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hometoursandotherstuff · 2 years ago
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Look at these little goofballs! Catasetum "epiphytic Orchids."
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wherethewildorchidgrows · 1 year ago
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Black Lace ‘Baker’s Dark Angel’ - by Brent Baker
Black Orchid – Fredclarkeara Black Lace ‘Baker’s Dark Angel’ 
In nature, black flowers are rare. The reality is that there is almost no plant in the world that is truly black in color. Most are shades of deep blue or reds or purples. This is also true about orchid flowers. Growers and hybridizers have tried many different orchid plants and hybrid orchid varieties to try to get to a truly black flower.
Among the most notable hybrids (since 2010) with truly black flowers (currently commercially available from Sunset Valley Orchids) you can find Fredclarkeara (Asparagales – Orchidaceae), an intergeneric hybrid between the orchid genera Catasetum, Clowesia and Mormodes. (Ctsm. x Cl. x Morm.).
The Fredclarkeara breeding produces flowers that are fragrant, have lots of color and are long lasting. As you can see on this one in the photo, the Fredclarkeara Black Lace ‘Baker’s Dark Angel’ is indeed black.
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otiagocarneiro · 2 years ago
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Catasetum macrocarpum florescendo. Catasetum macrocarpum é uma epífita de pseudobulbos robustos, fusiformes e suas folhas são eretas e recurvadas com 3–5 nervuras grossas e arcadas. A sua inflorescência contém aproximadamente 5–15 flores não ressupinadas, ocasionalmente tombadas e patentes e de labelo rijo, fortemente carnoso-coriáceo, elmiforme tombado; lobos laterais eretos, arredondados; o terminal pouco ou muito destacado, em forma de pequena língua. Suas cores variam de verde claro a amarelo pálido com ou sem pintas marrom, com ou sem interior escuro. Catasetum macrocarpum é nativa do Pará, Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Roraima, Tocantins e Mato Grosso. Sua avaliação quanto a ameaçada de extinção é NE (Não Avaliada).⚠️ Catasetum macrocarpum blooming. Catasetum macrocarpum is an epiphyte with robust, fusiform pseudobulbs and its leaves are erect and curved with 3–5 thick, arched veins. Its inflorescence contains approximately 5–15 non-resupinate flowers, occasionally tumbled and patent, with a hard lip, strongly fleshy-coriaceous, tumbled elm-shaped; erect, rounded lateral lobes; the terminal little or much highlighted, in the form of a small tongue. Their colours vary from light green to pale yellow with or without brown spots, with or without a dark interior. Catasetum macrocarpum is native to Pará, Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Roraima, Tocantins and Mato Grosso. Its assessment for endangered is NE (Not Assessed).⚠️ 🍃🌿🌱🧠 #catasetineas #catasetum #catasetinea #catasetummacrocarpum #orquidea #orchids #orquideas #orchid #florabrasileira #floraamazonica #flora (em Belém, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwBJpyLNN1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sillykeiki · 28 days ago
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Catasetum gnomus
Beautiful, strong orchid! Amazing flowers!
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glossahistorica · 6 months ago
According to WFO, this taxa classification (Catasetum rogidasianum) is still current, and was coined by the Lindenia volumes (note co-author Emile Rodigas, whose name presumably has been applied to this species).
There's only one observation of this species on iNaturalist, in Brazil - it's very beautiful.
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Lindenia : Iconographie des orchidées - vol. 9 - 1885 - via Internet Archive
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dolunay66 · 6 days ago
Muhteşem bir tozlaşma stratejisi 👍
Catasetum Orkideleri..
Bir arı çiçekteki hassas bir bölgeye dokunduğunda polenlerini kuvvetli bir şekilde atar, milisaniyeler içinde böceğe yapıştırır. Çiçeğin kokusuna kapılan arı, başka bir orkideyi ziyaret ederken polenleri alır ve böylece üremeyi garantiler.
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myfoodsflowers · 3 months ago
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Catasetum Dark Tale ‘Black Surprise’ Is an orchid hybrid between (Catasetum Donna Wise × Catasetum Louise Clarke) ~F.Clarke 2015 ( RHS ) 🦇🦇
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von-therion · 1 year ago
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Orquídea Catasetum
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la-poesia-femenina · 2 years ago
Lo que este reino nos propone
Eliana Hernández (Bogotá, 1989).
la flor, decía alguien, es el cerebro de las plantas pero hay que decir es un cerebro que se expande en el plano del sexo
la flor produce formas no moldea más bien concentra una fuerza: es más como volver a los humanos abejas más como Darwin que dijo quiero ver a la catasetum cuando dispara su polen dijo no descansaré hasta que tuerza frente a mí su columna dijo y se volvió abeja descubrió cómo tocar a las orquídeas, vio cómo el polen viaja y viaja llega tan lejos de la historia de la abejita y la flor, ese mito oxidado, heterosexual: cuando hay tejidos que en las flores se activan cuando las rozan, cuando sienten a los insectos calentones, cómo escalan sus tallos, lo ven las científicas, las poetas, lo vio Darwin, y luego no pueden ver nada más entregan su juventud a mirarlas, cuando tienen tantos tipos de órganos que otra especie ha separado en masculino femenino y ellas los sienten juntos y en ellas lo uno no excluye lo otro       2
ahí donde a la flor su forma no sabe conducirla
en lugar de ir, atrae en vez de avanzar, se prolonga como la flor del borrachero, como la del brócoli, se entregan a una tarea impensable en otros reinos: moverte sin ir hacia lo que deseas
ser maestra como la flor en el arte de las apariencias ser, se dice así, floritura, pura demostración, saber que el placer inicia y va a terminarse, cuando todo quiere permanecer ser estacional como un cuerpo que se adora como un cuerpo de flor
ser cuerpo de flor y también un medio para comunicar a las matas con los insectos a las matas con los perros a las humanas con las matas no tener los órganos sexuales ocultos ni el sexo oculto
como las orquídeas  
  de plantas y sueños: su viboreo su raíz cardiaca
a los pliegues de los sueños se acercan hervidas: así unas indias dice Fernández de Piedrahíta pusieron en la comida de los soldados de Jiménez de Quesada cierta hierba que se llamaba tetec para que no las violentaran, dice y ellos tetec ellos alucine y alucine sienten el cerebro machacado se meten piedras en la boca ellos caen rendidos y sueñan como hace tiempo ya no sueñan en el fondo del ojo encuentran ciertas plantas lo tierno se regodean en el fango conocen la vanidad  
  ¿la planta imagina a la flor? y la flor es una idea que no se opone a la materia es idea que brota en masa como esas flores que les dicen pensamientos brotan en terrazas en andenes en las materas dicen los pensamientos observa las plantas que se acercan a ti
la forma de la flor es invención en el pensamiento de planta no hay duda en el pensamiento de planta un plan de cara al acto: la flor, de ser posible muchas de ser posible una bandada
y que germinen otras formas dulces como frutas concebir una dulzura blanda al tacto como un durazno una dulzura que atraiga a los animales, que vaya del estómago a la mente y de la mente al estómago
cuánto sí en una flor para hacer con el pensamiento  
  Leche de gallina, hierba golondrinera, hinojo marino, quitameriendas, monedas del papa, gota de sangre, botón de oro, clavelina de los cartujos, pimpinela, arañuela, mercurial, ombligo de Venus, diente de perro, hierba de San Juan, reina de los prados, hierba de los gatos, raspalenguas, hierba lechera, tembladera, agujas de pastor, campanilla de las nieves, dondiego de día, orozuz falso, amor de hombre, pamplina, uña de caballo, zarzaparrilla, pan de puerco, grama de olor, dama de noche.  
  también hay flores más cerca de lo que se come y no se dice: flores rellenas como el calabacín flores que se abren y hacen té
la florifagia: una advertencia: su carne suave de pétalo su jugo que dice mojando
en la noche del subsuelo una percepción sin órganos sin lengua  
  dice un científico lo que este reino nos propone es una percepción sin órganos un ver independiente del ojo más cercano al tragar a ser toda ojos que buscan
propone un oír capaz del agua en el subsuelo capaz de ser toda oídos toda pelos que escuchan
dice, si no es eso ver no sé entonces lo que es si rastrear en lo oscuro no es oír no sé entonces lo que es
si no es esa la prueba de un pensamiento sin cabeza de una razón subterránea de una razón que perfuma
un pensar desnudo como están las plantas nada entre ellas y el mundo
un reino que no huye de sí como los animales
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thelushgarden · 2 years ago
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Edward Julius Detmold, Catasetum and Cypripediums from “News of spring and other nature studies,” 1917
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hometoursandotherstuff · 7 months ago
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Catasetum incurvum wants to know what's up.
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jojou2 · 2 years ago
Catasetum أوركيد
تعمل بطريقة غير اعتيادية. إذا لامستها النحلة تطلق عليها اللقاح وكأنه طلقة المسدس اللاصق. فيلتصق بها لتنقله إلى ورود أخرى. شيء في منتهى الروعة
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otiagocarneiro · 2 years ago
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Logo veremos floração de um Catasetum macrocarpum x galeritum. Híbrido natural achadado em Redenção PA.🤭👀🙈 Soon we will see the flowering of a Catasetum macrocarpum x galeritum. Natural hybrid found in Redenção PA.🤭👀🙈 Catasetum galeritum é uma orquídea epífita de pseudobulbo cônico-fusiformes, compressos dos lados, anelados e sulcados e folhas lanceolar-espatuladas, acuminadas, para a base, atenuadas em pseudopecíolo canaliculado, com 5–7 nervuras longitudinais. Sua Inflorescência é racemosa, basal, pendente, robusta. As flores não ressupinadas. As sépalas são levemente convexas atenuadas na base e de cor vinho amarronzado no interior, assim como as pétalas que são oblongo-ligulares, aguçadas, eretas, coniventes com a sépala dorsal e abraçadas pelas suas margens. O labelo, um tanto reflexo, ínfero, espesso e carnoso, rijo, mais longo do que as sépalas e de cor amarelo esverdeado a ocre. Catasetum galeritum é nativa do Pará, Maranhão, Tocantins, Mato Grosso e Amazonas. Sua avaliação quanto a ameaçada de extinção é NE (Não Avaliada).⚠️ Catasetum macrocarpum é uma epífita de pseudobulbos robustos, fusiformes e suas folhas são eretas e recurvadas com 3–5 nervuras grossas e arcadas. A sua inflorescência contém aproximadamente 5–15 flores não ressupinadas, ocasionalmente tombadas e patentes e de labelo rijo, fortemente carnoso-coriáceo, elmiforme tombado; lobos laterais eretos, arredondados; o terminal pouco ou muito destacado, em forma de pequena língua. Suas cores variam de verde claro a amarelo pálido com ou sem pintas marrom, com ou sem interior escuro. Catasetum macrocarpum é nativa do Pará, Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Roraima, Tocantins e Mato Grosso. Sua avaliação quanto a ameaçada de extinção é NE (Não Avaliada).⚠️ 🍃🌿🌱🧠 #catasetineas #catasetinae #catasetum #catasetummacrocarpum #catasetumgaleritum #orquidea #orchids #orquideas #orchid #flora #florabrasileira #floraamazonica (em Belém, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgPECPrr4T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theneverfadinglands · 6 months ago
Phalaenopsis is basically indestructible plant, that does not care for anything.. the ONE and ONLY weaknes of phalaenopsis is crown rot (do not let water sit in the crown of these babes) they also take roughly wet cool weather and are prone to bacterial infections in such cases. When it is cool and very wet I dust them with cinnamon using powder brush.
To all and everyone I recoomend to try some dendrobiums. I was sceptical towards them at first, but now they are my faves. They just grow and do not complain at all. Many of them require cooler period during winter or are even semi-decidious (sleep during winter), which fits my climate very well.. and my needs since I like cool weather and do not heat up my house unless it is very cold. Currently I would love to get myself den. Hibiki!
I am yet to try some catasetum types, but I would love to for the same reason, they lose their leaves during autumn and then just sleep. I am also interested in sarcochilus.
To add to recommendations: try Hello Plant Lovers on youtube! I love his videos, he grown cool to intermediate orchids in Australia. Miss Orchid Girl is great, but she lives in Cyprus and her orchids are all just too hot loving for me.
Here is my blorbwë; den. Berry Oda, I do not think I posted it before..
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I started with succulents like everyone else but tbh orchids are rapidly becoming my plant blorbos. Everyone takes care of them wrong and it's not your FAULT because the care instructions that come with them are!! Incorrect!!! If you do what they say then your orchid will die!!!! If you give them the right environment they're SO easy. They're such easy plants to grow. They have been UNFAIRLY SLANDERED by a MISINFORMATION campaign. They don't deserve this.
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innerkingwolf · 3 months ago
Dive into the World of Catasetum Diana's Dots: A Blooming Beauty for Your Orchid Collection
Calling all orchid enthusiasts! Are you ready to add a captivating and unique bloom to your collection? Look no further than the stunning Catasetum Diana’s Dots, a hybrid that promises to be a showstopper in your orchid garden. This blog post will delve into the fascinating world of this captivating Catasetum, exploring its origins, cultural requirements, and the reasons why it’s a must-have for…
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xtruss · 5 months ago
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On the island of Sardinia, the flowers of mirror orchids (Ophrys speculum) perfectly mimic the reflection of blue sky on a female wasp's wings. Male wasps, beguiled by the flower's sight and scent, are lured into service carrying pollen from plant to plant. Photograph By Christian Ziegler, National Geographic
How To Photograph An Orchid! These Fascinating Plants Are Worlds Unto Themselves.
— By Alexa Keefe | Photographs: Christian Ziegler | Published: March 21, 2017
There are over 25,000 wild species of orchids on six continents around the globe, not counting thousands more hybrids cultivated by horticulturalists. Orchids come in a dizzying array of shapes, sizes, and in almost every color except true black. They live in soil, atop rocks, or on trees, gleaning nutrients from the moist air.
Orchids are also masters of manipulation, using the full arsenal of their anatomy—color, textures, and smells—to trick insects into spreading their pollen. Their diversity—and adaptability—are what enthrall photographer Christian Ziegler. "Every place I have been, there have been orchids," he says, from the woods of southern Germany where he first discovered them on nature hikes as a boy, to the rainforests of Panama where he now lives.
Ziegler spent two years traveling the globe on assignment for National Geographic and for his book, Deceptive Beauties. He finds that the plants make fascinating subjects, and he has tips for anyone who wants to photograph their seductive flowers.
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Courting bees and beetles, the nectarless pansy orchid impersonates a nutrition-rich neighbor, the pea flower.
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Courting bees and beetles, the nectarless pansy orchid impersonates a nutrition-rich neighbor, the pea flower.
Do Your Research.
More than 90 percent of orchid species grow in the tropics, but that doesn’t mean there aren't some near you. North America alone is home to more than 200 species. (One resource for finding orchids near you: Go Orchids, a geographic database run by the North American Orchid Conservation Center.)
If a greenhouse or botanical garden is your best option, find out when the next orchid show will be and whether there are rules about photography.
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Christian Ziegler photographs orchids in field in Sardinia.
Pack Light But Bring The Essentials.
When Ziegler goes into the field, he typically takes his digital SLR camera with a macro lens (2.8/100mm), a wide-angle zoom lens (2.8/16-40mm), three off-camera flashes, and a small tripod. "With the macro you can focus in on a small flower and easily isolate the flower from the background," he says. The shallow depth of field also blurs the background, so you get the colors of the surrounding environment without distracting from the star of the show.
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Male flowers of tropical Catasetum orchids conceal a pollen-loaded slingshot, which fires its sticky bundle when a prospective pollinator jostles the trigger. Bees are prime targets. (Top)
Each mottled flower two inches across, a Prosthechea prismatocarpa bows from a moss-encrusted rock beside a mountain stream in Panama. (Bottom)
Show Them In Their Natural Element.
The landscape can be as much a part of the story as the orchid, Ziegler says. When he wants to incorporate the setting, Ziegler uses a wider lens. "The image turns into a landscape with the orchid as the focus, which works especially well when the flower has a strong color to help it stand out from the forest backdrop."
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Snail orchid flowers photographed in a mobile studio in Western Australia (Right)
A crab spider orchid photographed in a mobile studio in Western Australia (Left)
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A blue velvet orchid photographed in a field studio in Western Australia (Left)
A bird orchid photographed in a field studio in western Australia. (Right)
Play To Their Strengths.
"Both the shape and color of orchids are crucial. Everything depends on them," Ziegler says. "Sometimes I like the straightforward look of a simple portrait—just the flower—especially when it is small and you need to drive attention to it."
"I always use flash to highlight the orchid flower. I keep the flash low so it's hardly noticeable, but it helps to highlight the colors." He also uses a soft box to diffuse the light source.
If he is going for more of a portrait, he might photograph the plants against a black background in a makeshift field studio. "I use a large piece of black velvet and it's important to arrange it evenly. Then I set up three or four flashes on brackets and put my camera on a tripod. All without disturbing the plant." This enables us to focus on the beauty of the flower without distraction.
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Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid. Every orchid has a petal modified for pollination, some theatrically so. (Top)
Flies—one with a yellow pollen sac already attached to its back, in a spot it can't reach—visit a Masdevallia orchid in Central America. (Bottom)
Spend Time To See What Other Creatures Light Show-up.
Orchids are masters when it comes to attracting pollinators, even mimicking scents, colors, and textures of female insects in hopes of attracting males—who will unwittingly picking up tiny pollen packets in the process. Bees, butterflies, wasps, and hummingbirds are all lured by the orchid and can help tell a more complete story.
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A lilliputian orchid, each flower under half an inch long, blooms brightly in the highlands of Panama.
Get Creative With Your Camera To Add Something Extra.
To photograph this lilliputian orchid, Ziegler tried a different approach. "I used three off-camera flashes combined with available light. Then I took a longer exposure for the picture, around one-tenth of a second, and moved the camera a little to create the washed-out effect around the edge of the flower." The macro lens creates a blurry background, which focuses all the attention on the flower.
Leave Them As You Found Them.
Like any wildlife, wild orchids are part of a larger ecosystem and disrupting them affects not only the plant, but also insects and creatures that rely on it. In some cases, orchids are also protected by law. And, chances are if you are enjoying the experience of finding and photographing an orchid, others will too.
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