#causes a loss in lateral thinking and strategic creativity
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arg0t ¡ 4 months ago
getting lightheaded and giddy from the sheer manic glee of proving my professor who I hate wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
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dzeikobb ¡ 4 years ago
Leo Bersani - Homos
Monique Witting
Judith Butler
Michael Warner
Andre Gide, Jean Genet, Proust
desire for the same and desire for the lack
anticommunitarian impulses they discover in homosexual desire
The Immoralist, Sodome et Gomorrhe, Funeral Rites
how desire for the same can free us from oppresive psychology of desire as lack (a psychology that grounds sociality in trauma and castration)
a salutary devalorizing of difference
difference not as a trauma to overcome (it nourishes antagonistic relations between the sexes), but rather as a nonthreatening supplement to sameness
"Once we agreed to be seen, we also agreed to be policed"
a traditional sanctification of state authority
The Archaeology of Late Antique 'Paganism' edited by Luke Lavan, Michael Mulryan
Constructing Postmodernism By Brian McHale
reading modernistically - paranoiacally
New Criticism, New Critical institutionalization of modernism
paranoid reading is assumed to be the appropriate norm of reading
then postmodernist texts appear which assume and anticipate paranoid reading-habits
they incorporate representations of (fictional) paranoid interpretations (conspiracy theories) or paranoid reading practices, or they thematise paranoia itself, reflecting, anticipating, perhaps pre-empting actual readers' paranoid readings.
La Jalousie, Pale Fire, The Crying of Lot 49, De Lillo Running Dog/The Names/Libra, The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum
"the idea is not to discover the secret, but to construct it"
no longer an epistemological quest, but an enterprise unconstrained by criteria of truth and evidence (world-building?)
an experiment in self-conscious world-making, a cosmological matter (novel-writing enterprise is one as well)
one projects (calls into being) an entity, anticipating a response
Masons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Gender-LGBT
"he declares that the league exists so that people will then create it"
St Anselm ontological proof of God's existence
confusing existence in thought with existence in reality
but: they project into reality the non-existent entities
inventing nonsenses, but the public will want to pursue them if they hear of them
"we've shown the necessity of the impossible"
"we invented a non-existent Plan, and they not only believed it was real but convicted themselves that they had been part of it for ages, or rather they identified fragments of their muddled mythology as moments of our Plan"
ontological side effects of world-making: the projected world has begun to contaminate the real world
there might come a time when the projected world will supplant the real world
Frederick Jameson: Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
symptomatic works and diagnostic works
reflections or expressions of late-capitalist social and economic relations
diagnostic works aspire to produce some image/figure/representation of the unrepresentably complex multinational world-system in which we live
Kevin Andrew Lynch was an American urban planner and author. He is known for his work on the perceptual form of urban environments and was an early proponent of mental mapping.
cognitive mapping
Conspiracy paranoia is a recurrent cultural phenomenon especially in American political life, with successive waves of anti-Masonism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Communism etc
Hypothesis: Whenever the complexity of the social-economic system outstrips our capacity to represent it to ourselves, conspiracy theory arises to fill the gap as the "poor person's cognitive mapping"
The recurrence of crises of cognitive mapping
responses to successive crises of society's self-imagining
"fossilized" attempts at the cognitive mapping (reminds me of Deleuze and geology - paranoic geology of the psyche?)
late-capitalist high-tech versions of conspiracy and the postmodernist resurgence of traditional conspiracy theories
Constructivism's basic epistemological principle is that all our cognitive operations, including (or especially) perception itself, are theory-dependent. This means, first of all, that data do not exist independently of a theory that constitutes them as data.
Granted the theory-dependency of "facts", it follows that faithfulness to objective "truth" cannot be a criterion for evaluating versions of reality (since the truth will have been produced by the version that is being evaluated by its faithfulness to the truth, and so on, circularly). The appropriate criteria for evaluation now are, for instance, the explicitness of the version, its intersubjective accessibility, its "empirical-mindedness", i.e. its aspiration to be as empirical as possible, where empiricism is not a method but a horizon to be approached only asymptotically; and above all, the adequacy of the version to its intended purpose. In other words, constructions, or what I have been calling versions of reality, are strategic in nature, that is, designed with particular purposes in view.
cities constructed, not given or found
or are they?
Parisian structuralist narratology - Barthes, Bremond, Genette, Greimas, Todorov
I have been watching protest of the Women's Strike. On my phone, at my desk, at home, later from bed. I have been unable to attend due to my deteriorating mental health condition. How to describe the feeling and the atmosphere of this protest? I will juxtapose the following:
Hierarchy - Presence - Genital - Narrative - Metaphysics - Determinacy - Construction of a world-model - Ontological certainty [modernism]
Anarchy - Absence - Polymorphous - Anti-narrative - Irony - Indeterminacy - Deconstruction of a world-model - Ontological uncertainty [postmodernism]
What I saw leads me to believe that I should associate my perception of protests with the latter column.
A plot: events arranged in temporal sequence, a causal motivation for the sequence
modernism and postmodernism not as period styles, one of them current and the other outdated, more like alternative stylistic options between which contemporary writers are free to choose without that choice necessarily identifying them as either avant-garde or arriere-garde.
The dissolution of the library and the world
And then collecting the fragments (relics) of the burned library
What if the library does not burn, but is flooded?
What if it dissolves into a flood of meaningless text
An overflow of meanings leading to the ultimate loss of all meaning
An overabundance of points and places in the map causing the map to become illegible
Alain Robbe-Grillet: Instead of having to deal with a series of scenes which are connected by causal links, one has the impression that the same scene is constantly repeating itself, but with variations"
"narrative as a systematic application of the logical fallacy denounced by scholasticism under the formula post hoc, ergo propter hoc"
"a complex web of responses to and repetitions of earlier works, visual and textual, creative and critical" (isn't any text/work such a web?)
Gradiva - Novel by Wilhelm Jensen
Topologie d'un cite phantome Robber-Grillet
"a narrative which has abandoned any sense of progress and explores the past as a set of variations on a split and dispersed present"
Vigo-Atlantis on the connecting point of three continents-islands
it is inundated in never-stopping rain
Ruins of Warsaw after World War 2 turned into a closed-off monument and after the fall of communism, into a "tragedy-amusement park", somewhat like Westerplatte
a participant of the Warsaw Uprising and a young Jew-Robinson (a descendant of other Robinsons) who survived hiding in ruins until present time both emerge and react differently: the insurgent tries to kill tourists thinking they are Germans and is killed by security himself and the Robinson goes back to hiding, understanding that the world has experienced an apocalypse and a new world has emerged, in which there is no place for him.
Właśnie przechodzę przez kolejny nawrót depresji, nie stać mnie na terapię, nie jestem w stanie z kimkolwiek rozmawiać, nienawidzę stanu, w którym jest moja skóra i ciało, za bardzo się wstydzę, by naprzykrzać się komukolwiek opowiadaniem o moich problemach, mam za mało pieniędzy, prawie nie mam pracy, nie mam dokąd uciec, nie mogę nawet wyjechać za granicę, rzuciłem studia po raz piąty w życiu i ignoruję te kilka osób, którym jeszcze choć trochę na mnie zależy.
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kaelon ¡ 14 years ago
Sensible Strategy and the Evaluation of Purpose
Failure is a pretty scary proposition, especially in the context of project management. And yet, it doesn't have to be this all-consuming nightmare; it is a challenge that should be confronted head-on. According to famed political economist Douglass C. North, institutions lose their ability to lead strategically because they stop thinking creatively and instead become tied down to process, often because they are paralyzed by the fear of failure. North also observes that the most successful organizations look at challenges as opportunities to thrive. Over the past few weeks, I've come across a number of examples of projects failing needlessly that I think are helpful to consider in the context of a strategic "gut-check", a series of three simple tests that can help stop bad ideas dead in their tracks.
"Sensible Strategy" is a blog series that explores these three simple tests and showcases real world, high profile case studies of spectacular yet entirely avoidable failure.
Test 1 - Evaluate the Purpose, Objectives, and Goals. Every project needs to start out with a clear vision of its intended end-state and then all actions, including policies and processes that exist in the project, should be put to a basic standard: does it fit? It's more than simple compatibility; it's the "Why am I doing this?" of any project, from building a website or sitting down to write a cookbook. If the task at hand isn't directly involved in the furtherance of an objective or goal, then, it's probably out of scope and irrelevant or worse, detrimental.
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Case Study: Real ID Forum Fiasco
The universes of computer gaming and project management unexpectedly collided earlier last month when the world's most popular online game, World of Warcraft, enacted (and revoked three days later) a policy of requiring that customers' real names be publicly displayed when they post to their community forums. This policy was promulgated under the auspices of Real ID, a program intended to link in-game accounts with out-of-game social tools, like Facebook and Twitter. Don't see the connection? You're not alone: users didn't see the connection either and they posted over 50,000 replies to a forum thread protesting the change, citing it as arbitrary censorship at best and an invasion of privacy at worst. It quickly got the attention of the international news media: it was a featured leader on MSNBC.com's Tech category, was being reported by the BBC News Service, and was even being discussed on the morning news. After days of silence and inaction, Blizzard's CEO Mike Morhaime had to deliver a humiliating public reversal which cost the company precious prestige.
The Real ID Forum Fiasco is an example of a bad idea that tried to solve one problem (moderating forums by mass-removing disruptive users) by linking it with another challenge (adding value to users by allowing them to link their game accounts with trusted social networks). Often times, there are synergies between different programs and using policies to cross-pollenate the administration of two or more projects can be effective. This was definitely not the case because there were no shared goals or objectives between these two, and instead, by trying to advance one set of objectives by leveraging tools and resources designed for a completely different set, Blizzard ended up undermining both efforts and caused tremendous waste, needless drama, and a costly loss of confidence.
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infocleanse ¡ 4 years ago
How can a B2B company design a win back email campaign successfully?
As a marketer, if you seek a clean and responsive email campaign, then the best strategy is to pick the lost deals first. There are certain hacks with which you can bring back lost clients and make your win back email campaign more substantial and result-driven.
 You defiantly need to create a basic structure on which your campaign will run. Having said that, you must look for constructive client data that can be a part of your win back email series. The cycle of emails should neither be too long nor too small as the audience should have enough time to engage with you back again and sync along.
 To have a clean email list, you must well-segment wisely on the basis of different grounds. Also, each email should be different from the previous one. Thereby, sending a set of four or five win back emails will work amazingly. This, too, has a cause as it is believed any win back email campaign that a B2B company launches should be based on four components that will build up your campaign in the longer run.
 Firstly, the reminder and greeting mail!
 Yes, you cannot begin simply selling your product directly. It would be best to initiate a conversation first by sharing a friendly hello with you subscriber to read their interest and mindset. People are busy with work and life, and there's not much time for them to listen to your business pitch. But people usually take out time for the greetings. So first, begin with a reminder email of telling them you are still counting them important.
                           Image Source: http://www.tapmail.info/winback-campaigns-examples-strategies-and-bestpractices/
Secondly, the perks and bonus mail!
 In case your reminder email didn't make much difference to your subscribers, then you must twist your strategy a bit to add spice. You can start with a small giveaway in the form of an ethical bribe, also known as the process of lead magnets. You can give them a comeback coupon, which will bring up some interest in them to think of reviving the old business bond. 
 Thirdly, the last shot mail!
 This step will have an email that allows you to have another chance and hope to engage with your audience before they finally make up their mind whether to do business with you or not. You can probably offer some perk or coupon again, but the twist is you must set a time frame under which they must redeem the offer. This creates a sense of urgency, thereby checking if there is any hope of interest lying beneath.
 Lastly, the goodbye mail!
 The goodbye mail is the last attempt to re-unite or win back the lost business deals. You can probably inform them that they may get removed from your database due to inactivity and lose the opportunity to get worthy offers frequently. The last approach will declare if you have a scope with them or not. 
   Image Source: https://www.omnisend.com/blog/win-back-email/
Please make sure to have a click-through link in all emails, as they should never have to wait or reach anywhere else to communicate further with you. The comeback or win back process should always be easy and smooth for the audience.
Another essential part is to ask your clients as to how you can improve the customer services, products, and other parts of the business that are related to the client base for bettering their overall experience.
 Well, if all of this doesn't fetch you good results, then you may know it is the right time to remove or rather append your email list as you surely don't want any contacts that don't serve you a purpose. But what is email appending exactly?
 In the layman's language, we can say email appending is the process under which your email list is given a makeover altogether. Yes, you heard it right. The quality of the email list is upgraded by adding robust leads and removing the unwanted ones. Having a bunch of unwanted or inactive users may be trouble or a barrier on the way to success. They simply add your brand name to the spam folder and deviate the whole purpose.
 Therefore, some key elements should be kept in mind while strategizing your win back email campaign. Such as:
 1.   Pick the schedule wisely: The schedule you set for the campaign holds a lot of importance. For instance, your first email must be planned to be sent between the first to third months since the user has not been active. Once you send the first email, you must send the future emails in a series post one or two weeks till they finally reach the goodbye funnel. You must keep some points in mind while sending these bunch of emails for the win back campaign, such as:
-      Do not overload your subscribers with emails flooding their inbox. They may spam you!
-      Be creative in styling the email as you surely don't want to miss the last chance to win them back
-      Be very particular about the timing as this may help you break the deal finally
-      And, make sure the email is in a personalized voice, which helps you get the attention of the subscriber at all times
You can set a schedule like:
 Three emails in 5 days, where each email has different content to talk about. Do not stick around the win back mission as this may worsen the situation in your case.
  2.   Use a provocative Call-to-Action message: In case your subscribers are not responding well to your brand promotions in the first place, then the scope of them reading your emails may seem negligible. Keep your emails short and crisp. They must have a provocative tone to lead the subscriber to the call-to-action link directly.
Image Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/10/20/call-to-action-examples
3.   Be catchy and unique with the subject line: You may not realize what difference it can bring, but subject lines play a great role in leading subscribers to open the email and later read it. To get a good open rate, be sure of a good subject line. Most importantly, your business decides the subject line for you. Yes, if you are into a serious business like healthcare, then you must refrain from too much flashy subject line. However, suppose you are into the business of architecture. In that case, you have the scope to expand the creativity by talking through emoji's or text that develops an interest in the reader as well as lead them to look into your site for making the purchase. The subject line must be:
-      Brief and unique
-      Be of limited words
-      Can be in the question form to trigger interest
These elements will surely help you in launching your win back email campaign.
 Let's look into some of the prime examples of the companies that took up win back email campaign to retrieve the losses.
-      Starbucks, an American coffeehouse company, held a simple yet appealing message with a great incentive.
-      Netflix reminds subscribers to upgrade their package, boldly show recommendations, and create significant interest in the campaign.
-      Grammarly came up with an easily accessible call-to-action reminder email for its subscribers.
-      Costco created a sense of urgency with a last call-to-action reminder email.
Basically, a good campaign has to be equipped with a good strategy, a wise schedule, amazing content, and motivated team players. Making an inactive user come back to life and make a purchase is an achievement on its very own. But once you get that, what's next?
  Did you win back campaign worked? What's next?
 There are times when your win back campaign received a response faster than expected. So what will be the upcoming steps? 
The next step can be to bring them back onto your website and lead them through the sales funnel. Your sales funnel can only be successful if it is backed by an engaging, informative, and comprehensive website. When the subscriber lands on your site, they look for reliability, to say the least, apart from the products and services, of course. One thing that you need as a marketer is a conversion tool that helps you communicate a lead into the client for a long period of time. There are many conversion tools available in the marketer which handles the site visitors and make sure they make a purchase before leaving the site. But how do they do that? 
 Well, there are many ways to do that, such as:
-      Innovation of Popup Box: when any site visitor is about to exit from your site, they get a popup box on display that aims to draw their attention to your product and services that may be of their interest.
-      Fashion of Floating Bars: The fashion of a floating bar helps you make some instant profits. It keeps floating on the same so that the users or site visitors can quickly land into the sales stage and buy a product or service. If not purchase, they at least sign up for your email subscription.
-      Systematic Scroll Triggers: Once the site visitor has scrolled or gone through the site, you can display a popup box on the screen to lead them to purchase a product or service. This will enable you to understand the interest of the leads and convert them successfully.
Concluding Note:
 We hope these details will bring you maximum response to your win back email campaign. We look for effective re-engagement with inactive users, and therefore, a robust campaign strategy is the need of the hour. With email appending at disposal, we are certain the win back campaign will work in the best form and dig out some real potential leads out.
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icecoldparadise ¡ 7 years ago
Beginning of an End
Original piece done by me for my Creative Writing class.
Beginning of an End
Death is not what humans imagine it to be. It is not an ominous, heavily cloaked figure looming over its unfortunate victim with an enormous scythe and a dark hood covering its face. Death is countless unseen spirits standing quietly by, waiting. Believe it or not we do not physically cause people to die, or affect how they die in any way. We gather all souls gently and guide them to the afterlife, so they don’t get lost. Lost souls roam the earth, and if we cannot find them they stay in the mortal realm indefinitely until we do manage to track them down. Most of the time deaths do not phase us- we know long in advance who we are assigned to guide and when, even how they’re supposed to go. Sometimes, though, a death has great significance and weight to it. Children are the definitely some of the hardest souls to collect- we’ve had to take children who have not even left the womb yet, children who have been brutally and senselessly murdered, children who simply became deathly ill or injured the wrong way- and while they are small spirits, they hold the greatest weight. Other times, we have to take a member of a species that, with their death, would either cause the species to become (or come one step closer to becoming) extinct.
           Today is one of those deaths. I lean against the damp cave wall with a heavy heart as I watch a knight “valiantly” fighting a dragon. The nearby villages have sent a total of six different knights to slay the “vicious dragon that keeps roasting our people as they try to pass through the mountain”, completely unaware that the dragon was only turning people into crisps because she was protecting her clutch of eggs. Humans don’t tend to think about these things as possible reasons for aggression- they assume that the dragon is merely a monster who relishes in guarding gold and eating people for supper. While this is sometimes the case, many races have been destroyed by this kind of ignorance- sometimes completely unknown by the humans themselves. A wave of sorrow hits me even now as I remember the merciless fall of the elves, the murder of the dryads as the forests containing the last of their homes were chopped down for resources. Merfolk, dragons and the fauns are hanging on by a thread now as rivers are tainted or damned and the others are hunted, the end of their kinds looming on the horizon…
But I digress. The fight going on before me is certainly one for the ages: both man and dragon fight brilliantly, strategically, desperately trying to avoid the inevitable. The dragon knows her time is near- she felt me arrive not long before the knight did, and although she knows she will die, she fights with her entire being to protect her precious ones that have yet to come into this chaotic world. Stalactites fall as the dragon’s wings and long, spiny back crash into them, stalagmites shatter into a million pieces with the force of her strong tail obliterating them. Some of the debris hits the knight, causing him to stumble and yelp in pain. The dragoness takes advantage of the opening and gets a good swipe in with her wing, launching him against the stony wall. His body crumples momentarily before he slowly, agonizingly peels himself off the floor and braces himself for a fresh attack.
           The fire from the knight’s torch casts an eerie light in the cavern, colorful specks sprayed across the walls and floors as the light reflects off the dragon’s iridescent purple scales and makes her onyx claws gleam. The dragon’s own fire turns the knight’s sword into a radiating blade of destruction, flashing like lightning in the otherwise dim surroundings. It would have been pretty, the way they fought, if it were an elegant dance instead of a battle for life and death. The knight was clearly experienced in the way he whirled his blade, as if it were part of his being instead of just a mere tool. His footing confident and strategic, parries and blocks precise. The dragon was fierce and agile despite her size, managing to get past his defenses and land what would later be fatal blows on his already battered body. Sadness washed over me; this man would get to live like a hero for at least a week until those wounds festered and killed him, but the dragon would not live to see the dawn of the next day. As they continued to fight I could feel the sands of time slipping away from them both, neither one immune from the inevitable call of death.
I waited.
And waited.
At last, after an excruciatingly long hour had passed, after the knight was drenched in sweat and blood with limbs shaking from exhaustion, he found his mark. The despairing scream that echoed throughout the cavern wrenched my heart as the dragon finally fell. I silently strode over to her and put a gentle hand on her side as she labored for her last breaths, soothing her as best I could by reminding her she wasn’t alone in this final moment. I felt her large body shudder weakly and grow still. The knight seemed to sense me; he shuddered as if suddenly cold before he sank to his knees, breathing also labored. After catching his breath and tending to his wounds he left, stumbling out the way he came in. He was completely unaware of her precious eggs hidden in the back of the cavern, untouched by the battle. As her spirit lifted from her body I felt a sense of relief wash over her, her mission accomplished and her babies safe. I greeted her warmly, fondly. She nuzzled my shoulder in greeting, at peace with her end. We were about to take our leave when tiny footsteps echoed through the cavern, and I felt her soul overflow with fear.
           A small fire fairy padded into the empty cavern and I felt the dragon relax instantly- she knew this fairy somehow. At the sight of the dragon’s body a small cry of despair escaped the fairy boy, his feet running over to the dragon before his legs collapsed. The cavern filled with sobs as he grieved the unnecessary loss of yet another friend. After he mourned for the loss of the dragoness, his head jerked up and his eyes honed on where the eggs were hiding. He frantically clambered to his feet and his bright red wings vibrated to life as he zipped to the hidden clutch, carefully unburying them from the skillfully crafted pile of stones. A sigh of relief could be heard as he tenderly scooped up the three eggs, his skin glowing red as he began to provide them the necessary warmth required to start the maturation process. Determination crossed his face as he flew for the exit, protectively clutching the scaly eggs to his chest as if his life depended on it.
           I looked at the dragon with an unspoken question: are you ready? A satisfied hum thrummed through her spirit as she nodded, the knowledge that her eggs would be given the best care possible putting her completely at peace. We turned away from the cavern and began our ascent past the mortal world into the heavens towards the afterlife, our spirits leaving the physical realm behind. Her kind would not last much longer, but for now at least it would live for a while longer… At least as long as the humans couldn’t find the remaining dragons. There were only six remaining, not including the three eggs that were just rescued. Unfortunately, some of the other death spirits had to guide a good twenty baby dragons after the humans found and destroyed seven clutches of dragon eggs. The end of the dragons was coming sooner than any of us death spirits would like, but then again that’s how it is for the ones who guide all creatures to the afterlife throughout eternity. We see nations rise and fall, creatures that once were fade into the oblivion of the past without so much as a memory to live through. We witness the creation of races and creatures, only to watch them die and be replaced by something new every few millennia.
The era of dragons was nearing its end; the magical races would soon follow into the darkness and fade into legend. Those legends would eventually become myths, and the evidence needed to prove they were real would decay long before it could be discovered. I have watched it happen with many of the creatures that coexisted with the dinosaurs that did not die in optimal preservative material, and I have witnessed the evidence of creatures before them be destroyed by nature.
The age of man may be rising, but it will not last forever. The sheer amount of lives lost in the upcoming wars is astronomical; it is good that we are many, or there’d be no way to keep up and too many souls would become lost. Humans will last an incredibly long time, and they will destroy more things than they will ever create. They won’t mean to, of course; they’re just naturally oblivious, clumsy and prone to violence. In the end however their kind will fall as well, and their grand achievements will crumble into dust. The next species will take over and before anyone realizes it the structures built will be obliterated, the knowledge they had barely preserved by the race following them before it is also lost. The horrific atrocities they commit will leave no lasting trace and ultimately will be forgotten, and the cycle will start all over again. I cringed, bracing myself for the horrors the death spirits were going to witness throughout the ages at the hands of humans. I can’t help but mourn for the ones that will become their victims, beautiful creatures unnecessarily destroyed, and many will be members of their own species. But I take heart in the fact that in time, they will cease to exist. As the dragons and merfolk and dryads and countless other species before them, they will meet their end, in ways that are just as terrible as what they’re doing to the magical creatures.
No species lasts forever.
The era of humans will fall.
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agilenano ¡ 5 years ago
Agilenano - News: The Right Way To Move: 28 Tips to Save Money and Reduce Stress
Being a new homebuyer is full of excitement. You’ve found your ideal home and negotiated the price. Now it’s time to think about moving in. Since the average moving cost can range anywhere between $2,300 to $4,300, the process deserves some serious cost analysis. After all, you’d rather spend that money on new furnishings and home improvements, right? Are there ways to cut costs when moving and settling into your new home? To find out, we consulted official governmental data and talked with real estate agent Ann Hoke, a No. 1-ranked producer in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and real estate agent Virginia Gergoff, an associate of HomeLight condo specialist Kymber Lovett-Menkiti in Washington, D.C. Consider these 28 ways to save money before, during, and after your move. Source: (Skitterphoto / Pexels)How to save money before and during your move Be smart about your moving strategy to keep from overspending. 1. Plan ahead When people get in a rush, they tend to spend more money than they would have otherwise. Planning your move weeks or even months beforehand will not only help you reduce stress but can also help you save money. For example, is there a friend or relative who may let you store boxes of non-essential items in their garage for a few weeks? Could you ship some of your books using the media rate at the post office? Are there friends who could help with the heavy lifting? Planning ahead can help you creatively save money during your move. 2. Do your research The American Moving and Storage Association recommends getting at least three quotes for moving services. In order to ensure you’re getting a good deal, make sure the quotes are “apples to apples,” meaning each company is charging for the same services. But beware — if you see a quote that’s significantly lower than the others, that could mean the company forgot to include a major line item, and you could end up paying add-on costs later. “Choose a moving company that offers a fixed estimate,” Gergoff says. That way, you know exactly what you’ll be paying and can budget accordingly. 3. Ask for a deal Because most people move on the weekends and at the change of a month, sometimes moving companies will offer deals if you move mid-week or mid-month. Whether you plan to hire movers or rent a moving truck, it never hurts to ask for a discount, especially if your schedule can be flexible. Source: (Stokkete / Shutterstock)4. Use coupons wisely Hunt for moving coupons on sites like Groupon and RetailMeNot where you can find discounts on supplies, trucks, and moving companies. Savings up to 50% off can really help slim down your moving expenses! In addition, when you go to the post office to change your address, you may receive a packet full of coupons that can help during and after your move. Home improvement stores are often a part of this initiative with rare, total-purchase coupons. Be sure to make a comprehensive list of everything you need, since the coupons usually are single-use only. For your current place, don’t forget things that you may need for repairs, such as caulk, putty, and Magic Erasers. For your new place, you may want to stock up on picture hangers, cleaners, towel hooks, and a new welcome mat. 5. Take only what you need As Hoke says, “Less is better. So get rid of it!” A thorough purge of goods will help save money by reducing the labor and space necessary to move. Haven’t used that treadmill in years? Pass it on to a friend. Won’t need a lawnmower at your new place? Sell it. Moving to a warmer climate? Donate your winter wardrobe. Bottom line: Don’t pay to move things you won’t use. 6. Move incrementally If possible, have your real estate agent schedule your closing prior to the date you have to leave your current residence. Not only will you save yourself a lot of logistical stress, you’ll also save money. Moving multiple carloads of boxes over time would allow you to rent a smaller truck, which could mean a 25% to 50% savings, depending upon size. You may also get a better deal on moving services since there would only be large furniture items left. 7. Get creative with packing supplies Packing supplies for a three-to-four-bedroom house can cost around $264, but there are many ways that you can reduce or even eliminate that cost. Start gathering boxes from local businesses a few weeks before your move. Grocery stores, liquor stores, and dollar stores tend to be more accommodating and have better quality boxes than big box stores. Often if you call ahead, managers will set aside boxes for you on delivery days. You can also watch social media sites to get boxes from people who have recently moved. Many times people will post “curb alerts” after they’ve unpacked their things. To avoid paying for bubble wrap and garment boxes, Hoke recommends using towels as packing material and trash bags around hanging items. Simply slide clothing into the bag and tie a knot at the hook of the hangers. Source: (Crystal de Passillé-Chabot / Unsplash)8. Don’t overspend on cleaning supplies When you move, you’ll want to have plenty of cleaning supplies for both your current residence and your new home. You’ve likely got what you need to move out and leave the place “broom clean.” But your new home is going to need the white-glove treatment. Consider saving both time and money by pre-ordering supplies from places like Costco, BJ’s, or Amazon and having them shipped to your new address. 9. Consider shipping containers instead of movers “Moving companies are expensive,” Hoke says. Instead, she recommends moving containers, if your schedule and physical ability allows. For a complete rundown of the major moving container companies nationwide, visit our Pod Squad guide. 10. Take expensive fixtures with you Gergoff says, “Bring fixtures from the old house that you may be able to use in the new house.” If you’ve put in expensive faucets or chandeliers, consider switching them out to more standard versions before you sell your home. Your buyers may not even like the fixtures, so you might as well save money on your own upgrades at the new house! Just be sure to make the changes before the listing photos, so that buyers know exactly what they’re getting. 11. Practice intentional meal-planning With all the pressures of moving, who has the time or energy to cook? While it’s tempting to outsource cooking to the pros, eating at restaurants during a move can end up busting your budget if you’re not careful. Instead, plan out the meals you’ll need before your move. Don’t forget to incorporate all perishables in your fridge and freezer, and use up pantry items too, if possible. You don’t want to box up a bunch of cans, and you definitely don’t want to throw away pounds of frozen chicken! Meal planning during a move may require some creativity and flexibility (frozen waffles for dinner, anyone?), but the cost savings are significant. If there comes a time during your move when you simply can’t cook, be smart about your restaurant choices. Order take-out to save on the cost of drinks and tips. Use coupons or take advantage of local promotions like “kids eat free” nights. Thinking strategically can go a long way toward protecting your bottom line — and your waistline! Source: (Annie Gray / Unsplash)How to save money after you move in Simple maintenance and proactive energy measures can make a big difference. 12. Get an energy audit An energy audit is a service conducted by a professional that’s designed to identify areas of energy loss throughout the home. Energy auditors use specialized equipment to determine if there are places where energy is leaking out of the home, and they will make recommendations for conserving energy based upon usage habits. Implementing the directives of an energy audit can save homeowners between 5% and 30% on their energy bills annually. A home energy audit costs $408 on average but can vary greatly depending upon square footage. However, in some areas, your electricity provider will offer free energy audits as an initiative to optimize energy usage throughout the service area. Check with your provider before paying a third-party source. 13. Wait to make renovations Gergoff tells all her clients to wait at least six months before making major changes to their new homes. “Live in the house a little bit before you decide what to do,” she says. You may end up liking a feature you thought you wouldn’t, or you may have a different idea that would increase efficiency, build more equity, or improve your quality of life in your new home. 14. Lower the temperature on your water heater The U.S. Department of Energy advises homeowners to turn their water heater thermostat down to 120 degrees from the typical 140 degrees set by the manufacturer. According to their calculations, this simple change could save between $36 to $61 per year, and more than $400 in demand loss. That’s a savings of between 4% and 22% on your energy bill, depending upon hot water usage. Plus, turning down the heat could help prevent scalding! 15. Insulate your pipes Pipe insulation is another easy way to save money on energy bills. Thirty-six linear feet of pipe insulation costs around $24, and insulating 1” hot water pipes can save between $2 and $4 per linear foot per year. Pipe insulation pays for itself in less than a year! Plus, you get the added benefit of shielding your pipes from extreme temperatures. No pipe insulation claims a complete guarantee against frozen pipes, but because insulation helps regulate the interior water temperature, it can help prevent freezing. Source: (Kazuky Akayashi / Unsplash)16. Check for leaks at the sinks Take a peek under the sinks. Any water or moisture below the drain pipes can cause damage to the cabinetry over time and may lead to mold growth. Hiring a plumber at the first sign of a problem will save you money later. Similarly, keep an eye on the faucets. Disregard a leaky faucet for too long and you may wash between $20 and $200 dollars down the drain per year. 17. Upgrade your thermostat Smart thermostats adjust the interior temperature according to the daily schedule of the home. When the house is empty, you can raise the thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees during summer months and lower it 10 degrees during winter months. Other factors aside, those temperature modifications could end up saving you between 10% and 15% on your energy bill. 18. Shop secondhand Big-ticket items such as dining tables, lawnmowers, bed frames, patio furniture, and entertainment centers can often be found at deep discounts if you purchase them used. Browse local direct-by-owner sales sites such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to find savings up to 90% off list price, according to Gergoff. 19. Check your attic insulation Hopefully, your home inspector checked for insulation prior to purchase, but did they check the quality of the insulation? Insulation is measured in terms of thermal resistance, or R-values. Higher R-values equal greater insulating effectiveness. Consult your local insulation professional regarding the recommended R-values for your area, or consult this zone chart from the U.S. Department of Energy. Improving your attic insulation could save up to 15% on heating and cooling costs, or 11% on overall energy usage. 20. Shop local Often local hardware shops will offer discounts to their community members, so you may be able to get a better price than you would at big-box home improvement stores. Also, many local shops run free weekend seminars that will teach you how to do repairs and upgrades yourself. Learning to put in your own shed, backsplash, or landscaping could save hundreds of dollars. Source: (Anthony Rooke / Unsplash)21. Install ceiling fans The Department of Energy says, “Ventilation is the least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool a home.” Installing ceiling fans creates circulation in a room, which helps occupants feel cooler at higher temperatures. Don’t forget to turn the fan off when leaving a room, though. A fan makes people more comfortable, but it cannot lower room temperatures. 22. Replace your air filters The Department of Energy also says that replacing the air filters in your home can lower the energy consumption of your heating and cooling system by up to 15%. Considering that the HVAC system accounts for around 45% of the average household’s energy bill, reducing consumption is a big deal! Filters last between 1 to 6 months, depending upon the material type used. Check your filter near the end of its lifespan, and replace accordingly. And don’t forget to clean your vents regularly, too! 23. Implement a hang-to-dry laundry system An average load of laundry costs between 36 cents and 45 cents to run in the dryer, assuming approximately 40 to 45 minutes of drying time. That may not sound like a lot, but over time, that electricity adds up. If you run five loads per week, that’s up to $2.25 per week or $117 per year. Instead, consider hanging up your damp laundry whenever possible. Line drying in your laundry room may work well in cold months, if you have the space. Setting up a clothesline outside is even better. That way, you won’t have to consider any increased humidity risks, such as mold and mildew. 24. Change your lightbulbs LED lightbulbs may have a more expensive tag on the shelf, but over time, those LED bulbs add up to big savings. Lower energy usage and a longer lifespan mean that switching from an incandescent lightbulb to an LED lightbulb can save $61.55 over ten years. Replace all the bulbs in your new home and rack up some serious savings! 25. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances Appliances with the blue Energy Star label are certified to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Certain Energy Star appliances have a greater impact than others. For example, an energy-efficient dishwasher might only save you about $2 a year. However, replacing a clothes washer can save around $40 per year and $415 over its lifespan. For more on energy cost savings, check out this Energy Star consumer guide. Source: (Jan Huber / Unsplash)26. Plant shade trees Shade trees are not only pleasant for outdoor activities, they’re also essential for keeping utility costs down. Trees planted on the west and south sides of a house can save around $25 per year in cooling costs, depending upon the climate, and can also reduce carbon emissions by 30% over time. Check with your local nursery or consult the USDA growing zones to find the shade tree that’s best for your yard. Give trees 1,600 square feet (40’ x 40’) to grow, in order to protect your foundation, landscaping, and driveway from being damaged by roots. 27. Seal up doors, windows, and other openings Add up all the little sources of air loss around a home, and you may be looking at the equivalent of a hole fourteen inches wide. Use weather stripping around doors and windows to keep drafts under control. Seal up outlets, light fixtures, laundry dampers, and other gaps in building materials with caulk. Check for any malfunction at the fireplace damper. And make sure the basement and attic entrances are as insulated as possible. 28. Mark any cracks Some small cracks in basement walls, foundations, patios, and even drywall are common as homes settle and flex. However, growing cracks could indicate a problem with the foundation, which can lead to significant expenses. Use painter’s tape to mark any cracks you may find now. In a few months, reexamine the area to see if the cracks have spread beyond the tape. Moving and settling into your home is a big undertaking. Intentional money-saving choices now can add up to big savings over time. And that’s good news! Because as a new homebuyer, those savings can be well-spent turning your house into a home. Header Image Source: (Burst / Pexels) #Buyers #GettingAcclimated #Homeownership
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theadmiringbog ¡ 7 years ago
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Schools reward being a generalist. There is little recognition of student passion or expertise. The real world, however, does the reverse. Arnold, talking about the valedictorians said, “They’re extremely well rounded and successful, personally and professionally, but they’ve never been devoted to a single area in which they put all their passion. That is not usually a recipe for eminence.”
In his Ph.D. thesis, Mukunda applied his theory to all the U.S. presidents, evaluating which ones were filtered and which unfiltered, and whether or not they were great leaders. The results were overwhelming. His theory predicted presidential impact with an almost unheard of statistical confidence of 99 percent.
When I spoke to Mukunda, he said, “The difference between good leaders and great leaders is not an issue of ‘more.’ They’re fundamentally different people.”
“All of Silicon Valley is based on character defects that are rewarded uniquely in this system.”
- Po Bronson
Know thyself.
Many people struggle with this. They aren’t sure what their strengths are. Drucker offers a helpful definition:”What are you good at that consistently produces desired results?”
To find out what those things are, he recommends a system he calls “feedback analysis.” 
Quite simply, when you undertake a project, write down what you expect to happen, then later note the results. Over time you’ll see what you do well and what you don’t.
Research by Gallup shows that the more hours per day you spend doing what you’re good at, the less stressed you feel and the more you laugh, smile, and feel you’re being treated with respect.
The difference between the Givers who succeed and the Givers who don’t isn’t random. Adam Grant notes that totally selfless Givers exhaust themselves helping others and get exploited by Takers, leading them to perform poorly on success metrics. There are  number of things Givers can do to build limits for themselves and make sure they don’t go overboard. That two-hours-a-week volunteering? Don’t do more. Research by Sonja Lyubomirsky shows that people are happier and less stressed when they “chunk” their efforts to help others versus a relentless “sprinkling.” So by doing all their good deeds one day a week, Givers make sure assisting others doesn’t hamper their own achievements. One hundred hours a year seems to be the magic number.
Grant also points out the other ace in the hole Givers have: Matchers. They want to see good rewarded and evil punished, so Matchers go out of their way to punish Takers and protect Givers from harm. When Givers are surrounded by a coterie of Matchers, they don’t have to fear exploitation as much.
Don’t be envious
Life isn’t a zero-sum game. Just because someone else wins, that doesn’t mean you lose. Sometimes that person need the fruit and you need the peel. And sometimes the strategy that makes you lose small on this round makes you win big on the next.
Harvard Business School’s Deepak Malhotra number one recommendation to students is “They need to like you.” This doesn’t mean you need to give twenty-dollar bills to everyone you meet. Favors can be quite small. We also forget that something quite easy for us (a thirty-second email introduction) can have enormous payoffs for others (a new job).
As Adam Grant acknowledged, giving too much can lead to burnout. A mere two hours a week of helping others is enough to get maximum benefits, so there’s no need for guilt or for martyring yourself -- an no excuse for saying you don’t have time to help others.
David DeStenoo, head of the Social Emotions Group at Northeastern University says, “People are always trying to discern two things:
whether a potential partner can be trusted and 
whether he or she is likely to be encountered again.
Answers to those two questions, far beyond anything else, will determine what any of us will be motivated to do in the moment.”
���Explanatory style”: three Ps: permanence, pervasiveness, and personalization
Pessimists tell themselves that bad events
will last a long time, or forever (I’ll never get this done)
are universal (I can’t trust any of these people)
are their own fault (I’m terrible at this)
Optimists tell themselves that bad events
are temporary (That happens occaionally, but it’sn ot a big deal)
have a specific cause and aren’t universal (When the weather is better that won’t be a problem)
are not their fault (I’m goo at this, but today wsn’t my lucky day)
A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the “why” for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any “how.”
- Victor Frankl
“What is to give light must endure burning.” 
-- Victor Frankl
What’s the best predictor of your child’s emotional well-being? Researchers at Emory University found that whether a kid knew their family history was the number-one indicator.
It sounds morbid, but people who contemplate the end actually behave in healthier ways -- and therefore may actually live longer. It has also been shown to increase self-esteem.
The moral of Don Quixote: “If you want to be a knight, act like a knight.”
“If you are immune to boredom, there is literally nothing you cannot accomplish.”
-- David Foster Wallace
What all good games have in common: WNGF
Novel challenges and Goals
provide Feedback
You can be sincere and score points with the boss by regularly asking how you’re doing and how can you do better. If you were the boss, and an employee regularly said, “How can I make your life easier?” what would your reaction be? Exactly.
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
-- Henry David Thoreau
Whenever you wish you had more time, more money, etc. strategic quitting is the answer.
We act like there are no limits. When we choose an extra hour at work, we are in effect, choosing one less hour with our kids. We can’t do it all and do it well. And there will not be more time later. Time does not equal money because we can get more money.
Drucker always asks: “Is this still worth doing?” And if it isn’t, he gets rid of it so as to be able to concentrate on the few tasks that, if done with excellence, will really make a difference in the results of his own job and in the performance of his organization.
If you practice something one hour a day, that’s 27.4 years to reach the 10,000-hour mark of expertise. But what if you quit a few less important things and made it four hours a day? Now it’s 6.8 years. 
There’s an easy formula that gives you an exact answer for how many dates to go on and how to pick the right person. It’s what math folks call an “optimal stopping problem.”
The two magic words are “if” and “then.” For any obstacle, just thinking, If X happens, I’ll handle it by doing Y makes a huge difference.
WOOP -- wish, outcome, obstacle, plan -- is applicable to most any of your goals, from career to relationships to exercise and weight loss.
First, you get to dream. What’s the thing you wish for?
Really crystalize it in your mind and see the outcome you desire.
Then it’s time to face reality. What obstacle is in the way? 
Then address it. What’s your plan?
You wanna be a real ramblin’ earth shaker? Somebody who changes the world and gets recognized in the history books? There ain’t no two ways about it; you’re gonna need a mentor.
You might think, “I’m just trying to explain ...” But Bernstein says this is a trap. Explaining is almost always veiled dominance. You’re not trying to educate; you’re still trying to win. The subtext is, “Here’s why I am right and you are wrong.” And that is exactly what the other side will hear no matter what you say.
Ask open-ended questions. Ones that start with “what” or “how” are best because it’s very hard to answer then with just yes or no.
Label emotions
Respond to their emotions by saying “Sounds like you’re angry” or “Sounds like this really upsets you.” Neuroscience research shows that giving a name to feelings helps reduce their intensity.
Make them think
Al Bernstein likes to ask “What would you like me to do?” This forces them to consider options and think instead of just vent.
Walter sat down and counted all the people who had helped him become a success. He would call them “my forty-four.” Forty-four people. 
Low self-confidence may turn you into a pessimist, but when pessimism teams-up with ambition it often produces outstanding performance. To be the very best at anything, you will need to be your harshest critic, and that is almost impossible when your starting point is high self-confidence.
-- Tomas Chamorr-Premuzic
Research shows increasing self-compassion has all the benefits of self-esteem -- but without the downsides. 
As the WSJ reports, “Those who stayed very involved in meaningful careers and worked the hardest, lived the longest.” Meaningful work means doing something that’s (a) important to you and (b) something you’re good at.
“Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.”
-- Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer
Psychologists have realized that burnout isn’t just an acute overdose of stress; it’s pretty much plain ol’ clinical depression.
To be really creative, you need to step out of that hyper-focused state of tension and let your mind wander.
You need a personal definition of success. Looking around you to see if you’re succeeding is no longer a realistic option. Trying to be a relative success compared to others is dangerous. This means your level of effort and investment is determined by theirs, which keeps you running full speed ball the time to keep up. Vaguely saying you want to “be number one” isn’t remotely practical in a global competition where others are willing to go 24/7. We wanted options and flexibility. we got them. Now there are no boundaries. You can no longer look outside yourself to determine when to stop. The world will always tell you to just keep going.
“Success is something you will confront constantly in business. You will always be interpreting it against something, and that something should be your own goals and purpose.”
- Ken Hakuta
Four metrics that matter most
Happiness: having feelings of pleasure or contentment in and about your life
Achievement: achieving accomplsihments that compare favorably against similar goals others have strived for
Significance: having a positive impact on people you care about
Legacy: establishing your values or accomplishments in ways that help others find future success
Maximizing is exploring all the options, weighing them, and trying to get the best. Satisficing is thinking about what you need and picking the first thing that fulfills those needs. Satisficing is living by “good enough.”
Ellen Galinsky did a study asking kids, “If you were granted one wish and you only have one wish that could change the way your mothers or your fathers work affects your life, what would that wish be?” Most popular answer? They wished their parents were “less stressed and less tired.
Write down where each hour goes as it happens. Don’t rely on your fallible memory. Do this for a week. Where are your activities taking you? Is it where you want to go? 
Note which hours are contributing to which of the big four: 
The only way to be realistic about what you can get done in the time you have is to schedule things on a calendar instead of making an endless list.
At least an your a day, preferably in the morning, needs to be “protected time.”
What’s the most important thing to remember when it comes to success? One word: alignment.
Success is not the result of any single quality; it’s about alignment between who you are and where you choose to be. The right skill in the right role. A good person surrounded by other good people. A story that connects you with the world in a way that keeps you going. A network that helps you, and a job that leverages your natural introversion or extroversion. A level of confidence that keeps you going while learning and forgiving yourself for the inevitable failures. A balance between the big four that creates a well-rounded life with no regrets.
Know thyself. What are your intensifiers? Are you a Giver, a Taker, or a Matcher? Are you more introverted or more extroverted? Underconfident or overconfident? Which of the big four do you naturally fulfill an which do you consistently neglect?
What’s the most important type of alignment? Being connected to a group of friends and loved ones who help you become the person you want to be. Financial success is great, but to have a successful life we need happiness. Career success doesn’t always make us happy, but the research shows that happiness does bring success.
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melvinfellerstuff ¡ 6 years ago
Melvin Feller MA an Architect of Change in Both Businesses of All Types and Various Types of Real Estate Investments as Well as Wealth Accumulation in Oklahoma and Texas
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Melvin Feller MA an Architect of Change in Both Businesses of All Types and Various Types of Real Estate Investments as Well as Wealth Accumulation in Oklahoma and Texas
 Melvin Feller and is an architect of change. He stands alongside the board and executive of a company and assist as they chart their way forward. It is scary heading into the unknown, into the often-unchartered waters of change. He knows how that feels. As an independent advisor, he sees clients challenged by complexity as they struggle to develop and execute relevant strategy effectively. His contribution to their enquiry is the union of his experience as a chartered Business Influencer and Real Estate transaction Engineer with a deep interest in leadership behavior and how it influences results.
 Melvin Feller’s dynamic presence, instinctive strategic vision, and creative thinking produce effective, sustainable bottom-line results for his clients. His “Can Do” attitude generates confidence in his executive coaching clients and strategic consulting corporate clients. Throughout Melvin Feller’s career, he has increased the profitability of nearly every organization with which he has worked.
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Melvin Feller focuses on separating daily distractions from the real issues in order to put the executive and/or business on the right path to grow and prosper. Results are immediate, growth sustainable, and profitability long-term.
 Dozens of Melvin Feller’s clients have been on Inc.’s 500/5000 list and many have been named as a “Best Places To Work.
 Using Melvin Feller’s intuitive, systematic approach, and our proven strategic and tactical tools, we help you plan for profit.
 Melvin Feller believes that what gets measured is improved. Therefore, he is continually developing processes and systems that allow you to easily measure, manage and maintain a highly profitable business.
 Melvin Feller is ready to help you increase your sales, trim and manage your operating costs and see your profits soar and/or leverage your time for Business, Real Estate or Stocks!
  Melvin Feller knows that people love real estate or stocks.  However, this is about stocks because over the weekend my brother asked me a question about a mutual fund he owned.  How do you decide when to sell my stock or mutual fund?  
 I always go through a series of questions when looking at making any changes in my investments. They work for just about any type of investment.  The biggest one is Why did I buy it?  Before you ask if it is the right thing to sell my stock, you should ask why I bought it.
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Knowing the reason you bought it can help you understand where it fits in your current investment portfolio.   You did have a reason when you bought it did you not?  I have found this to be one of the toughest questions for people to answer. Most do not know.   They honestly don't know why they bought the stock.
 A friend suggested it to them. They read a hot tip in an email they got. They saw it on CNBC as a Must Buy.  They did proper research and saw it fit into their current investment desires and risk tolerances and outlook on the economy.  They liked the name of the company.
 I have even had someone tell me they bought it because the ticker symbol looked cute.  (Probably not the best way to make a decision on buying a stock by the way). If you made your decision this way, the answer to should I sell my stock is definitely YES as you probably do not need to be investing in the stock market.
 Therefore, in my brother's case, he had done his proper research and it fit his requirements. Unfortunately, the stock has not performed up to expectations.  
 Therefore, the next thing you need to ask.  What has changed?  Has something change to make me want to sell my stock?
 If it is a sector-based fund, has the economic future changed for it?  Remember a mutual fund is generally made of stock in individual companies.  Look at the major holdings of the fund and treat each one as an individual stock.
  For a single company, have things changed?
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Management changes (upper management leaving can cause a drop in performance as the company loses direction).  
 If a stock has not been performing well, a management change can be good for it.  Often it is more important to dig deeper and understand why they are making the change.  If you see wholesale change such as several layers of management or the majority of senior leadership change, then it is time to be concerned.
 Environment changes (The environment here is not the great outdoors.  It is the landscape that the company operates within.)
  Have the laws changes making it more difficult to grow?  It could be driven by lawsuits or antitrust considerations.  It could be changes in tax law as well.  Some industries have benefited by allows consumers to claim credits to offset the higher cost of their technology.  Alternative energy is a prime example.  At one time huge incentives could be found for companies in this field.  With sky rocketing oil prices, they were the hottest thing on the market.  
 Have competitors introduced new technology that make you obsolete (Think word processors vs typewriters).
 Has your new technology not proven itself? (Drug companies run into this all the time as new drugs look promising but then fail to meet expectations).  Small pharma companies can be a roller coaster ride.  Large pharma companies can have very reliable earnings as they have many products out in the market.  Any softness they find in one area can be offset with improvements in another.  
 Smaller drug companies usually are more dependent on new drugs being approved.  If they do, the stock of the company can do very well. If they do not it can tank very quickly. Any penny stock should only be used for the part of your portfolio that you like to gamble with.  Extreme returns can be common (1,000x up or near complete loss).
  Performance changes - The stock price in most cases is based on past performance of the company and expected future performance. It is also impacted a lot by momentum traders who do not look at the fundamentals of the company but only rely on the current price increases.
  If something changes to impact future projections, the stock price can change.   Some of those could be execution.  Every company has a strategic plan they need to execute to reach their goals.  If they fail to execute them, their profitability can be impacted.  
 It may be the loss of a major client.  Companies are required to publish if they have any single customer that provides a substantial percentage of their business.  If that customer leaves, it can have a much larger impact on the profit than you may expect.  We will explain the concept of profit on the margin in a later post.
 Change in Strategy = Sometimes a company will decide to make a change of strategy internally.
  This is often done because they see a need to change based on the environment changing.  Changing strategy can be difficult to execute.  IBM is a good example of this.  They have made a couple of strategy changes over the years.  The performance of the company may change short term as they make these changes.
 So back to the original question - Should I sell my stock?
What if nothing has changed? Should I sell my stock then?  
 Maybe.  You could have been wrong about your reasons for investing. If the stock performance has not met expectations, then you should still consider selling it.
  Usually when I decide if I should sell my stock, I use one simple question.  That is it.   Just one little question.
 If I did not own it would I buy it today?  Yes deciding to sell my stock is really a buying a question.
  Money invested in a stock cannot be put to use in other places.  That puts us into opportunity costs.  Opportunity costs are not real costs.  They do not show up on a balance sheet or net worth statement.
 They do show up as a silent killer of our retirement funds though.  Say you decide to stay invested in a stock over a 10-year period and it does not go anywhere.  Each year that money could have been invested in something that generates an ROI (return on investment).  The opportunity cost is the cost of staying invested in a non-performing asset versus a very safe investment like T-bills.
 So when I decide if I am going to sell my stock, I ask myself is this the best place for my money to be right now?  That can be a tough question to answer at times but is the only way I know to take the psychology of sunk costs out of the equation.  
 So to decide if I should sell my stock, decide if it were something, you would buy now if you were not already invested in it.  If the answer is no, then sell it.  If the answer is yes, then keep it.
 Just ask if Melvin Feller’s advice is worth it!
 “Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Melvin Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
 Lisa Mathews
 “Melvin Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Melvin Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
 Vanessa Cavanaugh
  “Melvin Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
 Michael Randolph
 “Mr. Melvin Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
 Lyle Cunningham VP
 “Melvin Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Melvin Feller is committed to helping me live…I mean, really live, life to its fullest.”
 Jose Rodriguez
0 notes
triumphharmony ¡ 5 years ago
Do People Really Want Birthday Gifts?
Happy Birthdays are instantly associated with gifts and paying special attention to the one celebrating. For one day a year, each of us becomes the center of attention and our wishes are fulfilled. But that might not always be the case, surprisingly. While as kids most of us liked throwing a big birthday party and looked forward to the colorful wrapped packages our friends would carry, some of us have changed a little or ended up disliking birthday traditions. Some people don’t like to celebrate their birthday after a certain age, but still appreciate gifts. Others have established a strict no-gift policy in their lives. Or they might prefer activities and spending time with friends and family more than a packaged object. Remember the friend who has been traveling the world this past year? He can’t use a fancy decorative bowl. Mothers of young kids have no space to store another toy, so no wonder they seem terrified at the site of a big plush bear. Everyone is different, and everyone is continually changing because of personal choices or unexpected happenings. So next time you think about mailing a fun birthday gift to your friend who you haven’t seen in two years, stop and think how much things could have changed in their life. Ask yourself if it is what they need or if it is the best you could give them right now.
Statistics and examples
While there are no official statistics that reflect people’s preferences when it comes to receiving online birthday gifts delivery, I am pretty sure the results would be widely varying if everyone told the truth. Many times we really need a particular thing or have a long wish list, but telling others that feels selfish and uncomfortable. Even if you say you need new clothes, for example, no one can ensure that you won’t end up with five floral dresses and two hand knitted beanies when you actually wear black suits everyday.
For me, the most difficult person to choose a gift for will always be my mother. It’s because she is very selective when buying for herself, and she rarely likes what others get her. Deep down I know she doesn’t want us to spend money and that’s why she tells us she wants nothing every year. There were some success stories, but mostly it has been a miss with the presents I have made/bought for her. My dad hands her an envelope and she can get herself whatever she likes. Such an easy way to go, but I think it just works better with certain people.
As for my father, he really appreciates my thoughtful presents, the handmade ones or the ones I have been planning for a long time. However, he would never admit he didn’t like anything, so he is the easiest kind of guy to choose a gift for.
A friend of mine from university would make a wish list a month before her birthday and show it to everyone. Items in the list ranged from eyeliner to a mobile phone, so I guess the first ones to choose were the luckiest.
My husband and I, after many stressful years spent thinking of creative ideas, have agreed that the best gifts are the ones we need. We don’t really expect anything else besides spending our birthdays with each other, but if there has to be a gift, it will be something from our wish list or “need” list that we will use all the time. I got him a gadget and he got me sunglasses this year. They are things we’ve been using daily and now carry extra value, making us take better care of them. A different case is my brother, who doesn’t expect gifts, but asks for them strategically (from our parents, obviously). He won’t gift others anything either, unless he finds something really cool or he can afford an expensive present. I like that he doesn’t put too much stress on the topic and goes with his own flow.
My rule of thumb
If you asked me what I like for my birthday, I would always tell you there’s nothing I need. You could get me anything and I would be content. That doesn’t mean I’d keep it forever and not re-gift it though. All I can promise is that I’d be genuinely happy with your gesture of thinking of me on my special day. Although I get more joy from giving presents to others, receiving them feels awesome too. The best presents I can remember, were from people I didn’t expect a gift from and the ones I had asked for. On the same note, I always feel the need to give others birthdays presents, because it’s their day and I need to remind them that. For people like my best friend, birthdays are grumpy days, with no celebrations. That doesn’t stop me from giving her something small when I meet her a few days later. After all, it’s a way of celebrating her and expressing my gratitude for her being in my life. As a rule of thumb, I go with something small when the birthday girl/boy is not expecting any gifts and for something really meaningful or what they asked for, in case it’s a family member or close friend (who’d be secretly sad/disappointed if I didn’t give them anything).
Why birthday gifts disappoint
While Christmas gifts are usually the hardest to shop for, best online birthday gifts delivery in India are no better. You may only have one person to focus on, instead of 20, but it doesn’t make it any less difficult. Chances are you often forget about birthdays, unless you put them on the calendar, phone alarm or are reminded by social media alerts. The lack of time rushes you to get something last minute just for the sake of it, spending more money than you can afford or choosing something totally unrelated to the birthday person. Sometimes you have literally run out of gift ideas after many years of getting presents for him/her. Also, we all know that dreadful person who already has everything and what we get should be nothing short of spectacular. It happens though, that people change and what you thought would make your high school friend jump of joy, fails to give her the slightest smile. Or there is a particular current intention in their life, such as going clutter free or living a more meaningful life. No matter how appropriate or expensive your gift is, it will end up trashed/sold/donated because it doesn’t sync with their intention.
How to prepare better gifts
To make things easy for yourself, get back to basics and write this down if you need to. “No one should expect online gifts for birthday and you don’t have to get every one something. But every present should be chosen with a purpose and received with gratitude.” To ensure this, do your homework. Here are some simple tips to help you get it right every time: First of all, go on and ask them. They might not tell you what they really want, but they will for sure let you know if they don’t want gifts for any reason.If they are just being thankful and reflective on what they already have in their lives, it’s up to you to decide on a gift or not. Make sure it adds value to what they are doing. Spending time together or sharing a special activity is always unforgettable. Donating to a cause they care about is a nice pick too (you can also apply this to kids/teenagers).
If the reason they don’t want gifts is because they are not celebrating this year, ask why. For cases of loss or illnesses, go with flowers and a short note. Reading heartfelt and encouraging words during difficult times is comforting
When you have decided to buy something, set a budget and find the best your money can get you.
Consider their interests and likes. The less generic the gift, the more chances they will like it.
Whenever you can, choose a “package” gift, something you can share together, like going out for dinner or taking a weekend trip.
If you know them well, get them something  they love, but would never buy for themselves.
When you can only afford small or cheap things, make sure they are either beautiful or useful.
Edibles make perfect birthday gifts delivery online, as long as they fall in the range of that persons favorites. They can be easily shared, which makes things more fun. Also, no clutter left behind.
If the person has an expensive item on their wish list, offer cash or gift certificates towards it. They will remember you as one of the people that made it possible for them to buy it.
When you live far away from each other or don’t communicate often, rely on the internet to find possible hints for what they like. Social media platforms and website where people share their wish lists make it easy to see a pattern of what they care for.
Sometimes you have to go the other way round. Start from yourself and think about what it is that you really want to say to them through your gift. If you want to express love or appreciation, choose something that best reflects what love or appreciation means for you. When you want them to be surprised or laugh out loud, put your skills to work and deliver that. It might not work well in every case, but at least you had an intention behind your gift and you can always explain that to any confused or disappointed gift receiver.You might be surprised at how many people will react differently after a short explanation note or a verbal story, telling you “It totally makes sense now!”
If nothing helps and you are short on time and ideas, try your luck with a fun quiz. Don’t expect much though. The best it can give you is a hint (or a good laugh) and maybe spark a better idea eventually. Also, here are links to a horoscope gift guide, DIY gift ideas and free meaningful gifts to inspire you further.
source - https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/people-really-want-birthday-gifts.html
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deniscollins ¡ 5 years ago
Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
Besides warning that forcing companies to leave China would hurt the competitiveness of American industry and cause heavy financial losses, what would you do if you were an executive of an American business in China and President Trump threatened to demand that all American businesses leave China: (1) prepare to leave China, (2) ignore the threat, (3) something else, if so, what?
President Trump asserted on Saturday that he has the authority to make good on his threat to force all American businesses to leave China, citing a national security law that has been used mainly to target terrorists, drug traffickers and pariah states like Iran, Syria and North Korea.
As he arrived in France for the annual meeting of the Group of 7 powers, Mr. Trump posted a message on Twitter citing the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977, a law originally meant to enable a president to isolate criminal regimes, not sever economic ties with a major trading partner over a tariff dispute.
“For all of the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977,” Mr. Trump wrote. “Case closed!”
The president’s threat to all but cut off one of America’s most important trading relationships amid a so-far-unsuccessful trade war could disrupt a global economy already on the edge of recession while further unsettling companies in the United States that rely on China in their production of everything from clothing to smartphones.
Mr. Trump has often made drastic threats as a negotiating ploy to extract concessions, as when he vowed to close the border with Mexico or impose tariffs on its goods to compel action to halt illegal immigration. But if he were to follow through in this case, it would be the most significant break with China since President Richard M. Nixon’s diplomatic opening to Beijing in the early 1970s.
Even if it never comes to that and Mr. Trump ultimately backs down, the threat itself could still have a long-lasting impact on relations with China and perhaps embolden hard-liners in Beijing pressing President Xi Jinping to take a more confrontational approach to the United States.
Mr. Trump’s claim that he can order American companies to pull out of China also represented the latest audacious assertion of power by a president who has repeatedly crossed lines his predecessors did not.
While he took office criticizing President Barack Obama for exceeding his authority, Mr. Trump has gone even further in finding creative ways to take action on his priorities.
“Any invocation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act in these circumstances and for these purposes would be an abuse,” said Daniel M. Price, who was an international economic adviser to President George W. Bush. “The act is intended to address extraordinary national security threats and true national emergencies, not fits of presidential pique.”
Under the weight of Mr. Trump’s tariff war, China has already fallen from America’s largest trading partner last year to the third largest this year. The United States remains China’s largest trading partner. China said Friday it would raise tariffs on American goods in retaliation for Mr. Trump’s latest levies, and he vowed hours later to increase tariffs even further.
China’s Commerce Ministry issued a statement on Saturday warning the United States to turn back from escalating conflict, but did not promise additional trade measures.
“This unilateral and bullying trade protectionism and extreme pressure violate the consensus of the heads of state of China and the United States, violate the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, seriously undermine the multilateral trading system and the normal international trade order,” the statement said.
American business leaders warned that forcing companies to leave China would hurt the competitiveness of American industry and cause heavy financial losses.
“It’s difficult to move out of China, and any time they are forced to do so by tariffs, this is a momentous act,” said Ker Gibbs, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. ”We are in no position to give up the China market — it’s too large, it’s too important.”
Business leaders said the result could be a flurry of fire sales at greatly reduced prices as companies from other countries snap up American business interests.
Peter Baum of Baum-Essex, a firm that makes products like umbrellas for Costco and cotton bags for Walmart, said he had already moved much of his manufacturing to factories in Vietnam and Cambodia over the last year because of Mr. Trump’s tariffs.
As the trade war shows up in American cash registers, stock markets and retirement account statements, American shoppers and retirees will grow angry, Mr. Baum said.
“Both Trump and Xi have backed themselves into such a corner that this will go on through the U.S. election,” he said. “These two guys don’t realize that this could cause a global depression, not recession.”
In raising the possibility of an American withdrawal on Friday, Mr. Trump framed it not as a request but as a dictate he had already issued.
“Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing our companies HOME and making your products in the USA,” he wrote on Twitter.
In fact, aides said, no order has been drawn up nor was it clear one would be. For the moment, they said Mr. Trump was signaling American businesses to begin to disentangle from China on their own.
But it accompanied a radical shift in assessment of Mr. Xi. In the past, Mr. Trump has effusively praised the Chinese leader as a friend, taking him at his word that he would buy American soybeans and stem the flow of fentanyl to the United States. In the last two days, Mr. Trump has accused Mr. Xi of not living up to his promises and called him an “enemy.”
Andy Mok, a trade and geopolitics analyst at the Center for China and Globalization in Beijing, said China was coolly assessing the latest American actions.
“In negotiations, and especially in high-stakes negotiations, the side that reacts emotionally generally is the side that does not do well,” he said. “The U.S. side is approaching this from a more emotional side, while China is more calm and calculating.”
Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, a president can declare a “national emergency” in case of “any unusual and extraordinary threat” to “the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States” from abroad. This triggers special authority for the president to regulate “any transactions in foreign exchange” by Americans.
The law was passed to define and restrain presidential power, which until then had been interpreted expansively under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. It has served ever since as the main source of authority for presidents to impose sanctions on countries or individuals in response to specific national security threats, such as the Iranian hostage crisis that began in 1979.
As of March 1, presidents had declared 54 emergencies under the law, of which 29 were still active, according to the Congressional Research Service. Presidents have used it to target international terrorists, drug kingpins, human rights abusers, cyber attackers, illegal arms proliferators and multinational criminal organizations.
Presidents invoked the law when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, when Serbia sent troops into Kosovo in 1998 and when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Among the countries targeted have been international outliers like North Korea, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Congo and Venezuela.
Using it in a trade dispute with a country like China would be a drastic departure. But Mr. Trump could make the argument that China constitutes a national security threat through the theft of intellectual property or its military buildup in the South China Sea.
The Trump administration previewed this view of Beijing in its national security strategy in 2017, which described China as a “revisionist power” that has “expanded its power at the expense of the sovereignty of others.”
John E. Smith, a partner at the international law firm Morrison & Foerster, said it had never been used for pure economic warfare without a national security nexus and could be challenged in court or by Congress.
“In the 20 years I’ve been doing this, I have not seen anything where there was not a national security threat,” said Mr. Smith, who until last year was director of the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, which enforces the emergency powers law. “This is a completely different use of a well-utilized tool in going after what appears to be a purely economic dispute.”
But even if an unprecedented stretch of the law, some international trade lawyers said it was written broadly enough that Mr. Trump could prevail.
“The statute gives the president the right to do just about anything if he or she first declares that here’s a national security threat to the United States,” said Judith Alison Lee, a lawyer at Gibson Dunn in Washington. “It would be hugely disruptive but, technically speaking, I think the statute gives him that authority.”
William A. Reinsch, an international business scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said that he did not think the act would allow Mr. Trump to order American companies to leave China, but that he might be able to block future investments, freeze Chinese assets and exclude Chinese financial institutions from the United States financial system.
With Congress in recess, there was scant response on Saturday to the president’s latest assertion of authority. But congressional Republicans, who consider free-market principles a defining tenet and jealously guard their jurisdiction over trade, have balked in the past at Mr. Trump’s threats to intervene in the economy.
At the same time, given years of dealing with the president’s whipsawing declarations, particularly on trade, many Republicans have concluded that there is no upside to publicly breaking with Mr. Trump, preferring instead to try to influence him privately.
Tension over the global economy was already likely to shadow Mr. Trump’s meetings with leaders in France this weekend. Donald Tusk, president of the European Union, warned Saturday against “senseless disputes” and further economic conflict.
“Trade deals and the reform of the W.T.O. are better than trade wars,” he said, referring to the World Trade Organization. “Trade wars will lead to recession, while trade deals will boost the economy.”
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joiedevivremx ¡ 5 years ago
Monthly Thoughts 2019
July 2019
Time to catch up
Technology has surpassed us all.
I´m not even talking about the heavy program a trip to the moon technology.
I'm talking about simply how to make it work for me technology.  I would even go as far as saying that Elon Musk probably knows he´s at a 50% - meaning what chance do the rest of us have.
A simple spreadsheet, if we haven't even gotten through that, what can we aim for.
As more and more technology comes, at rates we cannot consume, in spaces that are overpopulating the biggest change of way of thinking we need is of mind.
Starting with letting go of the old ways, they just don´t apply anymore.
A new society will be made a bit to late after the technology needs it too.
A simple example is, we don´t need more cars, we need an easier way to be less mobile and from there think of all the things that will imply, positive and negative.
less traffic / less gasoline /
more time to self / would this be more or less exercise? Would your friends have to be your neighbors or is digital platforms what will keep relationships together?
If you don't need to get anywhere can you live wherever you want, and not have to pay a crazy amount for a tiny apartment in the middle of a city?
How would the community become self-sufficient? Not to be confused with hippy or prepper, just having what you need nearby.
Would every trip outside your home be a trip?
Seems from my point of view that you can have it all and win, but alas we are not an island and more people will have to pick up this way of thinking, this to make an actual change.
Instead what is happening, and at least in Mexico, is just more malls by the minute. The complete opposite of what I consider to be what the world needs.
How can one be so out of sorts of the way the world is turning? Or do we just make the world the way we want to see it?
Time for all of us to start seeing the bigger picture of things in time as in lives affected - then values will shift.
June 2019
The hardest part at times, for some, is not the lack of information but also the lack of being able to express the idea in a way for people to understand it.
This, of course, has been talked about in various theories and books, the mavens, connectors, and salespersons for example in the tipping point.
Malcolm Gladwell for me is the finest example, he has a way of explaining someone else's thoughts in a way that people think of them as his thoughts, not the person he extremely tries to communicate actually thought them.
You cant expect to be all three.
Unfortunately, the new regime in Mexico is taking out help that would be for the top people, this in science, math, sports, and it seems day in everything that might have a hope of bettering our life.
It is a shame that people don´t see the value to it, and the people that do cant seem to make their point be understood.
Is it communication that needs to be broadened or just general education in order for the general population can understand simple explanations.
Sadly the book that most states what situation we are living in is 1984, but are we too late, and have the people been dumbed down to not understanding?
Anyway, seems cocky but that is why I love education, not only learning, but teaching, ´cause I know the more people know, the better ill be understood.
The same reason I know more information is not equivalent to more education.
How can things that are good for you - food, education, exercise - be so hard to get people to want to grasp?
That is something that we need to conquer.
May 2019
Mirror Mirror
Time and time again I can prove that what a person sees is just a reflection on themselves, this can be called vibes or some scientific energy that has yet to be explained but this goes as far as how mechanical items can respond to certain people.
It takes a serene mind to remember this with the feedback and information you may receive, and even a challenge to wonder why you feel about something in some such way.
as above so below can be another way to look at it.
So while a lot of people find the way of life to be a balance, you get the good and the bad, but in reality, you should just try to give and get and be the good, to make the world a better place.
There are images to point this out, and of course even TED TALKS.
one of the ones I´ve seen the most is -as a sinking boat-
Will and can people take advantage of this good spirit of yours, OF COURSE, but in one way or another sooner or later we will help rebuild the way people act and think, for a better life.
If you´ve ever rescued a pet, that is one way you can see change, at first they might be quite scared, aggressive, probably sick, but with patience, love and care they turn beautifully into the love they get - and make it all worthwhile.
to get to the point: always be nice.
April 2019
Creativity will outshine the robots
While more and more mundane tasks can be done by robots.
-side note robots are not visually like Rosie the Robot on the Jetsons, or any typical android visual you might imagine they are built for the job they must do, so can be any shape and form-
The more time people can use their time to strategize, think, create and really outshine.
That is where I find as a community we are behind, not the technology, but the mindset. We are in a moment where we can't see the forest for the trees.
Why worry about self-driving, hybrid, electric or whatever cars, the future can't sustain that. We need answers about how we can manage without having to commute.
When we know that ads aren´t relevant why keep pushing on more mediocre advertising?
As more women climb the corporate ladder, it's not how to make them more like men, its how the workplace can be family-oriented.
How long will it take for our mindset as a community to catch up to the technology we have at our hands, how we handle our technology is the true sign of the future.
March 2019
The grass is sometimes greener
This note might be symbolical, but it is actually just plain literal.
Out of all the ills of the world, there is one that we can try to help out which for me is the simplest.
Grow plants - Care for plants.
They don´t need much: air, water, soil, and some TLC.
From there, from such a tiny action you can start seeing how a plant can grow, any plant, even weeds at this point are better than no plants at all.
Then you will slowly see how butterflies come around, the plants get cooler, then birds come around. (depending on how much space you have). It doesn't even have to be "your space" it can be plants or space in front of your house, or office, or wherever.
Plants will help the air get cleaner, and shade for these awfully hot days.
On the upside, you will see what a big impact such a tiny action can have. It's therapeutical.
After all, we are all part of this circle of life.
February 2019
Cut your losses
These last months I´ve learned the valuable lesson of cutting losses.
It´s hard to know the difference between when you need to keep trying and when you know to quit.
I´m usually trying till there is nothing else I can do.
It doesn't stick with me, at least I tried my best.
And still, people will try to get you with, but you´ve tried so hard already, or invested so much, or something turning it around like as if you can magically get it back.
I´ve made bad decisions, I´ll call them a gamble, and in a gamble, you have to know your limit.
The business should do it, people, pretty much everything should kill the ego, and accept the truth.
Lesson learned, know how much you are willing to gamble before you enter, so you don't get caught up in the excitement of whatever endeavor you might be doing.
January 2019
Betting on Nature
At these times with all that is happening around the world, it´s hard to imagine the light at the end of a tunnel, people have been showing their lack of regard for common decency. I don´t even blame them, we are scared that we will have to fend for ourselves. At the time we are making it harder to grow as a society.
So while the world is worrying about the wall and gasoline, governments and presidents - which are all in not the best situation - we forget that we need to start thinking smart, not apocalyptic just realistic. Out of everything we are dependent on, how much of that will kill us if it disappears. Answer: almost everything. So instead of fighting what people in power say, we have to empower ourselves. Not by belittling others, which seems to be the actual state of things, but by going back to basics and knowing, whatever happens, we will be able to get ahead.
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sandiegojobsondemand ¡ 7 years ago
The Way to Become A Freelancer?– Part 3
Together with the shift from being ‘a employer’ into ‘being your own boss’, a great deal of people are choosing to be freelancers.
Here are a few hints to be a successful freelancer.
Use more than Only a spreadsheet to keep track of your financing
Freelancers do not have the luxury of a organization’s accounting group or HR department, so it is especially important that they stay on top of their own financing. Dedicating a block of time each week to making sure your finances remain up-to-date.
Utilizing a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of your finances may cause headaches. She advocates  GoDaddy’s bookkeeping services ($9.99 a month) or Intuit’s Quick Books (starting at $18.86 per month). These programs can allow you to keep tabs on your income and expenses, in addition to compute just how much you owe at self-employment taxes that are quarterly. If you do not keep detailed track of your financing, you could get hit by a bigger tax bill than you ever anticipated.
Have continuous Customers and a anchor gig
Regardless of what your profession, prioritize jobs which are more than buys, and establish relationships with clients or supervisors which are easy to work with. Try to get an “anchor gig,” a part-time job which will function as a trustworthy source of monthly income. This can allow you to prevent a scramble for jobs to pay the bills, giving you some reassurance.
Be cheerful
When you are a freelancer, you are more of a business owner than you are a worker without societal advantages. Believing that I am the CEO of my very own little company helped me to understand my areas of activity and to focus my energy on what ultimately matters most for a company: to create value and to create revenue.
As a freelancer, you are responsible for the entire value chain from lead generation and earnings, to operations and bookkeeping, to client service and overall strategic direction of the business enterprise. Letting one of the places slip your attention for too long may lead you into a critical situation that affects your existence. That is both the beauty and the problem of being a freelancer.
Customer acquisition is crucial to maintain your pipeline of jobs filled. When you start out as a freelancer (or better) , spend 80-90% of your time coming potential clients. A possible client is everybody on somebody that may know somebody that could purchase your services or your community that could purchase your services. Strategy them through email, through social networks ( no, not only Facebook but LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, your site, Medium and others) or at networking events. Talking to folks about you and what you do is crucial. For freelancers, a random conversation with a new client can turn battle, self-doubt and existential fear in an great opportunity. I try to spend on client acquisition at the once weekly.
Make Smart
Since you’re now competing with millions of freelancers in the market, you have to be at the cutting edge and tap into your creative soul. This should come naturally, as your skill set is currently unique. Your task starts with establishing your providers along with your profile.
Don’t attempt to copy the web pages of different freelancers. You should, nevertheless, study your competitors carefully, attempt to understand how your offering is different and operate on your distinctive selling points. As an independent employee, there is absolutely no boss to dictate what you need to do, and there aren’t any brand guidelines which determine the manner of your demonstration. It is all about your wisdom, your talents and your ability. Take a bit of paper and draw out the idea of your support you are producing for your clientele and how you can communicate this that you do.
When looking for new jobs, attempt to approach the job from a different perspective. Instead of thinking of how you can find companies which are looking to operate with a freelancer, then approach companies which are currently looking for somebody to take on tasks. They’re just not aware however that their best choice is really a freelancer — you!
Be Determined
All of the love of operating from home with all the kitty on your lap aside, by now it probably happened to you that being a freelancer is mainly running a little business with one being the CEO, COO, CTO, CMO, CFO and most interns. There’s likely one principle which most freelancers will agree on: you have to hustle. As running a startup with multiple people filling several roles, running your freelance business is a marathon with euphoric moments and stretches of both despair and helplessness.
And when the latter comes, you have to be ready. Before making the choice to freelance, think carefully about why you want to do it and examine how operational your motivation is. Personally, I do not think you should freelancer for any other motive than private and/or expert development (which may also mean financial advancement naturally but mathematically speaking it usually means the opposite, at least at the start).
A development mindset is a fantastic tool which I found very helpful when running behind prospects for days without shutting even one of these. Even though the financial component of tough patches in a freelancer’s life is extremely troublesome, the toughest of all may be the emotional effects of the rejection. Don’t have a “no” for the evaluation of your abilities and self-worth. Carol Dweck’s theory of adjusted vs. growth mindsets assisted me to understand the inspirational losses I had been experiencing when facing long phases of success. I developed a healthier approach to difficult scenarios and watched them as a opportunity to learn and grow.
Don’t Prove yourself
Since I already mentioned previously, you are a part of a worldwide growing group of people who confront similar challenges. Join with this group. Other freelancers know the challenges you are going through because they’ve been around and know a couple war tricks which you may use for your battles.
So, place and befriend some freelancers. Furthermore, just as with each other challenging situation, one of the most essential tools to keep you going is friends and loved ones. Even though they may not understand every one your challenges, they’ll support you no matter what.
A Great reputation travels farther than your job
There’s not anything more significant than to show there is a real man behind the title. As an instance, I provide assistance and information to a few creatives, giving them honest advice about how to proceed with their professions.   You are interested in being approachable and friendly when you give an impression on other people’s work. A fantastic reputation travels farther than the campaign that’s history six months later.
You will work with surprising clients
My most memorable highlights involve meeting great people and clients. Everyone has a different story to tell and each project is different.
Rotate your clients
When you quit working for a normal client, you think it’s the end of earth. You need to discover a replacement — it could be somewhat anxious at first. But you want to rotate your clients to be certain to keep producing great work. New clients always come.
Look after your wellbeing
A huge lesson I’ve heard is to look after your health and wellbeing. I am an all-or-nothing individual and that I can easily spend my entire seven-day week working 18 hours each day. Sooner or later you will crack and need twice the opportunity to completely recover.
The goal posts are moving…
I think any creative individual — especially those responsible for steering the jobs — must be a great deal more flexible than ever before. We want extra abilities that move beyond the work name, in addition to unparalleled understanding to make a project and its final result bulletproof.
Be ready to evolve — fast
You have to be ready to be versatile and ready to evolve at speed. I’ve seen people fresh out of uni with one undeveloped illustration style wondering why they need a second job at a coffee shop. Trends and styles come and go. You have to be compatible — but without losing your soul.
Be transparent with your clients
As a freelancer, then your company is just you running it inside out. That. Be the title and face of your company, because your company is you.
From a client’s perspective, if I were to employ you to present a service, I’d want to know who I am giving my money. Be sure to inject who you are into your own brand. You can shape that you’d like, however, the key is to be more personable.
Also be in conversing with them, transparent. Describe just how your process works, if they’re going to employ you. Show your curiosity about their company and thembreak down what they can expect by working with you step-by-step. This helps build confidence and trust and may be what seals the deal at a project.
Compose, write, write
This is definitely the most important suggestion I can give one to take your freelancing and that is to write. I do not care if you do not think you are a good writer. Writing is your doorway to getting your name out there, having clients find you, and also to really grow yourself as freelancer and a person.
Personally, I do not think I am a writer that is fantastic, and you can imagine how I felt about my writing. It comes with practice. I owe everything I’ve achieved to my own writing.
Concentrate on the today
So that that you do not trip whilst looking at the ending 14, watch your feet. Exactly where you wish to be one day, so focus on what you can do now to end up there, you know. On envying the ones they hope to be many freelancers get hung up.
If you would like to get a trusted client base, a product which may help enhance your income, or if you do not need to have to rely on one client to make a living, then what are you doing today to make that happen?
Make a list with tasks which you can easily finish by the end of the day to day. Progress is progress, and the more quickly you will get there if you start taking it one step at a time on your objectives.
Divide your income for taxes and savings
Then start dividing savings and your income if you are seriously interested in freelancing. For each dollar I earn that is business I split it up
12% of Business (for business-related expenses)
16 percent of Business Taxes (this can save my bum when it comes tax period)
12% of Personal Savings
What’s left goes into my own checking for living costs
It is what works for me, although I am not saying that this is the way split and to handle your financing. What’s significant here is putting a minimum of 16 percent of each dollar. It is the idea of an employer. You will then use this savings to cover what is due when it comes tax time. (I recommend paying quarterly, and that means you are not dealt one big payment in April.)
Financial Truth
Unless you are on a contract, there is no paycheque. This will make it difficult to plan you are business and personal financing. Consider using a mortgage! Smoothing out the typical boom and bust payment arrangement is vital.
Boost your prices
I met a possible client that, after agreeing to hire me, stated, “I nearly did not call you, you are too cheap to be really very good at what you do.” That piece of honesty that is rare had a huge effect on me. How much business had I lost this manner?
‘Boost your prices’ is information which you will hear a great deal, but it can be hard to put this into actions. The understandable fear is you will price yourself from work. You will. However, there are two things
Will increasing your prices really bring you more enquiries?
Is your job which you will lose out on the sort of work which you would like?
I’d indicate that the answers are no more and yes. An increase in the amount of quality prospects, although in my experience I’ve noticed a drop off at the complete amount of people. This usually means I spend time on the ‘is it possible to build me Facebook for 500’ more and enquiries time on the endeavors with budgets.
Then everybody loses, if you are competing on price . You are going to end up being stressed and resentful of their budget, and your client is going to be disappointed by the dashed job. In addition, your portfolio will never have anything decent in it, so therefore making it tough to entice the clients.
You are now an expert in your niche, which means that your prices should reflect that.
Think about just how much you must earn as an expert and work out your prices from that point.
Don’t feed the monster
Low-budget function leads to garbage. O touched this cycle earlier. There’s somewhat more to it.
The idea behind this is that you would not get to the stage where you had to have work. You have been there. The end of your project is coming and you’ve got nothing lined up. There appears A project on your inbox. The funding is tight and your project isn’t well thought out, but you’ve got bills to pay so that you take it.
The project proves to be worse than you ever envisioned. It drags on and you have long since lost any kind of gain. To make matters worse, while you’re at the center of it your dream client calls with a project starting next week. You need to turn it down.
You could have obtained that dream job if you may have held out without a work.
OK, so perhaps your dream job would not have come together. The point is however that it is worth it to be picky. You won’t acquire work.
The client isn’t necessarily wrong
This ‘clients are almost always incorrect’ mindset is a dangerous one. The client is becoming out of control. I believe that it’s time.
YOU are the web developer/design (or alternative industry) specialist. You have to be directing the process. Including  structuring the project in a manner in which the client ‘buys in’ into the decisions, and controlling the sort of feedback which you receive.
Freelancing is a great way to follow your enthusiasm and make a living, however, there are differences between outsourcing fulltime and working for private enterprises. The great news is that most have walked in your mind on how to be a successful freelancer, and there is a wonderful deal of information out there — and what you can do in order to get the absolute most.
As a freelancer, then is a whole lot of information on the market, especially in the web market. Before, some may be new, you will most likely have heard a few of the tips. They’re not the greatest, or most significant, they are the ones which have left a positive difference in my own career. I am hoping they can work for you.
By recognizing that the common regions that freelancers have a tendency to discover challenging, and creating solutions which enable you to overcome these barriers, you are going to really help yourself dive into the pool as a freelance specialist and emerge ahead.
Above tips aren’t be-all and the end-all for freelancing, but I really wish I understood these if I got started. I’ve seen some development, since I’ve put these suggestions in my work process, and that I hope you were able to pick at at some value.
How To Become A Successful Freelancer?- Part 3
from Sandiego jobs on demand http://www.sandiegojobsondemand.com/the-way-to-become-a-freelancer-part-3/
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briannedodd396-blog ¡ 7 years ago
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Keeping a well-balanced, vibrant partnership despite the anxieties from entrepreneurship. Lots of Mandarin business people derive and focus effectiveness based upon the individuality and also eccentricities from the Mandarin market. Nowadays, folks might think about entrepreneurship coming from a very early grow older; yet this's not one thing you are actually born along with ... not everybody intends to be a business owner coming from when they're birthed! Assistances (which are actually designed primarily to avoid downtrends in certain markets, or to motivate project development) only aggravate matters by producing a quite successful arbitrage possibility for producers that may currently sell products effectively (accordinged to enhanced retail price) against a reduced notional developing or even manufacturing price. If you cherished this article and you would like to collect more info about Click Link please visit the web site. Toomas Hendrik Ilves When this pertains to entrepreneurship, specifically the rugged and topple globe from IT, you see it does not have a place in current plans. As our experts going in to our second many years of celebrating our favourite creative tool, we are actually happy to declare our 6th charitable organization compilation with Picture Comics. In the course of his last pair of summer seasons with Big Notion, Jesus became part of the Dallas Mayor's Trainee Fellows Course. They will definitely likewise be displaying under the name 'Aut Bubble' in Brodrick Venue, Leeds Area Gallery. Executive Strategic Training Individual programs for center and also best supervisors conducted by expert instructors. A number of Photo Comics' finest as well as brightest artists produce their house in the UK, and much more are actually coming to the UK for this year's Idea Bubble!
The suggestion for the Angel Tree to profit the little ones from Village Oaks arised from James Adams, Big Thought's Programs Supervisor, who had joined the Guardian Plant custom before. Though Amo approves that there is something our experts could refer to as a mind, he kept the debate that this is actually the body that really feels and also perceives in contrast to the mind; this is actually a thoughtful view upheld through yet another Ghanaian thinker, Kwasi Wiredu, 249 years later on. Look at todays' venture capital planet, individuals build and also make an effort in some aspect from danger through connecting founder's very own results to the performance of the company, but all-time low series is actually the business person has to comprehend exactly what their personal standpoint is actually. Through offering little ones along with exciting, explorative and also hands-on knowledges they might certainly not otherwise have, our company ensure they prevent the summer months slide that can leave them shed at the start of the brand new year," mentions Dove.
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newstfionline ¡ 7 years ago
How to Recognize Burnout Before You’re Burned Out
By Kenneth R. Rosen, NY Times, Sept. 5, 2017
Emma Seppala was working as an intern at The International Herald Tribune (the past iteration of The International New York Times) one summer in college in Paris, shuttling between the newsroom writers and editors on the second floor and the workers at the printing presses in the basement.
Ms. Seppala, the science director at the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, mulls the difference between the two starkly different atmospheres in her 2016 book “The Happiness Track”: One floor was raucous and full of laughter, the other floor was solemn and quiet. Can you guess which one she enjoyed being in more?
It was the press workers who had a sideboard covered with wine, cheeses and bread. They were vibrant, Ms. Seppala writes. “I believe most of us want to be like the French press workers: we want to do a good job no matter what that job might be--and we also want to be happy doing it.”
She later notes, “We have simply accepted overextension as a way of life.”
In today’s era of workplace burnout, achieving a simpatico work-life relationship seems practically out of reach. Being tired, ambivalent, stressed, cynical and overextended has become a normal part of a working professional life. The General Social Survey of 2016, a nationwide survey that since 1972 has tracked the attitudes and behaviors of American society, found that 50 percent of respondents are consistently exhausted because of work, compared with 18 percent two decades ago.
Where once the term burnout was applied exclusively to health care workers, police officers, firefighters, paramedics or social workers who deal with trauma and human services--think Graham Greene’s novel “A Burnt-Out Case,” about a doctor in the Belgian Congo, a book that gave rise to the term colloquially--the term has since expanded to workers who are now part of a more connected, hyperactive and overcompensating work force.
But occupational burnout goes beyond needing a simple vacation or a family retreat, and many experts, psychologists and institutions, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, highlight long-term and unresolvable burnout as not a symptom but rather a major health concern.
“We’re shooting ourselves in the foot,” Ms. Seppala told me. “Biologically we are not meant to be in that high-stress mode all the time. We got lost in this idea that the only way to be productive is to be on the go-go-go mode.”
It is difficult to identify burnout, which often feels like surrender or failure rather than what it really is: a chronic disease.
Common Work Stressors
• Overcoming challenges associated with new software, changing atmospheres or different processes
• Unrealistic deadlines
• Frequent scheduling conflicts or interruptions
• Unpredictable schedules
• Physical demands like exposure to weather or heavy lifting
• Added responsibility beyond the initial scope of one’s role while not being compensated for the supervision
• Interpersonal demands such as interactions with colleagues or customers
These stressors can manifest in outbursts against co-workers, violence or anger toward loved ones at home, loss of appetite and passion for things once loved, or being unable to find motivation for things that you were able to accomplish with ease.
The pioneering researcher behind the study of burnout since the 1970s, Christina Maslach, professor emerita of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, conducted a study that concluded there are three major signs of workplace burnout.
• Feeling emotionally drained and mentally unwell. Nausea. Being unable to sleep or constantly fighting sicknesses like head colds.
• Feeling alienated by your colleagues and bosses, feeling constantly underappreciated, or feeling ostracized by them.
• Feeling you are not personally achieving your best, or regularly “phoning it in.”
“There are a lot of things that can happen when people begin to have this problem at work,” Dr. Maslach said. “There are things like absenteeism, turnover, but also things in terms of errors, not being careful about the work they’re doing. We see a lot of difficulty with people getting along with each other--angry, aggressive.”
In 1981, Dr. Maslach and her colleagues devised the “Maslach Burnout Inventory.” It is still used today to determine whether an employee is experiencing burnout that may be causing performance or personal issues.
“Stress phenomenon can take a toll in terms of physical health, which can then get tied into absenteeism. There are a number of ways in which the quality of the work goes down as a result of burnout,” she said.
If anyone complains about it, she said, they’re automatically labeled a wimp.
“Quite honestly in America we glorify stress,” Dr. Maslach said. “And that’s another thing that leads people to be quiet and shut up about some of the stressors they’re facing because they don’t want to be viewed about not doing their best.”
If you’re suffering from burnout at work, or if any of those symptoms sound familiar to you, there are a few things you can do now, before you get some time off to recover. (Although you should definitely consider some time off to recover, if you can.)
• Focused breathing, which can tap into your parasympathetic nervous system to help you reduce or manage stress.
• Frequent breaks, preferably five-minute breaks for every 20 minutes spent on a single task, or sitting at your desk.
• Ergonomic chairs and desks, like a sit-stand arrangement, or even a small plant in your office space.
• A trusted mentor at work with whom you can discuss and strategize other ways to deal with work-related issues.
• A hobby outside of work through which you can decompress, de-stress and dissociate from work. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, but regular exercise or another fitness activity works wonders here, and has benefits beyond stress relief.
If you have the ability to work remotely, that’s another great way to add stress-reducers to your life. Periodically working out of the office enables you to try working from a quiet and contemplative space in which creativity may grow. It could also allow for more time outdoors. But broadly speaking, Dr. Maslach said, it is the human connection that’s most effective at combating burnout.
“What we found is that people’s health, well-being, everything in life, is way better if you’re connected with other people,” she said. “That social network, that each of you have each other’s back, that they’re there for you and you’re there for them, that’s like money in the bank. That’s a precious, precious resource.”
Jason Lang is the team leader of Workplace Health Programs within the C.D.C. He says that aside from good diet, exercise and sleep, there’s one surefire way to combat general malaise, job dissatisfaction, low morale and burnout.
“Laughter,” he said. “Find some humor in daily life.”
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makeitwithmike ¡ 7 years ago
10 Ridiculously Simple Business Tips That Will Help You Beat Your Competition
By Faye Ferris
Business can be brutal because… well, that’s business!
For every success you have in growing your market share, another business or other businesses will inevitably lose ground.
Here are 10 quick and easy business tips to gain a competitive advantage over your rivals and insulate yourself from the threat of new entrants in the market.
1. Don’t sell products, provide solutions
Like it or not, folks out there aren’t searching for your brand, they’re just looking to solve a problem or find a particular type of product (unless you run Starbucks or Adidas!)
Don’t list all the benefits your product brings. Focus on the solutions. Explain to the customer in simple, straightforward terms how or why your product can help them or assist in the attainment of their goals.
Consider FedEx’s iconic slogan: When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. This was a clear example of addressing widely-spread anxiety about the reliability of delivery services.
Run through some market research to profile your target customer. How does your product or service – and your delivery and and price point – solve other people’s problems and make their lives easier or more pleasurable?
2. Always optimize your pricing
Dropping prices doesn’t necessarily raise sales, for instance (though it will definitely squeeze margins). If you position yourself as a premium brand, then your customers aren’t necessarily value-driven in the first place, and cutting prices could even tarnish your brand.
Consider this case study from Robert Cialdini’s seminal book ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’: a jeweller sold out of turquoise jewelry after accidentally doubling, instead of halving, the price. The inflated price tag lent the product an unwarranted cachet!
If you are a premium brand, there are ways to optimize your pricing without lowering prices. For example, offer the quality-conscious customer an ‘exclusive’ benefit that your rivals do not or cannot provide.
If you are at the value-driven end of the market, on the other hand, don’t assume slashing prices means incurring a loss. Low pricing can help you rapidly onboard a heap of new customers who may also buy other items in your shop and return again.
Context also counts for a lot with pricing. The best way to sell a $5,000 watch, for instance, could be by putting it next to a $10,000 watch. Think strategically when it comes to deciding any price point.
3. Hire friendly customer-facing staff
Yes, it sounds obvious, but it’s so very important! Whether consciously or not, people are more likely to buy a product if they like the sales assistant who’s attending to them.
While the employee’s personality obviously has no bearing on the price or your product’s ability to serve their needs is irrelevant. Friendly customer-facing staff will always attract more sales.
Be rigorous in hiring people who are genuinely cheerful, friendly and outgoing. Make sure your training program teaches them to adopt a consistently friendly approach that puts customers at ease and feel like a priority.
4. Stay open even longer
Say you’re a bricks-and-mortar store and you’re getting a rush of customers as closing time approaches… why not close up an hour later?
While this may cause disgruntlement among staff, solve this issue by getting creative with rosters. Monitor customer footfall throughout the day and week to identify your busiest periods, and staff people accordingly.
You can also reduce headcount during quieter periods to offset the higher costs and longer working hours created by your extended opening hours.
It’s a win-win!
5. Don’t make customers dig deep for a phone number
Even in the digital age, some customers will always prefer to contact you by phone rather than email or Facebook. While many online companies with tight margins eschew manned phone lines altogether, it’s worth giving customers the option of having a voice-to-voice conversation with your brand.
By all means, slash the time and cost spent responding to queries by funnelling customers to standardized, pre-existing responses on your webpage (i.e., FAQs).
But if their query isn’t listed in the drop-down menu of FAQs, then don’t make them click more than once more to find your phone number.
Put it front and center on your web page, particularly if you’re a retail offering.
‘Live chat’ bots are an inexpensive way of offering real-time communication, too.
6. Give something for nothing (or very little)
Why not give your happy customers a voucher with their purchase to redeem on your products and services? If they love what you do already, they’re only going to love you more for this.
It’s good for you because:
It guarantees they will return to your store again. People hate to waste freebies!
When they return to your store to redeem their voucher, they may buy other items, too. If your business operates online, then the freebie could be strategically timed to coincide with a special sale.
Oh, and guess what? Chances are customers who have received vouchers or freebies won’t stay quiet about it either, so you could enjoy some positive buzz on social media.
7. Support your local community
Local businesses can arguably connect with their unique communities with much greater authority than any global chain.
A local retailer, hair salon or gardening company can sponsor a kid’s sports team and offer deep discounts for OAPs at the same time.
Some cinemas feature special ‘sensory’ screenings where parents can bring kids with autism (who would normally be overwhelmed by busy, noisy environments) to enjoy a movie in a relaxed, stress-free atmosphere. This reflects well on them and also guarantees them a loyal customer niche.
Whatever you choose to do to support your community, make sure it authentically fits with your brand offering and business journey to date.
8. Use social media smartly
Social media is a great medium through which to build a solid relationship with customers – just don’t forget what ‘social’ actually means! Soul-less corporate shop-talk won’t work on Twitter.
Try to give your brand some ‘personality’ when you write updates or posts. This can bring its own risks, of course. But if you get it right, the benefits can be immense.
Develop a tone of voice that aligns well with your brand identity. Seek to inform, help, entertain or amuse.
And most importantly – given the dire PR consequences – don’t patronize, try too hard to be funny, or tweet after a few alcoholic drinks!
9. Own your niche
Sometimes it’s better to be a master of one discipline than a jack of all trades. Admittedly, multiple revenue streams do spread your risk: if one falters, others can take up the slack.
Nevertheless, consumers often associate ‘specialists’ with higher quality products or services than generalists. And with good reason, too: specialists typically invest all their resources into perfecting a single product or service.
So what should you specialize in? To state the obvious, it should be something in which you excel.
You could also pick something with rising or recession-proof demand which is resilient to technological change in which you possess a competitive advantage over your rivals or where there’s an obvious gap in your local market.
Own it, whatever you do.
10. Be humble
Don’t ever get too satisfied with your business. You can always improve – and improve you must!
Don’t get me wrong: without the odd moment of smug satisfaction, what’s the point? Do relish in the successful launch of a game-changing product or take pleasure in positive customer feedback. But don’t let your customers hear you banging on about it time after time!
Be alert to the common element that has led to the downfall of countless hitherto thriving brands: complacency. Imaginative, nimble and innovative start-ups often do better than big market leaders that just got lazy.
You may be the disruptive innovator today, but tomorrow you could be the complacent market leader with a tired business model.
So try to be humble and always strive to improve. Seek inspiration from other entrepreneurs, from books and from seminars. The moment you think ‘mission accomplished’ is the same moment you become vulnerable to being usurped.
Wrapping up
There are lots of ways in which you can improve your business, and not all of them are complicated!
Try out the above business tips or integrate them with your existing strategies, and let me know how you go in the comments below.
Guest Author: Faye Ferris is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Dynamis APAC Pty Ltd offices in Sydney. She develops the DYNAMIS stable of brands and their expansion into the Asia Pacific region as well as BusinessesForSale.com, FranchiseSales.com and PropertySales.com. If you have an interest in partnering up with Faye or advertising on any of these websites in the APAC territories, please do not hesitate to contact her on [email protected].
The post 10 Ridiculously Simple Business Tips That Will Help You Beat Your Competition appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.
The post 10 Ridiculously Simple Business Tips That Will Help You Beat Your Competition appeared first on Make It With Michael.
from 10 Ridiculously Simple Business Tips That Will Help You Beat Your Competition
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agilenano ¡ 5 years ago
Agilenano - News: The Right Way To Move: 28 Tips to Save Money and Reduce Stress
Being a new homebuyer is full of excitement. You’ve found your ideal home and negotiated the price. Now it’s time to think about moving in. Since the average moving cost can range anywhere between $2,300 to $4,300, the process deserves some serious cost analysis. After all, you’d rather spend that money on new furnishings and home improvements, right? Are there ways to cut costs when moving and settling into your new home? To find out, we consulted official governmental data and talked with real estate agent Ann Hoke, a No. 1-ranked producer in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and real estate agent Virginia Gergoff, an associate of HomeLight condo specialist Kymber Lovett-Menkiti in Washington, D.C. Consider these 28 ways to save money before, during, and after your move. Source: (Skitterphoto / Pexels)How to save money before and during your move Be smart about your moving strategy to keep from overspending. 1. Plan ahead When people get in a rush, they tend to spend more money than they would have otherwise. Planning your move weeks or even months beforehand will not only help you reduce stress but can also help you save money. For example, is there a friend or relative who may let you store boxes of non-essential items in their garage for a few weeks? Could you ship some of your books using the media rate at the post office? Are there friends who could help with the heavy lifting? Planning ahead can help you creatively save money during your move. 2. Do your research The American Moving and Storage Association recommends getting at least three quotes for moving services. In order to ensure you’re getting a good deal, make sure the quotes are “apples to apples,” meaning each company is charging for the same services. But beware — if you see a quote that’s significantly lower than the others, that could mean the company forgot to include a major line item, and you could end up paying add-on costs later. “Choose a moving company that offers a fixed estimate,” Gergoff says. That way, you know exactly what you’ll be paying and can budget accordingly. 3. Ask for a deal Because most people move on the weekends and at the change of a month, sometimes moving companies will offer deals if you move mid-week or mid-month. Whether you plan to hire movers or rent a moving truck, it never hurts to ask for a discount, especially if your schedule can be flexible. Source: (Stokkete / Shutterstock)4. Use coupons wisely Hunt for moving coupons on sites like Groupon and RetailMeNot where you can find discounts on supplies, trucks, and moving companies. Savings up to 50% off can really help slim down your moving expenses! In addition, when you go to the post office to change your address, you may receive a packet full of coupons that can help during and after your move. Home improvement stores are often a part of this initiative with rare, total-purchase coupons. Be sure to make a comprehensive list of everything you need, since the coupons usually are single-use only. For your current place, don’t forget things that you may need for repairs, such as caulk, putty, and Magic Erasers. For your new place, you may want to stock up on picture hangers, cleaners, towel hooks, and a new welcome mat. 5. Take only what you need As Hoke says, “Less is better. So get rid of it!” A thorough purge of goods will help save money by reducing the labor and space necessary to move. Haven’t used that treadmill in years? Pass it on to a friend. Won’t need a lawnmower at your new place? Sell it. Moving to a warmer climate? Donate your winter wardrobe. Bottom line: Don’t pay to move things you won’t use. 6. Move incrementally If possible, have your real estate agent schedule your closing prior to the date you have to leave your current residence. Not only will you save yourself a lot of logistical stress, you’ll also save money. Moving multiple carloads of boxes over time would allow you to rent a smaller truck, which could mean a 25% to 50% savings, depending upon size. You may also get a better deal on moving services since there would only be large furniture items left. 7. Get creative with packing supplies Packing supplies for a three-to-four-bedroom house can cost around $264, but there are many ways that you can reduce or even eliminate that cost. Start gathering boxes from local businesses a few weeks before your move. Grocery stores, liquor stores, and dollar stores tend to be more accommodating and have better quality boxes than big box stores. Often if you call ahead, managers will set aside boxes for you on delivery days. You can also watch social media sites to get boxes from people who have recently moved. Many times people will post “curb alerts” after they’ve unpacked their things. To avoid paying for bubble wrap and garment boxes, Hoke recommends using towels as packing material and trash bags around hanging items. Simply slide clothing into the bag and tie a knot at the hook of the hangers. Source: (Crystal de Passillé-Chabot / Unsplash)8. Don’t overspend on cleaning supplies When you move, you’ll want to have plenty of cleaning supplies for both your current residence and your new home. You’ve likely got what you need to move out and leave the place “broom clean.” But your new home is going to need the white-glove treatment. Consider saving both time and money by pre-ordering supplies from places like Costco, BJ’s, or Amazon and having them shipped to your new address. 9. Consider shipping containers instead of movers “Moving companies are expensive,” Hoke says. Instead, she recommends moving containers, if your schedule and physical ability allows. For a complete rundown of the major moving container companies nationwide, visit our Pod Squad guide. 10. Take expensive fixtures with you Gergoff says, “Bring fixtures from the old house that you may be able to use in the new house.” If you’ve put in expensive faucets or chandeliers, consider switching them out to more standard versions before you sell your home. Your buyers may not even like the fixtures, so you might as well save money on your own upgrades at the new house! Just be sure to make the changes before the listing photos, so that buyers know exactly what they’re getting. 11. Practice intentional meal-planning With all the pressures of moving, who has the time or energy to cook? While it’s tempting to outsource cooking to the pros, eating at restaurants during a move can end up busting your budget if you’re not careful. Instead, plan out the meals you’ll need before your move. Don’t forget to incorporate all perishables in your fridge and freezer, and use up pantry items too, if possible. You don’t want to box up a bunch of cans, and you definitely don’t want to throw away pounds of frozen chicken! Meal planning during a move may require some creativity and flexibility (frozen waffles for dinner, anyone?), but the cost savings are significant. If there comes a time during your move when you simply can’t cook, be smart about your restaurant choices. Order take-out to save on the cost of drinks and tips. Use coupons or take advantage of local promotions like “kids eat free” nights. Thinking strategically can go a long way toward protecting your bottom line — and your waistline! Source: (Annie Gray / Unsplash)How to save money after you move in Simple maintenance and proactive energy measures can make a big difference. 12. Get an energy audit An energy audit is a service conducted by a professional that’s designed to identify areas of energy loss throughout the home. Energy auditors use specialized equipment to determine if there are places where energy is leaking out of the home, and they will make recommendations for conserving energy based upon usage habits. Implementing the directives of an energy audit can save homeowners between 5% and 30% on their energy bills annually. A home energy audit costs $408 on average but can vary greatly depending upon square footage. However, in some areas, your electricity provider will offer free energy audits as an initiative to optimize energy usage throughout the service area. Check with your provider before paying a third-party source. 13. Wait to make renovations Gergoff tells all her clients to wait at least six months before making major changes to their new homes. “Live in the house a little bit before you decide what to do,” she says. You may end up liking a feature you thought you wouldn’t, or you may have a different idea that would increase efficiency, build more equity, or improve your quality of life in your new home. 14. Lower the temperature on your water heater The U.S. Department of Energy advises homeowners to turn their water heater thermostat down to 120 degrees from the typical 140 degrees set by the manufacturer. According to their calculations, this simple change could save between $36 to $61 per year, and more than $400 in demand loss. That’s a savings of between 4% and 22% on your energy bill, depending upon hot water usage. Plus, turning down the heat could help prevent scalding! 15. Insulate your pipes Pipe insulation is another easy way to save money on energy bills. Thirty-six linear feet of pipe insulation costs around $24, and insulating 1” hot water pipes can save between $2 and $4 per linear foot per year. Pipe insulation pays for itself in less than a year! Plus, you get the added benefit of shielding your pipes from extreme temperatures. No pipe insulation claims a complete guarantee against frozen pipes, but because insulation helps regulate the interior water temperature, it can help prevent freezing. Source: (Kazuky Akayashi / Unsplash)16. Check for leaks at the sinks Take a peek under the sinks. Any water or moisture below the drain pipes can cause damage to the cabinetry over time and may lead to mold growth. Hiring a plumber at the first sign of a problem will save you money later. Similarly, keep an eye on the faucets. Disregard a leaky faucet for too long and you may wash between $20 and $200 dollars down the drain per year. 17. Upgrade your thermostat Smart thermostats adjust the interior temperature according to the daily schedule of the home. When the house is empty, you can raise the thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees during summer months and lower it 10 degrees during winter months. Other factors aside, those temperature modifications could end up saving you between 10% and 15% on your energy bill. 18. Shop secondhand Big-ticket items such as dining tables, lawnmowers, bed frames, patio furniture, and entertainment centers can often be found at deep discounts if you purchase them used. Browse local direct-by-owner sales sites such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to find savings up to 90% off list price, according to Gergoff. 19. Check your attic insulation Hopefully, your home inspector checked for insulation prior to purchase, but did they check the quality of the insulation? Insulation is measured in terms of thermal resistance, or R-values. Higher R-values equal greater insulating effectiveness. Consult your local insulation professional regarding the recommended R-values for your area, or consult this zone chart from the U.S. Department of Energy. Improving your attic insulation could save up to 15% on heating and cooling costs, or 11% on overall energy usage. 20. Shop local Often local hardware shops will offer discounts to their community members, so you may be able to get a better price than you would at big-box home improvement stores. Also, many local shops run free weekend seminars that will teach you how to do repairs and upgrades yourself. Learning to put in your own shed, backsplash, or landscaping could save hundreds of dollars. Source: (Anthony Rooke / Unsplash)21. Install ceiling fans The Department of Energy says, “Ventilation is the least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool a home.” Installing ceiling fans creates circulation in a room, which helps occupants feel cooler at higher temperatures. Don’t forget to turn the fan off when leaving a room, though. A fan makes people more comfortable, but it cannot lower room temperatures. 22. Replace your air filters The Department of Energy also says that replacing the air filters in your home can lower the energy consumption of your heating and cooling system by up to 15%. Considering that the HVAC system accounts for around 45% of the average household’s energy bill, reducing consumption is a big deal! Filters last between 1 to 6 months, depending upon the material type used. Check your filter near the end of its lifespan, and replace accordingly. And don’t forget to clean your vents regularly, too! 23. Implement a hang-to-dry laundry system An average load of laundry costs between 36 cents and 45 cents to run in the dryer, assuming approximately 40 to 45 minutes of drying time. That may not sound like a lot, but over time, that electricity adds up. If you run five loads per week, that’s up to $2.25 per week or $117 per year. Instead, consider hanging up your damp laundry whenever possible. Line drying in your laundry room may work well in cold months, if you have the space. Setting up a clothesline outside is even better. That way, you won’t have to consider any increased humidity risks, such as mold and mildew. 24. Change your lightbulbs LED lightbulbs may have a more expensive tag on the shelf, but over time, those LED bulbs add up to big savings. Lower energy usage and a longer lifespan mean that switching from an incandescent lightbulb to an LED lightbulb can save $61.55 over ten years. Replace all the bulbs in your new home and rack up some serious savings! 25. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances Appliances with the blue Energy Star label are certified to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Certain Energy Star appliances have a greater impact than others. For example, an energy-efficient dishwasher might only save you about $2 a year. However, replacing a clothes washer can save around $40 per year and $415 over its lifespan. For more on energy cost savings, check out this Energy Star consumer guide. Source: (Jan Huber / Unsplash)26. Plant shade trees Shade trees are not only pleasant for outdoor activities, they’re also essential for keeping utility costs down. Trees planted on the west and south sides of a house can save around $25 per year in cooling costs, depending upon the climate, and can also reduce carbon emissions by 30% over time. Check with your local nursery or consult the USDA growing zones to find the shade tree that’s best for your yard. Give trees 1,600 square feet (40’ x 40’) to grow, in order to protect your foundation, landscaping, and driveway from being damaged by roots. 27. Seal up doors, windows, and other openings Add up all the little sources of air loss around a home, and you may be looking at the equivalent of a hole fourteen inches wide. Use weather stripping around doors and windows to keep drafts under control. Seal up outlets, light fixtures, laundry dampers, and other gaps in building materials with caulk. Check for any malfunction at the fireplace damper. And make sure the basement and attic entrances are as insulated as possible. 28. Mark any cracks Some small cracks in basement walls, foundations, patios, and even drywall are common as homes settle and flex. However, growing cracks could indicate a problem with the foundation, which can lead to significant expenses. Use painter’s tape to mark any cracks you may find now. In a few months, reexamine the area to see if the cracks have spread beyond the tape. Moving and settling into your home is a big undertaking. Intentional money-saving choices now can add up to big savings over time. And that’s good news! Because as a new homebuyer, those savings can be well-spent turning your house into a home. Header Image Source: (Burst / Pexels) #Buyers #GettingAcclimated #Homeownership
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