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ao3feed-loustat · 5 months ago
Language: English, Words: 2,432, Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac, L - Relationship Characters: Louis de Pointe du Lac, Lestat de Lioncourt Additional Tags: Human Louis de Pointe du Lac, Vampire Lestat de Lioncourt, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Dream Sex, Courtship
Lestat and Louis attend the ballet and Louis dreams of himself as Sleeping Beauty with Lestat in the role of his dashing prince. This is a fluffy fic that I hope you enjoy!
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notebookmusical · 4 years ago
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if you had that, wouldn’t you want to keep it?
happy birthday, @celiabowens! 🤍 
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dreamsatdusk · 4 years ago
2, 6, 20, 21!
2. Do you have a reading goal this year?
To read as much that I find enjoyable and/or interesting as I can.  I don’t try to put a numeric goal on it because frankly, I have so much going on work-wise and personally that I really don’t need something that’s meant to be fun that could feel like I’m ‘failing’ at if I don’t make it.   I am enough of a stress box right now.
6. What is a book that you hated but read anyway?
The Handmaid’s Tale, because it was for a university course back in the day and I had to write an essay for it.  It’s not that it’s not well-crafted, but subject-wise….well, to put it very mildly, NOPE. I ground my teeth all the way through it.
I did find it amusing that the thesis of the essay for class reduced the contingent that had otherwise started loud and vigorous arguments on nearly every other book (I’m not even kidding, it was absurd) in respect to anarchy to just smiling and nodding energetically and saying it was very interesting.  Apparently they were not prepared to argue about quantum physics.  
20. A book series you can’t wait to read.
I’m looking forward to the continuation of Maggie Stiefvater’s Dreamer Trilogy. Next one is out soon I think! I would also really like to see book 3 of the Kingkiller Chronicles and plan a reread of the first two once that’s on the horizon.
21. A book series you’re never going to read.
Regretfully, I don’t expect I’ll be continuing on with any further books in the Vicious universe.  I LOVE Vicious very much.  But I just could not make it through Vengeful.  I don’t know what happened, but I just found it painful and it seemed like the ‘voice’ of it was very different.  
Thank you for the ask!
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iamyou · 4 years ago
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
thank you love! btw can i just mention that your graphics are top tier??
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elriccs · 4 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
oh look.... it’s the quality ice block™
@tulip-dono: i’m going to say something wild but i am so glad i preferred being a weeb on the internet to going out with my friends you know why? because i got to meet you.... thanks for being an emotional cushion support all these years, i would not trade you for anything <3 *or maybe a live rendition of kaz brekker i can never decide on ANYTHING and u know that 
@kiyomie: YOU!!! ARE!! A!! CINAMMON!! ROLL!! TO BE!! PROTECTED!! AT!!!! AL!!!!!! COSTS!!!!!!!!!! also your creativity stuns me like it’s so interesting to see what you’ll come up with i am always excited :( 
@levizs: *cue some classy clown music because trash1 and trash2 are here to entertain* sop talking to you is always fun i am glad we are being gremlins online~~
@celiabowens: i am going to say this once and u are not going to bring it up again.... i am really glad i talked to you back then because you’re such a great friend okay? but you are also a sarcastic bossy gremlin like where else would i get this mix lol, i am determined i’ll pick up some of your life skills one day 
@dicennio & @klavoir: YOU GUYS? ARE THE EDITING MASTERS OF MY DREAMS? thank you so much for making all these amazing creations i am always at awe :( maybe one day i’ll make a joint fan-club or something 
@ultkags: i am here to remind u that your style in editing is so refreshing to see? i love how you mix things and you can clearly see the attention to details that went into it 
@meruis & @yonaks & @kikuhikou: hello i can’t imagine my dash without you guys so please continue to use this stupid site :( i’ll be very sad if i suddenly stopped seeing you 
@yokamis: although we don’t know each other for long but the memes and the jokes are my favorite! together with @celiabowens you guys pass for a senior citizen discount, please continue to teach me things about real life hostile work environment so i wouldn’t turn into a shitty professional :) 
@jiishwa: talking to you is so chill like for real, also the music you recommended me lives rent free in my head despite my very all-over-the-place-taste lol
@tetsurouk: A+ aesthetics tbh sign me up  like i don’t even know what to say, it’s also very nice when we interact\talk! and if you’re in the mood music recommendations hit me up lol
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09kags · 4 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
Round 2!
1. @khunssi !!!!! you are an absolute sweetheart PLEASE it’s so fun talking to you and i really am so so thankful we’re mutuals!!!! AND PLEASE YOUR TAGS ARE TOO KIND 😭😭😭😭 and your graphics???? absolutely STUNNING you hold so much power and talent!!!!! <33333 i hope we can talk even more and bond as we cry over our favs!!!! 😭😭😭
2. @zuura you seem like a really sweet person from our interactions so far!!!! your colorings are so gorgeous and your style is so pretty and distinct!!!! you’re also really nice in your tags please my heart is failing 😭😭😭
3. @beekugou holy cow your colorings are so GORGEOUS!!!! the pretty colors always take my breath away when i see your gifs and colorings!!! and nothing says bonding more than exchanging heart memes!! 😂 i hope we can interact even more!! AND YOUR TAGS ARE ALWAYS SO NICE SKSHSJSJ 😭😭😭😭😭
4. @haiikyuuns your writing bro, YOUR WRITING 🤩 AMAZING thank you for letting me indulge in softness i appreciate it 100000/10 !! i really enjoy reading your fics!!!! and talking to you is a highlight of my day!!! you’re such a bright presence so it’s always really fun talking to you!!! <333
5. @svmeragi i haven’t scrolled thru your tumblr to see all your amazing works yet (I WILL THO ONE DAY AJSHJSJS) but your latest byakuya edit CHEFKISS I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW PRETTY IT IS you seem like a really nice person too so i look forward to interacting/talking with you some more!! <333
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kikisdeliveryservices · 4 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
i also got this from @katsukes so im gonna include wat wouldve been my responses in this too! 
also theres a strong possibility ppl have already received this message in their inboxes bc every1 is wonderful
@celiabowens - first, TY SO MUCH! truly its an honor to get this from u! can i also take a moment to hype u up w/ how talented & sweet u r? its such a treat to have u on my dashboard! ur a huge inspiration and hopefully i can get to ur level someday hahaha. im also really happy to follow u bc im trying to get back into reading & ik that ur into literature so i get to have a bunch of reading recs. plus seeing ur lit posts motivate me to expand my tastes & get back into reading :)
@katsukes - ian where do i even start! u interact w so many ppl & make this website really fun to be on. u reach out to a lot of ppl & spread much needed kindness. i feel like u put in a lot of effort to make every1 feel welcomed, which is so appreciated. the content u make for so many fandoms as well is stunning! u truly do a lot for tons of fandoms & i think were pretty blessed to have u on this site
@whisperhearts - ur really kind & a positive person, to the point where it compelled me to start interacting with ppl more on tumblr to try to also bring some kindness on this site. i also really admire ur gfx too bc of the way u use typography! aesthetic is A++. u also inspired me to try bullet journaling & actually keep up w/ it for once in my life lmao
@queerbucky - u help me bring out my creativity & motivation to make gifs! u always makes requests & im so happy to make them for u. as a content creator, when some1 does this it makes u feel special. i really appreciate u & how kind u r!
@wuatsui - since i came back to tumblr, ur some1 who made me feel really welcomed. i iniatially followed u on my anime blog, where u tagged me in a lot of get to know u posts. prior to this i rarely interacted with ppl, so having u wanting to get to know me felt nice! ur content & gifs r also A+! i especially like ur naruto gifs & seeing them on my dash is part of the reason why i started rewatching it :)
@mafuyuh - u have a really warm aesthetic & personality. i super enjoy seeing u interact with others bc ur so approachable. ur also very creative & everything u put out is honestly amazing & breathtaking. i would never in a million years think up the things u do! seeing u in my notifications is always a treat!
@zuura - ur someone who i followed on the more recent side, & i sorely regret not doing it earlier! when i see u reblogging things, u always have something positive to say. the world could really benefit from more ppl like u! also ur colorings r AMAZING. i feel like theyre always glowing & vibrant! 
@arriettvs - ur a very sweet person! although we havent interacted extensively i feel like were kindred spirits :) ur content is remarkable. genuinely, i love seeing how u use typography in ur gfx & i love seeing the pretty colors u bring out in all ur gifs. u also follow all of my blogs which is extremely kind of u. also i hope this isnt weird but ur 1 of the few active followers on my photo blog so i try to reblog stuff i think u would like as well LOL
@yuuki-ko - ur work is super recognizable & i can tell whenever i c ur gifs on my dash. theyre always vibrant & stand out. also ik a lot of my mutuals follow u too & i can see why! u respond to every1 w such kindness! lastly, i love reading ur comments in the tags bc u seem so excited w/ a lot of stuff & it also makes me feel excited hahaha
@manganimae - first of all, ur URL is SO perfect & fun! my other social media usernames r also puns off of my name so when i first followed u & took a look at ur about i instantly fell in love w ur URL hahaha. i think ur also super creative to incorporate manga panels + gifs in ur edits :) additionally, its super fun to see wat new things u come up with! all ur ghibli gifs r so fun bc u color them in ways that i dont think ive ever seen before
@kiyomie - ur work amazes me every time i see it. u managed to create a look in all of ur edits thats specific to u, & thats a massive feat that i think is very hard to do, especially across different fandoms. ik that anon also sent u an accusatory message not too long ago, but i think u handled it very gracefully too, which i think is a huge comment on how mature & kind u r!
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arriettvs · 4 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
ahh thank you so much!! And ty jill @kikisdeliveryservices and diana @baskrvilles also for sending this to me!! You guys are too kind <3
@celiabowens I don’t interact with people on here much but when I finally did, I have been so blessed to be friends with you gio! you are such a talented graphic designer and it’s so fun just bouncing ideas off of each other and getting sneak peeks at ur new stuff. I love that your blog has a combo of so many things I love, like lit/aes but also anime and it’s just *chefs kiss* seriously what more can one ask for
@kikisdeliveryservices i seriously love all your blogs so much jill alskdjflka gotta follow them all!! the aesthetics for all of them are just so soft and pretty and on point.. your gifs are always so pretty and I love that you put kind comments in your tags! It’s such a nice thing to do for positivity in the community. I think we’ve mostly interacted thru tag games so far but i’m really hoping to get to know you better (as a fellow bujo enthusiast as well)!
@baskrvilles hi diana!! we’ve only just become mutuals recently but it makes me so so happy that you sent this to me <3 your graphics and colors are just the best! I’ve always really liked the nekoma third years coloring and how soft it looks - I had no idea that it was yours!! gonna rb it again now lmao but i really hope to get to know you better!! and also can I just say how much I freaking love the name of your queue tag omg 
@naoamaya I think you’re one of the oldest mutuals that I have on tumblr julia lol and i have just loved your blog so much from day one!! You’re always such a source of positivity loveliness in the tumblr anime community, and i love the idea for creatorsweek you had earlier this summer! thank you for always being so wonderful XD 
@zuura even though we haven’t interacted a whole ton, i feel like you always have such a kind presence!! the fact that you always add nice comments onto your tags is just <3 <3 <3 to me it makes content creation feel so much more worthwhile to see little compliments like that, so tysm!! I hope to get to know you more :D 
@akaashikeji hi zira! I will always remember how a few months back when I was in the depth of bokuaka hell you recommended those amazing fics to me lollll so tysm XD anyways you are such a talented gifmaker!! the colors are always so on point and beautiful and matching ahhh... how do you do it... always can’t wait to see more content from you and to get to know you better! 
@kagehjna ilayda! even though we haven’t talked much, i’m super happy we’re mutuals and that we just very often rb things from each other haha. It always makes me happy to see you pop up in my notifs. I feel like your blog just always has so much good contentTM.. it just has everything that I’m into!! anyways always stan kagehina!! i love them sm XD 
@sadysayo hi sofia! I think you’re one of the mutuals I gained right after i came back to tumblr after a long time, so your blog will always have a special place in my heart <3 I love your edits and gifs so much! the colors are always so bright and lovely... and also thank you for always playing the tag games/tagging me! I hope I get to know you better and interact more!
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dicennio · 4 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! ✨ Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out 🤍
Thank you Gio, I hope you're having a nice weekend ✨
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yuujies · 4 years ago
37, 38, 39! 😆
37: Name a popular anime you love
Jujutsu Kaisen <3 (if it wasn’t obvious enough hah)
38: Name a popular anime you hate
Ooh I don’t think there’s one I hate, but I have a really love-hate relationship with snk. Seems to be more hate at the mo, and the naming of the final season is randomly annoying me, as it didn’t actually end after those 16 eps, instead there’s basically two more seasons.
39: Is there an anime you wish was more popular?
Vinland Saga. It’s really good, but probably a bad choice for it to be just on Amazon
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zuura · 4 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
aaaa thank you so much! I finally got the time to answer these (I’ve been so busy but I passed the two exams I had so yayy!!)
So first you @celiabowens !! We haven’t been mutuals for long but all your edits are so completely stunningg!! I stare at them for so long every time you post a new one! I really hope you keep blessing us with those masterpieces of yours<3 You’re really talented and nice! I hope we get the chance to talk more in the future!!
@hachikenz youuuu!! i love youuu!! first of all I gotta say thank you always being so supportive of me all the time<3 you’re so kind and sweet and seeing you on my dash always brights up my day! your tags on my edits have me smiling at the screen like an idiot for SO LONG you have no ideaaaa I’m super grateful to be mutuals with you sweetie<3
@karura mayyyy<3 talking with you is always lots of fun! Your edits are incredible and stunning, and I’m so happy I’m using an icon you created bc it’s SO LOVELY!! You’re so so nice and amazingggg<3 my best wishes for you always!
@sougu aaa kellen I’ve been a fan of your edits for so long!!! they’re always so so beautiful and stunning, and your gintama ones were my favorite!! I just love your icon and url so much askjdas sougo is fav always<3 I really hope you keep blessing us with your wonderful edits for more time!<3 hope you’re having an amazing day!!
@kagehjna aaaaaa you you wonderful person<3 you’re always so nice, sweet and incredible!! i loooove being mutuals with you,<3 thanks for blessing my dash with all the kagehina and ts, it’s truly appreciated! keep on being such a cute ray of sunshine pls<3 wish you the best!
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gojosattoru · 4 years ago
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ 💞 Ana, you precious angel, without a doubt you are my favorite forever!!
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ASDFCGVEDFBDJR!! GUYS I CAN’T GET OVER YOUR SWEETNESS AND KINDNESS!! TT U TT THANK YOU FOR SENDING THESE BACK TO ME!!! MADE ME SMILE LOADS SERIOUSLY YOU’RE ALL THE BEST AND I JUST WISH YOU ALL THE HAPPINESS AND LOVE FROM THE ENTIRE WORLD BBIES!!! >///////< YOU MAKE MY DAYS SO WONDERFUL AND WARM!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Amina @rubydragon16 Ilayda @kagehjna Kay @kyaa-a Heidi @fangvenka Gio @celiabowens De @armins Chas @lethes Hân @keikuns Zey @tojifushigurou Mandy @wuatsui Angie @anjizu Liza @mazusu Mel @ttoya and Vero @aikudochi!!! You guys will forever be my fav blogs!! MY FAV PEOPLE!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ You’re all FABULOUS!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ LOVE YOU LOADS!!!
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inarizakkis · 4 years ago
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out ✨💛
GIO!! Thank you so much for this LAKJSF;DK; and sorry for the late reply ahhhh ;o; you are absolutely amazing too and you can be sure I’ll send this back to you too! hope you have been doing well and sending all my love <3 
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kiyomie · 4 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! ✨ Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out 🤍
awh ty for sending me one too, i'll definitely send it back <3
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25th · 4 years ago
Your ping pong edit 😭 spare talent for us mortals too pls 😂
gio pls ur the talented one here 😭😭💕💕 and i’m sure ur ping pong edit will look amazing as always too!! i’ve very excited to see it c:
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elriccs · 4 years ago
first impression: cool person? artsy person XD
wow cool i seemed cool? 
gio now: and then i confirmed for myself that she’s indeed, a dumbass 
tell me what your first impression of me was✨
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