#catch me analyzing 20 minutes of minecraft roleplay for hundreds of words
fraseris · 4 years
okay predictions for whats gonna go down:
wilbur telling tubbo about the tnt was a weird move that like, no one saw coming but i think its gonna be really interesting!! like at first i thought maybe wilbur actually cared about tubbo? but a the same time, he doesnt even care about tommy at this point, and even before tommy spoke up against him, wilbur didnt trust tubbo at all. so he definitely doesnt actually trust or care about tubbo, he’s trying to pull tommy and tubbo apart
theyre like, always loyal to each other. tubbo was way too willing to go along with wilburs plan when wilbur first approached him about it for tubbo to be serious with going through with it. if he was actually considering it, i think he would wait longer to give a final answer.
(but i do think he was actually contemplating going along with it and betraying tommy, just for a moment. remember the stream where he said he had all the original discs?? theres literally no way thats true. he has ulterior motives, but hes still loyal to tommy in the end)
and now tubbo cant speak to tommy which is definitely gonna make a problem when tommy finds out about it. tommy trusts tubbo a lot, more than he should probably, but i dont think he would be completely disbelieving if tubbo appears to have betrayed him
after wilbur left the call, tubbo said “i remember what tommy told me,” which is almost definitely about the thing about always sticking together. so yeah theres no way tubbo has betrayed tommy
tubbo is definitely gonna betray wilbur in the end. like. tubbo and tommy are never gonna be against each other in the grand scheme of things. thats just not how it works. tubbo gets caught up working for the enemy? he becomes a spy. its just the same thing as on election day, but this time tubbo has no way to be a spy for tommy. hes gonna have to sabotage wilbur on his own
in the end, i think its most likely that tubbo will get in contact with niki and/or eret. nikis basically leading the rebellion, as far as im aware. her and eret could find a way to get everyone out of the festival before wilbur blows it up. i think the day of the festival is also gonna be the day fundy betrays schlatt, its basically his only chance now. its either betray him or get stuck as being known as someone on his side forever so...
i do wonder how techno is gonna play into all of this, wilbur said he had sided with him but i have no doubt he might betray wilbur. it would be really entertaining to see a wilbur and techno team against everyone else, tho
anyways i have many, many thoughts after tubbos talk with wilbur. come talk about it in my asks if u want!!
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