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odeondesign · 4 years ago
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「 セシル・B/ザ・シネマ・ウォーズ」 #2000年のアメリカ映画 #ジョンウォーターズ 監督らしく、 下品ですがぶっ飛んでいて好きな映画です。 ハリウッドの拝金主義を 毒々しくブラックに批判しています。 . . . #映画好きな人と繋がりたい #映画 #洋画好きな人と繋がりたい #シネマ #映画観賞 #映画好き #映画記録 #セシルBザシネマウォーズ #アルマンアマール #スティーヴンドーフ #メラニーグリフィス #アリシアウィット #CecilBDemented #JohnWaters #MelanieGriffith #StephenDorff #AliciaWitt https://www.instagram.com/p/CErEbm0jiGs/?igshid=1oup5tce0bj8q
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recortesdemivida · 5 years ago
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"LA SABIDURÍA DEL CINE." "CECIL B. DEMENTE" CECIL B. DEMENTED (2000) John Waters. - No me divertía tanto desde mi última matanza de animales. Raven (Maggie Gillen Hall) la satánica del grupo. - La primera toma es la más real, no hay reglas en el cine sin ley señorita Whitlock solo riesgos, no creemos en la técnica no es más que un estilo fallido, sabes tengo una visión, y esa visión se llama la realidad total, el resto de la película se rodará en la calle, con gente real, y sí, terror real. El cine según Cecil B. Demente (Stephen Dorff ) - ¿Cómo puedes ser drogadicto en el nuevo milenio? Es muy retro. Honey Whitlock (Melanie Griffith) Antes de ser drogadicto tenía mogollón de problemas ahora solo tengo uno las drogas han dado sentido a mi vida. - Lyle (Adrian Grenier) - ¿Tú no produjiste ese remake de mierda de esa película extranjera tan buena? - Raven (Maggie Gillen Hall) la satánica del grupo. Tuve que hacerlo los norteamericanos no leemos los subtítulos. #Cinetelemaniacos #LaSabiduriaDelCine #CecilBdemente #CecilBdemented #Raven #MaggieGillenHall #StephenDorff #Lyle #AdrianGrenier https://www.instagram.com/p/B6I-xvXqX6S/?igshid=15ifdicqb3sqn
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nachojfoster · 5 years ago
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MERRY CHRISTMAS CON JOHN WATERS!!! #johnwaters #merrychristmas #happyholidays #bambi #pinkflamingos #vivirdesesperadamente #cosasdehembras #vivirdesesperadamente #lossexoadictos #pecker #losasesinatosdemamá #crybaby #hairspray #polyester #multiplemaniacs #cecilbdemented #baltimore #navidadesdiferentes #culturabasura #mondotrasho #tequedasmuerta (en Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IE0V0jb9l/?igshid=1konhk5tzr4vh
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cinematic-anarchy · 5 years ago
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Honey: How can you be a drug addict in the new millennium? It's so retro. Lyle: Before I was a drug addict, I had so many different problems. Now I just have one - drugs! Gave my life a real focus. #melaniegriffith #stephendorff #cecilbdemented #aliciawitt #adriangrenier https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jTpvbFToC/?igshid=of6j6moyxob1
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nowhere-podcast · 5 years ago
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#MovieQuoteMonday from the #2000 #film #CecilBDeMented starting a month of #moviequotes from the #legendary #JohnWaters .. #comedy #crime #filmmaking #baltimore #stephendorff #cecil #melaniegriffith #honeywhitlock #patchadams2 #thriller #entertainment #popculture #wtf #whatthefuck #cultfilm #podcasting #podcasts #nowherecalifornia https://www.instagram.com/p/B17uX9oHeiy/?igshid=k56jmnqbm084
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mattachinesocial · 6 years ago
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Apparently today’s theme Hollywood is Hell #film #johnwaters #doublefeature #cecilbdemented #sunsetboulevard (at Waikiki, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mzgZ-g0_J/?igshid=pddtv49i9x6y
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1conocla5t · 6 years ago
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So I got to meet John Waters!!! The most outrageous filmmaker in all of movie history! He was super nice. I gave him a John Waters t shirt that I screen printed myself and he signed what im now refering to as "the infinity camera"© Which has been signed by Foria Sigismondi, Kenneth Anger, Werner Herzog and now John Waters!!!! Sooooo awesome! Im one happy film fan/filmmaker! Thanks to @taleenkali for taking the picture! #johnwaters #director #directors #filmdirectors #mrknowitall #directortshirt #johnwaters4ever #pinkflamingos #hairspray #johnwatersisgod #super8 #super8camera #meetyourheroes #greatdirectors #badtaste #filthiestpersonalive #femaletrouble #nicegirlsdontwearchachaheels #desperateliving #cecilbdemented #filmmaker (at Renberg Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByOG0AJnYX2/?igshid=1nw6rk61dsnk2
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thelastof · 5 years ago
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soundnvisionpodcast · 5 years ago
Join us as we talk about one our favorite directors ...Link in Bio!💗 This week we are getting down and dirty with the "Pope Of Trash" himself, American writer/director John Waters is this weeks subject for discussion in episode 18 of Sound 'N Vision. We trace his roots from a young man in Baltimore with a fascination for the morbid to his rise to cult status as the chronicler of all things filthy and outrageous. We work our way through his small but impressive body of work, from the trash trilogy of the 1970's to his more commercial fare of the 1980's, a man who dipped his toe in the mainstream, but who's filmmaking heart was always with the outsiders of the industry and society in general. So join us, as we discuss his rep company of actors ("The Dreamlanders") his love of 1950's pop culture and music, his very unique style as well as his reputation with the critics. We also find time to pick our own personal favorites from among his movies and share our mutual love for the real legend of bad taste. If you are already a fan? Then dont miss our latest installment, its Divine..... . . . . #popeoftrash #johnwaters #blackcomedy #movieswewatch #movies #movieswelove #director #kingoffilth #pinkflamingos #femaletrouble #divine #desperateliving #polyester #crybaby #tracilords #johnnydepp #hairspray #rickilake #serialmom #cecilbdemented #pecker #adirtyshame #johnnyknoxville #soundnvisionpodcast #soundnvision #podcasting #podcast #podcastlife #podcasts #blackcomedy #comedy https://www.instagram.com/p/B5JOGuzFeyg/?igshid=1tua1efzafrb8
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southbostonbitch · 4 years ago
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There is a gentleman by the name of Nicholas C. Equality who makes these absolutely fantastic memes with mostly John Waters related references and mashups. He is an absolute treasure and his work needs to be shared! . . . . . . #NicholasCEquality #memes #freshmeme #original #mashup #johnwaters #johnwatersfilm #dreamlanders #edithmassey #divine #harrisglennmilstead #shootyourshot #gia #giacarangi #filthy #filthiestpersonalive #filth #pinkflamingos #femaletrouble #hairspray #crybaby #mondotrasho #cecilbdemented #pecker #lgbtq🌈 #lgbt #queer #trans #homosexuality #pride🌈 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPKRtgRBJd-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jennifersarahashley · 5 years ago
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You know how someone like #berniesanders can get it done... 1. Eliminate #nixoncare 2. Every room at a #hospital has it's own team 3. Every hospital has the abilitybro create & develops wut it needs on site. 4. #stemeducation centered in all schools public/private 5. Medical Assistanting taught in middle schools that are open 24/7 6. All pharmaceuticals that are needed made on site 7. Each hospital has it's own educational system for medical assistants, nurse assistants, nurses,doctors with ppl phrom the area 8. Have living area for hospital workers attached to the hospital 9. 24 hr week with a liveable wage where all bills are paid & enough left to parrrrrtttttyyyyyyy 10.create community gardens 11. All of HUD,SOCIAL SECURITY,WELFARE programs need to be run with & by the ppl on the programs 12. Houses & Apartments bought by HUD,SOCIAL SECURITY, WELFARE run by ppl in the programs working no more than 24 hr weeks. 13. The pathetic drug war needs to end, take that money invest into education,healthcare & infrastructure 14. Every street has it's own gym, lycerum, improv theatre, movie house & poetry center 15. Every lawn on highways grow food 16. Under every bridge leave open for those who want to get away. 17. Everyone plants a tree every year 18. For everything EVERYONE is sad about plant a flower. 19. GROW MORE POT 20. GROW MORE POT 21. GROW MORE POT 22. Turn all u.s. foreign military bases into punk/improv/hip hop /goth libraries This is just a start of an outline written on 02/31/2020 in 5 minutes #boredbytheyoungdulledbytheold #truthbomb #kingsburywine #youngdrunkandhip #bebest #elections #elections2020 #unitedstates #read #trumpfearsbernie #donaldtrump #donaldjtrump #maga2020 #poetry #art #improvcomedy #improv We still can become the multicultural Jetsons if we tried #thejetsons #jetsons I HAVE A VISION #cecilbdemented #cecilbdemille #tragimatic #age #ageoftragimagticity #youngdrunkandhip #youkilledmefirst (at Bernie Sanders for President) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Qen7lJ152/?igshid=hkmoelu57wsa
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josephfrady · 6 years ago
#cecilbdemented #2000 #johnwaters #melaniegriffith #maggiegyllenhaal #comedy #quote #movie #satan DP #robertmstevens (à Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPiVqal7sE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1doy9dvq45iir
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twothangspopart · 7 years ago
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Happy birthday #johnwaters! I'll be revisiting some of your catalogue tonight. Just recently rewatched #pecker and #cecilbdemented and both held up so well. #fullofgrace (at Seattle, Washington)
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fredyralda · 7 years ago
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Happy birthday John Waters. A constant inspiration. John Waters coloring pop art. - - - #art #illustration #coloraqueen #johnwaters #divine #pinkflamingos #hairspray #crybaby #polyester #femaletrouble #pecker #cecilbdemented #serialmom #adirtyshame #divine #johnnydepp #minkstole #inspiration #lgbtpride #pride #gaypride #film #cinema #popart #kitsch #tracilords #rickilake #desperateliving #edithmassey #egglady #eggs
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