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linyarguilera · 1 year ago
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Pedaços de Papéis - Olho de morcego (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1404796683-peda%C3%A7os-de-pap%C3%A9is-olho-de-morcego?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=celinyarguilera&wp_originator=Nao5IyuR%2FeWWO%2FSXd4ZrPYGCZNTkP9lqJoy4gaBaosf45jRU%2FAVoQJ4b3gnc4rlEPjR%2BOdsgeQDeaFtYZrlQGhcrRSiu8Ijtmkeb9lhuk7Y09ksBISkDjRKotMIuZ6%2B1 Poemas do nada.
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celinyarguileraart · 10 months ago
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By: Celiny Arguilera
With Copyright
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neko-sufis-world · 2 years ago
Question for you:
Imagine if Daniel Swift, Collins Angel and Swedes Seed meet their genderbends? 🤔
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Yeah. To be honest, Collins actually has tattoo in his arms behind his sleeves
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tomasens · 2 years ago
Znalazlem mój rant na wypiora który napisałem po pierwszej lekturze tej cudksiążki i jest smieszny
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Btw wypior to moja ulubiona ksiazka teraz
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years ago
follow her account
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clipstone · 1 year ago
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Tsikrikonis Celini Kavala, Greece 2018 Xinomavro
The Tsikrikoni vineyard lies just 3 kilometers from the Aegean Sea under Mount Symbolos. The right humidity from the sea during the day and the mild winds of the mountain range during the night create the ideal climate for the vineyard.
Xinomavro ages very well and is the Greek equivalent of Nebbiolo. It has the same characteristics in that, despite having high levels of tannins, this is well balanced by its sharp acidity. The result is a very drinkable light red.
Great structure and acidity with juicy redcurrants and plums.
Tasting notes: redcurrants, plums, olive
Pairing: mature and hard cheeses, veal, beef
Similar to: Nebbiolo
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cursedreverie1945 · 11 days ago
So today's fucking bastard is..
Albert Hugo Schuster
Albert should have died a LONG fucking time before he did. At birth or an abortion would have been a good time
Schuster (1912 – 1973) was a Nazi war criminal who was responsible for police units in occupied Poland during World War II.
He was notorious for his brutality, earning the nickname "The Butcher of the Łysogóry".
Why is it always Butcher? I think fuckhead, maybe asshole, hmmm, my favorite is arseheaded wankstain, always seem more fitting. Butcher seems to make them easier to remember. Okay. It is good to remember them but not with a nickname. It legitimizes their sadism, merely my opinion, of course.
Schuster avoided detection after the war. After Polish investigators reopened an active search for Nazi war criminals, they discovered Schuster, who was now living in East Germany. Schuster was arrested and put on trial for his crimes by an East German court. He was found guilty, sentenced to death, and executed in 1973. Honestly, death was too good for this creep. Put on a spit and slow roasted like the pig he was, would have been too good for him.
But I digress, as usual.
In 1941, he graduated from the Ordnungspolizei school in Buchenwald. He was deployed to Belarus with the task of fighting guerrillas, shooting Jews whom he had helped select.
Schuster went on "pacifications" in numerous areas. and many more in surrounding villages. He murdered hundreds of people across multiple villages. On one occasion, he burned two children alive. See? Hog on a spit is sounding better and better. Still slow roasted, tho.
Between March and July 1943, Schuster and his men murdered over 400 people. They killed 35 people combined in the villages of Paprocice, Płucki, and Zamkowa Wola. They also murdered 9 people in Bartoszowiny, 10 in Szklana Huta, 11 in Jeziorko, 4 in Celiny, 3 in Wojciechów, 2 in Hucisko, 8 in Psary Podlesie, 39 in Bodzentyn, 2 in Klucznik, 7 in Szafranki, 21 in Wola Szczygiełkowa, 28 in Dębno, 4 in Dębno Hary, 16 in Klonów, 9 in Kakonin, and 28 in Krajno.
When carrying out a village "pacification", Schuster would have the population chased into one area and then have his men read out a list of names. Those named were then killed. Sometimes, random people were shot. Victims were forced to dig their own graves in advance.Schuster justified his actions as being necessary to combat forest gangs.
In January 1944, Schuster went on a "rally of death" in the Opoczno area. Driving from village to village, he and his men kidnapped, robbed, tortured, and killed people who were unlucky enough to be in his way.
After the war, Schuster was arrested on suspicion of war crimes, but released due to a lack of evidence. Lack of evidence is a joke right? Sadly, no.
Schuster's trial started in January 1973. Schuster attempted to defer blame to the Gestapo for the shootings. At one point during his trial, Wacław Dziuba, a surviving witness, said he had been saved by an unexpected act of mercy by one of Schuster's men. Dziuba had survived the initial massacre when the bullet only grazed his neck. One of Schuster's men noticed he was still alive, but instead of finishing him off, whispered to him "Lay still, everyone's dead."
At this, Schuster suddenly stood up and shouted "The witness is lying, it's impossible. My gendarmes were so disciplined that no one would allow himself to be so disloyal. This is slander. This cannot be true, because my soldiers were exactly following their orders, killing those forest bandits.
My stance on nazis being failures and idiots still stands. You just implicated yourself there moron.
The survivor also recalled a story of a child shot by Schuster in her mother's arms and then the shooting of her mother.
Schuster was shot at Leipzig Prison in 1973. His body was cremated and buried in an unmarked grave. In 1994, an unknown party filed a rehabilitation request on Schuster's behalf. However, the petition only succeeded in having his death sentence posthumously reduced to life in prison. 21 years after he was executed.
Hell is too good for this man.
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years ago
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Manuela Viera-Gallo - Medusa Celini, 2022
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czupiradlo · 8 months ago
ᴢʜɢ: ᴄᴇʟɪɴᴀ ᴡᴀᴅᴏᴡɪᴄᴢ [ʷʳᶻᵒˢᵒʷᵒ_2.1]
Starsza wnuczka Serwacego Gawlika. Wysoce uzdolniona akademicko, miła dziewczyna o sympatycznej twarzy, wychowana w wierze katolickiej, o głębokich morałach. Najmocniej z całej rodziny przeżyła śmierć dziadka. Przygotowuje się do wyjazdu na studia farmaceutyczne w Warszawie. Słup drugiej części badań.
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Celina na początku nie była przychylnie nastawiona do pomysłu obsadzenia jej siostry w roli królika doświadczalnego. Zdawała sobie sprawę, że ingerowanie w ludzkie DNA ze znikomą wiedzą na ten temat i wspieranie się jedynie chaotycznymi notatkami dziadka jest wyjątkowo inwazyjnym ruchem na młodym organizmie niespełna siedemnastolatki. Mimo to Regina naciskała. Z jakiegoś powodu zależało jej na zaangażowaniu się w eksperyment. Brała pod uwagę różne nieprzyjemne konsekwencje i wiedziała, że to, co robią, zakrawa o zabawę w Boga - nie była głupia, cechowała się wysoką inteligencją. Bez względu na zagrożenia, a być może właśnie przez nie, dziewczyna postanowiła i zamierzała się swej decyzji trzymać. To ona włoży na głowę sześcienny hełm, czy siostra tego chce, czy nie.
Eksperyment trwał przez kilka miesięcy. Cyśka, ukryta za maską kruczej głowy, sprawowała pieczę nad bezpieczeństwem siostry. Poleciła jej zapisywać wszystkie, nawet najdrobniejsze objawy i skutki uboczne na pustych stronicach notesu dziadka, licząc na to, że będzie miała do nich swobodny dostęp i w razie niepokojących sygnałów przerwie eksperyment.
W wieczór przed swoim wyjazdem do stolicy, w październiku 1972 roku, Cyśka spotkała się ze swoim chłopakiem, Beniaminem, na swojej werandzie pod domem. Mieszkała z rodzicami i siostrą na farmie, w odosobnieniu od reszty wioski, więc nie zagrażały im żadne wścibskie spojrzenia. Para kierowała się różnymi intencjami, idąc na spotkanie. Dziewczyna chciała porozmawiać z lubym o siostrze, martwiła się o nią. Młoda Wadowiczówna, z reguły nieobecna, wycofana, milcząca, o oceniającym spojrzeniu, stała się nerwowa. Łatwo było wyprowadzić ją z równowagi. Miewała krwotoki, gęsto cieknące z nosa. Zaczęła o wiele częściej wymykać się z domu, znikała na kilka dni i wracała, w milczeniu przyjmując reprymendy od rodziców, którzy za żadne skarby świata nie podejrzewali, że w piwnicy ich domu dochodzi do przełomowej dla epoki sensacji. Celina stanęła przed dylematem - skoro wyjeżdża, czy powinni kontynuować eksperyment? Co, jeśli pod jej nieobecność wydarzy się coś niedobrego? Nie będzie w stanie w razie wypadku szybko wrócić z mazowieckiej Warszawy do Wrzosowa na Mazurach. Beniamin był odmiennego zdania. Możliwe, że odsuwając Reginę od płynów i cotygodniowego napromieniowywania w Skrzyni Gawlikowej, dziewczyna zareaguje jak narkoman na odstawienie mefedronu. Bez Celiny nie poradzą sobie sami. Chłopak nieśmiało zaproponował najprostsze rozwiązanie: Cyśka nigdzie nie pojedzie, zostanie we Wrzosowie i doprowadzi eksperyment do końca. Doszło do kłótni między kochankami, Celina nie mogła uwierzyć, że jej wieloletni chłopak nie potrafi zrozumieć, jak wiele dalsza nauka dla niej znaczy. Rozdzielili się w bardzo nieprzyjemnej atmosferze.
Feralna noc
Po awanturze z chłopakiem Celina usiłowała zasnąć, jednak nie była w stanie zmrużyć oka. Następnego ranka miała pojechać z tatkiem na pociąg do Warszawy. Choć położyła się przed osiemnastą, zegar w salonie wybijał dziesiątą w nocy, a dziewczyna dalej nie spała. W świetle latarki wylewała splątane myśli na karty swojego pamiętnika, gdy usłyszała poruszenie na parterze. Wyszła ze swojej sypialni i zeszła po schodach. Ojciec w gorączce szykował się do wyjścia. Słuchawka telefonu stacjonarnego wisiała niemrawo na pożółkłej tapecie. Celina wyjrzała ponad ramieniem ojca na szeroko otwarte drzwi, na zasnute dymem niebo i na cienką strużkę dymu, unoszącą się gdzieś za lasem nad wsią. Spełnił się scenariusz gorszy, niż wszystkie te, które roztrząsała w głowie i na papierze przez minione miesiące. Słowa ojca, zazwyczaj kategorycznego, zasadniczego i chłodno myślącego, teraz docierające do niej z jakiejś dużej odległości, stłumione przerażeniem i troską, tylko potwierdziły jej złe przeczucia.
“𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚊, 𝚍𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚘 𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚣𝚎, 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚔… 𝚝𝚢𝚖 𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚖 𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚣𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚊. 𝙾𝚓, 𝚍𝚊𝚓, 𝙱𝚘𝚣𝚎, 𝚣𝚎𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚗𝚒𝚎 𝚋𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚍𝚊…“
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linyarguilera · 1 year ago
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NO WARS - Stop the Wars (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1396678483-no-wars-stop-the-wars%0D?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=celinyarguilera&wp_originator=UHtseq1BS05migrykCo8Np00ekwUgMRF89j%2FA2r9gyFWrcK6%2FNWmfzbo1y0TLx3icvcmZbk5Re6tE8RaacEeNWJU5TSw%2Bwmn4yI5sz18qn%2BDXoQw8vXgb7YWDr39Kyb4 I'm sad with the wars, and I want to express my fear, my sorrow for the people, I don't want to see the wars in humanity, I love peace and my world with my species and other species, We are only for me. 16+
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celinyarguileraart · 4 months ago
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By: Celiny Arguilera
With copyright
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askfacultystaff · 2 years ago
I understand that. At least they are really incredible and fantastic for first time i see three of them (I'm talking about Daniela, Celini and Sienna) ^v^
Love it 100% 😁👍
Question for you:
Imagine if Daniel Swift, Collins Angel and Swedes Seed meet their genderbends? 🤔
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Yeah. To be honest, Collins actually has tattoo in his arms behind his sleeves
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tomasens · 2 months ago
i to tyle????????? czy to tyle??????????? 5 odcinków????????? jedyny acknowledgment celiny to chujowy infocard na koniec?????????????? prosze powiedzcie mi ze nie bo sie kurwa zabije. nie nieneineineieinieeenienieneineie
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stclairhq · 7 days ago
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─── ✧ㅤEi, aquela ali atrasada pra aula é FORSYTHIA LYNOTT? Pensei que era BLANCA SOLER! Ouvi dizer que ela cursa CURSO DE GRADUAÇÃO EM PUBLICIDADE E PROPAGANDA está no QUINTO ANO só com 25 ANOS! Todos que a conhecem dizem que ela é muito ANIMADA, ao mesmo tempo em que pode ser muito AGRESSIVA. Você acha que tem alguma chance da Nêmesis descobrir alguma coisa sobre a família dela? Se descobrirem, eu não ia querer perder as reações dela em @stcthealynott.
NOME COMPLETO: Forsythia Elowynn Lynott. DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 01 de abril de 1999 (25 anos). ANO DE ESTUDO/PERÍODO: Quinto Ano (7° Período). CURSO: Graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda. NACIONALIDADE: Irlandesa.
PERSONALIDADE: Thea, como prefere ser chamada, é uma pessoa de camadas, há muitas características sobre ela que parecem não conversar entre si e ao mesmo tempo fazem muito sentido depois que as pessoas lhe conhecem, em geral ela é bastante animada, até nos dias em que não tem vontade de sair da cama, também é leal em todos os sentidos e se ela se compromete com algo ou alguém, ela vai cumprir com o combinado não importa o que aconteça. Costuma se descrever como uma "otimista descrente", ou seja, sempre espera que o copo esteja meio cheio, mas nunca acredita que ele realmente esteja cheio até que ele transborde. A relação com os pais deixou vários traços de insegura nela que, apesar de vestir todos os dias uma fantasia de autoconfiança, possui uma necessidade quase que patológica de validação externa, seja no âmbito escolar, profissional ou pessoa da sua vida, ela precisa de feedbacks positivos para se sentir bem consigo mesma. Também é desconfiada e possessiva, extremamente ciumenta com as pessoas em sua volta, constantemente preocupada que aqueles que ela ama irão lhe trair ou lhe abandonar. E também tem dificuldade em medir palavras quando está com raiva, querendo ferir tanto quanto está ferida, mas se for algo muito sério, que a machuque muito, ela retrai e não consegue verbalizar com ninguém. É muitíssimo carinhosa com aqueles que gosta, se tornando quase que grudenta em alguns momentos, mas é se torna simplesmente indiferente no primeiro erro cometido pela pessoa e não costuma dar segundas chances.
No começo de sua adolescência, em uma fazenda no interior da Irlanda do Norte, Celiny Byrne traçou um plano para o sucesso, em um caderno velho com folhas amareladas ela descreveu como sairia daquele fim de mundo para ter uma vida igual ela via na televisão e nas revistas que sua tia trazia da capital. Queria o conforto e o luxo que a vida do campo jamais poderia lhe dar. Sua obstinação para com o plano era tanta que não foi surpresa o universo lhe sorriu dando a ela a oportunidade perfeita: ir morar em Dublin para cuidar de uma tia-avó adoentada e endinheirada. Ser cuidadora de uma idosa não estava em seus planos, mas Dublin sim. Enquanto isso. Alfred Lynott Júnior fazia seu nome entre os garotos ricos de Dublin. Filho de um de senador, Alfred estufava o peito e levantava o nariz em uma discreta pose de orgulho enquanto fazia questão que todos na sala soubessem seu sobrenome. Ele também traçava um plano para o sucesso e possuía obstinação sem igual no olhar, a diferença é que ele possuía todos os recursos para conquistá-lo. Alfred estava entrando na faculdade de Direito quando Celiny entrou em seu caminho. Jovem, de beleza singular e uma elegância propositadamente despretensiosa, ela tinha tudo para ser o par perfeito de Alfred e o relacionamento se tornou inevitável. A longo prazo, o carisma dos dois os levou tão longe que não havia uma alma na high society Irlandesa que não conhecesse o casal Lynott composto pelo mais jovem parlamentar irlandês da história e sua belíssima esposa que comandava seu próprio negócio de organização de eventos de luxo para a alta sociedade irlandesa.
RELAÇÃO COM O GRUPO NÊMESIS: Forsythia morre de medo de ser descoberta pelos demônios que guarda, não por si mesmo, mas pelo o que poderia acontecer com a reputação da sua família se descobrirem os segredos dela. Ela é super contra a organização, apesar de não ter problemas para com os bolsistas em si, ela só tem medo de ser exposta de isso prejudicar os pais dela.
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amarosa · 1 year ago
u kolikom sam bolu bila,
a sada ga se ni ne sećam
sitan je toliko da ga ne vidim
promenila sam se toliko da se ni sa sobom ne saosećam
koliko bi me ovo pogodilo, cini mi se puno
a sada je samo jedan od niza slova koji predjem i nastavim dalje
možda to uliva neku nadu, da ono što je sada teško nekad postane lako i
da se jednom svi zajedno ovome smejemo i grlimo, mirni i radosni
da zaboravim sve te datume i sve te noći i zore
da prihvatim sreću u celini
“But I always thought you’d come back, tell me all you found was heartbreak and misery it’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way you’re happy without me.”
— (via hatin)
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trojerucica-blr · 18 days ago
Through the High Court to Strasbourg and the UN - a decadent inhumane system steeped in serious crime and corruption unprecedented in the history of human civilization must fall.
Duško Velkovski Page
57m  · 
od strane sudije Dragane Stanojković
* obe sudije koje su odlučivale vezano za AKS vode i istorijske predmete po dve istorijske Tužbe u kojima se i zaista odlučuje o životu i smrti ne toliko moje malenkosti koliko prava, države i društva u celini - da li će vladati pravosuđe ili krivosuđe sa nesagledivim posledicama videćemo vrlo brzo - stranice istorije ne samo ali pre svega pravne ispisaće legendarni advokati Jelena Pavlović i Milan Bosika iliti legendarni Milan Bosika i legendarna Jelena R. Pavlović
Preko Višeg Suda do Strazbura i UN - dekadentni neljudski sistem ogrezao u teški kriminal i korupciju neviđenu u istoriji ljudske civilizacije mora pasti.
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Danas - 173K
N1 Srbija - 414K
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-we will see very soon whether justice or perjury with unforeseeable consequences will prevail-
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