#catalina usme
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leeenuu · 2 years ago
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Colombia vs Jamaica Women's World Cup 2023 – Round of 16
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glimmerofawesome · 8 months ago
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jcamilov06 · 2 years ago
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Catalina Usme (🇨🇴 #11) | Colombia vs. Jamaica | 2023 FIFA Women World Cup
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calciopics · 2 years ago
FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 - Group H - Colombia 2x0 Korea Republic
Sydney Football Stadium - Sydney - AU 24.07.2023
Catalina Usme 30′ (p) Linda Caicedo 39′
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that-soccer-guru · 2 years ago
Catalina Usme, who says that every game they play they have to treat like a final, said to WIN SPORTS and RCN after the game:
"We are happy and all, but this cannot be our ceiling. Our ceiling is further still.
We have to put our feet on the ground again, think about England, and be very smart, because this team hasn't reached its peak yet, this team can do more.
We've played 4/ of 7, we have 3 more 'final' games to go"
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fyeahgustavo · 2 years ago
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nightlocktime · 7 months ago
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Illustration by moly_ilustra on IG
The Olympics are over, but I needed to give a shout-out to our delegation. We are not many, we didn't win much, but each single one of them gave it all and from here we fiercely supported and followed every single one until the end.
Thank you to all of our 91 participants, 4 medalists, and 14 diplomas. We're proud of all of you with our entire hearts.
Alejandro Solarte, Alexis Cuero, Alisson Cardozo, Ana María Rendón, Andrés Hernández, Ángel Barajas, Ángel Hernández, Ángela Daniela Barón, Angie Orjuela, Angie Valdés, Anthony Rincón, Anthony Zambrano, Arnovis Dalmero, Camilo Villegas, Carlos Alberto Ramírez, Carlos Muñoz, Carolina Arias Vidal, Catalina Pérez Jaramillo, César Herrera, Cristian Ortega, Daniel Martínez, Daniel Restrepo, Daniela Alexandra Arias Rojas, Daniela Caracas González, Daniela Montoya Quiroz, Diego Arboleda, Diego Arias, Erika Lasso, Evelis Aguilar, Fernando Gaviria, Flor Denis Ruiz, Gabriela Bolle, Geiner Moreno, Ilana Izquierdo Zanger, Ingrit Valencia, Jazmín Álvarez, Jenny Arias, Jhancarlos González, Jhon Edison Rodríguez, Jhonny Rentería, Jorelyn Daniela Carabalí Martinez, Jorge Enríquez, Kevin Quintero, Lady Patricia Andrade Rodriguez, Laura Chalarca, Leicy Maria Santos Herrera, Liana Milena Salazar Vergara, Lina Licona, Linda Lizeth Caicedo Alegria, Lorena Arenas, Luis Felipe Uribe, Luis Javier Mosquera, Luisa Blanco, Luz Katherine Tapia Ramirez, Manuela Gómez, Manuela Pavi Sepulveda, Manuela Vanegas Cataño, Marcela Restrepo Valencia, Mari Leivis Sánchez, María Camila Osorio, Maria Camila Reyes Calderón, María Carolina Velásquez, Maria Catalina Usme Pineda, María José Uribe, María Lucelly Murillo, Mariana Pajón, Martha Bayona, Mateo Carmona, Mateo Romero, Mauricio Ortega, Mayra Gaviria, Mayra Tatiana Ramirez Ramírez, Natalia Linares, Nicolás Echavarría, Paula Patiño, Queen Saray Villegas, René López, Ronal Longa, Sandra Milena Sepulveda Lopera, Santiago Arcila, Santiago Buitrago, Stefania Gómez, Stefany Cuadrado, Valeria Araújo, Valeria Arboleda, Víctor Bolaños, Wendy Katerine Bonilla Candelo, Yeison López, Yenny Álvarez, Yílmar González, Yirleidis Quejada Minota
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andiessoccerblog · 2 years ago
Group H
Expected to move on: Germany, Colombia
Expected to exit in group stage: Morocco, Korea Republic
FIFA Ranking: 2
Much like the men’s side, the German women’s team is a MACHINE. Unless the unthinkable happens again (see: the men’s side 2018) Germany should get out of the group with ease, and I would definitely rank them as a favorite to win the World Cup. Their style of play is crisp, clean, and a little bit curt...if that makes sense. They will lay their bodies on the line, and they will lay your body on the line too if you’re playing against them. They shockingly failed to qualify for the 2020 Olympics, but were runners-up in the Women’s European Championship in 2022, which is a much more accurate indicator of their strength.
Player Pool: 
Germany is another team with extraordinary depth, with all their players on top domestic teams or premier teams in England or France. Alexandra Popp, new captain of the team, also leads in goals scored for German, but is really known for the use of her large stature to win duels. Every position is filled with veterans, and Germany has been skillful in ensuring that even its younger players have gotten experience in big games.  Every player is a team player and can be a standout in their own right, so it’s hard to pick specific players to highlight. That being said, of course there are players that rise to the top–Lena Oberdorf, Sara Däbritz, and Melanie Leupolz all deserve a shout out. 
2019 WWC performance:
Germany looked okay during the women's World Cup, but less confident than many people had anticipated. They made it through the group stage with narrow 1-0 wins against Spain and China, and an easy win against debutante South Africa. They plowed over Nigeria in the round of sixteen, but were stymied by Sweden in the quarterfinals.  On many past occasions, they had beaten Sweden, so many were surprised when the game went the other way. Dabritz, Magull, and Popp led the scoring, while young newcomer Gwinn and veteran Hegering held down the midfield and defense, playing all 450 minutes of their tournament run.
FIFA Ranking: 26
Colombia’s women’s team has historically done well in South American competition, feuding with Brazil for top honors, even as their own federation doesn’t support them as much financially as they do their men’s side.  Earlier in 2023 the Colombian Federation began an agreement with FIFA to begin increasing funding for women's soccer at all levels.  That won’t help the team in this World Cup, and they will be fighting tooth and nail against Korea Republic for the second spot in the group.
Player Pool:
Colombia has one of the older teams of the World Cup, with more veterans than newbies. After missing the 2019 World Cup, they will need to rely on players that were around for the 2015 World Cup, like Catalina Usme,  Daniela Montoya, and keeper Sandra Sepúlveda. 
2019 WWC performance:
Did Not Qualify
Korea Republic
FIFA Ranking: 17
South Korea is recognized as “Korea Republic” by FIFA. Asia’s women’s football culture has been improving on a regional stage, but has struggled to keep up internationally, and Korea Republic  is no exception. The best players on this team are the ones that leave Korea to play in a European or American league. They have never qualified for the Olympics. Their best result in a Women’s World Cup came in 2015, when they made it out of the group stage, but they couldn’t repeat the result in 2019, and likely won’t do it again in 2023. 
Player Pool: 
Ji So-yun (midfielder) made a name for herself and for Korea with a long career for Chelsea in England, but moved back to South Korea in 2022. Cho So-hyun is another team veteran playing in England, and the pair form a strong midfield. Captain is Kim Hye-ri, a veteran defender. She plays with about half the roster for South Korea’s Incheon Hyundai Steel Red Angels team, the top side in Korea’s domestic league.
2019 WWC performance:
Not great. They had a rough group, pulling Norway and France, so their only chance to advance was a third place spot, which neither they nor Nigeria achieved. They scored one goal in the tournament.
FIFA Ranking: 73
Morocco reached their first World Cup under the distinguished coach Reynald Pedros, who previously had coached Olympique Lyonnais Féminin to the french championship. Under Pedros, the team has grown to be one of the best teams in Africa. However, they have a record of falling short against teams outside of Africa, and will need this tournament and more international exposure to become a contender. 
Player Pool:
Captain Ghizlane Chebbak has played for Morocco for the last 10 years and is their top goalscorer. They have an up and coming forward in Rosella Ayane, who played for the English national youth teams, but switched to Morocco for her senior caps.
2019 WWC performance:
Did Not Qualify
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laopiniononline · 3 months ago
Graduados de astrofísica de la USM expone en importante congreso de astronomía
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/hl
Graduados de astrofísica de la USM expone en importante congreso de astronomía
El SOCHIAS Annual Meeting reúne a los físicos de las principales instituciones académicas del país para presentar los más recientes avances y estudios en la materia.
Con el objetivo de presentar los más recientes avances y descubrimientos astronómicos, los astrofísicos de Chile se reunieron en el SOCHIAS Annual Meeting, evento organizado por la Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía (SOCHIAS), que, por primera vez, contó con la participación de estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, representados en su mayoría por la primera generación de graduados de su Licenciatura en Astrofísica.
Acompañados por los profesores del Departamento de Física Odette Toloza y Rory Smith, once estudiantes sansanos participaron en este encuentro anual que reúne a representantes de 24 instituciones académicas nacionales que desarrollan investigaciones astronómicas y ofrecen programas de pregrado y postgrado relacionados con la materia. En esta ocasión, la convocatoria tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Tarapacá, en la Región de Arica y Parinacota, entre los días 11 y 15 de noviembre.
“Para nuestros estudiantes es positivo porque los saca de la burbuja de la USM y les permite interactuar con otros profesionales. Durante la conferencia, tuvieron la oportunidad de plantear sus ideas y proyectos, recibiendo retroalimentación de colegas con más experiencia y conocimiento”, destacó la Dra. Toloza.
En este contexto, los jóvenes presentaron posters y charlas, mostrando los resultados de las tesinas realizadas durante sus estudios de pregrado a profesores y astrónomos de otras instituciones.
“Este tipo de eventos genera una sinergia importante y facilita la creación de vínculos que, en muchos casos, terminan en colaboraciones académicas y proyectos científicos”, añadió Toloza.
Pablo Fernández, egresado de la Licenciatura en Astrofísica, tuvo la oportunidad de ofrecer una charla durante el evento, experiencia que consideró muy valiosa para su vida profesional, principalmente por “conocer e interactuar con científicos de todo Chile e incluso fuera del país. Esto nos da una perspectiva diferente de cómo hacer ciencia, incluso fuera de las aulas y los laboratorios”. En esto mismo coincide el estudiante de doctorado, Joaquín Barraza, quien añade que “la instancia permite conocer los temas de astronomía que investigan en Chile”.
Además de Fernández, asistieron al congreso los estudiantes de doctorado Ignacio Quiroz, Joaquín Meza, Joaquín Barraza y Tomás Fuentes; la egresada de la Licenciatura en Astrofísica Carolina Dulcien, Catalina Álvarez y los estudiantes de pregrado Valentina Ortúzar, Mauricio Gracia, Isidora Ramírez y Vicente Izzo.
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years ago
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calciopics · 2 years ago
FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 - Round of 16 - Colombia 1x0 Jamaica
Melbourne Rectangular Stadium -  Melbourne - AU 08.08.2023
Catalina Usme 51′
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that-soccer-guru · 2 years ago
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f5noticias · 5 months ago
No primeiro jogo após prata olímpica, Brasil empata com a Colômbia
A seleção brasileira feminina de futebol ficou no empate com a Colômbia em 1 a 1, em amistoso realizado neste sábado (26), em Cariacica, no Espírito Santo, e que contou com a transmissão da TV Brasil. A partida foi a primeira da equipe depois da conquista da medalha de prata nos Jogos Olímpicos de Paris, em agosto. Catalina Usme fez o gol das colombianas e Tarciane igualou para o Brasil. O…
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musispoedmacarsiv · 6 months ago
7 Eylül 2024 BIIK Shymkent Galatasaray Maçı
*Lüksemburg başkenti Lüksemburg Şehri'ndeki Achille Hammerel Stadyumu'nda saat 20:00'de başlayacak olan UEFA Kadınlar Şampiyonlar Ligi Birinci Ön Eleme Turu 8. Grup Final maçı. Mücadeleyi Sırp hakem Marina Zivkovic yönetecek. 3 gün önce grubumuzun ev sahibi ekibi Racing Union karşısında 4-1'lik zafere imza atmıştık. Şimdi ise tur öncesi son engeldeyiz. Kazakistan ekibi BIIK bu organizasyonda geçmişi olan, tecrübesi yüksek bir takım. Biz ise yıldızlarımıza ve Avrupa genimize güveniyoruz. Zorlu akşamda temsilcimize yürekten başarılar.
*A Spor'dan naklen yayınlanacak olan maç.
*8. dakikada Hapsatou Malado Diallo'nun attığı golle Galatasaray 1-0 öne geçti. İstekli başlamıştık ve Senegalli genç isim ilk maçtaki şanssızlığı kırarak ilk golüyle tanıştı.
*20. dakikada Andrea Staskova topu ağlarla buluşturdu ve durum 2-0 oldu. Şahane bir giriş yaptık. Harikasınız!
*İlk devreyi 2-0 üstün bitirdik. Kazakistan ekibinin atakları da vardı ama bitiricilik konusunda daha iyi olan bizdik. Gerçekten beklentilerin ötesinde bir dilim geçirdik. Şimdi sakince sabretmeye devam.
*66. dakikada Hapsatou Malado Diallo 3-0'ı takımına verdi ve iyice rahatladık. İkinci yarının başlangıcından itibaren Kazakistan ekibinin atakları karşısında çok bunalmıştık. Ani geldiğimiz atakta golü bulmayı başardık ve avantajı kaptık.
*70. dakikada Catalina Usme de boş geçmedi yine ve Galatasaray skoru 4-0'a taşıdı. Adım adım tura doğru.
*90+4. dakikada Hapsatou Malado Diallo hat-trick yaparak mührü vurdu ve 5-0'ı bulduk. Rüya gibi bir akşama dönüştü.
*Galatasaray 5-0'lık zafere imza attı ve adını İkinci Tur'a yazdırdı. Umduğumuzdan da kolay bir akşamla tur biletini kaptık. Lüksemburg'da 2 harika maçla Avrupa defterini açtık ve devam edeceğiz. Bu formatta uzun zamandır tur sevinci yaşamamıştık ülkece ve yine Galatasaray'a yakıştı diyebiliriz. Emeğinize sağlık hepinizin. Çok teşekkür ederiz.
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lesbiancosimaniehaus · 8 months ago
Turns out the one Colombian soccer player that stood out to me (Catalina Usme) is a lesbo!
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tntsportsmex · 2 years ago
¡Una carrera para aplaudir! 👏🏻
#Storytime de Catalina Usme, figura de #COL en la #FIFAWWC.
¡@majolagram nos cuenta esta historia! ❤️‍🔥
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