mousetrappart · 2 years
Sketch??? Sketch?! EEL SNUGGLES.
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sikfox-arts · 1 year
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Based off THIS PIC. @cell113
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pumpkinpyre · 10 months
HOLY FUCK MY GUY A CAR?????? Insurance is covering you right? Are you gonna need help????
A car! i'm still kinda out of it, very tired did not sleep well, but yes insurance is helping. my thing of 6 meds to take home only cost me a copay of $21
i have a lot of aunts and uncles that are very very freaked out for me and are willing to help financially so i should be okay
i am incredibly, extremely lucky all things considered
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The Beast Comes Out ___
Had to hand it to the guy- Shockwave never did things by halves.
Call it logic, call it scientific process, call it torture- Whatever the mad mech put his mind to, he calculated every plausible action and reaction and was quick to recalculate when results suffered from the hypothesis. Honestly, it was kind of impressive. Y'know, if that industrious mind hadn't churned out some of the most horrific weapons of the war.
And wasn't focused entirely on making his existence a living hell.
Wheeljack resisted the urge to squirm, fighting to slow the panting rhythm of his vents trying to cool his bound and battered frame. If it was just pain, he wouldn't be having so much trouble with it, but Shockwave had long since moved past pain in regards to the subject of his latest experiments. Pain was normal, pain was expected.
Shockwave was not looking for normal.
It had taken a couple sessions for the Wrecker to catch on, largely due to the fact the scientist had sedated him pretty heavily the first few goes. The early interactions were a mostly incoherent blur of strange bubbling tubes and tapping keys and a pervasive numbness, but either the sedative had atarted to not work so well or Shockwave had lowered the dosage, because he was a great deal more aware these days. Aware and able to listen, as the massive purple mech spoke quietly to himself as he meticulously reviewed the results of his efforts.
There were fossils floating suspended in tubes, literal fossils of beings that had dominated Cybtertron's distant past and Shockwave had figured out how to extract something from those fossils. Which he had decided to test it on the singular captured stray Autobot, just to see what might happen.
Well, the mech probably had some kind of logical reasoning or hypothesis or whatever, but from Wheeljack's point of view, it was nothing more than basic curiosity turned up to 100. Because as far as he could tell, there was no Primus damned reason why some injections of fossil stuff should be making his self-repair go absolutely nuts. Look, he was an engineer before the war, then a demolitions specialist, cyber-biology was very much NOT his forte. And it didn't help that he was only getting bits and pieces of things, whenever Shockwave started to ramble to himself or moved the slab around and he got a look at one of the various screens full of code and notes and terminology that made no fragging sense to someone without the correct background of study.
Still, he did his best with what he had, stored internal screenshots and took notes in the hope that when he finally made it out of this hellhole, he'd be able to send the packet off to Ratchet and at least get some help figuring out what in the frag had been done to him.
As far as he knew, according to his own internal diagnostics, his self-repair was reading something wrong with him and was currently going bonkers trying to fix that perceived wrong, which had all his systems going on overdrive, sucking down his fuel and depleting his material stores and making everything too warm and Primus damnit did his protoform itch. He hadn't felt so completely at odds with his own body since his first instar, growing in the initial armor that would develop with him to maturity. At least during that mess, he'd had family and friends to help ease the stress of it all and hadn't been trapped at the mercy of a mech that had literally had his emotional cortex lobotomized.
Pretty much the only upside was that Shockwave had caught on to the rapid depletion relatively early on, and had decided that reducing his test subject to a starved Empty was not the goal of his experiment, so there were three or four lines tapped into his frame feeding in supplements and energon. Not enough to stop his tanks from clenching with hunger, but it kept his self-repair from cannibalizing things. As though roused by his wandering thoughts, Wheeljack felt his fuel tanks twist and clench, his insides seizing up, and he grit his dentae against the intense discomfort, swallowing hard to keep thickened oral lubricant from seeping free. His intake felt sticky and gross from the lack of refreshed fluids, an unfortunately common sensation after the millennia of war basically tanked all their resources, but it never got any easier to bear. Especially when there wasn't a mission to focus on, something to keep his mind off how much his body ached and his mouth tasted like old batteries.
He realized too late that he'd unconsciously shuttered his optics when he heard a low creak from way too close for comfort, and he snapped his optics open in time to see Shockwave had apparently finished with whatever note taking he'd been doing and was currently looming over his test subject. That single expressionless orb of an optic peered down at him with all the interest and focus of an oddly shaped desk lamp, but he knew better than to take the huge mech's blankness at face value. Ha. Face value.
"Hngh. S-See somethin' ya like, big guy?"
Audial antennae flicked, that big red optic brightening briefly.
"Subject maintains original personality and mental faculties. Cognitive testing may be required for later stages."
A chill ran down the Wrecker's spinal strut, and he just kept himself from grimacing.
"Scuse you, if anybody needs their head checked, it's tall, dark an' high on god blood."
Shockwave just stared down at him, and Wheeljack resisted the urge to squirm. The huge purple mech flicked his antennae again, then straightened, stepping away towards a side table Wheeljack had come to recognize as the main work bench for his particular torture.
"Cognitive testing for Lord Megatron a logical conclusion according to recent behavioral changes. Consult with medical team."
It took far too much effort to keep back the bark of laughter that wanted to escape, and though he managed, Wheeljack still had to bite down on his lower lip to hold it in. The soft metal pinched, but he ignored the small pain to focus his efforts on not bursting into hysterical giggles. His humor died as Shockwave returned, a syringe of green-gold substance held carefully in the long delicate digits of his only hand.
"Data log, 0323_2420, Project: CNA Assimilation. Current readings report heightened immune response, stronger than originally calculated but well within range estimates. Injections of extracted Predacon nuclei yet to induce adaptation response, threshold may be unique to each individual subject. Will require a wider test group to confirm. Injection 013, commencing."
Wheeljack let himself squirm this time, fighting to get as much of his frame away from the approaching needle as he could. It was ultimately a useless endeavor, seeing as the slab was magnetized every time the jerk decided to do this part of things, but he still tried, leaning his full weight into the neck and limb restraints in pure stubborn defiance. He snarled his engine as the needle slid smoothly under his armor, piercing through muscle cabling directly into his base protoform just like every other injection before.
Primus, he hated how easily Shockwave got away with scrap. All planned ahead and calculated and working around the fact he'd modified one of his arms into a giant kriff-off cannon larger than most mechs were tall-!
Rage simmered, familiar and hot, just under his spark as the eerie green-gold fluid was forced into his body, his hyperactive systems catching on to the new input and sending a cascade of notifications and scrambled data across his internal HUD. Something beeped elsewhere in the room, and Wheeljack was vaguely aware of Shockwave stepping away, but his mind was occupied by the burning ache that spread under his armor, pulsing in time with his sparkbeat. It felt like something was crawling around inside of him, following the path of dispersion from the injection site, and it made his tanks churn with nausea.
Armor flared against his will, his fans whirling up to their highest setting as his systems revved into overdrive, heat building so quickly and intensely he ended up with his head lolled back, intake gaping in a desperate effort to get more air circulating through his frame. Red and gold and green flickered and flashed across his internal HUD, his vision swimming as his optics tried and failed to focus on something, anything around him. His winglets, a little smushed but otherwise just mildly numb, suddenly flexed harshly underneath him, and he found himself bowing up from the slab to try and give them space as that burning sensation burst into a piercing kind of pain pulsing through the little offshoots. Vaguely, a part of him wondered why. Winglets like his weren't anything special, just some evolutionary remnant from when Cybertronians began to transition from mechanimal alts to vehicles, an in-between state that was either completely lost or developed into expressive doorwings. He'd modded his a long time ago, kitted them out with extra sensors and things to make them useful, but they were still mostly just cosmetic little things. Not important, not useful.
But now they were burning and there was something wrong with the way they were pressing against the slab underneath him.
Faintly, he could hear someone screaming, their vox crackling and skipping with strain, but he couldn't pinpoint it, his processor muzzy and fogged with heat and growing pain. It wasn't until he felt something crack, and the screaming pitched up into an agonized screech, that he realized that it was his vox making all that noise.
Several pops and cracks happened in quick succession, following the burning down his spinal strut and deep into his frame. Monitoring machines were beeping and shrieking around him, and he could faintly make out Shockwave's voice, an edge of satisfaction to that hated vox that made his tanks churn. And then they were churning for another reason entirely, clenching and twisting inside of him as he gagged and coughed on his own oral lubricant, feeling like he desperately needed to purge something foul from his systems but there was nothing there to be rid of. His dentae ached and pulsed, his digits feeling as thought they were being pulled from their housings, everything was hurting and he could do nothing to stop it. Just endure. Just hold on. Endure. Hold on. Endure. Hold. ON.
Heat and pain. He was nothing but heat and pain. And rage. So. Much. RAGE.
A dull creaking, followed by a sharp ping, and he felt his arm was free. Movement became an absolute necessity, overtaking his mind with the desperate need to flee. He could hear something roaring, angry and hateful, and he didn't care, heaving on the restraints holding him against his will. Something tried to stop him, reaching for him, and snapped at it, dentae only just missing slim purple talons as the binding around his neck tore free. He set his dentae to the task of freeing his other arm, ripping into the metal restraining him like it was nothing but tinfoil, then he was up, thrashing under the influence of a fresh pulse of pain before he managed to get a grip on the bonds around his legs. They crumpled under his hold, and he ripped them entirely loose from the slab.
Something whined, power cycling into something dangerous, and he dropped to the floor just in time to avoid the cannon shot.
He saw a huge purple blur, a splot of red somewhere towards the top, an angular shape pointed towards him growing in brightness, and he scrambled into motion. That was danger, that was a threat. That needed to be dead.
Coming up from under the damaged slab, he full body tackled the purple thing, engine snarling as he bared his dentae, winglets flaring high and wide, wider than they had before but he couldn't focus on that he had to destroy this threat, this danger. Sharp claws dug into thick armor, providing ideal purchase for the hooked barbs jutting from his forearms to tear into, while he slammed his knee spikes whatever soft bits he could.
Fresh spilled energon filled the air with its sharp tang, and his snarl took a hungry edge, his tanks twisting empty. A part of him rebelled harshly against the thought that rose up in his mind, and he had to concede- Hungry or not, this was not a place to feed. Dark and dank and rife with dangers he could sense like optics on his back, the downed threat sprawled out on the floor before him was too big to drag with him. He would have to find food elsewhere, once it was safer.
Finding a way out was refreshingly simple. Tearing out the bleeping noise next to an archway caused the archway to open into a passage, and he took off as quick as he could, clawing his way up into the most shadowed parts of the ceiling to get himself out of sight and out of mind. He tracked the small silver and purple things towards an exit, and crouched up high until a lone one approached. It was simple to tear the thing's head off, and he only hesitated a moment over the idea of taking it with him for the life fluid he could smell spilling out of it, but it was too ungainly to bother with when he didn't have a safe place to carry it off to. Another time.
The openness around him sang of freedom, opportunity, and he took it in both servos, changing his shape to find speed and bolting off across the desert. Freedom was his, and nothing was ever going to take it from him, ever again.
Oh my god I love how well you know all their biological anatomy and such 😭
But yes! This is the stuff I want to veer towards! You have given me so many ideas ♡♡♡♡
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felitomkinson · 17 days
My parents have 3 houses and pay for my little sister's apartment but won't even help me pay for medication when I make $12/hr even though they act like everything's fine and like we're a happy family, do I count as a nepobaby
you are a trendsetter. resilient.
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dreepy-enjoyer · 2 years
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@cell113 The first request is finished!
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mechawhatsit · 4 months
...why can't I find @bad-tf-fic-ideas anymore?
If this is another instance of being accidentally blocked cause my main blog (cell113) has numbers in it and got mistaken for a bot, I am going to be legitimately upset.
Seriously, that idea blog is fire, love their stuff.
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lmshady · 2 months
9 people you want to know better tag.
I was tagged by @thetentaclecommander -thank you for this! I like it.
Three ships: Johnny Slaughter/Danny Gaines (Slaines), Johnny Slaughter/Connie Taylor (Slaylor? lol), uhhhh... I guess Kazan Yamaoka(The Oni)/Kate Denson (Kazate/Yamson, lol). First two are from Texas Chainsaw Massacre the game and the last one is from Dead by Daylight.
First ship: I'm gonna have to go with Helmet Party, Engineer and Soldier from Team Fortress 2. Honestly the first fandom I did ships in.
Last song: Pfff, honestly? It's Golden Winds or il vento d'oro, was looking up its name and it's such a bop.
Last movie: (whoops missed this one) Ju-On Grudge 2. It. Was. AWFUL. All of the movies so far have just been baaaaaad, trying to get through them to watch Sadako vs Kayako, but my god what were they thinking with these films?!
Current reading: Cold Storage, it's about a deadly spore-like organism that comes from space and takes over peoples mind and body and tries to spread itself around. Think Last of Us, but people blow up to spread itself around.
I'm slowly getting through it, mostly read it while waiting at the doctor's office and I haven't had to go for awhile. I'm not the sit down and read a book type even though I have so many that interest me..
Current watching: Supernatural, just got to season 6! lol, I watch/listen to it when I crochet.
Current eating: Pizza pretzel, was sad the ones I bought were dry, but learned that microwaving them for 15 seconds made them delicious.
Current craving: Honestly... anything crunchy, I've had a temp cap on for a month now.. I'm so tired of chewing soft food and before you say, chew on the other side... my other side is missing a molar on the bottom.. so my gum hurts if I eat too much hard food on that side ;3;
BUT, new cap today! So munchie crunchie snaxs/food soon~
Repost/Reblog, if you want! @cell113 @kurizeria @splendidsneb @johnnysboytoy @chibizodo and anyone else who wants to get in on this! :3
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Thanks for the request @cell113
Here's a guy :)
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Palette challenges are fun. ☺️
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doorstoplord · 1 year
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Two commissions for @cell113 of their OCs!! These were both super fun and dynamic poses to figure out!!
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iconicanemone · 11 months
Oc-tober day 24: Gift art
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Prompt by @bweirdart
Gift art for @cell113 (or @papercricketgallery) of their species Iunno (the link is to Artfight, which people not logged in can’t see)
I’ve actually drawn Cell’s Iunno for the last two Artfight, but not this year, so I decided to keep up the yearly work!
remember, if you’d like to work with me for this week, either art trades or collabs, send a comment, dm, or ask and we can talk about it!
I don’t have any more specific plans for friend week, so if no one contacts me wanting to art trade/collab, and if I don’t get any ideas for gift art, I’m probably going to take the last few friend week days off.
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extrajigs · 2 years
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Finished raffle winner art for  @cell113 really happy with how this one came out! Dont normally do clean lines too often. Was fun! Prob going to do another raffle soon.
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Pokemon Alloy
so. i have been Creating.
(thanks to @cell113 , @gender-nuteral-nut-boy , and @blaiddraws for the frankly stupendous amount of help in fleshing this thing out!!)
so, i looked at pokemon fusions. i looked at all the games exploring the fun of fusions! you stick two pokemon together and you get something that looks neat (or cursed) and it's even really powerful!
and it got me wondering.
yeah, fusions are cool. yeah, they make your pokemon more powerful. but... pokemon weren't made to be fused together, were they?
Pokemon Steel Alloy is a fan story/potential fangame, taking place in Unova after the Team Plasma invasions, that i've been developing in discord! it's come together Astoundingly fast, and this is just our main list of characters- the main trio of travelers, who stick together the longest and (may) go through thick and thin together!
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Copper - plucky protagonist, ready to save the world. loves pokemon, wants to solve the problem of fusion to save them from what it's doing
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Alum - stubborn partner to the protag, has a very different view of the fusion issue. loves pokemon, but wants fusions removed, not fixed
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Bay - a strange man with even stranger quirks found off the road- he doesn't seem to remember much. Perhaps traveling with you will help him find the memories he can barely remember?
more information on this story is to come! this is just the first post uwu
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As someone who has been a long time Transformers fan and is also big into werewolves, transformation scenes and body horror, I want you to know your Beast Wheeljack AU is hitting Every Single Button and my brain has begun rotating the concept like a sample in a centrifuge. Thank you so much for sharing, I am going to maladaptive daydream about this for hours and babble about it to my buddy on Discord. :D
Aww, thank you!! I'm happy to share cool ideas!
I'll be working on getting a pilot done for the first chapter 🤭
I'm more than likely going to publish the works here on Tumblr and make a masterlist to pin onto my blog
The inspiration for something like this has definitely come from @justawannabearchaeologist and @melishade 's works! Their stuff is so interesting if you wanna give it a look!
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necrocities · 1 year
@cell113 realized tumblr wasn't gonna let me dm you bc this is a sideblog, so I figured I'd @ you since the link is one of your reblogs and I am indeed interested if you happen to have any thoughts.
I honestly don't know how I feel about reblogging the post directly, but I have a thing I've noticed. I'm gonna dissect it further but.
[pedophilia, sexual assault, systemic harm, physical harm, discomfort.]
the energy this gives off is the same as conservatives celebrating when drag queens are chased out, or medical facilities get bomb threats called in, or places are ACTUALLY set up with bombs in the name of "protecting the children."
it was never about protecting the children. not really. even when these people say it is, and they may genuinely think it is, it's about their fears and discomfort. more often their fears imo.
but in this specific case. it even looks to be about the blind adrenaline about "getting something done"
it really can be difficult to sit down and have a clean discussion about what to do to keep people safe without divulging in discussing your personal feelings. it's natural in itself, but the trouble is with not letting that stop the conversation from coming to an effective conclusion. when the answer is to do something that obtains results similar to in the post, that's just beating on someone weaker to achieve getting those you dislike out of the public eye.
even if they don't/hadn't match(ed) up to the accusation (which I'm not familiar with the animator being spoken of), it's about feeling good. those who celebrate the death of those who remind them of their fears and discomforts are chasing good feelings to escape the bad.
and that's breaking it down simply. no emotions are actually inherently good or bad. they're all complex.
this is why it's important to actually be able to set them aside when the time is appropriate. pushing for actions that cause harm to or the death of others is not effective action.
if you're someone worried about either those with paraphilias you see as inherently harmful, or sexual predators, killing them will not conclusively address your goal. I phrase them this way since there tends to not be a comprehensive difference from what I typically see. I want to make sure I fully address this.
when a group decides that the solution us to kill another group, in our current environment, that often means them hiding who they are for their own safety. you can't count all of a population when they're afraid to identify themselves anyways, so it's inherently ineffective. an unlikely goal.
and here's the thing. causing those with paraphilias to hide doesn't mitigate the harm caused by sexual predators. if someone wants to cause harm, they easily can in the US, where I'm mostly speaking of.
the response I see from people when someone actually is blatant about WANTING to cause harm sexually is to freeze and stare at others, waiting for someone to speak up. nobody does.
note that this is OFTEN what I see occur. not always. there's also times where people take action and can attempt to bring victims to safer places or take action against a perpetrator.
but even then, the actual victims don't always find more benefit in speaking up over risk of losing any safety still left. there's nowhere near enough evidence that speaking up will ACTUALLY bring safety to them.
we have to provide safer environments to lessen these fears. provide for and support those who come to you. ask THEM what they wish you to do. they may not want the world to know, but they told you because they think you'll keep them safe. be it physically or emotionally.
I can't say I have a perfect answer as to how to mitigate harm from predators across the board. it's a million dollar question.
what I can say is that we have to do our best to be gentle and understanding with the victims who DO open up to us. let them decide how public to make it. if they need to be quiet, respect it. you often won't know their situation better than they do. work under the assumption you don't if you aren't sure. but support them nonetheless.
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sa-filonzana · 1 year
Masterlist of Reblogs (2):
Submas Nimbasa & Slice of Life & Comics
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