#cause finn woulda had to go up there on his own and it would be so awkward sdjfb
themikewheelers · 6 years
Congrats to ST for kicking ass and taking names at MTV !!!! 
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nineteenninety-six · 3 years
Shelby Sister who goes out to kill Luca Changretta herself when she thinks Arthur is dead
Please send me requests! I’m gonna do some short imagines!
(I hope to god this appears in the tags)
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Tommy pauses at the doorway of his office when he realises that Polly was the only person there and that his youngest sister was nowhere to be seen.
“Where is she?” He asked his aunt, “Where is (Y/N)?”
His aunt frowns at him, “I thought she was with you? Doesn’t she know what actually happened?”
“That’s why I wanted her here now, so I could tell her” Tommy grumbled as he walked to his desk. He needed his sister here and it was pissing him off that she wasn’t.
Just then Finn burst through the door, face flushed and out of breath, 
“Tommy! (Y/N)’s fucking-, she fucking went after Changretta!”
“What do you mean she went after him?”
“She took a gun from the safe and left the house”
“Fucking hell!” Tommy pulled out his extra gun from his desk and ran out of his office, Finn right behind him.
They found (Y/N) walking up the main road, gun in hand with her face set in a glare as she walked to wherever she thought Luca Changretta was.
“When I grab her, you take the gun out of her hands, okay?” Tommy asked his younger brother who nodded.
Just as planned, when Tommy wrapped his arms around her from behind, squeezing her arms down, Finn reached over and pulled the gun from her grip, ignoring her shrieks of anger.
“Let me go! Let me kill the fucker!” (Y/N) thrashed in Tommy’s arms.
Tommy grunted as he threw her over his shoulder, pulling her legs down with his arms so she didn’t kick him. 
“Finn, go pull the car around” Tommy ordered his brother who quickly ran away to do as he was told.
(Y/N) was still wriggling in his hold but her screams had turned into sobs. 
“Why doesn’t anyone fucking listen to me, huh?” Tommy spoke aloud, “If you just listened to me then we wouldn’t be in half the shit we’re usually in.”
“He killed them Tommy” (Y/N) sobbed
Tommy didn’t respond as he placed her in the car and took the keys from Finn before he drove them to another location. (Y/N) didn’t ask what was happening as she cried in the backseat of the car and when they pulled to a stop, she let Tommy throw her over his shoulder again. 
Tommy walked into what appeared to be an abandoned house and dumped her on the old and dusty couch causing her to cough before he walked off again but when he returned he wasn’t alone.
“Now why are you crying aye?”
(Y/N) shot up and gasped when her eyes landed on Arthur, 
“What the fuck! You’re supposed to be dead” She then turned to Tommy, “You told me he was dead!”
Tommy rolled his eyes as he lit himself a cigarette, “Well if you went to the meeting as I said, I woulda explained everything to you”
“I don’t get it, what happened?”
Arthur took a seat next to her on the couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “It’s a ploy to make Changretta think we’re giving up. Bring him to the factory under false pretences and then we’ll kill him.”
“He would have his own men though”
“Money speaks my dear sister”
“Who else knew about this plan?”
“Just Polly and Linda. You too but we know how that turned out” Tommy teased.
(Y/N) knew she would be getting teased for her actions for quite a while but she didn’t mind now that she knew Arthur was alive. It was bad enough that John was dead, she couldn’t imagine having Arthur dead as well. 
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 5 years
Clextober 2019 - Vampires/Werewolves
Anon Prompt: “I’m not leaving this place without you.”
It was like clockwork. Every Wednesday at 6:45pm the quiet brunette would saunter into the quaint restaurant. It was a small town, the kind of town that if you were born there, you’d likely spend the rest of your life there. This mysterious brunette, though, she stuck out like a sore thumb. It had been short of two months of Lexa being there—her great uncle Alexander had passed away and she was his last known relative. It was supposed to be an “in and out” process—clean the house, list it for sale, box Alexander’s things up, donate them to shelters, and then be on her way, but her stay had extended far longer than anyone would have thought. The house needed some fixing before it could be listed on the market and the process of switching over the title of the house to her name ended up being more complex than it should have been.
This Wednesday was no different than the rest. Lexa walked into the small establishment and took it upon herself to walk past the host station and seat herself. She barely spoke to anyone and always kept to herself, and like every Wednesday before this one, she came alone.
“Your fan club is here,” Clarke heard Miller call from the front of house.
Clarke brushed off the teasing, “Thanks, Miller. Your food’s up for your corner table in the back, better get it out there before they stiff you a tip again.”
The blonde dropped off the tray of food she was carrying to her early-bird diners before she made her way to Lexa’s table—the brunette always sat on the same side of the same exact booth every visit, “Hey there. I’d ask if you wanted to hear the specials, but I already know the answer to that. Double whiskey, straight up and the check?
“If you don’t mind,” Lexa nodded
Clarke grinned, “Never have, won’t start now. I’ll bring it over in a few minutes, the bar shouldn’t have too many orders ‘round this time of day.”
Lexa nodded again as she watched the blonde walk off to put her order in with Octavia behind the bar. She found herself bringing her attention away from the waitress, her insides started to twist—she was hungrier than she should have been for the time of day. She looked down and laid her eyes on the gold watch that adorned her wrist, cursing at herself for skipping lunch earlier for the sake of getting a paint job done and over with.
Not even a minute had passed before the blonde reappeared, setting her drink down next to her check and joked, “Sure you don’t want to hear tonight’s specials?” She looked over her shoulder to the older couple eating their dinner, before turning back to Lexa, “Johnny and Cath over there are sure loving Murphy’s meatloaf.”
Lexa peered over Clarke’s shoulder, wincing at the sight of the meat mushed around their plates, “Never have, won’t start now.”
“Alrighty then, Lexa. Enjoy your whiskey. Maybe one of these days I can convince you to stay for dinner, too,” the blonde laughed.
Lexa took a sip, “Doubt it, the food here… It’s not really up my alley.”
Clarke nodded, though she wasn’t sure why she did. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why Lexa frequented the restaurant every week if all she wanted was a glass of cheap whiskey, “You know there are other places in town you can go to get a drink, right?”
“I can stop coming here, if that’s what you’re insinuating,” the brunette set her glass down on the table and looked straight into Clarke’s eyes.
The blonde inhaled deeply—Lexa was extremely difficult to read, but from what she gathered, the woman didn’t mean any malice behind her words. If anything, it seemed as if Lexa had taken a liking to her, especially from seeing her around town and barely speaking two words to anyone else, “Don’t get ahead of yourself. You’re an easy customer. Same day every week, same order, you leave when you’re done so you don’t hog up my tables, and you tip 100% of your check every time. I’d be an idiot to tell you to stop coming here.”
The brunette nodded, “So why the suggestion?”
“Just wasn’t sure if you’ve ventured around town. Maybe one of the bars would be more your scene, you don’t necessarily strike me as the type to be surrounded by the dinosaurs that come through this place,” Clarke shrugged.
“Well then, that’s appreciated,” Lexa let out a small smile, “I get along with dinosaurs quite well, though.”
Clarke raised a brow, “You have a sense of humor,” she pointed out. “Who woulda thought?”
“I’m an old soul, at heart,” Lexa said, bringing the glass to her lips again.
The blonde smiled, “I gathered that the second you walked in here that first time. There’s something about you. I can’t quite place it yet, but I’m sure in time I will. But that’s enough out of me, I’ll let you enjoy your evening treat.” Clarke tapped the table with her pen, “I’ll come back around to say bye before you head out—if that’s okay with you.”
“Sure,” Lexa nodded before turning her attention away from Clarke, looking back down at her watch again.
It was ten after seven—she had about fifty minutes to make it back home before her dinner would be ready. Just a few more weeks. After that, she’d be able to go back to her real home, back to the life she was used to. This short stint in Arkadia would be behind her, and so would the facade she had been having to keep up over the long few weeks.
She was jostled out her thoughts at the sound of a glass breaking. She looked up and noticed Clarke hovering over a table in the back in a heated argument with a customer, the brown-haired man was clearly inebriated, likely the cause of the glass shards lining the table. She waited a little longer, watching how her server was able to hold her own. It wasn’t until the man placed his hands around Clarke’s wrists that Lexa’s body went into overdrive.
In a matter of seconds, Lexa was standing next to Clarke, she now had a grasp on the man’s hand, “Let go.”
“Lexa?” the blonde was astonished, she hadn’t even realized the woman was standing right next to her.
“Get your hand off of me, you whack job,” the man huffed, trying to shake Lexa off as he still had a hold on the blonde.
“Now,” Lexa stated, “before I rip your hand off her myself.”
“You can’t threaten me like that,” he scoffed, still not loosening his grip, even under the brunette’s ice cold grasp.
“I believe I already did,” there was an esurient look in her eyes, her hunger pangs from before had been exponentially amplified. As the man finally let Clarke’s hand free, the small trail of blood running down her palm gave her a resolution as to why.
Lexa jumped back at the sight, looking down again at the small cut on Clarke’s hand, moving her eyes to the blonde’s, “Are you okay?”
All Clarke could do was nod—so much had happened in such a short period of time. Finn, the angry town drunk set his hands on her, Lexa appearing out of thin air and threatening the man on her behalf, and now, the brunette looked absolutely disgusted by her.
“Go home, Finn. You’re drunk,” Clarke said, tapping the man’s chair with her foot, then turned her attention to Lexa, “Thanks, I need to go get this wrapped up.”
“Yeah, okay. I should get going soon,” Lexa nodded, unable to look straight at the blonde.
Lexa made her way back to her booth to finish the rest of her drink. She watched from her seat as the man slapped a few bills and change on the table—to be frank, she was surprised he even did that. Her eyes never left the man, something he had realized on his way out. She took notice that he stood near the front door, lighting a cigarette, and she couldn’t help but wonder why he was still sticking around. The sound of someone clearing their throat brought her attention back inside the restaurant.
“You’re still here,” Clarke observed, zipping the front of her jacket.
Lexa nodded, taking the last swig of whiskey from her glass, “I am, and by the looks of it, he is too.”
“He’s drunk and he’s an idiot, but thank you again for that,” Clarke managed to smile. She brought her hand up to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and Lexa was glad to see that her cut had been bandaged up.
“You don’t have to thank me, I was just doing what was right.”
Clarke pursed her lips, “Right, well I’m going to head out. The boss said I could go home after all that, Octavia will be by to pick up your check. See you same time next week?”
Lexa looked out the window again, the man was still lingering near the door, “Is that the best idea? It looks like he’s waiting for you or something.”
“I’m a big girl, Lexa, I’ll be fine.”
“Let me walk you out, at least. This town is so small that we’re probably heading in the same direction,” Lexa offered, though her expression was still stoic.
“Really,” Clarke shook her head, “I’ll be okay, he’d be an idiot to try anything like that when there are people all around.”
“Clarke,” Lexa emphasized the blonde’s name, “he already grabbed you in a restaurant full of people. Not for nothing, but no one batted an eye. Let me walk you until he’s at least out of sight.”
The blonde took her bottom lip between her teeth, she knew Lexa was right, but there was also something about the woman that had her wondering if her suggested idea would be her best option—there was something about her, something that she still couldn’t quite place, and she didn’t like the feeling.
Before Clarke could respond, the brunette added, “I’m not leaving this place without you.”
“If you insist,” Clarke gave in, “but your uncle’s place is before mine, so I don’t need you to walk me the whole way.”
Lexa was reserved as the two walked, but that didn’t surprise Clarke one bit. Her uneasiness started to dissipate once she realized Lexa was really trying to help—Finn had still been outside the restaurant as the pair left, the drunk man screamed profanities at both women as they walked past him.
They had gone on in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Clarke spoke up, “So are you some sort of chef or something? You only eat the food you prepare yourself?”
“Huh?” Lexa looked over to the blonde, her hands were buried deep in her pockets and her head had been buried deep in her thoughts of why she insisted on walking with the woman in the first place.
“You’ve been to the restaurant every week and you’ve never ordered a thing. There aren’t many places to grab food around here and you don’t have a car, so I just assumed you preferred your own cooking to anyone else’s,” the blonde pointed out.
Lexa stopped walking, “How do you know I don’t have a car?”
Clarke shrugged, “Small town.”
“Right,” Lexa nodded, starting to walk again, “And I get my food delivered fresh every day.”
“One of those fancy farm-to-table meal services, huh? Clarke grinned, “Too rich for my blood.”
Lexa winced at the last word that left the blonde’s mouth, “Something like that.” The brunette looked around and realized that they were no longer going in the direction of Alexander’s home, “I thought you said my uncle’s place was on the way.”
“It was,” the blonde blushed, “I got kind of creeped about Finn so I kept walking, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind, it’ll only be a five minute walk back for you, though. We can part ways here if you’d like.”
“I didn’t know you were capable of such trickery,” Lexa smirked, “It’s fine, I have time before I have to be back,” she looked at her watch—she had about thirty minutes to get home and finally eat before her hunger would take the best of her.
“Thank you,” Clarke smiled, reaching into her purse to pull out a set of keys.
“You don’t have to keep thanking me.”
Clarke shrugged, “I know I don’t know you, but something tells me you wouldn’t have done that for just anyone.”
“I suppose you’re right about that,” Lexa stopped at the bottom of the steps leading to the front door of a modest craftsman-style house.
Clarke opened the door and walked in, turning around to see Lexa awkwardly standing at the base of the stoop, “What are you doing?”
“Well, I was going to head back now that I know you got home okay,” Lexa said, shuffling her feet.
Clarke nodded, “Well, I don’t want to be too forward, but since you want me to stop saying ‘thank you’ I figured I could do something nice for you. I have a pretty decent bottle of whiskey in here—tastes much better than what you drink at the restaurant. Stay for one?”
“Oh,” Lexa was honestly surprised. She knew she had enough time for one drink before having to be home, but something inside of her kept her at the bottom of the steps, keeping her from taking a step forward, “that does sound nice.”
Clarke arched a brow, “So what are you still standing there for?”
Lexa’s mind raced at how to tackle the conversation. There was something burning inside of her, wanting to step inside the home and be closer to Clarke—she knew it was partly because of the experience at the restaurant which fueled her hunger, but it was also partly because out of all the people in this small town, Clarke had been the only welcoming person towards her. She took a breath and cursed herself for how forward she was about to become, “I’m waiting for you to invite me in.”
The blonde was thoroughly confused, “I thought I just did.”
“I need you to say it,” Lexa sighed.
“Okay,” Clarke exhaled, still confused and now hoping she wasn’t having a lapse of judgement about inviting the woman in front of her into her home, “Lexa, would you please come inside for a drink?”
The brunette’s legs started to mindlessly move towards the door and into the house, “I only have twenty-five minutes, but I’d love to.”
Few notes here: I wrote this pretty hastily and didn’t have any time to proofread, so I’m sorry if there are any typos and whatnot. Secondly, I left this pretty open ended because I have a few ideas for how a larger story could pan out. If you guys are interested in that, let me know and I’ll start to post some snippets when I have time!
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dexi-green · 5 years
Rise of Skywalker was good. Rant/Appreciation, spoilers ahead. Super long and rambling. This is all personal opinion, if you disliked it, thats fine. If you disagree, great.
First some quick points, then the longer stuff.
I loved Babu Frik and D-O
We finally got to see the Knights of Ren in action!
Also all those Star Destroyers?? Like those things are gotdamn huge... and that many of them? Actually scary honestly.
Also not gonna lie.. I wanted to see a gungan. Put some respect on Jar Jar. Or confirm the Darth Jar Jar theory you cowards.
We got to see a proper version of Rey’s version of Luke’s Dark Side cave vision (The TLJ one just wasn’t it for me. The mirrors..okay...)
Storm Troopers fly now... Did they steal stuff from some Mandalorians. Mandalorians are like..the only ones ever to have jet packs like that (that I’m aware of). Maybe the Mandalorian show will see some leftover imperials stealing Mandalorian armor, which they will replicate (obviously badly, because there stuff is no beskar).
I was so happy to see the interactions between Leia and Connix, because I just loved to see Billie with her mom <3 I’m so glad they gave her a role and just kept expanding it.
Hux... I love the back and forth between him and General Pryde, (I was hoping Richard E Grant would’ve played Thrawn but alas...) wondering who the mole is, and OF COURSE ITS HUX! Because he just wants to see Kylo lose. We love it.. I’m kinda sad he was taken out so quick, but it was good while it lasted.
How they tried to push Poe into some kind of.. not relationship, but not too subtlety trying to tell the audience, no he’s not gay, in like...just a bad writing way, like okay gosh, he’s straight (Also Poe was a drug runner...). That LGBTQ “representation” was trash, but definitely better than Endgame’s so-called representation.
I also wished we woulda got more (legacy) cameos, especially in the final battle when all the ships arrive. Maybe the Ghost Crew (I think you can see the ship though), or a character from the Mandalorian show (I was hoping for more tie-in’s in general (baby yoda), but The Mandalorian did sorta set up the force healing ability). My foolish soul was hoping for a super old old clone or a super old and scarred up Mace Windu, or just super old Ahsoka, but this film 100% confirmed no going back that they are totally dead with their voices amongst the other dead jedi :/ I can’t have everything and thats alright. I’m just glad they were in there in some capacity.
JJ has said that the thing Finn was going to tell Rey was that he was force sensitive (none of the good ships flew sadly imo) but that is still...amazing to me. I love it so much. Especially with that exchange between him and Han in TFA “We’ll use the force.” “That’s not how the force works.”. Hopefully he got or gets the chance to tell Rey because then she could train him and <3 Also I think that now makes it go back to no non-force sensitive people have used a lightsaber in the films (aside from Grievous). I loved the inclusion of Jannah and the other storm trooper deserters. Not only because of the kinship with Finn, but also... They are on a moon of Endor... So moon of the Endor system inhabitants, with slightly primitive techniques and tools and things come to help in the final battle? I love it. Putting some respeck on the Ewoks (also we see Ewoks?!?! Specifically Wickett <3) (Also I noticed a Fire, Water, Earth theme. The final battle in the prequels was in fire/lava. The final battle in the original trilogy was on the forest moon of endor, and while not the final battle, Kef Bir is the ocean moon of endor)
Palpatine doing what we all knew he was, using bodies to live through. I mean thats why he always had apprentices, just so he could skip over to them when his body got gross and weak, or at the very least work through them. I definitely wanna know more about the whole Snoke operation. We knew it was insane for some rando to be that powerful to be whispering and seducing Ben to the dark side from birth. And the cloning? like please, tell me more. I loved Palpatine’s exclamation of “Return of the Sith!” as an obvious nod to the films Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith, but also the fact Return was going to be Revenge of the Jedi.
I LOVE LOVEDDDD the small scene of Luke training Leia. Yeah the CGI on their faces wasn’t the best but just being able to see it and knowing that he did go forward and train her as well as other students was everything to me. I’ve always wanted Leia’s force abilities to be more acknowledged outside of the comics, so you know I went crazy in the scene from TLJ (for multiple reasons). Leia training Rey?! Rey referring to her (and Luke) as her jedi masters?! we love to see it <3 Rey going back to Tatooine, back to the moisture farm (I could just hear Aunt Beru calling out for Luke (but also him calling for her and uncle owen when they got disintegrated..oop)). Calling herself a Skywalker, AND SEEING LUKE AND LEIA’S FORCE GHOST!! WE LOVE TO SEE IT (but hate it because it’s the end). THE TWIN SUNS AS THE SAGA ENDS WHERE IT BEGAN!!
The voices of the Jedi at the end?!? I cried. I mean there was Anakin, Obi-Wan (both old and young), Qui Gon, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Luke of course, but also Aaayla Secura, Luminara, Adi Gallia, KANAN JARRUS (who is voice by Freddie Prinze Jr. aka the best Fred Scooby Doo could ask for) , AHSOKA TANO!!! Nothing I want more than more Ahsoka <3 I would’ve loved to see them all show up as Force Ghosts at the end ala the ghosts of Harry’s family in Harry Potter Goblet of Fire/Deathly Hallows but I understand why they opted for voices only. Also no Ki-Adi-Mundi because while everyone was saying, “Rey, You can do it! We are with you!” he just woulda been like, “But...what about the droid attack on the wookiees?”
Han!! Han!! When he appeared to Kylo, after Leia pulled him back as much as she could, and Rey healed him and inched him further, and then of course, Han finished the job. Leia asked him to bring him back and he did in the end. The person he seemingly hated the most (maybe thats tied with Luke. I honestly would’ve liked to see some kinda of thing between Luke and Ben, some reconciliation). The famous Solo “I know” which we all know means I love you. like come onnnnn <3 AND Ben and Leia’s bodies becoming one with the force... but Leia only after Ben... like she was holding on, waiting for him <3 This really made me like Ben/Kylo a bit more, obviously the light side Ben more, because Kylo is actual trash imo.
I cried when Chewie cried for Leia. Her death was sad on it’s own, but Chewie just broke me. He had a happy family, then Ben went bad, Han and Leia split, and Luke left, then when he thinks everything is coming back together, He lost Han, then he lost Luke, now Leia? If you actually watch him he just collapses to the ground, throwing his arms, sobbing... AND HAVING TO SEE HIM IN SHACKLES!?!? And not like “oh we gotta trick these guards” but actually captured and shackled, After all the wookiees being captured and enslaved and he how he had to deal with that...come on man....
I cried when Luke pulled his X-wing out of the water. We all saw it submerged in TLJ, waiting for that moment when someone would do it. The fact that he does it, when he couldn’t back when it happened on Dagobah. It shows how much he’s grown, showed him stepping into Yoda’s role even more fully. He never got to leave that island in it, but Rey did. Plus Rey wearing his Rebel helmet like she wore the helmet in TFA?! Honestly... Two “nobodies” from nowhere sand planets who become the hope and saviors of the galaxy (you could include Anakin in that as well, but he just...kinda sparked the hope in Luke and was his savior so...indirectly the hope and savior).
The only thing I didn't like was the Ben and Rey kiss at the end but luckily it wasn't drawn out and he died right after. Cause you really expect me to believe that within the same movie of him pushing her to her limits and making her believe she killed a friend that she gone be like...oh but you still cute tho?  Also while re-watching everything and watching the prequels last month I remembered how Palpatine influenced the midichlorians/force to make Anakin in Shmi (it might not be canonized though, I’m not sure...). Obviously he’s not a biological father but...he is responsible...so that in a way makes him Kylo's grandfather in a sense. Rey is Sheev’s biological granddaughter so...big yikes. To me Kylo/Ben and Rey have a much better dynamic as brother and sister anyway.. I think a brother and sister bond suit them so much better. A rhyme of Luke and Leia, and the forged sibling bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin. It has pieces of both and would have been beautiful for it to play out that way. About Rey pulling her family in Ben Solo back to the light. I mean she even thought of Han, Leia, and Luke as parental figures... but luke and leia kissed so :/  guess just a family thing. 
Running themes in all of star wars is hope, family, and who you are. In this, the prequels were the darkest. They end in a family divided, hope seemingly lost, and giving into the worst parts of yourself. The original trilogy was about finding the hope in the darkest times, becoming more than you think of yourself, and that family can overcome anything together. This trilogy was about clinging onto hope that you can find and making it a beacon for others, becoming more than what you and others think of you, "subverting destiny", and the fact that family isn't blood, not always. Just because someone tells you you're a monster, just because you started to believe it, doesn't mean you are. Once you have hope you hold onto it with everything you have, no matter how many times you fail or slip.
Rey being a Palpatine isn't "the bad guys bloodline living while the good guys die out". It isn't about bloodlines. Sure Kylo and Vader's terrible deeds will live on in infamy, but so will the entire rebellion's. Instead of being like, "oh well by blood I'm a Palpatine so I gotta use that last name" she made a conscious choice to go by Skywalker, because of what the Skywalker family meant to her and the galaxy, so that their deeds live on and not Palpatine. He will become a bad memory, a scar on history, while Skywalker’s, the positive idea of them, will continue to live and spark hope year and years into the future. Her blood isn't tainted and her grandfathers nature isn't hers, if it was she really would be the empress on the sith throne after Palpatine's death. She would've took Kylo's hand and offers before. Its the same with Kylo. He succumbed to what Rey was actively fighting against. Its the idea its harder to be good than bad.
Palpatine's bloodline living on means nothing unless Rey decided to make it mean something. But she didn't. As far as I'm concerned the only thing the bloodline might've impacted is her connection to the force and how strong it was naturally (like Kylo because of Leia (maybe Han..debatable, i like to believe he’s a little force sensitive) and her and Luke's connection to it because of Anakin). Her parents also actively fought against Palpatine as far as we know, Luke and Leia fought against Vader like... To say oh your parent was like this so you are gonna turn out the same? Yikes. Also Finn and the other stormtrooper deserters? Literally brainwashed from such a young age to be killers but they said no? It seems like the theme was you can fight against your destiny or like Yoda said about the future being hard to see because its constantly moving so "destiny" is kinda just a trash idea, be who you are or the person you want to be, not what others tell you.
Also I see some people saying it destroyed Anakin's legacy, and I have to disagree. To the fan's Anakin's legacy was never killing Palpatine. Sure that was the action, but the act was saving Luke. It was coming back from the dark to the light to save his son and in a way, the rest of the galaxy, at least for a time, it was betraying his master. It was the why he did it, not the how. Not only did he save Luke's life, but he fueled Luke to go forward and continue down the path of hope and light as long as he could. Anakin's true legacy lives on in Luke and Leia and the Rebellion. Palpatine's return doesn't diminish Anakin's sacrifice. Because it wasn’t about just destroying Palpatine. Anakin/Vader's thoughts went to Padme and Luke, and the prophecy of bringing balance, he knew he had to do something. When Luke takes off his helmet when Anakin is dying he thinks, “The boy was good, and the boy had come from him–so there must have been good in him, too. He smiled up again at his son, and for the first time, loved him. And for the first time in many long years, loved himself again, as well.” (coming from the novelization of Return). As long as Luke lived, and Luke's legacy lives on, so does Anakin's and so does Anakin’s return to the light. Anakin's legacy and impact, the good and the bad, will continue. Maybe the people of that galaxy won't know of the person named Anakin compared to sith lord Darth Vader, but his impact will always be there.
Yeah they aren’t always the most perfectly written stories with the best effects and yadda yadda, I know there are some missteps and less then stellar things in this films, but they are here to entertain, and I’m entertained. There is probably so much I’m missing, and I really want to go see it again, and can’t wait till it’s out on DVD or streaming services... 
It was a beautiful film that did the best it could to end a saga thats bigger than anything ever, thats been going on for years, something that is unheard of and never been done. I just want to honor the history, the memory, and the work it all took. I just love these films so much. <3 Also, always remembering Carrie, Peter M. and Peter C., Christoper, and Kenny, and all other actors and crew who have passed who lent their time and effort to all of these films and this entire franchise <3 
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ragnarssons · 5 years
Thoughts on the way they'll end t100? It's not like I trust him but he's got 2 huge examples (thanks to D&D and Rob Thomas) of what fans DO NOT want. Fans don't want despair or plot twits for shock value that ignore the narrative. Plot twists are supposed to be shocking but believable, not a way to feel superior. Always thought C or BC'd die saving their ppl but now it's like what people? sakjdha so idk. It'd be nice if he let the heroes overcome their trauma. It'd give meaning to the story....
I have never, not once, thought the story would end with Clarke or Bellarke dying. Let’s go back to what the show means, shall we? It’s about the surviving of the human race, through a “future generation”, on which lies every desperate hope possible: one, they’re delinquants/criminals, “lost cause” in the eyes of their governement. Two, they’re sent to die (hence, why they survive). Three, they’re sent on a “dead” planet, by a dying civilization. What we discover in the spam of very few episodes after this beginning is that: our “delinquants” aren’t so bad. They all have a history and a capacity to do better, and they even have excuses and/or explanations for what they did. Clarke ended up in a cell to die just because her father wanted to save the Ark. Bellamy ended up “shooting the chancellor” (*gasp* a killer!) to save his sister and because he was manipulated by someone else. And of all the mass of delinquants we’ve had, Monty, Jasper, Harper, Octavia, Finn, Murphy, all these people have shown an ability to love, to be compassionate, to think about what they were doing, to be brave and be afraid, to make mistakes and attone for said mistakes, etc. I have NEVER felt as if one of the plot twists of The 100 came out of nowhere. I have seen Finn’s death, and Lxa’s death come from miles away. And even tho there are storylines that I didn’t like (them going back on the ring at the end of s4 for example), the hints were there. It “made sense” in an idea of survival, even tho one could argue that it was far fetched and that a bunch of teenagers managing to pull that out is “CW material”. Yeah, it kinda is, but it never shocked me as in “OMG I WOULDA NEVER SEEN IT COMING FROM THIS TV SHOW”. And I will have to say that Clarke being left behind was also heavily “teased”/foreshadowed during this season. There was a reason as to why she became a nightblood, ya kno. Clarke was always the self-sacrificing character who always put others’ lives above her own. It was classic Clarke, like easily. But I mean, how many times Clarke has proven that? Has shown how much she’s willing to give for the others? Is that really the message the show wants to send with Clarke Griffin? “Keep sacrificing, it ends at one point”? No. Clarke’s story is all about redemption and hope and humanity. Humanity doesn’t end with death- especially not on this show as we see the idea of PROSPERITY being a big thing, especially through Becca. Clarke is basically our Becca. She has been hated for some of her decisions and actions and yes, somehow, she is responsible for a great deal of pain for a lot of people (MW especially, for example). But she’s a savior too. She’s someone who is always willing to put herself on the line, to inject herself with radioactive blood and to take chips and Flames in order to save humanity. She’s also someone who hasn’t allowed herself to be happy for a very long time. Thing is, while Becca had to sacrifice a lot - even herself at the end - for her cause, Clarke has to learn and to teach us better lessons. Clarke has to resurface. Clarke pointing a gun at her face in tonight’s episode is NOT the end of her story. It’s the crucible of her life, the pain, the guilt, the struggle. And as far as what Jroth said, the idea is not to condemn humanity through this show. For the characters, it seems that it’s been a long desperate walk among the worst kind of humans possible. But at the same time, they met people they learnt to love, people with whom they’ve mend their differences. Niylah, Lxa, Indra, E/cho, Emori, Maya, Gabriel. Even Clarke and Jospehine have learn to kinda live and work together at the end of this particular journey. What we saw from Clarke, contrary to Josephine, was her ability to SYMPATHIZE with Josephine and her struggles and her sadness (ie, the scene with Gabriel having a cancer and all, Clarke DOES feel for Josephine and Gabriel in this situation). To me, there are several quotes scattered through the entire show that do imply a happy ending. A HOPEFUL ending. “See? There’s hope for us yet” that’s one thing. “Do you still have hope?” “Are we still breathing?” as long as you’re alive, you can turn the page. I know we keep referring to that regarding Bellarke, but it’s much bigger than Bellarke. It’s an idea for the entire show. And you know what? Turning the page is ALSO another quote that has come back through the show. Do better. Be better. And you can’t do that if you’re dead. You can’t even do that, even if you sacrifice yourself for the noblest cause possible. What I’d love as an end for the show, is if Clarke was willing to sacrifice herself, minutes, seconds away from doing it, and that people would NOT give up on her. That her friends would come and save her and help her, and be a unit working to keep living- all of them. No sacrifice, no loss accepted, always the hope to do better. It’s like I said, like Arrow, like Supernatural- after so much struggle, you can’t, you CANNOT end these kind of storylines with the message being “and then you die lol”. I said it, if Oliver Queen dies by the end of Arrow, the show would have been worth NOTHING because there is the “purpose” of your show, and there’s the SOUL of your show. And the soul of Arrow is Oliver Queen, a damaged, depressed, PTSD-ridden character who deserves to see that he has a better chance in life. Who deserves to see that after everything he’s been through, he can TURN THE PAGE and let his weapons down and have a chance at being a better person, living a better life. Now adressing VM and GoT. So coming from Rob Thomas we have confirmation that VM is NOT over. At least, it’s not what he intends, we’ll see if the audience follows. VM losing Logan is not the end of her journey, and even tho yes, it’s shitty what he did, it’s not the “final message” he wants to send with this character (to me… too many “reboots” are too many reboots. He shoulda left the show where it ended with the movie, end of story). We don’t know what will be VM’s final “journey” or the key ending of the character. On the other hand… well GoT. Objectively. GoT has a VERY good ending. “Good” as in very cheesy, very fairytale-like, very lovey dovey boo-boo. Did you really imagine that many characters surviving? That many characters “reaching their dream jobs” like Podrick and Brienne, or Tyrion, the Starks or Samwell, etc? I think that’s one element that has disappointed me with GoT too. That was one show where hope was a tiny tiny thread of light and where I was ready to get WRECKED and lose a lot of the characters I loved, and see from the ashes of it, the survivors rebuild everything. (I had watched videos speculating that EVERYONE would die!) What we got? That’s a freaking miracle, I mean, I hate a lot of things, but hello ma boi Podrick is alive! Davos is alive! No more Starks died! Heck, even Winterfell was still standing after everything! It was even TOO good/too cheesy considering what we got before and that was one of my problems. To be honest, I could not tell what was the message D&D intended with this ending, because I really CANNOT read what they did with it. From ep 8x03 to ep 8x04 it seems like two different shows, where characters have different goals all the sudden, and they have different mindsets, and they just don’t communicate anymore. I swear, words can’t describe how much I hate it. Thing is, GoT is an anomaly. And seeing the way the audience reacted to it, it’s proof of that. GoT’s ending was half-assed, and that’s no secret. D&D were tired of it, end of story. It was obvious that they needed more, if not WAY MORE than 8 seasons to build all of this, they refused it and just did THAT instead. I’m pretty sure D&D had nothing but GRRM’s final “goals” for the characters (Dany dead, Jon NoTW, Sansa Queen etc) and just rushed to these in a hot second without really weighing these “destinies”. For example, I think in the books if Bran becomes King, it will be of a VERY different system than the one Westeros has right now. And I don’t mean “oh the chair is destroyed and now three idiots elect the King instead of it being given by blood”, I mean, no council, nothing of this old, twisted and rotten system that has proven to be wrong from the beginning of the story. Thing is, seeing GoT’s, GRRM’s story is pretty clear and straight-forward and no death and no “plot twist” is shocking. You can see it all coming from miles away (the Red Wedding, Ned’s death, Robert’s death, etc) because it’s so well crafted. And it was so well done during these years of the show as well. But D&D never had the talent GRRM has, and it showed for the rest of the show. I mean, hello, it’s so well done in the books that ever since 1996 people have been speculating that L+R = J. Imagine that if D&D had to do it themselves? I’m just laughing imagining the lack of build-up and then them blurting it out at some point just to “shock the audience”. I don’t think Jroth, despite his flaws, would EVER do that. He won’t turn Clarke into a villain last minute. He won’t have Bellamy kill Clarke after everything they’ve been through. And I don’t think either that was what GoT was supposed to be, because at the end, the story is still GRRM’s, and I don’t think AT ALL that this is what he has in mind (to make it simple: it couldn’t even work considering ALL the storylines there are in the books that aren’t on the show). Going back to The 100, I think the show has always been very consistent, and I think that despite there being things I don’t like (for example, bleggo), the characters aren’t heavily changed to justify these kinds of storyline (Bellamy is not a completely different character, he’s still Bellamy at his core, the problem is that the writers never cared to SHOW us the process of him accepting E/cho and building a relationship with her- which is… at least more acceptable than him becoming a totally different character to justify it). I don’t think Jroth’s goal has ever been to “subvert expectations”, he’s NEVER expressed himself like that, except maybe when he focused too much on his AI plot twist instead of seeing the consequences of his queerbaiting and how the fans would react to Lxa dying (even tho I will ALWAYS say it, her death was HEAVILY FORESHADOWED, but it’s easy for fans to ignore what they want to ignore). And I think he’s learnt his lesson, from that moment. And I do believe him when he says he’s had the blue prints of the show in his mind from the start and that he’s going to committ to it because it’s something he cares about that much. And again, I don’t think the message of this whole story could be “don’t worry at the end you’ll die and that’s it”. It’s not the kind of message this network would send anyway (CW). And I don’t think that’s what Jroth intended and it was kinda implied in this interview he did with Kshum. He does say “WELL KIM WANTED THIS-” as if it was HER desire and not his. His intention is not to destroy everything and kill everyone just to be edgy. He has a desire to express something with this show. Destruction is not a way of expressing anything. So even if he expresses it as “we wanted another Apocalypse at the end of s5″ he still intended SOMETHING (characters) to survive from it. When I worry about these kinds of things, I always think about what JKR said. Dying in a war is probably the easiest thing, surviving it and rebuilding from it and learning from it, is the hardest thing to do. That’s why, to me, as bittersweet of an ending THG’s ending is, it’s THE BEST ending to a modern dystopian series to date. It is as cruel as it is important. It is a redemption for Katniss and for Panem just as much. It is embracing the future and acknowledging the scars of the past too. And I think The 100 is about that too. I 100% think that the moral of this story - The 100 - is hope against all odds. Humanity over inhumanity. Living over dying. It’s always about bringing back life and hope in the most desperate and dark situations. I think the moral of the show can be summed up in the Culling scene from 1x05. You think humanity will fail, but at the end of the day, it’ll prevail, it’ll prove better. No matter what we think after 6 seasons, the heart of the show is still Clarke Griffin, a girl living by the model of her father who died, thinking humanity would do better. Hoping against all odds is kind of a burden, it’s a struggle, but it has to pay off for the story to have meaning. I know Jroth already called this show a tragedy, but I think he meant as this show having “dark” characters, dealing with internal struggles and very humanly basic questions. What is bad, what is good. Who is the good guy, HOW are we the good guys, HOW do we do better, etc. Again it can be confirmed with how his vision with Kshum’s vision of a tragedy that is “everyone dies and the ending sucks”. The story can’t have meaning if you don’t answer these questions by the end of your story. I think this story has more of an Odysseus vibes. The characters are seeking home and are struggling through false hopes and they’re losing their ways. But at the end, Ulysse found his way back home and got his “happy ending”, no matter how dark it got along the way, or how many times he (almost) lost hope.
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
the 100 rewatch 1.08 Daytrip
my real life friend I just got back into contact with just decided to give The 100 a try. (this is the friend who introduced me to GOT ten years ago.) So I got so excited by her reports of 2.01 that I realized I had been slacking in my rewatch. Wow. I’m supposed to be on season 2 now for our bellarke fam rewatch. bad fangirl.  So lets get to bidness.
oh it’s day trip!
I love this scene where Miller acts like a dick to chained Lincoln and Lincoln headbutts him. I always laugh. (and yet the parallel in season 3 where Miller acts like a dick to him while he’s in lockup and then gives him medicine for the sick grounder is a GREAT contrast and awesome character and plot development.)
Bellamy is very certain about not killing Lincoln though. Which is a change for his character up to this point.
Clarke talking to the council about how they are going to freeze before they starve. And Kane’s hair gel is gone. Costume signified character development. She’s talking to Jaha about killing her dad being an unavoidable tragedy and how she doesn’t see it that way and won’t ever. That’s an interesting bit, considering how far she went later. (And yet couldn’t kill Bellamy for the same reason as Jaha had.)
Clarke wants Bellamy to go on a DAY TRIP WITH HER. “Why are YOU asking ME?” “Well because right now I don’t feel like being around anyone I actually like.” Oh you two crazy kids. You’re so cute.
oh it’s the jobi nuts. i love the jobi nuts. Jonty hi five!
Ugh Finn. how about i just not write about any of his scenes. You don’t deserve Clarke OR Raven. Although I like Bellamy coming in to take Clarke away from him. Haha.
Bellamy’s last look at his sister, or so he thinks because he’s planning to run. And Dax coming after him.
Lincoln speaking English to Octavia, macking on the pretty girl while tied up and bloody. Look at these abs girl. “Tell them you’re not the enemy.” “I am.” Sadly this is true. He knows his people are out to destroy them. AND he thinks it’s wrong. But he can’t make this choice yet.
Bellamy angry about shooting Jaha and Clarke trying to talk him down. The jaha thing is why he was so angry. He discards his enmity with Clarke after the Jaha pardon happens. I mean there was more, but that was part of it.
Raven and Octavia. Raven tortures Lincoln and feels no remorse. Octavia says Finn likes Clarke. Bitch vs Bitch. I love it.
[finn raven sex scene. deleted. don’t you fucking grin at her. you don’t deserve her bitch.]
me ugh-ing at the murderer dax. not all delinquents are bunny rabbits. he’s a bad dude.
Bellamy so angry at the failed bunker. No supplies. SO HE KICKS A BARREL (always taking it out on unsuspecting barrels.) AND THEN the joy of a rare Bellamy smile. GUNS.
The delinquents are high.* ALERT* The delinquents are high.
aww poor jasper and his ptsd, starting with grounder fear. :( He’s holding a spear. Anti grounder stick. Octavia has figured this out. How does she know how to deal with a bad trip? You don’t get that knowledge isolated under the floor. Or maybe bellamy told her about kids tripping. he probably would. 
Bellamy’s chewing jobi nuts. The gun lesson. Getting close. Touching her shoulder. “Yeah, uh, that’s good,” as he gets too close to her. That is the BEST scene. his bullets are duds. “still watching,” she says teasing him. Another Bellamy smile. A Clarke smile too, for that matter. She figures out that he’s going to run. He’s afraid. AND he mentions that he is planning to lock up Lincoln for the rest of his life. Not kill.
Oh here comes the bad trip. Peek inside Bellamy’s head.Guilt over Jaha. Guilt over the 320 souls culled from the Ark. “It’s not my forgiveness you should seek, it’s theirs.” Murderer,murderer, murderer, And peek inside Clarke’s head. Jake. Solitary confinement. forgiveness.  Forgiveness is such a giant theme. (she doesn’t know that the exodus ship will crash and for a while she thinks her mom is dead. this is before she learns about forgiving people. I think she learns her lesson too well and forgives people for things they are not actually sorry for. 
Wow Raven has a pretty naked back. Finn you suck. Monty I like your concern with the cooperation of the tides. 
Octavia freeing Lincoln. Lincoln kissing Octavia. Mack daddy.
You are the most beautiful of brooms in a broom closet of brooms. (he dies later. murphy does it. Connor.) Finn sees Lincoln and lets him go.
More Bellamy trip. “I can’t fight anymore.” “DOn’t you know life is a fight? Live. Breathe. Suffer. You owe them that. If you want the peace of death you’re going to have to earn it. Fight back! You think you deserve to be free of your pain? Do you deserve that gift.” (These are Bellamy’s own thoughts, not Jaha.)
Clarke rescues Bellamy from Jax. Bellamy says Shumway set it up. They save each other. Bellamy’s first kill. Jax with a bullet in the carotid, “Bellamy are you okay?”
“No I’m not. If my mother knew what I’d done, who I am... she raised me to be better, to be good. And all I do is hurt people. I’m a monster.”
I need you--Bellamy’s look at her is where I started shipping them-- we all need you-- and how disappointed his is that it wasn’t HIM she needed.
Clarke doesn’t recognize that his belief that he is a monster is real. She will feel it later. Her forgiveness is too 
“All I think about every day is how we’re going to keep everyone alive. But we don’t have a choice.” Is this where he wants to run away with her? Woulda been a different story.
I don’t understand why people ignore this whole scene of Bellamy’s pain and guilt over the deaths he’s caused. They think he’s a monster because he’s anguished by what he’s done, and calls himself a monster. But monsters, by definition are not agonized by the pain they cause. The people who cause harm, and then say it wasn’t their fault, in fact it was YOUR fault for fighting back or winning.... well THOSE are the monsters. They don’t care about the suffering they cause. And they’ll do it again.
Also please note that he credits Aurora with teaching him to be good. Yeah she was not perfect. Yeah she gave him too much responsibility. But she was NOT an absent mother. She was not neglectful. As far as we know there’s no evidence of physical abuse. If you want to believe that it was unfair to Bellamy to give birth to Octavia, that’s fine. Nothing about their life is fair. That’s the point, isn’t it? It was completely oppressive and unjust. Anyone born into this life was up for hell. But hope remains when people have children. It just does. Having a second child, even though it makes their lives harder, (which happens in real life) is not enough to count as abuse and places all the blame of an unjust society on the victims of that society. Which pisses me the hell off. (OH, if only you didn’t make the wrong choices, then this oppression would be just fine. How dare you. You should be jailed for it. You’re an abuser.  It’s your fault.) Shut the hell up with your victim blaming. 
Power couple on deck. Have some guns kids. (shut up finn)
I don’t expect you to forgive me, but you’ll have to ind a way to live with me because Im not going anywhere.” Some foreshadowing for the blake sibling relationship.
Jaha pardon. This was the point when I could not be saved from shipping Bellarke. I love the way they smile together. 
Bye Shumway. Kane definitely does not wear hair gel anymore. Here comes hair Jesus.
nope. no finn in my recap. not even with your bellamy besmirching. She trusts him not you. so shut up. he deserves it. you don’t. you were not trustworthy. that’s how that works. 
hello diana sydney. bye shumway. 
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Katie Chapman Mr. Price 3rd hour 6/3/15 The REAL Last Chapter Now you may think that The Adventures of Huck Finn is over, seeing as the chapter was called “Last” and all, but it ain’t yet. If you’re willin’ to hear it, I gots a few more details to say that good ol’ Mr. Twain couldn’t get outta me. When me and Jim was floatin’ on down the Mississippi, we ran into a little trouble that I w’rnt ready to talk about yet when I was asked to talk long before that book came out, but Jim’s been tellin’ me I outta just come out with it. He says it’s bad luck for a young boy to be keepin’ secrets from all you people, or somethin’ like that. “Jus’ come on, Huck. Tell ‘em ‘bout tha story, ain’t nobody gon’ think diff’ntly o’ve yah. Yah wanna keep’n good wit dah spirits don’ yah?” So this one’s for Jim, I s’pose, and ‘cuz I’m goin’ crazy here in Aunt Sally’s house a “sivilization” and I need somethin’ to keep me from goin’ barkin’ mad. It was just after we’d left the Grangerford massacre, Jim and I went down the river just a short ways. Seein’ the murderin’ of Buck and his kin was a lot for me to handle at the time, but I was gettin’ over it pretty quick. We was just maybe thirty mere minutes off the land where i left the bodies when i decided to start looking around for somewhere new to go. All’ve a’sudden my eyes got themselves set on something over on the island that we had just done left. At first I was sure it was just a strange lookin’ bush, but as we got closer it got all clear; it was a girl. Now I done been around plenty of girls, but she was a diff’nt kinda sight. Her long brown hair was nice and breezy in the wind, and her face was like a little angel from that heavan that Aunt Sally been talkin’ ‘bout; she was the purdiest thing I’d ever seen. “Jim,” I says, “do you see that too?” “See what mistah Huck? Ain’t nothin but a little girl wadin’ in dah watah.” “Isn’t she purdy, Jim? Isn’t she a rare such sight?” “Why mistah Huck, I hain’t nevah seen yah like this evah be-foe. I think a little boy is tuhnin’ intah a man.” I sat there on the raft, tryin’ to look away from this girl. I didn’t wanna become a man yet, I’m happy bein’ a boy, well in the respect of bein’ with girls n’such. I looked over to Jim and he was givin’ me this strange kinda grin. “Now, what’s that face for Jim? You thinkin’ of a funny joke or somethin?” “Nah mistah Jim. I thinks you’s in love. You’s fallin’ intah feelins’ for a little girl.” “No Jim, you gots it all wrong. I just ain’t never seen somethin’ like this before, and we’re gonna go check it out.” Then i told him to steer us over back to the island, and towards the girl we headed. When we got to the island, the girl was gone. I had been so focused on trying to get the raft to the island that I done forgot to make sure she was still there. The night was comin’ close and I didn’t want to get caught in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night by a Sheperdson who had seen me with Buck and end the same way he did so me an’ Jim found a place to tie up the raft and slept out under a tree for the night. “Jim,” I says. “You think she’ll be back tomorrow?” “Well, mistah Huck, seems to me tha if she comin’ ‘round today theys a sr’ng pos-bilty tha she gon’ be back tm’row.” I don’t know why, but for some reason I sure hoped he was right. Sure ‘nough, Jim was right. We woke up when the sun was right up high in the middle of the sky and river was just a’shimmerin’ in the daylight. I got up and no sooner had I rubbed my eyes, they set their sights on that purdy little thing same as before. She was walkin towards me and Jim and had a curious look on her face, like she was tryin’ to figure out if we was real or not. “Hi there,” she calls out. “Well hello ma’am,” I replied real polite-like. “What’s your name? I’m Deliah but everyone calls me Delly.” Gosh, even her voice was mighty purdy. I found myself stutterin’ a deal and gettin’ all choked up. “The name’s Frank Hill, this here’s my nigger Julius. We live up the river a ways, or really lived. These men showed up one day while we were tending to our horses and without no warning shot my poor old Pa dead and my momma died a shock a just seein’ her husband bein’ killed and all. I woulda been shot too i s’pose but Julius here hid me behind a tree and blocked me from the men. I guess the men didn’t have no need for killin’ a nigger cause they just pranced right on by without a word to be said. With my Ma and Pa both dead and no one but a nigger left in the world, i built this raft here and we went a sailin’, and that’s how we come to be here.” She looked at me real concerned and opened her mouth to speak, but shut it before making a sound. “My Ma and Pa are lookin for a new nigger to help with the animals and the house and we have an extra room. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind at all havin’ a few more people ‘round the house.” “That’s mighty kind of ya ma’am. I’ll talk to Julius and see what he thinks.” I looked to Jim with a smile. For some reason, the idea of going to stay with Delly and her family seemed so nice and i was sure hoping Jim would agree. “Now I don’ know ‘bout-” I had to interrupt. “Oh Jim it’ll only be for a little while,” I whisper so only Jim can hear me, “and then we can sneak away and keep goin’.” “Well I s’pose.” I turned back to Delly and gave her the biggest smile i could muster and said, “We’d be honored to have a place in your home.” She smiled real big and pretty and motioned for us to follow her. I was nervous goin’ to her house, especially ‘cause no one was sayin’ nothin’. I don’t know why but I really wanted her to like me, so that meant her family had to like me too. Finally, we were at the gate of her house and the walk of silence was over. Delly ran up to the door, “Mama, Papa, we have some people who need to stay with us!” All at once, a million similar lookin’ folks came hustlin’ out the huge fancy lookin’ door and on to the huge porch which easily fit them all. “Who you got there Delly,” says a big man who i figure to be the head of the house. “This is Frank Hill and his nigger Julius. They lived down the island a ways but some men killed his Ma and Pa and now all he’s all alone with only his nigger, so i told him they could live here.” Then she smiled really purdy-like at the crowd of people all together on the porch and the mood seemed to lighten. The big man smiled. “That’s mighty good of ya, Delly.” He turned to me and says, “Now tell me boy, you sure you want tah settle yourself with this big, mad family?” “Why, yes sir I would. Long as it’s okay that my nigger Julius here can stay right along with me. He’s the only thing close to kin I got left, and after the way he saved me from those men and I feel it’s my duty to keep him with me.” The man thought for a second, looked to me, then looked to Jim and said, “You willing to do some work?” “Yes suh I am,” Jim says back. Boy was I grateful for how willing Jim was in all this, I still haven’t paid him back properly for that. But anyways, the man’s face softened and he smiled real big. “Then it looks like we’ve added two new members to the clan,” he says and the whole porch cheered and laughed. An older woman, who we found out later was Delly’s Ma named Paula, led us inside and told us where was fixin’ to stay. She told us all about the people in the house and lemme tell ya, they’re sure an interestin’ bunch. Delly’s Pa’s name was Bill, they call him Big Papa Bill, i think its just to make his head a tad bigger than it is already but i don’t know for sure. He once wrestled a bear with only the two fists his mama borned him with and beat the poor bear so bad it ain’t even had the sense to stand up no more, he’s a real tough kinda man. Delly’s got a brother named Harney, gosh that name sounds familiar but i just can’t place it, probably my head messin’ with me I s’pose. They had some other cousins or somethin’ in the house before too but they went off and found their own lives’ somewhere in the gun makin’ business. “They had a job here and they finished it and now the problem is gone so they’s got no more business here,” Miss Paula explained. I almost asked what their business here was but somethin’ told me i didn’t wanna know. Miss Paula led me an’ Jim up a big staircase and down a hall filled with what seemed to be a thousand doors goin’ in every direction. When we got to the end of the big hall, she unlocked a door and told me that i was to stay here and it was mine until i didn’t wanna call it mine anymore and that there was some shirts and britches in there for me to wear. Then she told me to go find Delly and she will show me more a the house, and she took Jim out back to a separate house where I saw some more niggers hangin’ around. I wanted to go with her and Jim but I figured it best to do as she said so I set off to find Delly, that wasn’t so hard to do since it wasn’t hard to spot somethin’ so nice and pretty in a group a people, and ‘cause she was waiting for me just at the bottom of the steps. “Come on Frank,” Delly insisted, “it’s almost dark and there’s still so much i wanna show ya!” So I followed as she took me and showed me their kitchen that was bigger than ma and Pa’s place by double. “This is where Mama cooks dinner for all of us. I’ll tell ya, you’re gonna love her cookin’. She used to let our house maid Patrice do all the cookin’ but we all had a talk and agreed that Mama’s cookin’ was too good not to have her cook, so Patrice just tends to the gardenin’ and stuff now.” That made me wonder what Jim’ll be doin’ and if he’ll be happy here or not. I know he really don’t wanna be here but atleast we have a roof over our heads and some good food to eat along the way. Delly took me into the sittin’ room after that and there was a woman in a chair that I hadn’t yet been told about. I couldn’t see her face ‘cause she was turned away from the door but she looked mighty similar to a woman I had seen before. This time I had to let my curiousness get the best of me. “Who’s that girl there in the chair?” “Oh dear me, I almost forgot to tell you all about Sophia! She came to be with Harney, see she was a Grangerford.” Delly said the name Grangerford with such disgustedness that it made me a bit suspicious. At the sound of hearing her name, the girl Sophia turned around, and there it was plain as day. Sittin’ in that big ‘ol fancy chair across from me was Sophia Grangerford, Buck’s sister, the sister that ran away with a Sheperdson. I was tryin’ to figure out why on earth she was here and not with the Shepardsen boy when another thought hit me, Harney was Delly’s brother, Harney Sheperdson. Delly was a Sheperdson and I was livin’ with her. Oh how glad I was Buck was dead right then ‘cause he woulda shot me dead for bein’ held up by a Sheperdson, but I had to know for sure. “Delly?” “Yes,Frank?” “What’s your last name?” “Why, Sheperdson of course. I figured you’d have just assumed that. Everybody knows who we are, especially after we got rid of those rotten Grangerfords once and for all.” “Dell,” Sophia warned. “Sorry, Soph,” Delly apologized, “I forgot, no Grangerford talk around you.” “Say Dell, I know this boy. Name’s George Jackson, he stayed with us back at the old home. He was real good friends with my brother Buck.” “No no Soph, you must be tired. This here’s Frank Hill, and he’s just from down the river. Go get some rest before dinner, you look mighty pale.” “I s’pose you’re right Dell, I must’ve worked myself to hard today.” Sophia gave me one last questioning look before goin’ back to her spot on the chair she was in when we came. I had to get outta there. “Hey, I’m not feelin’ too good all of a sudden,” I gagged, “I’m gonna go talk to Julius. He always know how to handle me in this kinda situation.” “Okay Frank, feel better. Dinner is in a few hours so be back and ready by then, I’m going to go freshen up myself.” She turned and walked up the big staircase and disappeared into one of the million doors. I had to hurry, I didn’t wanna be stayin’ there any longer than I had too. I ran out back to the nigger house and found Jim right away. He was out laughin’ and jokin’ with all the rest of them slaves, he seemed to be enjoyin’ himself a mighty deal. I almost felt bad takin’ him out just as soon as he got all comfortable there, but we had to go. “Jim, we gotta go. These folks, they’re the Sheperdsons’. They find out who I really am and they gonna shoot me dead and you too for comin with me. I’ll tell ya Jim, first and last time I ever follow a girl anywhere. I done learned my lesson so you ain’t gotta say I told you so or nothin. Let’s just go.” And boy was I grateful in that moment for Jim not sayin’ nothin’. We just got up and ran. We ran to find our raft and sailed off into that mighty big river an’ never looked back.
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