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er-cryptid · 1 year
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highladyofyourmom · 2 years
Imagine if one day everyone's height was switched. 5'7"? Now you're 7'5"! 175 cm? 571 cm! Giants and hobbits ruled the world and now instead of zodiacs, it's "If you got smaller, you're...." or "If you got taller, you're..."
Amren would make the bat boys bow to her, don't lie
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ceruleanwhore · 2 years
I’ve seen people talking about how the metric system is overall really good except that they wish there were feet in the units of length because it’s a massive jump from centimeters to meters, so I want to remind everyone that decimeters exist. That’s the brilliance of the metric system, that everything is in multiples of ten, so there never actually is just a jump from 1 to 100 like people think there is.
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11fflower11 · 5 months
If you don't use the metric system and ask me something like "how tall are you?", I will respond using the metric system.
Do the conversion yourself. YOU asked and I answered. It's not my job to give it to you in feet. It's the bare minimum.
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cargurudiy · 1 year
Vauxhall GRANDLAND X Boot Dimensions in Centimeters
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harispost · 2 years
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clownsuu · 1 year
Why are Wally and Howdy so cute together??
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Just something about em that fuels my wee small lil heart smhhh- their dynamic is so wacky yet simple it makes me crave more somehow 😔🥄🥄
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Fuckin e e p y
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eb0shi · 9 months
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catfindr · 10 months
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nooy-by-katholan · 2 years
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Centimeters, inches, meetlint! 📏 Voor iedere handwerk(st)er wiens huisgenoot er met de centimeter vandoor gaat… Voor iedere werkstuk een ander kleurtje! 😉 #langevorststraat30 #fournituren #fourniturenwinkel #kleinvak #centimeters #meetlinten #metenisweten #iniederekleurverkrijgbaar #handig #nietteserieus #hebbenhebbenhebben #gbrouwer #nooybykatholan (bij Goes Centrum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgMPNckro6B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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delicourse · 8 months
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fall but blue
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cannibalchicken · 1 year
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gokuisahimbo · 8 months
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vikingofficial · 12 days
How do I accurately describe the tall height of a building without using metrics like "yards" or "meters"
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magickkart · 4 months
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i’m genuinely disgruntled that the Murderbot diaries are this good. I’ve been seeing too many people praise the books so to find out theres something praise worthy and I’ve been holding out on them for nothing is very humbling
all that is to say i love secunit and if anything bad happens to it ill start crying. Probably at my office desk where ive been listening to the audiobooks to beat the ennui
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