#cedric juniper
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#pokémon#pokemon anime#n pokemon#ash ketchum#cilan pokemon#iris pokemon#cedric juniper#team plasma grunt#pikachu#axew#every n#unova
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Ok enough vague loredumping in tags it's time to properly introduce y'all to my wacky and wonderful crowd of non self-insert OCs (intro to my self-inserts and the basics of my OC canon can be found here).
So let's start with the Anderson sisters, aka Sylvia and Denise's moms!
(reference images made using Picrew and Love Nikki)

Martha Goldwood
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: pansexual
Birthday: June 25th
Height: 5'7
Hair color: light blonde
Eye color: green
Color scheme: wide variety but purples, greens, and blues are most common
Ethnicity: Unovan
Interests: Pokemon battling, traveling, skiing, photography, baking, gardening/botany, swimming*, boating
Fashion sense is similar to her daughters'—romantic and feminine but not overly elaborate or impractical. Almost always wears at least 1 clothing garment/accessory that has flowers or floral patterns
Born in Icirrus City to parents Rosemary and Henry Anderson; lived there until leaving to become a Pokemon Trainer in her late teens due to dissatisfaction with her quiet life at home
Met her husband Roger Goldwood (a musician and aspiring composer) while visiting Driftveil City and convinces him to take a journey of his own. The two travel to many regions together and grow quite close as a result
Married Roger at age 26 and moved with him to Nuvema Town; their daughter Sylvia was born when she was 27
When they were both 28 her husband passes away due to drowning in the Abyssal Ruins in search of clues pertaining to the Mythical Pokemon Meloetta. His partner Samurott swims back home from Undella Bay to bring his body to Martha, then passes away from grief a few days after. Martha is quite grief-stricken herself and traumatized to the point that she can no longer bring herself to swim in the sea anymore, but she doesn't want her daughter to grow up fearing the ocean he loved. She continues to take Sylvia to Nuvema's shoreline to swim and go on boating trips as he once dreamed of doing with her, but she keeps Roger's true cause of death hidden from her to shield her daughter from experiencing trauma where her father wanted her to experience joy. Sylvia spends two decades believing her father died when she was very young of a "mysterious illness."
Becomes a florist after her husband's passing after receiving many sympathy flowers from friends/neighbors and gaining an appreciation for how floral arrangements can convey emotion and meaning
Noticed Sylvia's interest in music at an early age and fostered it by signing her up for music lessons, initially piano and singing but this eventually expanded to multiple other instruments. She encouraged her musical development after she noticed how performing onstage helped her daughter become less shy and more confident, and was overjoyed that Roger's "little songbird" inherited his gift.
As Sylvia started to develop burnout from music Martha suggested she take a Pokemon journey for a change of pace, as she once did when she was her age, but not before much deliberation as raising Sylvia was one of her biggest solaces after losing her husband. Even though she expected it, she has to fight to suppress the rising wave of grief when her daughter chooses Oshawott as her first Pokemon.
Personality: introverted as a child/adolescent but grew up to be more ambiverted as an adult, nurturing, secretive, loyal to loved ones to the point of self-detriment
Notable Pokemon: Serperior, Florges

Jennifer Anderson-Hitoki
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: bisexual
Birthday: August 9th
Height: 5'5
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: green
Color scheme: mostly pinks, whites, and yellows with occasional oranges and reds
Ethnicity: Unovan
Interests: Pokemon nutrition and hygiene, traveling, hiking, biking, skiing, baking, mythology, teaching
Fashion is practical and upbeat, professional but with a bit of a sporty touch. Shares her daughter's distaste for unneeded flourish unless it's for a deliberate purpose
Born 4 years after Martha and raised in Icirrus City along with her; spent a lot of time at the local Pokemon Fan Club where she fell in love with the art of raising Pokemon. Left home at age 10 to become a professional Pokemon Breeder
Despite some setbacks she was quite successful and traveled the world competing in various events for Pokemon Breeders at the regional, national, and even worldwide level. Her biggest rival was Ryuji Hitoki from Goldenrod City, who outcompeted her every time they met until she finally triumphed over him in a competition known as the Pokemon Breeders' World Cup
Despite their rivalry Jen has a lot of respect for Ryu and vice versa; they fell in love slowly but surely and moved to Ecruteak City after their engagement. Jen was 23 on her wedding day and 25 when her daughter Denise was born
Retained influence in the Pokemon Breeder scene even after leaving the world stage—she opened a store to sell her original blend of Pokemon food and other care products, and does occasional traveling to give seminars to aspiring Trainers/Breeders
Her marriage grew unstable throughout Denise's childhood, initially due to differing opinions on how to raise her/her future (particularly whether she would follow in her parents' footsteps), but the arguments escalated and started to extend to other things as well. Eventually Ryuji had enough and left on another journey without a word, effectively abandoning his wife and daughter. 35 year-old Jen is heartbroken, confused and angry but tries to keep up a cheerful facade for her daughter's sake (and because she blames her temperamental side for driving her husband away). Unfortunately this only serves to infuriate Denise, then 10 years old, because she perceives it as her mother lying to her/denying reality, is biased toward Ryu because he was her primary caregiver and thus she won't blame him (well. not yet at least) and is also too young and hurt to blame herself. Jen spends the next 3 years struggling to navigate a strained relationship with her daughter and the new challenges of single motherhood while desperately trying to manage her own grief.
After giving up hope for Ryu's return she decides to move to Aspertia City to start a new life without him and to be a little closer to her older sister and niece, taking her daughter with her. Denise is once again furious because she sprung this on her without warning and views it as her mother taking her away from her friends/home for her own selfish reasons. Jen initially tries to rectify things but due to repeatedly trying and failing to effectively communicate with her daughter, she instead decides it's best to give Denise the space she needs to adjust and hope she eventually comes around (even if it means she spends 5 years barely leaving her room and basically only leaving the house to go to the library). They only interact when necessary, and when they do it usually ends with Denise getting angry and Jen feeling guilty and doubting her capabilities as a parent. This pattern continues up until Denise leaves on her own journey after turning 18.
After moving to Aspertia City she gets a job teaching at the city's Pokemon Trainers' School. Teaching the young students about Pokemon and helping them grow was a large source of comfort for her in the wake of her rather bleak family situation.
Personality: charmingly extroverted, tenacious, impatient, very blunt about her likes and dislikes
Notable Pokemon: Ninetales, Zebstrika
Random fun facts/lore
Due to Icirrus' City's close proximity to Dragonspiral Tower, a place of great importance in Unovan myth, Martha and Jennifer grew up listening to their parents retelling stories of the legendary Reshiram and Zekrom and the twin heroes that wielded their power; whenever they return to their hometown for holidays/festivals their daughters hear the same tales. As such all four have at least a mild interest in mythology; Jen loved Ecruteak because its reverence for its legendary Pokemon felt familiar to her and the myths surrounding them piqued her interest.
I shorten Jennifer to "Jen" a lot because it's convenient it's the name she asks most people call her; however, Martha and Martha alone has the privilege of calling her little sister "Jenny." Jen calls her older sister "Marthie."
Cedric Juniper was neighbors with Rosemary and Henry, and he was the one who gave the Anderson sisters their starter Pokemon. His daughter Aurea was also very good friends with the girls; Martha and Roger moved to Nuvema partly because it was just after she had established her laboratory there as Unova's new Pokemon Professor (the other reason was that Roger wanted to move somewhere near the ocean so he could have easy access to his father's old boat). Aurea was also the one who suggested to Jen that Denise go on a Pokemon journey to ease her depression and get to know Unova a little better.
Martha met her Florges—then a Flabébé—a few weeks after she started working at Nuvema's flower shop, where she walked to work one day to find a Pokemon she had never seen before admiring the store's outdoor floral displays. The Pokemon came back to visit multiple times before Martha eventually befriended and caught her; she's now her partner who keeps all her flowers vibrant and healthy. Flabébé took a shine to baby Sylvia and grew up alongside her, and it was through their relationship that Martha taught Sylvia how to look after Pokemon. Little Sylvia also loved to visit them at work and often bombarded her mom with questions about plants, which Martha always thought was adorable (though a little distracting).
Sylvia believing Roger died of a "mysterious illness" is actually a holdover from before I had figured out his true cause of death lmao. I wasn't nearly as meticulous with details about the girls' parents as I am now (they're a lot more interesting to me now that I'm older), but I knew I wanted him out of the picture for the Drama™ so I just made up an easy explanation and called it a day haha
Ninetales is Jennifer’s most prized and recognizable Pokemon, and the one that led her to victory in the Pokemon Breeders’ World Cup. She’s known Denise since she was born and has always been very close with her; Denise often stims by running her fingers through Ninetales’ fur. During Denise’s depressive period, Ninetales keeps her company up in her room and comforts her after she has fights with her mom. Jen's design and character is also loosely inspired by Ninetales with the pigtails and her "fiery" temperament.
Out of all the girls' parents Martha in her prime was the strongest Trainer, though Ryuji eventually reaches her level while being a deadbeat training to gain the strength to seek out Legendary Pokemon. She's strong enough to hold her own even against her daughter and niece and would be a strong contender for a Gym Leader if she battled more consistently, but she doesn't have much interest in doing so.
Jen is incredibly lucky that Team Plasma wasn't as prominent when she was a child because she would have been VERY susceptible to their propaganda—she loved Pokemon but used to hate Pokemon battles, as she couldn't stand seeing Pokemon in pain and with their fur all dirty from being repeatedly hit by moves. Even after she had Pokemon of her own, it took her quite a long time to accept that battling can be a source of joy and enrichment for them, and it's her responsibility as a Breeder to engage them with the activities they enjoy in order to raise them to be happy and healthy. She does come around eventually though, and she especially loves seeing a Pokemon's happy smile after winning a match.
Denise was in a very precarious position mental health-wise after her confrontation with Team Plasma (re: almost being frozen to death twice and developing PTSD after the Opelucid City attack), and she spent a few months back home to stabilize a little before resuming her travels. Jen put in a lot of effort to help her get back on her feet; she did lots of searching to help her daughter find a therapist she liked, particularly one who could help her repair her relationship with her Glaceon (who evolved in Opelucid City due to the freezing energy of the indestructible ice and Dena couldn't even look at her without suffering painful flashbacks). Their mother-daughter relationship was starting to heal by this point but Jen called Martha for backup just in case. She visited Aspertia City for a few weeks to help look after her niece while her sister was at work, and was someone Denise could talk to about things she didn't feel comfortable telling her mom yet. They had many conversations about grief, depression, and feeling overshadowed by family members (Jen was more spoiled than her older sister and grew up to be quite successful, while Sylvia was a musical prodigy who became Unova's hero and Denise has mixed feelings on being compared to her so often; she adores Syl but wants to be recognized as her own person rather than "Sylvia's cousin" or someone who reminds people of "that Trainer from two years ago"). Denise was very grateful for Martha's guidance/support and gave her a Shiny Stone as thanks, which is how she was able to evolve her Floette into Florges.
The scenario for how Ryu re-enters Jen and Denise's life keeps getting reworked because his character has evolved a lot over the years and I am an indecisive bitch so idk exactly how he returns, but I can say that Jennifer is rightfully furious with him for how his leaving nearly drove a permanent wedge between her and her daughter, and how much he hurt both of them (especially Denise). Jen wouldn't cut him off completely because Denise, despite her own anger (which is a whole other can of worms but that's another post for another day), just wants to heal her broken family for the sake of the little girl who wanted her dad back, but she would make it quite clear that she wants to file for divorce because she can't love him the same way after what he's done. She'd likely also change her last name back to just "Anderson."
Speaking of things that are a work in progress, sometime post-BW2 arc Martha gets remarried to a woman named Laurel Gropius, who's N's long-lost mother and a new-ish OC of mine (she's also briefly mentioned in what is currently the only fic on my AO3 which can be found here). The funny thing though is that since N is also Sylvia's love interest in my canon, Laurel is technically both her stepmom AND mother in law but don't worry about it (this family tree is far from the weirdest in fiction but it has some pretty funny quirks to it. Like Ghetsis being N's Actual Biological Father due to an incredibly Specific and Convoluted and Altogether Fucked Up Series Of Events but again. Another post)
Currently Jen does not have any other romantic partners after divorcing Ryu in the canon timeline, but in my Paldea AU she has a bit of a Situationship with Raifort. I really really want it to end wholesomely because the idea of Raifort as Denise's stepmom brings me SO much joy but I'm also addicted to the Toxic Yuri of it all soooo. Inconclusive but I do have a little ramble about them here for those interested.
And that's all for now! If you made it this far thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading about The Moms Ever <3333
#mel's musings#little songbird#forest for the tree#cedric juniper#professor juniper#n harmonia#ghetsis harmonia#raifort#pokemon#original character#pokemon oc#miserable white women save me...save me miserable white women (<-she said. as a miserable white women)#also i cannot even count the number of times i've been hit in the face with how gay i am for martha over the course of making this#and honestly if i didn't project my teenage self's relationship w/ my mom onto jen so much. i'd probably go wild over her too#that said she's SO much fun to write and i just KNOW she'd be one of my favorite characters to voice act if she were canon#(to be fair i did read the scarvi mom's lines in her voice when i did my dena playthrough but it's not enough i need those lines to be HERS#in conclusion i am mentally ill and these ladies mean the world to me martha and jen i love you so so much <333333
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Official Cedric Juniper Cards from the Pokémon TCG
Cedric Juniper (110) - Black & White—Legendary Treasures
#card database#pokemon#pokemon tcg#pokemon cards#pokemon cedric juniper#cedric juniper#card#pokemon bw#pokemon b2w2
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Round 1 the top 4 were Kukui, Sycamore, Birch, and either Elm or Sada. I'll hold an elimination round later if need be.
Round 2's top 4 were Clavell, Jacq, Hassel, and Raifort!
It's past time for round 3 of planty intellectuals
Bellis is named from the Genus containing the common daisy
Fennel is related to the carrot, and is said to have health benefits of improved heart health, reduce inflammation, and apparently suppress'es appetite.
Cedric is the professor Junipers father
Cynthia is a Rhododendron catawbiense hybrid that was developed by John Standish and Charles Noble of Sunningdale Nursery in Devon, England in the 1840's and 1850's. Look it up it's really pretty.
Cynthia herself is a researcher and archeologist
Lusamine is named from Balsamina plant, which has many uses in traditional medicine. Some include burns, snake bites, warts, constipation, and fractures, depending on which part of the plant is used. It is native to India and Myanmar, and invasive on several Pacific Ocean islands. More common names include touch-me-not and spotted snap weed.
Her whole family has plant names, and her which kid takes over the family science business depends on the game variant you play. (Original or Ultra) Gladion is named for Gladiolus, the Sword Lilly. In African medicine treatment it is used in treatments for diarrhea, constipation and colds.
Lillie is likewise named, and given her white colour scheme, may be named for white Lilly. Lilies are edible plants (unless you are a cat), and are traditionally used for coughs and sore throats, though are said to have many other uses medicinally.
Mohn is named for the German name for Poppy. It too has medicinal uses, most well known for Morphine.
Even Faba is named for an edible plant here, particularly after a type of bean.
Now for DLC stuff (or game I haven't played)
Cyanococcus is the scientific name of Blueberry. English threw some other influences in there and added the r. He and his fellow professor Briar (named for thorny shrub plants such as wild roses), are technically from Unova, for all they show up in the ScarVi DLC.
I was tempted to put Hop (climbing plant commonly used to grow beer) on the list, but like Lillie and Gladion, they do not start their studies in game. Closest would be Lillie who was actually a research assistant at game start.
Heath (shortened form of heather) could have worked for the poll too. Personally, I would have gone for Calluna as a name, that sounds nice to me.
One who has a name that could have hit plant, but went for a spelling and meaning for sinister was Sina, which could have been swapped to Senna, a herb whose leaves can be taken for constipation relief.
Plenty of research "rival" trainers who become assistants don't have a plant name, such as Bianca, who goes for a light name meaning, in contrast to Cheren's black.
Some people like Bill and have a plant name in Japan, that was changed to something else for English.
Bill was from masaki, or evergreen spindle, a small evergreen tree,
As it was changed in translation, I decided against including it as an option on the poll.
#pokemon#lusamine#pokemon go#pokemon trading card game#pokemon black and white#pokemon sun and moon#pokemon ultra sun and moon#pokemon scarlet and violet#teal mask#bellis pokemon#professor willow#professor holly#professor holly pokemon#professor fennel#cedric juniper#mohn pokemon#mohn#lillie#gladion#faba pokemon#cyrano pokemon#brair pokemon#samson oak#kplays#polls#pokemon poll#hop pokemon#names#plants
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#pokemon#who would you fuck#poll#professor#oak#elm#birch#rowan#sycamore#kukui#turo#laventon#hot old men#i really REALLY wanted to put cedric juniper in here over laventon#but my s/o convinced me that no one would know who he is and those that do wouldnt wanna fuck him#so sorry cedric-#there was a same poll going around but it was picking and choosing the most “conventionally attractive” (By tumblr standards at least) ones#from games that most people dont even play/anime not everyone watches#so here's an actual poll for it lol
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hey. hey. pokemon oc haver
or just oc haver. I have a prompt for you. imagine your oc in pokemon masters >:3
If your OC was in Pokemon Masters, tell me:
who their pokemon partner would be
what role they would be (strike/support/tech/field/sprint)
what tags they would have (ill grab the list in a sec - normally 1 for region or town they're from, 1 for type specialty, 2-3 for characteristics/character traits)
what could their trainer lodge partner be (aka, second partner pokemon)
what would their summer outfit, halloween outfit, new years, valentines, or other event outfit be like? :)
are there any trainers they have special voice lines with when they are added to a team/win a battle when theyre on a team with a specific trainer?
Explanation of roles: (copy pasted from bulbapedia)
Strike sync pairs, which are focused on attacking. Support sync pairs, which are focused on defending, healing HP, and increasing stats of the whole team. Tech sync pairs, which are focused on disrupting the opponents, such as lowering their stats and inflicting status conditions. Sprint sync pairs, which are focused on attacking fast and reducing the sync move countdown. Field sync pairs, which are focused on setting up field effects.
tags (real term was themed skills whoops): https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Theme_skill
IE here's it filled out for Aste!
-Main: H. Typhlosion (tech, burn & flinch causer) Sinnoh, Ghost tech, Masked, Researcher -Lodge: Trubbish/Garbodor (evolvable, shiny) (tech, poison & flinch causer) Unova, Poison tech, Masked, Researcher --Summer: Jangmo-o/Kommo-o (evolvable) (support, stat raiser) -- tbh i have some ideas brewing for their summer outfit but i'll say this: their mask is replaced with a snorkel. ... oh i have to think up a fun replacement for their cane omg (im going to draw this later) Unova, Dragon support, Nature Lover --Halloween: Porygon Z (sprint, trick room?) -- ball jointed doll esque frankenstein. Cane is decorated either like a giant bolt or maybe a lantern holder? Unova, Normal sprint, Supernatural Would have voicelines with: Ingo, Emmet, Irida, Allister, Akari & Rei, [lots of friends' ocs] (I have some of the voice lines figured out but anxious to share them bc. anxious about sharing Aste in general)
#original characters#oc meme#pokemon oc#pokemon original characters#tell me about your ocs. please.#aste#aste would also have voicelines with birch elm prof juniper and cedric juniper BUUUUUUUT THEYRE NOT IN MAAAAASTERS#WEH...
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Ch8: [first][prev][next]
#bw diary#ch8pg37-38#pokemon bw#pokemon black white#serperior#professor cedric juniper#professor juniper sr
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Cedric Juniper -- Ken Sugimori
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Martin Blackwood (TMA) ID Pack
[PT: Martin Blackwood (TMA) ID Pack].
[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alice, Alistair, Arthur, Aubrey, Benedict, Brooke, Caroline, Cedric, Clara, Clementine, Collette, Daniel, Edith, Edmund, Emory, Finn, Francis, Gabriel, Gray, Heidi, Henry, Isaac, Ivy, Julian, Juniper, Kai, Laura, Lawrence, Mila, Mildred, Miles, Nathaniel, Odette, Oliver, Patrick, Quentin, Robert, Samuel, Sol, Sophie, Theodore, Vincent, Violet, Wendy, William
[PT: Pronouns].
Arch / Archive / Archives, Bre / Brew / Brews, Ca / Care / Cares, Fog / Fogs / Fogs, Gentle / Gentles / Gentles, Lone / Lonely / Lones, Po / Poem / Poems, Qui / Quiet / Quiets, Sol / Isol / Isols [Isolation], Watch / Watches / Watchs, Whis / Per / Pers [Whisper], Wisp / Wisps / Wisps, Wo / Wor / Word
[PT: Titles].
[Pronoun] Who Fights the Loneliness Within, [Pronoun] Whose Silence Speaks Volumes, A Soul Lost to the Lonely, A Voice of Comfort, One Who Seeks Connection, The [Noun] Who Faded Into the Fog, The Archivist's Quiet Partner, The Gentle Presence Among the Stacks, The Quiet Heart of the Archives, The Soft-Spoken One
[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by @ineffable-brainrot
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
#martin blackwood#tma#the magnus archives#id pack#npts#npt pack#npt#npt list#names pronouns titles#name suggestions#pronoun suggestions#title suggestions#neopronouns#neopronoun suggestions
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#pokémon#pokemon anime#n pokemon#ash ketchum#cilan pokemon#iris pokemon#cedric juniper#pikachu#axew#unova#every n
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Hello, Academy;
I'm a big fan of yours and find this blog a very good idea to share interesting facts about the world!
I have a special interest on Ghost-types and the special organs that help them have abilities like passing through walls, levitating, sucking "life energy", etc. In fact, I'm doing a final year project on that!
I thought it'd be good to ask here for some info. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the ask, and for the kind words! As you're likely aware, this is a quite advanced topic. We'll go over each of the unique or signature abilities of Ghost types, and how they work, briefly. For more detail, you may be interested in the works of Cedric Juniper of Unova and Jacq of Paldea.
Note: some of what will be shared here is far from conclusive, and more research into the functionality of the organs of Pokémon is required. (See this post from @quillpokebiology for a related recent breakthrough)
Considered to be the "signature" trait of Ghost types, voluntary intangibility is made possible by a series of near-identical organs throughout the Ghost type Pokémon's body. Controlled by the central nervous system, these organs simultaneously allow the surrounding area to pass through solid objects. While the exact mechanism is currently unknown, it is suspected that these organs manipulate the charge of the particles making up the Pokémon's body, allowing it to pass through unaffected by electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces.
As alluded to above, some Pokémon have modified versions of the organs described above that additionally allow them to make themselves invisible at will.
Energy Absorption ("Life Force" and Empathetic)
The ability of some Ghost type Pokémon to "absorb" the energy of other creatures (such as Palossand draining life essences, or Mismagius feeding off of fear) is not done in a single way, and appears to be a case of convergent evolution. For this reason, we cannot go over it in any detail here, but feel free to ask about a specific Pokémon!
There are many stories (though none have been verified at the time of writing) of Ghost type Pokémon "possessing" other creatures, including humans. Since no scientific studies have recorded this phenomenon, it's difficult to make any conclusive claims. However, descriptions closely match some forms of mind control, specifically the "full control" variation most famously performed by Beheeyem. How Ghost type Pokémon would be able to accomplish this feat is unclear.
Surprisingly, one of the most common and, on the face of it, simplest abilities of Ghost types is also one of the least understood. Levitation is achieved by Psychic types through application of their psychic abilities. For many Ghost types, this explanation seems perfectly applicable (especially given the strong overlap in abilities between Psychic, Dark, and Ghost type Pokémon), but there are plenty of Ghost type Pokémon such as Shedinja which do not display any latent psychic abilities. For these Pokémon, it has been suggested that their light weight allows them to float, but other light Ghost type Pokémon such as Galarian-form Corsola that do not levitate.
In short, more research is certainly required to fully understand Ghost type Pokémon. That said, it's not as if we're completely clueless!
Happy Halloween!
#rotomblr#pokemon irl#pa-asks#anonymous#pokemon biology#ghost type#// just barely got this out during halloween#// sorry for the wait!
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Red Blue Professor Oak Daisy Oak Brock Misty Lt. Surge Erika Koga Sabrina Mr Fuji Reina Blaine Giovanni Lorelei Bruno Agatha Lance Bill Mr. Fuji Baoba Pokémon Center ladies Koichi Player's mom Old man Professor Oak's aides Ghost Marowak Ethan Silver Professor Elm Mr. Pokémon Falkner Bugsy Whitney Morty Chuck Jasmine Pryce Clair Will Karen Janine Red Gyarados Archer Ariana Petrel Proton Earl Dervish DJ Mary DJ Ben DJ Lily Week Siblings Kurt Cal Randy Carrie Amphy Kiyo Dude DJ Fern Joey Kanto Pokémon Federation Kimono Girls Maizie Johto Name Rater Johto Move Deleter Professor Elm's aide Radio Director Reed Player's mom Li Wilton Brendan May Professor Birch Roxanne Brawly Wattson Flannery Norman Winona Tate and Liza Wallace Sidney Phoebe Glacia Drake Steven Stone Mr. Briney Mr. Stone Wally Lanette Gabby and Ty Professor Cozmo Rydel Wanda Winstrate family Captain Stern Dock Maxie Tabitha Courtney Archie Matt Shelly Treasure Hunter Fossil Maniac Kiri Player's mom Hoenn Name Rater Hoenn Move Deleter Hoenn Move Maniac Peeko Old guys Trick Master Lucas Dawn Barry Cheryl Mira Riley Marley Buck Professor Rowan Roark Gardenia Maylene Crasher Wake Fantina Byron Candice Volkner Aaron Bertha Flint Lucian Cynthia Cyrus Mars Jupiter Saturn Palmer Bebe Mr. Backlot Eldritch Felicity Dr. Footstep Mr. Fuego Helena Johanna Sinnoh Name Rater Sinnoh Move Deleter Sinnoh Move Maniac Pokétch Co. President Danny Rad Rickshaw Roseanne Underground Man Wilma Julia Professor Rowan's assistant Jordan Dexter Keira Butler Hilbert Hilda Cheren Bianca Professor Juniper Cedric Juniper Cilan Chili Cress Lenora Burgh Elesa Clay Skyla Brycen Iris Drayden Shauntal Grimsley Marshal Alder Fennel N Ghetsis Rood Zinzolin Gorm Bronius Giallo Ryoku Shadow Triad Anthea and Concordia Amanita Hawes Player's mom Bianca's father Charles Ingo Emmet The Riches Shigeki Morimoto Kōji Nishino Unova Name Rater Unova Move Deleter Reminder girl Unova Stats Judge Calem Serena Professor Sycamore Shauna Tierno Trevor Alexa Bonnie Viola Grant Korrina Ramos Clemont Valerie Olympia Wulfric Malva Siebold Wikstrom Drasna Diantha Lysandre Aliana Bryony Celosia Mable Xerosic Chalmers AZ Nita Evelyn Dana Morgan Sina Dexio Emma Gurkinn Grace Cassius Inver Mr. Bonding Kali Linnea Blossom Katherine Kalos Name Rater Kalos Move Deleter Madam Reminder Phil the Photo Guy Stew Ward Esse Kalos Stats Judge Elio Selene Lillie Nebby Hau Professor Kukui Rotom Dex Ilima Lana Kiawe Mallow Sophocles Acerola Mina Hala Olivia Nanu Hapu Kahili Molayne Ryuki Gladion Plumeria Guzma Wicke Faba Lusamine Mohn Player's mom Samson Oak Harper and Sarah Eevee users Mr. Hyper Gester Alola Name Rater Alola Move Deleter Alola Move Reminder Victor Gloria Hop Bede Marnie Sonia Professor Magnolia Milo Nessa Kabu Bea Allister Opal Gordie Melony Piers Raihan Leon Rose Oleana Watt Traders Sordward Shieldbert Jack Ball Guy Cara Liss Player's mum Florian Juliana Nemona Arven Penny Koraidon Miraidon Professor Sada Professor Turo Clavell Katy Brassius Iono Kofu Larry Ryme Tulip Grusha Rika Poppy Hassel Geeta Giacomo Mela Atticus Ortega Eri Carmen Jacq Dendra Miriam Raifort Saguaro Salvatore Tyme Youssef Harrington Heath Pokémon League representatives Player's mom
Jesus fucking christ what
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the purpose of this tournament is ostensibly to see which pokemon characters are the most popular...but it has the side effect of telling us the characters that are the LEAST popular as well.
here are the ten characters who got the fewest votes in round one:
scott - 3.3% of 2046 votes, approximately 68 votes
xerosic - 2.3% of 2665 votes, approximately 61 votes
ramos - 4% of 1505 votes, approximately 60 votes
greta - 2% of 2954 votes, approximately 59 votes
charon - 2.2% of 2458 votes, approximately 54 votes
spenser - 1.4% of 3391 votes, approximately 47 votes
cedric juniper - 2.4% of 1832 votes, approximately 44 votes
don george - 2.6% of 1646 votes, approxmiately 42 votes
cameron - 1.2% of 2419 votes, approximately 29 votes
gurkinn - 1.1% of 2081 votes, approximately 23 votes
congratulations gurkinn!!! we still don't know who this tournament's winner will be, but we can safely say that you are its loser!!
#nobody likes korrina's grandpa and his eyebrows 😔#also greta is the only female character in the bottom 10....we love women here
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Welcome to POKEMANIX
Enjoy your stay. I like reblogging pkmn stuff of all kinds! That includes fanart and official stuff
I also post pkmn card posts for every pkmn character. If your favourite isn't up yet, they either don't have a card or theyre in the queue.
Official Pokemon Trainer Cards Easy List;
Gen 1
Red, Blue, Green, Leaf, Ash Ketchum, Mom, Professor Oak, Imposter Professor Oak, Daisy Oak, Bill, Celio, Mr. Fuji, Copycat, Giovanni, Jessie and James, Butch and Cassidy, Sird, Team Rocket Grunts, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance
Gen 2
Ethan, Kris, Lyra, Mom, Professor Elm, Silver, Eusine, Mary, Mr. Pokemon, Kurt, Buena, Archer, Ariana, Proton, Petrel, Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, Pryce, Clair, Janine, Will, Karen
Gen 3
Brendan, May, Mom, Professor Birch, Wally, Zinnia, Scott, Mr. Briney, Mr. Stone, Gabby and Ty, Lanette, Brigette, Professor Cozmo, Captain Stern, Aarune, Lisia, Archie, Matt, Shelly, Maxie, Tabitha, Courtney, Team Aqua Grunts, Team Magma Grunts, Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate, Liza, Wallace, Juan, Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Steven Stone, Noland, Greta, Tucker, Lucy, Spenser, Brandon, Anabel
Gen 4
Lucas, Dawn, Johanna (Mom), Professor Rowan, Barry, Felicity, Looker, Roxy and Oli, Cheryl, Riley, Mira, Buck, Marley, Bebe, Roseanne, Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Team Galactic Grunts, Charon, Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Crasher Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candice, Volkner, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, Cynthia, Palmer, Thorton, Dahlia, Darach, Argenta
Gen 5
Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Mom (BW), Mom (B2W2), Professor Juniper, Cedric Juniper, Fennel, Cheren, Bianca, Hugh, N, Colress, Ghetsis, Zinzolin, Gorm, Bronius, Giallo, Ryoku, Rood, Anthea, Concordia, Shadow Triad, Team Plasma Grunts, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, Burgh, Elesa, Clay, Skyla, Brycen, Drayden, Iris, Roxie, Marlon, Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Alder, Benga, Ingo, Emmet
Gen 6
Calem, Serena, Grace (Mom), Professor Augustine Sycamore, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, Alexa, Cassius, Inver, Sina, Dexio, Gurkinn, Bonnie, Emma, AZ, Lysandre, Chalmers, Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Marie, Xerosic, Team Flare Grunts, Viola, Grant, Korrina, Ramos, Clemont, Valerie, Olympia, Wulfric, Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom, Drasna, Diantha, Dana, Evelyn, Morgan, Nita, Kali, Katherine
Gen 7
Elio, Selene, Mom, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Lillie, Hau, Samson Oak, Guzma, Plumeria, Gladion, Team Skull Grunts, Lusamine, Wicke, Faba, Aether Paradise Employees, Phyco, Dulse, Soliera, Zossie, Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, Mina, Hala, Olivia, Nanu, Hapu, Kahili, Molayne, Mohn, Ryuki
Gen 8
Victor, Gloria, Mum, Professor Magnolia, Sonia, Hop, Bede, Marnie, Sordward, Shielbert, Ball Guy, Team Yell Grunts, Rose, Oleana, Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, Raihan, Leon, Cara Liss, Jack, Dan, Mustard, Klara, Avery, Honey, Hyde, Peony, Peonia, Digging Duo, Koko
Rei, Akari, Professor Laventon, Kamado, Cyllene, Zisu, Pesselle, Tao Hua, Sanqua, Colza, Beni, Ress, Rye, Cogita, Choy, Anthe, Charm, Clover, Coin, Vessa, Adaman, Mai, Arezu, Iscan, Melli, Sabi, Irida, Lian, Calaba, Palina, Gaeric, Pearl Clan Members, Diamond Clan Members, Ginter, Volo, Tuli, Mani
Gen 9
Florian, Juliana, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Nemona, Arven, Penny, Clavell, Jacq, Dendra, Miriam, Raifort, Saguaro, Salvatore, Tyme, Katy, Brassius, Iono, Kofu, Larry, Ryme, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Poppy, Hassel, Geeta, Giacomo, Mela, Atticus, Ortega, Eri, Carmen, Youssef, Team Star Grunts, Carmine, Kieran, Perrin, Kitakami Caretaker, Billy and O'Nare, Briar, Cyrano, Drayton, Lacey, Crispin, Amarys, Liko, Roy, Friede, Dot
Professor Willow, Candela, Blanche, Spark
Imakuni?, Holon, Trainer Classes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Pokemon Center Ladies, NPCs (1, 2, 3, 4)
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Ch8: [first][prev][next]
#bw diary#ch8pg35-36#pokemon bw#pokemon black white#professor cedric juniper#professor juniper sr#getting a story from peepaw everyone get comfy
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