#cause regrowing teeth hurts
eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Kind of a lore/your universe question, not sure if it counts.
If Gluttons can eat pretty much anything, can they also swallow very sharp things like bits of glass? And if they can, what's there to prevent it from hurting them?
My guy, Obie has eaten lightbulbs before.
You will find gluttons often ingesting and perfectly digesting a variety of things considered vastly inedible. They'll eat asbestos for fuck's sake.
Aside from having insanely durable teeth that fall and regrow quite quickly, gluttons have very flexible tongues that allow them to make quick work of many "obstacles" in their meals. With varying degrees of effort, they can also weasel these appendages into tight spots and retrieve/slurp out their meal.
Their digestive system is a lot more advanced and durable than a human's. A glutton's esophagus can dilate a lot more than you'd expect without causing them pain. Their stomach lining can handle extremely acidic substances safely, they can consume food at extraordinary temperatures, and their intestines are very proficient at extracting any and all possible nutritional value out of stuff you would argue has zero useful nutrients. You can go on and on about the intricacies of this, but gluttons will sink their teeth into anything honestly.
Of course, rank has an influence in this. As an imp like Rieba cannot eat some things Obie does and a mid-ranker like Obie could never hope to ingest some of the things Vorticia has.
There are a couple of contests in Gluttony dedicated to eating a variety of things considered highly dangerous, toxic or otherwise unconventional. Some demons really live these events vicariously.
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thoughts on werewolf stan because i’m losing my mind over him-
-he’s like. twice the size of an average wolf when transformed. very wolf-like, but is fully able to stand and walk on two legs. it’s just more comfortable for him to be on all fours
-his brand is visible in his werewolf form, because the fur is thinner in that area and there are spots where it just doesn’t grow at all. this is how ford recognizes him the first few times
-speaking of, it takes a long while for him to get comfortable around stan in his werewolf form. he’s generally pretty okay around him now, but every now and then, ford will be startled by werewolf stan and freak the fuck out
-ford is more resistant to vampirism, lycanthropy, and (though to a lesser extent) zombification. even so, it does still have an effect on him. the first time stan manages to actually bite him, it’s not enough to cause him to transform, but he does get very sick for a while afterwards
-stan regrows his teeth every time he transforms and loses them all again every time he turns back
-they find out that saltwater hurts stan in his werewolf form after they’ve been on the stan o’ war II for a few months. as such, mabel puts together a little wolf-shaped poncho for him so he can be out on deck without issue
-mabel also makes a version of the goodbye stan sweater that he can wear when transformed
-stan has no desire to eat or even injure waddles when transformed. he will take this to his grave
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tht0nesimp · 1 year
This is a roz torture fic!
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Hes made by at-lojart
TW: all abuse no love, hes literally ruthless, reader is an angel, wings getting ripped out, mention of teeth pulling, starvation, teasing, angst, torture, graphic blood and pain, boot licking, feather torture, non-sexual viberater, pleasure torture, slight stockholm, yandere if you squint, implied kidnapping, wing kisses, roz is a bully, sadism, bone mention, restraints, drowning mention, mentioned temperature torture
"Sit still~" he cooed as he sliced through the bone in your wing, no restraints, except for the bejeweled clip that kept your suffering wings from flapping and making it difficult. The clip had a heavy lock that ached your back as you had to lean your head back, forced to look into roz's eyes
Your wrists had bright pink handcuffs as well, but they did little to stop you from digging your nails into the cushion underneath of you, he had a calendar that was pinned to the wall which held dates for when he had to pluck or remove your wings. He loved watching your body suffer in its malnourishment to regrow the feathers or wings
Unfortunately, it wasnt just feathers this time, this time he was cutting off the beautiful white wings you had sprouted as they started to reach a decent size. "Sit still and ill give you a reward" his voice echoes in your head until it reached your brain, even if you wanted whatever treat he would give you if you just sat still for him to slice through the second wing, to rip out the wing with such hate and compassion you could have sworn he must have hated you
When he finally finished, he sewed a few stitches and sat infront of you. "i heard a rumor the other day" he plucks one of the feathers from your now dismembered wings and touches the tip "that angels can feel their wings for up to a day after they've been cut off" he smirks and watches you recoil in a desperate attempt to ease the feeling of having the feathers touched
He puts his platform boot in your face "Id start licking~" he shrugs when you turn your head away, keeping his leg extended but taking a long, slimy, lick up your feather. He watches you grab at your back, the slimy feeling of his tongue making you cringe in pleasure and discomfort at the strange sensation
"what if i.." he nibbles at the feather, making sure not to bite in a way that would hurt, but instead in an unbearable pleasure that got you licking his boots like a dog in barely a few seconds "maybe ill keep it on me, make sure you dont leave" he licks and paws at it even more, even using his nails to tickle it a little bit for a few moments before he grabs a something out of his pocket, a small pink and bejeweled vibrater that he wasted no time in pressing it all over your feather
"That feel good, huh?" he teases "No-Stop!" he stares at you and huffs "Then im gonna get mean, sugar" he rubs the very tip of the feather, watching the uncomfortable expression that your face was now home to
"I think, ill be keeping this on me tonight" he seems to get an idea and smiles at you "what if i kept the vibrater on it allllll night" he taunts you and watches your boot worship get even more intense "theyre not sparkling~" he says as he puts the feather in his pocket and gets up
He watches you scoff at him and gives you an irritated expression as he quickly pulls the feather out "Being disrespectful? Daddy spank~" he coos and keeps licking the feather "Daddy...spank" he mumbles as he keeps licking "lucky im not pulling teeth instead" he smirks while continuing his assault on the feather
Your dismembered wings puff up and remind him once more of the torture he can cause you tonight, he picks the wings up and rubs them, sitting on the small bed that was in the room- that was decorated in pink fluffy blankets, completed with leather straps that held you down at night- and kept playing with them, smiling when you curled up on the bed next to him and whimpered and clawed at the sheets "I think your ready for bed" his voice barely reached you before he was strapping the leather around you, there was a blanket keeping it from meeting your bare arms that you were thankful for, you could also grip onto it when he started playing with your wings again
"ill let you sleep soon, if you behave and make sure you really puff up for me" he giggles "Puff up like a good little angel, puff puff~" he taunted you when he traced over your wings that sat in his lap, they puffed up all nice and pretty for him when he touched them like that. "oooh, good little angel, daddy rewards" he places a gentle kiss to your wing that makes pleasure shoot through your veins and adrenaline start "You like kisses, gentle kisses" he watches you nod and puff up in pleasure as he keeps kissing your wings
"You just love this, being kissed by a demon, naughty little angel" he smiles and places more gentle kisses on wings that made them twitch and puff "Why ill never let you go" he gives one final dramatic kiss to your wings before he hands them up using a nearby hanger "wonder if my kisses will work tomorrow" he shrugs before walking back over to your strapped down form "Ill try to torment your wings tommorow, maybe if you behave ill give you some more kisses" he boops you on the nose and watches you flinch a a little bit while you look at your nose for a moment "Youll need a nice good wash tommorow for that blood, i know you love bath time" you trembled at the mention of it, it was just him pushing you into a crate full of freezing water, drowning you for about a minute before drying you off with a scratchy towel that made your recovering wings ache and puff
"Maybe ill just use the hose this time, gonna need to take that lock for your new wings, make sure you dont try to fly away from me" he pats your head and approaches the door, "Behave" his voice was cruel and sadistic but before you knew it the lights had been turned off and he was gone
Probably scheming tommorows torture, what he could do to your poor, defenseless wings that could only puff and tremble when he tortured and rubbed at them. You shuddered and let out a heavy sigh
You closed your eyes, and prayed hed let you see ezequiel in the morning, prayed hed let you see anyone else who wasnt him and his torture tools.
You were a bad angel, if you werent you wouldnt be here, but you still ached for his gentleness... You hoped he woke you up with wing kisses instead of prying your eyes open
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liquid-geodes · 2 years
I'm just thinking about how much he physically is suffering, like all the fucking time, I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in a book or hinted at it that he still felt things while springlocked. Like holy shit you survived springlock failure once, was probably in a body cast for months upon months causing weight loss and him not taking care of his teeth, or hair, and not getting decent sleep being in constant pain.
Then he goes through it but permanently.
And he feels those springlocks in his body all the time 24/7 every time he moves, blinks, opens his mouth, or moves a finger.
That's horrible.
Then you get burnt alive multiple times.
No wonder you're out of your mind and have completely fucking lost it.
Not to mention the remnant desperately trying to heal around the twisted and heat-warped metal all the time!!
Every single day his body is trying to mend itself, but every single move he makes completely undoes that progress!!
And I think that if William enjoyed ANY incarnation of himself, it would have been Glitchtrap. His movements weren't hindered anymore, he no longer felt the pain of his physical body, he was free. And I think it shows in the excited movements and carefree dancing we see from Glitchtrap. I don't think it was just an act tbh, why would he NEED to keep up the act once he already had Vanessa right where he wanted her?
He didn't.
He didn't need to keep it up anymore. That dance in the end was for him. Not because it was an act he needed to keep up anymore, but because it was something he could do.
And yes it's frustrating to see so little of him in Security Breach, but it makes sense. His body is trying to come back from the WORST injury yet, he's trying to regrow his ENTIRE BODY, and it probably hurts! It's a process his own remnant can't do on its own, so much so that he needs MORE remnant than he had available. He just can't do it on his own anymore, so of course he's not doing much of anything, he wasn't ready to do anything yet. But of course, once his life was threatened, he reacted exactly as expected. I think all that pain, all that agony keeps him going, because it's the only thing he can still feel anymore. It reminds him that he's still alive.
William is far from done with his life. Giving up is the easy option here, but he has something in mind. He has a goal so meaningful to him that all this pain is worth it. It all cycles back to that devotion I keep talking about. William Afton is the most devoted man you'll ever meet, and that can be a good thing... until his obsession shifts towards revenge.
And I also think a lot of his newfound unhinged behavior is directly because of UCN. Trapping a man like William in a world where failure is the ONLY option does horrible things to his mind. Reliving the same failure over and over again, putting him in a position where he is powerless to the outcome... It's just going to reinforce his need to be in control. It's going to make him want to prove that he is the one in control of everything, no matter the cost, no matter how long it takes.
He's had to have learned an incredible amount of patience after thirty years of sitting in rot and decay...
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sscarred-starss · 6 months
you're gonna hear about my quirk theory you have no choice enjoy :3
So, how would quirks change basic biology? Yea, you have wings, but how does that affect your bone structure? how do your feathers regrow? how are your cells and dna able to repair your wings even though it isn't in basic human functions? CAN you repair your wings because it's not in basic human functions? What about horns? how does that change your bone structure? and with things like detaching body parts, how does that change or hurt organs? Like when kirishima got turned into a meatball, how did that work? did his organs and bones just become like soft and squishy? if so, how does the quirk turn those things to be soft and squishy?
so my theory is that as superpowers progressed, evolution happened too, aside from superpowers. as more and more quirks appeared, bodies adapted to being able to handle more things--pain tolerances went up, maybe even there were less nerves in the body, regeneration of cells was faster, stuff like that. But, that doesn't account for things like with what happened with kirishima, or does it?
I think that most quirks have a chemical aspect to it. With that quirk, as it physically changed the body, it changed the chemical makeup of the bones and muscles too, changing their rigid-likeness. And the reason the quirk has a time limit is because the chemical makeup change only lasts for so long: tying into the extremely fast regeneration of cells. And with Kirishima's quirk, the chemical composition of his cells would change to take on more durable properties, for example, like an armadillo's scales.
With Shoji's quirk, I think he would be able to handle a ton of pain. Because the teeth and eyes and bones all need to come from somewhere, right? so i think that shoji's quirk isn't really dupli-arms, but rather the ability to regenerate almost instantly, to the point he can grow extra appendages. but because of society and the lack of thought into this kind of stuff, he just assumed he could grow extra appendages.
But, what about Shoji's natural dupliarms? How is that explained? Well, it's said in the manga that Shoji's parents "didn't have arms like his", so let's assume that Shoji was born with his extra arms. And after literally 30 minutes of straight calculations I have given up because there is not enough information on the internet (HOW MANY CELLS IN AN ARM. NOT JUST THE SURFACE AREA, THE ARM. AND HOW BIG IS ONE OF SHOJIS EXTRA APPENDAGES. AND HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GROW IT DAMMIT. I NEED THESE ANSWERS FOR CALCULATIONS), but from the entire 30 minutes of pain I was able to gauge that not only do I have extreme respect for Shoji because it would be growing like thousands of cells in a second which is very painful, i was able to figure out that with the rate he grows cells at, even accounting that the time it took for him to grow extra arms as a child vs a teenager probably decreased, it would be 100% possible for him to grow extra arms as a fetus due to extreme cell growth rate. Now I bet you're wondering, why would Shoji be born with the arms if he had to develop them himself? And I will address that later with the transformation and mutant quirk rant
So, i think that most quirks aren't really as different or wild as they seem, instead, most of them are just untapped chemical changing quirks, such as Bakugo's explosions. The sweat in his body was changed into a nitroglycen-like substance, and nitroglycen is extremely flammable. This similar substance could be even more flammable, so instead of really creating expolsions, he's changing the chemicals of his sweat so that the natural heat of his palms causes the chemical reaction/explosion.
But that really only covers mutation and transformation quirks, so what about emitter types? (and i don't know much about the 'other' category, but really it just seems like another chemical transformation thing)
I think that emitter types have chemical-quirk like properties, but is mostly other supernatural aspects that couldn't be explained by science. Many still have roots in chemistry and biology though.
And remember the glowing baby, the original quirk? That was the first true chemical change. The chemical makeup of the body was changed to glow, similar to how anglerfish or fireflies can make parts of their body glow.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk I am hyperfixated on superpowers I did not beta read this Half of this definately makes no sense But yes
but like fr i loved everything u said, agree agree, nod nod. would read another one of these
( -Vali ! im not awesome with words, but I really appreciated this!)
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wiispywitch · 7 months
My Hero Academia OC - Terumi🖤🍔🫀
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
{CW: mentions of abuse and human experimentation}
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Basic Info
Name: Terumi Sunada 
Nicknames/Aliases: Subject T-39, various false names
Age: 21-22
Birthday: May 29th
Sexuality: Demisexual
Height: 5’ (152 cm)
Weight: 198 lbs. (54 kg)
Hair Color: Coral 
Eye Color: Cerise
Skin Color: Pale
Looks: Petite, wide hips, large and expressive eyes, short chewed-up nails, bags under eyes, always seen wearing bandages on her wrists and neck and her old hospital band with her identification number
Occupation: Villain, pickpocket (former)
Parent(s): Dr. Daisuke Sunada (father), Dr. Mio Sunada (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Relative(s): N/A
Friend(s): Mistress, Himiko Toga, Twice, Spinner, Big Sis Magne, Mr. Compress, Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki,  Kurogiri
Other(s): Her enemies are Pro-Heroes and researchers who experiment on Quirks, and she has romantic interest in Tomura Shigaraki
Pet(s): N/A
Hero/Villain Details
Villain Name: Terumi
Costume: Black elbow-length top with silver lining, black and pink coat with silver-studded spikes, black leather jeans, pink platform boots
Motivations: She wants to seek revenge on the Hero society after she suffered years of torturous experiments for her healing Quirk to be used to benefit the Pro-Heroes
Quirk: Self-healing, psychokinesis 
Abilities: She is able to heal her own wounds and injuries, although how long her injuries take to heal depends on the time frame and severity of the injury; she does have the ability to heal others, but it takes a lot of energy out of her. She inherited a small percentage of her grandmother’s psychokinetic Quirk and can move people and objects with her mind; the mass of the object or person will differ in how much of her power she is able to use. 
Moves: She lacks control of her Quirk and doesn't have a set move, however she is known to be a wild card and can be one of the most unpredictable villains given how powerful when her psychokinesis comes into use in a fight. 
Weaknesses: She cannot use both of her Quirks at the same time, she has to use one or the other. Overuse of her healing will cause her to become extremely fatigued. Despite how powerful her psychokinesis is, it can take a toll on her and give her intense migraines and nosebleeds, so she only uses this Quirk in extreme situations in battle when absolutely necessary, however she can be reckless when it comes to protecting her comrades.
Other Abilities: She can regrow her limbs if they are amputated, but this takes weeks or months for her to fully heal. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, and is one of the stealthiest villains and can get by almost unnoticed.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 4.5/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 2/5
Cooperativeness: 1/5
Likes: The ocean, painting, being outside, music, the League of Villains, Shigaraki, candy, fast food, corgis, manga, strawberry chocolate, bugs and spiders, girl time with Big Sis and Toga and Mistress, makeup, plushies
Dislikes: Small dark spaces, her parents, needles, doctor's offices, quiet rooms, thunderstorms, vegetables, romance books, pop music, shrimp, the smell of coffee, the hero society, her hair being long
Habits: She's developed an obsession with wearing bandages and a fear of getting hurt, stress eats and mostly prefers to eat unhealthy foods, overthinks too easily, she chew her fingernails and chips off nail polish (if she wears any) with her teeth, she doesn’t brush her teeth
Fears: Being taken back to the laboratory she escaped, her father putting her in “time out”, needles, hospitals, being restrained, small confined spaces, the dark, losing her new family
Terumi is a member of the League of Villains and an escaped subject of Quirk experimentation. She was born in Tokyo, Japan to two award-winning scientists—her grandmother had the same psychokinetic abilities as her (it had skipped a generation and her mother did not inherit it), however her father had the ability to heal minor injuries, but Terumi’s healing abilities were shown to be much more enhanced in healing more serious injuries on her own body. 
Her family was a part of a team of scientists funded by the Japanese government to better understand Quirks in hopes to help bio-engineer abilities that could be beneficial in aiding Pro-Heroes and making a better hero society. On a holiday trip to the beach, Terumi had injured herself after falling off a pile of rocks, breaking her ankle. Her panicked father was about to take her to a doctor until he saw, before his eyes, she was able to heal her injury in just a matter of minutes, and got up as though nothing happened. Daisuke was in awe at how advanced her healing abilities were compared to his own, and he rushed to his wife telling her that their daughter was far more special than they thought, and there could be so much more to her than beyond their wildest dreams. They used this opportunity to make Terumi a subject of their experiments to better understand her Quirk in hopes that she can use her healing abilities to aid any Pro-Heroes who are injured on duty or civilians that were caught up in any villain attacks. 
The last time she was on the outside was after she left school, and her parents had told her she was going to be going away for a little while. She was under the impression that they were going away to a vacation home to be together as a family, and was in awe when she saw the building near the ocean that would end up becoming a prison for many years. She was no longer allowed to attend school and was confined to live within the facility in a small room decorated much like a little girl’s room that was constantly under surveillance. She was to be accompanied at all times and never to be left alone when she left her room, and she was never to go outside the lab, only seeing the outside world through a small window with a view of the ocean. The experiment was kept classified amongst the public, knowing the lab would receive controversy for involving a child in their experiment and the extreme lengths they were willing to go to make their break-through. Daisuke and Mio coaxed Terumi to go through with the experiments. They started off small from pricking her finger to drawing small samples of blood to watch how fast she could heal herself, but over time the experiments grew more intense and the injuries got more severe to see how her healing could go, such as amputating parts of her body and if or seeing how long it would take for them to grow back. Even though she was able to heal herself every time, she remembered all of the pain very clearly. 
Mio hated seeing her daughter be forced to endure the experiments, and she only allowed it to happen so Daisuke could successfully figure out how to use her Quirk to heal others. Terumi pleaded and begged her parents to stop these experiments and to let her go home, and instead they would encourage her to keep going with the belief that she was doing something good to help others, only her emotional comfort and bribing her with stuffed animals and her favorite foods. Her parents continued to treat her like a little girl even when she reached adulthood. When she became a teenager, Terumi began to act out more aggressively and fight back, resulting in her killing one of the interns in a blind rage by using her Psychokinesis to smash his body against the wall, breaking every bone in her body and her skull. Daisuke feared that Terumi would lash out, and so he started putting her in “time out,” restraining her in a dark and quiet room in pure silence where she could see only pitch-black. She couldn’t move, hear, or see anything, and there were times she didn’t know how long she was in there for. This caused Terumi to behave and continue to endure the experiments, believing once they made a breakthrough, she could finally go home.
After her frontal lobe was severely damaged and had nearly killed her, Terumi finally snapped. On her eighteenth birthday, her mother was getting ready to bring her out of her room to conduct yet another experiment and bring her a small cake in celebration of her birthday. Just as they were preparing to leave the room, Terumi used her psychokinesis to break Mio’s neck, twisting her head to a one-eighty degree angle and killing her instantly. She then used her abilities to damage the surveillance cameras and went on a bloody rampage. The first time she was able to go outside in the thunderstorm. Daisuke ran to try to stop her from escaping, not wanting to lose her when he was so close to his break-through. Terumi, tired of being in pain and being a guinea pig against her will, jumped off the ledge into the sea. She survived the initial fall and washed up to shore on the very same beach where her healing Quirk was discovered, finally free after twelve torturous years.
Even though she was finally free, she lived in constant fear that her father would find her and bring her back to the lab. She spent years wandering the streets of Japan, stealing clothes and food and sleeping in abandoned buildings. She chopped off her hair and developed an obsession with putting bandages on even for minor cuts and bruises; she kept her hospital band on as she was too scared to take it off, but she kept it hidden with long sleeves. She kept herself blended into society so she wouldn’t be found and spent her life wandering around Japan until she made her way into Musutafu where she became a pickpocket to find easy targets, which tourists were her favorites. One night, she made the worst mistake in trying to steal from what she thought was an abandoned building only to discover it was the secret hideout of the League of Villains. The villains were split on what to do with her, but it was settled that they would keep her there for the sake of having someone who can heal them and be so unpredictable. She especially formed an unlikely friendship with the leader of the League, Tomura Shigaraki. As they got closer, she worked up the courage to tell him about her past and the pain she went through for twelve years of her life. He then made a quick decision for him and Kurogiri to hunt down Daisuke with and kill him with his Decay Quirk, finally freeing Terumi from the fear of her being brought back to the lab. Since then, Terumi’s trust in Shigaraki strengthened and she became a loyal member of the League of Villains and is determined to seek revenge against society for being the sole reason that she was subjected to these cruel experiments and failing to save her when she needed the most help.
-Her voice: Japanese- Yu Shimamura (Annie Leonhart, Attack on Titan); English- Anne Yatco (Cosmo, Beastars)
-She is a Gemini.
-From the past trauma she's had to endure, she has developed PTSD, intense anxiety, and OCD. She tends to act a lot younger than her age given that she has had her childhood taken away from her.
-Fast food is her comfort food that she was often bribed with if the experiments were successful. After escaping and wandering the streets, she ate six cheeseburgers in one sitting.
-She has a corgi plushie that she keeps as her own friend.
-Shigaraki was scared to touch her in fear that his Quirk would hurt her. Fortunately for him, her body is able to heal so he doesn't have to worry about this.
-She refuses to sleep when it’s dark or purely quiet, and has to have some sort of white noise so she can sleep peacefully. If that white noise is turned off, it will immediately wake her and she will not be able to sleep
-She's had nightmares about her frontal lobe being removed and being trapped in the dark. 
-There were some Pro-Heroes who were aware of the experiments going on, but they did not know the extent of what she was being subjected to.
-Her story is inspired by Eri in a scenario as to what if someone never rescued her, and there are elements about her loosely inspired by Scarlet Witch from the MCU and Eleven from Stranger Things.
OC Profile Credit- RosenThorns; Divider- anitalenia
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headstrongblake · 7 months
[ patch ] sender patches up a wound on receiver's body / hunter & octavia / @thewholecrew
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a weak trace of a smile forms on her lips. they've done it this time. gone too far with their surgeries and their torture, and their bloody fucking experiments. octavia can't feel anything. not the agonizing pain from where they cut away her skin. not the usually cold steal against her back or the tightness of the restraints around her limbs. she can't feel a damn thing, and it only makes her happier. this is going to end. it's only a matter of minutes now before she closes her eyes for the last time.
the bright lights that surround her dim, confusion knitting in her brows as octavia does her best to focus glossy hues on the dark figure in front of her. a gloved hand taps at her cheek as she cringes, screwing her eyes shut. it'll pass. all the scientists and her captors will leave. she'll die right here. they'll go away. "come now, miss blake, you're not going to want to miss this." the hand slaps against her cheek harder as she forces her hateful gaze on... stryker. fear leaks into the green of her eyes because if he's here...no. she'll die. there's nothing he can do to prevent that. his mad scientists have gone too far.
she's too weak to need any sedation as protected hands work to undo her restraints, ungracefully moving her from the steal table to a gurney on her stomach. too weak to fight any of them, she grimaces and groans in unimaginable pain that floods back into her system. the burning sensation of the exposed wounds on her back sends tears pricking her eyes. "stop," she protests weakly. the gurney moving down the long corridors causes her stomach to heave and flip, her nails digging into the thin mattress pad before it comes to a halt in a much dimmer room. it's larger than her cage. but too dark for the recovery room. frighten hues shift around what little of the room she can see, but it isn't until she's wheeled close to a man heavily restrained in one of those long torture chairs that she tries to move. "no no no no, please." her head shakes, palms pressing against the gurney in an attempt to force herself up. just let her die. let her die without causing more pain to someone else.
"ah, you see, miss blake, my data is incomplete, and my men got a little overzealous back there." stryker easily forces octavia back down, "i'm sure you understand that in order to cure your vile species, we must continue. discovery after all, requires experimentation. now, let's get you all healed up."
octavia's head shook. it's not possible. she can't heal herself like some fucking magician. even sucking life from another person cannot undo all the damage they've done to her. stryker's gone fucking mad, but he's clearly convinced as he forcefully grabs onto her arm below her elbow, directing her palm toward the awake man. emerald hues lift to the restrained stranger, unable to read his expression as she was forced toward him. "please, stop...please i don't want to, i don't wanna hurt anyone anymore, please," she begs, trying with what little strength she had to pull her arm from stryker. but he touches her palm to the man's arm, and almost immediately, intense pain and agony surge through her. she's never heard this man speak before in her life, but his voice filled her head with his suffering, his struggles as he endured experiment after experiment.
he has to be like her. a mutant, or something, because as octavia locked her eyes onto the man, she watched as her abilities sucked his first, leaving his life untouched. her teeth grit together, trying to stop the spill of moans that bubble in her throat as the gaping wounds on her back heal, the skin regrowing and closing. the process is painful as every bit of torture they've subjected her to today heals. "that's it miss blake, very good," stryker praises her, but it only makes her feel sicker. finally, she could hold her head up properly, strength returning to her body as the man's life force began to drain from him, and as stryker let go of her arm, octavia instantly recoiled. she panted heavily, watching the man she'd almost killed quickly regain colour in his features. amazement and terror battle together inside of her because if this man can withstand her draining...if he can heal himself, heal her...octavia's head shook as the agents moved toward her, properly restraining her now that she's gotten her strength back.
"im sorry..." she murmured quietly, eyes still on the restrained subject as they began to walk her out of the room. if he can heal her...this will never end.
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masked-ragdoll · 1 year
Hello please tell me all you have about Feathers and Teeth emduo
ok time for an info dump
techno was captured when he was a young teen and brought to the black market facility which is housed in the nether. Phil was found in the overworld but brought to the facility too when he was in his mid teens.
By the time they get away, Techno is 17 and Phil is 23.
More details (with a warning for injury)
Techno has a rare hoglin mutation that allows him to regrow his tusks at a rapid rate. They grow to about 6 inches (including the root) in about a month before they slow to a cm a month unless removed. When the people in the facility removed the tusks, they left the open root canals for the new tusks to fill so they wouldn't need to use any supplies to heal what would be broken quickly.
Because of all the growth and removing of his tusks, Techno's jaw pretty much always hurt. They did numb him a little when they removed them, but it wasn't nearly enough. When he was younger, he would lash out until they learned he would cooperate if they threatened to hurt any of the other specimens they kept there. (which they did anyways but he was a kid and thought they wouldn't lie)
Phil meanwhile was a young elytrian soaring free in the mountains when he was captured. For a while the unnartural heat of the nether was enough to keep him sedated while the people at the facility would remove and sell his fethers one at a time. As word of his beautiful feathers spread around the black market, there was more demand and thus more pain. Inevitably, someone offered big cash for a whole wing.
They were very careful when cutting his wing off of his back as to not "damage the merchandise", but the sedations wore off too fast and Phil let out a shrill scream which awoke a primal rage in Techno. He broke out of his room and trashed the facility on his way to the operation room where Phil was, the scream guiding him. The people had just finished removing Phil's right wing when Techno broke into the room and killed everyone.
Techno only came back to his senses when he heard Phil's soft whimpers of pain from where he was curled in the corner of the room. Techno found some healing potions and managed to get Phil to drink one which stopped the bleeding. Techno resolved to get Phil out of there before returning to rescue the other hybrids and creatures that were trapped.
They travel through the nether for a bit before coming across a group of explorers. Techno is warry of them at first but his concern for Phil outweighed his hostility. Thankfully the adventurers were friendly and helped the two of them clean up and patch up Phil's back. The adventurers gave them supplies and directed them back to their portal to the overworld.
Techno and Phil travel for a while in the overworld, never staying in one place for too long out of fear of being captured again. Word reaches them that the adventurers discovered the black market dealers' base and reported it. Techno was relieved to know the other hybrids he knew were there were in better places now.
Techno and Phil spent the next years healing, traveling, and training together and became very close friends. Phil had to get used to only having one wing, so his balance was a bit off for a bit, but he got used it it. The two of them traveled south for a while before they came to a mountain with an old mine in it. There they met Pete.
Yes I just now decided that this ties into the Antarctic Empire plot, cause why not
Hope you enjoyed my info dump, feel free to ask more questions if you have any! (about this au or any of my others -see pinned post for the tags-)
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chadosbeasts · 3 months
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Chados Beasts are creatures once made by the one who exists, Lord Yarlabata. It created Chados Beasts as forms for it's followers after death but then decided to let anyone become a Chados Beast, as sharing of experiences is one of Yarlabata's core values.
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Birthday the Chados Beast.
More information about them and how to create your own is under the cut! Trade rules / disclaimer at the end!
About Chados Beasts
Chados Beasts are mostly biological beings but have technological parts. There is a container full of soul juice for their face. Soul juice can be any color and even have small objects in it. It can also be glittery or glow. Soul juice is the essence of one's being. It is the mind and the blood of a Chados Beast. Taking a little can house the thoughts of a Chados Beast. Chados Beasts tend to range in 4ft to 8ft in hight, with sub species like Centdos Beasts being up to 12ft and Aquatdos Beasts being as little as 10 inches.
Soul juice flows through a Chados Beast through tubes to keep the mind going. Their arms are made of glass or plastic and have this juice flowing through them to control their hands. They also have a tummy jar that houses chemicals to refresh soul juice, like lungs do for blood. They also have antennas with little amounts of soul juice. There can be up to 6 and any shape. They regrow when cut off.
When soul juice is outside the body, it becomes jello like and can keep form. Tongues are made of solid soul juice, which allows Chados Beasts to taste. Soul juice can also taste like a wide variety of things but usually taste like fruit or sweets but it's not too uncommon for it to taste like blood or even oil.
Chados Beasts have eye plates on their head. This is their main set of eyes, though, Chados Beasts can have eyes on their chest, legs, and wings as well as extra mouths. These eyes tend to have a glass or plastic casing over them to prevent damage. Eyes can be any color and any shape. The sclera can be any color and eyes can even have multiple pupils.
A Chados Beast's main mouth is on its tail. A tail can have multiple mouths but the biggest is the main one. When a Chados Beast has long hair, ponytails, or even pigtails, they will develop a mouth or even multiple. These mouths are connected telepathically to a Chados Beast to let them use it like a regular mouth but cutting the hair dose not hurt nor dose it cause a Chados Beast to bleed. Hair mouths are often grown to be used as transplant mouths or to have an extra appendage, if 4 arms and a mouth tail wasn't enough.
Chados Beasts have a glowing mark on the side of their head called a passion mark. Passion marks glow or change brightness based on a beasts emotions.
On the face container of a Chados Beast, there'll either be a heart rate monitor or a audio visualizer. These can be swapped and audio visualizers have a wide range of appearances. They move when one is speaking.
Chados Beasts are usually part metal but some can be made of plastic, rubber, or even wood. These parts are simply named materials 1 and 2. Material 1 being for the head case, passion mark case, and hands whilst material 2 is for eye plates, teeth, claws, horns, and even spikes. Though, for things like horns, spikes, wings, ect- they can be material 1 as well.
Chados Beasts have 2 main colors. Simply named fur 1 and 2. Fur 1 being for the torso and tail base and fur 2 being for the legs, tail tip, and usually head hair. Though, head hair can be any color. Fur patterns can be as colorful and complex as one would like.
Chados Beasts can have up to 6 arms and as little as 2 naturally. Modifications for more or less are uncommon and usually uncomfortable and confusing. Despite this, there is no known limit for how many wings a Chados Beast can have, with the highest recorded being 12 wings on one beast. Wings can take any form from angel to dragon to earthly birds or bugs.
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Lmao, you thought! I'd never do that. Some traits are uncommon, yes, but I'm not going to make you pay for traits. I don't need to fuel my gambling addiction THAT bad. If I'm EVER going to sell something, it'll be an original design adopt that's just like any other. No special club or super duper special $25.99 traits. If you want to pay for a design by me? Then good for you! But you can make your own for FREE. No need to ask or make a form.
If you DO want to support me money wise, here's my cash app . Again, this is OPTIONAL. If anyone tells you that you need to spend money to make your own Chados Beast, they're LYING to you. Go free, go ham, go chaos. Also, Godos is a joke. They aren't real
How to make a Chados Beast
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These are the basics of Chados Beasts.
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As well as some extra information.
Sub species
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There are currently only two sub species of Chados Beast. Aquatdos Beasts and Centdos Beasts.
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Mudfish the Aquatdos Beast
Aquatdos Beasts tend not to have fur but will have scales or are smooth, sometimes even being completely metal. These beasts tend to have bolts keeping cases together, metal piping, and rubber hands and feet. They have fins and are unlikely to have wings, as they'd slow them down. Aquatdos Beasts tend to take after pre existing types of aquatic life, though, they almost always have a single antenna in the fashion of an angerler fish. This is part always glows in order to help them see at lower depths.
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I haven't drawn a Centdos Beast yet so here's Fairy Fig.
Centdos Beasts are like centaurs. Since they have 4 legs, they tend to only have 2 arms but those with 4 or 6 aren't unheard of. Centdos Beasts have larger wings but cannot fly, however, they can run up to 25 miles per hour. These beasts also have a horn shape molded into their face case. Regular Chados Beasts can have these too but it's a staple in Centdos Beasts. Centdos are faster and stronger than your usual Chados Beast but are more animal like. They tend to take after earthly mammals in appearance or patterns.
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Rainbow RooRoo the magician
Magic is something every Chados Beast can have, unless they suffer from magic deficiency. Magic tends to be based around the Chados Beast's theme or passion mark. Really powerful abilities like stopping time, destroying universes, ect- MUST be earned and cannot naturally occur. A Chados Beast earns such powers by the agreement of the community. The more that believe the Chados Beasts should have that power, the more it's true. Chados Beasts can only have one power but can inherent a mixed version from parents.
Where do Chados babies come from?
Even though Chados Beasts mainly come from people who already existed and have died, they can breed. Chados Beasts can not breed in the way organic life does. Chados Beasts do not have physical sexs and gender is completely up to the individual. Chados Beasts can, however, have children by combining two or more Chados Beasts soul juice into a container and letting it soak under both sunlight and moonlight for a full 24 hours.
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Gummy Ice, the tiny terror
A baby Chados Beast, also known as tinny terrors, will form into a jelly like egg for 4 to 6 months depending on the size (usually Centdos Beasts take longer) and complexity of the beast. A tiny terror will take on at least one trait from every parent who included soul juice.
The egg will become the head and limbs will begin to form. It's best to keep them in a warm and humid environment to make this as comfortable as possible. Tiny terrors will walk on all limbs until they are taught to walk or learn it themselves.
Tiny terrors are telepathically linked to it's parents until it learns to speak. This helps keep them safe and understand when it's hungry, tired, ect. Tiny terrors learn to speak in about 12 to 20 months as it's dependent on how many parents it has and how much they talk.
Tiny terrors can also be taught basic school age learning material while telepathically linked. If one is optimal with their teaching, a tiny terror can be as smart as a 5th grade child before they're even 2 years old.
Chados Beasts CAN breed with other creatures, however, blood would need to be used in place of soul juice. 5 to 10 drops of blood is enough to start the process.
Injury, illness, and death
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Even though becoming a Chados Beast is a form of afterlife, Chados Beasts can still die. If all the soul juice is drained from their vessel, the vessel dies. The soul juice can still live if enough is in a container, but if it spills all over the ground, then you're dead dead. This, however, only applies OUTSIDE of Viardaha. "Dying" in Viardaha isn't permanent as the soul is technically already in an afterlife. Getting a soul juice transplant should help, but one will suffer from serious magic deficiency.
Major loss of soul juice can cause severe memory loss and magic deficiency. Magic deficiency can also be caused by mental illnesses like depression, weakening, or even completely eliminating one's magic. Even if a Chados Beast is to heal physically or mentally, magic deficiency is a lifelong illness. There is treatment for magic deficiency, but a Chados Beast can't use magic at the same level as those who are healthy.
Chados Beasts can lose the mechanical limbs and be able to replace them much more easily than organic ones. Even being able to modify their hands or head container. However, if soul juice is not flowing through the arms to the hands, they won't work. Loss of legs and other limbs is still possible, and sometimes surgery can be done.
Replacing a mouth is the most common and easiest surgery to perform, as it's as easy as getting a doner mouth and placing it in the spot the mouth should be. Then, wait 2 to 4 weeks for it meld with the new host. The tongue will change to the host's soul juice color and flavor.
Chados Beasts can't die of old age in Viardaha, but the outside life expectancy is 75 to 150 years.
Culture and history
The oldest of the Chados Beasts tend to worship the one who exists, Lord Yarlabata but Bataism isn't necessary to become a Chados Beast. One need only design themselves a Chados Beast to become one once they die.
Chados Beasts live in a separate universe from yours, the verse of the mind. An old creation of Yarlabata to keep it's many projects. Verse of the mind, also known as Viardaha, is held together by the dreams of everything to have ever thought. Making it so Yarlabata can create anything as long as something or someone has thought of it, no matter what universe it originates from.
Despite Yarlabata's control over Viardaha, Bataism is completely optional and there's no penalty for not partaking in it's practices or holidays. Many still worship the gods they knew when alive and at points, even get to meet them if lucky.
Even though Viardaha acts as an alternate afterlife, Chados Beasts have recently been given the ability to travel to other universes due to the help of Multiverse Cooperation Inc. This has allowed Chados Beasts to visit family and friends, even after their deaths. Though, most agree that doing so is a bad idea.
Chados Beasts tend to partake in a more carefree version of human society when living in Viardaha, as the need for labor in order to live isn't necessary. Festivals celebrating different holidays and cultures from all sorts of places and universes are common and due to the diversity, one could partake in a celebration every single day if they decided to do so.
Even if Bataism isn't the one soul religion in Viardaha, some of its core beliefs are intertwined with life there. With the gift of the mind, comes the freedom of thought. With the freedom of thought, comes the freedom of choice. The freedom to modify oneself and the freedom to help others. Taking advantage of one's ability to think and not taking it for granted is something most who live in Viardaha can agree on, as getting a second chance at life gives them new opportunities.
Trading and selling
Honestly, I'd advise against selling Chados Beasts for real world money, as making one is completely free but I can't stop you. Trading them is fine, even for other original species (if they allow it), ocs, ect. I do allow you to trade them for pet site stuff like Goatlings or Chicken Smoothie but again, ONLY IF THEY ALLOW IT. I can't stop you but I don't want people to get in trouble. Make sure to check the rules of any species, pet site, or adopt artist before trying to trade/sell your Chados Beasts.
Chados Beasts nor Yarlabaata are responsible for you getting scammed or your Chados Beasts stolen. If that happens, then I'm sorry you were warned, and the original species community is an absolute MONSTER to deal with. Please make sure that whoever you're trading with has a good track record or is trustworthy. Selling or trading Chados Beasts is a beast bestie's responsibility to handle. Beast bestie discretion is advised!
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Elder Vampire
ALSO KNOWN AS: Master, Ancient
RARITY: ★★★☆☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★★★ | Some of the most dangerous vampires out there, with human intelligence, centuries of experience, and vicious bloodlust. Often even slayers need to band together to kill one… and they’re not always alone.
DESCRIPTION: Rarer and stronger than other kinds of vampires, elders take on a monstrous appearance similar to spawn, but retain human intelligence. When vampires age, they gradually transform into elder vampires as their strength increases. For most vampires, this happens at about 500-700 years old. For some, it can happen as early as a century into their undead life, brought on by circumstances or pure chance. Elders may have a mouth full of sharp teeth, claws, membranous wings, gnarled brows, elongated ears, and even cloven feet, with more bestial features growing as the vampire ages. 
All elder vampires once started as regular, higher vampires; they cannot be made with a bite. The transformation process is irreversible. Because of this, vampires who were more integrated into human culture, or those who have more vanity, dread and resent becoming elders. It’s not uncommon for elders to surround themselves with younger vampires (perhaps even siring them) for protection or to accomplish other goals. A smart slayer knows that elders are rarely alone. 
ABILITIES: Elders have incredible strength and endurance, as vampires grow stronger with age; however, unlike spawn, they completely hold on to their intelligence and mind. They lose their weakness to religious iconography and will no longer turn to dust when staked through the heart (though it will certainly hurt). They can also now get into homes without an invitation and spend a longer time exposed to the sun. In addition to these powers, they also develop a few more. The speed of their healing increases to the point where they start healing almost immediately after damage is inflicted. They may also throw or imitate voices. Many are able to transform into fog, a swarm of bats, or a giant mosquito. 
Their compulsion abilities improve, and the most skilled and oldest vampires can even compel other vampires to do their bidding. Some can even influence how those around them see them, provided the crowd isn’t large, which may be necessary for them to blend in with humans. They can control the emotions of their progeny even from a distance, and use their compulsion to tear away their progeny’s emotional essence, wipe away empathy, and cause numbness to make them more subservient or vicious. This can be remedied if the progeny kills their elder sire. Elders can transform spawn into higher vampires with a bite.
WEAKNESS: There are only a small handful of ways to kill an elder vampire, and even the most experienced of slayers know never to try to go against one alone. The most common methods of killing them are either decapitation or burning them to death. Despite their incredible healing, they cannot regrow limbs and extremities and are capable of feeling physical pain. Some vampires – especially ones more integrated into human society – dread this shift. This is because elders cannot change their frightening appearance, nor can they use magic to conceal it. Elders grow weaker during the daylight hours, and require a place to rest for at least a few hours each day. If this resting place – often a coffin or other small, dark location – is set ablaze, it will kill the elder regardless of where they are. Elders are also weakened by hawthorn, and may still be staked, immolated, decapitated.
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cordycepstion · 2 years
Fieldwork Safety Brocure
...heh, safety.
Welcome to @cordycepstion, home of a Dottore Segment- Designation: Ignoto- as written by Kes (they/them, 18+).
Due to themes that will likely be present on this blog, please be 18+ before following.
Ignoto has a power that can affect those around him. While I'll avoid borderline godmod-ish mind control unless discussed with you, he is a biohazard to be around. Consider this a mutual "no godmodding but they can hurt eachother if a scenario goes that direction" statement.
If you have any questions or doubts Ever, please feel free to talk to me!! I know it's easier said than done, but I promise even if I take a minute to reply I'm not ignoring you and do genuinely want you to have a good time.
No hate speech will be tolerated on this blog. This blog does not consider "queer" a slur, and is queer themself.
Themes present will likely include-
So much fungi
Death (animal and human)
Unethical experimentation
Body horror/gore
Bioweaponry/biological defenses
Improper lab safety
NSFW (adult characters only)
(Character details below cut!)
Designation: Ignoto
Species: Human Adjacent (supports a fungi colony, clone)
Most frequented/Home nation: Sumeru, northwestern region.
Affiliations: Dottore Collective, Fatui, Fungal Entity Population
Mission/Speciality: Bioweaponry development, mycology, and mycelial information network research
Notable Physiology and Abilities:
Broad spectrum biologically produced toxin resistance. (Not immunity)
Fungal bodies growing on clothes and body. Most growths resemble candlesnuff/staghorn fungi, but others may resemble flat lichens or shelf fungi.
Increased caloric requirements.
Capable of releasing spores at will that can have a variety of effects on those who inhale them, including: mild allergies, sense of unease or impending doom, minor hallucinations, and hormonal responses. Each effect must be carefully and often intentfully cultivated before release, and so only one effect is likely to be present at a time.
Sharklike teeth typical of Segments.
Holder of one Dendro Delusion to aid in his research. Will cause a surge in spore production and entering into a transformation state.
Rudimentary communication capabilities with the sentient fungi population of Sumeru.
Antifungal substances. (He'll hiss at you if you chase him with lavender oil)
Removing the visible parts of the fungal network in his body means he'll need more energy/food and time to regrow before more spores can be released.
Ignoto is dissecting you with his eyes long before you're ever in a lab, you're being studied the moment you're close enough for him to be aware of you. The occasionally used thousand-yard stare hides how he hears everything around him, devouring information and readying himself for pursuit, avoidance, or possible confrontation. His studies come first- supporting his integrated fungal colonies is an important second. Supporting the colonies and having fun often intersect. He's a Dottore Segment absolutely, but he's also a living mushroom farm with an alarming sense of humor one might expect.
..though he does have a weakness for a good pun.
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tabtable · 3 years
My headcanon is that the elves from the lotr can regrow their teeth if they get knocked out, like sharks
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erigold13261 · 2 years
how does everyone in nsr stim
Ooooh, been a bit since I thought about something like this! I don't think I have an answer for everyone, but I'll do my best! I'll just put their main stim, but they most likely do more than one type!
Mayday: Definitely waves her hands around, uses her hands to talk, just does anything to keep her hands moving. When her hands are still for too long she feels cramped and kinda like itchy or uncomfortable. Even just drumming her hands like Zuke does helps her when she can't wave her hands around.
Zuke: Mainly does repetitive things like clapping and drumming his fingers. Will also bounce his leg at times but his back might end up hurting if he does that too much so he usually stays with using his hands.
DJSS: As a kid I can see him making his arms go spaghetti mode and twirling around or jumping up and down, but as they grew older I see him more as biting onto things. Mostly cold things, like ice cream or just straight up ice, but also things like pens, pencils, and probably other stuff that should never be in someone's mouth, but since he isn't fully human, they don't have to fully worry about the dangers.
Sayu: As a robot/mermaid, ze will just swim around in circles and loops or twirl mer trident around like a baton or even hit digital rocks with it. As a android/human, depending on if ze can walk with a cane or needs a wheelchair that day, ze will wiggle mer cane around when standing still or sitting, or will tap mer fingers on mer chair or roll back and forth or spin a little in mer chair.
Remi: Doodler. He will draw on himself if he has to. As long as he has some kind of way to draw or create, he will use that as a stim. Very much loves to create patterns so when he and Eve hang out, sometimes she will let him draw henna art on her extra arms.
Tila: Most of her stims would be vocal, like singing or making random noises. Her and Dodo will whistle together sometimes. Also she hums a lot to herself. Repeating songs is a very common thing for her along with making up songs as she is doing stuff.
Sofa: They definitely have a whole stim board that lights up and makes sounds. It absolutely has the most clicky sounding buttons and knobs that they can play with. They bit it themselves and made sure it was super durable so they could throw it a round and then go back to pressing all the buttons and knobs and stuff. When they don't have the board though, they click their pen or take apart their pen a lot.
Dodo: He's a whistler. Whistling and tapping his feet. He gets a lot of his energy out using sign language or practicing dance moves with/for Sayu, so he only really whistles or taps his feet when he needs to stim.
Yinu: I feel like she would pull out her flowers and pick the petals off. If she does it right then there is no pain like pulling out hair, and she will just regrow the flowers back in like a week. Though Mama tries to get her to do other stims so Yinu will also make paper stars or other little origami things that are easy to make while listening in on a meeting or whatever.
Mama: I don't feel like she would stim all that much, but I can see her running her hand down her hair/head tail thing when she might be nervous, though she doesn't get nervous all that much. She seems like a person who bottles things up and doesn't try to let her feelings out ever since Papa passed.
Neon J: Before becoming a cyborg he would crack his knuckles and joints along with pulling out his hair (or when it was very long he would bit his hair and try to like cut it with his teeth but also suck on it). After he became a cyborg he just worked on all kinds of machinery to fidget with. Also keeps those fidget car gear shift with him when out so he can play with in his pocket.
Rin: I feel like it would be someone who randomly flings its arms for a moment and then stop. Like sudden bursts of energy that happen and cause Rin to hit one of its fist into its palm or would stomp one of its feet for a like 3 very loud stomps and then stop. When out in public it probably clasps its hands together and then squeezes its hands very tightly to try and not stomp or fling its arms out and possibly hit someone.
Purl-Hew: Makes weird noises and growls. Will also hit things, like their own head at times, though they only do their more violent stims when alone so others don't judge them. Mainly will make more animalistic sounds along with biting things, mainly writing utensils (has broken a pen in their mouth before)
Zimelu: She walks on her tiptoes around the house and will play with her hair when it's down. Just fidgets a lot. Will sometimes steal Neon J's fidget toys and play with them so her hands are moving. Will destroy pens by taking them apart and then straightening the spring.
Haym: If he can he will just cook, especially things like bread that needs kneading or something that needs to be stirred for a long time. If he can't cook then he will instead play with his own hair making braids.
Eloni: Plays with her hair mainly. But he also plays a lot of games, both keyboard and controller, so those are great stims being able to press buttons a lot.
Eve: Use to be a big nail biter, especially when she was a teen, but tries not to do that because she wants her nails to look good. Changed to playing with her hair but once she started styling it into her outfits she had to give that up as well. Now she will make extra limbs and either rub her arms or will fidget with her finger/bracelets while working with her main arms.
Tatiana: Use to strum her fingers as if she is playing an air guitar, but stopped after becoming the CEO of NSR and now will click her tongue with her mouth closed repeatedly.
Kliff: I see him as a chewer. Biting styluses or chewing gum. Probably also likes to rub different textures which is why he seems to where a bunch of different textured clothes and accessories. Also fidgets with the ends of his scarf, hair, or beard a lot.
DK West: Like Zuke he prefers more rhythmic stims, but he will definitely clap a lot. Sometimes he will just continuously clap for a solid few minutes very loudly until he feels better.
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prof-peach · 4 years
Hey professor, I've come to quite the predicament: my Tyranitar is showing some dental issues and the local pokemon center wasnt very helpful aside from telling me to "try changing his diet." The big guy eats a lot since he's a bit on the bigger side, and he loves to gnaw on bones, but recently those have been hurting his teeth. I've tried kinda grinding his normal food down and adding more berries to give it some kind of substance, but he doesnt seem too fond of the weird-looking mush in his food bowl. It just bothers me to see him looking so sad and I can tell he's not eating as much as usual. Any suggestions for something that'll help his teeth heal? Or maybe something he'd enjoy until he can handle his usual diet again?
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So, turns out your buddy had a big shard between its teeth, was swollen, but I bet the nurses at the centre took one look in his mouth and mistook it for a tooth. Easily done, they can sink quite deep into their mouths.
This species chews, A LOT, and it’s totally fine and a little silly to try to stop that behaviour, so instead keep his diet as is, and just check him regularly for red inflamed areas, swelling, or difficulty chewing. I’ve walked you through what to look for (as shown above) you may also stuck mistake bone shards for tooth, same colour, usually stuck between the teeth themselves, so they easily blend in really well. In the wild these Pokemon will get this issue, and often chew things far too hard out of frustration, to try to dislodge the bone stuck within, so instead just check them regularly, I’ll give you the brace for inside the mouth, to be safe, alwasy use this, when removing bone you may cause a little pain, this can sometimes trigger the tyranitar to close their mouth, and with your arm in it, can end in tears. I’m sure you buddy is well behaved, especially with you but it just is safer for everyone to use the brace. I’ll give you the pliers too, firm grasp, one quick pull, no slow tease just do it like a bandaid and make sure you got a good grip. These are items all serious carnivore trainers should have, just to keep your team in good health. Remember, a tooth won’t budge, but the bone will wobble within the gum, don’t pull something you’re not 100% sure of, but to put your mind at ease, tyranitar regrow teeth and shed them just as fast, so no big issue if you find one or two here and there. Really bad breath can be an indicator of a bigger issue, keep your nose peeled.
With the bone fragment now removed, your bud should be able to eat again, you could let them deal with just raw meats for now, and add in a bone or two after a couple of days once they seem to regain their interest in food. Tooth issues are SO common in tyranitar, it’s one of the biggest reasons I have to handle them, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. If the pain persists after more than a few days past this fix, it’s time for an X-ray, as this could be a bigger issue. They are bull headed at times, quite literally, and can easily end up with fractures within their jaws that can hurt quite a bit! This doesn’t seem to be the case as I saw clear signs of inflammation.
It’d be worth checking your other partners should they too enjoy a good gnaw, and remember to never cook your bones, as they shatter and shard much more when treated this way. Raw is best for these big beauties. Good luck out there, to all your team and yourself.
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katutsukushii · 3 years
alpha katsuki with a rare condition/sickness/mutation that causes him to have rly big, serrated teeth that also grow and regrow like shark teeth.
with it comes heightened aggression so he has to wear a muzzle in public and around omegas
during training he is very bitey and its not rare that his teeth get stuck in the person/thing hes biting
they grow back but with time everyone he sparrs with owns a personal katsuki teeth collection
Poor baby with his lil teeth :( I love he
I feel like he’d also get a bit insecure about them because the whole point of serrated teeth is that it makes it easier to tear into flesh and hold onto it, and he’d worry that he’d hurt anyone he tried to actually mark. Meanwhile, everyone sees his teeth and immediately thinks of him as a strong, capable mate who would be able to protect them from anything and everything.
Also, thinking about Deku’s weird ass keeping all the teeth Katsuki lost during their spars and when Katsuki finds them and asks him what the hell he’s doing with them, Deku is like “:D it’s memories of all the times we spent time together, Kacchan :)”
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nikibogwater · 3 years
The Final Becoming--a Tales of Arcadia fanfiction: Chapter Eleven (The End)
A gentle king, a warrior queen, a clever prince, and a Master Wizard. Together with their allies, these four heroes must reform the ancient kingdom of Camelot and rise up to face the Arcane Order in a decisive final battle for the fate of everything they hold dear.
An alternate take on the series ending for those for whom Rise of the Titans didn't quite make the cut.
(Link to Chapter Ten)
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“Hey, Jimbo.”
“Hey, Tobes.” Jim’s voice shook a little as he greeted his friend. Toby was propped up against a mountain of pillows in his hospital bed, his eyes so, so weary, even as he gave Jim one of his trademark grins. Jim took a deep breath as he sat down in a chair next to the bed, purposefully avoiding looking at Toby’s legs.
“...You can look at ‘em, Jimbo,” Toby said. “They’re still just legs, as far as I know.”
“S-sorry,” Jim stammered. “I didn’t mean to make things....Nevermind. How’re you feeling?”
“Tired,” Toby admitted. “And sore. Like, really sore. Like I just got hit by a freight train filled with Diablo Maximuses.” He gave a mirthless chuckle. “But y’know, I guess it could be worse. What about you? Been overrun by the paparazzi yet? I’ve been watching the news--that’s about the only thing they have on tv here. People are talking about everything that went down. Looks like magic’s not so much of a secret anymore. Douxie’s already been swarmed by people asking about wizards, and folks here in Arcadia are bound to think the Trollhunters had something to do with it.”
“I think there’s been some news people lurking around our neighborhood, but Mom and Strickler have been chasing them off any time they get too close to our yard. Councilwoman Nuñez wants to give all of us medals of heroism from the city, but I told her I didn’t want to celebrate anything until after you were better.”
“That’s....gonna take a while, Jim,” Toby sighed. “Even though my legs are never going to work right again, there’s still a buttload of physical therapy and stuff that they say I have to do. Kind of a pain, really, but Nana’s threatened to hit me with her feather duster if I don’t do everything the nice doctors tell me to.”
“I’ve been thinking about that, actually. Nari healed Douxie after Bellroc hurt him, right? Couldn’t she--”
“Nope,” Toby interrupted sadly. “I asked Douxie about magic healing once--wanted to know if Nari could regrow some of my Nana’s teeth. He said magic can’t erase what happened, it just kinda speeds up and smooths out the healing process. For something that could never fully heal on its own, magic can’t do very much. Well, not unless you’re okay with being like whatever the Green Knight was.”
“...Oh,” Jim said softly. There was a long, heavy silence. “...You shouldn’t have done that, Tobes,” he whispered. “Bellroc was aiming for me, I should be the one who--OW!” Jim’s hand flew to the shoulder that Toby had just punched. “Geez, what the heck was that for?!”
“‘Cause you keep bein’ a dingus, that’s what!” Toby retorted. “Look, you may be the guy with the fancy armor and the magical sword and the self-sacrifice complex, but you know when it comes to raw tanking power, the only way you ever outmatched me was when you were a half-troll. Well, you don’t have stone for skin anymore--which yeah, that’s great for tanning and beach parties, but that blast would’ve flat-out killed you. I don’t like these broken legs any more than you do, but I’d rather never walk again than have to bury my best bud. And don’t pretend like you would’ve done any differently if you’d been in my place.”
“Okay, fine, I get it!” Jim huffed, rubbing his sore shoulder. He deflated a moment later with a weak laugh. “...Gods, between you and Claire, I can never get away with anything stupid.” He gave his friend a wan smile. “I’m sorry....I’m just so tired of seeing my friends get hurt.”
“That’s okay, Jimbo,” Toby replied. “Comes with the job, I guess.”
“Seriously, though. Are you....doing okay?”
Toby hesitated, then heaved a long sigh. “...I mean, I was pretty scared at first,” he began softly. “I started crying when the doctor was telling me about all the stuff that I have to deal with now. I’m kind of embarrassed about that now.”
“You don’t need to be,” Jim chided gently.
“Well, anyways, it was just a lot at first. And I mean, it still is a lot. But my Nana... You know she’s had to use a walker for as long as I can remember--not really the same as what’s happened to me, but sorta similar. She was telling me about how you can work around it. You just have to change the way you’d normally think about getting stuff done. You get used to looking for access ramps and bars and things. She said you’re never as stuck as you might think, that there’s always another way to get to where you wanna go and do what you want. You just have to be open to finding and taking it. And maybe asking for help if you need it.”
“...Wow,” Jim breathed. “...Gee, I never thought your Nana could be so...uh...”
“I mean, I’m sort of paraphrasing--and leaving out the part where she told a story about a lost cat and an apple pie that didn’t really have anything to do with what’s happening to me--but yeah. It helped. I’m... I’m still really scared, though. There’s so much stuff I gotta figure out now, and like, what I can’t? What if...” He trailed off, hands clenching around the blanket over his lap.
“You will, Tobes,” Jim assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I know you will. And if you do get stuck, then we can figure it out together. Just like we always have. I promise.”
“Thanks, Jimbo,” Toby replied softly, giving the hand on his shoulder a little pat. He looked down at his legs, brow furrowing sadly. “I....I don’t think I can be a Trollhunter anymore. I know Nana said I can still do whatever I want, but I think that one’s definitely off the table for now.”
“...Being a Trollhunter isn’t about running, and fighting, and swinging a weapon,” Jim said slowly. “I used to think it was, but....if you think about it, anyone can do those things, and they don’t need a magic amulet to pick them for it. Being a Trollhunter is about shouldering a burden for others--putting yourself in harm’s way to keep it from finding someone else.” He took his new amulet out of his pocket and ran his thumb over the surface, tracing the incantation engraved around the edge. “Tobes, when we found that amulet three years ago, you shouldered the burden right along with me. Didn’t even think twice about it, even though you weren’t the one the amulet chose. And you did it just because you cared, not because there was anything in it for you. You could have left that first night Bular tried to kill us, but you didn’t. You stayed with me, and held me up beneath a weight I never could have carried by myself. I may have been the one with the amulet, but you’ve always been the real Trollhunter. And you always will be.”
“H-hey,” Toby sniffled, giving a weak laugh. “C’mon Jim, I told you I don’t wanna cry!”
“Sorry. Guess that was kinda cheesy,” Jim chuckled. “But I meant it. I couldn’t have done any of this without you, Toby. And no matter what happens next, I’m going to stick with you, and help you carry your burden for a change.”
“W-well then,” Toby began, clearing his throat awkwardly. “you can start by bringing me some real food. All those jokes about hospital food? Yeah, turns out, they’re not jokes. It’s actually that bad.”
“You got it, Tobes. Anything you want, Jim’s Catering Services has got you covered. Always.”
Jim winced as Darci’s screech pierced the once-peaceful stillness of Toby’s hospital room. The girl offered no apologies for her loudness. In fact, she didn’t even seem to notice him as he hurried to get out of her way, and instead fell all over her boyfriend, crying, scolding, and praising as she hugged him.
“Hey, Darc,” Toby said softly, sighing contentedly into her shoulder. She pulled back and cupped his face in her hands, her eyes wet.
“Is it true? What they said...You can’t...?”
“...Dead as a doornail,” Toby joked half-heartedly, gesturing to his legs. “But they say I’ll still be able to get around okay in a wheelchair, once I’m fully recovered. Y’know...I-if you wanted to go somewhere...” He faltered ever so slightly with an uncharacteristic nervousness, and with a jolt in his stomach, Jim realized that he must have been worried about what this new condition could mean for his relationship with Darci.
“What about Benoit’s?” Darci suggested brightly. “They just reopened in a new location--I still haven’t tried their duck confit yet. Oh, and then we can go see the Gun Robot movie! The reviews say it’s really good.”
“Yeah,” Toby breathed, face relaxing into a grin. “That sounds great, Darc. Um...Might be a few weeks before I can go, though.”
“I can wait,” she assured him. She pulled him in for another hug, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Toby met Jim’s eyes over her shoulder and gave him a wide smile and a thumbs-up. Jim returned the gesture.
Claire was right. Nothing would ever be the same again, but they could still forge a new path to the future, one step at a time.
After all, the Trollhunters always finished the fight--together. No matter what.
One Year Later:
Destiny is a gift.
“Douxie, I have seen human dwellings before,” Nari said, clinging to Douxie’s arm and carefully feeling her way over the gravel pathway he was leading her down.
“But you haven’t seen one like this!” Douxie insisted. “Look, just keep your eyes closed as a favor for me, yeah?” He stopped and lifted her over a fallen beam. “...Looks like the crew left a few things behind,” he muttered. “Oh well.”
“Crew? Douxie, what are you--”
“Alright, open ‘em!” he exclaimed. Nari did as he instructed, blinking against the light for a moment before her eyes widened, and she let out a soft gasp.
Standing before them was a small cabin-style house, sitting cozily at the top of a wooded hillside. It had a wide, grassy yard in front, overgrown with wildflowers, and a gravel driveway that snaked down the hill and joined up with a neighborhood road at the bottom. The cabin was placed at the very edge of Arcadia Oaks city limits, and the woods at its back stretched on for miles, before eventually thinning out at the base of the mountains in the distance. The building was fairly simple-looking, with a large covered porch in front, and an oddly-shaped stone chimney peaking out of the side. There was also an unusual platform jutting out of the roof, with rough-hewn railing around the edges and a small telescope perched on top.
“It’s great, right?!” Douxie enthused. “During the awards ceremony a few months back, Councilwoman Nuñez asked me if there was anything the city could do for us--they’d already given Jim and Claire and Toby scholarships, but she said they were at a loss when it came to us. I told her I was looking for a more permanent residence--something we could use as a home base when we’re not traveling for our wizarding work. Obviously the apartment in town has been better than what we had back in New York, but still not quite big enough for all three of us, especially if we end up needing to house a magical artifact or two.”
“I beg your pardon, I hardly take up any room at all,” Archie huffed from his perch on top of Douxie’s shoulder. Douxie ignored him and continued.
“Mrs. Nuñez started looking at city-owned lots straightaway, and when I told her what I was looking for, she showed me this place. The cabin was an absolute mess--gods, I don’t think I’ve seen a sorrier-looking building in my life--but Jim called up his Troll mates in New Jersey and a whole crew of them got straight to work in fixing it up. It’s a little rough-looking in places still, but it’s as solid as you could want, and they even dropped a few spells on the appliances to make them last longer! Best of all, the city is giving it to us--all I have to worry about is paying the electric and water bills. We can live here for as long as we want, and never have to pay a single rent!” He seemed positively giddy with excitement as he pulled a speechless Nari up to the porch and in through the front door.
“Living room,” he said brusquely, scarcely giving her any time to look at it before steering her down the hall. “Water closet at the end there, and--” He opened a door with a dramatic flourish. “Your chambers, my lady!”
Nari’s breath caught in her throat. The room was flooded with sunshine from the enormous bay window at the back. Douxie had already taken the liberty of setting up a few potted plants on the sills, and there was a small, carved wood bed frame just beneath the window. “A gift from the Quagawumps,” Douxie explained when he saw Nari’s eyes land on it. “I’ve never met them, but they were quite eager to help Jim out, so he went ahead and commissioned that piece just to give them something to do. The windows open out as well, so you can get plenty of fresh air. And with this much space, you won’t have to be rubbing elbows with me and Arch all the time. No more tripping over my dirty laundry, eh? And those woods behind us are completely wild--it’s a no-hunting zone, so no one ever really goes in there. You can have the run of the whole valley!” He paused.“...So, what do you think?” Nari’s eyes moved slowly around the room, drinking in every little detail--the sage green wallpaper, the dark oak floors, the dust swirling in the sunlight. Finally, she looked back at Douxie, eyes shining like miniature suns.
“...It is perfect,” she breathed.
“Well, there you have it,” Archie said, leaping down from Douxie’s shoulders and stretching out in the patch of sunlight on the floor. “Our first real house. Only took us nine-hundred years. Now let’s never move again.”
“I’ll do my best, Arch,” Douxie laughed.
Some go their entire lives, living existences of quiet desperation...
“...No, the ionic conversion chamber is supposed to go there, Krel,” Zoe insisted, pointing with her wand.
“But it would be more energy-efficient to put it closer to the neogenic processor!”
“For the machine, maybe, not for the poor witch or wizard who has to power it with their own magic! Just put it where I told you.”
“Wait, if we put an Akiridion wavelength enhancer array here, we could reduce the amount of--” His suggestion was cut off by the buzzing of his phone nearby. “Kleb.” He snatched it up off the desk and answered without checking the caller’s ID. “DJ Kleb speaking, you’d better make this quick, I’m in the middle of something.”
“Krel, where are you?” Eli said on the other end. “The meeting’s supposed to start in like, two minutes!”
“What? No, that’s not happening for another... Zoe, time, please.”
“Two twenty-eight,” the hedge-witch replied around the wand between her teeth, as she fiddled with a few loose wires in their creation.
“KLEB!” Krel yelped again. “Ai, Seklos and Gaylen...! Eli, stall for me, I will be right there!” He hung up and scrambled for HexTech’s newly-installed wormhole generator. “Try integrating a Tyturian Splicer into the enhancer array,” he suggested hurriedly as he punched the coordinates into the machine. “It will reduce the amount of nanoplasmic emissions.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it,” Zoe replied, flapping a hand at him. “Enjoy the meeting. Tell Doux I said hi.”
...Never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders, is actually a sense of purpose lifting us to greater heights.
The Akiridion Roundtable was abuzz with the usual pre-meeting chatter, as humans, Trolls, Akiridions, and a few other species took their seats. Stuart was busily handing out the clip-on Neurofrequency Translators that Krel had developed to get around any language barriers such a gathering might involve. Toby was arm-wrestling with a Foo-Foo as Darci and Eli called out bets on who would win. Mary was taking selfies with Zadra and Claire. Vex was comparing biceps with Aaarrrgghh. Aja felt her core swelling with pride as she gazed upon their coalition. It was everything she could have hoped for.
Or, at least it was everything she could have hoped for once Krel had toppled into his seat next to her, breathless and embarrassed.
“You are late, Little Brother,” she informed him lightly. “Varvatos was just about to go hunt you down.”
“Sorry, sorry. I was in the middle of some very important scientific discovery work.”
“Now, now, Krel,” Nana put in as she waddled past him on the way to her seat. “You can’t be a proper gentleman without punctuality!”
“Indeed,” Varvatos agreed, pulling her chair out for her. “Timing is key in both affairs of war and of love!”
“Where is Jim?” Krel asked over the sound of Aja’s snickering.
“He couldn’t make it,” Toby supplied. He slammed the Foo-Foo’s arm down on the table with a resounding thud. Darci cackled as Eli begrudgingly handed her a wad of cash. “He’s swamped with helping his mom get ready for the wedding. I’ll be taking any questions meant for him. Also Krel, when you have a sec, the antigrav on my chair has been real finicky today. Sometimes it activates when I don’t need it to, and other times it just does this weird little sputtery thing and won’t actually lift the chair.”
“I will take a look at it after the meeting. Likely just a loose plasma coil. Have you tried the new rocket boosters yet?”
“He’s not allowed to use those,” Darci interjected.
“Oh come on, I ran into a wall one time, Darc!” Toby whined.
“You almost broke your neck! And also smashed my dad’s squad car. Again.”
“...Okay, two times,” he grumbled. “Still don’t think that’s enough to ground me over.”
“Alright, dweebs, listen up!” Everyone scrambled to take their places as Steve swaggered into the room. He leaned Toothache against the table and slammed his palms down on the surface.
“Steve, watch out for the holographic projectors!” Eli yelped.
“Oh. Uh, sorry, dude.” He took his hands off the table sheepishly. “A-anyways, welcome back to our Roundtable of Awesome Warriors. Lake’s a no-show this month, and Douxie’s gonna be joining us via com...com...Something Krel’s in charge of, so I don’t care.”
“Transpatial nanowave visual communicator.”
“Get over yourself bro, it’s just intergalactic facetime. Anyways, looks like everybody’s here who’s supposed to be, so let’s all shut up and listen to our Ninja-Kicking Queen.”
“Thank you, Steve.” Aja rose from her seat, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she stood beside him. “Reports for this parcon show that the interplanetary alliances have remained stable and flourishing. And thanks to Mary’s influencer status on Earth, we have received forty-three new applications from aspiring squires.”
“What’s up, Wang Gang?” Mary trilled at her phone. “It’s ya girl, comin’ at you live from this, our eighth official Roundtable Meeting! Remember, if you donate during the livestream, you’ll earn exclusive membership perks on my channel! Donate now, and help us defend our planet!”
“Mary, you really need to come up with a better name for your fans...” Darci groaned.
“Speaking of new members,” Aja continued. “I am very happy to announce that Shannon Longhannon has joined us as a knight of the Roundtable. She will be working with Captain Izita to establish a new currency-exchange system for our planets.” Shannon gave a shy little wave as all eyes focused on her for a moment.
“Honors math student, and majoring in economics,” she said. “I uh, also have some contacts in the black market if we ever need those.”
“Lively!” Aja enthused. “I wonder what other color markets there are? Do they sell different things based on their color? Maybe we could establish a blue market here on Akiridion V!”
“Perhaps we focus on one task at a time, my queen,” Zadra advised. “For now, I believe we are scheduled to hear a brief report from Master Wizard Casperan regarding the state of the magic community on Earth. Could someone bring up Casperan’s feed?”
Krel opened the communication feed, bringing up a large, holographic image of one very flustered-looking Hisirdoux Casperan over the center of the table.
“Greetings, Knights of the Roundtable. Apologies that I couldn’t be there in person, but it seems someone left a few Gnomes behind during the construction of my new house--” (Aaarrrgghh shifted sheepishly). “--and we’ve been... Put that down, you little--!” He disappeared off-camera, and the room echoed with staticky bumps, thuds, and tiny shrieks for a moment.
“...Teach? You good?” Claire called.
“Er, perhaps I could give my presentation a bit later?” he suggested, popping back into view with a struggling Gnome clutched in his hands. “Really not too much to say--the magical community at large continues to adapt to life in the open, with many witches and wizards working closely alongside mortal authorities to--No, no, do not eat that! Nari, help!”
“Ah, this brings back some fun memories,” Toby smirked, leaning back in his wheelchair. “Where’s the Gnomehunter when you need him, am I right?” His chair gave a whining sputter and lifted six inches off the ground. “Woah, hey! Settle down, I didn’t tell you to do that!”
“And you were mad at me for being late for this,” Krel grumbled.
“All things considered, this is a much smoother start than usual,” Aja said brightly, as Eli and Darci struggled to pull Toby back down to the ground. “I think we will have a good meeting today!”
“Heck yeah!” Steve chimed in. “We can just replace Dumbledork’s report with a round of curls. Everybody grab some weights!”
A chorus of long-suffering groans swept over the Knights of the Roundtable.
Never forget that fear is but the precursor of valor, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero.
Jim almost didn’t recognize his own back yard.
It looked like something straight out of a dream. Fairy lights twinkled alongside hanging crystals strung along the eaves of the house. Enormous blossoms covered the once-patchy lawn, glowing with a gentle, ethereal warmth. The tables he had helped set up earlier were now practically sagging beneath the weight of dozens of dishes. It was a good thing he’d thought to take a photo of the six-layer wedding cake he’d baked--the entire thing had disappeared in a matter of minutes, as soon as Barbara and Strickler finished cutting it. Their plans for a small, intimate gathering had been somewhat undermined, as Trolls, Changelings, Gnomes, and even a few creatures Jim didn’t recognize all showed up at some point to offer their gifts and congratulations to the Trollhunter’s family. But the happy couple didn’t seem to mind. Jim had even caught Strickler surreptitiously wiping his eyes a few times throughout the celebration.
And his mother--gods, his mother.
She was radiant, practically glowing in her simple white sundress. She looked like the happiest woman in the world, and Jim couldn’t think of a more beautiful sight. His heart swelled every time he saw her smiling and laughing, arm-in-arm with her new husband as she unwrapped gifts and chatted with the guests. He hoped she would always look this way. He could think of no one who deserved it more.
“Hey, did you hear Sally’s pregnant?” Toby began as he rolled up beside Jim. “I have no idea how that works, and I don’t want to know, but Chompsky says they’re naming the kid after me. I’m gonna be a godfather to an actual pecan.”
“Congrats,” Jim laughed. “That’s a lot of responsibility. Think you can handle it?”
“Psh. Of course! Who do you think you’re talking to, Jimbo?”
“Look, all I’m saying is you’ve crushed enough Nougat Nummies in your back pocket that accidentally murdering one of Chompsky’s kids is not that remote of a possibility.”
“I’ll just get him a new one from the fridge,” Toby said, waving his hand dismissively. “He won’t even know the difference.”
“I hope not. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes if he does.” The two friends settled into a companionable silence for a few moments. “...Kinda weird to think we’re here now,” Jim mused. “If I could go back and tell my past self that this is where we’d end up, no way on earth would he believe me.”
“Past Jim would shank you for even lightly suggesting that Strickler might be your step-dad someday.”
“Even beyond that, though,” Jim continued. “Sometimes I remember how scared I was during those first few months. How absolutely crazy all of it was. To think we’d end up here, at my mom’s wedding, with trolls and aliens and wizards all hanging out like this... It’s wild.”
“Yeah. It is,” Toby agreed. “...So what do you think you’ll do next? I mean, obviously you’ve still got to keep an eye on things as the Trollhunter, but without any more big baddies to fight, we’ve all had a lot more free time on our hands. Any big secret ambitions you haven’t told me about?”
“Nothing big or secret, no. But I’ve sort of been thinking about trying culinary school. With the scholarships the city gave us, I can have my pick of any place I want. There’s a good one just a few towns over that I’ve had my eye on. Claire’s been talking about auditioning for Arcadia Drama Institute’s yearly production, too. What about you? Got any plans for the summer?”
“Ah. Yeah. About that...” Toby shifted uncomfortably. “Darc and I volunteered for the Roundtable Education Initiative. Starting in June, we’re gonna be traveling the world for a few months, giving talks on Troll history and etiquette and helping people get used to their new neighbors. Well, old neighbors, I guess, but now that they finally know Trolls exist, they ought to get to know them better.”
“Tobes, that’s....Th-that’s great!” Jim faltered.
“Yeah. It is. I’m just....really gonna miss you guys while I’m gone. And Arcadia Oaks. I’ve never been away from home for that long before. Honestly if Darci and Aaarrrgghh weren’t going, I don’t think I could do it.”
“You’re going to do great, Tobes.” Jim put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “And I’ll be here waiting with tacos when you get back.”
“You know I’m gonna hold you to that,” Toby answered with a grin.
“Toe-bees!” Enrique had wandered over at some point, accompanied by his older sister, and was now slapping his hands against the side of Toby’s chair impatiently.
“Heya, kiddo. ...What? Again? Okay, okay, fine. But this is actually the last time, got it?” Toby hefted the eager toddler up into the chair with one arm and activated the now-repaired antigrav. Enrique squealed with delight as the chair bounced into the air, hovering a few inches off of the ground.
“Zoom! Zoom!”
“No rocket boosters!” Claire called after them as they took off for a lap around the yard. The only response she got was a high-pitched shriek of joy from Enrique. She sighed and shook her head fondly, before leaning against Jim. He wrapped his arm around her with a contented hum.
“That cake was to die for,” she said, playfully poking him in the ribs. “My compliments to the chef.”
“Thanks. The thing practically took a week to make.” They stood in silence for a moment, taking in the sight of it all. Aja was fawning over Nari and Archie, fascinated by the wood nymph’s antlers and the Familiar’s shapeshifting abilities. Toby was zipping in and out of the crowd with a giggling Enrique on his lap. Darci was deep in conversation with Steve about a new idea for the Roundtable. Blinky was regaling Barbara and Strickler with an elaborate description of Troll union ceremonies. Krel was at the DJ table, trying to ward off Eli and his rather bizarre suggestions for the next song. Douxie and Zoe were on the dance floor, putting all the other dancers to shame. Jim found himself beginning to sway gently in time to the music.
“...I think,” he began slowly. “When I get married....I want to have a wedding just like this.”
“Yeah?” Claire looked up at him with a small smile.
“...Me too,” she whispered.
Don’t think.
The End.
A/N: So I have....no idea how this got written. I usually can't keep up with longer stories like this, and I definitely never thought that this would be how I would spend the latter half of my 2021. But this project has been an absolute joy to work on, in no small part thanks to all of you guys. The support and enthusiasm I've received for this story was more than I ever could have hoped for, and I'm extremely grateful for everyone who has taken the time to read this. A very extra-special thanks goes, as always, to @poetryinmotion-author, who helped brainstorm, plan, and edit this whole thing. This final chapter in particular is dedicated to her.
Until next time, stay safe, and thank you all so much for reading. ✨
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