler than a coat. This launches AFO's epic obsession with getting a pet white tiger. Which is at least better than him trying to kill tigers, so...happy ending?
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pocketramblr · 1 year
AU where kid AFO tries to summon a powerful demon to kill his parents but he ends up summoning a young and still learning the ropes demon his age named Yoichi.
Lol so the reverse of this one fun
Hajime watched the summoning circle. The imp was shifting, melting into a bright human form. It's light and smoke faded, and suddenly a boy with an impossibly bright green eye was staring at him.
The demon's form was far from intimidating. Hajime wondered if it was to lure foolish summoners into underestimating it, trick them into breaking the circle.
"Why did you summon me?" The demon asked. His voice felt familiar. Eerie, a good touch.
"I want to make a deal."
The demon blinked. "What?"
"A pact, oath? I give you something, you do something for me."
"What am I supposed to do for you?" The demon sounded confused.
"Well, to start with, I want my parents dead."
The demon's mouth dropped open. "You- what?"
"Oh, you can collect both of their souls, if you want them."
The demon stared.
Hajime waved his hand to catch his attention. "Do you take souls?" He'd read about that in the Demon Lord versus Captain Hero comics- some special issue where the hero had almost been sacrificed.
"I mean, I guess, technically, we do?" The demon said it like it was a question. "Do you... know what I am?"
"A demon, I hope. Why, are there different types? Do I need to summon a soul eating one?"
"No, you don't need to do that. But, you know, demons punish sinners. You know that, right?"
"Oh, I don't care how you punish them. As long as they're gone."
The demon went from looking confused to something Hajime hated- pity. "Do they hurt you?"
Hajime shrugged. "Sometimes. What's that matter? Does it factor into how you kill them?"
"I'm not going to kill them! I'm going to help you." The demon shook his head, white hair flicking back and forth. "Look- I'm just interning in Hell this semester, but if I tell my supervisor I'm sure-"
"You're an intern?" Hajime had to ask, then quickly, "Hell has interns?"
"Um, yes?"
"Are they unpaid internships?" That would at least make a little more sense.
"I mean, I guess, we don't really have a currency system like humans do. We pick jobs we like and are good at, after studying and finding who we work best with, and are sustained in a way similar to a plant in sunlight. I'm interning in Hell because you're supposed to try everything, but really I'm more excited to try some of the Angel corps next decade, being a guardian sounds really cool and- are you still listening?"
Hajime was not, as he was considering that an intern was probably a pathetically weak demon who could not give him what he wanted, no matter how many souls he offered.
"Could I summon a more powerful demon to kill my parents?" He asked instead.
The demon's face fell.
"No." He said, very slowly. "You haven't lived long enough- humans get more powerful over their lives. You could probably summon someone at the level of my manager when you're, oh, fifty? But! I can absolutely tell them about your parents now, we can get someone to help you."
"How long would it take for me to be able to summon, like, a demon lord?"
"A... lord?" The demon repeated.
Oh right, he was an intern. So they probably called them... "A demon CEO?"
"Oh. Well, I guess the demon equivalent would be... It'd take you about 500 years."
"So I need to survive for five centuries." Hajime frowned. "Is there a lower level demon I could get that much longevity out of?"
"You're better off praying for a miracle." The demon boy answered plainly. "Oh, well- no."
"Well what?"
"It wouldn't matter- but, um, have you humans been noticing any strange things lately?"
Hajime stared at him. There were a lot of strange things. Like- oh. "Is living in Hell that literally under a rock? Yeah, I heard the news about the UBC pattern found, the meta-humans. Why?"
"It doesn't matter. Some humans might be born with such long lifespans now because of the- what did you call them? Meta? But you don't have a longevity one, so." The demon shrugged.
"Could I make a deal for one?"
"You don't need to, you've already got one." The demon blinked, then covered his mouth with a gasp. "Oh, I have no idea if I'm allowed to say that or not!"
"I... have a meta-power?"
The demon nodded, but kept the hands over his mouth.
"So you know where meta-powers come from. Did someone else make a deal?"
"No deals." The demon sighed, dropping his hand. "I'm not sure where you got that idea from anyway. But, I know my manager was talking to the circle's secretary about the new human powers. They thought it was from the Plague Department but she said it wasn't, she thought it was the Miracles Office and so... yeah, I'm not sure." He shrugged. "Can I... go, now?"
"No, I have more questions." He didn't, actually, but he had to stay in control of the demon summoning situation. "So, you say you don't make deals, but you can be summoned."
"Yeah, how did you even figure out how to summon me?"
"Comic book."
The demon tilted his head, interested. "Can you show me?"
Hajime didn't turn his back as he moved to get the issue from his pile, carefully handing it over so his arm didn't pass the circle around the demon.
The demon studied the panel with a hum, then began to flip through the other pages.
He kept reading. After a while, Hajime felt ignored.
He got an idea, and shifted back a little.
"Are you done looking at it?" He asked. "Be careful with it, I don't have the money to buy many of my own issues, so..."
The demon looked up, then nodded. "Right, sorry- here." He handed it back; in doing so, his hand had to pass a bit farther to reach where Hajime was, and it crossed the circle.
Hajime grabbed his hand, not the comic, and tugged him out.
"Hey!" The demon yelped, stumbling out of the circle. "What was that for?"
Instead of answering, Hajime clipped a bracelet of twisted metal wire around the demon's wrist.
"I was right." He said, carefully kicking and ruining the summoning circle. "That circle protects both of us. I would have been in your power if I went inside, and now you're in mine because you're outside. But the bracelet will keep you from having to go back to Hell."
The demon stared at him, then his wrist, then at him again.
"You aren't letting me go back?"
"You want to go back to Hell? To being an unpaid intern?" Hajime asked, pitching his voice up. "That awful place where they torture people? After you offered to help me?"
"Um, I'm really fine there, and it's only- no, wait. You were trying to help me too?" The demon squinted at him.
It didn't have much effect, half hidden behind the curtain of hair. This imp really was naive, it was almost cute.
"You're the only one who was nice to me, why wouldn't I?"
"Do you... have any friends?"
Hajime shook his head.
"Oh. Wow. Ok, there's a lot going on there. Um." The demon sighed. "Look, I want to help you, but I guess if you want me to stay a bit, maybe I could find out more about your parents, then take back word and bring it to the attention of someone who can do more?"
"Sure!" Hajime said with every intention of arguing that 'a bit' could mean '490 years', from a certain point of view.
This demon was too valuable to let him get away, not with his knowledge of meta-powers and other demons, plus his apparent desire towards aiding his summoner. Maybe that was part of the summoning too.
"We can go to the comic store- the library is still under reconsruction from the last riot- and look at whatever issues you want. My dad won't leave the house until six but any time after five Mom probably won't notice you sneaking in. Oh! We could tell people you're my little brother if you asked, I think we could pull it off." Hajime scooped up the comic book and pressed it into the demon's hand so he wouldn't keep messing with his circle cuff.
"Let's go! Oh, right, what's your name?"
"I don't think I should tell you..."
"Fine, then I'll just call you little brother until you do." Hajime decided.
"Um, what's your name?"
He began to start tugging the demon to move, but paused. "You know I have a meta-power just by looking, but you don't know my name?"
"Names are different." the demon stressed, but let himself be pulled along.
Well that certainly explained the reluctance to share his.
"You can call me big brother, and I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours." Hajime decided. "Now come on, we're burning daylight."
He could figure out the killing-his-parents plan another day. For now, he needed to work on this development.
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fractiflos · 1 year
One of these days, I'm going to write a no-quirks AU with all the OFA users, starting with AFO Yoichi's childhood and ending sometime around the time Deku has kids. For now, I have a WIP and some logistics to work out, so enjoy me posting something for this every once in a while.
Yoichi Shigaraki: March 20th, the International Day of Happiness
(I like irony.)
Second: December 25th, Christmas
(He seems like the type to not care about holidays, so I made him born on one. There are some jokes I want to make, but I'll let you think of them.)
Third: September 8th, World Physical Therapy Day
(Best I could find that fit his quirk. Plus, now Yoichi gets to brag about being older than both of his heroes.)
Hikage Shinomori: July 28th, World Nature Conservation Day
(The man lived in a forest. In a different no-quirks AU, he would be a quiet librarian who seems so nice until some evil CEO decides to destroy a forest. Then he hits them with a dictionary.)
Daigoro Banjo: September 17th, International Country Music Day
(Look at him and tell me this isn't a man who listens to country music. He probably had a cowboy phase when he was six.)
En: August 1st, Lung Cancer Awareness Day
(I have a headcanon that his parents both had smoke related quirks, but theirs damaged their lungs. His lungs evolved to handle smoke though.)
Nana Shimura: October 4th, The beginning of World Space Week
(Since she could float, she was probably super into space stuff as a kid. Little Nana in a space suit making a space colony with LEGO. Think about it.)
AFO: June 6th, 6/6/6 so he really is a demon king.
(The only bad thing about this is that Yoichi talks about "catching up to him" every year.)
(All Might and Deku are not included because they already have their birthdays revealed.)
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gentrychild · 2 years
You mentioned AFO being a CEO if he wasn't a villain and now I can't stop imagining an Anyone AU where he becomes the CEO of Twitter
Excuse me but while I have several versions where he owns Tumblr, he wouldn't touch Twitter with a ten-foot-pole.
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candlecoo · 2 years
This Child’s The CEO AU:
1.) The League is probably a bit underfunded here, huh?
2.) Did All Might and Tsukauchi, when investigating AFO, ever discover that he owned legitimate businesses separate from his criminal empire? If so, what was their response to those businesses and many more being inherited by a child after All Might bashed AFO’s skull in?
3.) How much of a pain in the butt is the MLA here, given that one of the richest and most powerful people in Japan is a quirkless teenager? (And he has great PR!)
4.) After certain events taking place around the time of the Sports Festival, Akatani Industries and all subsidiaries will henceforth refuse to do business of any sort with any representative or employee of the Endeavor Agency. (Hit him where it actually hurts.)
The league is funded from the two hundred years of Afo's illegal businesses, so they are all set.
Although All Might and Tsukauchi did investigate Afo's businesses, they only investigated his illegal businesses. Neither know about his legal businesses because Afo's villain identity and civilian identity are completely separated. Nor do they find out inherited by a child.
The MLA are mentally in shambles because their biggest competitor is run by a quirkless child and said child is beating them. And they can't publicly do anything to the child because he's Japan's sweetheart!!! So they are a big pain at least until Izuku gets Ofa.
Izuku will forever deny Endeavor industries or like upcharge them. Izuku can be so spiteful if he wants to be.
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mamashenanigans · 4 months
No Quirks CEO AFO AU
Yagi Toshinori, a retired investigator once known as All Might for his amazing work, has a deep-seated hatred of Daiki Shigaraki(AFO), the CEO and owner of All for One Industries. Never able to put the man behind bars for his seedy business dealings and “mysterious” disappearances of whistleblowers, Yagi decides to send his protege, Izuku Midoriya, into the lion’s den to spy on Shigaraki and find anything that’ll help to give the dark CEO his comeuppance.
Izuku doesn’t know much about Mr. Shigaraki, mostly due to Yagi’s tight lips concerning the man’s family, but he’s more than willing to help his hero find dirt by posing as a new butler.
But after following the orders from Toshinori to snatch what he’s told is an ivory box full of jewelry owed to Yagi’s friend, Kudo, Izuku discovers that the “jewelry box” kept close to Shigaraki actually contains…the ashes of the conniving man’s twin brother.
To make matters worse, Izuku soon finds that his new friend he met in the elevator of Shigaraki’s high rise, who is the spitting image of Shigaraki’s twin, is in fact the CEO’s cherished niece.
Will Izuku follow through with Yagi’s plan to hold Yoichi’s ashes over the CEO’s head, or will he decide to return what remains of Shigaraki’s precious twin?
-This is NOT DFO
-AFO is known as a recluse at this point, or at least, he doesn’t leave his penthouse apartment on the top floor of his high rise much. This started after Yoichi died.
-Yoichi was married to Kudo. Their bliss was cut short by Yoichi’s untimely death after battling the flu. AFO convinced himself that’s all it was, but his personal doctor, Garaki, broke the news to him and Kudo that he came to the conclusion that Yoichi ultimately died due to complications from the Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome(TTTS) aggravated by the flu. AFO blames himself and takes out his pain on others through his business.
-As much as Kudo still despises his brother-in-law, he took Yoichi’s words to him in a private video-will to heart. Yoichi told him to let his brother keep his ashes and other possessions as he knew his brother would be devastated and unable to move on. In respect for Yoichi’s wishes, Kudo keeps this to himself and not even his friends (other OFA users) are aware of this.
-Yagi finds out that the ivory box always kept close to AFO actually contains Yoichi’s ashes and decides to steal it with the pretense of giving it to Kudo. However, he also hates AFO and his ulterior motive is to lord it over AFO’s head so he’ll admit to his crimes, finally validating Toshinori’s decades of work to stop him.
-Kudo and Yoichi have a 16yo daughter. Yoichi had mentioned to AFO his desire to have a baby and AFO used his fortune to make it a reality. He promised Yoichi to use both his and Kudo’s DNA for the surrogate, but secretly only used Yoichi’s. Their daughter is the spitting image of Yoichi. The surrogate gave birth after Yoichi’s death.
-AFO only calls his niece Princess and she is the only person he cares about now that Yoichi is gone. He tolerates Kudo.
-Izuku is a 16yo and a part of a program with the special investigations department of the local precinct. His idol is All Might, the famed investigator that is now retired, but enjoys the junior investigators program, so is often a teacher.
-Izuku’s savant ability at analyzing people and the environment sets him up as an amazing investigator. Yagi sees this and decides to take the boy under his wing.
-AFO’s niece visits her Uncle often, staying for weeks at a time on occasion. She found out about the TTTS 3 years ago and regrets what she said to her uncle back then. Her words caused him to spiral. She’s the only one AFO shows any feeling towards and is privy to his thought processes. She believes she can guide him to a better path as the only one he’ll listen to, taking up the mantle her father left behind.
-Bakugo, Todoroki, Ochaco, and others, are also a part of the same junior investigation program. Aizawa leads the program and is always annoyed when Yagi shows up. He feels like he is always undermined by him.
-The LOV are a part of AFO’s internship program at his company.
-AFO may be overweight in this as a result of trying to fill the hole left by Yoichi’s death. I’m still considering it.
Those are the notes I have right now!
If you’re interested in collabing on this with me then send me a PM! It’ll be a lot of fun!
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When people take away the dysfunctional out of the League of Villains dynamic, I understand why but it'd never be me, you know?
They're traumatized, they feel the social pressure and want to tear down the nation if it'd help them finally breath, they can't build connections as easy as "normal people" can, they have mental illnesses and horrible copying mechanisms, socially they are not even on the level of normal highschoolers, they fight CEOs and racists cults and institutios and the government and prestigious schools and even their boss (afo), they are broke punks, they are popular criminals, they are losers that cant fight, they are an international threat, they fight for each other and themselves and for their inner children, they have finally found the place where they belong, they are dying and getting worst.
They are so complex and intersting. They are the best part of bnha for me.
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krisnb485 · 2 months
As the CEO of Villain!Explorers, I'm delighted to announce that me and the MHA AU crew have finished working on the Explorers for this AU.
MHA X Horizons AU:
The Explorers
The Explorers are a villain organization created by Gibeon Kuroshima, foundator of the Quirk Investigation Facility Exceed who was believed to have been quirkless and have died a century and a half ago. He was the sidekick of one of the first vigilantes of the quirk era, Lucius Sasaki, helping him understand his quirk better and even making some early Hero Gear items with his limited mechanics knowledge. Both him and Lucius saw the prime of All For One's empire, and became part of the resistance against him.
Lucius' quirk made him able to absorb people's souls to make spiritual links with them and have them aid him in battle by having them use their quirks. With this in mind, Lucius took the souls of six brave Heroes who trusted him with their lifes, all with the intention of defeating AFO and bringing the world to peace. However, both he and Gibeon underestimated the Symbol of Evil's overwhelming power, and Lucius died in battle.
When Gibeon was taking Lucius to a nearby graveyard to give him a proper burial, he touched his body, and at the moment he did, he felt something. The Six Heroes' souls were stuck in his friend's body, and they were in pain. And among all that pain, Gibeon was able to recognize vestiges of a familiar figure, his greatest treasure. He swore he would take Lucius back and help him reach his dream of a world full of light, a world which Gibeon would make sure they both ruled for eternity.
There was a problem though, how would he bring Lucius and the Heroes back to life? He theorized it had something to do with Lucius' quirk, so he decided to dedicate himself to studying quirks from now on, and founded the Quirk Investigation Facility Exceed. He gained wealth and fame and made great advancements in the area of quirk science. He found out that he did have a quirk; one that extended his lifespan twice a normal person's in exchange for physical prowess, and developed a pink mist from his own quirk that could extend his lifespan even further. He even bought a mansion for himself and got a butler named Hamber. a At 80 years old, Gibeon faked his death and left the business in hands of his son, with the son knowing his father was still alive.
Thanks to his public discoveries and his own private research in a hidden facility below Exceed which was connected to his mansion, Gibeon understood what he had to do. He needed to mix two quirks into one and put the new quirk into Lucius' body. The necessary factors were: a Lucius descendant's quirk that functioned by powering itself up with the power of others, and a quirk that could affect and take souls. That way, the remnants of Lucius and the Six Heroes would react and bring Lucius' soul back from the dead as a living dead, as himself but being under the control of Gibeon. With this power, Gibeon plans to submit heroes and villains' souls to make Lucius allmighty and create their wished utopia, a world of light with no darkness to be found.
And so, Gibeon starts working on the first factor of his plan. The soul affecting quirk. He makes the women of his family have children in quirk marriages for the purpose of giving birth to that child, and many decades later, he succeeds, and Amethio Kuroshima is born as his great(x2) Grandson.
He erased Amethio's parents off the map and tricked the young boy into thinking they abandoned him, turning him into a villain who wishes for revenge in a world that's wronged him. Along with that, Gibeon would recruit four persons; Spinel Asunama, an Exceed higher-up who found out about Gibeon's secret and offered himself to his cause; Sango Sakurai, a candy-addict criminal with no place to go to; Onyx Oba, a hero course dropout who wanted to eliminate the impure heroes that were tainting the idea of heroes; and Agate Agawa, an ex-martial artist whose entire dojo was killed with poison by an enemy dojo and swore to take vengeance on those who do wrong under a cover without any consequences.
These four people and Amethio would become the five Admins of the Explorers, with many other criminals with nowhere to go taking the place of grunts and Gibeon himself as the leader, with Hamber being his right hand. Knowing a young girl had been born in the Sasaki family with a special quirk, and that the girl had enrolled in UA with hopes of becoming a Hero, the Explorers were finally put into action.
The Admins are:
Amethio Kuroshima
Quirk: Soul Warrior.
Amethio has a specially powerful soul. He's able to manifest the power of his soul into the physical realm in the form of ghostly, purple flames which he can manipulate at will and function as an extension of his body. As an extra function, these flames are able to absorb lifeforce out of a person's body upon contact to power Amethio up or heal him. He can create walls and shields of flames for defense, use them as projectiles for long distance combat, boost his speed with them and mold them into the form of two fire swords to use for close quarters.
By covering himself in flames and "burning up his own soul", Amethio can enter a ghostly state in which he's invisible and can freely float around the air. He can go back to his physical form whenever he desires by covering himself in flames and "reigniting his soul". The only way of forcing him out of this state is to guess where he is and consciously hit him. When in this ghost form, Amethio is able to enter a person's spirit realm and directly interact with their soul there. He's able to directly kill and absorb a person's soul with his flames when in their spirit realm. He can only stay in ghost form in the physical world for 3 minutes; otherwise, he will be unable to become corporeal once more and his soul will quickly lose power until dying away.
Spinel Asunama
Quirk: All-Seeing Eyes.
Spinel has 9 eyes spread out throughout his body; four on his face, one on each of his wrists, one on the outside of each of the two small angel wings he has on his head and one on the back of his neck. These eyes all function as normal eyes; however, by closing off one eye and making physical contact with a non-living thing, Spinel can put an eye mark on that surface. By blindfolding himself with his head wings and looking on the inside of them, Spinel can look through each of the marks that he's placed, no matter where they are. He's also able to use the eye marks as gateways through space for him and his comrades to travel from one mark to the other.
Sango Sakurai
Quirk: Sweets Power
By consuming candies and drinks that have sugar, Sango can acquire a special ability for three minutes depending on what she ingested. The power of the ability depends on the amount of that specific candy/drink she ingests. The abilities are:
Pop Rocks: She can create explosions out of the tips of her fingers, as well as make candy granades and control their explosion timing.
Taffly: She can create and manipulate a sticky and moldable substance, useful for defense, mobility and setting up traps.
Pixie Sticks: These can allow Sango to move and react up to 10 times faster.
Toxic Waste: By ingesting this sour candy, Sango can become up to 10 times stronger and durable.
Gummy worms: She can manifest a 5 meter long, 1 meter wide giant gummy worm which she can ride and control. Normal ones are strong and durable, while sour ones are fast and can segregate a paralyzing poison from their skin.
Soda: Sango becomes able to emit high-pressured soda from her hands. Useful for mobility on the air and keeping enemies at range.
Energy Drink: by drinking an entire energy drink can, Sango enters a powered up state in which she becomes 20 faster and stronger, becoming even more hyperactive and aggressive than usual. Pixie Sticks and Toxic Wastes don't stack up with this effect, only going up to the energy drink's times 20. After the effect ends, Sango gets great headaches and becomes numb and weal for 24 hours.
Sango can only use up to three of these special effects at once, and is unable to cancel them immediately without the time counter reaching 0.
Onyx Oba
Quirk: Salt
Onyx can manipulate salt in his surroundings at will. He can make salt constructs for attack and defense, as well as transmute anything he touches with his hands into salt he can manipulate.
Agate Agawa
Quirk: Aura Arts
Agate is able to control and manipulate her Aura, the life energy of her body. She can utilize her Aura under four main principles, which are:
Envelop: By controlling and stabilizing her Aura flow, Agate can create a thin veil of Aura around her body. This veil works as protection for the mind and spirit, and the stable Aura flow extends her lifespan due to reducing waste of energy. She can also extend this veil of energy to objects to reinforce them with Aura as if they were part of her body.
Supress: By closing off her own Aura nodes, Agate completely nullifies her own Aura and hides it inside her body, erasing her presence and helping with recovering stamina.
Enhance: By amplifying her own Aura, Agate can power up her physical stats by reinforcing her body with said powered up Aura. She can reinforce specific parts of her body and direct the Aura throughout her own body at will, reinforcing the properties of certain parts of her body, such as the eyes to have a better sight or the ears to hear better.
Action: It is Agate's personal expression of her Aura to use it to accomplish a specific task. By developing this expression, she's been able to develop a set of special abilities which use her Aura in a way unique to herself. She can only use one of the two abilities at a time.
- Aura Arts: Style of the Six Limbs. By transmuting and manipulating her Aura connected to her body, she can create a second pair of arms made of Aura to add up to her Martial Arts style. When using this technique, Agate has access to less Aura for reinforcing her main body.
- Aura Arts: Style of the Steel Fist. Agate can conjure up two black gloves on her fists, which power up the impact of her punches by 10 times when she uses them. She's unable to open her hands when using these gloves, and she must not kill when using them in battle, or else she'll lose a lot of Aura from her body and become unable to use any of her Actions.
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quirkthieves · 3 months
ayano monoma--> basic info
[art at the bottom!]
NAME: Ayano Monoma
AGE: 40
HEIGHT: 5'0"
GENDER: Cis woman, she/her
QUIRK: Personal Understanding; By touching an individual, Ayano becomes privy to the details of their quirk, even those unknown to the user. However, this does not include unawakened traits. She can also force the quirk to activate, although it must be within 30 minutes of her touching the individual, and can only last up to 15 minutes. With someone like her husband, whose quirk she's been able to practice with for a very long time, she can even "control it" to some degree, but this is far out of the realm of what she can do with most people.
Shigeo Monoma, 42, husband
Yasuo Monoma, 16, son
Neito Monoma, 16, son
??? Monoma, Deceased, father
speedrun basics:
-she was going to be a twin, but absorbed her twin in the womb
-her father had the original Forced Activation quirk, and was killed by AFO when she was 10. she found the body.
-she's a graduate of UA's management course.
-CEO of Monomerch, a company that licenses and produces hero merchandise
-the company was founded by her great-great-grandfather
-she also does freelance consulting for law enforcement and medical professionals (and others, anyone, really) using her quirk, but her fees are extortionate. in order to use her quirk, she has to maintain a hero license. yes she takes that fuckass exam every few years.
-when she first met her husband, he annoyed her to the point of wanting to kill him. frequently. he was aware of this, but thought she was hot and that it was cute, and eventually he did successfully woo her. they are passionately in love. nobody really understands it.
-her family was displeased with her choice in spouse, but ayano threatening to elope was enough to bluff them out into dealing with it
-she is constantly in relentless pursuit of the bag. she never works for free.
-she has a constantly serene, even sometimes demure demeanor, but will say some absolutely heinous shit and is an obsessive control freak. she just also has control over her emoting :).
-she doesnt have a maternal bone in her body, not really, but in a way, she's showing her love by working to secure a future for her children where no matter what they do, no matter when or how she leaves their lives for whatever reason, they can live well. after all, she had to rebuild from the skeleton of her family fortune herself
-as a child, she was in quirk counseling. it was not good, but she does not register it as such. because of her quirk, she began making arrangements early to get quirk specialists for her own children.
-shes got a few oddities of her own: including a habit of counting time to the second and a love of chemistry.
-she doesnt really care about what her children do so long as it doesnt jeopardize their reputation/futures/inheritance/etc. shes more of an omnipresent governing force than a helicopter parent.
-she can be severely vindictive. a grudge can and will lasts years. she will get her revenge at some point. unfortunately this can also be seen with how she chooses to punish her children.
-the household is run on a language of passive aggressiveness.
-she never saw toga as a member of her family and regarded her as one of many "just dont make it my problem" things, and when she became a problem, she was more than willing to cut ties and eliminate any connection past or present to said problem.
actual quote from ayano monoma 1/ 58494084080348 : "I don't want to make the world a better place, I want to make money, because I believe in real life and not the tooth fairy."
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bonus: ayano, 10 years ago [vaguely au also]
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annnnnnd a bonus NSFW:
she and her husband are swingers. their extra partners are never allowed in the main house, but man, that shit gets weird and psychosexual REAL fast
shes a hard dom, if you were curious.
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I was waiting until I had a really dramatic prompt aND I FINALLY THOUGHT OF ONE SO LET'S GO
How about a no-quirks AU where AFO is a woman and she marries Second/Third just for political gain? Say Second is the heir to a major weapons developer or Third is the reluctant new head of a certain branch of government—something where their parents could (be manipulated to) set them up with someone else powerful and they wouldn't be able to say no.
Thus Second or Third's tragic and tense crash course into meeting Yoichi! :D
(You can also shuffle the others' genders around if you'd like I just figured AFO would have to be at multiple disadvantages to consider marrying Second or Third even for personal gain lmao)
Female AFO is fun!
1. Yoichi and All for One are both women in this AU, because I want to explore some sisterly dynamics. They're born into a wealthy Japanese family. Their father owns a major weapons development company and very much wanted a male heir. However, he had fertility problems and it took numerous expensive treatments just to have Yoichi. Their father never let Yoichi forget that she was supposed to be born a boy, and although AFO was the perfect heir in every regard, she was never good enough due to not having a dick. Their mother was weak-willed and unable to stand up for them.
2. Yoichi was a sickly, neglected child and AFO became very protective as a result. As children they were very close. By teens, Yoichi had started to feel inferior toward her favored, brilliant, and beautiful sister. As young adults, they fought because Yoichi had ethical objections to the family weapons business.
3. The Shigaraki father started pressuring AFO to get married from a young age, because he's desperate for a grandson. AFO resisted until their father drew up a document to leave the company to Yoichi instead. This could have been a bluff, but on the other hand, the Shigaraki father would loudly go around saying he'd rather see his company destroyed than in the hands of a woman, therefore if AFO didn't give him a male heir than he would let Yoichi dismantle it. (Seriously, this idiot thinks he's King Henry VIII with all this talk of heirs.)
4. We're increasing the tropes to the max in this AU. Second is the bastard child of a weapons development CEO. He was raised by his grandmother. His family called him back as heir after the legitimate son came out as gay and eloped with his boyfriend to Europe. Second didn't want anything to do with them, but his grandmother needed expensive medical treatment so he had to agree. AFO negotiated a merger of their companies (a major accomplishment) and she asked to marry their son to seal the deal. No one consulted Second before marrying him off.
5. Yoichi has an enormous crush on Second, who's an environmental rights activist and the author of her favorite book. She's secretly devastated her sister is marrying the guy she loves, feels too inferior to say anything, etc.
6. Second is very grumpy about being forced into this marriage and rude to Yoichi when they first meet. (More tropes!) However, AFO can't be bothered to plan this wedding due to running the company and keeps throwing Yoichi and Second together to handle the arrangements. Yoichi and Second fall in love, but there's a lot of angst over Second needing to marry AFO to save his grandmother. This culminates in a grand scene with Yoichi screaming "I object!" in the middle of the wedding, then running off with Second.
7. Here's where it gets really interesting. This was all a massive gambit from All for One. While the Shigaraki father is having a breakdown over the public embarrassment of the failed wedding, AFO takes over his company and has him marched out of his office by security. AFO got Yoichi to sign papers giving up any rights to the family business, using guilt-tripping over the groom theft and promising enough money to fund an overseas operation for Second's grandmother. From the beginning, AFO knew about Yoichi's crush and picked Second figuring he would run off with her little sister and thus leave her unmarried, free, and in a great negotiating position with his family to claim compensation. AFO has been deliberately throwing Yoichi and Second together. After all, she's a good big sister who wants her little sister to have whatever makes her happy.
8. AFOs across the multiverse would be screaming at this one for setting Yoichi up with Second. But female AFO doesn't care. She's just sitting on her massive pile of money, planning how she will use this to guilt-trip Yoichi for the rest of their lives, and laughing at her male alternates for totally lacking any subtlety.
(All of my ask game AUs are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
Words can hurt AU: 1. Is this a DFO AU? 2. Regardless of the answer to 1, what is AFO's and LOV's response to Aizawa straight up lying & Tensei misblaming Izuku?
I'm going to leave it at that that Izuku's father is the CEO of Dumas Industries. And yes it's DFO this is me. I think the only fic I haven't done as DFO is The Long Way Forward
We'll actually be looking at that to some extent in Words May Hurt! I will note the events are also spiraling in a weird way to affect the LOV. After all, in light of everything going on at UA including a severe student injury like that? Do you really think they went to USJ?
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