#cause i definitely don't have the time lol and yet i found time to do it
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liveontelevision · 10 months ago
Hello hello! If you are still taking requests I've been dying for an Alastor x reader where the reader was married to him when he was alive, and she outlives him quite a while before they reunite in hell, only for him to nearly die again when the angels attack. I love your work!
I've been wanting to do this prompt for a hot minute, sorry it took so long Anon :')
But here's a good long fluffy, angsty, fic to balance out how much of an ass Alastor is in Suffer lol
Curiosity Killed the Cat | Reader x Alastor
What caught your eye first, was how much whiskey he could down before losing his composure. You found yourself in awe, watching this charismatic stranger go round after round, only to end up on the dance floor with more energy than you had when you were sober. Truly a spectacle. Why don't you go tell him that?
"Excuse me-" You say in a sing-song voice, slipping by the stranger to beckon another drink your way. You may or may not have brushed your body against him in some sort of attempt to get his attention. It went unnoticed, but that's alright, that trick didn't usually work on the ones who had one too many drinks.
You decide the next best action is to sit at the seat next to him, despite there being multiple unoccupied stools at the bar. That’s something he has to question, right?
Of course not. You spent far too long trying to get his attention in any way, and he's either humming a song to himself or chatting with the plump, noisy, owner who would come by. They seemed to be close friends.. but she definitely wasn't his type. She looks like one to cause trouble.
You get a good scope of his character. He came in wearing a pristine trenchcoat, shielding an expensive-looking vest and tie combo. But, by now the tie had come undone and was draped across his neck. The heat of the whiskey might've gotten to him, he left his top few buttons precariously opened. You didn't mind that one bit. Next thing you spot; slightly messed hair and smudged glasses- bingo.
"Hey, birdy-" you finally muster some courage to get his attention. "-may I?" You pull out a handkerchief you usually have on hand, in case handsome strangers with glasses need a quick clean. It took you a good half hour to finally speak up, but he's looking you up and down as if you had just walked in. It takes a moment, but you see him finally decide you aren't a threat. He sits silently. Taking another swig of his drink, he looks at you with a smile. Does he want you to.. no harm in trying.
You bite at your lip, hesitantly reach out to his face, and carefully pluck the glasses from the bridge of his nose. He shuts his eyes as you do so. A man hasn't made you blush in quite some time. You decide to blame the drinks. Luckily, you have a task to keep your mind preoccupied. You're carefully swiping any smudges clear from the lenses when you hear his voice for the first time. Or so you thought.
"Mimzy, dear, do tell me who this little kitten here is. A regular?" You're assuming he's speaking about you, he's gesturing in your direction with his empty glass. The owner of the speak-easy, who you now know as Mimzy, trots behind the bar to top off his drink.
"For sure! What do ya say, kid, you're here.. on most weekends, ain't ya?" She turns to you, and you take a moment to confirm. You didn't think she'd notice, you don't come here that often. That's what you tell yourself at least.
"Got an eye on her tonight, Al? Sounds like someone's not goin' home alone~" She teases him with a quick jab, and he's quick to roll his eyes.
"Now now, she's been perched here for quite a while and has barely said a word to me, I doubt she's getting any more than a free drink." He sounds snarky, yet.. familiar..
"Al… as in Alastor? That radio host fellow? Well, I’ll be damned! I wasn't expecting a celebrity such as yourself to frequent little joints like this one." You comment, finally joining the conversation. You hear a throat being cleared dramatically and turn to the owner behind the bar. You laugh nervously.
"Not that- it's still a good bar- I.. Sorry." Good recovery. Your attention is taken to the hand outstretched to you, and you instinctively lean away from it.
"Kitten-" He beckons his hand, and you follow his eyes to his glasses that were still in your grasp. You let yet another nervous laugh and quickly pass them over. He slips them on with a satisfied hum.
"If I remember correctly, Al-" you attempt to mock the nickname you picked up from Mimzy. "- You have a broadcast tomorrow morning, no? You really think drinking like a sailor tonight is the best idea?" You weren’t concerned, really. You wanted to tease him a bit longer.
"Props to you for knowing my schedule." You realize how strange that might've sounded and quickly finish your drink to prevent any more embarrassing thoughts from slipping from your lips. "Are you implying I can't handle my liquor, dear?" He scoffs, beckoning the bartender over. He has them refill your glass.
"I'm sure you can, birdy, but you've been pounding down more drinks than I can count." You respond. You weren't one to flirt effectively. That, or he just happens to see right through your nerves.
"So, you've been counting, hm?" You realize you had outed yourself to watching him all night. You curse yourself quietly, hoping the music filling the room will cover your frustration. "Appreciate the concern, but I promise you, I'm more than capable of doing my job. No matter the circumstances."
While he seemed to be reading you quite easily, you had picked a few things up yourself. For one, he watches everything. And he seems to only drop his intel when he needs to. Or to mock you. And two, he's a bit of a narcissist.. quite an ego on this one. But that could work in your favor tonight.
"Well, fine then. I'll be up bright and early to listen to your broadcast. I doubt you can get through it with a hangover. Especially considering how much you've been drinking."  You state proudly. He lets out a chuckle, and despite how quiet it is, you can't help but appreciate his sultry laugh.
"Is that a challenge, kitten?" He purrs -ha- leaning his chin into his hand and slouching his body towards the bar.
"I mean if it is, there must be stakes." You say it as a matter of fact. "Let's say.. you cover my bill next time if I catch you slip up."
"Hm. Seems fair. You better be listening close, though, I'm very good at what I do." He enunciates his final sentence and it sends a shiver down your spine. For a brief moment, you consider this could be a bad idea.
"And when I win, what will be my prize?" He asks. You let out a little giggle at his cockiness.
"I'll tell you my name." He cocks his head to the side, an intrigue hitting him. Did he really manage to get this far without a proper introduction?
"I see your little detective game going on, I'll give you that. You are quite the observer. But you won't find my name just by looking." You say smugly. That's true for a number of reasons.
"I suppose you did leave that information out, hm?" He let's his eyes drop, as if he was trying to piece it together with what little information he had.
"I must say, you've got me hooked, kitten." He lets out a sigh, leaning back in his chair and finishing off yet another drink.
"Deal?" You hum, holding your hand out to him. He smirks, taking it into his own, not expecting a firm shake, but receiving one. He went on to press a quick kiss to your knuckles.
You went home alone after that night, but it was likely for the best. You were sure you'd see him next time, anyway.
Now that you had to tell him your name.
You thought for sure he'd at least stumble through a sentence, but no. He went through the entire show, even an interview with some big shot, and spoke perfect English. He talked like he'd never had a drop of booze his entire life and got a full night's sleep, which you both knew was far from the truth. You almost dreaded the next encounter, but at least you didn't wager anything too crazy. Sure, he'll see you differently after this, but if this were to go any further - what are you on about? You only met him once and listened to him on the radio occasionally at best. He's a perfect stranger to you. Let's not get too excited.
You find yourself seated in the same spot as before, shrinking into your seat and downing a few drinks to build your courage. You told him your mark. An awkward introduction, first and last name, made you feel like a new student at a children's school. He perks up, which is what you expected.
"Ah! So you're the famed physician! It's almost silly of you to call me a celebrity, you're the talk of the town, kitten." You groan, of course, he recognizes you. Everyone in this damned small town knows your name, your family.
You were one of the first women to complete their studies and practice medicine from your hometown. But to attend such high schooling in this time, your family had to be well off. And you were, in fact, well off. When it came to your love life, men were either disgusted by your pursuit of knowledge or took it like some fetish. You haven't approached anyone for years.. not like this, at least.
"You know, I spoke with your father a few-" You groan at the mention of him, cutting Alastor off mid-sentence.
"Don't be a fool, I heard the little interview on your show.. Can't say that was my favorite broadcast." Alastor had a certain segment where he would chat with some of the richer and more.. stuck up.. men in society. It wasn’t titled as such, you just noticed the trend of guests being pompous and wealthy. And your father was the perfect fit for that.
You didn't know this at the time, but Alastor was suddenly hit with some mixed emotions. There was more than one reason as to why your father was chosen to be on his broadcast. Alastor used his interviews to initiate close ties, and make powerful allies. If they weren't complying how he hoped, he would usually cut ties. Permanently.
Your father was definitely not a reasonable man, in fact, you made it a point to avoid him when you returned home. But did he deserve death?
"I didn't expect just the sight of me walking the streets to be as interesting as it is." You mumbled, leaning forward on the counter and drinking something much stronger than you expected. But the mentions of your father called for a hard hitter.
"You didn't?" He asked bluntly, twirling the liquor in his glass. You hum in agreement. Gossip spreads like wildfire here.
"Well, you've picked up some interesting feats. If you were hoping to go unseen, I would've put some more thought into my rags." He gestured to your clothing. It was definitely of higher quality, but it was something you were used to wearing while attending your school in a high-class city. You felt a bit embarrassed, placing your hands in your lap to subtly hide your body.
"And a beautiful doctor like yourself just 'walking the streets'? Some might be concerned for your safety." You tilt your head to the side at his words. Your confusion makes him smirk.
"I'm sure you're aware, kitten, but there seems to be a killer on the loose." He seems far too excited for the subject at hand, and it's almost noticeable.
"Hm. Guess I shouldn't be going out alone and talking to strange men, should I?" You say with a smile.
"I suppose you shouldn't." He shrugs off your words, getting another drink. You didn't even see him finish the previous one. "Though I must say, I'm glad you did. You've been quite the conversationalist." It's barely flirting, but it seems to leave you blushing a bit.
You went on to chat throughout the night, your drunken rambling turned to complaints about your father, and morbid details about what you'd learned in medical school. Both topics that you didn't realize intrigued Alastor to a personal extent. Later on, the rambles started to become incomprehensible. He decides it would be best for you to leave, considering you were refusing to do so and thoroughly embarrassing yourself in the process.
A giggling, stumbling mess, you were carefully lifted from your seat and brought to your feet with his assistance. He helped you out to the streetside, calling a taxi and bringing you into the backseat gently. He then went ahead and paid the driver, and turned at his heels to head back inside.
As he was reaching for the bar's door, a loud call forced him to turn back to the cab.
"Buddy, she's too sloshed to give me an address. You know where she lives?" Shit. Alastor looks to the bar’s door, then to the cab, where he spots you leaning your head against the window in the backseat. He sighs.
After insisting the driver keep the fair, Alastor brought you back out. He kept you standing with a hand on your lower back, as you gripped onto his shirt, far too small to reach your arm over his towering figure. He was cringing at the sight of his clothes becoming disheveled.
"Alright, kitten, where are you staying? I doubt you'd appreciate me taking you to your family home.." He was talking in a hushed voice, in the hopes that you'd have enough conscious to respond, but knew that likely wasn't the case. He looks around the area as if the answer would be in plain sight. He lets out a sigh of defeat when it clearly wasn't.
"Didn't even get to finish my drink.." He mumbles, pulling you closer to keep you stable enough to walk a few blocks.
There, sat a charming little motel. However, calling it charming was.. optimistic. Your memory, to this day, is in small flashes. Only certain things come to mind when trying to picture what went on.
You remember Alastor talking to the older gentleman at the desk. It seemed like they were acquaintances. Maybe they've done business in the past.
You remember him giving up after finding that the room he booked was on the second floor. Unwilling to deal with the staircase, he hoisted you up quite easily. You definitely remember that. How such a slender man can hold you in his arms with no strain.
You remember the room, it was cleaner than you expected. He seated you on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of you to remove your heels. He didn't seem to go much farther than that. He could've removed your entire wardrobe with your state of mind, and you'd be none the wiser. How awful it must be, to live in a world where a man not making a pass, surprises you.
As far as you know, you drifted to sleep almost right after. You're pretty sure he wrapped you in the blankets, and you remember the faint touch of hair being brushed from your face. His hand was far colder than you would have expected.
Being in your occupation, you don't exactly have time to confront all the horrific sights you've seen. So, your body deals with those emotions in other ways. A common occurrence, you were plagued with a number of night terrors. Something seems different in tonight's regularly scheduled program, though. A radio static overwhelms your senses, and any horrifying disfigurations that were taunting you seem to fade into nothing. A yellow grin and glowing red eyes are the last thing you can see.
You woke up the next morning with an excruciating headache, an ache in your stomach, and sore feet. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you barely care about the makeup that you'd smudged beyond repair. You try to recall your dreams, which usually stay vivid in your mind for most of the morning, but.. there's nothing. And despite the killer hangover, you feel more awake than you have in ages.
The panic settled in after you ran your hands across the unfamiliar sheets. With a soft gasp, you observe yourself. Still fully clothed, you spot your heels set next to the door. You look around the room next, and you almost feel relieved, seeing Alastor seated in a lounge chair in the corner of the room. He had his nose in a book. It was better than seeing him lying on the other side of the bed.. wait, was it?
You let out a pathetic little sound, your voice too weak to form any coherent words. He sets the book on his lap, and your sad attempt at a greeting seems to catch his attention.
"Good morning to you, too, kitten. Sleep well?" You were sure he drank as much as last night. If not, more. How dare he look so put together?
"Morning. I-um.. I suppose I did.. I-I hate to ask, but did... did we-" you stammer out, and he quickly holds his hands up in defense.
"Heavens no, dear, I wouldn't dare defile a woman who can't handle her whiskey." You scoff at his insult but still feel disarmed by his reaction.
"So then.. the motel room?" You question. He cocks his head to the side, only now realizing that your memory must've gone from the previous night.
"Ah, so you really can't handle your whiskey.. Well, not to fret, dear. You weren't telling me where you were staying, and Mimzy seemed keen on me taking you elsewhere." In actuality, she was trying to play matchmaker. Thanks for trying, Mimzy.
"I'm sorry for the trouble, Alastor, I hate that you bought a room just for me.. I can pay you back." You sit up, running your hands through your mess of hair and letting out a pained groan.
"I'm sure you can, but I simply can't accept." He stands, tucking the book under his arm and walking to your bedside. You swing your legs over the edge, only to notice how close he seems to hover over you. You look up and realize how statuesque he was. You hadn't seen him in daylight. And his height is much more intimating when he stands.
"It was my pleasure, getting to witness you thoroughly embarrass yourself." He bends at the hips, a taunting smile across his face. You try to recall anything embarrassing you might've done the night before, but you can barely recall a thing. That did little to ease your mind.
"You'll have to tell me about it one day." You grumble, standing with his assistance. He offered to escort you home, and you happily accepted.
The two of you stand on your small porch. It's a quaint duplex you've been renting, you go on about how how the family who lives here travels for the summer and was more than happy to offer their home to such a sweet thing.
"Well, since you insist that I can't handle my liquor, it might be a better idea to find each other.. somewhere other than a joint..." you say sheepishly, your eyes wandering to anywhere but his gaze. When he steps closer, you finally fix your wide eyes on him.
"You don't want me to court you, kitten. You're a lovely, educated, pretty little thing, you'll be wasting your time, unfortunately." He doesn't sound insulting, he says it very truthfully. It only makes you want to see more. To ask him to come in, and stick around awhile. But you're aware he has a broadcast coming up soon. You wonder if he would've stayed by your side if you slept through it.
"I'll be the judge of that. Besides, getting coffee doesn't waste too much time." You decide to stand your ground. You aren't sure why he's refusing if he thinks all that of you. You see him look you up and down, then let out a sigh.
"Hm. I suppose. I'll be back here tomorrow morning since you're so insistent. Just remember I warned you-" He says playfully as he makes his way down the stairs.
"Curiosity killed the cat, my dear!" He calls out before giving another heart-melting smile. You nervously bite your lip and watch him walk off through the cracked door. Like a damned puppy, you couldn't help but watch him walk off. You quickly shut the door, after realizing how hard you were smiling.
This was supposed to be for fun. You were just supposed to be some extra company on occasions. And he knew you came with your perks. You were an heir to a decent fortune, it only made sense for him to befriend you. You were knowledgeable and smart, he could definitely benefit from your skills if he needs to do so. There were plenty of ways Alastor could use you if necessary.
But with every little dance, every little coffee, or walk home from the bar, it was making him nervous. Of course, he would never call it that, he's too disgusted by the pangs in his chest he gets around you. Unfiltered, yet still delicate and professional. Incredibly intelligent, yet still makes the silliest mistakes. You were flawed. You came from such a slob of a man, and the fact that you are so kind despite that amazes him more than you realize. You are more than willing to stand for your beliefs. For one of the first times in his life, Alastor admired someone.
He's not sure what conversations led to him agreeing to cook yet another dinner in your home, but here he was; standing at your door with a bag of groceries.
"Oh- you didn't need to do all that, you're always free to use anything in the kitchen." You greet him as he comes inside, where he sets the bag at a nearby counter space. You reach up and pull his trenchcoat off his shoulders, which he willingly surrenders to. It was a little action you took, taking his coat for him when he would stop by. He's come to expect it. You hang it up on the rack nearby.
"Nonsense, I'm sure you have plenty to work with, but I'm following a special recipe tonight." He insisted, already unpacking things, setting up pots and pans, and rolling up his sleeves. He pulled an apron from the bag last, and the sight of him all prepped for cooking leaves you weak in the knees. You want to see this every night. You want him in your kitchen every mealtime. You shake the desires from your head, pushing aside the dreams of domesticity that have been plaguing your mind recently.
"Can I help with anything?" You chime in, peeking around the corner to smile at him through the doorway. He shakes his head.
"If you feel the need to help, you're more than welcome to get the table set, but I am quite in my element here, kitten. So, not to worry." You were mostly listening to him, but one part of you kept your focus on his skillful knife practice, watching him chop vegetables in a nearly professional manner.
"Kitten? The table?" His words and his moving on to something else snapped you from your funk.
"Oh! Of course, yes." You stumble a bit but do as he instructs. It wasn't anything special, but the space was more than enough to give the ambiance of a good date.
Damn, this man could cook. He's cooked for you before, but something you couldn't quite put a finger on left you swooning at the sight of the still-steaming gumbo in front of you.
"Damn, you can cook." You're muttering, between bites. You almost can't taste all its decadence, digging in before letting it fully cool.
"Slow down, dear, we have all night." He says softly, despite bringing a spoonful to his own lips. You catch yourself staring at the sight of him eating beside you, enthralled by his enthusiastic hums.
"So where did this come from? I'm a bit suspicious of the finery if I'm honest." You place your elbows on the table, perching your chin on top of your hands. He scoffs in response.
"How rude. All my meals are of the highest quality. I simply haven't made this in quite a while, I thought tonight would be a good time to do so." He replies.
"A recipe for special occasions, hm? Would you consider this.. a special occasion?" You tease, looking at him with a cocked eyebrow. He looks confused, letting his eyes wander in thought for a moment. Was this a special occasion? Is there any specific reason he wanted to bring his own mother's recipe to some girl he's befriended? He pushes the thought aside, planning on mocking you like usual.
"Any night with you is plenty special, kitten." He hums, popping another spoonful into his mouth. He doesn't see your face turning red, but his oblivious flirting always leaves you flushed.
"In that case, when are you inviting me to your own home? I won't lie and say I'm not curious, Al." You set your finished plate aside and notice his eye twitch. You've been staring at him long enough to notice even his smallest ticks.
"Someday. I've a bit of a mess to go through before considering bringing any guests over." He brushes clean his already pristine top, as you stand and take his empty plate to the kitchen. With a sigh, you take yourself over to the sink to do a quick clean. It's the least you could do after such a lovely meal.
"If you say so." You try your best to sound calm, but you're slightly hurt by his constant rejection of letting you into his personal life. It wasn't all the time, but there were clearly things he refused to talk about. You want nothing more than to know him.
Lost in your mildly upsetting thoughts, you recklessly take one of his knives the wrong way, the blade slicing surprisingly easily down your finger. The shock takes you back more than the actual pain. These are far too nice for everyday cooking.
Letting out a quiet curse, you feel his hand brush over your own, his shadow casting over your entirety. "Such a clutz." You hear, his voice causing you to tense. You let him guide your hand under the water to rinse it, effectively caging you in place.
"Be careful, will you? These are my nicer tools." Interesting way to say it, but you were too focused on the fact that you could feel his breath heating the back of your neck. You simply nod, before turning the water off with your free hand. You turn your body around, leaning your back against the edge of the countertop and effectively facing Alastor. His hands stay planted on either side of you, making it a bit of a tight squeeze. You weren't sure what you were trying to accomplish here, but here you are. Neither of you seem to be moving away, though. He drops his head to look into your eyes. You're lost in them.
You reach your arms upwards, holding them around his neck as best you can, and you feel him willingly lean within your grasp. The moment is heated, you feel his breath against your lips as you pull him impossibly closer. His breath is quick, almost shaky. You've never seen this side of him. You'd never associate Alastor with the term nervous.
Nearly closing the gap, you feel a hand come to your throat and fingers gently holding your jaw. With a quick turn, he places a soft kiss on your cheek. It lingers for a moment, and even if it wasn't what you were expecting, you're gasping beneath his affection. The room seems to cool down for a moment. He steps away silently, pulling his things all together.
You may have made a mistake.
"Oh, Al- I'm sorry I didn't think.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, i-if that's what happened there." Your words quicken, suddenly becoming anxious that you may have upset him.
"No, don't fret." He waves his hand dismissively, his back still turned to you as he keeps himself busy with a bit of tidying. "I'd be an idiot to not expect that, eventually." He almost sounds insulting, a little cocky.
"Why's that? Are you used to women just throwing themselves at you?" You tease but keep yourself from his eyeline.
"Well, yes- but, you've been especially touchy recently. And you seem to be acting like I make you.. nervous. Fidgety." His little observations leave you a bit embarrassed.
"It's not nervous.. exactly. Never mind that, though.. Does.. that interest you..? At all?" It takes you a while to get the question out and it still comes across shaky. You're response is silence. Fill it.
"H-How about a drink before you head off, hm?" You quickly shuffle to your liquor cart, looking for anything to drown out your essential confession.
"It does." You freeze in place, missing the cup entirely with your first pour. That was an answer neither of you were really expecting. You finally turn to him, seeing that he had looked away just as you did.
"So, that means-" you want him to elaborate. You want to hear him say all the things you've been dreaming of. That he wants to spend his free time with you, hold your hand, and kiss it with more than just a greeting in mind. To call you anything other than kitten. Well.. that last part you didn't mind as much.
"I've not prepared myself for such a conversation, but I.. enjoy your company. And your brains.. and you certainly aren't terrible to look at." He said he didn't prepare himself, and it was pretty obvious. This wasn't his usual taunting, his usually eloquent beats. He's pausing between phrases, to come up with the best words on hand.
"Jee, thanks." You roll your eyes, your smile still shining.
"I suppose you leave me speechless, kitten." You leave a radio host, a man who talks for a living and is quite good at it, speechless. This time, he sees the freshly pink hues across your cheek. He lets out a devious chuckle, one you recognize when he's about to do something you'd consider nefarious. He starts to approach you, his clean shoes clicking against the wooden floors being the only sound. You knew you weren't in danger, but you find yourself walking backward until you hit the table. Continuing to lean away from him, he towers over you, only following your avoidance until you are straining to stand upwards.
"Well?" You let out, your words barely a whisper. "Are you going to kiss me or not?"
That seems to shock him a bit, you see his shoulders tense just slightly. You watch him contemplate his next action. He let his hand snake around your waist, not exactly to pull you closer, but his touch still left you weak. With a soft kiss on your lips, he gave you no time to truly enjoy it.
"I hate to repeat myself, but I warned you, kitten. Curious little things like yourself deserve.. more." After processing his words, you're still melting to his touch despite how fleeting it was. He steps away.
"W-What- No! I thought you said you were interested! And that kiss- W-What were-" You throw a bit of a tantrum, but quickly calm yourself. "I don't understand, help me understand. Please.." You sound a bit defeated. He sighs, clearly pained that this conversation has to continue.
"Hm.. I don't believe I'm able to give you everything you need. But, you deserve everything you need. It's as simple as that." He's pausing between words, and his expression shows that he's still not exactly satisfied with how it came out.
You shrank in place and held your arms, your mind trying to scrap together any little hints to what he means. Maybe something he's mentioned in the past. But as elusive as ever, it still just doesn't make sense to you. He catches a glimpse of your upset appearance, then takes in the rest of your state a bit longer. You can feel his eyes on you, forcing you to nervously bite at your lip.
"Okay. Let's forget all that, then." You said softly, smiling the best you can and waving your hand dismissively. He obviously knows that you wouldn't lose these feelings as quickly as he'd hoped. He'd reassure you, you'll get over it.
But you couldn't. You tried, you did. You went on other dates, considering how many men were throwing themselves at you in the right bars. You kept your distance for a bit but still saw him at Mimzy's bar on the weekends. Despite all your potential suitors, you still only seemed to look forward to those nights with Alastor. You'd go as far as to complain about some unruly men to him. His disgusted reactions were a comfort.
You kept trying to pry his real reasoning as to why he wouldn't be with you. He'd admit to not being trustworthy, which you would always dismiss. He'd go on about the other men that would be a much better fit, and all with good reasoning, but you still wouldn't stop pestering him. Then, after a few too many drinks, he finally let slip his disinterest in intimacy. And from everything he's told you, this seemed different. It wasn't an excuse or an avoidance, it was the truth.
"So, you don't find me physically attractive?" You ask him, swirling your half-empty cup.
"It's not that, I assure you. I'd just prefer to shower you in other affections, I suppose." He seems a bit unfiltered tonight, still avoiding your eyes.
"Other affections, hm? Like what, birdy?" You were already enraptured. But you were kicking yourself for getting your hopes up at all. You can see his immediate regret in his words.
"Please? I'm just curious." You say sincerely, placing your hand over top of his. You hesitate for a moment, but he seems to not mind the touch.
"Well.. I'd like to buy you the finest things. Any book you're slightly interested in, any frock that draws your eyes, any accessories that would bring out your natural beauty- you deserve it. I want to keep you proudly on my arm throughout the streets, showing everyone that you belong to me. I'd like to cook you every meal, until the day I die." His drunken rants leave an obvious sparkle in your eyes.
"Well that all sounds lovely to me.." you say softly, twisting and turning his hand until your fingers are comfortably interlocked with his. "Simply put, you're not interested in sex?” He was taken aback by your bold words, looking around as if he were nervous someone would hear. “I’ve read about it before, there’s an interesting essay that describes this sort of phenomenon. I'll have to lend it to you.” Your calmness surprises him.
“Well.. Thank you. That puts an end to that, then. Go on and find a man who can properly bed you.” He tries to act just as calm, but his voice still seems a bit frustrated by the idea. You make an act out of tapping your chin and humming in thought.
“No, I’d much rather spend my time with you.” You say bluntly. He quickly chimes in.
“But, I-”
“Alastor, I’ve never met someone as arrogant as you.” You let out a frustrated groan, pinching the bridge of your nose. “If you’ll have me, however you want that is, I’d love nothing more than to spend my days with you.” You speak slowly, almost mockingly, trying to get this damned point across after so long.
He’s still quiet, opening his mouth to respond, then letting his lips shut again. He smiles at you. You couldn't ask for a better response. It was the sweetest smile you've ever seen from him, no sign of teasing or mocking you, no hidden intent, and just slightly bashful. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, in a sweet sign of acceptance.
Things went on after that without a hitch. Mostly. There were some kinks to work out, sure, but you were absolutely head over heels for him. No one’s ever brought you this much joy, and having this more intimate side of him, despite its physicalities, was more than you could ever hope for. He’d finally let you into his home after a while. It was near spotless and he was more than willing to show off the space to you. You wondered why he felt the need to stall this for so long. But you’re together now, hardly anything else matters.
As the summer came to an end, and you had to find somewhere else, you were invited to stay with Alastor. After walking freely around town, as promised, with his arm around yours, gossip spread as it always does. Another talk of the town, two unwed youths in the same place, sharing the same bed assumedly. It made you two snicker at the rumors. Living with him was heaven.
Following through his previous statements, he showered you in compliments, cooked every meal for you, and spent as much of his free time with you as he could. He offered little physical affection, little pecks here and there, and had no issue with sharing his bed. It wasn't long before you popped the question. Neither of you were really interested in the big fancy wedding idea, he was even comprehended by the marriage itself, but if anyone could wear down his nerves, it was you. That being said, Alastor did get you a ring that you were sure cost far too much. He brought up the idea of eloping. A little vacation just for the two of you. It sounded perfect.
“Birdy~ You let out in a sing-song tone, opening the door to your shared home. Every time you’d walk up to the house, you’d slow down, taking in your flawless reality every day. You’d hold your hand out to yourself, looking at the still newly polished ring, then finally entering your perfect home.
Although, it wasn’t perfect today.
You call out his name, no response. You know he should be home, so you peak around corners to no avail. You checked tables and counters, no note to be seen.
After setting down your bag, slipping your heels off, and hanging your coat after your quick search, you head to your room to at least change for the evening. You and Alastor usually go visit Mimzy on these nights, an unspoken routine.
On the way to your room, your tights hit a wet splotch on the floor. With a groan of disgust, you finally realize what you had stepped in.
Of course, you’d recognize blood. It trailed from the door in front of you.
Alastor assured you this was his office and showed it to you on occasion. The door was always open when he wasn't home, and although you never felt the need to intrude on his personal space, something was clearly wrong. You swung open the door.
You cover your mouth after your quiet refusal. You're silent, unwilling to believe what you're seeing. Your darling husband-to-be, kneeling over a stained and still wet corpse wrapped in canvas. His hands are covered in blood. Actually, his entire body is covered in blood.
How he managed to get in and out of the house without making an entire mess was a thought that managed to cross your mind in your state of shock. You glance up for a second to notice one of the heavy bookshelves pushed aside, a sort of patio doorway leading to the swampy area behind the house.
You look at the door, then to Alastor. Who’s giving you a wide-eyed face that pains your chest.
Say something, Alastor. Say something that’ll make this all okay. You're a deer in headlights.
He notices your eyes dart to the right, then back to him, staring for a moment longer. One thing is on your mind without his reassurance. You’re in danger.
You book it down the hall, clearly going to the exit. Both your feet soaked in blood at this point are tracking through the house. The moment was such a blur, that you hardly remember how far you got before feeling the pain of hitting the floor. You look down after scrambling onto your back, seeing Alastor’s hand wrap around your ankle.
“Hold on! You’re covered in blood, you’re a mess, just-” He sounds deranged. Who is this man? Surely not the one who’s been treating you so well all this time. He sounds anxious and angry. You’re face is stained with tears as he essentially drags you across the floor briefly, not considering his heightened adrenaline in these moments. You kick. You scream.
“Listen to me!” He grabs you by your arms, giving you a good shake. That seems to calm you down.. or at least quiet you down. You’re staring at him wide-eyed, your breath rapid. He has your attention, yet he’s not sure what to say. A pained expression grows on his face. You’re leaving him speechless, again.
“Let’s.. clean you up.” He scoops you up, and maybe it's the shock that leaves you so lenient. Or maybe it's all the good times blurring what you've witnessed. When you come to, you’re sitting in the bath, Alastor by your side, and running a sponge across your arm, thoroughly staining the water with blood. The sight brings a gasp from your lips, that feels like the first breath you've taken in hours.
“A-Alastor-” You let out weakly, your frightened expression now burned into his mind. “Was that real..?”
“It was-” He lets out a pained sigh, seeing if he could soften the truth. It's not possible. “-It was.” no words can save him from this.
“He was rather unpleasant. A man with too much money, who wasted most of his time on hitting his women staff. He had his chance to make things right, I assure you, this is always the last resort.” That doesn't help for obvious reasons. You pull away from his gentle washing.
“Always? You've done this before?” Your voice squeaks as it comes out. You don't want to know the details. But you can't stop the words from spilling from your lips. He stands and rings the sponge out into the sink, watching the red-tinted water swirl down the drain.
“How many times have you-” You stop yourself finally. You don't want the answer to that one. You don't want the answer to any of these questions. Unconsciously, your mind still seems to piece together every strange thing he’s done and said to you.
Your half-sentence is replied to with silence. He goes on to finish cleaning you up, helping you in and out of the tub, and drying you as best he can. He wraps you in his own robe and brings you to the bedroom. You’re mortified when you notice him guiding you by your shoulders to avoid the bloody footprints still on the ground.
Some time passes. You sit empty-minded on the edge of the bed, your eyes gazing down into nothing. Alastor leans against the vanity across the small room from you. He runs his hands through his hair, pausing and clenching some strands in his fists before moving on.
“I can..get all your belongings together, find you a place to stay. I’ll do what I can to keep you safe.” He finally says, breaking the silence and your endless train of thought. His offer seems reasonable, but you still feel hurt.
“You want me to leave?” You ask quietly, gripping the edges of the robe and shrinking into yourself. He’s shocked by your response, you can hear it in his voice.
“You want to stay?” He asks in response.
“I.. I love you.” You say weakly. It stings to say it out loud. And even more so to hear it. “Will you hurt me? I-If I go to the police? If I rat you out..?” What are you doing? You can’t ask a murderer that. Your mind is running on fear, especially after what you just said. You feel his hand lightly lift your face to his, flinching slightly considering you hadn't noticed him approaching you.
“I would never hurt you. I’d spend my days rotting in a jail cell if it meant you’re safe..and happy. I love you, kitten.” You aren’t used to seeing this face. It’s almost emotionless. You start to picture this face carrying out his murderous intentions. But there's a crack in his psychopathic mask. There's a hint of softness and anguish at the sight of you.
“I don't.. I don't want to leave.” You take a hold of his hand, still shaking and clearly unsure of your words. You hear a soft hiss leave his lips, clearly trying to conceal his reaction to the unexpected. “I don’t want you to be in jail- or.. I suppose I don't want you to be caught..?” You groan, holding tightly onto his hand. “I’m so confused, Alastor. I want things to be normal. I want to go back to when you cooked for me, and.. And go back to planning- o-our elopement…” You let out weakly. He doesn't respond at first, you force your eyes up to meet his. He looks heartbroken at the sight of you.
“I just want to pretend that none of this happened..Please, stop this. F-for me, please don't do this anymore.” Your voice becomes a whisper. His hesitation only makes it all worse. He responds once he feels your grip on him loosen.
“Okay- okay. I’ll clean up this mess, and- I’ll stop. For you.” You manage to give him a weak smile, before resting your head against his chest. After holding you for a moment he settles you into bed after you had essentially fallen asleep in his arms. He does as promised. Mostly. He cleans up the mess at least.
The next morning, you wake up and hope everything that happened before a nightmare. But, you feel his robe still wrapped around you, then notice Alastor’s side of the bed empty. It's real then. It was too vivid. And if it's real.. Then he’s stopping. Because of you. It’s almost touching.
You go on about your day, and he greets you as if nothing is wrong, making your breakfast as usual. He’s chipper and goes on to chat about his plans for today. He’s pretending that nothing went on. How often has he done this? Convincingly pretend that he didn't take a life less than twelve hours ago?
It takes you a few days. A few months.. years, actually. To accept what he had done. You never forgave him, but you accepted it. You had to go on and enjoy your newly wedded life together, didn't you? Alastor had a broadcast to work on, an audience to appease, and you had to work as a physician, helping locals from within their homes. Besides, he stopped the murders after you caught him that one awful night, didn't he?
Didn't he?
Police are at your door. A nightmare of a sight. You open it, putting on your best face. It wasn't as easy as it used to be, but your smile still convinced the public. Leaning against the open door and batting your lashes you greet them sweetly. your face instantly fell to their words. You almost hoped that he had gotten caught. But he didn't.
He's dead.
“Shot in the woods, ma’am. A hunter mistook him for a deer in the dark.” you'd recall these words later, but for now, your ears were ringing and your mind was absent. You thanked them and shut the door.
You can't recall how loudly you screamed and sobbed, or for how long that went on. You need to be held. You need him to hold you and that only pains you more. You mourned for days, canceling appointments, and not answering any guests who were there to offer empty condolences. You rotted in his home. He was so young. You were both so young, there was so much to look forward to in your future. It's all gone now.
The first place you went to was Mimzy's bar. A few months had passed, and all your good liquor had run out. Plus, a familiar face could be a good change of pace right now.
“Oh, hun!” An immediate greeting at the door, Mimzy brings you to the bar. It's a late night on a workday, it was essentially empty. “I'm so sorry for your loss. Everyone in town is worried bout ya! I'm sure you don't wanna hear this, but how are you doin'?” She was right. You didn't want to hear that. You hated that question.
“Fine.” You say squeakly. It was the first word you had spoken in weeks, you realize. She slides you your drink and you immediately down it. She tops it off just for it to be finished off even faster than the last.
“Slow down, hun.” She says, sliding a glass of water to you next. When you drink it thoughtlessly, the absence of alcohol has you scrunching your nose. “I'm sure this isn't the best time, but.. I got somethin’ for ya.” She disappears into some backroom before reapproaching you and your barely touched glass of water. She places an enveloped letter in your hand. Your name written in neat cursive fills its front and your hands start to shake.
“It's from Al. He wanted me to give this to ya. If he ever.. well, if this ever happened.” as she's speaking, you've already opened it and begun reading.
It was instructions. And a large wad of cash. Above the instructions, A small blurb about how sorry he was, how much he loved you, and prayed that you'd never have to read this. Then a list of how to thoroughly clean and dispose of all evidence in his shed.
“Did you know?” you ask Mimzy, your hands crinkling on each side of the letter. She nods. “He never stopped, did he?” You say in a hushed tone, mainly in disbelief to yourself.
“Well- not exactly, no. he was finishing somethin' up in the forest that one night.” Mimzy talks as if she's practiced this conversation. He must've kept her up to date with all this.
“He told me he would stop. He said he was doing it for me-” You grip at your heart, letting out a shaky breath.
“What important is that he loved ya, right? He was an equal opportunity killer, hun, he only did what he had to. It was for the greater good, ya know?” Mimzy was speaking far too calmly about this. you let out a flurry of curses, shoving the crumpled-up instructions into your purse before standing at the bar.
“You're all fucking psychopaths!” You yell out to the empty bar and leave the building in a huff. 
You needed to leave town. The two people you were closest to were both criminals. And being in this house was only hurting you more. You packed as much as you could, hand hovering over the phone to call for a taxi. You freeze in place. Then see your ring. You look at it for a moment, the light giving it a beautiful shine. With a defeated sigh, you set your bags aside and pull the instructions back out from your purse, straightening it out as best you could.
After finishing a very thorough cleaning, and questioning your actions through it all, you did everything on the list. You burned the letter alongside some other items that he told you to dispose of. You still aren't sure why you did it. He was never caught before and he must have cleaned up his job in the forest before getting shot. Maybe it was for the best. Let his radio persona live on. Let it be the last nice thing you ever do for him. You finally leave that hellhole behind.
You went on to live another sixty years, quite a feat if you must admit. You weren't much of a religious person, so passing in your sleep and waking up in the streets of Pentagram City, was a bit of a shock. After accepting the idea of an afterlife, you put the little details together. You were sure after all that went down in your youth, you would end up here. And if you're here, then maybe..
There are more important things right now. Lucky for you, you fell right in the middle of a bustling street. You scramble to your feet and quickly escape the speeding cars. Why were there cars in Hell? Why did it look so much like a big city you would visit at some point, how is it so human? There was so much to question, but you were desperate to find any sort of sanctuary.
You weren't sure why your first thought was to find the nearest bar, but something seemed to bring you in. You're almost disappointed in yourself for stepping into a club decorated as a 20s speakeasy. But it was familiar- nostalgic. A shrill voice draws your attention.
"Oh my stars! Get over here, doll!" The shriek brings your attention to the bar, where a slightly familiar face greets you. “What are ya gawkin’ at? It’s me! Mimzy? Get that tail over here!” Mimzy owns a club even in Hell? You approach her after some more beckoning.
"Long time no see! How long you been in?" She goes on. You observe her appearance as she speaks. She looks almost the same. The red eyes and sharp teeth were definitely new. You realize you hadn't had the chance to take in your own appearance, but clearly, it must've been similar enough for her to recognize you. Still questioning your position, you finally process her words.
"Oh- I just arrived actually. Lucky me to walk straight into your bar, hm?" You lean against the counter as she pours you a drink, a flurry of trauma and nostalgia turns to confusion.
"Wow! You had quite a life after old Al got you outta town, didn't ya?” She teased. You let out a nervous chuckle. Good old Al. You haven't thought about him in years. You were so young, so head over heels for this man you barely knew. You somehow managed to suppress all the bad times as you aged. Mimzy notices your face droop a bit.
"I suppose I did.." a brief smile meets the wedding band still on your hand.
"Well? Finally gonna reunite? Ooh! How romantic! You'll have to update me, sweetie!" Mimzy bats at you, letting out an excited giggle. You quickly shake your head, not processing any other way to respond.
"I-I can't- I mean.. Not after everything he’s done.” Your hands clench at even the thought.
“Sorry to break it to ya, but we’re all for a reason. You got plenty of time to forgive him, with the whole eternal punishment of it all.” Mimzy’s tone drops to a more serious one as if she’s heard that line before. “Not everyone’s lucky enough to rot in Hell with someone they love, you should see what he’s up to!” Her tone seems to immediately switch to something more chipper.
“Still, I uh.. I shouldn't. He’s been dead for so long, I’m sure he’s got some other dame cleaning up his messes.” Excuses. You didn't want to see him, because this is his fault. You're here because you helped clean up his space after his unfortunate death. Even when you had no idea, he relied on you. He trusted you to carry this burden for the rest of your life. Your rage was suppressed when you heard Mimzy's voice chime back in.
"Nope! He's been busy with uh.. his work. Still wears the ring, though~" She hums, tapping her finger to emphasize her words. You look down at your own hand. Why did you still wear yours, again? You never remarried, but mainly because of the trust issues that were instilled in you for the rest of your life. Maybe it wouldn't be a terrible idea..
“N-No, I just cant..” You let out louder than you meant to. Mimzy shrugs off your panic. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare room, would you, Mimzy?”
Mimzy did in fact have a spare room. You stayed in one of the ratty rooms about the bar, alongside some of the demons that rented the rooms for their own business. You realized, after finding a mirror, that you were portrayed with some feline features, nothing too disfiguring. Once you saw your new form, Alastor’s voice, every single time he beckoned you with kitten, rang throughout your mind. You couldn't bring yourself to look at yourself for the first few months. This was Hell after all. Eternal punishment can manifest in several ways.
Mimzy was still a clear supporter of Alastor, so she had a radio set up in your room already. No matter how hard you tried, you realize pretty early on that Alastor had some power over the radios that force his broadcasts to be the only thing streaming. You heard it all. The screams of souls being torn apart, his constant gossiping and cruel words making fun of other demons.
But damn, if it didn't feel like living again. Waking up every morning to the sound of his voice on the radio, before you can truly decipher what he’s talking about, it almost feels like a normal life. But then you hear the pain in those demons that he’s mercilessly tearing up. Sometimes, you see Mimzy cheering at the radio like some sports game is being narrated. You try to avoid her when she’s doing that.
Things were comfortable for many years. As comfortable as Hell can be, at least. Alastor became a distant part of your daily routine, you'd hear his broadcasts all the time, but only in addition to the other bustling city noises. It all seemed to cancel out after a while. You worked with Mimzy, picking up at the bar when she had to run off. In exchange, you stayed in that room indefinitely. You two seemed to become friends again, despite your living history. It became clear to you that what happened when you were alive really didn't matter down here. You all made the same degree of mistakes and you all learned that you’re here for the same reasons.
You went through extermination days as best you could, only having one face-to-face interaction. That day, you were already on the verge of death from falling debris and trying to escape a specifically insistent exorcist. She had you cornered. You shut your eyes, wincing at the upcoming angelic weapon you saw her raise at you. Only feeling a slight sting across the bridge of your nose and cheek, you open your eyes to see her flying back towards the portal to heaven. You can't believe you got that lucky. You’re still in disbelief at the entire scenario, but unlike most wounds down here, your face was permanently scarred. It was small, barely noticeable! Mimzy says.
But you knew not everyone had this much luck on extermination day. After noticing the silence on the streets, during the most recent extermination, you nervously left the bar. Everything was empty. The portal had opened closer to that hotel you’d heard of. And the exorcists were going straight to it. You scoffed, walking back into the bar. They’d finish off those demons there quickly, so you still wanted to hide. As you barred yourself up in your room, you remembered Mimzy telling you about her visit to that hotel. About why she visited the hotel. Alastor's there. You try to not panic. It’s been decades, why are you worried about him? Besides you know how powerful he is, you've picked up his whole radio demon shtick from others. He’ll be fine.
Then why are you so restless?
A loud knocking at your door shakes your entire core. You keep yourself hauled up in the corner of your room, covering your ears and squeezing your eyes shut. You still hear a voice call your name from the other side of the door.
“You gotta come see this! The angels are gone!” It's Mimzy. it's far earlier than usual, you were almost worried it was some new tactic they picked up. You crack the door open just slightly, and her small frame pummeled the door open. She paces your room, rambling words that you barely catch, and she shoves her phone to your face. You have to take it from her shaking hands to get a glimpse. It's hard to see, but it's very obviously footage of Alastor fighting Adam. His body is warped through the drone’s camera, and you watch him fade away into nothingness after one blow. There was no audio, You couldn't hear what happened. Considering you weren't familiar with his shadow antics, you had no idea what actually happened to him.
“You gotta find out if he's okay! I can't go back to that hotel, you gotta do it!” she sounds frantic, taking her phone back. “What? Absolutely not! I'm sure he's fine.” You wave your hand dismissively, despite the hesitance in your voice. Everyone's in Hell for the same reasons. Your mind goes back and forth on the possibility of forgiveness.. of mending burned bridges.
“The videos from a few hours ago, those angels are gone! Ooh.. He's just gotta be okay..” You didn't realize how much Mimzy actually appreciated Alastor. Whether it be the protection he offers or their actual friendship, you aren't sure. But she's clearly worried about him. You just aren't ready.
Mimzy spent the next few days begging you to go down there and find him. And you refused every time. She mentioned going to Cannibal Town to visit his "Gal Pal" and even she hadn't heard from him. He's disappeared before, just recently too, You're sure it was just like his last seven-year absence. Even if you were getting a bit worried, you'd never admit it. There were no broadcasts, there was no public trash-talking from the Vees, it was just.. quiet.
“Didn't you love him?” You stare at Mimzy, in disbelief that she just said that.
“Excuse me?” That seemed to strike a nerve. And maybe she meant to do that.
“I remember you two in my bar, you were two peas in a pod! I've never seen him like that with any gal, hun. That's not somethin' that just goes away.” Mimzy takes your hand from across the bar. “Please, go check on him. Maybe it'll be like a final hurrah, but I just gotta know if he's okay.” You look around the room as if someone would offer to go in your place. But she's right. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't missing his broadcasts. You let out a dejected sigh.
“Okay.. okay! Fine.” You huff. An immediate change in attitude, Mimzy lets out an excited exclamation and pours the two of you drinks, to celebrate her pushy victory.
You take in a deep breath, looking around the new hotel's exterior. It was much larger than the previous one and more lavish. You hesitate before knocking on the door. A series of whispered voices, then scrambling feet, follow the door opening. It's the princess of Hell. You weren't expecting Alastor to greet you, but you still feel a bit disappointed.
“Hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Ho-” You quickly interrupt.
“No! Nono, sorry.” You laugh Nervously. “I'm not here for the whole.. redemption thing. Is.. uh…” You peek around her shoulder, seeing a few demons you recognize from the commercial, but no Alastor.
“Is the radio demon here..?” You finally ask quietly. Charlie still seems a little hurt from the interruption, but just because you're not interested in redemption doesn't mean she won't try to convince you.
“Alastor? Sure! He's been in his tower since we reopened.. So, he's probably up there.” She explains, pulling you into the building despite your refusal. “I can go get him for you! What's your name? I'll tell him who-”
"That's actually okay! I was sent to check up on him, so.. if he's alive, then that's all I need to hear!” Mimzy will just have to be satisfied with that. You're chickening out. If they're saying he's fine, then that's good enough for you. The longer you're here, the more anxious you're becoming. You're worried he could pop out of nowhere. Which is a legitimate concern apparently. 
“Charlie!” A greeting comes from behind the blonde, and you see a red-clawed hand engulf her shoulder. “Already a new resident? How exciting! What unfortunate sinner has found themselves here as a last resort.. today…” 
You know that voice. Of course, you know that voice. He looks fairly similar to how he did when he was alive, the hair was new. Ditto the antlers. A deer? They turned him into a deer down here? You almost want to laugh. Maybe being in Hell for so long has turned your sense of humor that crude. You're staring with wide eyes. He whispers your name so quietly that all you can really take in is his lips forming the word.
“Hey, Al! She was just looking for you! I think she might be worried, right?” 
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up-
“I.. was! But I see he’s clearly fine now, so! I should get back to Mimzy’s-” 
“Mimzy? You're with that trainwreck?” a low voice comes from the bar, interrupting the conversation. The cat demon behind the counter scoffs at you. “Nice ears.” They fold down involuntarily from embarrassment.
“Kitten.” You immediately turn at the sound of Alastor’s voice, shivers thoroughly covering your body. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but it clamps shut. His eyes widen for a moment, looking around the room to see how almost every resident had gathered to witness the new face. You start to back away to the door.
“This may not have been the best idea.. T-thank you, princess, it was nice meeting you.” with a blink of your eye, Alastor’s arm is around your shoulder. 
“Why of course! Thank you for visiting! I'll escort you out!” His chipper attitude startles you, and you feel almost insulted by his eagerness to have you leave.
“Oh! Well.. come back anytime! Our doors are always open!” You hear Charlie call out as Alastor takes you outside the building. Before you even have a chance to protest, you're suddenly in a recording room. Your mouth is still open ready to scold him, but instead, you examine the dizzying change in scenery. Your eyes finally drop to Alastor, who had taken both your shoulders and let his head drop from your view. He startles to mumble.
“W-What are you-”
“Why didn't you tell me you were here?” His head finally lifts and you catch his perplexed expression. Pained eyes paired with a strained smile, it's almost frightening.
“W-Well, I.. it was just-” 
“When did you arrive?”
“A few.. decades ago..?”
“Decades?” His voice goes low and static. You pull away from his grasp as his voice changes. “You shouldn't be here. There has to be a mistake.” His voice returns to normal, and he starts to pace the room. Mumbling more nonsense to himself, he starts gripping at his hair. 
You watch this for a while, before finally approaching him. You take hold of his arm, effectively stopping him in place. Pulling down his arm, you feel the grasp on his hair loosen.
“Calm down. You're pulling your hair out, again.” You say softly, brushing his hand clean of stray hairs he had torn out. Reaching forward you attempt to brush his hair back into place. Your hand pauses, hovering just by his cheek. You want to hold him. He seems to follow your hand when you decide to quickly distance yourself.
His eyes look bloodshot and demonic. How could you still possibly be getting lost in them?
“You shouldn't be here, kitten. You’re here because of me.” You flinch at his words, despite how true they are, you manage to feel some underlying guilt.
“Yeah.. Mimzy just wanted to know if you were alright. And you seem just fine. I should go.” You say bluntly, taking hold of your arms and going towards the door.
“Why didn't you find me?” His words cause you to stop.
“Sorry, you weren't exactly the first thing on my mind when I woke up in Hell.”
“Kitten, I-” His voice seems to drop the radio static. It sounds entirely too familiar.
“-don't call me that.” You snap, biting at your lip unconsciously.
“I'm sorry.” He finally says. “It was.. irresponsible of me to lie to you. I made a mistake.” He sounds more embarrassed to admit he messed up. His ego makes you scoff.
“Yes, it was irresponsible. It was downright cruel, Alastor. I had to live with the burden of your murders and had to die with the consequences.” You turn back to face him, a rage that had been boiling for decades finally spilling over. “I did so much good after you died. It has to be your fault I'm here. I never told the cops, I followed your ridiculous instructions, and it was the worst decision of my life! And now I'm paying for it. For being too far in love to realize that you were just using me!” You've had this conversation in your head so many times, that you have no issue saying exactly what you want.
“No!" He stops himself before he can shout anything else. "I assure you, that isn't the case at all. I love you more than I can put into words, kitten, can't we just-” Alastor reaches his hand out to you and you quickly lean away. You spot the ring on his finger.
“Love? You used me to make sure your record stayed clean! That's not love.” You hiss.
“I did it to protect you. I gave you everything you needed to remove yourself from the situation if anything were to happen to me. You said you went on to do good, and I believe you. That was because of me! The letter and the money were both for your safety- I was helping you.” He isn’t exactly shouting, but his tone is certainly sending chills down your spine.
“You don't get to take credit for my life! I should have never come!” You fling your arms up, turning back to the door. He grabs your arm and turns you back to him, a tight grip on your shoulders. He opens his mouth to seemingly scold you, and you're ready to bite back. You notice him scanning over your facial features, and his expression seems to falter.
“What happened to you?” He runs a clawed finger delicately across the scar on your cheek. It had faded but was still visible. You wince at his touch, which makes him pull his hand back.
“Oh, don't act like you care.” You mumble.
“Of course, I care.” His soft response forces a pained groan from your lips. 
“All these sweet words you’re saying.. I-I don’t know what to think with that ridiculous smile.. I can't take you seriously!” Your voice is beginning to crack, losing the strength to have this go on.
“About that-”
“I hate you.” He flinches at your words, Out of everything you’ve said, you don't understand why that seems to silence him. He grips onto his chest, his coat and shirt scrunching into his fist. You watch him drop his head, bracing himself on his desk that he had stumbled to. You’re sure he’s being dramatic. Hamming it up to get some sort of pity. A sigh passes your lips.
“Um.. Alastor… I didn't mean to-” His act only fools you a little bit. You wonder if you’ve let out too much steam. If he really-
Before you can finish any other thoughts, he collapses to the floor.
“Fuck-” You quickly move to his side, flipping him to his back and helping him at least prop himself up against a wall. “Should I get-”
“Don't tell the others.” He breathes out, putting his hand up dismissively. With the wave of his hand, you see the blood across his palm. Your eyes follow the source to a continuously growing stain on his top. The sight of blood didn't seem to bother you after everything. “Just help me up.” 
“O-Okay.” You do as he says, helping him stand. Almost feeling like an instinct, you pull his coat off of his shoulders. He struggles to keep up with the movement but still gives in. He quickly loses his strength and stumbles to the small couch nearby. You almost enjoy watching him stubbornly refuse your help.
“I.. might require.. some assistance.” He says it so softly you almost want to ask him to repeat himself. Even if you understood him just fine.
“You're asking for help?” You correct him, placing your hands on your hips.
“I don't need help.” He snaps. You would've been offended if you knew he was just to flustered to admit it.
“Then what do you need?” You sit beside him on the couch, placing your hand on his blood-stained shirt. He immediately winces.
“For.. you to stitch this up.” You start unbuttoning his shirt, your hands grazing the fluff of his chest with a mild curiosity. You finally get the full scope of a completely untreated slash that would've surely killed any human if left untreated. But for an almost immortal demon, it was just a painful nuisance. Very painful.
“From your fight with… You want me to help you stitch this up?” You ask because that it seems near impossible to do so, even with someone of your medical history. It's wide and seems to be covered with specks of gold. It feels like small shards of glass when you swipe your hand over him.
“.. yes.” He says quietly. You let out a breathy chuckle, shaking your head at him. He’s reckless, too stubborn to have looked at the wound because of its reminder of his defeat. And you know that's exactly why it got this bad. No matter how small, Alastor sees the smile growing on you.
“I missed your smile.” He says softly.
“Please stop saying things like that.. You're confusing me.” You make sure to speak your words quietly as if you don't want them to be heard. A small demonic creature rushes to your side, holding a tray up with the essentials to properly treat the slash. It stays perfectly still once in your reach.
You went to work, after some proper scolding, trying your best to keep the process as painless as possible. Every so often, you wonder why you are being so careful with him. He doesn't deserve your tenderness. Your thoughts are stopped when you see his hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you away. His face is scrunched, a hiss passing by his tormented smile. You must've hit the wrong spot while lost in thought. Your eyes fall to his ring, again.
“Why did you keep this on?” You ask, examining his hand that’s still engulfing your wrist.
“It reminds me of you. And yours?” His voice is hushed, still recovering from the pain. You realize he has a full view of your own hand, your wedding band sitting just as clear to him.
“It.. reminds me of what you did to me.” You hear a quiet groan in response to your words, and he releases your arm, gripping the couch in its stead. You keep going.
“I'll admit, I was worried about you.. after the battle with Adam. Maybe it was Mimzy getting me all worked up..” You finally admit. You don’t want him to think you’ve spent your whole life and death hating him. But why would it matter either way?
“I can't be killed, you had nothing to worry about.” He replies, not willing to comment on your sudden vulnerability. Not in this position. All you can do is laugh at him. He's clearly talking out his ass.
“Looks like you got pretty close to it.” You scoff. His ears flatten, and he looks away like a stubborn child.
You finish up after an hour. It felt much longer. The silence with quiet quips mixed in, the surprisingly intimate moment, it was suffocatingly uncomfortable.
“I didn't want to come here. I was perfectly content in being in Hell. I didn't expect this form of torture.” You say, setting everything back onto the little tray presented to you. That little demon had been standing there this whole time. You notice it started shaking a while ago.
“Come now, you're being dramatic. You chose to find me, did you not?” He says, sitting a bit taller with the regained strength.
“I'm not being dramatic! You try to avoid Mimzy's constant nagging! I hear your voice everywhere, see all the ads for this hotel, and they made me a damn cat, Alastor!” You feel yourself starting to lose your composure, gripping your hair and letting out a pained laughter. “H-how unfair is that..?” You let out a weak chuckle, feeling tears well in your eyes. He pulls your hand away from your hair, brushing his thumb across your ring as he holds you for a moment longer.
“Completely unfair. Your appearance may be.. unappealing … to you, but your face is still the same. Your eyes still bright as usual, your smile just as sweet.” His sincerity is muddling your thoughts. Those thoughts that warn you he’s hurt you before. And now he’s a cruel overlord, he’ll hurt you again tenfold. You feel his thumb drag along your lip after realizing you had leaned in towards him.
“Still biting your lip, hm?” His static fades again, and you wince at the raw skin he's brushing over. Old habits apparently don’t die hard.
“N-nervous tick, I guess..” His closeness leaves you a bit breathless.
“Do I make you nervous?” His tone confuses you. There’s an underlying sense of worry, a genuine concern for your well-being. But you’re still distracted by his strange smile. You don’t have much time to think any further about it before you’re startled by gentle lips against yours. It’s quick but is more than enough to let out a flood of feelings you’ve been suppressing since the day you left your hometown. He looks at you with a sly smile on his face.
“I’m still mad at you.” You say quietly.
“I know.” He kisses you, again.
“Y-You don’t have to-” He interrupts you with another kiss.
“I know.” Still holding your face you barely take in his next words with a clear head. “I miss you.” Another kiss, just to throw you off this time, “I miss having you at my side.
Stay.. please.”
There was no way you would drop everything to live with a man you were barely married to in life. That didn't stop you from seeing him more, though. You were actually.. kind of glad to see him. To patch things up, even just a little. You’d visit, sneaking around at first to avoid any interaction from the other residents of the hotel. They were all more than intimidating to you. Especially considering one of them was the king of Hell. Alastor was more than happy to keep you away from him, though.
You updated Mimzy on how he was when you left that first night, but you left out the unimportant bits.. Like the giant angelic slash across his chest. You didn’t need Alastor to tell you that you shouldn't be going around spreading that information. A true accomplice. When Mimzy noticed you were visiting him to the point where you couldn't cover the bar when she needed you to, she was more than happy to kick you out. You knew exactly what she was doing. She didn't want you homeless, but you were essentially left with nowhere to go. Except for the hotel.
It wasn’t the worst thing to happen.. Things almost seemed normal. Alastor had lots of sucking up to do, even though he wouldn't call it that. He was definitely working at it. Making you breakfast like before, treating you like even higher royalty than he ever could while alive. He has the power to do so now and he fully intends to use it. And it’s working.. A little bit.
Okay, a lot.
You’re shocked that he still seems the same after becoming the powerful overlord he is. You’d love to convince yourself that none of that mattered, his status in Hell or what happened when you were alive. That you could just forget mortality to look forward to the potential future facing you. It’s easier said than done.
You're still struggling with your nightmares. Even more so in Hell, likely another form of punishment. Something about the hotel seemed to subdue some of them actually. As if the air were clearer here. It only helped most nights, though. Whenever you woke up in a cold sweat, struggling to breathe, clutching at your heart, there was only one thing to calm you. The radio at your nightstand would play a specific song. One that Mimzy was fond of, so you heard it most nights at her bar on Earth. Whenever you heard that, you knew he was there. He was waiting for you.
"Birdy?" You knock on his door, which seems to open slowly just from your touch. Alastor is sitting contently in front of his firepit. This wasn't the first time you've found him in the middle of the night.
"Another one, my love?" He tilts his head up slightly, the book he had in his hand shutting immediately. You nod your head slowly, already approaching him. Your blanket still wrapped around your shoulders is dragging across the ground. You give him a look he recognizes, and he nods at the implications. Without caution, you let out a tired whimper and plop into his lap. He pulls the blanket over your entirety.
Getting completely comfortable, he adjusts his arms to pull his book back to his eyeline. With your head nuzzled against his shoulder, you're too tired to conceal your little habit of purring. He doesn't mind, though. He loves it.
Another big boy for ya 🫶
Human Alastor is really fun to write for, I had to do some research tho lol
I tried to keep Alastor's sexuality in mind, so I hope I represented it well. That's always something that makes me nervous when writing for Al 😬
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest / @the-maladaptive-daydreamers /@str4wberry-t00th-anon / @voxrei / @raythegay / @whoknowswhoiamtoday )
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tojiscumdumpster · 1 year ago
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။ toji fushiguro x his favorite customer (revision)
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✧ summary toji has a little soft spot for his favorite customer that he can't get enough of.
✧ content warnings reader is a black woman who uses she/her pronouns. chubby!reader and inexperienced!reader. rich girl in her midtwenties, very needy! usage of profanity, standing missionary, oral - m!receiving, doggy style, mixture of praise and degradation kink, breeding kink, unprotected, creampie and squirting, terms of endearment ─ pretty girl, princess, baby, baby girl, etc. softdom!toji with rough, passionate, and filthy intercourse. told in first POV ─ toji's. i got reader calling toji TJ, and i think that’s so cute pls.
✧ author's note happy birthday to my baby daddy toji fushiguro! we've been going strong now for years. just a little something something to celebrate him. this fic has been in the drafts since December. talk about black people time, old sksk. also, if you already seen the original of this fic on tumblr, it's mine lol. this is just a revision, so don't go around saying i copied someone! my writing has changed so i wanted to redo this and add some adjustments. i hope y'all enjoy. support me by reblogging, liking, and commenting your thoughts. ♡ AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS AND/OR MINORS - DO NOT INTERACT.
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 When it comes to women I fuck, I treat them the same because at the end of the day, they pay me good money to stuff their pussy with cock. 
 Don’t really care if they're married either. I usually get the old, desperate broads that aren’t getting any attention from their husbands at home, so it’s my job to make them feel good for the night. 
 I don’t do favorites. 
 I damn sure don’t give discounts. 
 And I definitely don’t get attached. But the moment I met Y/N that all changed. 
 My favorite customer. 
 Never did I expect a younger woman to pay me to get fucked, especially when she looks that good. 
 I’m almost positive she has a line filled with fuckers that’s desperately wanting to know what this tight, wet pussy feels like, yet here I am, living their fantasy. 
 I fucked Y/N once. 
 Then, twice. 
 Then, again.
 And again.
 And again…
 If I didn’t know any better, I’m fucking obsessed with her. Can’t even say it’s just for the money she’s paying me. Probably the best pussy I ever had.
 It is. 
 So fucking warm, and she takes dick well, too. I usually give only an hour or two to my customers, but for Y/N? I reserved the whole night to relish her pussy. 
 The perfect fuck to end my day. 
 Those soft, sweet-sounding moans that slipped through her full brown and pink lips, having my previous cum shot staining them had me running wild. 
 But it seems like I’m not the only one who’s sex drunk. 
 Cock is all on Y/N’s mind right now. Whimpering and crying how big I am and thanking me for giving her dick. Tears pricks those chestnut-colored hues and I’m in fucking awe. She’s so damn pretty. 
 “You know how gorgeous you look taking cock like this? Being a good fucking slut for me, princess?” I ask, being met with a nod and her moaning in response. 
 Y/N’s pussy talks to me. Wet noises spreading throughout the room while I have my arms hooked under the fold of her knees, fucking her recklessly to push past any intrusion. 
 She’s jumping with me every thrust I make, causing her tits to bounce obnoxiously. I take one of her nipples into my mouth and suck on them like it’s my last dying breath, hearing that sweet whimper. 
 I belong in Y/N’s pussy, and she belongs to me, too, the way she’s gripping my cock and milking me. All of her cream and wetness drips between us and down my balls, and it feels fucking amazing. Every time I experience her velvet walls, I find myself becoming more animalistic, hungry and territorial over someone who should only be seen as a client. 
 But fuck, something in me says I would go batshit crazy if I ever found out she had other motherfuckers experiencing this. 
 Knowing how she looks when sweat coats her beautiful brown skin. How it feels to stretch her out and make her adjust to you. Just thinking about it makes me pound into her deeper and more aggressively. 
 “Toji, baby, yes. This feels so good,” she purrs. “Like that. Keep fucking me like that.”
 I hum. “Yeah? This is what you wanted, right? Paid me to please this good pussy?”
 By all means, Y/N isn’t a virgin, but she told me she doesn’t have much experience and I can tell by how tight she is. 
 Our sounds of pleasure resonate in the air, and I call her my good girl, praising how perfect her pussy is, to be met with her squeezing me and watery brown eyes. 
 “Toji… Toji… Yes. God, yes.”
 “Keep using your words, pretty girl. Tell me how much you love my dick in your pussy,” I ordered softly.
 “I love it so much. It’s so big, baby,” she tells me, slurring her words because of her lips still being on mine. “You’re going to make me cum.”
 I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. “Not yet. Come taste yourself.”
 Without hesitation, Y/N slides down to her knees and starts sucking my dick. I hiss at her swallowing me and the warmth of her mouth. She doesn’t take her time when sucking me off, immediately circling her head and throating me. 
 “Hot fucking mouth made to suck dick, huh, pretty girl?” I firmly grabbed her chin so she could look at me. “Eyes up, sweetheart. Open up your throat for me like a good girl.” 
 Y/N hollows her cheeks and bobs her head fervently on my dick, tightening her lips around me. 
 She sucks dick so fucking good, better than any other woman I’ve been with. And I just know I’m bound to bust quickly if she keeps doing this shit. 
 My hand finds the back of Y/N’s head to grip and I buck my hips deeper into her mouth, ensuring I hit the back of her throat everytime. I’m a fucking mad man when I begin fucking the gorgeous face, especially when she’s looking up at me with those big brown eyes. 
 A spoiled brat, prim and shy, who’s spending daddy’s money to get fucked and folded by an old bastard like me. Think I fucking developed a kink for this type because of Y/N.
 I pumped into her mouth more aggressively until she began choking and gagging on my cock. Drool and precum coating her mouth in the process. 
 Any type of control Y/N tries to take, I push past it because I want to use that pretty little mouth of hers how I want. She needs to get her money’s worth when fucking with me. 
 “Going to fuck my cum deep down that throat of yours, and you’re going to swallow it. Got that?” She nods and I softly tap the side of her face. “That’s it. Keep those lips tight around me.” 
 “Toji, pl—please,” she slurs, causing me to chuckle. 
 “Hm, look at you. Trying so hard to talk to me while sucking my dick. It’s cute.” I slow down my quick thrusts, but replace them with more fervent ones, pushing me and her head down until my cock outlines her throat. 
 My balls grow heavy and obnoxiously slaps Y/N’s chin, a clear indication I’m about to fucking cum. 
 Grunting, whining, gasping like a little bitch for air because head like this has a fucker like me sounding like a broken mess. 
 Blood rushes to my groin and I start getting sloppy, feeling my muscles tightening and ache burning between my thighs. I’m close, so fucking close to filling her mouth with my release, then I can finish fucking that fat pussy. 
 Everything about this damn woman is perfect. Her pussy. How she sucks cock. That fucking chubby and curvy body of hers. A pretty face with loaded cash.
 Yeah, she’s definitely mine after tonight. And I’m talking about anything lovey dovey. Meaning if I catch her being a slut like this to anyone else, I’d kill that fucker. 
 No hesitation. I-
 “Y/N, fuck!” I grunt while cumming in her mouth. This load is fucking heavy, but she’s trying her best to swallow every drop. 
 I groan at the sight of Y/N touching her tits and palming her pussy, knowing how much she’s turned on, too. It’s like the vibrations of her moans pulls more cum out my fucking dick.
 A mess I made on her face, but the joyful lust I see in her eyes tells me she doesn’t give a damn. 
 Good, because I’m not finished with her. 
 “All fours on the bed. Now,” I demanded. “Still gotta fill up your pussy.”
 Perfection is what I think when I see Y/N from behind, arched back, ass in the air and pussy dripping, ready for me to fuck. 
 I force an arch in her back and plunge my cock in her tight little pussy with one deep stroke. Y/N gasps in the air and I take the opportunity to pull her up by the throat and start pounding her cunt. 
 Why the fuck is she so goddamn wet? She takes cock well, bud shit, I abruptly slip out each and every thrust. 
 “Keep me inside that pussy, baby girl. Stop fucking letting go,” I gritted in her ear. She reaches behind her to hold my dick and push back into me with a tighter grip. “Hm, just like that. So fucking good to me, aren’t you?”
 “I need more dick, TJ. Fuck me harder, baby. I can take you,” she moans. 
 Begging for cock she’s already paying for… Shit, I get a kick out of how pathetically sexy she sounds. 
 I repeatedly slammed into her wet cunt, thrust after thrust, pussy creaming even further than before. If it’s one thing I can listen to for the rest of my life, it’s how Y/N sounds when she’s being fucked. 
 My name drips perfectly from her lips.
 Our skin smacking fills the air in the room along my hand striking her ass until I guarantee it’ll bruise in the morning. 
 “Look at this fat ass moving when I pound into this pussy. Fucking beautiful,” I growled.
 “Toji, please. I… I don’t care how much… I’ll pay more. Just keep fucking me like this.”
 I chuckle. “Atta girl.”
 I see why motherfuckers catch feelings when fucking pussy. I almost feel tempted to tell Y/N that I love her while fucking her. She has pussy that’ll make a fucker crazy… Possessive… Jealous.
 I applied more pressure to Y/N’s throat and pulled her against my chest. “You know who this pussy belongs to. Right, princess?”
 “God, yes, Toji. You… it belongs to you.” Her voice comes off as a faint cry and I know she’s on the verge of cumming. Especially with how her pussy is pulsating around me. 
 “Mhm, that’s right. Dreamed of my fucking dick pounding this tight little cunt, now I have you mindfucked. Huh?” I pinch her nipples with my free hand and increase my thrusts. “You’re about to come for me. Aren’t you, Y/N? I know you are. I can feel it. You should see the mess your slutty pussy is making between us.”
 “Fuck, I didn’t mean to, baby. It’s just… you feel good. So fucking good,” she whimpers, bouncing her ass back into me to meet with my thrusts. 
 “Maybe I should have you clean it with your mouth. Hm?”
 I release Y/N’s throat to shove her face into the bed and deepen her arch more than before. My single hand returns to her hips to grip, pulling her round ass back on my cock to kiss her center. 
 Can’t get over how wet—how tight and warm this fucking pussy is. The harder I fuck her, the louder her pussy gets and I grunt, curse underneath my breath at hearing the sound of her muffled moans. 
 I don’t give a fuck if one of us catches feelings after this. Actually, I want her to. I want Y/N to be dick hungry only for me. 
 I want her pussy to smell like I’m the only fucker that’s been running through her. I’m even fucking tempted to breed this pussy just so she’s mine.
 Why the fuck would I want to have sex with any other women after knowing what Y/N feels like? 
 “You take cock like a fucking pro. Look at you gripping me. Look at how this pussy is mine.”
 She spreads her ass cheeks to feel every inch of my dick. “Fuck me, Toji. Harder. Fuck me harder, I’m about to cum.”
 “Shit, me too, sweetheart. Such a perfect fuck toy. Going to fill you all the way up,” I rasped. “Fuck me back. Keep taking this dick.”
 My thrusts are sloppy. I throw my head back and swear into the air and moan her name. My balls grow heavier and heavier until I fucking but and empty my cum inside her pussy. 
 And she’s right there with me, crying my name and thanking me for giving her toe-curling orgasm. 
 Fucking enjoy hearing my pretty girl thank me for giving her cock. She just looks so damn pretty when she cums, too. 
 Dark brown skin sweating. The sight of her ruined makeup with mascara running down her cheeks. Moans sounding like a broken record. 
 Yeah, she’s a perfect fuck. 
 My favorite customer. 
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© 2024 tojiscumdumpster Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost (sharing links is okay) anywhere. I only upload on tumblr and you will find some of my work in ao3.
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worldly-fluster · 4 months ago
The LADS boys...when you go 'missing'???
(angst with some comedy cause it's fun)
So the plot is: you get tired of being near people, get overwhelmed and overstimulated so you need a bit to yourself...well you forgot to tell a certain someone you went MIA. He...panics? I don't think that's the right word for what he does.
Sylus(featuring the twins), Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
ALSO-None of you are dating yet in any of these I write. Unless I specifically say so anyway. Lil note at bottom too lol
•So. He is definitely not panicking.
•He sooo knows where you are.
•He tells himself anyway.
•Only to realize that you weren't where he thought you were.
•You were supposed to be at one of his bunkers- your favorite bunker that he has in his possession. He even saw you go in there!
•But you aren't there?!
•The only way you could have left his/Mephisto's sight was if you literally disappeared. Like, poof Lola's gone.
•He looked everywhere in that place for you but he couldn't find a clue so he branched out.
•Poor Mephisto...his poor little wings, having to fly around like a, well, Chicken with its head cut off.
•It was actually a whole TWO days until he remembered that the twins existed and he could get their help.
•They were gone too??
•So, time skip until almost a week- 5 days, 8 hours and 37 seconds on the dot- he wasn't counting- go by and he gets a call from the twins.
•Apparently, they walked in on you having a breakdown and when you asked them for help to get you away from everything for a bit, they couldn't say 'no'.
•And all three of you completely forgot to tell the big boss man. Actually legitimately did forget.
•The twins were panicking about your well-being that they forgot about Sylus until you said you were okay enough to go back.
•lets just say, he was not pleased.
•All three of you- more like the twins only, he couldn't stay mad at you- were 'grounded' until he said so.
•He didn't really think much of you being gone at first, he just figured Jenna sent you on another mission by yourself again. The third time that week.
•Yeah he was worried, but he only got really worried when he asked Tara about it and she said you went on leave.
•He almost immediately signed for his own leave.
•He tried calling, texting, everything. But you didn't answer so he thought the worst.
•Where was his little teddy bear?
•he tried your apartment- he teleported into it and no it wasn't trespassing, he was checking on a friend. What do you take him for? A criminal??
•he tried all your favorite shops, cafe's and even asked Zayne, your doctor, whom had no idea about this but we'll get to his reaction later.
•it was barely two days until he found you.
•at a cat Cafe/bed and breakfast that you told him about in passing a few weeks before.
•He remembered it only because he remembered you were wearing that cute little blue blouse he got you for your birthday a month ago while telling him and he saw someone wearing something similar to it while he was pani-sorry, calmly looking for you.
•Oh he pouted.
•he whined.
•he almost cried.
•so a few head pats and apologies later he was docile and telling you not to do that again, without him anyway.
•he didn't think to ask Jenna about your whereabouts, she knew where you were going the whole time.
•He only realized something was wrong when Xavier popped in asking where you were. Saying he couldn't find you.
•Zayne thinking rationally, first tried to contact you.
•because who would ever ignore their doctor?
•...wait no, you have done that.
•has his own mental breakdown for a few minutes then immediately goes home because life is too much and he needs a bit.
•...why did he find you cuddled in his bed with all the plushies you have given him.
•you're gonna be the death of him, he swears.
•He noticed immediately.
•boy texts you every other minute because he's bored. Wether it's a meme of a fish or about how sharks eat for free. In this economy?? He thinks not.
•so when you don't text back the normal 'k' within 2 minutes, he calls Thomas to inform him that the assassin sea urchins finally got you and are now after him.
•on a serious note, he is ✨ panicking ✨
•you are officially 'missing' for about a day and a half when he finally gets a message back from you.
•he ignores all messages and calls from you until he sees you in person.
•acts like he doesn't know you but then his act quickly falls apart as he starts whining about it being more than 800 years and something about the assassin urchins being back, crabs wanting vengeance and how barnacles are the new currency of the new age.
•Just text him next time you want a long vacation from everything. He knows the best spots.
##So I might actually write out these things at some point when my brain starts working correctly, who knows when that will happen lol##
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amomentsescape · 1 year ago
Hi! I kind of have an odd request for a house of wax fic but I’m wondering if you could do a Vincent Sinclair fighting with Lester Sinclair over the reader? They both really like her so neither one is willing to cave in lol. (Nothing polyamory wise!!!!that would be so weird)
Vincent & Lester Fighting Over Reader
Crushing! Vincent Sinclair x Reader, Crushing! Lester Sinclair x Reader
Warnings: Gets a bit dark at the end if you squint
A/N: Not odd at all! Thank you for your request!
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When you first showed up to Ambrose, all the Sinclair brothers (even Bo) were surprised to see you there
Nobody really came through here willingly
And although the museum was the main highlight of this town, hearing that you came for the quiet definitely raised a few brows
Mostly Bo's, who almost turned you into a wax figure before Lester and Vincent intervened
From then on, Bo let off and the other brothers sort of became your guides
Lester liked taking you through the town and showing you all the old buildings, pointing out everything they used to be
And Vincent enjoyed showing you his latest art and all of the different things set up in the museum
It felt nice to finally be in an area where you could find some peace, and the fact you made a couple buddies along the way only made you happier
But unfortunately, you didn't really know what was going on behind the scenes
Every trip you made outside with Lester was being followed by angry eyes through every window
Each time you were inside hanging out with Vincent, you couldn't help but feel like there was somebody right outside the room listening in on you both
But it was easy to shrug all of this off
You were in a town that was practically abandoned, there was bound to be a bit of a creep factor
But whenever you tucked in for the night, that was when feelings were really ignited
Lester explains how happy you seem getting to explore the town
There was no way you'd ever be content staying inside all of the time, being secluded from the world
But Vincent is always quick to show the newest art he's been helping you with, showing Lester that you were having a great time with him
Bo is always down there cursing up a storm before the arguing can be taken too far
But he knows the next night will be the same
Eventually, things start to become noticeably off for you
Your adventures with Lester are cut short by Vincent needing some help in the museum
Your time with Vincent is constantly invaded when Lester barges in, explaining that he found some new historic thing that he knows you'd love
It's getting to the point that you are unable to spend any time with one brother without the other one intruding
You enjoy both of their company, but there's always this tension whenever you all are in the same room together
As much as they want to, neither one will actively lash out onto the other
Lester knows what Vincent is capable of
And although he trusts his brother, there's something dark in his eyes whenever your name falls from Lester's lips
But at the same time, Vincent won't do anything to Lester
He knows that all it could take is one wrong move, and Lester could have you in his truck, driving far away from Ambrose only for Vincent to never see you again
These stipulations cause both brothers to only take things so far
So for now, you spend time with them like normal while you enjoy the rural town
And both brothers will staring longingly at you while spewing jealousy towards each other
Just be careful, because you don't fully know what they are capable of yet
And unfortunately, their boundaries will only last for so long before something breaks
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angxlwritez · 10 months ago
Pretty Picture
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➳♡゛PAIRING: Sukuna x F!Reader
➳♡゛SUMMARY: Aware of your little kink and captured by your presence, Sukuna decides to help you out.
➳♡゛WARNINGS: Smut (MDNI), P in V , Kissing, Explicit Language, Creampie, Fingering, Masturbation(F+M(?)), Praise Kink, Mirror Kink, Female Reader, Unprotected Sex, Basically no plot. (Word Count: 1.5K).
➳♡゛A/N: I'm backkkkk! Dropped a lil somthing since it's been a minute lol.. i'll have more soon<3
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Sukuna was definitely aware of your fascination, he’d notice the way your eyes would travel to the mirror over the bed even including the full-length mirrors propped up against the walls, your gaze ever so often lingering on your reflection as if you were searching for some hidden truth that the mirror held.
Many times you tried to ignore it, but there was something undeniable about it that drew you to it. Some would say that it was narcissistic but you didn't think it to be that way at all.
It didn’t take much time for his suspicions to be fully confirmed though. He quietly watched you in the dimly lit room, as you were too distracted to notice him too caught up in your own pleasure.
As you laid in front of the mirror admiring the way your body moved and contorted with each touch the room filled with the sounds of your ragged breaths and soft moans. He couldn't help but feel a surge of desire course through him. The way you were looking at this very moment ignited something within him.
Slowly making his way to you, the sound of his footsteps echoed across the wooden floors. "Such a pretty girl. I see you've found a new way to captivate me," he murmured.
The sound of Sukuna's voice briefly startled you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise and briefly stop. You looked at him as he sat on the end of the bed his eyes never once leaving your reflection on the mirror as you were on the floor.
To be caught like this nervousness washed over you, but so did a hint of excitement. The sight of seeing yourself lose control and knowing that he was here to witness it sent a shiver down your spine.
You could feel your heart racing yet the throbbing ache between your legs persisted.
Sukuna grinned his voice sounding predatory. “I don’t remember telling you to stop Y/N and yet you have," his fingers gently brushing against your arm causing goosebump to raise against your skin. You licked your lips nervously your eyes widening as he ran his fingers down your arm and moving them closer to your exposed neck to then tilt your chin up towards him. "You know what to do, don't you?"
You nodded softly, unable to speak as you watched him move closer the desire in his eyes matching the hunger that was building within you.
“Then do it. I want you to finger your pretty pussy for me Y/N.”
You bit your lip swallowing hard as your nipples pebbled against your chest. His words echoing in your mind as your eyes never left the mirror. Your hand trembling as it reached down hovering just above your pussy.
Sukuna watched your reflection as a quiet groan escaped him. “Go on Y/N,” he whispered with slight desperation.
Finally you let out a shaky breath and slid two fingers into your pussy, groaning softly as you felt the sensation of your own heat and wetness. Your eyes met his in the mirror and he smiled reaching down to undo his own pants.
“That’s it. Show me how much you like it.”
Your own moans continued to filled the room as you surrendered to your desire. Sukuna could feel his own cock growing harder in his pants as he pulled his pants off completely, revealing his thick erection.
You watched as he slowly stroked himself, matching your own rhythm with your fingers still deep inside you.
"That's right," he growled his eyes locked on the mirror. "You're such a naughty little slut for me, aren't you?"
You could feel the tension building within you, the desire to cum overpowering everything else.
"Cum for me Y/N," Sukuna commanded, his voice low and rough. "Let me see how much you need me."
Your back arched letting out a loud cry as you felt yourself on the edge.
He drank in the sight of your intense pleasure as his hand continued to stroke his erection moving in perfect sync with the rhythm of your fingers.
"That's it, pretty girl," he grunted his voice filled with lust.
You cried out again, your body shaking uncontrollably as the pleasure reached its peak. Your orgasm washed over you, waves of euphoria crashing down on you as you felt heat surge through your pussy.
Sukuna watched captivated by the sight of your climax. His grip on his erection tightened as his own pleasure was reaching its breaking point.
"You like that, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and rough. "Seeing yourself cum like that, feeling how much you need my cock?"
You nodded breathlessly the tremors of your orgasm still coursing through your body. "I-I do," you managed to choke out, your voice heavy with lust.
"Good. Then let me give you what you want." Sukuna smirked as he spoke.
With that Sukuna stood up and walked over to you, reaching down pulling you up by your hips.
"Can you do something for me?" he demanded, his voice deep and husky.
Nodding your head without a word he guided you to sit on the edge of the bed as Sukuna stepped between your legs and grabbed your hips, positioning yourself over him.
He sucked on the tender skin of your neck as he spoke softly in your ear, “I want you to ride my cock as you look at your reflection in the mirror. I want to see your eyes light up when you feel me inside you, and I want to see your pretty face when you cum again."
Your eyes widened in surprise and arousal, looking back at him with pure desire in your gaze. With Sukuna's guidance you slowly lowered yourself onto his hard cock, feeling the pressure and warmth as it filled you completely. A soft moan escaped your lips as he slowly thrust into you matching your pace.
He whispered in your ears as his hands gripping your waist tightly. "You're going to ride me until we both cum."
Your body felt a heap of sensations as you rocked your hips against his, meeting his thrusts with your own. The feeling of being reunited with his cock sending shivers down your spine as the intensity continued within you.
Sukuna's grip tightened on your waist pulling you closer to him. Your nails digging into his shoulders as the pace increased.
He let out a groan before he spoke. "Look at yourself in the mirror, how wet you are for me. You want it just as much as I do hm? Now be a good girl and cum for me just like before."
You gazed into the mirror watching your body move, your hips rocking back and forth, your eyes fixated on the sight of Sukuna's thick cock sliding in and out of you. The sound of your moans and his growls filled the room, creating an intoxicating symphony of pleasure and desire.
His grip on your waist tightened once more as his thrusts became more urgent. Your eyes met his darkened gaze in the reflection, and you could see the hunger and desire that mirrored your own.
You felt your body begin to tremble on the edge of orgasm as Sukuna pulled you closer, his cock hitting your tight spot with every thrust.
"Oh my God," you gasped, your voice echoing through the room. "You feel so good Sukuna!"
His eyes narrowed his own desire evident. "You want it Y/N? Tell me where you want it."
Groaning softly you didn't waste any more time. "I want you-I want you to cum in me.”
Sukuna complied his hips moving with a newfound urgency. The bed creaked beneath you as his cock pounded into your wet pussy, and the intensity of the moment felt almost overwhelming.
Beads of sweat trickled down both of your flushed faces, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. You were breathless, your nails digging into Sukuna's shoulders as he continued to thrust into you. The sight of your reflection in the mirror was mesmerizing, your naked body glistening with sweat, your breasts bouncing as Sukuna continued his pace.
"Cum for me Y/N," he groaned, his determination to bring you to the edge evident in his eyes. "Let me see you cum, let me feel your pussy tighten around my cock."
You were lost in the moment, unable to control your own body or the sheer intensity of the pleasure that was overwhelming you. You relished in the power of submission, the empowering feeling of giving in to the moment, and the desire to feel Sukuna's cum deep within you.
Turning your head you slightly wrap fingers around his throat pulling him closer deepening the kiss. Your lips met his tongues intertwined, exchanging hunger and desire. As you felt his cum pour into you, and your orgasm coming quickly after.
As the two of you exchanged a kiss the reflection in the mirror was a sight to behold, a perfect reflection of lust and desire a moment captured in time. It truly was a pretty picture indeed.
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Taglist: @astrasolitaris @buddhas-bunny
Join my taglist here! Feedback is always appreciated!
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angxlwritez©2024. Do not modify, claim, translate, or copy my work without my permission. Thank you!♡
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braxlrose · 2 years ago
maybe hcs about Bill's childhood and a bit of Tom's (twins in general)? I wonder what they liked to play and what damage and chaos they caused (☠️) it can also be somehow connected with the reader who is their friend and partner in crime! in the devilish era sense (if u can its would be nice if reader was Bills love interest/ i sm love childhood friends to lovers trope☠️😭) i love ur hcs and fics!!! lmao all those fights with bill would be so much fun😭 also the guy would definitely make a fake wedding with the reader..i know that🤷🏻‍♀️ besides the very concept of living with horny boys growing up lol.. Dayum ☠️ (srry 4bad engilsh)
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↑wtf why Bill look so tall.. anyways they all look soo CUTE 🫡 baby GUS oh my ????🤭 and tom LMAOO 😭
a/n: they were adorable as children and I love this idea!! I haven't read Career Suicide yet, so some of these may be inaccurate, but again most are just headcanons that I don't have much to back up on besides their personalities
devilish headcanons
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• you became friends with Bill and Tom when you were seven years old and bill had the biggest crush on you. he thought you were so cool and was even more happy when he found out you played guitar so he asked you to join Black Question Mark. you obviously said yes and you had so much fun rehearsing and hanging out with them
• one day at school bill asked you what your favorite cookie was and he practically begged his mom to help him bake those cookies for you. when he brought them in the next day he was so happy when you got excited for them.
• as you guys got a little bit older, you and tom would protect bill from bullies even if you got bullied too. but before you guys knew about what they were doing to bill, you would always clean up his cuts and kiss his bruises. after that, you would always walk with him, holding onto his hand tightly and try not to pay any attention to them.
• bill would pick flowers for you on valentines day because him and tom would pick them for his mom, and now that you were around, he'd get you some too
• when tom and bill looked more alike, you'd help them switch places in class and then act all surprised and be like "What do you mean? That's tom, Frau Schiller."
• they were little menaces, so when you were brought into the mix, they teachers all hated you. but they couldn't actually prove you were doing anything, which made it 10x more fun
• you and tom would always laugh about getting better grades in singing classes than bill and bill would just sit there like "🙄".
• you and bill had skipped class together (its like 4th grade, yall are like doing 4x8 idk why yall so lazy 🙄, but anyways), you guys did Stein, Schere, Papier (rock, paper, scissors) and Tom lost so he had to stay in class and pretend to be bill 💀. you and Bill were just walking around the halls when bill got the brilliant idea to pull the fire alarm. you two almost got caught but you were quick enough to run outside and get in line with the rest of your class.
• you and their mom are like best friends so you bake recipes with her all the time. like Puddingbrezel, Apfelstrudel, Apfelkuchen, Käsekuchen, Pfefferneusse, etc.
• you and tom tagged a couple buildings with spray paint
• you, tom and bill have sleepovers all the time and you guys would make a pillow fort and watch tons of movies.
• bills a very cuddly person, so he'd always end up wrapping his arms around you after you guys fell asleep in the fort
• you guys went CD shopping all the time and get tons of cds for your collection
• you would take nail polish from your moms collection and help bill paint his nails
• you moved to Magdeburg just around the time Bill and Tom's dad moved out. Bill wasn't as upset as tom was, but you still comforted the both of them. if your parents were divorced to, you'd also be able to empathize with them
• Bill and Tome step dad would invite you to go fishing with them on a boat on the lake whenever they went. you were basically apart of the family because you hung around so much so he didn't want to leave you out
• you and bill would play with his mom's makeup all the time and give eachother makeovers
• you, tom and bill once got caught trying to sneak a beer can out of the fridge and you guys all had to sit in time out. honestly, that just helped you guys be more sneaky about getting it
• if you have long hair, bill begs his mom to teach him how to braid hair so he can braid yours. he did this in the first place because you laughed at tom for not knowing how to braid hair and you were all like "you know how to braid hair, right bill?" and he was just like "😃😄😃 yeah."
• you three all used to have bonfires in the backyard. you guys would throw in paper and wood and all that shit and then go steal a lighter from the house. then you'd all grab some marshmallows and roast them
• when you guys were eleven years old, you walked in on him jerking off and you had literally no idea what he was doing at first so you just opened the door and stood there like "wtf 😀"
• you stole some cigarettes from your dad and you, tom and bill all smoked them outside of school for the first time. you were all coughing your asses off because you guys have never smoked before
• you three would all go to weddings together and play music for them.
• you and bill would play dress up all the time and you'd scream at anybody who said something to him about wearing a dress
• at nine years old, you and bill had a wedding and after that, he would always call you his wife and he was your husband. like if a teacher didn't partner you two up together he'd be like "but she's my wife!"
• his mom and your mom became friends too, since you guys spent so much time together and they'd be like "if those two don't get married one day, I'm losing faith in all love."
• you were up on stage, playing on the guitar with Tom and Bill on the night when Georg and Gustav came to see you guys. you were a bit hesitant at first, since you were used to only bill and tom, but you guys needed a bassist and drummer, so you agreed.
• after that, you guys all became a friend group pretty quick. even though at first the age difference was weird, you guys got past that and kind of forgot about it
• you five would go to the corner store all the time and would sneak candy in your clothes. even if you had enough money 💀
• movie nights 24/7, and you guys had to watch labyrinth. it was a must and bill would force you guys to watch it
• you and bill were already super close, but the older you got the more close you got and the more your relationship progressed.
• you had to be careful when walking around the house at first because you didn't know if you'd be fine, or you'd turn the corner and one of the four boys would be sitting there jerking off
• the more time passed, the more you got used to it and it got to a point where you'd just walk into a room looking for something and if one of them was jerking off you'd just walk right past them.
• they're literally saying the dirtiest, nastiest jokes all the time and you'll just be sitting there like "🙂 wtf man"
• they're a bunch of horny, pre-teen/teenage boys so hanging out with them can be a handful but they always treated you like one of the guys and never made you feel any different.
• even bill, even though you were his gf you were still his bestfriend so you guys would roughhouse and do dumb shit together and all that kind of stuff
• you sat and listened to bill all day while he practiced singing It's Raining Men for Star Search and always helped him out with stuff
• you went to Star Search with Bill, his mutter and his Oma and was so excited to see him on stage. when he came out you were smiling and cheering and clapping your hands as loud as you can. his singing voice is amazing
• you held him for a long time after he got second place. he was really sad and bawling his eyes out because he promised you and his Oma that he'd win for you guys
• you made sure he knew it was okay, and that second place is still amazing. but he still moped for days once you guys got home.
• you and gustav would make food together too. like cookies and milkshakes. it was tons of fun baking with him
• when you first got your period, the boys were super confused because you were holding your hand in front of your intestines (and yes its actually where your intestines are, your stomach is way higher than you think 😨 but back to this) they didn't have any idea what was going on until Georg was like "she probably got her period."
• the rest of them all looked back at him like "wtf is that?" and georg was like "it's where girls bleed out of their vaginas." after that, tom and bill thought you were dying or something because georg did a terrible job explaining what a period was 💀
• once their mom got home and say they were freaking out and she asked what was wrong and they were like "Georg says Y/n is bleeding out her vagina! She's dying!" and their mom just started laughing her ass off and grabbed you a heating pad.
• tom and bill were mad at their mom for a bit before she explained what was actually happening because they thought she was just gonna let you die. but then she explained it happens to all women and its just shedding the lining of a woman's uterus. and that you were laying on the couch like that because periods cause awful cramps that can hurt as much as heart attacks.
• they were extremely nice to you after that
• bill went to the store and bought you some chocolate and then rubbed your back for you. his mom was just standing in the doorway of the living room as you two sat on the floor watching a TV show with a bunch of pillows and blankets as bill rubbed your shoulders.
• you guys got high on weed all the time and you'd be laughing your asses off while bill would just be sitting around, super fucking paranoid about everything
• you and tom were little assholes in school, especially in science class💀 you two would fuck things up on purpose when doing experiments and your teacher hated you guys so much
• you, bill and tom once started a fire at school and you all got grounded for 2 weeks and suspended from school for 3 days
• you and bill would get matching clothes together
• when tom had sex for the first time at 13, he told all of you right away and you just started laughing 💀 he was super offended and was like "uhmm..wtf bro?!" and you were like "I just feel bad for the girl who had to sleep with a guy with a 3 inch dick who still has voice cracks." and his jaw dropped and went on a rant about how his dick was huge and that he didn't have voice cracks. his voice cracked like 6 times during that rant btw.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl
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thatweirdbitchjax · 8 months ago
Police Officer
Characters: Nubbins, Bubba, Chop-Top, Drayton
Warning: cannon typical violence, corrupt cop!reader, cop!reader, cannibalism, slight NSFW, mention of being shot
Gender: gender neutral, m4f, m4m, m4n
A/N: Basically what the title says lol. There may be a few things I missed in the warnings so please proceed with caution.
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Nubbins Sawyer:
•He somehow always know exactly what road you will be patrolling and proceeds to hitchhike on that one when he starts heading home
•Loves how you make sure that he and his family doesn't get caught
•Helps you burn and destroy all evidence against him and his family
•Drayton respects you for keeping his family off the radar and keeping his younger brother at least slightly more under control
•He definitely hides in the back of your car/truck to go with you to work
•He gets to antsy and reveals himself not long after you start heading towards town
•He has done it so many times that you have to check everytime you get into any car/truck for him in the back
•He is way more clingy then he normally is when you have to take care of a dangerous individual
•If you get shot, expect multiple tantrums if you try to get out of bed (even if you had a bullet proof vest on)
•Doesn't want you to lose your job, but also hates when you have to leave
•Won't force you to eat human, but will get slightly disappointed
•Has 'pranked' you by replacing whatever meat you cooked for yourself with Drayton's barbeque
•Has wanted to use your handcuffs on you before, whether you let him or not is up to you
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Bubba Sawyer:
•Doesn't really understand why you are with him if you know what he does
•Hates killing infront of you
•Unaware that they have had several cases built against them that you stopped from happening completely by removing/destroying any incriminating evidence such as fingerprints and such
•Doesn't believe he or his family deserves you
•Doesn't necessarily like when you are partnered with a guy, even if you reassure him that he is the only man for you
•Panicked squeal when he finds out you got hurt on the job
•Makes you stay sitting in the basement until you are better
•Drayton doesn't really care, just as long as you don't get in the way of Bubba's chores
•Will hug and cuddle you if he finds out that you had to deal with a very dangerous individual that day
•Doesn't like when you leave, but understands  your need to work
•Definitely won't force you to eat human, however if you want to he will be pretty happy
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Robert "Choptop" Sawyer:
•Likes riding with you in your cop car/truck and blasting music while you are patrolling
•Panics so hard you'd think he was the one who got shot
•Your not going back into work for the next two weeks
•"I-I don't care if y-y-you were in a bullet proof vest, you are not leaving me."
•Thinks that you both can trauma bond since he was in a war
•As long as you cause no trouble, Drayton has no issues
•Is aware that you help the family stay under the radar, and is so thankful for that
•King of police jokes
•"No, wait, please, Mx.Officer, please, don't hurt me!" "Don't worry, I'm not gonna touch you." "...Why not?!" (Creds to ailaughatmyownjokes on tiktok)
•^The embodiment of this statement
•Is actually really into cop role play, so you being an actual cop is so hot to him
•Really wants you to use your cuffs on him and cuff him up in your car/truck and ride him into oblivion
•Genuinely loves watching when you have to tackle people to the ground
•Wishes it was him
•Over all probably the most thirsty with the most disgusting nasty thoughts in the family
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Drayton Sawyer:
•Is honestly surprised you even wanna be with him in the first place
•You're a cop? Cool, you can't meet his family until he can sit down with you and tell you about what he and his family do
•You're alright with it? Welcome to the family
•Is aware but also isn't aware at the same time that you are 99% of the reason they haven't been found out yet
•You don't wanna eat human? goes to kitchen for about 5 minutes and moves stuff about
•walks back in and hands you the exact same plate Heres your non-human meal!
•Just eat it for his sake please, he wants one person to not complain
•Honestly finds how gentle and sweet you are to Bubba adorable, but he'd never say that
•Likes how you can get both Chop and Nubbins to chill with just a whistle
•Or if you can't whistle(like me), a yell
•Doesn't freak out per say if you get shot or hurt, but definitely doesn't want you going back to work for a while
•Isn't exactly turned on just because of you being a cop, but he can kinda see the appeal when you start getting out of your uniform for a shower
•This man has on more than one occasion went directly into the police station with human meat in a bag for you
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All rights reserved, I do not allow for my work to be posted elsewhere unless given permission by me. If you want to write this idea in your own image, go ahead, but if you want to you can credit me, I would like to see your ideas. You can reblog if you would like as well, just do not copy and paste my work and call it your own.
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claymoresword · 2 years ago
I Choose Her | Chp: 13
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of known death eaters from one of the richest and oldest wizarding family. Are you prepared to abandon everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: character deaths, parental neglect, mentions of mental/physical/emotional abuse, potential self harm references
Note: an update?? who saw this coming? definitely not me! i know i disappeared for a very long time, i have no excuse i just hope you can accept my apology
i also was kind of procrastinating this chap for so long bc of the heavy themes in this, i just knew this wasn't going to be an easy one to write... (i was right) but anyway i added some fluff to hopefully balance it out so we'll see lol
anyway thanks so much for your patience, i hope you enjoy this one!
also one last thing, thanks for all the love shown on the previous chapters, sorry if i hadn't gotten around to replying to your comment yet but i do appreciate all of u !!
Taglist:@gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karsonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic
(pics are not mine)
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As you approach Malfoy Manor you find it increasingly difficult to catch your breath. 
You were foolish to assume you wouldn't eventually get caught. 
You fleetingly consider grabbing Hermione and disapparating, but Greyback's firm grip on your arm prevents you from even attempting to reach for her.
The gates of the manor come into view, and you try to pry your arm away again. A last ditch effort, but it is no use. 
The man forcefully holds you in place and you have no choice but to stand in front of the gate.
 You make eye contact with Bellatrix as she approaches from the other side, her gaze then shifts to a disfigured Harry to your left, before landing her attention back to you.
A maniacal smile flashes across her face, as if she found the display before her truly amusing, and you have to fight the urge to cower.
"Get Draco." 
You stood in the foyer in front of your parents. An involuntary thrill travels down your spine as you study their expressions. You cannot recall the last time you have seen either of them this furious. 
"So this is what you have been doing all this time?" Your mother exclaims, gesturing to Hermione and you have to avert your eyes.
Your silence only further infuriates your parents. 
You cannot help but feel a sense of embarrassment, being apprehended like a child in front of the other Death Eaters, Harry, Ron, and worst of all, Hermione.
"Have you absolutely no regard for your mother or I?" Your father finally speaks, his voice vibrating with anger.
"We have given you everything. Do you have any idea what we had to sacrifice just to raise you? Your mother and I have provided you nothing but the best." Your father raises his voice, it is sudden enough that it causes you to wince.
"This is how you repay us?" He continues.
"Do you have any idea the shame you have brought upon my name? Upon our entire family?" Your father steps closer but you keep your gaze fixed to the ground.
"I'm sorry." All you could afford to utter.
You hate how you feel in this moment, powerless and meek, only wishing for the ground to swallow you whole, so you never have to face any of the people in this room ever again.
You can feel Hermione's worried stare, but you cannot bear to look at her.
"We have warned you time and time again to end your relations with her." Your mother hisses, gesturing to your girlfriend.
You finally lift your head but your mother harshly grabs your forearm to pull you aside.
"Don't you dare look at her, y/n." She scolds, pure vitriol.
"You must think us fools. Is this all just a game to you?" Your mother taunts but you choose to remain silent.
An effort to de-escalate but it results in the opposite effect as you catch your mother fishing her wand out of her pocket.
"We have given you more than enough chances. More than you deserve." She states, pushing past you, storming directly towards Hermione.
A flicker of fear appears on your girlfriend's face. One you mirror, just as you realize what your mother intended to do.
Hermione tries to retreat, only to bump into Scabior, purposely standing behind her to cease her attempt at fleeing.
"It is time you suffer the consequences of your own actions." Your mother takes a fleeting glance at you before lifting her wand to point it at your girlfriend.
Taking large strides, you manage to put yourself in between Hermione and your mother, just before she gets the chance to utter the spell. You feel your girlfriend's firm grip on your arm as you continued to shield her with your body.
"No! Mother, please, don't." You plead, holding up your hand and she hesitates.
"I am sorry I have disappointed you. I am sorry I went against your wishes."
"But I will not– I cannot apologize for loving her." You hesitate as your voice trembles, but you speak the words anyway.
You hear a cackle from Bellatrix, grumbles and groans of disapproval coming from the Death Eaters gathered in the corner, and once again, you feel more exposed and deplorable than ever.
Your mother remains staring at you, this time with nothing but disdain.
"Love?" She scowls, almost like it disgusted her just to utter the word.
"In love with a mudblood?" Your mother's tone shifts, now incredulous and despondent.
She finally lowers her wand, only to strike you across the face with her other hand.
You hear a gasp from Hermione, but otherwise the room is silent, as you clutch your cheek in pain.
When you finally muster the courage to look at your mother her expression betrays no trace of regret.
"You are no child of mine." She utters, exasperated, and your heart shatters into a thousand pieces.
Tearing your eyes away they naturally fall on your father, standing a few paces behind.
You recognise a tenderness somewhere in his eyes, one you hadn't ever been awarded before. It's jarring and unfamiliar, it makes you want to weep.
"Step aside, y/n" Your mother says, lifting her wand again.
Perhaps it was pity, perhaps now your father was just as embarrassed as you are, or maybe, it is love that compels him to step forward, placing a gentle hand on your mother's shoulder.
"Darling, this is hardly the time or place." He attempts, but your mother doesn't move.
However, footsteps soon approach that causes all of you to shift your attention.
Draco can be seen entering the foyer with both of his parents, interrupting your altercation.
Your best friend pauses at the sight of you, evident concern etched across his face.
"Ah, Draco." Bellatrix acknowledges him and he's forced to look away from you.
The witch walks up to Harry, harshly gripping a handful of his hair to pull his head back, giving Draco a clear view of his face.
"Is it him?" Bellatrix asks expectantly, and the platinum haired boy couches in front of Harry.
"I can't be sure." Draco responds, dismissively.
His father then grips the back of his neck, harshly, and you observed as your best friend flinched under his touch.
You instinctively take a glance at your own parents. 
Your mother has since resumed her position next to your father, both of them deliberately avoiding your gaze, once again your chest constricts painfully.
Scabior is standing so close behind you and Hermione, too close, you can both feel his breath against the back of your necks.
"Look closely son." Lucius says.
"If we are the ones to deliver Potter to the Dark Lord, all will be forgiven." He adds, his voice low but it echoes through the large hall anyway.
"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him. I hope." Scabior states, finally stepping away from you.
"Mr Malfoy." He continues to antagonize, and it works to set the other man off.
"You dare talk to me like that in my own house?" Lucius raises his voice and Draco flinches again.
"Lucius." Narcissa finally steps forward, extending her arm to calm her husband.
Hermione remained clutching your arm, her grip only tightened the longer you stood watching the commotion before you.
Finally, none of the Death Eaters are in close proximity, so you decide it an opportunity to try and escape.
"We need to apparate." You manage to whisper to Hermione, reaching down to intertwine your fingers but your girlfriend shakes her head.
"We can't leave Harry." She responds and you sigh, defeated.
An answer you expected but it causes your anxiety to heighten anyway. You begin looking for another solution, another way to flee. 
"Now, if this isn't who we think it is and we call on him, he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." Bellatrix warns.
"What's wrong with his face?" Draco finally asks with a scowl.
"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" The dark haired witch repeats.
Scabior shrugs.
"He came to us like that." He states simply.
"Something he picked up in the forest I reckon." Another snatcher chimes in.
"Ran into a stinging jinx.." Bellatrix quips.
"Was it you, dear?" She asks, pointing directly at Hermione.
You feel your heart stop as your girlfriend tenses next to you.
"Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was." The witch orders, and the evident worry that flashes on both of your faces easily gives you away.
"Ah, I caught you." Bellatrix says pointing at the two of you, amidst a cackle.
"It appears your girlfriend is not as smart as she thinks she is." She taunts, looking directly at you, successfully earning a grimace.
You contemplate lunging at the other woman, but before you can act, she halts. 
She catches sight of the sword of Gryffindor proudly propped up, next to one of the snatcher's.
"Where did you get that from?" Bellatrix gasps.
"It was in her bag when we searched her, I reckon it's mine now." The snatcher responds with a grin.
Before any of you can comprehend it, Bellatrix sends the man flying into the wall with a single throw of a spell. She then points her wand at the other snatcher in the corner, taking him out too.
"Are you mad?" Scabior exclaims, but the wand pointed at his face in an instant, silences him immediately.
"Get out! Get out!" Bellatrix repeatedly shouts, and the band of snatchers scurry out of the hall, all fearing for their lives.
"Put the rest of them in the cellar." She exclaims, lifting Harry by the collar before grabbing Ron as well.
She shoves them hard enough that they fall by Wormtail's feet.
"I want to have a little conversation with this one." Bellatrix states. 
You feel Hermione get ripped from your side, and instinct kicks in.
"No, get your hands off her!" You exclaim, reaching out to grab her but Bellatrix swings her arm, you feel a harsh blow to the stomach that knocks the wind out of you, making you land on the ground as a result.
"Bella!" Her sister scolds, rushing to your side.
"Stop fighting, you will get yourself killed." Narcissa warns, you feel her firm hand on your shoulder as she forces you to stand next to her.
Before you can respond you feel another harsh grip on your collar attempting to drag you to the cellar with the boys.
"No, not her– I want her to watch this." Bellatrix states, gesturing for Wormtail to let you go, and he does.
All you can focus on is the way Bellatrix is handling Hermione, the sadistic smile as she does so, rough and thoughtless.
Your girlfriend looks terrified, and you feel utterly powerless.
She soon retrieves a dagger from her side, holding it up in front of Hermione's face.
"I will give you one chance to answer my question, before I start cutting." Bellatrix says.
Your head is now pounding, your abdomen still aches from the blow, your face stinging where your mother struck you.
Hermione attempts to make an escape but with one swift flick of Bellatrix's hand, she bounds your girlfriend's legs, causing her to fall onto the ground.
You watched as the witch got on top of her, pinning her down by her shoulders.
She then forcefully cuts through Hermione's sleeve with her blade, until enough of her arm was exposed.
"That sword was meant to be in my vault in Gringotts, how did you get it?" She asks, her face an inch away from Hermione's.
Your girlfriend is silent, beyond the whimper that falls out of her lips.
This seems to only urge Bellatrix to bring the tip of the dagger to Hermione's arm. The older witch begins dragging the blade down the exposed skin.
Hermione's sobs quickly morph into deafening screams and you don't feel anything beyond panic.
"It was me! I stole the sword, not her!" You raise your voice, hoping that it would be enough to take the attention of your girlfriend.
"Quiet! I am not asking you." Bellatrix retaliates, merely brushing you off like some pest.
Your eyes followed as she hovered the blade over Hermione's arm again. You see her blood trickling from her wound onto the wood underneath, and you feel sick.
"Please, I didn't take anything." Hermione pleads helplessly, and your chest aches so much you can barely breathe.
"I don't believe you." Bellatrix begins cutting again, this time she's laughing.
Deriving true pleasure from torturing Hermione, and you couldn't stand by and witness it any longer, you had to act.
Amidst your girlfriend's screams you manage to slip past Narcissa, stepping next to her son.
"Draco, give me my wand." You state firmly, as his hesitant stare meets your pleading one, he hands you your wand after a beat.
"Stop lying!" Bellatrix exclaims, you see her lower the blade down to Hermione's arm again and you don't allow yourself to think a moment longer.
You point your wand at the dark haired witch.
"Avada Kedavra!" You exclaimed, survival and wrath, your only goal was to save Hermione.
The bright green light shoots out from the tip of your wand, in an instant, the witch drops onto the ground with a large thud, motionless.
"Y/n, what did you just do–" You hear your mother exclaim but you don't acknowledge her, you refuse to.
Her shock, along with everyone else's; hangs in the air, mute but suffocating. 
Hermione is the first to come out of it, she sits up and you rush to her side.
With your arms around her you shut your eyes not half a second passes before you both disapparate, leaving your family behind.
You find yourself at the outskirts of Tinworth by Shell Cottage. The location you all agreed to meet at if anything went wrong. 
It was meant as a precaution, you never actually thought things could ever go this wrong.
Disowned by your parents.
Murdered another in cold blood.
Your girlfriend tortured and maimed.
"Hermione, it's alright, you're safe now." You state, carefully placing your hands on either side of the other girl's face.
Your girlfriend doesn't meet your gaze, scattered, her mind entirely elsewhere.
"Y/n, we have to go back, we have to help the boys–" She says, you stop her with a firm hand on her forearm before she can stand.
"No, Hermione! It's too dangerous. If we go back they will kill you." You say with a raised voice, unintentional, driven by your heightened emotions, but it works to get the other woman's attention.
"I can't– I can't lose you." Your voice shakes and Hermione finally looks at you.
An expression flashes across her face that tightens the knot in your stomach. 
She lets herself breathe and think, she realizes what you had done just moments prior, the significance, its implications.
"You killed her." Hermione states, more awe than contempt but you scramble to defend yourself anyway. 
Truth be told you don't know why you had reacted the way you did, you weren't even aware that you had it in you to begin with.
"I had to– sweetheart, she would have continued to hurt you if I didn't stop her." You stutter, but Hermione quickly silences you.
Her lips crash into yours, fervent, anguished, and eager. Your girlfriend's hand rests on the back of your neck, pulling even closer.
Hermione's clinging onto you; with no desire to let go of her lifeline, her love, the only reason she is still here, safe and alive.
You are forced to pull away as your lungs burn from the lack of air. 
"I will go back for them myself, promise me you'll wait for me here." You breathe out against Hermione's lips, your forehead resting against hers.
Before your girlfriend can even begin protesting you see Harry apparate in the distance. Closely followed by Ron and Luna.
The ginger haired boy is first to run to Hermione's side.
"Hermione, y/n. Are you alright?" Harry shouts, your girlfriend nods but you don't respond. Your eyes remain on the elf behind him.
You catch sight of Dobby, limping as he clutches his stomach.
"Harry Potter." The elf calls out, weak and frail.
Harry finally follows your gaze.
"Dobby." He says, sprinting to Dobby's side, and the elf collapses right into his arms.
You watched as a distressed Harry pulled something that seemed to have impaled the elf, he finally sets it on the sand next to him and your own stomach turns.
You immediately recognize the bloodied dagger. 
How can a single object cause so much damage? 
You feel your anger resurfacing, you regret not discarding the blade when you had the chance.
"Just hold on, okay?" Harry says as he tries to stop the bleeding, placing his hand over the wound.
"We'll fix you. Hermione will have something." He reassures before turning his attention towards her.
"In your bag– Hermione?" Harry pleads and your girlfriend merely clutches you tighter.
"Hermione." He repeats, desperate.
"Help me!" The man shouts, you hear your girlfriend let out a sob.
A barely audible "I'm sorry." before Hermione turns to embrace you, burying her face into the crook of your neck. 
An attempt to protect herself from the inevitable anguish; witnessing someone entirely undeserving of death, go out so painfully, abruptly.
"Such a beautiful place– to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter." The elf mutters, and you are unable to stare any longer.
You make accidental eye contact with Ron, but for once there is a shared regard between the two of you. Grief, sadness, gratitude, acceptance.
The sheer helplessness Harry feels is shared amongst all of you as you watch the elf take his last breath in his arms.
You observed as Luna walked up to him, graciously shutting Dobby's eyes with her fingers.
Hermione remains in your arms, and you hold her close, having no intention of letting go.
"I want to bury him– properly. Without magic." Harry says, fighting back his sobs.
You are jolted awake once again out of a distressing dream. This time your girlfriend is not in bed next to you, you sit up abruptly in a panic.
"Hermione?" You call out, and the voice that responds almost immediately, swiftly eases your nerves.
"I'm here." Your girlfriend says, emerging through the doorway.
"I had to use the loo." She then explains, climbing back into bed. 
With the feeling of Hermione's head against your chest you can breathe again.
You spent most of the night lying awake, and when you did manage to find sleep you were merely tormented by nightmares. 
The encounter in Malfoy Manor could've gone much differently, in fact it could've ended horribly. You were so close to losing everything that mattered to you. You could only vow that you will never allow yourself to get that close again. 
Any relief you felt this morning derived from knowing your girlfriend at least managed to find some sleep herself. Clearly the events of yesterday took a toll on her, but she is resilient, as always, and you adore her for it.
"I'm sorry you had to leave your parents." Hermione says after a long silence.
"Don't be. Nothing good has ever come from me being around them." You state truthfully, threading your fingers through her hair, absentmindedly.
"You saw how they were." You add.
"I know, still, I'm sorry." Hermione repeats it anyway, lifting her head to place several kisses against your cheek, the same spot your mother had struck.
You then reach down, gently grazing her bandaged arm, soon lifting it up to place a tender kiss against it.
The look Hermione gives you in return makes your heart stop and beat faster in your chest all the same.
"You know, I fight so hard because of you." You admit, extending your arm to cup her jaw.
"I never had a reason before you." You add, your thumb stroking her cheek.
You watched as your girlfriend's eyes welled with tears, overwhelmed and consumed by adoration.
Hermione finally leans in, capturing your lips with her own. The kiss snatches the air right out of your lungs, but you don't care. You'd never wish for it to end.
She finally pulls away only slightly before resting her forehead against yours.
"I love you, y/n. So much, more than you'll ever truly know." Hermione says, and the pleasant fluttering that travels throughout your entire body translates to an easy smile on your lips.
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ruleroftheimps · 2 months ago
I'm just going to throw this out here. Vox only seems as weak as he does because of his role in season one. All the Vees had a scene where they lost control and were just honestly pathetic, and a scene where they were cool and collected, but because of how it's set up, it looks like people completely overlook Velvette being pathetic and focus on Vox's patheticness. Which is fun to play around with, but I feel like a lot of people just don't acknowledge he's, in theory, a fairly decent threat, especially against the Hazbin Hotel. There's definitely going to be a reason he's one of the main antagonists.
It's sort of long, so cut here lol.
For starters, to back up my claim of they were all pathetic at some point, when we first meet Velvette, she's throwing a hissy fit about Val. He's literally right there, and yet she can't be assed to do anything about it and instead calls Vox to solve her problems for her, and then complains about Val ripping apart her models, despite her not doing anything. People love to riff on Val and Vox for being man children, which, yes, they are at times, but they completely disregard the fact that when we first meet Velvette, she's acting like a spoiled brat. Valentino is the same, throwing a fit about Angel Dust. They're all equally pathetic.
The thing is, Velvette and Valentino were glossed over fairly quick. Vox had a whole song about it.
The same thing about them all being equally cunning and collected, which I actually doubt myself. I think Vox is the most collected of them all, not Velvette. Yes, he did the same, basically had a temper tantrum when he found out Alastor came back, but it makes logical sense when we look at their interaction later and Vox is scared of him. He's worried. But once he calms down, he sits down and comes up with a plan that's actually very logical and well-thought out. Er, to some extent. Picking Pentious probably wasn't the greatest, but I think, based on the drones we see everywhere later on and his reaction to Pentious getting caught, Vox wasn't taking Valentino's idea of putting a spy in the hotel seriously. He's nonchalant, and has a backup plan. And the way he handled the paparazzi is a sign that he IS able to deal in high-stress situations with ease.
And no, that's not saying Valentino and Velvette don't have their moments. In Masquerade, Val's smart about how he approaches Charlie being there, and Velvette's extremely clever in Scrambled Eggs (Er, possibly. I doubt she and the other Vees didn't talk about it before hand and theorize then, and their goal was NOT to start a way but to gain info, but her noticing Carmilla's reaction was definitely a point for her.). But they're not more clever than Vox, they just get more screen time as actual villains, probably because of their roles in this season. Velvette's there explicitly to set up for the reveal Carmilla killed an angel, and Valentino's meant to be the main enemy of Angel Dust throughout the series to build his character. Vox? Well, right now we just need to know he exists and doesn't like Alastor, for future plot lines. And also comedic relief in episode 8, because, come on, almost everything he says in that episode is just funny. (And also emphasizing how much he hates Alastor/is obsessed with Alastor losing) And yeah, the pacing about introducing him could have been better, building him up to be a threat and then having Alastor take him down, but for 8 episodes, they did a fair job. And a part of me wonders if we're meant to overestimate Alastor and underestimate Vox, especially after the Adam fight.
And why I say he has the potential to be a big threat to the Hotel has to do with the scene we have when he's getting introduced, and what we see in Helluva Boss about Voxflix being on Blitzø's phone. He's everywhere, he has power over his viewers, and his grip on media is so tight, even Hellborns use his services. What's the Hotel's main issue at the moment? A lack of guests, which is at least in part caused by poor advertising. Anybody else think it's not coincidence the 'emergency broadcast' happened just as the Hotel's advertisement began to play?
Tl;dr, Vox is more powerful than people seem to believe, even if he's pathetic as all hell a lot during his limited screen time, probably mostly because he has no big role in the current season.
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exhaslo · 10 months ago
Hi! I've been reading off and on and I loved puzzle pieces and I'm excited for Overtime! I do have a ask if you have the time.
The reader is a spider person and has a couple friends and is good at her job in alxmex. (I don't think I spelled that right forgive me.) but when she reports or gets missions from Miguel she clams up and doesn't really talk much just stoic and shy (definitely trying to fight the crush and just staring at him.) and he notices how different it is from the watch footage and what everyone says about reader. Layla figures out she has a crush and tells Miguel. Plot twist though the reader stays late practicing web moves in the gym and goes to the locker room/showers to rense off and change and there's Miguel waiting for her after his shower cause it's Miguel he likes to make people squirm. (I assume the gym locker room/shower there is unisex for reasons only for the plot 👀) So Miguel's there in just towel looking at the reader, and the virgin reader (cause of course she is.) is trying to be polite and not look at him and then chaos can reupt.
The idea popped into my head and I really enjoy your writing so I think it would be really fun to see how you interpret it. In my head I definitely see him going "you can look you know?" And the reader is just refusing and maybe he has to make her. I'll let you decide that lol. Anyway I really love your writing and I hope when you get this you have a good rest of your day or it gets better! 😊
Haha, the plot armor is STRONG with this one! Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my series~
Warning: MINORS DNI, some smut, mentioned of sex, teasing, touch-starved Miguel
What would it take for your eyes to gaze only at him?
Despite what everyone believes about you, Miguel could only see one side. The shy and quiet you that could barely stutter a word whenever the two of you were alone. Your gaze always avoiding his, but yet, always stares whenever you thought Miguel wasn't looking.
So what would it take for you to open to up him?
This all started with you. Miguel knew that you were always a good worker. Everyone loved you and always praised you, but you always gave Miguel the cold shoulder. At least that was what he thought at first.
Miguel remembered it like it was yesterday. You had done a mission for him and there was barely anyone at the Spider Society. You were so quiet and embarrassed that you stumbled and fell against Miguel when delivering your report.
Your hands against his chest. That sweet voice of yours apologizing profusely as those glowing orbs of yours stared into his. It felt like an eternity. Miguel almost didn't want to let you go. He had wanted you to keep touching him.
It had been weeks since that encounter, and Miguel could only get a brush of your hand ever now and then.
So, what would it take for you to touch him again?
It was getting to the point where Miguel was becoming obsessive. He had started to watch videos of you from your home world. Watching your every lively moment. You weren't quiet to others. Miguel just wanted more of you.
"Ohoho, I think I found something interesting for our little Spider creep."
"Stop calling me that, Lyla." Miguel hissed towards his AI, "What did you find?"
Lyla withheld a snicker as she pulled a video up.
"Sooooo, (Y/N), when are you joining the dating pool?" One of your friends from your world asked.
"Ah-I'm not sure," You said with a light laugh, "There is this one guy I work with...He's kind of my boss, but he is so amazing. You're going to laugh, but I clamp up and can't say a word to him!"
"Liar. You never shut up!"
"My heart just keeps racing whenever I see him! He's so handsome and perfect. I just don't think I'm good enough for someone like him."
"What's his name and how long have you liked him?"
"Miguel and call it cheesy, but it was totally love at first sight. I can't even begin to describe my dreams~"
Miguel felt flustered as he immediately turned the video off. So that was why you kept avoiding him. Unable to hide his smile, Miguel knew that it was going to be much more fun from now on. Hopefully his teasing will get you to open up more.
With a heavy sigh, you scurried your way inside the Spider Society. It had been a long day of both work and crime fighting. Alchemax had you up to your head with paper work, then of course your Rhino decided to cause some havoc in the city.
You were due to a nice shower.
Hearing the alarm go off, you let out another sigh as you accepted the anomaly request on your watch. You entered the different world and nearly gasped as Miguel swung over you. Your face turning bright red as you got a good look at his ass.
Unsure if you should stay or not, you panicked. What if you messed up in front of Miguel?
Deciding to stay, you hurried to Miguel's side. This time the anomaly was a Doc Ock. You scrunched your face up as this Doc Ock used mud like attacks.
"Watch out, (Y/N)!" Miguel called out.
You felt your spider senses tingle as you went to dodge an attack. Before you could move, you felt yourself being pulled. Gasping sharply, you landed in Miguel's arms as you pulled you to safety. His grip tight around your waist.
"You take him from behind, I'll go front." Miguel said.
You squeaked in response, unable to say anything. Instead, you followed his lead, trying to forget about his arm around you.
You knew you were going to sleep good tonight.
Miguel had his eyes on you during the whole fight. He wanted to touch you more. Using the fight as an excuse, Miguel kept grabbing your arm, pulling against your waist and even bumping into you. Any kind of touch was what he needed.
Once the Doc Ock was captured, Miguel had you follow him back to the Spider Society. By this time nearly everyone was getting ready to go home.
"Ugh, I need a shower," You whispered, "Um....M-Miguel...G-Give me like....twenty....twenty minutes....p-please?"
God. You sounded so sweet. Miguel knew he was handsome, but to make such a outgoing person like you stutter and freeze was new. Hell, it started to turn him on.
At this rate, Miguel needed to be the one to make the first move. These little touches here and there weren't going to get you out of your shell. Having an idea of where you were going, Miguel just chuckled as he decided to have some fun.
A shower was definitely what you needed. Washing off the sweat, stress and mud from the way was so refreshing. Letting the water run down your body, you started to recall how Miguel kept touching you during the fight.
This was the most he had ever made contact with you. It was so hot and addicting. Knowing that the place was empty, you decided to give in to your small urges.
Letting your hands roam, you leaned against the shower wall and started to think of Miguel. The way his hands felt against your body. If only they could touch you elsewhere. His deep, charming voice whispering dirty things in your ear.
Imagining Miguel finally kissing you. His fingers making a mess of your sex while you cry and beg. How wonderful would that be?
"Sounds like someone needed to destress."
You gasped, recognizing the voice to be Miguel's. Your face was probably a million shades of red as you bend down and tried to hide inside the shower. Though, there really wasn't any use since he knew you were in here now.
"(Y/N)?" Miguel hummed lowly, "It's okay to show your face."
"B-But..." You covered your face, feeling embarrassed, "Sorry,"
"For what?"
Hearing the curtain open, you squeaked and looked up at Miguel. His lower half in a loose towel as he looked down at you with what seemed like a seductive grin.
"How cute. All wrapped up?" Miguel chuckled lowly.
This was the most you've ever had a conversation with him. Registering that you were naked, you tried to close the curtain again, but Miguel stopped you. He bend down to your level, his towel falling off, causing you to look away.
"Don't be shy, (Y/N), you can look."
Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Unable to refuse such a offer, you slowly turned your head to face Miguel. Your whole body had probably turned red from embarrassment as you tried to hide. How could Miguel say something to tempting?
"You're cute," Miguel chuckled as he grabbed your chin, making you look at him, "I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot."
Your eyes widen to Miguel's confession. Trying to stutter the words out, you decided to take the leap. Leaning forward, you pecked Miguel's lips to respond to him.
That was a great mistake.
Miguel pinned you against the wall, his lips all over yours. Your body resting against his hips as his hands roamed your body. You weren't sure where to touch him, so you kept your hands around his neck. His tongue ravishing your mouth in the meantime.
Your body arched slightly as you felt his dick poking against your entrance. You wanted to say that this was moving too fast, but at the same time....You wanted him to fuck you.
Stroking your hands against his chest, you felt Miguel groan. He broke the kiss, watching you pant for air.
"Don't stop touching me, (Y/N). I want to see the side of you that everyone else sees."
"Mhm," You still felt shy towards his words, "T-This....This is the side I...I will only show you..."
"Even better," Miguel said with a grin as he captured your lips again.
You whimpered into the kiss, enjoying every second of it. His hands reaching your breasts, giving them a squeeze while he moved his hips to rub his dick against your cunt. You were feeling hot and wet, ready for this to escalate.
"Thank god the showers are still open. MJ and I had a fight so I'm sleeping here tonight." One of the Peters said as they entered the shower room.
Miguel was quick to shut the curtain, covering your mouth with his, wanting to keep you quiet.
"I wish I got into a fight. I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn't' pay rent in time. I gotta crash here until I get a new place."
Wrapping your arms around Miguel's neck, you gently tugged against his hair to have him stop. Miguel pulled away, smirking down at you. He leaned towards you, nibbling against your ear,
"You really shouldn't have done that," He whispered, "We'll going to continue this in my office."
You rolled your lips inward as you just nodded. Miguel still held onto you, wanting to make sure you knew how hard he was. Covering your face against his chest, you tried your best to hide your smile.
This was the best day ever.
And the fun hadn't even started yet.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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zaimta · 2 years ago
Hey. How are you doing? Congrats on the followers. I'm a huge fan. I wanted to put something in for your event. I was hoping to have Ace with the prompt "i’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while." please? I don't know how much detail you would like. But I think it would be cute if they were childhood friends. But whatever idea you want to use it okay with me. It will be great no matter what. Thank you and congrats. <3
zai: i love me a good childhood friends to lovers it itches my brain just right! the actual event was a year ago but imma still write this bc why not lol ps everybody say ty bochi for the fire manga cap
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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growing up together the two of you were basically inseparable. he always found himself by your side, he couldn’t help himself there was something about you. maybe it was the way you never backed down when he argued with you, or the way you cared for luffy and got along with sabo, or definitely how you called him stupid for letting his name define him.
sabo elbowed ace with a small smile on his face “you’re staring at them. again. everyone knows you like them you know you’re so obvious.”
ace stammered over his words, his face quickly turned red as the blush creeped up his neck “im not! i was just lookin out for luffy. you know luffy plays rough and i didn’t want him to injure y/n. yeah that’s it.”
sabo’s grin gets wider and becomes smug “oh so you’re worried about y/n?”
“shut up!” ace yelled feeling embarrassed and with his pipe raised as if he was going to swing.
it’s been years since that conversation. the quartet, unfortunately, became a trio. although the conversation ace had with sabo was years ago he remembered it as if it was yesterday. he’s been crushing on you since you were kids he’s not the shy type but for some reason, you have that effect on him. anytime he tried he always chickened out.
but today was the day he was leaving to sail the world so it was now or never.
“are you sure you don’t wanna join my crew ace? you can be first mate!” luffy smiled widely at his brother. he asked the same question hundreds of times and got the same answer.
ace laughed and smiled “please we both know that i’m the captain and you’re first mate luffy. i’ll see you later yeah? try not to cause too much trouble while i’m gone luffy.”
ace’s gaze landed on you, his eyes visibly softening when he looks into yours “how do you feel about an adventure on the seas y/n?” he extends his hand to you “it’d drive me crazy to be apart from you.“
“what? come on ace you can’t steal my first mate!” luffy protested with his arms crossed.
you raised a brow and smiled at luffy “first mate? i thought ace was your first mate luffy?”
“he’s a captain now so it wouldn’t work get with the program y/n!”
you laughed and gently nudged luffy with your shoulder “im gonna miss you luffy.” ace’s eyes lit up and he smiled like a love-sick fool “y/n..”
you put your hand in his. he pulled you into him, his free arm snaking around your waist “welcome aboard first mate.”
luffy stuck his tongue out at the two of you “traitors!” he then laughed with his usual infectious grin on his face.
“oh great he took the only one with sense.” dadan grumbled and rubbed her temples it was going to be a long few years with no one to keep luffy in check.
as you sailed off with ace you watched as the island became smaller and smaller, he cupped your face in his hands. his touch was gentle yet rough “there’s something about you. you drive me insane always have and you always will.” he leaned closer your lips mere inches apart. he wanted you to close the gap he wanted to see if you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
you leaned in and closed the gap, your lips gently molding with his. one of his hands moved down to your hip to pull you closer when you unfortunately had to pull apart for air he bruised his lips against yours and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“i’ve always wanted to kiss you…we’re gonna burn the house down baby just watch.”
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scorpioriesling · 11 months ago
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Guilty as Sin? (pt. 2)
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Pairing(s): Azriel x reader
Warnings: not as angsty as the first one, some Lucien x reader mentioned as they did discover they were mates in part 1
Summary: The day has finally come, and Y/N has made a choice. It turns out, you do know what you want, and how to go for it. Decisions can be hard, but... if you're willing to do what it takes to get what you desire...
SR’s Note: This is part 2 to Guilty as Sin? I would definitely read part 1 first so you have context. I hate leaving things on a low note, and part 2 was requested! So, here are solutions to both. Don't hate me. Lol. Tags: @deeshag @lilah-asteria @peachcontour-blog @going-through-shit @fxckmiup @sidthedollface2
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"And the flowers have been placed?"
"Yes ma'am."
"And, what of the seating chart? All of the name cards are on the actual chairs, are they not? I can't have anyone causing any chaos-"
"Y/N." Feyre lays a comforting hand on your upper arm, and you halt your rambling. She takes a deep breath in, motioning for you to do the same, and maintains eye contact as you both release it. She nods her head and gives you a comforting smile.
"We have been planning this ceremony for over a year now, dear -- I promise, everything is as you have asked. I wouldn't allow for any less." She says. You nod, you know she is telling the truth. As one of your closest friends, she's helped you plan your mating ceremony down to the most minute of details. Having gone through all of this herself already, she was one you trusted most with something so special and so important.
"Feyre, I can't thank you enough." You say, pulling her close for a hug.
"No need for gratitude -- I am happy to help," she says. When you pull away, you see tears gathering in her waterline. Stinging begins behind your eyes, and you look to the ceiling and laugh, her loosing a chuckle as she swipes at her lashline.
"Feyre you can't be tearing up yet -- I haven't even gone down the aisle!" You say, laughing again and steadying your breath. She smiles at you, taking your hands in hers.
"I know, I know. I just... I am so happy for you. I know you're going to be happy, and I am so proud of you for doing the best thing for yourself, and making a choice on your own that you find will geniunely bring you the most peace." She grins at you, and you return the sentiment. It had been a wild feat of mixed emotions with your best friend, Azriel, when you'd found out he had a mate. The two of you were inseparable; best friends for years; you didn't understand why he'd ever want anyone other than you. You could only thank the Cauldron for bringing him back to you, for leading him back to talk things out, and find a just solution for this huge problem that only you seemed to be the one noticing.
Feyre hugged you one last time, and pulled back to fix a few loose strands of hair framing your face. She shook her head slowly, a small smile still gracing her face.
"Whattt?" You whined, and she chuckled, stepping back to fluff out the long white tulle train flowing behind you.
"Nothing! I just... I can't believe two people I am so close with have been brought together in such a way like this." She says, standing and facing you once more. "And, you look beautiful. He's going not going to know what to do with himself when he sees-"
"Ohhh hush, now," You say, a giggle erupting from her throat. She stills when a soft, whimsical melody begins, and her round eyes focus on you.
She looses a breath, taking a hand in yours. You can't help but feel a little nervous; it was your mating ceremony, after all. "Are you ready to do this?" She asks. You let out a calming breath, and give her a solid nod of your chin.
Feyre's reassuring hand never leaves yours as you approach the end of the aisle; the warm, late-afternoon sun illuminating every crystal and glimmer embedded into your gown. You round the corner, and step into view as all of the attendees at your private ceremony rise in unison. Your eyes meet your awaiting betrothed's; and Feyre was right, he looks as though he has no idea what to do with himself. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, and you can't help but chuckle, silently praising Feyre for persuading you do choose this mermaid gown instead of the one that made you "look like a cupcake".
"I told ya," she whispers, and you chuckle, pulling her close as she continues to lead you past the rows of your closest friends and family. Cassian's eyes meet yours, giving you one of the biggest golden-retriever smiles as he tries to hold back his tears. The sight of it alone has your eyes burning again, the love your found family is always ready to offer you. You pass Nesta, who smiles at you politely, and Rhysand, holding little Nyx who is not crying, but staring wide-eyed at you. You offer him a little wave, and he grins at you, and you realize you've finally made it to the first row of chairs. Your awaiting husband stretches his hand out to you, hands you've come to know oh-so well; hands that have gently traced circles on your back, brushed yours and sent sparks through you many a time. Your eyes meet his and Feyre kisses your cheek softly, letting go of your arm and returning to her empty chair next to Rhys. You slide your fingers into his awaiting palm, and he all but pulls you into him right then and there. You face him, admiring his beauty as he grinned boyishly at you, his thumbs running over your knuckles as he held your hands in his. He leaned in close, pressing a small kiss to your cheek.
"You look... breathtaking." He whispers against your ear. You giggle, his breath tickling your skin and he pulls back to oogle at you once more.
"HEY, THAT'S CHEATING!" Cassian's voice bellows from a few rows back, and the crowd erupts with small laughs. You can't help but chuckle as well, meeting your fiance's eyes and sharing the sentiment. The only one not finding it hilarious is Nesta, who swats his shoulder and mouths you an I'm Sorry. You meet her eyes in the crowd, waving a hand in an It's Okay motion. As your eyes sweep back toward the front, you meet Elain's gaze in the front row. She offers you a kind nod, and you reciprocate the sentiment. It feels as if everything that had happened, all of the upset and hurt feelings over the initial bond her and Azriel had; it was all ancient history now. Especially now. You catch sight of the male to her right, those familiar fiery, golden-red locks so hard to miss. He offers you a charming grin, and you understand so, so well why everyone is so attracted to the Vanserra's; they practically exude charm. It isn't until you look to Elain's left that your heart warms, just a little. You meet the familiar stare that you'd come to know so well, and cared for so deeply, now looking back at you from the front row with nothing but joy across his face for the journey he knew you'd chosen to embark on.
Your attention is turned back to your fiance when Gwyn begins her speech, standing behind the two of you under the archway of blossoming Marigolds; courtesy of the season, of course. Just like Feyre promised.
"We've come together this lovely Autumn afternoon, to celebrate the mating ceremony of Lucien Vanserra and Y/N..."
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Your face was beginning to strain from how long you'd spent smiling. It didn't take long for Lucien to notice -- it didn't take long for Lucien to ever notice anything was amiss with you -- as he pulled you close and tenderly grazed his fingers over your cheek.
"What is wrong, my love?" He asks. You sigh, peering up into his amber and golden eyes. The frown you'd had fades in an instant, as you find it hard to be in any kind of foul mood around Lucien. Around your mate.
"Well... if you just... keep doing that..." You nuzzle into his touch, and he smirks down at you, his other hand reaching around to lightly scratch the back of your scalp. You let out a soft moan, and he chuckles.
"I can see it's working then," he states. You nod, eyes fluttering closed.
"You always know just..." You move close, wrapping your arms around his slim torso. "Just what I need, Lucie." He retreats his fingers after a few moments, and you open your eyes to meet his gaze once more. He leans down to press a kiss to your lips once more, this one just as warm and loving as the one offerred in front of everyone at the end of the aisle hours before. You'd danced, ate, drank, and celebrated for the better part of the night, but as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky, you began to feel more inclined to retreating back to your shared flat and spending the rest of your night beside your mate.
"That's because I'm just-" He took one hand in yours, twirling you around once before pulling you close to him again. "...So, so in love with you my dear." You can't help but giggle at his cheesiness.
"Ughhhh, man, you guys really need a room or something," Eris' playfully dramatic tone draws closer, and you turn to face him. He approaches you with a smile, offerring a hand to his brother. He pulls him close, patting a hand on his back and hugging him tight. You can't help the wave of emotion that washes over you; in the time you spend getting to know your mate, falling in love with your mate, you'd learned so much that haunted him -- but one of those things would not be his oldest brother, not anymore. You couldn't help the joy you felt knowing how happy it made Lucien to finally have that relationship rekindled with his closest sibling.
When they pulled apart, Eris took your hand gentle hand in his, kissing the top lightly and looking between the two of you.
"Seriously, though, congradulations. Truly, I am happy for you brother." You glance at Lucien, heart swelling to see the happiness in his eyes. "Y/N, I couldn't be happier to welcome you to the family." He offers you a small bow, and you smile in response.
"Thank you for coming today, Eris -- I know it means a lot to Lucien, and I was happy you could make it." Eris chuckles, turning to head out.
"I wouldn't have missed it!"
You peer at your husband once more, only to see him already looking to you. His expression softens when he notices your watery gaze.
"Heyy, hey hey, love bug. Whatever is the matter?" He asks. You smile at him, wishing you could put it all into words so simply, but you just... couldn't.
"Am I allowed to cry?" You ask. "I'm just... I'm so happy Lucien. Today couldn't have gone any better, were officially mated... I truly couldn't have it any better." You say. Lucien pulls you in, kissing the top of your head. When you've collected yourself, you both decide to mingle for a bit longer before retiring to your flat. Lucien had found Jurian and is laughing heartily over something, when you feel shadows lingering close by.
"You really are in love, are you Y/N?" Azriel's question comes from your left, and you tilt your head to see him. He sips from a crystal glass full of amber liquid, and you sigh, gazing back toward the only male you deemed truly perfect.
"Yes... I think I truly, truly am." You say. Azriel throws his head back, draining the glass and setting it on a nearby table. You glance around for Elain, figuring she would still be here if he was, but there was no sign of her.
"I'm so happy for you, ya know." He says quietly, gazing sidelong at you through his thick lashes. You offer him a knowing smile, rolling your eyes. Your best friend's relationship with you wasn't usually so sentimental like this, but it was a welcome change.
"Yeahhhh, yeah." You waved a dismissive hand, but Azriel's scarred fingers caught it midair and held firm.
"I'm serious, Y/N -- you're my best friend. You mean a lot to me. Your happiness, means a lot to me." He gazed into your eyes solemnly, and you dropped your eyes to where the two of you touched. His forearm still bore the black ink you'd once stanciled on him, looking almlost as fresh as the day he'd had it imprinted there. You thought after his ceremony those years ago he would have gotten it removed; but, he promised he wouldn't. He didn't care that he had a mate, "I still have a best friend too", he'd told you.
"Well," you began, unlacing your fingers from his as his gaze held on your eyes. Never would you have thought you'd pull away from him; but that was before. That was before the Cauldron had blessed you with such a perfect mate. A perfect male you didn't think you'd ever deserve; one you didn't know you needed.
"Well..." He repeated. You only smiled at him. All of those feelings you'd had, Gods... they hurt. They hurt so bad. But, as you looked at your best friend now, all you saw was just that; your best friend. You no longer had wished for messy top lip kisses with Azriel; there was no more longing for your trysts. You could kick yourself for ever feeling that way to begin with. But that was before Lucien. That was when you were still wasting your time, denying yourself the satisfaction of getting to know your mate and instead, pining over someone who already had one.
"Well... you can consider me happy." You say, and Azriel flashes you an award winning smile. You smile back, and he pulls you into a sincere embrace.
"And you can still consider me your best friend. Of all the friendships I have, I'd still choose you and me. Because you're my best friend, Y/N," Azriel mumbles into your hair. You sigh in contentment, releasing any last small piece of you clinging to him as more than a friend. You smile to yourself, secure with your choices in who you choose to love; whether that be as a best friend, or as a mate.
"And you're mine."
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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firegirl888101 · 23 days ago
What if reader watches the 'stairway to heaven' fanmade animation?
(It was peak btw)
Anyway, TLDR, They probably wouldn't react much. As for The Harbinger's, they know each other, and are fully aware of Columbina’s potential as the 3rd Harbinger. Exception being Childe, of course.
Long answer:
The only Harbinger who would feel scared is Childe. Arlecchino could also possibly feel a bit unnerved but she wouldn’t feel fear.
Childe often says in his voice lines that he ‘has no idea why that girl is number three’. This shows that he most likely hasn’t seen the strength of her power yet, and has only heard of it from older members of the Fatui who have. Now being able to see the extent of her control over others will definitely make him rethink what he’s saying and doing if she’s around. Would he get nightmares from it? I don’t think so, her sheer power would probably keep him up at night, but not in a way of fear. After thinking about it fully, I can see him somewhat admiring and respecting it. Admiring and respecting doesn’t stop him from being disgusted though, he still thinks she’s weird and doesn’t like how she killed innocent people. …at least the people looked innocent in his eyes.
Arlecchino spends more time around Columbina, and will therefore not be surprised to see her power, nor surprised to find out she’s not as innocent as she seems to be. Watching the trailer would just be a reminder to keep her eyes on her when interacting with you. She wouldn’t feel fear, as she’s the 4th Harbinger which indicates her power is a close scale to hers. If she needed to, she could probably defend herself and have a chance of winning, if she feels the need to take her down. Columbina’s power feeds and relies on her prey feeling fear. Arlecchino rarely feels and possibly doesn’t feel this emotion at all, Arlecchino’s one weakness would be if Columbina threatened the hearth. This weakness wouldn’t actually weaken her physically, it would just make her feel a bit uneasy and hesitant before attacking.
Dottore wouldn’t be surprised to see a clone of his get bodied and manipulated by his feelings for Sohreh by someone else. He’d probably just feel it would be for the best as those feelings could cause a weak link to the rest of his clones and move on. - Would definitely joke about it occasionally to hide his annoyance. His clones take a lot of time and effort to make after all, the materials he uses aren’t easy to find!
Now that we’ve got the Harbingers who would be affected the most by the trailer, let’s go onto the reader's reaction which was the point of the question in the first place! 😭
If they watched it before the Harbingers found them, they’d probably be entertained by the video and eat popcorn at their desk. They wouldn’t take it seriously at all, and typically be excited for the character when she’s put in the story and potentially becomes playable!
When the Harbingers find them and Y/N has already watched the trailer, they’d try not to think about it too much. They’d definitely feel scared, but, they can’t remember many details about it at all and therefore not feel that affected. For their own sanity, they wouldn’t rewatch it. From what they can remember, it had heavy horror scenes. They’re not risking it.
If they watched the trailer for the first time whilst the Harbingers are in their house, Lord have mercy they’d be so scared lol
^ Even though the trailer is fan made and might be slightly inaccurate, they wouldn’t take any chances. They’d block the door with their bed and not leave their room unless they needed to go to the toilet. They’re not taking any chances anymore. If her power relies on fear, Y/N would become a very easy target since they feel fear whenever the Harbingers do something they don’t like.
The only way Y/N would come out their room is for Columbina herself to console them (whilst in the supervision of Pierro of course). When everything sort of returns back to normal, Y/N will still refuse to stay in a room with Columbina on their own if someone isn’t in the room with them. They’d only be in the room if ranks 6 and up were with them, any lower and they’re out.
I can imagine it would go something like this:
“Decider, I’m a bit worried, why won’t you let me in?”
You held out a spoon, pointing it at the door in case she somehow broke her way in.
“Piss off!”
The dining room was beginning to clear out, Harbingers excusing themselves and returning to their prior business after finishing their plates. You gulped, when realising it was only you and Columbina left.
“May I ask why you’re—”
“Okay nice dinner, bye!” You shouted as you bolted from your chair, deciding you’d rather clean the dishes later when there isn’t a psychopath in front of you.
I somehow ranted a lot here wtf 😭
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vaztori · 2 years ago
hi are u taking request? read ur san oneshot and i like it sm ⭐ so what if husband!hwa being such a tease to reader whos touch starved but theyre still fighting and hwa saying "aren't you still angry" like that? smh he'll sound irritating 🙄🤚🏻 yet i'm in my mood to sassy hwa lmao btw holy moly ur theme sickkkk
yeah babes i'm taking request and you're being my first requester! <3 tysm for saying that and i made your req into smut drabble tho i hope it's okay for you :((
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aren't you still angry?
SUMMARY; seonghwa looks too good tonight that even makes you want to be touched by him. the problem is, you're still angry and you feel extremely ashamed to say it out loud.
FEATURING; seonghwa x afab!reader
TAGS; fluff, marriage au (husband!seonghwa), non-idol au, smut (MINORS DNI!)
WARNINGS; use of pet names, degrading words, fingering, nipple play, pussy slapping, mentions of arguing, and hwa is such a tease here prolly makes you irritated lol
NOTES FROM KALA; scrolled through my gallery and found this photo of hwa that made me- HOLD UP THIS MAN'S GORGEOUS AF
jeonride's masterlist / join the taglist here !
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Seonghwa glances at you, his wife who seems to be fidgety or something, he can't really tell, as your feet keep moving, making Seonghwa unconsciously notice.
"You okay?" he asks. His eyes are filled with worry, even though you're still fighting and haven't really forgiven each other.
You bite your lip.
No, you are not.
Definitely not okay.
You don't know why, but it feels like you desperately want your husband tonight. Seonghwa's appearance tonight is enthralling, so tempting, and it's dangerous for you. The way his satin pajamas shape his broad chest, oh, your eyes can take a look at his cleavage. And let's not forget the glasses perched on his sharp nose, which he uses to clarify his vision because he is making a report. You do have a thing with people wearing glasses. And seeing your husband wearing his reading glasses makes your way of breathing strangle. You are trying to be casual, but it's so hard because,
Seonghwa looks so tempting when you are still angry and fighting with him.
It's embarrassing if you're the first one to wave the white flag of surrender because you caused the problem. It was a small fight at first but for some reason, it became very intense and now you're the one sulking at Seonghwa. Though he should be the one who's angry at your childish attitude.
"You keep spreading your legs for no reason. Want something, hm?" asks Seonghwa while cupping your cheek gently with his palm. You are sitting side by side, both of you just minding your business. You're watching a comedy TV show that you think isn't funny at all, such a waste of time. You don't need any bullshit jokes right now. Because Seonghwa's lips are the most attractive thing tonight, making you instinctively want to kiss him.
But you don't.
You hold back.
You're still holding on to the dignity. Stubborn as you are but your heart wants him as much.
"Nothing. I'm fine."
Seonghwa grins. His left eyebrow raises. He knows you need him. It's so obvious that he can interpret your body's reaction exactly. He can feel you tensing up when he looks at you, as well as the faint blush on both your cheeks and now you're crossing your legs like you're trying to hold back your arousal. He's aware of that. Your body movements are so agitated for someone who says "Nothing, I'm fine".
"You sure? You seem.. suffering," Seonghwa's grin getting wider. Suffering because you are resisting the urge to kiss him and the desire to be touched by your husband, to be more precise.
"I'm fine, Seonghwa. Just go back to whatever you were doing, don't mind me."
"Okay, love." Seonghwa strokes your shoulder, giving you a gentle massage that makes you bite your lip, such an unnatural reaction. Not like the usual you.
Seonghwa knows what you want, of course. He fucking knows. But he wants you to say it, wants you to get used to communicating with him no matter how angry you are because well, the habit of shutting yourself up because of an argument but still acting sulky is irritating to Seonghwa.
Seonghwa is sure you're feeling irritated too, right now. Because you suddenly click your tongue, and it sounds like the angry one you usually give him on special circumstances.
"What is it? Stop clicking your tongue as if you want me to understand what you want." Seonghwa adjusts his glasses, looking at you sharply. "You need to learn to ask nicely. Because really, I don't understand if you just click your tongue like that and say you're doing fine."
You pout, and whimper at Seonghwa. With doe eyes, your fingers tug at the hem of his satin pajamas, all while your mouth still releases whining sounds. "Seonghwa,"
"Yes, love?"
"I want you."
Seonghwa chuckles. His face looks surprised, not believing what you're saying to him, and it's a reaction that has the meaning of sarcasm. "Aren't you still angry?"
"Forget it. I forgive you for tonight because you look so good now."
"Oh, just for tonight? What if tomorrow night you want me again?"
"Seonghwa," you whine loudly. Resentful of the way he teases you, resentful of the way he plays with you like a child. The man giggles. He takes off his glasses, leaving his report behind because he wants to give you all his attention. His gorgeous wife, you, seem to want something but are embarrassed to say it because of your pride.
"Stop being such a whiny baby and talk properly. When we were arguing you looked fiery and shameless."
Such a tease.
Seonghwa, your husband, loves to tease you so much that his back sometimes is being the victim of your punches."Speak up, my love. I'm all ears."
"I said that already, I want you." You look away afterward, feeling embarrassed. But Seonghwa's face follows the direction of your eyes, forcing you to only look at him.
"And why do you want me, when you're still angry? I thought we're still fighting, tho."
"I said forget about our fight, or do you want me to be angry every day?"
"Oh, behave, love." Seonghwa chuckles. "Behave when you need someone to serve you down there."
Seonghwa's hand slowly travels to your thigh. That's easy for him to do since you're only wearing his oversized white shirt and panties. His hand gives a gentle stroke while keeping his eyes on your expression. Smirks when you're trying so hard to cool with it while your chest breathes heavily, all tense up because of his touch. "Cockhungry slut."
Your arousal gushes out, you can feel it. It's the way he calls you slut, while he takes care of you like you're such a little princess. Delicate. Arousing. How can he manage to be like that? Acting so fucking sweet while his pretty lips keep talking dirty.
Your breath hitches as Seonghwa's forefinger rubs the wet patch of your panties, moving it to the side and touching your clit softly. "Aren't you still angry? You usually get rid of my hand immediately when you're angry. So it's true I look too good tonight to handle?"
"Seonghwa, you will make me angry even more if you keep teasing me like this."
"Oh, so you'll be angrier if i don't satisfy you?"
You smack Seonghwa lightly on the chest, feeling humiliated by the way he spoke. But eyes don't lie. Your eyes show how much you want to be touched by Seonghwa.
"Stop teasing me, Seonghwa..." You reply softly. Your cheeks flushed like sunset, and it's like a little show for him, Seonghwa enjoys this.
"And why do I have to?"
You moan, automatically spreading your legs to give Seonghwa's fingers more access to play with your pulsating clit. He smiles triumphantly, mixed with his mischievous expression. And with such a quick movement, he lands one slap on your clit, earning a jolt and more arousal from your aching cunt.
"You like that?"
You bite your lip, nodding aggressively with your eyes squeezed shut. Unable to form words now, your brain is already clouded, and your thighs are shaking as Seonghwa gives you another slap on the clit, even harder and it stings yet you feel the pleasure as your heart is racing like a thousand fireworks explode inside your chest.
Seonghwa doesn't reply to your words, focusing on the expression on your face that is formed because of pleasure, because he's making you feel good. He's busy carving your beautiful face in his memory because he swears, tonight you also look perfect in his eyes. His two fingers slowly enter your cunt, dragging out and then back in gently. You sigh at the stretch out Seonghwa's two fingers give you, he's well experienced at this one. He rotates his fingers inside you, forming a come-hither motion then his thumb rubs circles on your abused clit which makes you arch your back and moan Seonghwa's name.
"Seonghwa, please, don't stop!" you whine, your hands moving instinctively to your torso, squeezing your own breasts and giving soft strokes on your nipples. Seonghwa moves closer to you and plants a peck on your lips.
"Aren't you still angry, love? So now you already forgave me because I can make you feel good?"
Oh, god.
He is indeed, such a tease.
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nb : i'm taking requests now so feel free to drop your req on my inbox <3
© jeonride 2023. all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, plagiarize, or repost any of my writing anywhere!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months ago
In regards to that ask about Legend, I've always liked the idea of him being Fable's half sibling or something, because it is a different Link/Zelda dynamic. I also think Legend wouldn't really be interested in relationships after the whole Marin thing. It does get tiring when Link is always paired with Zelda.
That being said, what are some of your favorite Link/Zelda dynamics? Or who might a Link be interested in instead? Sky and Sun are the only ones I can't see with anyone else, and I know you like Mipha/Wild. Which if I had actually taken my time with BoTW I probably would too, but I don't know enough of the story there to really have an opinion
There are some who like the whole “Link & Zelda are destined to be soulmates no matter what and that means romance all the time,” and if that floats your boat, sure. But I do definitely prefer variety. Also I could make a really cursed observation about Zelink through the ages based on the reincarnation that’s mildly implied, but for the sake of my lovelies who adore all the Zelink, I won’t 😂
I’m probably just gonna sound like I’m repeating myself from other asks, sorry, I haven’t played all the Zelda games so I can only truly speak to the ones that I have, but I’ll throw in my two cents for the ones that I’ve at least seen play through snippets/vibes I get from LU/ideas I liked.
Skyward Sword: They’re definitely, 100% in love, and they are adorable. 10/10 pairing
Minish Cap: They’re childhood friends to my knowledge, so it could go either way, I think. They’re so young in this game, I can’t say what’s gonna happen to them. Definitely would stay friends though.
Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask: It’s so complicated. I can see Adult timeline Zelda having an attraction to him, having hoped and prayed for his return to see a handsome young man appear. I can see Link physically being attracted to her while not entirely comprehending what that means because he’s still nine, and I can see than becoming an issue when he does naturally grow a little older. I can see Link being unable to separate the Zelda in the “nonexistent” timeline he fought alongside from the Zelda in his current timeline, who didn’t have to endure the same trials and therefore isn’t exactly the same, and I can see that messing him up too. So I feel like they’d be friends at best, have a professional relationship with maybe some fondness being likely, or cold and distant at worst. It seems most likely that they’re friends but Link keeps her at an arm’s length… by Majora’s Mask he seems to keep everyone at an arm’s length, tbh.
Twilight Princess: Eh. They could be friends, they could become lovers, it could work. But there definitely isn’t enough in the game to say for sure with the latter option. Link very clearly finds her beautiful based on his reaction to seeing her the first time, but he also had the same reaction to Midna lol, boy just goes :O with every pretty girl he sees. 😂 I think he had more chemistry with Midna but he also had time to develop that relationship, and since she’s gone that’s a sadly moot point anyway. But most likely, I think he’ll either end up with Ilia (he does seem to genuinely care about her, and you can see she has some strong feelings for him… you can make them a sibling dynamic or romantic, I haven’t played through the entire game yet so I can’t say for sure, but I can see them getting together) or someone completely different, despite his restlessness at the end of the game, he seems very much a guy who would settle somewhere quiet and have a family eventually. He’s very domestic and gentle and stuff ☺️ And honestly it would be interesting and fun to see the quiet, regal, stoic Queen Zelda get invited to middle-of-nowhere country village to wind down, or for her to invite Link to the castle and his kids sneak along and cause chaos or something 😂
Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass: I’m pretty sure Tetra and Link found New Hyrule together, so it’s heavily implied they’re a thing. From what I’ve seen they have cute chemistry together, so I’m down for it.
Spirit Tracks: I’ve barely seen anything about this game, but given Zelda is the companion for this one she at least is one of the likelier Zeldas to be in a romantic relationship with Link. Dunno 😅🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone seems to think they are, so I guess I’ll go with it
A Link to the Past/Link’s Awakening/Oracle games: I honestly really like the implication that Zelda and Link are siblings. It’s very different from the others and could have so much potential for either fun or angst! Or both! Link obviously has feelings for Marin, and I do think he’d definitely need a break from romance after Koholint. I can’t say he’d never be interested in another relationship after that, but definitely not for a while.
A Link Between Worlds: 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ not a clue, never seen an interaction between them
Four Swords: Also not a clue lol
Legend of Zelda/Adventure of Link: I mean, clearly they’re at least friends if Link’s still helping her out six years later, that’s all I’ve got 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
Hyrule Warriors: Ugh. This game lol. They give each other lovey dovey looks, so sure. Why not. At least make Zelda interesting if you’re (general you, not specifically you) gonna write it though. Idk. Honestly, them being war buddies is awesome. But the way this game portrays Zelink grinds my gears so I usually struggle to get beyond that. Link honestly should probably just be left alone after he has Cia’s creepy self stalking after him while simultaneously trying to kill him (girl did not know what she wanted, nor did she know what clothes were). Of Link’s options, he definitely wouldn’t want Cia, Lana would be sweet and loving and kind but he probably couldn’t get beyond her being a part of Cia (RIP poor girl, I really do like her and she genuinely loves Link), and Zelda would be ok. Both Zelda and Lana could be war buddies with Link, which is fun. I don’t think Link/Lana could happen because Cia, and I can see the war and politics after the fact impeding Link/Zelda. LET LINK JUST FIGURE HIMSELF OUT DANG IT HE’S A TRAUMATIZED WAR VETERAN WHO HAS BEEN SEXUALLY HARASSED.
Age of Calamity: Link/Mipha all the way! It’s heavily implied in BotW canon that they were a thing anyway, and here they get the chance to actually live! And be together! As such, I feel like Link is a very caring friend to Zelda, and I also think a strong friendship/siblinglike relationship between Zelda and the Miphlink couple would be adorable (and very beneficial for diplomatic relations between the Zora and Hyrule). I know in botw Zelda had a crush on Link prior to the calamity after he rescued her, not sure if that’s the case in AoC because I haven’t finished the game but it seems less pronounced. Either way, a crush isn’t the same as a strong friendship changing into a romantic one. Also I had this idea that Zelda, being the scientist she is and far more interested in just helping rebuild her kingdom (and perhaps not knowing how to cope with being alone when the guy she crushed on is married), announces some kind of competition or presentation for eligible bachelors and Link and Mipha are facepalming and Link (and Urbosa) is 100% gonna vet all the men by glaring at them from behind the queen and Mipha’s gonna be the Vibe Check girl (Daruk thinks they’re all nice, mostly; Revali is like “keep me out of this nonsense” but will low key stalk all the bachelors to make sure they’re up to snuff)
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom: Given the fact that these two traumatized beans only have each other for points of reference/mutual understanding of their trauma and entire viewpoint, they very likely get together. I have a hard time with it only because people are so insistent on botw Zelink that they completely disregard Mipha and ship Link with Zelda before the calamity as well, which I do not. But honestly, botw/TotK Zelink is fine with me. Though TotK keeps it so vague sometimes, I feel like you can reasonably imply that maybe they haven’t gotten together yet by that point but they’re very close to doing so. Or it’s early in their romantic relationship.
Echoes of Wisdom: TBD! They haven’t interacted much yet from where I am in the game (Gerudo Desert), but considering (MILD SPOILERS) they didn’t even know each other until he rescued her, it’s gonna take a lot to convince me they’re gonna fall in love. Also, it’s hard to tell how old they are with this chibi style but I get the vibe they’re on the younger teenager side? Nothing’s set in stone for relationships at that age.
…I think that’s all of them?
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kanmom51 · 2 years ago
The terms JK has used to describe JM
You don't realize there are so many terms JK used to describe JM until you start digging. I tried. I honestly did. To bunch them all together into one post. But I 100% know that I've missed something, forgot something on the way. So, I apologize in advance for that.
But then, I went to all the trouble to create this post, so what am I apologizing for?
Just know there is probably more that I missed (and probably the most obvious I should have remembered off the batt - shame on me).
Let's get started, why don't we?
This is a term JK used to describe JM multiple times.
JK 15 June 2015:
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Well, damn.
What do I do with this one?
I like JM's personality - he's nice, he treats me well.
I find JM attractive - his eyes are really beautiful when he smiles (not pretty, not beautiful, but "really beautiful" was his choice of words).
I find JM charming - no one can match his charm among the members.
If I were a girl I would want to date JM.
In one go we have:
His eyes really beautiful when he smiles.
And to top it up, we have A declaration of intent.
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Well, just look above you, we have the charming.
But also:
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This one is one we get on repeat.
And you know what? No wonder it is, given cute IS JK'S TYPE.
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So, what has JK found cute about JM?
His toes.
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His pinky
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His sneezes.
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His existence.
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Gave JM the cute award.
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Here you will find many more JM cute mentions:
And yep, there we go again.
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And because we established JK's type is CUTE, then let's enjoy this too, why don't we?
Pretty eyes:
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Notice the use of the term REALLY both times he talks about JM's eyes? Really beautiful and really pretty are the terms he used.
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Very pretty.
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Pretty. Period.
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Sexy expression.
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and this:
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Which until this day I do not understand how he got away with.
"Ohhh! Jimin's sexy."
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Exclamation mark of course.
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Black swan JM sexy (oh, and elegant too):
And let's go out with a bang, why don't we?
Extremely sexy.
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No. It wasn't enough to say that JM is sexy. Nope. He's extremely sexy!! Listen to JK. He definitley knows.
His final looks ranking
Now, you see, JK used to have to do these in the early years. Have to because he was asked to in interviews and shows. And in the early years he was a little/big shit, and used to rank JM last. I do think he had his reasons for it (didn't want to show his crush, didn't want to rank the older hyungs last, JM was the one he was closest with and it was easier for him to maybe apologize later on or maybe he thought he could make it up to him later), but whatever they were, what he did was inexcusable, because he really hurt JM by doing this (you clearly see it in the last ranking he was asked to do in 2014). Sadly, I'm not sure he was mature enough to understand it yet. In early 2015 he was asked about it, why he ranks JM last? Is JM really unattractive in his opinion? And his immediate answer was no. That he did it for laughs. Again, not understanding how hurtful it was.
But you see, JK didn't think JM wasn't good looking. Quite the opposite. He even said it, just not loud enough, not where it had more of an impact (I mean, look at how those clips circulate and fans really do believe this is what JK thought back in the day while he obviously did not).
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Do you see what I see?
"In BTS Jimin Park's role is being #1 in looks".
Peeps, this is way backsies in 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what JK thought about JM, not those stupid rankings where he thought he was there to entertain the audience delivering JM as the sacrificial lamb, maybe thinking JM's over the top reactions would be entertaining (outwards, cause he too thought he was there to entertain the audience and in the meantime was hurt to the core).
Before I move on to JK's final ranking in 2019, his "making things right for all to see and hear", I want to us to look a little more at that description JK wrote way back in 2015. You still see the hesitation not to give him a too outstanding mark in looks (he ranks him #1 in BTS but only gives him a 50 out of 100 mark). This could be him not wanting to show his crush or not wanting it to go to JM's head, lol. With the way JK was behaving, at times having to scrape his tongue off the floor and others having to adjust the jewels, I would say that in his head that mark was way higher than a 50, lol.
JM's charm points: eye smile, strong body, thighs (man has a thing for thighs too, we know that).
But our boy, he grew up. He matured. He understood. And he wanted to set things straight. Because to him, 2019 JK, JM ranked no. 1 in looks (surprise surprise) not on paper, but bringing it up as a question he 'happened' to pick, out loud. No real ranking was going on, it was only important for him for everyone to know that JM was #1.
Cute, sexy, lovely
Just for funsies. The lethal combination.
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Always no. 1 to him
Now, this one is so much bigger than people give it. The way JK talks to JM, media room, all media outlets there, mid a sort of interview, there is a reason JM was trying to flee the scene, lol. JK calling him Jimin-ah like that, and following with "where you going?". This is his hyung, his elder, it's just not done, and most definitley not in the surroundings they were in. So yes, this one is big. JK dropping the honorifics calling him Jimin-ah, using a term of affection, and following it with "you're always no. 1 to me."
he doesn't really use that term too much when it comes to JM.
But he did use it once that I can think of:
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Maybe because it's a little detached, less personal. While pretty, especially a man calling another man pretty, that feels more personal. Pretty is not a term usually used to call a man, even more so by another man. This was back in 2015 and from the interaction we can see that JM was definitley not used to JK complimenting him. He got so flustered and felt there was an ulterior motive, which there was to start with, but definitley not after the success of JK's mission after the first time he called JM and got the "thank you" he was supposed to get.
Anyway, I can't for the life of me (getting old maybe) cannot think of another occasion, especially a later one, where JK calls JM handsome.
A fallen angel
When asked what he liked about JM who is sitting next to you, JK's answer was:
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Not a description but when asked what part of JM's body is his favorite, JK's reply was:
His whole body.
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This man is totally smitten.
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And just incase after all of this you still don't think JK is head over heals for JM, I give you exhibit 20,171,108:
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