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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Hey everyone! It's me, your garbage girl. I'm back with more Catrapdak/Catdak but this time it's also a rare NSFW ficlet.
Enjoy the garbage while I choke on my own hubris.
The low sounds of panting, of small grunts, of pleasured coos are all that fill the Sanctum. No work goes on within, no development of new weapons or technologies. Instead Hordak has been sat back in the makeshift seat he has made use of when unarmored before. His mouth slightly open. Sounds that exist at the intersection of growls and purrs escaping him. His eyes are closed, and claws stroke across his face. Coaxing him to roll his hips rhythmically, to press up into his lover.
Atop him Force Captain Catra slowly and gracefully rolls her own hips, her body. Riding the Lord quietly. Enjoying the feeling of his talons sinking into her ass. Their movements exist in sync with one another, their bodies intermingled so perfectly. Similar noises of quiet pleasure rumble from her throat. She leans forward, bringing her teeth to Hordak's cheek, his ear. It elicits a gasp from him.
Catra's honed senses pick up every movement, every sound, every smell. Every single aspect of their intimacy fills her brain. She loves it, and as her ears wiggle and her nose twitches just a little she grins.
"We're not alone." She whispers to Hordak. His eyes shoot open, she can feel the glow of them. A finger moves to his mouth, shushing him before he can speak. "Our Princess is watching." She adds huskily.
After a moment Hordak just smirks and nods.
It's not the first time, it won't be the last. Entrapta stowed away in the ceiling above. Hair holding her in place, gagging herself so she cannot make a noise as her fingers work between her thighs in response to the show going on below her. She is always polite enough to not interrupt them.
Or perhaps she's just perverted enough to always want to take the chance to get off to them.
No work goes on within the Sanctum.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
The catra / Entrapta / Hordak voyeurism cucking thing is ... The weirdest thing I have found so far in this fandom. Also the best. Please tell me there’s more out there somewhere , I must consume
I missed this one.
There is more, buried on a Discord server. But shh I'll get more death threats if I talk about it too much.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Hey everyone I'm back to make you love a trash ship.
The Taco Bell of ships. Catrapdak.
This one has entrapdak surgery themes too isn't that fun.
Catra walks into the sanctum as if she owns the place, and honestly she kind of does. Then shortly she finds herself stopping to take in the sight unfolding in this sanctum before her. Hordak is without his armor, or any sort of support frame, sitting on a tall stool and leaning forward over that standing desk of his.
Already odd considering Hordak is always in his armor and never sits at that desk. It's a standing desk after all, it's in the name. More odd, but perhaps an answer to the first mystery, is that Entrapta is behind him. With tools and probes and just general techy nerd stuff plugged into the ports on Hordak's back as she hovers slightly above her on her hair.
"Entrapta what are you doing with my Nerd?" Catra says as she walks up to them. It's not actually a hostile comment at all, she trusts Entrapta with Hordak and vice versa. She trusts them with herself as well. Yet the question must be asked because if it isn't she'll never actually figure out what's going on here.
Plus they are both her nerds at the end of the day and she wants to make sure they don't kill themselves in pursuit of science.
"I'm using Hordak's existing implanted tech as a place to piggyback off of and upgrade him with brand new tech!" Entrapta notes happily.
That gets a raised brow from Catra. "Upgrade?"
"Hordak's reaction times are very inconsistent! But that's okay because these interface ports connect directly into his nervous system, actually right to the spinal column, so we can use them as a place to attach more hardware! So I'm adding a supplementary motor Cortex based on the ones I made for my bots in Dryl! Much more advanced though the Horde has helped a lot with my research!" Entrapta notes chipperly
Hordak is simply gritting his teeth, likely in pain. The guy never lets Entrapta knock him out for maintenance. Catra can get that, if you can withstand it then might as well keep awake. Make sure no one's gonna try to hurt you while you're out. Sort of thing you learn to do at the top. Still, stay focused.
Catra takes a breath. "Okay. What does that actually mean though?"
"It means when he has his armor on he can switch over to a much more efficient system! Should be faster and more reliable!"
Catra is about ask for clarification AGAIN when Hordak speaks
"I'll be better in close quarters combat." He explains with a hiss.
"Ah. Okay. That's good." Catra finally just nods. Then she steps over to Hordak, close, and speaks with a softened voice. "Hey you okay though? This procedure looks like it's worse than the others for you."
"I am fine. Thank you." He replies, glancing at her. Catra can see his talons digging into the desk, tearing through the metal. He's in a lot of pain. He's not fine but he would never admit that, even to her. Used to be because he didn't trust her, now it's because he doesn't want her to worry. Doesn't stop her.
So Catra sighs, reaching out to put her hand on his. "I want you to rest after this. No immediate testing beyond the bare essentials to make sure you won't fall over dead."
"I'll be fine." Hordak replies.
"Hey. Rest. For me. Don't need you grouchy with the underlings." Catra repeats. Giving Hordak's hand a squeeze before stepping back. "I'll leave you two to this. Don't break him Entrapta."
"I would never do that!" Entrapta shouts. As Catra walks off she can hear a quieter. "On purpose." Escape the princess.
Her nerds are so dumb.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Catrapdak New Year Drabble.
I wrote this on New Years. Be warned there’s villains being happy under the read more.
Life has felt so long for Catra. Relatively speaking she's rather young and she knows it, but everything she has been through, everything she has experienced, make it all feel so long. Especially this last year. Adora leaving, Shadow Weaver's final betrayal, The war picking up with her as second in command of the Horde. Even the people she's had in her life in recent times have been a lot. Hordak and Entrapta stick out in her mind but there have been others too like Scorpia.
It has all been so much.
Yet as time ticks over, as Etherians across the planet celebrate the start of their new lunar year, Catra can't help but think she's done something right. She cannot help herself but find a moment of comfort.
Officially the Horde doesn't do any real celebrations of even acknowledgement of the new year. As Catra has learned this is in part because Hordak follows his own bizarre space calendar. Still the soldiers of the Horde often do their own little celebrations, private things hidden away from official channels. It's funny, all the things the active soldiers get up to that the cadetes under Shadow Weaver never even knew about. Things like parties, which apparently do happen in the Fright Zone off the records.
That woman was terrible.
Catra's ear flicks and she pushes the sorceress from her mind. Focus on the good.
Catra didn't attend any of those things this year. She was invited of course, Scorpia really wanted her to join the other Force Captains for whatever they were doing. Some small get together of officers in one of the many vehicle bays in the core of the Fright Zone.
It just wasn't what she wanted to do. Not when she had nicer plans in mind.
So as the hour ticks over, and a new year begins, Catra murrs in contentment and nuzzles the chest of the lover she currently lays in bed against. Half laying on him as his talons stroke through her hair. Her tail swishes lazily behind her, brushing against the bare skin of the princess in bed with them.
It's comforting. Half laying on the warlord while the scientist is pressed up against her back. Purple hair entangles all three of them, and as the snoring begins from the princess the warlord actually lets out a small chuckle.
Catra smirks. "I'm almost jealous of her."
"She has a singular talent for falling asleep." Hordak nods in agreement.
Catra just chuckles a little, then quietly. "Hey I know it's not your thing but... Happy New Year Hordak."
There's a moment of silence before Hordak replies "Happy New Year, Catra."
Those words give Catra a warm feeling in her chest. Something about the simple gesture. She squeezes Hordak a little. Then from behind her Catra hears the mumbling barely coherent "Hap new ear" from the mostly asleep Entrapta.
Hordak and Catra both quietly laugh and Hordak reaches over to stroke Entrapta's head reassuringly.
No party could beat this.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
I'm actually super here for soft cuckolding/voyeur entrapta/catdak. Like I'm all in on this. 100%
It's the magic key that makes the whole thing work. Entrapta must be involved because I mean, Hordak belongs to her, but she can definitely share.
And enjoy watching.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
are you gonna write more catdak/catrapdak things?
I have a backlog from discord and some other random ideas too.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Honestly just talking curves Entrapta is the most attractive character in the show and I don't know how to cope with that
Oh she's really hot.
I don't outright say this a lot here but Entrapta is just so hot? Everything about her is just... Nnf.
She's smol but powerful. She's a little thickset (by cartoon standards at least.) Season 4 kinda confirmed she's got quite the chest on her. Everything about her personality is hot.
I ship entrapdak because I wish I could be dating Entrapta.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
It started as a joke to mess with people who viscerally hate it but I fell into my own trap and actually ship Catrapdak now so here we are.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Anyway Catrapdak is the best ship in the show but Glitradak space opera is a good second place.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Do you have an OT3 crack ship?
I multi ship to hell. For throuple crackships though almost anything with Hordak in it is choice. Because it's just always really potentially funny.
Mermistradak. Mermista just wanders into entrapdak and sure why not.
Catrapdak. Catra's the boss and they're her nerds. They're all evil.
Glitradak. Star Queen Glimmer usurps Prime with her top generals.
Micangelladak, also known as Peace Through Love.
In a pirate AU I could see Seamistadak being really amusing.
Not Hordak related?
Perfuma trying to balance her two new red themed girlfriends Scorpia and Shadow Weaver.
Sea Hawk somehow swoons Bow's two dads has a lot of potential for comedy.
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etherian-affairs · 5 years ago
Would PrimeHope be a good ship?
It would certainly be A Ship.
I mean I don't even want to call Catrapdak, which is my current obsession, good.
But could it be deeply entertaining? Yes.
And THAT, MY FRIEND, is what matters. That it's entertaining.
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