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Collaboration avec “Ceci est notre sang”
Coucou les filles,
Si vous ne le connaissez pas encore je vous présente le blog @ceciestnotresang qui compile des anecdotes au sujet des règles. Inutile de dire que ça m’a bien fait rire.
Lorsque j’ai liké l’un de ses posts, la blogueuse qui le rédige s’est dit que parler de l’endométriose serait une bonne chose. Comme elle n’est pas elle-même atteinte mais néanmoins concernée (et ça c’est la classe!) elle m’a demandé si je voulais bien faire un petit quelque chose. Touchée par cette démarche j’ai bien sûr accepté! Vous retrouverez donc bientôt Endométriose mon amour sur Ceci est notre sang que je vous invite à lire, voire enrichir, dès à présent.
#ceci est notre sang#règles#menstruations#endométriose#endogirl#endométriose mon amour#collaboration#projet#partage
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Tagged by @lumosfeminism Rules: Copy this post into a new test post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when your done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN
A- Age: 19
B- Biggest fear: Dying before I have the chance to do something significant with my life, aka failure.
C- Current time: 7 p.m.
D- Drink you last had: water (cranberry juice if water doesn’t count)
E- Everyday starts with: this or this, then me begging the shower to wake me up, then waiting 15 to 45 minutes until I can find a space large enough for me to squeeze in in the metro
F- Favourite song: I have a whole list of my all-time favorite songs to but either Doudou by Maurane Voyer, Sick of Loosing Soulmates by Dodie Clark or Reaper by Sia.
G- Ghosts, are they real: Maybe. Probably. I always feel like someone is spying on me in my old room.
H- Hometown: Fort de France, Martinique - French West Indies
I- In love with: French overseas departments. We have such a rich and precious culture and heritage and I think we deserve more attention, respect and recognition.
J- Jealous of: I... don’t know. I’m not really jealous of anyone, but I would love to be more like these people who can get shit done
K- Killed someone: No. I can’t even kill insects.
L- Last time you cried: Yesterday. I cry very often.
M- Middle name: Stéphanie.
N- Number of siblings: 2
O- One wish: I want to do so many things, but at the moment, I wish I could have a big impact on politics in France (on the entire world if I wish bigger) because if we keep running in this direction, we’re fucked.
P- Person you last called/texted: my mom
Q- Questions you’re always asked: casually racist questions like “Are there roads where you’re from? Does everyone speak french? Do you understand what [insert random sophisticated term/expression] means? Do you live near the beach?/Do you go to the beach everyday? Do you know [insert random person’s name]? They are [insert physical description].You must know them, they’re from the Caribbean too! (as if we are twenty in total) Do you live in a house? Did you go to school?/Are there schools where you’re from? Have you ever been arrested? Does everyone smoke/do drugs (because it is widely believed in France that we’re a violent/delinquent/criminal department)?” or “Are you okay?/What’s wrong?”
R- Reasons to smile: thinking of my family, the perspective of a better future, and cute animals.
S- Song last sang: Chaque Jour - Goldee
T- Time you woke up: 7:30 a.m. because my classes start at 8:30
U- Underwear colour: White with pink stripes
V- Vacation destination: home (I can only go home twice a year and that’s 10 000 km away from where I live at the moment)
W- Worst habit: overthinking/worroying and when I’m sick/hurt, ignoring the pain until I can’t anymore
X- X-rays you’ve had: Back, ribs, dental, EEG (but I don’t know if that counts)
Y- Your favourite food: fruits, any fruit
Z - Zodiac sign : Gemini or Taurus, I get different answers every time I try to find out. Depends, I guess.
I’m tagging @romantic-readiness @melodycrescent @lovewritinginsanities @matttbh @fr-ck @soleilsanslune @effedeka @ceciestnotresang @just-opal-things
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Utérus : Regarde ! J’ai mis du papier peint pour l’arrivée du bébé ! Corps : Ouais... il n’y a pas de bébé. Pas ce mois ci. Utérus : ... Corps : S’il te plaît ne fais pas ça Utérus : Tu fais ça à chaque fois. Ces fausses alertes. J’EN AI MARRE. JE NE PEUX LE SUPPORTER PLUS LONGTEMPS. *arrache le papier peint*
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