#ccyy cat problems
Hey, everyone. I wanted to let everyone know I've had to make the hard choice to euthanize my cat. She is on her third day of throwing up everything she eats, and at this point, she won't even touch some of her favorite treats or wet food. She's acting like even moving from her bed to get water hurts, and I can't keep hoping she will get better. She's been up and down for a month now, and when I made the donation post, she started a HARD spiral down and didn't know.
I haven't touched any of the money donated to me as of yet, and if anyone would like theirs back, I would be more than happy to do so. I did as for the money to help her. If people are comfortable with me keeping it, I plan to use it for the fee for the at home care, and/or adoption fee for a new cat when I am ready. (As Fiddle was adopted to be an ESA for my PTSD).
I'm truly touched by everyone who donated, or reached out to wish me well. It has made a terrible situation so much better than I could have hoped. Thank you all for all your support during this terrible time. 💜
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(Taken yesterday when my roomie ordered food... and she, of course, got a tiny bite of potato).
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I just wanted to update everyone that the vet came yesterday, and Fiddle can now rest. The vet who came said she seemed like other patients who had cancer diagnosis, and if that was what was going on, there was nothing I could have done. It's bitter sweet, but she got to go with me and my partner giving her love, and eating a slice of Swiss cheese.
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Thank you all for your support during this. 💜
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im so sorry to hear about your cat, its is the absolute hardest thing about taking care of an animal but im sure your cat feels loved and safe right now and thats everything for a pet. sending love, for whatever thats worth to you <3
Thank you 💜
She was one of those "special" cats at the shelter who have been there for over a year, and they are desperate to find a home. If nothing else, after no one wanted her at the start of her life, she got 10 years of nothing but love with me... even if she didn't wanna get a picture with me after graduation.
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How is your kitty doing? Has she started eating yet?
She was yesterday, but not so much today. Woke up to her throwing up, and she's basically been sleeping since. She hasn't even been purring when I pet her. :(
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She has spent some time in the living room in a steam mop box, so there's that? Thanks for checking on her 💜
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hey there, how’s your cat doing? i’ve seen that she’s been sick for a little while. i just hope that she’s getting better ❤️
Yesterday morning, she really did seem like she was wasting away. My partner saw her flat on the floor near the bathroom, almost totally unresponsive. She's acting more like herself now, but I know it's temporary. I decided to have someone come to our house and sedate her and put her to sleep. As such, food and their consequences don't matter. She can eat whatever she can keep down, so far as I care. She's currently enjoying some plain beef for breakfast. So she can just enjoy the next few days and spend them with me and my partner in as little pain as possible.
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I know how hard it is for you to see your pet to go through this. For months last year my dog lost so much weight, I was getting up two hours earlier just to feed him before uni and work. He was turning 15 and i was in such a financially tough situation that it ended up being a waiting game. I have his litter sister still and had a big cry today because she’s been getting worse as well. Give your cat all the love you can, I know she can hear it. And try for yourself to remember the best moments you’ve had with her.
I'm so sorry for your loss as well, and thank you for the support. It can be so hard to figure out when the right time is, but I am supper grateful some vets will come to your home. My mom was right that sometimes all that can make it feel better is to remember the time and love you had together.
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