#catquest 2024
ashanimus · 4 months
Baby achieved!! I am weirded out though, I was hoping to see if I can move to and earlier flight and even though there are empty seats on the plane apparently I had to notify that I wanted to change flights hours ago and it’s like what’s the point then? My flight was delayed, I had no idea if I could make it. Bleh.
The breeder also told me that as soon as I had a kitty security would take me to a room so we could be screened and no, I asked multiple times in two languages and they were like no you and your terrified kitten need to go through right now take her out of the carrier in this extremely noisy and overwhelming environment and I was like.
I am asking for a private screening. And even then they took the bag from me like I had a firework in there and not a real animal like Christ. I know it’s Memorial Day (this is a small airport and it’s not that busy) but I’ve seen airports way more packed with people way less dispassionate towards babies and little animals.
Breeder asked how it went and I was like oh it was fine they didn’t take us back initially and she was appalled skasjsjsan
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It’s okay baby it’s going to be a long wait but there will be food and quiet when we get home
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ashanimus · 4 months
Boarding now! So glad the breeder has been so patient raaaar
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ashanimus · 4 months
Since my own kitty is not going to be out of hiding for a few days I really want to shout out the breeder I worked with.
The breeder Reanne from Glitterati Bengals, has been one of the most transparent, honest helpful people I could happen to find. She breeds really beautiful, healthy cats, socialized heavily with dogs and people, screens them super well, and cares a lot about the homes they go to.
This is a new mom, and one of my favorite pictures of any mama cat with babies ever. Look at how adorable and happy she is!!! Look at the happy little feet!
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You can see more pictures over at their facebook, Glitterati Bengals or their website! If you go to the website in particular you'll be able to see my cat's full brother, Prince :D
Reanne has been really supportive every step of the way on the practicals of adopting Dove, and even brought a harness for the airport because despite all the research I did that precaution escaped me.
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ashanimus · 4 months
Honestly for the record if any cat owners wanna share their stories please do!
And if there are any Bengal enthusiasts in the greater Seattle area, I'd love to get to know some. Nate, Ellie and I are thinking about taking Paloma to a cat show when she's ready. She's showed in the past as a younger kitten, and the breeder was very "Are you going to show her ; o ;" after I bought her and it seems like a fun memory to make.
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ashanimus · 4 months
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Baby is home and free to decompress.
Despite me blocking the under the bed she did manage to get in there so she will come out when she’s ready
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ashanimus · 4 months
I failed to check the expiration date on the shitty little 2 oz bag of almonds I got at the airport and took a bite and it was like WTF these are the grossest, oldest, chewiest almonds I’ve ever eaten
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HOW. In this day and age????
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ashanimus · 4 months
We board in forty minutes but omgggg every time she moves in her carrier my heart melts
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ashanimus · 4 months
Oh moment of levity: so I was swinging around this empty cat carrier through the airport and security and when I lob it onto the queue for the x ray the security tech to their credit was like WAIT DO YOU HAVE AN ANIMAL
And I’m like no no not yet but I will!
And when boarding the plane everyone was staring at me jostling this bag and wanting to see the presumed beast in the carrier to find it empty and it occurs to me that I have also never seen someone with an empty pet carrier on their way to for the airport hand off with the previous guardian
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ashanimus · 4 months
Right as I was about to get up to piss since the interminable delay has given opportunity, it is now time to board!
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ashanimus · 4 months
Did. Did multiple peoples ID on our flight flag criminal database…?
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ashanimus · 4 months
I am so genuinely in awe and terror. This is probably the first major choice I’ve ever made in my life that was *just* for me. Even my college degree (which was an unmitigated disaster) was an attempt to satisfy myself and familial expectation.
All the pets I’ve ever had were gift in the case of the first two, and everything after that was me swooping into a rescue situation because someone had to. I loved them dearly. But this one I *chose*.
I hope she likes me. I hope it works out.
Boarding soon…
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ashanimus · 4 months
Today is the day I pick up my cat!
3:30 am pickup from the airport. I got up early, I’d already packed my bag, and I my final delivery of cat litter and wet food toppers arrived yesterday. So before my ride arrives I go downstairs to get the package to find my bag of cat litter exploded during delivery!
When ride arrived, I picked up my pre-packed backpack only for the zipper to explode, rendering my faithful bag useless so I had a repack another at the last moment so we are off to a great start
I would have liked to drive myself, but for this weekend apparently they required 2 days minimum for airport parking so screw that man.
We are en route to the airport! I really wanted to avoid flying, this the busiest day for flying, but they couldn’t hold her for two weeks so fair. Full moon is huuuuuge on the way there :D
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ashanimus · 4 months
If you're talking about bringing a cat as carry-on, at least in the USA, you have to go to the check in counter before security where all the checked luggage goes to declare your cat and pay the fee. Idk about international or domestic non-American flights.
Also, just bc I did NOT know this before flying with my cat, and it caught me by surprise: you have to remove it from the carrier and hold it in your arms as you pass through the detector in security. My cat merely tolerates being held in ideal circumstances, so uh. She was not happy about this lol
Oh no worries. It was a stupid time to be flying regardless--memorial day weekend, but it wasnt ideal. The poor little thing didnt know me at all and also there was no one at check in I could ask. I wanted to pay the fee too but again. No one around. I had to pay at the gate when they called my name, it was...not that airport's best day, I think.
I super appreciate the advice, kind anon :D
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ashanimus · 4 months
Looks like I lost internet before the last one posted. We have landed!!!! Ride is here and waiting we just have to get out of here
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ashanimus · 4 months
Genuinely in awe. Today has been a minefield of inconveniences piling up and I feel so bad—most people like sitting next to kitties on planes but the poor lady next to me STRONGLY prefers we move. She is afraid of cats.
Thankfully back row is empty but omgggg the odds
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ashanimus · 4 months
Not super sure why but my phone won’t charge on any of the waiting seat chargers but thankfully the wall plug works. Which is important because it if dies i won’t have a boarding pass but in the meantime I am literally at the open mouth of the men’s bathroom listening to people have a very gross time. As I am in the extreme back of the plane both ways and now camping outside the yawning mouth of the men’s lavatory I will have spent this entire day in direct proximity to shit
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