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valerico · 3 days ago
10, 11, 19, for anyone! =:D
I'm going to mix this up and do this for a couple of mine and kinda shotgun blast these. [A.N. I have wrote this over the course of the past 4 days. There are spelling errors. I do not care anymore. There are things I forgot to mention, that will be explained at some other time. I am so tired.]
10. What is their main character arc in the story? Where do they start and how do they develop? Do they get a happy ending or is their story a tragic one? (apartment!Ludvwk)
I'm doing apartment world here (still need to come up with a better name for that place tbhhh) because campaign character's fates are in flux, anyway. I straight up had to rewrite this a few times now because I can't actually figure out how to summarize his whole deal. His arc is about living with being a clone of someone else who was raised as the original. His arc is about learning how to love other people for real and understand he can also be loved by them. His arc is about the healthcare system and how it works against people with untypical bodies. His arc is about becoming the warden of the panopticon and realizing all the cameras were pointed on him anyway. His arc is about how intense societal racism has irreparably shaped his mental health, and how he can express himself, and his choice between being honest with himself or being another smiling face. His arc is about getting his brother to stop shouting at people while he plays leauge and trying to get him to stop stealing his identity. Does he get a happy ending? Kinda? He does break out of the Panopticon which is a win, but he also does go through a very literal fall of Icarus, like straight up fake wings (army stealth jetpack wings) flying into the skies to try and spy and reach the realms of the "gods" (CEO Information Satellite Space Station), whole deal. His brother Ludovig does stop shouting at people over video games but does not stop playing leauge (net loss).
11. Is there any existing character from other media that your character resembles? Was the resemblance intentional or was it a coincidence? (Ludvwk and Novac)
A big chunk of my characters start from a sort of "seed" idea, usually after watching something, and then divert pretty drastically during development. Ludvwk was actually derived from watching Fight Club, originally he was a "Narrator-esque" character, someone who was stuck in a dead-end job working for a company that hated him, who met this person who was confident and charismatic and lethal who he began to mold himself in the shape of. Over-time and one campaign with him later the ideas became those of clones and horrors and things well outside that original idea but he started as this "average every-man".
Novac was actually the biggest example of this, he was directly based off Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks and later very literally in his transfiguration to being a human, but he ended up becoming this very inverted concept to him in development. This weird kid who basically grew up with "the shining", who's mom died in a house fire, who moved to Chicago and basically became this "no-nonsense hard-boiled private-eye interrogator" who kinda had his friends bring him back to "Oh this fucking suuucks actually i'm going to start dreamwalking again and not beating the shit out of goons" and then didn't stop beating the shit out of goons but now he also dreamwalks into their minds beforehand.
19. What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
oh god uhhh i've been working on this for a few days now (and also changed this section this is day 4) and i'm going to just list out a bunch of my characters here:
Ludvwk: I like that he is short, I don't have many short character's and a 3'6" moth guy is really good to write when the world is still built for 5'-6' tall humans. There are a lot of things to not like about Ludvwk but I like that he sucks a bit. I don't like that he can't get nosebleeds to show his mental strain so I have to just make him really nauseous all the time and there's only so many ways to write "he got really dizzy and then frew up"
Novac: I like being able to have an alternate to Ludvwk's brand of dreamwalking and show the better side of the coin, and I like having a character that's just as ruined as Ludvwk but in such a way that he seems perfectly normal at first glance. I haaate having to write someone who talks like Jackson Alberta PHD, who just sounds like some dude who went to an Ivy League college and doesn't want you to forget it.
Sony: I know he's an ex-wrestler character who's now like a normal screenwriter for TV, which is interesting enough, but I do think his most favorite thing is the weird ass psycho(non)sexual mind game relationship he has with Wayland and I love writing it, i genuinely think if it was romantic or sexual in any way it would make whatever they have 10x weaker and whatever they do have is legit better than sex. I could go off about that whole thing but like that's a whole other post. Worst part is writing the way that catfish breathe and having to remember they don't have scales.
Wayland: I love being able to write a guy who's day job is as a spy, but like magical girl style "Alter Ego" style. Having him watch the news and have to act all surprised to Sony when some person-of-the-week gets their comeuppance, while Sony immediately reads him to filth while going like, "Oh yeaaah, of course, now tell me where you got these gunshot wounds you definitely couldn't go to the ER to get patched up? Some guy was messing around on the job? Of course, of course, just strange he was concealed carrying a rifle at work." While Wayland sucks in a harsher breath of air and his ears heating at the tips from Sony using just a bit more pressure on that stuffing gauze. I hate that I forget he's blonde so much. Straight up it's so annoying i keep writing shit like "he ran his fingers through his jet hair" and go "oh wait that's not right" and then have to think up the 17th new synonym for "golden".
Joules: I like that he is a masochist, I hate that I have only been able to write him horny because 9 times out of 10 he is actively getting hurt for plot reasons. He's that one post about that person's torturer getting pissed because they keep moaning. I have been trying to find a time where he is not horny and then his ass will snuff out his bedside candle with his fingers just to feel something. I do think he might just be hypersexual but I need to do further analysis to figure that out. I know he's an aro bisexual though.
Hollister: Holly is a really cool character and one of my favorites for how little I write about him. He is an absolute gem and a surgeon, he's basically my Rory if Rory got really into experimenting on himself after the whole plastic soldier thing and going back to normal. I love being able to have him around because he is my lightning rod for weird shit. Something happens? Holly's at the center. I think the thing I hate about him is that he's got such shit politics I have to make an effort to remember he's an ancap in a world that's already had a second worker's revolt, like I think I have an excerpt somewhere of him having a convo with Damien and trying to sell him on "No wait hear me out here's why vets shouldn't get comp" to the vet.
Torrance: Torrance is an architect and I get to talk about my very based and very correct thoughts about architecture through him, but also he has chronic memory issues so having to keep track about what he knows and doesn't is so hard.
Celenos: Celenos allowed me to sort of write a love letter to my HAM radio club full of vets who realized too late that the cause they were fighting for was fucked up from the very roots of this country. He was scammed and propagandized to his entire life and when he broke out of it he brought to light the crimes his troop specifically was doing and lying to him about and he was dishonorably discharged for it. I like that I get to write a critique of another world's military complex from the POV of someone who went through that shit first-hand. I hate how much of a savior complex he has sometimes because his first solution to any problem is "Can I bleed about this to fix it" and he's not even horny about it like Joules he just doesn't know how to fix things any other way :-\. And he's right. Most of the time if he bleeds about it he can fix it. That's why he's an adventurer.
Opus: Opus sucks on purpose and was made by me to spite me I hate them. I like when they lose money because of the groups.
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you-and-whose-army676 · 5 months ago
Celeno loves her a good staircase
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jojojooo33 · 2 years ago
If Lilith's beast form has any characteristics of ravens, it would be interesting if it could speak a few words. Not full sentences or anything, but communication might be more possible than with Eda's owl form. Or maybe it's just an owl beast with raven aesthetics idk.
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tanogabo · 26 days ago
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blues-of-randomness · 1 year ago
Decided to make an ask meme/game so people can request head canons while I work on stuff (mostly home work..)
🎃 Favorite holiday
🎊 When is their birthday?
🌹 Their favorite flower
💐 What is their love language?
👗 Their favorite outfit (or an outfit i can imagine them in)
❤ What gets them out of bed every morning
🧡 Are they brave in scary situation's or a scared cat?
💛 are they petty or can they leave it be
💚 An act of kindness that melted their heart?
💙 are they honest or are they liars
💜 Their favorite hobby
🖤 The meanest thing you could say to them
🤍 The nicest thing you could say to them
✝️ Are they religious or not
👻 what are they scared off?
🍱 Their favorite meal
🍨 Favorite food
🍼Their comfort food
🧩 Their favorite activity
🎲 Random headcanon
☀ Morning routine
🌙 Bedtime routine
🪶 Are then ticklish?
🎄Favorite Holiday
💦 Are they a toughie or a crybaby
❤️‍🩹 Wort injury they've had so far
💤Do they sleepwalk, sleep talk, any other sleep head canon you can think off
🎶 do they like music/to sing
❄ holiday and/or snow day headcanons
🎉 what are they like a party?
🕳️ their worst nightmare so far
🗣️ what languages do they speak?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 A random family head canon (or a specified one of your choosing)
🥰 Their ideal partner
🪮 Self care routine
💢 Have they ever snapped on someone before?
🧸 Comfort item
🎹 A song I associate with them
💌 Who do they love (familial, Romantic, etc, keep in mind you might not get a straight answer)
🌈 their happiest memory
🌧 favorite type of weather
🔴 Do they have anger issues?
🟠 What's their pain tolerance from 1 to 10
🟡 How often to the get hurt?
🟢 Do they have anger issues?
🔵 What do they do self soothe?
🟣 Do they stim?
⚫ who would they die for?/Who do they hate with their very being.
⚪ How much do they swear?
You can ask about the smiling critters or my Smiling critters oc's that I've named so far, Aka: Wishkit, Kokoala, Mia constricter, Bubbas 8 adopted siblings, and Polaris. Along with some I haven't talked about yet such as Hoppy's siblings (Lucky, Shamrock and Thumpy), Dogday's siblings (Sunspot and Goldendoodle) and the rest of Catnap's siblings (Cosmo clips, Celeno, and Octavia)
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lunamagicablu · 2 years ago
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Le Pleiadi erano sette sorelle: Maia, Alcione, Asterope, Celeno, Taigete, Elettra e Merope. Figlie di Atlante, il titano a cui Zeus aveva affidato il compito di sostenere la Terra, e di Pleione, la dea protettrice dei marinai.
In seguito a un fortuito incontro con Orione, le Pleiadi e la loro madre diventano preda del cacciatore. Per proteggerle dagli assillanti assalti amorosi di lui, Zeus le tramuta in colombe e le libera in cielo. Si dice anche che Zeus fosse il padre di tre delle sorelle.
Le Sette sorelle sono spesso associate a figure marine per questo simboleggiano i mari, le acque, i fiumi, la pioggia e il gelo. Conosciute anche con il nome di Oceanidi, alcune fonti rivelano che il loro nome derivi dall’antico termine greco plein, ossia navigare.
Maia – è la maggiore delle sorelle nota per la sua straordinaria bellezza e per la sua vita solitaria. Nonostante fosse molto bella, era una donna timida e riservata che prediligeva la solitudine e viveva da sola in una caverna. Il suo nome significa “madre” in latino, ma racchiude anche il significato di “fecondità”, perciò i Romani la consideravano la dea della primavera da cui deriva il nome del mese di maggio.
Alcyone (Ally) – è la seconda delle sorelle, ma è conosciuta per essere la più forte. Durante i giorni di Alcione, quando il mondo era pervaso di gioia, prosperità e quiete, lei vegliava sul Mar Mediterraneo rendendolo sicuro per i marinai. Sposata con Ceice, re della Tessaglia, i due ingannarono Zeus ed Era, facendosi passare per loro. Zeus per vendicarsi, aspettò che i due si separassero, per scatenare una tempesta che affondò la nave di Ceice che morì affogato.
Asterope (Stella) – è il nome greco per “stella” e viene rappresentata, nella tradizione, come la più debole delle sorelle proprio a causa della sua ridotta luminosità. Fu la madre di Enomao, figlio di Ares, dio della guerra. In altre versioni del mito invece è la moglie dello stesso Enomao da cui ebbe quattro bambini.
Celeno (Ce-Ce) – significa “melone” o “scuro”. Proprio come Asterope, la sua luminosità è ridotta, rispetto alle altre, perché si narra sia stata colpita dal fulmine di Theo. Ebbe numerosi figli: Lico (il lupo) e Chimera (in parte leone, drago e capra) da Prometeo; nonché Lico e Nicteo da Poseidone, dio del mare.
Taigete (Tiggy) – la mitologia vuole che vivesse in solitudine tra le montagne come la sorella Maia. Artemide, il suo amato, la tramutò in colomba così da sfuggire all’amore che Zeus nutriva nei suoi confronti. Anche Ercole provò a sedurla.
Elettra – nota per essere la terza stella più brillante della costellazione, ebbe quattro figli tra cui Dardano, fondatore della città di Troia. In alcune storie si narra che Elettra fosse la “Pleiade perduta”, poiché scomparve in seguito alla caduta di Troia e alla morte del figlio.
Merope (la sorella perduta) – fu l’ultima stella a essere mappata dagli astronomi perché invisibile a occhio nudo. Tra le più belle della costellazione, è soprannominata la “stella perduta” per aver nascosto il volto dalla vergogna di essere sposata a un mortale, Sisifo. Altri dicono che si vergognasse perché Sisifo era un criminale, la cui pena era spingere un pesante masso in cima a una vetta che poi rotolava sempre giù. La somiglianza con il padre di Merope, Atlante, che doveva sopportare sulle spalle il peso del mondo, è molto chiara. Lucinda Riley seven sisters by MelekatosheeOleak ************************ The Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Alcyone, Asterope, Celeno, Taigete, Electra and Merope. Daughters of Atlas, the titan to whom Zeus had entrusted the task of supporting the Earth, and of Pleione, the patron goddess of sailors.
Following a chance meeting with Orion, the Pleiades and their mother become the hunter's prey. To protect them from his nagging amorous assaults, Zeus turns them into doves and releases them into the sky. It is also said that Zeus was the father of three of the sisters.
The Seven Sisters are often associated with marine figures for this reason they symbolize the seas, waters, rivers, rain and frost. Also known by the name of Oceanides, some sources reveal that their name derives from the ancient Greek term plein, that is to navigate.
Maia – is the eldest of the sisters known for her extraordinary beauty and for her solitary life. Although she was very beautiful, she was a shy and reserved woman who preferred solitude and lived alone in a cave. Her name means "mother" in Latin, but also contains the meaning of "fecundity", therefore the Romans considered her the goddess of spring from which the name of the month of May derives.
Alcyone (Ally) – is the second of the sisters, but she is known to be stronger than her. During the days of Alcyone, when the world was full of joy, prosperity and peace, she watched over the Mediterranean Sea making it safe for sailors. Married to Ceyx, king of Thessaly, the two deceived Zeus and Hera, pretending to be them. Zeus to take revenge, waited for the two to separate, to unleash a storm that sank Ceyx's ship who drowned.
Asterope (Stella) - is the Greek name for "star" and she is traditionally represented as the weakest of the sisters precisely because of her reduced brightness. She was the mother of Oenomaus, son of Ares, god of war. In other versions of the myth she is the wife of Oenomaus himself, with whom she had four children.
Celeno (Ce-Ce) – means “melon” or “dark”. Just like Asterope, her luminosity is reduced, compared to the others, because she is said to have been struck by Theo's thunderbolt. She had numerous children: Lico (the wolf) and Chimera (partly lion, dragon and goat) by Prometheus; as well as Lico and Nicteo from Poseidon, god of the sea.
Taigete (Tiggy) – mythology has it that she lived alone in the mountains like her sister Maia. Artemis, her beloved, turned her into a dove so as to escape the love that Zeus had towards her. Hercules also tried to seduce her.
Electra – known to be the third brightest star in the constellation, she had four children including Dardanus, founder of the city of Troy. In some stories it is said that Electra was the "Lost Pleiad", as she disappeared following the fall of Troy and the death of her son.
Merope (the lost sister) – was the last star to be mapped by astronomers as invisible to the naked eye. Among the most beautiful of the constellation, she is nicknamed the "lost star" for having hidden her face from the shame of being married to a mortal, Sisyphus. Others say she was ashamed because Sisyphus was a criminal, whose punishment was to push a heavy boulder to the top of a peak which then always rolled down. The resemblance to Merope's father Atlas, who had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders, is very clear. Lucinda Riley seven sisters by MelekatosheeOleak 
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vanessamazzatarot · 1 year ago
No baralho Universal Goddess, a Estrela é chamada de Plêiades, as filhas de Atlas e Pleione na mitologia grega. São elas: Electra, Maia, Taigete, Alcíone, Celeno, Asterope e Mérope. Diz a estória que elas subiram aos céus para fugir de Órion, o caçador, formando o que se conhece por constelação de Touro. Por serem estrelas muito brilhantes, elas entraram no folclore de muitas civilizações…
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electronalytics · 1 year ago
Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E And Wi-Fi 7 Chipset Market Report Consumption, Business Overview and Upcoming Trends 2032
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The competitive analysis of the Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E And Wi-Fi 7 Chipset Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E And Wi-Fi 7 Chipset Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
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lanshengic · 2 years ago
Renesas acquires cellular IoT chip maker Sequans for $249 million
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【Lansheng Technology Information】Renesas Electronics has agreed to acquire French cellular IoT chipmaker Sequans Electronics for US$249 million. The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, subject to formal approval by the French Works Council, followed by local tax and regulatory approvals. The $249 million valuation includes all stock holdings by all shareholders, including U.S. equities, while also including net debt.
Renesas will integrate Sequans' cellular IoT products and IP into its microcontrollers, microprocessors, analog and mixed-signal front-end products. A statement from the two companies said: "This acquisition will allow Renesas Electronics to immediately expand its business scope into the wide area network (WAN) market covering a wide range of data rates. It will also strengthen Renesas Electronics' already rich personal area (PAN) and local area network (LAN) connectivity product portfolio."
The acquisition is the latest in a spree of acquisitions by Renesas Electronics, which has previously acquired UK power management and industrial IoT specialist Dialog (August 2021), Israeli company Wi-Fi chipset and software provider Celeno (December 2021) and Austrian near-field communication (NFC) chipmaker Panthronics (June 2023). Founded in 2003, Sequans focuses on cellular-based Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) solutions, especially NB-IoT and LTE-M solutions, and IoT hardware based on higher power LTE-4G and 5G. The two parties have been collaborating since 2020 to combine Renesas' embedded processors and analog front-end products with Sequans' wireless chipsets for massive IoT and broadband IoT applications.
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random-racehorses · 2 years ago
Random Real Thoroughbred: CELOSO
CELOSO is a horse born in Argentina in 1975. By CELENO out of ENAMOUREE. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/celoso3
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puddingvalkyrie · 2 months ago
A criticism or reason I see often for people not liking The Last Unicorn - both the movie overall and Amalthea herself is that's she's -heavy sigh- 'a whiny bitch'.
(Disclaimer: this is not what the above referenced person supposedly said but that I have heard other people say)
First of all. She's not human. So stop judging her by human standards. She is not socialised like a human. She's not going to act to human social standards, which differ heavily by country anyway. What's acceptable in one country is terribly rude in another.
Second of all. She is allowed to have character flaws like anyone else. She doesn't always act like the perfect person, but who does?
Next, let's go over her main interactions where she could be seen to be 'whiny'.
First. The hunters.
She hears them say 'You are the last!' and responds "What do men know? Just because they have seen no unicorns for a while does not mean we have all vanished. We do not vanish."
Obviously a unicorn would know more about unicorns than humans would. Wouldn't you be incredulous if someone outside your group said something about your group that seemed RIDICULOUS?
She overhears she may be the last of her people, and y'know, this would worry you, would it not? So she's trying to get a straight answer out of the butterfly, begging him, PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW. And when it seems like he won't, he just sings and jokes, and she still wishes him well, even though she tells him to go away, because she's too distressed for games right now, at which the butterfly relents.
"I hope you hear many more songs. I must find someone who knows me. Who has seen others like me. I suppose you mean well."
The man who calls her a horse:
She's indignant. Would you not be? The man can't see her for what she truly is. Have you experienced how frustrating that is? Have you experienced someone boiling your essence down into something simple and fundamentally incorrect?
Also the unicorn is not devoid of compassion. She lets out all the animals in Mommy Fortuna's place. Even Celeno, who she fears will kill her. Even though she could be discovered at any time. I feel like we need to focus on her good points as well as her human social errors.
Her comment to Schmendrick: "You can come with me if you like, but I wish you had asked for some other reward for having freed me."
Obviously that's not what we want to hear. The nice answer is 'Of course! Thank you for freeing me! Glad to have you along!'
The unicorn doesn't owe you a nice answer.
Again, she's not human. She's not socialised to give the nice answer. She's on a long, difficult journey and she doesn't know what awaits, or how long it's going to be. Schmendrick will have needs she does not. He's shown himself to be kinda incompetent. It's not a huge leap to think she thinks he'll slow her down. She's not obligated to Schmendrick for doing the right thing, even if he put himself in tremendous danger.
And she doesn't say no! She merely expresses this is not what she wants, but nevertheless he can come along. And she could ditch him afterwards when he's captured by the outlaws BUT SHE DOESN'T. She expresses 'the nice answer' in her own way.
Honestly I could just be talking about cultural differences or neurodivergence this whole time
It's worth noting that Schmendrick also tells Molly that she can't come because they're on a quest and is similarly ignored.
Another nice thing she does - Molly is in tears that she finally gets to meet a unicorn when she's old and dirty and bitter instead of young and innocent. The unicorn comforts her, despite seeming a little baffled at the whole thing.
Her freakout at being turned human:
Obviously?? Apart from the change in shape, she says she can feel her body dying.
My fellow chronic illness sufferers should at least understand this.
As a human, which is a state that disturbs her in the first place, without anything else to complicate it, she also starts to LOSE HER MIND. Literally AND figuratively. She frequently can't remember who she is or what she's doing. The resident prince keeps trying to impress her by killing her fellow magical creatures. He literally brings her the severed head of of one of them. She's Very Not Okay. Of COURSE she avoids speaking to Lir.
And yes, she says a mean thing about Schmendrick to Molly, that she hopes for no help from him, because she hasn't understood his purpose. Please see the above. And when Molly reprimands her over it, she apologises.
Lir: Don't you know me, my lady?
Amalthea: I don't know anything anymore ever*
Despite her obvious and valid reasons for avoiding Lir, she still gives him a chance when he tells her he'd like to help her, but he doesn't know how. She's not just unfeeling and cold. She is always civil, even to humans who are wronging her, like Mommy Fortuna and Haggard.
Then when she's finally adjusted to her own personal living hell because of her love for Lir, and when they are in the lair of the thing she is most scared of, the Red. Bull, that will only chase her if she's a unicorn, Schmendrick suggests turning her back. Of course she's going to object.
In the end, the unicorn comes back to speak to Schmendrick before going home, and Schmendrick acknowledges that "I have done you evil and I cannot undo it", and she thanks him for his help nevertheless.
I think people can often come off as cold or rude or whiny if you don't take their differences and backgrounds into account. This is certainly not only applicable to unicorns.
* unsurprisingly this is not a movie quote
I can't find the post.
So I'm going to comment on the but of it that I didn't even want to get my feelings out.
I'm not going to name names.
But someone I greatly respect and whose work I love and admire. Dislikes my favourite movie of all time. The Last Unicorn. (According to A Person On The Internet - therefore may not be true)
And that's why you don't put ANYONE on a pedestal.
No-one's opinion is absolute, no matter how much you respect them. We're all just some guy/girl/enby.
For the record, I do not care that this person doesn't like the movie. We're all grown ups here. We've all lived different lives, had different joys and sorrows, different struggles.
Above all, you simply cannot please everyone.
I didn't want to reblog that last bit, not because of the claim that the person doesn't like my blorbo, but because someone else lashed out with criticism in response.
....still gonna explain why you shouldn't dislike the Last Unicorn for that reason imo on a reblog of this post though. Not because of that post specifically, but because it's a criticism of the unicorn/Amalthea that I have seen a few times and I need to get the feels out.
But yeah, people are allowed to not like even your most cherished things, okay?
As long as they're not an arse about it.
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valerico · 9 months ago
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happy pride, from my characters to you
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hydaen · 4 years ago
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oc doodles
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snow-and-glass · 3 years ago
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so many humans wandered round in circles, wishing for a future they were too fearful to seize.
The Seven Sisters - Celeno ‘Cece’ D’Aplièse
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leafy-m · 3 years ago
I haven't written about this here yet, but last month I finished listening to the Outlaw Road duology (Sunshield & Floodpath by Emily B Martin), and it's been living in my head ever since. I bought the paperbacks and the audiobooks (which are excellently performed! Definitely recommend) and have reread/listened to them like five times now and still I keep coming back. Like this series and its characters are 100% rivaling my love for the Daevabad trilogy, which is really saying something because those books have overtaken my life for the past two years. (and probably will next year too, with River of Silver releasing and any hope of me actually finishing all my art/fic wips)
There's so much I want to talk about regarding the character arcs and the disability rep and the narratives and how amazing the three POVs weave together and the worldbuilding and environment commentary, and the politics and linguistics and the amazing ending and omg everything. And I will, eventually.
But for now, I just want to bring it up because today I finished reading the original/prequel series, the Creatures of Light trilogy. It takes place 20+ years earlier and follows an amazing set of characters that show up in Sunshield/Floodpath as some of the main characters' parents/relatives. Idk about you but I love the next-generation storyline trope and while Outlaw Road is the stronger series and works great without the context, I'm also now in love with this first series and these wonderful characters. I'm also excited to reread Outlaw Road (again) and finally understand all the little nods to the first series and characters and places. (also just seeing those characters 20+ years later and what they've done/been through since, like omg 😭)
But the Creatures of Light trilogy itself is very nice too, and I love how every book wraps up. The plots mix politics, fantasy religion commentary, romance, and LoTR-style traveling through the environments with characters I immediately like. And while I love the leading men, I absolutely love how all these books feature so many amazing women that display strength and perseverance in their own unique ways, and how they get through their situations and attempt to better the lives of theirs and others. I love the world these series take place in too, and it's kind of amazing how this non-magical fantasy still has so much wonder and awe to it.
I absolutely recommend these books, please please please read them. I'm gonna reblog a bunch of fanart now, and hopefully have some essays up later.
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ansgebib · 3 years ago
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