#cc mention: smallishbeans
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mcyt-confession-room · 2 months ago
I've seen stuff about how Joel is the first Life Series winner to have won by focusing on family/allies which is just untrue.
Scott was the first one to do that in Last Life. Why do you think the finale happened the way it did? It was because they were all Allies and they were good allies, sure Ren and Martyn joined later but they had a great relationship and were good allies which is why nobody just started killing each other the moment Joel had died.
Infact I've noticed a lot of just people hating him or like demonizing him for double life when everyone involved in the Divorce Quartet was horrible (I say this in the most affectionate way I love the divorce Quartet and their whole messy dynamic) .
I've seen someone take his "I ran into Jimmy in a cave, and we ended up as Flower Husbands" said right in the beginning of Secret Life to Scar and Jimmy as negative, like he was saying it was a bad thing when he was literally just saying what happened!
He ran into Jimmy in a cave and boom they were married and if anybody thinks that Scott isn't happy about that they clearly never watch his POV.
He just gets hated on when he breaks a rule (Killing on green when Tango did that twice without anyone complaining) or his crazy achievements get forgotten (He was one of the two green names left on the server outran literally everyone trying to kill him and did an insane bucket clutch from the top of the Nosey neighbour's tower ON A CLIFF SIDE!!!!)
I'm sick of people misunderstanding his character and using it as an excuse to hate him.
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sulatni-ree · 2 months ago
a tweet on my timeline of a youtube comment on gem's afterlife smp: the movie video made me wonder: what do people think of when they hear "life series"
so,,, in my head, there are two:
~ long post ahead
modded life - mostly empires smp members; one life, xlife, afterlife, new life, sos (honorary, the smp plays with a "life-respawn system" too anyways)
vanilla life - mostly hermitcraft members; third life, last life, double life, limited life, secret life, real life, wild life
my personal minecraft smp pipeline was xlife - empires - hermitcraft - last life (and the rest of the vanilla lifes), then i also watched afterlife and sos as they uploaded. just thought it would be nice to have a label to distinguish the two "flavors" of life series, if you will, in my head.
some stuff i found out after doing some digging on these SMPs and realizations:
people would prolly consider a life series a,,, "life series" if it has the word "life" in its name. personally, i like to think of a life series as hardcore with a twist which is why i consider sos as an honorary one.
main reason for the "vanilla" and "modded" titles: vanilla lifes mostly try to keep itself vanilla, while modded lifes are usually MODDED with new biomes, mechanics, mobs, etc.
it confused me a bit at first how the vanilla lifers managed to have a pretty consistent roster compared to the modded lifers, then it hit that the modded lifes are long-term SMPs that last for months to maybe over a year per "season", while the vanilla lifes are short-term, consistently taking 6 to 8 weeks (or 2 months max) only.
the modded lifes don't actually belong to the same "life series" unlike the vanilla lifes: they're all independent series. i just like to tack the "modded life" label on them for simplicity's sake + the creators involved have becone consistent anyways
limited life & sos are both similar in the sense that technically, there isn't a set number of times you could die compared to other SMPs on the list. your respawns in limited life depend on whether your 24 hours on the server is out, while sos depends on its own "life currency": fate coins. it would be fun to see the CCs play with these kinds of twists where whether you get a chance to respawn has a variable of sorts.
one life (season 1) was first published on May 15, 2016, making it 8 years old as of writing this and the oldest life series in this list
one life also had 3 seasons from May 2016 to March 2019, making it the longest life series
the shortest life series is double life, running for 6 weeks from June to July 2022
if you were to order all the mentioned life series by date started, you'll have: one (2016), x (2019), third (2021), last, afterlife (2022), double, limited (2023), new, secret, sos (2024), real, wild
the only modded lifers that have been in every "season" of the modded lifes are joel smallishbeans, joey graceffa, lizzie ldshadowlady, scott smajor, and shubble
lifers that have been in both modded and vanilla versions are scott, joel, lizzie, jimmy, gem, pearl, scar, & martyn (and oli, if you count his snail appearance on wild life)
with 12 "seasons" between both the modded and vanilla lifes, it's pretty amazing that a concept for a series has only been repeated once: afterlife & new life with the origins mod (didn't they repeat the concept because they wanted to see more origins?)
andddd i think that's all !! feel free to add more thoughts below, or correct me with any misinformation :]]
(this made me want to rewatch cleo's LimLife + finally start jimmy's xlife, shubble's sos, and/or pearl's new life,,, wish me luck o7)
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ask-cuteguy · 9 months ago
Hello! ♥︎
(This is an rp blog)
(Pfp by galaxy-lillies. All credit to them)
This Cuteguy:
•(Unfortunately) deals with Hotguy
• Has a day job. He swears he does.
•Is probably some flavor of criminal
•Says he dislikes hotguy, but does he?
•Find out more yourself!!
~Tags! ♥︎~
#cuteguyposting → In-charachter posts
#reporter's voice → author speaking
#cuteguy answers → regular old answer posts
Characters and duos will be tagged accordingly.
~Guidelines! ♥︎~
Look, it's really simple.
•No suicide jokes. None. Don't even mention it. Nothing related to it. Same goes for self-harm. You will be voided.
•Be mindful of things you say and joke about in general.
•Do not use cc's real names if they don't go by them online. Smallishbeans can be Joel, but Grian cannot be Charles.
•Have fun!~ ♥︎
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ask-martyn · 9 months ago
I heard the hermits n everyone were on here and I felt a lil silly
Can’t be that bad right?? RIGHT?????
Some things about my Martyn
Things said by the author will be said in italics :>
This Martyn’s went through all the smps and inbetween them he’s just stuck in the void until the next one
His Vtuber lore is only semi-canon
He’s mostly human looking minus the pointy ears
This bad boy can hold so much watcher trauma in him!
#Martyn answers - he answered an ask :D
#Ask Martyn - The tag for the blog
Tags regarding duos, ships etc will be tagged by mention as well :>
General ask rules
Keep the nsfw to a bare minimum this is mostly for silly goofy purposes
Keep your beef and irl arguments to yourself
Respect the actual CCs privacy that should be a given
Finally this isn’t rping the content creator, just the character
Grian - @ask-grian
Jimmy - @ask-jimmy-solidarity
Mumbo - @ask-mumbojumbo
Tango - @ask-tangotek
Scar - @ask-gtwscar
Ren - @askrendog
Gem - @ask-gemgem
Pearl - @askpearlescentmoon
Xisuma - @ask-xisuma
Evil Xisuma - @ask-evil-x
Poultry man - @iampoultryman
CuteGuy - @ask-cuteguy
Hotguy - @ask-hotguy
Ariana Griande - @arianagriand3
Grumbot - @ask-grumbot
Docm77 - @ask-Docm77
Joel - @ask-smallishbeans
Zedaph - @ask-zedaph
Cub - @ask-cubfan
Mother Spore - @ask-mother-spore
Bdubs - @askbdubsblog
Cyan Snail - @askgriansnail
Bad Boys - @ask-thebadboys
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gamer-paramnesia · 1 year ago
i was gonna this in the tags but formatting is getting me in the ass so long post :P
PREFACING! people can do what they want and i am allowed to not like it! people are also allowed not to like what i like!!
however,, today i am a hater. so.
1 deeply dislike fitpac idk why I'm just not hugely into the ship sorry maybe bc it feels like now any mention of either character is only in shipping context. unfortunately did make me watch fits stream less. maybe I would've liked it more if the fandom didn't treat it the way it does shrug
1.5 the way some of yall treat ccs is insane.. esp like pac. he is a grown ass man yall.. i see a lot of 'omg hes sooo small 🥺 so baby so little here 🥺🥺🥺like be so fr. dont baby him!! hes a silly guy! HES LIKE 28 YEARS OLD!! this applies to other ccs too cough grian jimmy etc cough (the way yall treat pac vaguely reminds me of... no.. i shant say... gogy...(obvs one is good and the other one is ge*rge but. yeah))
2 crying begging throwing up people have body hair every time a character gets drawn without their facial/body hair an angel dies btw.. I see this so much with like joel smallishbeans n cellbit n jimmy solidarity n forever n phil n just so many other characters it drives me insane give that man his hair back!!!!!! also he is not a twink!!! do not draw him as such!!!!!!!! (also body hair on women but I think general fandom would die if I even suggest we draw a lil armpit hair on a woman…)
3 the way some of y'all see found family…… some of y'all only see nuclear families as the only style of family and it shows. a family isn't just oh this 'guy is my brother this is my wacky wine aunt haha!' a family is a bunch of people who find safety and home and love in each other, people who can kiss and people who can cuddle with and people who they can find solace in. it's not just 'so She's like my Mom and He's like my Dad and there's no other way.' it's kinda just.. an indescribable feeling of love between some people. yeah
4 mostly qsmp related here but my god put some melanin on those fellas when you draw them.. like. etoiles is not a white man. neither is forever. or pac, or bdubs, or ironmouse, or jaiden, the list goes on.. same with the eggs!! there's 14 eggs and how come u are drawing them all white ���� also this is just an artist ick in general but when you draw darker tones don't just. make them look like a white person with ashed out slightly-tinted-brown skin. please just go outside and look at some people I am begging you
5 at the end of the day.. this is minecraft youtuber/streamer roleplay we are talking about. it's never that serious,, there's no reason to absolutely hate a character or wish them ill will or any shit like that, esp if u see a design you don't really like or a hc you don't enjoy or think is stupid. it's ok to get invested, obviously, but like. take a step back sometimes. if you're just having a bad time then it's probably time you take a break <3
5.5 but also. if you hate a character so much that you legitimately wish ill will on the cc. then probably touch grass
6 if a character has a canon sexuality, please dont. ship them w the gender they explicitly do not like. this is about bagihalo btw,, she is lesbian, she canonically does not like men, be better. obvs you are free to do so but i will just quietly judge u as i block u thanks <3
7 one last thing i just thought of, also very qsmp-heavy. i love hybrid/creature characters, but some fellas are just funnier to remain human to me. morning crew comes to mind,, forever (although i do love werewolf hcs for him too). scar is so human to me,, just a dude, just a fella..
Okay I'm curious. Since the MCYT fan space has a tendency to unanimously agree on certain headcanons and make a lot of things widespread fanon, are there any popular headcanons, interpretations, or portrayals of characters that you really don't like? I genuinely wanna know. Any popular ships you dislike? Any creaturifications that you dislike? Or even just the way people talk about a character?
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mar-im-o · 3 years ago
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?” Lizzie’s taken it upon herself to become familiar with her neighbors around the continent. The world they have is small, and many of their boarders shared, so it’s a fool’s game not to get aquatinted with the people who may very well declare war on your kingdom in a few moon’s time.
So she makes her rounds, the clever disguise of a young woman protecting her from the scrutiny of otherwise prejudiced eyes. She meets the princess of the sun and the bees she harbors by the shore. She meets the Goblin King and his underground city. She meets a sheriff with no name and a colorful recluse and a studious historian.
And she meets Joel.
She’s quite sure she’s met him before. He seems oddly familiar in the way he speaks and acts and dresses, but she’s found herself preferring to observe him from afar. More than anything, he seems... not fully there.
For one, the elytrian seems quite certain he’s a god of all things (which is ridiculous. What god walks with mortals?) and continuously insists he’s eleven feet tall (no matter the fact that he’s got but a foot on Lizzie who’s barely five foot herself). He also knew Lizzie’s name long before she offered it, and goes about interacting as if they’ve met before.
But strangest of all is his tendency to ramble on about the oddest of things. Like, for instance, when Lizzie found him standing ankles deep in a fountain, struggling to pin a faux beard to his cheeks.
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?”
“Lore. Yunno--” he waves his hand around aimlessly, the beard slipping without the support. “Lore. Plot. For the viewers.”
“The...” She shakes her head. Maybe she should slip away while she has the chance.
“Can you help with this?” Joel asks instead, looking towards the feigned human and curse her kind heart she sighs and climbs into the fountain to help adhere the beard.
“You look ridiculous.”
“I look cool and awesome and sexy thank you very much.” He says it with a wink, and Lizzie about slaps him for it. “It’s for my character this season.”
A beat. “Summer...?”
Joel snorts. “Funny. This season of Empires.”
Lizzie pulls her hand away and the beard seems to stick. Joel gives a hoot as he tests it out, grinning at her. “Looks awesome! Tumblr’s gonna go bonkers over this one.”
And of all the horrid ideas Lizzie’s ever had, she decides to ask: “Tumbler...?”
That, out of everything, seems to make Joel stop and reconsider things. “Yunno. Like--like twitter but a bit bluer. Darker blue. The blog site.”
“Right....” And, well, he’s saying a lot of words she doesn’t quite understand, so she ignores them all and goes to climb out from the fountain. “You take care, your majesty.”
“Wait, wait, your--” Joel stops her with a hand on her wrist (she considers slapping him for it, but composes herself and simply tugs her arm away). “You said ‘your majesty’?”
“Right, do you prefer ‘your cool and awesome and sexiness’ instead?”
“No, I--Why are you talking like that?”
“It’s called respect.”
“Right, but--” He shakes his head, looking genuinely genuinely confused. “But we aren’t roleplaying right now. I’m not even saying lore! That means there’s no lore.”
Lizzie pulls herself full out of the fountain, trying to squeeze out the legs of her pants. “Right. Good day to you, your godness.”
“But that’s how it works,” Joel continues to say. “I say lore, you say lore, we say lore in the discord server. Then we do lore! We don’t just roleplay out of nowhere.”
“I’ll leave you to your fountain then.”
“Is this a joke? Did Jimmy set you up to this? Real funny, haha--”
The god-mocking king’s voice fades as Lizzie makes her way back towards her home, a chittering laugh on her tongue as she shakes her head. “What a weirdo.”
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Empires (Lore) SMP Thoughts Dump pt. 1
It's been so long lmao and surprise surprise I'm watching everyone's POV this time. These are only half of the ccs btw, since this might be too long of a post if I tried to put all my thoughts of all the ccs.
Lore Man. I am so excited for this character.
Hot Lore Man, thank you @floweroflaurelin. May you be blessed with a, uh I guess, fruitoftelperion.
The Machine implies a lot of things, the Old Kingdom was incredibly morally gray. They used the life of monsters to fuel their own power, they were brilliant architects (Pix praise there)
THE BRIDGE. (the inspiration behind this post)
Please, I'm so excited, I hope the other Emperors will put statues on those towers.
Hooray otherside disc. Bop.
The Ruins deserve a mention too.
Unpopular opinion, I don't think the kingdom is Pixandria. Sorry guys.
The mirror is also something I'm excited about.
Hooray for fossil preservation.
Gem's kingdom is really cute. Just saying it now, I adore sunrise and sunset colors, I hope she somehow incorporates magenta and pink into her build pallette which are underrated sunset and sunrise colors, the pink and purple being the colors right between night and day, dusk and dawn.
The soul fire will-o-the-wisp is a nice touch for lore.
I hope she and Katherine get into a Princess quest thing soon. Afaik they're canonically the only self-identifying princesses of the server.
did y'all notice btw, in I think Shelby's or Katherine's vid, Gem was glowing.
Katherine Elizabeth
And Katherine is still the sheep queen in the smp, I love it.
So I thought she was the Red Queen, big head, servants are animals and all, but I've been watching streams recently and I know that's not the case.
Something furry this way comes (Lore)
Ariana Goate. *screams*
Amethyst shards? Purple + White build? Lizzie's coming for your brand Gem.
Hooray for smol, scrunkly, goblin man
still daddy fwhip tho
I really appreciate fWhip's effort on the minecart systems though, that is exhausting.
Hooray for floppy ear lore.
The Stone sign looking like it belongs on Las Vegas is awesome y'all.
Joel Smallishbeans
cHILD. wITH sAUSAGE. Their flirting rivals Scott's frankly.
The Floating Islands empire is a brilliant idea.
No matter what he says, he's still our 5'8" king lmao.
But really, hooray for 11ft tall hot, sexy, handsome, humble god dad.
I seriously can't wait to see what Joel has planned.
and this time, he won't have to be overwhelmed with his megabase since he isn't building a super grand one like the Matral Palace. Good for him.
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lunarblazes · 3 years ago
I don't necessarily disagree with your take about mcc's ace race but I think it's just not true saying the only reason dteam is still in is the popularity. mcc people like these people!! people like to team with the dteam and have fun when they do! it is not that weird to be upset when you think youve won and then you didn't. sapnap did not complain much at all.
I think people who complain about funneling in dodgebolt (and do so in chat!) are whiny too but I not gonna make a post about it saying that mcc needs to have an intervention??
also some genuine advice do not let twitter drama affect your mcc experience.
hi!! okay this is the kind of opposing opinion i can work with, thank you anon! i respect and genuinely appreciate your response here, and i’ll take this opportunity to further clarify some things.
to your first point—you’re right! they’re not ONLY here because of their fans and it was wrong of me to make that exaggerated assumption in my post. that’s on me. i try very hard not to assume anything about ccs personal friendships or relationships with one another, and i’m sorry i did that there. HOWEVER, i feel as though i am still warranted in being upset with dream and sapnap specifically for their conduct about the ace race decision and other things in the event. for instance, the streamer i was watching was smallishbeans, who got sixth in the first run and dropped ten places in the redo. he was not in favor of a redo but acknowledged it would be the most fair thing to do. he was upset at his score drop, but never once did he argue directly with noxcrew’s choice, MUCH less in the in-game chat. because he’s an adult with manners. being upset because you got a lower score in the redo of the game is completely understandable and that’s not what i’m frustrated about. my frustrations stem from the fact that dream continues challenging and being snarky with the admins in chat when he is not and never has been in the position to make these decisions for an event. nobody else does this. everyone else is simply frustrated and moves on. nobody else feels the need to be an asshole like dream does. now, i cannot remember what sapnap did during ace race in particular, my issue is decidedly more with his behavior about build mart, but my point stands with him as well. he constantly spams messages against build mart to the point where the bit has completely run dry and it’s genuinely annoying to me. people don’t constantly reply to mcc tweets asking them to remove battle box even though it’s a few participants’ least favorite game and that’s because those participants aren’t fucking obnoxious about it. both of them need to grow the fuck up and learn how to talk to people normally.
2) funneling. i admittedly have a bit of bias here because i think funneling is fucking stupid (what a shocker, i doubt you could have gleaned that from anything i’ve ever said on this blog lol), especially with what the yellow yaks did. to me, it makes the event predictable and shows a lack of faith in your team and the fact that dream does it every fucking event no matter who he’s with gets boring as hell. the other participants seem to share my belief and it’s literally not fun to watch if they have such poor sportsmanship they can’t handle giving someone else an arrow for ten seconds, especially if those people are BADBOYHALO AND SKEPPY, WHO ARE NOT BAD SHOTS BY ANY MEANS. i don’t recall anyone saying bad things about funneling in chat, but i wasn’t fully watching dodgebolt this time, so there could have been some comments. regardless, as i’ve said before, it’s not poor sportsmanship to voice annoyances about the event. the difference between frustration and targeting hate is both patterned behavior and direct challenging, both of which dream and sapnap have done. fruitberries thinks funneling is stupid and i know this because he said it on stream. you know what i didn’t do? send hate to dream about it on twitter. i didn’t even mention funneling in my first post even though i dislike it. i wanted to focus solely on direct disrespect. while i can see your point about supposed bad sportsmanship from anti-funneling participants, i posit that it doesn’t have the same horrid effects that dream’s comments do at all.
3) this is some great advice, seriously! i know that some people do struggle with this and it’s truly something to keep in mind. however, twitter drama is not ruining my mcc experience—the behavior of these actual participants is. i have had multiple people in the last 24 hours tell me that they cannot watch mcc anymore because they know the dteam will throw a fit and it’ll be horrible to watch. if this was just twitter drama, i would filter it and move on. but because it is literal, actual behavior from literal, actual participants during the literal, actual event, there is no way i can avoid it. it’s exhausting and the worst constant of mcc. things can and should change, whether that’s a shape up in behavior or a removal.
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wither-rose-circus · 3 years ago
What's third life smp, you've gotten me interested through mentioning the night ♾ series, and it sounds cool.
Oh geez, okay here we go
3rd Life smp was a hardcore Minecraft series that involved 14 players trapped together in a 700x700 world border.
Each player started out with 3 lives: green, yellow, and red. When on green or yellow, they were not allowed to kill each other (though this rule was not remotely enforced), their only objective was to survive as long as possible. Once they got down to their red lives, however, they were not only allowed to kill each other, but encouraged to. As you might expect, this quickly devolved into all sorts of drama.
The whole series spans a total of 8 weeks, with episodes generally being around 30-45 minutes. If you want to watch the series, I recommend choosing one player and watching their POV all the way through. I say that because you should not watch episodes out of order and different CCs numbered their episodes differently (ex: Zombiecleo’s episode #6 is not the same recording session as Grian’s episode #6).
If you’re into roleplay, you should watch: RenDog, Inthelittlewood(s), Goodtimeswithscar, or Grian
If you aren’t into hammy roleplay but still want more intense action, you should watch: Zombiecleo, Bdoubleo100, ImpulseSV, EthosLab, Tango Tek, or MCSkizzleman
And if you just want some general survival vibing that only ramps up towards the end, you should watch: Smallishbeans, BigBstatz2(2), Dangthatsalongname, or Solidaritygaming
3rd Life has a second season, though, now known as Last Life. It’s generally the same game with some tweaks.
Instead of 3 lives, players began the series by getting randomly assigned anywhere between 2 and 6 lives. To better moderate, the rule that greens cannot kill is much stricter this go around. On top of that, red lives are no longer allowed to team with green or yellow lives. Once you go red, you must remove yourself from any and all factions you were a part of.
This season also introduced two new mechanics: the Boogeyman and /Givelife. The role of the Boogeyman is randomly assigned at the start of each session. If you get it, you must kill another player before the the session ends. If you fail to do so, you will lose any lives you had and get knocked straight down to red. The /givelife command, on the other hand, allows you to give one of your lives to another player, making lives a legitimate currency. There is no limit to how many you can hoard.
Because this season is still ongoing, I’m more willing to suggest watching multiple POVs. I still recommend choosing a player and sticking to them (all 14 previously mentioned members have returned + 3 new ones: LDShadowlady, Mumbo Jumbo, and Pearlescentmoon), but there will always be times when something big and important happens that the person you’re watching isn’t around to see.
If you want to watch Last Life as well, players upload their episodes every Tuesday (give or take), this coming drop will be week 4. Good luck!
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lilyfreshwater · 3 years ago
already mentioned this to someone else but grian could not cheat w someone. he has a very stable relationship with his wife who hes been with since at least 2016, and the only ccs he’s seen irl are Jimmy Smallishbeans and Mumbo Jumbo, both of whom he has a very good relationship with, + Mumbo has been on vacation with his GF. he’s also very straight
GRIAN is very straight? fruity ass grian who played a gay character in yandere highschool (super old series) who had a million skins early on because he loved dressing up, who did minecraft drag as ariana grande, who could barely speak when he saw homophobia in his mcc chat bc he was so upset?
he's gay + jimmy and smallishbeans are seperate people + he's also met up w inthelittlewood + anon doesn't know what they're talking about + L + ratio
im just gonna start posting these with no commentary cause i do not know enough to say anything anymore lol
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mcyt-confession-room · 3 months ago
If this is still going..
I once saw Smallishbeans IRL while i was walking home from school and I was so distracted I wasnt looking at the road and I got hit by a car
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phosphorus-noodles · 2 years ago
Tell us your Joli headcanons please
Thank you anon, you have activated my trap card-
Gonna put this under a keep reading because it WILL get long djcnjsdds-
OKAY SO first some backstory-
On April Fools day in the jeremorbism server (name is a mess /aff) I decided to be chaotic and cosplay as Joel Smallishbeans. It quickly caught on and lots of people started becoming ccs, including my friend @/eevee-eclair who became Oli TheOrionSound.
At some point we basically acted out an entire enemies-to-lovers arc and kinda just. kept it going?? So when that April Fools day stunt became a real roleplay (known as the "orbyline," a cross between "orb" and "storyline") our jokey crack ship "Joli" stuck around. (This ship also accidentally broke up the one straight ship of the rp (Jizzie) so. oops-?)
So that was the first iteration of Joli: an afterlife smp roleplay. It was very angsty and messy but the devotion these two traumatized gays had for each other was mwah *chef's kiss.*
NEXT we have cempires Joli! Which I absolutely adore!! (idk why we call it cempires, I think it was @/sm0lcatfish's idea, but it's an empires s1 roleplay with bonus cc empires)
There's a ton of lore for them (mostly Eevee and her friend Mushy's lore from their au) but the gist is that they're soulbonded DL-style which is already on to a winner and they also have shared trauma spanning 200 years! (Joel was permakilled by a demon and is now a ghost possessing a clay doll, and same demon trapped Oli and his entire kingdom in stone for 200 years so woo angst!)
Cempires!Joli is probably my favorite Joli because childhood besties! They're soulbonds that love to die all the time to spite one another! They understand each other like no one else does because they've been together the longest! They tell each other things no one else knows! They're silly little guys that like to be goofy and tease each other about their other partners! (Lizzie for Joel and Callum for Oli, but in the rp the polycule is much, much larger-)
I just,, care them a lot,, ghjvcnmxfjsn,,,
I should probably also mention the empires s2 version (called "boogalpires" for emps2 electric boogaloo) but seeing as god!Joel hates mortals and Oli hates gods their "relationship" is... rocky at best. It's- it's a work in progress. They'll get there one day- /lh
Anyway the tl;dr version of this entire massive infodump you probably didn't ask for is this:
Joli is what happens when you take the "childhood besties to lovers" trope and treat it like crack-turned-serious.
And honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way. This crack ship was an accident but I absolutely adore them and will die on this hill.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, anon I am so sorry for this bc I doubt this is what you wanted at *all-* (there's too many versions to just have general hcs! /lh /hj) and have a nice day/night everyone o/
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crastlefolke · 3 years ago
Survey Results
A few days ago I made a survey to find the most viewed and most popular mcc teams and several people said they’d be interested in seeing the results, so here they are.
Firstly, a few notes:
-This is in no way scientific, I don’t know anything about data collection or presentation so take everything with a grain of salt.
-The survey was only posted to tumblr and reddit, which will obviously skew the results. In total there were 498 responses.
-A couple hours or so after I posted it I rephrased the questions on the survey because some people were putting CCs instead of teams.
-There was a lot of “I might be biased, but…” and I want to re-iterate that this was about favourite teams, not the objective best ever team so everyone has a bias.
Part One: Most Viewed:
The most viewed MCC teams (either watched live or as vods) are the following:
1. MCC Pride Pink (Solidaritygaming, Wilbur Soot, Grian, Technoblade) - 408 2. MCC 17 Orange (Falsesymmetry, Grian, SB737, Petezahhutt) - 309 3. MCC 4 Purple (Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Philza) - 301 4. MCC 16 Purple (Fruitberries, Smallishbeans, Grian, Smajor1995) - 281 5. MCC 9 Blue (Rendog, HBomb94, Falsesymmetry, Fruitberries) - 280 6. MCC 8 Pink (King_Burren, Michaelmcchill, Technoblade, Dream) - 280 7. MCC 17 Pink (Vixella, Kryticzeuz, Illumina1337, Fruitberries) - 237 8. MCC 12 Green (TapL, Philza, Georgenotfound, Wilbur Soot) - 224 9. MCC 15 Pink (TapL, Wilbur Soot, Tubbo, Ranboo) - 218 10. MCC 13 Aqua (Illumina1337, Eret, Punz, Krinios) - 215 11. MCC 19 Orange (Grian, Geminitay, Petezahhutt, Solidaritygaming) - 214 12. MCC All Stars Blue (Rendog, HBomb94, Falsesymmetry, Fruitberries) - 213 13. MCC 18 Green (Nihachu, Grian, Geminitay, HBomb94) - 210 14. MCC 18 Yellow (Smajor1995, Sylvee, Tubbo, Sapnap) - 202 15. MCC 7 Orange (Seapeekay, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Philza) - 198 16. MCC 11 Pink (Georgenotfound, Dream, Sapnap, Karl Jacobs) - 196 17. MCC 19 Cyan (Philza, Sneegsnag, Tommyinnit, Sapnap) - 194 18. MCC 17 Yellow (Ranboo, Shubble, Wilbur Soot, Smajor1995) - 193 19. MCC 15 Purple (Illumina1337, Rendog, Falsesymmetry, Inthelittlewood) - 192 20. MCC All Stars Red (Badboyhalo, Dream, Sapnap, Georgenotfound) - 190
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Part Two: Favourites
People’s favourite MCC teams are as follows:
1. Orange 17 - 75 2. Blue 9 - 51 3. Pink 17 - 37 4. Pink Pride - 37 5. Purple 4 - 23 6. Aqua 13 - 21 7. Orange 16 - 16 8. Green 12 - 15 9. Pink 16 - 13 10. Pink 11 - 12 11. Pink 9 - 11 12. Red 15 - 10 13. Pink 8 - 9 14. Red AS - 9 15. Orange 12 - 8 16. Purple 16 - 7 17. Cyan 18 - 7 18. Yellow 18 - 7 19. Purple 11 - 7 20. Yellow 17 - 6
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Part Three: Runners Up:
For fun there was also a section for teams that people liked but weren’t favourites. The results were as follows:
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-90% of the time people who chose orange 17 as their favourite put blue 9 in the runners up and vice versa. Same with red all stars and pink 11. -The most common reasons for a team being put in this section were some variant of “it was the first mcc I saw live”, “they did terribly but it was very funny” and “it would’ve been my favourite if they won” -The simmers were mentioned 8 times as a group (but for different mccs) which puts them just ahead of cyan 11.
Part 4: Miscellaneous (or: people's comments that interested me)
-Of the five people who put red 14 down as their favourite, four said it was because of Tommy’s leadership.
-Teams from MCC 10 and 14 were considered the most underrated, with a couple people saying they thought the controversy after 14 overshadowed what was on the whole a very fun event.
-“Literally sapnap” and “any pov with dream” were answers in the underrated section which confuses me beyond belief. I’m not sure if this is an in joke I’m missing or if those people misread the question or what.
-People who put aqua 9 all said it was because techno sounded less stressed and like he was having fun that event.
-The simmers were mentioned 10 times in the underrated section, with one person saying that while they personally didn't watch them they were glad they were in the event. Two people mentioned the battle box strat and one person said that people severely underrated their skills in minecraft. idk what else to add to this i just thought it was nice.
-Red AS fans have very different opinions on the battle box. I'd say its a 70 - 30 split between "funny as hell" and "the most painful thing i ever saw"
-Jingle Jam teams did surprisingly better than i expected, although i (and a lot of people) still consider them to be hugely underrated.
-There was a lot of "[team] introduced me to this cc" which i thought was neat.
-People who talked pink17 usually talked about how good the teamwork was and how cool it was that two sides of the mcc sphere had met
-People who talked about lime 18 usually talked about fundy getting drunk
-I've got a new appreciation for mcc 12 after reading several people's enthusiasm for orange ocelots
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acerace · 4 years ago
Hi hello im relativelly new to the mcyt fandom and while im all caught up with the lore in a few smps (and mcc my beloved) ive been trying to get into the empires smp but im... a bit lost tbh, do you have any pov recomendations or just general advice to new people trying to start watching empires? I saw that you post quite a bit about it and it sounds really exciting!!
Anon my beloved I am happy to be of assistance :D
The good thing is that Empires is still a fairly young series, so most of the povs are in the mid teens in number, unless you wanna watch the madman that is Sausage lmao
There are 12 ccs on Empires, and there's been two plotlines so far: the war and the demon! The war came first and features SolidarityGaming (aka Jimmy) and Pixlriffs on one side against MythicalSausage and Fwhip on the other, with Geminitay, Smallishbeans (Joel), and Smajor (Scott) playing more minor roles with Joel being on team Jimmy. The demon plotline is the current main arc and involves everyone in at least minor roles- major players in the demon storyline are Sausage and Joey Graceffa as pro-demon, and Fwhip, Jimmy, Gem, and Shubble as anti-demon. Until recently, Scott wasn't very involved, but is going to play a big part moving forwards and is anti-demon.
I didn't mention them much above but Katherine Elizabeth, PearlescentMoon, and Ldshadowlady are the remaining ccs and all have very good vibes as well- idk what Pearl's been up to (she's next on my list to watch) but Katherine's whole thing is being spicy neutral and interacting with everyone, while Lizzie's pov is short and action packed and I highly recommend her for less plot intensive stuff!
So my advice: Watch Pixl's series intro in episode one! Then if you want just one or two places to start, I suggest Fwhip and Jimmy :D then pick up Shubble and Scott when the demon stuff begins. You'll get a very good feel for the series and the characters this way as Fwhip and Jimmy mainly interact with different people so you can see if you vibe with their allies!
Personally I'm currently caught up with Joel, Lizzie, Scott, Jimmy, and Shubble, so I am very biased in my recs because I haven't caught up on Fwhip or Gem or Katherine and can't speak from experience with them XD
I hope that helped anon, good luck getting started!
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 years ago
Things that X Life has:
Pretty builds
An enjoyable plot
Really good roleplaying
A religion where all you do is wear flower crowns wear togas and get a stained glass window depiction of yourself comissioned for you
Shopping district !!!
Scott smajor
Yeah it has scott smajor and is therefore superior to most running SMPs
An interesting life system. After 10 lives ? Youre out
You start out with one heart and get to see your fave ccs die horrible painful hilarious minecraft deaths
Ace attorney
Minigames such as horse race
Evil lairs
Did i mention pretty builds?
Joel smallishbeans
Hbomb was here...
Executions and death but in a really funny and gay way
Watch X Life you cowards
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mcyt-confession-room · 2 months ago
Me and my brother adopted 2 rabbits and called them Jimmy and Joel and they fell in love and are like gay partners now or something i dont know but its cute
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