#cause .taht would be a little embarrassing for me
charpim · 2 years
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aaaggggghh aack ack[starts coughing really hard] Hi
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hizashi and Aizawa kidnapping a young teenage girl, and her bonding and quickly finding comfort with Hizashi, leaving Aizawa to awkwardly attempt at being super soft and all the more gentle to his sensitive little girl, his heart panging with pain every time she flinches or cowers away from him. “You don’t need to be scared of me, kitten.. please”
your little acts of favoritism weren’t necessarily intentional, you hated both of them. they were your brothers teachers, and whoop dee doo, they kidnapped you. but... you liked hizashi more.
it was just something about him that made you believe he was some form of comfort item, probably because he wasnt brooding, and didnt have a mean face, and he was the first human yud ever seen in this place, that all combined into one and he became your rock, your shoulder to cry on. he was just... so nice, although his quirk was loud, somehow he managed to speak softly with you. it was such a bright contrast to at home where two firey blondes always scream at each other, and your father tries to calm it down.
on your first night ever here, you had tried to jump out the window, and were captured by the thick scarves you once admired, hed lectured you, yelled at yiuu even, all you could see were those red eyes of his, and hear his voice. and he scared you, he scared you so much. i guess it justtranslates to now, first impressions are everything, and to you, he looked like a big scary man who would yell at you.
eventually, you stopped caring about how you hated him, or how you wanted to leave, as you clearly never were. so, instead of glaring at them, or crying, you accepted the fact that he was taking care of you. hizashi, hizashi was taking care of you... aizawa though? no way in hell, he was just so... you'd never seen him with a smile, he never tried to talk to you, he just kinda watched you, and it freaked you out, at some point you started believing he was trying to kill you, don't even ask how you came up with that conclusion.
you just couldn't manage to warm up to hi as you'd done so quickly with hizashi, and it showed. you were always tense when alone with him, like he was going to jump out at you any second and stab you, you didnt talk to him , sometimes you felt so anxious around him that you would outright start crying, shaking in some form of fear, or hide yourself under a blanket. although hizashi was proud that you loved him so much, he knew that this was hurting his husband, that his own little girl was scared of him.
so he would always try to coax you into doing things with him, saying things like "can your papa come and help" or "how about we have papa do this with you while I make lunch?", just trying to get him included so you would feel just as comfortable around him as you were with his own self. Sometimes he just left the room to let you have alone time with him. He’d even lectured his husband about how he always looked angry, and that he has to smile form time to time, and not the creepy “I’m gonna kill a villain” smile.
And so Aizawa started trying, not trying to be like hizashi, even that was too much for him, but trying to be nicer, he was a gentle person when he wanted to be, so this came with ease for him, he would tuck you in at night, read you stories, hold you if you cried, feed you, help you bathe (which you usually liked hizashi to do, and in general, inserted himself as a gentle roger in your life. You would expect taht this would work, that because he was so nice to you, because he was so sweet like hizashi, you would accept him as your father.
But nope! Again, first impressions are everything to you, and now, he was written off as the villain of you story, now, you jsut ran off to papa whenever he was around, and didn’t even give him the chance to hang around you, it just made it worse honestly, because now, not only did he look scary, but he also looked fake, which is never good. Every time he would try to if you, you would clutch onto hizashi for dear life, acting like his hand would do nothing but burn you.
Tears would cloud your vision, and he would pulle back, not wanting to cause you any more pain, and jsut stare in. Pure jealousy at his husband, who cooed and gave you a hug.and guess what? You hugged him back, and hid yourself in his chest, willingly, without a fight, without a tear, instead with a smile, most of the times mic wouldn’t interfere, wbatigg ns this to everyone a safe space for you, a place where you should naturally do things, but sometimes, he would give you little bushes int he right direction. Like disappearing completely for my he house so you’ll be forced to talk to Aizawa.
This is one of those times.
Yo been wandering the house for about ten minutes now, waking up form a nap, to find mic absent from his usual place in the rocking chair at your bedside. It was a little after lunchtime, and they’d only given you a small cup of fruit for breakfast (intentional, from mic), you were fairly hungry, and usually he was there to give you food, but you had no idea where he was, you had heard the… other one on the phone in their shared office, but you did not want to talk to him right now.
Aizawa could tell you were awake by the fact that all of the cats were meowing like crazy, and little pattering footsteps had followed his hearing around, mic had left abruptly, probably some little plan of mischief again, he was hizashi after all. He was just waiting for you to either 1: go back to bed, or 2: come to him for help. Mic had specifically told him to follow these rules for after nap time, so he did. And grew progressively more worried as over twenty minutes, trying to read through his students grading work, too distracted by the urge to go find you to accomplish anything.
His worries dissipated though when he saw your little head poking through the door, cat in hand, confused and tired looking, small tears beginning to prick th corners of your eyes, little sniffling sounds left you. His wha specked up form the desk, you’d given up walking around the whole house, your restarting had slowly pent up, you couldn’t manage to find him, and you were so hungry.
“Oh- hey honey, I didn’t know you were up. Do you need something?” He questioned, smiling intently at you, you just inched back into the door frame, breathing heavier by the moment, your hands shook and your head felt like it was going to explode at any point. Youbcontenoajted runnign back to your room and waiting till mic came out where you could hear him, but your stomach grumbled, reminding you how hungry you really are.
“I’m- im looking for daddy. Where is he.” You spoke, a very hushed tone overtook your words, making them almost inaudible for him. His face sunk slowly, he tougher you were actually gonna come for him, but the he remembered taht patience is key, and that he shouldn’t get mad, because it is t your fault taht you’re just a little sensitive, too fragile to handle more than one attachment, he gets it. He jsut at least wanted you to look at him, instead did your little feet, I’m Ayer if you could meet his eyes the. You would see how much he loves you.
“Oh, he left a. Little while ago. Is there something you need from him? Your papa can give him a call if you want, you could even talk to him!” He exclaimed excitedly, plastering that happy smile across his face to seem more inviting, liek mic had told him to do. He stood out of his chair, rounding up the papers and putting them in his file folders.you tried to sink back furthers, almost disappearing behind the doorway, you shook your head aggressively, almost running off, then yet again, your stomach made another noise, and forced you to stay.
“I- no. I’m- im hungry-“ you spluttered, not caring if it was embarrassing that you were stuttering so much, you just wanted food. And calling mic would just get you a lecture on how you could’ve just asked your papa, the same thing would happen whenever you went to uncnecesary lengths to avoid the man, your daddy would make sure you knew that it made him feel bad, while you’d at there bored. Not caring, at all.
“Oh- well you should’ve told me sooner kitten, if I’d known I would be up already. Cmon, let’s go to the kitchen, your daddy made you some food earlier” he spoke, rising from his chair slowly, you cowered slightly as he walked over, clutching the little kitten right to you for comfort, he mewed and snuggled closer, completely asleep. The man sighed when he saw you backing away from his grasp, he knew you were still scared. But he was just so impatient… he was tired of waiting, he wanted to hold you, even if it was jsut foena few minutes. He needed it feel you there with him.
Is he acted quickly, moving in a matter of seconds, he swooped his arm under your leg, and hooked his other around your torso, pulling you straight up into his grasp. Youu huh froze, his hands felt cold as ice on your skin, like they were burning you, immediately after he started walking, it snapped you out of it and you threw a fit. You dig your fingernails into his skin, and kicked and flailed in a panic, still trying to keep the little kitten in your lap safe. A full blown panic washed over you, clogging all your senses.
The dam holding back tears form your eyes crashed, and immediately you were sobbing, biting at his shoulder to let you go, he tried to rub your back to calm you down a bit, but just made it worse, as his hands felt like living anxiety creeping up and down your spine. He didn’t know what to do, let you ride it out, andkk no possibly have you get sick because of how much your crying in an empty stomach? Or let you down and go straight back to square one.
Your veined felt like pure ice had flooded in them, and it felt liek someone was repeatedly jabbing you in the head with tiny needes, fear was jsut so prominent in your sense, it overcame you, and made you whimper and scream.
“Whoah, breath for me alright? I just want to hold you. I’m not going to hurt you okay? I would never hurt you. Kitten… you don’t have to be scared of me” he spoke, trying to keep a proper computers, he wanted to cry with you, he wasn’t a very soft or emotional man but honestly, he was so upset with himself already, this was jsut pushing him for the edge. You cried, and cried, at some point you weren’t even crying and screaming at him, more with him. He held you close, you’d stopped the struggle almost five minutes ago, letting him hold you. It was odd. It almost felt… nice.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m being stupid again” You alien through your remaining little hiccups, shove my your face into his shirt, smelling the woody scent he carried around with him. He cooed, letting you hide yourself from him, savouring this soft moment was of top priorirty in his head… you jsut looked so sweet, so different from those harsh cries that would sound usually whenever he came around.
Who would think, shouts aizawas hand couldn’t feel nice? The same ones that had just been burning you, the ones that made you scream, felt like a breeze on a spring day, he actually felt warm, he felt like happiness, like contentment.
“No hon, it’s not stupid. Your scared. I know that, we all get scared and it’s not a bad thing, I love you, I really, really love you kitten. Just know that” he continued on with his little speech, leaving down to kiss you in the forehead, Jsut to be suprised when you didn’t flinfh, you were too tired to be scared; and too hungry, plus, he was really warm, the cat had pretty much snuggled up to him already, who says you shouldn’t.
“I- um- I love you… to?” You spoke, more of a question than anything, you’d spent so long Harding him that you didn’t know if you even could love him, it didn’t even feel possible, then again, you litterally cling to hizashi like a koala, and your mental state has relaly said “swoopity swoop” and scattered itself everywhere. Maybe having two comfort items was actually better than one… huh.
“Well, let’s go eat then. All taht crying probably made you tired, I’ll let you watch a movie in my office, you can watch pinto again, I know you love taht one. Cmon, let’s go” he spoke, and started walking again, you cuddled closer to him as he did, smiling slightly at the warmth. Hizashi was very extravagant, exiting, and hyper, this man felt very cool, calm, it was such a dark contrast, but it worked so well. You jsut… you Jsut liked it.
Well… now we’ll just have to wait and see who’s the favorite
Thank you for requesting! It was super fun to write and had me feeling super happy when I finished :)
I’m thinking about doing yandere todoroki family asks, because I’m litterally in love with @i-cant-sing one… so, requests are open for those if you want to put them in (please do I’m begging)
Anywho, have the most wonderful to days today! Goodbye!
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An Audience (18+)
Summary: (request) dom remus x dom reader x sub sirius (vibes ngl)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name
Word Count: 1075
Warning: deepthroating, general nsfw mayhem, voyeurism.
“You’re a horny bastard, you know that?” (Y/N) said while getting dragged to a dark corner of the library no one ever went to.
“I do” Sirius said merrily while pulling (Y/N) behind him before stopping in front of a hidden corner from other eyes as he dropped to his knees.
“It’s embarrassing really.” He scoffed, crossing his arms and letting Sirius struggle with his belt buckle in vain.
“You love me for it” He replied sharply as he now attempted to pull the belt off even trying to break it desperately.
“I do” He sighed.
“Now hurry up with your belt, it’s so tough.” He huffed in defeat as he moved his hands to let (Y/N) work the unnecessarily different buckle in the way of his pleasure.
“Merlin, Padfoot. Patience.” He sighed and unbuckled his belt, watching as Sirius did the rest. He made quick work of (Y/N)’s pants and underwear leaving him giving him a slow hanjob while smirking evilly.
Remus huffed and he stomped towards the library, maybe he was a little angry at his best friend. Sirius knew that Remus liked (Y/N), but he also knew Sirius liked him too.
“Stupid asshole.” He whispered to himself, but before his thoughts could continue further he heard a string of moans and curses from behind a bookshelf he had been sitting at. He quietly closed his books and stood up, sneaking towards the sounds.
“F-Fuck, Sirius. Slow down, you’re being too loud” (Y/N) moaned shifting his weight uncomfortable as his knees shake slighter. Remus couldn’t help, but feel a little aroused by the scene unfolding in front of him. Sirius on his knees, his mouth desperately wrapped around (Y/N)’s hard-on, (Y/N)’s hand tangled in Sirius’s loose hair.
“You should shut your mouth too, all I hear is “oh Pads~, that feels so good~ keep going, I’m gonna cream~” Sirius pulled off of the standing boy’s dick and looked up at him, even with his obscured face Remus could tell he was wearing the biggest smirk which led to (Y/N) pushing himself back into Sirius’s throat. His cock was throbbing, but did he dare touch himself in front of his friends, to his friends? He didn’t have much time to think before he looked back to see (Y/N) being completely unwound by Sirius’s movements, he subconsciously pressed his hand over his bulge as he stifled back a moan of his own.
“I said no such thing” (Y/N) gasped, patting Sirius’s head before grasping his hair tightly and pushing him back down the length of dick again. Sirius making an ungodly mix between a moan and a gag sending a shock wave of pleasure hit Remus’s body.
“S-Shit. I can’t-'' Remus whispered under his breath battling his rapidly growing boner and his moral values, but his raging boner won as unbuttoned his pants to fit his hand around his dick.
“P-Pads, keep it up. Holy s-shit” Remus watched (Y/N) push Sirius’s head down his cock, hearing his best friend gag uncontrollably around it’s length. He gulped loudly as he started to quicken the pace of his strokes. It wouldn’t be long before he shamefully creamed his own pants watching his two friends getting frisky.
He barely noticed (Y/N)’s slow glance towards him and when he looked up he saw him looking him right in the eye. (Y/N)’s eyes seemed to stare right through him as he slowly wanked himself. His breath was growing heavy as he tried to build himself up while (Y/N)’s cold glare burned him.
“Hurry up, Sirius. Someone might catch us.” He said looking at Remus’s hands in his pants causing his breath to catch his throat. Something in him however, kept eye contact with (Y/N) as he stroked faster.
The intense silence besides Sirius choking happily on his crush’s cock was killing Remus inside as (Y/N) slowly tugged at Sirius’s hair making him moan on his dick.
“Come on then. Cum, dirty bastard.” (Y/N) said in the open, seemingly both at Sirius and Remus. It sent shivers down his spine as if (Y/N) was speaking right in front of him as his hand slowly began to cramp.
“Look at me, Pads” He looked down at Sirius as he once again pushed himself deep into his friend’s throat. He watched Sirius’s look up at (Y/N), a bit of drool falling to the floor in front of him. Remus would be damned if he didn’t admit how hot that was.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off the pair as his lips pursed trying to contain himself, his strokes growing more quick every time he could hear Sirius gag against (Y/N) and (Y/N) push himself out just to thrust into his friend’s throat harder.
(Y/N) grip on Sirius started to get sluggish and desperate, his eyes locked on Remus who’s hand was starting to cramp up and Sirius had himself busy pushing his clothed dick up and down (Y/N)’s leg. Sirius may have been more of a slut than Remus in that aspect, but god did it make Remus wanna help (Y/N) with him.
“Sirius, chin up. I’m gonna cum” (Y/N) instructed through tired breaths, Sirius did as he was told tilting his head up as (Y/N) fucked his face deeper. Remus had gone shaky, finding it hard to stand anymore, but he tried not to buckle under himself, the last thing he wanted was (Y/N) seeing him on the floor with a cum stain on his pants.
His hand pumped faster and faster in time of (Y/N)’s thrusts, watching Sirius bucking his hips upwards cumming onto (Y/N)’s pants shakily.
“F-Fuck, Pads.” He moaned pulling Sirius in one last time before shooting cum down his throat with Sirius’s nose pushed up to his pelvis, trying his best not to spill a drop. At about the same time Remus’s hand stopped while he creamed himself rather pathetically, his hand smacking his mouth as he moaned too.
“Good boy.” (Y/N) said pulling Sirius off him, wiping the cum that drooled out of his mouth pushing it back in as Sirius licked it greedily.
“You too.” He looked up at Remus who’s eyes widened immediately with the realisation taht he had just creamed himself to his friends.
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fangirlsmood · 3 years
Tomioka Giyuu x reader - inferiority complex
Summary : Noticing how Giyuu doesn't know his own worth, you try to remedy his inferiority complex.
Warnings : Spoilers about Giyuu’s past.
author notes : Seeing our little Giyuu blame and put himself down breaks my heart, it's time for someone to comfort him and tell him what an amazing person he is.
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_ Tomioka-san ! 
Hearing your voice, Giyuu stopped in his walk and turned to you, nodding his head to greet you. You noticed that he was holding a bunch of papers, probably a mission report he had to return to Oyakata-sama.
_ You’re already back ! After filing your report, would you accept ...
_ No.
_ But...
You've been begging him for a while to train you. He had saved you a few months ago from a demon and since then you had only one wish: to become like him. You were infinitely grateful to him and you were so admiring. Not really knowing how to fight but wanting to be useful you had started to help at the Butturfly estate. However you wanted to do more, you wanted to save people before they could get hurt like Giyuu had done for you.
_ Ask another person.
_ Kocho-san is already taking care of Kanao, Rengoku of his little brother ... Everyone else is too busy to spend time with me. I want you to train me... please.
He looked you straight in the eye for a moment then sighed, unable to resist your perseverence :
_ Fine. I will train you but don't expect me to be a good teacher.
Since that day Giyuu trained you every time he return from a mission. You couldn't be happier. The training was difficult, tiring and sometimes painful but for you it was an honor. Even if he didn’t said it Giyuu was proud to see your progress. Besides, it was nice for him to have company. 
One day, at the end of a hashira meeting, Rengoku came to approach him.
_ Tomioka ! We don't see much anymore (Y/n) at the Butterfly estate. I heard that you train her.
 He nodded, Rengoku let out one of his loud laughs :
_ It's surprising ! I had offered to train her but she had refused. Is she doing well?
_ She’s not bad.
It was surprising indeed. You told him that no one was available to train you and he learned it was a lie. Why had you been lying to him? He didn't understand what you could gain from it.
That night he found you serving dinner for both of you like you did almost every day since you had become his student. 
_ Welcome home ! How was the meeting ?
_ Good.
His gaze immediately made you uncomfortable. Usually he always gave you a warm look, while now he was looking at you coldly, as if he had difficulty recognizing you. He took a seat in front of you and began to eat. After a heavy silence which weighed on him as well as on you, he decided to speak :
_ Why did you lie to me ?
You did not remember having committed such an act against him. Seeing your confused stare he developed his point :
_ Rengoku told me he offered to train you. Why did you tell me that no one has time for you ?
You didn't think he would find out someday. Nothing in his attitude or his voice let show anger but you knew he was necessarily upset. Giyuu was a man of his word and honor, for him a lie was a lack of respect. You were terribly ashamed, however, you manage to stammer an explanation :
_ Oh ! It’s not what you think ! In fact it is but... I mean I didn’t really thought about it... Believe me it was far from my intentions to disrespect you, I would have never offended you on purpose ! I just... I just wanted to be trained by you.
_ Rengoku is a really good and strong man. You should have accepted his proposal. 
He marked a pause.
_ Go back to him, if you ask him I think his offer still stands.
Was Giyuu denying you? Did he no longer want you as a student? He got up and turned his back to you as if to end this discussion but you got up in turn, you wanted to stay by his side: 
_ I don’t want anyone else to train me ! 
_ It would be better for you.  He will be able to take care of you and make you evolve. 
Suddenly you realized what was going on. Giyuu thought Rengoku was a better hashira than him. Didn't he know how strong he was too? You stood in front of him so you could look him in the eye, so he would know you weren't lying :
_ You’re strong too. And you’re a good professor. 
_ You don’t know what you’re talking about. I am stronger than you that’s all. 
_ You’re a hashira ! You’re one of the strongest !
He lowered his head you saw in his eyes, him who was usually so impassive, a hint of sadness.
_ I don't deserve this title. I shouldn't be there.
_ What do you mean ? 
You noticed that his hands tightened on his haori.The words struggled out of his throat, as if part of him wanted to hold them back while another wanted to get them out :
_  Those who owned the two parts of this haorie should be there, they should be alive. Them, not me.
It was the first time Giyuu had talked about his past. You kept silent, you didn't want to rush him. You just wanted to understand him, reassure him, make him feel surrounded. 
_ (Y/n)... I know you admire me and it's nice to have someone so dedicated by my side but you don't know everything. You idealize me. I am not a strong. I am not a good person.
One of his hand clenched the red part of his haorie :
_ I wasn’t strong enough to protect my sister...
His other hand clenched on the other part :
_ I shouldn't have passed the Demon Slayer exam ... Sabito should have, he was much stronger, much better in everything, but he protected me and it cost him his life.
You were speechless. Knowing that Giyuu, who was so generous, strong and usually impassive, had suffered so much broke your heart. You wanted to cry for him but you knew it would only cause drama. You will cry another day, now you needed to cheer up your beloved master.
_ Rengoku will know how to protect you, you will be safe with him. 
The next morning Giyuu couldn't find you anywhere. He assumed you had chosen to join Rengoku. He was sure it was the best option and it suited him for the moment. He felt ridiculous for confiding in you last night, and was too embarrassed to see you again. Nevertheless he had become so used to your presence that he already missed you. Part of him regretted telling you to leave. 
Fortunately you came back little less than a month after your departure and with a surprise. You ran to him yelling a "tomioka-san" as a greeting before handing him a package. A little taken aback he examined it for a moment. Impatient you pressed him a little : 
_   It's a gift for you! Open it !
He followed your instructions and found a nice little bundle of papers taht were of different sizes and different colors. The writings and the ink used were also diverse. You started to explain nervously :
_ I wanted you to know how amazing you are, so I asked the hashira, your old master and a few of the people you saved to write down what they liked about you or what you had did good for them ... Oyakata-sama and Gyomei-san could’nt write but they dictated to me and I transcribed everything ... I didn't think it would take so long to contact everyone, sorry ... 
He had already started to read. Everyone had written something even Obanai, Sanemi and Shinobu had found a few nice things to say. Shinobu had recounted a mission accomplished with Giyuu and admitted that without him it would have been a failure while Obanai and Sanemi were content to write a single sentence where they said that Giyuu was not "that bad" and that "some of these techniques were quite impressive". Urokodaki gently reprimand him so that he would stop always blaming himself and telling him that he was proud of him. 
And finally there was your letter. It was the longest and as he read it he wanted to cry with joy. He wondered what he had done to deserve so much praise, he wanted to deny all these compliments but you had written a real reasoning full of examples to support your words that he was obliged to recognize his qualities. 
He felt his heart melt. it must have taken so much effort from you to collect all these little words, it was a real treasure that you had just offered him. You watched him silently in his reading which lasted a long time and since he didn't say anything you wondered if it was really a good idea :
_ Erm... Do you like it ? It's okay if you don't, but keep them anyway. That way you could always reread them when you needed to ... you know ... know how amazing you are.
A smile covered his face and you noticed that his eyes were bright like a child who discovers the world. His smile was so faint you might not have noticed though it was the sweetest you've ever seen. 
_ Thank you. It's the nicest thing anyone's done for me. It must have taken a lot of effort from you to convince Obanai, Sanemi and Kocho and put it all together.
_ You deserve all the effort in the world.
You gave him a huge smile and he believed you. He felt all the weight he had on his heart, all his guilt shut up in the face of all these kind words. For the first time Giyuu told himself not only that he was lucky to have you by his side but also that he deserved to be happy. Every time he read one of the letters he said to himself, although it was still hard for him not to doubt it, that he was worthy. More than feeling worthy, he felt loved.
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Hi love!!! I LOVE your quirky head cannons so I’ve got one for you! What would each guy be like if they took their s/o roller skating? Maybe make one of them horrible at it! 😂 Do your magic girl. 💚
Alrighty! This is interesting! Here we go! Hope you like this one @alittletworaph 😁🥰
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Leo isn't really a fan of Roller skating. But taking you to a skating rink for a fun date wouldn't be a bad idea. He would borrow Donnie's hand made roller blades since none of the rentable ones aren't available for his large feet size. He would teach you how to roller blade if you don't know how and it's your first time. He would hold your hands if you feel a bit nervous, or if you feel scared, he would allow you to hold his muscular arm. He would chuckle having fun even though he isn't into roller blading very much. After the fun, you guys would go ahead and eat some pizza to take a break and he would kiss you on the lips making you blush and thanking him for taking you to a fun date. He does hope the beach or a nice shopping spree would be another date idea for a second date though.
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Oh lord no! Roller skating!? Raph doesn't know how to! And he always messes up every time! Well taht little nightmare is about to come true cuz you end up asking him out to a skating rink! He would absolutely hate it with a passion. He has taken a few lessons with Casey, but not enough to impress you. Instead, it's enough to embarrass himself. As you both are about to enter the skating rink. He would kinda hesitate and causing a crowd of people behind you both get irritated. He breathes heavily and tries not to panic and fall. You give him a little push, and you both are inside. As you skated, You start to noticed, he isn't moving his legs. And it makes you feel worried. "What's wrong raphie?....you scared?" He chuckles and tries to act tough "what!?....fuck no baby. I'm just.....uh....warming up.....just give me....uh....a full minute." You shake your head and help him skate. You encourage him to move his legs to get used to the rhythm. You notice him following your moves a bit until he finally got the pattern. You smile as you let go of his hand and he laughs enjoying it "I got it! Woo! Look at me baby! I got it!" He was highly distracted until he bumped into someone that was holding a tray of food nearby as he fell off the rink. Raph became a sticky and gooey mess from falling. He got up and brushed himself off despite having stains on his shorts and mask. You skate towards him worried. "Are you okay?" He nods "yeah. I'm good." He apologizes to the guy that had his meal ruined and the two of you head home after having some milkshakes to drink. He kisses you and smiles since he was glad he had a chance to spend time with you. But Never again, He will never go back to a skating rink after that incident. It's better to go to a basketball game or an arcade next time.
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A skating rink date? Hell yes! That's always donnie's dream date to take you. You guys head there and as you enter the building, his favorite disco songs start playing. You offer him roller blades to wear, but he smiles and says "oh no thanks my sweet munchkin. I brought my own" you realize they were hand made with some duck tape on them. You were unsure if they were stable enough, but donnie assures you they are strong as steel. He puts them on, and you both enter the rink itself. You both start skating and as the disco music plays, he starts dancing to it as he skates. His moves were impressive. So impressive in fact, it caught the eyes of many people. That is until suddenly, Donnie's moves led to a conga line! It made your eyes wide and Donnie chuckles to himself. He nods and dances to the beat as his roller blades skate him around the rink. You smile and after the music was over, everyone clapped and Donnie took a bow. You both had a great time and decided to eat pizza. He kisses you as you are about to take a selfie with him. You blush and it made you both laugh. After the date was over, Donnie hopes to go back again on the next date for sure.
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Much like Donnie, Mikey loves roller blading! Going on a date with him to skating rink is fun like going to the arcade for him. You both head there on a date and he gets super excited! You both rent roller blades and put them on. He sees the rink being large and he smiles wide. You both enter the rink, and you both start dancing to the beat of the song as you skated. He can be a bit of a show off, but it never mattered to you. "Look at me angel cakes! I'm grooving!!" You laugh and thankfully the skating rink was empty. Otherwise he woulda bumped into someone by accident. You figured he must've learned skate dancing from Donnie since Donnie is really good at that type of stuff. After having fun, you both have an extra large pizza, milkshakes, and ice cream to eat since you both haven't eaten a day. He kisses you on the lips and tells you he had a really great time. Hopefully next time, he would love to go bowling, go to the arcade, or hell! Go to medieval times! Swords fights are fun too!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Ok i know asks ars closed and whatnot , but hear me out: High school kai, asking high school angel to prom, and both being suupppeerrrr flustered and cute and pops and hari wstching from a good distance... ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)(ヘ・_・)ヘ┳━┳
Lol. Perfect.
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He was bad. He was from the mafia. You heard friends and family members whispers and warning sto stay away from that boy ever since you manage to keep talking with the owner of such enchanting amber eyes.
Yet, you couldn't. You just couldn't stop talking with him. Everthing about Chisaki Kai was so mysterious and oh so worth it of going through and learning. Each day it passes, you felt that you were even more deeply in love with the yakusa's boy.
Yet, you somehow knew it wasn't mutual. As much as you stucked around, Kai never expressed that he was even a bit interested on you, never once. Merely when he doubted on why you weren't afraid of him or spoke badly about the yakusa, but that was it.
He was always so serious, never even once changing that handsome stoic face he had, the maximun you saw it was changing to annoyance or worst, anger. His uncaring persona didn't helped a lot either... always scoffing and even insulting, picking fights with those who doubted the yakusa.
You sighed at remembering all his characteristics, all of those were suppose to make him an unlikable person to many, but for you? Oh, you were the unlucky one to had gotten bited form the love bug.
And it had to be one of the guys who clearly didn't wanted nothing to do with you...
You even tried to ignore Chisaki once... it all ended with a Kurono running after you and to drag you back and both of the boys demanding an answer.
Well, seemed like you were stuck with them, even being completly in love with the dar brow haired boy. You couldn't exactly say that people didn't warned you, they did in some ways.
But they didn't prepared you to have to suffer due to love. An unrequited love...
"You seem a bit down (Y/n), you're okay?" One of your friends asked in concern, his blue eyes in worry as his blonde almost shined with the sun light.
"It was one of those guys again? We always told you to be careful." Your other friend mumbled, already with a scowl on her face.
"N-No! Neither of them! I-I am just... just lost on my thoughts due to the... uh.. P-Prom! That's it!"
They bought it as you sighed in relief, if it was Chisaki spoking to you right now he would arch his eyebrow and tear the real thought out of your head in instants.
Or he was really good at reading other people expressions, or he knew you better than anyone else... the thought made you smile a bit at the... possibility.
"So! Whoose is your pair then (Y/n)?" The ginger boy chirped while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Pair? What?" You commented, confused at the pair thing. It was obligated? God, you didn't had a pair!
Just when one of your friends was about to say something they froze at the image of Kurono walking nonchantly towards you, boredoom face as usual.
The group said their good byes and almost ran out of the room as you shaked your head in dissaproval at their actions before smilling at your friend.
"Hey Kurono." He nodded as a greeting before he sighed and layed his back on the wall.
"Chisaki ordered me to call you to meet him after classes. He said is something important and to not be late." You tilted your head in confusion.
"Know the only cherry tree of that park? One time when you broked your arm while climbing and we had to walk you to the hospital and me and Chisaki were almost the ones your parents blamed if it wasn't for you explaining?" You blushed in embarrassment at the memory, remembering with perfection that Kai scolded you more than your own parents/guardians.
"Okay...? Did I do something? Where is he by the way?"
"Have no idea. And he went home already. Just listen that is better for both of us." He despatched hsi back from the wall and left with a goodbye. Leaving you all alone and with a kind racing on what possibly Chisaki would want from you.
Shit shit shit shiT SHIT!
You were late! All of because you offered to help your teacher to carry his material back to the teacher's room. You didn't thought it was going to take that long in your defence!
The sunset was beautiful but all you could think of was on how Kai was going to be hella mad at you. Knowing all of his habbits, you knew that one of the kost boring and annoying of them was how pontual he was.
The number one was his mysophobia, no doubts.
You were almost hyperventilating when you placed your palm on the nostalgic cherry tree. The sunset light hitted perfectly that spot and the petals fell graciously along with the wind, drifting them far away from you.
You looked around and frowned at not spotting any dark brow haired boy... it was never uncommun for Chisaki to be late for anything, neither to joke around like that... did something happened with-
"You're late as usual." His monotonous voice ringed from behind you, causing your smile to appear subsconciously as the blush in your cheeks grew, which could tottaly be blamed by the color of the sky you hoped.
"Sorry." You turned around and saw the ever sk stoic face of Kai with that black mask on. Recently he had started to use it despite all of your complains, his mysophobia had taken the better of him, and now he insisted o using that cursed thing, covering most of his handsome face.
"Mind giving me a motive? Or you're just that irresponsible as always?" He said nonchantly but his eyes spoked at how much annoyed he was, making you wince.
"Again sorry." You looked down at your feet "I didn't thought that helping mister Tokosumi would take that long..."
"People taking advantage of your actions, why I am not surprised..?" He sighed as he rolled his eyes.
You bited the bottom of your lip slightly before looking up at those monotonous eyes gazing back at yours. Nervousness as you were, you didn't even cared taht he was with one hand behind his marks and neither questioned it about it.
"So... Kurono told me you..." you played with your fingers while he looked down at you "It was something important you wanted to-"
His growl caught your attention and when you looked up a bouquet of your favorite type of flowers was almost trusted into your face. You tilted your head a bit to see Chisaki with an annoyed expression as he looked up with a frow... wait, was his ears red?
No way... w-was... was he blushing?
He shook them a bit as he brough his free hand for you to take it already. You, with wide eyes, picked the bouquet with uncertain yet flattered... before you spotted a one single golden rose right on the middle, which clearly caught your attention the most.
"H-How? Golden roses even exist?" You asked in astonishment as you brought the bouquet to your chest while you brought the rare flower to you, and it even smelled like one rose!
"Forgot what is my quirk about?" He sighed in annoyance, looking at you with an annoyed yet embarrassed expression.
"Y-You did this? And are giving it to me?"
"Clearly since no one else had the idea, bunch of idiots if you ask me." He sighed again before placing his hands on his pockets as he kicked the ground, much even like a kid would before slowly looking back at you "About the second question... you can have it, on one condition though."
"Huh? Which one?" You asked in interest, you couldn't be called a fan of flowers, but this one certainly got your interest, and you were planning to keep it!
"... The proom. Go on that with me, and you can have that thing." He mumbled the first part before looking at you dead in the eye, making your eyes grow wide as you almost lost the grip on the bouquet or even the golden rose.
Your world seemed to have paused, your cheeks burned at cat hung the words that just slipped from his mouth... did Chisaki Kai just asked you to go to the proom with him?!
He never once was someone to enjoy social gatherings, so why was he asking you this? You no less?!
"It passed one minute and a half of your silence. So it's a no?" He said nonchantly, not showing the slightest the possible hurt he was feeling.
"I-I..." you gulped down the thick air stuck on your throat "L-Like f-f-friends or anything like t-that?"
"Definitely not." His face grew darker at your words "If I am giving you a bouquet of flowers, even risking my own reputation is not "like friends" as you say. You know exactly what I am talking about idiot."
Your jaw could have hitted the floor with his little and subconscious confession. He pointed at the bouquet with a 'tsk' and show one card hanging on it.
You put back the golden rose on the bouquet to open the card, blushing hard at the neatly and almost perfect kanji of your name writen on it and what shocked you the most.
You looked up at him with wide eyes as his annoyed ones waited for an answer.
"I will! I would love to!" You exclaimed in happines as he winced at the tone of your voice and tensed when you hugged him close.
"First, dont scream dammit and second, stop hugging me so tight-" he tried to pry you off with his hands as his brows furrowed and his face grew hotter and hotter at any second it passed "You might take my breath away you-"
"I love you too!" You snuggled on his neck amd he cringed harder.
"Disgusting...!" He hissed before scoffing, giving up on prying you off from him and just patting your head with one hand awkwardly. Mask hiding his relieved and happy smile on his face as he looked away from you.
Although that smile quickly fade away when he saw two pairs of binoculars from the distance, one poking hlbehind a tree and the other in the middle of a Bush.
"STOP WITH THAT FOR ONCE KURONO! POPS YOU TOO?! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted in anger as you looked at him in confusion, making his face go beef red.
"He saw us." Kurono said after taking off the binoculars out of his eyes as Pops almost fell on the ground from laughter.
"Kurono my boy tell me, when was the last time you saw Chisaki that red?"
Hari thought for an bit before peaking the binocular again and snickered.
"Only when you caught him practicing on how to talk with (Y/n)."
Thhe ground soon started to tremble and Kurono cursed out loud, recognizing Chisaki's quirk.
"Run my boy. We've got time."
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darthspideys · 6 years
Normal People (t.h)
doctor! tom  x doctor! reader 
words: 1688 
Summary: You want to be normal, and he wants you to love you as much as he does 
A/N: This is my first fic for @fuckyou-imspiderman  ‘s writing challenge! I did not think this one would get this long but here it is! Now the middle portion of this is a total copy of greys anatomy, so don’t think I thought of it cause I wish. 
MASTERLIST “So what do you do for a living?”
You froze in your seat across from, what was his name? Alex. He’d asked the question, the one that you knew would most likely end the entire date. There is a reason why I didn’t put it on my profile because your going to think its weird, You thought, picking at your food again, trying to think of a way to change the subject. You couldn't think of anything so instead, you took a breath and sighed. “I am a surgeon.”
“Oh, very cool.” He eyed her, clearly curious. “I’ll admit here, the only experience I have with that is ER so, excuse me if I get anything wrong. What specialty?”
“Trauma.” You took a bite of your food, slowly, surprised at how well he was taking it so far. “So people falling off roofs, construction accidents, train derailments, building collapses and all that good stuff.”
You didn’t realize it at the time but that was your mistake, getting too comfortable. You weren’t as focused on gauging his reaction to that comment, you only focused on what he said next. “Sounds, interesting.”
“Oh yeah it really is. I love it, I mean honestly most doctors don’t like it, the rush, the smell, y’know? But I live for it, I love the chaos, bodies coming in and you’ve just gotta stop the bleeding. You’ve gotta do whatever it takes, whatever you have to put in there. Then sometimes there bleeding internally and you’ve just gotta get it out, you’ve gotta stick a million tubes in there. And then when the heart stops and all you hear is the sound of that monitor and you’ve gotta jump for it, you’ve gotta jump and just push as hard as you can.” To be fair, even if you had been paying attention to his facial expressions, you most likely wouldn’t have been able to predict what was coming next.
As soon as you finished talking, Alex took a breath and stood up at the table, throwing his napkin onto the ground. “Your sick, you know that?” He said, loud enough that everyone near you could hear.
All you could think was, Crap, crap, crap, crap.
He wasn’t finished. “Those are real people, you have lives in your hands and you enjoy watching people bleed out? You like to see people hurt and injured? You enjoy that. I mean I guess you do because you only get paid if people keep getting hurt and terrible things keep happening. You wanna know something? My grandmother died in a car accident and the doctors couldn’t get her heart started again and I’m sure you would've loved that.”
“I didn’t mean-” You stuttered out, your cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. “I-” You got up quickly and ran out of the restaurant as fast as you could. By the time you got to you your car, you were out of breath and in a mood.  
“He said what?” Tom asked in disbelief as the two of you walked through the halls of the hospital. “I cannot believe-”
“I know, most guys like politely excuse themselves to go to the bathroom and then never come back. I guess I struck a chord with him.” You let out a sigh, “Good news is I think that was enough public humiliation for a lifetime, let's hope I’ve peaked here.”
Tom smiled at that and ran a hand over your back, as the two of you continued to walk. “If I wasn’t on call, I’d say let's go get a drink.”
“I need a drink right now.”
“Well your not on call, you could just go get one. In fact, why are you here right now? Why did you come here instead of getting drunk?”
“Cause I am on call tomorrow and I would prefer not to have a hangover. I mean getting blackout drunk solves your problems until it doesn’t. Plus who needs to get drunk when you do a ten-hour surgery?” You looked down at your pager again and hit it with your hand. “If one would just come in!”
Tom laughed at you, when suddenly both of your pagers went off simultaneously, which sent both of you running down the hall, to get to the ER. “Looks like you got your wish.”
“Thank you trauma gods!” You replied, doing a little jump as you ran. “And Alex can suck it!”
“I think you're going a little overboard but I’m going to chalk that up to a trauma high.”
By the time the two of you made it to the ER it was already in chaos with people coming in, and patients already being moved into elevators to go into OR’s. Soon enough you and Tom were assigned to the same patient, a man with a tear in his heart that needed to go upstairs to on OR right away. A minute later he two of you were running into an elevator and impenitently tapping the buttons trying to will the machine to go faster. The two of you just looked at each other as the elevator finally climbed to the OR floor, and then stopped. The doors didn't open, and then the lights went out.
The two of you looked at each other again, and said, “Crap.”
Tom tried to the pull the doors open as you pressed the call button multiple times to no avail. “We are so screwed.”
The two of you paced the elevator waiting for it to start moving again, until a harsh beeping broke the air, the man was going into cardiac arrest. “Well we have to do something now or he’s not gonna make it.” Tom said.
“You want to crack his chest? In the elevator?” You sputtered, “WIth unsterile equipment, no blood and not knowing when this thing is going to start moving again?”
“What choice do we have?” He replied, his eyebrows creased with worry.
“Yeah, fair point. Well, what do we have to cut him open with?”
“This scapel, from my pocket.” Tom handed it to you, and you nodded your hands shaking a little.
“Well at least you have one as weird as that is, I thought I was going to have to cut him open with this clipboard or something.” You tried to smile but you were too nervous. You took a deep breath and cut into the man's chest, moving his ribs out of the way, trying not to break them until you finally had your hand on his heart and you feel the hole in it. You shoved your finger inside and at last the beeping stopped, and the elevator started moving.  
“Did you get it?”
“The noise stopped so-yes?”
“You did a good job. He’s gonna make it.”
“Uh-huh.” The adrenaline faded and you could feel your body shaking, Tom could see it too.
He walked over and steaded you, pulling his body against yours, which made the shaking stop. “Your okay, he’s gonna make it. Calm down.”
“Yeah, okay.” You breathed out, trying to keep your teeth unclenched. A second later, the elevator doors opened and standing in front of you was the chief and the cardio attending, assigned to the case, Dr. Marling.
“What did you do?” Dr. Marling asked.
“Saved his life,” Tom said plainly. “Or not if we don't move him in the next two seconds.”
All Dr. Marling did was nod before a swarm of nurses helped pull the gurney into the operating room, with you on top, your finger still in the tear in the heart. After what felt like hours, you were finally outside the OR, your body pressed against the wall, breathing heavily.
Suddenly, tom appeared. “Come on.” He said, extending a hand. You let him pull you up and lead you outside to his car.
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, as he got up onto the roof of his car and laid down. After a few seconds, he called, “Are you gonna join me or what?”
Still confused you climbed up and laid down next to him. “What is this?”
“We are going to decompress. Calm down. Especially you, it has been a long night.”
“It has been a long night.” You repeated. The two of you sat there silently, Tom hand behind your head until at last you let out a long sigh and grumbled out, 
“Can't we just pretend we’re normal for once?” You paused, “Let's just pretend taht we’re not sitting on top of your car because my date yelled at my before enjoying his grandmother's death, and the fact that on this very same night I had to cut into a man's heart in an elevator.”
Tom turned to you and said, “Okay. So we’re normal people, who don’t cut into bodies. We’re normal people, huh. Yeah, I have no idea what that’s like.” He laughed a little.
“Normal people would probably be able to get through a date successfully.” You huffed.
“Or maybe not. Maybe a normal guy works with this girl, and he sees her every day, and after a while he realizes when he doesn't see her his world loses a little bit of its happiness. And for a while, he ignores it, because  its nothing and then he realizes he loves her.” Tom paused, searching your face for a reaction, “But he doesn't say anything, because she is so out of his league. He doesn’t tell her, he can’t.” He looked you right in the eyes, and you sat up a little to meet him, realization crossing your face. “Until one day after she does something amazing, and his heart lights up, he realizes he has too, cause whats the point of keeping it a secret?”
“But what this normal guy doesn’t realize is that girl loves him too. It just took her a little while to figure it out. So she leans in and kisses him.” You pulled tops lips into yours and for a long inescapable moment, it was just the two of you in the world.
“Is that normal enough for you?”
permanent taglist:  @downeeyjunior // @peters-vlogs // @tomsfireheart  // @spideydaddyboy // @built4broadway // @pensysto  // @mitamixer
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grumpycakes · 7 years
1 through 5 for the ask an artist prompt!
1. Actually hard to answer. My parents conciously made the decision to supply us with paper, crayons, markers and shitty kids watercolors since like I was born??? So technically day one???
If we’re asking when did you “get into” comics and start striving for a dedicated style I’d say 5th grade when I started trying out those “draw like archie!” bits in the digests and more concretely in 6th grade when I got the sailor moon comic books and tried to draw like those. I’d seen a drawing my sister’s friend did of her (in the sailor moon anime style V DIFFERENT STYLES FRANSS) and wanted to draw JUST LIKE THAT. Later tho it was because I wanted to tell stories that way.
2. I’ve recently enjoyed doing digital more? I’m always a huge advocate of being able to draw traditionally and digitally. But idk, for a bit there I felt like I couldn’t get the same flowing, rough, alive lines in traditional as I could in digital. It’s also a huge pressure off cause I can fuck around with color and be able to wipe it if I need a different palette or made a mistake. Inktober this year is reminding me that I still love my lines in traditional too tho. So yay!
trad: mechanical pencil, micron pens, copics
digital: photoshop, CSP/manga studio
3. I’ve made my own zine/booklet of sketches that I sell at conventions but I have not been invited/found a zine that I wanted to participate in. I always find out there was a zine that I’d kill to be in AFTER they’re announcing it’s publish date. I was invited to one about female artists at a convention but missed the deadline.
4. Yes! I have a storenvy where I sell all the merch I make for conventions. Honestly getting to see my artwork on literally ANYTHING is always so ... thrilling?? But since the only one’s I “make” myself without getting printshops to do it are the buttons. But I do enjoy button making
5. Like... every artist I follow ever????!!?! And my friends and life. That’s so hard LOL. I guess if you want SPECIFICS I can give you a list of styles I’ve tried to copy over the years (6th-11th grade basically) that really informed my art style? Cause otherwise there’s too much to even BEGIN
- Sailor moon manga/Naoko Takeuchi (I wanted to draw like the anime but had little access to images of how that would look)
- Saint Tail/Megumi Tachikawa
-DNAngel/Yukiru sugisaki (the style they found after book 3/4 of DNAngel and then did for Lagoon engine/erstatz is STILL one of my favorite styles)
-Kittenchan(DA)/Kaciart (everywhere else) I found them on deviantart at the age of like 13 and learned a LOT from some basic tutorials on how to draw body parts/clothes (ONE friend when seeing their art was like OHHHH I see where you get your style now) @kaciart if you wanna check them out. They’re still really active and gr9
- D.Gray Man/Katsura Hoshino I love... I LOVE the matured style in this series (again a few books in) from 15-17 I was obsessed and tried to copy this
- 10K Commotion/Yukon I found this sometime in the summer of a year of HS and LOST MY DAMN MIND. I think I mistook the thrill of the story for an admiration of the artwork and then tried to copy it. There’s a beautiful simplicity to it but it’s not a style I strive for anymore
after that point it was a mix of friends/acquaintances/strangers on Tegaki E that I found for the rest of highschool age. And it became more of attempting to draw the way they did to learn how to make a color change like that, to learn how to draw an eye taht way, to get stronger on anatomy. The biggest influences probably being @cookiehanasjunk and Haisi who hides and I can no longer find him (I mean a lot more than those two but again this is getting LONG)
ppl i didn’t know personally but fell into around that time @hamletmachine​ @bigbigtruck @creaturexlll come to mind as huge influences on art and story telling
But rest assured if they inspire me and I follow them now I’m reblogging like EVERYTHING THEY MAKE. These are just the things I can remember from my formative years trying to art before I went to college
oh my god this is so long. sorry. Also sorry for all the notifs these artists are gonna get. I’m a little embarrassed but also they deserve the credit? And I’d rather give you a working link to their shit -shakes fist at haisi wherever he is in the universe-
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Big Bang Reacts to Someone Hitting On You
Hey guys! So, I had a moment and a small amount of inspiration, so I figured I’d write another one for fun. (I DON’T OWN ANY OF THE GIFS OR PICTURES, I SIMPLY FOUND THEM ON GOODLE!!)
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Reaction: You go out to a club with all of the guys. Your date leaves you alone for a moment to go get you both drinks, but a guy comes up and tries to flirt with you.
1. TOP
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     He would stay back and see how you react. If you look calm and like you’re handling the situation yourself, then he’ll stay out of it. The moment you look uncomfortable or angry, he would walk up to you and hand you your drink. His arm would wrap around your waist as he stared the guy dead in the eyes, his face expressionless. The guy would probably feel really uncomfortable and walk away.
     “Are you okay?” He asks quietly, kissing the top of your head.
2. Taeyang
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     Taeyang would be subtle about it, asking G-Dragon to watch your drinks as he makes his way to you. He would wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He would ignore the guy, whispering in your ear as he sways with you gently to whatever music is playing. 
     If the guy confronts him, he would politely inform him that you are taken. He would not get angry unless the guy tried to put his hands on either him or you. Then he would handle the guy in a much less polite manner. 
     “This girl? Right here? Yeah, she’s my girlfriend. I would rather you leave her alone,” He gently pulls you back to where G-Dragon sits as G-Dragon silently laughs at the guys expression. (Like the little shit he is sometimes.)
3. G-Dragon
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     G-Dragon would be instantly angry. He would walk up and pull you into a heated kiss, eyeing the guy the entire time. If he was still there, he would turn and glare at him. 
     “Don’t you know that my Jagi is much too pretty to talk to you? Save yourself the embarrassment and just leave,” His arm goes around your shoulders as he pulls you into another kiss.
4. Daesung (being the sweet little marshmallow we all know he is)
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     Daesung would hang back and wait to see how you handle yourself. He would want to avoid confrontation at all costs. The second taht he saw that you were upset, he would walk up to you and take your hand. He would politely ask him to leave you alone. If the guy didn’t leave, one of the other guys would probably notice, most likely Seungri, and would stand a little ways behind both of you in case the guy tried to pull something. (He is literal sunshine, I don’t see him wanting to be too confrontational.)
     “Look, I’m just here to have a good time with my girlfriend, so I’d really prefer for you to leave us alone,” His words aren’t harsh, but his tone is firm. Seungri glares at the guy from over Daesung’s shoulder, probably intimidating the guy more than Daesung, causing the guy to walk away. 
5. Seungri
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     Seungri would also be instantly angry. One of the biggest differences though, is that Seungri knows everyone. He would probably just call the owner of the club and have the guy escorted out. He would walk up to you and hold you close as he watched the guy being forced to leave. Seungri would smirk at him, causing you to give him a look. He just shrugged at you. 
     “What?” The only one allowed to mess with you like that is me,” he murmurs in your ear, pulling you tightly against him chest. 
I hope you guys enjoyed! It’s a little shorter than the last one, but I just randomly thought of it so I wrote it pretty fast.
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linssikeittomies · 7 years
VR: Uncooked meat and peace treaties
Here we get a bit of insight to the kini mind. They really aren’t human despite what Mimi likes to think. The scene takes place about 2 years after Mimi lands in Tagor, and somewhere around a year after she’s granted the ceremonial title of gon’ga, something like an ambassador. The border they keep referring to is the border between Tir countryside and the forest the kinis live in. It’s there to keep the humans from logging the forest and the kinis from killing humans.
”...aren’t you going to cook it?” Marsohu started chewing the bird and only looked at me  puzzled. Guess that answered that question. ”...you’ll get worms.” Worms? ”Uncooked meat has all kinds of of… uhh… I don’t know the word… bacteria and parasites, you know, tiny animals taht cause diseases.” He peeks in the bird’s severed neck to see these tiny animals.
”You can’t see them, they’re too small.” He doesn’t believe anything that small can do anything. And just kept on munching on his bird. Unfathomably disgusting. No wonder his breath stank like the end of days. All the kini probably died in their thirties. Marsohu was fast approaching the end of his life. ”How old are you?” He’s young. ”I mean how many years. I’m 18.” He doesn’t understand what a ”year” is. ”Well, umm… If you were born two years ago, you’d be two years old. When were you born?” He doesn’t know. He was born when he was born. Wow. His mother had a head full of air. Maybe she had caught a brain disease from uncooked meat. ”What about Joyjaa?” He’s an adult. ”So… 18?” Adult. Try and make sense of that. Joyjaa was so not 18, maybe 26. Marsohu looked a little younger than his cousin, around 22 or so. I would probably have to ask Joyjaa, maybe I could get an actual answer out of him. And out loud. Telepathy still felt odd, and if I didn’t know to expect it, it was difficult to tell what where my own thought and what was being sent from the outside. The bird’s bones cracked in Marsohu’s mouth. I couldn’t suppress the shudder. He noticed, but thought it meant I wanted his leftovers. ”No thanks!” I squeeked and instantly leaned backwards from the bloody bundle being shoved into my face. ”Frankly, I can’t wrap my head around how you aren’t all dead with your diet”, I muttered in English. Marsohu’s ears swiveled towards me, he liked English more than Tagor. I guess he heard it more often. Or I mean, of course he heard it more often, these days even I only used English when I didn’t know the Tagor word. Sometimes simply because Marsohu liked it. Those times he paid more attention to me than usually. He avoided looking me in the eye, but then again, that is a sign of aggression in the animal kingdom. He used to look me directly in the eyes the first times we met. Back then he hadn’t liked me even though he had been curious. He’d been trying to scare me. I wonder if he had been confused when I had stared right back? What else did they do the opposite way to humans? ”Hey, Marsohu, what kind of houses do you live in?” They don’t have houses. ”So, you live in…. nests, dig a small hole in the ground?” Yes. But closer to the mountains there’s an old village , abandoned, with houses. ”A village? Did humans used to live here?” Humans have never lived in the forest. Kinis built it, a long time ago. Some of the houses still stand. ”Why was it abandoned?” He doesn’t know. Well of course. He barely knows anything. Maybe the kinis had tried to copy humans, try out their lifestyle, but it hadn’t suited them. Marsohu would like to show me the village, but it’s not a good idea. Humans aren’t welcome in the forest. ”But I’m already in the forest”, I pointed out. Well, I was metre in the forest, but that still counted. The border was unconditional. Not even Ritidia was allowed a toe over the line. And even that is too much. I had only gotten so far because I had proven myself to be submissive and respectful, I was absolutely harmless. ”Absolutely?!” I protested. Yeah, it was true that I was weak, slow, light, small, ignorant and without a spark of magic, but he didn’t need to put it like that! ”I do have some authority! I am a princess after all!” The only one around here gives a damn about the ”authority” of humans is Joyjaa, who doesn’t respect it all. Jotiri was peeking in b etween the trees with a concerned look. He believed me one I said everything was fine, but almost looked disappointed about it. He really had a bone to pick with the kinis, and all they did was live in the vicinity of his family, who by the way had moved there only three years ago. It was embarrassing that I was never let anywhere alone. Marsohu had long since showed he much preferred me alive, and didn’t even twitch his ear at Jotiri’s direction. That if anything proved that he didn’t consider Jotiri a threat. I had been to the forest dozens of times, and had yet to witness a single scuffle. If you asked me, I’d say the stories about the superiority of kinis were mostly tall tales, and the humans had just grown up believing them without scrutiny. ”Would you beat Jotiri in a fight?” Yes. He hadn’t hesitated a millisecond. ”I don’t know… He’s pretty good.” Famfara was demonstrably even better, but even she did her best to look humble and non-threatening around the kinis. ”He might put up a surprisingly good fight.” The border is unconditional. ”Well give him a special permission this once, like me.” The border is unconditional. ”You bore!” I stuck out my tongue at him, but the message missed him completely. ”How can it be unconditional if I’m here?” The border is only for humans and kinis. I’m something else. ”I was human the last time I looked in a mirror.” Marsohu looked at me for a long time with an appraising look. He avoided my eyes, of course. I liked his eyes, they were such a brilliant color and since they were so big, you could see it so clearly. But I didn’t want to offend him, so I kept my thoughts to myself. He barked a laugh. ”What?” Without answering he changed to his hyena form and started climbing up the nearest tree, wanting me to follow. I was never the climbing type, and the thick, branchless trunk of this tree made it really difficult. I went slower than a snail, and finally he got tired of watching me suffer and offered a hand. The human hand extending from the arm of a hyena looked just bizarre. He lifted me up to the first branch, after which things got way easier. I steadfastly kept my eyes upwards, refusing to even think about coming down before it was time. We climbed and climbed, almost to the top. The tree was incredibly tall, standing at least two metres taller than all the others around. The view was amazing. Harvest season was nearly there so all the fields flashed golden in the wind, behind the snow capped mountains starts were already forming, and far, far in the distance, the sea burned bright as fire in the sunset. I hadn’t even noticed it was getting that late. All the colours were just breathtaking, the black sky blending into indigo, the sun dyeing the clouds a deep purple, above the ocean pink and orange. I’m not like a human. ”On what grounds?” A human builds. Doesn’t see the sun, doesn’t see the ocean. Marsohu gestured towards the town, on my left, with his muzzle. I tried to see it, but from this far away I could only see a colorful spot. ”We need a home, too”, I reminded. ”Humans can’t survive in a simple cave, eating raw meat.” Again he looked at me long. Maybe like a human after all. ”There’s nothing wrong about that”, I argued, but Marsohu could be stupidly stubborn and selfish. He simply would not understand that his lifestyle wasn’t for everyone. I looked at the ocean again. You couldn’t see it from the town because there was a slight upwards slope all along the coastline. There were no beaches in Tagor, only cliffs. I wasn’t a beach type of person, but it would have been nice to go watch the sunset sometime. Tir was pretty far from the coast, but I was sure I could take two days off sometime in the future. I would probably need to leave early in the afternoon to make it in time. My work wasn’t viewed as important, anyway, unfortunately no one would care. Not even the kini, I suspected. I was just a novelty for Marsohu and Joyjaa. I turned to say something to him, I wasn’t even sure what, but he had changed back to human and was watching me with a gentle look. I smiled weakly and turned back. We stayed quiet until the sun sunk behind the ocean and Jotiri started calling for me. Time to go. Had been for hours. ”Coming!” My descent was, if possible, even slower than my climbing. I didn’t dare to take a proper look so it took ages to feel around for proper footing. Marsohu laughed at my pathetic display while skipping with ease from brach to branch, and thought I was a positively sorry sight, even more pitiful than his youngest sister. I was so pissed at him I didn’t even ask why he used his human form so rarely on the ground – evidently his ”problems with balance” were utter horse shit. After what felt like an hour I made it to the lowest branch. I considered jumping down, but despite being the lowest, it was still at least four metres up. I couldn’t get a proper grip on the trunk, so sliding down it was out of the question. I didn’t see any other options, though. Marsohu of course smirked at me from the ground. He just loved humiliating me. Jump, he’ll catch. ”For sure?” He nodded and lifted his arms. I dropped down to dangle from the branch, again made sure that he would be there because I would have to punch him if he was messing with me. I let go.
That bitch -- Wheeeeew, the fall had felt so long I was sure he had pranked me. He set me down, and once again I was reminded of how freakishly tall he was. It was so easy to forget since he favored his hyena form so much and usually sat when in human form, but he was a full two metres of bean pole goodness. How he hadn’t fallen over with my weight I had no clue. I hurried over to the concerned Jotiri and waved by to Marsohu. He had changed back to hyena again, only his eyes shining in the middle of the blackness of the forest. ”See you later!” I hollered and closed the door the buggy. Jotiri worked hard to break the speed limit, and didn’t slow down until we were halfway to town. ”With all due respect, but I think it’s a bad idea to ’see him later’, princess”, he said, uneasy. He was only bodyguard, he was expected to stay out of politics, but his feelings about this particular subject were far too strong to ignore. ”I’m the ambassador, I have to keep up the relations”, I reminded. What kind of ambassador just sits at home twiddling her thumbs? Not my kind of ambassador. I wasn’t content to let this terrible canyon stay between our people. ”It wasn’t meant to be literal, it was just to appease them”, he claimed. He was concerned about me, everyone was. No one trusted the kinis. The ambassador was supposed to just be a half-baked peace offering – but damn if I wasn’t trying my hardest to ruin that. ”They’ve been restless again, despite Ritidia”, he continued with a dark look. ”My family lives near the border -” I already knew that, he mentioned it like once a week - ” I fear for them just as I fear for you. The border in unconditional, I can do nothing to help when you cross it. The kinis stay in the forest just because they know we can do nothing.” With a very serious look he tried to make understand. ”If they kill you in the forest, I can do nothing to stop them. I can’t avenge your death. I can only be your bodyguard on Tagor’s side.” ”Your job is to protect me, you can cross the border if -” ”The border is unconditional, Rititia -” ”Mimi. The border is only unconditional because we’re at war. The sooner I can get a treaty the sooner it will open. We have to show that we’re willing to make peace. I’m already allowed in the forest – how’s that for unconditional? If I can continue like this, I can get us a better treaty.” He looked skeptical, but at least he didn’t argue again. Both sides in this prolonged war were self-destructively bullheaded! I doubted either one wanted an actual peace. Why did everyone have to be so bloody selfish?! The border is unconditional, what an idiotic settlement!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if the Kai and the kids make angel breakfast for angel and kaito wants to poor the milk and Kai is like no the milk is to heavy to poor but kaito responds with I’m not week and then proceeds to spill all the milk which causes angel to wake up and check what’s happening
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Not a sound... not a fucking sound.
He was already expecting to do this. It wasn't often when he woke up and wanted to make something for his wife to eat, since he barely can cook something. But she was already exausted, and he rook a bit of pity, and even got worried at the way she just simply plopped down on the bed and fell asleep just like that... casual clothes and all.
He merely scoffed and just undressed her himself and went to bed already planning on what to do to at least cheer his wife up a bit... although there was one problem.
He cursed himself for having a light sleep AND for giving that to not only one, but his both kids.
So he had to be extremely careful unless he wanted those brats to wake up and fill his head with questions.
He was almost tip toing, something he never would have guessed he would do on his intere life. But to his dismay he stepped right on a wood part of the floor and make that disgusting sound that made him cringe and breath in to contain his anger.
"Well, fuck it." He muttered before walking casually, frowning his eyebrows at hearing little whispers and tiny footsteps on the hallway. "And the brats are awake. Great." He said in sarcasm as he entered the kitchen and muffled his own yawn before Kaito and Kin popped in the door frame.
"A million of souls were saved from the purgatory." He mumbled nonchantly as his kids aproached "You two didn't made a fuss for wakening up this time."
"Morning for you too dad." Kaito pouted and supressed his smirk when Kai just patted his head and did the same with Kin, the girl still not entirely up and drooling even as her brow hair was messier than usual.
"I remember teaching you two a hygiene morning routine." He picked a strand of hair from his daughter and deadpan when he saw a know on there "Seems like neither of you follow then."
"Is boring and it takes too long..." kaito rested his full arms on the table before yelping slightly at the flip he received.
"Manners brat."
"Is morning and I'm on my house!" The kid pouted as he rubbed his forehead.
Kai arched an eyebrow at his son before sighing, deciding on not to comment or to start an argument with the eleven years old's boy.
Taking off his normal gloves, he searched for a new pair before looking for the things you usually enjoyed. Making at least a basic breakfast wasn't that difficult, how hard could it be?
"Daddy whacha you doing?" Kin mumbled as she rested her face on her little hand as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes "Mommy wont make breakfast today?"
"Is she sick?" His son asked with a bit of worry and he felt shivers at only the thought of you getting sick.
"No, she is just tired." He placed what he would need on the sink before scratching his sore arms out with a grunt "I am making something for her, is still a bit earlier for you two breakfast and-" he felt two presences too much close for his liking behind his back, and when he turned he saw his son and daughter, whoose was entirely awake now, already doing the cursed puppy eyes their mother always does.
"What?" He spatted and Kaito smirked like teh little devil he is and Kin brought her hands together with pleading eyes.
"Can we help?"
He grunted and lunched the bridge of his nose, deja vuu.... he could see himself and Kaito when the brat had three years trying to make the same thing he was trying to do... and it ended up on three burnt waffles if he could remember correctly.
But now? Look at the fucking (E/c) and golden's eyes looking up at him. How the fuck he should say no? And if he refuse, he surely know that they would bother him or throw a tantrum, in consequence wakening you up.
"Fine." He sighed and returned to "Grab two chairs, midgets."
He rolled his eyes with a sigh at their cheers before he hushed them harshly, pointing at the direction of his bedroom with a glare... and those deviants only giggled quietly at his face.
"Does mommy enjoy peanut butter jelly sandwiche?" Kin asked cutely as her father settled the tray down to place the bowls of cereal and fruits thats he had already cutted perfectly, he nodded before grabbing the wrist of his daughter when she grabbed the knife.
"Is too sharp for you, grab one which is not this type in especific." He let go of her wrist and picked a butter knife and handed it to her "Like this one."
"Thank you daddy!" She said adorably before making sure the sandwich of her mother was in shape... making kai smirk at seing that his daughter had got his perfectionism.
Although taht smirk faded when he heard his son uncaring the cartoon of milk.
"Put that down." He said nonchantly as his son stopped to look at him "Is too heavy and you will end up spilling it on everywhere."
"I won't!" He pouted and glared at his father before lifting the cartoon with both hands
"Chisaki Kaito. Put that thing down, now." He growled and kaito only glared back at him.
"I'm not weak, I can pour the milk easily even."
"Gve that back brat." He growled and went to grab the cartoon out of Kaito hand before the boy dodged.
"Fight me-" he yelped a bit when teh cartoon escaped from his hands and fell harshly on the sink... hints of the liquid hitting a bit his father's shit and his sister and his own face. "Ops..."
"Ops." Chisaki said as his eye twitched at the sign of his shirt and the front of him "You dont listen to me, insist on doing anything you want, and you say 'ops'." He brought his hand to pinch his covered nose to remain calm as Kin threw the bread soaked in milk on the trash with a sad sigh.
"Kinda." Kaito said a bit embarrassed and sad before Kai sighed out loud and took of his glove to drop his hand on his son head with a bit fo force due to the gravity. The kid grunted at the impact a bit but didn't said a word.
"Pest." He said nonchantly before his body went rigid as he heard familiar giggles coming from the door frame.
"What's all this?" You aproached, still giggling at the sign of the milk dripping on the floor as Kai deadpan and pointed at his both kids.
"Woke up to at least try to make some breakfast for you and those brats came in." You laughed at the kids offended faces before Kai huffed and picked the empty cartoon and threw on the trash.
"Last time I try to make this. Always end up on a fuc-" you hushed him and he sighed in gratitude for you preventing him to swear right in front of his kids "Always end up on a huge mess."
"Is not that big, c'mon." You cooed while he grunted in denial "At least you got to have a bit of fun with the kids!"
You rolled your eyes at his expression, serious and piercing golden eyes staring in dissaproval at you as his eyebrow was lifted up while he crossed his arms.
"Fine fine." You sighed and hugged your kids as a good morning for them "You three go shower and change while I-"
"Dare to finish that sentence." He spatted and you almost flinched in surprise "All of this were in meaning for you to relax a bit and you are relaxing Chisaki (Y/n)." He growled before crouching down and licking both of his kids up while they shriek in laughter.
"You." He glared at you "Go shower and change into casual clothes."
"No questions." He was already in the door frame as he carried his kids out, still laughing at the bold action of his father "We're going out to eat breakfast, this way you dont at least have too much effort."
The kids yelped and Kai just growled at them to shut it while you went to grab something to wipe the mess before you yelped at the concrete forming a cage to prevent you for grabbing any cleaning products.
"Now (Y/n). Some precept can take of this." You heard his voice from afar and could only sigh with a smile.
You laughed though, remembering that if the kids weren't there he would be swearing endless due to his frustation. And it was slightly adorable how he wanted to take care of you on his own way.
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