#ccOTP : Sasuke x Hinata | SasuHina | bloomingtalent
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cc-sasuke · 6 months ago
Anonymous asked // Aug 28
“📔” @bloomingtalent
send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse
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Sasuke was tired, but still he insisted on writing in his diary before sleeping next to Hinata, and the page left open as he slept read:
"August 28,
Hinata, she has come a long way since the chunin exams. Her confidence has grown, and while I do take some credit in leading her, it all still stemmed from her own talents. She has not missed a birthday or Valentine’s Day for me, and while I have not forgotten any of her’s, sometimes I could only send a letter while she waits for me to return.
Perhaps on her birthday coming at the end of the year, I will commit to taking her along with me on my missions. Because I know even without her saying it, that her only wish, is that I do not leave her again like I have.”
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
The Last: Huyga Rescue [SasuHina]
// plotted starter with @bloomingtalent​
Sasuke while continuing to investigate the Otsutsuki clan as he travelled around the world, happened to sense his fellow Konoha ninja who were on a mission at an abandoned village. The Uchiha decided to let things play out as he infiltrated, later preoccupied with some puppets while Hinata was getting brainwashed by Toneri.
But just in time, Sasuke kicked Naruto out of the way as Hinata began getting more serious, aiming for Naruto’s chakra points as their fight escalated. Sasuke would fend Hinata off while Naruto explained the situation, which the Uchiha already gathered for the most part.
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“I see. Go and rescue Hinata’s sister, she is up ahead. I will deal with this,” Sasuke told him, ensuring Naruto’s escape while noting he was holding onto a torn red scarf despite wearing his own already.
“Sorry, Hinata. Please bear with me,” Sasuke told her as he continued to evade Hinata’s strikes. The Uchiha attempted to attack Toneri from a distance but it was ineffective due to a barrier, so had no choice but to deal with Hinata first, so scanned her chakra with his Sharingan. From his analysis, he may have to use the Human Path powers to extract the orb that was controlling her.
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
(cc) Naruto: You’ve spending a lot of time with Hinata lately huh...
(cc) Sasuke: Yeah, I have. So protect her when while I am gone.
(cc) Naruto: Yeah, leave it to me!
-Hinata later gets kidnapped and brainwashed-
(cc) Naruto: -getting beat up by Hinata, coz he won’t fight back-
(cc) Sasuke: -kicks Naruto out of the way- You had one job, loser.
(cc) Naruto: Well you’re late, Sasuke! What took you so long?!
(cc) Sasuke: -took his time so Hinata beats Naruto up more-
Nevermind that, you were supposed to protect her. What happened?
(cc) Naruto: Hey it’s a lot more complicated than it looks!
// inspired by this - with @bloomingtalent
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
I Miss You [SasuHina]
Anonymous asked // Jun 10 · yesterday
"I miss you." @bloomingtalent​
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“I miss you too, Hinata,” Sasuke replied. The Uchiha felt bad, he did what he could and he usually could make it home for special days like her birthday, Valentine’s Day and New Year’s. It was rare that he returned without a special date in mind, and yet Hinata still waited for him as always. 
“I plan to stay longer this time,” he added. Hopefully he can make up for his absence. 
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
SasuHina Headcanons
with @bloomingtalent 
Canon diverged after the chunin exam preliminaries
Sasuke just saw Hinata as a means of reviving the Uchiha clan after he kills Itachi, so he trains Hinata for that goal and helps he gain confidence in her abilities and potential
Hinata does not stop him from leaving the village but they manage to say a proper goodbye, with Sasuke acknowledging her strength with the statement that she does not need him to train her anymore
things continue as canon through shippuuden with minor differences with Hinata as Sasuke’s love interest
During the blank period after atoning enough on his journey of redemption, Sasuke became flirty towards Hinata as he opened up to her, even joking about his initial ambitions though they have become much more over the years
While he still wanted to revive the Uchiha clan, he wanted to earn that with Hinata’s happiness, which included getting the blessing of the Hyuga clan despite how infamous he is
Neji is overprotective of Hinata when it comes to Sasuke, adamant that he is a Uchiha bad boy rebel and a bad influence on her
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
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Collage Breakdown
SasuHina + Neji/Hinata + NaruHina = Hinata Bonds Hinata & Ochako = RP Muses Katsuki & Masaru Bakugo + Deku = Ochako / MHA HInata Bonds SasuHina + Hinata + Ochako/Bakugo = Alt Protagonists Neji + Katsuki/Masaru Bakugo = Family NaruHina + Ochako + Deku = Cinnamon Rolls
Happy Birthday! @bloomingtalent / @nuravity: Thank you so much for RPing with me over the years, here’s a collage of our (main) muse bonds from interactions!
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
(cc) Sasuke: -sees Hinata buying tomatoes at the market-
(cc) Naruto: -shoves past her- Hey Sasuke! When did you get back?!
-knocks over Hinata, sending her basket of tomatoes into the air-
(cc) Sasuke: That idiot... -uses his Rinnegan to swap places with Naruto, catching Hinata in time- Are you alright?
(cc) Naruto: Eh? Why is it raining tomatoes?! -covers himself from them-
// inspired by this - with @bloomingtalent​
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
(cc) Hiashi: -after seeing Sasuke kissing Hinata from his window, jaw drops- Neji! We have a situation, Hinata is dating that Uchiha rogue Sasuke! Please do something about this, you are her guardian angel now!
(Ghost) Neji: Unfortunately, I am not here as Hinata’s guardian angel, uncle. My purpose here is to to only haunt Naruto for eternity for ignoring Hinata’s feelings. Now if you would excuse me -goes to haunt Naruto again-
// inspired by this - with @bloomingtalent
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
nvertoolate asked // Jun 25 · 18 days ago
🍅 @bloomingtalent​ (perhaps on accident lol)
Sasuke had just returned to the village from another mission and was going through the markets on his way home, when he noticed Hinata within the crowd. As he headed in her direction, he noticed she was buying tomatoes and wondered if they were for him. Before he could greet the Hyuuga though, some idiot bumped into Hinata, sending the tomato Hinata was holding in the air. With his speed and reflexes, Sasuke swiftly grabbed the falling tomato and swooped in to catch Hinata before she could fall.
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“Are you alright, Hinata?” Sasuke asked kindly with a gentle smile, it was good to see her again. “Also, were you buying these for me?” He asked her curiously as he handed the caught tomato back to her.
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
Threads of Fate [SasuHina] @bloomingtalent​
Verse Branch: ccAU Sasuke canondiv genin / black period Pairing: OTP: Sasuke x Hinata | SasuHina | Blazing Blooming Talents
Threads (to be linked)
Post Chunin Preliminaries Blank Period // main
Happy Birthday Hinata 2020
Happy Birthday Sasuke 2020
Happy Valentines Day 2021
Tomatoes for You
Happy Birthday Sasuke 2021
Kiss For You
Hiding Tears No More
Happy New Year Kiss 2022
Big Brother Neji // crack NSFW
Special Training Session
Special Massage
Birthday Submission RTN Hinata
Road to SasuHina
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
nvertoolate asked // yesterday - July 24
💋 @bloomingtalent​​
First 5 people who send in a “💋” get a kiss from my muse.
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“Thank you, Hinata, I had a great first date, I hope you did too,” Sasuke spoke as they walked together while sharing an umbrella from the rain, naturally he would walking Hinata back home to the Hyuga estate. “Please take this with you,” he insisted with offering Hinata the umbrella once they were at the front of the estate. 
“And this too,” Sasuke added, leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips. This was not only for their first date, by for Hinata being patient with him and standing by his side this whole time. He would make sure to make up for lost time, and devote his life to making her happy as she did for him.
Yes, he may have kissed Hinata out in public like that as a declaration, especially to Hinata’s father Hiashi, a hint that he may be talking to the Hyuga master later on about his relationship and intentions with Hinata.
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
Happy New Year Kiss 2022 [Sasuke x Hinata]
@bloomingtalent​ asked // Jan 5 · 4 days ago
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
Sasuke was spending the New Year with the Hyuga family, following up on his promise to properly get the approval of Hinata’s father and the rest of the clan for one day marrying her. He knew it would not be easy, but to make a good impression it was ideal he made an effort to show up more often, especially at her place of residence to show that he was serious and now playing around.
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“Happy New Year, Hinata,” Sasuke spoke at the stroke of midnight, and then maybe kissed her more deeply than he would usually, to make his point to the others who would be watching him closely, that he was staying for good whether they liked it or not.
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cc-sasuke · 3 years ago
Hiding Tears No More [SasuHina]
@bloomingtalent​​ asked // Dec 14 · 9 days ago
“   you  don’t  have  to  hide  your  tears  from  me .   ” 
It was the anniversary of the Uchiha massacre and Sasuke was visiting their graves to pay his respects, including one for his brother Itachi who he believed had to die that day to complete his mission. It was a sad day for him every year, but he tried to let it empower him to protect the future peace they all left in his hands.
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“I know, Hinata. So...” Sasuke replied. With that admitted with Hinata’s comforting words, he finally let the tears fall so he can properly mourn and pay his respects by crying in silence. He did not want to show such vulnerability in front of anyone, especially her. But if there was anyone he trusted to support him at his lowest, it was her too.
“Thanks for coming with me, I’m grateful,” he spoke later after wiping his tears away. Now done with what he had to do on his own, he went to hold her hand before addressing the dead. “Father, mother, mii-san, everyone. Rest assured that I have moved on to be happy as you all would wish, with Hinata here by my side.”
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
nvertoolate asked // @bloomingtalent​ //  Sasuke’s Birthday 2021
Hinata hadn't forgotten about his birthday so she left him a box of various rations for the mission he had to leave for and a handmade blanket in the colors of his clan symbol. He most likely had to sleep outside in some situations and she thought it'd be rather practical, even if it wasn't all that meaningful. "Happy Birthday, Sasuke," she whispered once she put the items in his room. (the gifts sound lame but my brain is blank)
Sasuke was heading to his room and stopped near when he noticed Hinata already there, smiling gently at catching her whispered words towards him. He decided not to sneak silently behind her, instead walking normally so she would know he was approaching. Soon he wrapped his arms around Hinata, pulling her back towards his chest into a grateful hug. 
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“Thank you, Hinata. These are wonderful gifts, practical for my use as well,” he spoke sincerely into Hinata’s ear. Usually Sasuke would be heading out on another mission during special days like his birthday, but he made an effort to make sure he could stay during the day, especially for her sake. Hinata may be under the impression he was leaving her today too, so she would definitely be pleasantly surprised at the reveal.// Not lame at all, these gifts are great and Sasuke appreciates it too!
// Not lame at all, these are great gifts and Sasuke appreciates them too!
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
nvertoolate asked // Sep 21, 2020 · 9 months ago
Hinata raised a curious brow, noticing the difference in the Uchiha. Something was off and she was going to find out! So she approached him, pulling him close by his collar with one hand on her hip. "I know there's something up and if I find out you're some lame imposter or that this is some weird prank, I'll make sure you'll end up chained to the hospital bed for weeks!" she barked before smirking mockingly at him and leaning close. "What's going on?" (From RTN Hinata) @bloomingtalent​
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“What are you talking about? That’s my line about you, Hinata.” Sasuke activated his Sharingan to make sure that Hinata was not under some personality flipping genjutsu, but there was nothing out of the ordinary with her chakra.
“Sorry, I may have the wrong person, are you part of the Hyuga clan?” The Uchiha approached this more logically, now was the time to gather as much information as possible to confirm or debunk his suspicions. 
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cc-sasuke · 4 years ago
@nvertoolate​ said // Feb 15 · 3 months ago - Valentine’s Day
There she stood, with a small gift in hand and she made a move to reach out to him first this time, especially since he always seemed to be going away on missions and wasn't always in the village. "T-this is for you! I remember you don't like chocolate so I made these myself," she said, presenting him with heart-shaped baked dough, filled with veggies and meat. "But I didn't know what gift to get you," she muttered. All she had was a small, black, plush cat. "I will next time." @bloomingtalent​
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“Yeah, you’re right, I don’t like chocolate, so you really didn’t have to get me anything, Hinata,” Sasuke replied as he accepted her gift, honestly internally touched that she remembered that didn’t like chocolate, he probably just mentioned it in passing before years ago too. He gave her a faint but gentle smile, the baked dough smelled good, it was a good alternative to the usual chocolate and sugar.
“This gift is fine, but I won’t stop you from getting something else for next time.” Out of affection, Sasuke went to tap Hinata on the forehead, as Itachi used to for him.
“Thanks, this will definitely help me on my travels. I’ll see you when I get back,” Sasuke said as he turned to leave He was not at the stage of kissing her openly, not even on the cheek, but at the pace they were going however slow, was good. So he would be sure to visit and spend more time with her when he could between mission in future.
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