#cdrama types
guzhufuren · 25 days
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Huaien feeding Xiaobao his spiritual energy
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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sableeira · 11 months
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You know how “the moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” is used as an expression for love confessions? It’s said that Natsume Soseki came up with it after overhearing a student translate “I love you” to Japanese in a very literal sense. While there is no source confirming that this exchange actually happened, I still think a scene referencing the expression with Natsume randomly appearing would be hilarious
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
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the new nightmare is cool but i think not putting them in hanfu was an missed opportunity
(+ long hair version that i wasn't as sure about)
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buried-in-stardust · 11 months
A transformation
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dramashii · 4 months
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Look at what you're saying. My surname was Fan from the start.
JOY OF LIFE 2 (2024) | Ep 33
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storge · 3 months
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Don't wear a veil next time.
Follow Your Heart (2024) 1.07
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bl-is-totes-my-jam · 7 months
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Huang Junjie + Heart eyes at his boyfriends
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mydaylight · 3 months
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I remember that year when I entered the Prince's manor, was entitled ce'Fujin, and became the most favoured woman at His Majesty's side. There were so many women in his estate. Everyone was afraid of him, except me. He often took me horse-riding and hunting. He said I was the only one he liked.
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yesdramas · 2 months
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LOST YOU FOREVER S2 长相思 第二季 — 2024, dir. Yang Huan, Zoe Qin   
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zorokashi · 2 years
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Lan Xichen being the Number One Wangxian Shipper
The Untamed // Chen Qing Ling E05
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dangermousie · 2 months
Just a little PSA since I know it's a heated topic:
I am in the minority of loving all three MLs of Lost You Forever to bits. (Occasionally I want to smack Cang Xuan but as a character he's so complex and so splendidly acted, he's probably my favorite and I do feel deep love and pity for him even if alternating with rage.) I think they all act well and are good looking and have interesting narratives.
I am very happy she loves Jing, I die for the angsty what-if between her and Xiang Liu (someone give me the OT3 of my dreams!) and while I don't ship her with Cang Xuan, I love the charge of their scenes.
Ultimately, I think Yang Zi is doing an amazing job (best she's done since Changsha), and as goes Xiao Yao so does my nation.
I genuinely don't care if someone hates one/two/all of these dudes (or anyone else in this) - everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just a PSA that if someone liking everyone in this and multishipping as the narrative permits is annoying, probably best not to follow my posts on the LYF tag because they will contain a lot of gushing over any of these three dudes/ships as narrative/scenes permit.
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chinese costume drama 云之羽
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linghxr · 1 year
My late summer 2023 cdrama updates (+ movies)
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This is a follow-up to a previous post I published in February. I'm thinking of doing twice-yearly updates on what I'm watching! I'm also including a few movies this time.
I'm going to try to include content warnings, BUT my memory is not perfect, so please be aware that I may have forgotten details.
Shows I've watched: Some of these were mentioned as "currently watching" in my previous post.
《消失的孩子》 The Disappearing Child As the title suggests, this show is a mystery about a child who goes missing. It also incorporates other plotlines that gradually converge—that's all I'll say to avoid spoiling it. The payoff when the plotlines finally intersect was so satisfying! Overall I really enjoyed this show and highly recommend it. Be aware that it does have references to sexual assault and corpses (I don't think anything was directly shown).
《猎罪图鉴》 Under the Skin This show is about a sketch artist, a police detective, and an old murder case that connects them. I enjoyed the first half, which mostly chronicled stand-alone cases. But I found some cases hard to follow (disclaimer: my police vocab is limited, and I took several breaks while watching). Frankly I was a bit disappointed by the ending, so I don't think I'll watch the upcoming second season. Warning: contains some depictions of sexual assault and domestic violence.
《她和她的她》 Shards of Her To avoid spoiling anything, I'll just say that this show is about a woman who, after experiencing a traumatic accident, wakes up in an alternate version of her life. This show had me constantly doubting what was real and what was fake! I really couldn't get it out of my head. BUT I ultimately wouldn't recommend it due to what I found to be pretty disturbing sexual violence. I don't think there was anything too graphic, but I had to take significant breaks between episodes due to the upsetting content.
《镇魂》 Guardian I knew virtually nothing about this show (I thought it was steampunk tbh) but had heard good things. It's hard to summarize...basically it follows a police bureau that handles supernatural cases and, with some help from a mysterious, powerful envoy, saves the world. My favorite part was the first half, when they were mostly solving stand-alone cases. I got a bit fatigued during the second half. But it was perfect for when I wanted to unwind after work. Warning: the ending left me upset, and the special effects are hilariously bad.
《模仿犯》 Copycat Killer This is probably one of the most violent and death-heavy shows I've ever seen (and that's coming from someone who has seen Criminal Minds and part of Hannibal). It's about an unconventional prosecutor and a sadistic serial killer who uses the media to cause mass panic. Without spoiling it, I'll just say you need to be prepared for murder, torture, suicide, and other violent imagery. This show is not for the faint of heart—I could barely finish it, honestly. There are no happy endings for this kind of show.
Movies I've watched:
《想见你》(电影版) Someday or One Day (Movie) This long-anticipated film adaptation was a letdown for me personally. Instead of simply condensing the show, they made A LOT of changes. I'm not against changes, but the plot of the movie was way too confusing for me to follow. I'm not even going to try summarizing it here. If you haven't seen the show, I think you'll be completely lost. If you have seen the show, you'll be wishing you were rewatching the show instead.
《消失的她》 Lost in the Stars I'll admit, I only went to see this to see 朱一龙. The premise is very Hitchcock—a man is nearly driven over the edge after his wife vanishes and a woman he has never met appears, claiming to be his wife. There are lots of twists and turns, and I did not see the ending coming at all. Personally, I wish it had less action and more elements of a psychological thriller. It was a fun summer movie, but it wasn't anything groundbreaking. But that's OK!
《关于我和鬼变成家人的那件事》 Marry My Dead Body I barely knew anything about this film before I watched it. I only knew it had 许光汉, and I saw a lot of buzz online. It's about a homophobic police officer who enters into a ghost marriage with a (male) ghost. Frankly, I didn't like it that much. I did enjoy seeing the characters' growth, but the plot was very fast-paced, so I didn't have time to process anything that happened. Please note: there is rear nudity and some limited depictions of sex.
Currently watching:
《隐秘的角落》 The Bad Kids After hearing about how great this show is for years, I'm finally checking it out. I've only seen the first episode so far, but I'm really excited to see what's to come! It's about three children who accidentally film a murder. That's really all I know at this point.
《我们与恶的距离》 The World Between Us I haven't even finished the first episode of this show yet. I started it but decided to pause because I felt like I was juggling too many shows. I plan to revisit it after I finish some other shows. I know it's about the aftermath of a mass shooting, so I'm expecting it to be very grim.
《不良执念清除师》 Oh No! Here Comes Trouble I saw a lot of praise for this show online. It's a bit odd but in an endearing way. It follows a young man who discovers he inherited a mystical power after all sorts of strange beings start coming to him for help. So far the only thing I disliked was the gore.
《你的孩子不是你的孩子》 On Children This show is kind of like Black Mirror but with the theme of troubled parent-child relationships. Each episode is practically a movie, and I have only finished one so far. If you are not on good terms with your parents, it may bring up some painful memories.
Potentially abandoning:
《理智派生活》 The Rational Life I started this drama because I was curious about the premise—a professional woman's ups and downs in the workplace. There is also a slow romance (a 姐弟 romance since the male lead is much younger). However, after finishing episode 23 out of 35, the thought of watching 12 more episodes kinda fills me with dread.
《你安全吗?》 Are You Safe? This show is about "vigilante" hackers and the antics they get up to. It's supposed to raise awareness for cybersecurity. Honestly I don't think I have made any progress on this show since my last post...! I may just abandon it because there are a lot of other shows that have more successfully caught my interest.
I can't wait to share another update on what I'm watching/have watched in 6 months or so!
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shizunfxxxer · 5 months
I've been watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook and it's sooooo good so far (I'm in EP 14). Earlier, I saw this clip on 小红书 of A-Fei and...
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SCREAMING!! HELP HELP! HE'S TOO SEXY LIKE THIS! 🥵 Please!!! His little face! The way he closes his eyes and leans into it... I AM MELTING!
Behind a cut because it's too powerful 🫠
This probably isn't new to the fandom but it's new to ME, and I've now gone feral.
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storge · 4 months
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I thought you were like them who bully the weak and fear the strong, but you have some principles. It makes me want to know you better.
The Double (2024) 1.08
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tytangfei · 3 days
I'm wheezing--
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This visual comedy had me cackling!!
Our carefree girl is stuck between 3 men with vastly different kinds of relationships with her: one who tried to murdered her on multiple occasions, one who used her as a pawn but have also saved her, and one who is just as carefree as she is and is like a kindred spirit. 💀
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