#celebi really did try to help ho oh but after seeing what else would happen it just kinda broke him a bit
gardenofgods-a · 4 years
beyond the fact that he doesn’t want to be a bother, one of the reasons why celebi always declines ho oh’s offers of food/him sleeping inside is because he just cant really bring himself to face ho oh without feeling guilt. even if there wasn’t anything celebi could have done, he still just feels... awful about it. celebi did try to be there for ho oh after the incident, but his clairvoyance kept showing him all these terrible things that would happen with ho oh, to the point where celebi needed space before he actually lost his fucking mind.... which made him feel worse because he KNEW he shouldn’t be leaving ho oh alone but. everything was a mess and he just wanted to escape for a while. it got bad enough for him to the point where he skipped across timelines, finding timelines where instead of ho oh’s kids dying, it was lugia’s, finding timelines where lugia died instead, finding timelines where the tower burning didn’t even happen.
this incident was something he was caught up in for years and he still isn’t fully over it. there’s still times in the present where he’ll skip across timelines, back to the one where the tower never burned, just because of how different things are. how much happier they are. he is glad that the broken pieces from the aftermath are starting to be picked up and put back together, but it still hurts him deeply that it all happened. he still hasn’t told anyone that he saw it coming. he’s terrified to do so.
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1358456 · 5 years
Pokemon Crystal Joy Run
For some reason, I really wanted to try this and devoted time that I should’ve used on the DE update into this instead.
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Let’s dance. Joy run rules! ... The only restrictions I place upon myself is my own sense of restraint!
Now, I’m doing this run because I really wanted to test out TWO specific things. And so we shall see!
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Huzzah! Finally, after “Sapph” the Sapphire and “Platina” the Platinum, I can actually use the full name! YAAAY!
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Okay. ID number is 23017, which in hexadecimal would be 59E9. And in the world of Pokemon RGBYGSC, 59 is the hexadecimal code for Earthquake, and E9 is Vital Throw. ... What does this mean? ... Well, remember my Gold version joy run whose ID corresponded to Smog and Fire Spin? Hehehe... ... IF this works as I think it does, anyways.
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Name: Crystal, thus starter: Grass. It won’t hurt me despite the fact that Grass is the worst typing here.
... Okay, Tackle missing a third of the time will though. Accuracy 95. Missed 10 times out of the 33 PP used. Worthless ass piece of sh*t.
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What kind of name is... ... I mean... well, if that’s your name... who am I to argue.
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I mean, he said that was his name, so...
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Huh, Crystal version gets you a Hoppip a lot earlier than in GS. So I can prepare the shenanigans much earlier! Splash in third slot?!
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Soon, shrine guardian... soon... perhaps.
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Whitney’s dreaded Miltank vs. my standard issue early GSC staple dude.
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What a boring ass fight. 2 turns, lost 1 HP (Miltank missed Rollout once). Male Graveler gets f*cked by Attract. Female Graveler does not. Easy ass whupping.
And now, even though I did not need to curb stomp Whitney before this, the sorcery can begin! ... Turns out, getting a bad cloned in Crystal version is SO MUCH HARDER than in GS!
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But sorcery! Muhuhahahaha! So, my ID’s hex values was for Earthquake and Vital Throw. And...
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The sorcery hatched with Earthquake and Vital Throw. IT WOOOOORRRRKEED! ... And a random TM 43 since the Hoppip’s 4th move corresponded to that hex value. ... I actually wanted the ID that gives me Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. But... that would be too UNFAIR. Come on. Show restraint.
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... Huh. An unintentional byproduct of sorcery. A Hoppip that lost 4 characters to its name suddenly decided to break its shell and become more powerful than it could possibly have imagined. ... With Pokerus, of course. ... I’ll use this to just spread the virus and then ditch it in the box. Level 100 Mewtwo? Now that’s just too UNFAIR. Come on. Show some restraint.
Now, to test the OTHER thing that I wanted to test with this run (the first being the IDs corresponding to the two moves the glitch hatched Pokemon have). If the Pokemon that would originally have come out of that egg was to have Reflect in its 4th slot... then... after the shenanigans, the Pokemon should have the hold item of...
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An event item. ... Now, this thing doesn’t seem to be triggering anything. It’s in the Key Items slot, but nothing’s going on with Kurt. Maybe I have to beat the Elite Four or get all 16 Gym Badges? Hmm...
Well, I got Rock Smash TM, so... sorcery continues!
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Another byproduct of the sorcery. This... was a Rattata that ascended, and... what? Earthquake got PP Up’d once, and... random ass Pay Day with 2 PP Ups. ... ??? ... No, not the “rival”. ... Anyways. This byproduct also goes into the box and nothing else. A regular level 3 Lugia with Vital Throw, Earthquake, and Aeroblast is fine, thank you.
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I know, right? They never put up a fight. ... Oh, were you not referring to yourself? You f*cking scrub.
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... Er... Leaving now, and I will never come back.
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Oh yeah, this guy was a thing. Ehn. Whatever. Keep chasing that blue... wind...water dog thingy. I have no use of it.
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The asshead rival came by and took this guy’s prized Pokemon, SHUCKLE! ... This IS the Shuckle guy, right? ... But wait, the rival never had a Shuckle...
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I don’t think he’ll be back to take your other Shuckle since he’s not using the first one. And besides, have you seen my team? Does it look like I need a Shuckle?
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... Who the f*ck is this guy? ... Oh right. The asshead who thinks he’s invincible despite a literal 0% win rate against me.
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Of whose soul? ... And pure? ... Are you sure? Because here I am, literally doing the dark arts of Pokemon!
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Man, this free Earthquake is really handy!
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... Meh. I have no use of it. Let Eusine have it... after reviving it. In Crystal version, you need Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in order to get Ho-oh, if I recall. But... I already have Ho-oh... the BETTER Ho-oh since mine has Sacred Fire, so... I have no need for Suicune.
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Man, I sure do appreciate the fact that Sneasel is found so much earlier in Crystal than in GS. With duplicated Rare Candy, I can get a male and female Sneasel and raise them to level 57 so much earlier and so...
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Sorcery. Celebi with Earthquake! ... Imagine if Celebi had Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. Now that would be too UNFAIR. Well then, time to level it up a few times with Rare Candy so I can choose to NOT get certain moves that it gets at level 1 so that it retains Earthquake.
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And... wait, what’s happening? ... Q from Yellow version?? Or is the asshead “rival” evolving?!
Well, that happened like 5 times. Moving on!
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Man, this free Earthquake is really handy! And now that beat the Elite Four, I have access to move tutors. Ohoho! And I have SO MUCH MONEY since I never spent it (other than some daycare f*ckery)...
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Getting up to 9999 coins is so much easier in GSC than it is in RGBY... Ah... still a waste since I only need coins in increments of 4000, but hey. I have the cash... and the duplicated Nuggets. Too bad Celebi doesn’t get any of these. Would’ve been nice if the ID cooperated, but then again, maybe that would be too UNFAIR.
... But this move tutor teaches one move a day, and is only available in two days in the week? Bullsh*t. Time to f*ck with the game clock. Record the money I have, change the date to 11:59 pm of the day before the tutor guy appears, let the minute pass, and move tutor and repeat. Bolt-Beam for Mewtwo and Lugia, and Thunderbolt for Ho-oh!
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... Grimer and Muk can swim? ... Or is that “water” just ALL Grimer? ... Eww... ... Moon might like it here, I guess, but... blech. ... Anyways. Grimer = Acid Armor, so... my last team member appears. Mew! And to “immediately” dump 12000 coins to give it all three move tutor moves...
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And... um... well, this is happening. The bad clones that were supposed to disappear or transform during the process... remained. The one on the left was leftover from the Celebi shenanigans, and the one on the right is from Mew. ... I can’t get rid of these, since they don’t show up in the box. I can’t have them in the party in order to utilize this glitch again, so... ... well, looks like I can’t do the shenanigans ever again. Well, fine. I don’t need to do it one more time anyways. That would be too UNFAIR.
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Here we are again. Leftovers duplicate spam. Constant HP regeneration! Because of this, I opted to NOT keep/get Recover for the 4 Pokemon that do get them. Because that would be too UNFAIR.
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... Who in the what now? You are me and I am you and I am confused!
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Er... why does the teacher class trainer have... is that a whacking stick? Oho, haven’t been hit by one of those since the 90s for my fingernails being too long.
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... Swimmer WHAT?! No. Unacceptable. There can only be ONE! And who the f*ck has green hair?!
Well, all 16 Gym Badges obtained. Leveled up my 5 Pokemon team to level 50 each because any higher is too UNFAIR. If I recall, in my Gold version joy run, I went up to level 55, and that was completely unnecessary. So... level 50 it is.
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And still Pikachu remains ever so pitiful. Worthless ass piece of sh*t.
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So, counting the times during the level grinding phase, Celebi was hit by Body Slam 8 times, and got paralyzed 8 times (33% chance, by the way). And now Celebi has literally done nothing for 7 turns straight. Fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, flinched to Snore, fully paralyzed, fully paralyzed, flinched to Snore. Good thing Snorlax has such a huge HP that Leech Seed helps out so much, along with Leftovers. Or this worthless ass piece of sh*t would’ve been the first and only Pokemon downed.
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Aeroblast the sh*t out of Venusaur... nope, missed. ... Aeroblast the sh*t out of Venusaur, and there. Easy win against Red with a bunch of level 50 Pokemon without losing anyone and without using any healing items. Yay. I originally thought about raising to level 60, but... good thing I didn’t. That would’ve been too UNFAIR.
So. Now that I beat the Elite Four, got all 16 Gym Badges, and whupped Red... does THAT item work now?
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... Still nothing from this guy. If I recall, he was supposed to take the GS Ball and keep it for a day. And then hear commotion from the forest and... out pops an onion fairy from the shrine.
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Damn. So I can spawn the event item, but not the event. Aww... Although... meh. It’s not like I need a random ass level 30 Celebi anyways. I have a better one with Earthquake!
So with this, I’ve done... Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, and Platinum. So maybe one day, I can move on to Generation V?
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50 God Complex Apartments Starters
“Whoever keeps singing the top song charts from twelve years ago needs to stop. If I hear We Belong Together at 2am one more time, I’m going to scream.”
“Remind me again why the vending machines have divine protection...”
“All I want to do is enjoy my night, wHAT JERKS KEEP SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS?!”
“Glitter is a disease. It never goes away. Yet SOMEONE keeps ADDING to the amount-”
“So apparently the thirteenth floor doesn’t exist... I’m heading out to find it at midnight, are you in or out?”
“I’m almost positive our apartments have been bugged, how else does Arceus know what’s happening seconds after it happens?”
“I think your gayness is rubbing off on me.”
“If you tell me one more bad pun, I’m throwing you off the roof.”
“Where the hell is Groudon keeping all those marshmallows?”
“The coffee maker in the lobby broke and I swear it wasn’t me no matter what Arceus says.”
“You said you could cook... Why does it look like a murder occurred here?”
“We should ding-dong ditch everyone to find out ho lives where... For science.”
“To the next person challenging Pirouette to a dance battle: I’ll have your grave dug as a final charity.”
“Do you think Big Zek will hot wire my intercom to connect directly to that pizza place? ...Is that possible..?”
“I’m going to chop off my neighbor’s nose. That stops snores, right?”
"How many times have I told you not to mess with the vending machine?!" 
"Hey, you left your socks out here on the floor." 
"But I don't even wear socks..." 
"Hey, help me blow up our neighbor's room with confetti and glitter." 
"Do you think Arceus would care if I turned his volume down- he's a little too loud.." 
"I think I fixed it- wait.. wait no, nevermind." 
"There's a hole in the ceiling, Reshiram's been here..." 
“Do you think Darkrai and Giratina even turn on the light..? Their electricity bill must be so low.”
“Kyogre and Grroudon are at it again.... Where’s Rayquaza when you need them...”
“Victini started another fight... Why do they insist on pranking everyone...”
“Your room’s a mess... Do you even clean up?”
“Why are you on the floor?”
“Why are you on THIS floor?”
“Do you think I’ll get evicted if I create an indoor hot tub?”
“Why aren’t you on my floor?”
“No running in the lobby? ..Pfft. Who’s gonna stop me?”
“I’m going to put an “out of order” sticker on my forehead and call it a day.”
“How does Zygarde keep control of all those cells..?”
“Every time this place gets a story taller, do you think Arceus asks Palkia to do it for him?”
“Do you think the garden is under divine protection too?”
“You want to burn the garden..? ...Good luck getting past Celebi and Virizion...”
“With how Groudon and Kyogre are, I’m surprised Lugia and Ho-Oh aren’t as bad.”
“Why are Kyogre and Lugia constantly trying to own the pool? Isn’t it for everyone?”
“I’m going to see how close I can get to pranking Latios before he finds out. Do you want to help?”
“How is this complex still standing...”
“It is two in the morning. Why are you knocking so loudly?”
“What did you THINK was going to happen?!”
“You look beautiful when you wake up. And by beautiful, I mean you look like you have a rat’s nest on your head.”
“Each floor is like a new layer of hell.”
“Why does Mewtwo need a Mercedes...”
“How many Time Puns do you think Dialga will put up with before destroying us..?”
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