#cause she needed the pouch (to hear from her fiancee after 20 years) and the sword (to cast planeshift/gate to visit her)
isaacathom · 2 months
also a fun detail about the alt timeline, right, is that these like. holes in the world, regions of cosmic instability, like an old minecraft chunk error, have been unleashed across the border.
in the prime timeline, this didnt happen because naielle (and marius!) joined up with naielle's fiancee/wife to kidnap her sister, who was the one experimenting with this shit. and then the whole subplot happens, yada yada.
so for the alternate timeline to have the unravelling world, that means mariela was not stopped.
but xistina, naielle's wife, was going to go on that mission withou naielle. naielle did not actually factor into her plan to kidnap mariela. because naielle showed up unannounced.
which mean xistina still would have landed on the shore that night to stop mariela.
what happened to her
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