#catfight gossip girl reboot wattpad
saintsir4n · 6 months
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13 notes · View notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
6. Parentsite
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
GREETINGS, followers. Gossip Girl here. Your one and only, period. There are obvious upsides to being the children of the world's most influential people. But the biggest? The luxury of choice. While the majority of the world has little to no say in what they can and cannot do. the elite get to choose whatever they want whenever they want it. Choice in where they live, what they eat, who they speak to Even choice in who they deign to spend their time with. But there's one thing not even they get a say in. No one gets to choose their parents. And as pour moi? Consider me the au pair you never knew you needed. You can come cry on my shoulder in secret any time. And you'll want to. Because no matter where you come from or who you are, family is anything but easy, and no one survives it alone.
"And sent," Winnie grimaced at what she emailed to a certain police department.
"It's done?" she heard Ginny say from her phone.
"It's done," Winnie reassured as she walked down the sidewalk of the Upper East Side, Caesar was 5 feet away from her. Her parents told her to get out of the house before Roger and Jodie Menzies arrived. Whatever their meeting was about she wasn't allowed to be around and so she left. "One step closer to that perv to be dragged into a 4 by 4."
Ginny squealed loud enough for Winnie to adjust her airpods, "Can't wait. But I have a question. You send that video to GG, would she upload it?"
"I mean she's all about exposing our true selves, why not post about a perv?" but that did get Winnie thinking. She glanced at the video in her files, finger hovering over the share icon before she saw the time. "Gin, I gotta go, a Birkin is waiting for me to pick it up so I'll tell you what happens later."
She hung up after Ginny said goodbye and kept walking.
"Miss Dubois," Caesar called out, halting her in her stride.
She swivelled on her feet, glancing up to see his lips twitch as if he wanted to say more.
His shielded eyes darted around, noting there was no threat and so he started, "Not to speak out of turn, I am here to serve and protect you. Therefore, it's in my job description to say, that apprehending the video you speak about is not in your best interest. What it details is immoral of course, which is why you should not have it. It's child p –"
"Relax, I'll delete it," She snapped, slightly taken aback as she had never heard him speak this much.
"You've sent it off already. Just be mindful of what ensues," his deep voice warned, "Hermès is this way."
He practically gestured for her to start walking and when she did, she cursed herself. "Fuck.
Winnie lay in her bed, trying to keep her composure still overwhelmed by what she discovered about her parents, but she wasn't scared of them, she was terrified, though she would never admit that. Crying in Monet's arms was the worst in her opinion. Winnie opened up, and let the whirlpool of emotions spill onto Monet. She was vulnerable far more than she ever had been and she didn't know what to do.
Monet had invited her over to her house 5 times since then.
Camile De Haan reminded Winnie of her mother, yet her marriage to Grayson seemed warmer, unlike Margaux and Luc's. They welcomed the Dubois Heiress despite her public socio-political views because old money was old money.
"Do you want take out?" Monet questioned, pausing the old Hollywood movie they were watching. Some Like It Hot and they just loved watching Marilynn.
Winnie lay across her body, head on Monet's chest as nails trailed her scalp. It was relaxing, very relaxing and sort of sweet.
Winnie mumbled against her, "Can you cook?"
A smirk tugged at Monet's lips, no, she rarely cooked, she had chefs for that, "So is that a yes?"
"Japanese or Chinese?"
"The former."
"Say please."
Winnie reluctantly grumbled, "Please."
Monet grinned and practically squealed, earning a small smile.
"Are you sure you don't want to be around your old friends?" Winnie suddenly asked. They were supposed to be at school reading out extracts in AP literature.
Monet scoffed, "I only liked Luna and Julian, you know that." she paused after receiving a stiff nod, "And they're all flocking to Audrey, catering to her every whim because of what happened to her mom."
Kiki Hope was in the hospital and that's where her daughter remained, occasionally dancing between there and school. Winnie was momentarily envious of Audrey, her mother was ill and Margaux wasn't.
"Right," Winnie breathed out.
"Besides, I've been banished. GG posted about you and I," Monet wasn't resentful of it.
Winnie disagreed, "Barely, but your ties to Bianca and Pippa were the source for your banishment." her phone went off with a text from her mom, and Monet noticed her tense. "The parentals are finally catching on to PSATs, I passed and yet it's a problem."
"I got higher than you, jealous?" Monet teased getting more B's than C's this time.
Winnie huffed out a chuckle, "Not as jealous you'll be when you hear that Calvin Klein wants me to their #bereal campaign after Doja Cat got cancelled because her chat room streams."
Monet gasped, "Wait, are you serious? Not about Doja, well know she's trolling."
Winnie mused, "The founder and current CEO says that my realism and unfliterdness suit their brand. #americaisbetterthanfrance, Margaux will be pissed for sure."
"Do it, to hell with mothers," Monet encouraged.
Winnie finally smiled and agreed.
"You will not be doing that campaign; it ruins our company's brand," Margaux ranted the next day as Winnie readied herself for school.
The Dubois matriarch discovered the proposition made to her daughter by one of her PR workers and to say she was livid would be an understatement.
"Because it's French? My French fans love Calvin Klein." Winnie trailed after her mother, knowing full well it wouldn't damage Velocity's image, it would only better hers and yet somehow it was an issue.
It was always an issue.
Ever since she found out the truth that her parents covered up the deaths of over 200 people 2 decades prior they've been coming down hard on her, despite not knowing. The cameras were off that night, and Winnie made sure they were.
Margaux dismissed her, "I couldn't care less about what they do or do not like, your grades are abysmal."
"I passed my PSATs," Winnie tried to not let her shoulders slump in the presence of her mom.
Her father wasn't around, and having more meetings with the Van Der Bilts and other politicians was where his attention was nowadays.
"You barely scraped by, don't be delusional, I spoke to your teachers," Margaux hissed, now turning to face her confused daughter.
Margaux folded her arms, "After I heard you using your father and me as an excuse to talk to your concubine during classes."
Winnie's jaw clenched, "It was one time."
Monet took a step forward, "Several, so do not lie to me. Now, when you go to school, a friend of mine is dropping by to have lunch."
"Who is this friend exactly?" Winnie let out a breath when her mother's attention was called elsewhere.
The front door was pulled open by two servants and walked in Helena Bergmann. And like the former model she was, she sauntered passed, legs long in stride and balanced like Naomi.
"Lena," Margaux met her in the middle of the foyer and kissed her cheeks.
"Margs," Helena smiled at her old friend, letting her German accent slip, Then saw the studious teenager eying the pair, "Winifred, haven't you grown even more enchanting, like your mother."
Both Dubois' were deeply dissatisfied by that comparison, but the youngest allowed Helena to kiss her cheek.
"Thank you, Miss Bergmann."
"Oh please, call me Helena, you and Otto have been friends since... What do Americans call it? Kindergarten, ah the word they stole from the Germans."
"Oh I'm sure the Germans made sure they had no choice but to use it," Winnie retorted, ignoring the insinuation that she and Obie were ever friendly.
"Yes, I'm sure too," Helena nodded, then took her agitated friend's hand, "Blowouts first, then I've booked a table at Tiffany's."
"I heard you did that and I made sure to book out the entire room so we won't be bothered," Margaux's smile wavered the moment she locked eyes with her daughter,  "Winifred shouldn't you be on your way? You were absent yesterday, I would hate to get another call about your misdeeds whilst I'm enjoying myself."
Winifred was handed her school bag and phone by Caesar who guided her to the door, "Bye Mom, and have fun, Helena."
"You were right," Winnie slammed Ginny's locker shut after she came over.
"Excuse me?" the blonde put away her lipstick and blinked slowly,  "say that again, I must've misheard you."
"GG hasn't posted about creepy Caparros," Winnie explained, then was confused at the lack of response, "Gin."
"What I'm talking about is the fact I was right and you admitted it," Ginny said smugly.
"Oh fuck off."
"But that's not all," Ginny paused and leaned closer after seeing Miss Keller walk passed "Apparently Mr Caparros was fucking more seniors," she caught her friend's eyes widening, "GG's not posting this and I've sent multiple tips." Both teens appeared confused by the anonymous accounts' silence on the matter, "And please tell me you've deleted that video from your phone. It may be as protected as the military's but that doesn't mean anything."
"I've deleted it, Caesar had to be on the one to remind me what it truly is," Winnie rushed out, holding up her phone and adjusting her necklace.
"Aww my favorite baldy."
"Don't let Wholian hear you say that."
Ginny just laughed in response, but her amusement phased quickly when Max strolled past, purposefully avoiding eye contact with not just her but Mr Caparros who stood at the end of the corridor.
But soon the Wolfe teen stopped when Winnie called out his name, grinning when she gestured for him to turn around.
Several police officers briskly walked through the school, alerting many students, some looked guilty others anxious about why they were there, to begin with.
Zoya, Obie and Julian got up from their seats in the courtyard to see. Audrey – who was on the phone to the hospital - ended the call and nudged Aki to look. Monet just came out of a classroom after hearing the commotion and Luna finally looked up from Instagram to stare in anticipation.
The police officers were accompanied by headmistress Burton who tentatively pointed to Mr Caparros whose face fell instantly.
The other members of staff were anxious, mainly Miss Keller but everyone's eyes doubled in size when they saw one of their own get arrested.
"Rafa Caparros you're being charged with several counts of engaging in sexual conduct with minors, distributing sexual images to students and possessing child pornography," gasps and looks of horror were shared across the school after hearing such things. More took out their phones. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time."
Rafa knew not to say anything and compiled. Seeing the mirthful glint in Winnie's eyes made him gulp.
Ginny looked at Max as Rafa was taken away. She saw him turn away, looking a mixture of disheartened and disorientated.
Max knew from the amusement on the Dubois heiress face, she was at fault.
But all her glumness faded when Caesar whispered in her ear and uttered four dreadful words,
"Your parents are here."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: one teacher learning the hard way to not mix business with pleasure, and one student being reminded not to fly too close to the sun or you'll get worse than you're wings melting off, because, who better to humble you than the two people who brought you into this world.
She found her mother and father in the headmistress's office, yet no headmistress Burton in sight, no doubt doing damage control for the mess, because when she walked through the halls everyone was hysterical. Ginny chased after Max who kept on insisting that he wanted to be alone, meanwhile, all the other victims didn't know what to do with themselves.
Margaux looked her normal level of disgust, stood around, shawl concealing the top half of her blazer and as she placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. Luc wasn't pleased, more jaded than ever as he sat on the headmistress's desk.
So when the door shut behind them, Winnie awaited their reprimanding because they had only been on Constance St Jude's campus 5 times.
When Margaux opened her mouth, Winnie sighed, "I was enjoying an exquisite white truffle with my friend Helena when I received a call from one of my friends down in the New York police department."
"You can just say NYPD," her daughter murmured.
"And I'm not finished," she snapped, squeezing her husband's shoulder, who shifted, "Your father was in a meeting with the current mayor of New York and yet we have to be the last to know that you have been soliciting pornography."
Winnie clenched her hands, "It was a student and a teacher, one that I made sure would get locked up."
"I never knew you were into social justice Winnie," Luc uttered for the first time, drawing a groan from his daughter.
"Me either Luc, must have slipped your personality," Margaux mocked, folding her arms.
Winnie's eyes narrowed and felt her heart pound so loud she could hear it in her ears, "You don't know me, you're barely around other than to lecture and put me down," her gaze moved from her enraged mother then onto her exhausted father, "or flat out ignore me. This benefits you two. Dad, the campaign that you're clearly doing to get every politician in your favour, going out to dinners with the Menzies so whatever is published is in our favour. You can use this to your advantage and yet you're reprimanding me.''
Margaux and Luc both exchanged a look, the former then turned back to Winnie, "We'll take your devices, preventing you from sending tips from that factous twitter page."
"You're out of your mind," Winnie snarled, so angry she wasn't shocked that her mother knew about GossipGirl.
Luc pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's either that or therapy."
"For what? I'm fine. Just as stable as the pair of you," Winnie sneered.
They both took deep offence at that.
"And therapy is funding capitalism – not that I'm against that –  through mindless thoughts and repressed trauma, buy me a damn diary or I'll cry into my cotton pillow like the rest of the normals. I don't need therapy."
Luc averted his gaze, truly dumbfounded by his daughter's response, but that only drew Margaux to say.
"You need it more than you know, you'll go to the sessions we pay pay for, and Caesar will escort you to The Ostroff centre every week," Margaux stepped forward.
"That nut house is not a place for me," emotions flooded Winnie's eyes and clung to her voice.
"You'll go, because you have a problem that needs to be sorted, corrected, pornography and that of a student at this school, really Winifred?" Margaux drawled, embarrassed by her actions.
"Mr Caparros was a paedophile and I'm the one who needs to be punished," Winnie let out a shuddered breath as her voice broke.
Luc shook his head, "You'll be lucky that the NYPD's chief didn't receive that email."
"So you spent money paying off another corporation?" Winnie spat.
They both stiffened at the terminology, and shortly Winnie regretted her retort.
A glare made its way onto Margaux's face, recovering from her shock.
"I'm disappointed in you."
Disappointed... a word Winnie heard frequently, a word she rarely fought against, but today she had enough.
Winnie shakily neared her mother and snarled, "Disappointed in me? You cannot be disappointed in me. For the worst portion of my life, you've raised me. I'm you. From the fried strands of hair to the soulless voice, all meticulously concealed with a nice accessory." Luc stood up as he heard the shuddered breath his wife let out. "You must despise yourself. It must keep you up at night. Good, I hope it does... so take your disappointment and shove it up your straight-laced ass."
Winnie's chest panted as she spat out a series of insults, her mom blinked rapidly eyes turning cold and mouth opening and shutting but nothing came out.
She looked physically pained by the words and that only spurred Winnie on more.
"This is who I am. You made me, I can't change even if I want to. So coming to me, realizing what you've done, but now it's too late. I'm your heir, the future of this company, and this thing we call a family and if you don't like it then that's on you. Don't blame me for the mistakes you've made."
Winnie didn't spend a second more in that room, she broke from her mother's sickening gaze and threw open the door, ignoring Caesar along with the other Dubois security who were waiting behind and staggered past.
The students were still far too engrossed in the drama to see the Dubois heir in such disarray.
Winnie could hardly breathe, therapy is my fucking punishment? She loathed them.
A body bumping into hers had her jolting back.
Miss Keller stammered out, "Are you okay?"
The tears in Winnie's eyes came as a shock before they were harshly torn from her iris with a quick wipe.
"Why wouldn't I be okay? Shouldn't you be focusing on scrubbing your laptops, checking your camera rolls, staying away from us students just in case we arouse you?" a bitter laugh escaped her as she spoke, "But of course that would be our fault if something were to happen."
"What Mr Caparros has done –"
"You and your little brigand probably knew," Winnie quickly cut her off and towered over her, "God you're all useless."
"You cannot speak about us that way," Mr Keller shrieked.
"And you're pathetically small," Winnie looked her up and down in disdain.
"You cannot speak to me that way!"
"Why can't I?" Winnie snorted, "You offended? I'm not apologizing for offending you, you should've walked away when you had the chance."
And with that she strutted off, rendering the startled teacher to clutch her chest as she desperately looked around hoping someone saw the interaction but no one did other than the security guards, who acted like they saw nothing.
Margaux and Luc arrived at their estate several minutes after their daughter, They had to be notified by Caesar about Winnie's outrage and how she had wrecked her room so badly that Abaddon had to be removed and placed with the other dogs that they owned.
So when they reached their foyer, they heard screaming and shouting from above.
Luc exhaled deeply after dropping his wife's arm, knowing now more than ever that Winnie needed therapy, sure using it as a punishment was ruthless but it was necessary.
"Our daughter is a monster," he said, turning to Margaux whose face contorted into forced satisfaction.
"And that's why she's the perfect heir to our company."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
There comes a moment in every parent's life when they realize they've created something they can't control. Children will test your patience, love and hatred. Parents are human, but you and my followers are something else. I've noticed there's something cruel in all of you. Something sinister and whether it was nurtured or born it's thriving and it's my job to bring you back, make you grow into better people or Generation Z will have to say arrivederci, because you cheat, manipulate, lie, and evade. But most of all, you do not learn. Why would you when your parents are the ones that taught you to do so? But don't worry, you'll pay for it later. XOXO, Gossip Girl.
not me realising that i haven't written winnie eat anything since the first chapter, not intentionally, i promise.
i was tired of teachers in shows who have "relations" with students not being arrested. there are so many cases of this happening and them being let off completely: the original gossip girl, gossip girl reboot, pll, riverdale, scream and more. winnie helped by an end to rafa's rotten reign, but of course, her parents reprimanded her. it wasn't because of what she did, it's how she did it is where the problem for them lies. so now it's off to therapy with winnie, she needs it but the way margaux framed it was like a punishment which is plain spiteful, especially how she worded it as well.
i had to add another cute moment for monifred because i feel like it's time we had it.
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2 notes · View notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
1. Just another girl on the mta
'PERHAPS killing them all will be the solution, it's not like anyone would remember them if they died,' Winnie typed, eyes narrowing at her screen as her fingers hammered down, attempting to block the daily breakfast lecture from her mother. "Are you done?"
Margaux snarled, "Do not interrupt me."
"I was only going to say you're running late," she motioned to the door where her father stood sandwiched between his security guards, impatiently tapping his watch as if that made any difference. "I mean...what example would that set?"
Margaux and Luc each exchanged a silent look before the former rose from her chair, flattening out her pencil skirt and plucking up her bag.
"I expect you to be home after tennis practice, not galavanting through the streets like a commoner," Margaux stared at her daughter, who used her fingers to tear a croissant in half. "A $150 on a manicure and you're using your hands to eat?" Winnie snorted and made a bigger mess. "Winifred!"
"You're running late," she replied in a bored tone, eyes dragging up to see her unimpressed father, "You should go, text me the rest of your daily speech. Actually don't bother, I have it memorized. 'Be better, don't dither, never show weakness, don't bake in the sun or you'll look like a super negro.' Is that all?" She glanced at her mother, only to see her lips pursing together. "All the main talking points right?"
Margaux remained quiet, although her ire was apparent.
As she neared her husband, she didn't bother to turn back, only to leave the room, without some much as a goodbye.
The door slammed shut, only adding to the coldness wafting through the home.
Luc shot his daughter a knowing look, one she didn't care for.
"Be safe."
And that was the last thing Winifred heard before she too left the large spread on the table, only having a small portion, to meet her daily requirements.
She rose from her seat, patted out her pleated skirt, adjusted her venom-like necklace that threatened to crawl over her cropped sweatshirt and grabbed her phone.
Her security guard Caesar collected her things and followed her out of the room, murmuring a few words to the staff as they exited the vast estate and headed towards the car.
Winifred's phone rang as she hopped in the back, "What?"
"The Castaways are at the front and you've left me stranded," a voice whined. "Seeing them attempt to take pictures is making my eyes water and my shades are only doing enough to conceal that. Hurry up."
"Ginny, I just left," Winifred then instructed her driver to go after as soon as Caesar joined her. "Take pictures of those fake woke twats while you're at it. Our fans do love a good persecution."
"Likewise, now hurry." Her friend demanded, but when she didn't receive a response she sighed, "Please!"
"Oh quit whining, you sound so... low class. I'll see you in 10," Winifred hung up before she heard a rebuttal. Caesar handed over her signature dark Louis V shades. "Was I too harsh?" She asked, with her soulless voice.
"No, Miss Dubois," Caesar replied, staring ahead.
A faux smile graced her face, before she stared out the window, seeing the New York sites, the same sites that often rendered her bored and uninspired.
Pulling up to school made no difference to her already tedious mood. Once the door floor opened, she got out, took her bag and nodded at her security guard who posted at the bottom of the lengthy stairs. Caesar was a gift from her father. He was large in stature, intimidating with vacant eyes and a bald head. All he knew were black suits, sunglasses and how to comply with his employers.
He reminded her of her dad, but only more pale and submissive.
"Finally," She turned to see her blonde friend, who sauntered over, coffee in hand and a live stream on show, which meant Winifred's smile had to be in full effect, "My partner in crime is here, thanks for leaving me hanging," the pair waved to the screen, watching the comments flood through. Crowds of students either waved as they walked passed or murmured their distaste for them. "Post covid and masks off."
A laugh threatened to break passed Winifred's lips because she knew her blonde and occasionally whatless friend never wore a mask, not once, unless it was made out of diamonds.
"We're back, prepare for one hell of a year," Winifred beamed at the screen as they reached their final step and made it to the courtyard where the snakes gathered near, "Goodbye our swirls."
"And remember just because we're friends and have riches and fortune, does not mean we're not discriminated against. Black and white makes a swirl, but —"
"— Our union makes bigots hurl," Winifred finished their tagline before the live stream ended.
The pair snickered to themselves before Ginny readjusted her navy shades that so effortlessly matched her blazer and boots to match. The blonde's style went with her close confidants' black and purple. They never clashed.
Their smiles found the scowls of those who opposed them, they gathered in their group of seven all either glaring or staring with indifference.
But Winnie and Ginny lowered their glasses to eye them, scanning their outfits head-to-toe before glancing at each other as harsh laughter escaped them.
The blonde tugged Winnie's arm, "Let's go, their poor attempt at a fashion show is burning a hole through my phone and I can't miss performative history."
"Then show me!" Winnie insisted, pushing past a small woman whom she recognised as their teacher, "Watch it!" She shook her head at Miss Keller, whose mouth hung open, "It's rude to stare."
"It's like she hasn't seen an interracial friendship before," Ginny commented, voice getting louder with each word as they strutted the halls.
"For shame!" Winnie exclaimed, gaining more attention from the study body who turned to the teacher in question, "For shame!" She snapped her head towards Ginny, "I need to wash my bag, I would hate for whatever run-of-the-mill stench she has to taint it."
Ginny wordlessly nodded in disgust.
"Have you heard?" Ginny had the biggest shit-eating grin on her face as she neared their notorious courtyard table.
Winnie didn't look up from her phone, "What?"
"WhoLian has a long-lost sister. Apparently, she crawled out from Buffalo or Baboon and landed here. Yay," the blonde showed off Julian's Instagram account from her finsta account.
Winnie finally glanced up to see the sister duo. She noticed the similarities or lack thereof. Dark curls flowed down her back where Julian had none. The girl in question couldn't have been older than 15, her wide eyes showed an innocence which Julian lost years ago.
"Interesting," She spoke up, as Ginny sat down opposite her, laughing, "Long lost sister, God I would hate one."
"It sounds cute," the blonde shrugged, pulling out a mirror to check her makeup.
"You'd have to split your inheritance," Winnie pointed out, picking up her phone and typing away.
Ginny gagged at the thought, "Never mind."
The pair noticed a couple more students wearing sunglasses around just resting at the top of their noses similar to them throughout the day.
Some would say they were more influential than others, which was why they continued to be pondered by various brands.
"Look," Winnie held up Zoya's Instagram account @alottazee "Cute tag, she doesn't want to get noticed." Her ring-clad fingers scrolled through her page for her friend to see. "How 2016. That'll change." she paused, landing on the most recent post she took with Julian which was now filled with thousands of comments. "How long before she gets ruined?"
Ginny reapplied her lipstick, "A month tops."
"Please, a day is all it takes," Winnie tutted, "Manhattan is vicious, but playing with us, is like a civil war that never ends."
"I love it when you talk dirty," Ginny gushed, then recieved a playful glare.
"Speaking of dirty, how's Max?"
"He's not dirty," Ginny pouted.
"Just not clean right?" Winnie snarkily replied,  "He asked for you in homeroom," she almost cackled at the look on the blonde's face, "Sickening I know. He needs to keep that type of PDA to a minimum."
Ginny groaned, "He should've just texted me."
"Would you have responded?"
"Not until the end of the day," Ginny then asked, "What about you?"
"What about me?" Winnie typed away at her phone, making plans and adding to her already packed calendar, feeling eyes on her, "What, only I'm allowed to stare not you, spit it out."
"I know you're getting your panties in a twist. You're cranky when someone is swimming between your thighs."
"Suppose I am," Winnie said, cracking a smile, "But don't worry about that. I've got a plan."
"You always do. Now, tomorrow I want to think we should sit on the MET steps," Ginny proposed, much to her friend's surprise.
They always sat in the middle of the courtyard, where everyone could see them and they could see everyone else. Remaining close but out of reach was their goal and they succeeded every day. Their followers on all of their socials, but joint and separate accounts knew that about them.
An inanimate object is worthless until it takes the right people to make it priceless and that was their table.  
"For torture?" Winnie guessed her friend's train of thought.
Ginny wore her signature grin, "And our pleasure."
"Isn't that always the way?"
"The best way, so let's intimidate Wholian's crew all while I eye fuck Max and you get high off your ego," a Versace platform mule collided with Ginny's leg, "Ow, you bitch," the blonde huffed, "You know I'm right."
Winifred let out a deep groan when she swung her racket. 1 p.m Mondays to Thursdays: Tennis practice. No, she wasn't a prodigy nor did she want to go pro, she needed a release, like Ginny said but a non-sexual one. Sure she hooked up with people but during the day she wanted to focus on other things. Her rage simmered between classes and a harsh hit of a small yellow ball allowed her to let it all out.
So she stood their face as hard as a rock and straightened her hair brushed up in a tight bun, to prevent her natural kinks from forming. Mom would hate that. Caesar stood off to the side, leaning against the wired fence of the court. 
"Again," Winnie demanded of her sweaty opponent who lost for the second time. "Hurry up."
But just as the ball boy rushed the court, her opposition grabbed her things and left, not wanting to be subjected to such embarrassment.
"Pathetic," Winnie mumbled, eying the player in distaste.
"Should I find another player for you, Miss Dubois?" The ball boy squeaked when her dangerous eyes fell on him.
He wanted to disappear at that moment.
"No, my parents built this court for the school so I could play against the wind," sarcasm laced her tone, "Find me someone else." Her racket flung from her hand as he fled the court, leaving her to grab a towel and wipe her face.
Other students rarely wanted to play against her, in fear of her temper. She, Of course never understood why they believed she had a temper. She didn't have one if she had anything to say and when she did she pulled the race card and dangled it in their faces until they appeared on the court with the little hope they had of beating her before she hit it out of them.
A small student walking past the cages caught her attention, a rather familiar face, curly hair and an expression too enthusiastic in her opinion. Zoya Lott: Julian's half-sister.
When she felt eyes on her she turned, seeing the older teen whose smile went wide and her hand waved along with the gentle breeze.
Zoya had no choice but to wave back as she walked even shooting her an awkward smile.
But she missed the darkened gaze of Winnie and that was her first mistake.
Winnie didn't show up to Dumbo Hall after school, not because her parents told her to stay at home because of some business meeting they were in, she preferred her bedroom over socialising most days.
So Ginny went to scope out the scene for her.
Winnie just made her way out of her ensuite, into her bedroom, to be greeted by her Tibetan mastiff, she tentatively combed her hands through his brown fur, making him pant and whine.
"Mommy's busy Abaddon, go play," she bopped her head over to his space in her room. He had a whole 8-foot wide section to entertain himself. A frown appeared on his face to which she blinked rapidly, "I have to neglect you for now until you cause trouble because that's what mothers do."
She hopped onto her satin sheets whilst he begrudgingly went away.
She spent the last hour waiting for updates from Ginny, all whilst stalking Zoya Lott, trying to find out intricate details about her past.
(WinnerD: @gossipgirl tagged you in a post.)
"The fuck?" she scrunched up her face when she tapped on it.
Hello, followers. Gossip Girl here, your one and only source for the truth behind the scandalous lives of New York's elite. Been a minute. Did you miss me? I know I've missed you. Though you're probably going to wish I stayed away when I'm done because I can see you. Not the you you've oh-so-carefully curated, the real you. The one hiding just outside the edge of frame. Well, it's time to reframe that picture. You've gotten away with everything a little too long. Now that I'm back, I'm gonna feature your finstas, surface those subtweets, and crack your caches. You can't hide from me. Never could. And to prove it, there's a big secret amongst the ruling class at Constance Billard. And as you will soon come to know, no good secret goes unpublished. Watch this space. Or don't. You'll hear about it soon enough either way. Till then, xoxo gossip girl.
Winnie murmured a quick, "Interesting," just as her phone started ringing, she quickly answered, "I've just seen the post. How old."
Ginny's face scrunched, "Odd?"
"No old. Why not use Twitter for some gossip blog? Insta's a little outdated don't you think? Not for us of course, but the anonymous warrior might as well use myspace and sing a song."
"I'll admit, I followed them."
"Why?" Winnie thought she was so idiotic at times.
"Seems funny."
"Are you drunk? I want you to remain sober," she hissed down the line.
"I will."
"And stay away from community dick, he's riddled with infections and I don't need your mouth to be full when I'm trying to stay in touch.."
"Oh please the only brain I give is information, he does the work, so stop being bossy, it's getting old." Ginny retorted, winking at the boy in question who stood talking to his little group of friends.
"Keep your phone on. I want to know more about this Gossip bitch," Winnie snapped,  "if they claim to expose secrets and lies. I want to be the first to know."
"We will."
Winnie rolled her eyes, "Bye."
After hanging up she questioned her friendship with Ginny. Yes, they were mutually using the other but even if she liked the blonde's companionship, she knew it would only last until high school was over.
"To block or not to block," her fingers ran over the block icon of the gossip blog before something else came to mind.
She needed another opinion, someone she had somewhat mutual respect for.
Are you blocking gossipgirl?
From: Luna
If I were your friend I would say yes.
But as an enemy... let's see how it
plays out.
Winnie simply smiled, it wasn't genuine or happy, it was just a mask. Her followers were tagging her in posts, asking whether to indulge in the new fantastic that was now the talk of the city, but she waited until the time was right to respond.
(@slitherWin tweeted.)
A geriatric who uses an Instagram account to blog about teenagers is simply criminal. But that's just my humble opinion. Real bitches use Twitter fingers when at war, not using Shakespearean rhetoric to resurrect an archaic method of mayhem. Do better or do nothing at all.
Winnie chuckled to herself, before calling over Abaddon and giving him some limited attention.
"Let's get some sleep," she ruffled his fur, "I'm the main agent of chaos in this city. There can't be two."
The next day Winnie woke up to the usual amount of notifications. A couple of thousand was the norm, especially when she collectively had 20 million followers across her platforms. It seemed that gossipgirl heeded her advice and joined Twitter. Big mistake. Twitter was her playground, to which she had been kicked off a few times before her parents threatened to sue the founders.
Sure you could send DM's on Twitter, pictures of such, but they played their hand by listening to a 17-year-old girl, which posed the question. Was this anonymous blogger their age or not?
Now sitting in computer science she was on autopilot, listening in when she had to and ensuring that the boy next to her was taking notes. She used her witt and thick eyelash extensions to get ahead, but her Disney-like features were the biggest contender. His fingers were working overtime as he wrote whatever Mr Glassberg said.
Her shades were off, but AirPods stayed in.
Yawn, she rolled her eyes at his dull voice, it was almost as bland as Aki and Audrey's chemistry.
She heard there was a new potential couple on the rise, Zoya and Obie. Yuck, but Winnie assumed he had gotten bored of Julian, but the latest gossipgirl tweets had her wondering, when was she going to find her match.
From: M
Call me.
Her phone vibrated obnoxiously loud and against her better judgement she picked up.
"Why do you mean no?" the de haan teen exclaimed, extremely frustrated by her lack of compliance.
"Why are you calling, it's daytime," Winnie replied with indifference, uncaring if it distracted the classroom.
"Have you not seen what you've done? It's goodbye Instagram and hello Twitter fingers. You potentially made this thing more dangerous."
"I'm aware of my influence," Winnie replied, now getting the attention of her teacher.
Mr Glassberg cleared his throat, "Are we interrupting you, Miss Dubois?"
She cocked her head to the side, "Yes, but I suppose I could always go to the library that my father had built to study?"
Her teacher had no rebuttal and went back to his meek ways.
"Now I'm in trouble, so that means you are too," Winnie said a little quieter.
"Oh, how fun."
"It's not," she shut off her phone and falsely smiled at the boy next to her.
"Why the hell would I go to some fashion show that I'm not walking in? No, the better question is, why would you?" Winnie questioned, sitting against her headboard whilst her friend played with Abaddon who was cautious about the attention he received.
The heiress messed around with some Photoshops, ignoring the dozens of notifications popping up on her screen.
Ginny cast her a glare, "I'm not going so drop the tone. Be nice for once, I have a migraine, do you want our followers to know we're fighting? Better yet, do you want gossipgirl?"
"She hasn't tweeted at me yet," Winnie didn't know whether to take that as a triumph or defeat.
"She will. And when she does the gloves are off. The fashion show might be the focus of the night but with us not in attendance means we have power."
"We need to keep it that way."
"We will," Ginny exclaimed, settling down the floor, beaming up the furry friend who was gradually warming to her.
Winnie rolled her eyes, knowing that Abaddon would expect this type of attention now and she couldn't have that, well not for too long.
"Can I remind you that cunts like Pippa Sykes and Bianca Breer also won't be attending the show?"
Ginny scowled at their names, "When did you care about those two? They're below us. Hell, they're even below Calloway."
"I like to know what people are doing," Winnie explained, picking up her phone, "and what Calloway is doing is walking in a show that will barely get enough buzz. Plus the girl wouldn't know how to walk if Yasmeen Ghauri kicked her up the ass." 
"So you know how to walk?" Ginny dared to ask the question, but was ignored, "Hello?"
"I heard your senseless question. Of course, I know how to fucking walk!"
Ginny didn't bat an eye at her outburst, "Maybe you should've stolen her moment then."
"Too easy. I want a challenge. Plant seeds. A D-list fashion show won't do that." Winnie finally locked eyes with her for the first time since she arrived, "Now come here."
Ginny folded her arms in defiance, "Say please."
Relecuntantly the blonde rose from the soft bedroom floor and made her way over to the spoilt Dubois heiress who plastered on a smile and instantly mirrored her expression before Winnie's phone captured their faux joy with a flash.
"Again," Winnie demanded until 10 pictures later and a soft airbrush they were ready to post.
(@WinnerD posted)
tagged: @g.wells
liked by @g.wells, @maxtheewolfe and 80,345 others
Salacious swirls over fashion girls!! 🤍🤍
comments are turned off
Not even a minute went by before their phones lit up with a knowing Twitter notification.
Ginny squealed.
"Mmmm and there it is," Winnie smirked.
(@gossipgirl just tweeted)
Spotted or do my eyes deceive me? Dubois Heiress Winnie and her trusted sidekick Ginny were not in attendance at the Jeremy O'Harris fashion show, why could that be? Scared to be upstaged by JC or do they simply not care? I thought they were at war but clearly, the sibling rivalry is more firey than we all thought. Stealing the light may be not something Z intended to do, but she's unaware of her sister's Callo ways. Is this new IT girl gonna last or will she be thrown to the sinning lions that are feening for pure blood? We will just have to wait and see, until then followers, let the chaos commence, xoxo gossipgirl.
Safe to say the vibe at Constance St Judes was changing, when Winnie and Ginny walked up the stairs, they snapped their concealed gazes to the opposition hanging by the balcony with a variation of stares.
They then walked passed unaware that their rivals shot the same looks at Zoya who awkwardly walked into the school.
The duo made their way up the first flight of stairs, Ginny made sure to state her opinion about elevators and why the school so separately needed one, but it fell on deaf ears. Winnie was doing her usual, typing away on her phone.
"Are you ever gonna tell me who you're always texting, I know all the gays and the theys at this school so just say."
"No," Winnie waved her off, "You have statistics in 5, you should go."
"I'm not a dog."
Winnie hummed and went on her way, scoping out the rooms that were empty and successfully finding one that surprisingly didn't make her want to throw up her breakfast.
Minutes went by after she sent a final text to the one she desired at that moment. She hated waiting, it showed weakness and disrespect. So she gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, but just as her nails were about to slice into her skin, the door inched open, revealing an alluring face.
Monet rose a brow at her viscous glare as she shut the door and neared the table she was sitting on.
"I thought you said I was in trouble. You've ghosted me all of yesterday. Radio silence after the fashion show, colour shocked me," she gasped dramatically and settled her manicured hands on Winnie's bare legs.
Winnie snorted, "My my, you sound needy."
"Not needy, intrigued. You'd rather spend time with your blonde beard than with me."
Winnie rolled her eyes at her obvious jealousy, "So so needy."
"Take that back," all amusement escaped Monet's tone.
"Shan't, because now it's my turn to be in charge, you're in trouble didn't you know," Winnie snaked her arms around Monet's neck and tugged her closer, "I was waiting 20 minutes for you, I could've tripped and gotten sepsis from the dust floating around so stop complaining."
"Make it quick, I can't miss English lit."
"Why, when I can just perform an original sonnet with my tongue that will put all the poets to shame?"
A giggle escaped Monet when Winnie's lips trailed against her neck and hands caressed her body.
Besides, why have English when they can study biology?
winnie is a bitch. she's awful and i wanted her to be that way because that's how the rich students of gossip girl should be. rude and entitled, not preaching to us about social inequalities and stuff that some relate to but it didn't need to be yelled at us. throughout the reboot, i felt like i was being talked down to when that shouldn't be the case. i understand that social media plays a big role in most shows nowadays but i do think there are ways to combat that. so gossipgirl will be ruthless because winnie will enable her to be that way. winnie and ginny are friends for fame but you'll see more of their dynamic.
you can call this a love story if you like. the more you see winnie the more you'll understand her. she isn't going to change she'll just be fleshed out. characters like luna and monet should've gotten that chance. also, you'll see winnie interact with more of the main cast.
i'm gonna make up so many random classes just because they sound snobby btw. but overall what did you think of the first chapter?
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saintsir4n · 6 months
❝ Oh please, I love labels, rich, poor, broke... ❞
❝ Say that any louder and you could get cancelled. ❞
❝ They've tried before, and I'll give it to these broke bitches sitting behind their screens typing away critiquing me for my every whim. It's cute, but they should know one thing, I do it better, whilst they make the line at the local welfare office longer. ❞
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saintsir4n · 6 months
𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗭𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲
❝ I'm not apologising for offending you, you should've walked away when you had the chance.❞
kerry washington as 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝘂𝘅 𝗱𝘂𝗯𝗼𝗶𝘀
morris chestnut as 𝗹𝘂𝗰 𝗱𝘂𝗯𝗼𝗶𝘀
renee rapp as 𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗿𝗮 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻
mark strong as 𝗰𝗮𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗿
(rest of the gossip girl reboot cast as their respective roles.)
warnings: swearing, prejudice, classism, self-hatred, self-harm, mature content, paedophilia, grooming, substance abuse, mental health conditions and mentions of death.
i am only doing the first season, not the second. i've been rewatching the show and decided to do the story, out of frustration because of the writing. i liked some of the characters but most were so boring to me and that's shown through winnie's commentary. monet should've gotten more attention from the writers in my opinion so i decided to write with her as a love interest. but keep in mind this is about winnie.
updates every sunday. please remember that so i don't get spammed with comments about my updating. follow my tik tok guys (post edits about my stories) @saintsiren.wp and wattpad @-saintsiren
hope you enjoy.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
12. Gossip girl, gone
AND just like that, Gossip Girl went nuclear. Every tip sent in had been exposed and posted for all to see. Fights ensured, both physical and verbal across Manhattan. It was a mayhem that not even Winifred Dubois could cause... yet.
"24 tips Winifred?" Winnie heard her mom scrutinise her as she sauntered out of the living room where her parents resided in the morning.
"Relax, it's not like I'm committing crimes," she rebutted, feigning shock when they cast her glares, "oops too soon?"
"Leave, now," Luc gritted.
Winnie saluted them, "Yes, chief."
Caesar gave her a Bottega handbag (which the brand sent her for free) and her phone that had been ringing off the hook.
She groaned when she saw it was a group call and begrudgingly picked up.
"I knew Wellington sent in that tip about me and you," she heard her girlfriend's smooth voice.
"It was obvious," Winnie replied, sounding bored when Caesar passed her coat and gloves.
"And how did you know about my dad?" Julian's voice blared through her phone.
Winnie scowled, "Oh, Julian's on this call? I'm jumping off."
"All your dad's victims knew about your dad," Ginny added and everyone could tell she was smirking.
"And yes I knew about what happened," Winnie declared, putting her phone on speaker as she looked at her reflection.
Her outfit was more subtle than usual, cheaper than the previous day, give or take a thousand. It was black with hints of green instead of her favourite purple.
One look towards Caesar and he escorted out of the house and into the blistering cold. Snow fell graciously -- they rushed through it so Winnie's hair wouldn't get touched.
Julian scoffed, "All this to push your dad's campaign?"
"If the campaign is where your problem lies, your priorities are more fucked up than we thought," Winnie snorted, covering her head with her hand.
"See Jules," Audrey stressed from beside her friend.
"Fuck off hope," Winnie snapped.
"Ladies, ladies, we have a truce," Monet insisted, just as Luna joined her in her foyer with notes about the Gossip Girl tips in hand.
Winnie finally hopped into the car which Zoya already sat in, with her hair newly braided and boredom splatted on her face. The freshman wasn't on the call but she heard enough.
"Seems like it's ending now," she remarked as Caesar sat opposite them.
"Is that Zoya?" Julian gasped, "I thought you were in your room?"
Zoya scrunched up her nose.
Winnie almost flinched when Monet screeched, "You're still driving her around?!"
"What?!" Julian and Audrey yelled.
Winnie rolled her eyes, "I don't drive. She's getting a lift, you should be happy Julian that your sister hasn't been kidnapped or got lost around the city, and ended up having sex with a mole person."
"How long-winded was that excuse," Luna said scanning the whiteboard beside Monet.
"Who put 2 cents in Miss La's hole?" Winnie taunted.
"Salty... at 8 am, have you taken your pills?" Luna gibed, ignoring the glare received from Monet.
Ginny was quick to jump in, "Have you removed your head from Julian's ass?"
"Bitch," Luna snarled.
"Cunt," Winnie spat.
Zoya's eyes widened at the squabbling, but to say she wasn't entertained would be a lie.
"Ladies," Monet stressed.
"I told you the truce wouldn't last." Zoya expressed to an irritant Winnie.
Monet snapped, "I'm talking!"
"I can't be around this negative energy," Audrey grumbled, wanting to leave the call.
"Then off yourself," Winnie advised with a malicious smile.
Luna snickered, "A dead friend might boost Jules' followers. Nothing screams broken but can be fixed again like grief."
"What Lu? Maybe but Ladies! We have a truce, remember? I won't be the only one honouring it. GG exposing all of us, malicious as it may be, It was certainly a plot twist." Monet ranted, "Don't play the fucking blame game when we're all at fault. And acting like we all don't take pleasure in each other's misfortune is an even bigger lie."
"How mature," Winnie narrowed her eyes at her phone, "Are you possessed Mon?"
"Honey, not now," Monet hissed.
Winnie chuckled, "Apologies."
"I didn't send in one tip," Audrey decided to add.
"Oh Saint Audrey," Ginny drawled.
They could hear Luna's dry laughter.
"I only sent tips when I was under attack," Zoya felt the urge to defend herself.
"If I dressed like a lumber Jack, I would expect to be attacked 24/7," Luna mocked, earning a grin from Monet.
Zoya's jaw tightened, "See!"
"Lu!" Julian exclaimed.
Having heard enough of their voices, Winnie reluctantly suggested, "Annual New Year Hudson bash to continue the facade?"
Winnie and Ginny were only invited every year because the Menzies' history will their families and although the girls rarely went, they were going this year, as were their plus ones: Zoya and Billy.
"Brilliant idea," Monet cheered.
"I know," Winnie agreed, before hanging up the phone.
Zoya inhaled deeply, "It won't last."
"Oh, I know," Winnie didn't care much for the truce, so she called out to her driver, "To Brooklyn bakery please."
(@winnerd posted to her story)
The days after Christmas were more tension-filled than usual, which drove Winnie out of her house and with the help of her pill bottle she could just about stomach it.
Calls to and from her therapist worked and as much as she hated to admit it, talking to an unbiased individual about her problems was helpful.
So when she dropped by Ginny's she was happy to see not only her closest friend but her cheeky concubine also.
The Wellington penthouse was always warm and toasty regardless of the verbal domestics between Ginny's parents.
The first thing Winnie saw was the couple...? No, just the intense fling bickering on the couches with a Pixar movie playing in the background.
"You told GG I had a small dick? Why?" She heard Billy's question.
"You said I bleached my hair, babe," Ginny whined.
"I was kidding," Billy started playing with a few strands.
"And no one told you to post your dick to prove her wrong."
"And no one told GG to post about minors' anatomy, I mean I wouldn't care as long as she's actually a student," Winnie commented, seemingly irked as she adjusted her fur hat, interrupting their conversation.
Ginny rose from Billy's lap, rounding the sofa, mirroring her friend's expression and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Billy merely beamed at her as she Winnie rid herself of her coat.
"Who else would she be?" Ginny asked, gesturing one of her maids to take Winnie's shoes and other belongings.
"A good student with impeccable vocab."
"Or an English teacher."
Billy laughed, "You get your kicks arresting teachers."
"Ginny likes getting them fired," Winnie pointed out, sitting down opposite them.
"You got rid of our last French teacher for giving you an A minus," Ginny chuckled.
Winnie shrugged as she brought her knees to her chest, "You encouraged me to do it."
Ginny cooed, "And look how happy you are for it.
Winnie playfully scoffed, "Now shut up and play the movie, I've gotta be back at home in time to pack and relax."
Billy grimaced, "Do we have to go?"
The blondes exchanged an aggravating look.
"We all know it's Monet who's forcing you," Ginny started, earning a glare.
Billy agreed, "First the truce and now —"
" — fuck you both and press play," Winnie couldn't help but snap.
"You're being mean!" Billy huffed, throwing his head back.
"I told you not to expect anything different," Winnie deadpanned.
Now back in her townhouse, Winnie allowed Abaddon to lay on her as she leaned on the sofa behind her. At first, he was hesitant but grew used to her stroking his fur and occasionally scratching at his stomach.
It wasn't a minute later, that Monet appeared by the door of the conservatory, eyes softening at the sight as the snow fell and stuck to the vast windows.
Initially, the De Haan teen was a little pissed and sceptical, being in the Dubois estate had her on edge, especially after the little conversation she overheard her parents talking about. Not just that, but to hear her girlfriend kept Zoya on a tight leash frustrated her, of course, she couldn't say much, considering she still represented someone Winnie loathed, but there was a truce and until there were signs of it breaking she would keep her mouth shut.
Winnie glanced up from the heated floor she sat on, to see Monet adorning a lynx hooded coat –  one of the few outfits that she bought her for Christmas. Monet also wore a light brown wig perfectly installed on her head.
Real human hair since synthetic had them both on edge.
"You know I would mistake you for a stalker," Winnie teased, ruffling Adaddon's fur before he caught the familiar scent of the other heiress, causing him to rush over and greet her with happy barks.
Monet smiled as she lowered down, petting him excitedly, she too knew what it was like to receive only limited affection from Winnie.
"No stalker looks as flawless as me," she sassed, walking over to sit beside her girlfriend with Addadon in tow, who constantly looked between them.
"I can't disagree on that," Winnie paused, "No kiss?"
"Sorry," Monet murmured, cupping her face and pressing a warm kiss to her lips.
Winnie's tone lowered as she leaned into her touch, "You've been saying that a lot recently, what's up with you?"
"Minor issues that can easily be remedied, all packed?"
"Three bags and a suitcase."
"You're copying me," Monet pouted, dropping her hand to grab hers.
"No, you're influencing me," Winnie opted to say, "just goes to show how much power we have doesn't it?"
A smirk tugged at Monet's lips, "Vogue called me this morning, they want to do a profile on us."
"I got that same call. 4th of january is when they want to see us."
"Can't wait," Monet squealed at the kisses peppering her face, "Stop Win, my makeup – and just because ruined yours on boxing day, doesn't give you the right at revenge."
"Oh revenge tastes so sweet and feels so wet," Winnie's eyes darkened, "and the sounds revenge makes when she about to cu–" she chuckled at the nudge she received. "What? Too crude for you?"
"Not crude enough," the desire for Monet to spend more time with her girlfriend was peaking and as much as she loved it, she was still very cautious of when she was around her. "I need to tell you something."
Winnie quirked up a brow, "Is it what you wanted to tell me before but was too pussy to say?"
Her question made Monet playfully groan.
"I hate that you know me so well."
"Well, what are partners for? Spill."
Monet rolled her shoulders back and scanned the room, before rushing out, "I love spending time with you and being away from you irritates me. It nauseates me when you are away with off-brand Ken and Barbie. You have a hold over me that at times I want to disappear, but it makes me feel warm and safe, just as much as I feel wary and afraid that something between us," she squeezed her hand harder, staring deeply into her eyes she couldn't bring herself to look away, "-- will implode because of something small and yet, I'm still here. Call me possessive, call me a jealous bitch but when I get something, I won't let it go, unless someone forces my hand."
By the end of her confession, she had closed the distance between them, feeling the corniest sparks fly off her words and into Winnie's pretty brown eyes.
The Dubois heiress was speechless, dozens of things rested on the tip of her tongue and yet when she opened her mouth to speak, something tugged her back.
A split second was all it took for Monet's lightness and calm to deflate until soft lips attacked hers.
Winnie tried her hardest to pour everything she felt into their kiss, the ease Monet caused her to feel and sometimes the torment. From erotic pleasure to happiness she made sure her girlfriend knew what she needed to say but couldn't. Her tears fell onto Monet's cheeks as the kiss grew more in sync and passionate. It was deep and true. Between the soft whines and the breathy whimpers, they had a taste of home and what it should feel like.
Only when they pulled away did they stop to breathe and giggle like two little school girls as Abaddon barked and ran around the room.
Monet wiped away her tears and Winnie fixed her smudged make-up.
They were so caught up in their own bubble they didn't see Max walk up.
"Sigh, love makes me sick."
He caught their attention, leaning against the threshold of the conservatory.
Winnie's glossy eyes narrowed at his defeated state. Max looked exhausted and was supposed to be in Wainscott with Gideon, but opted for bashes as orgies instead. He was drugged up and fucked out and still felt the remanence of Aki and Audrey all over his mind and body.
"You look foul, how did security let you in?" Monet questioned, mildly concerned.
"Raw sex appeal," he deadpanned, disregarding the barking from Abaddon.
"And it's reeking." Winnie thought he looked raggedy, he's spirally only escalated since their sleepover.
Monet leaned against her girlfriend's shoulder, "And you're still avoiding your boorish ball and chain?"
"Not avoiding. They don't exist to me," his scowl was unconvincing.
"Until they do," the girls said in unison, making him scoff.
"God, you two are annoyingly hot together," he brought out a small container as he neared them,  "I don't know whether to look away or stare profusely."
Monet glared, "Look away."
Winnie's phone rang as they stared the other down, she picked up when she saw it was her mom and regretfully answered, speaking in French alerting Margaux she wasn't alone. Neither Monet nor Max cared but were enticed by her effortless accent. Winnie was informed that her mom and dad were going to be back soon from their meeting with Nate Archibald – Billy's nephew and William's grandson.
"I always forget you can do that. It's so hot," Max remarked when the phone call ended.
Winnie huffed out a laugh, stoking her girlfriend's arm when Monet sneered, "Watch it."
Max finally cracked a crooked smile, "Oh I will."
"And you seriously need a shower," Monet added snarkily when he sat behind them.
Winnie squeezed her arm as they turned around to face him, "Oh what happened to the truce you were formidably trying to enforce?"
"You're still doing that? Post tipgate?" Max leaned back surveying the lifeless room that was full of jolly ornaments which did very little to change his mood.
Monet pursed her lips, "Attempting to —"
" — but failing," Winnie interrupted. 
"Just break it, it's not like anything lasts in this world," Monet scrunched up her face at his words,  "Anyway I only stopped by to give you these," he dropped the container of cookies in Winnie's lap, "and to say I'll be joining you on the post new years trip to Cancun. My dad talked to your mom about it, and says I need to spend time away."
Monet feigned glee, "Goody."
"You're riding with me and Zoya to Hudson," Winnie added. Monet held her tongue at the mention of the freshmen. "And the bleached blondes will be there too."
"My favourite lesbians won't be dry humping in the backseat? What a shame," Max tutted, suppressing the urge to scoff at Billy and Ginny's coupling.
"On the way back, yes," Winnie wasn't joking and the look in her eyes had Monet's stomach fluttering, "But meet me here first thing tomorrow," she sent a pointed look at Max, "And try to be sober."
"No promises," he sent them a wink, slapped his knees and rose.
The couple watched as he got further out of sight.
"So... wanna bathe together?" Monet suggested, watching as Winnie basked in the faint smell of the cookies on her lap.
Winnie quirked a brow, "But the way you're scowling... are you sure you won't drown me?"
"I would never kill you, honey," Monet's eyes never left hers, "or anyone," she added, making Winnie cock her head to the side and shift.  "And I have to go to Jules' to help her downsize. But a good bathtime fuck is on the cards right?"
The ride over to the quaint weekend house was filled with silence, Zoya listened to her music, Winnie snacked on the leftover cookies, Max slept off another hangover, whilst Ginny and Billy doted and murmured delicate things to each other. Caesar drove over an hour in advance.
Zoya was shocked by the size of the grounds, even covered in snow and it looked huge.
Julian, Luna and Monet left their car first and were quick to be welcomed by Aki and Audrey. And later the property Manager Kenneth.
"Max," Winnie nudged the boy who grunted when he woke. Zoya got out with Billy and Ginny, "we're here."
"Can we turn back?" he flinched when the doors shut and they were the only teens left. "Call your mom to get us a 'copter out. The helipad is only back there."
"Winfired," he mocked but reluctantly opened the door, and rounded the car to open up her side. "Milady."
"I hate you," she grumbled when they stalked towards the house.
Aki and Audrey tried tearing him away from the girl but she moved.
Caesar nodded towards Winnie and she could see he was already accustomed to Kenneth.
Monet quickly joined her, pecking her lips with a smile.
Everyone's coats were quickly taken as they were forced to interact.
"I need to smoke," Billy groaned at the pure awkwardness.
Max hummed, "The first time I'm agreeing with you."
"Oh god," Ginny scoffed at the pair of them.
"Obie! You came," Julian welcomed brightly but her smile fell when he ushered in the girl he'd been seeing.
"Everybody, this is Grace. And I hope that I'm not making a huge mistake introducing you to her," he tugged on Grace, the girl who epitomised the 'girl next door' look so effortlessly.
Winnie hid her smirk in Monet's neck.
Billy simply wrapped an arm around Ginny.
"Thank you so much for having me, Akeno," Grace's smile never faded, despite being very nervous.
Obie chuckled, "That's exactly how his mom says it."
Grace briefly panicked, "Oh, did I get it wrong?"
"No, that's how you're supposed to say it. Nice to meet you," Aki forcibly smiled from beside Audrey who did anything but.
Max zoned out and didn't notice a new person standing so close.
It wasn't until Grace turned to the Dubois heiress did she did her eyes doubled in size.
"Winnie nice seeing you again," she knew that Winnie's bodyguard wouldn't be far so she cast him a gentle smile, "Caesar you too."
The stoic man nodded at her.
"You guys know each other?" Julian was confused, as was everyone else.
Monet turned to her girlfriend with an expecting look.
Winnie hummed, "Yup."
Grace smiled at the blonde boy, who she recognised from a charity event hosted by his father, "Billy."
It was Ginny's turn to face him.
"Gracie," Billy greeted then looked away.
Ginny repeated, "Gracie?"
Monet and Luna exchanged a look, the former more annoyed than anything.
Grace beamed, "You must be Ginny, Both Winnie and Billy have told me so much about you. Just as pretty as they described. And I follow your Instagram, who knew you could make blue my favourite colour?"
Ginny's silence caused Grace to glance around.
Monet cleared her throat, "I'm Monet, Winnie's girlfriend since she told you so much about everyone excluding me."
"Mon," Winnie breathed out as her girlfriend shrugged her off.
Grace shook her head, "Actually she mentioned at the most recent charity event that you're her person."
"Oh shit," Billy whispered to a frustrated Ginny.
"Oh," Monet regretfully gulped, turning to Winnie who chose to look ahead.
Everyone else glanced around, trying to avoid the tension, but if they caught the others of another, they knew they'd laugh.
So they started introducing themselves.
"Luna," the La girl went first.
"Zoya," the freshman awkwardly waved.
Julian said, "I'm J..."
Grace cut her off, "No introduction necessary. I've been following you for years, and half the products on my face come from you. And I know this is a special weekend for y'all, and I'm honoured to be included."
"No, it was imperative that you come, actually. No, please, make yourself comfortable," Julian insisted, whilst Winnie grumbled under her breath, bringing Max out of his dissociation, but he didn't dare look up from the ground.
Everyone went to move, Monet more so to de-escalate an incoming argument, but Grace started greeting the staff who were immersed all at once.
"Hi there, Grace." she shook their hands, shocking most of the room, "Grace. Lovely to meet you."
"Hello," a maid smiled, overwhelmed by her friendliness.
"Hi. How are you?"
Julian panicked, turning to some of them, "It's so nice to see you again, uh... " she trailed off, embarrassed that she didn't know her name.
"Rosa," the head maid gritted.
Julian vigorously nodded, "Rosa."
Max finally broke from his disassociative state, " So, what did I miss?" he blinked rapidly when he saw Grace, "Who are you?"
Ginny couldn't help but laugh. "It's Obie's friend."
"It's okay, you can say it," Grace said gently.
Julian stepped forward, "Girlfriend?"
Grace waved her off, with a smile, "Oh. God, no. Not yet. I was gonna say date."
Max turned to an irritant-looking Winnie and sighed.
Aki cleared his throat, "Um... Obie, do you wanna give Grace the tour?"
"Yeah, let's go," Obie didn't hesitate to pull her away.
Julian pulled Monet and Luna over, stressing about the facade she couldn't keep up, "When you invited Camilla to dinner, I didn't think I was gonna have to act like Princess fucking Diana all weekend with a fake smile plastered on my face."
"Well I didn't know you knew Grace, Win," Monet turned to her girlfriend who was already ascending the stairs.
Max avoided Aki and Audrey's pleasantries and followed his friend.
"You never asked," Winnie retorted, shooting her girlfriend a fake smile, "Or seem to let people finish introducing you."
Monet frowned, "Win."
Everyone was dispersing, Zoya knew to find her room and so Ginny went with her.
Billy eyed the blonde as she left his view.
"William," Luna called out to him, "any intel on Grace?" Julian gawked at her, "What? It won't hurt to ask the son of a businessman, uncle to a politician and an ex-mayor of the city about the daughter of some Virginia state senator."
"He won't help Lu," Monet exclaimed, ignoring the narrowed look from the boy. "Probably blocked out her god-awful country accent every time he fell into her."
Luna chuckled.
"A little drink never hurts when you want to know someone's true nature," he replied, eyes darting between Julian and Luna, "so it won't be hard, Calloways love getting people to drink right?"
He jogged away, narrowly avoiding their glares and curses.
Margaux had been blowing up her daughter's phone all day, but Winnie paid it no mind. On a subconscious level, she came to the weekend house to escape the hell back home, but she knew it would follow her whenever she was.
Chaos was only her friend when she created it. She thrived, but only when she embraced it and ever since she started therapy she had been almost regressing, however, Dr Anchor called it progress.
But in actuality, Winnie felt weaker, calm but weaker nonetheless.
So after unpacking, she came downstairs with a vaping Max who continued joking about wanting to take all of her pills and fade away.
Monet was stubborn and instead of apologising for the first time in a while, she had been advising Julian, therefore Winnie chose to sit towards the end of the dining table with Max, Zoya was next to join, creating a big gap between them and the others.
Billy and Ginny were no doubt fucking away their differences.
Julian chuckled as she presented a dish, "I just whipped up a little something to start our meal. I got that duck sausage that you like, so I thought..."
Obie forced out a smile, "Beautiful," then Grace cleared her throat, showcasing her own dish that was clearly homemade.
Julian gritted her teeth, "Is that pasta from scratch?"
"Just pici, it's easier than you think," Grace smiled.
"No, she's being humble. Literally, everything that she cooks is unreal," Obie was grinning ear to ear.
The whole thing made Winnie want to down a whole bottle of vodka.
Reading her mind, Max went to leave the table, but Audrey cleared her throat, " I think we forgot to make the sangria."
"That's an emphatic yes from me," Max sat back down, beside the studious girl, who neglected to see all the yearning looks from her girlfriend.
"I'll just text Kenneth to bring the wine up," Aki eagerly said, turning to Audrey.
Obie suggested, "No, Grace and I can go grab the wine. I wanted to show her the cellar."
Julian's voice rose, "No! I... Grace needs to show us how to eat her pasta."
"I can go," Zoya exclaimed, wanting to leave.
Winnie craned her neck to the side, to whisper, "Pussy."
"You're just jealous," Zoya countered childishly.
Julian hastily agreed, "Right. Z, can grab the wine?"
Audrey informed, "The cellar. So, go past the kitchen to the door at the base of the stairs, make a right, and then continue down that hallway until you see another stairway. And that's where it is."
Zoya squinted, "Okay"
She practically raced out of the room.
Winnie turned to the deflated boy next to her, "We should go and help Zoya."
"What?!" Audrey shrieked.
"Why?" Monet didn't want her to go, but Winnie wanted to be anywhere else.
"You read my mind, Miss Dubois," Max stood up, clasping his hands, "have fun eating homemade pasta."
The moment they made it out of the room, they both let out a sigh of relief.
"We're not actually helping Z right?"
"I doubt she's even getting the wine," Winnie chuckled.
"Hey, I need your advice," he inhaled his vape pen, as they strolled further away from the dining room, finding a vast window to look out onto the chilling landscape.
"Audrey and Aki?" Winnie asked knowingly, and when she was sent a nod she tsked, "When was the last time they made you happy? And it didn't involve fucking?"
Well, that had Max stumped.
"They want me," was all he could say.
"You need someone that needs you, like the air you breathe or whatever those insta quotes say," she smiled when he laughed, "come on you need to know your worth, drinking won't make you realize it, it will only lower your self-esteem and your standards. Don't think I don't remember our conversation about love. You're lovable. It's sickening and if you ever tell anyone I said this I'll gut you."
He was overwhelmed by the advice he received and even a little scared.
"Love you too Bear," he pulled her into a hug and she surprisingly didn't pull away.
"Fuck you Wolfe. I need to go and find Ginny."
Max pressed a kiss to head, "Ah, if she's with Billy, I might just join in."
And with that, the duo laughed and went on their separate ways.
(@billythekid posted to his story)
"I can't believe we're here. Playing nice with them. God they all give me hives. And you and Max?" Ginny's words were muffled by her initial encrusted pillow.
"What about me and Max?" Winnie sat on the edge of her bed.
The moment Winnie found the whining blonde, she was writhing beneath Billy before he was told to fuck off.
"So I need to worry about being replaced?" Ginny rolled over, pulling her duvet to her chin, concealing her modesty or at least part of it.
Winnie scoffed, turning her nose up at the smell of heterosexual sex as well as her friend's childish behaviour.
"No. And I thought you said me hanging out with him wasn't a problem?"
The blonde slumped against the headboard, "It isn't."
"You just like when I devote my time to you and only you?" a grin tugged on Winnie's lips as she made her way over.
Ginny couldn't hide her smile, "You're the same, which is why you're pissed at De Haan."
Winnie joined her, frowning slightly and rested her head against the pillows.
She stared up at the ceiling, pondering her response, "I'm pissed because she keeps overreacting. It's cute sometimes but the Ritalin is rattling my brain," she spoke through clenched teeth.
Just the day before Monet was pouring her heart out and now she was back with Julian, plotting ways to get Grace out.
Winnie didn't know what to do anymore.
"Have you thought about talking to her?" there was an edge of mocking to Ginny's tone but she felt for her friend.
"Before New Year's," Winnie answered, starting to grin when Ginny did.
"You want that New Year's fuck don't you?"
"And you don't – well another one? Still pretending your jealous to bait Billy, he looked like was gonna have an aneurysm when he saw Miss Sunshine and rainbows."
"Now that makes me think, maybe I should stay away from him until then. Makes the sex more riveting."
Winnie cringed, "Just what I needed to hear."
Ginny slapped her arm, "No, what you need to hear, is that we need to break this stupid truce. Agents of chaos want to blow shit up but it's been almost a month since we've done anything like that. And no, putting your relationship on blast isn't that."
Winnie groaned at the realisation, "Then what?"
"Whatever is happening with our families. Your dad suggesting a group trip to Cancun — not suspicious in the slightest. My parents are coming which adds to the whole White House secrecy of it all. So are you gonna tell me what's going down or not?"
Winnie wanted to look away, but she turned on her side to stare at her, eyes flooding with distress, worrying Ginny who turned to face her.
"It's nothing to do with us, we'll not us, but shit that's happened before, years ago," Winnie explained, voice laced with dread.
The blonde's heartbeat picked up, "Scale of Solange beating Jay Z to Princess Diana's existence, how explosive will it be."
Winnie's eyes nearly shot out of her head, "Explosive G, Princess Di level explosive."
Ginny absorbed it all, it was more than a warning and she knew her parents had to be involved or she wouldn't get an invite to the Cancun festivities.
"So when you say this shit will blow up everything if what?" she dared to ask.
"Let's say it might put some on top and make the rest plummet," Winnie replied vaguely, referring to those whom her parents made sure would take the fall if anyone snitched.
Ginny's eyes started glistening, "And my family?"
"I won't let anything happen to yours," Winnie vowed unaware that someone was eavesdropping on the entire thing.
Winnie heard all about the drunken festivities of the previous night at the bar most of them had been going to since they were 12. Grace had been set up, to bring shame to her family and it worked.
The girl in question wanted to flee the mansion with ease, something Zoya fiercely advised her not to do. But it was clear on the freshman's face as she entered the room with the indoor pool that her mission had been unsuccessful.
Winnie sent a look that said not to worry but she simply frowned.
Max was over in the jacuzzi, wearing a ridiculous hat, being badgered by Audrey and Aki.
Julian and Luna rested by the side, lounging in bathing suits.
Billy was the only one swimming around.
Winnie chilled on the edge, with a towel around her hair to avoid it from frizzing. She wore a Calvin Klein swimsuit, and posted a few pictures to her story of it, tagging the brand who sponsored her.
Her legs glided through the pool, since being forced to part from tennis, some of the muscle in her thighs had weakened and she thought at times she gained weight, but forced herself not to think of such things.
She squealed when hands attacked her feet.
He smiled cheekily when he resurfaced, placing his hands on either side of her legs, wetting them in the process.
"Did you hear? Grace left," He was eager to tell.
"Probably eager to fuck her twin?" She said quietly, filling his eyes with mirth.
"You know about that too?" A chesty chuckle escaped him as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, your nephew told me at the last luncheon," Winnie answered, highly amused and severely disgusted.
Nate Archibald rarely gossiped but when he did, boy did he tell all.
"Fuck, mayors find out everything, I might run against your dad," Billy joked.
"You'd win... if you killed him."
Their laughs tore through the room, alerting a certain De Haan who appeared suddenly and stalked over to them, just as Max escaped the Jacuzzi and met Luna to chat.
"Must you bother my girlfriend Van Der Bilt?" Monet's voice brought their amusement to a halt.
Her hair was tied up and her red bikini complimented her skin in ways that had Winnie salivating even though she knew she shouldn't.
The cheeky boy cocked his head to the side, "If I don't, who else will, you've been spending more time with Julian than Winnie."
"She's here now Billy," Winnie sent him a drop-it look, "it's fine."
Monet came to sit down next to her girlfriend and accidentally kicked Billy's hand out of the way causing it to slap the surface of the pool.
"You can go now," Monet wore a sickly smile.
Winnie swiped her tongue over her cheek as she scanned his darkening eyes.
"I'll find you later, Win," Billy then swam away.
Winnie's jaw clenched when Monet began fussing over her, wiping the water from her legs and even re-adjusting the straps of her thin bikini.
Monet's delicate touch was stirring up more than just anger.
"Really? Jealous?" Winnie finally breathed out, snapping her gaze over to her, annoyed with how great she looked.
"I don't like people tainting what I find to be priceless," was all Monet could say.
Winnie smiled widely, but it didn't reach her eyes, "am I still yours?" She caught the hand going to cup her face and lowered it much to Monet's surprise, "the least you could do is apologize for jumping to conclusions. You didn't have to do that so fucking publicly, it only embarrassed yourself in the making."
Monet gulped, "I know."
"Do you? And it took you hours to say anything." Winnie pulled her legs out of the pool and shot her a glare, "pathetic."
Monet seethed, "Fuck."
"I thought you wanted space. Okay? Normally when we argue we don't speak for days and then everything comes together right? So I didn't think it would be any different," Monet expressed after finding Winnie in her bedroom.
They were still in their swimwear, but Winnie had rid herself of the towel around her head and fought the urge to tug on every strand until it was straight so it didn't look unkempt.
She scoffed, from her vanity table, "Exactly."
Monet folded her arms, "Exactly what?"
"You didn't think."
Monet cocked her head to the side, eyes dragging from Winnie's reflection to her flawless legs, trying to distract herself from the impending argument.
"... I know," she quietly admitted.
Winnie abruptly stood up to face her girlfriend, "You hurt my... you hurt me okay?" she confessed, startling Monet, "When I hurt you, you demand more than an apology you want the fucking sun, so the least you can do is say sorry." she was met with silence, "Now is the time for you to speak."
Monet threw up her hands, "Fuck okay, refresh. I was pissed about the Grace thing."
"The whole of Hudson knows that," Winnie retorted, squinting her eyes as she walked toward the edge of her bed and sat down, "and those goodnight texts or paragraphs are fucking pointless to me."
"I know that now. I would ghost me too," Monet acknowledged.
"But I did give you your space and now that's over," Monet walked over to cup her face. "You said I was your person, to a complete nobody. I was internally swooning trust me," Winnie's face remained blank, so Monet conceded, "And I know that's not all you want to hear. So I'm... I'm sorry."
"Was that so hard to say?"
"Even to me?" Winnie almost reeled back, eyes flashing with dejection making Monet panic. "You do it when it's over the smallest things."
"It's just hard for me to say, but I'm doing it for you," the De Haan teen reiterated, but it seemed that it wasn't sticking, "all of you okay?" Winnie's eyes did not change, "I'm trying, let me show you how much I'm trying."
She laid a kiss on her lips, much more forceful than before, but still, it was accepted.
Winnie knew she shouldn't have caved, but the constant battles were one less thing she needed.
So when Monet's lips trailed down her neck, her eyes fluttered shut in complete ecstasy.
Their clothes were soon lying scattered on the floor, forgotten in the heat of the moment, including Winnie's necklace that she'd never seen without.
And the couple weren't seen for hours.
"You look like you had fun," Billy stepped into the games room, seeing Winnie sitting on the edge of the pool table in loungewear, "Surprise you're not getting ready, guests are coming in two hours."
She stared at the colour-coded ball in her hand. Number 5. "I know, I'm just thinking."
Billy nodded, slipping on his father's watch as he walked towards her in his evening wear.
He knew she had taken her medication, he and Ginny had been monitoring that more than anyone. But Max had kept track of how often she ate. Billy noticed the changes to her attitude, despite how slight it had been he could tell.
But what caught him off guard was her lack of accessories, "Where's your necklace?"
She stiffened, feeling her neck to discover it was a bear, "Oh shit." She cursed, realizing Monet had taken it off.
"I never see you without it," Billy stated, furrowing his brows and slipping his hands into his pockets. "I don't like it."
She snorted, "Bold of you to assume I care about your likes and dislikes."
"You do, you act like you don't but you do," he rocked on his heels.
"Think whatever you want."
"I will, but you should know, being the daughter of the future mayor of NYC you need to know certain things," he stepped closer and their gazes finally locked.
Her eyes sharpened, "I know certain things but what do you know?"
"Our family have always been old friends, even back when —"
"My family was white? Yes, I remember those days all those centuries ago," she drew a laugh from him, "but what is it that you wanna say to me?"
He gingerly looked around, before saying, "I know."
She squeezed the ball in her hand, "You know what?"
"I'm not a dumb blonde," he stated, rather offended that she could think so little of him.
"Could've fooled me."
"I know what went down in Cancun," he reiterated, causing her amusement to fade, "you don't need to worry about me saying anything. I overheard your dad talking to mine a year ago about it." Their eyes never tore away, though hers grew harsher, "Secrets like those keep the bond between our families strong, it runs deep and nothing can break it."
Her hand wiped over her face, "What do you want me to say to that?"
"I'm on your side," Billy insisted, meaning every word.
She swallowed the knot forming in her throat, "Are you?"
She trusted Ginny more than anything, but Billy only crept into her life, well, he had been in and out of it since they were kids so she wasn't entirely sure, but she needed all the allies she could get.
"It's either sleep with the wolves or get fucked by the sheep and I've never been a bottom in my life so why start now?" Billy retorted, clasping his hands over his head.
Winnie shook her head, though, a smile formed on her face, "To the wolves."
"To the wolves," Billy's cheeky smile grew, "now let's go, Ginny says you need to take pictures."
(@winnerd posted)
(tagged @g.wells and @billythekid)
liked by @billythekid and 105,876 others
always got you 🤞🏾p.s. billy had to take this 20 times before he got it right.
@g.wells 🤞🏻
↳@winnerd 🤍
@alottazee i guess i don't exist.
↳@g.wells winnie come and get your freshman
↳@billythekid get behind me Z and i can take great pictures thank you very much!
↳@wellingtonlovesbillypage they're so silly
↳@ginforthewin ridiculous 😭
@winniesbiggestfan the best duo
↳@duboisfanpage always on top
↳@dehannduboisstan monifred >>>
↳@alwaysmonifred right!!
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves never right. winnie and ginny have always been there for each other and will continue to do so, if you can't see that then you're delusional. sorry.
(@g.wells liked this comment)
limited comments.
The Hudson mansion was now packed, and Winnie had to give everyone their credit, they looked good, but she looked better.
Julian apparently invited the entire town going against her advisor's better judgment and persisted that Obie left to find Grace, but he was adamant on staying until 12.
Winnie scanned the rooms she entered, not surprised to see Billy and Ginny sucking each other's faces, nor was she when Zoya tried to escape the lust-filled sight.
"Zoya, where are you going?" She called out to the freshman who was attempting to push through the crowd of people.
Zoya turned around, with a sheepish smile, "Shan invited me to this thing and I know I should stay but –"
Zoya's face lit up, "Really?"
"I'm not your keeper, just go," Winnie practically shooed her away.
The Dubois heiress felt a level of happiness for the freshman and had to admit she was wearing a nice outfit, similar to her own Scarlett Dior but it was nice.
"Happy New Year Winnie," Zoya shocked both herself and the heiress with a hug. When they pulled back, she awkwardly rubbed at her neck, "I'll text you when I get back."
"I have your location," Winnie told, as glee danced around her eyes.
Zoya winced, "Creepy, but expected."
"Just being cautious," Winnie countered.
"See you next year... no alright bye."
Winnie couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic joke that echoed through her head as Zoya passed through the door and greeted her best friend.
"Tarantino bitch!" Winnie heard Shan call from a distance, only adding to her amusement.
"Miss Dubois," she turned to see Caesar standing there phone in hand, "your mother would like you to leave earlier than you expected."
"When?" Winnie's smile faded.
"5 minutes after New Year's."
"Great," she gritted.
"I'll be in the car."
She nodded as he walked away. Winnie retrieved her phone from her purse, only to see several missed calls from Margaux and 0 texts from Monet. She was being ghosted again and she didn't know why.
Billy and Ginny both cast her worried looks which she ignored and leaned against the banisters.
Her mouth craved a drink but mixing one with her medication affected them deeply and she saw how Max acted and would hate to end up like that. She still hadn't put on her necklace despite desperately needing it. She missed it but thought it was better in her clutch for now.
Max wasn't far from her, moping on a couch near the staircase, drink in hand as a few of the townspeople danced in front of him, moving to the loud music.
She was dragged from her thoughts when Monet appeared, teeth gritted and eyes mean.
"I've been looking for you," Winnie breathed out.
Monet reeled back, "Really? Why?"
"What's wrong now?" Winnie sighed, "What have I done?"
"You're looking out for anyone who isn't me."
Winnie squinted her eyes, "What are you talking about?"
"Zoya was here and for what?" Monet stressed, folding her hands.
Winnie exhaled sharply, "You're like a broken record, need I remind you that you're attached to Julian's hip? But now I bite my tongue and have kept my comments to myself."
"No, your comments have said enough, well not everything. I mean -- I pour my heart out to you and yet you can't say a fucking word."
Winnie flinched back like she had been slapped.
She lowered her voice, "I thought you understood, and we don't need an audience for this shit Monet, let's go."
"Countdown starts in 5!" A guest yelled, followed by cheers.
Max caught sight of the ongoing argument but didn't think much of it.
Monet let out a humourless laugh, "No, you don't care enough to tell me what you think about me, I have to hear it from your conversations with everyone and anything else. You can speak, hiss and curse at the fucking wall but when it comes from matters of the heart, what matters to me, you're silent."
Dejection flashed across Winnie's face, but that didn't stop her girlfriend from going on.
Max caught the look on her face, it wasn't right, her shoulders were slumped and her expression was nearly broken, so he tore away from the couch and moved towards her, as did Ginny and Billy.
"You brought Billy the fiend, someone you've known for two seconds here, having these deep conversations about life and all you do is kiss me," Monet hissed.
Her words got the attention of a few others.
"De Haan, there's a time and a place," Max tried, settling a hand down on Winnie's tensed shoulders.
"Leave them to it," Audrey appeared, wanting to talk to him, but he shrugged her off, so she called over Aki.
Monet continued, hardened eyes darting between her and Max, "Really Winnie?"
"What do you want from me?" Winnie exclaimed.
Billy and Ginny were ready to get involved, hating how agitated their friend looked.
But their presence only spurred on the De Haan teen.
"Honesty, but I can't even get that. The one thing you promised me from the start of us being official. I know shit is going down Winnie," the anger in her tone sent shots around the small area, "I've known since Hulaween when you cried to me."
"Stop it," Winnie warned, glaring deeply at her.
Now was not the time for this, nor the place but everything had to be a spectacle for Monet De Haan.
"And it has to do with all of our parents right? The Menzies, The Wellingtons, even the fucking Van Der Bilts!"
Monet's voice beckoned more people towards them.
Winnie was seething as she looked around, Max was more worried than confused, despite his drunken state.
Ginny needed Monet to shut up, but her mouth was moving a mile a minute.
"Does it have to do with our trip?" Aki questioned, joining Audrey.
Julian groaned, "Again with this trip."
"What about it? kinda annoyed I'm not going," Luna added, though she was stunned by the arguing.
Ginny scowled at the pair of them, "Really?"
"You said that when shit gets exposed 'it might put some on top and make the rest plummet' and you said that to your fucking bestie, leaving me out in the cold," Monet snapped.
"That's not what I meant and besides you were fucking eavesdropping?!" Winnie's voice rose.
The look on her eyes was deadly, but Monet's was malicious.
"Classless," Ginny scoffed, drawing De Haan's attention.
"Oh fuck you!"
Luna tried grabbing her arm, "Mone I think it's time to go."
"No, she needs to hear this," Monet persisted, viciously, "that she proclaims that she won't let anything happen to Ginny's family. Not mine."
"That's not what I meant!" Winnie's wanted nothing more than to bang her hand against the wall.
Monet rapidly blinked, "I overheard you and your little pocket-sized Clinton... so I had to take matters into my own hands."
Her warning sobered Winnie's anger, "What did you do?"
Her tone was calm, too calm, causing Max to turn to the blondes, deeply unnerved.
The sounds of phones beeping tore through the room and made the group jump.
"Gossip Girl isn't anything but punctual," Monet mocked.
"Oh fuck," Billy tore away from the catastrophe to stare at the tweet on his phone.
Max stood next to him to see. Ginny tugged Winnie away to show her. Luna, Julian, Audrey and Aki hastily retrieve their phones to look.
Scenes lit up their faces.
"You were gonna let everything crumble whilst you jumped ship," Monet went on, staring deeply into her girlfriend's unmoving eyes.
(@gossipgirl just tweeted)
Happy Holidays, followers. Trigger warning. This post will not be pretty. We all knew that oil rigs lead to global warming but that's only one way the Dubois' had been killing the planet. Here's the other. Daddy Dubois has been allegedly covering crimes and wiping his misdeeds in the blood of victims who slipped and succumbed to wounds on their working sites. One body, two bodies, three bodies, four, the deadly Dubois' have gone against the law. Haven't you heard, that only killing animals is acceptable, not people? But let me let you all in on a little secret, the Dubois weren't the only ones in on the cover-up, but that was obvious, nevertheless, I'm sure my little helper was unaware that her family was implicated in the matter. Monet De Haan... your parents are just as bad as your girlfriends. So next time read the fine print before you drop everyone in it.
All colour drained from Winnie's motionless face.
Julian gawked, "Oh my —"
Luna had never been speechless, but tonight was that day.
"Monet what the fuck?!" Ginny screeched.
"1 minute to new years!" Another guess bellowed, causing those who hadn't seen the post to cheer.
Max ran his hands through his hair, whilst Billy pocketed his phone and turned to the Dubois heiress.
"I didn't know everyone else was involved!" Monet's voice shook as her hand trembled. She repeated it like a chant.
"This fucks everything," Billy hissed.
Audrey turned to her boyfriend, "Aki, did you know?"
"No," Aki gulped, "I need to call my dad."
"Billy," Ginny mumbled, watching as Aki's hand quivered when he put his phone to his ear.
"I'm calling mine," Billy shakily whispered.
"My mom said to say nothing," Aki showed them the text when she didn't pick.
"Winnie!" Ginny's yell broke her from her catatonic state.
She and Billy joined her. Max is shocked, the news sobered him slightly, but he couldn't help but be on the fence.
"You just fucked everyone. And me," Winnie uttered, gaze unwavering from Monet.
The girl in question's face was a picture of pure horror, "Winnie..."
"We're done."
Monet stepped back, physically pained by her words, "What?"
Winnie gripped her phone as everything imploded. There was so much noise, that she could barely take it. She had to go, escape the chaos she had been yearning for, one look at her closest friends and she readied around to leave.
"Max, where are you going?" Audrey pleaded with him to stay, she couldn't understand why he was going with her, with them. Aki didn't take note of what was happening, his dad was screaming down the line. "Don't go."
Luna shook her head when he glanced at her and Julian begged him not to leave.
Max swivelled on his heel and walked out and towards the car, just as Caesar walked in.
An usher walked passed as the countdown was nearing with a tray of champagne and Winnie couldn't care less anymore and picked up a flute.
"But all of this ain't fucking over. You threw just cast the first stone," Winnie glared at Monet and Monet alone as she shockingly downed a drink. "New Year's resolution: this truce is officially over. The war won't end until we all go down in flames," a menacing grin tugged at her lips, "so thanks hon, you thought I was malicious before, no, I'll show you why I earned my legacy, my fucking name and my reputation."
Billy darkly laughed as he walked out, leaving Ginny to grab her best friend's hand.
"Happy New Year!" Winnie faux cheered and dropped the glass that splattered over the floor, making the others jump back.
They strutted out of the house, Caesar in tow as the room erupted in cheers, kisses and applause, most of the guests were blissfully unaware of the horrific reality dawning on the 4 friends who were frightened to their core.
What the fuck just happened?
i don't know why this chapter took me so long to write, but i did enjoy writing this story, as said before i won't be doing season two, i prefer to leave it like this. monet and winnie were never going to end up together, because of the nature of their characters. of course, i loved writing their pairing but it was only gonna end up blowing up and it did.
even towards the end of season 1 of the show, it was obvious that monet was plotting a breakaway from julian, but i changed that slightly. she had already seen the clues of what happened decades ago in winnie's room and there was no way she wouldn't research everything. her motives were out of jealousy and miscommunication and we've seen a lot of them between monifred throughout the story. it's just sad she couldn't trust winnie, but she was following her parent's lead and it was unfortunately the wrong choice. both girls are family-orientated but in different ways, both cutthroat and bloodthirsty, so the betrayal was only a matter of time. monet's breaking point was clearly because of winnie's loyalty to not just gimny, but her budding friendships with billy and max, and her closeness with zoya.
i loved showcasing winnie's progression with relationships, those that never grew and the others that gradually changed, max breaking away from audrey and aki and joining winnie's side despite the copious emotional red flags she showcases is wild. even now he chose her despite everything suggesting how much he values their friendship. it could be seen as a testament to her manipulative tendencies or just the fact she can be very black-and-white.
when it came down to it, winnie and ginny were never going to stray from each other and this chapter proved it. ginny knew there was so weird shit going doing, but didn't question it. even regarding the trip (which i was never going write, i was using it to allude to the sinister finale, which i hoped worked), ginny knew that all the rich families excluding obi's (surprisingly) were included and yet she kept quiet. just like the prologue stated, winnie could only trust herself, but also ginny as well as the extension of max and billy.
so i hope you enjoyed my little insight into the rich and lavish lives of the upper east side. thank you for the support, the comments and the votes. check out my other stories, if you can or reread this one.
- liv
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saintsir4n · 6 months
11. You can’t take it with jules
WAS the world coming to an end or had Nicholas Lott entered the Dubois estate? He agreed to a meeting with the Dubois patriarch and slowly started to regret it. When he discovered Zoya's scholarship was at stake, options were limited and with his income, he couldn't afford tuition in the new year, so he gingerly took his daughter's suggestion and decided to meet with the only option they had. The Devils of the Upper East Side.
"What's the catch?" Nick inquired, opposite Luc and Winnie in their sitting room.
Zoya nudged him, "Dad."
Winnie's lips twitched in amusement at the looks they exchanged that certainly said more than a thousand words. Their relationship certainly appeared warm and welcoming, which unnerved the Dubois'.
"There's no catch is there, Dad?" Winnie interrupted, not sparing a glance at her father who wore a soft smile.
Luc dryly laughed, "Simply helping out a friend. My wife informed me what talent and drive your daughter has, and who would we be to let the faults of a despicable man disrupt that? Davis Calloway shouldn't be an obstacle, and so he's not. The school board love nothing more than to take my money so why shouldn't they?"
"Dad, this way I can stay and this coming January we won't have to pay tuition," Zoya's eyes were practically begging when she turned back to her father.
She could tell he wanted to be anywhere but there. He adorned his smartest suit, vigorously polished his shoes and combed out his hair, so he didn't embarrass either of them, but he was very apprehensive.
The atmosphere of the sitting room, was rather cold, regardless of the Christmas decorations.
Nick locked eyes with Luc and replied, "It seems everything is sorted out, however, I assume there's a clause in this act of yours, pardon me, but I hardly know you, our daughters are friendly, but putting Zoya's future in the hands of Dubois doesn't sound sustainable."
"Spoken like a true lawyer," Luc chuckled, "so I've had one of mine draw up," he placed the contract on the table separating them, "You'll see that the board have signed off on it, as has the Headmistress Burton. I assure you, there is no catch, other than Zoya continuing to excel like the bright girl she is."
Nick blinked rapidly, before picking up the 3 page contract.
Zoya gulped, "Dad –"
"I'll look over this," Nick replied, staring at Luc as they stood up.
The girls followed their actions.
Zoya frowned, "But –"
Luc cast her a smile, "Your father is being smart Zoya, don't sign your life away without reading every detail. It was nice speaking with you all, but I have a meeting with some associates of mine, and like me, they value punctuality," he extended his hand for Nick to shake, "Mr Lott."
Nick mirrored his actions, "Mr. Dubois."
"Girls," Luc nodded at both of them, narrowing his eyes at his daughter especially, then strolled out of the room with his phone in hand.
Winnie pulled out hers as she watched the tense exchange between Nick and Zoya.
"We'll talk about this when you get home from school," he whispered, placing the contract in his briefcase.
Winnie plastered on a smile as he turned to her, "Nice to meet you, Mr Lott, Zoya has told me great things."
Nick nodded yet said nothing in response and hastily walked out of the room.
"I don't get why he won't sign it already," Zoya exclaimed, picking up her school bag as Winnie picked up hers.
Monet wouldn't be joining them this morning, she had plans with Luna, but that didn't stop the promiscuous texts she and Winnie exchanged.
"Like my dad said, don't make a deal with the devil without reading the small print. And I know you like to believe my family's company is far from ethical," she stated. Caesar came into the room, and before he could get a word in she said, "We're coming."
"But it's a written contract," Zoya's age was certainly showing.
"Don't be dull, you're the daughter of a lawyer, they know more than anyone that big fucks little. Be realistic," Winnie went on as they have escorted out of the townhouse and towards the car,  "there will always be people at the top and that means there have to be people at the bottom, getting fucked but the puppeteers. You know it's true... people fuck people and that's the way of the world."
Zoya made a face, "I'm convinced you were created in a lab."
A genuine smile grew on Winnie's face, "Thank you."
Caesar pulled open them, he waited until they were comfortable and hopped in.
Zoya turned to Winnie as the car took off, "No, thank you for helping me. Even if you've got an ulterior motive."
Winnie feigned offence, "Do you think that lowly of me?" 
Winnie chuckled, "Good."
But before she could smile, Zoya had to ask, "But I wanna know why you're doing this for me?"
"You've got potential. How annoying and overbearing you can be even a perpetually irritated bitch like me can recognise it," Winnie explained, pulling her black sunglasses out of her bag, "You go on and on about issues that I don't care or relate to and for that I respect you. You've got this fierce spirit. It's annoying but I admire that."
Zoya was stunned, "Wow."
"I know."
Winnie wasn't lying, she respected Zoya, just as much as she found her deeply annoying.
"Can I ask something else? Just one last thing I promise?"
Caesar suppressed a smile at the childish exchange and turned to face the window.
Winnie groaned, "If you must."
"What medication were you taking back there? I saw when my dad and I walked in."
Zoya regretted asking when Winnie clicked her fingers.
"Codeine," Winnie whispered rather teasingly.
"Funny," Zoya rolled her eyes.
"Aren't I?"
Winnie had started taking her medication. Hooray, however, she felt moodier than anything, her appetite was smaller and tended to snack on the goods Max made, provided he didn't lace them.
Zoya decided to change the subject, "I saw them protesting Veloticty Inc. again. You know there are ways for them to be more environmentally friendly. The harm it's causing to the environment —"
"Take a day off Zoya, social issues aren't going anywhere," Winnie huffed, ceasing the girl's ranting, "Besides it's Christmas."
"In a week."
"Still, we're almost at school."
They didn't speak until they pulled up to campus.
Caesar hastily stepped out of the car.
Zoya quickly reached for the handle,  "Meeting Shan, literally now."
"Don't skip your first period," Winnie grinned at the confusion on her face.
"How did you know about that?"
Winnie simply shrugged and the car door was pulled open for her.
"Bye," Zoya went on her way.
Winnie slipped on her shades and immediately felt someone loop their arms with hers as they walked up the front stairs.
Ginny didn't say anything and simply stared, feeling a mellow yet moody vibe emit from her friend.
Winniw tsked, "Only I'm allowed to stare. What is it?"
"Nothing," she's taking her medication, the blonde realised.
"Bullshit," Winnie scoffed just as the lacrosse captain drifted over, "Billy my dad said you're coming around for Christmas this year."
He nodded, snaking an arm around Ginny's shoulders, "Only a few days before we go to Cancun."
They both turned, mildly perplexed.
"You going there as well?" Ginny questioned.
Winnie added, "On the 2nd right?"
He quickly realised, "So we're all going."
Their parents were up to something and Winnie tried to block out nausea creeping up her throat.
When they reached their table, Winnie searched the courtyard and saw the blandest couple on earth.
"Menzies!" her voice got Aki's attention.
He nodded, "Dubois."
He and Audrey begrudgingly made their way over.
"Are you going to Mexico for New Year's by any chance?"
"Yes, why?" Aki blinked in confusion.
Ginny groaned against her hook-up, "You're not alone."
"Well that sounds like fun," Audrey fake marvelled.
"What sounds like fun?" they turned to Julian who sent her friend a small smile that wasn't reciprocated. Winnie and Ginny peeked at the interaction but said nothing for once. "What am I missing?"
"Forced proximity," Billy mused as Monet and Luna joined them. The latter quickly chastised Julian who deleted her account.
"Babe," Monet greeted, pressing a kiss to Winnie's lips.
Ginny rolled her eyes and clung to Billy who sniggered at the interaction.
"Beautiful," Winnie smiled, making her girlfriend realise.
"You're taking them aren't you?" she asked quietly.
Winnie tutted, annoyed at how easily her people could read her.
"Did you hear about the trip?" she asked, changing the subject.
Julian grew impatient, "What trip?"
"Cancun, our parents set it up," Aki answered, dapping up Obie when he hesitantly came over.
"Why, I have no idea," Monet drawled.
Luna gasped, "Why didn't I get an invite?"
"Be lucky you didn't, sounds like hell," Audrey remarked.
"Sounds like a conspiracy," Obie muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, which gained Julian's attention.
But it seemed like the people she wanted to make amends with didn't want to talk.
The sharp ringing of the bell brought the conversation to a halt.
"Classics," Winnie announced just when other students rushed into the front entrance.
"Text me," Ginny called out as she and Billy dispersed.
Luna nudged Monet, "Biology."
The De Haan girl nodded, then pressed a kiss to her girlfriend's lips.
Julian followed them, as they walked away.
Winnie locked eyes with Max who mustered a smile when he jogged over.
Audrey's eyes lit up as did Aki's.
"We've got trig," Obie nudged the couple.
"Pooh Bear, let's go," Max took Winnie's hand.
Audrey tried, "Max —"
"Now," he urged, and practically dragged her away.
She chuckled at the defeated looks on their faces, "Trouble in paradise?"
"There is no paradise, so there's no trouble."
"Good," she was glad he was done with them, "did you by chance make some pastries for me?"
He retrieved a Tupperware from his bag, "of course." She uncharacteristically squealed, making his eyes double in size, "Oh, you're for sure a pill popper now."
"Shut up."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Is there anything merrier than Christmas in New York? That dear followers, depends on if you've made my naughty or nice list. Are you trying to wipe the slate clean, but coming up short? Pining for happier holidays past? Maybe wishing you could avoid the holidays altogether this year. Or are you drowning your sorrows the old-fashioned way, with some therapeutic online shopping? Whatever the reason for your season, my lovelies, rest assured that Gossip Grinch is watching and waiting. Waiting to snatch your presents right out from under your nose.
"I'm bored and I completed my Christmas shopping last week," Winnie declared, walking beside Max as they were the last two to leave their classroom.
He cast her an expectant look, "And what are you getting for me?"
She laughed, "Who says I'm gifting you anything?"
"Hurtful," he playfully nudged her,  "and I need coffee, want anything?"
"Hot Cocoa."
He eyed her in faux disgust, "How basic."
"Fuck you."
She shook her head, feeling a smile tug on her lips, watching him disappear into the crowds.
Monet suddenly appeared, showing off a brand-new pair of Versace sunglasses.
"Have you seen this?" she paused, "You'll be unwrapping this in a week."
Winnie lowered the phone, "I thought you wanted to keep the presents a secret."
"No secrets remember," Monet insisted, squinting her eyes.
"Yeah, no secrets," Winnie agreed rather quickly, despite herself. "Then you'll need a cart for all of the gifts I've got you."
She pulled Monet into a rather scandalous kiss before she could get a response, that deepened with every second. They moved like each other was the very air they needed to breathe.
Luna's face was a picture of contempt when she found them, flustered and panting.
"I feel extremely single. Please stop, before I go from Kendall Jenner to Kendall Roy," she hissed.
Winnie pulled out her phone to correct her make-up, "Killer or drug addict?"
"Potentially both depending on how long this radiating lust lasts. Please separate."
Luna forced herself between them.
Winnie scoffed, whilst Monet fixed her lipgloss, shooting glares at anyone who eyed them.
Winnie announced, "I have a scheduled post and no it's not our Dior sponsor," she specified to Monet who nodded.
Luna cocked her head to the side, "You're willingly conversing with Mr. Depp?"
Winnie glowered, "Please we're not near that man, they keep de-ageing him, I've seen how they do it whenever I speak to the COO, embarrassing right?"
"Obviously," they replied in unison.
"Anyways I've gotta go," Winnie smirked when Monet shot her a wink.
Ginny was next to find her, "Did you know bland bangs and dry Aki tried inviting Billy into their bed?"
Winnie snorted, "God no and how did you find out?"
"He tells me a lot."
Winnie was confused by her irked tone, "That's good right?"
"Yes. we agreed to pretend that we're dating to our parents to keep them off our backs," Ginny explained as they looked out into the courtyard.
Winnie poured her lips, "How very Netflix of you."
Ginny rolled her eyes, "It's working. And I think it's a causal thing."
"You think or you want it to be?"
"I don't know."
"Just talk to him," Winnie's advice startled the blonde.
"How unlike you," Ginny poked her face as if to see if she was possessed, "Give me back my friend."
Winnie swatted her hand away, "Fuck off. I'm serious and I need to post something."
"GG take down stage 1?"
"Yes." Winnie nodded, "But seriously, go and talk to him."
"Go talk to your therapist," Ginny teased.
Winnie playfully glared, "Oh, that's low."
"Love you," the blonde called out before going to find the cheeky lacrosse captain.
With a minute to go, before she hit tweet, Max appeared two drinks in hand.
He passed hers over, "Poor Bear, here's your hot cocoa, I need to go and do something."
"Up to no good?" she recognised the mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Always," he pressed a kiss to her cheek and went on his way.
(@slytherWin tweeted)
It's time for some tea my dear Winners. I'm indeed in therapy, however, that should've been my decision to share. Since Gossipgirl has announced its poor return, it's been doing far more damage than good. It's mocked and ridiculed plenty of minors, me included and I'm appalled that people are still reading and viewing their posts. I mean, how dare a cowardly nobody try and expose us? We've all been through hell and back and just went we thought we could reach peace, an anonymous account tries and takes that away. I shouldn't be ashamed to go to a place that wants only to help me. And I must admit, the constant clowning and tearing down of my character is the reason I started seeking help. I am only a child, just like most of you. So I want all of my followers, on Twitter, TikTok and insta, and my subscribers on Snapchat and YouTube to unfollow this cruel account. Because we should all strive in the face of adversity. It's time to take the power back, now! #blackmindsmatter #richmindsmatter #imatterespecially.
"GG's followers have dropped by 30%," Monet informed her girlfriend.
Winnie cursed, "Only 30? What is this bitch, Kanye?"
"Easy, it'll take a lot for something this prominent to get cancelled. Just like Kanye," Monet said, "but it's progress."
Winnie tossed back her head in annoyance, "I guess."
It had been hours since school had finished and she had been waiting for good results and this was a fucking disappointment.
"And before we go to Cancun -- I'll never know why they chose that holiday destination."
Winnie heard the uncertainty in Monet's tone, "Really? Your parents suggested it."
"We share blood, not a brain Mon," Winnie retorted, slightly suspicious.
"Moodiness. Another side effect of Ritalin, you're skating through them today."
Winnie clenched her teeth, "I'm hanging up now."
"Wait, I wanted to tell you saying."
"Go on."
Winnie grew even more suspicious when Monet took a minute to say, "...I... miss you."
"Fuck you," Monet softly scoffed.
"I miss you too."
After she ended the call with her darling girlfriend she got one from an unknown number. It was Obie — she never saved his number. He blurted out several things regarding Max, his sister Heidi and her fiancée. Why she told any of this, she didn't know, but the weirdest part of it all was that she showed up at the restaurant.
Her tongue swiped against her cheek as she glanced at Obie, "I'm here, why?"
"We have suspicions," the performative activist answered.
"You've got Wolfe in this too?" she shot a wry look at the smirking playboy.
The trio discussed several things in front of the coat check.
The Dubois heiress grumbled when she heard her name being called. Max looked highly amused at the look on her face.
"Oh fuck," she cursed.
Obie winced, "Sorry."
She spun on her heel and plastered on a forced smile, "Heidi,"
The Bergmann women went to kiss her cheeks, but Winnie took a step back, still adorning a smile.
Heidi cleared her throat, "This is my fiancée Klaus Wagner."
"Another friend of Obie's?" the blonde man in question held out his hand.
"Not a friend. Not even a fan," Winnie replied, earning chuckled from the two adults.
She didn't shake the man's hand which made Max's smirk broaden.
"He's a French hotel heir," Max said, looping his arm with her.
Winnie tilted her head to the side, eying the man, "Really which hotel?"
"Yes, which hotel?" Max curiously leaned in, "Winnie here is practically French royalty."
"Winifred Dubois," Winnie stated, seeing elation in Klaus' eyes.
"Of Velocity Inc.?" he asked.
"Of what else?"
The teens left shortly after, leaving the engaged couple to do whatever.
"I think he's a scammer. Your sister should know better. Hell, you should too," Winnie hissed at Obie.
"I'll talk to her," he shot a nod at Max, before walking away.
"I'll hire a private investigator," Max went on a rant about the conversation he had over during the dinner.
Winnie remained quiet, she didn't care what happened to Heidi, not when Heidi used to sleep with Max who was almost 10 years her junior.
She was creeped out by the woman.
"But thank you for coming through Poor Bear," he smiled at her.
"I'll get the information myself if you stay away from her," his smile fell at her words.
"But we had fun times," he sounded like a whining child.
"Max. I'm serious, stay away, promise me," Winnie tugged on her LV fur coat.
His brows furrowed, "Why?"
She pinched the bridge of her nose, "She took your v-card at what age? 13 and she was what —"
"It's not like that," he cut her off, rapidly shaking his head.
"Sounds like like Deja vu," she rasped.
He exhaled deeply, "Come on."
Max didn't think it was think it was the same as Rafa, It couldn't be right? Right.
"Promise me and I'll help you. And I'll stay over tonight. Quid pro quo, but on friendship terms," she exclaimed.
His face lit up with a childlike glee, "I'm your friend?"
"Yes, you child, now just drop her after you drop the bomb."
"I promise," he quickly agreed, saluting at her, drawing an annoyed grin, "now, will I see you later?"
She grimaced, "No, too much interaction for the day."
"Overstimulation? And I thought sapphics loved it." She let out a genuine laugh as he threw an arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's get hot cocoa."
"How basic."
"Very basic."
"We burn them. They scorch us Grayson, you know that," Monet pressed her ear up to her parent's room, having heard them in a heated discussion for quite some time now.
She mentioned the trip to Cancun during dinner and they stopped speaking until they finished their food. Had she known it was a sensitive topic she would've brought it up ages ago.
Her father replied, "We could always flip the score, this trip to Cancun can be our chance to come out on top."
"What about our daughter's relationship with theirs?"
Monet's heart raced and jaw tightened at the mention of her girlfriend and her family.
"Oh please, we know that Winifred is Margaux's carbon copy, she'll dump Monet with ease. She'll do more harm to our daughter. Hasn't she already? I mean, think about it, this blog Gossip Girl might be good for one thing and that's receipts."
Monet harshly swallowed as her mind roared with suspicion that had been gnawing at her ever since she saw those notes in her girlfriend's room on Halloween.
Her mother scoffed, "Don't be absurd, Grayson, Monet and Winnie have battled and surprisingly they've come out unscathed."
"This family has secrets, secrets that Luc knows and we can't let our family, our legacy turn to ruin because of his own faults," her father snarled.
Monet's nose flared and body stiffened when she thought of the billion possibilities, but in actuality, she had an inkling of what they were referencing.
"Then what do you suppose we do?"
"Well I'm glad you came through on your promise," Winnie felt comfortable in the Wolfe's west village townhouse.
It was homey, unlike her own and despite Gideon's personal views on the arrogant teen, he didn't have a problem with her being there.
"You would've assassinated me if I didn't - both literally and figuratively," Max quipped, turning back to the girl who was now in her nightwear.
He thought she looked hot but didn't have it in him to say.
She agreed as they were away from the kitchen, "Got that right."
"Who was on the phone?" he wondered who she was speaking to before.
Max cheekily smiled, "Your child."
Winnie's face dropped, "The idea of having children is disgusting to me, so I take deep offence in that."
"What? She is. What's your endgame, creating a mini-me?" he kicked the living room door open with his feet and led her in.
"We'll see," Winnie mused, knowing deep down she wanted Zoya to carry her torch.
From Buffalo to Billionaire, how cute.
"What did she want?" Max asked down on the couch whilst Winnie lowered herself into a chair and crossed her legs. He brought out some pastries for her to take with her medication, whilst he snacked on some ice cream.
An inferno roared within the walls of the fireplace, inspiring warmth to flow around the teens but Max didn't want it. He didn't want to look at the Christmas tree, or the ornaments, that were not supposed to be up and yet they were.
Winnie pursed her lips, "Something about her sister moving in with her. She's not a fan but her dad pushed it because Julian's annoying grandmother wanted to pack her up and ship her away to whatever country bumkin town she originated from."
"I wish I could escape this city," he murmured, halting her in her bite.
"Today's been that bad?"
"This year," Max reiterated.
"Second that," She eyed his desolated demeanour, "but is this moodiness about what happened tonight with Bergmann?"
"Something like that," he took another bite of his rocky road.
Max felt trapped, what he once perceived wasn't how it was. Nothing fit, not how it used to. Hell, if he told himself last year he would be spilling his guts to Winifred Dubois, he would've laughed and she would've cackled in his face.
"Are you in love with her?"
Winnie almost choked on her pill when she heard his question. Max wasn't looking at her, he stared ahead, facing the fireplace, clutching the ice cream so it wouldn't slip through his fingers.
He scoffed at her faux innocence, "Who do you think?"
"And why do you ask?" she threw back the question, not wanting to answer.
"Do you think you're capable of love?" he sighed when she didn't answer, "I'm only asking because my dads are divorcing. Pops sent divorce papers. The separation was enough and I don't want their relationship to end. They were my constant and now everything else is slipping."
"Has Gideon signed the papers?" she asked after eating another Pain au chocolate.
"He hasn't looked at them since he saw them," Max said, slumping back on the sofa. "I don't blame him, he's wasted so much time when he should've just stayed single."
"And then you wouldn't exist," Winnie argued, now drawing his sorrow-filled gaze. "And then the world would miss out on the charismatic man-whore who is Maximus Wolfe."
"I'm starting to think that isn't a bad thing," he murmured, putting his ice cream to the side. "All people do is use and abuse me and expect to be this happy and grateful guy. When I can't keep up."
"Then stop, stop living up to other people's expectations."
"Easier said than done."
"I know. People have tried changing me," Winnie admitted, "even the people who raised me. You said before that it's the people that make shit better, but it's hard. Living up to someone else's idea of you is fucking gutwrenching."
"Trust me, all I've been feeling recently is like I've been constantly kicked and pushed around and nothing is helping."
She frowned, "Max..."
"But I'm fine," he blurted, humourlessly chuckling at himself.
"You're spirally. I would know because I've been doing it since I was born apparently," Winnie said with an eye roll, "I've never been good at giving decent advice. Criticism, I'm amazing at so if you don't mind I'll do that."
Max breathed out, "Please."
Winnie put aside her snack and leaned in, not tearing her eyes from his and said,
"You like things that you can't have. It's an obsession, or a fetish, whatever way you want to look at it and I can't blame you for it because of your past and it's repeating. And the shit that's happening with your parents has nothing to do with you. It's fucked because your dads seemed okay, one of the last good parents in this area code. But what you need to get, is Aki and Audrey like you, lust over you but you won't be enough for them. They will use you as glue to their decaying relationship. Sure it'll seem like fun at first but remember how the beginning of that felt. Like an ass, I'd imagine. So now, you have two options, let people keep affecting how you see yourself or do something about it. Because I'm tired watching it, so god knows how your fucking feeling."
The pair just sat back, letting their suppressed emotions dance with the flames illuminating the room. It was raw and gritty but that was their reality.
And It was fucking exhausting.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
They say it isn't the holidays until somebody cries. But that doesn't mean they can't be happy tears. Because the holidays aren't about conflict, they're about resolution. It's a time to put the ghosts of Christmas Pasts behind us. A time to grab our Christmas Futures by their bony hands without fear, only excitement about what's to come. But you can't do that without facing the past. Facing what you've done. And nobody knows better what you've done than me. Your confessional. Your therapist. Your friend who tells you the truth. Or do I? I don't think I've been entirely honest. How could I be, anonymously? Like a certain someone called me out. So maybe it's time to give you the best gift I can offer. I told you I saw you, but I meant I saw through you. And it's not fair for me to be the only one with that superpower. So this Christmas, I'm giving it to you. And while you may think you don't deserve it, I know it's just what you need. I made my list. I checked it twice. You know you've been naughty. Now pay the price. X-ho-ho-ho, Gossip Girl.
getting towards the end of this book and as i'm going through the show, i didn't realise how many pedophiles we're around max. like heidi taking his virginity when online it states she graduated constance only 2 years after the NJBC means she's around 28... ewww right? and considering the influence she's got, she's more likely to get away with it, which she has. so to change the end of the episode i made sure max stayed with winnie instead. in season 2 they annoyingly continue their fling which is icky. it's like the show saw pretty little liars and thought it was good.
monet overhearing her parents... yikes. and zoya being winnie's kid is the funniest thing, but honestly quite sad when you realise that she would ultimately become another version of winnie.
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
10. Final cancellation
BREAKFAST was a lonely affair that morning, surrounded by food but not a parent in sight — out campaigning her father's role as Mayor. Winnie preferred it that way. She ate her pasties without fear of being yelled at for getting crumbs on her uniform, in her nails or hair.
The Dubois' brand new family portrait hung in place of the last. All smiles yet none of them were real — not their true selves like Gossip Girl insisted she wanted to see.
So Winnie kept eating, to fill the void she felt. The terror that consumed her that night and the consciousness coursing through her mind. She pushed back those feelings until they gnawed at her mind, again and again and again.
Perhaps she should take her medication.
Winnie laughed at the thought just before a maid reached the room, announcing she had a guest.
"Zoya should wait outside," she advised but before the maid could contest someone else flooded the room with a basket in hand.
"Zoya?" Monet's voice halted her movements,  "You're inviting her here? Impromptu visits to sleepovers I guess anything slides in my absence."
Winnie straightened up, "What are you doing here?"
She took a split second to notice the obvious changes in Monet. The Senegalese twists were replaced with a mahogany-coloured wig that complimented her skin and her matching blazer very well.
She looked mouth-watering.
"I tried calling," Monet answered, taking in the changes in Winnie, how her stress was covered up with concealer and how her hair was styled in a neat bun tightening her already pronounced features.
Winnie abandoned her food and said, "I muted you."
Monet shrugged off the pang to her chest and sashayed over, "I missed you."
"You ignored me," Winnie argued, squinting her eyes at the basket that settled near her plate.
"That's what a break is," Monet insisted sharply, as a chair was pulled out for her and she took her place, ignoring the ire in Winnie's eyes.
"And now you bring food and question my judgment of company? When you know I have a lot to say about the company you keep."
"I brought food," Monet disregarded her retort and nodded to the quaint basket.
Winnie briefly tipped it to the side to see the red velvet cupcakes. "Cupcakes?"
"From your favourite, Cake Man Raven."
"I prefer Brooklyn cupcakes," Winnie deadpanned, taking deep pleasure in the befuddlement on her face.
"Since when?"
"Since Zoya gifted them to soothe over things," Winnie couldn't help her taunting tone. It was inherited. She caught Monet's twitching eye, "Problem?"
"Caesar, could I interest you with some cupcakes?" Monet turned her attention to the stoic man who was never far from the Dubois heiress, "5 stars and Manhattan's finest."
"I prefer Brooklyn cupcakes myself Miss De Haan," The man in question replied, earning a grimace from the De Haan teen. "Perhaps the maids might take pleasure in your choice of bakery."
Winnie chuckled at his rebuttal, "Caesar, you can wait outside. I'll call you if there's trouble."
And then there were two... the rest of the staff who usually occupied the dining room left to teenagers to themselves, or they'd suffocate on the tension.
Monet's body turned in her direction, as her face morphed from one that was recently insulted to a more apologetic expression.
"I'm sorry."
Winnie almost choked on air, "You're what?" She never apologizes.
"I'm sorry. The break was as hard for me as it was for you."
"I doubt that. But go on," Winnie persisted, surprisingly not shooting her down.
"I know the timing wasn't great. But I was being there for a friend," Monet's manicured hands inched closer to Winnie's as she explained, "I know you don't like who-must-not-be-named but trust me, I didn't want it to happen like that."
"And yet it did," Winnie sucked in a deep breath, attempting to regulate her emotions on her own, "I needed you too," she admitted, moving her hands as Monet stared at her with tender eyes, "My doctor, therapist, psychiatrist all wrapped in one gave me medication. I have a disorder apparently, I'm still working on getting a second option."
That caught Money off guard, she practically launched forward to ask, "What disorder?"
"DMDD. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Prone to outbursts, perpetual irritation and fluctuations in behaviour," Winnie drawled, although apprehensive of her reaction, "Couldn't be furthest from me right?"
"Are you taking medication?" Was all Monet could ask.
"I don't need them," Winnie but back defensively.
"You do, you just don't want to —"
"Change? You're damn right. But I've been told they'll just make me a better version of me."
"Who said that? Let me guess your freshman spy," Monet gritted
"No, Ginny," Winnie rolled her eyes before adding, "Billy said it'll help too."
Money didn't think much of either of them, blonde, dull and rich were adjectives that came to mind. She only conversed with Billy because she sat next to him and creative German, and was forced to interact with Ginny because of the girl in front of her.
The girl she had more than just lust for.
And so she cleared her throat, "You should listen to them. I think It'll help. It won't change you, not entirely."
Winnie's eyes nervously met hers before huffing, "You're not here to talk about my mental problems."
"Think of this as couples counselling," Monet cracked a joke.
"I won't."
Monet softly scoffed, "You will if I ask if you want to be my girlfriend."
"We just had a break," Winnie flushed despite herself.
"Because you exposed us. May I remind you that I wanted it to be done the right way. Not some tacky, middle school slip up."
"I don't regret that," Winnie's hands neared Monet's again.
Their eyes didn't glance away, not for a second.
"And I guess I don't either," Monet sheepishly admitted. "Because I have missed you. And as much as I wanted to pick up the phone I couldn't. I needed my thoughts in order. Just like you need yours."
Winnie allowed her explanation to sink in, although their time apart did more damage than prevented in her eyes, she still missed her.
"So I think it's time we start over," Monet suggested, "turn a new page, start anew."
"Because of the brand deals?" Winnie quirked up a brow.
Monet hummed, "Maybe."
Winnie cracked a smile at her teasing.
"Or maybe it's the sex I miss. The kisses — definitely those, I couldn't breathe without them. But most all you. Just you. As entitled, possessive and vindictive you are. You're bloodthirsty like me. You're beautiful and intense and I couldn't stray from you even if I tried."
"Weird way to propose," Winnie rasped.
Their fingers danced over each other before interlinking
"Oh, I'll do something much more extravagant for that," Winnie's breath hitched at her recant, "But until then. Do you want to be my girlfriend Winifred Margaux Dubois?"
"Only because you called me bloodthirsty," Winnie huffed out a laugh, "so yes Monet Mekada De Haan. I'll be your girlfriend. And you are most unquestionably mine."
"But promise me something, honesty over halfhearted truths," Monet said almost pleadingly, batting her eyelashes so much she missed the brief look of guilt washing over Winnie's face.
"I promise," Winnie agreed, blocking out her memories of her last vow that was made.
Monet squealed and Winnie smiled.
They finally sealed their union with a kiss, Monet grabbed her face as Winnie gripped her sides. They moved as if each feverish kiss was their last. Lapping tongues and pleasurable whimpers. Together at last.
They would've stayed like that if it wasn't for someone clearing their throat.
"Caesar, we're busy —" Winnie mumbled against Monet's lips before turning in the direction of the guest who was not who she expected. "Oh Z."
Zoya shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She wasn't expecting a show at 8 am.
She felt the need to explain, whilst averting her doe-like gaze, "Your car pulled up at my apartment 10 minutes early. My dad thought I was getting kidnapped."
Monet made a face as she dragged her judgmental eyes from the freshman to her girlfriend, "Win, hon what is this?"
Zoya gawked, "So it's official? You two made up? Not surprising. Billy cornered me and practically begged that we have a bet about when you two were gonna reconcile. He owes me 50 bucks."
"Didn't realize you were keeping tabs on our life," Monet turned up her nose.
"Our?" Zoya and Winnie chorused, the latter more amused than anything.
But Winnie winced at the glare Monet sent her way, so she rolled her eyes and tried calming the pair of them.
"Girls play nice. I did tell you little Z was like my mentee," she informed, "Monet and I are official now."
"Wow," Zoya blinked slowly.
Unsure if this was for the better or worse.
Monet groaned, "Will I have to deal with that on the car ride over?"
A grin grew on Winnie's face, "I'll distract you."
Monet stole one last kiss from her as they gathered their things and stood up.
"Oh god," Zoya huffed quietly.
Winnie nodded to the table full of food, "Feel free to grab a bite, I don't want to hear your stomach growling on the ride over."
Zoya didn't hesitate to rush over to the table, leaving the couple to walk ahead.
(@monetdehaan posted)
tagged @winnerd
liked by @winnerd, @akimenz and 46,874 others
smiles with pearls to match!
@g.wells cringe
↳@winnerd suck it up.
↳@billythekid she does plenty of that.
↳@g.wells hush.
@maxtheewolfe awww young love
↳@monetdehaan 😊
↳@lunalaaaaa could've given me a lift
↳@duboisssupdates already love them
@juliancalloway ice queens
(@monetdehaan liked this comment)
@maxtheewolfe awww young love
↳@alottazee bless my youthful eyes
↳@monetdehaan 🤫
↳@audreyhopesfor interesting
↳@winnerd unlike you
@winniesbiggestfan serving even with a partner
↳@monetsoutfits can always rely on her to eat
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves good match
(@winnerd liked this comment)
(@monetdehaan liked this comment)
@gq 👀
↳@winnerd waiting on that call
↳@monetdehaan patience love
↳@lunalaaaaa 🤭
Everyone was in attendance for Social Studies, whether they were late or not listening to the rants their teacher went on.
Pairs sat on every desk, Max usually resided next to Winnie but since their not-so-soft launch, Monet replaced his seat. He would've opted for Ginny but she was too busy giggling into Billy's ear to notice he was sitting at the back letting Obie talk his ear off. But what he did do was avoid eye contact with Audrey who continuously touched her boyfriend's face, leaving Luna and Julian who sat in front of them, the latter mumbled her opinion to the former about the brand new couple.
Not even 10 am and everyone was already over the class.
"'Sapphic Sirens' is trending," Monet whispered a little too loudly as she showed off her Instagram feed to her girlfriend.
So many blogs and pages — both fans and foes were talking about them.
"Miss De Haan," their teacher repeated, drawing her attention.
"Could you answer the question? Does class hold a bigger hold over society or race and gender?"
Monet halfheartedly answered, "All three."
She wasn't focused at all, how could she with Winnie's hand gripping her thigh?
"But one has a tighter grasp," Audrey spoke up, leaning forward whilst Aki leaned back.
"Like your roots," Winnie quipped, amusing a few people.
Julian defended her friend, "Like your tracks."
The teacher frowned, "Ladies stay focused."
"Ladies, don't stay focused." Billy encouraged, sitting up with his cheeky smile.
Max scoffed, "Careful Van Der Bilt, encouraging a Catfight when discussing issues like a gender divide isn't a good look."
Billy shot him a wink.
"Neither is racism, but Audrey was trending about all things involving race," Ginny defended.
"Back on the subject matter please." The teacher insisted, hoping not to lose control.
"Injustice is injustice, especially if it involves all three social divisions you just mentioned," Obie stated, earning multiple eye rolls.
Julian just sent him a soft smile, which he mirrored.
"Hot take Obs," Max muttered, groaning into his hands.
"You could argue that even within gender, an upper-class woman will hire maids to care for her children rather than look after them herself." Winnie voiced.
"Speaking from experience Winnie?" Audrey snarled.
"Just making a point. Within feminism, race exists. White feminists don't operate the same way feminists of colour do. Do you relate to that experience Auds?" Winnie rebutted.
"She can't," Monet smirked
Aki tried stealing the attention of his girlfriend, "But those at the top can make a difference for the working class. An Asian- American like me can help spread awareness of Asian hate."
"But have you Akeno?" Winnie pressed.
"He has," Audrey was quick to reassure everyone.
"But have you?" Monet narrowed her eyes at the blonde who did nothing but scowl.
Luna diverted the topic, "All women will experience harassment even women at the top," she spoke up, even though Julian tensed at the subject matter, "Class is redundant when harassment and sexual assault are involved."
"Care to elaborate, Miss La?" the teacher wanted her to explain further.
A student said, "Money doesn't stop crimes."
Many of them disagreed.
"Well..." Billy trailed off.
"Not all of them," Aki murmured, forcing Winnie to think about her father's words.
Julian gritted, "Depends on who you are."
A few students shot her looks before Luna motioned them all to turn around.
"Your socioeconomic background plays a part in it." Obie spoke up, "You committed a crime, but can you afford a good lawyer to defend you?"
"The city appoints one of you can't, right?" Max added, playing with his fingers.
"Marxism is about the conflict between classes. Whereas feminism is the conflict between genders and racism is the conflict between races. Do you believe there will be changes in all three," The teacher asked all of her students.
Obie believed, "There is change."
That started a bigger discourse.
"Barely," Audrey disagreed.
"In your mind there is," Winnie motioned to his head.
"Delusional," Luna couldn't help but say aloud, shrugging off the look Julian sent.
"Sure there's rules and regulations set in place but people get arrested for hate crimes all the time," Aki went on.
"But not the rich," Audrey added.
Winnie shot her a look, "Shitting on your own Hope?"
"Language," their teacher reprimanded.
"She's hardly one of us," Gin mumbled to Billy.
He snickered, "Hardly."
"Speak up Mr van der Bilt," their teacher insisted, hoping he heard something relevant to say.
"Yes, speak up William," Max taunted.
"Is Audrey saying to eat the rich?" Billy's cheeky smile grew as his eyes flickered between them, "Go ahead Sweetheart, but do it in a better rags than the drapes your mother makes."
Gasped and looks of shock spread throughout the class.
"What did you just say?" Audrey stood up, glowering at the blonde boy.
"Say that shit again," Aki joined her.
"Settle down," The teacher demanded, "settle down. Mr Wolfe, get back in your seats — Miss Dubois put your phone away. Miss Hope, calm down, please. Mr Menzies refrain from saying that kind of language even if it's directed to someone who deserves it."
Billy kept chuckling as he got an even bigger rise out of the couple who sat down.
"Dick," Max snarled, earning another loud laugh from the blonde lacrosse player.
"He's not worth it," Obie told his friends, who ignored him.
"Boys," Luna sighed.
"Right," Julian agreed.
"Girls on top," Monet commented to her girlfriend.
"Classless," Winnie concluded, speaking up "maybe your right class trumps race and gender division."
Monet pecked her lips as several students already rushed to put their things away.
Before the teacher could stop them, the bell rang for a break.
"Class dismissed."
"Fuck that!" Zoya exclaimed, "A truce are you kidding me?"
"The freshman has to right idea," Ginny agreed as the girls stood at the MET steps.
Tension had been high since Social Studies and worsened in AP English, Winnie kept Zoya updated, whilst the headmistress told her that she could lose out on her scholarship. The board wouldn't take money from Davis Calloway, so Winnie reassured her she would sort it, free of charge.
Julian frowned, "Don't you think this feud has gone on for too long Z? C'mon I'm your sister,"
"Who wasn't there for you," Audrey piped up from beside her.
"She hasn't been there for me, and you're aware of that," Zoya hissed, "Winnie's there for me."
Monet rolled her eyes and tugged her girlfriend closer.
"She's there for no one," Julian snapped, whilst Luna inched back slightly.
Ginny feigned offence, "I guess I'm chopped liver."
"Well that's certainly more pleasant to look at," Audrey quipped.
Winnie laughed dryly, "Oh, the dull roar speaks again."
"This is who you want to have your back?" Julian pressed her sister, who scoffed.
"Better than someone who lets their friends attack me daily," Zoya defended, glaring around the circle.
"We don't attack. We plan," Luna pointed out, pulling out her phone.
Monet hummed, "Meticulously."
"Obviously not hon, your girl is getting cancelled," Winnie couldn't help but snicker alongside Ginny.
"I'm an innocent fucking bystander," Julian yelled, but that didn't stop their amusement.
"That's true for once." Ginny and Winnie chorused.
Julian angrily shook her head, "Fuck both of you."
Winnie dramatically gasped, "I'm sorry I thought you wanted a truce."
"I never said that."
Everyone realised and turned to the De Haan teen who was pretending she was none the wiser.
"Monet!" they yelled.
She winced, "Yelling. I have youthful ears. Ever since me and my beau talked things out it made me come to the realisation that we all need to play nice. And what screams that than gal pals? Coming together in the face of adversity. A man's at fault and we shouldn't be fighting... anymore."
"No." Ginny instantly shut it down.
She didn't want it. Zoya was wary and sent glances to Winnie who pursed her lips, Julian didn't know what to think and was annoyed by the alliances forming to spite her. Luna was indifferent and wanted to sit down, whilst Audrey awaited Julian's answer.
Winnie spoke up first, "Gin, we have bigger fish to fry, so might as well."
Monet smiled widely, happy that she defended her.
Everyone was startled by her point, but it was clear she was only agreeing because of her girlfriend, which thoroughly agitated Ginny and Zoya, considering they knew the girl wanted chaos like people needed to breathe.
"Fine, why don't we all go around and say something nice about each other?" Ginny mocked but that was certainly an idea.
"We should," Julian breathed out, wanting to turn the other cheek. She was close to hitting rock bottom, so having fewer enemies was a plus. Audrey couldn't help but go along with her. "It'll help. Even though two people standing here cost me an exposure with the big three."
"Cost us," Zoya hissed, "God you sound like Pippa."
"Woah," Luna gasped, whilst Winnie and Ginny sniggered.
Audrey glared at the freshman, whilst rubbing a hand over a hurt Julian's arm.
"Ladies, can we — fuck it isn't that hard to play nice?" Monet rolled her eyes at the hypocrisy.
"Coming from you that's a little rich but okay," Winnie stifled another laugh, "But I'm not going first Mon."
"Fine, I'll start, I like your shoes," Luna had been eying Ginny's Manolo Blahnik satin pumps since the first period.
Ginny shrugged, "I like your face."
Luna smirked.
It was Audrey's turn to compliment Winnie, "You have good fashion sense."
"You have nice lips," Winnie replied, snickering at the pinch Monet gave her.
"Win," Monet hissed, amusing the blondes.
"It was a compliment."
Zoya tried with the De Haan teen, "You have annoyingly genius comebacks."
Monet clicked her tongue, raking her eyes over the freshman before huffing, "Nope, I can't do it."
Zoya threw her arms in the air, "And you wanted a truce."
"Mon," Winnie warned.
"She has voluminous hair," Monet rushed out. "Happy?"
Zoya remained quiet and allowed the forced compliments to bounce around. It was hard, very hard for this group of girls to come together. The impending insults were almost at service level but for now, the fake niceties prevailed. It was time for the last round and Winnie suppressed a scowl when Julian faced her.
Everyone waited and Julian had enough of the silence and voiced, "You're gorgeous."
Monet beamed, her girlfriend was extremely gorgeous.
Casting a wry look at Ginny, Winnie inhaled as she said, "And you're a worthy adversary, beauty and all."
Whether that was a lie or not, they all agreed that their truce would commence for however long it would last.
"Now that's done," Luna clasped her hands together, "we need to find a venue for tonight."
Monet and Audrey quickly agreed and added input, blurting out any and everything to Julian.
Zoya was over it and turned to Winnie, "I need to find Shan."
The Dubois heiress nodded, saying quietly, "Good luck for later."
Zoya was meeting Jeremy O'Harris and didn't need the entire world to know just yet.
"Gin, Winnie, Felice 83 for lunch?" they all turned to see Billy rock up behind them.
Winnie looked at Monet who waved her off, "The driver will pick us up later."
Monet pecked her lips before joining her friends.
"You coming freshman?" Billy called out as Obie, Aki and Max neared.
Zoya shook his head with a smile before hastily looking at her ex who stared in awe at her sister.
She averted her pained gaze and went on her way.
"Julian," Obie smiled.
Aki jogged over, "Audrey."
Winnie and Ginny were met with kisses on the cheek from Billy earning glares from both Max and Monet.
"Do you think this truce you dragged me into will last?" the Wellington blonde asked as they started to walk.
Winnie snorted, "No, but it'll be fun to see who cracks first."
"And when it all blows up and everything explodes?" Ginny asked.
Billy put an arm around her shoulder.
"We protect ourselves," Winnie answered with furrowed brows.
"Does that include Monet?"
"Her too."
"Aww young Winifred's in love," Billy teased, earning groans from both girls.
Ginny already noticed the changes in Winnie's tone. It was happier and calm, unlike Winnie. She wanted to be happy for her closest friend but she had to be cautious. What if she gets distracted?
Winnie tried masking her smile, "Shut up."
Billy blinked rapidly, "Wait really?"
"I don't trust her," Ginny blurted, eying the glow emitting from her friend.
Winnie nodded, "I know, but for now, we have bigger fish to fry," she cast Billy an odd glare, "Like when do you smell like street meet?"
He frowned, "I had crepes for breakfast."
The best friends exchanged a look before saying, "Street meet."
(@gossipgirl posted)
Who knew a truce could be on the cards? Between the backstabbing, stilettos and sibling rivalry, can one discussion by the MET steps dissolve the tension drifting through the Upper East Side? My dear followers, you should know that it only takes one match to set a fire, and one tip to break peace. Time is ticking and I'll be the first to know when the hourglass runs out.
Shortly after lunch, Winnie's irritation was skyrocketing and she didn't know why, so she made a prompt decision and called her therapist during a free period.
She found a secluded spot in the library her parents built and dialled.
She hesitantly listened to the questions being asked and even answered a few. And repeatedly ignored any mention of her medication that she still hadn't taken.
"You told me you're parents gifted you a dog?"
Personally, Winnie would've preferred a cat. It would be low maintenance and would fuck off whenever she needed it too, but Margaux and Lu wanted to see if she could handle responsibility despite all the other dogs they have in the house.
"They buy me a lot of things," she replied, playing with her pen.
"What is this dog's name?"
"A place of destruction."
Winnie was taken aback by her knowledge, "Yes."
"And why did you land on that name? Is the dog destructive?" Dr Anchor questioned.
Winnie shrugged, "He's an attention whore."
"You dislike that."
"That didn't sound like a question," Winnie exclaimed.
"Based on your tone of voice, you dislike that Abaddon, your dog, wants attention. Why is that?" Dr Anchor asked.
"It's exhausting," Winnie sighed, even today she interacted with more people she wanted and had a truce thrust upon her.
"Giving him attention?"
"He wants it every day," Winnie went on.
"And you believe you can't give him that attention every day?"
"I don't believe. I can't," Winnie insisted, placing down her pen and glancing around at the row full of books.
"Why is that?"
"I prefer not to build expectations for people," Winnie breathed out, regretting that she called in the first place.
"Because you don't want to let them down?"
Winnie scowled, "Did I say that? No."
"Do you feel like you let people down?"
"I never said that," Winnie echoed.
Dr Anchor pressed, "Are you letting Abaddon down?"
"How am I letting an emotional support animal down? They're supposed to support me. Serve me. But no he wants attention. He wants me to give something that I can't live up to," Winnie ranted.
"Can't or won't?"
"Can't," Winnie gritted out, pulling the phone away when she saw someone else was calling. It was Monet but she couldn't answer now.
"And why can't you?"
"I've told you, you're not listening," Winnie tossed her head back in annoyance as she clenched the pen in her hands.
"No, I am. The wall you built yourself is so high you can't see what's in front of you."
"And what's that?"
"Happiness is an option but you won't let it in because you've convinced yourself you can't have it and so you won't. You won't give yourself over to your emotional support animal. He's there to support you and of course, he's an intelligent pet and understands you're not doing what needs to be done so he wants attention, attention you're not willing to give because if you allow yourself to open up, or even be vulnerable for just a second, you're scared that somehow you'll let him down. A dog with a name that perfectly depicts your psyche."
Winnie hung up immediately.
Her blinking turned rapid as she tried taking in deep breaths.
Her phone rang again. It was Monet.
"Can we leave? I want to go home," Winnie gulped as she waited for a response.
"I'll meet you out front."
Winnie didn't discuss the conversation she had with her therapist, in fact on the ride to the Dubois townhouse she tried showing as much attention to her girlfriend – her partner, it was hard but she was working on it.
She wanted to prove Dr Anchor wrong, she wanted to prove them all wrong, why she didn't know. Pure stubbornness maybe but she couldn't stand someone else's image of her, not when she didn't agree with it.
"Perhaps a portrait of our own. Some traditions should hold out," Monet suggested as Winnie watched her reflection.
They were locked away in her en-suit as Monet planned and ticked off ideas for them to do.
Ever since they came out as a couple, they've been asked to do interviews, or profiles in more modern papers. What does a GenZ couple look like? Who dresses who? Who's the dominant? Most of the articles were going to be inappropriate but they liked the thought of it.
Even a few fashion brands reached out for a featured post. Neither of them was surprised, Monet's style screamed icon, similar to Winnie's who portrayed herself as more of a confidant killer.
But ultimately Monet had her eyes set on an internship.
"A portrait for these walls? My grandparents would be rolling in their frames," Winnie laughed as she leaned against the counter in her gown.
"Too bad they can't do shit to stop it," Monet retorted, wrapping her arms around her waist, "Is that hesitancy I detect? Scared?"
"I'm not scared," Winnie playfully rolled her eyes.
"Then that's that, a portrait."
"You have a list of things for us to do right?" Winnie asked, eyes dropping to the borrowed silk two-piece Monet was lounging in. "Can we just do something spontaneous?" she caught the suggestive smirk playing on Monet's lips.  "Not that. My head has been spinning all day," all week. "I just want a bath."
"A bath at 5 pm?"
"Too domestic for you, you can snap a pic later, before you go off galavanting to find a venue for the saving Calloway ploy."
Monet didn't have to leave until 6.
"Fine, let's be domestic for an hour," Monet agreed,  "But I need a scarf. So do you or is that too black for you?"
"I'll get you your scarf. Might attract a GQ interview while we're at it. Black's the new white," Winnie quipped, as she turned on the bath fit for two.
"About time," Monet beamed, watching as Winnie opened the door to search her nearest bedside table.
"And one more thing," Winnie pulled out two scarves, "I have brand meetings with Ginny and I's agent. We have a perfume that's set to come out in the new year. So if you want to spend more time with me, you'll have to play nice with her."
"There's a truce for a reason remember," Monet's eyes narrowed, "and I'll play nice. You're booked and busy, just like I'll be soon, beside you okay?" she took one of the scarves to wrap around her wig. "We need to find a way to spend more alone time together. Tennis has stolen a lot of your time."
"I don't play tennis anymore," Winnie blurted, drawing a confused look as she sauntered back into the ensuite.
"Why, you go to therapy 3 days a week?"
"Well, now it's 4. My therapist thinks it's best."
"But you can still play."
"Nope, I can't. It's a punishment for a lot of things," Winnie's voice grew quieter, seeing flashes of the file that could trash many families, including the girl who stood right in front of her. "So I'll comply with their demands."
"You shouldn't have to," Monet then suggested, "but I guess I can think of an activity, thorough and time-consuming, that you've already shown you'll love doing."
Winnie squealed when Monet tugged on her robe, "So much for the bath."
(@winnerd posted)
tagged @monetdehaan
liked by @winnerd, @jennaortaga and 97,876 others
a euphoric hour of relaxing.
@winniesbiggestfan i hope she doesn't get her heart broken.
↳@duboisfanpage she's julian's management. it can't be good
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves ikr
↳@winnerd why would i choose anyone less than perfect to be my girlfriend? are you questioning my judgment?
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves of course not winnie, we love you so much.
↳@duboisfanpage be safe our queen.
↳@winniesbiggestfan a power couple then. better than obi and julian already.
@bellahadid hot.
↳@monetdehaan and don't we know it
@monifred4life i'm crying they're so pretty
↳@dehaanfanpage petty and rich 😭
limited comments.
Max didn't expect to see Winnie knocking at his door at 10 pm.
A coy smirk tugged on his lips as he leaned against the door, "I didn't know you could journey to the Upper West Side."
She readjusted her Versace Medusa coat and shrugged, "Me either."
"Then what are you doing here?"
"A moment of weakness," she stated, then rolling her eyes at the way he was wiggling his brows, "Oh come on, I'm gay."
He pushed open his door, "Come in. not for any funny business, people usually turned to me in times of need."
When Winnie strutted in, she was overwhelmed by the sweet smell in the air, happy family pictures decorating the walls and the warm colours all around.
"Your boyfriend or girlfriend isn't here?" she glanced around after he shut the door.
Max shook his head, guiding her into the kitchen, "No, there was a Cedar hosted tonight, went as well as it could."
"The Waldorfs and Roses were here? I keep up to date with her daughter Blair sometimes, she designs my mom's work wear on occasion," she informed, setting her purple capucine on the counter.
"Why do you look like someone just kicked a puppy?" she noted his frown.
Max looked dejected and not his normal flamboyant self.
"My dads," he replied scratching at his face. They weren't staying in the house. His dad was upstairs, no doubt confused with the constant push and pull, and his Pops was away until the morning.
She quicked up a questioning brow, "You want your parents back together?"
He scrunched up his face, "Who wouldn't?"
"Me that for sure. If they were separated maybe they would cause less shit. But now I think of it, they would be worse, definitely worse off, properly even bring me down with them."
He winced, "I'm sorry."
She blinked, "Why?"
"Your family sounds like hell," he manoeuvred around his kitchen to lean against the counter, "but that's not all. What happened with Rafa, I still don't see it but it was for the best." he tensed when sudden revelations hit him. "I heard he didn't get bail, and that I along with a few of his...concubines won't have to go to court, you're doing I'm sure."
Winnie rested her arms on the counter, "You're already traumatised, reliving it won't help or did you want to go?"
Many parents on the school board happened to have brilliant lawyers or an influence in the courts and that worked wonders when influencing the verdict with Rafa Caparros.
Max took a moment to respond, "I don't know, but thanks."
"You're welcome."
"So what's up?" Max was curious to know why Winnie of all people rocked up to his house.
They were friendly – he was friendly, she was catty, but they rarely had deep conversations.
"I know how loose your lips can be so you have to swear this won't leave this room?" she demanded.
Max pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key.
She sighed, "Well it's no secret I'm in therapy. I was diagnosed with DMDD and I have to take Ritalin, to regulate my moods and I can't bring myself to take them."
She brought the bottle out for him to hold.
He eyed the dose as his eyes darted between her and the label.
"What?" she grew anxious with the silence they were dragged in.
"I'm a pill popper, guilty as charged, but I imagine this not wanting help goes deeper than this bottle?"
She scoffed, "What are you my therapist now?"
"I just got an image of how you are in therapy, yeesh," he laughed to himself, "but what's the problem? Relying on the pills or the loss of control? And don't say you don't know because I'm smarter than that."
Winnie unbuckled her coat, pondering her response and decided on, "I guess the control, okay?" she was also scared that if she ever forgot to take them, she would explode in a pile of rage.
"I know I'm saying this to the most calculated bitch in the city but control is overrated. But what isn't is balance. You know when my dads separated, I got depressed – Ginny probably told you," she nodded and he went on, "It didn't help with my ADD, drugs did occasionally and then I thought...Rafa did but it made it worse."
She leaned closer, "What made it better?"
"People," she groaned at his answer, "Look I know it's not what you wanna hear, partially because talking won't always help your problems. You have to take Ritalin let me guess a couple of times a day. With your self-control, it'll be smooth sailing, believe me. I wish this," Max shook the bottle, "was all it took for me to be okay."
"You could always go to rehab," she suggested after he gave back her medication.
She hastily put them back in her bag.
"Not an option," he paused, "Hey, can I ask how Ginny is?"
She grimaced, "Why, you see her in the arms of another preppy white boy and you want her back?"
Max squinted his eyes, "No, and don't act like I'm jealous."
He told himself he was just curious.
"You are, but your secret is safe with me," she pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key, drawing a deadpan look. "And to answer your previous question, she's happy, annoyed I'm with Monet but when she's with Billy, all it is giggling and sunshine and rainbows. But I don't even think they're together - together, I guess she's apprehensive after what happened with you."
He clicked his tongue, then nodded, "Understandable."
"And what is happening with you? Shouldn't you be over the moon because of your ménage à trois?" she wondered aloud as he rounded the counter to stand next to her.
"I can't answer that because I can't tell you."
"Sounds like a mess," she mused, feigning annoyance when he rubbed the shoulders together.
"It is, but what about you and your thing with Monet? You're official now, should've seen it coming I guess. Followings and fucking every second sounds like a treat."
She couldn't hold back a smile, "It's good."
"Just good? Yikes," he eyed her sceptical expression, "cautious that she'll fuck it up or the other way round?"
Mirth shone in his eyes, "Yeah, I'm really starting to see the second D in your DMDD."
She shoved him, "Fuck you."
"But have you thought that maybe exposing the diagnosis will help with brand deals?" he randomly inquired, but she disagreed.
"So I can be labelled Weak Winnie again? No thanks. And my parents already made everyone in the Ostroff centre sign NDAs."
He gawked, "Even the patients?"
She pursed her lips, "What do you think?"
"Okay, I'm not high enough for that discussion, but honestly, if not about you, you could tweet about how the gossip girl was damaging to your mental health. Include some comment about your riches and maybe threatening a lawsuit – we all know you're good with those – and it'll make GG lose credibility."
Winnie surprisingly hadn't thought of that. There were many ways she wanted to make Gossip Girl pay, so that might've been a good place to start.
"Not a bad thought," she agreed.
Max eyed her, letting his gaze wonder, "But can I just say, you have a certain glow to you? We can rule out pregnancy," even know he noticed how comfortable she looked. "but I like it do you?"
"You analyse me a lot."
"And you analyse the word with those scrutinising brown eyes. It's freaky," he mused, leaning back, rounding the counter to open a cupboard.
Winnie pointed out, "You like freaky."
"Aww, you know me so well," he chuckled, "But hey, I've got something for you," he pulled out a small Tupperware full of pastries, "Take these with the medication, I'll make it go down well. Or you can take them and stay."
She begrudgingly didn't want to make the hopeful smile on his face fall but she couldn't stay.
"No, I can't stay," she gratefully took the pastries, "but I'll take some for me and Caesar to snack on the way home."
That made his face light up again, "Sexy bodyguard right?"
"Jesus Max."
"What? I have eyes."
"That we all know."
"But hey – umm,"  he wrapped his arms around her taking her by surprise, "don't freak out, accept my emotions."
She gagged and tried pulling away, "I'm disgusted."
"You're aroused with loving feelings."
"I'll scream," she murmured against him, "but I don't hate it."
"I know you don't," he slowly pulled away, smiling when she dramatically shivered. He was glad she stopped by, it had been a while since he had a genuine conversation. "Night Pooh Bear."
"Night Wolfe."
(@gossipgirl just posted)
So... tensions are dying down, for now, new friendships are being made, but that's not all. You guys might not be fighting anymore, maybe you've figured out that your greatest enemy is yourself and that one battle you'll have to fight alone. There might be some who have already felt like they've lost, and those who are inspired not to give up without a fight. And I've seen you all know a lot of fight in you. In the age of cancel culture and Twitter fingers, it's hard not to want to battle until the end. But then some just give up, but rest assured, you're never really alone not when I'm around, xoxo gossip girl.
I wish both the original and reboot included more scenes of the students in classes, talking about the things that might foreshadow plot lines or just for fun. I tried it in with the truce for this episode, I hope it's well-liked because I thought it was time for a time of peace however fleeting it is.
so many conflicts and tensions rising. and not be writing monifred's kiss so far into the story
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
9. Blackberry narcissus
WINNIE hated to say it but she was a mess. She had more outbursts than normal and made minimal posts, which had her fans worried. Her parents didn't need to question why she was in such a state and assumed it had something to do with Monet. Their assumptions were correct, not like she would ever admit it. She'd rather die than confess that she was rendered emotional and broken.
But that didn't satisfy Margaux and Luc, and to make matters worse the entire family had been called into the Ostroff centre on Dr Anchor's request.
So Winnie was confined between her parents as she listened to her therapist drone on about a diagnosis.
Yes, her diagnosis.
"It's clear that she has been suffering from DMDD – disruptive mood dysregulation disorder since she was a child and hasn't been able to grow out of it due to not learning to effectively regulate her moods or emotions," Dr Anchor informed, sitting opposite the family, eyes scanning their reactions.
"She's had sports," Luc pointed out, clasping his hands.
"Exactly, had. But without that, how has she been? It's been reported that she banged her head on the car window because it wasn't available to her anymore."
Margaux's expression was a picture of revelation. It was obvious she didn't know and Luc had concealed the truth about the departure from their daughter's first therapy session. Even now he avoided her raging gaze.
Winnie scoffed at what she was hearing, she couldn't care less about the woman's explanation or her parent's annoyed glances. She was fine, you're fine Winnie!
"So I need to be on happy pills?" she spoke up with a scoff, ceasing her parent's wordless dispute.
Dr Anchor stared sympathetically, "You need medication, yes, and as a registered psychiatrist I can prescribe you the right medication also. But we will need to add another session every week."
Winnie couldn't believe what she was hearing, she already had 3 sessions a week! She hastily leaned forward, and they all turned to her like she was a cornered animal.
"Why? Do you want to lock me up? I know you fucking do," she snapped.
Margaux tugged her daughter back, mildly disturbed by her outburst, meanwhile, Luc was already used to it.
"See that irritability is a hallmark that distinguishes DMDD from bipolar disorder," the doctor proclaimed, to the Dubois parents.
"I am not fucked in the head," Winnie snarled, shrugging out of her mom's hold.
Luc warned, "Winnie."
"No one is," Dr Anchor countered.
Margaux made a noise of disagreement, "Doctor, please refrain from lying, many people are."
"Margaux," Luc sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.
Dr Anchor surveyed the family and made mental notes.
"I don't want to take drugs," Winnie spat.
She kept shifting in her seat. DMDD, she thought the idea was hilarious, almost blasphemous. She always told herself how to regulate her moods, and how to deal with problems and emotions she couldn't learn from her mom and dad. Tennis and other sports were her way of coping, her stimuli, it was healthy and that was ripped away from her like the tide.
And now to be told that she was fucked up, well even more so because of something out of her control made her seeth, all while her parents sighed at her angry gaze.
"The medication will help you regulate any outburst," The doctor explained but only gained another irritated look, confirming her hypothesis.
Winnie rapidly shook her head, "I don't want them to control my life. I don't need to change."
Nausea gnawed at her like an insect.
Margaux squinted her eyes at the physical reaction her daughter was having.
"DMDD is also treatable with psychotherapy," The doctor continued, turning to Luc.
"Talk therapy is that right?" he questioned, already thinking of the donation he would give to the centre.
"So I don't need the medication," Winnie's tone sounded hopeful shocking Margaux especially.
The doctor disagreed, "I believe that is the best option for you at this moment. Both treatments."
"Then let's get another opinion," Winnie turned to her mom, almost pleadingly.
She never asked for much but all she wanted was her support on this, but with one tentative head shake from her Luc and Margaux slowly turned away and looked back at the doctor, forcing herself not to give in, despite never feeling the urge to before.
Dr Anchor insisted, "Ritalin helps to address emotional reactivity. Since the FDA hasn't found any medication approved especially for treating children or adolescents with DMDD certain medications help relieve the symptoms. Antidepressants too."
Winnie let out a yell, "Fuck!"
"Winnie!" Luc reached out as she shot up from her seat.
"No, Dad I don't want to take them. I am fine."
"You're not," Margaux's tone wasn't at her usual level of judgment, she sounded distressed.
"I am fine," Winnie huffed, slumping down in her chair, eyes going cold as she stared out to her doctor, "I am fine."
One ring, two rings, three rings, voicemail. Monet didn't pick up and Winnie felt desperate, begging for attention and to what? Be rejected by a girl she didn't care for a couple of months before. Stupid, so fucking stupid. All the commotion had allowed her emotions to get away from her and now she had to be on mediation. Fucking medication, she would've spat at the idea of it wasn't already happening.
"You called, I ran," Ginny teasingly strutted into her room and shut the door.
"You were driven and thank you," Winnie cast a small smile.
Her friend rushed from school after getting her call, still adorning a uniform mixed in with traces of navy blue.
Winnie didn't bother to change into her loungewear after leaving the Ostroff centre, instead, she bathed, wanting a little hydrotherapy and the comfort of a silk noir gown trailing over her legs.
Ginny was taken aback, "Manners from you, I take it the visit to Dr Split-ends didn't go as planned," the blonde was thrown a bottle of pills, "and I thought Max was bad," she stifled a laugh after being sent a glare. "Ritalin?" She traced her thumb over the label. Winifred Dubois 25mg. "What do you have, ADHD?"
"DMDD," Winnie corrected, gritting her teeth at the diagnosis as she walked over to her balcony and closed the door.
"Sounds like a drug," the blonde commented, checking over the side effects.
"It's disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. The name for my persistent irritation and frequent outbursts."
"But I thought that was just you," Ginny replied, sheepishly smiling at her.
"So did I. Didn't release there was a fucking name for it."
"I won't lie, your parents called me to encourage you to take them," Ginny shrugged off her scowl, placed the bottle on the desk and dropped her bag on the floor.
Winnie scoffed, "You can try."
"You scared?"
"Pussy," Ginny recognised the hesitancy in her tone.
Winnie groaned, dropping back on her bed, "You fucking take them then."
"Does this disorder become disruptive with fluctuations in relationships?"
"Why?" Winnie sat up, thrown off by the question.
The blonde made a face, "De Haan."
"Fuck you."
"And your parents," Ginny went on, pulling off her heels and placing them in the corner.
She thought about the diagnosis and wasn't shocked in the slightest, especially how things triggered her friend and more especially, who.
"I'll give you a point on that one."
"A pill for every point?" Ginny tried only to receive an annoyed look.
"You want me to change too?"
Ginny shook her head and laid beside her, "Girl you know I would never ask that of you. I like your demented self, makes me feel better about how I might grow old and die with cats surrounding me."
"At least you don't have a whining dog," the Dubois heiress murmured.
"Where is Abaddon?" He was nowhere to be seen, Ginny missed his yapping.
"Being pampered, teeth cleaned, fur coat moisturized and stomach filled."
"I might join him," that made Winnie crack a smile,  "But first. You know pills help," the amusement left her face as Ginny continued, "Refrain yourself from making a remark about me or Max. You want to be in control?" She drew a nod from the irritated girl, "You want order?" Another nod,  "And haven't things felt out of it a lot recently?" And that's thrice, "Then in 2 weeks. We've got Christmas. No one will notice if you're drugged up. I mean I will and document everything but come on. Think of the bright side, you won't have to think about Miss WhoLian is a God."
"It's fucking hard not to," Winnie despised how she felt about Monet, even groaning into her hands and yelling didn't make it stop.
"And why is that?" Ginny pressed, making her stop the dramatics.
"She wants me to change."
Ginny didn't like the sound of that, it was barbaric, "Did she tell you that?"
Winnie rolled on her side, "No directly. But I'm trilingual. Reading between the lines is my speciality."
Ginny matched her actions to face her, "And so is being irritable apparently... too soon?"
"I show people who I am and they're shocked when I don't change. When I don't grow, I mean what else could they want from me? I'm unapologetically me and they hate me for it."
That sense of entitlement to something she's never promised drove her insane. She wasn't good or pretended to be nice — except to followers but even they could see through her act. She was rude, mean and cruel and yet people expected more, different.
"I don't hate you," Ginny reached out and grabbed her hand, rubbing small circles using her finger.
Winnie forced a smile, though her words were true, "I don't hate you either."
Deep down she knew that Ginny was one of the few people who knew who she was and accepted her nature, and vice versa, "But think about it. If someone like De Niro changed he would stop getting random black women pregnant and we wouldn't have people like Zoya."
Ginny burst out laughing at that.
"So are you her actual mentor?" she was starting to think Winnie's soft spot for the Buffalo native had grown to the size of their egos.
"But Win, no matter the doses they give you it won't change you, not that much. It'll unlock your potential," she paused, pursing her lips at Winnie's grunt, "Pharmaceuticals do miracles. I know Money Bags has told you that at least once or thrice."
"She doesn't pick up anymore so..."
Ginny glowered at that, how dare she, "Give me your phone," she instructed, carefully dropping her hand.
"You'll block her number," Winnie passed her the phone regardless.
"No, I'll mute her on everything so we can grieve in peace."
"Who are you grieving? Maximus? I thought you and Billy were spending time with each other and by that, I mean fucking in the chemistry lab  —  I cannot believe I walked in on that."
A blush kissed Ginny's cheeks, she was caught with him today by a stunned Aki and Max, the looks on their faces made it worth it, even when Billy didn't relent and made eye contact with them the entire time.
She laughed, "You should've knocked and we weren't fucking, he was just giving me one of the best orgasms of my life. His tongue is a 9."
She passed Winnie her phone after successfully muting all of Monet's socials and contacts. She wished she had done it before, preventing her friend from the heartbreak she faced.
"Didn't expect that from Mr. Bookworm," Winnie joked, turning off her phone.
"He was preserving it for me," Ginny giggled.
"As well as lying to other rich families."
"Which is why I invited him over," Ginny sheepishly informed as they sat up.
Winnie wasn't mad, "Really? So I can have front-row tickets to your next snow-bunny show?"
"Wouldn't that be hot?" the blonde gushed, laughing at her disgusted face, "And he's picking up some Japanese takeout for us. We'll eat and look at cotillion dresses."
"The vintage Versace collection?" Winnie suggested it was their favourite pastime away from the flashing lights and fakeness.
"Wanna match it's only a month away?"
Winnie agreed, "Sounds promising."
Billy walked in 20 minutes later, yelling something downstairs to Luc before waving and closing the door. He was greeted with unhappy faces even after he held up the food bag.
"It's almost fucking cold," Winnie snatched it from him, as Ginny looked him up and down, making him smirk.
"Blame your dad. Asking me a million questions about my captaincy." He retorted, removing his school blazer and placing it at the back of her desk chair, his muscles unintentionally flexed as he did so. His eyes scanned the room he hadn't been in since they were children and caught the medication on the desk, "I didn't know you had ADHD seems far too good for you."
"DMDD," Winnie surprisingly corrected.
She grumbled at the grin on Ginny's face. Why she was so comfortable around Billy she didn't know.
He nodded, coming over to kneel at the side of the bed where the Wellington blonde sat and winked at her. She of course felt his hands trail over her calves, giving her flashbacks of his tasteful moves.
"My dad has that. The medication works, but his dose is low so he can drink and smoke."
Ginny hummed, "See Win and he's an uptight man — total dilf — no offense."
"My tongue has been inside of you," Billy exclaimed, grimacing and rising from the floor to take out some food for himself.
Winnie groaned and gestured to her California rolls, "Eating!"
"Exactly," he chuckled, amusing them.
"Now shut up," she groaned when he tried getting into bed between them but she pushed him back, "Shoes William."
"Yes, Your Highness." He flicked them off and crawled between them, food almost flew off the bed, but luckily his reflexes proved useful.
"You're lucky you're in her bed, usually only girls are allowed in," Tempura muffled Ginny's voice.
Billy sniggered, "Funny, I have the same policy."
A smile graced Winnie's face just as she grabbed her remote, pressing a button so her TV rose from under the bed and swivelled.
"Oh shit before you press play, how was the campaign? Need to post it for our Tiktok," Ginny said.
"True," Winnie mirrored her actions as Billy kept eating, "Look here, they sent me the pictures today."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Heiress Dubois, or Honorable Winnie? Donating all the proceeds of her Calvin Klein campaign to charity, these selfless deeds would put even Mother Theresa to shame. But you know what isn't a shame? Playboy B ogling Miss Wellington like she's a slice of meat, careful now Billy, screw her over and you'll have all of alt America to deal with. Oh wait, aren't they your cousins and friends?
"You've got 5 minutes, and I never said you could bring a plus one," Winnie instructed.
Zoya and her newest friend Shannon -- Shan, stood in the Dubois conservatory, the former didn't know what to do with her hands, scared to touch anything. Tall pictures hung from vast walls, trained pets lay around, and maids stood at the entrance of the room. Reds and green colours danced around the room, overstimulating the freshman, whilst her friend was hardly intimidated, just mildly impressed.
"Nice house, I'm surprised Trump doesn't dine here," Shan quipped, whilst the heiress Dubois took her in.
"I see, you've got a sassy black friend, cute. You two are one joke away from having your own sitcom," Winnie laughed at her own joke as Zoya rolled her eyes. "You want my advice. On what? As of now, you're intentions have been wishy-washy and I would hate for you to become  my least favourite Halfrican, well second to least fave, just in front of Zoe Saldana."
Zoya's brows furrowed, "What did she do?"
"Nine Simone," the other two chorused then exchanged a brief nod.
"I have two sex maniacs up in my room and I better not find them inside the other when I get back, 30 seconds have passed little Z, hurry up," Winnie demanded.
"Julian wanted my help," the freshman rushed out, earning an amused look.
"You're lucky little Z," Winnie commented, perplexing the younger teens.
Zoya was already exhausted by the interaction, "How?"
"Your dad is a lawyer, not a predator," Winnie pointed out the obvious, "Stay away from your sister."
"She's saying she needs my help."
Winnie's face hardened, "Honestly why you haven't blocked her yet is a mystery to me."
Shan couldn't help but agree.
"Well, it isn't Julian exactly, Monet, Luna and Audrey," Zoya caught the disgust on Winnie's face, "clearly hoping to use my dad's legal advice. I know Julian is staying at Audrey's."
"It's none of your business Z," Shan stated.
Winnie nodded as she neared them, "My advice is to ignore her. Ignore them. I've realised how easily people can cast others aside," she ignored their questioning looks, " And as much as you want to give people the benefit of the doubt, ask yourself, has the doubt ever benefited you?" 
Winnie let her words sink in and exited the room.
Shan watched as the gears turned in Zoya's mind.
The new duo began walking out and towards the exit, Zoya was still overwhelmed by the luxury and beautiful architecture, both modern and archaic. Her faux mentor's advice screamed in her head, yet she couldn't help but feel sympathetic. It wasn't Julian's fault, it was Davis'. But Julian dragged her through the nits and grits of the Upper East Side just for the amusement of her friends.
"I've gotta say, she was eerily wise. But maybe GG is right and maybe she's got a screw loose," Shan exclaimed.
Zoya cast a disproving look, "She's a bitch but she's not insane. Don't joke about that around here, the Dubois have eyes everywhere."
They were soon out of the chilling townhouse and away from the security team. 
"So you're gonna take her advice? Cast your sister aside, brutal, I didn't know you had it in you, I mean I met you in study hall but damn," Shan huffed out a laugh,
Zoya shook her head, "Her influence is crazy Shan. Hell, she even bullied gossipgirl off the gram."
"True but that only means you need to watch your back with her."
Zoya hummed, briefly staring back at the townhouse, "Believe me I know, but would you rather her as an ally or opponent?"
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Sister Slay or sister nay, Zoya Lott has been spotted. It seems to me that she's dropped one influencer for another, but choosing her sister's enemy was a move we've already seen before, but will it stick this time? Because luckily, Julian has finally realised the monster she's been living with and kept herself tucked away with friends. But come out come out JC, the truth never remains a secret for long.
"Want some juicy intel? I know secrets are your currency, Miss La," Winnie said, pushing Billy off of her bed, and forcing him to take out the fast food trash, leaving Ginny a pouting mess.
Luna made a face, as pulled her phone away from her face, "What is it and what number are you phoning from?"
"None of your business," Winnie put the phone on speaker, so the blonde could hear, "but you should know, news outlets won't relent on your special cause."
"This is merely a blip in Julian's career caused by a white cis man."
The best friends rolled their eyes at the response, aggressively so.
"You should get that tattooed," Winnie snorted.
"Oh hush, and I know you give to get, a special someone told me that."
Winnie tensed up, scrambling for the phone, "Anyone could've told you that."
"So I'll get you something. Monet's crushed. Your calling only does so much to help. You're both ice queens. Let her melt by stop calling and she'll come knocking like a love-sick stalker."
When the phone call ended, Winnie turned to a sighing Ginny.
But before she could say anything, her mother yelled, "Winnie! Your father and I need to speak with you."
"I did what you told me. Billy is here, wining and dining like he shouldn't be doing that for me and Gin. what's the problem?" Winnie let out a pronounced sigh where she stood in her father's study.
Her mom sat off to the side on a sofa, with a glass of brandy in hand, whilst her father stood behind his desk, keeping his eyes on Winnie.
"You haven't been in contact with Julian Calloway?" Margaux questioned after taking a sip.
Luc then asked, "Have you started taking your medication? It takes a few hours for it to –"
"I haven't started," Winnie's response had them gritting their teeth.
"Even you're not that idiotic Winifred. Take them," her mother's voice quivered slightly, but she didn't care.
She shuffled back, looking at the door that was now locked from the outside, making her eyes narrow.
She panicked, "So you can keep me drugged up and well groomed for your satisfaction. No, now excuse me if that's all you want to drill me about I have friends to –"
"Sit down Winifred," her father demanded, tone rising, startling her and his wife. "Sit down. Your lack of care for authority isn't a shock, it never has been. We didn't raise you like this."
Winnie beguilingly lowered herself next to her mother, feeling the atmosphere of the room drive a shiver down her spine. She very rarely saw her father lose his chill.
"Because you didn't raise me at all. You watched and Mom screamed," she argued, eyes flicking from one parent to another.
"And with that, you're now spiralling. Correction you've spirally for a while. You have ways to manage your madness and yet you won't comply. That's one issue, but another is loyalty. Where is yours?"
Winnie was taken aback by the question, "What?"
"Where is your loyalty? To me, to your mother? To this family?" Luc pressed, slowly rounding the table.
"What are you talking about?" she didn't understand, even looking to her mom for answers but Margaux focused on her drink instead.
"Where is your loyalty?" Luc's voice rose, causing her to shrink back like a scared puppy.
She squeaked, "To you."
Luc tutted, "I'm not so sure."
"It's to this family," she tried, seeing his harsh eyes as he came closer.
"Oh is it now?" his sarcasm scared her more than his yelling.
Winnie then gingerly bopped her head in her mom's direction "It's to mom."
"That's not right. Is it Margaux?" Luc taunted, picking up a familiar file and now towering over them, "What were you doing in your mom's office on Halloween huh? A trusted maid caught you running to your room that day after going through files. Old files, honestly Margs, leaving them lying around was silly. Anyone could find them and they did. Our own daughter. And what did you find dear daughter?"
Winnie gulped, "Nothing."
Luc narrowed his eyes, but spoke carefully, "Tell the truth."
"I didn't find –"
"Again with the lies," Luc kissed his teeth.
Winnie couldn't help herself and rebutted, "You want to lecture me about lies?"
Luc coldly grinned, staring down at her, "You spend time with liars. Your friends. Your fans. Even those who run circles around that Calloway family. Davis is a criminal, why would you want to be anywhere near those who interact with him?"
"He's not the only criminal," Winnie snapped.
Luc darkly chuckled, "And there it is. The thing that sent you spirally. All your childish outbursts, go on and ask what's on your mind. What answers do you seek?"
"You already know," Winnie breathed out, then shot her mother a pleading glance but she avoided her gaze.
"Yes, we do, because we're your parents and we have the answers." Luc's voice lowered, "The file you saw and wrote notes on in that little pad of yours – the French were a nice touch – so you get to know the truth."
It was then Winnie realised they must've searched her room.
She wanted to rage but terror grasped her more, "You covered up the deaths of 208 people."
"We did," Luc calmly admitted as he dropped the file onto her lap,  "here, get a good look."
Margaux finally spoke up, "Luc..."
Luc shook his head at her, "You agreed it was time for her to know the truth. So she can stop fucking around. And even after that if she is still willing to blow up our family because of the restraints needed to raise her then to hell with it," he surveyed as Winnie read over the words. "So read away little Winnie. Read away and know. That Bart Bass – may he rest in hell – the bastard discovered the truth because of his own business deals out in Mexico and decided that if we didn't cough up some money to fund his businesses we would all land in jail."
Margaux took another sip, to ease her confession, "So we sent it to him to –"
"Silence him," Winnie concluded, eyes glued to the many pages of bank statements and pictures of the fall out of the explosion.
It made her stomach churn, which came as a surprise because she didn't think she would ever feel anything for the less fortunate.
"It helped him," Luc corrected her.
"And what about the families of these people?" Winnie cautiously asked, wearing of sympathetic look.
"Oh, ever the humanitarian Winnie," Luc mocked, rolling his eyes at her frown, "They kept their mouths shut and if they didn't –"
"You had them killed?"
"No," her mother exclaimed.
"Good god we're not that mean. They wouldn't receive the money they so generously get paid every year to keep the food in their children's mouths. You see they benefited from the oil rig exploding, it might've killed an uncle or a dad or a brother, but I heard a few of them started their own businesses out there," Luc wore a mask of pride.
"The explosion was an accident," Margaux reiterated.
Winnie turned back to the pages, "It says the equipment was faulty and that you supplied poor equipment."
Luc denied, "No, not us, the company we hired to set up the oil rigs. Don't be so quick to blame us."
"208," Winnie emphasised.
"Yes, I know the number you don't have to keep bringing it up. And I wouldn't call this covering up a crime. It's taking care of the family. You weren't born what? 3 or 4 years after this and you've been fine."
Luc then sauntered the room in search of a drink, whilst his daughter struggled to come to terms with all of it.
"Doesn't anyone else know?" she dared to ask, looking up.
Luc snorted as he trailed his fingers over his drink caddy, "I could ask the same of you."
"I barely know anything," Winnie stated, eyes tearing away from her father's.
"That wasn't an answer Winifred," Luc sang.
And so she said the truth, "No one else knows."
"No one else knows," he answered her previous question, but paused and tapped his chin, "apart from a selected few."
Winnie's eyes widened with more panic, "What if they snitch?"
Luc poured some bourbon into his glass, "Then we have multiple scapegoats."
"They'll take the fall?"
A malicious smile graced his lips, "Not willingly. And even then if this were to come out, the families that continued taking our handouts and signed our NDAs won't be able to go to court."
"But the family image? Velocity's image?" Winnie blurted.
"Might be tarnished for a month or two before the next crisis comes around," Margaux spoke for her husband.
Winnie turned back to the pages of pure filth, fidgeting with her fingers and rolled her shoulders back.
She was confused because of the guilt she felt, but was it for the victims or the association with the coverups? But she also felt a sense of anger, her father had been mocking and playing with her ever since she stepped into the room and her mother allowed it to happen.
Oh how the tables have turned, positions have flipped and expectations have shifted.
"Why does it say that a few of the injured parties didn't die until after they left the hospital?" her eyebrows pinched together at the number.
117 people passed away from the explosion, but an additional 91 were injured only injured, not all fatally.
"Glad you asked that, you see to aid the wounded on the oil rig, the De Haan's gifted free supplies to them in the hospitals. But they left out a few details about the drugs being faulty, placebo's was the word that gossip girl used."
Monet's parents were part of it too, but she doubted the girl had any knowledge of it.
Winnie pondered her father's words, and asked, "So if this came out?"
"The blood on our hands is also on theirs," he replied with a shrug, coming closer.
"Fuck," she rasped.
"Fuck indeed." Luc agreed, "But of course our right-wing friends, the ones who did the coverage on it, Richard, he helped soothe the carnage, back then the media were planning to execute Velocity Inc. as if several cities don't use our oil daily. Chemicals, plastic, synthetic rubber, all of it, come from us. We are the foundation for this country, several actually."
Her eyes doubled in size, "The Menzies know?"
"Know everything."
"But they're in it."
"And now you know," Luc motioned to her, whilst Margaux down the rest of her drink and got up.
"What about your political career? Won't William find out?"
"Well Will keeps his mouth shut but his eyes are on the scene for any blubber about that side of the business. Good man."
"Ginny's parents too?"
"Winnie," Margaux said.
The file was placed to the side, as she ran her hands over her face, "Holy fuck."
Everyone was implicated. Everyone. Caught up in the vicious web of lies and cover-ups that were the elite.
She palmed her necklace just to snap out of it.
Margaux tried gently, "Winnie..."
"You need to vow you won't say a word. Dubois rise and never fall," Luc stated.
Like oil, they trampled and destroyed the things they touched.
Luc passed his drink to his wife and then kneeled before his shaking daughter, "Vow that you won't say a word or all of this crumbles, your relationship, reputation, those cute brand deals. It all goes away."
"Winnie," Margaux pleaded.
And the broken look in her mother's eyes was enough to inspire fear that was no doubt already installed in her. Dubois rise and never fall, the mantra looped in Winnie's mind. She couldn't ruin her family's legacy, her future, sure, it was already tainted but she couldn't blow it up.
And so she complied, staring deeply into her father's harrowing eyes, "I promise."
"Promise what?" he uttered.
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
Satisfied with the fear swimming in her eyes and the earnest tone clinging to her voice, Luc nodded and stood up.
"Good," he exhaled with a smirk, "your friends must be going insane, wondering where you are. Go to them and act like this never happened."
"...okay," Winnie found her footing and let each numb step guide her way.
"Get some rest, family portraits are tomorrow. The headmistress knows you won't make it to 1st and 2nd period."
Her timid nod morphed into stiffened ones as her father yelled out to the bodyguards outside to open the door.
So Winnie hastily reached for the handle, not before hearing her parents speak up one last time.
"Goodnight Win," Luc said, taking his drink and placing a hand around his wife's shoulder.
Winnie couldn't bring herself to turn around, "Night."
Margaux mustered up, "Night darling."
The next day, she said goodbye to Ginny and Billy who neglected to see she hadn't slept, just kept an eye on her door whilst holding onto the medication she felt compelled to take but didn't.
She was quiet, scarily so, even the maids noticed. Caesar was the first question if she was okay but she kept her answers minimal as the painters set up the scene.
Her parents were already in the living room, the fireplace burning brightly and their daughter wished it spread and engulfed them all.
When she caught her father's eye she forced out a smile, made her way between them, and sat down on the chair in front of where they stood. Her hair was styled with a purple bow, pulling the first couple strands of her hair to the back. Studded earrings and cheekbones were on show, those matching her mother's.
Luc stepped forward, placing a hand on his daughter's stiffening shoulder, wearing a black suit, whereas Margaux reached out behind Winnie and held her trembling hand, showing off her straight hair and a black dress similar to Winnie's only a few inches longer.
The painter requested Winnie turn her body to the side, so her diamond erring was on show and so she did.
The weight of her family's secrets was crippling and yet she has to smile, it's hurting her and yet she has to smile, it's killing her and yet she has to smile.
Everything had to be perfect, down to the last detail, not a strand out of place and not a smile that didn't meet the eyes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Dubois.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Nothing is ever as it seems. Behind every smile, every well-crafted outfit or perfect hairstyle are faults and careful everyone's creep out when you least expect it. The hypocrisy with those who want to be considered natural and real when they mould and morph into another person to achieve such goals is baffling. The days of realism never existed, it's been written about, all the grime and the grit sounds more appealing to the filters and the furs. I prefer the days when you didn't have to think about what lay beneath because you just knew. So my question to you dear followers is do you know the real you? Can you see it anymore, or every time you look into a mirror or take a selfie are you vanishing from thin air? We all need to snap out of it before we're replaced by something more sinister, clones of someone else. I'll leave you with that to think about, xoxo Gossipgirl.
i did a lot of research about dmdd, i didn't plan the story with winnie having a disorder, however as the story continued, and i added the therapy aspect to it, there was only a matter of time before dr anchor was going to realise that winnie does suffer from a disorder. look i know it might've been easy to believe she was just a sociopath but no i wanted to pick apart the traits i gave her and looked up various types of depression and when i found this one it clicked. of course, i am not an expert, so if you're suffering from dmdd, this isn't me mocking you, just bringing light to another mental health disorder that i didn't know existed. and if you would like me to add subtle attributes let me know.
winnie's reluctance to take medication relates to why she doesn't like alcohol or other recreational drugs as she is a control freak just like her parents but more strict with what she consumes. in future chapters, you'll see how that plays out. the medication is just a personification of the constant feeling that people around her want her to change, like monet who wasn't present in this chapter, i did that for effect to shine a light on her other relationship dynamics.
her parents are probably the most dangerous people in her life, terrifyingly so. every time you think they're acting in her best interest or being decent they drag you back to reality. they aren't good people and aren't raising a good person and in turn, you see how winnie is made to fully understand what she already knows. the dubois are monsters. and here you saw the way luc can snap, similar to marguax but slightly worse. showcasing the dirty side of the de haans, van der bilts, wellingtons and the menzies.
another winnie x zoya interaction with shan. shan was clearly just another diversity hire who i introduced a couple of chapters before. i appreciate the writers making her a black pretty rich girl but they did not care about her at all, which isn't surprising because they didn't care for monet. zoya is like winnie's kid at this point and i do hope to alter some more of zoya's story.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
8. Posts on a scandal
"IT wasn't me who told GG before you fucking asked," Ginny blurted the moment they reached their courtyard table.
"I know it wasn't you, the centre is out in the open anyone was bound to see me. I think my mom was hoping for that. Probably to humble me. #weakwinnie was trending all last week and I can't deal with it." she hadn't taken off her shades since they stepped foot onto campus.
Usually, the stares didn't bother her, she preferred being desired and hated for it, over this. She felt weak under their eyes and what better way to avoid it all by concealing hers.
Ginny flipped off or cursed out anyone who whispered anything as they walked past but it didn't help much so she suggested,
"You could always let me send that picture of you and your scissor sister."
Winnie was quick to shoot that down, "No, she's already blowing up my –" she sighed when she saw the girl in question near, "fuck."
Monet set her bag on the table and begrudgingly greeted the blonde, "Wellington."
"De Haan," Ginny then looked between them seemingly amused by the sheer awkwardness of it all.
Winnie was silent and didn't look up, like a wounded animal in the jungle. It was an image that she should capture, but she risked being shot or worse, blocked.
Monet cleared her throat as she briskly sat down close to her potential partner.
"Are you planning on ignoring me or are we going to speak like we're together? Like I thought we were?" she huffed when she was met with silence, "I have a meeting in 20 so can you just talk to me."
Winnie exhaled sharply and shot the blonde a look, "Fine, Gin –"
"Don't worry, I'm off, got more interesting people to meet," Ginny quipped standing from the table and waving them off.
"Cute," Monet and Winnie chorused, watching as the blonde strutted further out of sight.
Winnie rolled her shoulders back as she stared out across the courtyard, avoiding Monet's penetrating gaze, "Are you sure you want to be seen with me? You might catch a physiological disease, best to bring out a mask, it's airborne."
"Oh stop it, I've been seeing therapists since I was 5," Monet informed softly.
"Yes, but therapy isn't for me," Winnie's response earned her a scoff.
"It's for everyone, you have to give it a go, it's a necessity."
Winnie shot her an annoyed glance, "I'm missing tennis for it."
"Oh," that puts a few things into perspective for the De Haan teen.
She knew how much pent-up emotion flooded Winnie and why sport was a great release and without that, god knows what could happen. It wouldn't be a pretty sight.
"Yes oh, it's a punishment Mon," Winnie finally turned to face her.
"You could've said. I wasn't blowing up your phone to worry you," Monet discreetly grabbed her hand under the table, squeezing it a few times, "I was checking in. I know you're pissed."
"More than that."
"But so am I, why didn't you say?" Monet was getting tired of the secrets they didn't share.
"So you can break from this?" Winnie gestured between them, sounding almost nervous and stared at her imploringly as she took off her sunglasses.
Monet's eyes softened before she spoke tenderly, "If mental health scared me, I would've divorced my parents the moment I got my first iPhone."
"But you seem worried," the Dubois heiress rushed out. Every time her phone rang throughout the weekend it only made her feel anxious and she sure as hell wasn't going to call Dr Anchor about it. "Is this because of the therapy thing? Tell me the truth."
"oh, so you want to be truthful?" Monet joked but relented when she was met with a deadpan expression, "Got it no time for jokes. Mental health has been in since Lindsay went to rehab. I don't care."
"I do," Winnie stressed as her available hand fidgeted with her skirt.
"It's good for your brand and your mind," Monet saw the headlines over the last couple of days, both positive and negative, but all publicity was good publicity.
She knew Calvin Klein still wanted her girl a representative and sure it might've not been for what they originally thought but it was good.
"Great." Winnie mustered up a smile, which faded when she saw Luna, Audrey and Julian standing across the courtyard, the latter with two coffees in her hand and an expectant expression coating her face. "Looks like the woke parade has arrived, why are they looking over here, don't they hate you?"
Monet subtly shuffled away, "You'd like that don't you?"
Winnie missed her touch, but knew it was necessary, "Use those nails if they try and attack," she advised as Monet stood up, bag in hand.
"It'll be civil."
"It better not me," she saw Monet stifle a laugh but she wasn't joking, "I'm serious, don't go back because they're waving the white flag."
"Okay," Monet shrugged her off.
"Monet," Winnie whisper-yelled, eying Julian in disdain, thinking about the deadly bomb that would have her family destroyed for years.
Monet shot her a small smile before leaving, "Bye, honey."
"Fuck for sake."
The last place Winnie wanted to be was in selective physics and sat anywhere near Max who had been giving her sympathetic looks for the last 20 minutes, which made her want to violently stub the ends of her stilettos into his eyes.
But she went for the calmer action and took out her phone to distract her from doing so.
But her irritation level skyrocketed after seeing the text Ginny just sent her.
From: Gin
looks like your girl has
been accepted back into
her tedious squad. max just
told me and before you ask, I
blocked him on everything.
he cornered me in person. so
now can we release the picture?
She shakily slid her phone into her pocket and took a deep breath, before shooting her hand into the air, aware that if she kept walking out of class her parents would be called and she didn't need their terrifying presence on her back.
"Winifred," the teacher sighed when he saw her hand.
A few students turned to glance at her before returning to their work.
"I'm dying from my crippling cramps. I have to go to the bathroom," she breathed out and the teacher had no choice but to grant her wish.
She was out of the classroom in seconds, weaving through the crowds of students on their free periods without giving them a chance to move aside for her.
"What the absolute fuck?" She muttered as she roughly pushed open the girls' bathroom and checked the stalls before she pressed Ginny's number. "Are you sure he was sure?"
The blonde hummed, "Call your exclusive hook-up and find out, I have a suggestive biology right now. But check your snap, I sent you something, one of my sophomore minions sent me this. It was taken after you concluded your conversation with her, right?"
"Fuck," Winnie's jaw clenched so hard she was convinced her teeth would snap.
Checking Snapchat, she tapped on Ginny's name and saw the picture of Julian and Monet smiling with Luna and Audrey on either side of them.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
Ginny winced from the other side, "But once you get verbal confirmation..."
"You send that shit quicker than bots."
"Look forward to it. But girl, for your sake I hope I'm wrong."
"So do I."
"My Grandmother died? That's the excuse you used to get me out of classics? Everyone's already freaked because of Mr. Predator," Monet clasped her hands together when she joined Winnie in the girl's bathroom.
The Dubois had been pacing for what felt like half an hour when in actuality her dread gripped her tightly and time seemed like it moved very slowly.
"Suitable excuse, your grandmother might be alive but something has died, it's rotting, decaying," She expressed, emotions bursting from her eyes as she gesticulated.
Monet was taken aback by her actions but knew where this was going, she expected it.
Winnie stopped her pace and face her, lips curling in disbelief, "You and Calloway, are you planning on braiding her hair by the fire whilst listening to Victoria fucking Monet?"
"How did you find out?" Monet sighed, eyes darting over the outrage on Winnie's face.
"Is that what you want to ask me? Seriously, Monet, one coffee is all it takes for you and her to get back together."
"Me and her aren't together, we are friends... friendly again yes."
Winnie took several strides to come and stand before Monet, eyes narrowing like a bull to a red piece of fabric.
"How do you think that looks to me? Well other than you turning back into her mammy, you do it the moment you find out I'm getting therapy. I'm already being called weak on every platform I'm on, now you want to jump ship?" Words spat out of Winnie's mouth.
They were coated in hurt, an emotion she hated being familiar with.
Monet could see it, feel it but she couldn't help to say, "You think this has anything to do with you?"
"It has everything to do with me," Winnie seethed, "I thought you weren't going to do this, we had plans." Her eyes went wide as she spoke, "But you threw them out the window like I'm Jennifer Aniston and she's Angelina."
"And what are you to, Miss Airhead? You think she wouldn't drop you? By the flick of a switch?"
"I call the shots. I'm not being pulled around by twists," Winnie spitefully quipped, to which Monet's lips curved up.
"Awww but you love it when I pull on your tracks."
"Easy. That banter isn't for us anymore," Winnie's chest was getting tight and she hated it.
She hated every second of it. Everything felt like it was out of control because it was, not even a tennis racket would give her that power and it's not like she even had that anymore.
"You know my loyalties to Julian," Monet replied fairly.
Winnie scoffed, "And I'm out of this conversation."
Monet held up her hand, "Halt."
Winnie begrudgingly stayed still, "I only stopped because I wanted to. But what is it? How many ways can you disappoint me?" Monet's face dropped, and for a split second, Winnie felt bad. "I'm tired of playing tug of war with little miss 'I wanna be better' Either you pick the winning side or fuck off."
Bitterness clung to Monet's tone like a vice, "The winning side has me on it."
"We'll see, but soon the side you're on will get further tainted," a twisted smile took off the frown on Winnie's face.
"And what do you mean by that?"
Monet was left in a state of agitation and guilt when Winnie swung open.
"Bye honey," Winnie mockingly waved her fingers as she pulled out her phone to text Ginny.
Send it now!
(@gossipgirl tweeted and tagged @slitherWin and @monetdehaan)
And here I thought I'd seen it all. Miss De Haan, I thought you and JC had made up or was that all just a ruse to swap spit with Miss Dubois? Rumour has it they've been playing Romeo and Juliet since COVID came on the scene. What will Monet's friends think when she's keeping their enemy between the sheets? Swapping secrets? Sleepovers? Why not tie the knot and let them become the next royals of the Upper East Side, they've got the influence, and the money, but do they have allies? I doubt Monet has any after this. 
"Are you fucking kidding me, Monet?" Julian expressed, looking extremely hurt.
Monet made a face at her outrage and took her phone to see, "What now?" and that's when she scowled hard at the screen, "Holy fuck."
Luna glanced over their shoulders, "Wait you didn't know?"
Julian's eyes widened in betrayal.
"See what happens when you forgive too easily?" Audrey remarked coming over to the group, with a hesitant Aki in tow.
"Is this why you were sat with her this morning? You said you were getting dirt," Julian pressed a pissed-off Monet.
Luna blinked slowly, "And you believed that?"
"Now that's what Winnie meant when she said she only dated people who looked like her," Max chuckled to himself, uncaring of the glares he received. "Makes sense, and I'm not mad about it, seriously you should try and cash this in as much as... and she's off."
They all watch Monet leave like a woman on a mission.
"I thought this was obvious J," Luna mused as Julian stormed off in the opposite direction. "They're already a hashtag," she spotted ship names flooding her screen.
"Wininet, Monifred, Monnie," Max listed, to the girl whilst Audrey left to pick up the pieces.
Obie strolled over, startled by the update as much as Aki.
"Not bad, they could do better, make them sound less childish," Luna remarked.
"So you're okay with them, with this?" Obie was confused by their complacency.
Max snorted, "Didn't peg you as a homophobe Obs."
"Yeah, it's very unbecoming of you," Luna taunted.
Aki rolled his eyes and swung an arm over Obie's shoulder, "Let's go man."
On the other side of the school, Ginny nudged Winnie with the fattest grin on her face, "Heads up."
Winnie raised her brow when Monet appeared in front of them with a harsh glare directed at her.
Students poured into the hallway to see.
"Leave us," The De Haan said to Ginny, who huffed out a chuckle.
Winnie pouted, shaking her head, "She's staying."
"I'm not I have theatrical chemistry, something that seems to be lacking here," Ginny gestured between the two of them, as she laughed. "But don't yell Monet, Caesar is trained to attack anything that poses a threat. I doubt Winnie could stomach kissing a not-so-pretty face."
"I'll see you later, I just have to deal with my own heiress," Winnie stated as the blonde cheekily waved them goodbye.
"Deal with me? I'm not a dog," Monet snapped, getting in her face, "Are you serious? Why did you do this?"
"It was about time don't you think, I wanted us to go public for months but you were too scared to," Winnie replied, feigning sadness and playing with one of Monet's braids.
Monet swatted her hand away, ignoring the fake shock plastered on her face, "So you outed our entire relationship because I'm friends with Julian? Are you that fucked up?"
It was Winnie's face that dropped this time, causing a revelation to cast over Monet.
She went to correct herself but Winnie didn't allow that to happen, "Don't call me that,"
Monet spared the crowd of people a look, before saying quietly, "That's not what I meant."
"Don't try and twist this. You hurt me," Monet threw up her hands in frustration.
All she wanted was time to sort things out, to get back on track but now that would be on halt because of her.
"And you hurt my interests, so I hurt yours. Come on Mon, you know how I am," so stop expecting me to change.
Monet stiffly nodded, "I do, I just didn't that —"
"I would be this way to you? I was scorned. You betrayed me." A veil of horror laced Winnie's tone.
Monet gawked, "You're being melodramatic."
"You're gaslighting me," Winnie exclaimed, aware of the cameras circulating them.
"You hate that term."
"Because it's overused. People tend to throw it around whenever they sneeze but no, you're dismissing my interests. I don't respond well to that. You know that more than anyone so why play me? For Calloway? What has she done for you to be her little bitch?"
Gasps erupted through the hallway but neither of them paid attention, too trapped in the horror that was their relationship to care anymore.
"Insults? When you want answers?"
"Yes! Because it's the only thing you're responding to." Winnie fiercely retorted, "Minutes have barely passed since that picture was posted and brands have been reaching out to me, about us calling us the supreme sapphics of the eastern seaboard. A power couple that could trample over the likes of Harry and Megan but it's a problem right?"
Monet averted her gaze as she scrambled a response, "It's appealing, but it's not how this was supposed to be done."
"No, you wanted this to remain a secret right? Trapped in the closet," Winnie's words hit like bullets.
"For a person who preaches about their future, you're interfering with ours. We could be it, but you don't see yourself on top," Winnie's eyes doubled in size as she realised.
But Monet shook her head, "That's not true."
Julian was just more marketable and nicer, she had traction. Monet spent years building her up with Luna to style her every look. Sure she'd thought about being on top and with Julian it was her way to have a slice of the life she envisioned. Away from her parents and with a partner who loved her for her, but she wasn't going to throw away all her hard work for nothing.
"Well, I'll tell you what is. I tell you my goals. I dare to speak about my thoughts, and my emotions and you, go running back to the herd. And I want to know why," Winnie demanded the truth.
Monet couldn't help but feel like prey under her gaze, like an object, not a person. She felt like she had to run to catch up to Winnie's every need. But how was she supposed to do that without being bitten? Scorched from the earth?
So was she running scared or self-preserving?
The crowd turned to Monet in anticipation, dozens of cameras on the girl waiting to hear her response like her words were gospel.
"My self-interests." Was all Monet could say rendering everyone in a state of shock.
But they wanted more, they needed more, just like Winnie who felt like she was stranded on a boat with no oars.
Her phone rang and she used it as an excuse to part the crowd so she could be left alone and so she did, not bothering to look back at Monet whose words cut her like a thousand swords.
"Fuck," she cursed and picked up without seeing who was calling.
She heard a familiar disapproving tone, "I've been away for less than a week and you're already attracting the tabloids. I thought you said you'd keep your private life private?"
Winnie ran a hand over her head, "Everyone knows I'm a Lesbian mother!" she yelled through the phone.
She glared at the people who turned to her as she paced through the corridors to find an empty classroom.
Winnie rarely used the term lesbian to describe herself to her parents because she never officially came out, she didn't believe they deserved to know her as a person. They found out about her sexuality when they caught her with one of the maid's daughters when she was 12. That maid was then fired but that didn't stop Winnie, but she was scared every day until she was 13 to look her parents in the eye. And after that, she kept her hookups discreet, well until now.
"And as much as you want to pray it away it won't work," she gritted, pushing open the door to an empty classroom.
"I don't want to pray it away."
"Sure, and before you say that the shareholders or even Dad has an issue with this –"
"No, your dad is fine."
Her face threatened to light up, "Really?"
"A gay daughter? It'll do wonders with the liberals for his campaign."
"Of course," She drawled, ignoring the blistering pain stabbing at her chest.
She wanted to feel nothing but how could she with all the emotional turmoil in the air?
"But a few shareholders have threatened to pull out," her mother informed/
"Then do something. This isn't up to me. If they're threatened by a teenager they haven't got the balls to be in business with you in the first place. And if they say anything about this, blackmail them. You've done enough already."
She heard laughter in the background, it wasn't mocking which shocked her.
"Goodbye Winifred, come home after school and don't interact with that Calloway girl."
Winnie was scrolling through memes that spread like wildfire while sitting on the tennis court.
She hadn't practised since she started therapy and everything fucking sucked, but it was only a school place that felt remotely okay.
She kept scrolling, liking and even retweeting some of them that were solely about her and Monet when Zoya landed in front of her with a basket of cupcakes.
A dry laugh escaped the heiress when she glanced up to see the freshman's apprehensive expression.
"You mad that I was right? That your performative prince wasn't as noble as he was made out to me?" Winnie mocked and placed her phone on her lap.
"You warned me and you were right," Zoya admitted, despite herself.
She gulped harshly wanting to swallow the bile creeping up her throat. Julian and Obie's betrayal felt catastrophic and to have it be exposed when they were all celebrating Thanksgiving made her feel even worse. Since she moved to the Upper West Side, she felt small. Julian's friends made her feel small, just like the school she was studying in and just like every person she met ever since.
She wanted something of her own away from the mess but sometimes she just wished she could go back to Buffalo.
Winnie's unwavering gaze intensified, "No apology?"
Zoya lifted the basket, "Just red velvet cupcakes, your favourite, I saw you post them on your Snapchat."
Winnie eyed them, "These are from Brooklyn cupcakes."
"But they're rated 5 stars by TripAdvisor, I checked and they taste just as good as the Cake Man Raven," Zoya lowered them next to her and carefully sat down.
"Are you buttering me up? For what more info on your deceitful sister?"
Zoya shook her head and carefully looked around. The pair naturally drew people in and although the attention was nice, sometimes she wanted a bit of privacy.
Winnie awaited a response, rolling her eyes at Zoya's scepticism.
"No. not that, just so in the future, if you need anything, nothing immoral or fatal you can ask me," the freshmen offered quietly, drawing a grin and cackle from the heiress.
Zoya wished nothing more than to retract her statement, but to hell with that.
"Is that so? Why?"
Zoya sucked in a deep breath, "You proved to me that although your methods are –"
"-- Royally fucked, I think you said –"
"They're not always misleading and from you, I know what to expect."
"And you don't want me to change?" Winnie asked with narrowed eyes as she picked up one cupcake.
"You're incapable of that," Zoya blurted out, "but I do think therapy is necessary for everyone," that earned a groan, to which she went on, "You're not fucked in the head," she paused, catching a wary expression on her face, "besides it's easier to predict things with you."
"Unlike with Julian right?" One timid nod from Zoya made Winnie more than content.
"And for what it's worth, you and Monet make sense. I don't think she even likes my sister that much."
Winnie didn't have anything to say in response which Zoya wasn't expecting.
But she did hope she had an ally in the Dubois Heiress.
After a moment, Winnie then moved the basket over, "Take a cupcake for your travels, trust me, today will be a bigger mess than you expect."
And with that, she took a bite into her own.
"Why is that?" Zoya asked, cautious but did it regardless.
"Nothing to do with me of course," Winnie slyly smirked, "But you should stay away from your sister. Before she ruins your image."
Before Zoya could ask, their phones went off.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Good morning, followers. Trigger warning. This post will not be pretty. While I usually like to have fun, this is no time for frivolity. : And while this is as of yet unsubstantiated, I cannot turn a blind eye to this blind item. It appears a certain father to one of Constance's most influential students is being accused of something very serious. We've always known this dad as dry, but he might have some bottles hidden in his closet. One of them allegedly used to ease a woman into a level of consent she had no intention of providing. Being that I'm breaking this news, I can't share anything further so as to not risk my credibility. All I know is there's a woman out there whose story should be heard. If she chooses to talk, we all must listen.
Ginny dragged Winnie to a celebratory lunch at Felice 83. Initially, Winnie didn't want to go because she wasn't a fan of the food but gave in to Ginny's fake tears.
The restaurant wasn't packed, it never was during the day but there were a only few faces. the duo sat off to the side but decided not to post anything until the time was right.
"I cannot believe this is happening," The Wellington heiress gawked at the headlines on her phone.
Winnie took a sip of her water and shrugged, "I can."
"Because you knew," the blonde accused.
"And you weren't supposed to say anything until the time was right," Winnie pointed out, drawing a pout from her friend.
"Sorry, WhoLian posted one too many positive and inspiring quotes on her story. Plus I heard her in intensive social studies chatting shit about my favourite lesbian lovers.''
"I'll let your actions go, for now, but you're on thin ice," Winnie teased, even though there was an inkling her parents would be more than mad.
"Aren't I always?" Ginny smiled, "But what's going on with you and your bloodthirsty bitch? I knew there would be trouble but not on this level, she's overeating."
Winnie sighed, "And now she's over at Calloway's trying to wave the white flag."
"She told you that?"
Winnie tiredly nodded, "Yes."
"You're still talking i guess that's good. But her running back with her tail between her legs is pathetic, that has to be said."
"I've told her that," Winnie said.
Ginny tapped her chin mischievously, "Maybe I could get in touch with her estranged brother..."
Winnie playfully rolled her eyes, "Don't, no one knows where he is, even when we started our sleepovers I was curious and no one could find any info."
The blonde then scrolled through Twitter, "You've been trending for more than an hour."
"When it lasts a week then I'll be satisfied," Winnie replied as the waiter laid out their desserts.
Torta al Cioccolato for Winnie and Torta di Mele for Ginny.
They took a few pictures of them after the waiter left.
"Safe to say you won't be if your spat lasts longer than a few hours." Ginny remarked, "All these comments about you and De Haan having a reality show. Fuck you two, I wanted one first."
"We can still have one, imagine the scripted drama with the love interest," Winnie paused, taking a bite of the blonde's food and she did the same with her. "You just need to find one."
"Max face-timed me last night," Ginny blurted out and Winnie almost choked on her food.
"You'd said he was blocked," Winnie accused wiping her mouth.
The blonde meekly spoke, "Not on Skype."
They stared at each other before bursting out laughing.
"Okay 2012, what the fuck were you doing on Skype? Flashing your tits as the screen glitches?" Winnie jested, trying to speak through the laughter.
The situation sounded utterly ridiculous.
"No. He was spilling the tea... and I might've flashed a nip, but that's it," Ginny tried to explain.
"And what did he say?"
"That Obie is pining after WhoLian even after the spending night in her garden whilst Buffalo's most valuable player was weaving through the city in her Doc Martins."
Winnie surprisingly felt bad for Zoya.
Even after the gossip girl blast went out, she saw the way the Lott girl's demeanour deflated and she knew Zoya wanted to be there for her sister but couldn't.
Winnie cleared her throat, "You did not need to flash him to get that gossip. I could've told you that. If you still like him just say. But you've got to move on, crawl out of the ruins of that relationship."
"I could say the same to you."
Winnie was stumped on a rebuttal and judging from the look in her friend's eyes, it was nothing but the truth.
Ginny's timer went off, making her motion for Winnie to pick up her phone.
"Time to release our statements," the blonde murmured and they both started typing away
They decided to release statements on where they stood with victims of sexual assault and harassment and those who endorse the issue, even mentioning that they donated to funds such as Rain, Joyful Heart and the survivor's trust. The paragraphs were lengthy and didn't take long to write.
After they put their phones down they returned to their desserts, even admiring the building whilst Caesar walked in and sat a few tables back and ordered his own.
"Isn't that Billy van der bilt?"
Winnie followed Ginny's gaze to see the blonde-haired boy whose locks were as out of control as his scruffy uniform.
William or Billy Van der Bilt III was a cheeky Junior who was popular for his smile and well-connected family. His smile was endearing and he fortunately rarely dated anyone in their school and tended to hook up with Constance St Jude's rivals just for kicks. He was the poster boy for Perfect, captain of the lacrosse team and was bound to get into Yale just like his family wanted.
The kid was reading a book in the corner of the room, with an empty plate next to him.
Winnie grumbled, "The loner yes."
"Isn't his dad like a million years old?" Ginny went on to question.
"William Van der Bilt pulled a De Niro and spat out his secret love child 17 years ago," Winnie informed, pushing around the rest of her dessert as her friend gawked at the boy who was now thanking the staff for his meal, "He comes to all the luncheons."
"I bet he's forced to like all of us," Ginny murmured, surprised she never said more than several words to him. "Invite him over."
Winnie groaned, "I see him all the time... and you're waving him over. I hate you."
"It'll distract you from your distrustful situationship," Ginny whispered, as she motioned him to come over with an overly exaggerated smile which he found charming, "he's the lacrosse captain. I wanna see if his stick can fit in my goal," she rushed out before looking up at the blonde teen who stood to the side of their table, "William hi."
"It's Billy," he softly corrected, tucking his book into his backpack.
"We'd thought we would invite you over you looked lonely."
Winnie argued, "She did. I didn't."
Billy turned his attention to her.
His wide smile made her want to throw up.
"Winifred," he greeted, even nodding towards her bodyguard in respect.
The boy enjoyed Winnie's permanent state of irritation.
"William III," she flashed him a fake smile before taking another bite of Torta al Cioccolato.
The Wellington blonde, rested her face in her palm as she battered her lashed, "I'm Ginny."
"I know, we've known each other since 8th-grade dramatic chemistry."
Ginny made a face, "I never went to 8th-grade dramatic chemistry."
"Exactly." Billy chuckled, "Why did you wave me over, to talk about the reality show Winnie and De Haan will star in?"
Winnie scoffed, "Fuck off."
"No, I'm intrigued." He grabbed a chair from the parallel table and sat down between them, much to the Dubois' heiress displeasure.
Ginny grinned, "So am I."
"Will you be starring in it?" Billy flirted, casting a cheeky smile at the blonde, "It would be much more entertaining to watch if you were."
A blush kissed her cheeks as she leaned closer, "Oh really."
Winnie wanted to be anywhere else, "great I have front-row tickets to Hitler's wet dream."
"Your romance with the De Haan girl is fine," Winnie was already bored by her dad's lecture.
"You dont have a say in that," she replied, rapidly blinking at him as her mother sauntered into her room, wine in hand.
Margaux sent her a pointed look, "Winifred, listen."
"I know you were eavesdropping on my conversation last week and that's why this common blog discovered all about Davis," Luc added, though annoyed he wasn't mad.
After the school day concluded, Lauren Thompson came forward, before Gossip Girl could out her. Winnie knew that she was the victim her father was talking about and he even gave her lawyers to gain her favour so now she would have a better advantage to take her accusations public. Lauren alleged publicly, that in October of 2011, while working with a sober Calloway, he got her drunk in order to coerce her into sеxual relations she would not have otherwise consented to.
"If you were not careful, this spectacle could've turned out worse for us," Luc went on and Winnie shuffled back at his unwavering gaze.
He was mimicking her mother and it made her uncomfortable, even more so now.
"You and Ginervra realising those statements added to our cause," Margaux marvelled, "impeccable timing."
Was that pride in their tone? Winnie wasn't sure and didn't want to accept it for fear it was a big hoax.
"You were spotted with William's boy," Luc noted, he received a text from William himself about the ordeal.
Winnie's face scrunched up, "Bumped into." she corrected, "I don't hang out with men."
"Clearly," Luc deadpanned, much to her dismay.
Abaddon woke from his nap and rushed over to the foot of the bed where her parents stood, Luc lifted him, forcing Winnie to accept him.
"What your father means it's a great thing," Margaux stepped in, "Invite him over for dinner one day."
Winnie wanted to do anything but that.
Luc went on, "Until then, there will be a press conference being held as I run for Mayor —"
"Don't you have to comply with complex laws to be mayor? We're billionaires, that's not seen as moral," Winnie's argument wasn't received well in the slightest.
Their harsh gazes pinned her to her bed before they exchanged a look she knew all too well.
So she pulled Abaddon closer and everted her eyes to his fur.
Margaux tutted, "We've complied with the laws of the state. We're law-abiding US citizens Winifred. Don't believe everything you read."
Winnie tensed at the phrasing and stiffly nodded, "Right," she cleared her throat,  "so does that mean you'll be stalking me on gossipgirl?"
"No," Luc answered just as his wife said,  "yes."
As the afternoon bled into evening, Winnie was getting reading to go live when she got a surprising visit from the girl she thought to be hers, but judging from Monet's stoic expression the conversation wouldn't go as planned.
They went from a calm and reassuring interaction to an explosive one that had gone viral.
They exploded like fire and anyone close could burn along with them, and Monet questioned if she even wanted that.
"Did you know about Julian's dad? The shit he did? I want honesty," she demanded, dressed to the nines and no doubt ready to go out on the town, contrasting Winnie's loungewear.
The Dubois heiress scoffed as she stood from her desk, "And what makes you think I should give it to you? You said it yourself your loyalties lie with Julian."
"And she needs me right now," Monet snapped back earning a loud scoff.
"She needs your PR, not you, not how I need you and you can't understand it," Winnie shook her head but kept a distance fighting her body's urges.
Monet bit on her cheek and folded her arms, scanning the room for any cameras just in case Ginny was hiding filming for leverage but they were alone.
Abaddon was on a walk with the rest of the dogs being escorted by the maids, Margaux and Luc had left for the press conference, which meant they were free of judgment but still tied down by prior commitments and differentiating goals.
"Have you ever thought about why I'm friends with her?" Monet suddenly asked, to which she received a bored answer.
"To use her?"
"No. because she cares about her friends," Monet sighed at the snicker she heard.
"Bullshit. You said when you sold her out, she didn't think about her actions hurting other people, people like you," Winnie jabbed a finger in her direction as she strode across the room to stand in front of her.
"And what have you done that is the opposite? You exposed us to get back at me," Monet huffed, flinging her arms out.
"Well, have you thought how this entire ordeal will make me feel? Ginny said you'd do this and I didn't think you would."
Monet's eyes softened before she shook her head, "And yet she still took a picture of us at Hulaween. On your orders right? I know your watermark."
"You jumped ship Mon, what's there to explain? I did what I had to do to protect me, my self-interest because..." Winnie breathed out, heart hammering in her chest, "You'll always have one foot in their domain."
"Then compromise," Monet's voice quieted.
Winnie ran her hand down her face, "You mean change."
"I'm not trying to change you," Monet exclaimed, watching her spiral and back away.
Winnie groaned, "It feels like you are," vulnerability clung to her tone, which made Monet want to embrace her, "But you know me, Monet, you've always known me but you're surprised about what I do, how I operate."
Monet let out a frustrated sigh, "And you kept fucking with me to get back at Julian right? So you have one over her, I am your pawn."
Winnie's face hardened, "You're not my pawn."
"But you make me feel insufficient!"
"So do you!"
Their voices boomed off the walls, rendering them a panting mess.
Winnie recognised the look in Monet's glossy eyes, so she turned away, unable to handle the feelings coursing over her face.
Dread crept up the Dubois heiress' spine.
Monet wanted nothing more than to reach out to her but she couldn't, she wouldn't, not when the clock was ticking, and time was running out. They were grasping at straws, repeating the same things over and over and over again and not meeting a resolution.
Months had passed since their first get-together started and it took them so long to realise they were stuck on a loop.
And so Monet killed the silence, "I think we need a break," her heart clenched at the gasp she heard spilling from Winnie's sweet lips, "Win..."
"Fine," Winnie rolled her shoulders back and turned around. Her nods grew faster as she looked at Monet, "Fine."
Winnie's hands kept shaking, face roared with rage yet hurt swam in her pools of brown.
Monet stepped forward and pressed a kiss to each of her fingers, bringing their rapid motion to a halt.
She wanted to soothe the pain she created, but Winnie wanted it all to explode.
Monet's lips met Winnie's cheek before she swivelled on her heel, sniffling and wiping her nose.
Winnie's feet were pinned to the ground as she watched her walk away, but she couldn't let her go before saying one last thing, "Before you leave," Monet glanced back, "I knew about Creepy Calloway and no I wouldn't have said even if we were in a good place," Monet nodded, knowing her all too well, "I will always hate Julian and she will always hate me. Maybe if there was a ceasefire, just maybe but no, not any time soon, so go back to her, comfort her, but know, she will never deserve you."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Daddy Dubois making moves in the world of politics, he's playing in the shark tank whilst his daughter is having trouble with snakes, but which packs the most vicious bite? It seems to me that families share more than just blood, traits are also part of their characters. JC was spotted with her father's victim encouraging her to keep quiet and not speak her truth. So it's clear that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ah, followers it's been a day and I can't think what might happen tomorrow. You all better sleep with one eye open because how can you trust your friends, and your lovers if you can't even trust your own parents? Xoxo gossip girl.
alex petyfer as 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝘁 𝗶𝘃
that manip wasn't my best but my girls are fighting and. their biggest relationship problems were really exposed in this chapter. monet believes that winnie wants to strip her of her 'friends' and winnie thinks that she's not good enough for monet. it's funny that now they've been outed brands were quick to view them as a power couple.
in season one monet wanted julian to be at the centre of the whole ordeal she pushed herself aside and that's why winnie believes in the relationship more than monet in terms of publicity and publicly. hell, even max and luna can see it working if they just let shit go but ambition and backstabbing are in their natures so it's kinda hard to. besides there is so much more that'll be unveiled next chapter.
julian's dad being a predator shocked me when i first saw but then i was curious to see how the writers handled the situation considering they flopped with rafa and i still think it could've been written better.
also, zoya forgave julian way too quickly, so i'm changing that.
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
7. Once upon a time in the upper west
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
GOOD morning, followers. In New York, Thanksgiving is more than a day to plan seating charts, triple-check that New York Times recipe, and brace for family arguments. Thanksgiving is also the favourite holiday of yours truly. It's a time to be grateful for what matters. And this year, I'm most grateful for you. For your secrets, your lies, and all the tips you've given me. So try to enjoy the tryptophan and relax. But don't relax too much. Because no matter where you might be celebrating, I'll always have a seat at the table.
"There's something you're not telling me," Monet exclaimed, standing behind Winnie, helping her put on her infamous spider necklace.
The Dubois heiress cast her an odd look through the floor-length mirror they stood in front of, "What do you mean? All week we've acting like we're in some little fuller house special. I have nothing to hide."
Monet snorted, "I liked to think of it as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, minus the heteros, but we all know secrets are part of you. So spill."
"There's nothing to spill," Winnie shrugged her off as she put up her hair into a tight ponytail.
Every brush she did she winced, scalp seething with pain but she pushed through.
Monet's eyes softened and helped Winnie, pushing her closer to her bed.
The De Haan teen was close to taking out her twists, she loved them but they were growing and showing her natural strands and she couldn't abide it.
Winnie sent her a small smile, "It's Thanksgiving, Margaux and Luc will dont do Thanksgiving, and neither do I."
"Celebrating the slaughtering of the innocence I thought that was your forte," Monet breathed out.
Winnie eyed her, finding her terminology quite odd.
Monet added rather anxiously, "What I mean is, it's cutthroat, don't the Dubois like a good feast?"
"It's an American holiday and as much as they adapt to the American culture because they were born here as well as several generations of my family, we all cling to our French roots like white on rice," Winnie ranted, sending her an appreciative look after seeing not one strand was out of place.
She caught a few of Monet's dogs calmly strolling around in her room.
"No bullshit, why did you get called into the headmistress's office?" Monet pressed, coming to stand between her legs.
Winnie's eyes grew heated as she let her gaze drag up and down, "Family shit."
"You missed all the drama with the ratty groomer, he's locked away, no bail, some of the parents of the seniors he was scissoring must of had a say."
"Max's parents right?" Winnie received a nod, "Yeah he's been hitting me up."
"And you've been avoiding him, why?" Monet folded her eyes, wanting the gossip since she'd been on the outs.
"Thinking of the right way to shame him."
"Not for being groomed, I'm not that bad." Winnie held up her hands defensively and rolled her eyes at the sigh of relief she heard. "Queer Kurt Cobain ditched Ginny for his Ménage à trois, truthfully I get the appeal, two heads are better than one, but it's the manner in which he cast her aside. She's been his ugh and I hate saying it... his rock and he took her shoulder he pathetically cried on for granted. It's treason."
"Wouldn't call it that, Ginevra isn't the queen," Monet stated, settling her hands on Winnie's shoulders, breathily sighing when she felt hands at the back of her thighs.
"We're each heir to our family's fortunes, so yes we are, therefore it's the highest treason."
So it's off with his head, she thought, thoroughly amused.
"I'm an heir," Monet pointed out, breath hitching when Winnine's hands roamed.
"Which makes you a Queen."
"Just anyone's?"
Winnie argued, "New York's, so you have some competition with me."
"Let me repeat the question, am I just anyone's Queen?" Monet reiterated, cupping her face.
"You're mine Mon, is that what you want to hear?" Winnie rasped, tilting her head back as nails delicately trailed her neck.
"I want you to scream that in bed," Monet whispered as their lips trailed against the other.
Winnie huffed and pulled Monet forward, gripping her waist as she straddled her legs.
"That I'm yours and you're mine? What are we exclusive now?"
"Do you want to be?" Monet squeaked when her skirt inched up.
"Well, I don't want anyone else to have you," Winnie stared up at her, with gentle eyes.
More gentle than anyone knew they were capable of being.
"Cute, but I'll need you to say it, so it can be held up in court," Monet teased, basking in the warmth she felt.
It was always warmth, their touches were like fire and kisses like a blaze of euphoria over her skin.
Winnie appeared smug, "Courthouse's and professions of my undying desire for you, are we getting married?"
"This state permits our potential union," Monet smirked at the eye roll she obtained.
"Aww, now Manhatten won't get dragged," Winnie teased, tugging her closer.
Winnie quite liked it when she moaned her name so she conceded, "Fine, I want to be exclusive."
"Good," Monet's eyes glistened with joy, "because I too, want to be exclusive."
Winnie paused her elation, "Still in secret though?"
"Until the time is right," Monet muttered, slightly cautious.
"Who knew Monet Makeda De Haan was a pussy."
"I am what I eat, so now let's seal this milestone with a kiss," Monet basked in the laughter she received from her quip and leaned in.
Just as their lips were about to meet, a voice interrupted them.
"Monet! You'll be late. Winifred, your mute guard is here, hurry, appearance and attendance are everything!" they heard Camile scream from the ground floor.
Winnie dropped back in annoyance.
Monet groaned, "Coming!"
Winnie chuckled, erotic images came to mind, "A phrase you said many times last night."
"And this morning, can't forget the dirty details, Dubois," Monet winked as she got off of her.
"I doubt I ever could."
"You made it exclusive, but didn't seal it with a kiss? Have I taught you nothing?" Ginny questioned quietly as they strolled through the school.
"Drop the dramatics, I know you're hurting, direct your energy onto that," Winnie retorted, shooting her a glance.
They both appeared more... tired, not as vicious as usual, not just them but the school overall was off, ever since the public arrest of Mr Caparros.
"You're deflecting," the blonde addressed. "And you haven't gone home since the riots."
Winnie groaned, "Ouch, you know why I haven't. Besides I'm going today, I have to or the dementors will send a swat team to drag me to the Ostroff Centre," she lowered her voice towards the end, "I swear I never saw the similarities between Margaux and Joan Crawford until now. Tonight I might freeze at the sight of wired hangers."
A brief smile made its way onto Ginny's face, "Well, your mom does have a certain old Hollywood vibe to her."
"Old yes," Winnie murmured, glaring at Miss Keller who swiftly passed with her band of anxious teachers.
"All the teachers are acting more insane than usual," Ginny gagged when they almost bumped into her.
"I'd rather them insane than predatory," Winnie said a little louder, freaking out the students around, before her eyes narrowed onto someone she wanted to see, "Speaking of that, I spotted the big bad Wolfe, give me a second."
"Winnie not now," the girl broke out of Ginny's grasp before she had a say, "and she's off."
Winnie materialised in front of Max like a vampire making him jump, then sigh when she smacked his books out of his hand, alerting a few onlookers to the scene, luckily Ginny who stood afar warned them not to take out their phones with a single look.
"Seriously? What is this, CW bullying?" Max felt too exhausted to pick up his books.
"With that receding hairline Max... they would probably cast you so yes, but that isn't the only thing I have a problem with," she scoffed, shaking her head, "I see you've settled for Ginny's clone. And here I thought it was the drugs that made you all twisted or was it the manipulation of a grown man?"
"A little early for all this questioning Pooh Bear. couldn't you wait? I tried calling but you were ignoring me," Max frustratedly restored, furrowing his brows.
"For a reason," Winnie gritted her teeth, "and for what it's worth, I thought you were decent as a peer. I even played a part in making your obsessive crush on that poorer-than-poor Predator disappear. And this is how you repay me? Ginny? But calling quits?"
Max continued trying not to flinch at the mention of the jailed teacher. The moment he discovered the other students that Rafa was pursuing he laid off, and tried sabotaging his career, hoping that gossipgirl would aid him but that wasn't the case and the whole plan backfired. But that's when the regrets multiplied, time sought Rafa out, indulged in flirting, followed him around, desired to feel something, hands on his body, lips on his...he felt sick. Disgusted with himself and knew he had to distance himself from the very girl who helped him, forced open his eyes to see that he wasn't okay, unhealthy and unhappy.
Scared that if he could be burned, scolded by the anonymous app, he didn't want Ginny to be scathed, so he made sure she could get out while she still could, leaving him to the comfort and extra sensual hands of his dear friends. He thought it was easier that way, even if it was a secret, it soothed him.
Max huffed quietly, "I didn't ask you to do that, nor did I think this thing between me and Gin would progress, I thought she was using me as a pawn in your game."
"So you treated her like Dr Phil, now that's insulting," Winnie sneered.
"I liked Ginny, no I like her but it won't work and she knew that. I was too –"
"High? Drugged up? God Max we know," the boy looked hallowed out in her opinion, "but that doesn't mean you had to use her."
Max deadpaned, "Pot. Kettle, Black."
Winnie reeled back, "One, that's Racist, and two, to think I was your black saviour," she took a step back, irritated by the lack of thanks, "Colour me wrong."
Hearing the commotion they were swarmed by their friends, Audrey and Aki stood behind Max, Ginny pulled Winnie back as Monet cautiously strolled over and stood between them.
Max sent the Wellington blonde an apologetic look, which she chose to ignore, "Drop it Win, like you said, he's degraded. From the original to the average Doppelgänger," that earned her glares from the couple, "Good luck Maximus, you'll need it."
They strutted off before they couldn't even respond.
Monet's eyes lingered on Winnie's behind.
"Seems like money doesn't buy class," she heard Audrey say.
Which made Monet scoff, "You'd know."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: Tensions are high, and bonds are bound to break, like the wishbones on your turkeys. Gobble Gobble fellow followers, I know secrets will spill, so be careful not to slip on the truths... and would you look at that it's barely noon.
"Oh, what do you want?" Winnie groaned, bumping into Zoya in the library named after her family.
She was only here spending her free period learning Excel from a private tutor instead of Mr Glassberg whom she couldn't stand.
The curly-haired girl had been moping around all fourth period, "I came here to ask why you sent me a cryptic message about riots and love."
"Oh yeah, your sister and boyfriend," Winnie managed to make sexual gestures whilst holding her Macbook, making the freshman freeze, "rekindled during his poorly organised protest attacked my family's property, stained the windows whilst he stained Calloway's walls no doubt."
Zoya instantly shut her down, "What? You're lying."
"Believe what you want Zoya, I didn't have to tell you this, I could've just forwarded you the CCTV footage of them kissing but I thought honesty was the best policy."
"No – this is just some trick. I know you stoop low but this is fucked up Winnie," Zoya snapped, uncaring of the zero-talking policy.
Her body recoiled at the thought of her sister betraying her with her own boyfriend, her first boyfriend, the boy who she loved. She would never believe something like that even after all the hardships she and Julian faced.
"You're telling me, I'm glad I don't have siblings," Winnie went on, raising a brow when Zoya clenched her fists and scowled.
"You're wrong, ever since I moved you've been trying to get me on your side, to get back at my sister and it didn't work the first time so your last resort is to spread cruel lies," the heiress amusement began to falter as she heard Zoya angry discourse, "I knew you were fucked in the head but I didn't think you'd do this, no wait, actually this doesn't surprise me."
And that clearly struck a nerve, Winnie's eyes twitched as she leaned down and maliciously whispered, "Believe it or not but that doesn't stop them from fucking." she grinned at the tears in Zoya's eyes, "Happy turkey day."
Winnie sat opposite the woman he was now her... therapist. The Ostroff Centre sent her nerves into a frenzy, even when she walked into the building she was searched like a criminal and asked questions like she was being interviewed by a detective. She wanted to sprint out of there, but until she met her hourly requirement of spilling her secrets she wouldn't be allowed out, no matter how much she tried and bribe Caesar and the additional bodyguard her parents sent.
She was forced here, not allowed to be in at her tennis practice which messed up her whole day, the structure was ruined, and it prevented her from setting up a meeting with a Calvin Klein campaign manager.
20 minutes had passed and Winnie shifted again in the seat she ensured was wiped down. The room was on the 3rd floor and had sufficient sunlight but it was also dull, books clung to the bookshelves, and awards and accomplishments decorated the walls. Dr A. Anchor was the woman's name. A few shades lighter than Winnie, had thick kinky locs trimmed to her bust, dense reading glasses placed on her nose above a pleasant smile kissing her lips. A small rock attached to a wedding band was the first thing that caught Winnie's attention before she realised it was only 3 karats.
The therapist decided to softly clear her throat, "Can I ask Winifred –"
"Winnie," the teen corrected, now locking eyes with her.
Dr Anchor noticed how her callous eyes darted across the room the moment she strutted in with all of the confidence of the world, a common trait she saw with patients of a certain economic background. A pretty girl with a foul mouth, her assistant informed her.
Dr Anchor's smile hadn't faded, "Winnie, why do you think you're here?"
"Because this is clearly my parent's way of punishing me."
Winnie rolled her eyes at the woman taking a few notes.
"Therapy is a punishment to you, not a means of improving one's mental state or aiding it somehow?"
Winnie laughed in disbelief, "No, I'm here because they want to teach me a lesson before I have the chance to return the favour."
Judging from how she spoke about her parents, the doctor wanted to adjust her questions.
"Your parents, what's your relationship with them?"
"They hate me," Winnie answered with indifference and yet part of her tone screamed out to Dr Anchor.
Pain. The therapist wrote down.
"You believe they hate you?" she went on to ask.
"Well, they clearly don't love me," Winnie gestured around the room she happened to be in as if it was such an obvious take.
"And why do you think your parents don't love you?"
"What's there to love?" Winnie snapped, earning a slight frown from the woman.
"You think you're unlovable? Why?"
Winnie instantly leaned forward, "Don't put words in my mouth. I never said that."
"Then can I ask what did you mean by your previous comment?" Dr Anchor continued to write.
The jotting from the pen was doing the teenager's head in.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," Winnie wanted out, but of course, all the windows were restricted, put on a safe latch so no one could jump, the exact thing she wanted at this moment.
"Let me ask you a different question. Why do you believe that they don't love you, your parents?"
"I don't know," Winnie gritted out, glancing at the clock since they took her phone away to see only 2 minutes had gone by.
"Do they spend time with you? Go on trips, invest in your life, other than financially," the doctor was relentless.
"No." other than dinner time,  the summers in Switzerland and other small trips, but even then they weren't present which meant she didn't have to be.
Spending more time on screens was the best thing for her to do, the very thing she felt comfortable doing. Her parents were as comforting as a bag of coal. They weren't there to raise her, but to watch her since that's what they thought parenting was; waiting and watching until she messed up and they made sure to penalise her whenever she did.
It was Dr Anchor's turn to lean forward, and put aside her notebook, "Would you like them to?"
An uncharacteristic frown made its way onto Winnie's face due to the question. Would I like them to? God no she wouldn't but it would be nice if they were there, not saying anything negative or bossy or mean. Her mother made sure she was put onto this earth as a pawn of the company, the fortune she was born into. She was supposed to be appreciative of the fact but she wasn't, how could she? She was a weapon of the future, not a daughter so why would she want to spend time with the exact people who reminded her of that?
The doctor reaching for her pen broke the teen from her thoughts, which drove her to stand up, "I think we're done today."
"I seem to have upset you."
Dr Anchor's eyes softened when she saw the tears streaming through the teenager's face.
Winnie didn't realise she was crying. Crying in front of a stranger, crying in fucking public, so she wiped her tears and stormed over to the woman.
"I'm not upset this whole thing is useless. Asking me about my life and love as if I would be able to answer the questions. It's a trap, you're here to trap me. I don't want to talk, I don't want to be here. You've taken my parent's money, so be glad to spend it on a new hairdresser because your unruly hair is causing me more distress than your questions or maybe even spending it on a partner that will leave you the moment you don't do what they say. But don't sit here and act as if you care, you're not interested in what I think, I'm nothing to you but a paycheck, a cash cow, an object for your financial gain, not a person but an entity you squeeze information out of until there is nothing left but a submissive cunt that listens to you and only you!" And after that, Winnie went to the door but just as she shakily went to grip the handle, the doctor called out to her.
"Like you said, I see you as nothing but a paycheck so indulge me, a studious girl like you wouldn't miss the chance to do so," Winnie didn't turn around but she did listen as Dr Anchor questioned, "Do you like yourself? Not love. Do you, Winifred Dubois like yourself?"
(@gossipgirl tweeted and tagged @slitherWin)
Rumour has it that the Dubois heiress has a couple of screws loose. I'm all for therapy, but it was only a matter of time before her Hyde took out her Jekyll. Are Mommy and Daddy dearest certain this is who they want to take over their company? ... just like oil and water, it appears Winifred Dubois and sanity don't mix.
Caesar had to force the heiress out of the car before she had the chance to slam her head into the window again, no bruise was visible but the dazed look on her face was evident. The gossip girl blasted exposed her and to make matters worse it made her look weak, defenceless and on a day that was about celebrating genocide.
No fucking thanks!
Winnie felt humiliated, even when she heard the news that Calvin Klein still wanted her as an ambassador but not for being real, instead they wanted her to celebrate mental health and if it wasn't for Ginny she would've let the whole campaign go.
Monet was blowing up her phone and other people too.
She had to shut it off.
When she arrived home, Caesar and the other bodyguard informed her father about the ride home.
"Where's mom?" Winnie asked as her dad insisted they sit in the living room.
She was expecting a reprimand from Margaux but didn't get one.
She could feel her father grimacing at her forehead, to see any damage but there wasn't one.
He looked concerned. "Cancun, she set out this morning."
Winnie made a face, mind racing with images of why her mom had returned to the scene of the crime.
A moment passed and her father was awaiting a reply so she blurted, "And I wasn't informed? She didn't say anything to me."
"Your memory must be selective Winnie, you weren't here this morning, or yesterday, or the entire weekend. You were with the De Haans."
"My lesbian lover, you can say it, Dad," she taunted.
"Grayson informed me what you were doing with his daughter. Sweet girl," Luc tried.
"Yes, she is," Winnie's double entendre was obvious. "So, dissimilar to mom, who because of some petty discrepancy didn't alert her child she was leaving the country."
"Why do you care so much? You dislike her."
"I liked to be informed."
"We know you do," Luc paused as maids set down a makeshift table for their own feast of the evening. They could only dine in the living room when Margaux was absent. Luc hated Thanksgiving so instead they were having French cuisine for dinner, "How was therapy?"
Winnie scowled, picking up the TV remote, "I'm not going back."
"You will," her father wasn't leaving room for argument.
She craned her neck to the side, "And why is that?"
"The therapist said we should continue your sessions based on today."
Winnie froze at the memory of the questions that were thrown at her today. Do you like yourself? She never answered it and instead ignored the rest of the things Dr Anchor said for the remaining 37 minutes.
"Isn't she breaking doctor-patient confidentiality for telling you? She could lose her license if that ever got out," she murmured, turning away and trying to search for a movie to watch.
Luc sighs at her answer. "They inform parents about the details of sessions if there is a possibility the patient is a danger to themselves or others."
"I am not a danger to myself! And I am not idiotic to endanger someone else."
Luc frowned, knowing that wasn't the case and the display in one of their cars was evidence of that, and when he discovered it, he shuddered. His daughter was only ever physically aggressive when she played tennis, so perhaps seeing Dr Anchor was a bigger priority.
And so he said, "We're continuing your sessions."
She dropped the remote, "Then I'll discharge myself."
"You're a child, you cannot discharge yourself," Luc sighed.
"Oh please, I've never been a child."
Luc averted his gaze, rendered pained by the thought of her being right, "We're continuing your sessions until we see an improvement."
"Then you can eat alone," she forcefully shoved the makeshift tb#able away, spilling some of the delicacies onto the floor, leaving the staff to fuss over the mess whilst her dad waved them off.
Luc called out her name, but all he received with loud stomps as she ascended the stairs.
Winnie didn't come down that night, she ordered food from her favourite Mexican restaurant, stuffing it into her gullet as she rated the dry Thanksgiving meals all over her feed. Some of her fans who were now offering her support about seeing a therapist sent her sweet messages, she lost several thousand followers because she visited the Ostroff Centre and just as she was about to dash her phone across her newly made-up room, it vibrated, alerting her to another missed call from Monet.
She ignored in fear of judgment and ignored the messages from Ginny about Monet potentially jumping ship.
They were exclusive, right? So why would she do that?
Getting fed up by the notifications, she tossed her phone, turning to Abaddon who whined at the foot of her bed, she was just about to let him up when she realised she had to discard her takeout before it stuck up the room and was too stubborn to let the maids in so she picked up the trash and walked out.
Winnie muttered to herself as she descended the stairs, irritated by the entire day, thanksgiving was a curse overall, so why would she think any different?
Her muttering came to a cease when she got to the first floor and overheard her father's muffled voice as he argued with someone over the phone.
She stayed to the side, cautious of his bodyguard standing outside the room.
"Davis Calloway is finished, Roger Menzies informed me of the transgressions that took place, William. I know one of the victims, paid her enough to keep her mouth shut until I say, she said she couldn't be brought but everyone has a price," he paused, listening to his response, "Yes I know, outing a predator will help with my future campaign, and having a victim on my side will help with the democrats, not just the republicans." she heard her father laugh, which drove a shiver down her spine. "Now I have to donate to a few foundations and that'll be the next step in this race."
Winnie struggled not to drop the bags of trash when she heard everything.
Julian's dad was a predator and yet she was more terrified of her father.
"Fuck my life," she whispered.
sanaa lathan as 𝗱𝗿 𝗮. 𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗿
mmm whatcha say?
monifred are exclusive but with no kiss to seal the deal? yikes, but writing monet into episodes she was cut out is so odd to me, because if they adjusted the plot she would've fit but she was an afterthought to the producers and the writers.
quick shoutout to NekodaDotR for the manip
winnie was doing zoya a favour by telling her that she was cheated on abut she also wanted to cause drama, but when zoya claimed she was fucked in the head... and it struck a nerve and then wanted to go for the jugular. similar to winnie and max, they have never been close but she didn't mind him, but as soon as he fucked over ginny she gagged him.
why was margaux in mexico? and what do you think of another luc and winnie moment? i think this is the most dialogue I've ever written for him. i do think he cares more about his daughter's mental health, and margaux cares more for her public image. which has been made worse for the family because of gossip exposing her therapy which goes against her own brand, so winnie is just going to continue to sprial, i just hope the therapist can do some damage control before she gets worse.
i liked writing the dr anchor, even just to find out winnie's thoughts without her just blurting them out to just anyone.
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
5. Hope stinks
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
GOOD afternoon, followers! Gossip Girl here, your one and only, etcetera, amen. Oscar Wilde once said, "Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth," which is why I love Halloween. Because what was once created to honour the dead tends to leave bodies in its wake. For when you don your disguise, the false sense of security it provides... But I don't wanna spoil the fun. After all, the biggest scares are the ones you never see coming. See you on the other side, dead or alive.
"Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy," Winnie stated.
"You have always looked good in green," Ginny teased, leaning on their courtyard table.
"And you have always mastered insanity."
"You're jealous because I do it better than you."
The duo's snickering ceased when they were raided. Correction, Julian, Zoya, Monet and Luna all flocked over.
"What the fuck happening?" Winnie flinched back in disgust when the sisters sat opposite them.
Ginny shrieked, "Don't sit down."
Monet stood behind them with folded arms, "I've told them that this would be a problem. I was talking, right? Those weren't just voices in my head."
"Oh no because that voice in your head is probably screaming now," Luna muttered, annoyed that this was happening.
"Move," Winnie repeated a few times, grabbing her things away from the centre as if they were to be tainted by the older sister.
Zoya thought they were being over dramatic as did Julian.
"We come in peace," The Calloway influencer spoke up, just as her friends reluctantly sat down.
Luna first, then Monet who was the closest to Winnie.
The Dubois heiress scoffed, "Peace is a dirty word."  she then stared at Zoya, disregarding their offended looks, "I thought I taught you that or did you suddenly forget all of your teachings now you've discarded me for the older model."
Julian jumped in before her sister could, "One. I'm sure you're birthday comes before mine –"
"-- you know it doesn't –"
"– And two. We're here to discuss Halloween."
Winnie scoffed, "I discuss matters with friends."
"Singular," Luna interrupted.
Ginny appeared disgusted, gagging as she grabbed some wipes out of her bag and cleaned the table around her, earning eye rolls all across the table, debar Winnie.
The Dubois heiress's eyes twitched when Audrey sauntered over and cooly took her place next to Zoya.
"Oh great now Stalin's at the table too."
Luna huffed out a laugh, which earned her a nudge from Julian.
"You made up that rumour," Audrey glared.
Ginny craned her neck to the side, "Did she?"
"You know she did."
"I have proof of your affirmative action," Winnie's words had Monet smirking. She held up her phone mockinging, "Aryan Audrey is still trending."
The Hope girl scowled.
Julian huffed, gently setting her hands on the table, "Fuck the argument. Just this once can we talk peacefully about an international holiday."
"You obviously don't pay attention to history," Ginny said, making a face.
Winnie deadpanned, "It's a holiday originated from a Celtic festival... over 2000 years ago. and its only major in America because of the immigration of the Irish and Scots."
"They're right, Jules," Zoya nodded in agreement despite herself.
"When are we not?" The duo chorused, then Ginny added after tossing the wipes, "We have 8 minutes until we have to do another sponsored post."
Monet groaned, shooting a look at Julian, "At least you have a sponsored post. where's the broach that we said we'd shoot you wearing?"
"Oh, do you mean the Burmese ruby?" The Calloway influencer questioned. "Do you know they're called genocide gems?"
Ginny tossed her head back in annoyance as her friend picked up her phone.
Audrey squinted "Hmm. Who told you that?"
Everyone knew the answer, even if Zoya didn't inch back.
"If Z had done her research, she would know that Cartier doesn't use Burmese rubies," Monet sassed. "So there goes that spondered post."
Winnie let out a pronounced sigh, "And once again I don't care. Hurry up and state your claim to whatever dowry costume you'll no doubt wear for Hulaween."
"This year's theme isn't New York Legends anymore. It's Iconic duos," Luna remarked, mildly offended by her statement.
"We're aware and have our costumes decided."
"Fictional or non-fictional?" Zoya questioned leaning forward.
"Fictional, but their influence has certainly made a dent in history," Winnie remarked.
Audrey rolled her eyes, "And no doubt I'll be severely underwhelmed."
"Like my opinion on your presence," Winnie snarled, turning to her in disdain. "Hardly a bombshell blonde, just a lacklustre poser. Put down those books Hope. We all know you're as dull as that box of hair dye no doubt stored in your closet."
"Damn," Zoya breathed out, amidst the bickering that commenced.
Monet settled her hand down on Winnie's thigh, drawing a long sigh, luckily no one apart from the Wellington blonde heard.
"Ladies. Hulaween obviously has got us all tense," Julian sent an apologetic look to her closest friend who was adamant that she didn't dye her hair.
"Hardly, I'm like this all the time," Winnie exclaimed, tired of all the pleasantries.
They were battling. Fuck that, they've been at war since before they could remember and all of a sudden peace was an option? No, it never was, and she doubted she ever wanted it to be.
"We know," They all chorused.
"So expect nothing different. Why be fake with people I don't like," Winnie paused when Monet's hand itched up her thigh, "or cast aside my mentoring."
"That programme was fake," Luna said in a bored tone as she went through her socials.
Zoya discovered the truth shortly after her first week but wasn't bothered by it, because her studies weren't interrupted, no, in fact, all the lessons she missed didn't show up on her file.
Winnie countered, "And yet my words were real. And you know that if I wanted to, we could all get into college on the back of my name."
Ginny hummed, "Or De Haan's. Maybe you two could collaborate."
Winnie and Monet both narrowed their eyes at the Wellington blonde who snickered to herself.
"4 minutes by the way." Ginny added before her previous words could be analyzed, "If you truly want to make an impact this year, which you should. It's the first Halloween post covid."
"So Julain's still defined by that humiliating loss to Pippa Sykes and Bianca Breer from the year before." Monet turned to her friend.
Zoya crunched up her face in confusion, "Who?"
"Two bland girls from another school that want what JC has, except they're always too busy fսcking each other's boyfriends and pushing each other into fountains..." Luna trailed off, earning laughter," ...to get after it and honestly, it's so basic. They might as well be bots."
Winnie couldn't disagree with that.
"But we still have to beat them," Luna demanded.
"A couples contest? Isn't that kinda middle school? Like, what, do you get a trophy or something?" Zoya didn't understand why it was a big deal.
Monet scoffed, "A trophy? No, try your photo on the landing pages of the holy trifecta: Vogue, Harper's, and WWD.
Luna hummed, "Add Miss GG to that mix."
"Obie never said anything about a couple's costume," Zoya murmured, thoughts roaring with insecurities.
Ginny used her phone to conceal her amusement. 
Audrey smiled, "Well, no need to worry, 'cause, uh, Aki and I are gonna win."
Winnie raised a brow, "Oh he's forgiven you for grinding on the twink?"
"You knew he was gay?!" Audrey's mouth gaped.
"Helen Keller would know that guy was gay." Winnie shrugged off the glare she received, "What, are your bangs too overgrown for you to have queer sight?"
Monet squeezed her thigh before it was slapped off with a wry smile.
It was Luna's turn to catch the subtle interaction.
Audrey decided to ignore the Dubois heiress' comment, "We have picked the perfect New York legends, Greta and Noah, yes. "
Julian marvelled, "Ooh."
Luna cringed, "Ew."
"And unlike them at the Oscars, we will not be going home empty-handed," Audrey continued, disregarding the looks that she was sent.
Julian started, "So you and Aki... "
"We are figuring things out, slowly but surely, and, uh, with no interference, and that's what counts. "
Ginny pretended to hold a gun up to her head and shoot, making Luna smile, Winnie snigger and Monet smirk.
Monet pursed her lips, "Yeah. You need to think of something great, JC because you can't lose again.
"Well, how am I supposed to do a couple's costumes by myself?" Julian asked.
"Couples are a dead binary. Be Rihanna or Oprah. They don't even need last names, let alone a partner to do anything," Monet stated.
Winnie's eyes beamed when she saw the notification pop up on her phone.
"Holy shit," Ginny gawked at her device.
"Why is everyone on their phones?" Audrey questioned just as she followed everyone's actions. "Some kid brought a gun to school"
Monet groaned, " Oh, my God! Of course, it's Pippa and Bianca's school. Now they're gonna get the sympathy vote."
Winnie argued, "Not if we have Zoya's bland boyfriend bring a gun to school. He won't get shot or anything."
"No, just a pass and more exposure," Luna bitterly spoke.
Zoya rolled her eyes, "Not happening. But watch this."
Most of them sighed at Pippa's voice.
"Can you believe it? My entire life flashed before my eyes. Like, all 16 years."
Bianca came into view, "Right in front of us. I didn't wake up today thinking I would be a hero, but when I screamed and everyone ran–"
Pippa jumped in, "Love each other. Life is precious. Join us on Clubhouse where we talk trauma. Invite only."
"You need to take those barely sentient succubi down before they wind up on This American Life because you can't compete with that," Monet expressed.
Julian slumped, "So, what are you gonna do?"
"You guys, a kid brought a gun to school. Doesn't that make a costume contest seem a little frivolous?" Zoya frowned.
Ginny waved her off, "People walk around with guns all the time."
"And no one was shot because the gun dropped near them. They're fine. Caesar has literally taken a bullet for me," Winnie said absentmindedly.
"Wait what?" Zoya was shocked, she hadn't heard of that before and the lack of reaction from the others made her realize she was the only one who didn't know. "Are you serious?"
"It was like 2 years ago and I didn't use it to my advantage," Winnie cursed herself before Zoya threw her hands up in disbelief.
"Maybe you should've," Luna would've advised her too.
Monet agreed but held back a frown at the memory. She remembered when it happened and back then she didn't know what to do. But now she wanted to cast Winnie a sympathetic look, despite knowing it would be shrugged off, perpetuating Winnie's unbothered nature.
When in fact she was very bothered by it.
Ginny nodded in agreement, "Facts."
Zoya gulped, "Well, unlike Winnie, maybe they need time to process.."
"Do they know why they brought a gun to school?" Julian suddenly asked.
"Gossip Girl, of course, boosting followers in the hope people would perceive him as misunderstood and not dangerous," Luna had to state the obvious.
There were two minutes until they had to take their sponsored post and Ginny let Winnie know. So the pair got up, ignoring the questioning loons they received as Max, Obie and Aki came over.
"So... should we bring a bomb to school to ensure our win?" Winnie asked aloud as they strolled away, leaving their rivals to scarily wonder...
"I'm almost certain they're sociopaths," Luna mumbled.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: A modern-day treaty of Versailles. My my who would've thought? Were rules and regulations really being set to follow or terms of war being given? Who can tell, but what I do know, is that there's a contest and there will only be one set of winners, so we'll be able to see who the victors of this battle truly are and if the odds were in their favour.
Winnie and Ginny strutted through the entrance of Dumbo Hall, the high ceilings didn't compensate for the packed venue. The latter didn't mind the thick aroma chasing them and decided it would be a good time to plant some seeds. 
"I can't believe I'm here," she muttered, turning her nose up at everyone who brushed past her.
It wasn't nearly as packed as she believed it it be and yet she couldn't stand it.
Ginny sighed, "You wanted to come."
"Not wanted. Just decided. They hijacked our table during our break, so I wanted to colonize their land."
Ginny smirked, "Great choice of words really."
"And maybe you'll be able to see your bed warmer if he hasn't been poached again," Winnie remarked, giving over her jacket to the coat check.
Ginny did the same, though a frown made its way onto her face, "Haven't you heard? He fucked bland fringe and rich boar?"
Winnie abruptly stopped walking, "You're only telling me this now, why?"
"Do your worst," Ginny practically insisted but her tone said otherwise.
Whether she actually liked Max or not she wasn't sure. She liked spending time with him and even occasionally confided in him, but she knew he couldn't entirely be trusted as he slipped some information to her about his so-called friends.
"Aren't you still fucking? Or is he still caught in that predator's web?" Winnie reached out and grabbed her hand.
An uncharacteristically warm gesture.
"The latter. But we talk, mainly about him. It's exhausting."
Winnie breathed out, "I can tell. But are you... you know?"
Ginny was highly amused by her attempt at comfort, "Okay? God, do you care about me now?"
"Just answer the question."
"I'm fine," Ginny reassured, as they kept walking, "I prefer to channel any vexation into the Castaways over there."
"Now you're talking."
The duo saw Julian and the rest of her friends, sitting in the centre of the main room, some drinking, others expressing their contempt for certain topics. The moment Audrey and Aki caught them headed their way they scoffed, getting attention from the rest of the group, some who shared the same reaction.
Luna squinted her eyes, "You're here. Why?"
Winnie planted her hands behind Zoya's seat, "You joined us at lunch so why can't we return the gesture? Three's a party but 8 is a fucking parade."
"You know that's not a saying right?" Audrey snided.
"It is what I say it is." Winnie replied with an equal amount of attitude, "Still deciding what duo you're going with Zoya? The Insta activist or the average influencer? If you ask me, you're better off alone."
Julian made a face, "Or with you guessing?"
"No. As I've said before, I'm not a freshman fiddler, but that's right up Obie Street."
Money and Luna exchanged a smirk.
"Definitely staying in his lane for that," Ginny chuckled alongside her friend.
Obie rolled his eyes, "And what's your lane, Ginny? Kissing Winnie's ass?"
Julian and Audrey laughed at that.
Ginny cocked her head to the side, eyeing the boy, "No. Even though it's a pretty one. But speaking of asses, how long will it be until your Micropenis is stuffed back up Julian's? I'll give it until Thanksgiving."
"Do you like causing shit?" Zoya wondered aloud.
"Oh please this is a retaliation. You raided our land at lunch, and were returning the gesture," Winnie explained, leaning back and looping arms with her friend again.
"You're that possessive over a lunch spot? There's bigger issues than where you sit."
"Actually... no," Luna disagreed, their focus should be on Hulaween.
"For sponsored post and great lighting no," Monet paused, suppressing the urge to stare into Winnie's eyes. "But you would've known that if you listened. And on the subject of bigger issues. We were speaking about ways for Jules to win the costume contest."
"Mone!" Julian hissed.
Money playfully shrugged, "Oops."
Winnie cast her a small look of appreciation that only two others caught.
"Don't worry Darling, as I said before we've got our ideas sorted, paid for and resized."
"Oh I'm not worried, Z and I have something great planned," Julian pointed out and Zoya confidently nodded.
"Leaving Obie to stew in the back no doubt," Ginny's retort. "He can keep himself busy looking at ways to save the world, earth, and civilization."
"Funny," Obie mumbled.
"But don't worry, when we win the contest, how juvenile it may be, at least you'll get second or third, right after them," Winnie's words push them all to turn around to see the most recent 'victims' of the day.
Pippa feigns shock at the big group, "Ooh."
"Ugh, God," Monet scoffed.
"Wow! I didn't know people from Constance even knew about this place."
"You don't know anything unless your frenemy's boyfriend's dick is all over it," Winnie mockingly smiled at the two as some of the group chuckled.
Pippa and Bianca had nothing to say to that jab.
"Has anyone told you two, you're better when you're mute?" Ginny wondered aloud, flipping off Bianca who went to retort, instead her best friend said.
"Did you hear what happened to me?" Pippa smugly turned towards Julian.
"Us," Bianca corrected, much to Ginny's amusement.
Julian narrowed her eyes, "Do you mean what happened near you?"
Pippa tutted, "Do you know what else will be happening near me? The press crowning me winner when I show up to Hulaween –"
"– We – " Bianca reiterated.
"– with the perfect costume –"
"That'll pale in comparison with ours. Because we have a better story. Blood is thicker than Franzia, after all." Zoya's retort earned various reactions, the majority carried a sense of pride. "I'll see you from the dais," she eyed the frenemies, "...whoever you are."
Thankfully Pippa and Bianca left swiftly, narrowingly avoiding the glare of Ginny as they did.
(@gossipgirl posted)
Spotted: We never could have predicted this, but looks like JC and Z...really have buried the hatchet. Too bad Z buried it in Obie's back.
The next day, Winnie had to isolate herself, spending time with those she despised for more than several eyes proved to be a mission that she couldn't stand and yet she did, for the greater good... her greater good, so after she made her way to the tennis court, with Caesar by her side, and various thoughts made it through her mind, one of which was proof, pictures to be exact.
She had evidence of Max and the school's version of Humbert Humbert. She apprehended information from Monet that they've had sex, disgusting in her opinion but Milo being a weasel sent her a link to Max's iCloud and seconds after what she found was enough to turn off her phone.
Sex tapes had never been an issue for her, however the drastic age and power difference involved made her itch. She never usually felt bad or even empathetic for people so she was uncomfortable and that pissed her off.
And so she channelled the foreign feeling into hitting the ball over the net.
Her father wasn't present today, which made her more irritated. Why come one day and then disappear the next? Relying on parents was pointless, and they didn't even check in about the brief gun scare, so she decided she would get them back somehow.
She grunted when she smacked the ball just before the baseline, rendering her opposition huffing before the ball boy threw another to her.
She bounced it a few times, finding a rhythm before glancing up and readying her racket, but as she did, she heard the familiar heels hitting the court and walking towards the bleachers.
Monet attempted to make herself comfortable as she watched Winnie train, she was impressed, to say the least, turned on, but impressed nonetheless. She told Luna when she made her way over to the tennis court that she was simply spying, but Luna didn't believe her.
Monet leaned forward biting down on her lip as Winnie dominated the session. She turned back to see Caesar at the entrance, she walked past him before and he didn't put up a fuss when she did.
He never did.
It was nice contrasting Margaux Dubois' attitude towards her.
With the final point of the game, the ball boy called out,  "Game, Set, Match."
Monet wore a gentle yet proud smile and clapped excitedly then she remembered the eyes all around, making her hands drop to her sides, but not before Winnie's eyes beamed up at her.
They both felt warmth spread around their chests.
Winnie told herself to keep a hold of that feeling, considering that the moment she got home, it would blow away along with the autumn breeze.
"So you're selling your leader out. Apologies, your friend," Winnie sassed on the phone whilst sitting in front of Ginny's vast vanity table.
Monet rolled her eyes, "It's not selling out, I'm looking out for my future. Julian doesn't care that the decisions she's made affect others."
"I could've told you that," Winnie replied, passing Ginny her heels to put on.
Monet huffed, "Don't say I told you so. The plan is already set."
"And if they don't fail like you've said? If you get exposed?"
"You almost sound worried, do you doubt me?"
Winnie grumbled out, "WhoLian and Little Z have that disgusting Disney 'everything will work out in the end' aura, well not that Castaway bitch, she's somehow trying to be better despite her past that we all know about, hell she even stated on socials that she was a bully and managed to bounce back, I'd admire her if she wasn't Riverdale personified."
"Calm your pretty little head, I'm never wrong."
Winnie scoffed, "No I'm never wrong, bye."
Ginny snickered as she came over, now adoring her Harley Quinn wig and nearly completed make-up, she just needed to smudge her lipstick and they were good to go.
"Lover's tiff?"
"She's straying from her group," Winnie informed, ignoring her question.
Their costumes were beautifully crafted, light forest green vines wrapped around Winnie's arms, complimenting her amber-coloured wig. Her Poison Ivy makeup was heavily exaggerated for a reason, similar to Ginny's.
They were a mess, an alluring one that would be on show for all to see.
"You don't seem happy about that," Ginny noted her hesitant expression.
Winnie shook her head, "What if she does the same to me – to us."
Ginny smirked at her haste correction, "Then do what you tell me. Have leverage. Always have leverage."
Winnie stiffened, "But... what if she doesn't stray from us?"
Ginny's blue eyes almost doubled in size at the question. For the many years she's known her friend, Winnie had always been certain and strict on what should and could be done to elevate their status, in school and in society. Feelings were rarely a factor, which was why the blonde was so stunned.
And so she said, "Be real, everyone has a motive, an angle, sure you like each other –"
"-- I never said that," Winnie held up her hands after receiving a stern look,  "but sure. I like her."
"Just that?" Ginny teased, coming over, to stare into her illuminated vanity mirror.
"Continue with what you were saying before," Winnie gritted out, watching her smudge her lipstick.
Ginny turned to her, "You like Monet, she likes you. But that's now. Her loyalty seems fickle, you know that or you wouldn't be so apprehensive if you didn't. And if you weren't I would've slapped you... on live so everyone else can tell you how idiotic you're being. Girl, having leverage is smart, she would do the same. She might have already. So get real."
Winnie begrudgingly retorted, "Fine."
"Fine?" Ginny smiled, leaning back.
"Yes, fine," Winnie nodded, turning to face her, "take a picture of her and me at Hulaween. I'll make sure it appears we were 'caught in a moment of passion'. And that what we have is undeniable."
Ginny giggled, "Good. It'll cause some friction with her friends when she eventually runs back to them after her hiatus."
"Do you think that'll happen? She'll run back? How are you sure they'll accept her?"
"Because she's dangerous, just like you."
"A perfect match," Winnie suggested, sounding surprisingly ecstatic.
Ginny pondered, "Or the abominable twosome."
Winnie couldn't help but agree, "Touché."
Ginny pulled her up from the seat, "So are you ready to win, no matter the cost?"
Shortly after filming several TikTok's to post later, they left the Wellington estate, to present to the world their iconic costumes.
Approaching the Hulaween venue was more confusing than they thought because Gossipgirl hadn't tweeted all day. Usually, that would be a good thing, the anonymous user going dark should make everyone happy or at least peaceful, but no, it created dread, anticipation, and maybe even fear.
So when they arrived and sauntered into the foyer, they plastered on their signature smiles and embraced the flashes that descended onto them, suppressing their grins when they saw Pippa and Bianca wearing the same costumes as Julian and Zoya; Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russel.
In the corner of Winnie's eye, they caught Luna dragging the sister's away before they could be seen.
"Help, I'm dying," Ginny spoke through her teeth.
"Let's hope it lasts," Winnie murmured, getting into character as she blew a poisonous kiss to the cameras, whilst Ginny mimicked swinging a bat like Harley.
"The Twitter gays and they's better eat this shit up."
"They have to, we're icons."
The pair shared a lighthearted laugh.
"Let's go in and enjoy the spectacle," Winnie grabbed her friend's hand and they strutted into the hall. "Isn't that?" she noticed Max by the bar.
"Give me a second," Ginny excused herself and made her way over.
Max drunkenly smirked at her, "Need a bat for you to grip, I can give you one Miss Quinn."
"I don't suck anyone who needs a breathalyzer test," lie, but she wasn't in the mood for his candour, not when she enjoyed being around him before.
He pouted, "No fun, you used to be fun."
"No, what I am to you is a therapist and I didn't sign up for that Wolfe, nor did I realize that I would be replaced by Batman and Catwoman over there," she nodded to Audrey moping around with a bottle in her hand as Aki stumbled behind her.
"I didn't replace you," Max breathily smiled, fluttering his eyelashes as neared her, "no, I wouldn't."
"But you're fucking our classics teacher right?"
Max's body recoiled like he'd been shot, "How do you know, have you been spying on me?"
"No need to spy when I have eyes everywhere," Ginny remarked, but her smug smile faltered when she saw the pain in his eyes.
"Pooh Bear tell you?" he hiccuped.
"I have eyes and senses. Just know it won't end well."
"You don't believe in poly relationships? Come join us," he teased, pulling her closer, eyes darting between her and the couple he craved also.
Ginny gently shoved him back, "You know what I mean and who I mean. That perv –"
"He's not a perv." He cares about me, he wants to help me, his mouth twitched.
"Oh Maxy, you're a victim," Ginny reiterated, pressing a kiss to his lips, then smudging the stain so it mirrored hers. "But don't say I didn't warn you."
Max's face was the depiction of bewilderment as she strutted away, joining hands with Winnie who pointed to the cameras, so they saw Julian and Zoya return now expressing that they're dressed as New York's finest; Blair and Serena, the muses for the original gossip girl much to their chagrin.
"Your girl was wrong."
"I know," Wnnie angrily gritted.
"But we can't be, come," Ginny pulled them over to where the four situated. "Ladies, ladies, how could you leave us out of this foursome, girl power never dies right?"
They all reluctantly posed for the cameras as they hatefully muttered to each other.
"Really, you're claiming feminism?" Zoya whispered.
"Like you care, you're fucking your sister's boyfriend, and Pippa and Bianca love to screw each other over, girl power is a myth, at least we've dressed accurately, " Winnie fake smile.
Julian quietly scoffed, "Serena and Blair hated each other."
Zoya added, "Just as much as they loved each other."
"Same as Marylin and Jane," Pippa piped up.
"Face it, Serena and Blair aren't relevant, and one married a predator, so at least Zoya's costume works," Winnie winked at Zoya's attire, "but you know what doesn't? Four winners."
Her closest friend agreed, "There can only be 2."
So Winnie and Ginny using their height to their advantage towered over the girls and shoved them aside, causing them to stumble and trip onto the floor, just as they feigned shock before channeling their inner characters.
Ignoring the screams and bickering from below, Winnie turned to the cameras, "Can't be a winner without stepping on some toes right? And like Miss Poison Ivy said, 'What? I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it."
And the Paparazzi soaked it all up until Julian and the others rose and attempted to do the same but the best friends took that as their sign to leave, giggling as they hastily strutted away.
Winnie blew a kiss at Monet who wore a proud and angry expression.
"You can't be mad, I made sure me and my girl won," Winnie was pulled aside away from leering eyes by Monet.
Winnie and Ginny won the contest and their stunt ensured their pictures would land in the holy trifecta: Vogue, Harper's, and WWD and it was only time before it would be all over Gossip Girl.
Monet's tongue swiped across her teeth, "You sabotaged them."
Winnie cupped her face as she spoke softly, "Just like you, but Pippa and Bianca came in second, gossip girl will talk about them and I got in touch with GQ, they'll get their interview."
Monet's face lit up, "Really?"
That would be great for her portfolio.
"Yes really, I made sure you eat too," Winnie would extend more favours if she got more in return, "Now, I want my lady kisses."
Monet was blissfully unaware of the camera recording in the distance, as they shared another intimate display of affection.
"Did you get it?" Winnie rejoined her favourite blonde by the side.
They'll have to do some interviews soon, but they rather enjoy the music.
"You question me?" Ginny pulled out her phone to show the various pictures and even a video of the angle of the passionate kiss that almost turned it much more.
"Girl look, the spectacle begins," Ginny excitedly pointed to Monet who appeared to be in a heated argument with Julian and Luna. "Eavesdrop?"
"I thought we agreed that's what middle-class fools do?"
"Let's stoop just once," Ginny pouted, which ultimately made her concede.
They kept their distance but overheard the end of the argument.
"Well, good luck on being better without me," Monet snapped, earning a disappointed look from Luna.
Julian hummed, "Good luck to you too. I wish you the best."
Just as they turned around, Julian and Luna were annoyingly met by the two best friends.
"Ugh, let me guess you're involved?" Julian groaned.
Winnie's eyes followed Monet's retreating figure as she said, "With the selling out? No, but that God-awful display you put on in front of the cameras only weakened your chances to go up against us."
"Just wait," Julian warned.
"No, you wait, this isn't the first time I've won against you."
"And it won't be the last," Ginny giggled, forcing them to storm off, "bye posers."
(@WinnerD posted)
(tagged @g.wells )
liked by @monetdehaan and 93,876 others
winning just tastes better!
@g.wells it certainly does
↳@winnerd 🤍
@maxtheewolfe i know what else tastes good
↳@g.wells are you sure it's not those boorish whores you've been sucking and fucking
↳@wellingtonpage I hope you're okay ginny!
↳@ginforthewin praying for you🙏🏼
@winniesbiggestfan always comes out on top
↳@duboisfanpage can always rely on her to win, she's everything
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves they both are #richlivesmatter
(@winners liked this comment)
(@g.wells liked this comment)
limited comments.
Winnie's glee faded the moment she was escorted home.
Sure, a day or two had passed since the mishap at her rival school, but she still hadn't spoken to her parents, no not a word. So after taking off her costume and bathing, she searched her mother's office to find her smoking gun. Margaux was out on business for another hour so she had time, whereas her father was buried in his work to hear her footsteps.
Winnie paid one of the maids to turn off the cameras so she could go unseen and Caesar wasn't going to say a thing, therefore she turned through the files that progressively went through the years.
23 years Margaux and Luc were CEO and COO of Velocity Inc, so there were 20 years of crimes, white collar and others that were bound to be around, here or elsewhere, she just needed one, just one.
But as her fingers flicked through the 98' file, it was mainly filled with balance sheets and financial statements but huge amounts of figures were sent to one name, for an entire month.
B. Bass.
There was an explosion on an oil rig during that year, Winnie could remember that much from the tabloids; there were many casualties, 208 to be exact, but everything was sorted out.
Winnie heard several cars pull up in the front of the house, making her curse and quickly take pictures of a few files, before rushing to put them all away, neatly so nothing looked out of place.
She tried to be light on her feet when she sprinted upstairs, narrowingly avoiding her mother and father who just came from his study. 
"Fuck," she muttered, gently shutting her bedroom door and panting against it.
Why was she shocked? Why did she care? For leverage or to see if her parents were truly the monster she believed them to be? The confusion and torment aggravated her and so she did what anyone else would do whenever they were burdened, she picked up a drink.
One that she hid beneath her bed.
She sipped on the bottle of champagne, cringing at the taste that one day she needed to tolerate and she sipped some more.
She hadn't realized she called Monet until the girl came over 30 minutes later.
"Your phone call was unnerving and I know these mind games we play are foreplay, but God did you sound like you wanted to kill yourself," Monet joked as she softly shut the door. "makes sense, your mom let me in, before trying to force me out." she finally saw the bottle on Winnie's bed and the way the Dubois' heiress try to sit up, with a drunken smile, "Give me the bottle."
Winnie shook her head, "No." and instead she held it to her chest.
"You don't drink," Monet tentatively took a step closer.
"Then what's this in my hand?" Winnie said smugly.
Monet came closer, "Give me the bottle."
Winnie whined, "There you go, trying to change me."
"I'm not. I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"And why is that?" Winnie tried scooting away in her bed, but Monet joined her.
"Give me the bottle, please," ignoring the feeling pounding in her chest, Monet gently took the champagne from her hands and set it on the bedside table. "Why?"
She never saw the girl drink an ounce before so what made it start?
"I hate my parents," Winnie started, "they're so... I hate them and they tolerate me, but dismiss me and my... sexuality," she said with a forced smile, "they always have. But it's okay. It's fine."
Monet grimaced, "It's not."'
She was grateful that her parents accepted her -- her sexuality to be exact.
So she hugged Winnie, who sniffled and accepted the embrace.
Monet smiled against her head, gently stroking her head, "You better not puke on me, this is Saint Laurent," her smile broadened when Winnie chuckled against her.
They stayed in that for a while, Monet knew there was more to Winnie's mood than her parents especially when she caught some paper resting underneath a pillow and messy handwriting covering most of it.
It was Winnie's, rushed and written in French.
The Dubois' were fluent in French, Spanish and Latin, they had to be or judgment would plummet their way.
Monet recognised a few words that made her stare narrow.
1998, oil rig, Mexico, 208.
Monet snapped her gaze to the door which opened to reveal Margaux Dubois, making her shuffle the paper further under the pillow.
Winnie noted her mother wasn't her normal stoic self as she scoured the room.
Margaux didn't care for the bottle of Champagne, or the tears staining her daughter's face, but their proximity provoked her to say,
"Keep your door open."
And with that warning she walked off, leaving Monet with a scowl, until she saw Winnie's pained expression.
So Monet held her and pulled them against the pillows.
Winnie shakily grabbed her hand and interlinked their fingers until sleep took over them.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
turns out Winifred Dubois' halloween costume isn't the only thing that is poisonous, her venom might've coursed through the harsh veins of one of Julian's own. Keep your friends close and enemies much closer. xoxo gossip girl
yes, i had to incorporate some more legacies into the story. we knew bart bass was a menace and had been throughout his life. i wasn't sure who to use as the name on the payments made in 1998, so i picked him, just so the shady dealings made sense. so what do you think the dubois' have done? and what will monet do now she's seen some clues?
and i think out of all the original cast, apart from blair and nate, winnie would've gotten along with dan to an extent. they would have honest conversations and discussions. sure dan would be disgusted and appalled by winnie's views but as allies they might work.
btw all these small remarks about winnie and ginny's past, like winnie having a stalker or being shot at, or ginny being harassed will be passing comments because that's how they treat most of their issues.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
4. Fire walk with z
(@gossipgirl tweeted) 
GOOD morning, followers. Gossip Girl here. Or should I say "still here"? You thought I was a person, but I never said I was. I'm a revolution. And today's act of rebellion? We know it isn't nice to reveal a lady's age, but secret sources tell us Zoya Lott is 15 today. Happy birthday, Z! May you deserve whatever you get. In New York, there are only two ways to celebrate a birthday. You either go big, or you don't exist. But not to fear. Something tells us this Z-day will live in infamy. Because if it doesn't, then y'all ain't doing it right. Suit up, sweeties, and let's see who'll be the last manqué standing.
"Did you tell Gossip Girl that today's my birthday?
"No," Winnie stifled a laugh at the anger on Zoya's face. She didn't expect to see a line of food trucks outside of school until she saw Obie trying to Woo the birthday girl but quickly backtracked due to her request. "But happy birthday."
Zoya reeled back when a gift bag was held out to her, "What is it?"
"A bomb," Winnie watched her tentatively take the bag but did not dare to look inside. "It's a present Zoya, be grateful, I could throw it to the poor and let them scavenge. It's up to you."
Zoya gasped, "Seriously?!"
"It's a simple gift not like I'd pay for a trip to the Bahamas."
"I'm surprised you don't own the island." Winnie doesn't respond much to Zoya's shock, "You own the —" "
"No, my family doesn't own that tourist capital. Anyone could visit," The heiress grimaced at the thought.
"And that's why you hate it I'm guessing."
"Good to know you're learning. And no my family doesn't own the Bahamas. Islands near it obviously." Winnie paused, "Accept the gift."
"Fine." Zoya gave in, and plucked out of the bag, "Thank you."
She gulped immediately when she saw the Swarovski brand, looking up to see Winnie film her reaction which made her sigh just before she opened the box to see an amethyst-encrusted tennis bracelet.
And a few more carats coated around the side.
"I can't accept this," Zoya stammered, glancing around, luckily many students were far too engorged with the food trucks than what was happening to this.
"You can."
Zoya briefly nodded, forcing a smile then gestured for the older teen to end her live stream to which she did, satisfied with the content she had.
"Fine, you have to help me," Zoya insisted.
Winnie scoffed, "I don't have to do a damn thing, but I'm curious what the tween activist wants from me. Resume."
"You know Julian is throwing a party. She says she's going to have some celebrity appearances."
"I don't care for her life so why would I start now?" Winnie's eyes sparkled with mirth once she realized where this was going, "You want to throw a birthday party don't you?"
Winnie began to laugh, and whether it was a genuine one Zoya didn't know but the sound made her want to hide.
"So?" Zoya said pleadingly.
"I'll help...by directing you to someone else."
Zoya's jaw dropped, "But you said –"
"--I'm currently busy, but trust me on this my tween mentee – "
"I'm 15."
"Whom I'm calling to help you will be a huge help," and I will no longer be in debt to the little gerbil.
Zoya decided to trust her, against her better judgment.
Winnie glanced to the side, finally taking the trail of food trucks.
Zoya followed her gaze, sighing when she said, "Feel free to try any of them, Obie attempted to celebrate my birthday."
"Oh please I don't buy Street meat."
Zoya made a face, "It's crepes."
"Same thing."
"Right," Zoya mumbled, eyes darting between the gift and where her sister and friends once stood by the steps.
She knew how bad things were going to get with her sister, but it was her turn to make the first move, because she quickly realised how turning the other cheek in the world she was pulled into was fruitless.
"First look at the birthday girl, I never forgot my 12th and neither should you Zoya," she looked up when Ginny sauntered over, phone in hand and beaming smile on show, "Smiles all around." Ginny teased the frowning birthday girl,  "Now remember girls..."
Winnie started, "Black and white makes a swirl, but —"
"— Our union makes bigots hurl."
They did their signature smile ignoring the eye roll from Zoya and snickered to themselves.
"You two are encouraging eliminating racism one video at a time," Zoya drawled.
"And don't we know it?" Ginny restored, then gagged at the aroma in the air, "Do I smell street meat?"
After starting her tennis practice Winnie put aside the battle at play, Zoya was seething about her sister and the fact Julian and her team had hired Princess Nokia for the event. Monet of course, had been trying to contact her but she wasn't interested, she wanted her to suffer a little more for the comment that was made.
Instead, Winnie started hitting the shit out of every tennis ball flying her way.
She had to stay focused but it was hard, her mom came down hard on her before the Van Der Bilt luncheon. Margaux told her she needed to focus more on her grades, and the business and perhaps do some management courses.
Do not embarrass us! Her mother's voice echoed through her mind. During the luncheon she played the perfect daughter, avoiding questions about her personal life and only talking about high school, her future and whether college was on the cards, which they all knew it had to be.
Her father on the other hand was busy chatting to various politicians, it would've sparked her curiosity if she wasn't at the receiving end of her mother's pinches and reprimanding.
"Again?" the ball boy drew her from her thoughts.
Winnie's opposition didn't mind and nodded as did she.
They both quickly took a break, going off to the respective sides, to drink and dry their faces.
Winnie squinted her eyes when she saw her father walk into the court and over to the seats. His bodyguard stood next to Caesar.
Luc simply said nothing and just watched, waiting for the next match.
Winnie swallowed the unexpected nerves creeping up her throat and nodded at her opposition. They both returned to their positions, the heiress caught the ball the ball boy sent and contemplated a few things.
Why was her father here? Sure she asked for him to come, but he actually did. Was he supporting her or intimidating her? Luc Dubois was a man of very few words when it came to his daughter and only ever exploded when she did something ruinous. So why did he listen when she asked for him to be there when her mother never gave the sport the time of day? Maybe it was because of her hair that matted after every practice, but oh well nothing was ever good enough for Margaux Dubois.
Her father was here and why did she feel oddly happy?
An emotion she wasn't entirely familiar with.
So instead of focusing on that, she tossed the ball in the air and whacked it over the net so fiercely it skidded past the centre court before her opponent could attempt to hit back.
"15-Love," the ball boy announced.
And for the first time that week Luc Dubois smiled.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: Daddy Dubois showing up for his daughter. Isn't that a surprise? Is he inspiring hope in the heiress? happiness? Glee? Doubt it, the only thing that obtains those emotions from Winnie D are money and mocking poverty. Oops! Did I say something true, pardon me, I'll follow up with a lie, something profound or maybe something kind, too late because I'm not here for that, and neither are you. Stay tuned followers, because I have a feeling more family secrets are gonna come out to play.
"Gin!" Winnie strutted into the Wellington penthouse, screaming the house down for her friend to emerge, since they were late for Zoya's birthday bash.
Sure they were always fashionably late to any and everything but the most recent gossip girl post ensured more drama than anything, drama that Winnie would heighten by a certain video she apprehended from Milo.
"I'm coming!" Ginny stumbled out of her room, wearing a blue strappy dress and matching stilettos.
Her hair was curled not primped, contrasting Winnie's which was straight... obviously.
"Hurry!" Winnie motioned to the elevator, before taking in her friend's outfit. "Hot," she complimented, to which the blonde beamed,  "Are your parents here?"
The Dubois heiress looked around, surprised not to hear shouting booming off the tall walls of the penthouse.
"Nope, it's the bi-weekly trip abroad," Ginny shrugged, pretending to be unfazed but Winnie could see through it.
"Avoiding you?" Winnie guessed, "Same with Margaux," she hadn't spoken to her mother since they returned to the luncheon and as much as she loved the peace it was only a matter of time before it was ripped away.
"Fuck 'em, let's go. Purple looks amazing on you," Ginny eye's raked over the long-sleeved Dolce dress.
"I know right," Winnie then held up her phone, "Now pose."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Hey followers. We all know there's no such thing as a civil war. Spies tell us a certain someone has drawn her own Mason-Dixon line, with herself on one side and her sister on the other. But everyone knows a divide isn't enough. You have to conquer as well. And there's a cannon pointed in only one direction. What's in it? You'll find out when you hear the sirens. Take cover, my pretties. The glitzkrieg is coming!
After posing for the paparazzi with Ginny and promoting their brand, the friends separated, off to cause more problems for the already doomed party.
Winnie grinned when she saw the games that Zoya was playing and how riled up Obie was getting.
"Of course you're involved," he muttered when she strolled through the venue, the strobe lights hitting every inch of it.
Winnie feigned innocence, "With what?"
"This plan. Changing Zoya," Obie stressed, not sparing a glance at his offended girlfriend.
"You stay in our circle long enough you'll change on your own, isn't that right Zoya?" Winnie remarked, but her grin widened at the bracelet lighting up the birthday girl's wrist. "glad to see you're wearing my bracelet."
Zoya peeked down at her bracelet and meekly looked up at Obie.
Obie stared between them, before scoffing and walking off.
"Is he unaware that he's dating a freshman with a developing mind?" Winnie questioned, noting the inner turmoil encircling the younger teen.
Zoya's face scrunched up, "Why are you here?"
"You invited me."
"I didn't. I asked you to help. You did partially."
"Well, I'm here, since that warrents an invitation. Don't be ungrateful. Your sister is watching us," Winnie locked eyes with Julian who was angrily stuffing her face.
Monet and Luna stood on either side of her, silently stewing, the former was more annoyed than frustrated, especially when the Dubois heiress didn't look her way.
"Obie doesn't want me to fight back. He wants me to just sit back and take it. How can I? That's not me."
"Then don't let him put out your spark little Z." Winnie advised, adding fuel to the already growing fire,  "Just remember, Julian won't back down and she sure as hell won't play fair."
Zoya stormed off, just as Julian did away from her friends when she realized that the treats she was eating were laced with an alcosynth.
Winnie could smell Milo Sparks all over these cheap tricks. Good, he's doing his job.
Some of the guests nodded at her in acknowledgement, a few asked for pictures, which she took before going on her way and her way was strutting over to tiers of food, that she knew not to touch.
Monet was nowhere to be found, which left Luna judging her when she came over.
"I didn't think you'd leave your lair for anything other than academics," Luna said, leaning against the counter.
"The new IT girl sent out an invite, so who am I to decline?"
"A bitch."
"And you're a cunt," Winnie countered.
"Same difference."
"Precisely," Winnie said with indifference. "Where's Castoway?"
Luna scoffed, folding her arms, "Want to ruin her brand even more?"
"Oh like you care, you're only clinging to her like flies to shit until something bigger comes along. I respect that, but let's not act like you care about her interests, just what interests you. I wouldn't mind you styling me Luna, you've got taste," Winnie couldn't help but check out the girl.
She was a bitch, not blind, but Luna wasn't her type.
Luna rolled her eyes despite feeling slightly flustered, "You're poaching at a birthday party?"
"It's networking and believe me, JC's ship will sink and you don't want to go down with it. Think about that while I powder my nose."
Luna was left to her thoughts pounding louder than the roaring songs.
In the bathroom, Winnie was hoping to escape the god-awful music that was being played. She preferred anything classical and only messed with some contemporary to appease her fans and that's all.
"You look good," she snapped head towards the snarky voice.
Monet was extremely tempted to stalk closer, but judging from the blank look on Winnie's face she kept her composure, before demanding anyone in the stalls to get out so they could talk.
"And you look stressed," Winnie retorted, hearing the door slam behind them.
She waited for Monet to respond because she sure as hell wasn't starting up this discussion.
"So we're not going to discuss what happened?" Monet impatiently tapped her foot.
Winnie shrugged, "Nothing happened."
"Oh really?"
"What do you want? If it's to demand that I change again then I might as well leave," Winnie rapidly blinked and just as she was about to turn around, Monet reached out and grabbed her hands.
It felt like it had been a lifetime since they touched, and Winnie liked the feeling in her  chest, despite wanting to let go.
"Wait. I have ammunition and I know you do too." Monet said softly.
Winnie nodded, "Go on."
"Max, you?"
"Zoya..." Monet's face lit up and squeezed Winnie's hand. "Calm down, you don't want your Botox to explode."
"Exchange deets and make-up?" Monet sheepishly suggested, cursing herself for sounding so soft.
She watched as Winnie deliberated, before gently dropping her hand.
"Exchange yes," The Dubois turned away from the disheartening look on Monet's face which was quickly covered up with disdain.
"You're still mad."
Obviously, "Yes."
"Fine, exchange but I'll be over later," Monet proclaimed.
Winnie dryly laughed, "And I'll make sure to set the dogs on you."
"Don't be a child, it doesn't suit you."
"But pettiness does. You find it hot, remember or is that another thing you want to change about me?" Winnie replied as she forwarded the link Milo sent her, just as Monet exchanged some information about Max.
What Winnie wanted was an apology, but she didn't get that.
"Do you want me to define this," Monet motioned between them, "this... whatever this is or are you against labels?"
"Oh please, I love labels, rich, poor, broke..." Winnie trailed off.
"Say that any louder and you'll get cancelled."
"They've tried before, and I'll give it to these broke bitches sitting behind their screens typing away critiquing me for my every whim. It's cute. But they should know one thing, I do it better, whilst they make the line at the local welfare office longer."
Monet smirked, watching her walk away and boy did she watch.
Winnie danced through the crowds of people letting herself momentarily relax, she wasn't drunk, no, she didn't drink, but she was certainly feeling the vibe. A few girls she recognised from school came over and danced alongside her. They were bland and uninteresting to look at but she was just having some fun.
But all of that came to a halt when someone bumped into her.
She plastered on a scowl and turned, "Oh It's you."
Aki Mendez.
"What do you want?" He asked, holding up a drink.
"From you? Why would I want anything from you."
"You targeted my girlfriend, that was some foul shit you pulled."
"Oh, the girlfriend who's stiffly grinding with that random over there?" She directed him to look towards Audrey who danced on a guy who didn't seem too comfortable. "Looks like a loving relationship. You must be really secure for someone who has as much fire as a burnt-out match."
"What's your problem with me, other than being friends with Julian?" Aki pressed, trying to block out the sight of his girlfriend messing with him.
Winnie snorted, "I haven't got a problem with you. I don't care for you. Our moms talk at TEDSummits and fathers interact whenever there's a scandal but you and I... there's nothing there."
Aki sighed, "I wouldn't want that."
"Don't lie, it'll provoke a heart attack. Au revoir Akeno." 
She was left to see Aki sped towards his girlfriend who immediately introduced him to the guy she was dancing on.
"Zero rhythm," She murmured.
Ginny came over and swung an arm over her shoulder, "Max isn't here. He hasn't been replying to my texts, sexts or calls. There's something wrong."
Winnie sent her a look, "We know what it is."
Ginny stiffly nodded, just as Julian headed out on the stage, gaining everyone's attention.
"Let me guess she's got the video?" The blonde chuckled.
"You know me so well."
Julian held the microphone up as she began speaking, "In honour of my... sis's 15th birthday, I wanted to talk a little bit about..." Julian said before saying, "The woman who really made all of this happen. Our mother..."
The crowd cheered, whilst Winnie struggled to stay awake.
"Past your bedtime?" Ginny quipped.
"Fuck you," Winnie elbowed her sides.
"Marion," Julian paused, "There's a lot Zoya and I never got to learn from her, but we know, from our dads and deep inside our hearts, that she was amazing. But... " she let out a chuckle, staring down at her sister. "Like every person, she had two sides to her. She was brave, brilliant, beautiful, but she wasn't always honest. She wasn't... always good. I mean, she left her own baby, me, to run off with another man. "
Winnie spotted Davis Calloway glancing away from where he stood before she recognized Zoya's dad, Christ, that man needs to comb out his hair.
Julian continued, "Now, that reckless, irresponsible, unreliable part of my mom, I didn't inherit, thankfully. But someone did. And now, thanks to this video, we all get to see just how much of my mom the supposedly upstanding, righteous Zoya really got."
Everyone turned to the projector, seeing the start of Zoya rip into a girl, insulting her to the point the girl's smirk morphed into a frown. It was brutal and it didn't stop until Zoya landed a slap, shocking the crowd.
Winnie and Ginny had to conceal their amusement with their phones, all while Zoya whimpered and shed a few tears.
But as the video went on, the crowd heard the taunts that were surrounding Zoya. mother killer! She killed her mother! Get here!
Julian immediately backtracked, staring at the screen in horror, "Stop the video!"
But it didn't stop.
"They can't even plan a coup right," Winnie tutted, "At least they could've stopped the video and made her look like the bully."
Ginny agreed, finding the whole plan to take down Zoya ridiculous.
Julian's squad wanted a villain but got a victim.
"Well done Julian," Ginny murmured, pulling out her phone to livestream.
The crowd stood in disgust and disappointment as they watched Julian panic to stop the video.
"Hey, everyone. I know that video was traumatic. You're probably wondering why I played it. I'm wondering that too. "
"Bully!" Ginny exclaimed, holding up her phone higher and some of the guests agreed.
Julian sighed, " I hadn't seen the whole thing, but... that's no excuse. I just thought that she was... I didn't know she was being bullied, but I guess when you're a bully yourself, you don't see that. Since I can't turn back the clock, the very least I can do is tell the truth. I'm a bully."
"Booo!" Winnie exclaimed, turning to Ginny's phone and shaking her head. "Tomato, Tomato, Tomato."
"And whether I do it to your face or through your phone without you realizing It's the same thing. I expect you to want what I have, but not be able to get it. So, if you try to, I'll do everything in my power to stop you. And because I have considerable power I can," Julian paused, scanning the crowd, attempting to hold back tears, "But never again. Take out your phones. Do it. Hit record."
Ginny would've held up her phone to the ceiling if she could, the comments she had filling her screen were all over the place.
"I am a bully. I bully my sister,"
Winnie dramatically gasped, forcibly widening her eyes to all of her and Ginny's shared followers, even mouthing I told you so!
"I bully my friends, my fans. And I'm never gonna do it again, so long as I live," Julian inhaled deeply, "You have this video. Dubsmash it, DeuxMoi it. Gossip Girl it, for all it's worth. Now... how about we put this pain behind us and bow down to the Princess? She's why you're all here," she spared a desperate yet loving glance to her sister who did her best to smile, "Z, I love you. This is what your birthday was supposed to be," she then faced the celebrity guest and motioned her to come out, "Nokia."
The Crowd cheered and applauded.
"How are you doing?" The rapper exclaimed after taking the microphone from Julian who left the stage. "Well this is a safe space and I don't care what's going on in your school," that earned more cheers "We're here to have fun."
The intro to her 'It's not my fault' track started playing and everyone began to dance and sing along.
Winnie kissed her teeth soon after Ginny ended her livestream, annoyed that Julian didn't suffer more repercussions.
"Wow, that was pathetic," The blonde huffed as they walked away from the stage. "All that work for being Zoya's mentor and she turns weak after a badly performed speech."
"Zoya could still cause havoc, she's just more unpredictable now. Besides we can play off Julian being a bully, fuck taking accountability," Winnie rolled her eyes, frustrated by the whole night, "She needs to crumble. Her sister is in the picture playing all buddy buddy so we have to either wait or create something worse."
"It'll fall into our lap soon. I had to do charity today so karma will repay us soon," Ginny looped arms with her friend.
"I don't doubt it. Now let's get outta here."
"You sure you want to, your little carpet muncher is over there," Ginny beamed when she felt Winnie stiffen.
The Dubois heiress groaned, "How did you know?"
"You've been less of a demon, though, still a vile bitch. Well up until last week. I'm guessing she's to blame. I can set my followers on her, cry a little you know how a nation is moved by white tears."
"Keep those eyes dry. It's nothing I can't handle," Winnie stated.
Ginny hummed, "I know."
Just as they were about to strut towards the door, they were blocked by a certain child.
Milo wore his smug smile as he stared up at Winnie.
"Are you happy my dear mentor?"
"Not your mentor though, I'm satisfied with your coup, regardless of how fleeting it was."
"My mom would be mad at me for taking on something this easy," Milo cursed himself.
Ginny eyed the child, wondering why he was still around since it was past his bedtime.
Winnie shrugged, "Cause havoc, Milo. Stay safe, I don't need your mom stalking me again."
"That wasn't my mom."
And with that Milo strolled away, leaving the two friends with a chilling thought.
"What the fuck?" Ginny breathed out.
Winnie squirmed in her stance, "Problem for a different day?"
(@gossipgirl tweeted )
All right followers, time to face the music. Looks like the war is finally over. But the thing about when wars end? Nobody is ever the same again. When the dust has settled and the smoke clears, only then can we finally face what we've done. No one returns from war unchanged. We come back, strangers. Not only to those around us but to ourselves. And slowly, little by little we either remember who we used to be or we allow ourselves to become someone new. Gossip girl: who will you be, now that this is over? I don't know about you, but since it wasn't the end of the world... I feel fine.
i love writing this book. i find it quite simple compared to my other ones. in this chapter you see more of winnie and luc's relationship, is it development or just how they've always been?
i think i've said this before, but honestly, winnie's closest relationship is with ginny, sure monet is her romantic interest but they have a lot of obstacles.
also, winnie giving out zoya's private information is in her character since zoya has yet to prove any loyalty to her, therefore she wouldn't return the gesture, as proven by the end of the episode where she makes up with julian after seconds. i understand they're sisters but this show was so quick to squash conflict then repeat the same thing again. someone on tiktok stated that wish they kept their sibling relationship a secret until the end of the season which would've been much better.
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
3. Eyes wide shut
WINNIE slammed her locker shut and turned to the little rugrat that hadn't stopped following her around since she arrived on campus. Since she had just a few minutes before the third period started she thought she could give him the time of day.
"What do you want, young Sheldon?" She dared to ask, clutching her books.
"Can't I talk to a mentor of this great establishment?" Milo Sparks, everyone.
He might've been small due to his preadolescent age but he was deadly, he knew things and knowledge was power and coming from such a slimy bloodline, who would've expected any less?
"I only focus on one poor and hopeless child at a time," Winnie spoke, sighing as she towered over him.
"Does Zoya know you made it up?" He retorted, holding his coat close to his chest and staring up at her dark brown eyes.
Winnie's sharp stare didn't bother him like she hoped. He was a weasel, a cute one but a weasel nonetheless. He actually preferred it when she didn't wear shades, even if she wasn't easy to read if levelled the playing field.
"Does she know that you hacked into her phone?" She replied, quietly yet the fierce tone had his eyes narrowing.
He stepped closer aware of the students who passed through the halls on their first break of the day.
His brows furrowed. "Only on your request."
"Yes and I found a few things from that so thank you," she rushed out, wanting to be rid of his presence. "Is that why you're here?"
"You owe me," Milo declared and she knew it was the truth.
"I sent you a grand when you did the job."
"Money isn't the currency I want," and you know that, "Secrets are my preferred form of payment."
"Name the person," Winnie demanded, growing more impatient, despite having respect for his craft.
He pondered for a moment, glancing around, "Ginny."
Her face hardened, "No."
"Worth a try. Zoya?"
Winnie didn't have any loyalty to the girl, especially since it had been a week since she last heard from her. Their relationship ever since the heiress prevented Zoya's exile had been rather estranged, like any normal relationship Winnie's opinion.
"You could hack her phone if you want the dirt," Winnie thought aloud.
"No, I want her to ask me for help," to require my services so then I can gain another favor. That went without saying.
A brief look of pride flickered through her eyes which had Milo smirking.
"When?" Winnie gave in, tapping her heel against the floor.
"Deal now scram, talking to short people cramps my neck," Winnie didn't leave any room for objection.
Luckily Milo already took a step back, "Always a pleasure."
With him now on his way, Winnie grabbed her phone, apprehensive of any gossipgirl updates. She always received the most whenever she was on school grounds which had her wondering, was the anonymous blogger truly a student or another? Back when she was in 8th grade she started up many fake pages all dedicated to Julian's worst outfits. She was protected due to the best software for parents provided so kids like Milo Sparks couldn't even attempt to hack her servers without an arrest warrant.
A dark smile tickled at her lips because of the memory.
"Pooh bear ready for religious studies and classics?"
She glanced up to see a familiar scruffy uniform, belonging to none other than Max Wolfe.
Winnie knew there was no point trying to correct his god-awful nickname for her. It started back in kindergarten and stuck, despite the threats she made against his name, the tweets and hashtags that hit her fans hating on him with every post. He was unfazed which pissed her off more.
"Of course, learning the most infamous ways to control the masses has always been my favourite," she stated, flashing him a fake smile as they started walking towards their class.
He chuckled, "Your mind is terrifying."
"Just like your body count."
"Is that shade or slut shaming?"
He feigned appreciation, "The love you give me is endless."
"Keep telling yourself that," she grumbled, checking the time. "Judging by your attire Ginny received a mediocre fuck."
"Why? Jealous?"
"She's hot but not my type," she rebutted.
He smirked, "And who is? One of the many unanswered questions on this Earth, what gets the gorgeous Winifred Dubois dripping like the Hudson River?"
"Easy. People who look like me," and Winnie wasn't lying.
The pair walked past Audrey and Aki, the former's blue eyes shot daggers at the girl, whilst her boyfriend's face scrunched up in confusion before they turned away.
Max mumbled, "Well that's a lot to unpack."
"You do that. Don't pay attention in class. Fail," she snickered, allowing him to push open the door for her, revealing a few students who had already gotten there early.
"Who said I'll fail?" Max questioned, fully amused as they took their seats at the front of the class.
"Let me guess Wolfe, you'd get on your hands and knees for a grade?" Winnie set her textbook and notebook on her desk whilst he did nothing but take off his empty bag and settle it on the back of his chair.
"No different from your parents getting out their chequebooks is it?" Max's smug smile was so slappable but she conceded just this once and hummed.
Their teacher along with the rest of the class all filed into the room just as the bell rang, irritating the young heiress, who shifted in her seat. Her nails tapped the desk growing louder until their teacher, Mr Caparros started doing what he was paid to do. Max turned to her and smacked her hands, only gaining a sharp glare in retaliation, which made him laugh into his own.
"Everyone take their seats," Mr Caparros calmly said and with reluctance the rest of the students did.
The class went on as normal, with him retailing insightful facts and quotes without using the PowerPoint for help. Max didn't even take out a pen, no his gaze, one that might be described as heated, stayed on the man, trailing up and down his form.
The heiress next to him, occasionally took pictures of her notebook for her Instagram story and one of her 'private' Snapchat stories which contained over 200 people.
Winnie then noticed the lust-filled sparkle in Max's eyes, that wasn't surprising, but what came as a revolting shock was that their teacher was trying to suppress his whenever he looked their— no — Max's way. Turned out she was wrong, she wouldn't be learning about the cult following of millions of people, no, this was a different kind of lesson.
How to stop a predator.
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
This just in: Manhattan's elite learning the world's oldest lesson. Those who go digging for the truth might not like what they find.
"I'm at dumbo hall and guess who I've seen tongue fucking some random by the bar?" Ginny spoke excitedly through the phone.
"Gin I don't care," Winnie put her on speakerphone and picked up a nail file after putting down her laptop.
She was situated on the balcony attached to her room, a blanket bunched around her waist as she surveyed the horizon.
Winnie stilled and exhaled a jarring breath. We're not a couple so why do I feel so pissed off?
"And do you have the name of who she was mouth fucking?" She spat, picking up her phone to stalk Monet's socials.
Ginny giggled, "Oh so now you care? Interesting."
"Who was it?" the heiress' fingers practically punched her screen.
"Some random, didn't you hear me?" Ginny paused, growing curious, "I thought you hated Monet? Or is she the one that's tickling your bean?"
"No," Winnie snapped.
"Sure. You can tell me if you were."
Winnie took a moment to reply, and instead of coming clean, she deflected, "Moving on. Your used condom of a man is how do I put it — getting played like a fiddle by a teacher."
Ginny choked on her cocktail, "What?!"
"There's speculation."
"Is this you? Are you the one speculating?"
"Maybe. But am I ever wrong?" Winnie scoped Luna's finsta to see Monet making out with some... random.
How disgusting. Winnie kept telling herself that she wasn't mad. Wasn't jealous. But was that the case?
"When?" Winnie snorted when she didn't hear a response. "You're trying to come up with something aren't you?"
"Maybe, but I doubt a teacher would do something like that." the alcohol was certainly talking. Ginny wasn't exactly surprised by the turn of events, considering she was hit on by a teacher a couple of years back and the man in question was hastily fired and fled the country.
Winnie knew she was choosing to forget, "You know they have, so when this comes out and I'm right you're gonna be thanking me."
Ginny sighed, "Poor Max."
Winnie scoffed, "Poor me, I had to see them eye fucking during class."
"If you're right —"
"—I am —"
"Only expose it when I know he's okay please."
"I'll think about it."
She heard Ginny sigh from the other side, "Fine."
Winnie hung up and angrily pressed on another contact.
Kissing commoners all
because of a disagreement.
From: M
It wasn't a disagreement.
It was a violation of my guidance.
Fine. Stick to your unremarkable
taste in women. No more fuel
from me.
From: M
I'm not biting the bait.
You won't be biting anything
for a while.
She got up off the chair, walked in and then out of her room and out onto the hallway, feening for a snack but as she approached the top of the stairs she glanced over the balcony hearing muffled voices along with the faint sound of barking no. More meetings at this time? It was almost 11 pm.
She saw her mother emerge from her office, her father and another man in tow.
A man she recognised.
"Good to see you again Margaux, Luc," his gravelly voice spoke.
"William," her father patted his shoulder.
William Van Der Bilt? What was he doing here? Winnie wondered. She'd have to do her monthly spying on her parents a week early. 
She heard Margaux softly laugh, "Nice to see you. Tell Nathaniel that his work is inspirational. It's been years since he was first appointed."
Winnie rolled her eyes at her parent's asslicking.
"Young Winifred might follow in his footsteps. The first female mayor of the city," William replied.
Luc disagreed, "She's been too busy learning from us, the inner workings of our legacy."
"That's true I suppose."
"Similar with your boy."
William nodded, "Billy?" He chuckled, "I should hope so. But he only focuses on lacrosse nowadays."
"Kids eh?" They all chuckled at Luc's response. "Have a lovely night."
"We'll speak soon at the next luncheon," William insisted, bidding them both farewell as he was escorted off the estate, leaving Winnie taking a step back.
What the fuck was that about?
"You told gossipgirl that my family sells placebos?" Monet whisper-yelled to the Dubois heiress in the main library.
Winnie put back a book, "That could've been anyone. Allegations like that could be taken to court. It's defamation of character."
"Your character is highly problematic so that won't be a problem," Monet's lips taunted Winnie, they were as frustrating as they were enticing.
"You're being mean," Winnie remarked, shrugging at the scoff she received,  "You know I like it when you're like that but as of now, you're public property."
Monet was more than offended, she was hurt by the insinuation, "Watch it. Just because I kissed another girl doesn't mean you can slut shame me like we're on some CW show."
"No, it just means you don't belong to me."
"I never belonged to you."
Winnie silently cursed, recognising the look in her eyes, making her almost feel bad.
So she said, "Then I guess you loved to trip and fall between my legs whenever you felt like it."
"We're not a couple, might I remind you. You said it yourself. You can't pretend to like me enough to keep me on your hook. I'm not at your beck and call, and you can't stand that," Monet snapped, stepping closer and unintentionally inhaling her signature scent.
"I can't stand a lot of things, dating a follower of one of them, so I guess you're right just this once. I'm glad we're not a couple."
Winnie took Monet's astonishment as her sign to strut away, keeping her composure as she surveyed the aisles, then grumbled when she caught Luna and Zoya at the entrance table.
From what it seemed, tips were being exchanged, why else would Luna's botox needle be out?
Zoya and Luna jumped back when the Dubois teen materialised in front of them.
The freshman gulped at the look in her eyes, "She was giving me tips on —"
"I don't care," Winnie shut it down, then nodded at her classmate, "Luna."
Luna smoldered, "Winifred."
"I guess that Zugly hashtag has got you desperate," Winnie observed, eyes zeroing in on the Zoya.
Luna was disgusted by the insult, "Excuse you, I'm not the second choice."
"Yet," Winnie countered, her stare hardened as she manoeuvred around the table, "Try to have fun with the woke parade."
Zoya and Luna watched her walk out of view.
"Doesn't she intimidate you?" the freshmen squeaked.
"No comment, although you should aspire to be as intimidating as that, without the casual bigotry that gets you cancelled quicker than Rachel Zegler who can't catch a fucking break."
"Make it quick, I'm off to trick a blonde," Winnie impatiently rocked on her heels as she stood by Ginny's locker.
The Wellington blonde scoffed, "And I thought I was your fave."
"Nothing personal Gin."
And Ginny knew her smile was farthest from genuine so she said, "I'm here to tell you that dirt you got from Pygmy Sparks is explosive. Zoya's popularity is rising despite the backlash. You should use it soon, or when she becomes a problem."
"She's already a problem, but she's not ours," Winnie stated, leaning against the lockers and looking out of the busy courtyard.
"So? Use it for destructive. The catalyst to another battle."
A grin threatened to break out on Winnie's face, "Do you hate the preteen?"
"Not hate. Just find her inclusivity nauseating," Ginny argued, applying some gloss.
"Careful, anyone hears you saying that and you'll be judged faster than you did when you went to the Maldives during COVID and wore a diamond mask," Winnie replied, stifling a laugh.
Sometimes she found that coming from wealth and privilege wasn't all that it was cracked up to be and that some people AKA her closest confidant lacked brains.
Only some but still, it was hilarious.
"It was a mask," Ginny huffed out, shutting her locker to face her friend.
"Once that really stops the virus spreading right?" Winnie drawled, "Just listen. I'll release that tape of her whenever I want to. Just keep an eye on your lover boy. I know the teachers at this school are weird. But predatory? That's something else entirely and that needs to be shut down."
The blonde folded her arms, "Who knew you cared for Max."
Winnie grimaced, "I care for chaos, only when I cause and simultaneously thrive off of it."
"There's that sociopathic nature, and here I thought you were getting character development."
Winnie rolled her eyes at the girls teasing, "I've been tested and I'm fine."
"Don't lie to yourself," Ginny called out, smirking as her friend strutted away, "know yourself or whatever Drake said."
"Shut up!"
Winnie's struts grew louder as she neared her namesake library. Gossip Girl was quite quiet today and she needed noise, so she messaged the account and made sure they stayed tuned for a tip.
She turned up her nose when she had to push open the door, usually, she would have someone else do that for her, but she was on a time crunch and tennis practice was in 20 minutes.
Her lips quirked up in a sly grin upon seeing a mop of blonde hair.
Aurdrey's bangs were the next thing that came into view and the book she was reading was next.
Winnie's strides stopped when she stood on the opposite side of the table the blonde sat at.
The heiress cleared her throat but was ignored.
So she said, "Oh come on, we all know you're not reading anything, put the book down and speak to me like a big girl."
"Your condescending tone is aggravating and I tend to avoid people like you," The Hope teen snided, annoyed by her presence.
Winnie gasped, slapping her hand against her chest gaining the attention of those around them.
"People like me... you mean black people!" the blonde scowled at her words, "For shame Hope. And I thought we were in progressive times. I just wanted to say hi, but it's clear you only can stomach being around the lighter bunch... take care and do better."
She excited the library, grinning down at the recording on her phone and faintly hearing the commotion behind her. She pressed send and it was only a matter of time before a gossip girl blast would appear.
(@gossipgirl just tweeted)
Despite Miss Hope mixing her roots in the various palettes our latest source tells me that maybe she isn't as inclusive as we all thought. Turns out having money isn't the only that can win you St. Audrey's approval. You must have...let's say... a certain glow to your skin.
She slapped a hand over her mouth, laughing at the tweet. Fuck trigonometry, she was gonna have a field day with all the retweets and hashtags.
Her laughter unfortunately beckoned Julian over. The Calloway girl stormed out of her class and was scouring the school for the girl in question.
She snapped her head to the side when she heard her name as did a crowd of students in their free period.
"Oh shit, I thought you were Caesar," Winnie mocked, putting her phone into her pocket and mischievously beaming at the other influencer.
"Cut the shit, Dubois," Julian snapped, holding her phone showcasing that Audrey was a trending topic on Twitter. "Are you done? Fucking with my friends?" her questions earned more laughter, "What's so funny?"
"The way you phrased that question, but if you are demanding an answer, You really don't know the half of it," Winnie replied shaking her head.
Their bickering had people pulling out their phones to record.
Julian reeled back, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh nothing, have fun with your travel-sized Paris Hilton," Winnie taunted, backing away.
"Audrey is not a racist!" 
"And neither is the Confederate army!"
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
Spotted: Julian Calloway being dragged away by Manhattan's richest heiress. It's clear to me that JC hasn't learnt that it ain't over to the cunning lady sings and Winifred looks like she's warming up her vocals.
Tonight was the Van Der Bilt's charity luncheon; a small get-together, policitans were going to be the majority, which made Winnie question why the hell her family were attending. Sure the Dubois' and the Van Der Bilts were friendly, they had to be, oil was a political debate as it is a socio-economic one.
So that's why Winnie stood in the foyer, dressed in a nice black Versace number, and hair curled to the side like she was a 50s movie star. Her fans were gonna eat it up. Her father was already in their car outside, but she was currently being reprimanded by her mother for having a certain guest around. 
"Yes Mother, don't worry, I won't embarrass you in front of the Van Der Bilts."
"Then get her out of here," Margaux angrily whispered, adjusting her pearls and tugging on her wrap.
Winnie was amazed by her mother's silk press, it effortlessly swayed with every word.
"I need 10 minutes and that's it," she tried, almost flinching back at the rage in Margaux's eyes.
"Fine, then meet us outside. And you get 5 minutes, nothing more or I'll tell Caesar to drag you out."
"How maternal," Winnie grumbled, turning around and walking into the sitting area, where she found Monet playing with Abaddon.
She signalled for a maid to take him away so Monet's attention was solely on her.
Monet's face lit up at her attire as she stood from the chair and made her way in front of the heiress, smirking and looking up and down.
"How tempting," she looks glamorous, she thought, reaching out to tuck a thick strand before her ear.
Winnie shuddered at her touch, making goosebumps kiss her skin.
A warm feeling skimmed against her chest, "Obviously."
Monet playfully rolled her eyes, "How long do we have?"
"We've got 5 minutes. Why are you here Miss De Haan, to get me to change Hope's narrative?" Winnie mocked, then sucked in a deep breath when Monet's fingers traced her collarbone.
"I don't care about that. It was hilarious. But stop sending tips into gossip girl, it's not on the theme for you," Monet's voice was more alluring than any dress she could wear.
"Because you know me so well," Winnie mocked, wanting to move away but she couldn't.
In fact, she wanted to bring Monet along to the Luncheon but she knew how many bridges that could burn.
"I'd like to think so," Monet murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck, then jawline and ever so close to her lips.
Winnie rasped, "Sex doesn't mean you know me."
"But it does tell me how sensitive you can be or how to make you cry," the whimper that escaped the Dubois heiress's lips nearly made her drop to her knees. "Look, I'll let go of the placebo slander," Monet batted her lashes, "If you tell me what you and Milo Sparks were discussing yesterday."
And like a bucket of cold water, Monet's suggestion dragged Winnie kicking and screaming from their fantasy.
Monet huffed, "Ah, my least favourite word from you."
"I would apologise but I don't want to. Go and ask your new lover for that info," Winnie's amusement had faded away.
"Would you get over that shit? Don't tell me your jealous... still?"
"I wasn't jealous."
Monet rose a brow, "Possessiveness isn't a symptom of jealousy?"
"No. I'm not telling you anything. You'll go and tell your leader."
"For the last time, I am not a follower. I'm her P.R. representative," Monet fiercely stated, "all these insults will just make me stay away."
Winnie deeply sighed, turning away, "Fine. I'm sorry."
Monet was stunned, never had she received a genuine apology from the Dubois heiress. She needed to savour the moment.
"It's fine. I guess I only like slander when we're between the sheets."
"I know," Winnie suppressed the urge to smile. It was hard, especially around Monet, but it had to be done.
"But what you need to know, is all the theatrics between you and Julian won't last long before she's back on top." Monet said, rolling back her shoulders, "I'm not warning you. It comes from a place of..."
Winnie stared with furrowed brows, "What?"
"It's a caution," Monet rushed out before it could be questioned. "Be kinder."
Winnie's shoulders uncharacteristically slumped, "So don't be myself. My followers would see through that, they're almost as savage as me. And you know the boardroom of Velocity Inc. believes my social media has attracted more revenue for them."
"Really?" Monet realised how sceptical she sounded until she saw her pained expression. 
"Look who needs to be kind now," Winnie sneered, growing frustrated with the doubt she received.
She checked the numbers and sales were up by 4%, it was partially because of her following, and she didn't gain any praise from her parents. And so she hoped, rather stupidly that she would get it from Monet and boy was she wrong.
"It's advice," Monet attempted to reach out to her but was rejected with haste.
"No, you just don't want me to be a bigger threat than I already am."
"You know that everything Julian does impacts me. Impacts others," Monet explained, narrowing her eyes.
"So you want to mould me. into your idea of who you think I should be. This isn't what we do," Winnie gritted.
"Haven't you heard of change, development or evolution?"
Winnie scoffed, "I'm not Julian. I'm not a project, I'm a person."
"Could've fooled me."
Winnie's face dropped and that's when Monet knew she made a mistake.
"See yourself out. I have a luncheon to get to. Big plans for my future and such."
"Winnie. Win," Monet called out but the girl was already out of view.
The Dubois heiress stormed towards her family's car, Caesar pulled open the door for her as she heard Monet leave the house seconds later.
Winnie slid in next to her mother. Luc was on the phone, opposite them as they began to drive away.
Margaux noted her daughter's aggrieved expression, "All that girl is cause you pain. Now look at you, frowning, since when did you frown?" Winnie remained quiet. "Winifred, I've allowed you to dither with those below us for far too long. Only very few families that derive old money that I recognise and the biotech empire isn't one of them."
"Then maybe you should," Winnie uttered.
"What was that?" Margaux hissed, satisfied when silence was all she heard. "This social media bullshit supposedly makes you happy, so I allow it. The board members believe it works for us. You it run on your own because I allow it. If you mess up I'll hand over all your socials to a media representative and let them handle it."
"You can't do that. My followers know me."
"The only person who knows you is me," Margaux hissed.
Luc continued chatting away on the phone, not getting involved in their squabble, even when a single tear trickled down their daughter's face.
"No one is entitled to know your true self, make sure you keep it that way. You are a Dubois, heiress of a fortune that billions would yearn for. I did not raise you –"
"-- You didn't raise me." You watched me.
Winnie's eyes flashed with panic when her mother's lips curled into a snarl.
"If I knew you were going to be ungrateful, I would've opted for a son, but you're here now. So listen. Leave your personal life at the door, your father is devising something big and you will not ruin this for us." Margaux awaited a response. "Winifred!"
Winnie flinched, "I won't ruin this for you."
"Good," Margaux plastered on an unnerving smile and turned away.
Winnie locked eyes with her father who she could see was no longer on the phone, yet continued holding it to his ear.
So she quietly scoffed and looked out the window, wiping another tear away and wishing she was in the comfort of her own room, but no, she was walking into the lion's den, which begged the question, would she have to sit back and take it...
Or bite first?
you've noticed by now how winnie's relationship to all the main characters differs. you could argue that she's only nice to max because of the "relationship" he has with ginny or because he's naturally charismatic and even winnie gets along with him just due to being classmates. her and audrey are another story. she dislikes her because audrey is julian's bestie. that's it. and the same reason extends to aki. however with aki, considering his father is as influential as someone like logan roy and is on friendly terms with her family, she doesn't do much to stir the plot. however, she does think very aki as a dull person. (his character was so dry in my opinion).
two legacies this chapter, milo and william and a brief mention of nate. i was debating whether i should include nate or not but he's too nice for winnie. i did name-drop an oc of mine that you won't see for a while (billy).
monet and winnie's relationship is odd as is it is turbulant. monet knows what to do to get ahead and julian is the biggest way in (according to the season 1 plot). she knows winnie is the biggest threat as is zoya but she's close to winnie and hopes to subdue her power and influence for her personal benefit. i hope that it's clear.
which interaction was your favourite? i'm partial to mummy issues so I'll go for margaux and winnie.
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0 notes
saintsir4n · 6 months
2. She’s having a maybe
"MY existence was a strategic plan from my parents. They wanted an heir, not a child." Winnie exclaimed staring at her mother's name come up on her phone.
"Are you malfunctioning? trauma dumping isn't until after midday," Ginny looked at her with a slightly concerned expression as they drove to school. She stayed over at the Dubois estate, something that she tended to do during the week and she couldn't help but notice how more turbulent her 'friend' was being.
Caesar who sat opposite them couldn't help but notice it too, even behind his sable sunglasses.
"Just a thought," Winnie shrugged, ignoring her ringing phone. Her mom would have to wait until the school day was done.
The blonde lightly scoffed, "A depressing one and I haven't had my breakfast Xanny yet."
And that was what it took for Winnie to face her, "Wow and here I thought Wolfe was stuffing you full of diseases, is pills all part of the arrangement?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, "I was taking pills before I started seeing him."
"He's enabling Twink," Winnie gritted, more irritated than amused by her own words.
A laugh escaped Ginny's lips, "Can you even say that?"
"I'm gay... need I say more? Besides it's only me and you. Caesar is not even a person. No offence," Winnie didn't spare the man a look.
"Non taken miss Dubois," Caesar said in his infamous emotionless voice.
"You should stop seeing him." Winnie went on to insist.
The blonde made a face, "It was your idea that I start fucking him. He's the easiest to get info. He's like the gossip girl but —" 
"Gossiptwink?" Winnie interrupted, turning back to her phone.
Sure it was her idea for her favourite blonde to start fucking Max Wolfe but she didn't realise the influence the man could potentially have over Ginny.
Ginny shielded her mirth with her phone, "That was actually very funny but I won't laugh because my phone is always listening."
"Then it's against interracial friendships," Winne quipped, typing away at her screen.
Winnie turned to her again, wearing a smirk, "Now, let me tell you my plan for little Z."
Usually, Winnie never gave attention to poor people, sometimes she wished for a rapture or some sort of natural hazard to solve the overpopulation in her city of New York but knew it was somewhat evil, so she kept those ideas to her dreams and decided to give to charity. Whenever she gave money away everyone knew, it was plastered all over her social media.
So today she wanted praise but also to get under Julian's skin and what better way to do that than to use her little sister as a pawn in their game of chess?
"I'm sorry, we are part of the big sister- little sister programme at Constance?" the big brown-eyed girl rambled sitting outside in the courtyard opposite the Dubois heiress, completely stunned by this turn in events. They were only waving to each other a few days ago, "There's a type of programme like that at this school. I'm surprised it sounds so... normal."
"It is," Winnie agreed, staring into her eyes with her infamous shades.
Zoya gestured between them, "And we're paired together?"
Winnie adorned her soulless smile, and unfortunately, the 14-year-old was too naive to see through it. Perhaps it was the heiress' pearly whites or her dazzling jewellery that served as a distraction.
"It's an old programme, everyone used to do it," lie. "Now only two people can do it a year," another lie. "Me and you Zoya," Winnie emphasised her name, gaze unwavering.
Many onlookers gawked at the pair as they strolled by with their hushed whispers.
Zoya eye's darted between the heiress and a few people standing behind the glass by one of the entrances.
Winnie chose to hide her impending smirk and turned to see Julian, Luna and Monet staring, no, glaring at the pair. Winnie's iris' sparkled with glee when she glanced at the trio, eyes zeroing in on Monet for a second and wiggled her fingers in their direction before turning around.
"Don't worry little Z, where your sister has so callously abandoned you in the ruins of this tedious school, I'll take you under my wing."
"That's not necessary."
"Oh, but it is. You want your college application to look outstanding don't you?" Winnie finally took off her shades, revealing her dark eyes to the 14-year-old who shifted in her seat.
"This will help?"
"I'll make it help. Not like you need too much of it, colour me shocked how often you're mentioned in that little Twitter blog that's captured everyone's phones recently."
"Gossip Girl?" an awkward blush kissed Zoya's cheeks, "it's annoying, don't you think?"
"I was shocked when it started up... again," Winnie waved off the semantics. "Also pleasantly surprised. The city bores me, so I tweet things, say whatever."
"But you're words carry weight, you must know that," Zoya wasn't blind. She knew who Winnie was and warned how she could be. The spider necklace was a big enough omen. "My sister says you're a Venus flytrap personified."
Winnie huffed out a chuckle, "Lovely and incorrect. Truthfully I don't even like flowers."
Zoya knew to be wary, but it was the first time in days she was having a genuine conversation.
"All know is, gossip girl is now on Twitter, it's not the best. Potentially the worst, I think."
Winnie picked up her shades and concealed her elation, "Well it's chaos gossip girl wants. It's better to be on the battlefield than hiding in the trenches."
Zoya's face was a picture of pure confusion, "I don't think..."
Winnie clasped her hands and picked up her bag, "Now come, I have tennis practice."
Zoya blinked in shock, "I have theatrical photography."
"You're excused. Come along. We have tennis."
Winnie stalked away, not bothering to wait for Zoya to panic and follow behind.
Zoya didn't know that she was in Winnie's little WiniWeb and it was only a matter of time before she would be squeezed so tightly until her guts were on the floor.
And what better place to start the ruining than in the tennis court designed for the heiress to win?
Zoya nervously gulped and her eyes doubled in size when she saw Winnie emerge from the changing room in a mulberry-coloured two-piece tennis sportswear and hair in a tight bun.
"Cute right?" Winnie uncharacteristically giggled and twirled on her feet, before gesturing to Caesar for him to gather personalised equipment. "Let's go."
Zoya flinched when the bald man appeared, "Was he here before?"
She struggled to keep up with the heiress, her legs weren't as long and her strides were short and jittery.
"Don't mind Caesar he's my bodyguard," Winnie replied, stepping outside and continuing on their way to the tennis courts.
"Of course, you have a bodyguard," Zoya mumbled to herself, "Shouldn't I get changed or something, I mean you see prepared to play tennis."
"You're not playing. You're watching me," Winnie replied, fake battering her eyes at the girls walking past. 7s on a good day, but it's all about charity, she thought.
"So why am I here then?" Zoya couldn't help but think of the possibility of her grades slipping and she only just transferred.
"To learn about each other, problem?" Winnie kept her gaze on the tennis court coming into view.
"I can and will advise you, it's not hard," lies were rolled off Winnie's tongue today, completely unprovoked and she loved it.
"What about lunch? You eat right?" Zoya finally matched her speed, avoiding the looming presence of Caesar.
"I don't eat. It's slows me down."
Zoya gawked, "Really?"
Winnie forced out a laugh, "No. I just eat when no one's around."
"But today, I'm changing up from my usual seats. My friend Ginny and I are going to be dining on the MET steps," Winnie noted Zoya's silence, "What's wrong?"
"Doesn't Julian sit there?"
"I don't know, I don't notice the things she does and doesn't do," Winnie falsely stated, "Now, ask me something."
"Are you sure you want to do this, that you want to talk to me? If it's for college submissions, couldn't you're parents just help you with that?"
A smirk tugged at Winnie's lip, "Are you suggesting they'd pay to get me in?"
"You tweeted that a few years ago." Zoya explained, holding up her phone, "I checked when you were in lockerrooms"
"Glad that you're using some initiative. And yes, I tweeted that in like what? 2017. I was 13. Looking up old tweets is a bit outdated don't you think?" Winnie questioned as they ended up at the tennis courts.
Caesar motioned for one of the ball boys to get everything ready. 
"I'm getting to know you," Winnie caught the smug look on Zoya's face.
So the heiress nodded, "Likewise."
After entering the court, Zoya sat on the nearest chair, monitoring her mentor as she warmed up. She didn't know what to do with herself. She was warned by many to be cautious especially since there were one or two buildings with the Dubois name splattered across, so pissing off Winnie was the last thing she wanted to do.
Winnie started dribbling the ball with her racket, surprisingly listening to the questions flying her way as a few students came onto the court and practised a bit further away.
"You're still surprised that I'm mentoring you, how else would we talk? Friend me on Goodreads and call it a day? I'm a sapphic bitch not a stereotype Zoya."
"You're gay?" Zoya's expression almost drew a genuine laugh from Winnie.
"No, I gave up boys for lent. Yes, I'm a lesbian, shocked?"
"No, it's just that I've seen some of your content and..."
"I don't advertise my life to the world only the parts people need to see. Ask anyone around here, they know what I am."
Zoya felt sympathetic to a degree.
Winnie disregarded any feeling radiating off the young teen and nodded at Caesar who gave the sign that ball boy to start up the ball machine.
With every swing of her racket, another question flew her away.
Winnie pretended not to be interested but she needed some dirt. Previous schools, favourite foods, restaurants even music were mentioned before the topic of birthdays came up, she noted how that was a sensitive topic for Zoya, very sensitive.
"Your birthday's coming up right?" she asked, holding up her hand so a ball boy paused the machine.
"How do you know that? – no, never mind, don't tell anyone. I can't have gossip girl finding out."
"You don't like celebrating your birthday. It's a day for about you," Zoya glanced away as the Winnie spoke. "That's interesting. I love celebrating another day on this pathetic planet. Another year of winning at life." The young teen's brows furrowed, "I would spend my birthday with the love of my life but I haven't found them yet," Winnie did her best to look sad, and luckily it worked. "So hopefully I find a rich 10 so they can celebrate me, always."
Zoya laughed despite herself, "How extremely self-centred."
"Aww, you're learning," Winnie paused, "Everyone in this life is out for themselves darling."
"Not everyone."
"Maybe in the town you're from, but you'll learn soon," Winnie said with a shrug.
"Learn what? That I should just give up on everyone, everything? What about our people?"
"Well, that applies to half of you," Winnie pointed out, much to Zoya's offence, "Besides I do plenty for our people. I spread awareness about the truth," she said halfheartedly.
And that certainly wasn't the truth.
"And what is the truth to you?"
"Equality is a fantasy they teach the working class to yearn for and the upper class to laugh at. It won't ever happen. It's unfortunate I know."
"Well, that's offensive, wow, like all of that," Zoya gesticulated, taken back by the things that were being said. It was against her principles entirely.
"It's the truth," Winnie feigned sadness for a moment, before dropping her racket and facing the girl, "now moving on. I'm surprised by your type," Zoya was getting verbal whiplash, by the change in topic. "Normally straight people don't interest me, with anything they do. But you and Obie, I think I'm more disgusted actually. You're a child right?"
Before Zoya went to reply her attention was drawn to the man in question, he stalked over to the wired fence, smiling awkwardly at the girl after waving goodbye to Aki who skated away.
Winnie suppressed the urge to gag and trailed after Zoya who was doing her best attempt to flirt with the boy.
"Have you come to dip your German sausage in another Halfrican, Bergmann?"
Zoya's eyes went wide.
Obie mustered up a smile, "Hello to you Dubois."
"We're busy," Winnie gestured between her and the young teen.
Obie turned to the freshman, "Blink twice if you're here against your will."
Winnie rolled her eyes and allowed Zoya to answer, "No it's a part of this programme big sister little sister thing we're playing tennis."
"Go easy on her," Obie wasn't going to beg but he was asking very nicely. He knew exactly how the Dubois heiress could be when it came to competitive sports.
Zoya blinked in shock, glancing at Winnie, "Are you that good?"
"She could be the next Serena. Wait -- not... I mean –" Obie's rambling was immediately cut off by Winnie.
"It's okay I would usually issue an extremely xenophobic insult by comparing you to one of your people but pronouncing German words is appalling to me and I'm having company."
Winnie's rebuttal had the other two shuffling around.
"As lovely as always," Obie mumbled.
Winnie cast a glare, "Careful racist."
"I am not — Zoya have a nice day and I'll see you later," he got out of there, leaving the young teen to think over her entire life.
"Did you know that Groomer actively rounds up people to protest my parent's company?" Winnie turned to Zoya, "His performative activism is tiring. He knows he won't get arrested, he's white, so I guess half of you will understand. But trust me you can do better than your knight and white saviour."
Zoya knew she should've left at that point but something within her told her to stay. How someone could entertain yet offend her in only a few words surprised her.
"Winnie!" the duo turned to the right, both seeing a blonde make her way over. Ginny wasn't pleased in the slightest. Walking in heels every day was a privilege, one she could afford but hated using more than energy,  "Lunch is approaching."
"Don't you have philosophical art?" Winnie raised a brow at the blonde huffing on the other side of the cage.
"Do you have my class schedule on your phone or something? How do you know this?"
"You've got to stop asking me that," Winnie paused to introduce the two girls, "Meet Zoya Lott, Gin. Zoya, meet my best friend Ginny Wellington."
Zoya almost flinched at the roughish glint in her blue eyes. She was everything the young teen imagined. Even after doing deep dives across their shared platforms, it was true. Ginny Wellington looked like a test tube baby.
"I would shake your hand, but I touch freshman. It's against the law," Ginny plastered on a smile.
"I don't think it is," Zoya scrunched up her face, "And there's a wired wall separating us also."
Ginny waved her off, then turned to her friend,  "Can you hurry? The court is making me sweat."
"You're not doing anything," Winnie exclaimed, feeling sweat forming on her face only adding fuel to her irritation.
"Neither are you and I'm hungry."
"Do you play any sports?" Zoya bravely interrupted their bickering, inquisitive about their bond.
"I don't do anything that requires effort. Pillow Princess over active Avenger any day," Ginny beamed at Zoya's expression. "but whenever the image of boys I've dated pops into my head I will pick a tennis racket and smash it until I'm only holding the handle."
"That's umm...cool."
Winnie snickered to herself.
"It's not. I'm leaving. Winnie texted me. Freshmen, look both ways before you cross the road," Ginny blew a kiss at the pair of them both strutted off, leaving the unexpected duo.
"What the fuck was that?" Zoya breathed out, keeping her gaze on the blonde who cackled her way through the crowds.
"Advice. Preteens like you should learn to look both ways," Winnie insisted.
Zoya squinted her eyes, "I'm 14."
"I'm not repeating myself. Now watch me play."
(@WinnerD posted)
(tagged @alottazee )
love it when fans watch me practice tennis
@alottazee you almost hit me with a ball
↳@winnerd alls fair in love and tennis
↳@alottazee that's not... nvm
@G.wells illegal to be with a freshman!
↳@alottazee still not true.
@winniesbiggestfan are you doing charity work?
↳@duboisfanpage must be, i doubt julian's little sister is in the highest tax bracket
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves ikr
↳@winnerd be nice.
↳@ginnyandwinniefaves sorry winnie, we love you.
↳@duboisfanpage don't let her touch your skin
↳@winniesbiggestfan you're amazing, all that charity work, it's inspiring.
limited comments.
(@gossipgirl just tweeted)
Cosying up with the enemy? Who'd of thought little Z had it in her, but then again, she did make a scene at her sister's fashion show so what's spending time with her opposition? Let's see if it'll be game set match for the heiress or is she and CJ going to rally until there's no winner at all. But you must know there will always be a victor and it's only a matter of time.
From: M
you cannot be serious. mentor really?
freshmen aren't to be fiddled with,
you'll have to get rid of that thing quicker
than lori harvey drops her guys.
don't ignore me, you're always on
your phone.
fine. but expect punishment.
Winnie cracked a smile, but it soon faded when she caught a glimpse of her mother's penetrating stare.
"Did you hear what I said, or is that phone a distraction?" Margaux inquired, taking a bite out of her salmon.
Dinner was always a quiet occasion, Winnie always checked her phone, preferring the company of those residing behind their screens than the two people who dragged her into the world. Their table was vast, each parent sat on opposite ends, whilst she ate in the middle. Glances were exchanged and only thuggish remarks were said.
"Oh I heard, you don't want me to embarrass you," Winnie settled down her fork, no longer interested in the food, her hunger for war of words was far greater. "You'd think you'd stop repeating that after 16 years."
Margaux then picked up her glass, squinting her eyes at her daughter, "Straighten your hair again."
"It's straighter than I am or is that not enough?" Winnie jested.
"I'll call in the stylist, a silk press will make your face more natural looking."
"Do you want my hair to fry?" Winnie no longer recognised her curl patterns and wondered if they even existed anymore.
"Listen to your mother," her father's voice had her head snapping towards him, but she didn't care for his downcast stare.
"Don't I always?"
Luc averted his gaze and kept eating.
"I listen, I absorb all of your knowledge and advice Mom. Don't worry, my hair will be professional, not unruly or unkempt." she flashed her mother a vicious smile before picking up her phone as a hateful silence clutched them once more.
Julian sent the maid a quick smile as she strolled into the vacant and cold halls of the Dubois estate. It was a house, never a home and yet she adored the aesthetics of it all; old but not rustic, the building aged like fine wine and yet the contents of its people were maturing with every task they were given.
"Miss Calloway, it's awfully late why are you here?" the influencer turned towards the familiar voice.
Margaux eyed the girl as she walked into the foyer, still adorning her afternoon attire. She sent nods to her security, letting only a few vacate the area.
"Mrs Dubois, nice to see you again," Julian plastered on a warm smile, not like that mattered to the woman, "I was wondering if I could speak to your daughter? It's only 9 o'clock, I hope that's not a bother."
"It is," Winnie's voice drew them to the stairs as she slowly descended them, keeping one hand on the rail until she hit the last step, "but I'm here to talk, don't worry we're out in the open mom, I'll keep my hands to myself."
Margaux grimaced, taking in her daughter's revealing appearance and walked away with the rest of her security team trailing behind her.
"It was nice seeing you again Mrs Dubois," Julian called out.
"She can see through your manic pixie girl facade darling, there's no need to lie," Winnie exclaimed, tugging on her sheer gown, covering her nighty, "So tell me why you're really here."
Julian's smile dropped the moment they were alone, "You brought my sister into this," she motioned between them, "You have to leave Zoya out of this."
Winnie snorted, "Lol Why? You didn't. You pulled her into your life. She would've been protected from our battlefield if it wasn't for you. Come on WhoLian, it's only a bit of fun, who knows she might even learn something. Kidding, she definitely will."
The frustration on Julian's face made a smirk tug at the heiress' lips.
"What do you want out of this? This feud has been going on forever."
"Yes, back before you're crush velvet headboard was on show for everyone to see," Winnie remarked, eyes twinkling with mirth. 
Julian reeled back in offence, "I did not have crush velvet, God, what will it take for you to drop this?"
"Don't pretend that you don't thrive off the chaos surrounding us. It's a drug for you as it is for me, but luckily for you, it can't be snorted," Winnie chuckled when her opposition stepped closer. "You're holier than thou act is slipping and what I want is for everyone to see."
"Not gonna happen."
"It will, just like all those leaks to the blogs you sent out that got me cancelled the first 3 times," Winnie raised an expectant brow. 
Julian shook her head, "Your words carry weight, Winnie, your cancellations were on you."
Winnie's eyes rolled, annoyed by the statement that mirrored Zoya's a few hours prior. At least the freshman doesn't sound as slow as her sister.
"You insult a few people and all of a sudden you're made out to be the next Churchill. Everyone's sensitive, just like you. But don't worry, people still desire me."
"And that's all that matters? Desirability? Is that why you sat on the MET steps today, above us with your little sidekick?"
Julian wasn't the first to notice the power play, Monet was and made sure everyone caught a glimpse of the rivals stepping on their territory. It was more aggravating than sickening, nonetheless, the Calloway girl took it personally. It was trending, gossip girl added fuel to the fire. But the Upper East Side was a blazing inferno, everyone would get burnt at some point.
"Yes to look down on all of yours," Winnie was quick with her retorts, wishing she could've captured the expression on her face but living in the moment was more pleasurable.
"I don't have sidekicks, I have friends, friends that love me. I have fans who love me. They relate to the shit I upload, post and say."
"Something you need to learn is that the people don't want relatable. They want desirable. No matter how many times I've been cancelled, how many scandals me and my family have been in. They can never delete me. Get rid of me. I will always come out on top." The conviction of Winnie's voice brought a scowl to Julian's voice, "Huh — the desirables a good name for a brand — I'm getting off-topic. You will never be rid of me, nor will the world. Now if you allow me to get back to torturing... tutoring your dear sissy, have a lovely night Jules. Try not to snort too much, I want a coherent opponent, not the next Courtney love."
(@gossipgirl tweeted)
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, Charles Dickens wasn't wrong about that. What we're witnessing is the battle of New York's finest or should it say most prosperous. Eat the rich and will Julian take a bite or be captured by a web of lies at play? You should know followers, I'll find out all, because you'll tell me all. Haven't you heard knowledge is power? And I'm omnipotent. xoxo, gossip girl.
"We have to get to school Monet, I know couples squabble, but not before 8 am, how did you get passed my mother?" Winnie questioned, standing in front of her mirror, analysing every detail of her attire, whilst her... situationship sat on her bed.
Monet shrugged, although warmth spread through her chest, "She likes me."
"She doesn't like anyone," Winnie lightly scoffed, side-eying the girl before her eyes landed on her exposed legs.
Monet followed her gaze and teasingly pulled up her skirt, "You don't like anyone and yet you say we're a couple."
Winnie tensed, internally cursing herself for not realising sooner, "Common mistake, I won't make it again."
She missed the frown flashing across Monet's face as she picked up her phone to see Caesar informing her that it was time to leave soon.
Abaddon from the other side of the room caught the De Haan girl's attention, it was brief, his whining was growing louder and yet the Dubois heiress didn't bother to glance his way.
A twinge of guilt pinched at Monet so she turned back to her... lover? Or Ally? She never knew.
"I never said I had a problem with it. But we're not together, since I can't be seen with those who socialise with nobodies," Monet stated, standing up from the bed she loved to revel in.
"It's self-interest Mon," Winnie finally turned to her, suppressing her envy at the Senegalese twist cascading down her back. How pretty. "You serve Calloway and I serve me. Zoya stays."
Monet swatted away her fingers that played with her hair, she loved it and yet she couldn't let pleasure take the place of strategy.
"No, she doesn't. She needs to be exiled. She has to be, it's the new order," she snapped.
"It's a shit order, she's stays," Winnie wrapped a bow around her lifeless strands. "Be honest, you despise Zoya because she's a threat to your leader."
Monet hissed, "You like her because she's a threat to Julian."
"So? I have never denied that. Besides, I have my plans."
"Care to share them?"
"This isn't how this works and you know that. Ammunition for lady kisses. That I know you can't resist," Winnie taunted, earning a frustrated sigh.
"No." Monet had already plotted with her trusted friend Luna to exile the freshmen, it would work, that's what she told herself, it had to.
"What do you mean no? I told you what's gonna happen and it will," Winnie locked eyes with Monet.
Neither looked away, because neither of them could, drowning in pools of desire and craving.
"Or else?" Monet rose a fierce brow.
"You'll see," a playful laugh escaped the Dubois heiress, "Let's do what we do best, you pretend to like me and I'll be unbothered by you showcasing your smooth legs to anyone but me."
"Sure... pretend," Monet scowled and stormed out of the room, just before Caesar made his entrance.
"It's time?"  Winnie asked knowingly.
"It is Miss Dubois," he nodded and took her bag, "Will Miss De Haan not be joining us?"
"Not today, but perhaps soon," she spoke through clenched teeth, "let's hope I don't have to speak to more than 7 more people today, if I do, you know what the outcome will be?"
the girls are fighting! winnet/ monifred are not together but they sure act like they do, lovers on opposite sides, but their ambitions get in the way every time. i love writing them, almost as much as i love writing winnie and zoya, such an odd dynamic but it's so funny. it reminds me of what the writers did with blair and jenny before ruining them.
zoya knows to be cautious of winnie, i mean who wouldn't be, she lies easier than she breathes.
there won't be a truce between julian and winnie any time soon, for several reasons, one being that there'll always be a war between the two, or more importantly, winnie will always have to fight against someone. whether it's her mother, her father or gossip girl.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
WINIFRED dubois was an ambitious girl. when she was asked what she wanted out of life, her answer often remained the same, 'to win' and gave no further explanation. she was always a cold girl, rarely cried as a child, perhaps it was because trying to get attention from her parents was a fruitless ploy, or maybe she simply knew never to rely on their comfort only their money and status. many thought she was the spawn of the devil himself because she lacked what the majority seemed to have... a conscious. between the hierarchy at constance st judes and her family's corrupt generational fortune, there wasn't much she couldn't get her hands on.
WHERE everyone learns that the upper east side's most spoilt brat will never change.
HOW winnie realises that she should only trust herself.
hope you enjoy! and also make sure to vote and comment.
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