#cause yes he looks like a model from a perfume ad
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giulzart · 1 year ago
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Selfishly thinking that Orion could be persuaded to act in one of the band music video. Just once.
Anyway, go play @infamous-if cause it’s amazing!
Little bonus, I put the rambly scenario that sprouted these under the cut in case you wanna know more 🤷‍♀️
It’s got to be a team effort and a chore to get Orion on board but somehow they manage to convince him in the end(cause he got a soft spot). In my head the idea was Violet and Rowan’s, Iris jumped right in cause it sounded fun and then Jazzy and Devyn joined in. Chris tagged along too cause heck yeah. They all come up with a list of pros and cons cause they know that Orion will fight against it, but thanks to Devyn they come up with sound and logical enough reasons. Rowan and Violet do the presentation and after a lot of debate, Orion accept in the end to everyone (and his own) disbelief. The video is a success, the views count gets higher and half the comment are about Orion.The band tease him relentlessly and Orion swears never again. The end.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years ago
Captain Bucheon 03
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Warnings: strong language
Word count: 5.9K
story masterlist masterlist
tags: @wooya1224 @to-all-the-stories-i-love @jennxx3 @realllllrica​
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Third: Saving is Caring
“Lee Nari!”
Someone was shouting your name but you couldn't tell who exactly because the entire corridor you were residing on - the forsaken fifth floor, also the top floor of the building without an elevator - was flooded with girls. They were rushing to the opposite direction you were heading to, and you frowned deeply at anyone who made even the slightest brush against you - or your chest.
“Come to room number 501!” they shouted again.
“As if,” you scoffed to yourself and dodged one hand that was about to land on your breast.
“Aish, I was gonna try if they were actually real,” you heard the girl whine but her voice got quickly blocked out by exciting squeals.
Finally managing to land in your room, you basically kicked the door open, pissed, to find Yuyeon preparing in front of her make-up mirror. Her eyes were shining and she seemed way too happy.
“What the hell is happening out there?” you grumbled, slamming the door shut with your foot to isolate yourself from the annoying squeals. “It looks like a sect or something.” You dropped your bag in the corner and threw yourself on the bed, needing the relief in your tired muscles.
Running had been taking its toll on you the past weeks, let alone your job was tiring mentally, as well. There hadn't been any slip-ups or issues anymore like last time for which you were eternally thankful. That one time - yeah, you weren't sure you could deal with that again.
“You are coming toooo!” squealed Yuyeon as well and was fast to drop the blusher on her messy table before standing and jumping over to your bed, making you fly up on the mattress too.
You whined again and tried to kick her off your bed but she climbed over you and wiggled her eyebrows at you, a cheeky glint leaving an unease in your tummy.
“We-” she leaned into your ear, “are going to watch porn.”
You gasped and pushed her off of you, pink rising up to your cheeks. “What? Are you nuts? Why would you watch-”
“C'mon, Nari,” giggled Yuyeon, sitting up properly to let you sit up as well. Her shirt slid off her shoulder and her bra strap was showing which made you reach up to bring the shirt back to its original place. “I know you've already experienced it all but-”
This time, a horrified gasp left your mouth and you were fast to shut her up with a: “I haven't experienced those things at all!”
She frowned, pouting. “But you made out with Baekhyun and you said he touched you-”
Your head was starting to spin as you shook it so violently. “No, no, no, don't bring that up. He stopped when he found out I'm a virgin and it doesn't even matter!!”
“But Nari, he is a grown up male that knows eeeeeverything there is to know about, you know, sex, and he was hot and -”
“Yuyeon, please,” you begged, hiding your face behind your palms. You felt attacked at the memories of you and Baekhyun being all touchy. “It isn't that exciting,” you tried but you knew it was a terrible, terrible lie.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “You don't have to come if you don't want to but it will be fun with all the girls. We can talk about boys and men and, I dunno, just enjoy.”
You pursed your lips, not so sure. A good rest was what you needed, NOT temptation. Let alone, you wouldn't be able to get Baekhyun out of your mind were you to watch stuff like that. When you were about to speak up, Yuyeon added:
“You know, ever since stuff happened, we didn't really go out like that anymore… I kind of miss fooling around with you and just going against the rules - although now we can't do it since we are old enough to be naughty, but despite that I just miss doing cheeky stuff with my bestie.”
It was heart-warming to see Yuyeon be honest with you. Even the fact that she mentioned Baekhyun was a step forward for neither of you mentioned him unless necessary. Yuyeon was tiptoeing around you for one year in order to give you time to get over the mess that the mentioned male did to you and then she grew accustomed to your indifference towards your surroundings. You didn't talk about it and she didn't want to pry too much, always listening to bits of your thoughts here and there.
Yuyeon didn't feel guilty for mentioning Baekhyun's name; if anything, she hoped that you got over it and wouldn't react to him too much. For her, of course, Baekhyun was still on the “hated people” side like Chul. But he was also your ex and you were talking about girl stuff. Exciting stuff. Mature stuff. Baekhyun's name had to be mentioned for he was the whole package in the past.
“I know, and I'm sorry about that,” you murmured, averting your gaze. Her knees were bent, her skin showing as her shorts had ridden up. “We should start getting back on the track, right?”
The corners of Yuyeon's lip lifted in a small, encouraging smile. “Yes. So how about starting with the porn?”
You laughed out loud, smacking her thigh loudly, making her wince. “Okay, okay, just because it's you!”
“No, it's 'cause you are super curious as well!” she said, sticking her tongue out at you. “How it's all done and stuff.” She was growing red in her face, but her blush looked  pretty and made her even more youthful. It made you grin wider and you shook your head at her and also stuck your tongue out, playing the silly one.
“You talk too much! Go finish your make-up, you're friggin ugly,” you rolled your eyes in mock and climbed off your bed, ready to change into more comfortable clothes.
When her slap landed on your butt, you abruptly turned around, glaring at her but both of you eventually giggled. Yes, this will be the best way to get your mind off stuff and hopefully have a good girls' night.
The room 501 was crammed with girls and pink and magazines and make-up and perfumes and smartphones with instagrams open. They were all chatting excitedly while one of the girls, you presumed the person living in this room, was behind her laptop, searching the websites that already screamed porn.
Both you and Yuyeon plopped down on the bed, shimmying yourselves between two girls who immediately took you in, wanting to socialize. That part was a little painful on your side as you weren't looking for new friends; especially not the ones who kept commenting on your chest and choice of clothing.
“Isn't it hard to run for you?”
“Don't people stare a lot?”
“Has anyone touched without asking?”
“How do you buy your bras? Korea is full of A cups and B cups are already considered huge anyway!”
You sighed and ensured the very concerned girl that you were able to get the cup of your size just fine - though, only in a few shops that were designed for ladies that were more blessed. You definitely couldn't just walk into any shop of your liking.
“Okay, girls, it's about to start!” shouted one and smashed the space on her keyboard, starting the forsaken video.
Everyone went silent right away, almost waiting with bated breaths for what was about to go down. 
With a small frown, you were focusing on the small story they were trying to fool you with, immediately presenting a beautiful woman with blue eyes, of course. The man, though, wasn't a catch at all - not for you, at least. Some girls' eyes sparkled at the sight of the main male character and the way he was tanned and incredibly muscly.
“He looks like he could crash her bones,” whispered eagerly Yuyeon into your ear while not tearing her eyes away from the screen.
You hummed; the more it went on the more distrubed you started to feel. It was all incredibly bizarre and their love story was faced paced.
Founding yourself zoning out and blocking out the scenes that quickly grew heated and, well, disturbing to you, you spotted a calendar of models on the desk. It wasn't too far and you grabbed it quickly, not wanting to be in the line of vision of other girls who were literally drooling while hiding their faces behind their hands at the rated scenes.
Taking the calendar, you listed through what seemed like an endless amount of sexy pictures of firefighters in Bucheon. Just as expected, they were either shirtless or pants-less or both. Thank God they had underwear. You didn’t deny it; they were so handsome it almost seemed questionable. What were they like in real life? Were they really as passionate about their work as it said on the calendar? And, more importantly, were they really as handsome as the pictures were portraying them to be? 
You kept listing through the pages, sometimes stopping to read. When you spotted a familiar face though, you almost fainted. On it, the month of May, was none other than Baekhyun. A black leather jacket was on him, underneath he was shirtless with his dark blue ripped jeans low on his hips, red supreme underwear poking out to tease the eager eye. The way they were hugging his thighs had a strong effect on you. As he had his thumb (the one with the mole on it) causally hooked in the belt loop hole, it brought your attention to the thin, and what looked like very veiny, skin that disappeared in the underwear. He had lean muscle that wouldn’t intimidate a girl. In fact, it would affect her heavily. You noticed a few more moles on his abdomen, the ripped muscles making the skin on it exceptionally tight. Saliva collected in your mouth and you quickly swallowed, averting your gaze to the upper part of his face. His hair was styled like a rock star’s with a comma hanging over his forehead, his dark eyes glaring at the camera, charcoal black eyeliner making them seem deadly. His lips were parted ever so slightly, scarcely revealing his front teeth, and your gaze hooked on them just a little while longer than they should have. You remembered the moments he would bite them. When he would lick them. When he would smile with them; or kiss you with them. He looked stunningly hot and dangerous. You couldn’t believe you once had this man to yourself.
You had heart palpitations.
Slapping Yuyeon’s arm, you tried to get her attention. You needed to vent, otherwise you’d suffocate. Yuyeon was too preoccupied with the disturbing video playing which was why the girl sitting on your other side spoke up excitedly into your ear:
“Oh my god, that’s the captain of the police, Byun Baekhyun! My oldest brother went to the same school with him.” She stared at the picture. “He is so fucking hot.” She was basically salivating over the picture. With her words, you felt something move within you. What it was you weren’t sure, but you didn’t like it. It made your chest tighten up and your mood dampen. “There are many hot guys in that calendar but Baekhyun has his own charm. I’d go for him any minute.”
Not sparing any more time with the picture, you harshly turned over the page, revealing a mediocre looking police officer. He was very handsome, thanks to plastic surgery, but after seeing Baekhyun, all the males seemed dull and boring. Despite your wild thoughts, you muttered: “He’s okay, I guess.”
She nudged you with her elbow. “C‘mon, I can see the redness in your cheeks,” she giggled and just in that moment there was a loud moan coming from the laptop. You felt yourself burning up even more and you squirmed on the bed, warmth pooling in your belly. These feelings were so foreign to you.
“You’re friends with Oh Sehun, right?” She was adamant about talking to you. So you nodded in response. “Well, he is good friends with Baekhyun. Yeonhee, the one who lives in this room, got the calendar from him. She likes Sehun but I feel like she has secondary intentions. If she could get Baekhyun she would not hesitate to go after him,” she giggled into your ear just when another moan resembled the room.
You sighed. “Sehun is a good guy, you know?” you muttered to her and looked at her huge eyes, the way they seemed dilated. “I hope you can tell her not to toy with him.” You looked back down, now a doctor on the cover. A doctor?! “Or else she will deal with me and that won’t be nice.”
The girl went silent. Maybe you came off as rude but you didn’t have many friends; nor were you looking for more. So if someone played with someone that belonged to you, they could rest assured you wouldn’t let it slip. “Do you perhaps know Baekhyun?”
And there it went again. Silently, you cursed your luck. This man seemed to be everywhere you went and mentioned by anyone you talked to recently. You never realized just what power Baekhyun had over this city. Realizing you probably took more time to answer, you quickly shrugged your shoulders. “Just a little bit. He is quite older than us so I doubt he has interest in us, kids.” It hurt to say, but you knew it was the closest to the truth. Baekhyun made the age difference between him and you crystal clear and even used it as a barrier between the two of you. Even though he wanted you, it was a crucial reason for him to stop moving forward with you. Or more like, he wanted to take things slow. You scoffed out loud.
“Well, I guess he just hasn't met the right one. The young ones are always better than the older ones. The older guys are just too afraid to admit it,” she told you and leaned further away, most probably wanting to end the conversation. She must have noticed your defensive, indifferent position and figured she wouldn't get a juicy talk with you.
That was fine by you. Because right now your head was so full of him; you couldn’t produce a single comprehensive sentence without giving yourself away. You so wished to meet him again and talk to him. You so wished things would have gone differently between the two of you.
There were now harsh pantings in the background and you groaned inwardly. You slapped Yuyeon’s thigh to finally get her attention. At the impact, she jumped up and glared at you. “I’m leaving,” you mouthed, not wanting to wait for her reply, but she stopped you abruptly.
“Are you okay?” she whispered in your ear, but the disturbing noises were blocking out each of her words.
You only managed to nod quickly before scooting off the bed and, while ignoring the curious stares of the other girls, you quickly made your way out, desperately searching for fresh air that would hopefully help you clear your foggy mind.
Once out in the corridor, you inhaled deeply, trying to shake off the feelings in your body. How could you become so easily affected by a simple picture? It was the stupid background noise, added your brain and you rolled your eyes. You needed to let out your frustration and even though it was hard to believe, you decided you would make good use of it.
You would go running. For the first time. By yourself.
When you reached the running track, the main headlights of the field were already turned off, throwing the space into a darkness lit up by surrounding street lamps. That was good enough, as you seeked some kind of hiding. Deciding to pour your frustrations into your challenge in jogging, you padded over to the running field, feeling the ground softer under your running shoes. There was a group of boys wrapping up a football game while a lone man, a student, was making laps, unbothered by the minimal lighting.Without paying anymore attention to your surroundings, you slowly increased your walking into a light jog, not wanting to strain yourself too much. 
Your hair was flowing behind you in a high ponytail while the remnants of winter were biting into your skin, making your cheeks and nose red. You tried to focus on your breathing, wanting to make sure you wouldn't mess it up and therefore increase your stamina but it was fruitless as your mind immediately wandered off to the picture of Baekhyun in that calendar. It effectively quickened your heartbeat and you grew warm all over your body.
After two laps though, you became quickly tired and out of breath, your lungs on fire. There was an uncomfortable, sharp feeling in your side, the pain dull but making moving difficult nonetheless. The man who had been running the whole time without stopping didn't seem to break a single sweat the whole time.
“Oh, isn't that Lee?” you heard the boys talking to each other as they finally managed to clear up the field.
“The one with the boobs?”
You were fast to roll your eyes, angry tears burning up in your eyes at their careless words. Screw them all. Instead of staying on the field, you went inside the gym next to the field to get some water and try to calm down. Even though it was cold outside, a cold drink would hopefully help quieten the small rage inside of you. People like those were the ones you despised. They didn’t know anything about you and, naturally, you didn’t know anything about them. Yet, you were constantly under their scrutiny and sexualized in more than one way.
“Idiots,” you murmured to yourself, your skin heating up at the change of temperature once you entered the small building.
As you were filling up your bottle with the cold water, you heard the jerks entering the gym as well. They were laughing and joking amongst each other, their throaty laughs reaching your sensitive ears.
Cursing under your breath, you finished filling the bottle and turned to leave, just to stand face to face with all of them. They were grouped up on you, smirking.
Without sparing them another glance, you moved to walk around them but someone grabbed your arm, yanking you backwards, your back hitting the wall next to the water filter. It took you off guard and you managed to hit your head, too, and you scrunched up your face, hissing. “You piece of shit,” you spat angrily, your rage growing more when you noticed the dude’s hungry eyes on your chest.
“You surely are feisty! We heard so much from the seniors about you,” one of them spoke up, his eyes barely visible as they were shaped like slits, thin like pupils of a cat in broad daylight. “We all know you like to go against the rules.” A round of snickers resonated the otherwise empty space and you felt your heartbeat pick up in fear.
“Okay,” was your blunt answer and you once again wanted to step aside but the same jerk grabbed your arm, bringing you back. You gritted your teeth.
“You ain’t leaving just yet, little kitten,” he murmured darkly and this time, you felt like you wouldn’t be able to escape. “We won’t do anything bad. Just give us a little show of what you’re hiding underneath that hoodie of yours.”
If someone was living in your body right now, they’d know in an instant something terrible was happening, for your legs were shaking like a jelly, becoming one with the asphalt and therefore making you unable to move. Despite that, you scoffed, stubbornly insisting on showing your confident side. Those idiots wanted a reaction from you, but you wouldn’t give in. “Then turn on some porn. Though I’m not sure you’re ready to see that either with your tiny, premature, out-of-control dicks,” you said in a levelled voice, cutting each word off to emphasize the meaning so that their small brains would understand. “You ain’t shit,” you added when you saw some dudes growing red.
“You little bitch-“
There was an unexpected shadow that swooshed past and just in that second, too many things happened at the same time; a familiar scent hitting your nose; a sound of skin slapping skin reverberated the empty space followed by a groan. “She said to leave her, so respect a lady’s wish,” a low growl reached your ears and you almost fainted when you spotted short blonde hair and a handsome profile. Even from the side you could detect he was glaring, a stern gaze bringing out his authority and dominance that would make anyone quiver and render into submission. “Just a tip for the future if you want to get your dick wet,” added mockingly Baekhyun. He was staring down the group of young students for a little longer, surprisingly none of them making a fuss, before Baekhyun looked down at you, your shocked expression making your eyes much bigger than they usually were. “Let’s go.”
He didn’t wait as he started to walk ahead, only a couple of steps later looking behind his shoulder to double check whether you were following him or not.
Your legs had a mind on their own when they moved after Baekhyun, but your heart was beating crazily fast, the unexpected presence of the only male who was able to make you speechless and make you go crazy at the same time still stunning you. Why was he there? How did he know where you were? Oh, was it because you wished to meet him again? If so, then you wished all your wishes would become true this fast.
He led you outside of the gym, the annoyed voices of the boys barely reaching you now that they were out of ear shot. Cold air hit the dried sweat on your skin, making you shiver. Baekhyun stopped abruptly when he reached the track again and turned to look at you with an unreadable gaze. His heavy breathing was condensing into small puffs, his nose a little red. The chilly air biting his cheeks made his eyes water. You couldn’t stop staring at him and at the way he looked in that moment.
“You should-“
“Thank you,” you muttered at the same time as he spoke up.
Both of you went quiet right away and awkwardness creeped into the space between the two of you. Growing red, you averted your gaze, looking at the ground and hoping your wild heart beat would calm down.
“You should have been more careful,” he finally told you quietly, ignoring your word of gratefulness. There was a slight scolding undertone in his voice. “Those jerks are little kids who think with their dicks.”
You grew even more red at his words. Baekhyun must have heard their stupid request. Your throat restricted and your heart once again started to beat loudly. “I would have been okay,” you insisted. “But thank you anyway.” You meant it. You really did. 
Baekhyun saw you averting your gaze again and he took the time to observe you. You were still too young, but he definitely noted the way your facial features matured, with each passing year turning you into more of a grown woman while leaving the teen girl behind. Your hair was long and it seemed you lost some weight in your cheeks. He couldn’t imagine how much of a hard time you were having the whole time he wasn't by your side. And then you had perverts following you around. 
He cursed mentally, hating the simplest idea of anyone imaging you in a more mature way than you let on to a plain eye. Those bastards should have been thankful he didn’t actually use fists as he so wished. Because when they asked you to undress, he swore white spots of anger were blinding him, his emotions a wild hurricane of rage and hatred. The only thing moving him forward was to protect you even though you would have hated it.
“Just be careful next time,” he added gently, his features softening.
You looked up at him upon detecting the tone of his voice. “What are you even doing here?” Just then you took notice of his outfit and you recognized it. He was the person running when you arrived. He had been here the entire time, but you were swimming in sweet obliviousness. And just like that, the picture of him in the calendar popped up in your mind, making you avert your eyes right away. Heat pinked your cheeks which Baekhyun mistook for the coldness biting your cheeks.
“I come here to run,” he told you in a somber voice. “And we also work out here with Sehun so if you think I followed you here, you’re wrong.”
“I didn’t think you followed me here,” you retorted, wanting to roll your eyes.
“Well, on the contrary, I didn’t know you run too,” he said, a hint of tease present in his voice, though he didn’t smile. Showing his relief of you communicating with him could be a strategic bad step on his side.
You sighed at the mention of running and the reason behind it. “I’m doing a race at the festival so I have to practice. I’m not enjoying it and I’m not doing it out of my own will.”
“Then why would you do it if you don’t want to do it?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“Because I’m in the student council,” you replied almost in a whine. “They asked me and I couldn’t say no!” You threw your arms around, making it sound like a big deal. And for you, it was a big deal. You didn’t like how you were easily pushed around.
Baekhyun nodded, a small smile stretching his lips when he saw your comprehension. Sweet university life. “You must be very liked by everyone.”
You froze at that. That wasn’t true. How would you tell your ex the reason everyone was all over you was because you had huge tits and you were friends with Chul? “It’s not like that…”
Baekhyun nodded, noting your discomfort but deciding against questioning it. He didn’t think he was anywhere near the position to stick his nose into your business. For all he knew, he’d scare you away like that time in the bar but, frankly, he didn’t even utter a single word that night to give you a reason for your abrupt fleeing.
“So you run here often, huh,” he heard you say and then saw you shuffling your feet, the small stones of the track field rustling under them.
“Yeah, I do,” he replied almost breathily. There was an upcoming question hanging  in the air but he already forbade himself to hope.
You bit your lip harshly, bringing Baekhyun’s attention to the action. You were gnawing on it and you felt your body and mind betraying you. You were supposed to be mad at him. You despised this man standing in front of you so why was your heart beating frantically and, at his gentle tone, butterflies fluttering in your tummy? You felt warm just by his presence. He saved you. Yes, he didn’t even touch you, didn’t even take your hand like they do it in the movie. However, you witnessed the rage, the anger, the hatred, the need to fight but going against it so as not to cause problems. He cared about you, and he was still mature about it.
“Okay. Well, then, I guess I’ll see you around,” you muttered eventually, causing Baekhyun to deflate invisibly. An eager question cut through his mind: and when do you come to run here? I don’t like that you run here alone. 
“Where do you stay? I’ll take you home,” he spoke up casually.
“I live in the dorms, it’s no biggie,” you shrugged just when the group of boys flooded out of the gym, spotting you and Baekhyun. They were noisy once again and immediately took advantage of the situation when they shouted:
“If it isn’t the love birds! We thought you’d be home and fucking her by now but guess who didn’t get their dick wet now?” They laughed in unison, finding their words funny and mocking.
You pulled a disgusted face, though you reddened in embarrassment at their words, and looked up at Baekhyun who was glaring at them again. “Come, I’ll walk you to your dorms,” he muttered so that only you could hear and this time, he took a hold of your hand, his skin soft and a little dry in your sweaty palm. You were shocked at how quickly your hand clasped around his.
Cat calls reached the both of you as the boys approached you. “Woohoo, they are about to do it-“
Baekhyun was fast. Before you realized the warmth of his hand leaving yours, you heard a loud snap, his fist landing with the dude’s face. You squealed, covering your mouth in shock and just like that, Baekhyun had professionally put the lad down, having both his arms locked behind his back. It vastly made you remember when he did a similar move with your brother in his office at the police station, and chills ran down your spine.
Right. Baekhyun first arrested you, and then your brother who was still in jail until now. Baekhyun lied to you to get closer to you. Right. Right, right, right.
“Don’t ever even imagine her in your filthy mind,” Baekhyun’s voice thundered through the space. It kept growing more distant as you realized the hasty steps you were making backwards before you turned around and started speed walking out of the field and towards the dorms. Angry tears blocked out your vision and you quickly tried to rub your eyes, annoyed that you always let your tough stance sway whenever he was around. He dared to be kind to you. He dared to be soft to you. He dared to-
“Nari! Wait!”
Baekhyun was jogging towards you and your breath hitched in your throat, hearing his fast approaching steps. “Nari!”
Sooner than later he caught your wrist and wanted to stop you but you surprised him. You were now far off the field, not a single soul around. Your palm landed on his cheek and Baekhyun’s face snapped to his right side. “I hate you!” You shouted shakily, more tears spilling down your cheeks, the snot out of your nose. You were a mess. “I hate everything you put me through, Byun Baekhyun! You lied to me! Why did you lie to me?! I loved you!” You shouted again, and squeezed your eyes shut.
Baekhyun slowly turned his head back, your slap still stinging on his cheek. His eyes were wide but he knew exactly what was happening. “C’mon. Don’t hold back. Let it out. Hit me again,” he encouraged in a low tone that made you frustrated even more.
You were breathing raggedly and pushed him in the chest, making him stumble backwards. He could have easily fought you, he could easily stand still, not budging under you, but he let you. He knew you needed this to finally let go of your suppressed feelings and, hopefully, of the heavy past he made you go through. “You fucking liar! You fooled me, played with me, made me dream of something beautiful just for you to crash it! You ruined my family! I hate you! I hate you so much! You make me go crazy with hatred!!!”
Another strong push. He was surprised at how strong you actually were; when emotions spoke, people could be either extremely vulnerable or extremely strong. You seemed to be the opposite, for speaking up about your emotions made you scarily strong. “I hate that you made an idiot out of me! You fooled me and I trusted you the whole time! You locked up my brother! You did it in front of my eyes!! As if I didn’t matter shit to you! You were so fast to let me go when you thought I’m the criminal! That was all my worth to you!” you hiccuped, more cries taking over you as the painful memories kept swimming in front of your eyes, making you relive the emotions, the scenes. Those memories were blinding you and Baekhyun just let you open the Pandora box. You were breaking down.
It hit you too, that you never talked about your feelings. You couldn’t talk for a long while after being in shock at the events, and then you became one with ignorance towards your own emotions.
You took a deep breath and pushed him again just for you to lose your strength that was fueled by deep anger. Baekhyun couldn’t even pretend to step back. Your palms were still, pressing against his sturdy chest but you couldn’t make him move anymore. You were crying now, your voice shaking and your eyes still squeezed shut. “What did I do to deserve this… when all I did was love you honestly, purely,” you wailed, your voice sounding almost like a wolf’s howl in the empty streets of the campus. “I was just seventeen…”
Baekhyun was quiet the whole time, emotions of guilt eating him away just like they had been for the past year. His own heart was in pain and he knew how hurt you were but seeing you like this made his heart split into two. You were a complete, utter mess.
You didn’t know how much time passed without any of you speaking. The only thing you grew to realize was that you were in a tight embrace, the arms of your ex-lover protectively around you as his palm was drawing soothing circles into your back. His breathing seemed much more steady compared to yours, his scent filling your senses with comfort and familiarity you had been looking for ever since you met him a year ago. Your nose was on fire from crying, skin harshly clashing with the cold night air, but Baekhyun's presence made everything seem bearable. Even if it was just for a few minutes that you could pretend all was okay.
Squirming a bit, you moved away from him and he was fast to drop his arms, not wanting to upset you more. Your hand came up to wipe the tears and snot away, not caring you probably looked very un-ladylike in front of your eternal crush. “Leave.” You told him and turned around, heading towards the direction of your dorms. Your head was pounding, making you groan gently at the discomfort.
“Nari, wait,” he tried, making a step after you with a reached out hand but you turned your head as you walked, dismissing him with a single glance.
“I don’t want to listen right now.”
A/N: sorry it took me a while to update. I hope some people were waiting and looking forward to this chapter even though it took me time ❤️ let me know your thoughts please? ^^
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justthehiddleswrites · 4 years ago
Follow My Lead | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 4 | I don’t think you are supposed to giggle at Tolstoy.
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A/N: This will update every Thursday.  There are 13 chapters.  There are all sorts of kinds of D/s relationships.  This is the one I choose to write this time.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Vivian Swann)
Summary: Tom and Vivian have both been unlucky in love, searching for something outside of the bounds of a typical relationship.  When the two of them connect via a dating app, Tom is introduced to the idea of being submissive to Vivian.  Which is the one thing he never knew he needed.  Under the firm hand of Vivian, Tom learns what it means to submit and Vivian learns what it means to be in a loving dominant relationship.  But not everyone seems to understand what they have and the best intentions can destroy the strongest relationship.
Warnings for story: Dominant/submissive relationship (sub!Tom), lots of smut including but not limited to: vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), edging, denial, teasing, use of restraints, spanking, multiple orgasm, anal play, use of toys.
Tag Lists Are Open!  Let me know if you want to be added.  Thank you for reading!
Tom slept like a rock that night. The best night’s sleep in a long time. He dreamed of Vivian, kneeling on his chest, kissing him, teasing him, biting him. And he woke that morning with his cock hard and leaking. He stroked himself as he thought about Vivian. But not in the way he usually did. Instead of fantasizing of her touching him, sucking his cock, jerking him off, Tom closed his eyes and imagined his lips on Vivian’s folds and clit. Her hands in his hair tugging his head where she wants it. Vivian moaning in response to his touch, his tongue. As her pleasure increases, Tom’s motions in real life increased. Tom came with a soft gasp, spurting along his torso. He panted, trying to catch his breath. Once he regained his composure, he headed to the shower to clean himself up and go for a jog.
Vivian rapped her nails on the desk in her flat. Her email open on the screen. She was drafting the proposed protocols for Saturday to Tom, and she contemplated on how far to push him. So far, Tom exceeded all Vivian’s expectations. Which worried her. In the past, all men have been eager to please, at first. But once the shiny new wore off, and the men realized the relationship wasn’t about her fulfilling their fantasies of kinky sex and it was about surrendering to her authority, they ran. Sometimes without further word. It wasn’t the incompatibility that bothered Vivian, but the coldness in which they communicated it. As though she was without feeling or emotion. This caused her to assign the reading at the beginning, to move more cautiously. And she wasn’t sure if her heart could handle a rejection from Tom.
With a sigh, she typed out to Tom:
This is a date for the sole purpose of kissing. No food, no drink, no chitchat, no reading, no hanging out.
In short: Kissing, petting, stroking and all the things come along with that- yes. Talking, sex, orgasms- no.
Here is a list of what may happen, not what will happen. If anything bothers you or off limits, let me know.
- Kissing, obviously. Let me know of any spots that are off limits.
- Shirt off
- Pants off (underwear on)
-Nudity (you, not me)
- Kneeling
- Blindfold
- Light bondage (cuffs- both wrists and ankles, tied to the bed)
- Biting
-Bruises on your body (both in places normally covered by clothing and places it would be visible such as the neck)
- All over body touching (let me know of body parts off limits)
- All over body licking (same as above)
- Roles reversed (you touching/licking me)
- Hands around your throat (gentle not choking)
- Hair pulling
- Fingers in your mouth (not gagging)
- Body-slapping
- Pinching
And I think I covered everything. Wear a button-down (I like when you undo the top few buttons) and jeans or slacks. Send me a photo of what your current underwear options are. I will send you your address that morning. I expect you at 7.
She smiled as she re-read the email. She buzzed with anticipation at the possibilities of Saturday night. Vivian was certain she would cuff and restrain Tom, and not just because he had the tendency to squirm underneath her. She suspected it would push a button and was eager to test her theory. She hit click and headed off to work.
Tom was eating breakfast, having finished his morning run when his phone dinged with a new email from Vivian. He read through her email and swallowed hard. The list was extensive. He re-read before finishing up breakfast and heading upstairs and digging through his underwear drawer. Tom had three options laid out on the bed. He snapped a photo of them laid out on the bed. He examined the photo, unhappy.
“Might as well.” he commented to himself as he stripped down and pulled on the first pair, navy boxers.
Tom stood in front of the full-length mirror in the closet and snapped a photo. He hated to admit he may have flexed a bit in the photo. He repeated the process with the white underwear briefs, and the black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Pleased with the photos, Tom typed back to Vivian.
Wow, that is quite the comprehensive list. I appreciate the thoroughness and the bullet points. I am not scheduled for any meetings until Wednesday, so any marks will have faded by then. My feet are ticklish. Probably shouldn’t tell you that. ;) And I would rather not have my armpits or the inside of my ears licked. Otherwise, I am game for whatever you want.
I have attached photos of the underwear, per your request. And if there is anything else I can do to be of service, please let me know, ma’am.
Your sunshine boy,
He attached the photos and sent the email and then returned to dressing for the day, flopping on the bed to return the last two books on his list before starting his essay.
Vivian was pleased Tom modeled the underwear rather than just lay them out of the bed. She probably would have directed him to model them. She wrinkled her nose at the first pic and flicking through the rest.
Black boxer briefs. Burn or throw away the tighty whities. If I find a pair in your home, I will punish you. Let’s change our night time call to 9:00 p.m. from now on. I hate keeping you up so late.
She placed the phone down on her desk. It buzzed almost immediately.
Consider them burned. 9 p.m. works for me, although I don’t mind waiting up if it means I get to hear your voice. :) I shall wait with bated breath until Saturday.
The rest of the day seemed to fly by for both of them and before long, Tom was settled into bed with both his books of collected poetry and Anna Karenina. He called on time and Vivian asked for him to read more of Tolstoy. He started doing voices of the characters, in particular an exaggerated Russian accent for Levin and Vronsky.
“I don’t think you are supposed to giggle at Tolstoy.” Vivian commented after one particularly dramatic passage.
“I’m a full service entertainer. Comedy, drama, action, romance.” Tom teased back.
“What about erotica?” she teased right back, her voice low.
Tom paused. “For you? Without question.” She could hear the hesitation, fear, and excitement in his voice. She hoped it would remain.
Vivian sighed. “I think it is enough reading for tonight. I want you to get a good night’s rest for tomorrow.”
“Yes ma’am.” he responded.
“Goodnight, Tom, my sunshine.”
“Goodnight, Vivian.”
They ended the call, and both drifted off to sleep.
Vivian attended her weekly blowout appointment, not realizing Tom spent the day as a bundle of nerves. He ran ten miles hoping to burn off excess energy. It didn’t work. The only thing he did was finish the last of the books from Vivian’s list. The fastest ever read through anything in some time. He was too distracted to write his essay, thought swirling in his brain. Tom wants it to be perfect. He wants everything to be perfect for Vivian.
Tom must have tried on at least six different shirts, each discarded on the bed as unsuitable. He settles on a soft, well worn light blue shirt. One of his favorites. The collar is fraying at the corners, which is why he doesn’t wear out as much anymore, favoring instead newer but less comfortable shirts. He grabbed a pair of jeans only to notice a hole on the inside of the thigh and discarded them also on the bed, grabbing a different pair. Tom left the top two buttons undone, a calculated air of casual. A quick dab of cologne and then he waited, not wanting to arrive too early.
After her morning errands, Vivian ate a light lunch and set about preparing her flat for Tom. She made up the bed with fresh linens and double checked the restraint points on the posts. She hadn’t decided on a leg position, so Vivian placed straps on all the corners as well as the point in the middle. Vivian opened the nightstand and retrieved the cuffs, adjusting them and placing them prominently in the foyer on a table. Cuffing Tom would be among the first things she did that night. In addition, she laid out a blindfold on the nightstand and put a bottle of water there too. After bathing, she slipped into a simple silk tank and striped shorts. She wore the same wedges as before. Vivian enjoyed looking Tom in the eye while standing and kissing. A quick dab of perfume behind the ears and settled on the couch, watching some TV waiting for Tom.
He knocked on her door, ten minutes early. Acceptably early without fear of being so early that he disturbed preparations.
“I couldn’t wait any longer.” Tom commented.
Vivian giggled. His eagerness was endearing. “I’ll allow it. Come in.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He stepped into her flat, looking around in wonder. Vivian grabbed him by the chin and kissed him hard.
“Do you still remember your word, sunshine?”
“Yes.” Tom is already breathing hard. “Sushi.”
She smiled and slid her hand down around Tom’s neck. His Adam’s apple moving underneath her palm. His eyes widened in fear. Vivian kissed him again. He leaned forward when she stepped back. She walked around him, fingers tracing the planes of his body, his broad shoulders, defined pecs and abs. Vivian gave his ass a playful swat. Tom yelped and staggered forward.
“Such a nice ass, sunshine.” She growled in his ear, grabbing it with her nails.
“Thank you, ma’am.” his voice shook. He wasn’t used to being manhandled, and his cock appreciated the rough touch.
“Shirt and pants off.” She stepped back to watch him undressed.
Tom’s cheeks blushed. He had been nearly nude in a room of strangers before, but under Vivian’s glare, he never felt so exposed. Tom tugged his shirt over his head, not bothering to undo the buttons this time. He folded the shirt, placing it on the nearby table while he slipped his shoes and socks off, and slipping his jeans down his lean legs. Vivian licked her lips at Tom in his underwear. While the man appeared fit clothed, he was something carved from marble without the clothes. He flashed a lopsided smile as he placed his jeans on top of his shirt and folding his hands in front of him, obscuring his crotch.
“God, you are beautiful.” Vivian hissed as she stepped forward to kiss him again. Tom hummed back at the praise, his body growing warm. She nipped at his lower lip, nibbling rather than biting, sending shocks through his body. “Wrists, please.”
Vivian moved to the table. Tom’s arms shot out. She grabbed the leather cuffs and put them on. Tom jerked back his arms.
“What are those?” His brows furrowed.
“Cuffs. Wrists.” Her tone sharp. Tom hesitated, his mouth opening to protest. “Sunshine, wrists.” she snapped.
“Yes, ma’am.” He reluctantly held out his wrists. She tightened the cuffs, making sure they wouldn’t chafe.
Tom twisted his wrists back and forth, testing out the weight and listening to the rings thudding against the thick leather. Vivian kissed him again, hands sliding down his torso. His cock jumped. She grabbed the back of his neck and led him towards the bedroom. Tom gulped at the blindfold and straps.
“Ah…” he started before being cut off by Vivian’s lips on his neck. “Oh!” he moaned. She laved and sucked hard, removing her lips with a pop, satisfied at the dark mark already formed.
“On the bed, sunshine. On your back.” Tom scrambled onto the bed, lying flat on his back. As Vivian slipped the cuffs on Tom’s ankles, he jerked back. She raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
She slipped her shoes off and then hooked his ankle cuffs to the straps in the middle of the bed. As Vivian strolled to the head of the bed, she ran a nail up Tom’s leg. He jerked against the restraints. She grabbed his arm and clipped it onto the strap before crawling onto the bed, reaching over to clip in the other side, her breasts grazing Tom’s body. His hips bucked.
“So squirmy, sunshine. Best I did tie you up.” Vivian straddled his chest, pushing him into the mattress. “I can’t let you get away just yet.” She pressed against his lips softly, earning a sigh. Her teeth worried his lower lip.
“Ow.” he mock protested.
Nevertheless, Vivian let go of his lip and trailed down his neck. She licked the bruise from earlier before moving down to his collarbone. Vivian sucked and nipped, leaving the twin to the neck’s bruise there. She smiled at her handiwork. Tom struggled against the restraints.
“They have held stronger men than you, sunshine.” Vivian dragged her nails down his sides, leaving faint lines. As she settled by his hips, Tom’s cock pressed against her. Tom huffed and puffed as she kissed his Adonis belt, scraping her teeth along his skin from time to time. Her hands stroked along his thighs and he flexed under her touch.
She slid off of Tom’s body, and he whined at the lack of contact. Vivian rolled back on top of Tom, lying along his full body like a blanket. Tom sighed at the weight and contact. She pressed her cheek to his chest, listening to his heart race. She snaked a hand to the back of his head and jerked his head sideways before kissing him. Tom met her lips with hunger and he whimpered each time she pulled away, only to tug him towards her again. He strained against the restraints, desperate to touch her, to pull her tight against him and rut against her. His tongue slipped into her mouth, needy, exploring every inch. He moaned as Vivian’s grip tightened on his hair, hurting, but he wanted more.
Vivian could sense Tom coming close to overheating, making a mess and complicating the hell out of this. His cock strained, hard and weeping. She pulled away, holding his lower lip between her teeth as long as possible, stretching it.
“Ow.” Tom muttered.
Vivian slid down to press against Tom’s side. She cupped her cheek before gently kissing behind Tom’s ear. Tom moaned softly from the back of his throat. Her fingers twisted into his hair and she massaged his scalp. Tom’s shoulders relaxed and his hands loosened from the fists. As she scratched and petted him, he leaned into her touch, his breath slowing to a deep and even pace. He closed his eyes, enjoying the soft touch.
“You are so beautiful, my sunshine.” She cooed at him. Her other finger tracing his jaw and cheekbone. “So pretty.” She kissed his cheek and stroked his chest.
“Thank you, ma’am.” His voice breathy and floaty.
Vivian reached over and unhooked Tom’s wrist. She turned and unhooked his other wrist. Tom didn’t move. She stood to unhook his ankles.
“Legs up, please.” Tom lifted his legs into the air. Vivian undid the cuffs, rubbing the skin and massaging it. She kissed the top of his feet and Tom giggled and squirmed. “You weren’t joking about being ticklish.”
“No, ma’am.” He slowly floated back to reality.
“Sit up, please.” Tom rocked up, his hair a rumpled mess, and held out his wrists. Vivian smoothed out his hair and held the back of his neck while she kissed his cheek and lips a few more times. She released him and unbuckled the wrist cuffs, rubbing his wrists and kissing each one and placed them on the nightstand and grabbed the water bottle, handing it to Tom.
“Thank you.” He opened the bottle and took a large swig. Vivian smoothed his hair back one more time.
“Let’s go get dressed, sunshine.” He sighed, taking another swig of water before standing. Vivian slipped her wedges back on and walked beside Tom, rubbing his neck the entire time. “I was a bit rough on you. Are you okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.” His voice quiet while he grabbed his jeans and tugged them on before pulling on his shirt, tucking it and zipping up.
“How did it feel? I imagine you are used to being treated with kid gloves.”
Tom pulled on his socks and shoes, working on finding the right words.
“I don’t quite know how it felt.” Tom replied, a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. “But I know I didn’t want it to stop. I didn’t mind the pain. I wanted to touch you and make you feel as good as you made me feel.”
Vivian smiled and pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tight. “Sunshine, I feel good. I received great pleasure at teasing you.” She kissed him. “With my mouth. And watching you squirm and hearing you purr.” She petted the back of his head. “But I appreciate your desire to please me physically. And you will when the time comes.”
Tom stared at her with his endless blue eyes. “When will that be, ma’am?”
“When you’re ready, Sunshine.” She kissed his cheek. “You still haven’t finished your homework first.”
Tom’s hands fidgeted, twisting in front of him. “I finished all the books. I plan on starting the essay tomorrow.” He stared at the floor. “I want it to be perfect.”
“As long as it is from your heart it will be, my sunshine boy.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I don’t ask for perfection, just effort.”
Tom nodded and squeezed her hand back. “Yes, ma’am.”
She walked him to the door, kissing him one more time. “Call me in the morning when you wake up.”
Tom nodded. “Thank you for tonight.”
“You are welcome. The pleasure was mine.”
Tom smiled and kissed Vivian’s cheek and headed out. She clicked the door shut and set about cleaning up the place. Tom came home and ate a sandwich before turning in early that evening, his brain still fuzzy.
As requested, Tom called in the morning, still in bed, to check in with Vivian. It pleased her that outside of the marks on his neck and collarbone, Tom was no worse for wear. Tom left out the part of the dreams he had or the fact he woke up with a raging hard on which Tom took care of in the shower, skipping his run for thirty minutes on his long neglected rowing machine.
Tom lazed about for most of the morning, having something akin to a hangover without the benefit of being drunk beforehand. As he sat down at this computer to start his essay for Vivian, there was a knock on the door. He groaned as he trudged to see who would dare disturb his lazy Sunday.
A smiling Benedict greeted him at the door. When he saw Tom in workout gear, he frowned.
“You’re not dressed!” he complained.
“For what?” Tom blinked back at him. He didn’t recall making plans.
“Lunch!” Benedict stepped in the foyer. “We made plans weeks ago. I’ll wait for you to change.”
Tom was ready to protest, but Ben crossed his arms and it was clear he wasn’t leaving without Tom. With a huff, Tom discarded his clothes into the bedroom which now had a small pile of discarded and dirty clothes, and grabbed an old gray v neck t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Shoving his feet into a pair of boots, Tom stomped back to Ben, pushing past him.
“Let’s go.” Tom grumbled.
Tom’s mood improved once he ordered some food and got half a pint into his system. Benedict stared at him, squinting.
“What?” Tom asked, still irritated.
“What is that on your neck?” He pointed at Tom’s neck. Tom twisted it, and then Ben spied the second mark on his collarbone. “And your chest? Were you attacked?”
Tom touched his collarbone and remembered. He blushed. “It’s nothing. Forget it.” He gulped down the other half of his pint and stood. “Let me go get another round.”
Benedict held out his arm to stop Tom. “It’s like you were bitten by someth… Oh… OH!” The lightbulb went off. “Things going well with Vivian?”
Tom rolled his eyes. “Yes.” He sidestepped Ben’s arm and grabbed another pint before returning to the table.
“Care to share?” He prodded.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Moving on.” Tom grew more homicidal by the second.
Benedict clapped his hands together. “Remember how Sophie wrangled me into serving on the children’s hospital charity board?”
“Yes.” Tom saw the Cheshire Cat grin on Ben’s face. “No. No! I went last year and got cornered by that old lady who kept calling me ‘Henry’.”
“It was endearing.”
“It was ridiculous.”
“There’s an open bar.”
“Hard pass.”
“I have two tickets. You can bring Vivian.”
Tom stared at his friend. “I am not introducing you to Vivian.”
“Why not?”
“Because I like her and I’m afraid you will scare her off.”
Benedict scoffed. “I have never…” He clutched his chest in dramatic fashion. “… never scared anyone off.”
“Alice, Catherine, Eva…” Tom counted off on his fingers. “… I can go on.”
“None of them met my high standards. Please come.” he begged. “Sophie will kill me if you don’t come.”
“The thought of your death is tempting.”
The waiter set the food down.
“Tom…” Benedict dropped all pretense. “… please come. I promise I will be on my best behavior.”
Tom’s head dropped. “Give me the details. I will check with Vivian tonight when I call her.”
Benedict’s lips pursed. “Really? I can’t wait to meet her. Especially someone who leaves marks like that on you. Sounds like she is yours for the taking.”
“Yeah.” Tom mumbled as he took a bite of his food.
Tom called her at 9 p.m. like always.
“Sunshine, how was your Sunday?” she asked.
“Speaking of that…” Tom started, and she noticed the nerves in his voice. “What are you doing next Friday evening?”
She thought about it for a moment. “I believe I’m free. Do you have any ideas?”
Tom exhaled sharply. “I’ve been invited to a charity event by Benedict and I have two tickets, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me.” He blurted it all out in one big run-on sentence.
Vivian paused before laughing. “Wow, you were really nervous about that, weren’t you?”
“Yes, ma’am. Everything is still so new and I don’t… I don’t want to mess this up.”
“You are just the sweetest, sunshine. You know that right? Beautiful and sweet. Yes, I will go with you.”
Tom beamed. “How would everything work?”
“Like any date would. We go, we drink, we dance and mingle.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, darling. We can set some rules that work for both of us. okay?”
“Now, read to me please.”
Tom grabbed the book.
Tom and Vivian agreed he would pick out three outfit options, but Vivian would come over ahead of time and make the final choice. They would not use pet names and instead would do what is natural. Tom asked that she still rub the back of his neck.
“It calms me down.” he commented.
“Of course, sunshine. I like when you are calm. You are more attentive that way.”
It was now the day of the event and Vivian sat on Tom’s bed, noticing the clutter. Tom was modeling the second outfit.
“I don’t like the tie. Let’s see the last one.”
Tom undid the tie and shirt and grabbed the last option. It was a double-breasted blue pinstripe suit with a blue shirt and navy tie. He did a little spin.
“That one.” Vivian stood and straightened his tie and petted his neck before squeezing his ass. “Your ass looks amazing in those trousers.”
Tom blushed again. “Thank you, ma’am.”
She kissed his cheek, wiping away her gloss. “Remember, no names, now let’s go.”
Tom was more at ease with Vivian by his side. Her reassuring touch at the back of his neck or even his shoulder grounded him. Not to mention, she dazzled everyone she met. Now for the big test.
“Benedict, Sophie, meet Vivian Swann. Vivian meet Benedict Cumberbatch, notorious troublemaker, and his queen of a wife, Sophie Hunter.”
Vivian shook each of their hands, holding tight to Tom’s but leaning in for a kiss on the cheek by Ben. Tom tightened his grip. She suppressed a giggle.
“Charmed. Thank you so much for inviting me. I have been looking into getting the firm involved in more charity work and the children’s ward is an enticing option.”
“Firm?” Sophie questioned.
“Watkins, Price, and Forbes. I work in their corporate law division.”
Benedict let loose a low whistle.
“Tom, you didn’t tell me you were dating a pit bull.” Sophie commented. “Impressive.”
Vivian smiled. “I prefer the term ‘velvet hammer’ but pit bull works. “
“How did you and Tom meet?” Ben interjected.
Tom paled, but Vivian didn’t miss a beat.
“The Bloomsbury Club. We bonded over a shared loved for Macallan 18-year-old aged whisky.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Right. Why don’t we take a seat?” He gestured at their reserved table.
“Your feet must be killing you in those shoes, Vivian. After having kids, I just can’t stand wearing them, but if I want to see eye to eye with this one.” She gestured at Benedict.
“Guilty.” He shrugged. “Although not as tall as the Frost Giant over there.”
Tom paused as he pulled out Vivian’s chair for her.
“I don’t mind the heels.” Vivian responded. “It is all what you get used to. Besides, I enjoy towering over people.” she giggled.
“Champagne?” the waiter offered.
“No, it makes her sneeze.” Tom commented.
“Get me a glass of white wine, please?” Vivian gazed up at him.
Tom smiled down and kissed her cheek. “Yes, of course, darling.”
Benedict and Sophie blinked at the two of them.
“Uh… yes a white wine sounds fantastic. Thank you, Tom.”
Tom nodded and headed off to the bar. Sophie elbowed Benedict in the ribs. He shuffled to his feet.
“Tom, let me help you with that!” He called after his friend.
Sophie waited until both men were out of earshot.
“How did you… I don’t want to know. You’re not like Tom’s other girlfriends, Miss Vivian Swann.”
She smiled. “I’m not sure if that is a compliment or an insult. So I will say thank you.”
“Definitely a compliment. There is something different about Tom when he is around you. He seems…”
“… happy?”
“Yes, but the word is content.” Sophie added. “Content, at peace. After that last nasty breakup, the man could use a little peace and quiet.”
“Hopefully not too quiet.” Vivian smirked.
“Are you two gossiping about us?” Benedict teased.
“I was just telling Vivian how happy and content our dear Thomas looks with her.” Sophie quipped.
Tom blushed as Vivian smiled and reached out to rub his neck. “I am. Thank you for noticing Sophie.”
The evening wound down. Tom for once enjoyed the event. Vivian won over Benedict and Sophie, so much so that Sophie invited her to go shopping tomorrow afternoon while she wrangled Benedict and Tom in tearing down a shed in Ben’s yard.
“Leave them to grunt work while we shop.”
“I would love to.” Vivian sipped at her wine.
The two couples said goodbye while waiting for the valet. Benedict hugged Vivian tight and kissed her cheek. While Sophie and her exchanged numbers. Benedict pulled Tom to the side.
“There’s something different about you, man.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m still me.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“No,” Ben folded his hands in front of his face. “there is definitely a change. And I think it has something to do with that enchanting woman over there, who I am sure is being tortured with baby pictures by my wife.”
“Perhaps.” Tom replied cryptically.
“Don’t fuck it up man. You will never find another girl…”
“Woman.” he corrected his friend.
“… Woman like her. You deserved a little happiness.”
“Tom?” Vivian placed her hand on his back. “The car’s here.”
“Of course. Ben.” He shook his friend’s hand and then hugged Sophie before opening the door for Vivian and then getting in and driving off.
“I’m going to head home.” Vivian stated when they got back to Tom’s home.
“Okay. I had a lot of fun tonight. It wasn’t nearly as dreadful with you there.”
“Your friends are a delight. They really do want the best for you, sunshine.”
Tom smiled at the name. “Yes, ma’am.” He fell back into the old pattern.
She grabbed the back of his head and tugged him into a kiss. Tom wrapped his arms around her and did his best to hold her tight. She pulled away, and he whined.
“I’m ready to take this to the next step, Vivian. I want to please you.” His hands ghosted over his shoulders. “In all ways.”
She smiled. “Send me the essay and we will talk. How about lunch tomorrow?”
“I will send it as soon as I step inside. I could cook you lunch here.”
“I would like that, sunshine.” She kissed him one more time. “Sleep well.”
“Yes, ma’am. You too.”
She smiled and walked to her car to head home. Tom stepped inside and rushed to his computer. He did a quick spell check on the essay he had been tweaking over the last week and clicked send.
Vivian laughed as her phone beeped before she even left Tom’s driveway, knowing it was Tom’s homework.
“So eager. I like that.”
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kindness-bliss · 4 years ago
New Beginnings Ch. 7
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Tim looked over at her discreetly he witnessed her trying to open a jar and cleaned his hands on his already stained shirt “I got that for you”   “And I got this for you” she said as she went into her small closet in the living room and pulled out a flannel shirt  “It’s my dads, I don’t wanna see you in a bloody dried up t shirt as we make dinner”   He nodded quickly as he took off his shirt and unbuttoned on the one she gave him Maya blushed as she grilled her ground turkey and noticed how chiseled he was, his upper chest having the perfect amount of body hair and peaks, his biceps bulging out nicely but not overly muscular or anything like that    “It fits” Tim grinned as he showed her  “Not that bad on you” she admits with a small grin “Plaid is definitely your style, I like it on you” “I-I don’t deserve you being so nice to me” he said quietly “Maya, I won’t ever be able to stop saying sorry to you ever, know that. I’m probably gonna say sorry to you for as long as I know you”   “Tim, when’s your birthday ?” Maya asked suddenly as she looked at him “I know it’s 1983 but month ? What month ?”  “March….March 17th” he answered slowly “why ?”   “Oh my god you’re a Pisces, suddenly everything makes sense wow” she nodded as she laughed “Gosh you fit it to a T, you’re a water sign”    “What does that have to do with anything ? A water sign ? What the hell is that ?” Tim asked confused as he put his cutting board down   “It’s your sign Tim” she chuckled “Your sign is a Pisces which makes sense because they’re...well you are considered to have a sign that is known for its over sensitivity, self-pitying but also very selfless and very accepting”    “Oh” he said softly “well I guess yeah, kinda is me. My mother says it’s because I’m an only child and never got to experience things other children got at my age since I also stayed with my grandmother a lot. I think that made me highly sensitive”   “You call it highly sensitive, I call it highly aware” she grinned as she took the carrots and celery from him and added them to a pan to saute   Tim observed as sat on a stool by her “what are you making ? It looks kinda complicated honestly” “Bolognese” Maya says “Though I’m kind of cheating because I’m using sauce from a jar, but I promise it’ll be good”   “Oh” he nodded “I don’t cook much honestly, I only have ever made chicken or ham and it’s typically without seasoning. Same with my rice, I stick to bland foods for the most part. I broke my diet when we went to that Korean BBQ place” Tim said softly as he reached over and cut up onion for her    “Glad I got you to change things up for a bit, though you ghosted me and acted like a child afterwards and ruined me introducing you to better places” she giggled   “I’m gonna age myself here a bit but um, what’s ghosted ?” he asked with genuine interest as he looked down at her   “It means ignore, basically a millennial way of saying you ignored me” she answered back  “Ah I see, I like that...ghosted. I’m adding that to my vocabulary” he nodded as he repeated the word under his breath as he chopped   “Gosh he’s cute” Maya thought to herself as he stood only inches away from him, their arms basically touching as she sauteed. She made sure she stayed in close distance as she cooked looking around as silence began to take over   “Since you were a dick to me, you have to be really nice to me now like really nice” she said with a smile  “I will do whatever you want or need me to do” Tim smiled at her with his dimple popping out more “Kiss me” she whispered nervously as she looked into his eyes    “Like...like right now ?” he asked nervously “o-okay...I’m not that good at it though and my beard is gonna scratch, my lips are kinda dry too and-” he stopped blubbering when he felt her soft lips gently press onto his as she carefully put his hands on her waist as he leaned in more and placed hers on his cheeks    Maya grinned up at him afterwards as she gently wiped his lips and put ice back on his face “go sit with this on while I finish here and by the way, you’re a good kisser”  He chuckled as nodded and sat on her couch “well thank you, haven’t heard that one in like 5 years at least”. Tim sat quietly as he iced his face trying to make sense of what had just happened. Just 6 hours ago he had told her horrible things and now here was having just had a make out session in her kitchen as they cooked dinner together. Tim looked around as he picked up magazines she had on her coffee table and looked through them smiling when he realized they were all her covers or features. One in particular catching his eye, a feature in a parenting magazine where she was holding a baby on her lap.    “Last year” Maya grinned “I typically don’t do those kinds but they needed a model last minute and I happened to be in the area and went in. It was fun, kids and babies were great to work with honestly and now what I expected. That little one stole my heart, made me think I wanted my own for a bit”    “You think about kids ? Not in a weird day of course, just since like me you’re an only child” she asked “I mean yeah, sometimes” he admits quietly “Granted I really thought I was gonna stop wrestling when I was like 30 and settle down and have that white picket fence life everyone else had but clearly life has passed me by. But I’ve had some other good things in life, experiences and memories not everyone has had in life. I’m not one to complain, you ?” Tim asked as he looked at her   “Sometimes I want 1, sometimes none and other times I want like 5” Maya chuckled
“5 ?” Tim laughed “That’s a basketball team right there, Jesus that’d be feeding an army daily”   “Which is why then I think maybe not having them at all would be more beneficial” she laughed “I’ve got time to think about it thankfully, like 5 more years”   “Enjoy your youth, and your job. It’s interesting, really it is Maya” Tim says genuinely “You’ve been to some amazing places, you have experiences most won’t get and you’re only 25. It’s amazing truly”  Maya grinned at him as she fixed the ice pack on his face “I appreciate that, but your face will appreciate this ice way way more”. Damn, kissing him must’ve been the best thing she felt in ages, she could tell he wanted it just as bad as she did yet kept his usual calm demeanor. She came out of her daze as she heard her her cell phone buzz, muttering quietly as Marcel’s pet name appeared  “Dinner tomorrow is still on ?” “Yeah….but let’s meet somewhere, I think I’m ready to tell Tim the truth” Maya sighed as his name quickly appeared on her screen and declined his facetime requests and calls immediately  “Answer me please, Maya just don’t do it today please. Let’s meet tomorrow and we can figure something out...please ?” “Fine, I won’t do it tonight but I’m doing it soon, I like him a lot and I’m not gonna keep secrets from him Marcel, and neither should you. I’ll text you tomorrow morning” she sent as she put her phone on silent and set their plates up She went to the bathroom as she wiped her residue makeup off her face and put her hair up in a ponytail to fresh up, applying some perfume lightly as she looked herself over and left the bathroom    “Oh” she whispered as she saw Tim sleeping on her couch, giving soft snores as his arms were crossed on his chest. Even in his sleep he wasn’t relaxed, it kinda looked like he was just closing his eyes to her and waiting to spook her any second. She contemplated waking him up for a second and went to touch his shoulder, but instead decided to graze his cheek with the back of her hand gently, covering him up with her throw she had on the couch.  Maya shrugged as she turned on the tv and sat on the opposite end as she stuffed spoonfuls of pasta into her mouth watching Real Housewives of New Jersey, shaking her head at the stupid drama on her television shifting when she heard Tim move around and groan   “What ? What happened ?” Tim asked with a groan as he stretched “did I fall asleep here ?” “You did” she nodded “only been like an hour and a half, now please get yourself a plate and don’t bother me for the next 20 minutes because Teresa Giudice is about to cause drama at this fashion show so shhh”   He raised his brow in confusion as he stood up and served himself a plate and sat next to her going back and forth between her reactions and the tv screen in front of him “Did she just call her an old hag and a bitch ?”    “Tim shh” she put a finger to his lips absentmindedly Tim nodded quickly as he leaned back into the couch and ate, speaking up when the show was over with wide eyes “That was… a lot. Is all reality tv like this ?”  “Only the best” Maya laughed “and by the way, sorry for shushing you like that” He shrugged “I deserve more than that”  “Tim, as of tonight we drop it” she turned to look at him “Please” Maya cleaned up thinking what the hell she got herself into with him, this wasn’t in her character at all. One second she was ready to see him drop dead 8 floors to the ground and the next she was making out with him in her kitchen. This was new territory she was going into and deep down it felt right, it felt right to kiss him and feel his touch and she could feel he was feeling the same way. She turned her head , gasping as she bumped into him    “Yes ?” she whispered “Maya, I like you” Tim said “I like you a lot...and I feel like if I don’t tell you now that it’s just us here in a comfortable environment I probably won’t say it again. This isn’t like me one bit” he admits “I’ll be honest yeah I’ve had girlfriends, I dated women here and there but I never felt like this…”    “Like how ?” she asked softly  “Scared, scared that when I was with you I liked who I was for once, I felt at ease and like I didn’t need to put the harsh wrestling persona up. You didn’t care or give it much thought either or pestered me like some others had in the past. And I just wanna say-” “Tim shut the fuck up and just kiss me already” she said softly    And he did. He kissed her deeply as he moved his hands down to her hips and lifted her with ease onto her kitchen countertop feeling her hands move up and down his chest. It wasn’t just a long kiss, it was several kisses with small breaks in between to ensure they could catch their breath as their hands roamed freely all over each other's bodies. Maya unbuttoned the first 3 buttons off his shirt as she lightly traced his chest with her nails as her forehead pressed against his “we should go to my room….we don’t have to you know...have sex but we can just do more of this there comfortably”   “Okay” he nodded as he took her hand and followed her into her room, looking around at the pristine condition everything was in. A vanity organized with makeup items and skin care products he couldn’t even name, her bed perfectly made and covered in pillows, a closet the size of his bedroom with clothes in every color of the rainbow. Everything so neat and luxurious, everything he didn’t have.   She leaned up against him she kissed him again, this time with more dominance as she stumbled onto her bed on top of him, feeling his hands lightly on her lower back    Tim pulled apart from her as he rubbed his slightly red lips and pet her hair gently with his hand “I haven’t had anything like that in a while” he admitted with a small grin    “Neither have I’ she chuckled, licking her lips feeling them swell “It’s like free lip filler” “Always a comedian” Tim laughed genuinely sitting up on her bed “Jesus it’s 11 already and I gotta walk back to my car to get home, I got tapings tomorrow”   “Just stay here and I’ll take you back in the morning, it’ll be early I promise” she said softly as she gave a comforting grin “Okay, I”ll take the couch though. I’m not sleeping in your bed, this was a one time thing that I typically don’t let happen”    “What a gentleman you are” Maya said as she brought him a pillow and blanket “I’ve got all the works on my tv so feel free to watch what you like, bathroom is right next to the closet”    “Thanks, I appreciate it really” She got up in the morning as she turned off her alarm and got ready for the day, taking a peek and seeing Tim up and sitting as he watched tv making different facial expressions  “What are you watching ?” she chuckled as she walked out and turned on her Nespresso machine “Danielle is a mess, I get why you watch this trashy stuff. It’s addicting” he shook his head as he turned it off  Maya laughed as she took out two mugs from her cabinet “Well now you know and let me guess, you take your black ?” “ Yeah” He nodded as he got up and sat on a stool    “I got a shoot in like an hour so I probably won’t be able to talk to you for most of today” she said softly as she packed her bag “chances are till late late tonight”   “Oh….well um I was hoping if you’re able to, I actually have a taping tomorrow and I wanted to ask you if you would like to attend ? It’s about 2 hours, it’s fun even for someone like you who’s never been around wrestling” Never been around wrestling, after a great night she remembered the big mess she had yet to talk to him about. Marcel, shit.    “I’ll try my hardest” she responded with a grin as she drove them back to his car “Thanks again for driving me here, I appreciate it have a good shoot” he nodded as he lingered for a while leaning in slowly as he pet her cheek with his hand and kissed her “Um I think your friend over there saw us” Maya laughed softly as she pointed to an opened mouthed Oney at the gym entrance    Tim chuckled and shook his head as he got out “I’m not gonna hear the end of this one, I’ll text you later, have a good work day” he smiled softly as he walked away “Is that….you have a ?, speak up already” Oney pushed as he followed him to his car “you can’t just not tell me what’s going on after kissing someone like THAT” He turned around as he got out his gym bag “excuse me ? what do you mean like that ? what’s with the emphasis on the end there ?”    Oney shook his head as he gave a scoff “Do you have any idea who that is ? What kind of work she does ?”
  “Uh yeah she’s a mode” Tim nodded as they walked inside “I’ve seen her stuff, she showed me and talked to me all about it”
“I can’t believe you’re dating a model man, you of all people. No offense of course but I mean I never pictured you even dating someone at all”
Tim raised a brow “I’m that bad of a catch huh ? Gee I feel great now that you’ve given me this amazing pep talk, feeling like I can conquer the world now” he answered sarcastically stretching
  “How old is she ?” Oney asked “because there’s no way she’s older than 30”
“25….” he said softly “she’s 25, just turned 25 actually about 2 months ago”
“WHAT ?” Oney said as he spit out his water “No fucking way, you’re dating a 25 year old ?”
  “Would you stop, we’re not dating…….we’re friends that’s all” he answered as he began his cardio
  “Oh yeah because you totally suck face with a friend before leaving right ?” Oney chuckled “You’re in deep, you did the cheek grab and the little linger after you kiss” “Well maybe I like her, friends right now but who knows maybe after she comes to the show might change” he gave a smile “I invited her and she said she’ll come” “Who are you and what have you done to my friend ?” Oney asked with a raised brow “Because you are not the Tim I know” “Let’s just say maybe I wanna enjoy life a bit more” He shrugged “and I’m starting with her, she likes me. I like her, there’s nothing that can go wrong” Nothing right ?
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obscureoperations · 4 years ago
I’m not the collar anon but Martin is cute and putting him in nice cute lingerie as a way to show him that he’s cute and yours🥺🥺🥺🥺 play into his praise kink and his want to be owned by you. Maybe you even chooses what he wears and dresses him. Only you two know that he’s wearing some cute panties and bra under his clothes and once in a while you’ll brush against him to hear him subtly whimper. (If this isn’t your thing that’s fine lol, I’m just going off)
Hah! Go tf off anon! Say it with your whole chest.. I know I did...I'll admit, I never woulda came up with this concept myself. Guess thats why I like hearing your random ideas. This went on longer than I thought it would and Im operating on a questionable ammount of sleep. Oops. Nsfw but nothing too graphic...
At times you couldn’t believe this was actually a thing, the fact that he went through this “ritual”just for you. In the beginning, you told yourself you were just joking, that you only wanted to see his reaction. You couldn’t deny the flicker of excitement once he started to undress fully in front of you. No more shutting the blinds, flicking the lights off-- diving beneath the covers before anything ensued. You always made it a habit of telling him just how beautiful he was. How lucky you were to have him. He would look at you as if you were insane. The truth of the matter was you wanted him completely. You were overjoyed just to have him in your life. He never believed it-- any of it. When you first stated in simple words, just how much he meant to you-- you were sure that he might faint. 
“ So you actually like me.. y/n… I mean really like me?”
One of the things you loved about Martin was the fact that he always tried so endlessly to please you. Always by your side in an instant, the moment he detected any form of distress.When it came to “the sexy stuff” His receptiveness seemed to intensify-- his only goal was to make sure you would go. 
You always made sure to praise him. You let him know how good he could make you feel. Moans and whimpers pale in comparison to your words. “ You’re so good for me.. Martin.” “just like that…” “Baby please…’' You couldn't ask for a better student. So when the two of you laid together on a lazy Saturday night, you were completely thrown. His fingers fluttering beneath your shorts. Resting against the hem of your panties. It was one of your fancier pairs, black satin full of lace. It wasn’t like anything you wore everyday, Laundry was due and you needed something. It was the first thing that fell out of your drawer.
He seemed to be fascinated by the fabric, the way it clung to your skin. “Here...take these off.” 
“Take what off?!” You whisper, already fumbling with his belt. 
“These…” he whispers, sliding your jeans down your waist, fingers playing over the silky fabric.
He seemed mesmerized for a moment at the way the material clung to your skin, he began experimentally tugging at the fabric. Teasing you, briefly with his hand before returning his attention to the elastic. You were always beautiful to him but something was different, his desire for you seemed to intensify. The sheer lace material provides a barrier to where he wants you most. He could already feel heat rise to his face.
“Martin, I'm sure they would look so much better on you….”
His eyes snap to your face,  were already laughing--arms crossing over your eyes.
“What” He whispers as he moves to shift your leg, already teasing you through the fabric. 
Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, suppressing a moan-- you couldn’t believe that he already managed to get you that worked up. He leans in burying his face at the crook of your neck, increasing the motion of his hand. “Tell me…” he whispers, noting how the sheer fabric was practically soaked, his teeth digs into the flesh of your shoulder
“ You jus-- ohh “ 
“Would you like that?” The speed of his hand increases-- finally sending you careening over the edge.
“If I wore yours?”
He sits back admiring his handiwork, you were panting, arms crossed over your face. A fine sheen of sweat covers your skin. His attention remained in that tiny scrap of fabric, unsure why the wheels were already spinning in his mind. 
He was always so nervous, hesitant to leave the bathroom-- even after you tap on the door asking if he was okay. His eyes would linger at his reflection, overanalyzing every imaginary flaw. His slight figure-- to slight in his opinion shivers as a breeze flows in through the window. His skin breaks out in goosebumps,, he wraps his arms around himself lightly. 
He looked ridiculous, you would surely laugh at him. He wondered briefly if this was all an elaborate prank. The midnight blue fabric clung to his skin, hipbones pronounced--jutting forward sharply. The sheerness of the material left next to nothing to the imagination, he began to blush profusely, noting how he was already slightly on. This had to be about the third occasion  he agreed to modeling for you, and yet it always felt like the very first. Heartbeat hammering against his ribs, he swore he could feel your gaze as it moved over him. Fidgeting, slightly unsure what to do with his hands. “Martin… come here” In an instant, he would relax in your embrace as your fingers weave through his hair. “So pretty…” The words alone caused a warmth to bloom in his chest, he needed to hear more. “Am I?” He whispers as you lead him to the bed. He takes his place kneeling in front of you. 
It was decidedly different than when he was in town, the silken fabric caressing his skin. You always knew when he might need the slight boost, a subtle reminder of who he belonged to. 
You used to always lend him youus, assuring him he could pick out whichever garment he liked. They were just so pretty, he didn’t even know you had that many pairs. He was used to you wearing nothing at all or even boxers in the winter. They seemed to suit you perfectly, he had no idea why you didn't wear them more often. He didn’t bother to ask, that only meant more options for him right? One day, when the two of you were out and about, you gingerly pulled him into a lingerie shop. His face reddens immediately, as his gaze lands on a scantily clad mannequin. The entire shop smelled strongly of vanilla and something vaguely floral. Elevator music droned on in the background, his eyes move over the various displays of silky lace. Frills straps and garters. His head starts to swim “ Y/n… what are we doing in here?” He whispers, but not before a petite blond emerges from the back.
“Oh sweet! Newlyweds… am I right?”
“No” “Yes!” You pull him close, urging him to play along.
“Perfect, well I just want to let you guys know that we have a special! Every three apparel items you purchase, you have a choice at either a fifty percent off novel, perfume, or private item of your choice.” Her well practiced spiel was almost overly saccharine, but it was clear that she actually liked her job. She hovered close by, offering suggestions and ad ons. But her presence only seemed to make Martin more nervous. After a few moments, you can feel his hand tug at the hem of your shirt. “Can we leave?!”  “Hang on..” 
“Excuse me…” Your eyes move to her shiny name badge “Kelly… we appreciate all your help, but…my husband here is a bit embarrassed to be in here… Catholic family…” You offer with a shrug. Martin averts his gaze to the floor, he just wants her to leave. “Oh, absolutely, Im sorry! If you need anything just yell.” She lets her eyes move to Martin who suddenly seemed wildly interested in his shoes-- before looking over to you. She shot you a wink, mouthing the word “cute” with an approving nod.
The two of you moved to the corner of the shop, with his arm wrapped snugly around your own. He refused to leave your side as he surveyed the counters. “Y/n… can we just pick something and leave? What if someone sees us in here?” “Don’t be silly Martin, we’re on the other side of town-- besides we’re not here for me ...we’re here for you!”
“Pick something, anything you like!” 
Some of the color re-emerged on his face, but he couldn't deny the flicker of excitement. He could pick out anything? He had the choice in what he would wear for you? There were just so many options-- he began to feel a bit dizzy. “Oh… “
As the two of you made your way over to the check out, he hastily shoved the items in your hand. With his gaze pointed back towards his shoes, he couldn’t wait to get back home. “Alright, you guys find everything okay?” “Yes.. perfect, thank you!” You offer chipperly. “Great! Oh, well look at this you’ve got three items, would you like to take up that fifty percent off sale?” You had almost completely forgotten about that. You can feel him cling to you that much tighter, it was clear that he wanted to leave. “Martin?”  He quickly grabs a book titled “The erogenous zones” tossing it on the counter. “Good, choice!” 
The walk back to the train station was brief, all the while he still hovered close. You could tell he was a bit more relaxed now, but he was definitely in a way. He would act so “sweet” to you sometimes, clinging to your side, waiting for the slightest command. You could practically feel the anticipation oozing off of him as you take your places at the stop. The wheels were already spinning in your head. Martin already told you that Cuda would be meeting with some of the men from church around seven thirty. They would have dinner early, and then he would be free to leave. He could hardly contain his excitement.
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ubernoxa · 5 years ago
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THE DARE: A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 18: Trixy the Bitch
Taglist: @queen-crue
“Oh My God Mags it was so embarrassing,” Delilah screamed as Mags finished doing Delilah’s makeup.
“Don’t be embarrassed Delilah, Duff obviously enjoyed it,” Mags simply replied as she leaned against the wall behind her.
It had been a day and Delilah still wasn’t over what Duff did to her while she teased him on his truck. The entire time she was painting the banner that is all she could think about. She really enjoyed it, but part of her was nervous.
“What if I make a fool of myself tonight?” Delilah now whined as she sat on the toilet lid. It was the best makeshift chair they could come up with that was in good lighting.
“Don’t worry, he’ll think it’s cute,” Mags reached forward and held Delilah’s hands.
“I have no idea what I’m doing!” Mags laughed at Delilah’s explanation. Whether she was referring to life in general or relationships, it didn’t matter.
“The beauty of life is that none of us know what we’re doing. We’re just reacting to the shit that happens around us. If you’re referring to the..intimacy...part of the whole relationship, then that will come with time. Everyone has to start somewhere. Some of us start earlier than others,” Mags tone was gentle and sweet as she spoke earning a warm smile from Delilah.
“What is he expects that I started earlier?” The words were almost inaudible as they came out of Delilah’s mouth. Duff had probably had countless girlfriend before her, there was no doubt in her mind that he knew what he was doing.
“Del, I hate to be rude, but everyone kinda figures that you’re at the point where you’re just...starting...to explore this type of stuff which is COMPLETLY fine. Promise me you won’t feel pressure to do anything you aren’t comfortable with,” Delilah nodded at Mag’s words.
“Ok, now let’s get going to the show. The plan is to meet the guys at their place and travel with them that way it will be easier for us to get backstage. This is a bigger venue and they are opening for Crue which has gained a bit of press lately,” Mags added as Delilah quickly followed her.
When they got to the guys’ place it was absolute chaos. What little clothing the guys had was thrown across the apartment. Mags and Delilah had to weave around the instrument cases that were scattered by the front door. At least they tried to get somewhat organized. When she saw the backstage passes tied to the various cases, Mags knew that Steff or Trixie had been here.
“Hey Mags hows it going,” Mags was immediately greeted by a tall blonde as she walked in leaving Delilah to feel very awkward. She tried to focus her attention on the mess that now covered the apartment.
“I’m doing good Stef, this is Del,” Mags said as Delilah was immediately bought into a hug. The smell of honey filled Delilah’s senses. It was relaxing. She didn’t know why, but it calmed her.
“Nice to finally meet you!” She explained before they followed her to the less chaotic living room.
“I love the smell of your perfume, is it honey?” Delilah asked.
A smile grew on Stef as she nodded. “Yes it is. Stevie adores the scent. If you want you can totally borrow it sometime.”
Stef’s and Delilah conversation was cut short as Mags spoke. “Hey, Trixy, this is Del.”
Trixy sat on the old couch barely covered in her tight white leather dress like a queen on her throne. She was a model plucked right off the runway.
Delilah wished she was a turtle that could hide back in her shell. Every inch of Trixy intimidates her. By height of her heels, Delilah knew Trixie would tower over her.
“So this is the infamous Del,” Trixy said as Delilah sat down on a chair. He tone wasn’t sweet like Stef’s. Trixy’s voice was laced with poison. She was without a doubt a King Kobra and Delilah was a baby mouse.
“The one and only? I take it Duff had mentioned me,” Delilah smiled as she sat down in a chair. She fidgeted with the peach hem of her dress that rested on thigh.
“Well more like all of the guys. They love your cooking, and from what I’ve heard I can’t wait to try some too. The banner you and Axl worked on looks amazing as well,” Steff added attempting to lighten the mood. Steff hadn’t known Trixy long, but she knew where this was going.
To say Trixy was territorial was an understatement. There were parts of Trixy that Stef loved. For example Trixy knew how to have fun and had a great sense in fashion. She also was a good friend, when it was convenient, but at least she tried.
Delilah felt all of her nerves melt away once Steff spoke. For some reason, Delilah had felt like an outcast, but now Delilah felt a lot more comfortable. She was practically apart of the GNR family.
“I’ll probably be making some tomorrow morning. It helps me wake up in the morning,” Delilah shrugged.
“Where’d you learn to draw,” Trixie was fast catching Delilah off guard.
Stef leaned back in her chair and rolled her eyes. She hated when she was right about when Trixy was going to enter her full bitch phase. She wondered if that’s why her and Axl were so attracted to each other and dating. They’re both complete ass holes.
“It’s kinda a hidden talent. I do it when I get stressed. It helps me relax,” Delilah confessed. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the full truth either.
“Oh so that’s why you and Axl drew on his wall,” Delilah felt like she was being put on trial by Trixy.
Mags adjusted in her seat and made eye contact with Steff across the couch. Steff shook her head causing Mags to relax a little. It was their signal for ‘she’s not worth causing a fight’ or ‘no don’t beat her up. This will be over soon’.
“He was freaking out, and I didn’t want him to hurt himself,” Delilah confessed again. She felt her heart begin to slowly race. What was Trixie’s problem?
“Why do you care if he hurts himself?”
“I care because he’s in my boyfriend’s band. He also is a HUMAN BEING,” Mags was caught off guard by Delilah’s tone. She had never heard Delilah raise her voice.
“Hey Del, I think Duff needs some help,” Izzy popped his head into the room in attempt to interrupt Trixie’s interrogation. With most of Axl’s girlfriends, he hoped Trixie would be gone within the next week or two.
“Yeah of course,” Delilah smiled leaving the room without hesitation. The sooner she got out of that room, the better.
“Ignore her,” Izzy said under his breath.
“She’ll probably be gone in a week or two. Hopefully you’ll be around longer....I don’t mean that sarcastically. You’re good for Duff. Plus you make amazing breakfasts,” Izzy added before they arrived to Duff’s door.
“Del you can just walk in. Trust me Duff won’t mind,” Slash said squeezing around Delilah and Izzy, and walking into his shared room.
“Duff, your girl’s her,” Slash said motioning for Delilah to enter.
“Hey,” Duff smiled as Delilah sat next to him.
“Hey, you okay?” Delilah asked pushing his hair back out of his face, so she could see his eyes. They were coated with think eyeliner as they always were when he performed.
“I’m nervous,” he quickly replied.
“Good,” Delilah coldly replied as she fixed his hair.
“Yeah Good!” Delilah frantically threw her hands in the air.
“It means you care. This band is important to you. If you weren’t nervous then that’s means you’re not taking the next step. It means you’re not getting big enough,” Delilah tapped Duff’s nose when she finished talking earning a small laugh.
“Yeah..,” Duff sighed.
Delilah adjusted her dress and sat on his lap, facing Duff.
“How about I make you a deal?”
“I’m all ears,” Duff smiled as he looked into Delilah’s eyes.
“I’ll be in the stage wing cheering you on the entire time. If you get nervous just look over at me and I’ll be there. How does that sound?”
“That sounds great Delly!” Duff played with a couple stands of her hair that hung freely.
“Hey Slash could you give us a couple of minutes?” Duff phrased it as a question, but Slash knew he intended it to be a Nice was to tell him to get the fuck out of the room because he wanted to fuck his girlfriend. Slash hid his laugh as he left the room. It was borderline hilarious watching Duff try to be cordial when Delilah was in the room. She had him wrapped around her little finger and didn’t even know it. He couldn’t wait until he had his own room.
“You look beautiful,” Duff said as Delilah remained sitting on his lap.
“You look good too,” Delilah could feel the nerves growing in her stomach. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her heart skip a beat.
In one swift motion Duff pulled her in and began to roughly kiss her. After a few moments, he picked Delilah up and gently placed her on his bed. She was so caught up in the kiss that she hadn’t noticed what happened. Duff climbed ontop of Delilah causing the kiss to get even rougher. Duff lost it as Delilah let a small moan escape her.
“Fuck, Delly,” Duff grunted as he continued. He stood up and lifted her dress up to see her underwear.
“Fuck,” Duff looked down at Delilah’s underwear. Duff was no stranger to a woman’s underwear, but there was something about the little bow on them.
“A little present wrapped with a bow, fuck. You’re so beautiful,” Duff returned to kissing her passionately and tapping her inner thigh. Duff smirked as he felt Delilah arc her back underneath him.
“Hey, lovebirds we gotta fucking go,” a voice from outside the door yelled.
“I’m gonna kill Izzy,” Duff grumbled as he helped Delilah off his bed.
“Wait,” Duff said as he fixed Delilah’s hair.
“Thanks,” she giggled.
“Duff we gotta fucking go! You can fuck your girlfriend later,” Delilah immediately recognized the second voice to be Axl.
Delilah was silent as Duff glared at door. He wanted to kill his band mates. He could tell that Delilah was shy and new to all of this, and his band mates announcing what he wanted to do with her with everyone wasn’t helping. Her face was brighter than a tomato.
“You okay? They’re just being dicks,” Duff reached out his hand and Delilah immediately took it.
“Does everyone have their passes?” Izzy asked holding his up. Delilah shot a confused look and he slowly walked back to his room to grab Delilah’s badge earning a Jesus Christ from Izzy. How hard was it to keep track of a pass.
“I can cram a couple of people in my truck,” Duff said as they left the apartment hopping into his truck, never letting Delilah leave his side.
“Wait here I’ll be back in a second,” Duff said before he hopped out of the truck. He walked out to someone he assumed to be the stage manager who currently directing people to unload what he assumed to be Motley Crue’s stuff.
“You Izzy?” The stage manager asked as Duff and Izzy stood before him.
“Stage crew can move your drum kit, but all other instruments you gotta carry in yourselves. Crue came late, so you get the short straw,” Duff and Izzy at the man’s words.
“Drum kit is in the red truck,” Izzy motioned towards Duff’s truck.
“Should we go help?”
“No, the stage crew roadies got it,” Stef plainly answered. She was tired of sitting in the hot truck that had limited A/C.
“Thank god because I don’t think I’d be able to move Duff’s Bass amp,” Delilah replied earning a laugh from Stef.
“Do you like him?” Delilah was caught off guard by the odd question.
“Yeah, yeah I think I do,” Delilah smiled as she watched Duff through the side mirror. Him and Axl were talking to someone while motioning towards their equipment. Part of her wondered where Izzy had gone.
“You girls ready?” Delilah nodded and hopped out of the door Diff held open for her.
Duff took his sunglasses and handed them to Delilah who returned a confused expression. Why?
“We’re opening for Motley Crue. They recently announced a tour, so the press are all over this performance,” Delilah smiled at his offer. The last thing she wanted was to end up in the tabloids or in some stupid magazine. If she did, it would look like she left for him.
She put them on and immediately stuck her tongue out at him. That when she heard the click of a camera. She turned to see a photographer with his camera pointed at the two of them.
“Come on let’s go inside,” he whispered in her ear as she followed them inside.
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nandolonso · 6 years ago
NIGHT DRIVE (Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader)
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Summary: You and Jake have known each other for a very long time. One night, you go out with him and his friends, however after your shitty days at work you decided to get drunk. Jake takes you home but on the way strange things happen. Word count: 2101 Inspired by: Stranger Things (by Kygo and One Republic) & Night Drive (by Henry). Author’s note: I saw Nightcrawler recently and driving!Jake did things to me, so here we go. I tried to mix so many elements, keeping it fun and desperate (my fav combo). I hope I could manage that! I wanted this to be a smut, but I think it was sweeter and better this way. Don’t worry, I think I’ll write several Jake Gyllenhaal smuts in the future, so stay tuned! Please keep in mind that English is not my native language so I’m sorry for any kind of mistakes. I would be glad if I could read your suggestions or comments about my story! ♡ Warnings: being drunk, angst, swearing, fluff, implied smut. * “Y/N,” Jake lightly grabbed your elbow turning your body towards him. “What, Jakey?” you teased him, extending every single syllable which made him more furious than he already was. “What the hell are you doing?” he pulled you closer to him, looking straight into your eyes when he could see that your pupils were so diluted that the iris was barely visible. “Jesus Christ, Y/N, you’re wasted,” he stated simply, looking around to search for his friends. You could not understand why he was so angry at you. You were just dancing, having fun. “I’m not.” you suddenly cheered up when one of your favorite songs hit the pub. You excitedly grabbed Jake’s biceps, he was still holding you, looking at you with some expression which you could not read. “Let’s dance, Jakey!” you said with the same tone before he pulled you from the crowd. “Y/N, stop.” he started to tug you towards the bar. “This is not you,” he added before he changed the conversation with his friends. While he was not watching you, you wanted to go back to the dancefloor. Yes, the alcohol definitely burned down your barriers, making you free and liberating you as nothing did in a very long time. You were intoxicated by the music, the lights, the liquids and especially by Jake’s perfume which was stuck in your nose throughout the whole evening. These made you insane, demanding things from you which you could barely hold back. Jake Gyllenhaal made you lost your goddamn mind and he didn’t even know. You tried to slip back to the crowd, but he noticed in time and grabbed you again. “I’m taking her home,” he said to them but you interrupted him. “You’re not taking me anywhere,” you said while trying to escape from his grab. “Y/N, look at yourself,” he started. “Dancing like that, making your body move like that…” you furrowed your brows. You were not that drunk to not understand the hidden meaning behind this sentence. He was jealous.  “Daddy, chill.” you said, while you could see that redness started to creep up towards his face. You could hear cheering and laughing from his friends, but you did not care. “What the hell are you even talking about?” Jake was so angry at this point that you have never seen him like that. “You’re a fucking mess. What happened to your manners?” he shouted at you, even though his voice was lost in the loud music. Now, this started to make you mad as well. “Don’t pretend that you even care for me, Gyllenhaal.” you spit out the words in front of his friend which became an audience at this point. They were looking at you, curious to see what will happen. You could swear that you heard something from them but you were so focused at Jake that the words didn’t reach your brain. “So, you get jealous because I dance with a stranger, who didn’t even touch me by the way,” you said going closer and closer to him, pointing at your fingers at him. “But I’m supposed to be cool with the fact that you’re fucking models and other celebrities. Oh, right. I forgot. You’re a privileged asshole!” you shouted at his face at this point. You could hear some damn, oh shit and fuck at the background but you still didn’t care. You knew that this was an exaggeration. You knew that you were under the influence of the alcohol but you just couldn’t stop yourself. You and Jake have been very good friends for a long time but you always wanted more. You loved him, you would do anything for him, and he did not even notice. Not once. Now, he doesn’t have the right to do this to you. You knew that your words made their points when Jake looked at you with a shocked expression. He was hurt. You could see that his beautiful blue eyes were filled with pain. You went too far. He didn’t know how to react, so he just looked away towards the exit. “I’m taking you home, whether you like it or not,” he said again, dangerously calm. He lightly but firmly grabbed your wrist and started to drag you across the bar, towards the parking lot. When you stepped out, the chilly weather hit you hard, making your whole-body shiver and waking up your senses which was suppressed in the bar. Suddenly, your head felt much clearer. Your thoughts were racing in your head, repeating your previous conversation over and over again. It was still dark outside, however, the city lights illuminated you nonetheless. When you started to get close to Jake’s car, he let you go of your wrist. His whole body was tensed up, he squeezed his keys between his fingers so hard that his knuckles went white. You let out a sharp breath you didn’t know you where holding. You hurt him so much. And even humiliated him in front of his friends. “Jake…” you whispered as you reached his red Mustang. It was a beautiful car, which he got from the set of Nightcrawler. He didn’t look at you, he just opened the door, letting himself and you in. “Jake, I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.” he did not answer, he just started the engine, grabbing at the wheel and turning the radio on. Now, you did not have any chance to speak. Great. You truly messed this up. However, you knew Jake. You knew when he was upset, he would rather think about it first then speak. When he was ready, he would let you know. You admired this characteristic of him but when he did it with you it was different. You were the opposite, you were passionate, saying things immediately, even when you regretted it later. You just needed to get out of your system otherwise you would go nuts. That is why Jake was good for you, he was always rationale and help you see things the way they are. Now that he used this strategic towards you it wasn’t fun anymore. “Jake.” you tried again, talking louder than the music which was blasting from the speakers. “Y/N, please,” he whispered so softly a few seconds later that it broke your heart. You were on the verge of crying. You didn’t want to lose him because of some stupid mistake. You tried to look at the palm trees, counting them to calm yourself down and to think about something else. The windows were half down, the cool breeze was hitting you constantly, clearing your mind more and more. A few minutes passed by like this and if the two of you weren’t fighting before this would be your dream. Jake driving, the music resonating with your body while your hair was tangled with the wind as the cool summer air laid on your skin. You wished you could spend eternity just like this but you knew that sooner or later you had to admit your feelings to Jake. Even if it hurt, you still wouldn’t want to risk your relationship with him because you were jealous of other girls he’s been with. “Jake,” you started again and you could feel his body trembled as he tried not to say anything. He was waiting for you. “I’m truly sorry if I hurt you. I know I shouldn’t be jealous and I know that I was stupid because what you’re doing with someone else is not my business. But…” your voice started to break, tears gathering in your eyes as you tried to suppress all of your emotions back. You were less and less under the influence of the alcohol and those things which weren’t important for you before, now were. “It hurts to see you with someone else because I wish…” you continued. This was the time. Now or never. “I wish that one of those women were me.” At that exact moment, Jake turned off from the highway and stepped on the brake causing the car to stop immediately. He was looking at you with some surprise that you never saw on him. His eyes were shining under the street lights, casting a shadow on half of his face. It was like the whole world stopped, you could still hear the music and the other cars, but you were lost in your heartbeat which you could hear in your ears. The two of you breathing echoed in the car, you tried to look at him but his gaze was unbearable. It was like fire, it burnt your skin and you did not know it was a bad or good thing. “That is how you feel?” he finally spoke, you shoot your eyes up to him but you didn’t know what he was expecting from you. “I…” you started but you didn’t know how to continue, so you just fixated your eyes on the glove box. A few seconds passed by, you could hear Jake breathing out the air harder this time than before. One of his hand was still on the steering wheel, while he reached the other out to brush a few hair strands out of your face. When he brushed his fingertips to you, you started to shiver at his touch. You were so sensitive, you didn’t know where these feelings are coming from. “Y/N…” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “Look at me, please.” he was so soft that you lost it. You looked into his eyes, which was full of love and desire. “I feel the same about you.” he continued. “I know I shouldn’t be jealous because we’re not together, but I can’t…” he was searching for the right words. “I can’t and I don’t want to see you with someone else. I want you. I want to be with you and it’s a damn shame that it took me so many years to realize that.” at this point it was impossible to suppress your tears back, so you just let them out. A few drops made its way down on your face, Jake’s thumb wiped away them immediately. This moment was so intimate that you couldn’t believe that all of this is happening. All of those years, all of those emotions… Everything is out. You just wished that the two of you would speak about this sooner. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, coming closer to you. “Gosh, yes.” you finally spoke, your voice changing from crying to laughing. And he did. He crossed the distance between the two of you, cupping your face with both of his hands while he softly brushed his lips against yours. It was so sweet and gentle that you immediately forgot that you’re in a car. You reacted to his touch, it was like coming home after a very long time. You raced through his hair, while he deepened the kiss, tasting more and more you. The alcohol and something sweet mixed together, when he slipped his tongue deep into you, causing you to moan at the shocking sensation. It was so good, the two of you were a perfect fit for each other. However, the scene didn’t last as long as you heard the sound of the horn. Several times. The two of you pulled away, as a car was passing beside you. “Get a fucking room, assholes! This is not a parking lot.” said a grumpy older male driver. Jake and you suddenly started to laugh. It was so unbelievable and indiscernible what you felt. The moment lasted on, as Jake ignited the engine again. You were still laughing, all of your willpower started to return to your body which was leaving you a few days, weeks and hell even months ago. You truly felt that you’re happy and you wished this to never end. “Can I take you home?” Jake asked sweetly as he looked at you. He was so much different, you could see that the start of this relationship made him happier and more liberating as well. “Yes please, Jakeyyy.” you extended the syllables, still laughing. He rolled his eyes. “Oh, yes… what did you just say to me at the club in front of my friends?” he asked, thinking back. “Daddy, chill?” it was you this time who started to blush. You palmed your face to hide your embarrassment and now he was the one who was laughing. It was a pleasant melody for your ears. “Don’t worry baby girl,” he purred. “We will use this word in another context as well.”  
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missbugaboo · 5 years ago
That Other Guy (5)
“Why does it matter so much to you? What’s so terrible about Adrien Agreste that you can’t stand him as your competition – even though it changes absolutely nothing for you? What in magic’s name makes him such a hateful rival?” Or, Chat Noir finally learns who Ladybug’s dream guy is, but somehow, he’s not pleased at all. For more reasons than one.
LadyNoir, Adrienette.
fanfiction.net / AO3
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Chapter 5: Carefull What You Wish For
Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day, And men forgot their passions in the dread Of this their desolation; and all hearts Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light.
It was well past four when Adrien finally granted himself the permission to call it a night, at long last realising that even after the horrors of the hours that preceded his decision he still deserved the minimum amount of sleep he still could get.
Especially when there was a photo shoot awaiting him so early in the morning.
He rose from his chair then, with a grunt that resulted from more than the soreness of his body, and walked over to his bed, dragging his feet as if the few quarters he'd spent by his desk had added decades to his young age. Again, there was more to it than stiffness, but that he conveniently ignored.
He flopped onto the mattress and dived under the duvet in one swift motion, foregoing the idea of a shower that he still would've been obliged to take in the morning, limiting his preparation for sleep to kicking off his shoes (something he'd done with perfect ease on his way towards the bed) and shrugging off the shirt (which he had done right after). He was dead on his feet, and with a headache that seemed to grow with every passing second; his thoughts a tangled mess and his conscience battered and searing.
All he wanted now was to sleep. To fall into oblivion, even if for a little while, even if he knew it would all rush back to him the moment he was up.
Of course he wasn't getting any of it.
So he shut his eyes tight and attempted not to think until sleepiness took over him. When that didn't work (to no one's surprise), he tried to think of something else, counting sheep and evening his breathing, visualising whatever images he could summon that would not remind him of this current ordeal.
He thought of his mother and father, of the happy times when they had all been together. He did his best to remember the colours of her clothes and the scent of her perfumes as well as the gentle smile on his father's face, one he hadn't seen for so long. It was painful in a way, but soothing nonetheless; and certainly far easier to deal with than the spotted pattern that would have taken over his imagination had he not made sure it was otherwise occupied.
And so it would have been, with the vision of his family successfully blocking that of his partner, the sadness in his father's eyes still easier to bear than the sight of tear's on Ladybug's cheeks.
If only his growing sleepiness hadn't meant lowering his guard.
It did, however; and the closer Adrien was to falling asleep, the more willing he was to succumb to the numbness, the greater became the risk of letting the unwanted thoughts wander into his mind and thus render the entire plan useless. Far too exhausted at this point, he ignored the first signs, stubbornly believing that thinking of his missing mother would be enough to keep him serene. He allowed the images of Miss Bustier to show itself and even smiled weakly at the apparition. He let Max and Kim join her, together with Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel and Mark.
He wasn't surprised or annoyed by the thought of Chloe, his first, and for years, only friend, nor by the fact that Sabrina appeared next to her soon. And he could only wonder why it had taken him so long to add Nino and Alya into the cheerful mix.
Focused on the bright side, he didn't think that in his class there was someone he didn't want to think of.
The honest, considerate classmate.
"Oh, for Heavens' sake!" he growled with exasperation, all the more annoyed when he'd realised that the image he'd vowed not to summon had not only found its way to his mind regardless of his endeavours, but had also managed to chase away all traces of sleepiness quite successfully. His irritation only continued to grow when he pondered over it, no longer able to block the unwanted thoughts from entering his brain.
In fact, he wasn't even sure if his did want to block them.
"Hell yes, I do," he answered his own assessment, turning onto his side rapidly and covering his head with a pillow, as if that simple barrier could really shelter him from the attacks of his own unruly imagination. "I've spent enough nights thinking about her when I should have stopped after the first time she told me to move on. No good came from it then, and no good will come from it now. And don't you dare to say anything, Plagg."
He grit his teeth and shut his eyes, while his fingers tightened their grip on the the pillow still pressed against his head. He felt - knew - believed that he was right, that no matter what his stupid heart was trying to tell him, there really was no use thinking about his partner right now.
Not when he was so certain that he was the last thing on her mind.
Now, the Adrien who woke up again a few hours later was not the same who'd gone to bed.
The latter was confused and weary, haunted by the enormous feeling of guilt that could by no means be called appropriate even when it came to the worst of what he called his crimes; lost and hurting, he could not find it in himself to look at the situation impartially or even accept the compassion offered by Plagg, simply because he didn't think he was worthy of it.
The former, as puzzled and unhappy as he still was, hardly matched the description, though.
He felt less; he understood more.
He hoped he did, anyway. The very idea of having to re-organise his thinking as well as admitting that he had been, yet again, wrong was repulsive, so much that he could swear it caused him to feel physically sick. Besides, after the amount of time he'd spent pondering over the subject, he couldn't have been far from the so-called objective truth.
He just couldn’t.
He threw the covers away, and sat up rapidly, grimacing at his ill-conceived decision to sleep in his clothes, a decision that had resulted directly in the feeling of a sweaty t-shirt and creased trousers which surely were way too tight to fall into the category of potential pyjamas. The sour expression only hardened when he felt his head spin; the realisation that the sudden feeling was nothing but a natural reaction to his rapture motion did nothing to improve his mood in any way.
He got up and wandered towards the bathroom, purposefully ignoring the headache that quickly replaced the earlier feeling of dizziness, or maybe just came to the surface after the latter had subsided. He needed a shower; and he hoped that it would help with more than the sweatiness of his hair and skin.
Goodness gracious, was he exhausted.
"I hate morning shoots," he muttered angrily, as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, the vexation downright steaming from him. "I hate never getting to sleep in because of them, I hate missing school whenever they send me to one. And I hate that they've been so many of them recently."
With another grunt, he stepped into the shower tray, and turned the tap, half expecting to find the water gone, or icy-cold at best, for after all, it was exactly the kind of day when malfunctions of this sort usually happened to him.
I hate this job.
Well, that wasn't true and he knew it. Sure, a career in the fashion industry, much less as a model, had never really been a part of his long-term plans, and not only because he'd been hoping to start anew somewhere where his father's influence wasn't so overwhelmingly powerful. He still dreamed of finding work in a field that would genuinely interest him, of course... but even though he had no say in becoming the number one model for the Gabriel brand, he had never gone as far as to say he hated it.
It was boring and came in a way; it had made him have to deal with popularity he'd been neither ready or willing to face when he'd first become known and which, for some reason, did not appear to be fading with the passage of time, like he'd once hoped it would. It meant being bossed around even more, not only by Nathalie or his father but by the (numerous) photographers, dressers and make-up artists as well.
To him, it had never been much fun - and yet, he had never failed to find at least some bright aspects of it.
Until today, that is. There was nothing positive about today.
He was out of the shower in a record time, despite - or perhaps, because of - the tremendous temptation of staying in there and letting the hot streams of water numb the throbbing pain he still hadn't got rid of. He did find the idea alluring, and even believed for a second that it could help; until he remembered how little the two full hours of sleep had done for him in that regard.
It was then that Adrien noticed the lack of Plagg's presence around him and wondered idly where the tiny creature might be. A little more awake than he'd been a quarter before, he crossed the threshold of his bedroom again and looked around and, when that didn't give him the result he wanted, he cleared his throat and waited for a response.
However, none came.
"Plagg?" he asked after a while, forcing himself to sound casually and thus not give the kwami any more reasons to pick up on his behaviour than what he already had. He was met with a wall of silence once again and this time, it made his blood run a little cold.
Easy there, Agreste, he chided himself impatiently. Just because I acted like a fool last night doesn't mean Plagg should too, does it? He's here, somewhere. Here, in this room.
In this room, asleep or breakfasting, and not gone to contact Ladybug and break it to her what an idiot his Chosen was. Not that she needed Plagg's record to know that.
Still, the silence continued to ring in his ears, to the point it became deafening. Adrien called for Plagg again, and then once more after that, simultaneously walking from one cupboard to another and peeking inside in his search of his friend.
He found nothing.
He bit his lip nervously, taking yet another look around and praying desperately that he wouldn't loose his cool.
Plagg wouldn't have... left him, right?
"Come on, Plagg, this isn't funny," he tried again. "And it's not the right time for joking around, either, even if the jokes were actually good. So, would you please act like the wise being you're supposed to be for once and come out before Nathalie walks in and find me searching for you? I really don't feel like having to explain that to her too, on top of all things."
Again, his plea was not to be answered.
This is a nightmare, he thought to himself, coming to the conclusion that his father's assistant really might knock on his door any second and that he should at least make sure she didn't nail him talking to himself, and of his double life no less. It must be, or else I've screwed up even more than I thought and there is nothing I can do about it. If he's gone to her... If he told her that I'd figured out her identity, then I'm done for. Even if she could somehow forgive me my outburst yesterday, she won't hold back from taking the miraculous away from me now that I've broken the one rule she was so hell bent to keep. Even if it was her fault that I did.
Her fault.
Was it, really?
"It was," he droned, momentarily forgetting the resolution he had only just made. "I might have provoked her, involuntarily, but she still was the one who told me all the information I needed for figuring it out. I stopped asking for it ages ago, right? She was the one who said too much and now -"
He trailed off, as a feeling of a familiar presence came over him, and turned around abruptly, as if willing to nail the alleged culprit in the act (which honestly, he did). He wasn't disappointment in his discovery; even if he was surprised to see Plagg this close to his face.
Automatically, he took a step back, and gasped.
"Oh, good, you're awake," Plagg greeted him indifferently, as if he hadn't been the reason for Adrien's frantic search.
The boy grimaced at him.
"You're here."
Plagg raised an eyebrow, amused. "Of course I'm here. Where else should I be?"
"I mean," Adrien repeated coldly, "that you are here now. That you're back."
"Back from where, kid?"
"That's exactly what I'd like to know."
Plagg didn't answer him directly, save for the very telling roll of his eyes and a weary sigh that escaped his tiny lips, together with an indistinct mutter in a language Adrien had never heard before. The misplaced behaviour only made his vexation grow, allowing the anger once again take place of the previous unrest and worry.
"Plagg? Tell me where you went last night."
"Why would you think I've gone anywhere, huh?" the kwami retorted loftily, clearly offended by the accusation; if Adrien had been in a slightly better mood right now, he might've felt guilty about jumping to conclusions so fast and even apologised his friend for it.
Unfortunately for both, he could hardly imagine being in a worse mood than the one he was currently in.
"You weren't here when I woke up and I couldn't find you after I'd got dressed, either," he responded mercilessly. "You are always hovering around me in the mornings, and I know for a fact that you'd never miss a chance to mess with me whenever I'm being a little more emotional than usual; and yet, I spent the morning talking to myself with no sly remarks disrupting it, when I'm sure you'd find something say about every single thought I'd voiced. And when I actually looked around, you weren't there."
"What if I decided to give you some space, huh?" Plagg refuted easily. "I'm not that unfeeling, and I'd say you of all people should know that. After all, I didn't really lecture you last night, did I? I know when to shut up, kid. So if you could stop charging me and just -"
"Where. Were. You?"
Again, Plagg refrained from giving his answer, deciding to glare at Adrien instead, in the belief that the usually complaint boy would finally feel some of the remorse he should've felt and give up his questioning. It might not have been the noblest move to make, but Plagg honestly believed it was the right one in this context.
If only Adrien hadn't picked today to be a stubborn, ruthless, unwavering player for once.
"Fine!" the little creature exclaimed at last, with another roll of his eyes. "I might have gone out for a bit. You know, to get some fresh air. You can hardly blame me for wanting a little break after everything I had to deal with yesterday."
"I think you misunderstood my question. I already know that you did go out. I want to know where to and why."
Plagg frowned and shrugged his arms. "Here and there. I didn't go far, if that's what you're afraid of."
"I don't know, honestly. I wouldn't say that the Dupain-Cheng bakery is exactly close, is it?"
Now he had Plagg's attention, and no mistake. He was not going to lose it.
"So you did go there," he mused with a sardonic grin, but in a voice that screamed of sadness. "You went to talk to her, to discuss my case and learn what to do next."
He paused, a painful lump rising in his throat and a new set off tears burning at the back of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and made sure to look squarely at Plagg when he concluded:
"You... you went to see Ladybug."
The fresh recollection of his Lady, together with the still unsettled knowledge of her and Marinette being one and the same person made his stomach twist in a tight knot, quite successfully ruining his attempt to remain collected and, at least in some way, appear intimidating to Plagg. The painful emotions came over him and he was forced to turn away before his companion could see the change of expression that was bound to come next.
The last thing he needed was for Plagg to go all caring and pitiful again.
He didn't even consider the scenario in which the kwami saw right through his defences and still took the opposite path to what Adrien had just predicted.
And yet, it was exactly what happened.
"Alright, so first of all, you must stop succumbing to the first supposition that comes to your mind whenever something goes wrong. Seriously, it's dangerous. And harmful. Not to mention, plain stupid, too," Plagg said after a while; it was his turn to sound stern. "It makes you believe the most pessimistic version of reality and lose sight of all other options, even when there are some. Second, it's a good thing that I already know how dumb you can be, otherwise I'd be more than just annoyed with how easily you accused me of abusing your trust in such a way. I didn't."
Adrien glanced at him, still sceptical about the explanation.
"You didn't visit Marinette?" he asked incredulously.
"Look, just because I was in Pigtail's bedroom does not mean I was visiting her," Plagg answered evenly. "I went to see Tikki and no one else. Your Marinette was fast asleep for the entire time I was there, not that I would have said anything to her if she hadn't been. So no need to panic, okay?"
Once again, Adrien found himself turning away, his movement more of a reflex than a conscious action.
"She's not my Marinette," was all he could muster to say.
Again, Plagg had nothing left to do but sigh.
"I get it that you're angry. And sad. And more than a little confused, I bet," he offered after a moment, when he'd realised that Adrien was not going to add anything more. "It's hardly the ideal way to learn your partner's identity, with all the shouting and quarrelling you'd done right before. The fact that she still has no idea who you are under the mask doesn't help the matter either, and don't even get me started about that darn love square you two had got yourself into. But you know what? It doesn't make you any less of a fool."
The last line made Adrien look up for a second, only to lower his gaze immediately after; he opened his mouth to respond, and yet, no sound came out.
Plagg only shook his head.
"Listen, Adrien. I've seen my share of Cats Noir and their Ladybugs as well, and even though there certainly were pairs whose relationship was much simpler - sometimes because they didn't know each other in their private life, or because they simply were not interested in one another in general - I could easily name a few for whom the situation was hell of a lot harder. You wouldn't believe how much so.
"Now, you're obviously hurt, and shocked, and no one can blame you for it. But kid, I've been there when a Cat Noir figured out Ladybug's identity at a wrong time and it cost him his life. Then there was a case when another Cat did, and it cost hers. Neither of them wanted to learn it. You did."
"I -"
"You did," Plagg repeated. "Ever since you two met, you've been going on about how she won't let you know her identity, showering me with arguments as for why you should share the secret. Last night you got your wish and it scared you; but can you honestly say you wish you didn't know?"
Adrien smiled wryly. "Well, considering how much hardship it caused for just one night, I can. I wish I hadn't learnt anything she told me yesterday."
"Kid, you've finally figured out who your dream girl is, something you've been dreaming about for years. You also learnt that she is genuinely in love with you - better, that she had been for all this time. That the only reason why she was so adamant about rejecting you was because she chose the other side of you. And if that's not enough, she's also the girl you've considered a good friend for a very long time. You should be thrilled."
There was no response on Adrien's part.
No witty comment, no try to refute the argument.
No words.
"Perhaps," he whispered unexpectedly. "Perhaps I could be."
"Could be?"
"Yeah. I could be thrilled to know who she is. If only it was someone else under that mask."
He turned on his heel and set off towards his desk, intent to gather his belongings and leave the cursed room before Nathalie really did come to get him. The fact that she still hadn't come could only be an inclination how early it still was and yet, he suddenly felt like he had no time to spare before he suffocated.
His loyal companion watched after him, frozen in shock.
"You've learnt that Ladybug is Marinette and you're disappointed?!"
Adrien, who had just finished packing, slung his bag over his shoulder and glared.
"Yes. I am. You can figure out why yourself or contact Tikki for clues, for all I care. But either way, I'm done talking about it."
In a few long strides, he was out of the room, leaving Plagg all to himself.
It was all so wrong.
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mayareth · 6 years ago
”I can't live without you by my side”
Pairing: Ray x Margareth
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None! Just fluff, certainly some mistakes grammatically speaking and unsure style of writing.
This one includes my Cradlesona, Margareth, from her POV. I will try to write something from Ray POV too for this week! Let's the King of Spades days begin @ikerev-appreciation
It's happening again. Every time I go out with my boyfriend, another girl starts to flirt with him, even if we are with the other members of the Black Army. I know he would never cheat on me but I can't help but feel jealous because, usually, the girl in question is much more beautiful than me, a real model. Skinner, with the skin without a single imperfection, eyes so pretty you could swear they belong to a doll, etc...
I hate to be like this but I would understand if he left me for one of those creatures. I can see Ray is not really at ease to be approached by those women but he still talk with them for a bit. Always placing others before him...
If some members of the Black Army are with us, they will cheer me up. Sirius would say something like ”Don’t worry, little lady, no one of them has your intelligence and your beauty.”
And Fenrir would add ”Yeah, stop looking like you're about to punch the entire Magic Tower in the face! My bestie has only eyes for you, not for those sluts who can't even read a book correctly, I'm sure!”
But the best part is always when Seth scold his boss, with his usual drama touch.
”RAY!!! You have the finest lady of all Cradle at your table and you dare to leave her just because some paint bucket girl wanted your attention?! You seriously need to learn how to treat a woman correctly! Just look at Margareth now, Luka will have to cook marzipan for weeks to make her smile again and she will become fat eating all those sweets just because of her incapable boyfriend! Now leave, I don't want to see you before tomorrow’s breakfast, and take your gorgeous girlfriend with you, she needs to get some kisses from you to make her face as bright as before!”
Usually, Seth’s attitude and Ray’s pitiful look were enough to make me smile and forgive him instantly. Furthermore, we usually spend the rest of the evening together, Ray apologizing to me profusely, saying that he had no choice but to try to make the annoying miss leave his side as soon as he could but has to listen to all her boring stuff before doing anything.
But tonight was different. The King of Spades decided to go on a date with me as Sirius gave him the evening free, as a firework was organized this evening in the Central Quarter. I was looking forward to this moment, choosing my dress carefully and finally picking one of my favourites. A navy blue one, sleeveless with a white ribbon on the waist. Perfect for a summer night! I also picked high heels white sandals, a silver necklace and a discrete pair of earrings. Finally, I added a touch of floral perfume before walking out of my room. I almost immediately ran into Seth.
”Oh, my sweet darling! You look PERFECT! Are you sure Ray will be able to see the fireworks with you shining so bright?”
”Seth, you’re exaggerating things again, I never know how to react to compliments! But thank you, that's really kind.”
He blinked at me before turning and walking
”I’m only telling the truth sweetie!”
I rolled my eyes, heading to Ray’s room when I felt hands squeezing my waist. I hadn't the time to react before being swept in the air and kissed softly on the lips.
”Ray! Did you want to make me have a heart attack?!”
He grinned at me, seeming to enjoy the look of surprise that still lingered on my face.
”That would be unfortunate, let's keep your heart safe until the end of the evening”
”Why only until the end of the evening? I hoped I could stay by your side a little longer than just for a night!”
I asked as I pouted a little
”You will stay in my arms for as long as you can take it, and I hope you have stamina darling because, with a free day tomorrow, maybe I’ll be able to pleasure you all night long.”
I felt my face turning crimson as my boyfriend winked at me, taking my hand.
”But first, let's enjoy the fireworks!”
I felt as light as a feather as we walked hand in hand to the Central Quarter. Finally, a moment to spend together, as a couple! I feel so proud to be the girlfriend of the charismatic King of Spades, handsome in a navy blue shirt, that emphasized his firm chest, and classy black pants. I know that’s not good but I wanted to look down at all the girls that stared at us, envy reflecting in their eyes. Yes, he is my boyfriend, don't be so jealous, I’m lucky and I know it but he is all mine, for tonight as well as for the eternity, sorry to disappoint you. The taste of revenge from all the times he and I have been taken apart was so sweet, sweeter than any cake I could ever find.
Once arrived at our destination, we found out there were many little stands all around the square to buy different types of foods and drinks.
All of these look so tasty! And now my empty stomach is growling. Why did I think that would be a great idea to starve myself today to seem skinnier in this dress?
”What do you want to drink Margareth? I’ve heard the stand over there was making the best sangria in all Cradle! Wanna try?”
I glanced at the stall he was pointing out. Good, not much people and, more importantly, no pretty girl in the queue for sangria!
”I would love to try it! I’ve had once this drink during a trip back at the time when I still lived in the Land of Reason. They had added cinnamon, that was delicious!”
Smiling at my enthusiastic tone, Ray patted me lightly on the shoulder.
”Just wait here, I’ll buy the drinks for us.”
I nodded and found a place to sit on an empty bench.
The perfect spot! The air is still hot and I might just faint if I stay one more minute on my feet!
I picked my fan from my small purse and looked around me. All types of people gathered here, family as well as a couple but also bystanders. All of them seemed to enjoy themselves. August is really a good time for families to hang out. Maybe one day with Ray, we will be like them...
My gaze scanned the crowd until spotting my boyfriend... Talking to a girl at the stand. Long sun-kissed blonde hair and a shirt that showed off her cleavage. I felt my heart being stabbed. Tears started to burn my eyes but I refused to let them fall.
Keep calm, just take a little walk then just talk to him. No, scold him. I can't believe he has done this TODAY, ON A DATE.
I tried to calm myself down, analysing the shopping windows of the different shops Cradle has to offer.
As I got lost in my thoughts, I felt a hand firmly pressed on my shoulder. I turned around to find a man I’ve never seen before.
”Are you lost, sweetie? Maybe I can help you?”
He was so close I could feel his breath hot on my neck. My blood turned cold as I smelt the familiar scent of alcohol. I tried to push him away but it only makes his grip around my wrist tighter.
”Thank you but I was about to return to the plaza so I’m definitely not lost. I have friends who are waiting for me there and...”
”You’re going nowhere. My company is certainly far better than any people you know.”
Why did I wander in the streets instead of just turn around the square?
The brown-haired man suddenly pushed me against a wall in the nearby street, placing his filthy hands on each side of my head. Panic was taking control of my brain.
Quick, try to remember what the Black Army taught you during your self-defence lessons!
I placed my own hands on his shoulders, then I tried to give him a well-placed kick between his tights but the shock made his head hit mine as he bent over in pain, making my mind confused.
Shit, I must have forgotten a part to avoid this problem.
”You, little whore, yes, you are going to regret this!”
I tried desperately to run but my high heels made me lose my balance and the criminal was soon on the top of me.
”There is no more escape for you now!”
We are closer to the plaza now, maybe I can try this, my secret weapon: the lady-in-danger attitude. Well, every girl can use it with a name like this but still...
I screamed at the top of my lungs. He had promised me to be here for me whenever I needed help, I just had to call him. But the man quickly covered my mouth.
”It’s too late now...”
”Is it really? Leave this woman alone. Is that how a respectable man act?”
I breathed in relief hearing the voice of the man I longed to see. Ray grabbed my aggressor by the collar, making stand up again.
”I recognize you, Ray Blackwell. My cousin died because of you. He was only a boy at this time, he should have served the great Red Army! But you caused that bloody Day That Went Dark. You’re gonna pay for your crimes!”
The King of Spades, certainly not prepared to hear about that dreadful day, seemed disoriented as the man punched him right in the face.
”No stop!”
Immediately, I was standing between the two fighters. The time seemed to stop as I looked at each one of them. I stared at Ray, my eyes pleading him to put an end to all of this, without spilling too much blood if it was possible.
”Well, we will settle this like two respectable men so.”
Ray spoke first, in his usual calm tone as if he was talking about what Luka was going to cook tonight.
”Ah yes? And how?”
The creepy man was a bit soberer but still wanted to seek revenge. His eyes were burning with rage.
”You’re right, I must pay for my crimes. I challenge you to a sword duel. The prize? This wonderful woman right here.”
I froze completely when I saw Ray pointing me. I was about to protest when the wind carried my boyfriend’s whispered words to my ears.
”Trust me”
The opponent composure faltered a little but he still drew his sword.
”Alright, King of Spades, let's finish this”
A few moves later, the criminal was laying on the floor, unarmed and begging for mercy.
”You’re lucky this is a celebration day. I would have killed you right on the spot but you will spend a few days in jail instead, thinking about what you’ve done.”
Some guards, alerted by the metallic sound of the swords clashing, arrived and took the now red-faced man away, after having heard Ray’s explanations.
Right after, I found my head firmly pressed against my boyfriend’s chest.
He cupped my chin, forcing me to look in his deep green eyes. Two emeralds that were still reflecting concern.
”Are you alright? Never leave my side like this again, I was so worried! You can be such a child sometimes!”
His words expressed anger but his tone told me that it was more relief that he wanted to communicate.
”I’m sorry, I'm feeling so ridiculous right now, being jealous of a random girl...”
”A girl? But I didn't speak with another woman tonight!”
His surprised-struck face told me he was being sincere but I knew what I saw and I couldn't help but question him.
”When you were at the sangria stall...”
Ray gave my forehead a soft flick, smiling.
”That was the waitress, dummy! Did you forget what I promised you? This is OUR evening!”
With that, he united our lips in a soft kiss. That was so unexpected that I had my breath caught away and my eyes wide open but I was soon lost in the sweetness of the moment. He nipped lightly at my bottom lip before pushing away, letting me wanting more.
”I would never defy him if I hadn't seen he was incapable to fight with a sword. You’re so precious to me, I can't live without you by my side, remember this.”
Awww Ray! I feel so stupid now... I might just faint from happiness... And hunger too.
”I love you too Ray but can we...”
”Eat something? Of course, I already ordered a roasted vegetable mix and some fries.”
It was my turn to be surprised.
”How did you know?”
The raven-haired man chucked at my confused and blushing look.
”Your stomach can't lie to me. Neither do you. Let's go before I have to bridal-carry you to the headquarters because you had faint from inanition!”
He pressed a last kiss to my forehead before lacing his fingers with mine to guide me toward the tempting smell of food.
”I wouldn't mind a bridal carry you know...”
I gave him a coy, yet meaningful, look. This kiss let me so unsatisfied I wanted to taste one thing even more than food: him.
”Oh don't worry, I’ll remember this for the final part of the evening”
Ray winked at me, a roguish smile on his face, letting me know that the night was far from over.
This is the first fanfic I share with you! I’m terribly unsure of my writing skills so I hope I haven't made too many mistakes, especially with the tenses. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
Tagging some of the amazing people who inspired me with their fantastic work/posts. Thank you so much, you brighten my days every time I stop by your blog!💕
@lovingsiriusoswald @alloveroliver @toloveawarlord @emeraldtawny @otonymous @plumpblueberry @kiarigirl @xathia-89 @muggzc @vaesha-draecon @pianoperson @theundyingskeleton @vitaminxi @saphyhowl and so many more (but I would have to tag all the blogs I follow and that would be sooooo long)
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speckofglitter · 6 years ago
ot11 silver boys getting jealous
--- let's get this bread mates
noa • Noa is not at all the jealous type • Which is why you were so surprised when he pulled you aside at school • ‘What were you doing with lee byounggon last night? You know he’s bad news right?’ he questioned, leaning against the wall. • ‘Are you stalking me noa? You don’t have to be jealous, byounggon and I are barely even acquaintances.’ You smirked, reaching out to fix noa’s uniform. • ‘I’m not jealous, I just wanna know what you guys were talking about that was so important you had to cancel out date.’ He sighed. • ‘Look, byounggon needed a tutor for chem and he asked me. That’s literally it we didn’t even have a conversation, I barely know the guy.’ You explained. • ‘Good. Because I don’t need my girl getting in trouble’ he smiled, taking your hands in his.
jeonwoong • woong is super hard to impress • You've been training together for the past year but he seems to not even notice your existence • Ever since you developed a crush on him, your motivation to be the company's best female trainee had only gotten stronger • You spent hours in the dance studio, sweat pouring down your body as you executed the assigned choreography countless times • A huge opportunity was given to the trainees, the opportunity to be backup dancers for the company’s most successful group during their world tour • You and woong both practiced endlessly and eventually made it amongst 10 other trainees • You were absolutely ecstatic • As you started working together, woong warmed up to you and you two became quite close, even spending some time together outside of practice, visiting the numerous tour stops • For the last stop, the main dancer was asked to perform a dance duet and chose you to perform with him • You worked with the choreographer, trying to get the moves down in a short amount of time • The dance was slow and sensual and most definitely out of your comfort zone but you made it work • As the dress rehearsal started, woong couldn’t keep his eyes off of you • Of course, he was proud of you but what he was feeling wasn’t just that… • He wished he could be dancing with you instead as he saw your body moving fluidly and effortlessly on the stage • As soon as your rehearsal ended he found you backstage • ‘you did great y/n. I can’t believe how much your dancing has improved.’ he hugged you tight. • ‘thank you woong, I hope we get to do a duet together someday as well.’ You grin, taking a swig of water. • ‘ahhh but you’re too busy working with the famous guys now’ he laughed, playfully slapping your arm. • ‘of course not, I’m never too busy for you.’ You blurted out. • ‘huh?’ • ‘I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious that I had a crush on you… haha’ you laughed nervously, scratching your neck as you waited for his response. • ‘me too. I mean I like you too. I wish I could do a duet with you as well’ he immediately replied, getting closer to you. • ‘well, then let’s go! The practice room is still open!’ you exclaimed, dragging him out.
raesung • You and raesung used to be best friends • You had gotten into a huge fight when you were in middle school • All the new memories you share are kinda hazy • Mostly because you're usually high when you see him • You're usually sending him dirty looks when you see him at a party • Everyone knows you two despise each other • Whenever you walk past him at school you usually roast him • 'Wow raesung you look like shit today... y i k e s' • One night, you're at a party when raesung's friend hyunsuk starts flirting with you • You don't think much of it at first, he's attractive and you're single so... Yeah you guys end up making out • Raesung sees you making out with hyunsuk and immediately feels betrayed? He's not sure why he's so annoyed but he is • So he decides to walk over and drag hyunsuk away, with the excuse that he's too drunk • You're obviously furious because hellooo you were making out with a hot boy? • So you dm raesung that night like y/n: why the fuck did you drag hyunsuk away from me? -you deleted his number in middle school lol- gongjuboi: good evening y/n i think the correct words would be 'thank you raesung for saving me from being a teen mom' but aight y/n: wtf is wrong with you thinking you can control me when we having been friends since we were 12? gongjuboi: maybe because i fucking care about your dumbass? you think it's easy seeing you make out with my bestfriend when i've had and still have the fattest crush on you? y/n: oh... that explains a lot. umm maybe we can meet at the park tomorrow and talk it out? i don't wanna be lame like you and confess in the dms ♡ • let's just say you had raesung's heart palpitating, he couldn't sleep the entire night because he couldn't wait to see you
• you're dating hyunsuk and you have a cold • obviously as soon as you text him that you don't feel well he's at your feet with a bunch of cold medicine and healthy foods • you're drinking one of the weird ginger tea concoctions he made for you when you start feeling bored cause hyunsuk ran out to buy more chicken soup • so you start watching videos on your phone and you stumble upon some of yedam's covers • you know yedam well cause he's hyunsuk friend but his talent still baffles you • as you're singing along to his cover of 'there's nothing holding me back' hyunsuk comes in, watching in horror • 'what.... are.... you.... doing...' he says, slowly removing the phone from your hands. • 'i'm singing?' you answer. • 'first of all, no offense i love you babe but you sounded terrible. second of all, why aren't you singing along to my songs? i'm offended?' he whines • 'fine omg stop being such a jealous baby, i'll just jam out to yammy gang with a sore throat then' you huff out • 'didn't stop you from horribly belting out those high notes though' he mumbles, a smile on his face as he gives you your phone back and kisses you on the forehead
byounggon • Sooo you’re dating byounggon and you work as an actress • Since you were so young when you started out, you usually worked on ads for family and children's products • However, now that you’re finally of age in korea, your agent had been getting a lot more calls for fashion, perfume and athletic wear • Today you were working on an ad for adidas • You’re super excited because it’s one of your favorite brands • What you didn’t know was that you would be working with another model, Bobby from IKON • You freaked out as soon as you got to set • Bobby was already dressed and waiting for you • ‘Nice to meet you y/n i’m Bobby from IKON, Byounggon told me a lot about you!!’ • Oof you had completely forgotten that gon and bobby were friends • ‘Nice to meet you too!!’ you smiled, trying not to fangirl • You finally got dressed in an adidas hoodie and leggings, getting ready for the shooting • As the camera flashed, the photographer instructed you and bobby to act like old friends, running together and even making him give you a piggyback ride • It was a cute concept honestly,, something softer and more approachable that most sports ads • Time passed by quickly, within an hour you two had taken almost 2000 shots together • You were super happy when you saw the pictures in the midst of their editing, even giving bobby a friendly high five for the teamwork • When you got home, gon was waiting for you with some food • You hugged him tightly, telling him all about the photoshoot • He was happy that your first major ad was with bobby,,, until he saw the ads • ‘You guys look awfully close, don’t you??’ he looked at you with a questioning smirk. • ‘huh?? Our concept was childhood friends why would we not look close??’ you laughed, not noticing the way gon was clenching his jaw • ‘Do you think bobby hyung is more handsome than i am??’ he questioned, making you stop eating • ‘No of course not, and even if i was attracted to him it wouldn’t matter because i love you.’ you gasped, realizing that you had said the l-word • You and gon had been dating for a year now but none of you had the courage to say those words yet • You internally cursed yourself for saying it at such a shitty moment • Gon sits on the couch wide-eyed for a few seconds and you think he might not say it back, before he puts your plates aside and grabs you close, hugging you as he whispers ‘i love you more’ y/n.
jihoon • you and jihoon are the class clowns • are true reckless pair • you guys are attached at the hip, always roasting someone or just being true crackheads • everyone in your class shipped you but you always shut it down claiming 'nah fam jihoon's gonna get married to one of those manga girls cause he's a weeb' • one night the silver boys squad are having a movie night and you're invited because duh jihoon likes you • the problem is that you're kinda short and junkyu, gon and noa decided to sit in the front which makes no sense cause they're the tallest? • so seunghun being the #dad that he is asks if you wanna sit on his lap so you can see better and you're like 'yEs' • jihoon is coming back from the kitchen when he almost drops the popcorn when he sees you on seunghun's lap • he doesn't want to cause a scene so he puts the popcorn down and goes back to his seat to text seunghun hoon��: dude wtf are you doing??? you know i like y/n... • meanwhile poor seunghun is struggling to text while your whole body is in front of him so he's wobbling all over the place hun🍯: i'm so sorwy dud e it's really hard to text rn • and the inevitable happened, seunghun dropped his phone and you picked it up • jihoon looked up in horror as you briefly skimed the texts, eyes stopping over the words 'you know i like y/n...' • you immediately get up and grab jihoon's arm, pulling him into the kitchen as the rest of the boys pretend like they didn't see anything • 'so.. you like me huh...' • 'umm yeah and i know you don't like me back but i really want to take you out on a date... if you'd let me..' • seeing him get so nervous actually made your heart flutter a bit • 'fine, take me out tomorrow crackhead' you giggle, returning to your seat • 'wait can you sit on my lap instead?' • 'damn we're not even dating yet and you're already so needy' you laugh, carefully sitting on his lap • jihoon couldn't concentrate at all during the movie, he was too busy internally crying over your last words 
seunghun • So,, it’s valentine’s day which means everyone is spending time with their bf or gf • Meanwhile you’ve been dating seunghun for about a month so you’re excited to spend this day with him • Your school has set up a system where students and teachers can buy roses for someone else in order to raise money for school activities • You would usually get some for your female friends who were single so they wouldn’t feel too lonely • Obviously, this year you would get one for seunghun as well • When your bio teacher comes into class with a bucket full of roses and names on it, you only expect to get one from seunghun • You were w r o n g • You get a total of 5 roses • 1 from seunghun, 3 from your best friends and 1 anonymous • When you get out of class, seunghun is looking at you curiously • ‘Who are they from??’ he asks. • ‘Oh these 3 are from yeeun, lisa and jisoo. this one i have no idea, it's anonymous...’ you shrug. • You had never seen seunghun get so red before • ‘ANONYMOUS?? YOU HAVE A SECRET ADMIRER?? I need to find whoever this is and give them… give them some very strong words because i can’t fight...’ • ‘Seunghun can you please calm down it’s probably just a friend’ you chuckle, amused at how worked up he is • ‘But what if they steal you away from meeeee’ he whines and that’s where you lose your shit • ‘Kim Seunghun. Nobody can steal you away from me. In our short time of dating i’ve already seen enough of you to know you’re the only person i see myself with okay?? Not will you please shut up and take me on a date??’ • Let’s just say Seunghun was s h o o k
yedam • You and yedam had met at school and bonded fairly fast due to your mutual love for reading • After a while of getting to know each other you’re finally dating • Your favorite date spot is the bookstore, you and yedam usually go once a week to pick out books together and read at a café • This time you’re looking for a book on mitosis for a school report • Unfortunately, the book you need is on the highest shelf making it impossible to reach • Even though yedam tried to get it for you he was still a little too short • Seeing you two struggling, the book store worker seunghun decided to step in and help • He reached up, taking the book with ease as he gave it to you with a huge grin on his face • ‘thank you so much’ you smiled, taking the book from his hands as you dragged Yedam to a nearby aisle • Yedam was obviously annoyed that he hadn’t been able to help you • The entire time you were at the bookstore he kept shooting glares towards Seunghun, getting even more annoyed when the latter would just smile back • Sensing that Yedam was acting weird, you pulled him aside and asked him what was wrong • ‘What’s wrong is that- that worker was completely flirting with you right in front of me!’ he exclaimed • ‘Yedam, I really don’t think he was flirting with me stop exaggerating. even if he was I wouldn’t care cause you’re the only person I want to be with.’ You smiled softly, leaving Yedam a blushing mess
junkyu • you and junkyu have been dating for a while now and he finally wants to introduce you to his friends • a perfect occasion came up as hyunsuk was hosting a party with all of the silver boys so junkyu was taking you as his date • you’re incredibly nervous as you walk to hyunsuk’s place, trying to rehearse the ways you could introduce yourself • ‘relax baby, you’ll be fine’ junkyu chuckled, grabbing your hand as he knocked on the door • you introduced yourself to everyone, nervously giggling everytime jihoon and seunghun would make stupid jokes about junkyu • you particularly got along with hyunsuk • he helped you stay calm, bringing you water or food everytime you seemed a little too tipsy and joking around with you when he sensed you were feeling a little left out • as junkyu observed you two, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy • you were his date and yet you had barely spent a second of the night with him • towards the end of the night you sat on the couch, completely forgetting you were wearing a skirt and you exposed your thighs a bit too much so hyunsuk took off his yellow jacket, laying it on your lap • junkyu l o s t it • he downed his drink and put his leather jacket back on, silently leaving as everyone watched on like ‘ummm wtf just happened…’ • you were too drunk to go after him so hyunsuk ran out • as he caught up with junkyu he immediately pulled him by his jacket • ‘yo wtf junkyu why would you just leave your girl like that?’ • ‘it really didn’t seem like she was my girl when you two were all over each other at the party?’ he laughed bitterly, turning back as he kept walking. • ‘look junkyu, it’s not what it looks like. I talked to y/n and she’s really serious about being with you. She just asked me to stay with her because she was nervous about the other guys not liking her and she was a bit overwhelmed… I mean can you imagine being introduced to 10 boys at once?’ hyunsuk chuckled. • ‘ohh… I guess that makes sense...’ junkyu sighed. • ‘can we please go back to the party now? I’m pretty sure y/n needs someone to take her drunk ass home’ hyunsuk laughed, pushing junkyu in the direction of his house.
doyoung • you were laying on magnum’s dorm’s couch, waiting for doyoung • he was out getting snack for your weekly date night • usually the dorm was quite loud but today even jihoon and mashiho were knocked out from practice so you were calmly scrolling through your Instagram feed • you came across a picture of seunghun so you went onto his profile, mindlessly scrolling through his recent pics as you wondered how he was doing • you two had been friends for a long time, he had even introduced you to the silver boys and that’s how you met doyoung and started dating • ‘what are you doing’ you gasp, turning around to see doyoung glaring at you with bags of snacks in his arms. • ‘oh my god you scared me?? What the fuck doyoung??’ • ‘I should be asking you that. Why are you stalking seunghun? Do you like him or something?’ he raised his tone, dropping the grocery bags. • ‘first of all, no what the fuck? Also, I’m not stalking him, I just haven’t seen him for a while and I was wondering how he is…’ you sighed. • ‘you haven’t seen me for a while too…’ he muttered. • ‘well, let me know when you have a personal Instagram account so I can stalk you too?? Stop acting like a jealous baby. I’m not going to see you a lot when you debut so can you please just chill??’ you asked. • ‘you’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry for overreacting. Let’s just watch a movie and talk okay? I’ll go put the popcorn in the microwave’ he smiled, gently rubbing his thumb over your hands.
• it’s the first day of spring break and you’re on vacation with all of your college friends and your boyfriend midam • you brought your friends lisa, yeeun and chungha while midam brought his friends hyunsuk, seunghun and byounggon • for the first night, you guys decided to go out and get dinner together • you did your make up for the first time in a while and even the rest of the girls could agree you.  did. thAT 😳🗣 • so,, you looked really good and midam couldn’t stop looking at you the entire night. He wasn’t the only one tho… • the waiter at your table spent the entire night flirting with you and midam was starting to get annoyed • on top of that the rest of your friends were even getting uncomfortable cause the guy just wouldn’t take a hint • at one point midam went to the bathroom to calm down • while he was away, the waiter came back • he brushed your hair out of your face, leaning in to whisper ‘do you want my number?’ • Your eyes shot wide open as you saw midam right behind him, fists clenched in anger • ‘do you want my fist in your face?’ he yelled out, grabbing him by his collar. • Seeing as other customers were starting to look your way hyunsuk and byounggon both got up to calm midam down and you all left • On the way, back the others pretended they wanted to go shopping as an excuse to give you two some space • ‘so… that was a shit show’ you laughed, linking arms with midam • ‘I’m really sorry babe I know how much you wanted us to have a nice dinner together’ he sighed • ‘it’s fine, he was making me annoyed too. I’m glad you care enough to defend me.’ You smiled. • ‘hey, do you wanna go get some ice cream?’ he suddenly suggested • ‘hELL YEAH’ you yelled out, making midam laugh at how excited you were
hi hello i’m literally sick so i’m kinda dying but hope you guys like this hehe
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tinklingjade · 6 years ago
The Water Was Never Afraid - Chapter 14: Grind
“You’ll be fine, kid,” Plagg whispered from Adrien’s collar as he strode down the hall to the photography studio, all made up and ready to go. “Remember to breathe, and don’t do anything stupid.”
Adrien heeded Plagg’s advice and took a deep breath before pushing open the door.
“Adrien! Good morning!”
The effervescent voice made Adrien’s heart quicken. He took in Marinette’s appearance—her hair was loose, one side hooked behind her ear, and she wore a loose, silk crepe button-down blouse in red, tucked into form-fitting black pants and red ballet flats. She looked good in red. “Good morning,” he said, trying not to blush or think about last night.
Not that last night had been anything remarkable for her. They’d just hung out and talked over banana bread.
But for him, it was the earth-shattering night that he had realized he had fallen in love for the second time in his life.
“Violette should be here soon, too,” Marinette remarked, beckoning Adrien toward the changing booths.
Violette was a model from a partner agency, and Adrien had worked with her on multiple occasions while he was still modeling, so they were on friendly terms.
Étienne, the photographer, waved as he approached. “‘Morning, boss.”
Adrien greeted him back, as Marinette held open the curtain for him. Four outfits were hanging in garment bags on hooks inside the booth.
As Adrien was changing, he heard the door open and a feminine, Italian-accented voice enter the room.
“Marinette, love! You look gorgeous as usual, my dear. Are you sure you don’t want to take my place?”
Adrien couldn’t help but agree with her appraisal, though it was probably for the better that he wouldn’t be posing with Marinette.
“Oh, hush, Violette,” Marinette laughed. “I’m a disaster in photos. I’d rather be on the other side of the camera.”
Footsteps came closer as Marinette ushered Violette to the other changing booth. “Adrien’s already changing, so we’ll start soon.”
The color scheme was neutrals with a pop of color. For the first look, Adrien wore a cream coat with black buttons, a grey turtleneck, and ochre yellow pants. The inner lining of the coat, which showed with certain poses, was white with centimeter-sized polka dots the same color as the pants. Violette, wearing a light grey overcoat draped over her shoulders, a white chiffon blouse with ruffled collar, and white straight-leg pants with black stiletto ankle-boots, donned a bright orange scarf.
“Good to see you, love,” Violette pulled Adrien in for a hug, throwing air kisses at his cheeks, careful not to disturb their hair and makeup.
Marinette handed Adrien a black umbrella.
“Did I tell you anything about the collection?”
Adrien shook his head. “Sorry, I should know by now.”
“It’s okay, this was all last minute,” Marinette reassured him. Addressing both him and Violette, she explained, “The theme centers around the pop of color in a greyscale palette, and since rain kind of symbolizes a drab or greyscale environment, I decided to use an umbrella as a prop, and even do some shots that look like they were taken in the rain. We’ll do a round of ‘dry shots,’ where you’ll pose with the umbrella, then move on to the ‘wet shots.’ Don’t worry, you won’t actually get wet, Étienne’s just going to use props to simulate rain.”
They shot a series of photos against a neutral grey backdrop with just the umbrella. Adrien settled into the familiar routine, his mind going into autopilot. He couldn’t help but watch Marinette as she moved around the studio, checking different angles, giving Étienne directions.
“Great expression, Adrien, but I need you to look left,” Étienne instructed. Marinette adjusted his arm, and he swooned internally at her soft touch and the subtle whiff of her perfume.
It had been eight long years since he had last fallen in love. The way he felt about Ladybug had scarred over into something calm, mature, and occasionally painful. He had forgotten what it was like to feel giddy from the mere proximity of the object of his affections.
Why had he ever agreed to date Kagami without feeling this way about her?
“Open the umbrella and hold it—yes, just like that.” Étienne continued to give instructions, Marinette leaning into him to whisper something inaudible to the models. She motioned with her hand. “Violette, over here.”
Bodies shifted. Adrien peeked under the umbrella’s canopy at Marinette—she met his eyes and raised an eyebrow. Feeling burned, he reverted his gaze to where Étienne wanted him to look.
Sure, he had rationalized that he couldn’t have Ladybug, and he didn’t think he was capable of loving anyone else the same way. He cared for Kagami deeply, of course. Their friendship was irreplaceable. She was important to him, and he wanted her to be happy.
Yet, Marinette had blindsided him. Since last night, he had been drowning in reminiscence of all the moments they had shared over the past eight years. She had caused him a fair amount of grief throughout collège and the beginning of lycée, when he wasn’t sure where their friendship stood and whether she really considered him a good friend or thought of him as highly as he thought of her.
“Try a little smile. Like you have a secret.”
Adrien shifted his weight, adjusting his pose. He had a secret, all right, but it didn’t make him want to smile. Nonetheless, shooting a longing glance at Marinette, he pretended there was hope for them and smiled. Why was love always out of his reach?
“Marinette deserves nothing less than fabulous, don’t you think?” Violette remarked to him, shifting her pose. “Spice it up, darling.”
That drove the last of the clouds out of his expression.
He recalled how precious those small victories with Marinette were, like the time they’d sat next to each other on the bus for three hours on a school trip and rather than it being awkward, they had lost themselves in chatting the whole way.
Since then, they had shared inside jokes and movie recommendations, and his heart swelled every time he reminded himself that they were really and truly friends.
Could that have been love, after all? A form of love? Maybe he had loved her all along.
Maybe he was so smitten with Ladybug he hadn’t recognized the potential that was there.
“… to Romeo. Earth to Romeo.”
Adrien blinked and looked at Violette, realizing he’d zoned out. “What?”
“How was your trip to outer space? We’re done with this round—time to change.” She snaked an arm around his and pulled him toward the booths, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “So, lover boy, sweet on our little designer, aren’t you?”
“W-what?” Adrien blushed. “Why do you say that?”
“Darling, you keep looking at her as if she holds all the secrets of the universe.”
“It’s not like that,” Adrien insisted, fighting a blush. His brain caught up to what Violette had been calling him—Romeo—and he gasped in horror. “Violette, you’ve got it all wrong! I’m in a committed relationship. With… someone else. Not Marinette. Please don’t insinuate anything.”
“Whoa, whoa.” Violette held up her hands. “I didn’t mean to offend you, my love. I didn’t know, otherwise I would not have said anything, okay? Forgive me.”
They went into their separate booths, the word ‘committed’ rubbing Adrien like a grain of sand under his skin.
For the next look, Adrien wore a primary blue coat over a grey-pinstriped white button down shirt and slate grey slacks, while Violette wore an emerald fitted blouse with a gathered collar and sleeves, tucked into beige wide-leg pants cinched with a forest green fabric sash.
Marinette pulled an inflatable pool from the other end of the studio, while Étienne clamped a pane of glass to an upright stand and misted it with water droplets from a spray bottle. He set up a portable shower head behind the glass, over the pool, and adjusted the lighting.
“Are you sure we’re not going to get wet?” Adrien asked dubiously, not quite sure how this was going to work.
Marinette laughed. “Of course! Watch and learn. First, you, Adrien… stand right here.” She guided Adrien into place while Violette settled into a chair on the side to wait her turn.
Marinette switched on the shower and held the umbrella under it until the top was decorated with water droplets and trails of water, then handed it to Adrien. Their fingers brushed, and she gave him a warm smile.
A sense of déjà vu dredged up an ancient memory. “Marinette, remember the day we became friends?” he asked breathlessly before she could step away.
The smile faltered and she blushed. “Of course I remember,” she murmured. “I’m surprised you do.”
“Why wouldn’t I? That was one of the most important days of my life.”
Marinette’s lips curled up subtly, as if she were lost in thought, then she looked Adrien over, choosing not to respond. Several seconds passed achingly as she adjusted his jacket, smoothed his shirt, and shifted a few strands of hair. Though she did it with all the innocent attentiveness of an artist examining the composition of her piece of work, Adrien couldn’t help but imagine tenderness in her touch.
When she stepped away, the atmosphere reverted to all business.
Étienne took his position behind the pane of glass, snapping a few shots as Adrien improvised poses.
“Violette,” Marinette called, and she switched places with Adrien.
Adrien hovered over Étienne’s shoulder as he photographed Violette.
“Let me work in peace, boss,” Étienne said with gruff affection, elbowing Adrien lightly without taking his hands off the camera.
“I just want to see how the ‘rain’ is turning out.”
Étienne humored him with a sneak peek. The droplet-covered pane of glass created a glittering bokeh effect in the foreground, and combined with the streaks of falling water droplets in the background and the water-covered umbrella, the shots looked convincingly to have been taken in the rain. “They’ll look even better after post processing,” Étienne added.
“Very impressive.”
“I’ll confess, the idea was Marinette’s.”
“Ah, she’s brilliant,” Adrien sighed.
The look Étienne gave him went over his head.
Violette snagged Adrien on the way to the dressing booths for the third outfit change. “You made her blush, Casanova. What ever did you say, love?”
“Violette, I’m serious,” Adrien pleaded, looking her firmly in the eyes. He lowered his voice and gave in to the fact that she could see right through him. “I’m not supposed to feel this way about her. If anything gets out about it, it’s not going to look good for either of us, so please stop.”
She looked at him pityingly and squeezed his arm. “If she’s the one you want, there’s always a chance. I don’t see a ring on your finger, after all.” She winked, a sly expression flitting across her face.
“Maybe,” Adrien sighed.
“I won’t breathe a word, my love, don’t worry.” She patted his shoulder, and they split into their respective booths.
“She’s right, you know,” Plagg whispered very quietly in his ear once the curtain was secured. “You’re gonna get yourself in trouble if you keep this up. You don’t have to be with Kagami if you don’t love her that way.”
“I can’t do that to Kagami,” Adrien returned quietly. “And I do love her.” Just not that way, maybe.
“Did you say something, love?” Violette called from the neighboring booth.
“No, nothing,” Adrien called back.
Adrien cut into his steak and, spearing an asparagus tip along with it, put a small piece in his mouth.
The low-lit restaurant was hushed, the sound of subdued chatter and silverware against ceramic filling the room.
“How did the photoshoot go?” Kagami asked, nudging his foot with hers under the table.
“I thought it went well.” Adrien took a deep breath to quell the sense of anxiety that was rising in his chest. “The photographer used this cool effect to make the shots look like they were taken in the rain. I can’t wait to see them published.”
“I’m really happy for Marinette.” Kagami’s smile didn’t show that she had any reservations about this sentiment.
Adrien nodded, then changed the topic because he couldn’t bear to talk about Marinette with Kagami. “I heard this dinner was your doing?” He looked around at the table, where some of Gabriel’s biggest backers were seated, enjoying the food and conversation. Best of all, Gabriel himself was present, with Nathalie at his side.
Kagami shook her head modestly. “I had lunch with your father, and we talked, that’s all. It was his idea.”
Adrien knew better. Kagami had a way of inspiring people to action. “Thank you,” he whispered, sliding his hand across the table to brush her fingers.
“I know you’ve been encouraging him to go out lately. I just wanted to help… I thought it would make you happy.”
“I am happy.” With a rueful smile, he retracted his hand to cut another piece of steak.
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silver-wields-a-pen · 5 years ago
Illthdar High: an Au fan fiction
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4:45 Wednesday Afternoon Rowdy boys calling dirty jokes echoed through the hallway where Scyanatha was sitting with her posse. They were at the opposite end from the entrance to the boys locker room, but could still clearly hear the ridiculous, hormonal chatter. Some boys are so pathetic. She blew a big bubble with her gum and popped it. She noted Seth’s voice wasn't among them, and that was enough to make her smile. She had a real man while everyone else in this school was messing with immature little boys. It was just another reason why she was better than them. “Isn’t this like, the fifth time he’s circled this way?” Imogen’s voice drew Scy away from her pink cellphone where she was ordering a pair of designer heels with Seth’s credit card. Tripton or Trenfon, whatever the janitor’s name was, was making yet another pass down their hallway, bucket of dirty mop water in tow. How it got dirty was anyone’s guess since Scy had yet to see him mop anything, but she wasn’t concerned with it. She just rolled her eyes and returned to her phone. “Let him look, this is probably the closest he’s ever come to boobs in his entire life.” She said it just loudly enough that he would hear, causing him to scuttle into the nearest classroom in an attempt to look like he had a reason to be here other than ogling her and her friends. “What's the name of the shop we’re going to?” Zercey asked from where she sat opposite Scyanatha and beside Imogen, leaving Laura to sit beside Scy like the good little pet she was. She was in a much better mood today, having made up with Lerki the previous night. He hadn’t been seen flirting with any random girls yet today, so maybe Zercey thought she made her point at last. Good, they were both getting annoying. “Oh my gosh, it’s the cutest place,” Scy gushed, happy to talk about their destination. “Seth’s aunt owns it and she only stocks items from the best designers, she has amazing fashion sense. She used to be a top model! She says I have potential to be a top model too and she’s going to hook me up with some of her connections after I escape this dump.” Zercey tried not to sigh as Scyanatha took her question and turned it into a chance to talk about herself. “Anyways,” Scy carried on, “the boutique isn’t officially open until this weekend but she’s letting us in early so we don’t look like peasants for the dance. We’ll have the entire store to ourselves.” “As long as we don’t mess anything up, everything will be all right.” Seth’s voice joined the conversation, though it didn’t last long since his mouth was soon occupied by Scyanatha’s lips.
She’d jumped up the moment he walked over, practically mauling him with loud and wet kisses.
Both Zercey and Imogen saw the little blob of pink gum that Scy was chewing pass into Seth’s mouth and it took every ounce of self-restraint they had not to gag, the urge becoming even more intense when the couple finally parted and Seth carried on chewing it. “I like this shirt on you,” Scy complemented, oblivious to her friends' existence as she tugged on the white fabric covering her boyfriend’s chest. She licked her lips, eyes lidded as one of Seth’s hands instantly went to grope her ass. The two of them looked set and ready to give that creepy janitor the show of a lifetime until Lerki’s voice snapped them out of it.
“As fun as it is to watch you two put on a peep show in the middle of the school, we should probably get out of here before they lock us in.” Scy rolled her pretty eyes, but relented, grabbing Seth’s hand and tugging him through the door, already chatting about what kind of dress she planned to get.
Laura skipped along beside her, the only one listening.
Zercey and Imogen, wary of seeing any more potentially scarring things, opted to ride with Lerki to the mall while Laura, the poor thing, was forced to endure a  twenty minute ride full of Scyanatha’s hand delving in Seth's pants and nearly causing an accident.    ~*~*~ “Here.” Salem handed over a vanilla ice cream cone topped with pink and green sprinkles to Vyxen, adding, “Yes, the cone is gluten free.” He’d made triple sure it was the right cone since the new guy, Nametag: Cowan, didn’t seem to understand or care much about how to do his job. His poor boss was really trying to train him well, but it wasn’t working. After catching the nerdettes doing their little dance number, he’d spent the rest of his night teasing Vyxen at every possible chance. It was all fun and games until she started to cry, leaving Salem to feel like a grade A jackass. Xyl even looked ashamed and he hadn’t even said anything. So here he was, buying her ice cream and about to lose a good chunk of his money to help pay for her dress in an effort to make her feel better and stop the guilt from chewing away at him. “Can you and your friends try to pick dresses quick when we get there? I don’t want to spend my whole afternoon here.” He wanted to make her feel better, yes, but not quite at the expense of his entire day. “You don’t have to come with me. Maybe we can meet back up in an hour or so to go home?” Vyxen tried, shuddering to even think how mortified poor Nyima would be if she had to try on dresses in front of Salem. “That way you can do whatever you want.” “And miss my darling little sister getting ready for her first dance?” Salem asked, clutching his heart in mock pain and laughing when Vyxen sighed. He pulled his phone out to check the time. He honestly had zero interest in watching her and her dorks try on dresses, but he also knew Date was somewhere in the building and after his last few songs, he didn’t know how much he trusted him being anywhere near his sister without supervision. He was going to have to watch his mouth though, lest he make both Vyxen and Nyima cry and have Rae trying to punch him in the face. They were passing some disgustingly expensive looking store when their path was suddenly blocked by group of people. Salem didn’t need to look up from his phone to know who they were, a cloud of overpriced floral perfume and gross cologne was already seeping into his sinuses and threatening to choke him. Only Scy and her group of nimrods travelled in such a foul smelling pack. He veered to the left to walk around them, not interested in dealing with their petty attitudes and not daring to look at Imogen least he sell her out to her friends. Why she hung out with them was beyond him, but making out with her a few times in hidden locations didn’t give him any right to question her poor taste in friends. He would have been content to steer himself and his sister right past them without acknowledging their existence at all but Scy’s high pitched, deeply annoying voice stopped him right in his tracks. “Watch where you’re walking, albino freak,” Scyanatha sneered, eyes boring into the back of Vyxen’s head.
Vyxen let out a small, involuntary whimper and Scy smirked over her victory. Salem slowly turned around until he was looking straight into the cold, brown eyes of the girl who just insulted his sister. “Why don’t you pick on someone in your own IQ range? Those mannequins look like they could put up a good fight,” he said as he gestured to the window display behind him. Out of his periphery, he could see the rest of the popular kids reactions, though he didn’t dare break eye contact. Lerki stood there with his mouth open, looking fully like the brainless jock he was. Laura and Zercey were frozen in surprise, eyes darting from their friend to the dweeb and then back again. Imogen paled as if she was watching her worst nightmare unfold before her. “What did you just say to her?” Seth snapped, removing his arm from around Scyanatha’s shoulder, taking a step forward and squaring up, ready for a fight. “You heard me.” Realistically Salem knew that he was about to get his ass handed to him, Seth was a moron but a strong one and he didn’t have anywhere near the guy’s muscle or mass. He was doomed if punches were thrown but his pride and anger refused to let him back down. “Salem, we should…” Vyxen started, reaching out to grab hold of his jacket only to have a warm hand enclose around her own. “You don’t want to be in the middle of this.” Date was there, appearing out of nowhere like some kind of ghost and gently wrapping his arm around her to lead her away from what he was sure would turn out to be a murder scene. She didn’t need to get involved in this and he couldn’t help Salem even if he wanted to, Seth would just knock them both out. “Maybe you should muzzle your bitch, or at least keep her on a leash so she doesn’t irritate everyone around her.” Salem's anger blinded him to the danger he was in, he didn’t even notice Date swoop in like a crow to gather up Vyxen when his back was turned. Seth crossed over two Salem in two quick strides. “You think you can just insult my woman and not have to pay for it, you little prick?” he growled before shoving him with both hands, causing Salem to stumble. “Seth, don’t,” came a voice from behind. Imogen knew Seth long enough to understand when he was about to start a fight, and there was very little time to act before it was too late. “He’s not worth it,” she said, lips twisting. “And plus, if you get thrown out of here, how are we supposed to get dresses from your aunt’s store? You don’t expect us to wear something from one of these places, do you?” “She’s right, babe,” Scyanatha agreed with a sigh. “You can kick the Twilight reject’s butt later. I cannot be seen wearing something off the rack at homecoming.” Seth hesitated, unsure he wanted to walk away from such easy prey. Finally, his shoulders relaxed and he unclenched his fists. “You’re lucky these ladies are here to save your ass,” he snarled, shoving Salem one more time before walking off with the rest of the group. Salem stayed there for a moment still seething. The arrogance of those people! He rubbed his shoulder where Seth pushed him, knowing that it would probably leave a bruise, but it could have been worse. No, what hurt more was the cool way Imogen had talked about him, as if he were beneath them, beneath her. He turned and finding no Vyxen in the vicinity, stalked away to locate her. He and Imogen weren’t a couple, he shouldn’t feel bad about the way she talked to him. He knew from the start that this, whatever it was that they were doing, was temporary and only for pleasure. Knowing that didn’t stop her words from stinging though.  ~*~*~ “That is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard!” “I don’t hear you coming up with anything better!” Xyl let out a groan. “Will you two stop it, already?” Rhoe and Rhovan had been arguing this way for the last thirty minutes. They were supposed to be working on a project for their history class, but so far the only thing they could agree on was how much they resented being paired together.  His sister sent a glare his way and further slumped down in the worn out leather chair in their living room. “I don’t even know why we’re bothering. It’s a pointless class and I’m barely passing anyway. Getting another F won’t make much of a difference.” “Well I’m not failing and I’d like to keep it that way,” Rhovan retorted.
Rhoe responded by flipping him the bird.  “Let’s take a break and order some dinner. If I have to sit through this, I at least want some food. How does Chinese sound?” Without waiting for either of them, Xyl put down his guitar and crossed the room to pull up the delivery menu on his laptop.
Rhoe took out her lighter, flicking it repeatedly so the flame sparked and then went out over and over again.  “I can’t believe I’m missing work for this,” Rhovan snapped when Xyl was gone, thinking about pulling the lighter right from between Rhoe’s fingers and setting her on fire. He didn’t, obviously, but it was a nice fantasy. He’d never been paired with anyone so insufferable. He needed to get at least a B in this class and she was screwing him over with her attitude.   “Then why don’t you just go to work then and get out of my face?” They could ace this project and it still wouldn’t save her grade, so Rhoe wasn’t going to waste her time on it. She flat out told this idiot that and he came over anyway. As far as she was concerned this was all his fault; she could be getting free ice cream from Cowan right now, and Rhovan could be off pandering to hamsters in the pet store like he usually did. “Because,” Rhovan started, speaking through gritted teeth, “I’m trying to be a good partner. You, on the other hand, are a complete bitch. This is why no one sits beside you in class. You’re miserable and you ruin everyone’s day.” He honestly didn’t care that he was talking to the sister of his best friend, her attitude was awful and so was she. No wonder only one person in the school could stand her. “Aww,” Rhoe cooed, pulling a sad face and pretending to sniffle, “am I ruining your day, pretty boy?” Rhovan grabbed his bag and stood, done with her. “You know what, you can go screw yourself. I’ll talk to Mr. Culvers and do the project myself. Enjoy being a wash-out loser and repeating your junior year.” She was going to end up dropping out and becoming a junkie and he didn’t even feel bad for her, she brought it all on herself. “Later, Xyl!” he called as he threw open the door and strode out, nearly knocking the delivery boy off the steps on his way. He still had time to pick up his shift in the pet store if he hurried, that way he wouldn’t be losing anything this afternoon except a headache in human form. Jingyi, who had been just about to knock on the door, wasn’t fast enough to sidestep as Rhovan bolted down the steps, and ended up dropping the bag with food in it. Hoping nothing spilled, he picked it up again before hastily handing over the order to guy inside and making a fast retreat. Getting back on his bike, he took out his inhaler and took a deep breath in. As he waited for the medicine to take effect, he popped one of the fortune cookies he stashed in his pockets earlier into his mouth. Opening the scroll inside he read, ‘The fortune you seek is in another cookie. Lucky numbers 2, 33, 5, 84, 7.’ “Typical.” He finished chewing his snack and pedalled towards the restaurant. ~*~*~ Nyima and Raemina walked through the pet store, wasting time until they could meet up with Vyxen. They rarely got to go since she would start sneezing the moment she walked through the door, so it was a nice change of pace.
Rae was mentally going over today’s calculus questions and watching Nyima stop to pet and coo at all the animals with a fond smile. It wasn’t often such a shy girl got excited, but animals seemed to bring out the best in her. She would make an amazing vet one day. Their peaceful walk was ruined by the bell above the door ringing followed by a slam and Rae turned to see Rhovan stalk into the shop, clearly in a bad mood. She wondered where he was. She knew he worked there and this was usually the time of his shift. She wasn’t spying on him or anything, but spent a lot of time at the bookstore across the way, and remembered the days and times he appeared. That was actually how she first noticed him. His blue hair was hard to miss and she liked the way he smiled and talked to the animals when he cleaned out their cages. Just like Nyima, the pets seemed to bring out the best in him. Not today, apparently. He looked ready to fight and so she opted to keep her distance. It was tempting to ask him to the dance, but this was probably the worst time to do it and so she wouldn’t. Instead, she kept trailing after Nyima, getting lost once more in her mental mathematics. Her watch would beep when it was time to go meet Vyx,so she allowed her mind to wander and focus on various numbers and equations, running and rerunning them in her head until she was sure that she understood them all perfectly. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Nyima stray away from her to go look at the wall of aquariums, nor the tall and solid body that entered her path until she almost slammed into it. “Man, you were really lost in thought right then. Homework troubles?” Rhovan asked, his easy grin back in place.
Raemina was taken aback by the sudden change in temperament, recalling that he looked as though he could breathe fire not even five minutes ago. “Something like that,” she responded simply. “Are you ok? You looked upset a few minutes ago.” It might not be her place to ask, she didn’t really know him, but her curiosity got the better of her. “I’m having some homework troubles myself, but if I keep stomping around the store the animals will get offended and rebel against me.” Just then, the puppies nearby started to make a ruckus and Rhovan waved his hand in their direction, them having just proved his point. “I don’t mind getting a little chewed on, but I kind of need my hands this week and would prefer them unbloodied. My band is performing in the talent show on Friday.” “I know.” Raemina moved away from him, heading towards the puppies to see what set them all off. “Your bass player is my best friend’s brother. I know a lot about your band,” she added when she saw one of his brows raise and a sly little smile appear on his face. She refused to let him think she was a fangirl. The puppies were in an uproar because a small grey one seemed to be on a mission to chew on the ears and tails of all the others. “That’s Loui,” Rhovan informed her with a sigh, having followed her over, and reached into the display case to scoop the wiggly pup into his arms. “He’s my problem child.” He’d have to keep a hold of him until he calmed down before he put him back with the others and hopefully he wouldn’t get peed on this time. Loui was notorious for peeing on people to the point where everyone brought an extra set of clothing and wipes with them to work now. Raemina was amused. “Well, your problem child is very cute.” “You can have him if you want, I’ll throw in a free bag of food if you take him.” “Tempting, but I don’t think my parents would like it.” It was a shame too, Rae thought, she’d like to have a reason to come back here in the future and Loui was awfully cute. “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” Rhovan started, finally starting to feel a little better now that Rhoe was a bad memory and he had a pretty girl in front of him. He couldn’t believe that he’d never noticed her before. She was gorgeous and she smelled really good, like a flower. She rocked the school girl look with her polka dotted skirt and cream colored sweater and he couldn’t help but think they’d look hot together. He hadn’t forgotten about those lace panties either. “So are you going to the talent show? I’d love to see you there,” he added in an attempt to seal the deal before she got a chance to say no. “I’m thinking about it.” If she went would ultimately depend on if Vyxen and Nyima went, but she could probably convince them. “Well, I hope you come and maybe if you’re not doing anything afterwards, we could go––” Whatever Rhovan was about to say was cut off by the alarm blaring from her watch. It perked Loui right up and had him squirming so badly that Rhovan had to wrap both his arms around him to keep him from jumping down and causing all sorts of havoc. “Sorry,” Raemina apologized, though the smile on her face suggested that was a lie. It was cute to see this punk rocker struggling to keep a hold of an excitable puppy. “I have to go, I’ll think about coming to the talent show though,” she promised, turning away and going to gather up Nyima so they could head to the dress shop. “Cool,” Rhovan called after her lamely, sighing when she walked out the door without a backwards glance. “Look what you did,” he scolded the puppy in his arms. “That could have been my new girlfriend and you chased her away.” Loui’s response was to bark happily and then promptly pee all over him. ~*~*~ Vyxen was nervous. They were well out of sight of both Salem and Seth now, but Date still had an arm wrapped firmly around her shoulders. It wasn’t as though she hated it, it was just... New. It was new and awkward and she didn’t know how to deal with it. Should she wiggle out of his hold? Would it look weirder if she broke away or just stayed put? He was quiet beside her, relaxed and at ease, not seeming to realize that he was still holding onto her. Unable to deal with the silence, Vyxen attempted to fill it. “Do you think Salem will be ok?” she tried, genuinely worried for her brother and hoping conversation would clue Date into the fact that they were still touching. She didn’t want to have to make the decision of staying in his hold or breaking away as both options made her look bad in her own mind. If she stayed pressed against him, he might think she was desperate, but if she broke away he might think that she didn’t like him. It was a no-win situation. Date made the choice for her when he shifted his hold on her shoulders to be more comfortable for them both, but didn’t pull his arm away. “He’ll be fine. Seth isn’t stupid enough to cause a scene in the middle of the mall, he could get kicked off his beloved football team for something like that.” He knew a fight wouldn’t actually break out, but he’d seen an opportunity to get Vyxen alone and he’d taken it. Watching her blush next to him, flustered by his closeness was extremely cute. He wondered how flustered he could get her if he… “That’s good.” Vyxen’s voice broke his train of thought and it was probably for the best. It was too early to try anything drastic and Seth might be smart enough not to start a scene but Salem was not and Date didn’t feel like getting punched in the face today. Silence settled over them again and he purposely didn’t fix it because he liked watching how nervous she got. She’d run if it became too much for her though and so, eventually, he did have to stop being a jerk. “Your ice cream is melting,” he pointed out, thinking he could safely be a creep for a moment longer and thoroughly enjoying watching her hurry to lick up the trail of melted cream that threatened to drip onto the floor. Tucking that lovely image away for later review, he asked, “What are you doing after the pep rally on Friday?” The pep rally, for reasons past understanding, was a mandatory school event and he already knew she’d be at the talent show because Salem would be there and she tried to be a good sister. “I have a study session with Nyima and Raemina.” “At your house?” Date was disappointed she was already doing something, but he could probably save the situation by convincing Salem to let him stay over on the same night. That would give him a chance to…. “No, Raemina is having us all stay at her house.” To make sure neither she nor Nyima found an excuse not to attend the dance, she was sure. To do nothing, apparently. Vyxen being entirely unavailable to him on Friday threw a wrench into his carefully laid out plans of taking her out somewhere, asking her to the dance and possibly, possibly, getting to make out with her. She was easily flustered so he didn’t know how far he could get before he smacked into her limits, but until proven otherwise he was going to assume that a make out session would have been involved. “That’s a bummer, I was going to ask you to go out with me.” There was nothing for it at that point. He might not have another chance to get her alone like this and so he needed to skip over the date step and go right to the next. “How about we go to the dance together instead?” “What!?” Vyxen asked, stopping dead in her tracks and looking at him with wide eyes. She couldn’t possibly have heard him right, she couldn’t have. The last time she talked to him, he didn’t even know who she was and now he was asking to the dance? Impossible. Admittedly that was a couple of years ago, but it was still totally and completely impossible. She either misheard him or this was some kind of dream. It was probably a dream. She’d had similar ones before and quickly pinched herself to verify, the resulting sting proving her theory false. It’s not a dream, oh my god! Date had witnessed the little pinch and was amused, moving around so he could stand in front of her. He took her hand and kissed the back of it and then dragged his lips up her arm to kiss the spot she’d pinched. “Will you be my date to the dance?” he asked again, kissing his way back down her arm and enjoying the dark red color that stained his his soon-to-be girlfriend’s cheeks. “Yes?” he prodded when she still seemed unable to speak a minute later and smirked in victory when she nodded fervently in reply. “Good,” Date purred, pulling her forward by the arm and leaning in to taste her lips while he still had her stunned. Unfortunately, a large hand slapped directly over his face and pushed him back.
“Can you not?” Salem snapped, pulling Vyxen away from Date and pushing her in the direction of her two red-faced and quickly approaching friends. They witnessed the whole thing. All of his earlier interest faded from Date’s face and he slipped back into his usual, bored appearance. “You act like I was going to start taking her clothes off right here in the mall.” Salem scoffed, not entirely sure that Date wouldn’t have actually gone that far, the creep’s newest song lyrics still circling in his head. “You were thinking about it.” “How did it go with Seth?” Date sidestepped the question, not denying anything and not needing to because they both knew it was true. Salem cursed brilliantly and Date congratulated himself on successfully switching the subject.
“We’re going to do something about him and his pet. It’s about time someone put them in their place.” ~*~*~ Lerki watched Zercey walking around the boutique with the other girls with a hungry look on his face. Beside him, Seth was talking to his aunt about some family drama, but all of his attention was on the brunette trying to play coy. He couldn’t care less about what colors or designs they all ended up wearing so long as Zercey’s dress was short and sexy. He stared at her as she dropped the pen she was twirling in her fingers and reached down to pick it up without bending her knees, not-so-subtly showing off her incredible legs and flexibility. From this angle, he was even able to get the smallest of peeks below her skirt. She was playing with him, and he knew it. Zercey flashed a mischievous smile over her shoulder before turning back to the group. Scyanatha was in the middle, flicking through dresses and judging them one by one, while Laura, Imogen and herself surrounded her and listened as she went on about cut, color, design, and fabric. “It’s like, practically criminal that we have no good stores here. Thank god this place finally open. I would have died if I’d been stuck with something all of these peasants have seen before,” Scy said emphatically, using her preferred term for their classmates as if she were royalty and not just another suburbanite. “I would have made Seth skip class and drive me to the city.” Laura nodded along sympathetically, and Zercey had to work hard to not roll her eyes at how obviously the other girl was trying to be noticed. She tried to make eye contact with Imo, but she was looking at her phone. “Ooooh!” Scyanatha let out a high-pitched squeal, having finally found a dress she liked. “I love this one!” She pulled out a sparkly, pink strapless mini dress that forced Zercey to look away from the glare reflecting off the glitter. Attached under the bust was a gauzy blush coloured train that trailed all the way to the floor. It screamed ‘princess,’ which made Scy bounce with excitement. Now she just had to find something suitable for the others. Scanning the rest of the dresses quickly, Scyanatha’s gaze fell upon a section of dark pink and red dresses, none of which were half as flashy as the one she had in her hand. Perfect, she decided and redirected the group over there.  “What about this, Scy?” Laura offered, pointing to another sequined dress, this one in silver.
Scyanatha halted her forward march to raise an eyebrow at the younger girl. “What about it?” she asked, her question laced with a dare.  “Oh, nothing... Just that it isn’t nearly as pretty as yours is,” Laura finished. She might have been dim, but even she could tell when she was being put back in her place. “Exactly. So why would I be interested in it?” Scyanatha jeered, sticking her nose in the air and walking past Laura without a second glance.
Imogen and Zercey followed behind. Finally in the pre-approved color section, Scy left her two friends to look at dresses for themselves while she busied herself finding one for Laura.  “What do you think about this?” Zercey asked Imogen.  She looked over the hot pink, ruched frock. “For you or me?” “You.” Imogen scrunched up her face. “Too skanky,” she decided with a shake of her head.
Zercey shrugged and put it back.
“Plus, that color clashes horribly with my complexion. How about this one for you?” she offered holding out a bright red dress. “Eh––” she started. “Wait, I know what you’re going to say,” Imogen interrupted. “But look at this!” With a flourish, she turned it around so Zercey could see the back. The front was cute enough – it had a flashy red lace top and a tulle skirt in a matching hue – but it seemed to be more classy than sexy. The back, on the other hand… Zercey’s jaw dropped when she saw the back. Most of it had been cut out and she could imagine the way the uneven line of lace would frame her bare back. Plus, even though the skirt looked like it would pass the puritanical school dress code, the nature of the shape would provide easy access should she need it. “I guess I’ll try it on.”  “You couldn’t wear a bra with it, though,” Imogen said slyly. Zercey gave her co-conspirator a grin. “Oh,” she said with fake realization, “I suppose I couldn’t.” She gave a meaningful look to Lerki standing in the corner. He cleared his throat and moved his messenger bag in front of him. “That’s hot,” Scyanatha agreed from beside them. “You can try this one,” she continued, passing Laura a dress without looking at her. It was still cute  –she wouldn’t allow anyone who didn’t look good to associate with her - but it was a halter and definitely something from last season. After all, she couldn’t let the girl off too easily after her back talk. Imogen was too distracted to remember that she should have felt bad for Laura. She had been going through the motions this whole time, but she couldn’t help but replay the fight that almost broke out between Seth and Salem. She was able to text him a quick ‘I’m sorry,’ after they walked away, but she still hadn’t heard anything back.  “What about you, Imo?” asked Zercey. “Are you ready to try something on?” “Yeah,” she answered as she plastered a smile on her face. She held up an arm full of dresses in confirmation as she followed the other three into the dressing rooms.  “Hey babe,” came Scyanatha’s voice from behind the furthest curtain. “Could you help me zip up my dress?” After another hour – most of which was spent waiting for Seth to finishing helping Scy get into, and presumably out of, her dress – all four girls had successfully picked out their homecoming outfits. Seth's aunt didn’t only sell expensive and one-of-a-kind party dresses, but also had a decent selection of jewelry and accessories, though Scyanatha of course had to approve every item before it was put on the counter to be rung up. Once she was confident that she and her gang would be the best dressed crew at the dance, the group of six finally made its way out the door. As she stepped back into the mall, Imogen felt her phone vibrate. Opening up the text, she read: Meet in 5? ~*~*~ “What took you so long?” Salem demanded as Imogen rounded the corner to meet him by the handicap restroom.  “Shhh! Keep your voice down,” she snapped and led the way into the stall. Once the door was safely locked behind them she continued, “It was difficult trying to get away from my friends without being suspicious. They’re not stupid, you know.” Salem gave her a look that told her he wasn’t so sure about the last part. “They’re not,” she said defensively. Salem rolled his eyes. “Whatever, I didn’t come here to pick a fight.” “Oh really,” she laughed sarcastically. “Then what the heck do you call what happened earlier?” “I call that your douchenozzle friends picking on my sister. My sister, by the way, who never did anything to those idiots. Who gave them the right to drag her down and make her feel like garbage? They do that to everyone to make themselves feel superior, it’s disgusting,” Salem snapped, his earlier anger coming back full force. He’d seen Vyxen, Raemina and Nyima get bullied too often, he’d seen that loner kid get bullied too often and everyone else too. Even Laura, who was supposed to be Scyanatha’s friend, was treated like a servant instead of an equal.  “I’ve had enough of them and so has everyone else. They’re gonna get what they have coming and if you keep hanging out with them, you’re going to end up getting screwed over too,” Salem warned her, not quite thinking that spilling your revenge plans to your targets friend was a bad idea. “Excuse me?” Imogen snarled back and took a step forward so she could get right up in Salem’s face. “Are you threatening me?” “I’m warning you ahead of time so that you might make a good decision for once.”
The sound of skin hitting skin filled the small space as Imogen’s hand connected with the side of Salem’s face. “Who do you think you are?” She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back against the wall. “I do make good decisions! Don’t talk to me like you know anything about me.” “I know a lot about you, probably more than your so-called friends do,” Salem snapped right back, grabbing onto her wrists. “I know your favorite color is dark blue and that you love your dark blue sweater, it’s your favorite. You wear it all the time even if Scyanatha scoffs about it getting old.” He paid attention to her, more often than he’d like to admit. “I know your favorite cereal is Captain Crunch, you like Shakespeare and that you would probably shank somebody to get to a Rachel Platten concert.” He should have paused to consider how creepy or desperate he was making himself look right now, but he honestly couldn’t be bothered. This was going to go really well or blow up in his face and either way, he was getting kind of tired of being in a secret relationship. “I also know that you work hard to organize events for the school and to get good grades and I don’t understand how someone so smart can be friends with people who are so awful.” He had more he wanted to say, but he didn’t get a chance to finish airing his thoughts as Imogen closed the distance between their faces and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was feverish and desperate with both of them still worked up over the fight. Imogen’s hands moved from his shoulders to his collar, pulling at his shirt. Salem’s hands slid down around her waist and he pressed her body closer to his. This wasn’t like the kisses they’d shared under the bleachers, it was more intense and frenzied. There was no elegance to it and neither of them seemed to mind. Minutes ticked by without either of them realizing it, Salem shifted their position, grabbing Imogen by the waist and lifting her up, so he could flip them around and press her up against the dingy bathroom wall. He lifted one of her legs to wrap around his waist as his lips trailed from her lips to her neck. His vampire thing was totally just an aesthetic, but he couldn’t deny that he got a little thrill out of being able to bite and suck on her neck like this. It would probably be a bad idea to leave a mark there, but he didn’t care. He cared even less when he felt her hand tug on the button of his jeans, the small movement being enough to make his heart beat so fast that he thought it might actually come out of his chest. This is it! This is it! The sudden banging on the door ensured that this was most certainly not it and made the two of them reel back and away from each other. “Hide in the corner,” Salem instructed Imogen before moving to the door and opening it just a crack. Black hair and a stupid, evil grin were waiting for him on the other side. “What the fuck, Date?” “I’m sorry to break up your little rendezvous, but the girls are ready to go home and I’m pretty sure someone is going to come looking for your little miss pretty soon.” Date’s smile only widened, “it wouldn’t be a good idea for you two to get caught like this.” Salem could tell by the smirk that Date’s silence was going to cost him something, but he was still riding too high to care. “Whatever,” he said before turning back to Imogen and having the decency to flush when he saw the small red mark just above her collarbone. “I’ll leave first so no one suspects anything. Also… you might want to cover your neck.” He left before she had a chance to look in the mirror and see what he was talking about. ~*~*~ Scyanatha’s tongue was all the way inside Seth’s mouth when the pair heard a rapping on the window. They had been getting hot and heavy in his expensive car for the last few minutes; so much so, that the windows fogged up. With a sound like a suction cup being wrenched from a wall, the couple disengaged and rolled down the passenger side window. Scy scowled when she saw the person lurking outside. “What do you want?” she snarled without a hint of shame at being caught with her skirt hiked up a full three inches higher than it was supposed to sit.
It was her older brother, Oidhan, looking as annoying as ever. He gave Seth a nod in greeting before turning to his sister and saying, “Mother wants to know when you’ll be coming in for dinner.” She rolled her eyes. It was so like her mom to send out the perfect son to check up on her. “Aren’t you supposed to be in college? What are you even doing here?” When he didn’t reply, she groaned. “Fine. Tell her I’ll be in in a minute.” She turned back to her boyfriend with a practiced pout. “I’m sorry, baby. Whenever my parents send Oidhan after me I know it’s serious.” She wondered if they had seen her latest credit card statement, that would explain them being mad at her. Seth didn’t even try to hide his disappointment. He pulled Scy back to him and kissed her long and hard before finally letting her go. “All right princess, text me when your mom is through being a nag.” It was times like this when he was the most thankful for having parents who were almost never home. Oidhan cleared his throat as obviously as possible from outside the car and Seth was immediately thankful for also being an only child. Fixing her skirt and top, Scyanatha crawled off her boyfriend’s lap and out of the car, sighing in barley contained irritation and trying not to pout when Seth’s car pulled out of the drive and took off down the road. “Thanks for ruining my night,” she spat at Oidhan, flicking her red hair over her shoulder snottily. They headed towards the large, pristine manor that her family inhabited. “Shouldn’t you be off rescuing orphans somewhere?” “I’m an immigration lawyer, I protect people from getting kicked out of the country they think of as home. It’s called being a decent human being, maybe you should give it a try.” Oidhan was now remembering why he avoided coming home to visit. Even the stuck-up politicians he had to deal with through work weren’t quite as insufferable as his sister could be. How their parents put up with her was beyond him, he would have shipped her off to military school years ago. “Whatever.” Scy waved her hand at him as if he was a gnat, not listening to a word he said. A shiny compact mirror was taken out of her pocket so she could fix her smeared lipstick and then closed with a satisfying snap. “You don’t get anywhere in life by being decent, moron, one day you’ll figure that out.” With that, Scyanatha threw open the front door and strode into the hall as if she were walking into a throne room.
By @guardians-of-las-vyxen & @yogiwithabook
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emrose-gold · 7 years ago
Defending the Duke: David Bowie’s “problematic” actions debunked
You’d think that after two years people would have figured it out by now, and yet here we are. Alright let’s get started.
“David Bowie was a sexual predator.”
TW: CSA, statutory rape, rape
This claim originated from an interview with former groupie Lori Mattix of the “Baby Groupie” scene of the 1970s that was republished on The Thrillist the day after David’s death, where she claimed she lost her virginity to him in 1973 when she was 15 years old and he was 26. Additionally, she claimed that she kept seeing him over ten years, however this causes a problem with consistency because David’s personal life was scrutinized more than the average rock star (most likely because of him coming out as bisexual), and the two were never photographed together unlike Mattix’s relationships with other rock stars during the 1970s. More problems with the consistency of her claims include that in some interviews she said she lost her virginity to David and in others she said she had her first time with Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, and certain circumstances that contradict her side of the story (or stories).
For example, in an 1985 interview with Stephen Davis, she stated that she had her first time with Jimmy Page in 1972 while the band was in California for their summer tour. She later said that she was having sex with David before Page. This provides an inconsistency because David’s Ziggy Stardust tour came to California in October 1972, months after Led Zeppelin’s summer tour. In a later interview, which was made available online in 2009, she said she was a virgin when she met Page.
In an 1986 interview with Peter Gillman, she said that while eating at the Rainbow Bar in March 1973 with her friend and fellow groupie, the late Sable Starr, David spotted her and got his bodyguard to invite her to his suite, and she accepted. She said they had sex for five or six hours and she convinced him to let Starr join them, and all fell asleep afterwards, and the two snuck out before David’s then-wife Angie would arrive. In a different interview with Paul Trynka however, she said that in October 1972 she and Starr snuck into his Beverly Hilton suite and convinced a tired David to sleep with them before they snuck out without being seen.
In the Thrillist interview, Mattix said David approached her in October 1972, but she rejected him. When he came back in March 1973, he called her and invited her to dinner. John Lennon and Yoko Ono joined them for dinner before she and David left for his Beverly Hilton suite, they and Sable Starr had a threesome, and Angie walked in on them the next morning. In addition to her earlier interviews contradicting this so-called recollection, David didn’t meet Lennon until September 1974 when they were introduced to each other by Elizabeth Taylor at one of her parties.  And David stayed at the Hyatt hotel in March 1973, not the Beverly Hilton.
In the same interview, she said she attended a recording session in 1975 when she was 17, where John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, and a bunch of other artists were there, and she slept with Jagger after the session wrapped up. Another inconsistency with this is that the only time Lennon and McCartney jammed together after the Beatles broke up was the year before, in march 1974. Not only that, there is no evidence to suggest that Jagger was at that session in 1975.
Mattix’s claims were further contradicted by Pamela Des Barnes, another former groupie who was in her 20s during the 1970s (one year younger than David), in her memoir, I’m with the Band. Des Barnes was in a relationship with Jimmy Page by 1972, however she ended their relationship and moved in with Frank and Gail Zappa and worked for them as a nanny in February 1972,  because he was sleeping with Mattix and leaving Des Barnes in the dust. The breakup and move happened a month before David’s tour came to Long Beach, when Mattix claims she lost her virginity to him.
(Additionally, along with changing her story about it many times including how old she was when it happened, she said once how she met him in LA in 1973 five months beforehand, but the his tour didn’t have a stop in California at that point, and the last time he really visited LA at that point was 1972.  She said it happened at the Beverly Hilton in 1973, but the only time he is photographed there is in 1972.)
Sources: X X 
In 1987, he was falsely accused of rape by 30 year-old Wanda Nichols who claimed he exposed her to AIDS. They were both tested and both their results were negative. He was cleared of the charges. (x) (x)
Not to mention that this kind of behavior sounds completely out of his character. On one of his later tours, he threatened to fire his drummer for directing teenage girls to his hotel room (x), according to one of the commentaries of the 1986 Jim Henson film Labyrinth, a kiss scene was originally written but he refused to do it because his co-star Jennifer Connelly was 14 at the time (x), and when he was in the band Tin Machine he wrote the song “Shopping for Girls” which is about and brings awareness to child prostitution in Thailand (x).
Now with that said, this isn’t to say that the “Baby Groupie” scene never happened. Although Mattix obviously lied about him, there are perverts in the rock music industry like Kim Fowley and Gary Glitter, and the whole Baby Groupie scene and the idea of teens having sex with adults were being encouraged in the 70s, according to the June 1973 issue (pages 59–61) of Star Magazine 
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and this quiz in the March 1973 issue (pages 62–63) of Star to see if you have what it takes to make an older guy like you.
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They were encouraging these young girls to go out, dress up and wear makeup to make themselves look older, act older by smoking and drinking, carry fake IDs, and lie about their ages. Even though I don’t trust her word, I do feel really sorry for her for being manipulated by disgusting men and bad influences in the 70s into thinking this was okay. It’s especially horrid once you consider how rape culture was at a high point in the 70′s and how a lot of disgusting things were being romanticized and encouraged.
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(The Runaways promotional poster from the 70s with bodice,  ass and crotch shots of the then teenage girls and  a then 24 year old Tony Parsons calling them nymphets and saying the “young and extremely horny teenage females was a bonus”)
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(Love’s Baby Soft Perfume ad from 1975)
Disgusting. Moving on.
“David Bowie was a racist and a n@zi sympathizer.”
This claim came from Bowie’s comments in 1976 under his persona the Thin White Duke that supposedly supported fascism. However, at this time his diet consisted only of milk, red peppers and cocaine, and he really was out of his mind at that time because he was at the height of his cocaine addiction, when he was convinced Jimmy Page was trying to steal his soul, that witches were trying to steal his semen, and wanted an exorcism done on his swimming pool because he believed Satan lived in it. When he was getting clean and coming back to his senses, he became horrified and disgusted of how his image was being used by neo-nazis.  With all that crazy shit and more, do you honestly think he meant all the garbage he said? He was so out of it, he barely had any recollection of recording the album for Christ’s sake. Also, around this time he was photographed supposedly giving a n*zi salute but he was really just waving hello to his fans. He retracted and apologized for his statements in a 1977 interview for Melody Maker and later called the Duke an “ogre,” and again looked back at that period with unkind words in 1983. 
Additionally, while making his blue-eyed soul album Young Americans, he gave credit to where credit was due, saying, “It’s the squashed remains of ethnic music as it survives in the age of Muzak rock, written and sung by a white limey,” and collaborating with Ava Cherry, Luther Vandross, and Carlos Alormar to give the album an authentic soul sound. (x) (x) He also encouraged Nina Simone to continue performing, and a huge supporter of Tina Turner’s career. (x)
David wrote many songs and videos with anti-nazi and anti-racism themes. The “China Girl” video serves to parody Asian female stereotypes as well as to protest colonization by making the lyrics in the POV of a colonizer to show how fucked up the mindset is, and the video, as well as the Let’s Dance video, were made as statements against racism. The Let’s Dance video in particular was very influential in Australia. David even openly criticized MTV for not playing videos from black artists. The first Tin Machine album had a direct anti-fascism and anti-neo n*zi stance. He continued to protest racism throughout his career. 
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And also marrying Iman. Yes, yes I know. It’s true that many white celebrities who enter relationships with black partners often do it either as a front or to satisfy some eldritch fetish, and usually try to start relationships with black people who are either naive or ignorant (like, “my black boyfriend said it’s okay” and shit like that). *cough cough* K*rdashians *cough cough* But here’s the thing, this is Iman Abdulmajid we’re talking about here. This is the same woman who started her own cosmetic company for women of color, protested the lack of black models on runways with Naomi Campbell and Bethann Hardison, and supports many charities and human rights causes. Just take a look at her Twitter page. She is absolutely not ignorant or naive. She and David worked on many charitable activities and events together, including her I Am African campaign.
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And I know what you’re thinking, he could have used his charity support for publicity or as a front like many celebrities in the past. *cough cough Sp*cey, W*instein, H*ffman *cough cough* But when Iman was given a Voice Award at the Save The Child’s Illumination Gala in 2016, she dedicated the award to him, saying “David was also a staunch supporter of human rights and devoted an innumerable amount of time and resources, which he chose to do anonymously. [...] I share this award with him, knowing that the fire in him lit the fire in me, and vice versa. [...] Good partnerships have a habit of doing that.” 
And finally,
“David Bowie was never bisexual.”
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Okay, but let’s talk serious. This claim is more specifically saying he used bisexuality as shock value and he isn’t a good icon for the LGBT community. In 1983 he called his coming out a “mistake,”said he was only experimenting, and called himself a “closet heterosexual,” in 1993. However, there are things to heavily consider. In the 1980s he was going through a depressive period in his life with alcohol problems. In addition, he felt that his sexuality overshadowed his music in America and and wanted to change his image to appeal to a more mainstream audience (to make his career survive during that time when homophobia was on the rise so he had to shield himself; may I remind you of when he was falsely accused of giving Wanda Nichols AIDS, not to mention dealing with ignorant interviewers acting so clueless over such a simple concept). In 1993, Tin Machine failed to revive his career after the critical failures of his last two solo albums of the late 1980s, of course those problems continued. And if you think I’m reaching, take a look at what he said in an interview for Blender in 2002.
You once said that saying you were bisexual was "the biggest mistake I ever made." Do you still believe that? WHOODAAMANN, SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA
Interesting. [Long pause] I don't think it was a mistake in Europe, but it was a lot tougher in America. I had no problem with people knowing I was bisexual. But I had no inclination to hold any banners or be a representative of any group of people. I knew what I wanted to be, which was a songwriter and a performer, and I felt that [bisexuality] became my headline over here for so long. America is a very puritanical place, and I think it stood in the way of so much I wanted to do. (x) 
And it’s not like his impact on the LGBT+ community is nonexistent.
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He was bi and a damned good LGBT icon.
And with that said, just because his most high-profile relationships were with women that doesn’t mean he wasn’t bi. A bi person can have a preference towards one sex or gender but that does not in any way diminish their attraction to the other sex or genders. There are plenty of examples of bisexual people who enter monogamous relationships with people of the opposite sex. That doesn’t make them any less bi.
Reflections & Conclusion
One of the biggest problems I see when the Bowie/Classic rock fandom talk about this is how they completely derail the conversation to how “feminism and sjw culture is toxic and spreads lies” and other dumb shit like that. You can’t blame an entire movement for trouble caused by a few assholes on a site like this. This is Tumblr, remember? You can’t expect people to be perfect to know everything about everyone famous. Newsflash: I’ve made mistakes too. There are many more people who make up for their mistakes than you give credit for. It should only be a real problem if they refuse to believe you or ignore you after you give them solid corrections. Chances are the people like that have generally shitty views or have something to hide (like every TERF blog on here). It also upsets me when people, who I will not name (you know who you are) defend him by slut-shaming Lori Mattix or the other groupies (I won’t say why, I hope you can figure that out for yourselves). 
So in conclusion, don’t believe everything you read, be patient with people but don’t take shit from anyone, don’t use people screwing up as an excuse to spread your own ignorance, stay away from books written about David by Lesley-Ann Jones, Dylan Jones, and “Backstage Passes” by Angie Bowie, and if you have written a callout post about David Bowie, don’t ever fucking do that shit again. Have a nice day.  
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April Weather (13)
@adrinetteapril 2018, Day 13: Group Project
Days: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | art | 6 | 7 | 8 | art 1 | art 2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | art | 19 | art | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | art | 29 | 30 |
AO3 / fanfiction
I’m sorry. I really am.
‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ Adrien panted, running into schoolyard.  He was so, so late to their group project meeting. Everyone else was probably already in class and working.
‘What am I, an alarm clock?’ his pocket rebuked. ‘You should have slept like a normal person, instead of panicking over almost kissing your girlfriend half of the night.’
‘Oh yeah?’ the boy slowed down a bit. ‘Well, she is not my girlfriend!’
‘Ouch, you got me,’ the pocket snickered. ‘Besides, she likes you, you like her. As far as I’m concerned this is a mere formality.’
Adrien stopped dead in his tracks two steps from the class door.
‘You really think she likes me?’
Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien’s shirt. ‘Oh, for the love of brie! Are you seriously asking me that after those three weeks?’
Adrien was halfway to a dopey smile when a thought hit him with the force of a freight train. All blood drained from his face.
‘But… I… Ladybug...?’ he mumbled.
‘Ladybug what?’ Plagg already hid back between the fabrics.
The boy desperately clutched at his hair. ‘Ooooooh, I am the worst, despicable, awful person, Plagg!’ he moaned.
‘You are?’
‘I am,’ Adrien confirmed solemnly. ‘I love Ladybug, but…’ his voice dropped to mortified whisper, ‘I also want Marinette.’
Plagg opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment Adrien was grabbed by the collar and pulled into the classroom.
He blinked at the brown eyes hidden behind glasses, that were definitely too close to his face for comfort.
‘Tell me what you know!’ Alya growled at him.
‘Wha-?’ he squeaked.
‘Babe, let him go,’ that was Nino’s voice somewhere behind the bespectacled fury. ‘He just overslept.’
Adrien was released from the clutches of the crazed Ladyblogger, but she still scowled at him. ‘You didn’t see the akuma?’
His eyes widened in panic. ‘There’s an akuma?’
‘Was,’ the girl replied gravely. ‘And I got stuck in here with Monsieur Overprotective Boyfriend,’ she shot Nino a murderous glare.
‘You wouldn’t have gotten there on time anyway,’ the boy countered. ‘The notice came just before it was all over.’
‘So it’s already over?’ Adrien wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved that it was, or ashamed that he slept through it.
‘Yup, it was a quick one, but in another part of the city,’ Nino supplied. ‘Otherwise you’d have been awoken by the noise. It was something really loud and alarm clock themed.’
Adrien winced, ignoring the quiet chuckling in his pocket. He cast a quick look over the classroom. Most of his classmates were already there, just not the one he wanted to see the most. ‘Marinette’s not here yet?’
Panic reared her ugly head again. Could Marinette get caught up in the attack? Was she all right?
Alya snorted inelegantly. ‘Relax, sunshine. That girl oversleeps like a pro on a regular day. After last night I don’t expect her here for another half an hour.’
‘Which is actually very convenient,’ Nino interjected lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘because before she joins us I think we need to have-’
‘A war council!’ Alya growled eyeing Chloé.
Now Adrien noticed what he missed earlier - that most of people in class were reading newspapers and simultaneously scrolling through their phones or tablets, which in itself was a rare occurrence. Seeing his eyes on her, Chloé raised hers with a content smile. He glanced at the title and then skipped to a few others that he could see.
Suddenly he was out of air, and his knees buckled in warning. The words seemed to scream at him from various headlines in shades of red, black and yellow with a serious overuse of poor old exclamation mark.
He came closer to Kim, who was browsing something on his tablet. It was a collection of grainy photos, undoubtedly from last night at the pool, posted on instagram or some other platform. Poor in quality due to bad lighting, clearly taken with phone cameras from some distance. But all this wasn’t important. What was important was that on each of them behind the people “posing” for the picture, there was always him and Marinette in the background, only in their swimwear, sharing moments that he hoped would never be anyone’s business.
They almost kissed at that party, and the few shots of him leaning in were dubbed “A STEAMY MAKE-OUT SESSION!”
He hugged her after the akuma attack, and it was more than enough for “A MODEL SNOG!”
A few of their innocent touches earned a “FEEL ME UP AGRESTE!”
And so on, and so on.
‘W-what is that?’ he asked, his voice trembling.
‘This?’ Chloé waved her own tablet in front of him as if he could somehow miss it. ‘You like our little group project?’
‘Group project?’ Adrien echoed, totally at a loss.
‘Just a few people from the party who agree with me that Marinette doesn’t deserve you.’
‘You did that?’ he couldn’t believe his ears.
‘Someone had to,’ the girl shrugged. ‘Maybe this will open your eyes. This is not the girl for you, Adrikins.’
‘You deliberately gave those pictures to the gossip rags together with my name?’
‘Ah, you’ll thank me later,’ Chloé smiled sweetly, ‘You know it doesn’t really matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right. And I’ve made sure they did.’
Adrien had no idea what he would have done if it wasn’t for Nino’s hand on his shoulder and the pats of tiny paws on his chest, but he had the word cataclysm at the tip of his tongue. He closed his eyes to reign the tornado of thoughts currently storming through his head. He wouldn’t even know where to begin talking so he took a deep breath and turned around.
‘Adrien?’ Nino asked but he just waved a hand.
‘I need to get out. Now,’ he said quietly, not sure how much longer he would be able to keep the lid on his rage and despair.
His friend nodded. ‘If you need me-’
‘Not now. Thank you,’ Adrien replied and left.
He ran down to the bank hoping for a place to calm down his galloping thoughts and his racing heart. Feeling utterly helpless and weak he dropped onto a bench only to notice a large advertising screen right in front of him, on the other side of the river. It had an ad from one of the tabloids that published the article about him on a loop.
Adrien groaned and hid his head in his hands. He missed the good times when he had only his smiley face plastered everywhere next to a perfume bottle. What mess had he gotten Marinette into? How would he look into her eyes now? And her parents? Oh god, his father? How had this happened?
‘Hey, it’s Adrien, right?’ he heard a female voice next to him.
‘I know, you’ve seen my name right there,’ he growled still hiding behind his hands, ‘but please, just leave me alone.’
‘You look like you need company,’ the voice didn’t give up.
‘I said, please,’ he repeated raising his head, ‘leave me alo-’
She was standing in front of him. A compassionate smile adorned her lovely face. She frowned when she saw his. In any other circumstances he would thank the heavens for her presence but not now. Not when he was a mess, unable to sort out his own feelings towards two different girls. When he had caused chaos beyond words to one of them jeopardizing not only a potential relationship but also the existing friendship. When he was lost and didn’t know what to do.
Ladybug sat on the other end of the bench. He honestly didn’t have enough strength to say she wasn’t helping. She only made him more confused, just by sitting there. By reminding him of his failure to stay faithful to her. Now he could wallow in even more regrets. Thanks, partner.
‘So she’s more than your friend after all,’ the heroine whispered, taking in the screen.
If this was her way of comforting him, he thought bitterly, then he finally found the first thing she sucked at.
‘Please, just-’
She scooted a bit closer. ‘Do those pictures bother you more than last time?’
‘Because it was my stupid idea and I dragged her into it,’ he snapped. ‘She must hate me now.’
Oh, god. He thought about Marinette facing Chloé after being shown those pictures and the headlines. He hoped Alya and Nino would be there for her. He couldn’t. Not right now. He wasn’t sure what he was capable of doing with that anger and shame burning inside of him.
Ladybug bit her lip. ‘I’m sure she doesn’t hate you,’ she murmured after a while.
‘I’m sure she does,’ he snorted, throwing all pretense to the wind. He was too deep in his sinkhole to care what she thought of him at this moment.
‘Are you such a bad boyfriend that your girlfriend hates you?’
It must have been her attempt at lightening the mood, but it still sucked.
‘I am,’ he groaned, pressing his hands to his face again. ‘She’s just a friend, we were faking it,’ he droned in exasperation. Why wouldn’t she just leave him alone?
‘Oh,’ she gasped. ‘Then you were... very convincing.’
Adrien felt the tears coming up to his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. ‘It was all a ruse,’ he started, ‘but now I-
‘So you didn’t lie to me yesterday,’ she hummed, as if detached from this forced conversation. ‘When everyone else was told a lie.’
‘I didn’t want to lie to you,’ he admitted, not sure where all this was coming from. ‘Ladybug, I-’
‘I need to go,’ she sprang to her feet, suddenly going ash-pale. She turned away from him. ‘Heroes business. I’m sure I’ll see you around,’ she added sourly, throwing her yoyo and disappearing in the distance.
Yeah, Adrien thought about the ads again, that was a given.
He sat by the bank for some time, to finally collect his belongings and head back to the street. He texted his bodyguard to pick him up. Facing anyone would be too much. Facing Marinette would be unbearable. Maybe that made him a coward, she definitely didn’t deserve any of this. But he felt he needed to sort out his feelings first, offer her solutions not more problems or indecision. He needed to gather his thoughts, maybe talk to his father. Right now, he was a disaster on two legs.
He stood on the pavement waiting for his ride when he felt someone tapping him over the shoulder.
‘Adrien?’ he heard Marinette’s small voice.
He turned around. She not only looked sadder but also smaller. Her pale face was twisted in a foul smile and she was avoiding his gaze. He didn’t need to ask if she knew what happened.
Then her eyes finally snapped to his and he jolted under the seriousness and determination he saw there.
‘We need to talk,’ she said.
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seasonsandcenturies · 7 years ago
I’ve been seeing a bunch of rants about some of Thomas’ recent comments about character flaws, so have a rant/meta/some salt, because I’m not sure what this actually is--
ANYWAY. Today I’d like to talk about why Marinette and Adrien shouldn’t always be judged for their actions when Ladybug and Chat Noir, and why flaws aren’t bad.
1. Marinette is not always Ladybug.
Let’s take a look at a recent episode. In Troublemaker, once her photos of Adrien are shown on a live TV broadcast, Marinette curls up in her room being overwhelmed by embarrassment while Tikki is practical about moving on since the damage is already done. Later, Ladybug is able to prioritize defeating the akuma and keeping Chat Noir focused, rather than continuing to agonize over the photographs. She firmly diverts his attention but doesn’t fall back on Marinette’s tendency to babble and become flustered when things aren’t going her way. There’s a clear contrast between the two of them, and I’m pretty sure that’s all Tikki.
Marinette’s come a long way since she first became Ladybug, back when she was too timid to stand up to Chloe and tried to foist the Miraculous off on Alya. But there’s a lot about her that hasn’t changed. Even now, Marinette ropes her friends into complicated plots to give her and Adrien a chance to have an impromptu date, rather than just ask him herself. She lies to him about not knowing about his perfume ad, only to be awkwardly outed later on; obsessing over the ad also causes her to act irresponsibly and keep her friends waiting for hours to join them. That reluctance to just be straightforward about how she’s feeling isn’t just related to her crush, she acts exactly the same way in Befana when she doesn’t want to hurt her grandma’s feelings…but also doesn’t want to deal with the uncomfortable situation that would result from having an honest discussion.
But Ladybug isn’t remotely that self-centered. Ladybug is the one who goes after people who are hurting and heals them from their pain, freeing them from the akuma. Ladybug is the one who takes time, in Troublemaker, to ask the victim how she was doing, rather than piling onto her worries by being overly preoccupied with herself.
2. Adrien is not always Chat Noir.
Adrien Agreste is actually a very good kid, the kind who follows the rules no matter what. He’s incredibly loyal to his friends, he doesn’t judge other people for their bad/strange behavior, and he’s quick to forgive. He’s kind to his fans, even when they act obsessively. He’s talented, yes, but it didn’t come easily to him; it’s suggested that he’s reached a high level of fencing after years of training, that he typically practices piano for hours, he diligently studies Chinese, and of course he’s worked hard to represent his father’s brand as a model on an international scale. He’s aware there’s a lot of responsibility resting on his shoulders that most teenagers don’t have, and he isn’t willing to sacrifice his family’s reputation because his family is important to him. He genuinely loves his father and wants to please him, even though he isn’t treated very kindly. Nathalie’s strictness and the Gorilla’s constant presence are necessities he accepts, given his celebrity status, even though he wishes he had the same freedom other teens have. Despite (or maybe because of?) his sheltered upbringing, he tries to see the good in people and even the smallest things in life bring him a lot of genuine happiness.
Adrien has the same tendency as Marinette to try to escape his problems, but unlike her, he uses his superhero persona as his escape. For example, he transforms in the Christmas episode because he’s upset about his mother being missing and his father supposedly not caring; if he didn’t have the ability to become Chat Noir, he probably would have just stayed home.
Being Chat Noir gives Adrien a chance to be free, to run over rooftops and swing out of upper-story windows, and flirt and swagger the way Adrien never would. But as Chat, he also become more jealous and inconsiderate. In Glaciator, he sets up a surprise for Ladybug even though she said she was busy, and lashes out at her when she rejects him; his feelings of love are genuine but the way he goes about expressing them is... not healthy. In Syren, he lashes out again, frustrated to be kept out of the loop; he tries to shirk his responsibility because he wants to be Ladybug’s priority instead of protecting the city from the akuma.
But as Ladybug’s partner, he needs to trust and support her, and that ends up proving that his natural inclination (as Adrien) to be kind isn’t a weakness at all. In Glaciator and Syren, once Chat realizes he isn’t the only one hurting - once he remembers there’s an akumatized victim who needs saving - and learns Ladybug didn’t intend to hurt him, he’s able to be selfless. He’s getting a first-hand look at how letting yourself be filled with negativity can make everyone’s life a nightmare. And Chat repeatedly demonstrates his capability to be selfless and put Ladybug first by letting himself be akumatized to give her more time to save the day.
3. The kwami are helping both Marinette and Adrien figure out who they really are.
Ladybug and Chat Noir’s powers come from their kwamis, right? When transformed, it seems inevitable that they’d channel some of their kwamis’ personalities, too. Ladybug is confident and calm in a way Marinette is not. Chat Noir is frank and humorous in a way Adrien can’t bring himself to be. Tikki takes risks, is fearless in the face of danger, but is also patient and reassuring and not prone to panic. Plagg likes to relax, doesn’t take himself (or anything) too seriously, and is good at sneaking around, he’s also prone to complaining and prefers to find the easy way out of a situation. The two kwami are very different: Tikki is encouraging, while Plagg is enabling. Tikki models responsibility and compassion, Plagg offers indulgence and freedom. Tikki offers advice, but it’s usually given quietly, and Marinette doesn’t always listen. Plagg offers ideas, and he can be loud, but his suggestions aren’t always something Adrien should listen to. Depending on how self-centered she’s acting, Marinette sometimes has more in common with Plagg than with Tikki. Tikki and Adrien are also similarly supportive.
But the real question is, what are our heroes learning from this experience? Does being a superhero affect their civilian personas? If being Ladybug makes Marinette better, will being Chat Noir really make Adrien worse?
Tikki and Plagg aren’t responsible for Marinette and Adrien’s actions, when transformed or otherwise. They push them out of their comfort zones to become different people, to grow. But how the kids choose to react when pushed is what determines who they’ll become.
Which brings me to this:
4. The point of Miraculous isn’t how flawed a character is but how the characters are treated by the people around them.
Marinette is the biggest space case of all time, constantly ditching her friends, but they love her anyway. Because the plot demands it, yes, but it’s also because she’s more than just her flaws. Her friends can see the good in her: Marinette is brave, and responsible, and caring; she strives to be fair and just; she’s creative, and clever. Adrien is kind, but also naive to the point of insult. It isn’t enough for him to be ~perfect~, though; he has to learn how to interact with other people, how to see the good and bad in everyone.
But even so, there isn’t anything wrong with being a flawed character. Marinette and Adrien are both relatable characters in their own way. They’re teenagers, and neither of them are meant to actually be perfect, because that’s impossible. But they always try their best, and generally speaking, they have good intentions. And that makes them both good role models for kids (of all ages.)
Ultimately, Miraculous isn’t just a show about whether or not two teenagers fall in love or save the world. It’s about learning that there’s more to people than meets the eye. It’s about striving to be better individually and more compassionate towards others. I mean, every single episode sets up the akumatized villain in a way that makes them sympathetic; you always feel sorry for whatever it is that they’re going through. Let’s go back to Troublemaker one last time: Penny is awkward and sheepish when she reappears, but instead of yelling at her for ruining the show and scaring them all, everyone is just happy to see her. Instead of berating her for letting herself be akumatized, or being afraid of her for what she did to them, they all forgive her.
I guess what I’m getting at is this: if someone says your favourite character is too perfect (or actually not perfect at all), is it really worth getting upset over? Because this show has a lot of problems but I’m not sure that should be one of them.
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woshivn · 4 years ago
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She has received the slave’s inheritance of entire ignorance.
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