#cause eventually it will circle back to the mission and he gives good info
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sneaky-eel · 11 months ago
Desmond, bartender in 2000s-2010s New York would absolutely binge shitty reality tv and adore eavesdropping on patrons when he can't get his drama fix. He's the RPG tavern owner who you ask if he has heard any rumors and his eyes light up because now he can info dump all the shit he hears. This follows him to the past, where now he has to actively seek out this entertainment.
He abuses his enhanced senses to sit on roofs and listen in with a hand to his mouth like, "oh my god. They were roommates." He is both the best informant and the worst because, while he is a master at getting information, the details he focuses on are useless to the Order.
"Yeah so this guy will be here at this time at this place, whatever. But! More importantly this guy has been having an affair with his wife's sister AND her brother and-"
"Please, Desmond, I am begging you just tell me the information for the mission."
In Altair's time, Malik was originally Desmond's go to but after being chased out one to many times for "loitering and disturbing the peace of the bureau" (i.e. Malik's peace) Desmond switches to the Rafiq in Damascus since he "at least appreciates me." Eventually Malik would begrudgingly miss his presents and send a request for him to come back because Desmond is the only one he can rant at about Altair.
Altair does not know what the hell Desmond is talking about half the time, but now he does know the baker has three sons that his wife never knew of and one of the sons has shown up at the baker's home.
He normally will just let Desmond keep talking cause he likes his voice.
In Ezio's time he is best friends with Claudia and her girls love him. He'll drop in and gossip with them about their patrons or even warn them about some of them. "Be careful I heard that he has some craziness going on between the legs." or the girls will ask questions about Ezio.
"I heard he is a beast in bed, is that true?"
"Well you didn't hear it from me, buuuut~"
He is 100% going off of hazy animus memories, but all the courtesans totally think he has either A.) slept with Ezio or B.) is actively sleeping with Ezio
With Claudia he talks about the goings on in Tiber Island and what Ezio is up to. Ezio doesn't know how the hell his sister knows everything he is doing or why he gets a message from her forbidding him from doing something he hasn't even gotten to do yet and Desmond just stands off to the side sweating.
Connor is gonna go gray early with how often Desmond just disappears from the Homestead because he seems hellbent on not staying still as it gets "to boring there". Desmond will normally pop up in the strangest of places. Either Connor will find him, head tilted like a dog as he listens in on a group or Desmond will just hunt Connor down himself. "Heard you were in the area."
At time he loves it because Desmond always has a ready flow of information and he is very good at sowing discontent with it, making for good distractions. On the other hand he can do without the open commentary or rampant attention he gives any interaction Connor has with his father.
"It's so much more interesting when it's not me"
*Connor and Haytham both glare at him*
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thedelusionreaderbitch · 4 years ago
Kaz Brekker x Reader - Your What?! Part 1/2 (Soulmate au)
A/n: So I can't believe I'm doing this but... This a soulmate au! With Kaz fucking Brekker! I'm just going to cry in the corner now... I also decided to split this into two parts, so part 2 will be out tomorrow!
Warnings: language, mentions of trauma, mentions of the menagerie, mentions of death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
Summary: You and the crows are on a mission and your soulmate mark starts burning
All rights go to Leigh Bardugo, Netflix, and you! I just own the plot!
Soulmates are the bane of my existence.
You can say otherwise, tell me that I live in a wonderful world to have a chance to even meet my true love or whatever. Personally, I think it's bullshit.
Come on! Most people probably don't even meet their soulmate because the whole system is stupid! Maybe it was different billions of years ago when people couldn't have the same initials but now it's not about the initials.
It's about the pain.
Knowing the initials is just a slight sign to help you along your journey. The pain where those initials are is what it really is.
When your soulmate is hurt or in danger you mark will burn. Depending on the level of how much pain or danger they will be in it could feel like a mosquito bite... Or feel like your getting stabbed multiple times.
In my opinion well really... I don't give two fucks about it. It is what it is but the worst part about soulmate marks is when the person dies.
So when your soulmate is going to die, or is VERY close to death your soulmate mark fill start to flicker. Apparently it's worse then the normal pain you face with soulmates. When the person dies though...
In the case that your soulmate dies, the mark will slowly fade away causing you excruciating pain that could last YEARS. (Dramatic I know.)
That's what I used to think anyways.
When my sister finally escaped the menagerie I was ecstatic, but then she got dragged into the whole 'ice court heist,' so that was fun. In the time that everything happened I eventually got dragged down with her when Ketterdam was on lock down looking for criminals.
Then I found my soulmate.
Kaz fucking Brekker. Or Kaz Rietveld would be more correct, I guess.
After the whole heist was finally over we decided that fine, we could bond and we did. Being us, we didn't tell anyone not to stir up trouble, (we both had enemies) and because Inej Ghafa was my sister. Her and the others would be very protective of me.
Not like they can stop me though.
"Y/n." I snapped my head to look up to Kaz and he raise's an eyebrow at me.
"Don't kill Pekka." I roll my eyes at him. Since Kaz did tell me about his past I told him if he wouldn't kill Pekka I would.
Or at least his son.
I sigh. "Fine but don't expect me to give him a fucking birthday present."
"I never said you had too." Kaz says blankly and I almost grit my teeth together at the thought of Kaz having no emotions. Wow, people really don't know him. Though I guess that's the point.
The Crows and I start walking towards the warehouse-club and Kaz walks with me step by step. That must means he's worried because most times he doesn't even look at me when we're on a job to not show weakness.
I brush my hand quickly up against Kaz's gloved ones and I give him a nod.
A promise.
A promise to make it out alive as long as he does. I step back and lower my pace so I'm not leading with Kaz anymore and I fall into pace with Inej and Nina.
My mind goes to when Kaz found out I was his soulmate. I had found out on when he went on a mission one time and I just... Didn't tell him.
The walls of the Crow club all the sudden become suffocating as I stare intently at Kaz. I spin on my heels and dash out the doors tears filling my eyes. I don't even know where I'm running, I just needed to escape out of the Crow Club.
I need to escape the disappointment.
I slide down onto the wall of the alleyway feeling like a fool. How could I have ever thought someone like Kaz could love me. Regardless of the soulmate mark he didn't even know about.
I sense a someone is in front of me and I go to lift my head up and a man has me at gun point. I go to grab my knives. Shit. I curse every saint ever in existence. They aren't there. I don't even have a gun.
Bare fists I guess it is for me.
We turn in a circle and he clicks the safety off his gun and in a split second I duck when I hear a short, boom!
I growl in pain as a bullet goes through my shoulder and he goes to shoot again and...
The man drops dead to the floor.
I turn around and behind me is Kaz holding a gun, but his face is in pain and worry is there as well, spread across his face more plainly then I had ever seen before.
"Your my soulmate." He mutters and I barely hear it. My chest heaves and I just nod my head not being able to speak.
He come's over and pause's right in front of me, just a foot away. Slowly, he takes off his gloves and he nervously takes my hand and laces our fingers together.
Then we start walking back to the Crow Club.
To a new future. Together.
*Flashback over*
"What do you even have against Pekka Rollins anyways, Y/n?" Inej questions me as we speed-walk to the warehouse where some Dime Lions are stirring up trouble.
My brain scrabbles to put something together but I have always been a efficient liar. No offense to my sister she's fantastic at what she does, but lying had never really been her thing.
"Rollins is a barrel boss." I shrug my shoulders seemingly uncaring even though there is so much more layers to it. But I guess I'm not lying.
"So is Kaz." Nina points out but I already planed for that response.
"And we're dregs. Pekka is a big barrel boss, he scares off people from coming to the dregs. It's a problem and it's getting on our ass's." I grumble.
"I didn't know it mattered to you that much." Inej states. I wanted to scream in her face. He killed Kaz's brother! He almost killed Kaz! He creates monsters where ever he goes and tries to control them like caged lab rats! But I couldn't do that, so furiously I snap at her.
"Well it should to me, it's my job."
Nina and my sister both look at me weirdly, oh crap. They don't know I have basically the same authority as Kaz. Fuck.
"Why give me a promotion? Isn't there other people who could use it? Who would do better than me?" I ask Kaz as he goes through the papers on his desk.
"I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it." He looks up to me and starts to get out of his desk. He goes to the door but before he can open it I grab his arm.
"I basically have the same power over the dregs that you do. I don't think that's a good thing."
Kaz just shrugs his shoulders and opens the door.
"What's a king without his queen Y/n?"
*Flashback over*
"Wait what?" Nina asks confused.
At least it goes off the topic of me hating Pekka Rollins with everything I have. Internally I sigh at my foolishness, I had only accepted Kaz's request recently, so no one really knew who was helping him out all the time.
"Nemesis." The man whispers as I circle around him using the blinding light and the darkness to my advantage.
"Yes, and I get to decide if you live or die. Tell me, did you kill that little girl - Oh what was her name? Sarah was it?" I say loudly my voice confident and dangerous.
"No-no!" The sleaze ball yells and I throw one of my knives at his hand. The knife goes through his hand sticking it to the wall. The man screams out in pain.
"Liar." I hiss.
"Fine! Fine! I killed her!" He manages to scream out. "I killed her." He sobs as he says those three words again.
"Good." I say as I secretly pull a knife out behind my back into my right hand.
"I will grant you mercy." I whisper into his ear.
"Oh thank you!" The man sobs. "Thank you!"
I quickly slit his throat and he chokes on his blood for a few second and horror frames his face, before he falls to the ground.
I hear a click of a cane and I whip my head around to face the one and only Dirtyhands.
"You know killing him was accepting my offer, right?"
"I know." I don't have to look at him to know a small smile that has become reversed for me, is sitting on his face.
Then I remember what he said to me when he first gave the offer. I turn to face him as I try to hide my smirk, and I look at him right in the eye.
"My Crow king."
And I turned and walk away.
*Flashback over*
"Well-" I start to say but I'm cut off from Jesper's very excited 'we're here!' Thank the saints though, because it gives me time to escape they're questions for now.
"You all know the plan."
Nina puts her hands on her hips. "Only the parts you deem important enough for us to know."
I nearly snort and a small smile grace's my lips. They really have no idea, well obviously some idea being that the ice court heist existed.
Kaz rolls his eyes and makes a go motion.
Inej goes to slip through the shadows but before she's totally gone I make eye contact with her before she leaves. It clearly says our conversation is not over and stay safe.
I suck in a breath, I always hate it when I have to say goodbye to anyone. Especially when that some person could die.
Running over to back of the warehouse, I pull my hood up trying to be the most concealed that I can be.
Wylan is going with Jesper to go make a distraction so they'll be going through the front doors. Nina will be going to go flirt to go get some extra info, perhaps steal some things on the way and wiggle her way into the top floor where the Dime Lions are. Matthias and Kaz will be going together with them posing as the warehouse-club guards. Inej will be going through the roof, while I'll be going through the back.
In the end everyone will get to the top floor so we can exterminate some Dime Lions, and get into the vault where a whole bunch of kruge is. Hopefully there will be enough so I can put my share's with Inej's so she can get that upgrade on her boat that she needs. It's not like I'm going to use the money to do anything useful, she deserved it and plus I intended to stay with this city.
I silently slide sneakily into the window, coming out of the other end with a knife in my hands. If I have learned one thing from living in Ketterdam, it's that you can never be too prepared.
I stay close to the wall as I see someone roll down the rope-ladder. I grin to myself,
Right on time Inej.
I climb up the ladder without fear of falling down even if the ladder was just made out of rope. I get to the top and Inej offers me a hand and I take it.
The top floor is basically empty except for some Dime Lions henchmen that are laying around, dead or knocked out.
Then, I guess there is also the vault full of kruge.
I look around the room everyone is here except for-
"Where's Kaz?"
Matthias looks a bit uncomfortable and guilty as he shifts nervously on his two feet.
"He said he had to take care of something and to just go."
I sigh, well I know he isn't in danger... Yet. My heart is screaming for me to go after him, but it wouldn't look good for Dirtyhands or Nemesis. Knowing Kaz he's probably fine, he would just want me to open this vault I guess.
The fact that my soulmate mark isn't burning is probably also a clear sign that he's fine.
Get yourself together Y/n.
"Can we open the vault without him?"
The others look mildly surprised at my response (excluding Nina, and my sister).
"You might be able to do it, your one of the best lock pickers there is. Only second to Brekker." Nina states.
I bit my lip and start to walk over to the vault. I let my hand fall over the lock. I let it feel the certain gears and the parts that make up the lock.
The shank of the lock would be easy enough to undo with some man strength to help pull that open. Though that would be the last step - I need to stop thinking too far ahead.
It's a very simple lock that any petty thief could probably do in 32 seconds flat. Besides the fact that it was absolutely ginormous to fit over a fucking vault.
"Inej I'm going to need some help!" I yell across the room to my sister who is in the shadows on a look out, to make sure no ones coming here.
She comes and strolls over to stand beside me. I put my hand up the lock, and I grab one bar and I move it to the side but I hold it there with my hands.
"Can you find the bar to the left and pull it up once?"
Inej does and I hear a huge click! ring through the room.
"We should wait for Kaz till we open it." Inej states and I nod my head in agreement.
"So while we wait." Nina start's talking... Oh no, that can't be good. "We should maybe share the fact that Y/n is Kaz's second hand!"
Angry courses of what! come throughout the room.
"The fuck does Kaz think with putting you in all that danger!" Jesper yells and I see Matthias nod along with him.
"I'm already in danger most of the times I'm Inej's sister!"
"You should have told us!" Nina shoots back.
"You guys are really talking about this while were on a heist!" I shoot back.
My soulmate mark starts to tingle a bit but I ignore it, being that this conversation will most likely take a lot of energy.
"It still puts you in unnecessary danger." Inej and Wylan point out.
Fury rakes through my body. Who are they to tell me that's it's 'dangerous'?! I live in fucking Ketterdam!
"I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I'm not a doll! I can take care of myself! And you can't say anything because 60% percent of you guys don't even fucki- Ahhh!" A string of curse leave my mouth as I collapse against the vault.
To be continued...
Words 2480
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace
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transformers-extrication · 4 years ago
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Subject of some interest here’s Wheeljack! And as usual info is below.
Wheeljack walks primarily on all fours, using the armoured backs of his main hands to support his front half. Due to the angle of his back legs, Wheeljack has trouble walking in a bipedal motion, it’s not impossible, but more trouble than it’s worth. Walking on his hind legs only causes him to wobble from side-to-side harshly among other weirdness to his gait.
His head fins do indeed, light up, when he talks. Even when he whispers except then it’s incredibly dim.
The smaller secondary arms you have noticed on Wheeljacks shoulders have been altered. Wheeljack has placed ‘gloves’ on these hands, giving them the appearance of being webbed, he did this as cupping them against his chest makes an excellent ‘pocket’ for him to hold onto many little odds and sods while he works on his latest projects. Underneath he has spindly fingers.
Wheeljack is very excitable and loves to dive right into projects and ideas.
Has been friends with Perceptor for an exceedingly long time.
While at the Cybertronian version of a sort of “science academy” Wheeljack incorporated Shockwave into his friend circle creating a tight-knit friendship trio.
He and Perceptor were instrumental in helping Shockwave overcome some issues and begin to accept himself more. Wheeljack would make it a mission to try and get Shockwave to laugh at least once a day.
Regarding Shockwave he was intially incredibly happy some mech with plenty of financial backing picked up the fellow cyclops to make him a lead scientist. While Perceptor was more upset at the sudden loss of contact with their friend Wheeljack refused to hear it and optimistically brushed it off as “He’s in a new super-big fancy place now! It’s not deliberate Shocksy is probably just mega-cusy with all of the new stuff he’s got! You know how he is with new places, give him a while!”
This only made the hit harder when he eventually saw Shockwave again. During the war. Witnessing the stoic hateful mess Shockwave had become under Megatrons control tore Wheeljacks spark to shreds.
Wheeljack and Perceptor have tried many times to try and ‘reach’ Shockwave and ‘bring him back’ during the war, the attempts have always failed and lead to many heated angry moments between the two scientists. Probably a good thing they never found out their attempts occasionally did touch upon some of Shockwaves forcibly locked away emotions.
Due to this Wheeljack, despite any of their arguments, is incredibly protective (and somewhat clingy) to Perceptor, the Dinobots, and others he views as friends. Perceptor can usually get him to stop this behaviour, knowing it stems from guilt.
Before the War on Cybertron Wheeljack occasionally got scientific apprentices handed to him due to his eagerness to spread knowledge and also learn more himself. One such apprentice was Swoop, after Swoop never showed up Wheeljack went hunting for him.
Wheeljack had immense trouble trying to find Swoop and went to the council in Iacon to see if he could be allowed records of Swoops transfer papers. He was helped by a spindly mech with a somewhat monotone voice who said they’d seen that name go towards Kaon,
This is how he ended up in brief contact with Grimlock, learning about Grimlock, Swoop and a couple others torture being used as guinea pigs for tests. Mortified by this news Wheeljack had tried his best to get into Kaon to find a way of freeing them.
He was halted by a now denounced member of the Scientific community who passed word to him that Swoop would be fine some rising voice named Megatronus was vowing to make Cybertron a better place and liberate mechs from their current state of society. After all this mech claimed he knew what it was like to lose a friend...
During the war it was these memories and the knowledge of what happened that lead Wheeljack to hunt down the Dinobots upon their disasterous escape from Shockwaves lab. Knowing part of their history and some names allowed Wheeljack to get in close to them and help them regain some control over themselves.
The group protected Wheeljack from an attack from Shockwave but received terrible damage in the process. After a lengthly discussion (and lots of begging) Wheeljack got Ratchet to help him fix up some life support pods for the Dinobots, keeping them in stasis until they could one day be repaired in full. He was so protective of these pods, he made sure to sneak them onto the Ark before it was launched so they would remain with him.
Doggedly loyal to his friends. He’ll never lose another if he can help it.
Easily loses himself in sources of knowledge.
Keep an eye on him else he might start tinkering with various objects.
Often needs something to fiddle with during meetings, presentations, etc to help him focus.
Invents and creates new weapons, items, machines and devices to help the Autobots in the war, or just in general really.
Perceptor and others refer to him as ‘remarkably flammable’. He’s no more flammable than any other mech in reality.
Although, he probably has this 'reputation’ due to the fact his creations have a high chance to explode when he first makes them. That is a bit of a problem when your enthusiasm sometimes leads you to forget things.
Never lets this bother him though and will get straight back to working on his inventions. Ratchet has had to drag him out of his workshop to repair him before when the Inventor decides to disregard potential explosion-related injuries in favour of continuing his work.
Can jump far.
Is a sucker for big, tight hugs and claims Shockwave was good at them.
Does occasionally “baby talk” his creations.
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noneatnonedotcom · 5 years ago
battle concept i want to use
team rwby and jnpr have a new set of first missions, eventually culminating in the two teams staying in an abandoned arc castle for safety as they await rescue for themselves and the 600 civilians that they brought with them on their escape. knowing that a ship big enough for a rescue will defiantly not reach them in time jaune makes an audible and asks atlas to send rifles, simple one’s that the (now) militias will be able to learn quickly. giving two hundred of the guns to some of the militias with the other 400 being given pikes and armor from the armory of the castle. jaune sends blake and ren out for scouting and they come back with info on the hord. hundreds of grimm, more than you’ll ever really see (the kingdoms are quick to bombard the shit out of large groups of grimm leading to most fights being between small groups of huntsmen and small groups of grimm) but most are beowolves, or on occasion an ursa. understanding this jaune comes up with a plan.  the ruins of the castle really only have the keep left and the wall surrounding the mott the ruins of a curtain wall and a dried mote are just past that.  the beginning of the fight focuses on him and his team along with rwby kiting the grimm around the outside of the mott as the riffles fire occasionally having the huntsmen truly engage the hord to keep its attention or to shatter the smaller groups that break off from the main bulk to chase them. the huntsmen in training ripping apart the grimm quite easily. eventually the rifles run out of ammo and so jaune sets up the last stage of his strategy bringing the rested pike formations out he relies on the grimm’s natural instinct to go after huntsmen. putting himself and his friends in the middle of the formation with the pikes on either side forming four units. the main bulk of the hord go against the young huntsmen in training even thinned out as they are the weight of their numbers pushing the huntsmen back, while the pikes have an easy time dealing with the grimm who charge headlong into the pikes killing most instantly. and so it continues for a while with the huntsmen killing hundreds but slowly being pushed back and back until the lines are now in a horseshoe shape. just as the line was about to break the 200 rifles from before show up not with the guns but with halberds and armor. taking the place of the young huntsmen the pikes circle in around the grimm trapping them on all sides with a wall of pikes that the stupid creatures run headlong into all the while the bulk of the horde prevents the men from getting overwhelmed as the grimm get in their own way and are constantly fighting each-other to get to the humans behind their brethren. by the end of it jaune arc has lead the only case in remnants history where a numerically inferior force surrounded a larger one and a battle in which not only did none of his men die but each man killed more than one hundred grimm. one million grimm versus 600 untrained militia armed with pikes and borrowed rifles from atlas and two teams of huntsmen in training causalities from grimm: complete loss of the horde, and salem’s complete loss of respect for her minions for screwing the battle up that badly. the girmm where mindless what the hell was tyrian’s excuse? (in truth tyrian had been poisoned by jaune earlier that weak when he left out the food cooked by weiss schnee which looked and smelled good but cause food poisoning in all who ate it) casualties from the humans: none so this may seem dry but i like this sort of thing and wanted to hear your thoughts on the battle strategy employed by jaune arc
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gamerwoo · 6 years ago
Wonwoo & Mingyu: Glitch
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader but also Mingyu x female reader
Genre/warnings: hacker au, angst, fluff somewhere in there, enemies to lovers, mentions of abuse, kidnapping, implied torture/abuse, mention of death a lot, depression, mention of separation anxiety, brief mention of alcoholism, and smut at the end (threesome, ig sub!reader???, oral [male and female receiving] double penetration, some praise sprinkled in]
Word count: 18,751
Summary: After your boyfriend goes missing and you can all only assume he’s dead, your boss assigns you a new partner. But considering you don’t want to get close to anybody again in fear of something going wrong again, living together is a lot easier said than done. However, you don’t get hurt the way you think you will.
a/n: wow my longest writing yet!!! shoutout to @neverknewgrey2016 for helping me with the fighting toward the end because i didn’t know how to end this bitch, and also shoutout to markiplier because i had him playing fnaf in the background while i wrote the smut lmao
Very few things in this world could bring you joy: hot cup noodles at 3am, honey butter chips that greased your fingers and your keyboard, warm blankets fresh from the dryer that draped over your shoulders while you worked, and the rare moments of free time where you could spend time with the one thing that made you the happiest.
Mingyu was the one who would cook you ramen at 3am when you hadn’t eaten yet, would keep the cupboards stocked with your favorite chips that he’d gotten you addicted to, and would toss your favorite fuzzy blankets in the dryer to keep you extra comfortable while you worked. He was your best friend, your partner in crime, and the only person you truly loved in this world. You would do anything for him, and he would do the same for you. Despite your dangerous jobs, you loved each other more than anything.
You met through work. You two were the hacker extraordinaires that the agency relied heavily on. That was how your little rivalry started. He’d hack you, you’d hack him back; it was almost a game, really. It started out with ddosing and deleting important files, but it quickly turned into changing wallpapers to memes and leaving dumb notes open for the other. You were always one to keep people at arm's length because your job could get you killed, but you found yourself looking forward to Mingyu’s dumb antics everyday.
Eventually, you just grew closer. Mingyu wanted to video chat out of nowhere -- he just called, he didn’t even ask -- and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, “Should I dress as a sexy maid for this next mission?”
“Uh...what?” you asked, his question causing your fingers to stop typing codes.
“I have to go out for a mission, and I have this sexy maid costume I never used,” he explained as if he was talking to a close friend. “It’s not something I got myself but since it was a gift, I figure I--”
You interrupted his babbling, “Why did you call me?”
“Because,” he sighed happily, holding up his phone for you to see the screen, “I found your info on the agency’s database and you looked cute.”
“I-- Why are you hacking into the agency’s database?”
“Because I wanted to know who I was messing with for the last three months.”
You wondered why you didn’t bother trying to look up Mingyu. You also wondered why the agency’s database was easy enough for one of their workers to hack into it -- then again, you and Mingyu were the top hackers and could hack pretty much anything.
But now that you were looking at who was supposed to be your rival to compete against, you realized...he was really cute. His shaggy brown hair, tanned skin that glowed, and his smile that was even brighter, you wondered how someone like him was a hacker and not some kind of model. Then again, you didn’t think you were awful looking, so…
You spoke with Mingyu for hours while you worked. Even when the two of you fell silent to work, it was comfortable having Mingyu there -- well, not physically but still. That was how your relationship grew until he was taking you on a date, moving in with you, and talking about your future together. Mingyu was the only thing in this world that you truly had an attachment to that you wanted to keep safe -- other than his friends, who quickly became your...acquaintances.
But Mingyu was the same way, which was why he did what he did.
For once, you were asleep in your bed beside Mingyu, clinging to his side to steal his warmth. You had been awake for three days straight, so Mingyu wasn’t surprised when you slept through the intruder alarm going off. The alarm had never gone off before since your security was so tight, but it was a good thing Mingyu installed the precaution anyway. It just made an annoying beep that wasn’t too loud to alert anybody else to you knowing there was a break-in, but it was just annoying enough to wake anybody who hadn’t pulled an all-nighter for the last 72 hours.
Mingyu climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake you as he grabbed his gun and checked the small monitors. Apparently the intruder was in the lounge where the front door opened to. He opened the door quietly and went out to go apprehend the intruder.
That was around the time you woke up. Mingyu yelled, there was a loud bang like somebody had fallen, and you immediately jolted up.
“Gyu?” you asked into the dark bedroom. Realising he wasn’t beside you, you got out of bed as quickly as you could, pressing the emergency button by the door as you exited the bedroom. “Gyu!”
But Mingyu was gone. And there were no traces of him or the intruder.
Various people from the agency arrived to investigate. They said that your push of the emergency button was the only one they got -- Mingyu never pressed it. You wondered why he wouldn’t press it if there was an intruder. You wondered how there was absolutely no trace of him. The place was so clean that even the best investigators couldn’t figure out who took him or how they broke in.
But you held out hope, along with his friends, for three months. They’d reassure you that Mingyu must be out there somewhere, fighting to get back to you. Everybody knew that Mingyu loved you more than he loved anything, and he would do anything to be with you.
“Are you sure you don’t want somebody to come stay with you?” Seungcheol offered. “It might make you feel less lonely.”
“Plus with somebody breaking in, it’s better for you to have more protection in case it happens again,” Minghao agreed.
“Ah, I heightened the security,” Soonyoung scoffed. “She’s safer than the Crown Jewels.”
“I’ll be fine,” you reassured them, though you weren’t smiling, and your heart still hurt over Mingyu. You weren’t really fine. “It would be...awkward having anybody else live with me.”
“Gyu thought it was awkward living with you at first too, and yet…” Hansol’s sentence trailed off with a chuckle. “You guys really were perfect for each other.”
“Dude, shut up!” Seungkwan scolded him.
You opened your mouth to speak when there was a knock at the door. Your head shot up, looking at the monitor only to see a masked figure dressed in all black leaving your front door. Immediately, your hand hit the emergency button, and you could hear the alarm going off in the back of the video call of a few of the agents you were speaking with.
“___?” Seungcheol sounded worried. “What happened?”
“Somebody showed up at the door, but they were dressed in all black and hiding their face,” you reported as you went to review the security tapes. “They left something on the doorstep.”
“Don’t touch it,” Joshua advised.
“Yeah, we’ll be there soon!” Jeonghan chimed in before he ended his call.
One by one, they ended their calls to get to you.
When the agents arrived, they scoped everything out before deeming this another cold case. Nobody knew where the person came from, where they had gone, or who they were. They even checked whatever the person left to see if it was safe, and after careful examination -- including seeing what was inside -- Jihoon gave you the small box.
“You… You’ll want this,” he mumbled, handing it over to you.
As the boys continued searching for clues through the security tapes, you lifted the small lid on the box. There, resting on the cardboard, was Mingyu’s promise ring. The ring that looked exactly like yours; the rings neither of you took off. They signified that one day, the two of you would get married and be happy without worries.
Giving you this ring was like giving you his dead body. You fell to your knees, unable to even touch the ring, like it would burn your skin. Your eyes welled with tears that you couldn’t contain, and a loud sob cut through the murmurs of the agents and the clicking of keys.
It was official. Mingyu was gone forever.
“___, did you sleep at all?” Seokmin wondered as he stared at the dark circles under your eyes. He knew that the camera didn’t show just how severe they were, but the sight still worried him. “You can’t keep staying awake for days on end just to pass out for a few days straight and then repeat.”
“I slept enough,” you shrugged before letting out a wide yawn. “Fuck, I need another energy drink.”
“You need sleep,” he sighed. “I know it’s only been two months but you need to take better care of yourself--”
“Or you’ll send someone to take care of me,” you groaned, sitting back from the computer and rubbing your face with your hands, “I know, I know. You sound like my parent, y’know.”
“Somebody has to since you clearly can’t function as a real adult,” he chuckled.
“Are any of us real adults?”
“Cheol, maybe. ...Not so much Hoshi, though.”
“He’s good with security, though,” you laughed softly, stretching your arms above your head and letting out a groan. “Hey, have you heard from the boss yet?”
“About what?” he questioned.
“I was approved to move but he had to pick the location,” you explained, spinning slowly in your computer chair. “I was hoping he would’ve told one of you to relay the message since he’s avoiding my calls and emails.”
“Why would he be avoiding you? Don’t tell me you scare the boss?”
“No, I think I annoy him more than scare him.”
Suddenly, your phone started ringing on your desk. You checked the ID and saw it was Seungcheol, so you told Seokmin to be quiet before answering the call.
“Hey, ___,” he began, though he sounded...uncomfortable.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, furrowing your brows together. “You don’t sound too good.”
“Because I think you’ll find this news to be not-too-good,” he chuckled nervously. “So uh...boss decided it’s best that instead of moving, he’ll give you a new partner to work with.”
“No,” you immediately replied, your mind already made up. “If I didn’t want any of you to live with me--”
“I know, ___, but that’s out of our hands. We just got a new guy in a few weeks ago, and boss thinks he’s about as good as you -- if not, better.”
“Better?!” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Please, nobody’s better than--”
You heard your front door open, causing you to pause your sentence abruptly. Seungcheol kept saying your name while Seokmin watched you curiously. He had heard the noise too.
“Do you want me to call somebody?” he offered.
“Is anybody home?” you heard a deep voice call out.
“Ah!” Seungcheol’s voice suddenly sounded brighter. “I guess Wonwoo’s found his way to your place!”
“Wonwoo?” you repeated.
“Wonwoo?” Seokmin repeated after you, looking confused. “Isn’t that the new hacker?”
“Helloooo?” the intruder apparently named Wonwoo repeated, holding out the last vowel.
You sighed, getting out of your chair and leaving Seokmin on his own, “Seungcheol, I’m gonna call you back.”
After hanging up on your friend, you left your room to go find this Wonwoo character. He was in the lounge, looking around with a duffel bag over his shoulder, and round glasses pushed up his nose. His sharp eyes landed on you when you appeared, but his expression stayed neutral.
“Oh, there you are,” he said as if he was playing a casual game of hide-n-seek. “You know, your system to keep out intruders is very complex.”
“Then how did you get through it?” you quizzed, crossing your arms over your chest.
He just shrugged, “I said it was complex, not impossible to get through.”
“You could’ve rang the bell like a normal person.”
“Considering how long it took you to emerge from your room to find what could’ve been an intruder, I can only imagine how long I’d be waiting outside for you.”
“Yes,” you nodded, turning your nose up at him, “because I didn’t agree to a roommate.”
“I’m not a roommate, I’m a housemate,” he corrected. “My name’s Wonwoo.”
“Do you tell every stranger your real name?” you sighed. “Don’t you have an alias?”
You frowned, ‘Just like Agent Gyu.’
Wonwoo either didn’t take notice of your facial expression, or he didn’t care, “Do you have one?”
He chuckled with a snort, “Where’d you come up with that?”
“It was Agent Z, but...somebody gave me a new one,” you nodded, saying the last part softly.
Wonwoo nodded before he went back to scoping out the lounge. There were a few articles of clothing thrown around, a few empty soda cans, chip bags, and ramen noodle cups, and you weren’t sure when the last time you vacuumed was, but Wonwoo didn’t comment on any of it. Hey, he was a hacker too, there was no way he could always be clean.
“So…” he began slowly as he took careful steps further into the house as if he hadn’t hacked into your security system and technically -- no, he did -- break in, “where do I stay?”
“Away from me,” you replied, turning on your heels and starting back toward your room. “You can crash on the couch.”
“Where does my setup go?!” he called after you.
“Not my problem!”
You didn’t see Wonwoo for two days. You were holed up in your office doing work the entire time, and you lived off of the few snacks you had stored in there. But your friends knew when you ran out because your stomach would make loud noises that nobody could miss.
“___, you need to eat something,” Jeonghan had scolded.
You just shrugged and carried on with your work, ignoring Junhui’s comments about your dark circles. You knew you looked like a mess but you always invested so much into your work -- even more so after Mingyu died. Did they really think you’d suddenly change just because some guy had to move in with you?
But things did change. On the third day, there was a soft knock on the door. When you didn’t reply, the door opened slowly, light from the hallway streaming in and making you squint. Wonwoo walked in with a plate a sushi, setting it beside your keyboard. You stared at it like you’d never seen sushi before.
Truthfully, nobody had ever taken care of you, even if it was just bringing you food. Mingyu was the only person who ever made sure you ate. Other than that, it was completely up to you -- other than your friend berating you to eat something or catch some z’s. So your new housemate suddenly showing up with food was...weird.
“What...is this?” you wondered before you looked up at him.
He shrugged, “You haven’t been out of the room in three days and I didn’t know if you had anything to eat. I ordered some takeout and I figured you might want some. Do you like sushi?”
“You know there’s plenty of ramen, right?”
“Clearly, you live off of ramen, and that’s awful for you. I also noticed all those chips and--”
“Don’t touch the chips,” you snapped.
He held his hands up in surrender, chuckling, “I wasn’t planning on it. My point is, you can’t only eat ramen and chips. Just say thank you for the meal, and I’ll leave.”
“Why should I say thank you for something I didn’t ask for?”
Wonwoo let out a deep sigh, his glasses slipping slightly from his nose, “You’re stubborn, aren’t you?”
“Mmm,” you just hummed in reply, looking back at your computer screen.
He just shook his head and left the room, leaving you in the dark once again.
You didn’t touch your sushi.
“So what’s her deal?”
Your friends had brought in a nice welcome wagon for the new recruit, and they quickly became friends. Seungcheol had called to make sure he was settling in well, and of course, the conversation drifted to you. Wonwoo explained how you were cold toward him and had hidden away in your room for the last week. So far, your new housemate knew virtually nothing about you.
“Oh, uh,” Seungcheol scratched the back of his head, unsure how to explain your situation, “it’s...a long story.”
“Didn’t you say she had a housemate before me?” Wonwoo wondered as he did some side works on his computer. “How did they warm up to her?”
“Mingyu? Oh, well...I think he hacked the agency to look up her information.”
Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrowed together, glancing at the screen where Seungcheol’s face was, “Why would somebody do that? Didn’t he get in trouble?”
“Nobody even knew he did it!” Seungcheol laughed, remembering Mingyu bragging to him about it. “The two of them were the top hackers in the agency, and now it’s you two; that’s why the agency had you live with her. She was originally going to move away somewhere else.”
As Seungcheol spoke, Wonwoo’s fingers danced across the keyboard, interested in getting more information on you -- or at least whatever the agency had available. He knew it was an invasion of privacy, but he didn’t want to live with someone he was so distant with. He wanted to know more about you, and hopefully help you at least sort of tolerate him.
“Why was she going to move away?” Wonwoo wondered, his eyes scanning the screen as his fingers moved diligently.
“Well, if you’re doing what I think you’re doing, you’ll find out soon enough, won’t you?”
Quickly, Wonwoo found the files he was looking for. He scrolled down the names, noting a few of them as he scanned them. Choi “Coups” Seungcheol: active. Lee “Dino” Chan: active. Kwon “Hoshi” Soonyoung: active. Kim “Gyu” Mingyu: terminated.
Wonwoo stopped, his eyebrows pulling together as he clicked on the file.
“Who was Mingyu, and why was he terminated?” he questioned as he began to scan through the information. “Oh, was he Glitch’s roommate?”
“Yeah,” the older boy nodded solemnly, “but he’s why she was going to move.”
“Because he was fired? Oh wait...oh…”
Wonwoo got to the bottom of the page and read that he was deceased. It said the cause of death was unknown, but that he was kidnapped from his home -- the home that Wonwoo knew he shared with you.
“No wonder she wants to leave…” Wonwoo muttered as he continued his search.
“Yeah…” Seungcheol nodded. “Mingyu and her were inseparable.”
Wonwoo kept Mingyu’s profile up but went in search for yours next. He didn’t know what to look for since he didn’t know your name, but he knew he could at least find you based on your alias. But as he scanned all the files, he found nothing. Every name he didn’t recognize did not have the alias he was looking for. Kim “Kai” Jongin. Park “Chim” Jimin. Lee “Onew” Jinki. You just weren’t there.
But then he remembered what you had told him.
“It was Agent Z, but...somebody gave me a new one.”
Wonwoo went down the list again, softly clicking his tongue as he looked for the new alias. Sure enough, there it was: ___ “Z” ___: active.
“Cheol,” Wonwoo spoke up as he opened your information, “isn’t her name Glitch?”
Seungcheol shook his head, “Not officially.”
There wasn’t much information on you except your name, your address, your height, the year you were born, and a picture of you. Other than that, it said you currently weren’t deployed for an outside mission, and a few details about Mingyu’s kidnapping. It said you were in the house and asleep when it happened, that you knew nothing, and you weren’t a suspect. He also saw that it read, ‘priority,’ on your profile, which he assumed meant you were a valued hacker and were to be taken special care of. He only knew because he was added to that one-person list, so now it was the two of you.
But he at least had something to work with. He knew your name, that was good. That would have to suffice, at least for now. Although, he was a little curious about you and this Mingyu person, but Seungcheol had warned him prior to not say anything about your previous housemate. Maybe he could work up to it, though.
Wonwoo stretched, deciding he was hungry now, “I’ll be right back, Cheol. I’m gonna find some ramen or something.”
“‘Kay,” he replied as he continued to do whatever he was working on.
That was around the time you decided to emerge from your dark room to stock up on more food. You walked into the lounge, expecting to see Wonwoo working away since that’s where his desktop was now -- you only knew thanks to security cameras you accessed from your office. However, he was gone, but his work was still up.
You didn’t think much of it, simply glancing at his screen as you walked to the kitchen. But then something caught your eye: you. Your face was shown on the screen. So you walked over and sat down, scanning the page. He’d hacked the agency’s files to research about you. Your jaw clenched. He was doing exactly what Mingyu had done, and it had those memories flooding back into your head. You hated it because those happy memories only made you more upset.
You were about to look away to go chew out Wonwoo, but then it only got worse.
The familiar smile of Mingyu was peeking out behind the window that had your information, and you saw that Wonwoo was even researching about him. Boy, were you livid now. It was bad enough he was snooping around about you, but now Mingyu? Why would he do that? What right did he have to bring up Mingyu after what happened?
“Oh, ___!” Seungcheol jumped when he realized you were there, red faced and glaring at the screen, hot tears burning your eyes.
Wonwoo heard the older boy say your name, so he walked out of the kitchen to see you standing up to face him, your hands balled into fists at your side.
“So, your name is ___, huh?” he smirked, leaning up against the doorway.
“Do you really think I’m here to joke around with you?” you asked, seething with rage that dripped into the tone of your voice.
Wonwoo’s joking demeanor fell as he really took in your body language. You were so mad, you were shaking Tears were about to spill over, and he’d never seen your face so red.
“Why did you look up all that information?” you demanded, cutting him off from whatever he planned to say to attempt to make this better.
He gestured to the computer, getting defensive, “So it’s okay that Mingyu did?”
“Don’t talk about him like you know him!” you shouted, your voice breaking toward the end. “You and him are two completely different people. Why did you even look him up? You don’t need to know anything about him except that he’s gone, and that’s it! Anybody else who mentions him to you will have to deal with me, because he is none of your business, got it? And if you ever look me or him up again, you’ll be the next person to disappear without a trace.”
All Wonwoo could do was stare at you, his mouth slightly agape. You thought it was because you’d really yelled at him, but then you realized you were crying when tears started to fall onto your shirt.
“___, I’m--”
“Shut up,” you snapped, wiping your tears before quickly stomping out of the room.
Wonwoo stood in the same spot for a moment after hearing your door slam before going over to the computer again. Seungcheol looked disappointed in himself, carding his hands through his hair. He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head.
“I shouldn’t have said anything to you,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I was the one who decided to research,” Wonwoo nodded. “It was my own fault. I was hoping I could use the information on her to get to know her better but…”
“She’ll come around,” the older boy promised. “She did before.”
Wonwoo gave you space the next week. He knew you were upset because of something dumb he did, and he did plan on apologizing, but he wanted to give you space beforehand. He knew you needed to cool off, but he also needed to figure out how to go about making it up to you. He wanted you to know he did really feel bad for snooping.
He didn’t know much about you, but he picked up on something you liked a lot: honey butter chips. The only times he ever saw you, it was when you made the walk from your office to the kitchen, and you had to go through the lounge. You’d walk back toward your room with your arms full of the bags before he’d hear your door close again. Well, after his little stunt, he noticed you were clean out of the snacks. He didn’t know if your feelings were causing you to eat more of them or not but he knew he should buy you more anyway just to apologize, even if it was a small gesture.
So Wonwoo went to the store in some sweats to grab you some. The cashier definitely gave him a weird look for buying copious amounts of chips -- only chips, and one box of protein bars for when Wonwoo couldn’t have a real meal -- and leaving, but he didn’t pay her any mind. He just wanted to get home so he didn’t have to be out in public for too long. He knew nobody would know he was an agent or anything, but he still hated being in public without some sort of disguise, or a hat at the very least.
When he returned home, there was no trace of you. You hadn’t left your office in four days, and he wasn’t sure if you were even sleeping anymore. But clearly, now wasn’t the time for him to lecture you on how to live your life.
He walked down the hall to your office, where he could hear a male’s voice.
“___, you need to sleep in a real bed, not your office chair,” they sighed.
At least you were sleeping, then.
“Are you sure you’re not working more to keep your mind off of...something?” a new voice asked.
“If you’re talking about Wonwoo, the answer is no,” you replied sharply. “I don’t care what he’s doing as long as it doesn’t involve Mingyu anymore.”
It hit Wonwoo that he shouldn’t be listening in on your conversation. So he knocked on your door before waiting for a reply. When he didn’t get one, he slowly opened the door, peeking inside to see you staring blankly at your many monitors. He frowned seeing the state you were in. Your hair was greasy and matted, your eyes had bags and dark circles, and you were hunched forward like you were going to pass out at any second.
“___?” his voice was soft as he fully entered the room. “I wanted to apologize.”
“You’re forgiven,” you said flatly, “now get out.”
He let out a sigh, “I’m serious! I even went out and bought you more honey butter chips, but I won’t give them to you if you don’t listen to me.”
Your eyes shifted from the screen to your housemate, narrowing at him as he dangled one of the bags in front of you, “You’re forcing me to listen to you with food?”
“Is it working?” Wonwoo asked with the hint of a smile.
“I really am sorry for what I did, ___,” he repeated, turning serious again. “I won’t do anything like that ever again. I just wanted to get closer with you since we live in the same space, but your life should be your life; you should tell me what you want to, and keep secret what you want to. I should’ve respected that, and I’m sorry.”
You just stared at him for a moment before nodding slowly, “Thanks.”
“Then, here’s your chips,” he said, dropping the bag on your desk, “but you have to promise to eat this first.”
He then opened a box he had pinned between his arm and torso, and took something out of it. He tossed it to you, and you read the wrapper, scrunching up your nose, “Why?”
“If I’m being honest, you look awful,” he chuckled. “You can’t live off of chips, ___.”
“That’s what we tell her!” one of the voices from her computer shouted.
“Then make sure she eats that,” Wonwoo told them before exiting your room.
Immediately, you set the bar down on the desk, and went to open the chip bag. You were interrupted by Junhui’s voice.
“What was that?” he wondered.
“It’s a meal replacement bar,” you shrugged, pulling down on the chip bag to rip the side.
“Eat it,” Minghao ordered.
You paused, looking at the boys on your monitor, “Why? It’s still not real food.”
“But it’s better than chips!” Seungkwan agreed. “Please just eat it before you eat more chips. You haven’t been taking care of yourself, and you need to.”
“If you’re not in good health, you know what the boss will do,” Junhui reminded you.
With a groan, you tossed the chip bag onto the desk and picked up the bar. You tore the wrapper open with your teeth, spitting the plastic off into the darkness of your room before taking a bite out of it, and silently cursing Wonwoo.
You wandered out of your room one night to get some ramen or something. Seungcheol was scolding you because of your health and eating habits, so you were forced to go find some “real food” or Seungcheol would tell the boss.
With your shitty luck, you ran into Wonwoo as you passed through the lounge. He was staring at his setup before he noticed you walking by. He frowned, seeing you in real light for the first time. You looked even more awful than he thought.
“___,” he called your name softly, though you didn’t stop on your way to the kitchen.
“What?” you spat.
Wonwoo stood to follow you, pushing his glasses up his nose, “You should take some time for yourself before going back to work. Shower, take a nap, and such.”
“You should mind your business,” you shot back, looking through the pantry.
Suddenly, the door you held open was slammed shut. Wonwoo was staring down at you, his expression neutral, “___, please.”
“And what do you care? Huh?” you quizzed.
The two of you stood there in silence, simply having a staring contest with each other. Finally, you let out a loud groan and went to a cupboard. You opened it, took out a bottle of sake, and left the kitchen. You made it a point to stare at Wonwoo as you casually opened the bottle and took a swig before exiting.
“That’s not what I meant by taking time for yourself!” he called after you.
“This is my self care, asshole!” you shouted back before he heard the slam of your door.
Truthfully, it was your self care for a long time. It was how you coped with Mingyu’s disappearance for a while, which definitely wasn’t the most healthy way to deal.
Anybody would argue that your current actions -- or lack thereof -- were because of what happened to Mingyu. You didn’t take care of yourself, you deprived yourself of nutrients, sleep, and hygiene, and you shut people out. People like Wonwoo who were just trying to do their job, and help you. But you always insisted you did all of that because it wasn’t pertinent to your job.
You thought about all of this as you flopped down onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Mingyu had stuck a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars up there because the two of you hardly got to go outside to look at them at night. He thought it was a funny joke, and you thought he was a big dork for it. But that was why you loved him. He was a big dork, but it made your life more tolerable; maybe even enjoyable.
The more you thought about all of it, the longer the drinks you took from the bottle became. You’d never admit it, but you missed Mingyu so much that it hurt. You missed him so much that it felt like every breath you took ignited a fire in your lungs that made it hard to keep breathing. You missed him so much that your heart felt like it was slowly shattering each and every second, to a point where it was hard to stand anymore. You just wanted your Mingyu back, but he was never coming back. The ring that belonged to him that you wore on the thin silver chain, hidden away under your shirt, was a reminder of that.
Mingyu was gone forever.
“Fuck,” you sighed, realizing your eyes were welling with tears.
So you wiped them with your sleeve, and took another drink.
You had no idea what you were doing. Stumbling out of your room an hour or so later, drunker than you’d been in a while, and sputtering out your need for chicken and pizza.
Of course, Wonwoo heard you down the hall, and concern showed on his face. He’d never heard your voice so garbled before. But then he remembered how you walked off with the bottle of sake, and he assumed you probably had a lot to drink from the bottle.
Soon enough, you found your way into the lounge where Wonwoo was, and you raised your eyebrows when you saw him standing up already, “You’re...tall.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I noticed. Are...you okay, ___?”
“Yeaaaah,” you slurred, waving away his question while almost knocking yourself over from the movement, “no biggie.”
“You sure?” he asked, moving away from the couch and coffee table to go over to you.
Hesitantly, Wonwoo put an arm around your waist, and almost relaxed himself when you let him. You leaned into his side, having a hard time standing on your own, and gripped the side of his shirt with one hand. He led you over to the couch he was sitting on, setting you down slowly. However, you didn’t release your grip on Wonwoo.
“I haven’t been around anybody since Mingyu,” you spoke up, just blathering out whatever was on your mind, and Mingyu was all you could think about. Your voice was soft, but your words still ran together, and you were hiccuping between every few words. “You’re...warm.”
Wonwoo chose to ignore the first part, knowing you didn’t want him talking about Mingyu, “Do Seungcheol and the others not come visit you?”
You shook your head, “Nobody has the time. I lived with Mingyu, but...he was taken.”
Clearly, you wanted to talk about Mingyu, so Wonwoo had no choice but to ask, “He was taken?”
“Kidnapped,” you nodded, your face falling before you added on, “and killed.”
Wonwoo sat down beside you, “How do you know he was killed?”
“They sent me this,” you pulled the ring out from under your shirt, letting Wonwoo examine it between his fingers. “We had promise rings, and this one was Mingyu’s. I still wear mine. I couldn’t...I couldn’t take it off.”
Wonwoo heard you sniffle, and his eyes glanced up at your face as he let the ring drop from his hand. You rubbed at your eyes like a child, wiggling your nose as you sniffled again. Wonwoo frowned.
“I miss him,” you admitted, coughing like you were trying to hide the fact you were about to cry. When you removed your fists from your eyes, your eyes were red and glossy. “I miss having somebody that loved me as much as I loved them.”
To that, Wonwoo didn’t know what to say. You had only been cold to him, and now you were suddenly blabbering everything you felt. While he was happy you were letting him in, he felt dirty because he knew it was just because you were drunk.
He noticed you started to cry, so he did the only thing he could think to do: he held you. He pulled you to him and let you cry. You weakly held onto his shirt like it was a security blanket, letting out all of the emotions you kept held in. He rubbed your back, trying to soothe you as best as he could.
Wonwoo let the two of you sit like there for a moment before he decided to take you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up, and hopefully a bit more sober. He managed to lift you relatively easily, carrying you down the hall to the bathroom. He set you down on the counter before going to turn on the shower and setting the temperature.
“Wonwoo?” you spoke up suddenly, watching him from where you sat. He looked over at you, humming in response. “...Why are you nice to me still?”
He shrugged, unsure of how to reply, “Well...if we live together, it would be kind of shitty to hate each other, right?”
“I guess,” you shrugged, leaning back against the mirror. “It’s just...hard. You remind me of Mingyu sometimes.”
That piqued Wonwoo’s interest, “I do? How?”
“He went by Gyu, and you go by Woo.”
“That’s it?” he chuckled, walking over to lean against the counter beside you.
“I wasn’t done,” you huffed. “You both always tell me what to do. Like, he would tell me I have to eat real food, and so do you. And you’re always like, looking out for me, I guess. Nobody looked out for me other than Mingyu.”
“So...do you want me to stop?” he wondered, furrowing his brows together.
“I...don’t...know,” you decided chewing on your lower lip as you thought about it. Part of you liked it -- liked Wonwoo, even -- but part of you still felt uncomfortable about that. You wanted to both push Wonwoo away, but also pull him closer.
But what if you lost Wonwoo too?
You didn’t want to think about that.
“You should shower,” Wonwoo said after the brief silence. “I’ll be in the living room when you’re done. I’ll make you some food, okay?”
“Wonwoo?” you slid down from the counter as Wonwoo opened the bathroom door. “Thank you.”
It was the first time you has genuinely thanked him before, and he smiled, “No problem.”
After the door was closed, you peeled off the clothes you’d been wearing for however many days -- you lost track -- and stepped into the shower. The water was hot, but not scalding. You found it comforting, and just stood there for a while without doing anything. You just...thought about things. About Mingyu, and Wonwoo, and how things were different but how things were still similar.
You spent a lot of time thinking about Wonwoo, though. You tried your best to avoid him, but you just chalked it up to you being angry about people moving on from Mingyu’s death so quickly. You were telling everyone -- including yourself -- that you were angry because you wanted to be alone and move out of this house, but the boss gave you the exact opposite of what you wanted. And sure, that’s what it was at first, but then it was something else.
Wonwoo watched over you. He made you eat real food, he tried to learn about you in the same manner as Mingyu, and he even used the same method of choosing an alias as Mingyu had. He reminded you so much of Mingyu, and it upset you and frightened you. You liked Wonwoo. You saw familiar things in him that made you feel something, and that scared you. What if Wonwoo got taken away too?
In your drunk state, you started crying all over again. You felt so many things at once that your drunk mind couldn’t process, so you just cried. And once that was all out of your system, you washed your hair and body before getting out of the shower and wrapping towels around yourself.
Once you were dried and dressed, you walked out of the bathroom and into the lounge. Wonwoo was working to pass the time, but immediately looked up when he saw you. He was pleased to see your hair was a wet mess, meaning you did actually wash your hair.
“How do you feel?” he asked.
You shrugged, “Still kinda tipsy, and I have a headache.”
He gestured to the coffee table, “Aspirin and water.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled, shuffling over to take the medicine and gulp down half the water bottle. Then you sat down beside him, pulling your knees to your chest. “I’m sorry for--”
“Don’t be sorry about anything,” he told you, sitting away from his computer and laying his head back against the back of the couch. “Somebody important was taken away from you; I can’t imagine how you’d be feeling.”
“And I’m not the best at expressing feelings,” you deadpanned with a breathy laugh.
“That’s okay,” he shrugged, “not everyone can express themselves with words. We’ll make things work.”
You nodded, staring straight ahead at the TV that wasn’t turned on -- you weren’t sure when you had last used it. Maybe before Mingyu was taken? You wondered if Wonwoo ever used it, and what he watched.
“Are you hungry?” Wonwoo’s deep voice pulled you from your thoughts.
You nodded, so he stood and gestured for you to follow. He had you actually sit at the counter -- something you hadn’t done in months -- to eat the meat and rice he’d made for you. It definitely wasn’t the prettiest plating, and it looked slightly overcooked, but hey, he tried. So you sat down and ate while he ate the little bits you didn’t want, as well as what was left in the pan.
While the two of you ate, you each found out small things about each other. How you were in love with the honey butter chips because of Mingyu, and how Wonwoo had a soft spot for cheesecake. How Wonwoo was terrified of dogs, and you always wanted one -- that made him laugh a bit nervously. But they were all tiny details, nothing like major facts about your backgrounds and where you came from.
By the time you were done eating, you were yawning and rubbing your eyes. There was still a little bit of food on your plate, but Wonwoo made sure to give you extra since you had barely eaten anything other than chips and ramen.
“C’mon, I’ll help you to bed,” Wonwoo offered with a warm smile as he went around to the other side of the counter to help you.
He placed an arm around your waist and guided you to your room as you tripped over your own feet. You were too sleepy, which mixed with the fact you were still a little bit drunk. Thus, you were half-dragged to your room where Wonwoo helped you lay in bed. He even tucked you in.
“Goodnight, Wonwoo,” you said softly, already half asleep.
He half-smiled, turning just as he exited your room to see you pull the blankets closer, “Goodnight, ___.”
After he closed the door and walked back to the living room, he thought about you. You said you were bad at expressing your feelings, but truthfully, so was he. Wonwoo was always alone; he never had anybody to take care of. He always wanted somebody he could look out for and take care of, but he never had it. So he usually shoved that want to the back of his mind, pretending like he didn’t feel completely alone.
But now he had someone to care for. Now, Wonwoo had you.
You slept for three days. Wonwoo made sure to check on you every few hours when he was awake -- he just wanted to make sure you hadn’t fallen into a coma or something -- and was prepared to order plenty of food when you did wake up because he knew his cooking skills were subpar.
When you did wake up, it was morning. The sun streaming in from your slightly-parted curtains was a clear indication of that. You checked your phone that was about to die where it was in your pocket, and you were impressed with how long you slept. However, you were also impressed with the amount of texts and emails you had.
You got out of bed, changed clothes, and went straight to the bathroom to at least fix your hair a little. You’d brush your teeth after eating, which was also a top priority. Your stomach loudly rumbling was a clear indication of that.
When your bladder wasn’t close to exploding, and your hair wasn’t as big of a mess as it was, you left the bathroom to go to the living room. As expected, Wonwoo was there, already working. However, he dropped everything he was doing when he saw you, his face brightening.
“Well, look who’s alive!” he teased with a bright smile that even made you smile a little.
Honestly, getting all your drunken feelings out kind of made you feel a little better about being around him. Sure, you didn’t completely tell him how you felt, but you definitely felt less tense around him.
“Unfortunately,” you joked with a yawn, stretching out your limbs.
“Your friends were worried about you, but I told them you finally went to sleep,” he chuckled, holding up his phone to signify that he was also blown up with messages. “They sure get worried about you.”
“They were Mingyu’s friends before they were mine,” you explained as you walked over to the couch and plopped down. “They’re nice, though. They make for good company since I was always alone.”
“Didn’t it get weird having them just...pop in out of nowhere?” he wondered, sitting back as he stretched out his arms with a grunt.
“Sometimes,” you nodded with a soft laugh. “It’s definitely a bit weird, but it’s something I got used to.”
Wonwoo just nodded, letting the two of you fall into an oddly comfortable silence. You could hear the purr of Wonwoo’s setup but that was all the noise you heard. You were surprised that you didn’t feel uncomfortable, and you assumed it was because you’d pretty much broken down that barrier you had put up between you and him. But was it really that easy? Just crying about your pent up feelings really solved everything?
It seemed too easy.
“Are you hungry?” Wonwoo’s voice broke you from your thoughts.
As if it understood, your stomach growled loudly. Wonwoo’s laugh was deep and loud and warm, and it made you smile. It reminded you of the loud laughs Mingyu would let out at the dumbest things. Your heart fluttered for a moment.
You did understand Wonwoo and Mingyu were different people, but there were things you saw in Wonwoo that reminded you of Mingyu. Did that mean you only liked Wonwoo because he reminded you of Mingyu? No. You liked Wonwoo because he did things that made you happy. Mingyu just happened to also do those things.
But did you want to like Wonwoo? No.
“C’mon, let’s go out for breakfast,” Wonwoo suggested as he pushed himself off of the couch.
Your thoughts seemed to stutter to a stop as your head whipped around, following Wonwoo as he walked toward the door, “Out? Like...to a restaurant?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, slipping his feet into his sneakers. “I think there’s a diner nearby, right?”
“Uh...I-I think so,” you stammered.
“What?” he chuckled, noticing how odd you were acting. “Do you not go outside?”
“I haven’t in a long time, no,” you answered truthfully, finally getting off the couch to go put on your shoes that had stayed untouched by the door. “I get everything delivered to me.”
“We need to get you some vitamins,” he said, making a face as he opened the door. “Let’s hope you don’t melt in the sun.”
The walk to the road was pretty long considering your security measures. Your front door could only be reached by a long driveway, which had plenty of cameras, motion triggers, and the like. Of course, you could turn them off via your phone, but the walk was still long because the path was long to give plenty of opportunities for warning and/or capture of any intruders in case any of the other traps didn’t work.
Once the two of you reached the road, you turned right toward the diner Wonwoo was talking about. You hadn’t been there in months -- the last time was with Mingyu -- but you remembered exactly where it was. You didn’t know if it was still there, but if it wasn’t, you could probably find somewhere else to have breakfast.
You reached a crosswalk, and went to just walk even though the little light didn’t tell you to. It was something you always did when there wasn’t traffic or the cars were momentarily stopped, figuring it wasn’t a big deal. However, Wonwoo grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back, almost pulling you over.
“Hey, what the--” you whined, turning to face him.
“You have to wait, ___,” he stated, hitting the button with the side of his fist. “If you get hit by a car--”
“I have yet to get hit by a car,” you told him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Everyone has a first time to die, ___,” he stated matter-of-factly, “and it’s usually their last.”
You opened your mouth for a rebuttal, but came up with nothing. So you just snapped your jaw shut, taking note of the smirk on Wonwoo’s face.
When the light showed the little glowing person, Wonwoo gripped your upper arm and helped you across the street like you needed the assistance. But instead of pulling away, you just let him.
When you reached the diner, you sat yourselves at a booth, sitting across from each other. Wonwoo grabbed the menus from where they were pushed up between the wall and condiment holder, handing one to you before he opened his own. But you already knew what you wanted because you always got it, and Mingyu would tease you for it.
Wonwoo noticed you just put the menu back, smirking at you from behind his glasses, “Already decided that quick?”
“Chocolate milk, coffee, scrambled eggs with wheat toast, bacon, and potatoes, and two cinnamon buns,” you stated with a solid nod.
“Why do you need chocolate milk and coffee?” he asked with a chuckle.
“To appease the child in me, and the other part of me that’s dead inside,” you deadpanned.
Wonwoo nodded, raising his eyebrows as his eyes drifted back down to his menu, “I’ll cheers to that.”
The waitress came over to take your order, and you repeated everything you wanted, exactly how you wanted it. Wonwoo then gave off his order, and the woman wrote it down before going to turn to leave.
“Oh!” you suddenly spoke up, remembering something you forgot. “Can we have a Belgian waffle as well?”
The waitress added that to the list before walking back to the kitchen.
Wonwoo laughed, shaking his head at you, “You really are going to eat all of that?”
“Oh, the waffle was tradition for Mingyu and I,” you explained as another woman came over to pour coffee into the mugs already on your table. “We used to share it when we’d come here.”
Wonwoo thanked the woman before his attention was back on you. He looked interested in your little story, his hands folded together in front of him.
“So...should I share it with you?” he wondered softly, before quickly added, “Unless you want to keep it your thing with him.”
“I...don’t know,” you admitted, your brows knitting together as you thought about it. Would you feel like you were betraying Mingyu by sharing something you did with him, with Wonwoo? “What do you think?”
Wonwoo chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought it over, “I think...you should leave the other half. For him. Kinda like pouring one out.”
You nodded, looking back at Wonwoo with a warm half-smile, “I like that.”
So you enjoyed your breakfast with Wonwoo, eating only half of your waffle. You laughed, talked, and you ultimately felt closer to Wonwoo afterwards. The two of you split the check, but Wonwoo insisted on leaving the tip himself. And then you left the diner, leaving the other half of the waffle behind for Mingyu. In a way, it felt like some form of small closure.
Things got better over the next two and a half months. You and Wonwoo spent more time together, you left the house more, and your health was getting better. You didn’t sport dark circles as frequently, and you were forced to eat a proper dinner at least four times a week. Wonwoo typically ordered out, but he was trying to learn how to cook. You taught him little things you’d picked up from Mingyu, since he was a fantastic cook despite his laziness when it came to actually making meals. You even let him sleep in your room since you didn’t have a second bed, and you often found yourself laying extremely close to him when you woke up in the morning. You also let him move his setup to the bedroom since yours took up the entire office.
Your friends noticed the change, too. They were pleased to see you weren’t as grumpy, and they wondered if you were finally coming out of your depression over Mingyu. Obviously, there wasn’t a time limit on how long you could mourn somebody, but you had mourned Mingyu for a long time, and you hadn’t really let your feelings out until that night you got drunk and cried in front of Wonwoo. You didn’t completely let everything out, but you addressed the biggest thing: you missed Mingyu, and you hated feeling alone. You’d conquered those feelings, and let somebody new in. Now, you didn’t feel so alone.
Wonwoo and you were closer than ever. However, that scared you. You realized you were starting to feel similar feelings toward him that you felt toward Mingyu, but you didn’t feel those things because he sometimes reminded you of Mingyu. You felt those feelings because he was Wonwoo, and you just liked Wonwoo.
Maybe even loved Wonwoo…?
When you thought about it, the fact was that Wonwoo took care of you, and you liked it; you loved it. You loved feeling cared for and loved. You loved having Wonwoo nag you to take care of yourself because he wanted you to be healthy. The fact Wonwoo took time out of his day just to make sure you were doing alright made your heart race, and your stomach do flips. That was something only Mingyu did for you, but now Wonwoo was doing it, and you thrived off of it. You figured it was because you never really had a proper family to care about you, but you absolutely loved being cared for.
But there were things Wonwoo did that Mingyu didn’t do, and you still loved those things. He wouldn’t let you go on work binges where you’d stay up for days at a time. He would force you to go outside at least once a week, even if it was just for walks. He liked to invite you to watch movies with him that weren’t just crappy comedies that the two of you would make fun of. Sometimes they were horror films based off of real events, or sometimes they were documentaries that made you think about the world, and cry sometimes. But Wonwoo was always there to comfort you, and he never laughed at you for crying.
Mingyu was Mingyu, and Wonwoo was Wonwoo, but you loved Wonwoo like you loved Mingyu, and that terrified you.
But some sadistic part of you wanted to love Wonwoo anyway.
One of the times the two of you were on the couch together watching a movie, you decided to play a drinking game. You were watching some classic horror movie, and you were supposed to take a shot every time a certain thing happened or someone said a significant word or line. It didn’t get you really drunk, but it got the both of you drunk enough to start talking about your past lives.
“Don’t you wonder why other people leave their lives and families to do this?” Wonwoo wondered after swallowing a shot. He placed his shot glass on the table before leaning back and sighing. “This is the shadiest job ever, so only people with shit lives could take up the offer.”
“So you had a shit life?” you assumed, hiccuping at the end.
He nodded, running his slim fingers through his hair, “I had a younger sibling who passed away from leukemia. My parents stopped giving a shit after that so...I left.”
“Oh…” you nodded, not really knowing what else to say. “I’m sorry.”
He just shrugged, “‘S okay. What about you?”
“I was raised in an abusive household, and one of the neighbors basically stole me away and had me training for the agency ever since,” you explained shortly before taking a shot just for fun. “That’s why I’m the best.”
“One of the best,” Wonwoo correct with a smirk. He wiggled his eyebrows when you playfully glared at him. “You and me are tied, cutie pie.”
“Cutie pie?” you scoffed, trying to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks. “That’s new.”
“You know what I think, ___?” Wonwoo asked, leaning over to pour himself another drink. He didn’t continue what he was saying until he had another shot ready in his hand. “I think Mingyu started calling you Glitch because you like...glitched out his heart.”
You paused getting yourself another drink, all of your attention hyper focused on Wonwoo now, “...What?”
“In our business, we’re not supposed to give a shit about anybody, right?” he asked. “But I give a lot of shits about you, ___. You like, glitched out my feelings and you just...you made me feel...things.”
All you could do was laugh, but the kind where you just exhaled out of your nose, “I make you feel things?”
“Yeah, like...warm, fuzzy, heart racing feelings.”
“Are we in kindergarten, Woo? You can just say you like me.”
“But I don’t like you,” Wonwoo groaned, running both hands through his hair, “I love you!”
You were completely frozen now. Yes, you loved Wonwoo, which you were still coming to terms with, but you didn’t think in a million years that he would ever love you back! So...what did you do now?
“Y-you love me?” you stammered out in a whisper.
Wonwoo just stared back at you, staying silent for a few seconds, “You know, if I wasn’t kind of drunk, I wouldn’t have told you like this.”
“How would you have told me?” you wondered, just staring at Wonwoo.
“Well…” he began slowly, sitting up a little straighter and taking your hands in his, “I’d sit you down, completely sober--”
“Already doing great,” you joked lightly.
He snorted a bit, but kept going, “And I’d look you in your eyes…”
You just barely nodded, “Y-yeah…”
Wonwoo leaned in slowly, his lips getting closer and closer to yours, “And I’d ask if I could kiss you…”
You stayed still, anticipating what you knew would happen next. When you didn’t stop him, Wonwoo let his lips press softly to yours. Your hands instinctively went up to his shoulders, and one of his hands cupped your cheek as the other held your waist. His kiss was slow and sweet, his lips moving cautiously against yours in case you wanted to stop. But nothing in you wanted to stop. In fact, every single part of you wanted to keep going.
His lips tasted like the alcohol the two of you were drinking, but it somehow seemed like the alcohol from his lips got you drunker than the alcohol straight from the bottle. Your head felt like it was spinning in the best way possible, and your heart was pounding in your chest. You hadn’t felt like this in a long time, and you didn’t want it to end. You didn’t feel afraid to love Wonwoo anymore, you felt somewhat comforted.
As the kiss got deeper and his lips moved a bit faster with yours, you found him suddenly on top of you. You were on your back, your legs wrapped around his hips as Wonwoo held himself above you just enough that he wouldn’t completely crush you.
“I love you,” he mumbled into the kiss, making your heart beat so quickly, you were sure he could feel it.
“I love you,” you replied, not even giving it a second thought.
You could feel Wonwoo smiling against your lips, pulling back to look at you, “Really?”
You nodded, “Really. I was afraid to, but...I do.”
“It’s okay, I get it,” he reassured you, stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb. “We’ll take it slow, don’t worry.”
“You...do realize you’re completely on top of me, right?” you laughed.
The serious, sensual mood suddenly shifted as Wonwoo let out a deep belly laugh, his face turning red, “Okay, yeah, you make a good point.”
Wonwoo sat up, climbing off of you and sitting back in his original spot on the couch. This time, though, you sat closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder.
“Actually, that was why Mingyu called me that,” you informed him suddenly. “He started calling me Glitch when he started to like me, and then he told me he loved me by hacking into my computer because he said it was ‘only fair’.”
Wonwoo laughed deeply, shaking his head, “He sounds like he was funny.”
“He was definitely something,” you agreed with a laugh of your own. “It doesn’t hurt to talk about him anymore. I still miss him, but I don’t mind telling you about him.”
“That means you’re coping,” he chuckled, letting his head rest on top of yours.
You fell into silence, just watching the movie. You weren’t really paying attention to the movie, though, because you couldn’t get over what just happened. Wonwoo actually loved you, and you loved him. You had to realize you couldn’t just shut yourself out from others; you had to move on if Mingyu wasn’t ever going to come back. These last few months, you had realized it’s okay to be happy.
And Wonwoo really made you happy.
You sat at your computer, eyes staring at the screen. They were dry, but you just powered through, wanting to get this last bit of the project done before you stopped. Once it was done, then you would take a break. That’s what you told yourself.
Of course, it wouldn’t be work without somebody distracting you.
“How’s it gooooing?” Soonyoung sang.
“Do you ever do work?” you asked with zero emotion in your voice.
“Do you ever take breaks?” he shot back. “Don’t you know what day it is?”
“I do, but I need to get this done,” you replied, your eyes flickering back and forth between monitors. “Besides, Wonwoo’s working too.”
“Is he?” Soonyoung asked with a smirk in his voice.
You finally peeled your eyes away from your work to look at Soonyoung’s face in the corner of your screen. As expected, he was smirking at you expectantly, wiggling his eyebrows.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked with a sigh.
“Go see for yourself,” was all he said before ending the call.
You let out an even deeper, longer sigh as you leaned back in your computer chair, running both hands through your messy hair. Deciding you could just pick up where you left off, you went to go check on Wonwoo like Soonyoung suggested, trudging to the bedroom in your sweatpants and thin t-shirt. However, your bedroom was empty.
“Woo?” you called out.
“Kitchen!” he replied.
You groaned loud enough for him to hear across the small house as you stomped toward the kitchen, “Why are you and Soonyoung doing this to me? I’m almost done with work, and you guys just--”
You stopped when you saw the kitchen lights dimmed, a chocolate cake with the words “Happy One Month Anniversary” written poorly in red gel frosting, and various takeout boxes on the counter. Wonwoo was smiling brightly, gesturing to it all.
“Happy anniversary!” he cheered.
“Oh my god!” you laughed, shaking your head. “Woo, it’s just one month!”
“One month since I told you I love you, and that’s a big milestone for both of us,” he stated proudly as he walked over to you, his hands settling naturally on your hips, “C’mon, let me have an excuse to eat junk, drink alcohol, and get you naked.”
“You just want your dick sucked,” you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes as his lips pressed against yours.
“Sort of,” he grinned, “but that, among other things. My dick is not the point, ___.”
“Well, thank you for buying all of this food,” you finally sighed, letting him kiss you again. You backed away from him to grab some food since you hadn’t eaten since morning. “I appreciate it.”
After that night that you and Wonwoo confessed to each other, you both just kind of...assumed you were dating. He referred to you as his girlfriend, and you referred to him as your boyfriend. Nobody was really surprised -- to be fair, Wonwoo had told all of your friends about his feelings for you -- but they were definitely happy that you were moving on.
Things were going well, too. You still got anxiety about Wonwoo suddenly getting ripped away from you, but he did everything he could to make you feel better about it. He definitely understood you had separation anxiety after what happened, so he always tried to make you feel like everything would be okay. He had yet to really see how afraid you were -- you never had somehow been able to avoid anxiety attacks around him  -- but he knew you were severely worried. But he did manage to make you feel better. You really had to learn to trust him, and you were. So much so that you took off the ring that matched Mingyu’s -- you still wore Mingyu’s on a necklace, but nobody expected you to take it off.
Wonwoo grabbed plates and got you some food before getting his own. As the two of you sat at the counter to eat, you suddenly felt your phone vibrate where you had stashed it away in your pocket. You ignored it, wanting to just spend time with your boyfriend. However, you then heard the security system announce an “intruder”.
“It might just be a package,” Wonwoo shrugged, thought he went to stand up to check anyway.
“Security disarmed,” the system said in it’s female-sounding voice.
Your eyebrows furrowed, knowing only very few people could disarm the system: You, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Junhui, and Jihoon. However, the next words from the system had your heart stopping completely.
“Person identified: Kim Mingyu.”
Wonwoo whipped his head around to look at you, his expression unreadable. You just stared back wide-eyed until you managed to fumble around in your pocket and fish out your phone. You opened the security app and searched through all the cameras until you saw a figure in tattered clothes, but his head was aimed down. However, the height was the same, and his build almost looked similar to Mingyu -- just thinner than you remembered him.
But...there was no way...
“Stay here,” Wonwoo said before going off to investigate.
He did grab a knife before he left the kitchen, going toward the lounge. But despite Wonwoo’s instructions, you followed behind him, wanting to know who was pretending to be your dead boyfriend.
Wonwoo stalked up to the door right as there was a loud knock. You gripped the back of Wonwoo’s shirt tightly as you poked your head around him to see.
Cautiously, he opened the door, but it was quickly shoved open before being slammed closed behind the intruder. They were panting, and looked afraid with their clothes a dirty, tattered mess, and their face just as dirt-stained and beaten up. However, you still recognized him under all the blood, bruises, cuts, and grime.
“Mingyu?” you breathed out, stepping out from behind Wonwoo.
“Oh god, ___!” Mingyu sighed, already holding his arms out for you.
Without a second thought, you threw yourself into his arms, immediately sobbing into his shoulder. Mingyu just held you -- he definitely felt thinner than you remembered -- enjoying the feeling of having you in his arms again.
“Fuck, I was afraid they got you, too,” he mumbled.
Wonwoo wasn’t really sure what to do -- you were his girlfriend now, but here was the boy you were in love with first -- but Mingyu’s last sentence really caught Wonwoo’s attention, “Who’s ‘they’?”
Mingyu lifted his head to study the unfamiliar boy in his house, but kept his arms around you as you cried, “The pricks that kidnapped me! We need to get out of here; they’ll come find us.”
“W-what?” you pulled away to look up at Mingyu, your face streaked with tears. “H-how did you…?”
“I barely escaped, but I did,” he explained quickly, “but I’ll tell you everything when we get somewhere safe. Call Seungcheol, tell him there’s a code black. I’ll start packing things.”
“I’ll call,” Wonwoo told you as Mingyu pulled away from you to go pack some of your belongings, “you help him.”
Even though Wonwoo was trying to help, you could tell his demeanor shifted. His eyes seemed...sad. But you couldn’t focus on that, you had bigger things to worry about, like everybody making it out alive.
You ran off to help Mingyu pack and delete data from the computers while Wonwoo called in the emergency. Seungcheol was confused as to why there was a code black, but he couldn’t question it when everybody was safe. So Wonwoo was connected to the boss, to whom he explained the situation.
“There’s a safehouse on Jeju Island, inside the city so it’ll be harder for any kidnappers to be discreet,” the boss told Wonwoo. “Delete all data before going to the airport. You’ll have three plane tickets under the name ‘Kim Jisoo’. I’ll have Agent Vernon drop off your fake IDs in one hour, so please be there on time.”
“Three?” Wonwoo questioned.
“You’re also in danger if you live there, Agent Woo,” the boss stated. “You’ll go with Agent Z and Agent Gyu to Jeju; please do not be late.”
With that, he hung up.
Meanwhile, you and Mingyu had come out of the bedroom with duffel bags and backpacks. Mingyu had changed into cleaner clothes -- you had kept a few of Mingyu’s things just because they were your favorite things to steal from his closet. He tossed a bag to Wonwoo before helping you get your jacket on.
“You’re coming, breadstick,” he stated.
“That’s Wonwoo to you,” Wonwoo informed him neutrally.
“What did the boss say?” you asked as you slipped on your sneakers.
“We’re going to Jeju Island, and Vernon will meet us at the airport in an hour,” Wonwoo reported.
“Then let’s get going,” Mingyu said, opening the door and ushering you and Wonwoo out. “The sooner we get to the airport, the safer we’ll be. I’ll drive, you keep ___ safe.”
Mingyu pulled a gun out from the back of his jeans, tossing it to Wonwoo like it was nothing. All Wonwoo did was nod curtly before placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you to the garage under the house.
You knew which car Mingyu would go to since it was “his baby”. It was the fastest car in the garage but you had never touched it since he was kidnapped. But getting back into the car in so long made you nostalgic for the rare midnight drives with him. The car even still smelled like him.
Mingyu got in the front to drive while Wonwoo sat in the back with you, one arm protectively around you. All thoughts of your one month anniversary were gone now that he knew you were possibly in any danger, so all he could focus on were the windows. His eyes were scanning the surroundings carefully while Mingyu peeled out of the garage and left your house behind, pulling onto the road and weaving easily through traffic. He was always amazing at driving.
“So,” Mingyu began as his sharp eyes checked every mirror while also watching the road to make sure nobody was following him, “who’s this?”
“Wonwoo,” you replied as Wonwoo muttered, “Why does it matter?”
You looked up at him, “What does that mean?”
“I think you know what it means, ___,” he said harshly.
“Is he your…?” Mingyu let his question trail off, unsure if he even wanted to know the answer.
“Well…” you began slowly, but you knew things would only be made worse with Wonwoo if you didn’t outright say it, and it was better to only deal with an angry Mingyu rather than two angry boys, “yeah; Wonwoo’s my boyfriend.”
“Oh,” Mingyu said flatly, and you noticed his knuckles gripping the wheel tighter.
You groaned, “Jesus, Gyu, can we deal with this when we’re not in danger?!”
“As much as I’d love to get through this awkward situation as soon as possible, I agree,” Wonwoo decided.
“Nobody cares what you think,” Mingyu grumbled.
“Mingyu!” you growled.
“Alright, alright!” he sighed, deciding to drop the topic for now. “But once we’re on that plane, we’re having a talk. All of us.”
After that, the car fell into a tense silence as Mingyu drove to the airport. Thankfully, Wonwoo didn’t seem to see anybody following the three of you, but he refused to let his guard down. That meant all you were left to do was think. Think about how you loved Wonwoo, but you still loved Mingyu. About how you’d have to choose between them but you weren’t sure how that would ever happen because you loved them both just the same.
Mingyu finally pulled into the airport parking lot and went to the trunk to grab all your stuff. Wonwoo helped you out of the backseat and held you close even as Mingyu handed him things to hold. Mingyu stood on your other side, keeping an arm around you almost in a territorial manner as the three of you walked into the airport to find Vernon.
Wonwoo took out his phone to find the information given about where to meet Vernon, “He’ll be waiting by the McDonald’s with Hoshi.”
You heard Mingyu let out a short laugh, so you looked up at him. He was actually cracking a smile, and it made your heart flutter.
God, you missed that smile.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen them,” he said, running his free hand through his matted hair. “They don’t know I’m back, huh?”
“No,” Wonwoo replied, “I haven’t told them. Only the boss knows, unless he told them, too.”
“At least Hansol has to know,” you realized, remembering that it was Hansol that was usually in charge of making fake documents. “If he had to make our IDs, he would need to know Mingyu’s alive if he was asked to make one for him.”
“Can we at least keep the reunion short?” Wonwoo requested as he held the door open for the two of you. “We’ll be safer waiting at the terminal.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Mingyu replied, waving his free hand. His other hand moved away from your waist to hold your hand tightly. “C’mon, breadstick.”
“For fucks sake, it’s Wonwoo!” he groaned.
Without even having to think about it, your other hand reached behind you to grab onto Wonwoo. He walked closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulder. Your arm went around his waist, your hand fisting his shirt as Mingyu dragged you toward the McDonald’s to meet Vernon and Hoshi.
The two boys weren’t hard to spot. They were standing up against the wall together, talking casually, but their eyes were sweeping the airport in search of the three of you. When they spotted you, Vernon’s face broke out into a smile, and Hoshi looked like he was about to pass out.
Mingyu let out a loud laugh before letting go of your hand to go hug his friends. Wonwoo scoffed beside you, but you weren’t going to feed into his immaturity.
When you reached their little reunion, the three boys were talking and laughing like old college friends meeting at a bar. Vernon’s eyes finally landed on you while Soonyoung was still giggling at Mingyu. Vernon looked confused, and you noticed his gaze had zeroed in on how you and Wonwoo were holding each other. He had seen you and Mingyu holding hands just before the tallest agent had ran over…
But thankfully, Hansol didn’t ask.
“We’ll make sure you’re safe,” he assured you. “I have the passports, and Soonyoung will bring the car to HQ so Mingyu doesn’t have to worry about his baby.”
“Good,” Mingyu nodded with a pout. “Don’t scratch her.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Soonyoung smiled, waving away Mingyu’s concerns.
“Here’s your documents,” Hansol said as he distributed them to their respective owners, “and some money.”
Vernon held the back of one of your hands in his palm before placing a wad of money in your hand and closing your fingers around it. He looked deeply into your eyes for a moment, trying to tell you something you couldn’t understand. It was like he was worried for you specifically, and you had a feeling you knew what it was: he was worried you’d be left alone again. He knew you loved Mingyu, and he knew you loved Wonwoo. So the money was for you to take care of yourself more than anything else.
Hansol suddenly pulled you in for a hug, pulling you away from both boys to wrap his arms around you.
“Be safe,” he whispered, “and watch out for yourself. Call if anything happens, and we’ll come get you.”
“Thanks,” you replied quietly, letting your arms drape around his waist.
He pulled away and hugged the two boys while Soonyoung pulled you into a spine-crushing hug. Once all the goodbyes were done, Hansol dragged Sooyoung off to get Mingyu’s car and get back to HQ. That left your awkward trio alone once again.
“Alright,” Mingyu nodded, “guess we should get going. Do you need anything before we go through security?”
Both boys were looking down at you -- Mingyu really didn’t give a shit if Wonwoo needed anything, and vice versa -- so you shook your head, “No… I’ll relax when we get on the plane.”
“Okay,” Mingyu sighed, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you toward bag check.
Everything went by in a blur. Your bags were taken care of, you got through security no problem -- you trusted Vernon’s skills -- and you were waiting at the terminal in what seemed like a short amount of time. Your head rested on Mingyu, your eyes looking up at him as you couldn’t believe he was here in front of you. He had excused himself to the bathroom to wash up, so you could actually see his skin a lot better. He was a little bit paler, he had some scars you didn’t recall him having before, and he still had some cuts on his face that were healing. He definitely looked tired, but his eyes were hard and determined as he stared straight ahead.
Meanwhile, your hand was in Wonwoo’s, gripping it as tightly as you could. His hand was warm despite the tense situation. He was silent the whole time, only speaking up to ask if you needed anything. But you could tell he didn’t really want to hold your hand since his grip wasn’t as solid as it normally was. It was loose, and he didn’t lace your fingers together. He held your hand like Mingyu liked to hold your hand, but Wonwoo always held your hand with your fingers woven between each other. It just didn’t feel right.
But what did feel right currently? Mingyu was angry, Wonwoo was upset, and you were caught in the middle. Nothing felt right anymore, at least not right now. And you were pretty sure nothing would really feel right after this, either.
You didn’t notice your eyelids drooping as you thought about the two boys beside you. You hadn’t realized you’d dozed off until Mingyu helped you up so you could walk down the terminal and onto the plane. But once you were in the seat between the two boys, you were out once again, and you wouldn’t remember the walk from the airport to the airplane.
Neither of the boys spoke to each other on the plane. Mingyu stared out the window while Wonwoo just stared blankly at the movie playing in front of him. They chose to pretend the other wasn’t there instead of at least trying to be civil. Mingyu hated Wonwoo because he was the new guy, and Wonwoo hated Mingyu because he was the old guy who was supposed to be dead. Both had ruined the others plans.
But then there was you. They were both upset with you: Mingyu was upset that you moved on, and Wonwoo didn’t know why he was upset with you, but he was. You knew deep down that both of them had some harsh feelings toward you, but you were trying to put that conversation off for as long as possible. You were scared they’d both just leave you, and you couldn’t handle that. You lost Mingyu once, you couldn’t lose anybody else anymore.
The plane landed safely in Jeju, and Mingyu gently shook your shoulder while Wonwoo gathered your carry-ons. Wonwoo just carried everything off the plane while Mingyu helped you walk in your sleepy state. A car was ready for you when you got to Jeju, so all you three had to worry about was getting the rest of your belongings from bag check, and following the directions to your new house.
By the time the three of you reached the car, you were wide awake. You helped put bags in the trunk before getting in the backseat with Wonwoo -- he refused to sit near Mingyu -- again. Mingyu just started up the engine and drove to where the GPS told him to, not saying anything to either of you.
It was nighttime, but you couldn’t see the stars here like you did back home. The lights of Jeju City made the stars invisible, and it made you miss your home even more. But you couldn’t focus on that, you had to let the agency know you arrived safely in the city.
You texted Seungcheol to let him know, and he called you immediately after. You put the phone to your ear, guessing exactly what he would say next.
“Vernon and Hoshi said Mingyu’s alive,” he said quickly, though it sounded like a question.
“He is,” you insisted, nodding even though he couldn’t see you. “He just...showed up.”
“Holy shit,” Seungcheol breathed. “How is he?”
“Thinner, paler...dirtier,” you listed off, remembering the scars you’d seen on his skin. “He hasn’t said much about what happened, so I can’t tell you anything. Sorry.”
“Can I talk to him?”
“He’s driving.”
“Can you have him call me as soon as he can? But make sure he gets some sleep. The boss will call when you guys get to the house, though.”
“Alright, got it.”
Seungcheol kept the conversation short since he figured you were stressed out and exhausted. But that just left you once again in an awkward silence among the people in the small car. But hey, you’d be living like this for a while, so you might as well get used to it.
The house was small but it had a basement with computers already set up. There was a bedroom on the main floor -- the house was only one floor if you didn’t count the basement -- and a bed in the computer room in the basement. That meant only two beds, and three of you. So somebody was sharing, and you weren’t sure who it was going to be.
Other than the beds, though, there was a bathroom, and a small living room/kitchen. Basically, the house had the bare minimum, but it was really all you needed for now. Besides, the less conspicuous, the better.
All of the bags were dropped on the floor in the basement while Mingyu turned on all the monitors and towers. While he did that, Wonwoo looked around slowly before breaking the silence.
“I guess we should talk about this now, then,” he decided.
“No, we--”
“Good idea,” Mingyu agreed with a way-too-cheery tone. His sharp gaze went straight to you, and you almost flinched. “___, care to tell me why you’re dating someone else?”
You gave Mingyu an incredulous look, “Are...are you serious?”
“I was only gone for a few months!”
“Mingyu, everybody thought you were dead!”
“Oh,” he let out a harsh laugh, “is that why I found this in the nightstand?”
Mingyu’s hand came out of his pocket, holding your promise ring between his index and middle finger. His eyebrows were raised, waiting for your response, but all you did was stare at the ring, every memory with Mingyu suddenly hitting you all at once. You missed him so much it hurt, but all he was doing was accusing you for doing what? Moving on? Not being miserable forever?
All of your emotions escalated into anger.
“Mingyu, you’re acting like a dick!” you burst.
“Me?” he snorted before his expression turned dark. “I was kidnapped and tortured, and you went and found someone new as soon as you could!”
“I waited months, Gyu!” you told him, standing toe-to-toe with him and leaning up to get even more in his face.
“Yeah, she held out hope for a dead guy,” Wonwoo scoffed to himself, but it was still loud enough for both of you to hear.
You looked over at him where his fingertips were running over one of the keyboards, and you saw his eyes roll in the dim glow of the monitors.
“And you,” your anger was now zeroed in on Wonwoo, who looked up at you like he didn’t expect the outburst, “what do you have against me now? Do you think it’s my fault I loved Mingyu before I even knew you existed? Is it my fault Mingyu came back?”
“No, but you have to choose one of us,” Wonwoo stated, trying to avoid making sense of why he was so angry at you. “We both know it has to happen.”
“Ugh, I can’t!” you shouted, your hands slapping against your thighs as your head dropped back and you just stared at the ceiling. You lifted your head to look between the two boys that were surprised by your outburst. “I still love Mingyu, but I love you, too! I-- I can’t help it; I can’t decide!”
“Just admit I’m a second choice, ___,” Wonwoo scoffed.
“Oh, fuck off. You and I both know that’s not true. You reminded me of Mingyu, but you are not Mingyu. I didn’t fall in love with you to get over Mingyu, I fell in love with you for you.”
“Then what am I, huh?” Mingyu chimed in, holding his arms out. “Just the dead boyfriend?”
“Oh, don’t you act like I haven’t been clinging to you since you walked through my door,” you frowned, your hands balling into fists at your sides. “I think we all know how I feel about you, otherwise Wonwoo wouldn’t be acting like a huge fucking baby right now.”
“That’s not--”
“You numbskulls do realize we’re all being hunted down by whoever the fuck took Mingyu, right?” you quizzed them, interrupting their arguing. “So until you two can get your goddamn priorities straight, you two can share the bed down here!”
With that, you grabbed your things and marched up the stairs before slamming the door closed behind you, leaving the two boys in a stunned silence.
You didn’t go see either of them for two and a half weeks. You were furious and upset and afraid and confused all at once. All you did was cry and talk to whoever was available to listen to your worries. You knew you should’ve tried to fix things, but you were just so angry with them for worrying over who gets your heart when you could die at any moment. Not only that, but you loved them both. How could you let one of them go?
Slowly, though, you were gathering your thoughts. You were figuring out the best way to go about handling the situation -- with a little help, of course -- and you were mentally preparing yourself to finally go and talk to them. It had been two and a half weeks, anyway, so you figured you should go check on them.
“What’s the worst thing that could happen, anyway?” Hansol had asked through the phone.
“They could both decide to not be with her,” Jihoon deadpanned.
“Technically the worst thing that could happen is that the island explodes,” Seokmin interjected.
“Neither of you are helping,” Hansol sighed.
Jihoon shrugged, “You asked.”
“I’m just gonna go do it before you idiots make it worse...” you grumbled before hanging up from the call and trudging down the stairs.
To your surprise, all was silent.
“U-um...” you didn’t really know what to say, but the sound of your voice made both boys look up from their work, “hello...”
“Wow,” Mingyu was the first to speak up, “I thought you were going to leave us down here to rot.”
“We’d deserve that,” Wonwoo nodded, standing up from his chair. “Are you feeling better, _____?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You guys...aren’t...mad at me anymore?”
“We shouldn’t have gotten upset with you in the first place,” Mingyu admitted with a sigh, standing up as well and going to stand beside Wonwoo in front of you.
“We did some talking and--”
“You talked?” you asked.
Wonwoo chuckled, “Well, after messing with each other for like, a week -- give or take a few days.”
“But we realized we were the jerks,” Mingyu continued.
“And we’re both just afraid of losing you,” Wonwoo admitted.
“So,” Mingyu’s face began to break into a smirk.
You made a face, eyeing the taller boy up and down, “I don’t like the look you’re giving me...”
“Stop that,” Wonwoo scolded, whacking Mingyu in the stomach and making him laugh. Then he turned his attention back to you, looking at you softly. “It’s okay if you love us both.”
Your eyes widened, playing his words over and over in your head, making sure you heard him correctly, “I-it is...?”
“Yeah, only if you’re okay with it,” Mingyu smiled to show you that everything was okay now. He even tossed an arm around Wonwoo’s shoulder. “We can share, we’re big boys and shit.”
“W-wait,” you stuttered, leaning away to look seriously at Mingyu, and then up at Wonwoo who was watching as his chewed on his lip, “what about...you two?”
Mingyu shrugged, “I mean, I personally don’t get what you see in him, but I think he’s alright.”
Wonwoo playfully scoffed as he brushed Mingyu’s arm off of him, “You’re no prize, either,” he chuckled before turning serious again and looking at you. “We’ll make it work, _____. We know you're afraid of losing both of us, but you won’t have to worry anymore. Neither of us are going anywhere.”
“Yeah, nobody will leave,” Mingyu agreed, walking over to stand behind you, his hands moving to your waist and holding you flush against his body, “okay?”
You nodded slowly, breathing out, “Okay.”
Mingyu’s lips pressed to the skin of your neck, nipping softly and playfully as his thumbs pushed up your shirt just enough for him to touch our skin just above your shorts. You whined and tried to elbow him away.
“Stop, I missed you!” he whined back. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Yeah, but Wonwoo--”
“He can watch, I don’t care,” he chuckled. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you again? The boss could walk in and that wouldn’t mean shit to me.”
Wonwoo’s eyebrows twitched upward as he turned to go sit back in his chair, “Yeah, pretend I’m not even here.”
Mingyu cupped your cheek and turned your head to look at him, gently pressing his lips to yours. Mingyu bit down a little harder on your flesh, making you gasp, and he deepened the kiss. But Mingyu was always a little more impatient when he hadn’t seen you in a while, and this time, it had been the longest you’d gone without seeing each other. So he was already trying to tug your shirt off over your head.
“She likes being teased more,” Wonwoo murmured, his eyes scanning his screen as if he wasn’t even paying any attention to the two of you.
Your eyes snapped open again at the sound of his voice, already so lost in Mingyu that you actually kind of did forget his presence.
“I will tease her,” Mingyu pouted, managing to pull your shirt off over your head before throwing it directly at Wonwoo, the clothing landing on the older boy’s head. “Don’t tell me how to fuck my own girlfriend.”
“She’s my girlfriend, too,” Wonwoo reminded him, glancing over at him. “Maybe I should show you how to do thing properly with her since it’s been a while for you.”
You tensed as arousal suddenly shot through you at the thought.
Mingyu smirked as he caught your reaction, “I think she likes the idea.”
“Oh really?” Wonwoo asked, a smirk of his own growing on his face as he slowly stood and walked over to you until he was right in front of you, cupping your jaw. “Would you like that, baby? Do you want me to join you and Mingyu?”
Slowly, you nodded.
Wonwoo leaned down to kiss you, his thumb rubbing softly against your skin. Mingyu brought his attention back to your neck, nipping and sucking and kissing. After a moment, the two men switch spots with Mingyu’s lips on yours. But you soon turned in his arms and your lips went to Mingyu’s neck to nibble on him like he had with you. Your hands moved straight to the waistband of his sweats, slowly pulling them down. Mingyu whined into the kiss -- he hated when you didn’t pull his pants down quickly, and you knew it.
The clothing pooled around his ankles, and you let one hand drift over his boxers as you sucked a mark on Mingyu’s neck. You could feel his member starting to get hard, so you palmed him through the thin material, smirking when he moaned softly. You even heard the older boy chuckle.
But your actions were stopped when you felt a hand on your wrist, tugging your and away from Mingyu’s crotch. You pulled away to see Mingyu staring at you with a raised eyebrow, “You don’t get to tease me, baby. We’re going to tease you.”
Wonwoo smirked immediately, eyeing you up and down, “I kind like that idea. Why don’t you strip for us, baby?”
The two boys moved to sit back in their computer chairs. Wonwoo undid his belt and jeans while Mingyu pulled his half-hard member from his boxers and started to stroke himself. Both pairs of eyes were on you as you stood before them in just a shorts and your bralette.
Your clammy hands moved up to grab your bralette and tug it over your head. You heard Mingyu suck in a breath between his teeth, and when the article of clothing had dropped to the floor, you could see him staring at you through lidded eyes.
“Fuck, I haven’t seen you in so long,” he groaned as his hand stroked up and down his length slowly. “My memory did not do you justice.”
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Wonwoo agreed as his fist wrapped around his own cock, watching you as he licked his lips.
“You two talk too much,” you smirked, rolling your eyes. “Neither of you know how to just shut up and enjoy a show.”
Mingyu’s eyes slid closed momentarily, “She still loves to talk back, huh?”
Wonwoo let out a low groan, “Y-yeah. I think she likes punishments.”
You were almost completely hypnotized by the boys in front of you that you almost forgot to remove the rest of your clothes. You shimmied out of your shorts before kicking them off to the side, and then you turned around and bent over as you slowly discarded your panties that had your arousal pooling in them.
Wonwoo pointed over to the bed, “Go lay down on your back.”
You did as you were told, swinging your hips as you went. You sat down on the mattress and laid back on your elbows, watching the two boys. Mingyu walked right over to you, taking off his shirt and boxers, tossing the clothing off in a random direction. Wonwoo just watched you as he started discarding his own clothes.
Mingyu eagerly kissed your lips, his hands finding yours and holding them above your head. His lips trailed down lower, his tongue momentarily flicking over one of your nipples before he carried on, going lower as his hands slid down your body. He held your hips in place with one hand while the other parted your legs. He settled between them, his hot breath fanning against your core. You could feel your arousal dripping down your thighs and onto the bed, and Mingyu smirked as he assessed how wet you were.
“You want both of us, hm?” his voice was low and rough as his eyes glanced up at you through his lashes. “C’mon, _____, I know you can speak. Say you want both of us.”
“I want both of you,” you breathed.
“Good girl,” he hummed before pressing his tongue flat against your clit.
You let out a soft moan, trying to push your hips into Mingyu’s face, but he kept his grip on you solid. You went to at least move your hands down to his hair, but you felt the bed dip before you felt strong hands on your wrists. You looked up and saw Wonwoo kneeling beside you, his hands holding yours above you, and his half-hard cock in your face.
“I think the idea was for you to stay where you are,” he mused as you bit your lip, feeling Mingyu’s tongue slip in and out of you. “Maybe you need a distraction.”
Wonwoo used one of his hands to hold his length, lightly tapping the side of your face with it. You opened your mouth, looking up at him with wide eyes because you knew he loved when you looked at him like that. He bit his lip, inhaling sharply.
“Fuck, you look so good like this,” he grunted, cupping your cheek.
Mingyu looked away from what he was doing to watch you and Wonwoo. Your head bobbed at a slow pace, trying to get him fully erect before you did anything more. You sat up on one arm while your other hand wrapped around the base of Wonwoo’s member. The older boy let out a shaky breath as he watched you before his eyes flickered to Mingyu, meeting his darkened gaze for a moment.
You started taking more of Wonwoo in your mouth, letting him thrust into your mouth as he pleased while his head dropped back, letting out throaty moans. His hand moved from your cheek to your hair, guiding your head to move just how he liked. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, groaning softly.
“Fuck, you’re so good, love,” he mumbled.
Mingyu wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked, making you moan around Wonwoo. The vibrations made the older boy moan out louder, and he suddenly pulled himself out of your mouth with a pop.
“I wanna cum inside you,” he said softly, his finger tracing over your jaw. He turned to look at Mingyu, who was still working his tongue against you. “I have an idea. Lay on your back.”
“Since when am I taking orders from you?” Mingyu mumbled, sitting up before crawling to lay on his back beside you. 
“Since now,” he replied before he looked at you and nodded toward Mingyu. “I want you to ride him.”
“What do you have planned for yourself, then?” you quizzed as you straddled Mingyu’s hips.
“You’ll see,” Wonwoo sang with a smirk before he got off the bed and walked over to the corner of the room the bags were still dropped in.
As you sank down on Mingyu’s length, you let out a soft moan, enjoying each delicious inch of him. Mingyu just watched you, relishing in the look on your voice, and the noises you made. His hands held your waist, guiding you down onto him.
“You feel so much better than I remember,” he groaned, waiting for you to move. “Fuck, I missed you so fucking much.”
Just as you were adjusted and ready to start moving your hips, you felt something cold against your hole. You sucked in a breath between your teeth, not expecting the sudden coldness.
“Shh, relax,” Wonwoo cooed as he swirled around his finger coated in lube. “Have you done this before?”
“Plenty,” Mingyu replied with a breathy chuckle. “She’ll be okay.”
“So,” Wonwoo began, his voice a little more mischievous than you would’ve liked, “if I did this, then…”
Wonwoo slid his long digit in slowly, leaning around you to watch your face for any signs of discomfort. While your eyes did close, the noises you made were all out of pleasure. You whimpered, but pushed back on his finger, therefore swiveling your hips a bit on Mingyu, causing him to let out a quiet moan.
Wonwoo smirked, “You like that, don’t you? You want more, huh?”
You nodded, biting on your lip.
“Words, baby,” Mingyu told you teasingly.
“I-I want m-more,” you managed to stammer out.
Slowly, Wonwoo added more of his index finger, making sure you were still okay before each move he made. Mingyu was patient about it, not expecting you to move much while Wonwoo stretched you out with more fingers. Just being inside you, watching your expressions, and hearing your moans was enough for him anyway. It had been so long since he was touched at all that even this was amazing to him.
Finally, Wonwoo coated his length in the cold lube before lining his tip up with your hole, “Relax, baby.”
You nodded, feeling his warm hand move down your back before resting on your waist. Carefully, he inserted his cock into you, your eyes squeezing shut as your mouth opened without sound coming out.
Mingyu watched, biting his lip as one of his hands moved down to your clit. His thumb rubbed small circles into the bundle of nerves, and your hips jerked at the sensation. He smirked, nodding to Wonwoo who was looking to Mingyu to see if you were okay.
“Shit, you’re such a good girl for us, _____,” Wonwoo breathed when he was completely buried inside you. “Look how well you take both of us at once.”
The praises motivated you to slowly lift your hips before moving them back down, a low, long moan trailing from your lips. Mingyu groaned out your name quietly while Wonwoo sucked in a sharp breath.
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight,” Wonwoo mumbled before slowly thrusting in and out of you in small movements.
Mingyu matched his pace despite the fact he wanted things hard and fast. He knew he wouldn’t last nearly as long as the two of you, but he just wanted to finally cum. But he held back and copied Wonwoo’s movements to bring you the most pleasure.
You’d never felt anything like this before. You’d never felt so full, and the feeling was euphoric. You couldn’t even open your eyes, your nails digging into Mingyu’s chest as he held you close to him. Wonwoo’s hands held your waist tightly as his thrusts became longer and faster, and your moans started to turn into high cries of pleasure.
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” Mingyu cooed in your ear as he thrust up into you in between pants and gasps, his thumb still circling your clit. “Are you gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?”
“God, fuck--! Y-yes,” you cried, nodding frantically as you swiveled your hips, chasing your high.
Your need to reach your orgasm had Mingyu releasing without warning, filling you with warmth as his head dropped back. You peeled your eyes open to see his Adams apple bobbed as he groaned out your name, his hips bucking up into yours sporadically.
Wonwoo leaned down slightly, still thrusting into you. You whimpered loudly as your orgasm hit you, your eyes meeting Mingyu’s for a brief moment. Your eyes squeezed shut as your back arched forward and away from Wonwoo’s front that was flush against your back. Your toes curled, and your legs shook from the intensity, everything behind your eyelids going white. You clenched around both boys, making Mingyu cry out softly, and Wonwoo groan deep in his throat.
“Fuck, that’s it,” Wonwoo’s breath was hot on your neck as he praised you through your orgasm.
With a few more thrusts, Wonwoo released into you as well, his arms snaking around your waist and holding you close to him, his face buried in your neck. Mingyu ran one hand through your hair as he rode out his release, his teeth grazing against your bare shoulder.
“Fuck,” Wonwoo panted, gently pulling out of you before rolling over to lay down on his back beside Mingyu. “God, that was… Fuck…”
Mingyu placed a kiss on your jaw before looking up at you, smiling as brightly as he could for somebody was tired out from sex, “You did so well, baby. I’m proud of you.”
You let yourself relax onto Mingyu’s chest, your cheek squished up against his sweaty skin. One of your hands wandered over to Wonwoo, your thumb stroking his cheek as you stared at him.
“I love you,” you mumbled sleepily. “Both of you. I don’t ever want either of you to leave.”
“We won’t,” Wonwoo promised, holding your hand to his cheek as he leaned over to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. “Neither of us.”
“Promise?” you asked as your eyelids got heavier.
“Promise,” Mingyu mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Promise,” Wonwoo agreed, his smile being the last thing you saw before your eyes closed.
You rubbed your dry eyes, letting your head drop back against your computer chair. You knew you should’ve gone to bed two days ago, but you thought you were on the verge of getting through this firewall. But then there were other obstacles that had popped up, and you kept telling yourself you were almost there. Therefore, you persisted on for three days straight.
Wonwoo wasn’t happy about that, and neither was Mingyu.
“_____!” Mingyu called your name from up the stairs. “Dinner’s ready!”
“Just a sec!” you called back, your hands moving from your face, up to your hair and carding through it.
“No, now!” you heard Wonwoo’s deeper voice shout.
You let out a loud groan, frustrated you had to stop your work when you were -- yet again -- so close to being done. But you knew better than to argue against both of your boyfriends, so you pushed yourself up from your chair and went up the stairs.
The house smelled like food, and you knew Mingyu was trying to teach Wonwoo how to properly cook. Both boys were in the kitchen, bickering as usual. They were facing away from you, looking down at the stove instead. Mingyu seemed to be showing Wonwoo something while the older boy watched beside him, squinting down at the stove like it had just insulted his mother. The two  continued to bicker about something Wonwoo didn’t understand about cooking.
“Hey, don’t tell me dinner is ready when it’s not,” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
Wonwoo turned around, laughing at your expression, “Don’t ‘hey’ me. Dinner is ready, he’s teaching me how to make dessert.”
“But it’s our one year,” you pointed out, sitting at the counter as you waited for Wonwoo to bring over the plates, “I thought we had...not food for dessert.”
“No, that’s still the plan,” Mingyu nodded, untying the apron from his waist, “but he wanted to know how to make something himself.”
You rolled your eyes as Wonwoo placed a plate full of food in front of you, “Woo, you act like you’re a worse cook than you actually are.”
“She has a point,” Mingyu agreed, walking around to the other side of the counter to sit beside you and eat.
Wonwoo shrugged, bringing over the last two plates, “Yeah, but Mingyu’s better.”
As the three of you ate in a comfortable silence, your mind wandered to moving. The three of you were moving into a new house tomorrow that would be larger to accommodate all of your things. Since it had been a year since Mingyu escaped his kidnappers -- he never would tell you exactly what happened, though he did tell Wonwoo, and Mingyu often woke up from nightmares -- the agency deemed it safe for the three of you to move into a better living space. Security would still be tight, and you were going to be living closer to Minghao, who was a pretty decent assassin when he had to be.
“_____, stop that!” Mingyu frowned, his thumb pressing down on the crease formed between your eyebrows.
You looked up at him, “What, stop thinking?”
Wonwoo snorted, covering the lower half of his face with a napkin.
“You’re stressing over moving again,” he sighed. “C’mon, we have everything packed, and nobody is tracking us. Things will be okay.”
Mingyu’s warm hand landed on your knee comfortingly, his ring shining in the light from the kitchen. Then, you felt Wonwoo’s on your other knee, stroking your leg through the fabric of your jeans with his thumb. He had gotten you and him promise rings about six months after that first night the three of you spent together. You looked between the two boys, both giving you looks like just screamed, ‘stop worrying’.
So you sighed and nodded, knowing with both of them with you, things would be okay, “Alright, fine.”
“Good,” Wonwoo smiled before pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
“Well then,” Mingyu sighed, shoving his half-empty plate away, “I’m ready for dessert.”
“We’ve hardly even started eating!” Wonwoo pointed out.
“Just wrap it up,” he shrugged before he stood up. You thought he was going to go get whatever Wonwoo had made, but instead, you were tossed over Mingyu’s shoulder as he said, “I’ll take dessert to go!”
You let out a squeal, “Mingyu, put me down!”
“Yeah, put her down!” Wonwoo agreed, which had Mingyu pausing as he went to walk to the bedroom. But the older boy’s next sentence had him laughing with glee. “We’re supposed to share dessert, remember?”
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kagettbayo · 5 years ago
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Naruto was always alone but there were some days he simply didn't care, this was going to be one of those days. He made up his mind when he threw his legs over the bed pulling the blankets with him slowly as he rose. the blanket slipped from his form joining the piles of clothing,  weapons, and ramen cups strolled across the floor. The barefooted blond continued rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his arm skipping about a thousand regular morning routines. Flopping down at the table, the boy scratched his stomach setting alone in the kitchen. There was nothing to wait for but he still did so even if he would eventually have to rise to prepare his usual course. Giving a silent sigh the boy settled down folding his bare arms over the edge of the table as he rested his head upon them.
He was deep in thought, blue hues sparking a bit the boy for some reason feeling a bit down. As quickly as emotions came he shot them away jumping up to put water into his ramen. While deep in thought he turned as if on que setting the ramen back onto he table to cool a bit picking up a few articles of clothing quickly tossing them into a basket. His thoughts wandered to a small lesson given to him to calm his rage against the village. It did not come out often but when his truest feelings came out he would usually tell them to one of two. Kakashi Sensei or Iruka. Kakashi Sensei, Naruto had come to honestly respect and honor. His teacher often spoke in confusing riddles it seemed but sometimes certain lessons would stick and catch his interest; other times he simply considered rambling. The grave in question didn't leave his mind and he couldn't shake it the words echoing over and over. The leaf had punished a shinobi for trying to save lives at the expense of a mission. He honestly didn't want to believe it and was convinced there had to be more to such a story. For Kakashi to use this example the young ninja considered perhaps it was connected to the teacher in sorts. Many lessons taught by the Joinin had come from life experience and was passed along in wisdom. His team mates had also blown it off in sorts at the time but there was relevance in it for Kakashi to have taken the time to point it out despite how it sounded.
The blond furred his brow turning to sponge off and prepare for his day of answers. Times when they had days of rest the young male would often find different things to do if not spend it training.
Moments later the blond staggered about the living area hopping on one foot trying to pull on his pants with one hand the other carefully supporting the bowl of ramen Naruto slurped down with ease. He refused to give up on one of said tasks resulting in a one legged dance across the living room every time naruto lost balance. Naruto set the empty bowl aside needing both hands to finally fashion his pants. He quickly began patting the orange down as if he smooth the wrinkles with no avail. He shrugged it off casting no cares to his appearance quickly ruffling his hair into place turning for the door.
Naruto wandered down the street his hands in his pockets his mind working a mile a minute trying to figure out a way to find his answers. He couldn't ask another Sensei only because when a lesson was being taught it was as if everybody was always on accord sending the genin in circles. A complete waste of time and Kakashi's puzzles were like Asuma's very hard to sort. Putting his thoughts together he considered what he knew first mentally running over the facts. A shinobi had fought for the village and abandoned a mission but his death was self inflicted. Shouldn't be too hard to hunt down info on a suicidal fallen hero or so he thought. Those facts in the shinobi world were not the usual and the thought of the why's and how's kept the kid silent as he walked.
Naruto could relate because without a shadow of a doubt he would have done anything to save those he had become to know in his life as friends. He would have made many of the same mistakes but the other circumstances surrounding he honestly had to debate what he would have done. He would have probably gone on to try and finish the mission meaning he probably would not have returned alive resulting in the failure of a mission or capture. Naruto continued to debate and came up with similar answers meaning it could have been him. He knew how it felt to be shunned by his peers but it didn't bring the desire of death instead it made him more determined to prove them wrong. He simply didn't get it.
He perked up with a smile, the difference between the two was he didn't find sourness in the ideals of others. Instead he relied upon himself in sorts and his determination only meant he couldn't fall for any reason in or out of battle. When told he couldn't he made sure he tried his hardest and that was a lesson he would remember from the moment the thought went through his mind. A smile pulled at his thin lips at the thought Naruto scratching his jaw a bit sinking back into thoughts the smile disappearing. There was no way he would end up like the other, but still naruto desired to know the story behind the lesson just for his own sake.
A few hours later he found himself at a library. When the light went off he rushed inside inquiring quickly only to receive a blank look and a shrug from the elder woman in front of him. Naruto quickly drew a blank as different shinobi hero's were mentioned. His mouth hung open with a bit of drool from the boredom as the librarian went on. Suddenly the blond lifted his hand with a smile and waved to thank  her before turning to hunt for his own answers. If he chose to sort her many stories he would probably be there for years to come. Finally after about a hundred books and scrolls the kid gave up with a dramatic exasperated sigh. The loud noise was quickly hushed by the elder who pulled a finger to her lips. Naruto unburied his lower half from the books standing to address her
“HEY, The shuush was louder than what I did, hypocrite, 'ttbayo!!"
The woman while scowling slowly came around the counter with her hand on her hips the other hand pointing to the exit. As he bent down to pick up his mess the elder popped his hand pointing once more with a scowl on his face. She probably thought he was being disrespectful again so he didn't even give protest handing her the book before turning to head out his features scrunched up from the scolding she gave in his exit. Would it always be like this every time he did something? Where they gonna remain angry at him forever, he wasn't even sure what he had done but he knew they REALLY didn't like him. Shoving his hands back into his pocket he found himself cornered in solutions giving up without much of a fight. It wasn't worth the trouble of trying to defend himself. At times such actions became very exhausting along with the frustration that came with it. The door was slid shut behind him causing him to jump a bit Naruto picking up a rock to throw at the door. Pushing his lip he simply dropped it with no desire to retaliate he'd just prove them all wrong why argue now.  
"Tsk, I'm going, I'm going!'
Naruto remarked in a soft voice continuing down the stairs. He could always just ask his sensei but he was certain it would make for a long night of lessons. The setting sun reminded him that he had found out no more than he already knew having wasted an entire day he could have spent training. His lips pulled to a thin line quickly thinking to those close to kakashi. Rin would know for sure because shes been around long enough to understand some of the things he didn't. Finally he had found the brown haired girl with striped upon her cheeks. He had been told she was kinda like him but nobody took the time to explain that either. naruto was not here to ask those questions. He just wanted to know about the shinobi who was called out for saving his friends. Was it so hard for them to be honest about something like that? At this point he was hopeful he would at least learn a name or something it would be a drag for the entire day to go away as a waste.
"K-Kakashi Sensei told us a story the other day about the lone grave. The one who chose his comrades over his mission. I thought and figured I woulda done the same thing in sorts but now I am curious. Who is he? I wanna know so I don't forget him too because he is a Hero in my books. I woulda chose the people I care about too and since Kakashi Sensei isn’t gonna tell me maybe I figured you would know!!"
He spat out with a determined stance. Fists tugged together so tight his knuckles turned right. He just didn't get it but he knew how mean people could be. Standing straight Naruto relaxed his spoke speaking in a soft voice.
"I get it I guess, it doesn't feel good to have the world mad at ya I guess but if you die then, that's kinda it, so I was trying to find more to the story but I don't even know who he was."
He admitted through gritted teeth not sure what he was after but he knew he had to know so when he became hokage something like this wouldn't happen again. He would try his best to see to it nobody is alone and forgotten with enough time to draw into that much sadness. Naruto felt he could relate and even if he had never considered ending his life he still didn't know how he would honestly respond to that. He had assumed he had already seen the brunt of peoples cruelty. But According to Kakashi's example, he was wrong on so many accounts.
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janeykath318 · 7 years ago
The Wooing Of Leonard McCoy 1
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“Ooh, big brother! Who is that hot hunk of man coming this way?” You were having dinner with your brother, James T. Kirk, renowned Captain of the Enterprise and proclaimed playboy of the Galaxy. (Which was an exaggeration, but Jim did have a way with sentient beings.) Having finally finished school and working on a smaller ship while awaiting a deep space going vessel, you’d finally been assigned to his crew. Jim had of course, been thrilled and took you out on the town to celebrate. 
Not all siblings could stand to work around each other, but it wasn’t like that for you and Jim. You got along surprisingly well given your eerie similarities in brains and temper. You weren’t aiming to have your own ship, though. Oh, no. Security chief was your long term goal, being quite gifted on the tactics and combat department. Now, you had your eyes on the tall brunette ambling your way clad in a grey t-shirt, jeans and a smoking hot leather jacket. Yum, yum, yum. Jim put down his drink and glanced in the direction you’d indicated, letting out a snort of amusement even as his eyes took on a gleam of mischief. “That, my dear sister, is my CMO and self-proclaimed owner of legendary hands, Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.” Your eyes widened. “You mean Bones? The one breathing creature (besides Uhura) that resisted your charms? Wow! You weren’t joking when you talked about his good looks.” “That’s the one,” Jim confirmed. “Alas for me, he’s straight, but you might catch his eye. He can be a cranky, stubborn son of a gun, though, I’ll warn you right now.” “I heard that, Jim,” grumbled the approaching dreamboat in a voice that did nothing to detract from the sheer sexy aura he gave off. Was that a hint of a southern accent? You decided you needed to hear him speak again. “Heard what, Bones?” Jim asked innocently, while you ogled the good doctor. He sighed heavily. “Infant. Is this our new crewperson?” he turned to you inquiringly. “Yep. Bones, meet my sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is my best friend, Leonard McCoy.” He offered a large hand and you shook it, even more impressed close up. “Pleased to meet you, Y/N,” He said. “Jim brags about you a lot.” “And about you,” You replied, grinning at him. “For obvious reasons! Wow!”  You pantomimed fanning yourself and He turned beet red. “I can sense the familial resemblance already,” McCoy said ruefully. “But You’ve got Jim beat in the looks category, that’s for sure.” “Hey!” Jim protested, elbowing his friend. You simpered and batted your eyelashes at the doctor. “I can see we’ll get along quite nicely, Doctor McCoy,” You purred, causing him to flush at your very admiring gaze. “Since I work security, the chances of me being in your Medbay are rather good.” “Please tell me you’re not a danger seeking trouble magnet like your brother,” McCoy sighed, looking uneasy. “I have enough issues dealing with him.” Jim grinned at you. “Wellll......” You hedged. “I hate to disappoint you, but I kind of am. We get it from our mother.” (And my dad, you thought, but didn’t say.) “On the bright side, you’ll get to see my pretty face a lot!!!!” He groaned heavily and facepalmed. “Just what I needed!” Jim clapped him on the shoulder. “Cheer Up, Bones! You’ll love her! Everyone does!” Leonard decided he wasn’t just going to fall at your feet, Oh, no he wasn’t, but between you and Jim, he couldn’t help but let loose and relax that evening. When you showed up for your physical pre flight, he got another surprise. “Lieutenant Y/N Pike?” He asked, looking at the info on his PADD. “That’s me, Doc!” You confirmed, grinning at his shocked look. “Wow, hold on a minute. You mean THAT Pike?” “Yeah, That Pike,” you smirked. Leonard was floored. “How did I not put that together? Jim’s talked about Chris and Winona a few times, but for some reason, I thought you were Frank’s kid.” “No, thank God!” You said with a shudder. “They split up after she realized he was an abusive jerk. Men like him should NOT reproduce.” “Agreed,” He said, indicating that you should sit on the exam table. “But wow! Related to both those two.” He whistled, eyebrows popping up and down for emphasis. “Bet your childhood was interesting.” “It was,” you said, thinking about how nicely Bones filled out his uniform. “But they were quite okay with me not wanting to be a captain. Dad said two in the family was quite enough and I should only do it if I really wanted to. He’s great.” Having struck a dramatic pose, you batted your eyelashes and said smoothly, “So, how about that physical, Huh?” The suggestive edge left the Doctor’s face red, but he rolled his eyes and got to work. “Oh, No, you’re not pulling that with me,” he declared. “I have too much experience fending off Jim to fall for that act.” “We’ll See about that, Dr. McHottie,” you said, with a smirk that was all Pike. Leonard found his willpower sorely tested over the next several months as you flirted and teased him at every opportunity. Oh, yes, you were gorgeous, he admitted to himself, but he was more stubborn than was good for him and resisted the feelings that were being stirred up. Jim surprisingly left well enough alone, but refused to listen to his pleas to get him to persuade you to stop. You were certainly in his Medbay enough, given the physical nature of your job, but still not as much as Jim and you only wrinkled your nose at hypos, rather than gripe and whine about them. “I’ve gotta give you credit, Y/N,” He said While patching you up, “You can take a hypo like a grown adult. S’more than I can say about Jim.” “I’ll never mind being stuck by YOU, Doc,” you replied, flustering him so much he couldn’t say another word for the rest of the exam. “How’s the grand seduction goin’, sis?” Jim asked, five months into the mission. You’d come to his quarters for a vid call with your dad and the chance to use a real water shower. (Sonics were great, but it felt nice to soak in nice warm water every once in a while.) “Rather slowly,” you admitted. “I think I’m gonna have to change up my tactics a bit.” “Bones is kind of leery of romance, so I wouldn’t despair,” Jim advised. “I’ve seen signs that he likes you more than he lets on, but he’s just too stubborn or too gun shy to admit it. You’ve thrown him for a loop and he doesn’t know quite how to react. The next step is to strike up conversations with him, worm your way into his inner circle and eventually, his heart.” It sounded like good advice, given how well Jim knew the man and you nodded and took it to heart. Soon a familiar face appeared on screen and you and Jim chorused “Hi, Dad!” in perfect unison. Your Dad looked amused with a touch of suspicious, which was well warranted given the antics you and Jim got up to. “Hello, you two. I take it you haven’t managed to wreak havoc being on the same ship?” “Amazingly, no,” Jim answered. “We’re kept too busy to cause trouble. Y/N’s already saved my hide twice on away missions.” “Three Times,” You corrected him. “Don’t forget about the predatory giant spider that you screamed and wet yourself over.” Jim scowled. He didn’t like to remember that incident, being so thoroughly terrified and embarrassed at the same time. This got the Admiral’s interest. He leaned back in his chair and grinned. “Oh? Do tell, honey. Sounds like a whale of a tale.” Jim glowered while you told the story, making it as dramatic as you could and putting emphasis on the size of the spider so Jim wouldn’t look TOO bad. At the end of it your dad was chuckling and shaking his head. “All in a day’s work, huh, Jim?” He teased. “I put a big ole red flag on that planet’s coordinates when I got back to the ship. Future Starfleet visitors will know not to put arachnophobes on any away missions there. It’s going to haunt my dreams.” You chatted back and forth about Admiral stuff and family stuff and how your mom was doing on The Yorktown, then Jim revenged himself for your telling an embarrassing story. “Oh by the way, Dad, I think you should know Y/N has a taste for a certain southern doctor.” “Jim!” You hissed, glaring daggers at him. “What?” He said defiantly. “You told my spider story! It’s only fair!” “McCoy, Huh?” Your Dad chuckled. “I thought you liked them younger and less crusty.” You blushed hotly. “Tastes change,” was all you said with a shrug. “He’s a good man under all the grump. Hot, too. Jim has no room to talk—Mr. Flirt with the Chief Engineer on the Bridge!” You gave him a triumphant look and he sighed. “Alright, Alright, I don’t need to know anymore,” your dad said, holding up His hand. “You’re adults. I can’t interfere. Just be patient with the man. He’s had some bad luck in relationships. And Jim, you’d better not string Scott along, you hear me?” “Yes, Sir,” Jim said soberly. “Behave now, kids. I’ll expect you back in one piece.” “That’s a tall order, but I’ll try, Dad,” you said with a dramatic sigh. “I’ve learned to not make any promises like that,” Jim admitted, making your dad laugh again. After a few more cautions and well wishes, he signed off. “Well, He didn’t discourage it!” You said optimistically. With Your Dad, that was practically the stamp of approval.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years ago
Duke Reviews: Captain America: The Winter Solider
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews, Where We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
By Looking At The Second Outing For The Star Spangled Man With A Plan, Captain America In Captain America: The Winter Solider...
This Film Sees Captain America Teaming Up With Black Widow And A New Ally Called The Falcon (Played By Anthony Mackie) To Uncover A Conspiracy Within S.H.I.E.L.D. While Also Facing A Mysterious Assassin Who Calls Himself The Winter Solider, Will Steve Uncover This Mystery And Stop The Winter Solider?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Captain America: The Winter Solider...
The Film Opens At Sunrise With With Steve Rogers Running Circles Around Sam Wilson, A Former Pararescue Solider Who Now Works At The VA Who Steve Befriends And Talks With Briefly Before Being Picked Up By Natasha Romanoff Who Takes Him To His Next Assignment...
As Cap And His Strike Team, Led By Brock Rumlow Are Headed Toward A Boat Called The Leumarian Star Which Has Been Taken Over By Pirates, Led By Georges Batroc (Otherwise Known As Batroc The Leaper)
So In Other Words, (Impersonating Bad Guy From Captain Phillips) He's The Captain Now...
Who Are Demanding A Billion And A Half For The Safe Return Of The Ship And It's Crew (Which Includes Agent Jasper Sitwell) So, Cap Decides To Sweep The Deck To Find Batroc While Widow Kills The Engines And Rumlow And His Crew Sweep The Aft Of The Ship, Find The Hostages And Get Them To The Life Pods...
Jumping Off Of The Jet Without A Parachute, Cap Boards The Ship And Fights Off Enough Of Batroc's Boys So, Widow, Rumlow And His Boys Can Board The Ship...
However As Both Rogers And Rumlow Do Their Jobs In Fighting Batroc And Saving The Passengers, Widow Shuts Down The Engines But Also Gets Info From The Ship's Computer. Caught By Cap, Who Believes She Is Endangering The Mission, Cap Decides To Talk To Fury About This At The Triskellion
There, Fury Tells Cap That He Didn't Want To Do Anything He Wasn't Comfortable With Despite Cap Believing That A Team Should Trust One Another Which Leads Fury To Tell Him That The Last Time He Trusted Someone He Lost His Eye...
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You Lost It To A Damn Flerkin, Fury! Stop Lying To Everyone And Tell Them The Truth!
But Wanting Cap To Trust Him, Fury Shows Cap What S.H.I.E.L.D. Is Up To By Showing Him Project Insight, Which Is 3 Next Generation Helicarriers Synched To A Network Of Targeting Satellites, Once In The Air They Never Come Down Thanks To Repulsor Engines Created By Tony Stark...
With Long Range Guns That Can Eliminate 1,000 Hostiles A Minute, They Plan To Stop Threats Before They Happen, But While This Sounds Good Especially With The World We Live In Now, Cap Doesn't See This As A Great Idea As He Doesn't Think That It Spells Freedom But Instead Spells Fear...
Telling Cap That S.H.I.E.L.D. Sees The World As It Is And To Get With The Times, Cap Tells Fury Not To Hold His Breath As He Walks Off And Goes To The Smithsonian Where An Exhibition On Captain America Is Going On...
There, They Have Information, Costumes, Videos Including One With Peggy And A Thing On Bucky All Being Narrated By Lieutenant Dan...
In A Sad Scene, We See Steve Visit An Old Peggy Who He Notices Has Lived A Good Life Without Him Even Though She Is Losing A Battle She Cannot Win With Alzheimer's...
Meanwhile In Fury's Office, Fury Goes Over The Files From The Leumarian Star That Black Widow Stole, But Unfortunately The Files Are Sealed Under His Orders....
Going To See Senior Secretary Alexander Pierce (Played By Robert Redford)...
That's Right, Ladies Let It Out!
Fury Asks Him For A Favor, To Call For A Vote To Delay Project Insight, Saying That What He's Looking Into Could Be Nothing But He Has To Be Sure, So, Pierce Says Yes On The Condition That Iron Man Stops By His Niece's Birthday Party...
Oh, I'm Sure That'll Go Over Great With Tony...
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We Get A Little Bit Of Character Development As Steve Visits Sam At The VA Where He Tells Steve About His Partner Riley, Who Died Getting Hit By An RPG During A Mission Before We Cut To Fury In His Car As He Contacts Maria Hill Before Coming Under Attack By People Disguised As Police...
(End 3:50)
Going To Steve's Apartment After The Incident, Fury Acts Low Key As He Tells Steve That S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Been Compromised And There Are People Listening To Their Conversation Before Fury Is Shot By An Unknown Shooter, Before He Goes Unconscious, Fury Gives Steve A USB Drive And Tells Him Not To Trust Anyone...
With His Neighbor Emily Thorne Bursting In Revealing Herself To Be An Agent Assigned To Protect Steve, She Stays With Fury While Cap Goes After The Shooter Only To Not Catch Him...
With Black Widow And Maria Hill By His Side, Steve Watches As Fury Dies In The Hospital, Telling Them About The Shooter, Hill Takes Fury's Body For Burial As Widow Asks Cap About Why Fury Was In His Apartment But Before He Can Answer, Rumlow Tells Cap That They Need Him Back At S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. For Questioning...
So, As Widow Leaves, Cap Places The Drive Fury Gave Him Inside Of A Vending Machine That's Being Filled Before He Leaves...
Talking With Alexander Pierce, He Asks Steve Why Fury Was In His Apartment But Saying He Doesn't Know, Pierce Tries To Make Steve Believe That Fury Not Only Bugged His Apartment But Was Also Behind The Attack On The Leumarian Star Saying That The Hijacking Was A Cover For The Acquisition Of Classified Intelligence...
But Not Buying Pierce's Story, He Tells Cap Why He Took A Seat On The Council Of Morons And That's Because Nick Asked Him To Because They Were Both Realists Knowing That In Despite Everything The Only Way To Build A Better World Is Sometimes Tearing Down The Old One Down...
Asking Steve Again Why Fury Was In His Apartment, All He Tells Pierce Is That Fury Told Him To Trust No One, Not Liking That Answer Pierce Swears To Cap As He Leaves That He Will Find Out Why Fury Was Murdered And Anyone Who Gets In His Way Will Regret It...
Entering An Elevator, Cap Talks To Rumlow And His Team...
(Start At 1:51)
Revisiting The Hospital To Get Fury's Drive From The Vending Machine, Steve Finds It Gone But Soon Confronted By Black Widow, Steve Asks Natasha Where It Is?, She Tells Him It's Safe Before Telling Him That The Person Who Killed Fury Is Called The Winter Solider Who Has Done 2 Dozen Assassinations In The Last 50 Years And That Going After Him Is A Dead End As She's Tried And Failed...
Still Not Sure Whether To Trust Widow, Steve Still Accepts Her Help As The Council Of Idiots Brands Fury A Traitor When Pierce Tells Them That He Was Behind The Leumarian Star Attack And Demand The Immediate Relaunch Of Project Insight...
Going To A Mall, Steve And Natasha Go To An Apple Store Where They Borrow One Of The Computers To Discover What's On The Drive But With The Drive Being Heavily Encrypted They Decide Instead To Figure Out Where It Came From Before S.H.I.E.L.D Agents Pop In For Tea...
With The Trace Leading To New Jersey, Steve And Natasha Disappear And Drive To The Location In New Jersey Where They Arrive At A Familiar Sight, Steve's Old Training Grounds Before He Became Captain America...
With A Bunch Of Memories Flooding Back To Steve, They Come Across A Building That's Not Supposed To Be Where It Is Due To Army Regulations, So Being Suspicious, They Enter The Old 1940's HQ Of S.H.I.E.L.D Where They Come Across An Old Elevator That In It's Age And Condition Would Most Likely Send Them To The Twilight Zone If Anything
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That They Take To A Lower Floor Where They Discover An Old Supercomputer...
Activating It, They Discover The Computer To Contain The Memory Of Arnim Zola, The Red Skull's Leading Scientist...
(Start At 0:48)
Steve Manages To Get Out With An Unconscious Natasha As Agents Led By Rumlow Scour The Area For Them...
As The Winter Solider Visits Pierce Who Tells Him That The Timetable Has Moved Up And Their Window Is Limited As He Orders Him To Kill Cap And Widow And He Wants Them Confirmed Dead In 10 Hours...
Going To Sam's House To Lay Low, Steve Talks With Widow Who Feels Betrayed Feeling That She Gave Up Being KGB To Be A Hydra Agent And Says That She Owes Him Which Gains His Trust...
With Cap Knowing Pierce Is Behind Everything And That He Could Launch A Domestic Missile Strike Need Be, Also The Fact That Zola's Algorithm Was On The Leumarian Star Along With Agent Sitwell So The Question Lies How Do 2 Of The Most Wanted People By S.H.I.E.L.D. Kidnap A S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent In Broad Daylight? This Leads Sam To Offer His Services...
Sam Kidnaps Sitwell As He's Guarding Senator Larry Sanders From Iron Man 2, Who Happens To Be A Hydra Agent...
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Taking Sitwell To A Roof, They Question Him About Zola's Algorithm But Not Answering Them, Widow Throws Sitwell Off The Roof Only To Be Caught By Sam In A Exo-7 Falcon Suit They Got From The Military, Who Drops Him Mid Air...
Asking Him Again, Sitwell Tells Cap That Zola's Algorithm Is A Program For Choosing Insight's Targets Which Is Basically Anyone Who Could Be A Threat To Hydra Now Or In The Future...
Taking Sitwell In A Car With Only 16 Hours Left Till Insight's Launch Team Cap Decides To Use Sitwell To Bypass The DNA Scanners And Access The Helicarriers Directly But Before They Can Get There The Winter Solider Kills Sitwell And Causes Team Cap's Car To Crash..
This Leads To A Gun Fight Between Team Cap And Hydra On Not Just The Freeway But The Road Below...
Eventually The Winter Solider Goes After Widow Only To Fight Cap Who Discovers The Winter Soldier's Identity To Be His Friend He Believed To Be Dead Bucky Barnes...
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Search Your Feelings, Steve, You Know It To Be True!
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Surrounded By Rumlow's Hydra Forces, They Arrest Team Cap Only For Them To Be Saved By Maria Hill Who Takes Them To See Nick Fury...
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Let Me Explain...Turns Out Fury Used Developed By Bruce Banner That Slows The Heart To 1 Beat Per Minute But While It Didn't Work Great On Banner It Works Great With S.H.I.E.L.D. So, Fury Used It To Fake His Death As He Didn't Know Who To Trust...
Meanwhile, Pierce Visits Bucky In An Undisclosed Place To Ask Him For A Mission Report But Before He Can Get It Bucky Starts To Remember Steve So They Say Screw It And Decide To Wipe Bucky's Memory Of The Entire Thing...
Back At Fury's HQ, Fury Tells Team Cap About Their Plan To Breach All 3 Helicarriers And Replace Their Targeting Blades With Their Own To Stop Them And Try To Salvage What's Left Of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Not Willing To Do That Steve Tells Fury He's Not Only Taking Down Hydra But S.H.I.E.L.D. With It As Hydra Grew Under Fury's Nose And No One Noticed...
With Hill Backing Cap Up On This, Fury Decides To Let Cap Take Charge Of The Mission..,
Going Outside, Steve Thinks About A Time After His Mother Died And He Was With Bucky Which Leads To Probably The Best Line Of The Movie That Defined Bucky And Steve's Friendship From There On In The MCU Till Endgame...
Warning Steve That Bucky May Not Be Redeemable, Steve Tells Sam That He Doesn't Know If He Can Fight Bucky But He Hopes It Ends Differently, Going To The Captain America Exhibit At The Smithsonian, We Get Our Stan Lee Cameo...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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As Security Guard Stan Notices Captain America's Suit Is Missing From The Exhibit As Cap (In The Suit), Maria Hill And Sam (Now Calling Himself The Falcon) Head Toward A Security Room Where They Run Into Abed From Community...
However, As Pierce Is In The Middle With An Actual Face To Face Meeting With The Council Of Morons, Cap Comes On The Speakers Revealing Everything, Not Just To Everyone Who Isn't Hydra But To The World Security Council...
With An Employee And Steve's Neighbor Refusing To Do Rumlow's Orders To Launch The Helicarriers, It Turns Into Agent Against Agent While Rumlow Launches The Helicarriers Which Forces Cap And Falcon To Stop Them...
In The Aftermath, Steve Is Taken To The Hospital And Survives With Sam By His Side, Steve's Neighbor Becomes A CIA Operative, Hill Gets Hired By Our Friend Tony Stark, Senator Larry Sanders Gets Arrested To Tony's Possible Delight, Rumlow Survives The Destruction Of The Triskellion Only To Return To Make A Bigger Bang In Civil War...
Widow Deals With The Senators On Capitol Hill Who Should Be More Concerned About Bigger Problems In Washington and Fury Decides To Disappear In The States To Deal With Leftover Hydra Agents Overseas, Asking Steve And Sam If They Want In They Tell Fury That There's Something They Have To Do First As Widow Arrives Telling Cap That She's Going Off To Make A New Life For Herself Outside Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Before Giving Steve A File On Bucky As The Film Ends...
We Get A Mid Credits Scene With Baron Von Strucker Who Not Only Has Loki's Staff But 2 Weapons In The Form Of Quicksilver (Played By Aaron Taylor-Johnson) And Scarlet Witch (Played By Elizabeth Olsen)...
After The Credits We Go Back To The Smithsonian's Captain America Exhibit As We See Bucky Starting To Get His Memory Back As He Looks At His Memorial There...
And That's Captain America: The Winter Solider And....I Don't Think It's One Of The Great MCU Movies...Hear Me Out...
I Think The Action Scenes Are Good And There's Not Only Great Character Development In The Story But The Characters Are Very Well Written However, I Don't Think It Was A Good Idea To Destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. In This Movie Because Of A Few Reasons...
1. I Think Something This Big As Destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. Would Have Been More Suited For An Avengers Movie Instead Of A Captain America Movie...
2. This Event Completely Ruined The Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV Series Which Was Just Starting And Had Barely Anytime Before "Bam! S.H.I.E.L.D's Gone What Do We Do Now?!" And No Offense That Was Not What I Wanted To See From An Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Series I Wanted To See S.H.I.E.L.D Doing S.H.I.E.L.D Assignments With S.H.I.E.L.D. Gadgets...
3. They Ruined The Character Of Jasper Sitwell Who They Could Have Done More With Than Just Make Him A Hydra Stooge, This Guy Was Coulson's Partner Till His Death In The Avengers, After Coulson's Death And Demotion To Television They Could've Made Him The New Coulson. Or Here's An Idea, Instead Of Having Him Just Be Another Hydra Stooge, They Should Have Let Him Be An Undercover Double Agent That Gives Maria Hill Information On What's Going On Inside When They Discover What's Going On...
And Finally 4. While I Enjoyed Robert Redford's Alexander Pierce I Kinda Would Have Liked It If He Was Actually One Of Cap's More Well Known Enemies...
For This I'm Leaving Out Red Skull (As Hugo Weaving Wouldn't Come Back If Both Marvel And Disney Begged Him)Arnim Zola (Baron Strucker (Who Ends Up Becoming Ultron Fodder In Age Of Ultron) And Baron Zemo (Who They'll Screw Up In Civil War Only To Try To Make It Up To Us In The Captain America Less The Falcon And The Winter Solider On Disney + Airing Next Year)...
But I Do Suggest Maybe Madame Hydra Or The Daughter Or Granddaughter Of Red Skull Who Wants To Finish What He Started Years Ago...
For Those Who Like This Movie, I Understand Your Reasons But For Me This Is One I'm Skipping...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
sueboohscorner · 8 years ago
#WynonnaEarp Season 2 Episode 1 "Steel Bars and Stone Walls" aka Saving Mr. Dolls
Season 2 picks up literally seconds after Season 1 ended and Waves and Doc are on the move, running from whatever she shot at in the last moments of the S1 finale. The creature gets Doc’s hat (RIP) but thankfully, Wynonna was right behind them and was able to gleefully Ty Cobb him…it?…into next Tuesday before blowing it away.
Her plan is simple: use the creepy mouth thing she just blew away to get Dolls back. Somehow. It’s a not fully fleshed out plan okay?
Speaking of Dolls, he used his time wisely and with the cell phone he had on him, called off the missile strike on Purgatory. Lucado, continuing to prove what a massive biatch she really is, throws a temper tantrum about this and the fact that Wynonna offed BoBo by zapping Dolls and gleefully telling him he’s gonna be shipped to a dark site somewhere.
Back in Purgatory, Wynonna walks in on Sheriff Nedley spinning a yarn that paints Wynonna Earp as the cause of all that went wrong at the end of last season with Bobo. Thanks for your continued support, Randy! At least he tells her in his own Nedley way that he appreciates what she did for everyone…right before telling her Black Badge has swooped in and removed everything from the site.
Then Nedley asks what we all have asked at one point or another: Where on earth did Dolls live?? Because maybe that’s where he stashed all his important info. Wynonna takes off searching for his digs to find what she can find and finally breaks into the right place. She realizes quickly it’s not quite as vacant as she was expecting as she’s attacked by a half naked blonde bombshell with an attitude. They realize soon enough though they’re both…ahem…friends with Xavier and the guns are holstered.
Back at Casa del Earp, Waverly is busy patching up Nicole from the booboo she got at the end of last season (what’s a gunshot wound tempered by a bullet proof vest between more than friends?) Kissing ensues but Haught has to put a stop to it due to her injuries. She does note though that Waves tastes differently. Just then Doc shows up and breaks up the party to check in on Waverly and how she’s doing after losing Willa.
Meanwhile Wynonna and the blonde chick…whose name we learn to be Eliza…are circling each other figuratively speaking then Wynnona blurts out that Black Badge took Dolls. Eliza tells her she needs her if they’re gonna get Dolls back since he’ll be taken to Black Rock if they don’t rescue him in time. Either that or he’ll be dead, or worse than dead. Well that sounds ominous.
Team Earp plus one gather to discuss their plan to infiltrate a Black Badge safe house at the Earp household. Nicole..now Agent Haught…will help keep the peace with the 62 remaining revnants with Waverly while the others go all in.
Wynonna, Doc and Eliza head back to Dolls old office (dealing with any problem Black Badge agents as they find them) and open Dolls’ safe. Bad news. Dolls doesn’t have his dose and hasn’t taken anything in 30 hours or so. Wynonna of course has no idea what they’re talking about. Doc clues her in: Dolls isn’t entirely a man. And by that, he means Dolls isn’t a man at all.
Wynonna takes the news quite well, I think.
Unsurprisingly the BB agent gives up the goods and Team Earp is on the move to an old bread factory, where Dolls is. They arrive armed with a dead possum, stinking, and dressed in protective gear. The guard quickly motions them through, not interested in suffering the horrible stench for any longer than necessary.
Once inside, Eliza, fresh from the vents (she had to cut the security cam wires), meets up with them and they’re off, down a stairway and trapped. Eliza’s ID isn’t working for them anymore. Ruh roh. So much for Plan A.
Back home, Nicole and Waverly prepare for battle. Except things aren’t what they seem (Waverly’s weird black glowy eye thing aside) and Waverly confesses Wynonna had a secondary agenda for them in mind. Let’s call it Plan B. She shows up at the Black Badge site in disguise as some chick from Scotland Yard just in time, carting part of the weird mouth creature (“Johnny Big Mouth” demon) from the start of the episode. Meanwhile, Nicole waits for everyone in the getaway car as the guard, who is apparently a blithering idiot who can’t tell Waverly’s lying through her teeth lets her through.
Lucado is with Dolls, taunting him that Eliza’s there and that she’ll stick with him till he’s carted off to Black Rock. She hates him, you see, because he chose to save Eliza over her husband on some op in Kabul back in the day and doesn’t care when Dolls tells her that her husband told him to leave with Eliza since he was bleeding out and wasn’t going to make it. Instead she lets him know Wynonna and Doc are with Eliza and they’ll pay for what he did. What a vindictive %#^@*^#… well, you get my drift.
Waverly arrives in the Black Badge laboratory which is stocked with all sorts of critters, including another Johnny Big Mouth demon. Wynonna calls her and tells her that it’s in fact time for Plan C. While she waits for Waverly to get to…whatever it is she’s gonna do…she and Eliza have a heart to heart. Eliza clears up that she and Dolls are just friends but that she’s there in Purgatory to find out what Black Badge did to Dolls, and to her. To find out what they were changed into. Eliza warns her though that it might be too late to save Dolls and that they might have to end him if he’s too far gone.
Meanwhile Waverly, in full on Plan C mode, is trying to distract? woo? flirt with? manipulate? the lab technician to get him to open the security doors so her sister and friends can escape. He unwittingly gives her the answer as to what she needs and she clobbers the poor guy, but not enough to actually knock him out, just make him bleed. Which is bad as one of the creatures in captivity…a Bulgarian devourer of souls…breaks free.
They escape and Waverly comes clean. She’s there for her sister and Dolls…a good friend. And for some reason he helps her out and unlocks the doors for her.  But before Wynonna can get out, Doc does and shuts the door behind him. He’ll get Dolls. She’ll go with Eliza to save Waverly.
Doc finds Dolls in a cage and Lucado in front of said cage with a gun. But Doc’s prepared for this eventuality.
Doc wants her to apologize to Xavier but before she can, Dolls grabs her from behind and knocks her clean out and Doc gets Dolls out of the cage and the room.
Waverly and her technician friend decide it’s safe to go back inside the lab, THOUGH WHY THEY’D WANT TO I HAVE NO IDEA. Except it isn’t safe and the soul devourer is ticked off in the worse way. Testy little things, ain’t they? Waverly steps forward though and goes all black eyes on the soul devourer, and he…it? backs down. Which begs the question on all of our minds: HUH? Wynonna shows up and grabs Peacemaker, who has been hidden in the Johnny Big Mouth demon head Waverly brought in there and she “peacemakes” the soul devourer before dragging Waves out of there.
Meanwhile Doc is having a tough time dragging Dolls and he offloads the dynamite near the opening of some box…which I’m sure certainly is not going to come up again in the future *WINK*… before giving Dolls a dose of his meds. Dolls eyes go all glowy before he whispers something in Doc’s ears. Whatever it is, Doc isn’t happy about it at all. I’m guessing it’s pertaining to the fact he has to leave on his own because that’s what Doc pushes him to do right as Black Badge agents fall on Doc’s position.
Eliza, Wynonna, Waverly and the lab tech who we now know is named Jeremy (‘sup!) run into a very unhappy Lucado who’s ready to kill pretty much anyone in range right now. She’s stopped before she can by a Black Badge superior as other BB agents drag in Doc.
The big bad Black Badge boss (the B.B.B.B.B? Yikes what an acronym!) wants Wynonna and team to keep taking out revnants and also all the other new creatures popping up in the Ghost River Triangle but Doc is a hard no and Eliza warns her not to sign anything. Lucado adds her tuppence and insists someone pay for what’s happened so the B.B.B.B.B. *smirk* picks up Lucado’s gun and kills Eliza right in front of them. LE GASP!
Team Earp are then all forced to sign the contract in their own blood and the BB boss promises to help Wynonna break her family’s curse as part of the package.
The Black Badge boss asks a final question: does anyone else knows about your mission? And Waves and Wynonna lie their asses off not wanting her to end up as poor Eliza did. Thankfully, Nicole has been listening in the whole time and is able to escape before being spotted.
Back at the Earp homestead, a visibly deflated Nicole apologizes for leaving and Waves insists it was necessary. Wynonna cuddles in Willa’s bed and finally allows herself to grieve. But her moment is interrupted with a light shining in her eyes and she goes to investigate and finds her key necklace hanging on a branch and a teary eyed yet smiling Xavier Dolls looking down from a cliff above.
Wynonna and Waverly share a tender sister bonding moment at the homestead before we switch over to the Black Badge facility where we see a hand stretch out from a box and igniting the dynamite left by Doc.
Told ya that would come back into play.
Steel Bars and Stone Walls was a fun start for Season 2 and really sets the stage for the season. I give it 9.5 peacemakers out of a possible 10.
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rubykgrant · 8 years ago
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Because I like making lists and sharing info about stuff I like, I decided to share a small group of a few of my favorite books; specifically, ones that are SPOOKY somehow (some are about magic, some are about more sci-fi stuff, but all still a bit spooky). These are all books that I own, so this isn’t like a “top 50 best spooky books ever” kind of thing, just what I have on my shelf in no particular order. Also, these are all children and young adult books, I’ll save the grown-up horror books for a different list (these books vary in levels of spooky, from mild to hard-core, but are still generally safe for most people to read)
If you like to read and have some time to hunt these down, you might enjoy them. If you are into spooky stories, these might inspire you and provide ref for writing ideas-
BUNNICULA by Deborah and James Howe
MALICE by Chris Wooding (also, the sequel HAVOC)
CORALINE by Neil Gaiman
HECK: WHERE THE BAD KIDS GO by Dale E Basye (seven books total in the series)
HOW TO DRIVE YOUR FAMILY CRAZY… ON HALLOWEEN by Dean Marney (originally titled “The Jack-O-Lantern that Ate my Brother)
SKULLDUGGERY PLEASANT by Derek Landy (nine books total)
THE HAUNTING OF DEREK STONE by Tony Abbot (four books total)
SCORPION SHARDS by Neal Shusterman (part of the star chronicle series)
WELL WITCHED by Frances Hardinge
(some descriptions of the books under the cut)
BUNNICULA by Deborah and James Howe
Told from the perspective of Harold the dog, we are introduced to a new family pet; a cute little bunny found in a box at the theater (that was showing Dracula). After the important task of naming the little fluff-ball Bunnicula is over, the family is content to have their new pet. Though, he is a little odd… he sleeps all day, and they never see him eat. The family cat Chester, Harold’s dear friend, is suspicious that this bunny isn’t all that he seems. Clues of what Bunnicula truly is begin to pile up, literally, when other members of the family discover vegetables that have been completely drained. Chester is convinced that when it comes to Bunnicula today it might only be vegtables, but tomorrow it could be the world! Harold isn’t quite so sure the “vampire rabbit” is dangerous, and Bunnicula might be the one who needs help.
A mysterious child has come to live with a very rich woman, in her very big house, and brings with her a very tiny dog; Gloria, a talking dog and Annabel’s guardian, is looking after her. Annabel doesn’t think Gloria is strange. To her, this is a normal life, and she loves everything in the house… except the strange, tiny cat that appeared and started telling Annabel secrets. Annabel learns she is actually very strange, because she isn’t an ordinary little girl, she is half-fairy and can even fly! This isn’t all good news though. Annabel has to choose between different parts of who she is, and whatever she decides can change her life forever
Zoe’s mother brought her to live with her grandparents when she was very little, and on her first night at her new house, she could feel another little hand holding hers even though nobody else could see her “imaginary friend”. Zoe Louise and Zoe spend every day together, they play, they talk, they grow up together… well, Zoe grows, but Zoe Louise stays the same. Sometimes, Zoe Louise disappears up the door of the back stairs, and Zoe is afraid to follow her. As Zoe gets older, she finally takes a trip into her friend’s world, and realizes her friend needs her help, but she needed it a long time ago. When Zoe visits a cemetery and sees her name, her friend’s name, on a grave stone, she finally has the courage to go through the door and into the past, hopefully to change a terrible tragedy
On Halloween night a group a friends meet to go trick-or-treating… but someone is missing. Pip, the best of them all, is supposed to be in the hospital for appendicitis, but his friends are sure they saw him run toward a creepy house, so they follow him. This is where they meet Mr. Moundshroud, and where they see a tree full of pumpkins on every branch, carved faces that range from looking almost human to ghoulish, candles glowing within them. Mr Moundshroud tells the kids that Pip has stolen a pumpkin from this tree, and has fled not just to another place but another time. In order to save their friend from a mysterious fate, the kids go on a journey to different eras around the world, where they learn meanings behind different traditions about life and death   
MALICE by Chris Wooding (also, the sequel HAVOC)
Part illustration and part language, this book blends comics with the novel, as well as fantasy and reality. You see, there is a mysterious comic book, hard to find, and even if you get one the pages go blank after time passes… it depicts a strange and horrifying world called MALICE, full of monsters, and also children who have been transported there from the real world. An urban legend says if you gather the right ingredients and say the right words, Tall Jake will come and take you away. It turns out to be very real, and soon two kids begin a search and rescue mission to find their friend. The thing is, not everybody survives being the star of the comic, and you might only make it into one issue
CORALINE by Neil Gaiman
Coraline is an explorer; she has explored the garden, she has explored her room, she has explored the hallways, she has explored everywhere in her new house… except whatever room is behind the strange locked door. Once Coraline finds the key, she goes down a dark corridor and comes out in… the same room. The same, but different. This is the same house, but it is another house. She also has an Other Mother, with black button eyes, who promises that Coraline will find this world much more interesting. She does, but Coraline still wants to go back to her real home with her real parents. The Other Mother doesn’t like that; she wants Coraline to stay with her forever and always, she wants Coraline to love her, and all Coraline has to do is let her sew the buttons… to save her life, the ghosts of children who came before her, and her parents, Coraline stands up to the Other Mother with some unexpected help from her crazy neighbors and a Cat that doesn’t need a name 
HECK: WHERE THE BAD KIDS GO by Dale E Basye (seven books total in the series)
Bad kids get punished, even if they aren’t alive anymore. Milton and Marlo Fauster find this out the hard way. Down in Heck, there are many different types of “punishment”; like Wise Acres for the sassy kids, or Snivel for the whiny kids. There are seven circles of Heck, so you’ll fit in somewhere. Full of demons and puns, Heck isn’t just a place for bad kids, it is a very bad place for kids. Some of the punishments don’t really seem fair, and some kids never learn a lesson. Could there be a way for Milton and Marlow to go up, to heaven or at least back to the land of the living? Or will they just keep going down
HOW TO DRIVE YOUR FAMILY CRAZY… ON HALLOWEEN by Dean Marney (originally titled “The Jack-O-Lantern that Ate my Brother)
Lizzie is annoyed that her parents never listen to her, she’s annoyed that she’s getting teased about her name (getting called “Lizzie Borden”), but most of all she is annoyed by her little brother. She wishes she could just enjoy Halloween all by herself, but her parents are making her take him around the neighborhood. Lizzie tries to look out for him, especially when a woman dressed as witch offers him some shifty candy. Lizzie told him not to touch it, but do little brothers listen? Now Lizzie is being put to the test by the witch, who is in fact, an actual witch. She has to rescue her little brother from a haunted house, full of everything Lizzie is afraid of
SKULLDUGGERY PLEASANT by Derek Landy (nine books total)
Stephanie’s uncle left her a mansion full of his possessions after he passed away, and she also seems to have inherited a few problems; strangers demanding she give them the “key” and attacking her. She is saved by a skeleton, held together by magic, with the ability to conjure fire balls. If that doesn’t work against his enemies, he does also have a gun. Stephanie becomes part of this secret world full of sorcerers after meeting the magical detective Skullduggery Pleasant, deciding to help him solve the mystery of her uncle’s death and locating the key. She learns a lot about magic, the power of names, meets many other magic-users, and uncovers a sinister plot that could destroy the world
THE HAUNTING OF DEREK STONE by Tony Abbot (four books total)
14-year-old Derek thought he was the only survivor in his family after the train accident… but eventually, his older brother turns up. His brother doesn’t seem quite right though. He doesn’t remember much about his life, but does talk a lot about things he does remember. To Derek, it sounds like the life of somebody else. Eventually, Derek figures out that the person in his brother is someone who died many years ago, in another train crash in the same place. The dead are coming back, and some of them are very dangerous. Derek’s new life dealing with the dead takes him all over New Orleans, through the bayou, and to some places he’d rather not go
SCORPION SHARDS by Neal Shusterman (part of the star chronicle series)
Six young people who have never met have something in common; they aren’t normal. They have odd abilities, strange powers, and unfortunate afflictions that cause them pain, fear, and suffering. Slowly, they begin to meet each other, and figure out what is happening to them… and what they really are. It isn’t just their bodies that are hurting, it is their souls; they are all pieces of a star that went supernova long ago, and within their large star-sized souls are parasites that are killing them. They have to learn to work together, overcome their fears, battle their demons, and find the courage to save themselves
WELL WITCHED by Frances Hardinge
At some point, almost everybody has tossed a coin into a well and made a wish. Nobody really expects the wish to come true. You just have to find the right well… or the wrong well. To pay for the bus, three kids stole some coins from an old wishing well, and become responsible for the wishes connected to the coins. If they resist their duty, they are visited by the spirit of the well; she might be a witch, or she might be an old forgotten goddess. Either way, she torments the kids until they do what she wants. You see, she has a hard time understanding some of the complicated things people wish for in the modern world, but the kids do. She even gives them special abilities to complete the tasks. It is almost like doing good deeds… but once certain things are set in motion, they don’t stop. There is an ebb and flow to wish-granting, give and take, and coins are only part of the price
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
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Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG Developer: Bethesda Softworks Publisher: Bethesda Softworks ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: September 9, 2008
How To Escape Vault 101 As A Baby
In the beginning of the game, your dad tells you to walk up to him, and when he does you wait for him to close the cage and then he will leave. When he leaves, open the cage door and go to the I’m special book and do whatever stats you want and then when you finish go in the toybox, look at the teddy bear pick it up by pushing the right analog stick down and then walk over to the vault door and place it down. Then save your game because this may take a while if you don’t already know about it. When your dad opens the door run out and close the door quickly and walk out the other door. Then swing around the corner and open the door that you see and walk through the glitched up area, and when you do so the alrms will blare and you need to go to the atrium and go through the door that won’t close and go to the overseers office. Then when you do this go to his bedroom and go through his dresser and find his office key. Then when you go in there, there is a locker to your right hand side. Open it take the password turn on the terminal and click open overseers tunnel. Then you can open the vault door and you can escape as a baby. You can’t use your pip-boy until you get to megaton. It also is harder to use your pip-boy because you can’t see anything. It goes through your arm and you can’t tell what your using unless you listen by sound. Other than that you can’t see anything. And you move slower.
Main Skills That You Need.
Speech, Lock pick, Barter. They are the main one I upgrade cause they are the main one that you use.
Get The Blackhawk .44 Magnum
First of all, you have to find agratha’s house. Once you talk to her, you get a quest “agratha’s song”. When you find valt 92 (directly west of old onely) go to the sound place. The violin is at the very back of that part of the vault. Anyways near were you find the violin, there is a bathroom. Search on the right side of every toilet seat and eventually you will see some music paper. Once you have both the violin and the music paper, bring them to agritha. Tell her that you found some music paper and she’ll say that see cannot let that go unrewarded and will give you the blackhawk magnum.
Get The Power Armor
Go to the citadel and do the waters of life mission.
Different Followers For Different Karma
If you have neutral karma I have figured out you can get bush in rivet city after setting him free from vault 101 you can also get a robot but I don’t know where heis I think he is in the robco factory if you are evil the only person I know youcan get is jericho (if you didn’t decide to blow up megaton) with good karma you can get fawkes a super mutant you can rescue from vault 87 ( he helps you get the G. E . C . K . So save him) when the enclave takes you and you escape he will be waiting outside raven rock with a Gatling laser if you don’t have good karma and you want fawkes donate money to the church of the atom in megaton and find him in the entrance to the underworld (he’s always there so comeback anytime).
Get A Follower For A Price
If you want someone to help you out with changing your karma, then go to the Ninth Circle in Underworld. Then go see the owner, Azurkal, (in a white suit behind the counter). He has his own bodyguard named Charon. You can buy his contract for 2, 000 caps, but if your barter skill is high enough, you can buy it for 1, 000 caps. Talk to Charon and he will go kill Azurkal. He has unlimited ammo in his shotgun and is a good shot. He heals himself and can carry stuff for you. Best of all, you can give him power armor and he will wear it and you don’t good nor bad karma for him to follow, you hold the contract.
Get The Ol’ Painless Hunting Rifle
To get the Ol’ Painless rifle, first you must go to the Republic of the Dave. It is located on the top right corner of the map. The settlement is very small, so killing everyone is easy. Dave is in the main building, kill him and everyone inside take his key and the safe contains his rifle. It does more damage and reloads quicker. WARNING: Ol’ Painless repairs with normals rifles so be careful.
Easy Mirelurk & Deathclaw Kills
Running into deathclaws and mirelurks can be a pain. But there are ways to easily kill them. One way is to get the dart gun. You can usually purchase one from a trade caravan. The dart gun will cripple both the legs. This prevents both the deathclaw and mirelurks from doing charge attacks and they run slower. From there, you can shoot them as they helplessly run towards you. If you don’t have the dart gun yet, the best way to kill a deathclaw is to jump on the nearest rock and keep shooting their legs until you cripple them. If you run into mirelurks and you don’t have the dart gun, your best option would be shoot there legs with a shotgun, or mines or throw a ton of grenades.
Get Bad Karma Easy
Who needs good karma? Bad karma gets you the caps. There are a ton of ways to get bad karma. Blow up Megaton, then kill everyone in Tenpenny Tower. If you want Brotherhood of Steel armor, just kill them. Capture slaves, then turn against the slavers. When I started out, I earned a lot of caps and got better weapons, just by getting bad karma.
Get Good Karma, For a Price
The easiest way I’ve gained good karma is simply going to Megaton, provided you haven’t blown it up. Go to “The Bomb” and talk to Confessor Cromwell, the guy ranting on about the “church of atom”. Ask him about his beliefs and eventually ask if he accepts donations. Make a large donation, or several small donations, and your karma gains every time.
How To Survive In The Wastes.
Now Life in the waste’s can be somewhat aggressive or difficult as some might say but doing this will ultimately make you a harder target. In order to gain this you must first have completed the mission part of where you meet up with the enclave army and the “President” of the United states. After you leave you will see hawks again which you meet in the vault to get the G. E . C . K . When you talk to him you can ask him to join you where ever you go. But you must have good karma or very good karma in order to gain his respect. If you have bad karma during the time. Just try to level up doing missions on the side or just going shoot crazy. When you get high enough levels for the required perk “Law Bringer” go and search for “evil” characters. such as raiders. Kill every one you can find and get their “fingers” when you get them go to your world map on your pitboy 3000 and search for Regulator HQ which is near the middle a little north and to the east of megaton. Go their and talk to their leader which just so happens to be a woman upstairs. You will gain good charma for each finger you collected. From very bad charma i suggest you get around 20 fingers. In addition you will also gain some caps for your troubles. Now when you get good karma or very good karma go to the museum of history but you must have completed the Galaxy news radio quest. Its near the museum of technology its directly next to the building where you repaired the radio signal. which is surrounded by a few brotherhood of steel members. Go inside and you will see hawks yet again. Talk to him and ask him to join you. He will accept and you will have backup during your travels if you happen to be in a “tough situation”. Hawks can carry extra equipment so if you find yourself heavier than usual. Just talk to him and you will be able to give him the stuff you don’t need or you find too heavy. Hawks does not require food or water or anything. He heals himself after about a minute of no combat. You can also tell him to stay somewhere if you don’t need him for that period of time. Also if he seems far away just go through a door and he will reappear (note: door must be into another area where you load) I assume he carries around 50 to 100 extra pounds of equipment. NOTE OF WARNING THOUGH: 3rd person view while Hawks is following you will suck and become annoying because the camera will bounce off of him causing it to be annoying. So most of the time being you will be in 1st person view.
Xuanlong Assault Rifle And Jiggs Loot Mini Quest
Xuanlong Assault Rifle: This powerful Chinese Assault Rifle is located on the body of Prime in the diner near the Jury Street Metro Station. This location can be discovered via the Museum of Technology mini quest, Jiggs’ Loot. Jiggs’ Loot: To start the Mini Quest, go to the Museum of Technology. (Beware of Super Mutants if this is your first visit! ) Access the first Museum Info. Terminal you see (on the bottom floor) and go to the very bottom option. You will see a note from Prime to Jiggs. Read it and exit out of the note. Go to the very bottom option (#001) and begin. Choose option #019 and you are done with the first of three codes. (NOTE: IF YOU MESS UP, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE WITH THIS UNLESS YOU LOAD A SAVED GAME! ) Continue to the next computer in the West Wing of the Museum. It is located right when you walk through the door. You will see two terminals behind shields. The second terminal is the one you are looking for. Access it and active the bottom option, (#002). Choose option #053 and you are done with the second terminal. Go to the third and final terminal. It is located (when you run around from the 2nd terminal), through the first door on your right. Go through until you see the giant rocket. Hop straight over the railing until you hit the ground, and turn around. You will see the final terminal. Activate it and choose the last option (#003). The final code is #113. Choose it and you will be shown a new option called #Get Passcode. Choose this and you will be shown a note. Follow the directions on the note to get the small portion of the loot. Leave the Museum and go to Jury Street Metro Station. (Located directly West of Vault 101). Go into the diner on the opposite side of the street of the Station, and go behind the counter. You will find the body of Prime. So Sad! Search it and get your loot! (500 caps and misc. Items, including the Xuanlong Assault Rifle.
Smuggler’s End
Smugglers End: Once you gain access to the Brotherhood Citadel you can take, search or lock pick anything that you want. When you are in the Solar room you can lock pick the Elder Lyons safe. (100 lock pick required). You will find 300 caps, other misc. Items and Smugglers End, an augmented laser pistol. It does approximately 18 DAM with full Energy Weapons skill.
Get the Waser Wifle
After getting access to Little Lamplight, you’ll find a child named “Biwwy”, (Normally in the Great Chamber), who will sell you his Waser Wifle, an augmented Laser Rifle, for 500 caps. If you have the “Child at Heart” Perk, you can get it for free. The rifle can be repaired using regular Laser Rifles.
The Vengeance
The Vengeance: In the Deathclaw Sanctuary (northwest corner of the world map), follow the caves down and be prepared for many Deathclaw encounters. In the southeastern corner of the caves is a pool of blood under a column of rock. (Literally a POOL of blood). In this pool there is a heap of gore with the Vengeance, an overpowered Laser Gatling Gun.
Find the Alien Blaster
Head due north from the MDPL-13 Power Station and you’ll soon find a small mountain. On the east side of this mountain you’ll pick up a Recon Craft Theta radio signal. This will occur when you are just a bit north of an imaginary horizontal line through Greener Pastures Disposal Site to the far east. Search the east side of the slope for a destroyed house and you’ll soon come across the source of the signal just west of that: a downed flying saucer. (The ship is huge, so you can’t miss it! ) . Its pilot can be found below the open cockpit (beware the radiation!) Near the pilot is the Alien Blaster and a bunch of ammo rods. (These are easy to find at night. Alien cannot be searched! ) This powerful weapon gets critical hits frequently and is the bane of Behemoths. You’ll find ammo for it randomly throughout the wasteland if you’re lucky, so use the ammo you’ve got sparingly!
Prototype Medic Power Armor
The Prototype Medic Power Armor is in Old Olney in the far northeast corner of the world map. Since you’ll encounter many Deathclaws, you may want to set the difficulty to “Very Easy” before exploring this area. On the southern-most street of Old Olney is a manhole. Use it to access the sewers. As you make your way through the sewers, you’ll come across a dead Brotherhood of Steel Initiate on the ground. You can take the armor from the corpse. Here’s the kicker: it talks! Oh, and it auto-administers chems (Rad-X, RadAway, Med-X) when you are in need. NOT ALWAYS THOUGH!
Shoot ’em In The Head
To start the quest, you must go to the Museum of History and go to Underworld. (The Ghoul haven. ) Once you get there, go to the Ninth Circle or to Carol’s Place and find Mr. Crowley. He is a ghoul who wears a white business suit and has greenish spots on his head. Talk to him selecting all options until he tells you that ghoul haters deserve to die. Agree with him and tell him you’ll help. He will give you a sniper rifle and tell you to kill Allistair Tenpenny, Ted Strayer, Dukov and Dave. (From the Republic of Dave. ) First you should go to Allistair Tenpenny in Tenpenny’s Tower. (Southwest part of the map, should show after you’ve started the quest. ) When you get there, (after the ghoul Roy Philips is done talking into the intercom), talk to the intercom and tell the guard that you want to see Tenpenny. (There are other options too. ) As soon as you walk into the tower, go to the door (elevator) behind the receptionist desk. When you get up there, go to the left and you will see a guard. Tell him you want to talk to Tenpenny. (Or, you can steal the key, kill him, etc. ) When he lets you in, Tenpenny should be outside on the balcony. Talk to him about Mr. Crowley and shoot him in the head with the sniper rifle. (Nobody should come after when you do kill him, but you can save before just in case. ) Tenpenny does NOT have a key. (Dukov, Dave and Ted do. ) Now go trek to Dukov’s Place. Once inside, Dukov will offer you a drink. Ask him about Mr. Crowley. He will tell you he died and end the story. Tell him he is alive and he wants you to kill him. For the next part, there are 3 options: 1. Kill Dukov and take the key, 2. Pay him to get the key, or 3. Tell him to give you the key. (If speech is high enough. ) After you have the first key, go to the Republic of Dave. The Republic is at the high Northeast reaches of the map. Once there, get in and go to the Capitol building. Talk to Dave about Mr. Crowley. He will also tell you he died, and end the story. Again, tell him he is alive and wants you to kill him. Same with Dukov, there are the same 3 options. Once you have the key, go to Rivet City and find Ted Strayer. Most of the time, Ted is in the Commons Room or at the Muddy Rudder. Once you find him, talk to him about Mr. Crowley. This time it gets easier. If your Strength is high enough, you can just tell him to give you the key, you can persuade him to give you the key, or you can kill him and take the key. Once you have the 3 keys, go to Mr. Crowley in Underworld and give him the keys. (If you didn’t kill Dave, Dukov, and Ted, you have to use Speech to convince Crowley you did. ) Once he has all the keys, the mission will be complete. After you give Crowley the keys, you can follow him out of Underworld and kill him and take the keys back to start the Mini-Quest, “Fort Constantine”.
Fallout 3’s Best Armor
To get the game’s best armor (T-51b Power Armor), you must first have gotten all of the keys for the quest: “You Gotta Shoot Em’ In the Head”, and return to Mr. Crowley. Give him all of the keys, and follow him out of Underworld when he leaves. As soon as he leaves Underworld, you can kill him with no repercussions. But HE MUST HAVE LEFT UNDERWORLD. He can be inside the Museum of History though. Once you kill him, take his keys and head to the Northwestern part of the map at Fort Constantine. Go into the CO Quarters close to there, and go down the stairs to your left in the main room. (Note: if you look to the left before you go through the door in the safe, you will find the Big Guns Bobblehead.) When you go through the door, go through the Fort until you find a woman named Tara dead in front of a door. Search her and take her key. Go through the door she was lying next to, and open the next door, and you will see the Power Armor in a Stasis Field. Activate the terminal and shut off the field and take your armor. Also in the same room, there is a Fat Man on a table to the left of the Armor with a Mini Nuke and a magazine. (Most of the time it is the D. C . Journal of Internal Medicine. ) You still need Power Armor training before you can wear the armor however.
The Replicated Man (Both Rewards)
-SPOILER ALERT-After you figure out that Harkness is the android, talk to him and ask him if you can kill Dr. Zimmer, he will say you can, and Rivet City Security WILL NOT interfere. Harkness will give you his plasma rifle called, “A3-21’s Plasma Rifle”. Now you can go to Zimmer in Dr. Li’s lab. Talk to him before you kill him, and tell him that Harkness is the android. He will thank you and give you a perk: “Wired Reflexes” which makes you more accurate in V. A . T . S . When he walks away, you can kill him, and Armitige. Note: telling Zimmer about Harkness gives you Bad Karma. Also, if you search both the bodies of Zimmer and his bodyguard, you will find that they are both androids.
Ghoul Mask
To get a ghoul mask, first go to Tenpenny tower. There will be a ghoul named Roy Phillips arguing through the intercom. Talk to him and agree to help him. You can either kill every single person there, or convince everyone to let ghouls live with them. After you help Roy Phillips, he will give you a ghoul mask and you will have a Tenpenny suite.
Blow Up Megaton
To blow up Megaton, you must first go to Moriarty’s Saloon. Then, when you enter, there will be an area to the right. A guy in a white business suit will be sitting down. Talk to him and he will give you a pulse charge to put on the bomb. Then go to Tenpenny tower and get all the way to the top. Mister Burke will be waiting. Push the detonator and watch the explosion and then you will have 500 caps.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Fallout 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Fallout 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Brahmin Tipping Easter Egg
If you encounter Brahmin anywhere in the wasteland, crouch and hit the interactbutton. The Brahmin tips over! (Doesn’t work on pack Brahmin)
Currently we have no glitches for Fallout 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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Currently no guide available.
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Currently no guide available.
DLC Trophies
Aiding the Outcasts (Silver) Completed "Aiding the Outcasts"The Guns of Anchorage (Silver) Completed "The Guns of Anchorage"Paving the Way (Silver) Completed "Paving the Way"Operation: Anchorage! (Gold) Completed "Operation: Anchorage!"Into the Pitt (Silver) Completed "Into the Pitt"Unsafe Working Conditions (Silver) Completed "Unsafe Working Conditions"Free Labor (Gold) Completed "Free Labor"Death From Above (Silver) Completed "Death From Above"Shock Value (Silver) Completed "Shock Value"Who Dares Wins (Gold) Completed "Who Dares Wins"Local Flavor (Silver) Completed "Local Flavor"Walking With Spirits (Silver) Completed "Walking With Spirits"A Meeting of Minds (Gold) Completed "A Meeting of Minds"Not of This World (Silver) Completed "Not of This World"Among the Stars (Silver) Completed "Among the Stars"This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough. (Gold) Completed "This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough."Alien Archivist (Silver) Collected all Alien Captive RecordingsBog Walker (Silver) Discovered all locations within Point LookoutMill Worker (Silver) Found All 100 Steel IngotsDevil (Bronze) Reached Level 30 with Bad KarmaTrue Mortal (Bronze) Reached Level 30 with Neutral KarmaMessiah (Bronze) Reached Level 30 with Good Karma
Trophy List
Scientific Pursuits (Bronze) Completed "Scientific Pursuits"Platinum Trophy Collect all other 50 Trophies for this TrophyVault 101 Citizenship Award (Bronze) Got the Pip-Boy 3000The G.O.A.T. Whisperer (Bronze) Took the G.O.A.T.Escape! (Bronze) Completed "Escape!"Following in His Footsteps (Bronze) Completed "Following in His Footsteps"Galaxy News Radio (Bronze) Completed "Galaxy News Radio"Tranquility Lane (Bronze) Completed "Tranquility Lane"The Waters of Life (Bronze) Completed "The Waters of Life"Picking up the Trail (Bronze) Completed "Picking up the Trail"Rescue from Paradise (Bronze) Completed "Rescue from Paradise"Finding the Garden of Eden (Bronze) Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"The American Dream (Bronze) Completed "The American Dream"Take it Back! (Silver) Completed "Take it Back!"Big Trouble in Big Town (Bronze) Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"The Superhuman Gambit (Bronze) Completed "The Superhuman Gambit"The Wasteland Survival Guide (Bronze) Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"Those! (Bronze) Completed "Those!"The Nuka-Cola Challenge (Bronze) Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"Head of State (Bronze) Completed "Head of State"The Replicated Man (Bronze) Completed "The Replicated Man"Blood Ties (Bronze) Completed "Blood Ties"Oasis (Bronze) Completed "Oasis"The Power of the Atom (Bronze) Completed "The Power of the Atom"Tenpenny Tower (Bronze) Completed "Tenpenny Tower"Strictly Business (Bronze) Completed "Strictly Business"You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head (Bronze) Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"Stealing Independence (Bronze) Completeed "Stealing Independence"Trouble on the Homefront (Bronze) Completed "Trouble on the Homefront"Agatha's Song (Bronze) Completed "Agatha's Song"Reilly's Rangers (Bronze) Completed "Reilly's Rangers"Reaver (Bronze) Reached Level 8 with Bad KarmaMercenary (Bronze) Reached Level 8 with Neutral KarmaProtector (Bronze) Reached Level 8 with Good KarmaHarbinger of War (Bronze) Reached Level 14 with Bad KarmaPinnacle of Survival (Bronze) Reached Level 14 with Neutral KarmaAmbassador of Peace (Bronze) Reached Level 14 with Good KarmaScourge of Humanity (Silver) Reached Level 20 with Bad KarmaParadigm of Humanity (Silver) Reached Level 20 with Neutral KarmaLast, Best Hope of Humanity (Silver) Reached Level 20 with Good KarmaWeaponsmith (Silver) Made one of every custom weaponDoesn't Play Well with Others (Bronze) Killed 300 peopleSlayer of Beasts (Bronze) Killed 300 creaturesSilver-Tongued Devil (Silver) Won 50 Speech ChallengesData Miner (Silver) Hacked 50 terminalsKeys are for Cowards (Silver) Picked 50 locksOne-Man Scouting Party (Silver) Discovered 100 locationsPsychotic Prankster (Bronze) Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketingThe Bigger They Are. (Gold) Killed all the Super Mutant BehemothsYes, I Play with Dolls (Silver) Collected 10 Vault-Tec BobbleheadsVault-Tec C.E.O. (Gold) Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Crazy Prankster Trophy
In order to gain this trophy you must have a mine or grenade. Once you’ve got a mine or grenade you must carefully pickpocket your target. So your in the pickpocket menu and before exiting pickpocket menu place your mine/grenade inside of their pocket then run outta there and watch the fireworks!
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