#cause if anyone would call him a bitch lovingly it be Eddie
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911 + Text Posts pt262/?
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mercuryriver · 5 years
Christmas Venom
Word Count: 1601
Genre: Fluff
Summary: If you're still writing for Venom; can I have short thing where Eddie's bestfriend and roommate gives Venom a huge five pound chocolate bar and a huge sweater as a Christmas present(because he's grumpy and dislikes the cold)? Lots of fluff and I jist want to see V being cute. Thank you!!
Pairing: Venom x reader
You heard the door slam shut and you watched as Venom stuck out from inside his jacket, Eddie’s hair sprinkled with snow that was beginning to melt. He toed off his boots at the door, tugging off his wet jacket before he dove straight for the couch, yanking the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping himself in it.
“ So how was the investigating?” You grinned at the both of them, walking over with a mug of hot chocolate. Venom peeked out from inside of the blanket, interested in your beverage as his pointed tongue ran over his pointed teeth but you took a sip, grinning at the symbiote.
“ Venom wants the hot chocolate,” It hissed, eyes narrowing at you but you ignored it just to tease as Eddie scowled at you.
“ My tip didn’t even show up. It was a dead end. He had me waiting in the freaking cold for two hours,” He grumbled, his nose tipped with red as he huffed, rubbing his hands together and you snorted.
“ Why did you even wait in the cold? Scratch that why the hell would you wait for so long? If he didn’t show up in the first half an hour I would’ve left,” You shake your head.
“ I wanted to leave but Eddie insisted on staying,” Venom growled, whipping around to glare at Eddie accusingly but the man merely rolled over in the comfort of the blanket and ignored the symbiote. “ Venom wanted to go home. It was cold. And wet. Winter is stupid.” The symbiote sulked as it burrowed under the blankets.
“ That’s ‘cause it’s a tip! What if he showed up late?” Eddie threw his hands up in frustration and you shook your head. You found yourself shaking your head very often at Eddie. Even before Venom, Eddie absolutely hated the cold. The moment the leaves started to fall from the trees and there was even a hint of the winter cold in the air, it was though he became possessed by a small grumpy man who grumbled at everything. It didn’t get in the way of his work though, he would do anything for a lead. In fact, it actually made him more productive. His questions would become sharper, prodding and poking in the right directions so he could go home earlier. Now, with Venom, his questions and digging got even better, since Venom was so grumpy he’d threaten to eat the interviewee.
“ Ed, it’s Christmas. The man’s probably home celebrating with his family or something. You know? Like normal people?” Eddie frowned before rolled his eyes, dragging a hand across his face before grumbling something about how you’d never understand the world of investigative journalism.
“ I smell food,” Venom grinned, licking his lips again as he slithered up from the blankets. You stood and waved at the turkey on the table and the symbiote disappeared, forcing Eddie to get up from the couch and walk forward to the table before dumping him on a chair. Just as the symbiote tried to stretch toward the food, you leaned over, flicking it in the head and it hissed baring its teeth at you.
“ Gotta carve the turkey first. We’re civilised people,” You ignore the exaggerated gasp from the symbiote and Eddie groaned.
“ Guys c’mon can we eat I’m starving,” Eddie groaned. He knew you loved to tease and annoy Venom to no end, bugging him and insulting him. You never called him a parasite though. You were mean, not stupid. You also didn’t want to be flung out the window.
“ V stop pissing the person with the food off.”
“ You will become the food then.” Venom hissed and you laugh, plating a pile of Turkey on Eddie’s plate for the both of them to eat as you poured gravy beside it and gave them a heavy pile of mashed potatoes. As Eddie got up to walk back to the couch so he could watch tv while eating, Venom shot out, stealing a whole turkey leg and popping it into his mouth with a satisfied grin and you chuckle, shaking your head.
The three of you sat on the couch, watching tv and the weather forecast. You listened to Eddie grumble about the weather as Venom hissed along with him until the end of dinner where Eddie just curled up in the blanket again, glaring at the snow falling outside the window. You were mesmerised by the way Venom engulfed the turkey with the bones before spitting them back out, and you were glad that he’d managed to engulf the entire remaining turkey before throwing up the entire ribcaged. Mildly disgusting, but impressive nonetheless. Eddie was pretty much used to it at this point.
As night fell and the room got colder, the both of them hogged the blanket, Eddie complaining about how Venom was ‘leeching’ the warmth off of him, triggering Venom to start screaming about being called a parasite. Eventually, you got more blankets from your room to stop the bickering. If Venom was really angry at Eddie, he was welcome to to go sit nearer to the heater, but he wasn’t moving.
You laugh before heading back to the kitchen counter. There was a small little potted fern which Eddie insisted on having rather than a Christmas Tree. He said that the apartment didn’t need a tree when you could get a potted plant for much cheaper. As a result, the plant sat on top of a wrapped gift that was taller than the entire plant. When you said it looked stupid because the gift was bigger than the plant, Eddie put a Christmas bauble that pulled the entire plant down. You had to sacrifice a decorated tree for the sake of plant, it was going to die under the weight of the ornament.
You pick up the package before opening the freezer to pull out a couple of rectangular packages and walked back over to the couch. Lifting up the blanket slightly to expose his toes, you touched the frozen packages to Eddie’s feet and he yelped as he jolted up, the entire couch shaking when he did.
“ What the-
“ Merry Christmas,” You grin, hanging him the softer, lumpier package. He took it from you curiously, arching an eyebrow at you before ripping open the package to pull out the most hideous looking sweater you could find in the shop. It was bright yellow and green, with tiny crystals sewn into to the obnoxiously green christmas tree in the middle so that every time you turned, the crystals would catch the light and glimmer. Eddie scowled as he examined the sweater, but you could see the way he was forcing back a grin.
“ This is disgusting,” He said incredulously and you laughed.
“ I threw all your other sweaters and jackets in the wash so you can wear this to the office tomorrow,” You grinned. “ You’re welcome. I know, you’re absolutely charmed.” Venom couldn’t help but grin at the sweater, slightly mesmerised by the glimmering crystals like a cat before you cleared your throat, catching his attention.
“ And this is for you,” You placed the frozen packages in between you and Eddie. Eddie pulled the disgusting sweater on and you watched as the symbiote disappeared down Eddie’s collar, only to roll out from under his sleeve, sitting on his hand. He watched as Eddie ripped apart the wrapping before it’s eyes widened and it looked back up at you with a grin as he lickes his lips, his teeth gleaming in the pale light of your apartment.
“ 5 pounds chocolate and some tater tots,” You grinned and the symbiote rolled off Eddie’s hand to sit on the chocolate bar. It was adorable how small the symbiote by itself. It looked like a tiny mass of goop on the chocolate bar. “ I thought maybe with some chocolate you’d stop being a bitch about the cold.”
“ I am not a bitch,” He barely sounded angry as he gazed at the chocolate almost lovingly.
“ Yes you’re not just a bitch. Now you’re a grateful bitch,” You smiled, picking up the chocolate and tearing a corner of the wrapping off. You broke off a piece of chocolate and tossed it to Venom and the symbiote hopped up slightly, engulfing the hunk of chocolate before landing back on the bar and grinning at you.
“ Thank you Y/n.” You faked a groan as the symbiote licked the side of your face before you placed the huge bar of chocolate down, rubbing the *saliva?* off your face. Eddie reached over, ruffling your hair as you shot him a grin, watching as the crystals glimmered in the light. He looked like an actual bloody Christmas tree. Even you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing it. You’d rather freeze than wear it. It was a stupid sweater, and you knew that anyone who saw it would find it hideous, but Eddie somehow liked it. He was weird like that.
“ Did you even get me a gift?” You teased, arching an eyebrow at him. You watch as Eddie froze and smiled sheepishly.
“ I forgot it was Christmas,” You rolled your eyes with a smile. You heard Venom scolding Eddie for not getting you a gift even though he was just introduced to the concept of Christmas. Clearly you had won him over with the food. “ I’ll get you something tomorrow. What do you want?”
“ A new roommate,” You teased and he rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a smile.
“ Merry Christmas you little shit.”
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