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escapenightmare · 2 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [2] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @yoriichili @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @wnters ​@awesomealltimesos @catboycake @ikihtoe @uxavity @belsumu @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @raebble @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizukumidoriya @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h
grumpy bf sae taking care of sick reader, lil suggestive towards the end
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"shut up."
sae turns and glares at you with those pretty eyes of his that you loved and hated at the same time, pushing your head back down on the pillow and roughly pulling the blankets over your body, then gently covering you all the way up to your chin.
"how'd you know i was gonna say something?" you ask with him a quirk of a brow. "you weren't even looking this way."
he shrugs.
"well, guess what i was going to say."
"i don't want to know," he lies. he does want to know, even if he knew that it was going to be something ridiculous. he wanted to know anything you wanted to tell him. "something dumb."
"i was just going to say that you're like a mom." you tell him, about to sneeze when he holds a fresh tissue— that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, to your nose. "thanks."
"you're welcome," he grumbled with a huff, fluffing up your pillows for you. "now shut up."
"i like annoying you," you say, smiling up at him sneakily but he thought you looked cute more than anything.
annoyingly cute that is, he corrected himself in his head.
"but you can't do that properly either," he says in a flat tone, unimpressed as he moves from your side to go around the room and clean whatever needed cleaning. he pauses then, and you catch a tiny, barely visible smile on his face as he says, "because i think it's more cute than annoying."
"that's so sweet," you laugh as you tease.
he turns back around to face you, concerned when your laughter turned into silence, "what do you need?"
"water would be nice." your smile is weak now, the sickness suddenly taking over. sae all but speed walks to the kitchen with you calling after him in a voice weaker than your smile, "hot water by the way! not that lukewarm shit."
"i got you," he returns to the room with your mug and hands it to you, placing a hand on the back of your head as you take a few sips. he takes the mug from you and places it on the side table when you're done.
"thanks sae," you give him a small reassuring grin that he doesn't find reassuring at all. "i appreciate you doing all this."
"it's what i should be doing," he rolls his eyes but they're looking down at you with so much love and warmth. "i'd be a bad boyfriend if i didn't take care of my sick partner."
"you're so romantic today, aren't you?" you tease again.
"say something like that again and air won't be the only thing you choke on tonight," he threatens.
"oh?" you grin, wiggling your eyebrows at him as he pales and then starts to blush when realization hits him. "i mean, if you're offering then sure." you shrug, "i'm definitely not complaining."
"you know i didn't mean it like that, i meant like, my fists... you know what i meant!" he struggles to explain himself and then shuts up, looking away with a grimace.
it's one of the only times in your life that you've seen the sae itoshi tongue tied.
but you were going to have to get used to it, because you're going to have him tongue tied more often than either of you thought.
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morningpanda · 4 years ago
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Kills 99% of germs and student debt. Cat has so many great streams, high key recommend watching them : twitch.tv/cakecatboy
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darvincakes-blog · 8 years ago
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Personalised name topper (Catboy PJ Masks theme) Buy @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/500815086/pj-masks-theme-catboy-name-and-number #darvincakes #birthday #caketopper #pjmasks #cakes #catboy #catboycake
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escapenightmare · 4 years ago
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cw. crack. note. this is based on things that have happened to my classmates (intentionally and unintentionally) in the past year and half.
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izuku — having numerous tabs open at once and clicking on the wrong one when he has to screen share. he always has at least five tabs open regarding to the lesson being taught and he’d always say “yes” when the teacher asks him to screen share. somehow or the other he ends up clicking the wrong tab every single time and he apologizes but it gets more annoying and less funny after about the third time.
bakugou — there's always background noises when he unmutes. it's usually his mom yelling at someone (or him), or he's blasting music real loud while being unmuted. and he doesn't even give a fuck because in his words “it's not my problem.” his teachers have complained to his parents about it but does he care? no he does not.
denki — having the worst connection so he's always lagging and glitching. everyone hates it when he unmutes himself to speak, because every time he does, all they can hear is “i think the answeris *glitching noises*... –anyouhearme” it's annoying but the teachers know of the glitch and try to avoid asking him questions, so at least he gets out of having to answer questions.
mina — she's the one teachers usually ask about the attendance, so she has to check and tell whether everyone is present or absent (our teachers do this because majority of the kids have some problem in their mic). sometimes she gets bored so she'll just say “absent” without even looking at the attendees list so people will get mad at start spamming the chat about how they're present.
sero — is always flexing his food. this gets so annoying like, please, not all of us have the tasty looking snacks you have so stop showing them off. he has his cam on while he’s happily munching on some pringles or whatever and everyone else is drooling at the mere thought of having food next to them. some teachers banned eating with cams on or just eating during class in general because of him.
uraraka — being extremely loud during the first class of the day. she’s always loud, cheery and enthusiastic during the first class at 8AM while her classmates just want to crawl back in bed or get her to shut up. it annoys the teachers sometimes too because she’s just so happy like, girl its too early to be showing us your bright smile please, i love you, but i’m begging you to stop.
shinso — introduced all his cats to the rest of the class. during the last meeting of the year, his cats were all chilling next to him and once the teacher (a cat loving person) saw them, he asked shinso to show the class the cats. so, he ended up showing everyone all his cats and told their names and small habits too. he was kind of showing them off but he would never admit it.
monoma — speaking out of turn & starting arguments. whenever his classmates say something, he has some snide comment to add. it usually ends up with the classmate saying something to defend themselves and monoma saying something again that would anger them even more. the teacher has to step in, "okay no fighting now" and neito would add one more comment before shutting up.
extra; bakusquad — having a really personal convo during a zoom call with the rest of the class. after the call is over, everyone excluding them is left to question their sanity and existence. and of course everyone is scarred and lost brain cells from that really confusing conversation.
extra (2); mineta — has his cam way too close to his face so all you can see is his forehead and half of his eyes. at least we don't have to see his disgusting face. / hj,, or am i?
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join my taglist! | TAGLIST : @therealcozyy @satansspacebubblegum @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @qtsuki @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @rinnegankakashi @asaitashi @avengs @maipxilia @wnters @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @evierena @zuroki @daxais @oikawasbuttcheeks @sprouter @shoyotime
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escapenightmare · 10 days ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [2] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @yoriichili @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @wnters ​@awesomealltimesos @catboycake @ikihtoe @uxavity @belsumu @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @raebble @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizukumidoriya @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h @bakerysnake @mmonomazz @niktwazny303
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sae itoshi was not a nonchalant boyfriend or a chill guy, despite how much he tried to seem like he was. you don’t ask him for his opinion on your outfit? do you not want him (to compliment you and ask you to do a small twirl so he could see the ensemble properly and then pepper your cute face with kisses)? you don’t want him to share his food with you? okay, so basically you’re saying you want him to go to hell.
you tell him to quit liking flirty comments from random people under your posts? what’s wrong with that, he agrees with them— you’re absolutely stunning. and no, he isn’t doing it just so those randoms get a notification that saeitoshi, with a silly picture of you and him with your cheeks smushed together as his profile picture, has liked their comment so that they now know you aren’t single and looking for some sleazy jackass who thinks they can get your undivided attention just by commenting ‘🔥🔥’. seriously, how dare you accuse him of such pettiness?
but really, none of that is compareable to how he feels right now; damp hair sticking to his forehead, towel over his shoulder, one hand buttoning up his loose shirt while he’s looking at his phone, fresh out of the shower after the usual training. his teammates are yapping about something like they always do but it’s all silent in his head as he takes in what feels like utter blasphemy on the screen.
zero notifications.
well, actually, he had a shit ton of texts messages from his teammates and people he considered somewhat his friends but none of them really matter— only you do.
and you hadn’t texted him since yesterday (almost 24 hours ago!), when he was on his way home and asked you if you wanted him to bring you extra snacks or something.
do you hate him?
he clicked out of the messages app and checked instagram, where you’d usually have flooded his dms with chronically online shit that he had no idea how you found funny. seriously, what the heck is all that about divers going into small spaces and eye of dih? he visibly deflates when he sees you hadn’t sent anything on there either (the last text was from him, when he’d said ‘???’ to your text that read ‘what is a father?’).
Sae [16:43pm]: Do you hate me
nah. scoffing to himself, he deleted the words, exited the app and pocketted his phone. since when was he such an attention deprived, needy little shit? whatever.
by the time he opens the front door to your shared home, there’s still no text, no call, no reel, nothing from you. “angel?” he calls out in his usual, casual tone, nudging the door shut with his boot. “’m home.”
“in here, sae,” you call out from the bedroom and he quickly takes off his shoes, drops his duffel bag onto the couch and trudges into the bedroom, feeling as if if he were a puppy, his tail would be wagging harshly behind him. “i was just about to text you.” you tell him with a small smile from where you’re sitting on the office chair behind the desk, your laptop in front of you and notes strewn all over the desk. you were.. studying.
ah, right. no wonder you hadn’t texted him.
you barely register his silent footsteps and fast pace until he’s right behind you within the time it took for you to blink, one hand on the arm of the chair to turn it around before he’s half hunched over you, his other hand pressing on your back to tug you into a hug. “missed you,” his voice is muffled as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, the soft tufts of his moist hair tickling your chin and neck. “thought you hated me.”
“what?” it was said so quietly that you almost didn’t hear it, but you do and now you’re pulling back a bit to look at him properly. “what gave you that idea?”
“forget about it,” he tries to avoid the question in a painfully untactful manner, attempting to hug you again, but faltering as he sees the look on your face. god, this was so humiliating. “y‘didn't text me today— or call, or send me stupid reels,” he points out with an embarrassed grunt, standing up to his full height and running a hand through his hair. “thought you were pissed at me for beating you in monopoly or something.”
huffing, you grin up at him. “you didn’t have to bring that up, jerk. but no, as you can see,” you gesture to your table and he notices the splotches and lines of dried ink on your fingers from your pen. “i’ve been studying. or trying to, at least.”
“huh.” he lets out, grasping your hand in his and intertwining your fingers before untangling them again so he could toy around with them. his brows furrow and he scoffs when you continue, saying something along the lines of ‘i didn’t think you’d notice.’ “yeah, well, i noticed. i dunno. kinda hard to miss the zero texts from the only person i reply to, yeah?”
your eyes brighten at that, but you tease, “ohh, yeah, right. sorry, i forgot you’re a friendless loser.”
“look who’s talking,” he shoots back, and you’d almost be offended if it wasn’t for the playful look in his eyes. he sighs and dips his head to press a kiss to your temple before walking over to the closet.
“were you really sad that i didn’t send you stupid reels?” you ask him with a curious look while watching him pick out a random t-shirt and sweats, not making fun of him like you’d usually do, just genuine curiousity in your tone.
he hums in response, undoing a few buttons of his shirt before tugging it off his head and glancing at you, with his teal eyes narrowed in contemplation, shirt still hanging around his elbows. “guess so. ’s stupid, huh?”
“nah,” is your immediate reply, followed by a small shrug. “i think it’s sweet, actually. in a pathetic sort of way. you’re kinda sweet.”
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during his 10-minute break from training the next day, he finds himself on the bench of the locker room, resting his aching legs with his half empty water bottle next to him as he’s scrolling through your dms with a soft smile. a shit ton of reels and one ‘good luck at practice!!’ message stares back at him.
yeah. he thinks you’re (kinda) sweet too.
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escapenightmare · 4 years ago
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ETHEREAL — izuku was facing you, laying so close the tip of his nose touched your own. one of your hands were going through his messy green locks, the other being held tightly in his hand for comfort. his eyes were closed, he was tired from constantly pushing himself to do better but yet he wanted to. he wanted, and had to be better. so, he threw himself out there every time. he knew he was getting better, than when he was during the beginning of his journey at UA, and that was the only thing keeping him going. that, and the motivation he had to become the number one hero. tonight, it was one of those nights where all he wanted was to lie next to you, basking in the warmth and comfort you bought him. he had a content smile on his freckled face, a close eyed pretty smile that made him look so much more gentle than he actually is. and he was very, very gentle. it was nice to have you so close to him, it made him feel all giddy and mushy inside. you were tempted to say something but didn't want to ruin the soft atmosphere. you didn't have to say anything because as soon as he spoke, a hazy “i love you” leaving his mouth all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him, and that's what you did. he had no words to describe how he felt, then one word popped into his mind. it was— it was.... ethereal.
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escapenightmare · 2 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [2] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @yoriichili @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @wnters ​@awesomealltimesos @catboycake @ikihtoe @uxavity @belsumu @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @raebble @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizukumidoriya @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h @bakerysnake @mmonomazz @niktwazny303
blue lock when you ignore them.
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isagi reaches out to place a hand on yours, mumbling, “baby, are you mad at me?” as he gently rubs his thumb back and forth across your knuckles with a concerned furrow to his eyebrows. when you don't reply, he unconsciously juts out his bottom lip just a little bit in a worried pout, “c'mon princess, don't ignore me.”
nagi doesn't care, he just clings onto you tightly, pulling you to lie on top of him on the couch as he sleepily nuzzles against the crook of your neck before deciding to settle with his forehead against your shoulder. “lemme sleep, pretty,” he murmurs tiredly, placing lazy kisses on your skin. “don't ignore me when i wake up.”
michael lays down with his head in your lap, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes. “mein liebchen,” he all but whines, “pay attention to me.” when you don't reply he maintains eye contact with you as he takes one of your hands in his and brings it up to his mouth, peppering teasing kisses from your finger tips all the way to your wrists, doing anything he could to get a reaction out of you.
bachira sits on your lap with a contagious grin and presses kisses all over your face, trying to get you to cave. “this is fun,” he giggles as he places his hands on either of your cheeks and squishes your face— not enough to make you annoyed, but enough to make your lips pucker slightly. he giggles even more at the sight and brushes his nose against yours, “babe… you're so pretty”
rin glares at you, frowning. “you really want to do this?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. when you don't reply, he places a hand on your shoulder, rolling his eyes, “come on, we both know you can only do this for so long.” he sighs, almost dramatically, before using the hand on your shoulder to gently pull you back towards him, wrapping an arm around your waist as he huffs, “fine. be like that then.”
reo is dramatic for no reason whatsoever. he grabs your hands and holds them tenderly, looking heart broken and overcome with sadness as he asks, “do you not love me anymore, baby?” his eyes look as if they're almost tearing up, but all he wants to do is press your buttons up to the point where you have to acknowledge him, even if it's just so you can tell him to shut up.
sae stares at you from across the room with narrowed eyes, unimpressed. “so, how long are you planning on doing this?” he asks in a deadpan voice, folding his arms across his chest as he stares you down. when you don't reply he rolls his eyes but his demeanor only lasts for maximum twenty minutes because the next thing you know, he's wrapping his arms around you from the back and placing his chin on your shoulder.
oliver grins at you, shaking his head with a chuckle, “you're really gonna try to ignore me, baby?” he laughs at your silence, almost teasingly continuing to trace a finger in circles on your hip, grin still on his face as he leans in tantalizingly close. “you can do this all day baby, but i'm not going to give up just yet either.”
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darvincakes-blog · 8 years ago
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PJ Mask Catboy Owlette and Gekko cake topper
Buy @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/507789727/pj-mask-catboy-owlette-and-gekko-fondant
#darvincakes #owlette #gekko #catboy #cakestagram #catboyowlettegekko #pjmasks #pjmaskcake #catboycake #owlettecake #gekkocake #pjmasktopper #pjmasksparty
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escapenightmare · 2 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @yoriichili @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @wnters​@awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @raebble @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizukumidoriya @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h
sick bf bakugou, cursing, lowkey a crackfic n word vomit, written at 4am.
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bakugou was extremely stubborn.
when you officially started your relationship, you found out that it was a really annoying trait he had, one that sometimes had your hands itching to aggressively shake him by the shoulders until he shut the fuck up and did what you asked him to.
bakugou was stubborn as hell even when he was painfully sick. a blanket wrapped around him and over his messy and fluffy bedhead as he sat up in your shared bed, looking at you with a sharp frown and disgust even though he looked absolutely adorable in that tired and just woke up state.
"drink the damn soup already," you urge for the fifteenth time in the past twenty minutes, crossing your arms across your chest and looking at him, standing by the edge of the bed.
he looked like he was having a staring contest with the soup bowl you had kept in front of him. he glared at it for a few seconds before looking back at you, eyes narrowing into slits as he basically spat. "no. don't tell me what to do, idiot."
"why not?" you narrowed your eyes back at him, choosing to ignore all his words except for the first one. "you literally manhandle me and shove soup down my throat when i'm sick but you don't want to drink it? and you drink soup every other day so why not now when you actually need it?"
he rolled his eyes and seemed to sink a little into the huge blanket. you don't know which question he answered when he says, "that's different."
you just accept it as an answer to your first question.
"how?" you question, moving closer to him and the bed to fix his big, soft pillows and heavy blanket. "do you want me to manhandle you and force you to drink it?"
"fucking try it and i'll stop making you food for two weeks." he hisses like a cat when you shrug, and he glares when your next move is to move the soup bowl a little closer to him. he shoots you a don't you fucking dare look before speaking again. "it's different 'cause you're the one that was sick, not me."
"well," you wreck your brain for any ideas to make him drink the soup. "i'm not talking to you until all the soup in this bowl is gone." you nod after saying it as if to confirm your own words and he gapes at you, scoffing.
"okay, fine," he grits out after a moment of silence. you begin to smile when he finishes his sentence, "don't talk to me, dumbass."
the smile wipes clean off your face and you glare at him once more, but you don't back out. "fine."
you wordlessly sit on the chair in the bedroom and scroll through your phone, feeling bakugou's gaze burn into the side of your head. too bad for him, he was told not to use his phone since he was sick so all he had for entertainment was the dust particles dancing around the air that he could see from the sunlight streaming in through the opened window.
the silence continues for a few minutes before the rustling and ruffling of sheets told you that bakugou was slowly getting out of the bed. you don't bother turning to look at him, hellbent on completing your self given mission of ignoring him until he drank the soup and emptied the bowl.
bakugou doesn't come to you, instead, he just walks out of the room and heads to the bathroom. you hear him harshly slamming the door shut behind him, making you wince as the sound echoed.
he comes back a few minutes later and you quickly look away the moment he enters the room, going back to your phone and doing whatever.
you start to hear the clinking of metal meeting glass and hide your grin when you realize bakugou was actually drinking the soup, the stubborn bastard. who knew he couldn't stay twenty minutes without talking to you?
seconds later, you hear his heavy footsteps on the carpet come closer and closer towards you until the empty soup bowl is shoved in front of your face. you move back and look up to see bakugou's cocky and quite wolfish looking grin.
"i won your stupid game, idiot." he smugly tells you, setting the bowl and spoon down on the table in front of you, smirking in triumph.
"how the hell does your game logic work?" you shake your head but still wrap your arms around his midsection, closely hugging his stomach and patting him on the back with a smile. "good job, kats."
bakugou pats your head a few times with the smug look still on his face, pleased with himself, coughing and sniffling a little due to his cold.
in no time, you have him under the blankets again (—only because he wanted to and was tired, definitely not because you told him to.) but he forces you to join him as well, telling you that, "i don't give a shit about you getting sick 'cause of me. i'll have to take care of your dumb fuck ass anyways."
"fine, fine," you cave, going under the blanket yourself and keeping your back to him. even though what he said was true, you didn't want to get sick and face the pain of bakugou's nagging and overbearing motherliness.
you could literally hear his voice in your head, forcing you to drink the bitter medicine and syrups and eat the healthy food that was supposed to make you feel better but definitely didn't.
"your soup tasted like shit by the way," he tells you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head while you get comfortable and drift off to sleep with his arms securely wrapped around you.
but he had no clue what the soup actually tasted like.
and you didn't need to know that he had flushed it down the toilet.
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escapenightmare · 2 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [2] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @yoriichili @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @wnters ​@awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii @uxavity @belsumu @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @raebble @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizukumidoriya @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h
soft n pouty bf nagi <3
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"you forgot something," nagi mumbles from behind you.
"what?" you ask him as he wraps his arms around your waist from the back, resting his chin on your shoulder. he had stopped you at the door a second before you were about to leave, telling you that you had forgotten something. "what is it?"
he holds out a book in front of your face, "book."
"oh shit," you quickly stuff it in your bag, escaping from his lingering touch. "thanks sei."
"you forgot something else too."
his drowsy voice makes you stop again and let go of the doorknob, groaning. "what now?"
"bro." you deadpan, turning around to face him and his little unconscious pout. you quickly press your lips to his, "okay?"
"that wasn't meaningful," he narrows his eyes at you, looking sleepy even though he'd been awake for an hour already. his hair was all messed up, more than it usually was, sticking out in all ends and looking all soft and fluffy, just like him.
"sei," you groan again and kiss him once more, making it last longer than the previous one. "happy?"
"no," he lightly huffs, his hand reaching out and grabbing yours with a more defined pout.
you narrow your eyes at him the way he did at you earlier. "why?"
"’don't want you to leave," he said softly, pulling you to him with your hand and wrapping his arms around you once again.
"but i have to go, sei," you tell him, lifting your hand to stroke his hair.
"why?" you could literally picture him stomping his feet like a child. "return the book tomorrow?" he suggests.
"the due date's today," your hand is still stroking his hair and he leans into your touch, face relaxing and eyes closing.
when he speaks again it's almost in a whisper, "just for a little while?"
you think about it. if you stayed for even just five more minutes, you'd be smothered with affection and attention, pulled onto the couch for cuddles, probably get so caught up in the moment that you'd forget you had to leave in the first place.
or, you could leave right now and come home to a poutier and more affection-seeking, drunk on not having your love seishiro.
"...?" even his silence looks like he's asking you a question.
"what?" you reluctantly ask.
"don't go," he says, voice drowsy and as soft as could be. "just for a little. ’swear." a pause before he adds, "please."
your heart almost shatters at how broken he sounded, and you let him know your answer by wrapping your arms around him in a hug. "okay. but only for a little."
he eagerly nods, tugging you to the couch and sitting down before pulling you on top of him, hugging you close to his chest. you could hear his steady heartbeat as he looked down at you with nothing but pure love in his eyes.
"so," you start, maintaining eye contact. "what's wrong?"
his long legs tangle with yours and he seems to hesitate before he answers, voice as gentle as it was before. "just missed you."
"hm?" you brush a few locks of his hair away from his forehead and look down at him. "we were together the whole day yesterday."
"i know," he replies, hand on your back and thumb tracing random shapes that you could feel through your shirt.
a circle.. a six... an eight.. a square...
nagi lets out a soft and content exhale. "i like it when it's like this." his eyes sparkle a little and his lips curl up in a small smile. "when it's just the two of us."
you snuggle closer to him, letting him lean his forehead on your shoulder as he hugged you tighter. "me too, sei."
unsurprisingly, you fall asleep, wrapped up in nagi's arms and warm and comfortable hoodie.
only for a little while my ass, you thought when you woke up again.
he's setting a mug containing your favorite drink down on the coffee table in front of you.
your eyes immediately wander to the window and you sigh, it was dark outside.
the library was closed now.
"here," your boyfriend hands you a book, sitting down next to you and cuddling up to you.
your eyebrows furrow, it was a book in your reading list.
"i went and returned the book for you," nagi says. "and got that."
you brighten up with a grin, "thanks, sei." your hand moves up to pat his head a few times and he pouted when you put your hand down.
there's no words exchanged as he curls up to you, and you wonder how someone could be as cute as he was in this moment; hair messed up more than ever, eyes sleepy and half closed again, drowning in an oversized hoodie and lips forming a tiny 'o' shape because of.... well, you had no idea.
you bring your free hand up to his cheek and smile. his hand comes up to hold yours as he nuzzles into your palm, eyes affectionate and loving, pout no longer visible on his face.
"i love you," he mumbles, leaning down and slowly kissing the corner of your lips. "a lot."
you gently smile, "i love you too."
nagi pokes the book in your hand, "read to me?"
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @kiiraes @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku @koukouu @toodeepintofandoms @ani4h
haikyuu when you catch them staring at you.
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oikawa tries to look smug and hot but his genuine smile betrays him when you make eye contact. his eyes are slightly sparkling when you smile back at him before you turn back to listen to the teacher and he can't concentrate in class afterwards, and just smiles goofily at his open book.
akaashi thought he wasn't one for staring, but he couldn't help it. he regretted all his life choices the moment you caught his eye and he can't help but dart his eyes back down to his book in real embarrassment, gripping his pen so tight he thought it would break.
atsumu grins, hoping the teacher won't catch you two in the small moment. you smile back at him and turn away but he keeps looking at you with a soft smile on his face, leaning his head on the palm of his hand like a lovesick teenager — which he is.
osamu isn't as lowkey as he thought he was and his eyes widen when you catch him staring at you with a gentle smile. you quickly wave at him, and he freezes before relaxing and giving a small wave back. you go back to your notes but he's a mess and can feel his heart thump against his ribcage.
suna also thought he was being slick and lowkey but he definitely wasn't. he playfully smirks at you and you look away after shaking your head in fake disappointment. suna stifles a laugh and smiles, a blush creeping up his neck.
bokuto's eyes instantly light up and he grins, showing his happiness. you smile at his cheerfulness and he has to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud when you make a goofy face afterwards. he's overjoyed to be acknowledged by you and it shows.
kenma doesn't stare at people, but his eyes gradually drifts to where you sit. you meet his eyes by accident but smile at him nonetheless. he tries to smile at you, or do anything to not seem like a creep but all he can do is nod. he's just that flustered.
bnha version.
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melin-oe @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @bubble-bootie @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku
bnha and when you kiss their forehead.
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izuku stammers with a nervous laugh before leaning in to kiss your own forehead in return, a blush coating his freckled cheeks. his kiss is soft and gentle, he pulls back with a smile, gazing at you with a lovesick expression, speaking without thinking. “you're amazing...”
shoto blinks a few times before a huge smile blooms on his face, the tips of his ears are tinged red and his eyes are sparkling with love, delight and adoration. “thanks for that, my love,” he'd chuckle, kissing your forehead with a beaming and contagious smile.
bakugou grumbles, “what was that for?” he narrows his eyes at you, but instead of anger there's fondness and warmth. you shrug in response, and he scoffs, tilting your head to the side with his hand, pressing his lips to your forehead with tenderness.
denki smiles, showing his pearly white teeth, “you're so cute!” he'd exclaim in pure happiness before kissing your forehead, and then your nose. he hopes you don't see his red ears and nose, you like to tease him afterall. “no, my ears totally aren't red.”
kirishima grins, gazing up at you with clear softness in his eyes. he kisses your cheek in return, crading your face, grin still on his face. “i don't deserve you,” he'd mumble and you would shake your head, kissing his forehead once more, “of course you do.”
sero looks up at you with a hint of a smirk on his face, “what's up baby?” he says, reaching up to place a hand on your cheek. his dark eyes bright with adoration and love. he pulls you into a hug, resting his cheek on your shoulder, “i love you~”
tamaki freezes, a blush evident on his face as he scrambles to hide his face in the crook of your cheek. you laugh, ruffling his hair affectionately. “what was that for?” he asks, pulling back after awhile. you shrug, “i don't know, i just love you i guess.” his face is redder than kirishima's hair.
this is based on a request i got but accidently deleted </3
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @bubble-bootie @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku @koukouu @toodeepintofandoms
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... izuku, bakugou, denki, shoto, tamaki x gn!reader
cw. implied mutual pining note. consider this a 2.9k special <3
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✰ izuku gets to school early, and waits by the school gates until you arrive. if you say something like, “you don't have to wait for me every day, you know?” he'll reply with a bashful shrug and nervous smile, “i know i don't have to... but i want to.”
✰ izuku has told his mom about you (— he regrets it at least twice every single day because she pesters him about you on the daily) and after getting to know your favorite food, she cooks it for you and gives izuku a lunchbox asking him to give it to you during lunch. he is so embarrassed about it but will give you the lunchbox nonetheless, apologizing and mumbling about how his mom is sometimes.
✰ izuku who, without a second thought offers to carry your bags for you, even if he has to carry a lot of heavy bags himself, he just can't help but want to help you. if you say no, he'll say, “if you need any help, just tell me!” with an adorable smile on his face, and if you say yes, he's scrambling to take your bags from you, going as far as to say a “thank you” and even he doesn't know why he said that.
✰ izuku always sends you a “good morning!” and “good night!” text, whether you reply to him or not. if you leave him on read, he doesn't say anything, because maybe you just found it annoying? but if you reply, you will notice him being slightly more cheerful that day.
✰ if you're ever texting him, izuku will carry the conversation and it will not end until you say bye. while he himself admits that he's not that good at carrying a conversation in real life and through texts, he always somehow or the other manages to keep up a conversation with you. he just knows, what exactly to say so that you'll reply to him.
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✰ bakugou manages to convince his parents to pick him up from the school gate where you usually get picked up from, causing a lot of inconvenience to his parents but he doesn't care as long as he gets to spend some time with you. he doesn't tell you that though, but his friends told you as soon as they found out.
✰ bakugou mostly listens to loud songs, but if your favorite genres are anything other than that, he'll actually try to listen to some. even if he doesn't like the song (usually when it's not metal), he'll send it to you saying, “this sounds like something you'd like.” give it a few weeks and he'll actually start liking the same genres you like.
✰ bakugou who makes up dumb excuses to spend time with you. “i'm going that way too.... my class is the other way?.... yeah but i need to go to the washroom first!” you'd raise an eyebrow and say, “but the washroom is that way too?” and he'd either give up and go to his class or say something like, “oh yeah, but i have to borrow a textbook from this dude in a class this way.”
✰ whenever you're both walking somewhere together, bakugou casually throws an arm around your shoulder while he talks about something. if you shrug him off, he's offended and lets you know it (“hey! why'd you do that, idiot?”) but if you don't, he doesn't say anything but you see the slight smile on his face.
✰ bakugou lets you call him by a dumb nickname. you and you only. his friends have nicknames for him too, but they aren't stupid and dumb because if they call him something like that, he will get pissed. but he lets you do it, since it's you, and even if his friends tease him for it, he doesn't care because nicknames are usually terms of endearment right? his friends don't hesitate in telling you that either.
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✰ denki who, if you ever miss a class or two, is literally jumping to give you his books so you can get the notes. after the first time it happened, he makes an attempt to actually pay attention in class and make his hand writing better and readable just in case you ever need them again.
✰ if you do any sports after school, denki tries to get his parents to let him stay at school until your practice ends, and waits for you next to the court so when you're done with practice he can give you the drink and snack he bought for you.
✰ denki waits for you every day after school is over. if you're in different classes he'll stand outside your class until your class gets dismissed. if you're in the same class, he'll wait patiently by your desk until you're ready to leave. although — if you leave with your friend(s), he'll be pretty shy, but still trail behind you, engaging in whatever conversation you're having.
✰ denki instinctively reaches for your hand whenever you're both in crowds, or are running down flights of stairs in a hurry to get to the cafeteria before the rush, he doesn't notice he does it and if you point it out he gets really flustered and shy.
✰ denki who's already very energetic and happy, but manages to look even more energetic and happy than he is whenever you walk into a room. you don't usually see any difference because that's how he always is when he's with you, but his friends do, and they always tease him and call him out for it. denki covers his face with his hands every time this happens — and it's so cute.
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✰ shoto heads to the library sometimes during the lunch break, and always makes sure that when he does, he asks if you want to go there with him. if you go with him, he'll give you book recommendations — i just know he's a bookworm, that's based on your favorite genres. he's quiet most of the time, except for when / if you nudge him and show him something funny in the book you're reading. he'll let out a low and cute chuckle before smiling at you.
✰ it's always the comfortable silence with shoto — he sometimes video calls or facetimes you (after texting you and asking if you're free ofc) and you both exchange a few words before you go on to do your own thing like homework/work. neither of you feel uncomfortable, but it's comforting even. you do talk once in awhile during the call, but otherwise it's just comfortable silence.
✰ whenever there's a debate in class, shoto's first instinct is to turn towards you and ask for your input. while everyone else is in a heated debate in the background, his gaze is on you, waiting for you to say something. you notice it when it happens a few times, but you don't say anything.
✰ shoto doesn't realize how sweet he's being when he always asks for your permission whenever he wants to do something. it ranges from him wanting to sit next to you to holding your hand. he doesn't get offended if you say no to anything, because he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable and genuinely wants to make sure you're fine with what he's doing (as he should).
✰ shoto doesn't hug you often, because while he is touch starved, he feels like he's being awkward when he does hug you. but when he does, it's usually on a special occasion like his birthday, your birthday, the last day of school, and the first (if he doesn't see you during the holidays). his embrace is warm, and yet, so gentle.
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✰ tamaki, whos crush on you is obvious. his nervousness and shyness gets the best of him each time you talk to him, resulting in him stumbling over words, his eyes wide while he tries to make sense of what he's saying. his friends eventually tell you why he's so panicky when he's with you, and that although tamaki cannot have a proper conversation with you, you'll have to appreciate the fact that he actually makes an effort (since he rarely ever talks to anyone other than his two best friends).
✰ tamaki gets more confident when the time goes on, and seems to be able to have a proper conversation with you — mostly when you're both alone or not with the rest of your classmates. but that doesn't stop him from getting anxious whenever you're both in a crowd (like a school assembly, or in the school cafeteria line during the rush). his hand will automatically dart towards yours, and to reassure him and visibly see him calm down, you just have to take his hand in your own and give it a reassuring squeeze.
✰ sometimes, tamaki has to stay after school for his extra curriculars, and when you're staying back for your own extra curriculars, tamaki always walks you to wherever it takes place. additionally, he also brings your favorite snack along more often than not, and a drink that you like — so that if you have time before your practice starts, you can eat together before going your own separate ways.
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thanks for reading! likes and reblogs appreciated! <3
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melin-oe @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @bubble-bootie @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku
bnha and when you give them your sweater.
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izuku turns a bright shade of red, a hand on the back of his neck as the other holds the sweater you just gave him, he bows his head, sputtering out a “thank you! i'll promise to get it back clean!” he isn't lying, when you get it back it's exactly like how it was when you gave it to him. it looks untouched even, that you question if izuku ever even wore it.
bakugou grumbles his “thanks,” looking to the side in a lame attempt to hide his flushed cheeks. he doesn't want to wear it, especially since he knows that with the way he acts, he'd get the sweater destroyed before the second day of having it. but he wears it once, and doesn't want to give it back because it smells like you — like home.
shoto stares at the sweater you held towards him, before his lips curve up in a small smile, taking the piece of clothing from you. “thanks, my love,” he'd say, smile still on his face. “here, you can take mine.” he's already handing you one of his sweaters before you could decline. he holds your sweater like it was fragile, “i'll return it to you safe and sound.”
denki ties your sweater around his waist with a beaming grin, “thank you!” he grabs your arm gently, “hey do you want one of mine?” his smile seems to get brighter, “maybe we can match!?” he's already rummaging through his messy closet, trying to find a sweater that matches the one you gave him. it's useless to try and stop him.
sero, like shoto, stares at the sweater before he takes it with one of his wide smiles. he's putting it on while he thanks you, “thanks baby. i'll give you one of mine once i find a clean one.” he wraps his arms around your waist and brings you in for a hug, “this is comfortable.”
tamaki thinks he might just pass out from how flustered he is. he has to take a few seconds to calm himself before he accepts the sweater, holding it to his chest with a smile on his face. “thanks...” he trails off, wanting to add a nickname to the end but being too shy to do so. you reply with a kiss to his cheek, making him even more flustered than he was before.
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melin-oe @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @rinnegankakashi @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @bubble-bootie @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku
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cw. not proof read note. includes everyone mentioned in the tags!
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he compares your hands with his and has the cutest expression on his face since he's concentrated and in another world while he does it
always greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a “how was your day today?”
doesn't pay attention to anything other than you when you're talking, he couldn't ignore you even if he tried
comfortable silence isn't a foreign subject to him and would lay in bed with you for hours not doing or saying anything
plans dates weeks beforehand so he can be sure that you're free on that day
though he doesn't mind if you have to reschedule
adores it when you ruffle his hair or pat his head because it makes him feel so appreciated and loved — especially if it's after he does something compliment worthy
will carry all your bags if you want him to, he doesn't care if his bag was heavy and your bags just made it feel like he was carrying 100 bricks
down to try new hobbies and interests with you
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swings your hands to and fro when you hold hands while walking
has made a playlist full of songs that reminds him of you but is scared to show it to you cause he thinks you'll find that weird
immediately turns to you whenever someone makes a joke because he wants to see your smile (if you smile at dumb jokes, that is)
loves matching nails with you and he doesn't care if it makes him sound childish when he asks you to do it
games with some of his friends but pays attention to you more than he does to the game if you're in the room with him
is openly affectionate but will tone it down no questions asked if you seem uncomfortable
it's easy for him to realize when somethings going on with you
when he's angry, he just has to see you and his anger just goes away
arcade dates where you're stuck at one game because he's not giving up before he wins you the prize
just win the prize yourself and let him keep it.
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cooks for you but regrets it the moment you tease him about it
reserved in the beginning but as time goes on you can read him like an open book because now he is one
speeding down the road in his car while screaming the lyrics to random songs
is the mf who shares a spotify account with you and whenever he catches you listening to sad songs, he changes it to a obnoxiously happy song
tells you “i love you” every day before he leaves and every night before you sleep
calls you late at night and says he's going to hang up soon but doesn't hang up until he falls asleep and his phone dies
he'll often fall asleep with his head on your shoulder but he avoids talking about it cause he's embarrassed
isn't the best at self care but always makes sure that you're taking care of yourself
knows you won't listen to him when he tells you to go to sleep without doing hw/work till late at night so he pulls up a chair next to you and just sits there while you do it
usually just replies to your texts and just marks everything else as read unless it's something important.
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he loves using every and any nickname, whether its cringy or even weird he doesn't care but he only uses a select few most of the time
doesn't directly say “i love you” until a good few months into your relationship but will show it by the small things that he does
melts if you gently take ahold his face and kiss his forehead
loves messing around with you and annoying you but knows when to stop before he goes too far
is annoying and changes your lockscreen to pictures of him every week
shamelessly flirts with you but just say no to it and he'll be quiet for hours
attempts to cook but isn't good at it cause when's the last time he had a home cooked meal
kisses your shoulder when you hug or cuddle
plays random games on his phone with you and gets annoyed when you win.
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thanks for reading! likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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escapenightmare · 3 years ago
JOIN MY TAGLIST! | TAGLIST [1] : @therealcozyy @melsuki @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @shotorozu @cloudytamaki​ @p1xura @asaitashi @avengs @trvncyz @solaxena @wnters​ @awesomealltimesos @catboycake @tamewkii​ @uxavity @belsumu @daxais @sprouter @shoyotime @uravichii @maggiecc @tiiredcorpse @bubble-bootie @animebae100 @izukumas @obsessedwithizuku
hi!!!! can i request hq reacting to their s/o ignoring them as a prank? thank you!
haikyuu and when you ignore them.
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atsumu tries to get you to reply by poking your cheek and staring straight at you, hoping you'd budge, but when none of that works he starts whining, “baby, what'd i do?” dragging out the 'o'. if you don't reply, he huffs and crosses his arms with a heavy pout.
osamu tries to ignore you back, but he can't go through with it for more than 10 minutes — resorting to laying his head on your shoulder with a small pout, “darlin', did i do somethin' wrong? why are ya ignoring me?”
oikawa is over dramatic, gasping and placing a hand on his chest when you don't reply to him. although, he turns serious a few minutes later, gently cupping your face and looking at you in concern, “did i upset you, my love? i'm sorry i did.”
suna half knows it's probably a prank, but that doesn't stop him from worrying. he pouts and hugs you, mumbling into the crook of your neck, “please talk to me, pretty...” says, “i can't feel the love in this relationship” to try to get you to say something back.
akaashi is more worried and tries to think of anything he might've done to upset you. when nothing comes to his head, he places a small kiss on your forehead and apologizes, “i'm sorry if i did something wrong, please tell me how i can make up for it.”
bokuto pulls you in for a hug without a second thought. he has a frown on his face while he pulls you into his arms and lovingly pats your head. “i love you,” he says, “please tell me if i did anything wrong!”
kenma narrows his eyes at you from across the room, saying, “hey bub, can you come here for a sec?” when he gets no reply from you, he starts spamming you with texts, knowing you'd probably get annoyed but hey, at least you'll acknowledge him.
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