#causes of Female infertility
patnaneuro · 11 months
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blog-locale · 1 year
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When Should You Consider IVF Treatment?
Breathing Difficulties 
Sleeping Difficulties 
Abdominal Pain
Vomiting and Nausea
Ovarian Insufficiency
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Effectiveness of Homeopathic Treatment for Infertility
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Homeopathic treatment for infertility can take time, with results potentially showing within 3-6 months, depending on the severity of the case. Remember, consistency is key!
At Cosmic Homeo Healing Centre, our experienced practitioners are dedicated to support your journey towards a healthy family. We believe in the power of homeopathy to address the root causes of infertility and create a fertile ground for conception.
Contact us today for a consultation and explore how homeopathy can help you cultivate the seeds of hope and grow your dreams of parenthood into reality.
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planbfertility · 5 months
Causes of Infertility in Men and Women
Explore the infertility causes in men and women! Discover why conception becomes a challenge for many couples. From low sperm count and abnormal sperm shape to ovulation disorders and age-related factors, we unveil the complexities. Explore potential treatments for these issues. If you're struggling to conceive, our fertility experts at Plan B Fertility can help. Book an appointment today for personalized guidance.
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headspace-hotel · 11 months
I forget why, but I was on the Wikipedia page for polycystic ovarian syndrome, and I started researching hirsutism in women, and I learned the following things in this order:
there's a diagnostic criteria used to evaluate how hairy a woman is
This is important because being too hairy is a diagnostic criteria of most disorders that cause hyperandrogenism
Disorders that cause hyperandrogenism can be diagnosed by...measuring how hairy you are (this is the main and most important diagnostic criterion for PCOS)
Disorders that cause hyperandrogenism are important because they are correlated with obesity, infertility, and...being too hairy?
I think to myself, wait, what is a normal range for testosterone in women? I find this article...which set reference ranges for "normal" testosterone levels in women...EXCLUDING WOMEN WITH PCOS?
Quote: "Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another notable condition in genetic (XX) females, which is characterized by excessive ovarian production of androgens. This condition is included for comparison with DSD, as the affected females with PCOS are genetic and phenotypic females. The elevated levels of testosterone in these females can lead to hyperandrogenism, a clinical disorder characterized variably by hirsutism, acne, male-pattern balding, metabolic disturbances, impaired ovulation and infertility. PCOS is a common condition, affecting 7%-10% of premenopausal women."
So: the study claims to demonstrate a clear distinction between the normal range of hormone levels in "Healthy" men and "healthy" women...with "healthy" being defined in the study as...having hormones within the "normal" range.......................
So I researched what the clinically established "normal" range for testosterone in women is
Quote from the above article: "Several different approaches have been used to define endocrine disorders. The statistical approach establishes the lower and the upper limits of hormone concentrations solely on the basis of the statistical distribution of hormone levels in a healthy reference population. As an illustration, hypo- and hypercalcemia have been defined on the basis of the statistical distribution of serum calcium concentrations. Using this approach, androgen deficiency could be defined as the occurrence of serum testosterone levels that are below the 97.5th percentile of testosterone levels in healthy population of young men. A second approach is to use a threshold hormone concentration below or above which there is high risk of developing adverse health outcomes. This approach has been used to define osteoporosis and hypercholesterolemia. However, we do not know with certainty the thresholds of testosterone levels which are associated with adverse health outcomes."
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
It's batshit crazy to make a diagnostic criteria for medical disorders by placing arbitrary cutoffs within 2-5% of either end of a statistical distribution. What the actual fuck?
"The results came back, you have Statistical Outlier Disease." "What treatments are available?" "Well, first, we recommend dietary change. You should probably stop eating so many spiders."
Another article which attempted to do this
Quote: "Subjects with signs of hirsutism or with a personal history of diabetes or hypertension, or a family history of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) were excluded."
"We're going to figure out the typical range of testosterone levels that occur in women! First, we're going to exclude all the women that are too hairy from the study. I am very good at science."
Anyway I got off topic but there are apparently race-specific diagnostic tools for "hirsutism." That's kinda weird on its own but when I looked more into this in relation to race I found this article that straight-up uses the term "mongoloid"
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richcarehomeopathy · 9 months
Types of infertility | Causes for Female infertility | Homeopathy Treatment in Bangalore |
Types of infertility
Female infertility
Male infertility
Causes for Female infertility
Studies indicate that slightly over half of all cases of infertility are a result of female conditions, while the rest are caused by either sperm disorders or unidentified factors. About 20% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the man. About 40% to 50% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the woman. About 30% to 40% of cases of infertility are due to problems in both the man and the woman.
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Other causes include
Damage to your fallopian tubes.
Hormonal problems.
Cervical issues.
Uterine troubles like fibroid,endometriosis etc.
Unexplained” infertility the exact causes are never pinpointed.
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Homeopathic treatment
Our RICH CARE HOMEOPATHY works on male and female infertility in following way: It regulates and balances the body’s hormones, menstrual cycle and enhances the ovulation process in females. In males, it helps to increase the sperm count, their mobility and also their morphology by naturally stimulating the body.
Book An Appointment For Consultation | +91–7411955955 | +91–7411055955 | +91–9036619944 | 080–41241822|
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drprasenjitkrroy · 9 months
5 Common Endocrine Disorders Affecting Female Fertility
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Our endocrine system includes various glands that are responsible for controlling important body processes and the production of hormones. Any imbalance in the hormonal levels can be the major cause behind the development of endocrine disorders, which not only impacts your mood, and weight but also increases the risks of infertility.
If you��re having issues conceiving a baby and also suffer from any endocrine disorders or have hormonal imbalances then you can contact an infertility specialist to avail of IVF in Siliguri. The IVF treatment will assist you in having a successful pregnancy despite the ovulation issues developed due to the endocrine disorders.
Given below are some of the most common endocrine disorders that have a huge impact on female fertility rates.
Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder that decreases the lifespan of the female reproductive system. The high sugar levels in the blood in diabetic patients have been found as a major cause behind premature ovarian aging, which often leads to early menopause and hence, infertility. Uncontrolled diabetes can also degrade the micro-environment of the egg and reduce the egg quality, ovarian hormone synthesis, and ovulation process. The chance of pelvic organ infections especially in the fallopian tubes and ovaries also increases with diabetes which also higher the chances of infertility.
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Amenorrhea is another endocrine disorder that affects your menstrual cycle and reduces the chances of getting pregnant. Primary and secondary amenorrhea are the two main types of this health condition which leads to missed periods. Amenorrhea not only leads to missed periods but also causes unsuccessful ovary function. This condition is not directly related to infertility but it is obvious that without menstrual periods and ovulation, it is impossible to become pregnant.
Hypo and Hyperthyroidism
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder that is also associated with female infertility. This is because, with this health condition, the thyroid gland becomes unable to produce the essential hormones. Low thyroid hormone levels interfere with the process of releasing eggs which further causes infertility. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism also develops various complications in the female reproductive system that make it difficult to get pregnant. Some of the fertility issues developed by this disorder are preeclampsia, loss of pregnancy, and menstrual disruptions.
PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder, which is a well-known cause of infertility. Hormonal imbalance is the major symptom of PCOS that interferes with the ovulation process and growth of the embryo. The increased chances of miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, insulin resistance, reduced quality of oocytes, and anovulation are also associated with PCOS. PCOS can also increase the chances of developing ovarian cysts and irregular periods, which can also reduce fertility rates.
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Cushing's Disease
The increased production of cortisol is the key complication of Cushing’s disease that can negatively impact the female reproductive system. The chances of developing amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities also increase with it. This disease also suppresses the essential pituitary hormones required for proper ovary function, which leads to infertility. Availing of the effective treatments of IVF in Siliguri can be the best way to enjoy parenthood if you’re suffering from serious endocrine disorders that are affecting your fertility. You can also indulge in lifestyle improvements such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a proper diet, and exercising to reduce the risks of endocrine disorders.
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sciivfhospitaldelhi · 10 months
Female Infertility Symptoms: What You Need to Know
Female infertility is a condition that affects millions of women worldwide. It's a deeply personal and often emotionally challenging journey for those who experience it. Understanding the symptoms of female infertility is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we'll explore female infertility symptoms and discuss the importance of seeking help from the best infertility clinic in Delhi, such as SCI IVF Hospital.
What Is Female Infertility?
Female infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after one year of trying for women under 35, and after six months of trying for women over 35. It can result from various factors, including problems with ovulation, hormonal imbalances, structural issues in the reproductive organs, or underlying health conditions.
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Common Symptoms of Female Infertility
Irregular Menstrual Cycles: One of the most common signs of female infertility is irregular periods. If your menstrual cycles are consistently shorter or longer than the average 28-30 days or if you experience frequent missed periods, it could indicate an underlying issue.
Painful Periods: Severe menstrual cramps or pelvic pain during menstruation, known as dysmenorrhea, can be a symptom of conditions like endometriosis or uterine fibroids, which may contribute to infertility.
Abnormal Bleeding: Unusual bleeding between periods or during intercourse should be investigated as it may be a sign of an underlying problem like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or uterine issues.
Hormonal Imbalances: Symptoms such as excessive facial hair growth (hirsutism), acne, or sudden weight gain can indicate hormonal imbalances that affect fertility.
Painful Intercourse: Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, known as dyspareunia, may be due to conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to infertility.
Changes in Cervical Mucus: Changes in the consistency and amount of cervical mucus can affect sperm mobility, making it harder for fertilization to occur.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): PID, often caused by sexually transmitted infections, can lead to pelvic pain and scarring of the reproductive organs, increasing the risk of infertility.
Underlying Medical Conditions: Conditions like thyroid disorders, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases can impact fertility and may present with their own set of symptoms.
Why Seek Help from the Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi - SCI IVF Hospital?
If you or your partner are experiencing any of the above symptoms or have concerns about fertility, it's essential to seek help from a reputable infertility clinic. Delhi is home to several fertility centers, but Sci IVF Hospital stands out as a top choice for several reasons:
Expertise: Sci IVF Hospital boasts a team of highly experienced infertility doctors in Delhi who specialize in diagnosing and treating female infertility. Their expertise ensures that you receive the best care possible.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: The hospital is equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern facilities, making it well-suited for comprehensive fertility evaluations and treatments.
Personalized Treatment: Sci IVF Hospital understands that every case of infertility is unique. They offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, increasing your chances of success.
Success Rates: SCI IVF Hospital has a track record of high success rates, giving hope to couples struggling with infertility.
Supportive and Compassionate Care: Going through infertility can be emotionally challenging. The compassionate and supportive team at SCI IVF Hospital ensures that you receive the care and understanding you deserve throughout your fertility journey.
In conclusion, recognizing the symptoms of female infertility is the first step towards seeking help and starting the journey to parenthood. If you're in Delhi and looking for the best infertility clinic, SCI IVF Hospital is a trusted destination known for its expertise, technology, and personalized care. Remember, you don't have to face infertility alone, and there is hope for realizing your dream of becoming a parent with the right guidance and support.
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Unlocking Hope: Navigating Female Infertility with Art Fertility Clinic
Introduction: In the journey of life, hope has the power to guide us through the most challenging of circumstances. For women facing the complexities of female infertility, hope shines brightest when supported by compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments. Enter Art Fertility Clinic – a beacon of light for those navigating the intricate realm of female infertility. In this blog, we delve into the profound impact of female infertility, its symptoms, causes, treatment options, and how Art Fertility Clinic is revolutionizing the field to unlock a future filled with hope.
Understanding Female Infertility: Female infertility is a deeply personal struggle that affects countless women around the world. It's crucial to recognize the signs that may indicate infertility. Irregular menstrual cycles, excessive or scanty periods, hormonal imbalances, and other symptoms can point to underlying issues. Understanding the signs empowers women to take charge of their reproductive health.
Exploring the Causes: Unraveling the underlying causes of female infertility requires expertise and insight. From polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis to hormonal imbalances and ovulatory disorders, there are various factors that can contribute to infertility. Art Fertility Clinic employs a multidisciplinary approach to pinpoint the exact cause, ensuring tailored treatment plans that address individual needs.
Empowering through Treatment: Art Fertility Clinic stands at the forefront of female infertility treatment. With a blend of advanced medical technology, experienced specialists, and a patient-centric approach, they provide a range of treatments that encompass fertility medications, assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and more. Every step of the way, patients are nurtured with care, compassion, and evidence-based solutions.
Innovating the Future: What sets Art Fertility Clinic apart is their commitment to innovation. They embrace the latest advancements in reproductive medicine, ensuring that patients have access to state-of-the-art treatments. With a dedication to research, they continuously refine their approaches, offering new hope to those who have struggled on their fertility journey.
Holistic Well-being: The journey through female infertility isn't just physical; it's emotional and mental as well. Art Fertility Clinic recognizes the importance of holistic well-being. They offer counseling, support groups, and resources to empower women emotionally, ensuring they have a strong support system throughout the process.
Personalized Care, Lasting Hope: At Art Fertility Clinic, hope is the driving force. They understand that each woman's journey is unique, and their personalized care reflects this understanding. By combining medical excellence with genuine empathy, they guide patients towards the possibilities that lie ahead.
Conclusion: Female infertility may present challenges, but it's essential to remember that there is always hope. Art Fertility Clinic not only helps women understand the symptoms and causes of infertility but also provides a comprehensive range of treatments that pave the way to parenthood. With their unwavering commitment to innovation, compassionate care, and holistic support, Art Fertility Clinic is indeed unlocking hope for women on their path to motherhood. When science, art, and hope converge, miracles can happen.
Unlock hope with Art Fertility Clinic and embark on a transformative journey towards parenthood. Because every dream of motherhood deserves a chance to flourish.
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aaditiganguli · 1 year
Female Infertility: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
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Female infertility is a challenging condition impacting couples' dreams of parenthood. Understanding the causes, recognizing symptoms, and utilizing essential diagnostic tests, including hormone testing for women and female infertility testing, are crucial steps toward overcoming this hurdle. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and key diagnostic tests for female infertility, including convenient at-home lab tests.
Causes of Female Infertility
Ovulation Disorders: Hormone testing for women aids in identifying irregular ovulation patterns and underlying hormonal imbalances affecting fertility.
Fallopian Tube Blockage: An infertility panel test, including hysterosalpingography, can diagnose fallopian tube issues hindering conception.
Uterine Abnormalities: Sonohysterogram and hysteroscopy are vital diagnostic tests to detect structural abnormalities within the uterus.
Endometriosis: Laparoscopy is a gold-standard test for diagnosing endometriosis, enabling personalized treatment plans.
Symptoms of Female Infertility
Irregular Menstrual Cycles: An at-home lab test for hormone levels aids in identifying ovulation irregularities and hormonal imbalances.
Painful Periods: Pelvic exams and transvaginal ultrasound diagnose conditions causing painful menstruation.
Hormonal Imbalances: Hormone testing for women helps evaluate imbalances responsible for various symptoms.
Painful Intercourse: Pelvic exams and diagnostic evaluations uncover conditions like endometriosis impacting sexual intercourse.
Diagnostic Tests for Female Infertility
Infertility Panel Test: Comprehensive hormone testing for women, including FSH, LH, estradiol, and AMH levels, assesses ovarian reserve and overall fertility health.
Transvaginal Ultrasound: Imaging test to assess ovaries and uterus, identifying abnormalities that may affect fertility.
Hysterosalpingography: Diagnostic X-ray with contrast dye helps detect fallopian tube blockages or uterine abnormalities.
Laparoscopy: Minimally invasive surgical procedure to visualize reproductive organs, aiding in endometriosis and pelvic adhesion diagnosis.
Sonohysterogram: Ultrasound with saline infusion evaluates the uterine cavity, detecting polyps or fibroids that may impact fertility.
At-Home Lab Tests for Female Infertility
Convenient at-home lab tests provide comprehensive evaluations of hormone levels, including FSH, LH, estradiol, and AMH.
Female infertility can be overcome with the right approach, including the utilization of essential diagnostic tests like an infertility panel test and hormone testing for women. Early identification of causes and symptoms can guide tailored treatment plans, offering hope to couples striving to become parents. The availability of at-home lab tests further empowers women to take charge of their fertility journey, allowing for convenient monitoring of hormone levels. With the support of experienced healthcare professionals and the advancement of diagnostic technologies, many couples find success on their path to building a loving family.
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afgccenter-blog · 1 year
Infertility in both men and women is becoming increasingly common in recent times, causing great stress and anxiety for those concerned. Amongst several other factors environmental pollution has become the major cause of infertility. Some of the other known causes of male and female fertility are as follows : Causes Of Male Infertility Sperm Disorders: … Causes Of Infertility – In Males As Well As Females Read More &raquo..
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Symptoms Of Male’s Infertility:
Low sperm count
Sperm motility
Prostate issues
Sexual issues
Cancer treatments
Scrotum enlargement
Family history of infertility issues.
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Understanding Infertility: Causes, Types, and Symptoms
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Infertility, affecting both men and women, presents challenges in achieving pregnancy. It disrupts a complex process involving hormone production, ovulation, fertilization, and implantation. Different types of infertility exist, with causes ranging from age and lifestyle choices to medical conditions and genetics. Common symptoms include difficulty conceiving and irregular periods.  Stress can worsen the emotional toll.
Diagnosis involves tests like ultrasounds and hormone evaluation. Homeopathy offers a personalized, holistic approach to address infertility's underlying causes, promoting emotional well-being and potentially improving egg quality, sperm health, and overall reproductive function.  Cosmic Homeo Healing Centre, led by Dr. Mahavrat S Patel, utilizes homeopathy to provide effective and gentle solutions for infertility concerns.
For more information: https://www.homeopathyhealing.net/infertility/
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Infertility is a complex condition that can affect both men and women, but it is often more associated with women. In fact, studies show that up to 40% of infertility cases are caused by female factors. Understanding the common causes of female infertility can help you identify when to seek medical attention and which treatments may be most effective.
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ivfrisaa · 1 year
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