#catch me thinking about fluffy Pigsy 24/7
its-kall-the-clown · 3 years
Prompt 45 for pigsy and mk from that post about mk getting turned into a pig demon?
hey! this is actually @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off concept. I thankfully got permission to write something
(thank you Knox!!!!❤❤❤✨✨💖🤡 )
I got permission from Knox to write something but keep in mind this is just my interpretation of the idea, I tweaked it a bit and it so probably should be taken as a grain of salt especially if they end up writing something later for it!
Hope you enjoy!~
the original post is HERE for those who don't know about it
prompt list
You Look Like Me
Rating: G
“D-Do I look okay?”
MK asked himself as he examined himself in the mirror of his bathroom. He locked himself in here about an hour ago and was hunched over the sink, snout pressed to the mirror.
He was studying himself.
After he transformed due to a hiccup in his transformation training with Wukong. And now….now he was this.
He looks at his new face. Instead of the human boy with dark brown locks, he's met with fluffy short furred snout and folded ears.
He's a pig boy now.
He touches his face, even his hands are no longer his, instead of small fingers he has hard black claws at the end of his nails they make him think of split hooves. He opens his mouth and examines his teeth. They are basically the same, save for the bottom canines that seem a bit longer. He realizes they are actually tusks that haven't grown in yet. Unlink Pigsy that had them out but keeps them relatively short with maintenance.
Actually, a lot of MK looked like Pigsy now that he thinks about it.
He had a cute short snout with two creases across the bridge in the same direction and shape as Pigsy, and even one ear was folded over slightly more than the other like Pigsy.
The snout sat on the edge of his face and MK touched gently, it was moist and It twitches under the contact. He jerks away when he realizes it moves on its now. It sniffs and wiggles gently as he breaths.
He also realizes his scenes of smell are better right now too.
He can smell the soap in his tub, he can smell the mint of his toothpaste even inside the tube, and he can even smell the spices and smells of Pigsy's noodles cooking even from a floor up.
His hearing is better too.
He can hear Pigsy closing up, the clanking of bowls that mix with his rumbling voice as it converses with Tang.
But his hearing goes much further than that. He can hear the humming of electricity, he can hear the cars outside and his own breathing.
Now that he was focusing on it, the noise was too much. He covers his ears, pressing them flat against his head, the fuzzy ears twitch under the contract before they are pinned to his head by his hands.
Even with the muffled sound, he can still hear the knock on his door. How he missed the footsteps leading up to it was a mystery.
"Mk? You okay bud?" He hears Pigsy ask just outside his door.
Fuck what was he supposed to do?? He didn't want Pigsy to worry about him, MK already had trouble enough as it is controlling his powers and the last thing he needed was Pigsy to have another reason to think he couldn't handle being the monkie kid.
"I'm fine!!!" He hiccups and covers his mouth and kneels on the floor as if making himself smaller would make the problem go away.
Don't cry. Don't cry. not now.
"You sure?" Pigsy asked, and the handle jiggled.
"Don't come in!!"
But it's too late. The door is open and MK is exposed to Pigsy. Blue eyes meet his Amer ones.
Two beats pass as they just stare at each other. Pigsy's lips part slowly
His voice is breathless in awe.
MK blinks surprised by this reaction. Normally Pigsy hated all the monkey business that came with his powers. This was probably the first time he reacted with interest.
Pigsy is kneeling before MK now and his hands are touching his face. Studying him like a cartographer with a topographic map. talented fingers cup his face and then fingers trail across his nose with innocent fascination.
MK snuffs under the touch and he can't suppress how his nose twitched. With Pigsy this close he can smell him a million times better.
He smells like home.
Spices, cloves, and something earthy like fresh dirt after a storm.
It's soothing and MK hardly even noticed the curious hands making their way up to his ears.
MK feels his ears twitch under the curious gaze and Pigsy's mouth pulls up in a smirk.
"Hehh…" he laughs once under his breath at the reaction.
"You look like me when I was younger!" Pigsy beams at MK and something equally bright ignites in his chest.
So MK wasn't imagining it. He did look like Pigsy. No correction. He looked like he was related to Pigsy.
Like he was family.
MK had seen other pigmen demons like Pigsy around the city, there was one right across the street after all, as their unofficial noodle shop rival.
MK had learned very quickly that not all of them looked the same. Some were much taller, some shorter, some had a light fuzz all over their body like boars and some didn't. Their snouts could range in length and curl.
Some had tusks and others kept them short on purpose. They came in all shades and sizes much like humans.
So if MK transformed into a pig boy because of his monkey kid powers wouldn't he have his own unique features?
Did he subconsciously transform himself to look closely related to Pigsy?
MK grabs the hem of his shirt and twists it nervously and bites his lip deep in thought. Would it be so bad if he did though? To look like he was related to Pigsy means maybe...maybe he would see him more like a son?
"Is this why you rushed up here without saying hello earlier?" Pigsy asked and MK nods guiltily. Pigsy's eyes flit across his face studying him with a quirked brow and then his eyes widen with realization.
MK ducks his head and then nods his head with shame. He hears Pigsy tisk under his breath and swears.
"No! Don't apologize, you have nothing to apologize for ." Pigsy grabs either side of MK’s face forcing him to look at him.
"It's okay, we can figure this out and change you back. We can break this curse" He reassures the delivery boy with a smile.
Something settling in his stomach like a rock. Pigsy thought it was a curse...and not one of MKs faulty powers.
He didn't know he could probably change back if he wanted. He Probably could just transform back if he tried a bit harder and believed in himself or whatever monkey king always said.
But Pigsy didn't know that.
And MK decides something quickly. He didn't want them to know that.
"Y-yeah! We can break the curse together!" He plastered on a fake smile and swallowed down the guilt of his deceit.
Would it be so bad if he looked like Pigsy? Would it be so terrible and sinful to want people to think they were closely related? Pigsy didn't have to know he was lying to him, he could just...milk this feeling for a few days and then fake the curse-breaking.
No one would be hurt from that right? Maybe he could even get closer to Pigsy this way.
He feels Pigsy pat his back with a smile. MK feels his guilt grow in his stomach at it.
"Let's get you some food. I'm sure you're starving." Pigsy chuckles helping MK to his feet. Pigsy wraps an arm around MK leading him out of the bathroom.
The warmth and joyful presence of Pigsy was almost enough to overshadow the guilt.
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