#centaur okuyasu
sapphire-heart-tippy · 5 months
Glad to see you're back!!!
Also I didn't know about that fairy AU, it's so cute :3
So it's established Tippy is a water fairy and Vanilla is an elf. Dio as the fairy king and Jonathan as a talking flower (pfff, poor Jonny gets all sorts of stuff done to him in these AUs lol)
So imagine...maybe the agents are the different magical creatures of the enchanted forest! Hol Horse would be a centaur (of course...) N'doul could be a gnome who lives underground, the Darbys could be changelings who like playing games with unwary travelers in the forest. The two bullies Steely Dan and Alessi would probably be goblins or trolls 😂
Josuke and Okuyasu are a mismatched couple of an elf and an orc (also, ORCUYASU!!!) and given his snake themed stand maybe Bel could be a naga or even a gorgon like Medusa? Also being Egyptian Avdol could maybe be a sphinx who likes riddling. Not sure what Polnareff would be though. Maybe a centaur too like Hol Horse?
Anon, words cannot describe how much I love this Idea 😭😭 I've already written a little bit of the fic here and Bel is also a fairy BUT- honestly I like your idea of him being a Naga way more, that's just too damn cool AAUUGHH I'll probably do some concept art doodles of the cast soon 🤩✨ I absolutely love the idea of everyone as some sort of magical fantasy being of some sort 🥹
Elf Josuke and Orcuyasu 😭✨ and yes troll Alessi and Steely Dan, they literally do some trolling 🤣 Those two think they're so funny, but Bel doesn't find their antics quite as hissssssterical though-
These are all super cool ideas! 😎
(also, fair warning, the fanfic is pretty cheesy, unedited, everything is out of character, and just overall pretty sloppy. Honestly, it's like a direct-to-dvd animated kids' movie. I wrote it strictly for fun and fantasy! Also here's the link to one of my OCs, Cinnamon, who's also in the fic)
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Okuyasu and Josuke driving Rohan to madness by making quality drawing requests like “King Kong and Tarzan as centaurs and lovers” or “swole Bill Clinton playing a sentient saxophone that has realistic human feet”
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Absjdjd fantasy AU AHAS MY brain going BRRRRRRRR- I need to add. Centaur Okuyasu. And I mean BIG, like a draft horse. 👀 He's a forest protector, and his brother always taught him the no human is trustworthy, and deserve no mercy, but when you stumble into his home and he tries to attack, he finds he can't even bring himself to scare you off. You don't seem threatening at all! And you're pretty, too... Too bad you're not a mare.
OHH, big, strong centaur boy with a heart of gold? I love this. Growing up, Okuyasu’s big bro always told him it was their duty to protect the forest and that any humans who wandered into their territory would only try to hurt or trick them. Humans were dangerous, deceitful creatures who couldn’t be trusted. But that being said…. Okuyasu hadn’t met many humans, only seen glimpses of some hunters his brother had scared off, and he’s certainly never gotten to speak to one. Until he meets you.
He’s out for a walk when he hears some noise— the rustling of leaves and the sound of footsteps from something too big to be an animal and too small to be another centaur.
“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Timidly, you step into the clearing, blinking up at him nervously as he sizes you up. “What do you want, human?”
“I… I’m sorry, I was trying to take a shortcut back home, and I think I’m lost. I don’t mean to disturb you. Are you one of the protectors of the forest?”
Okuyasu’s a bit surprised you’ve heard of him, but he feels strangely flattered. You seem genuine, and you don’t seem to mean any harm at all, and you do look so upset and frustrated at being lost…. You’re also very pretty, and he finds himself a bit enamored with you the longer you talk. What’s the harm if he helps you just this once?
Since he figures you’re a rather long way from your home, he offers to let you ride on his back. It’s something he’d usually never do, and he’s sure Keicho would tell him it was undignified and beneath him to give a ride to a human if he knew. But your human legs are just so short and awkward. It would be nightfall by the time you found your way, even if you could navigate the forest. Your arms are soft and warm as you wrap them around Okuyasu to hold onto him, and you smell like something sweet that makes the centaur’s heart skip a beat. When he drops you at the edge of the forest, not far from the path into town, you linger a moment before leaving.
“I don’t know how to thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t helped me get home.” Oh and if you kiss him on the cheek timidly before he lets you down? He’ll be blushing up a storm. As he gallops off towards home, he wishes he could see you again. So imagine his surprise a week later when you come back with a basket of baked goods and fresh fruit from your garden as a thank you. Maybe you two can make your meetings a more regular occurrence…. Maybe you aren’t another centaur, but you’re lovely and kind and smart and Okuyasu finds himself smitten. Do him a favor and don’t keep him hanging too long before you tell him you feel the same!
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sporefare · 5 years
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day two of taurgust, im late and i didnt colour it but mini horse coochie, dog oku for scale
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Rohan: I’m trying to drum up a little business here, know what I’m saying?
Rohan: Do you know what I’m saying?
Okuyasu: Dude, I think I was a centaur in a past life.
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jjadegreen · 4 years
And that means making spooky aus for no reason other than fun<3
In summary- jjba part 1-6 but there’s no stands/Hamon and they all exist at the same time AND everyone is a spooky monster!!! I included as many characters as I could but it’s quite easy to run out of creatures, so bear with me on a few of them. Also the joestar bloodline is just gonna all be George Joestars kids because I said so!
Also, this is all really dumb but it’s just for fun so it’s ok💕
*minor TW for mentions of death!!! Nothing graphic but I’d rather be safe
Jonathan: Frankenstein
Not exactly like the traditional Frankenstein’s monster but whatever!!
Used to be a regular kid until he died in his 20s along with Erina :(
His father, who is still alive here, doctors the hell out of his dead son and boom. Franken-son.
Most body parts are his but he lost some in his death... so like, one of his legs is just some random guys.
He is still very Jonathan... a sweet boy... beloved.
He loves flowers and plants and such!
Married to Erina!!!
Joseph: werewolf
Tbh I just feel like werewolves give off himbo energy
Ran into some spooky woods next to the Joestar mansion as a kid and came home with a wolf bite and a cool new form
The exact same as regular Joseph but with more dog attributes
Our boy will chew on a bone if he finds one. He will chase tennis balls like his life depends on it.
Him and Caesar are rivals but the kind of rivals who fight on the weekdays and watch shitty romcoms together on weekends
Jotaro: merman
Ocean man....... take me by the hand...... lead me to the land.......
Ok but in all seriousness. You know why Jotaro is a merman. Silly little ocean man.
Edgy bastard but he will go entirely soft if you bring out a sea creature
I have 0 idea how he became this. He probably pissed off an ocean witch or something and she made him a merman
H20: just add water type transformation. If he touches water, BOOM now he has a tail
He does not let that stop him
Kakyoin is his best buddy!! He also hangs out w/ Polneraff and Avdol
Jolyne: witch
Jolyne is just a lesbian witch. Is that too much to want
Idk anything about witches so I dunno!!! Maybe she just like. Decided to be a witch. I think there are real witches and I don’t want to disrespect anyone
Although she is the Halloween-y, pointy hat, black robe witch. She makes potions and stuff.
She has diverted her potion experience into cooking
She makes THE BEST fucking pastries
Josuke: werewolf (like father like son)
Even tho Joseph is not his dad here they give off similar energies
Joseph bit him while they were arguing and boom boom werewolf
In a band!!! With oku, koichi and yukako!!
Rohan is their manager
Best friends with Okuyasu and Koichi
He will cry if he doesn’t eat for 4 hours
Giorno: vampire
Vampire for obvious reasons
He’s technically everyone’s nephew because he’s DIOs son (who is biologically a joestar here)
He’s not in the mafia! He just hangs out with the bucci gang!
Despite having the ability to make it seem like he knows what’s going on, he never does
Pudding cups are banned from the mansion because he will devour them in just a few seconds
Vegan, but will never pass up drinking the blood from someone he hates
You guys know I’d never stop at just the jojos
Erina: Frankensteins bride!
Died with Jonathan and was brought back the same way as him
Very close with Speedwagon
Speedwagon: former ghost hunter
Our man was a ghost hunter until actually meeting a ghost (probably Reimi) and deciding that maybe he could just be a normal man instead
He lives with the joestars because he’s really close with Jonathan and Erina
He and Will were a ghost/vampire hunting duo
Will Zeppeli: former vampire hunter (who is now a vampire lol)
Once Speedwagon decided to just be friends with all the monsters he followed
Caesar: vampire
Don’t ask why caesar is a vampire even though that’s DIOs thing. Caesar gives off vampire energy.
He acts like he hates Joseph but believe me they are in love
Him and Suzie Q are the most powerful friendship you could imagine
Suzie Q: fairy!
Just a little fairy girl! That is it!
Badass bitch. Probably uses her tiny size to steal from everyone
Smokey: literally a normal dude
Caesar was going to suck his blood but decided that Smokey was too nice for that date
The joestars of course got attached to him immediately
Kakyoin: Tree Nymph
His hair noodle is a branch that grows a cherry
Iggy: Cerberus type dog
Jotaros pet dog!!!
Absolute bastard
Avdol: Phoenix
Fire bird. Self explanatory.
Polnareff: centaur
Yes he still has the stupid hair. Would he be polnareff without it?
Avdol simp
Koichi: shapeshifter
He’s a shapeshifter because I said so even tho it makes no sense!!!
He does so many favours for everyone
In a band w/ oku, Josuke + yukako
Okuyasu: zombie
Why a zombie? Because Okuyasu has no brain
He’s a simple man. You put food in front of him and he eats it on sight
In a band w/ koichi, Josuke + yukako
Yukako: siren
I just feel like a long haired pretty woman gives off siren vibes
In a band!!! You have heard it three times you know the drill
Rohan: can transform into a dragon??? I guess???
I’m gonna be honest I’m just running out of ideas
Band manager
Tonio: can transform into a caladrius
@c-c-cherry told me this is some kinda healing bird??? I’m choosing to trust her don’t betray me Cherry
Reimi: ghost, obviously
No notes needed you get it. She’s a ghost
Mista: gargoyle
Stinky man!!! Stinky stone man!!! Never showers because he’s a stone man!!!
Bruno: angel<3
He’s already a perfect angel in the show why would I need to change that!!
Bruabba is canon He is married to Abbacchio
Abbacchio: demon
Goth demon man to contrast Bruno’s infinite light
He is married to Bruno because bruabba is real
Narancia: ghost
I’m literally just imagining narancia pulling so many stupid pranks as a ghost which is the whole reason I chose this for him
Fugo: reaper
Imagine like. Edgy son of the grim reaper who doesn’t want to be a reaper so he runs off and becomes friends with a wacky group of creatures. That’s fugo baby!
Trish: imp
Im almost out of ideas
Probably half human? Diavolo would definitely be an imp as well
This was very bad but fun
Thank u Cherry for being my emotional support while I tried to come up with so many different monsters
Also yes!! Some of them aren’t exactly monsters but I am just a little creature who doesn’t want to spent a week looking for the perfect monsters for every character
Love you all mwah mwah
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machacapigeon · 7 years
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So, I had inspiration today so I decided to draw horse Josuke and a new idea: dragon Oku! I wanted to color them but it wasn’t looking right.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Oh my fuckin hell yes. Centaur Okuyasu starts freaking out because you're completely different species and yet he wants to stay with you forever, so he recruits the help of his Halfling friend Koichi and his High Elf wife Yukako.
ABSOLUTELY he’s gushing to them about how you’re so kind, and sweet, and so pretty, and he loves your smile…. But he doesn’t think you’d want to be with him since he’s a centaur and you’re a human…. What if he told you how he felt and you laughed? Or rejected him? What if it made things weird between you? I think eventually, Koichi and Yukako convince Oku to confess his love for you, but I also think there’d be some interesting suggestions on how to do it 😂
Oku: well. How did you two get together again?
Koichi: oh she kidnapped me
Yukako: it works pretty well if you’d want me to help you!
Oku: …… let’s call that plan B
Yukako: well you could always bring her flowers that could work
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Would you consider writing smut about Centaur Okuyasu
Uh YES I definitely would !!! I’ve only dabbled briefly in writing monster/fantasy sex, but I love centaur Oku… if you have any specific ideas, I’d be happy to hear them!
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