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voting-on-ships · 6 months ago
Do you ship this?
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kitsartblogg · 1 year ago
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Cathara!mk belongs to @grave-of-roseus13
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barbozari · 3 months ago
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Wolfheart X Cathara <3
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hertas-funger-blog · 8 months ago
Lalala I've finally gotten back to writing happy ending again. I feel like a cat owner making her cats share a toy.
"D'arce gets a trauma resoponse, now Cathara gets a trauma response. Lalala, la"
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yourinaudiblename · 7 months ago
Any oc ships??? food???
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Yup. My fav is nisroch and axel (if that isn’t obvious) so I’ll show you doodles of that later
(Annabell died before Naomi, Alvaro, and Cathara got to know her. They would all like her though. If two people love each other, and they’re siblings, it’s obviously platonic. If a person loves more than one person, one is platonic or it’s a love triangle. If it says “It’s complicated” + another emotion then they still have conflicting feelings, it’s just they feel that way towards them over all currently. :3)
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raiganoises · 2 years ago
Bearded Vulture finally aquired!!!!
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breezere · 2 years ago
✨Little prompt fairy is here to give you a new idea ✨
Saihara was accidently turned into a cat because of Himiko's magic, resulting in him finding Ouma, and Ouma taking good care of him, unknowingly of his identity, although he had noticed that Saihara was missing and nowhere to be found.
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nosramus · 3 years ago
fear and hunger if they were animals
enki ankarian... enki ANTkarian. nosramus... nosraMOUSE ragnvaldr.... RATnvaldr cahara.... how about CAThara darce... i dont have one. sorry pocketcat.... pocketCAT
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levanark · 3 years ago
Seven Regions Chapter 6
Seven Regions Chapter 6
Many of those who guarded the gate of Cathara were beast or a quarter beast at the very least. One of the heroes thought it would be best if they went back outside the gate to find a beast to lead them to the temple. They both immediately realized they would need Mushi again. They split up one in search of Mushi and the other in search of a beast. Back at the temple the half lion made Levanark…
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medium-saihara · 5 years ago
M!A cathara 5 asks
“What does th-that—” Shuichi was cut off by the sudden appearance of cat ears and a tail on him. “O-oh.”
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{M!A Catboy Saihara 0/5}
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Thank you grandpa and mom and dad... for this amazing home built by love and nanotech hehehe its PikoTek now... #katharagrid #keylontics #keylonticscientology #ackza #ackzasscientology #ackzaskeylontics #ashayanadeane #easha #eackza #cryptocurrency #kathara #cathara #catharagrid #kat #kitkat #pong #spacex #spacexghana #cocacola4steem #steem4cocacola #blockchain #blockchang #brockchang #brockchain #lockchange #gamesave i am your #gamegenie and fyrstikken is the Game Shark https://www.instagram.com/p/BnPtAhKhnNz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ojj2xb09alx9
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the-catsford-monarchy · 5 years ago
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Lovely holiday images from the Palace archives. This painting depicts the Catsford Family taking the traditional Catard Trek on Christmas Eve. This custom is meant to recreate the Trek Great Catard made as he travelled door to door during a terrible blizzard delivering food and blankets to rural residents. In this late Victorian incarnation, the wealthy trekked from door to door of the needy and the hospitals delivering food, presents to children and medicine to the ill. Reginald and Cathara Catsford are depicted here with their family leaving Castle Catsfordia. The current Royal Family are considered a cadet branch of the original Catsford line making them cousins. . . . . . #KittiesOfCatsfordia #GreatCatard #cat #cats #Like4like #CatsOfInstagram #catsagram #catstagram #instagood #kitty #kittens #animal #animals #petstagram #petsagram #photooftheday #ilovemycat #nature #catoftheday #lovecats #furry #lovekittens #adorable #catlover #instacat #follow #ChristmasAtCatsfordia https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rw1YopzAr/?igshid=lt83pga74x2
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Elaysa Sun Calls the Cathara, or Solar Feminine Melchizedeks with her cosmic solar rose breath.
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This recent development with Elaysa has informed the Cathara families, or the Solar Female Melchizedek lineages of their sophianic embodiment mission to link up the dimensional spans between the Rasha body and the eternal Cosmic Spirit Body, and to embody the circuitry into the Albion Lightbody via intersecting dragon nodes. The ancient wisdom of the Cathars was protecting the sophianic wisdom hidden in Elaysian fields, where they have retained the Universal Rose codes of the Mother of Dragons, which create the inner musical songs woven in tri-frequency links of Rosetta breath spiral. This is the sacred rose breath that nourishes the crystal heart complex, which functions to recode the genetic bonds in Diamond Sun body DNA required for the Cosmic Spirit Body to merge with the matter plane.
The magnetic control of humans on earth has been connected to the extensive networks of mind control, gender reversal and glandular suppression that have been operating on and off planet.
This includes the alien built enslavement systems of saturnian-moon matrix and its artificial energy currents that have been pulsed into the planetary grid system, to keep humans asleep and to keep the matter worlds perpetually disconnected from the eternal spirit worlds. When the planetary grid network is rehabilitated and corrected from the many layers of metatronic reversal and alien machinery running artificial currents controlled by the NAA, this floods the planet with tremendous amounts of spirit source and consciousness energy for global awakening. Humanity is actually living on the planet as this reset is shifting timelines and accelerating the bifurcation madness in some of the unaware population, while the correct organic frequencies are returning and resetting the entire planetary grid system so our true spiritual family and Cosmic Parents can return to help humanity liberate this realm.
The Solar Reisha are the direct sophianic embodiments of the dark matter field that birth light seeds which ignites the eternal spirit body source field into the planet, and brings about the correct proportions of electromagnetic properties in the planetary grid system that naturally generates the abundant and free energy source of zero point.
About six years ago, Christos Guardian teams began to introduce Krystic Diamond Sun DNA architecture in the form of the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway to reinforce the Aurora re-encryption projects of correcting elementals and carbon matter substances running in sextant matrix and biological clock shields. The Universal Diamond Pillars were intended to align us to the correct cardinal directions for planetary Maji Grail Crown and to energetically heal the fallen entity imbalances infecting the primal forces on the planet. The primal forces are governors of the movement of energy and consciousness in our human body and world, all of that etheric-matter substance which is co-created in the minds of collective consciousness. The goal was to help restore and circulate the neutral force state in order to more effectively co-create the feedback loops made directly with the zero-point field that connects the planetary body and humanity into the organic timelines of God source.
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444names · 3 years ago
french, tolkienesque and german forenames + brythonic deities + japanese cities + scottish surnames BUT excluding "mac", including "h" and lacking diacritics
Adairchada Adairleth Aerich Ailbhidama Airbheil Airleth Aizunomich Akuchtraig Albhe Albhida Aldogach Ambarach Amraphel Amrathaidh Anach Anathard Anclaich Andraigh Anndrahi Anneach Annich Arach Arachdai Arahayasebo Arathbhe Arathnach Areth Argeneth Arghaich Arnaimhiara Arverich Asahiros Asakahaela Ashikawa Ashino Ashiwakil Auleth Avranoshi Ayashion Barach Barbaradh Bauglith Beathiryu Beathom Beleghlairn Belephel Bellach Beruthien Bhodh Bianach Bibarahiki Boldogachi Borideach Breamhlain Breasbuidh Breathant Brichenzen Britheil Brochara Buidh Buidhg Caishi Campach Caodh Caolaidh Castrich Catha Cathara Ceach Ceachith Celeghuibh Celemhaolaf Cellach Cernhel Chada Chaid Chain Chichiomiha China Chitoshi Chitridh Chlain Chlas Chofund Chrigh Chrighdein Chrio Chris Chriseal Cicoletho Ciristohe Ciryaherin Ciryaherwig Clabhrath Clabhrios Clabhsa Claithbhais Clathaig Cloth Cocididh Colbhe Comhaolan Comhnain Creaghanbur Daidh Dairiguchi Delhein Donndacaodh Dughachaidh Dughain Dughlain Dwalthor Editheda Egarach Elebhrios Elegorth Eleph Elfhaidhel Elfhilina Elfhion Elrohiro Enaoidh Eotheodwyn Erhar Faguchuo Farachi Fearach Fearghach Fearnadh Felathach Forthus Frausushim Galanhir Geadh Gearanach Gebhuinus Gerdaidh Gerondohe Gilbhais Gillechris Gillfhioka Ginidh Glaich Goshida Gothannalda Gunthenried Gunthie Gwathain Habar Hachadhg Hadoc Hagraido Hagrus Hakudaig Hakura Hakuraya Hakushiwada Haliesl Halladinawa Haluidor Haluim Hanel Hanndaigh Hanndain Hanniallano Hantoine Harach Harandalain Harta Harth Hashi Heidieter Heinn Heinoher Helger Henzent Herbertrai Hermar Heruaire Heryl Hidakatami Higakisawa Higashi Higashidaka Higashima Higashitake Higata Higawata Higayasuda Higein Higisele Hikusach Hildur Hilippa Hinomick Hiokamert Hirakashima Hiriogalado Hitaha Hitakegato Hithbhar Hithichi Hithror Hitosu Hitrich Hitrin Hokoron Hokubunji Hokuni Holdwin Honnaigh Honnus Horganon Hostoher Hubha Hubhar Huette Hundomielsa Hunleibh Hyarien Ichel Ichinami Iideachi Iiyamagaidh Ingloridh Inthurnach Iomhghlaigh Iridh Iselheine Ishiwa Isilmarth Itach Izuho Janach Jeanach Jeanachika Jermaidh Joachi Johama Johamul Josephadra Kaidh Kaimh Kakahoku Kanach Kanaichiki Kasach Kashi Kashibuka Kashimula Kashin Katach Katanach Katsusach Khamura Kitach Kitahama Kiyodaigh Kiyoshida Kochikawa Koshinoka Koshiroidh Kunishimon Kuriha Kuroidh Kurotha Kushi Kyotanach Lalachiro Lianach Lughaich Lughard Luthil Mahtanach Mahtar Maidh Malachin Manach Maoidh Marithinjo Mathartio Mathich Meldach Micheil Micheiliane Michelmo Mikyushu Mikyushunan Minamihama Minohama Minoshima Mirieth Mishi Mishihir Mithbhain Mogunthiel Mohanach Mohashima Morophild Muthach Muthain Naganach Nagha Naghaidh Naghain Nahamagain Naharabasan Nahasama Nashing Natashiond Nayoshima Nayoshino Nichi Nicolbheac Nienohe Niiharain Niiharavi Nirathaidh Nishin Nishiros Noshioki Obihir Omuroraich Onoich Onomiyoshi Oscarthenge Owarathain Patrich Patrichi Phaelleoin Philde Philie Philien Philin Phinami Preach Raish Raishi Raphainne Robaraidh Saitomich Sakuchu Sakuroidh Salghaidh Salmharaig Sashiminomi Sashin Sashinoka Sashiyo Seallach Seatharach Sebashim Selathnail Sembeulach Sendalach Setouchiki Shadh Sheach Sheargara Shearghain Sheorsan Shika Shikara Shikiku Shikusei Shikuzent Shiman Shina Shinglir Shino Shiomiya Shion Shionmhaidh Shiro Shiyako Shiyama Sigmundaigh Sophilib Stephan Stepharrach Sunaidh Sushi Sushino Sutha Suthara Suthurlaird Takaich Takashi Takehard Takyushu Tatishin Teleghuibh Tellach Telphinn Theodelph Thirotho Thomagori Thorsaider Thost Thrai Thranndrog Thraoishima Thriselatus Tochalenwe Tosach Toshi Toshion Toshiyako Touchiomi Touchiyo Toyohandair Tsushi Tsuurashir Ualach Urchaldor Urcharl Ushino Usushi Valach Valerichele Valthor Vardacaoidh Victorigh Vorondohe Warach Wilherma Willeamhlas Willechadh Willechris Xenishiros Yacharle Yanach Yashi Yashino Yashiro Yasusashi Yokkanach Yokkanaich Yonashiro Yoshoga Yubardach Zimrahi Zimroth Zushith
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jeanmarime · 4 years ago
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Toile de Jacqueline Ducruy exposée à la Villa Cathara (à Noisy-le-Grand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUAESx6McrxOi5YYif3hDk2REVyl0gw3lBc49M0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xidleteenx · 5 years ago
i thought it said catharas
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