#cause why not a pirate jung hoseok?
wicked-pg · 3 years
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 44
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Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, GDragon x Bigbang, Erik Nam
Rating: Mature
Length: 2.9k
Warnings: Birth, Implied sex, implied oral (f recieving) Cute scenes.
Announcement: We are wrapping up the fic 6 more chapters to go.
Recap: Giving birth to a boy and a girl, you are exhausted. Having no clue what to name them you spent the first week at home brainstorming until Jae Hwan and Jae Eun felt perfect. Cute scenes between dads and all their babies. Kyungju has his Fourth Birthday and everyone is invited. A Late night call brings bad news. Taking some time to grief you take over at work and begin teaching Erik the ropes. You have officially been given a proper shop which means no more setting up tables and umbrellas in the park. Business isn’t the only thing booming in the ‘Frozen Spoon’ Hearts are beating loudly between your employees. Hoseok and Jimin reveal that they know you are pregnant and to your surprise it is true. Jeongsan finally goes to daycare and you stop by the clinic to check what is going on with your huge belly.
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Stepping out of the doctor’s clinic you squealed, taking a taxi to his workplace you walked in trying not to smile too excited that you might scare people. “Hello, can we help you?”
“Ah, I am here to see my husband?” “Ah you must be Dr Jung’s wife, he doesn’t stop talking about you?” They grinned “he says you are having another baby and he has been hoping it is his” “Is he free?” “Actually yes he just went on lunch in his office, you can go straight in”
You knocked softly on the door and heard come in, you had rarely seen the boys workspaces and this one was very nice. Poking your head in you saw Hoseok’s beautiful and crisp office, the scent of clean citrus greeting you.
“Jagiya” he stood up, his hand covering his mouth, tears brimming in his eyes “Are you here to tell me?”
You nodded and he pulled you into a hug and kissed your face all over declaring his love for you between each. He popped his head outside the door and cheered “I’m going to be a dad!”
Dogs started barking and a couple of doors opened and congratulations could be heard around the offices and clinic rooms even pet owners smiled and congratulated him.
“Jagiya, I love you so much” he kissed you and sat you on his desk moving aside his keyboard and lunch kissing you and pulling up your dress. “Hobi not at your work what if someone comes in?” He ran and locked the door running back
“Now they can’t, come on let me make sure that this little one is definitely mine” “Hoseok this is your baby inside me, do you want to know the gender?” “Yes, no, yes please?” “It’s a boy” “A boy” he was crying so hard he hugged you “I’m a dad and it’s a little boy, Jagiya” He settled down and grinned.
“I love him already” he laughed wiping his tears “He loves you already, but I am worried about how to tell Jimin he was so excited as well” “I can tell him if you want?” “No my sunshine I will tell him, I have to get back to work” you slid off his table.
“Jagi we didn’t even have sex?” He pouted you smirked at him “You didn’t try hard enough”
Walking to the door he slammed his hand on the door before you could unlock it and he placed his hand on your hips pulling you back against him feeling how hard he was.
“How about if I try a little harder?” “Yeah, you think you can get harder?” “Oh I know I can”
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You took a taxi to Jimin’s bakery and ducked your head in, waving at the young man behind the counter who grinned.
“Jimin your wife is here to see you.” “Princess come in, why are you here, you were supposed to be at the clinic checking on the baby?”
“Jimin my Prince Charming I got the results and Hoseok is the dad this time” “Oh did you tell him?” He gave a fake smile, turning away to mix some batter. “I did, he was excited but I know how much you wanted this Chimmy”
“Is there something wrong with me?” He sniffed leaving the food materials and wiping his eyes with the back of his hands spreading flour across his cheeks. “There is nothing wrong with you my prince, you are perfect” “Why can’t I get you pregnant? Am I bad at it?”
“No you are not, you are amazing Jimin like absolutely Amazing, it’s all just about timing let me explain it, so an egg can be fertilised but may not implant properly which is my bodies fault, So this could be any number of things. And ovulation, when the egg drops, is such a short time and sometimes the best time for it might happen when I am at work”
“Okay” “Do you know what that means?” “What does it mean?” “It means that we can try more” “Really, I can wait as long as it takes then”
He walked you to work smiling and taking you to your office, where he shut and locked the door. “Maybe we should get some practice in now” “I think we definitely should”
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It was autumn, almost ready for winter, you took a break leaving Hajun in charge for a few days. Your ice cream supplies were good and Hajun said it would be okay for a week.
The boys all packed and there was a lot to pack and you got into the van and Namjoon's company car you had seats for all the children and it was time to go on a little vacation. You had all the cameras and such and you had tents and sleeping bags and bug sprays.
Everything for a camping trip, “hey dad we are just leaving now” Taehyung said into his phone, “we will be there soon.”
Namjoon called his father, “we are heading out now we will meet you there”
You all got on the road the children harnessed into their baby seats and secured in, you had to feed the twins every now and again but they mostly slept.
You arrived at the farm and grinned greeting Taehyung's parents again. “Wow your family has grown since we have last seen you” you smiled and they helped you set up camp and you smiled sitting with them all you had set up a mosquito net outside hanging from the outdoor shade.
“What’s this for?” Namjoon asked “I don’t want my children to get mosquito bites or flies crawling into their mouths” you laughed. “Mamma Dad Tae says we can swim in the river is that true?” Kyungju asked
“Tae is that true?” “Oh yeah and the others are going to it’s like knee-deep and runs slowly it’s not crazy”
“Okay but Tae can you tell everyone to line up for sunscreen, we are not burning today, especially you kyungie you are pale like your father you will turn into a lobster in seconds”
You took the sunscreen and began applying it to Kyungju who whined “mama I can do it myself, I go to a big school soon” “Alright you’re done give me a kiss and then you can wait over there with your shoes and a towel.”
He ran off to collect his shoes and towel, “come on pale dad it is time for some sunscreen” you began putting it on him as the others passed the bottle around lathering their skin.
“I can do it myself. I am a big boy, you know?” He huffed you couldn’t help but laugh the way they talked and the pout was the same. “What’s so funny?” “Your son said and did the same thing?”
“Jagiya can you get my back?” “Mine too princess” You nodded and began covering them in sunscreen and Seokjin began putting some on your shoulders and neck and the boys’ eyes lit up as they stripped you in the tent and lathered you in sunscreen.
You pulled on your swimmers and emerged from the tent. The younger babies had baby sunscreen and you carried them to the river. Carrying Jae Eun on your chest as you walked you saw Jin walking ahead Kyungju hanging on his neck, Jeongsan was sitting on his father's shoulders and Jimin carried Jae Hwan.
Once at the river you looked at the boys Kyungju and Jeongsan was listening to everything Taehyung said, and they followed him looking for pirate treasure in the water. You went to a small pool area where you could sit in the water and you grinned, holding your baby girl in your arms.
She loved the water taking after you and Taehyung greatly, Kyungju was the one who didn’t particularly like swimming, he preferred to sit in the cool water or slowly walk around where it wasn’t too deep. Jeongsan was jumping into the deeper areas and swimming to Taehyung. You held Jae Eun and Jimin day next to you with a slightly fussier Jae Hwan.
You were playing with the water and counting giving your baby a trigger word right before you sprinkled some water over her head. Soon you could cup your hand in the water and tip a small amount over her head and she seemed to understand the trigger word was to hold her breath. It took a while and it soon worked. She was able to hold her breath and you could gently dip her in and out of the water causing her to giggle as you praised and kissed her. You swapped with Jimin handing over baby Eun and taking baby Hwan. Jimin stepped out to dry and dress Jae Eun. Your boy settled a little more in your arms and you tried to teach him but it wasn’t working as well.
“Okay new tactic” you knew this was an older method to teach babies to hold their breath and wasn’t as effective as the trigger word but you breathed gently a small stream of air onto Jae Hwan’s face and he took a breathe and you dipped him under the water and back up and he froze confused and you praised him and kissed his cheeks causing him to giggle and kick his legs.
You smiled walking back happy with the twins first swimming lessons.
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Camping was fun, you all picked strawberries from the fields and ate delicious foods. But you had to head home as you had work to go back to. Hoping your two employees have fallen in love while you were away they were so cute.
It turned out that they hadn’t yet and you made sure to invite everyone to a company dinner but you specified the date and time and made sure everyone cancelled that evening. You covered the cost of everything so their date could go underway. Jimin accompanied you in disguise across the room pretending to be on a date. While watching them nervously get to know each other before you decided your work was done and to give them some privacy.
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Time past quickly and you were six months pregnant after having a really good day at work. You were home early, Yoongi and Jimin were fooling around on the couch and Seokjin and Jungkook walked in with Kyungju and Jeongsan on their shoulders.
“Hey, hot Mumma!” Seokjin slapped your behind playfully. “Hey, Princess!” “Kitten” “Mumma bear!” A chorus and echo of footsteps as your husbands came to greet you.
They made you feel at ease after a long exhausting day. You wanted to lie down this baby was too energetic kicking you from the inside and making your back hurt. Announcing you would be going to bed to rest they promised to bring you some dinner.
You woke to the boys all watching you standing around the bed. Yoongi climbed over you kissing you slowly before he started touching you slowly kissing and squeezing your breasts he wiggled himself further down your body eventually laying between your legs his head resting on your thigh. He grinned up at you before he put his famous tongue to work. You had heard his underground raps where he boasted about his skills in the bedroom. It was funny because you knew first hand Yoongi was lazy but when it came to Oral he was a damn near god. Feeling yourself come.
Your high disappeared quickly and you were left in a wet pool. Looking down you frowned a contraction passing shortly after. Waddling to the bathroom you quickly went to clean up but the pain was strong, stronger than you were used too. You were scared. You were just finishing the last week of your second trimester. Tomorrow you would be seven months. You tried to relax taking out your phone and calling an ambulance and laying yourself down in the bathroom. You were calmly talking to the lady on the phone.
“Mummy, what are you doing?” Jeongsan asked from the doorway holding his comfort bunny by the ears. “Jeongsan, baby get daddy please, I want to tell him something?” Breathing as calmly as you could he left and you felt something familiar. The boys came running and Hoseok was on the ground beside you.
“Jagiya breathe, relax okay, everything will be fine” The feeling increased the baby was crowning a sensation you knew well.
“The baby is coming, right now” you managed to speak between deep breathing. “Get clean towels hot water and the medical kit, I have under the sink, sterilize the artery clamps and the scissors.” “Why do you have them?”
“I was going to role play and I wanted to buy a blood pressure cuff penlight and a stethoscope but there were other things that came with it. That I haven’t used” They dipped the scissors and clamps into boiling water and then took it out and laid it on a towel to cool. “You got this Hoseok”
“Why me?” “You are the doctor” “For animals not people” “And you’re the dad?”
“What do I do?” Hoseok asked and you sighed with relief as the paramedics came in, lead by Namjoon and Seokjin. “Take the boys and pack a bag for the hospital we need small clothes. The smallest sizes you can get” you said
“Miss y/n is it, can you get up onto the gurney?” “No I really can’t there is a baby coming out of me,” They looked at each other and got to work delivering the baby and wrapping you both up and escorting you out. Jeongsan sat in the living room crying on Jimin’s lap.
“Mummy!” you smiled and told him you were okay, masking any fear and you were in the hospital. It was a baby boy he was so small and had lungs like his father.
You both stayed overnight having to say goodnight to your babies who came to visit to drop off your things and after a week of visits, your boy was able to come home. He was healthy and lanky he had a long charming face not quite as long as his fathers but he definitely had his father’s heart-shaped lips and your beautiful eye shape.
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You named him Huimang, it meant hope and a part of you was nervous that he would be called horse-related names and Namjoon assured you that he could always be homeschooled.
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It was during a routine check-up at the doctor they did a blood test ensuring you had no retained placenta it was routine after birth outside of the clinic. What you didn’t expect was to hear was that you were pregnant again after having a baby four months ago. 
“But breastfeeding is supposed to be a natural birth control?” “It is not one hundred percent effective,” he said “Noted, I will have to have words with my spouses”
You took an early blood test which would determine DNA and gender. You were roughly 8 weeks pregnant already and you had some words for your husband who had been particularly close to you before his business trip in January.
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Hyuna and Dawn had started getting a little flirtatious at work, it surprised you how a year had passed since the two had met and they were still not together. Hyuna was being quite obvious in her pursuit and yet Dawn seemed oblivious. Erik had also had a few customers who had begun flirting with him and he seemed quite oblivious to their advances.
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Huimang was a quiet baby surprisingly he liked to sit and stare and because of this, he reached his milestones so quick he was crawling before you knew it and sitting up, once he was sitting he tried to copy the twins who were cruising along the furniture. You were run off your feet, pregnant and three children who were learning to walk running about getting into things.
You were exempt from work and was told to take it easy after the last pregnancy mishap.
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Your husband returned from a business trip rather busy and you told them all the news. It was at the breakfast table on a Sunday morning no one had work today and you were leisurely eating. “You know how we love our children and cannot wait to have more”
“I don’t like where this is going?” Yoongi frowned over his coffee “Well turns out breastfeeding as a natural contraceptive is a loud of bullshit and someone who got a little frisky before his business trip got me pregnant”
All eyes turned onto Namjoon who froze dropping his spoon in his cereal bowl with a clatter. “I am so sorry love I didn’t mean too” Jungkook threw a spoonful of yoghurt at Namjoon who jumped in shock, bumping into Jimin who was eating jam toast and got it on his cheeks.
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Huimang was slowing down with his skills as he was unable to balance or talk, unlike his older brother and sister. Kyungju came home from school sitting and telling Jeongsan all about it. Jeongsan Idolised his brother so much and had started hanging out a little more with Yoongi. Except where Kyungju was a musician at heart Jeongsan was not. Yoongi noticed and decided to take his son out the back to teach him how to play basketball, it was a tiny hoop and he explained how to throw the ball and bounce it and all different techniques. Proud when his father praised his work. Jungkook stepped out and grinned at the two, he rarely got to see his Hyung engaging in physical activity but when it came to basketball Yoongi was almost an expert.
“Dad, look Daddy Yoongi taught me how to spin the ball on my finger” he smiled and ran back inside excited.
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Huimang had a taste for sweet potato, he went through a phase where that was all he would eat and he would leave the table at breakfast, lunch and dinner with stained orange cheeks.
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Femme Media 44
Next chapter is coming soon…
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
A Pirate’s Life For Me
Chapter Four Pirate!BTS Maid!Reader Warnings: back stories. Some a little tragic. uh talks of death, murder, little bitta smut, theft, infidelity  Summary:  You had always wondered about pirates, about a life outside of these walls. On your 23rd birthday, you would finally find out what both were really like. Word Count: 3.9k
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‘Start with me? Why me?’ He whined, almost childlike. He didn’t want to go first, how much was he meant to share? How much was too much? Some of the boys knew parts of the story, others didn’t, was this going to be too much?
‘Because, you’re the captain. You first.’ Jungkook signalled, sitting back ready to hear the story he never heard before.
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‘But father, why me?’ He spoke, hand clutching his father’s. The rest of his family stood behind them, silent tears making paths down their cheeks. The old man smiled warmly.
‘Because, I believe you’ll run it like I do. You have the same morals son, the same ideals. Keep that and take my ship. I trust you.’
The old man died that same night. Docked in a small town, they carried his body out. The patrons of the town would not sell them a plot of land, instead the buried him in a near by forest. Deep enough so animals could not dig the body out. A small prayer was spoken, respects paid. Yoongi went back every year without fail, the same couldn’t be said for his family though.
‘But I can’t do this by myself. Mother please!’ She ripped her hand out of his grip, picking up the gold off the desk. His brothers stood outside the door, both leaving with their mother. Her bags had been packed since the day he died, waiting for an island far enough from him to stay at.
‘You’ll never be the captain he was Yoongi, you’re useless.’ She spat the words; he couldn’t seem weak before her. Couldn’t show that her words hurt him. They did though, burning inside of him, because deep down, he knew she was right. He couldn’t be anything like his father, especially with no crew.
‘Fine, then leave. I never want to see you again.’ She turned her nose up at him, shoving past him out the door and out of his life. He cried that night, crumpled on the floor. He cried for his father, for his family. He sobbed because he didn’t know what he was to do. He didn’t know how he was supposed to work through this loss. He had nothing; he was always meant to have nothing.
Three years later he had a whole crew, finally believing he had everything he was meant to have. As fate should have it, one of these members wasn’t meant to be. He loved her to the ends of the earth. Willing to risk everything he has, or ever had for her. She was loved by the whole crew, adored by Yoongi. Maybe he let her slip through his fingers, maybe it was all his fault. He would never know, he still lived every day, not knowing. Two of his crew members came from a rival ship. Yoongi didn’t need to do anything to bring them here, they came willingly. Little did he know, the choices of these two members would come back to haunt him.
He spent months, hunting down this ship. Hunting down the rivals who dared touch his girl. The two previous crew members provided so much help, remembering where they were to set off before. They followed bread crumbs for months, coming up with nothing until finally. They stumbled across them, storming the ship instantly.
She stood on the deck, dressed in the most royal and lavish fabrics. Yoongi held out his hand, hoping she would take it, that they could leave happily. She just scoffed at his outstretched hand, turning her back on him.
‘Baby, please.’ He whimpered, trying not to break down before his rivals. The only pirates to strike fear in everyone, even other pirates.
‘I’m not your baby Yoongi. You’re not a pirate, you’re just a boy who has a ship. You do nothing, your pathetic.’ They left that day without a win, with no new goal in place for them. Yoongi threw nothing of hers away, preferring to soak up the regrets and memories than move on. The crew was the only thing keeping him going, trying to keep him from a downward spiral. He was young, a child, he didn’t have a plan or a goal, he just had a crew and a ship.
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‘They’re the best crew I could ask for. The crew my father would have wished for. Sometimes we go back to the burial area, maybe one day you’ll say the prayer with us.’ A warm smile spread across his face as he ended it on a good note.
‘I’d like that.’ You smiled, genuinely happy. He considered you as part of his crew, part enough to join in on traditions.
‘I’ll go next!’ Tae squealed from the other side of the table, sitting forward to tell his tale. You leaned towards him too, giving him your full attention.
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‘You’re coming, aren’t you TaeTae?’ The older man questioned, smacking him on the back. Tae just smiled his signature innocent smile, shaking his head.
‘You know I don’t drink sir! I also have to write to my parents; you know what my mother is like.’ He smiled, scratching the back of his neck.
‘Little Taehyung is such a good boy! We will see you tonight kid, don’t get into trouble in the uniform okay?’ He just nodded giggling. The men left, letting his face drop to his resting expression, rolling his eyes. What stupid idiots. Thinking he was so pure and innocent. In reality he was never going to write to his family, fuck his family. They sent him on this ship, told him he would be nothing if he wasn’t in the navy.
‘Follow in your father’s foot steps, grow up.’ He mocked, grabbing his jacket before heading off the ship.
‘I mean how can they even think this would work hmm? Wait I forgot your name what was it again?’ He spoke, hips thrusting at a quick pace. The girl moaned, clearly not phased by the fact he didn’t care who she was.
‘Destiny.’ She gasped out between moans and screams, clawing on his shirt. The stupid navy uniforms. He loved disgracing his uniform. The navy were supposed to be noble and honourable. They were to serve and protect, he didn’t care. He used the uniform, milked it for all it was worth. The girls flocked for it, threw themselves at him, he loved nothing more.
‘This uniform only caused me to be more of a whore. You know why that is Destiny?’ He growled in her ear, thrusting deeper and deeper into her. He didn’t care about her though, too focused on getting himself off.
‘Speak to me baby, use your words.’ He spoke, grabbing her jaw so she would look at him. Would watch the sweat drip down his face, the shirt clinging to his damp torso. She whimpered a small ‘Why.’ Causing him to smirk, letting go of her face.
‘Because you sluts throw yourself at me, desperate to jump on this fucking dick. Would it be the same if I was a pirate huh? Would you want to fuck me just as much?’ He questioned, punctuating every second word with a thrust.
‘Actually, Destiny here is quite into sailors in general, aren’t you Angel?’ Another voice spoke, Taehyung didn’t stop, keeping his punishing pace. All Destiny could spit was curses, clawing Tae, holding her hand out for the other man.
‘What do you think you’re doing baby, I’m the one you pay attention to right now. Am I clear?’ She nodded, letting Taehyung direct his attention to the other man. Still brutally fucking into the whore pinned against a wall.
‘What can I do for you? Angel, shut your mouth while this nice man talks to me okay? Good girl.’ He attended to both of them, hand wrapped tightly around the whore, eyes trailing the man speaking.
‘If you’re so bored of the navy life, I have a ship. There’s no other crew, I won’t lie to you but I’ll offer you the place anyway. Maybe it would offer you more excitement. I won’t beg, but you know where I’ll be.’ He spoke, walking out of the alley before adding a ‘have a nice night you two...’
‘Okay angel, now scream for me. Let the whole whore house know a navy turned pirate is fucking you so good.’ The woman screamed out loud, oxygen flooding back to her lungs. She screamed his name loud, orgasm bursting through her body. Tae finished quickly after, pulling himself out and his trousers back up.
‘Thanks babe, I’ll see you next time yeah?’ He shot over his shoulder, throwing a couple of coins her way now done with her. He walked towards the docks, looking at the ship he was supposed to climb onto, the ship he passed like it wasn’t his home for a year.
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‘I’ve never been so proud of a decision I’ve made in my life.’ You sat with your jaw hung open, all the other boys trying to choke back their laughter.
‘Yoongi found you balls deep in a whore, and you didn’t stop fucking. Is that what you’re telling me right now?’ He thought for a second, trying to recall everything he just said.
‘Yep, that’s what I’m saying.’ The boys burst into laughter while you rolled your eyes, moving swiftly onto the next person.
‘Hoseok, what about you?’ He looked like a deer caught in headlights before he blushed crimson.
‘I uh, was caught trying to steal...’
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‘No way was she better!’
‘Dude, I’m fucking telling you, there will be no one better at sucking a dick than La-‘
‘Shh, do you hear that?’ He whispered, slapping a hand over the others chest. Stopping in his tracks he listens harder, hearing a crash from inside their ship. Running onto the boat, they head to the crash, pulling the thief onto deck by the scruff of his collar.
‘Please, please don’t hurt me I have a family!’ The thief cried, grovelling on his knees. Yoongi just sighed, squatting down to his level.
‘What’s your name kid?’ He questioned, tipping the boys head up to look at him. He didn’t look much younger than himself if he was honest, but he had to push some dominance onto him. The boy gulped, making eye contact with the captain.
‘Hoseok sir, Jung Hoseok.’ He mumbled, voice still shaking in fear. Yoongi held out his hand, pulling the boy up with him.
‘Sit with me will you, I have a proposal for you.’ Hoseok followed the boys to a small table, honestly this ship was pretty nice for a pirate ship.
‘The way I see it, you have two options. You can go back to your normal life, stealing minimal for your family. Or, you can join us, steal from others and get a fair cut. The worst thing we do is steal; I try to keep things very tame. The crew is what you see now, but with you we can begin.’ Hoseok didn’t need to think things over. He knew what was better for him and his girl.
‘It’s not a family, just me and my girl. I just want to support her you know, start a family with her. I’ll do it, I’ll join for her.’ He went back and told her of his plans, promising he would be back in three months, would be able to support them for the rest of his life. She just smiled, sending him off.
Three months later, he came back. She was not the woman he remembered; he had been with her for 6 years. Six years of his life to be cheated on. He walked in on her with another between her legs, belly swollen with promise of a new life. A new life that wasn’t Hoseok’s. She tried to plead with him, insisted it was his, insisted this was just a mistake. The man behind her had other ideas, telling exactly what had been happening since way before he even left.
The next few nights, Hoseok went after every whore he could find trying to fill a void. He brought one after the other onto the ship, the other boys ignoring what was happening. They knew what had happened, why he was acting out like this. They thought best to just let him get it out of his system.
‘Shut your mouth baby, there’s other men on this boat. Do you want them to see you pinned against their ship like this? Screaming for more?’ She just whimpered, biting her bottom lip to keep quiet.
‘DESTINY?!’ Tae screamed, coming out of the back room, the girls head whipped towards the voice. What was with these fucking pirates and not stopping?!
‘Nice to see you baby, hey, I got a question. Oh, Hoseokiee don’t stop on my account. Destiny, angel, the whores say Hoseok and I fuck alike. Tell me baby, who do you like better?’
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‘HOKEY! I GET THE POINT. Thank you very much for that.’ You butted in, trying to remain even the slightest bit composed. The two offending boys just snorted, eyeballing each other over the table. You assume something more happened that night, however, it wasn’t something you needed to know.
‘You two, please tell me there’s an innocent story within this bunch somewhere.’
‘I don’t think you’re going to get innocence with us, but we will do our best. Where to start...’
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‘But we are just sailing masters, I don’t understand why we are being forced into this...’ Jimin worried, whispering to Namjoon. He didn’t know why he was on this ship. Blindly following his best friend into a war zone, literally.
‘I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I didn’t want this for you.’ When Namjoon had seen them, they promised everything good. They never hid the fact they were pirates, nor did he think they ever would. They promised wealth, a chance to use his skill set. They promised Jimin could come too, giving him the same job. He could still protect the boy, just like his mother had pleaded. Recently he felt like he failed her, subjecting the younger to this terror.
The thing was, you did get good pirates, ones who favoured traveling and thieving when necessary. Those were the pirates he thought he was talking too, but he couldn’t be more wrong.
‘It’s not your fault Joonie, we both made a mistake. Let’s just get this over with.’ Namjoon didn’t like to keep count, but at this point he couldn’t help it. 65 people, Namjoon had killed 65 innocent people, all because he was told to. He was weak, he wanted to stop. Needed to stop. Jimin hated counting, thought it was futile. Where everyone else loved counting how many bodies they racked up, it just made Jimin sick. 82. 82 bodies under his belt. 82 men women and children he had to brutally murdered.
Stepping off the ship, slightly behind the rest of the crew, they sighed. Trying to fit in was draining them at this point. Something in the distance caught Namjoon’s eye, holding Jimin back slightly he got a better look. He squinted, eyeing up the ship. Pirates?
‘Namjoon, what are you doing?’ He whispered; too afraid they were going to get into trouble. Namjoon just dragged him behind him, towards the unknown ship.
‘Think about it, no matter what happens here, we found another ship. They can’t get us into trouble for scoping out a rival right?’ Jimin could argue with that logic, he decided against it however, silently following along.
‘Aren’t you from “kiss of death”? You got the wrong ship kids.’ Yoongi stated, sending them off with a wave of his hand. Taehyung eyed up Jimin, standing timidly behind the elder.
‘Hey, how old are you?’ He spoke softly, trying to get him to calm himself down. He smiled warmly as he made eye contact, the other boy blinking rapidly.
‘Uh, 19...’ He whispered, pressing closer to Namjoon. It’s not like he was scared of the brown-haired boy, he just seemed rather friendly for a pirate.
‘Hey! Same here, so cool!’ He squealed happily, causing Jimin to leap about a foot in the air. Namjoon tired to calm him down, cuddling him close to his body. Namjoon had been Jimin’s best friend for years. When Jimin lost his mother, Namjoon became the only person he had left. He swore an oath to protect Jimin with everything he had, that’s what he’s done this whole time, that’s what he would continue to do.
‘Why is he so jumpy? Shouldn’t a pirate be feared not scared?’ Hoseok mumbled, causing Namjoon to glare at him, fierce enough to make his toes curl.
‘Hobi, don’t be so rude! He’s scared leave him alone! You don’t have to be scared here; do you want to come with us? We are setting off now, you don’t have to of course...’ Taehyung smiled, both of them physically relaxing at his happy personality. Namjoon looked down at the younger boy, raising an eyebrow at him. He just nodded slightly, causing a small smile to spread across everyone’s faces.
‘Glad to have you on board, what is it you used to do for that other ship?’ Yoongi asked, trying to find somewhere to place them.
‘Jimin drove and navigated, I was maps, that’s what we can do.’ Namjoon stated coolly, Yoongi just smirked motioning to the helm.
‘As you were gents, let’s get going.’
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‘I think it took me longer to relax than Namjoon, but if I didn’t have Tae, I don’t know what I would have done...’
‘What was I not enough for you all these years?!’ Namjoon whined, smacking Jimin over the arm. It just caused the younger boy to laugh, falling happily into his body. You just looked on fondly, a warm feeling in your stomach.
‘What about you two? Is there a big dramatic back story for that too?’ Jungkook winced, thinking about that one night. The phantom hangover smacking him in the gut.
‘Not really, uh...’
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‘You know what BETHANY; I don’t want to do this anymore. Who are these royals anyways? I mean, who are they to say YES OR NO to someone. I’m, pretty right? I’m smart! I’m LOYAL! Fuck this royal bullshit. I know how to kill people you know, smack one needle into their vain and boom, dead. I mean of course there has to be something in there, or just air is good too. I could kill the princess, she’s not that important right? Hey, maybe that’s why I’m not working in the Palace. No wait, they couldn’t know I wanted to kill her... Was I transparent?’ Bethany sighed, waving over the bartender. If she had to sit with this guy, she needed another drink. Stat.
‘What exactly happened?’ She spoke sweetly, stroking her hand down his arm. He gripped her hand in his, throwing it off his shoulder. She just tutted, rolling her eyes at his dramatics. He was cute, but no where near cute enough to get away with this.
‘REJECTION HAPPENED BETHANY. I fucking got rejected, for the only job I ever wanted in life. I didn’t want it because I had some weird hope of meeting the princess and falling in love. I did it, because I wanted an easy life. With riches and fortunes, if she was out the picture I would rule. Fuck the royals, I’m a good fucking doctor!’ He yelled, slamming his glass on the floor. A man approached behind him, wrapping an arm around his wobbly shoulder.
‘It’s okay Bethany, I’ve got him. Why don’t you try with that guy?’ The man nodded at a man half way down the bar, she sent him a strange look but disappeared regardless.
‘Hey dude, what do you think you’re doing, I was totally gonna get that snatch!’ He slurred, flailing his arms around.
Meanwhile, Jin stood in the bar kitchen, peaking out to watch the young boy. He loved this kid, always causing some drama, it made the boring bar work worth it. Even being stuck in this stupid kitchen. He winced when the glass smashed, the young girl shuffling away from him. Watching the other man struggle with the boy’s weight, he rushed out the front to help.
‘Don’t worry, I got him.’ Yoongi mumbled, shifting the kid’s weight. Jin just rolled his eyes, picking him up bridal style.
‘The kid is twice your size and full muscle. You wouldn’t make it to that lamp over there. Where we going?’ Yoongi let out a little laugh of defeat, shrugging.
‘Uh to the docks, my ship is there. I’ll sober the kid up and talk to him in the morning.’ Jin nodded, looking the other up and down.
‘A pirate I assume, recruiting, are you? What can this kid possibly bring to your crew?’ He asked curiously. He just seemed like a grumpy, drunk kid. No way was he any help to a pirate.
‘Kid has some muscles, which means he most likely can throw a punch if needed. He is also a fully trained doctor, we need that. Jimin gets sick a lot. Colds mostly, a flu here and there. Buying medicine, a lot is expensive, having someone who can make that would be useful.’ Jin took in this information, making sure he was set on what he was going to offer next.
‘Take me too?’ He asked, adjusting the boy’s position in his arms. He grunted in reply, swinging an arm towards Jin’s face. He mumbled incoherent gibberish, making Yoongi laugh heartily.
‘What can you offer?’ Yoongi asked, almost mocking the elder boy. He just raised an eyebrow, ready to list off all the things he can bring. Not like Yoongi cared, he was more than happy to welcome him to the crew.
‘Well, first off, I’m fucking beautiful. Secondly, I can cook, so if he needs help making medicine, I can do that. I’m a chef, so I can ration meals and still leave you satisfied. Thirdly, I’m strong. This kid weighs a sack of fucking rocks, I’m not even breaking a sweat.’
‘Okay, I have one last question for you.’ He mumbled, pointing him in the direction of the ship. He nodded his head, requesting Yoongi continue.
‘Why when you’ve got a pretty sick deal here already?’ Jin thought for a second, placing Jungkook down on the deck.
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‘Well? Why did you agree?’ You spoke, fully entrapped in his tale. He smirked, leaning closer to you over Jungkook’s lap.
‘Boredom.’ He whispered, lips grazing your cheek. You rolled your eyes, smacking his arm while stifling a giggle.
‘And you really picked Jungkook up like a princess?’ Jungkook groaned, rolling his head back in frustration.
‘What made you say yes if you get sick on sea?’ He thought about it for a moment, looking around at the older boys in front of him.
‘Who needs a job when you have a new family. I didn’t need to work until I was rich, because I could do my job here, surrounded by them. I got used to the sea sickness, no big deal.’ He shrugged, smiling down at you.
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the-writing-otter · 5 years
Malédiction ⇴ Chapter V
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⇴ Author: the-writing-otter
⇴ Genre: Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Action/Adventure, Romance, Angst
⇴ Main Characters: Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Kim Seokjin, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok
⇴ Summary:
Crown, Jungkook; Cursed, Jimin; Cast-off, Jin; Seer, Namjoon; Seeker, Yoongi; Sought, Taehyung; Catalyst, Hoseok
⇴ malédiction masterlist
⇴ previous
Chapter V
Jin woke from his painful rest with the unmistakable sting of metal pressed against his throat. A lazy smirk crawled across his face as his groggy eyes made out his threat. Pale skin made paler by the black clothes he wore matched with dark eyes that promised pain, made Jin pause inwardly, but keep up his charade of nonchalance for his attacker. He was slight and shorter than Jin, but he could just make out the telltale signs of countless knives under his coat. His voice was low, and gravelly when he spoke.
"What's so special about you that the mousy wench needs to hide you back here?"
Jin's eyes widened slightly as he struggled to stay calm. He forced a shrug.
"What's it to you?"
Yoongi growled in warning, instead of frustration, finding himself strangely intrigued by the injured man before him. He didn't have a mission regarding this man, he was just curious; he could do this all day. The tip dug in just a touch deeper, enough to remind Jin who had the higher ground here. Yoongi had been aware of Jin's presence on the highways around the little port town for some time now. He made it his personal business to know who this infamous highwayman was and who he really was. Yoongi knew more about Jin than Jin did. What he didn't get was the girl. Why would a lackluster spinster barmaid need to protect so ardently someone who seemed very capable of protecting themselves? Surely Jin had other people he could trust, others who would keep quiet about him for the right price?
Yoongi's eyes narrowed. "It means nothing to me," he said, voice quiet. "But it does influence the preservation of your neck, so I'd say it means quite a lot to you, don't you think?"
"I do have a penchant for attracting pretty women-" A drop of blood appeared as Yoongi's patience wore thin. "Except she isn't pretty, so cut the act."
Jin managed an exceptionally casual sigh for how painful his position was. His shoulder was throbbing and he could feel his blood trickling down the column of his throat. Time was running out. He needed to get out and he needed to get his attacker away from Nora. He couldn't handle getting her in worse shape than she is. "An old friend." His words were honest and his guard was down. Yoongi watched as one shoulder slumped, the other staying tight with pain. He looked exhausted. 
"Suffice it to say, she owes me."
"And why would that be?" he asked, softer, this time, and coaxing. Jin eyed how warily; he was tired but he wasn't stupid. "I saved her life once, many years ago."
An old friend? "Victim of your profession who somehow earned your pity?" Jin shook his head; lying would get him nowhere. "An old colleague I should say. We sailed illicitly together."
It clicked. The story he had overheard, two years ago, of the two cabin boys who somehow escaped the infamous pirate Crazy Mibs' crew had wound up here. The pirate was notorious for causing more havoc than was deemed necessary even by immoral pirate standards and his reputation as loathsome and inescapable had been tarnished by the disappearance of two cabin boys. Mibs had gone on a rampage in a northern port and killed hundreds. The story had circulated quickly, but the boys were never found. Until now. One was right in front of him and the other, he was willing to bet, was coming down the hall to check on her charge. Jin heard the footsteps a second after Yoongi did, and he froze, eyes wide on the door.
After witnessing extremely strange and disturbing happenings in this establishment, Nora had learned how to conceal her emotions, especially surprise. So the sight before her, instead of prompting a scream, just made her want to cry. The shady man who had been watching her all night had a knife pressed to Jin's throat and his other fist pressing into his hurt shoulder, pining him back against the wall. Jin's face was pale with pain and he clutched feebly at the firm arm pushing into his wound. When she stopped short in the doorway, the man glanced to his left, one eye on her the other on Jin, but stayed oriented towards the wall behind the table. Jin's eyes screamed run but that was the last thing she could do and they both knew it.
"What do you want?" Even in her moment of panic, she kept her voice low and tight, not letting her barmaid act slip just yet. There was still hope, right?
The man grinned, and her eyes flicked to Jin, worried. "Just some gossip, that's all. Surely you can explain a bit better than him how the two of you are connected?" He cocked his head to the side, looking straight at her now. He really shouldn't have. Jin's formerly weak right arm shot out and grip the back of Yoongi's neck, digging his nails in as he slammed his face into Jin's knee. His left arm knocked Yoongi's fist away and pushed, sending him backwards but not before his knife cut a jagged gash down the front of Jin's chest and neck. He swung himself off the table, and out the door, disappearing into the dark morning hours. Yoongi shot up faster than Nora could run, and snatched her wrist, twisting her around to press her against his front, knife blade to her neck. His breath was labored from the fall and she could feel the blood dripping from his broken nose. 
"Where would he go?"
"I-I don't know, I don't know where he goes.”
He released her with a frustrated and angry groan and leaned against the table. He could always tell when someone was lying to him, and she wasn't. Her voice had changed, it sounded natural. She was scared, and scared people don't lie very well. Anyways, a highwayman would have more than one haunt. His lackey wouldn't know where they all were, in case she got caught. He sighed. Nora backed towards the doorway. 
She stopped. His eyes were dark, more mad than hurt. 
"Tell me."
"Captain Mibs was my uncle. You know the story. Jin saved me from a fate worse than death." She paused, almost surprised by her own honesty. 
He glanced up, studying her face. It was open and not unkind. He could see what Jin saw in her, but he got the feeling that that wasn't quite their relationship with one another. "It's my job to know what no one else knows." She smiled ruefully. "I know." Quicker than he could react, her body was on his left, right hand gripping his wrists expertly, kitchen carving knife pressing into his throat. "Don't touch him again, and if you need to, talk to me. You owe me, now, Shadow. What's your name?"
Blood dripped down the blade and she let off a bit to let him speak. "Yoongi," he said, voice raw with fear. She nodded and left, releasing him fully, apparently satisfied. No one had given him the slip in years and now two people had done it in one night, one of them a girl. Yoongi groaned and picked himself up. He needed a real job, he couldn't just keep gathering information. He needed a use for it. After what was a bounty hunter for?
Jin stumbled through the streets, aimless and bloody. He didn't know if the man followed or not, but he couldn't take chances. He needed to find a safe place for the night, then he needed to go to the northern roads when he had regained his strength. How he was going to survive till then, he didn't know. It's not as if he hadn't gotten hurt before, but usually he could patch himself up and continue working. Well, robbing. But this was the second time he had foolishly depended on Nora and had endangered both of them. He needed to figure this out. He needed enough money to get both of them away, and far north, far away from the abusive tavern owner, far from any port, far from any danger. That's what he promised when they escaped together. That they would not just survive, but live. Thrive, even. What her uncle had instilled in them from such a young age would be washed away and they would start over. They would be happy, finally. He tripped and barely caught himself, his thoughts distracting him from the foggy street he walked down. A shadow moved soundlessly from the alleyway next to him and crouched down to help him up. Jin jerked in the strangers hold, alarmed at a second surprise attacker. But the cloaked shadow didn't attack but held his arms loosely, gently. "Please don't do that, you'll hurt your shoulder more." His voice was deep and soft. He was still, but anxious to get Jin off the street. Jin stared, eyes wide, mouth gaping.
"I- uh...do I know you?"
The shadow man chuckled. "No, you don't, but I know you Jin. Trust me please? I need to get you somewhere safe." He nodded toward the alley to his right. 
He was pleading, Jin realized , and he had no idea why this stranger cared about him enough to plead for Jin's own safety. But the creeping feeling of danger around any corner pushed his judgement to the side and he followed willingly as the man pulled him into the darkness.
⇴ next
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im-a-meteorite · 7 years
Fic Recommendations
I’m bored so i’m making this list of all the fics that I’ve read (and liked). I’ll be updating this every now and then. I’ll also probs put it in my bio. I’ll be categorizing them by main ship then I’ll have the links and their summaries. I’ll also add their ratings  
Charmed - kaythebest  (Teens and Up) 
"So you’re not going to eat me?" Seokjin asks, just to confirm.
"Why would I eat you?"
"Because you’re a dragon," Seokjin says slowly, because it should be obvious, despite Namjoon not looking very dragon-y at all.
Namjoon looks unimpressed. "I may be a dragon, but I’m not an animal."
before things come together - brightlight  (Explicit)
Namjoon didn't expect to run into the TA from his philosophy class at the gay bar Taehyung and Jimin drag him to, he really didn't expect him to look this nice outside of class, and he really, really didn't expect to have a crush on him.
It's going to be an interesting semester.
그 손을 내밀어줘 - sugavevo  (General Audiences) 
bangtan as kids ft. namjin as parents
Let’s Not Hurt Anymore - exfatamorgana  (Mature)
They don’t talk about it, and usually no one thinks to ask. But if you did, Namjoon and Seokjin would tell. They aren’t keeping secrets, and if you asked them, they’d answer. It just so happens that on a Sunday, not much different from any other Sunday, the other boys think to ask.
So how do two people who are always together end up… together?
you have 1 new message - bazooka  (Teens and Up) 
r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
Creating a Home - CheekyBrunette (General Audiences)
Seokjin is used to getting calls from social workers at all hours of the day, but never this late at night.
(In which Hoseok loses a mom and gains two dads and four brothers.)
Spanish Doll - saengie (Mature)
What Seokjin expected of his summer holiday in the wine country of Spain had been wine, sleep, and more wine. Being the muse for the recluse painter Namjoon and arguing the finer points of post modern art as pillow talk had never crossed his mind.
(cause i) i’m a fool for you - onrainydays (General Audiences) 
yoongi wakes up in the middle of the night to feed seokjin's sugar gliders
of sweet kisses and raspberries - onrainydays (Teens and Up) 
seokjin loves soft things.
yoongi isn't a thing but he's soft. really really soft.
and seokjin loves him.
give me the warmth of your love - onrainydays (General Audiences)
just a drabble of tired seokjin craving cuddles
The Jung-Kim Family - onrainydays (General Audiences)
The kid was dressed very Namjoon and smiled very Hoseok. He looked like a perfect combination of the two in every picture, melted his parents’ hearts and made their eyes shine with the purest love.
or, namseok's child was too cute not to make him a model
An Aperture in Fine Balance - blurrylines  (Teens and Up) 
Fake Marriage AU in which Yoongi is an up and coming rapper whose fame had blown up in Korea, traveled throughout Asia and has now landed him in the States. Meanwhile, Jimin is in America to study photography and find success in this land of freedom. Except for one problem. His school's policy for financial aid requires him to be either over the age of 24, have a child, or be married.
Considering the fact that he’s only 21 and can’t have a kid, Jimin is left with the last option.
That’s where Yoongi comes in the picture.
a+++ cutie - yururin  (General Audiences) 
“Are you sure your name’s Jimin and not Jinyoung?” Yoongi asked, feeling extremely dumb, but the laugh that Jimin answered him with was worth it. Sort of.
“I’m sure, hyung,” Jimin replied softly, leaning both arms on the table as he grinned at Yoongi, “finally figured it out?”
85 Days of Summer - yururin  (Explicit)
When his friends dragged him to some secluded, intimate beach resort for their summer break, all that Yoongi expected to get were cheap souvenirs, sand between his toes, and a lot of sunburns.
He didn’t expect that a beautiful boy with honey skin, soft copper hair, and a smile so bright and happy would steal his heart instead.
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine - yururin  (Mature) 
On their second anniversary, Yoongi proposed to Jimin. On their third anniversary, Yoongi woke up to the news of Jimin's untimely death. On Jimin's first death anniversary, Yoongi met Jimin again.
The Letter Thief - d4wndust  (Teens and Up) 
Min Yoongi receives a text from an unknown number and it seems to be a suicide note. Park Jimin says his goodbyes through a text, but to a wrong number.
Min Yoongi makes Park Jimin live a little longer and Park Jimin makes Min Yoongi start living.
Truth or Dare - fratboyyoongi  (Not Rated) 
Based on a prompt I got from otpprompts on tumblr that goes like: (Imagine that Person A and Person B (who are not going out yet, but have crushes on each other) are playing Truth or Dare with their friends, who can tell about their feelings toward one another. One of their friends dares B to kiss A. B leans over and kisses A on the cheek. Very tired of B’s BS, A tells them, “Come on B, you know that’s not what they meant” and grabs their head and kisses them on the mouth.)
we pass in front of a flower shop (and i catch the scent of roses) - groovystars  (General Audiences) 
Jimin's a florist who sings to the flowers and crushes hard on the mint-haired man who just came in to buy a cactus.
The Boy in the Music Box - MissterMaia  (Teens and Up) 
Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.
The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
Sunshine on a Rainy Day - MissterMaia  (General Audiences) 
It’s a fact as well-known as water being wet that Min Yoongi hates mornings. He hates the lethargicness of waking up, the temporary lack of complete motor control, the slowness of his sleep-drunk mind as it attempts to power up again after the six-hour long reboot session. Truly, mornings are the devil’s work.
But maybe Yoongi hates them a little less thanks to the cute weatherman he watches over a cup of coffee every morning.
The Songbird and the Sea - MissterMaia  (Mature) 
In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.
But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East.
Hey, Piano Man - MissterMaia  (Explicit) 
In which Yoongi, after having his evening completely ruined by a drunk asshole on his way home from a rough day at the studio, decides he himself needs to get drunk and wanders into an old-fashioned pub. He may or may not find his bad mood washed away by the cute bartender, and he may or may not end up completely and utterly smitten when said bartender gets on the small stage and starts singing in the most angelic, beautiful, seductive voice he's ever heard in all his life.
“You play the piano?”
“I... yeah, I do, actually. How'd you know?”
The bartender's smile is shy and confident all at once, and Yoongi's heart lurches in confusion. “Just a feeling,” Jimin says softly, busying himself with drying a glass. “Your hands are beautiful. They look like they were made to play an instrument.”
Soul Bond - springrain21 (Teens and Up) 
Everyone is born with a Soulmate, but not everyone gets to meet their other half in their lifetime. Twenty one year old Park Jimin suspects he will never meet his Soulmate. When he accidentally makes skin-to-skin contact with the cold, distant Min Yoongi, he discovers that the two of them are Soulmates. But what happens when Yoongi doesn't even believe in Soulmates? Will Jimin develop the deadly condition known as Soul Sickness? And will Yoongi make it in time to save him?
Love is fulfilment of the law - Yoongi_trash (Teen and Up)
"They were a strange couple, Jimin knew it. He knew that it was wrong on so many levels. On every level. He'd read the books, knew the laws; homosexuality was a sin and it always would be. But Jimin couldn't help it, couldn't deny his feelings for Yoongi."
AKA the church AU in which Jimin is a probably an angel sent from heaven and Yoongi's nickname is the Antichrist
time follows you (and fades) - thebestofme (Teen and Up)
hp!au - how half-veela!jimin and yoongi fall in love in the Slytherin common room.
(or, two sides of one story: Jimin worries about the effects of his Allure and hides his veela nature; Yoongi loves Jiminie but is too confused by mixed signals to act on it).
you and me (are the difference between real love and the love on tv) - inkingbrushes (Teen and Up)
Yoongi is pretty sure his friends are conspiring against him.
Or: that stupid college au where they're all drunk and playing the "of course" game.
smile like silver - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Anonymous said: could you do a yoonmin fic where yoongi gets a tongue piercing ? and jimin just really likes it
when you’re in love all the lines get blurred - jflawless (Teen and Up)
Jimin isn't sure what possessed him to lie to his mother and tell her that he had a boyfriend, but now that he's opened the position, he has no choice but to fill it. Yoongi is, apparently, his only option.
It’s your Birthday but you’re my Gift - smoljean (General Audiences) 
Yoongi celebrates 5 birthdays with Jimin over the course of 20 years. (aka Yoongi growing up with Jimin only to realise he's falling for his childhood friend).
you wish i was yours (and i hope that you’re mine) -  awsuga (Mature)
Jimin is getting ready to sleep his summer away now that all his friends have left for college except for him. That is, though, until he meets Yoongi. A boy two years older than him from the city, who has been kicked out by his parents and is now living with his aunt.
Because of Yoongi Jimin learns more about himself in one summer than he has his entire life.
give me a sign - iwillalwaysbelieve (Teen and Up) 
Yoongi thinks the universe is a dick for a lot of reasons. Reason #1: It gave a deaf person a soul-mark that revolves around speech. Reason #2: Once he decided to hate his soulmate no matter what they were like, the universe gave him a really attractive soulmate. Reason #3: Said soulmate is overly kind, no matter how much of a dick Yoongi is. Reason #4: Yoongi is definitely fucked.
Midnight Dreamers - ghuns (Teens and Up)
Soulmates. They're something vague and the only clues to them lie within your dreams.
Speak to Me - noonatha  (General Audience)
Yoongi might not be able to hear what he's missing out on, but he can see it.
 give me thirty days (to fall in love with you) - kstorms  (Teens and Up)
"Hi! I’m Park Jimin!” when he gets no reaction, Jimin pushes on, a little hesitantly. “As in, your soulmate?”
Jimin meets his soulmate, and it doesn't go the way he's planned (nothing ever does, really).
Once Upon A Dream - yururin (Teens and Up)
“Somebody once promised they’d find you, and that they’ll love you more than they already do,” Yoongi murmurs, a smile on his lips when recognition sparks in Jimin’s eyes, “somebody once promised they’d ask you to be theirs when they can finally do so again.”
Jimin doesn’t say anything—just leans into Yoongi’s touch, that same shy smile Yoongi has grown to love still on his face.
“Be mine, Park Jimin?”
(or alternatively: "that yoonmin soulmates AU where you can see a glimpse of your past life on the eve of your 18th birthday and Jimin dreams of a forbidden Joseon era love story with an upperclassman Min Yoongi, popular basketball player in uni, 18384/10 out of his reach".)
Time Lapse - NomNams  (Explicit)
Min Yoongi is a time jumper, and Jimin is tethered to his timeline. Or he's tethered to Jimin's. Who knows. All Yoongi knows, is that no matter where he jumps to, Park Jimin will be waiting. __________
"Give me a reason not to think you're some spy working for the government who plans to..."
"You have a cow lick above your right ear. There's a scar on your right knee cap that you got when you were four falling off a pony in Daegu. You have a birthmark patch low on your left butt cheek, and another on your inner..."
"Fine. Fine. Just... please stop there." Yoongi begged, blushing five shades of red.
Bullet Boy - sugamins  (Explicit)
If you want to make it big, you’ve got to start off small. This is something that Jimin acknowledges, for he just carries on singing features for underground rappers in the hopes of breaking into the mainstream scene even when the lyrics mean nothing to him.
If you want to make it in the scene, you’ve got to fake it in the scene. This is something that Yoongi understands intimately. But he’s never been one to be a poser, and there’s only far stuntin’ can get you before you burn out like the end of a cigarette.
Yoongi finally wants to move on from his bad past and take the gamble so that he can drop his first mixtape as ‘D-boy’, and he can’t think of anyone more perfect to feature on it than rising talent: Park Jimin.
Jimin really wants to break free from nights spent singing at hip hop clubs for a pittance and finally have his name on an official track in the music charts, but he’s going to need some help navigating the brutal world of music contracts and the paparazzi; and being involved in a scandal the likes of which the industry has never seen before.
Multi-Ship (is that even a thing?)
Namjin, Yoonmin and Taekook: 
Nyctophile - yururin  (Mature) 
"Like I said, monsters aren't real, Taehyung."
Jimin quickly pulled the closet doors open.
At the bottom of the closet, sitting on the floor and leaning heavily against the walls, was a man with dark pink hair clad in dark clothes, bleeding and injured and looking positively close to death.
Jimin didn't know what to do.
Craigslist Date - springrain21 (Mature)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi's family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won't stop nagging him about how he's still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone's fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can't help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi's family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn't know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever?
Inspired by that tumblr post about the guy on Craigslist who you can hire to be your date for Thanksgiving to screw with your family because that post makes me cry laughing every time I see it.
Soulmate? No, Thanks - Bookworming (Teen and Up)
Main Ship: Yoonmin
Min Yoongi has been waiting to have his first colour dream since he was 17 because a dream in colour is the dream of your soulmate, whoever they are. In a world where all humans have only black and white dreams the only colour dreams one gets are those of their soulmate, if they have one. Soulmates get each other's dreams in colour and can speak to them through those dreams, a privilege Yoongi has coveted for a long time. Yoongi has also coveted his best friend Kim Seokjin for a long time but unfortunately for Yoongi, Seokjin's soulmate loves sleeping and occupies his mind in a way Yoongi never does. Park Jimin made the worst mistake of his life by getting drunk and driving himself home one day before his 17th birthday. When he wakes up, things have changed drastically, the biggest change being the sexy voice that interrupted his first pleasant dream in a LONG time.
Yoonminkook, Namjin and Vhope: 
Let Me Know - TheOrgasmicSeke  (Mature) 
Main Ship: Yoonminkook
Talking about it, of course, became harder as the days passed by. Yoongi could never find the right time to bring it up. He was still wondering if he was just imaging things. If he was just thinking he was feeling the things he was feeling. But that was quickly disproved every single time Jimin curled up around him and Jungkook kissed him. He was a fucking idiot in love with two bigger idiots and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. Except probably ruin it by talking about it. Hell, maybe it was better to just never mention it and pretend it wasn't happening.
Namjin, Yoonmin and Vhope:
Can I Get Your Dewey Decimal Number? - melecs  (Teens and Up) (a series)
Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.
Namjin and Yoonmin:
When life gives you elephants… - tired angry egg (Mirabelle)
(Its a series so each part has a different summary and rating) 
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bwitchinghour · 7 years
Bewitching Hour 2017 - Reveals
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Your mods are so pleased with this fest! We hope that everyone has had as much fun as we have :) Without further ado, here are your Bewitching Hour 2017 participants!
Day One
follow me down (swallow it down) 
| ireallydontknowok | jikook
Jimin is tired. He's dragging his feet whenever they go anywhere, is always late to dinners and falls asleep during every movie they watch. He wears sunglasses indoors to try and hide the bruises under his eyes, but everyone knows. Jungkook is worried.
Head Above Water | bugarungus | vmin Jimin's dreams usually have meaning. That's why it's so important for him to rescue the boy from his nightmares before something happens to him outside their dreams.
a song of fire and fruit smoothies | teecysh | minjoon Namjoon is part dragon, and to his complete and utter embarassment, he can't stop collecting cute things for his hoard. Which would be fine except Jimin is the cutest person he's ever seen and it's becoming a real struggle not to collect him too...
White Strings of Gulls | atechamcham | vmin The life of a pirate has always been about gold, glory, power, and conquest. That's what Captain Taehyung's been taught all his life. All Jimin wants is to keep Taehyung alive. One day his magic won't be enough.
Dead Leaves | golden_kimono | yoonkook Jeongguk is a big fan of the TV show Dead Leaves, especially of Suga, one of the main characters. After writing a particular fanfic, he suddenly gets sucked into it himself and is up close and personal with the characters he admires so much. Is it real? Is it a dream? And will he find out his purpose before it's too late? (And does he really want to leave Suga?)
interlude | midnightghostwriter | gen in which a hobby for music gets jung hoseok unexpected attention and more trouble than he ever signed up for.
So Gold (We’ll Be Alright) | onceandforall | jinkook Jeon Jungkook is the witch community's next big thing and he needs all the help that he can get. or Five times Seokjin helps Jungkook and one time where everything works out how it's meant to be.
Day Two
call it magic (when i’m with you) | kthpjm | vmin Taehyung wonders how long he’s been in love with Jimin. Knows that he probably always has been.
Not everything happens for a reason | JimineexTae | vmin Taehyung believes in the reality of cause and effect, a predictable world where he already has everyone and everything figured out.And then Park Jimin and his existence somehow manages to ruin it all.
Why Did It Have To Be You? | realstadt | taekook In which Taehyung gives his sworn nemesis, Jeon Jeongguk, a love potion by accident.
Those Who Wander Are Lost | May Greene (btsmee) | gen It didn't matter. All returned eventually. None had ever truly left. Time was irrelevant.
I put a spell on you (and now you’re mine) | cosmicoffee | taegi, 2seok, minjoon To retrieve the heart of a fallen star, Min Yoongi ventured out into the woods one night. He instead was faced with a witch, who's broom had caught fire, holding onto a quest that was destined to change everything Yoongi had ever come to know.
Taste of Magic | thedarkestdawn | namkook Rookie witch Jungkook is apprenticed to newly qualified Namjoon.Neither of them are all that happy about this.
On Your Mark | Namless | namkook It's Namjoon and Jungkook's first time meeting. One wishes for something and the other's only there to fulfil this wish. Their only common point might be their unusual life mark. Except nothing goes accordingly: client and employer shouldn't feel some kind of attraction, really shouldn’t.
Day Three
Crinus Muto | apocryphalic | vmin Park Jimin's a sixth-year Prefect, top in his year in nearly all subjects except one: Transfiguration. Help is forced upon him in the form of Kim Taehyung, a fellow sixth-year with the rare gift of being born a metamorphmagus. Jimin's never been fond of Taehyung and when a spell goes awry, he's left to take care of Taehyung. Jimin learns that appearances are rarely what they seem and that quite possibly, he's misjudged Taehyung all along.
My Demons Follow Me | paechtae | taegi Taehyung let out a laugh that bordered on hysterical and rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his palm.“Okay going with the line of you eat my fucking dreams, which rude you didn’t even ask first, just– why?” You did ask though. Taehyung didn’t bother with responding this time, busy trying to figure out what exactly the demon was talking about. The demon reached back for the notebook again. You’re a very loud person when you sleep Kim Taehyung. You should be careful what you say and ask for. Crueler things in this world could have heard you.
through the looking glass | deuxoiseaux | namseok, namgi, yoonseok, namgiseok when kim namjoon finds a mysterious book in a language he's never seen, bookmarked with an address that doesn't exist, he can't help but be curious. drawn into a mirrored world that is at once familiar and impossible, with a man he's not sure he can trust, namjoon becomes an unwilling pawn in a struggle that can only end in death. all paths lead in a single direction, forward or back, and time is running out.
Vampire Vs. The God of Destruction  | lulublue1234 | namgi Yoongi's a vampire who's lived for three thousand years. Namjoon's a human prone to accidents. When the vampire unknowingly saves the human from the clutches of a Trickster, he finds himself soul-bonded to the man. Now Yoongi's irritated because....he likes the disruption more than he wants to admit.
there are many names in history (and none of them are ours) | ireallydontknowok | yoonkook, 2seok, vmin
unravel | homopoetic | yoonmin Jimin is a Third-Eye. He can't touch people skin to skin because the contact lets him see into their minds, viewing all their thoughts and secrets and desires at once. Yoongi's brother is a king. (Yoongi's brother is a cobra.) Changwoo sinks in his fangs, injects venom, takes what he isn't his. Yoongi's taken the poison, survived even as it permanently destroyed the layer of skin that keeps infections out, and built up a precarious sort of immunity. He's the only one who can do it. Yoongi is a prince. He's twenty-four years old. He's been grieving a loss for seventeen years now. No one noticed before. That's why he needs to keep Jimin.
Burns Blue | themarmalade | minjoon Jimin is used to relying on the wall he's built up in his mind to block out the constant swarm of thoughts and voices to get through a shift at work, to get through life. Namjoon, his shy new coworker, has an aura so loud it makes everything else go quiet. Jimin hates it. Jimin craves it. Jimin decides not to think about it. Namjoon, however, definitely thinks about him.
the pearl in the pond | hotpepperhoney | jinmin The mermaid rolled around and pressed his cheek to the sand, a happy sigh passing through his lips and blowing the sand near his face back into a small dune. Jimin leaned closer in the bushes, bracing against a nearby tree. He wanted to see more. The mermaid’s back sloped from the widest pair of shoulders he’d ever seen. Sand stuck to sections of his back and arms, a small river of sweat forming between the dip of his bowed spine. Jimin swallowed dryly. He had back dimples. His hand slipped.
Day Four
I’m drinking something lethal (must be you) | synecius | vmin Kim Taehyug, the self-proclaimed best Potions Maker in all of Dahlia, would be the first of his profession to have invented, prepared, and successfully completed the Most Powerful Love Potion Ever Created. But, does that really matters if it doesn't work on the one and only person he loves?
a letter to the moon | words_unravel | ot7
Graced | plantlet | gen Jeon Jungkook hates to be touched. He also hates his nightmares. But mostly, he hates to be alone.
Pieces of a whole | goodbyelover | yoonkook In a world where magic is just every day life and there's a slew of gods and goddesses to follow, Jungkook is just trying to do his best. Everything begins to change when he meets a mysterious tattoo artist named Min Yoongi.
fireflies | kaythebest | vmin When Jimin is six, his brother catches a fairy in a jar.
I know you; I walked with you once upon a dream | anatomiadea | yoonseok In a society where humans and supernatural creatures coexist together, Yoongi is a cursed human who he has been asleep for 500 years. Namjoon is the witch who was assigned to teach Yoongi about modern world, but he wasn´t able to find time to properly help the man and he asked his friend Hoseok, an earth witch, for help. Hoseok starts teaching Yoongi everything about the 21st century and Yoongi ends falling in love with the boy who looks so much like an old lover he had 500 years ago
Firepower | eclecticat | namjin, yoonseok If there’s one thing Kim Seokjin is expecting to see inside his freezer, it’s not a small scaly lizard lounging on top of his ice tray and eating an extremely small scoop of his expensive pistachio ice cream.
Dude, Don’t Be Scared | sunshlneboys | vmin It's 7am on a Saturday, It's not really going the way Jimin had hoped. He's currently handcuffed in a decidedly unsexy way, sitting in his living room and being questioned for murder by fairy police officers. All while his boyfriend sleeps peacefully upstairs. His weekend's not really off to a great start.
Day Five
Kindred Spirits | makitaechim (MnM_PD) | vmin, yoonjin Three Spell Casters. Two Roommates. Two best friends. One fucked up phone. One hell of a game. Will everyone survive a spell gone wrong?
every road leads back to you | vminism | vmin Taehyung knew, from the very first moment he met Jimin, that he was out of this world, unforgettable. He was only half right.
and we return to the beauty [from which we came] | spookynat | yoonmin yoongi is a writer and jimin is his come-to-life character
you’d think me rude but i would just stand and stare | melanic | vmin
There’s a Honey | mnsg | taegi Yoongi wakes up one morning to discover that everything he wished for has come true.
Keep You Alive | tinytaegi | vmin Jimin was about to go back to sucking his blood, but Taehyung kept giggling and Jimin murmured an annoyed “shut up”. Taehyung couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore. “No, you shut up.” Jimin wanted to talk back but suddenly, it was as if his lips were glued together. The other was wheezing by now, doubling over before looking into Jimin’s eyes with a mischievous grin. “Get on your knees, babe.” And Jimin’s body moved on its own. or One bad life decision leads Jimin to be dependent on the most hated vampire in the city.
the sky that ate up the blue sea | krystaljung | jihope
Min Yoongi: Author and...Magical Prince? | quebaek | yoonseok “My lord.” Jungkook started. “No, stop!” Yoongi stood up, “Quit saying that. I’m not your lord. I’m a writer. I write novels. And you aren’t a page, okay? You’re just a barista at Starbucks. I don’t know how I got in this castle, but I don’t belong here and I’m not going to keep sitting on this goddamn throne all day.”
find me in your depths (save me with your soul | vminskook (Mery_Strider_Egbert) | taekook Kim Taehyung, a sworn knight to the royal family, is sent to Earth to find Jeon Jeongguk, the long-thought dead prince of the kingdom of Vescaria.
we who bore the mark | tendershipping | vminkook Each summer, Jeongguk and Seokjin take a backpacking trip. This year, they're separated, and Jeongguk finds himself very lost and far from alone.
Day Six 
Crocodile Tears | larryflurry | yoonmin, namjin "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." He said as his round cheeks started to turn a shade of pink, almost the same pink as his fluffy hair. Almost. "Sorry to disappoint you then" Yoongi stated in response. "And honestly, I thought you were supposed to be something else."
or the one where Jimin wasn't exactly what Yoongi was supposed to be looking for, but he found him and he's not about to complain about it
He’s a Phantom | feihart | jihope Jimin could hear the hushed voices of his parents discussing his poor performance with his physics’ teacher. They’ve had the same lengthy discussion so far with the chemistry teacher, the math teacher and the English teacher, his parents’ good mood dropping with each bad review they get. When asked, Jimin didn’t have a better explanation for them other than ghost-fighting and keeping up grades was hard to balance—but he couldn’t quite tell them that. OR That Danny Phantom AU nobody asked for.
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