angryushankas · 1 year
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can you believe cartman found a way to build the orphanage kyle designed and didn't even let him know. he loves him so much
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elliesgaythoughts · 6 months
some of you need to go suck ya mum for real😒
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laurielisboa-art · 7 months
Leah at CBAA
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Here's Leah, acting as Cartman's Secretary in CBAA.
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diamonddrawsstuff · 9 months
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CBAA is my all time favorite SP episode
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saharamusic · 2 days
Hope in Everything by Sahara CyberStars: Review
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“Vibrant and soulful, the track embodies how hope must prevail despite the struggles of life… The male vocalist’s raspy and high voice is a standout, acting as much as an instrument as the guitar while carrying a funky tension with a tightness in his delivery. His vocal performance contrasts beautifully with the woman singer’s deep, luscious voice, warming us up with a winding vibrato and soaring highs…Sahara CyberStars, with this remix of “Hope in Everything,” breathes new life into the music that makes us see hope in everything, even when there are questions lingering”
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patchesjam · 6 months
do I be lazy eat pasta fast or make fish and tomato stew
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idioticvamp · 16 days
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[WIP] nothing finished sadly i only have these corny sketches cause i’ve been dyingggg thanks to college starting again 🥲
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s0miispostz · 3 months
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CBAA craig <33
my favorite drawing fr‼️‼️ 🤫🧏🧏
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wren-kitchens · 2 days
yk when you can feel yourself starting to stop caring about stuff you love and you are White Knuckling through it because no I Will still love this so fucking help me
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kymantruther · 2 years
cartman when kyle is subservient: ginger cow’s mischaracterization of eric cartman
south park’s “ginger cow”, season 17 episode 6 is honestly quite the er…interesting episode. but despite it’s rampant fart humor and what not, it’s still a goodie, especially in terms of comedy. (idk something about kyle saying “can i please i your piping hot farts in my mouth” makes me laugh every time.) but in terms of characterizing kyman’s dynamic….? that’s where it falls flat.
the episode ignores cartman’s relationship with kyle—particularly regarding kyle’s natural “fighting spirit”. when cartman does or says something nasty, kyle is the first to call him out on his bullshit, granted he’ll only do it if he personally doesn’t agree with what he’s doing (cbaa) but none the less, you can admit kyle often criticizes cartman. and you know how cartman reacts? yeah, he fights back. and it’s key to recognize what cartman does when kyle fights back at him. why mention this? well obviously people aren’t flat—they feel emotions and can be flippant; my case in point being there are times where kyle doesn’t call cartman out on his bullshit and “let’s him win”. let’s take “mr garrisons fancy new vagina” episode 1 of season 9.
in this episode, kyle tries out for the basketball team, whilst cartman hurls beforehand that jews can’t play basket basketball and obviously kyle fights back.
Cartman: This is ridiculous. Jews can't play basketball. Kyle [points right at Cartman]: I beat out YOUR fat ass, Cartman! [a referee's whistle is heard]
but as kyle plays, he isn’t exactly the best. and even his coach reaffirms cartman’s previous statement. this leaves kyle feel hopeless…
Cartman: Nyanyanyanyanyaaanyaaa! You-hoo-hoo-hoo loh-ost! Hahahahahaaahaaa! [No response. Cartman can't get a rise out of Kyle] Kyle, I'm totally ripping on you at a totally inappropriate time. Kyle: I know. I deserve it. Cartman: Yeah, you know why? Because Jews can't play basketball! Kyle: You're right. [this disarms Cartman completely, and he walks away] Cartman: Jesus, that's no fun.
Interestingly enough, as soon as kyle forfeits and doesn’t put up a fight cartman spits that, “it’s no fun”. it’s a clear departure from how cartman reacts to kyle, with the only difference being kyle didn’t fight back. i think this statement alone shows that cartman enjoys the fight with kyle, as the quote reads “he can’t get a rise out him”
and by the way, kyle being subservient to cartman is different to cartman getting his way with him. taking imagination land for an example, kyle ultimately sucking cartman’s balls didn’t come immediately. in fact cartman actually draws the time out when he thinks he’s won. cartman chooses to actively relish the moment by listening to kyle complain, he dresses up and teases him about it (ball famished anyone?). it takes a very long time until kyle sucks cartman’s balls, and the only reason cartman could enjoy it as much as he did was because kyle put up a fight. it’s kinda like the phrase “boys like the chase.”
but in “mrs garrison’s fancy vagina” cartman wins very easily, kyle just agrees with cartman and doesn’t provide any argument or anything. as much as cartman likes to win, it means nothing to him if kyle didn’t fight him before he did.
it’s clear cartman enjoys kyle’s stubbornness, and it’s even stated and addressed in “smug alert”. quote,
Stan: You know, Cartman, you may be stoked now, but I bet you're gonna find that without Kyle around to rip on, your life is empty, and hollow.
and the episode straight up proves stan right with cartman feeling that butters, who is subservient to everything cartman throws at him, is a “lousy jew” because he didn’t have the fighting cadence like kyle. cartman thinks initially he can replace kyle but it’s clear he can’t; nothing can satisfy cartman than kyle fighting back at that moment. so you know what cartman does.
he risks his life to save kyle.
it’s something he didn’t even have to do (and the fact he doesn’t even admit to it???) but it just shows how much he cares about not only his entertainment, but kyle in general, to the point he could die trying to get them back. the truth is, cartman can’t live without kyle around. he likes how kyle has fight in him, and imagination land also as a goodie that advocates this.
when someone dies, often someone who was close to them will start admitting stuff as they pass. they’ll start saying how they feel about the person, who they think the person is etc etc. and obviously south park isn’t immune to this, i mean not only is this a common trope, it can enhance how sad a death scene is. so when in imagination land (2), when kyle is sworn to die, cartman admits something interesting…
Cartman: Godammit Kyle, you never walked away from anything in your life! Now fight! [smacks Kyle around] Fight! Fight! 
cartman claims kyle “never walked away from anything”, which of course refers to how frequent kyle bickers back. but it’s interesting cartman brings this up. something that ordinarily would be seen as an inconvenience that opposes him (fighting back) is being regarded as something good, like it’s something kyle should be proud of. the fact cartman confesses this on kyle’s death bed really proves how kyle having that stubbornness is very important to cartman.
so tldr: we can come to the conclusion cartman really likes it when kyle fights back and it’s very important he does.
so why did i say all of this? well because in ginger cow, kyle reacts a bit differently to cartman’s tricks. beings an avid peace lover, when the world has world peace kyle has no problem letting cartman er…fart on him for it.
now i don’t have any issues with how kyle is protracted here, actually it aligns in his character, because we can all totally see kyle doing something dumb or extreme to have peace in the world. but the way cartman is portrayed…
he basically relishes kyle’s servitude. and if you take everything we learned about cartman so far, this is WILDLY out of character. if cartman was characterized consistently in this episode, he would bail the fuck out if kyle started being like “ok yeah sure fart in my face.” like he’d be so turned off, he wouldn’t indulge in that shit at all. now if kyle fought the fart thing it would be different, and cartman probably would’ve enjoyed himself a lot more, the the fact is kyle didn’t and cartman was ok with that??? like who tf are you and what did you do with cartman.
it pretends like cartman didn’t risk his fucking life just to rip on kyle again and have him fight back. like that guy is unhinged for it, and to act like that shit never happened is insane people talk.
like atp you could’ve replaced kyle with butters and i’d believe it; butter is a lot more passive with cartman and cartman likes to have butters listening to his every word. like the episode would’ve been so much more believable in terms of dynamic.
so in summary, ginger cow is funny but it’s not funny enough for me to ignore its blatant mischaracterization of my guy cartman 😩
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methinmycoffee · 1 year
Okay, I’m back with more thoughts on season 15. This episode has some of my all time favorites, namely The Poor Kid (ep. 14). I also like Crack Baby Athletic Association (ep. 5) and Bass to Mouth (ep. 10) a little more than I should. But it also has the worst start of any season ever, with four absolute flop episodes in a row. There’s also City Sushi (ep. 6) which is really bad. And also You’re Getting Old and Assburgers (Eps. 7 and 8). Which I don’t actually care for, because I think that it does Kyle dirty and isn’t good at what it’s trying to be. It’s not the worst, but it’s just not my favorite of the more emotional episodes. So Season 15 is really hard to judge because there’s so much that I like, and so so so much that I don’t.
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craigpilled · 5 months
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cbaa craig >.<
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in my priv twitters poll my buddies wanted me 2 draw cbaa craig ,,, sooo ya here he is ^_^ posted this on dailycraigfart on twitter ,,, heh ,,, u guys shud totallllyyy follow us ,,,,,,
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kyman4lyfe · 4 months
cbaa kyle is my fav kyle 🥰
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leekyrainbow · 7 months
brooo why is trying to draw so ANNOYING i just wannna draw a comic to practice for my art cbaa😤😤😤
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palajae · 1 month
no dont remind me of school dude 😭😭 i need to lock in asap but i really cbaa 🙂‍↕️✋
oopsie hey you got it 😎😎
i believe in you.
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saharamusic · 5 days
“Hope in Everything” Remix: Sahara CyberStars’ Uplifting Message
“Does an echo have a heartbeat? That’s the question that came to mind as the opening riff of the Sahara CyberStars’ “Hope in Everything” Remix curled out of my speakers like a serpent spinning in space. Lesser mortals might expect a straightforward call to arms or, worse, a montage of weary optimism, but Dave and Trish Long don’t deal in such pedestrian paths. They’re far more concerned with the sound of a question mark at sunset… Dave’s vocals feel like the slow unraveling of an old flag caught between velvet fingers. There’s something in his voice that makes you think of revolutionaries who are too tired to scream but too awake to sleep…Sand dunes of groove, washed over by Trish’s saxophone, blur into horizons you didn’t know were there…Hope isn’t shiny, it’s raw, folded into the dirty notes Dave strums on his guitar between choruses of broken promises…”
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