#cat hybrid bakugou
hyuge · 9 months
Schrödinger's Co-Habitation
Katsuki nuzzles into Eijirou’s side on the couch, tired from the long day they had. Empty boxes are strewn about the apartment and the sun is beginning to set. Moving is a lot of work, even if your boyfriend is a muscle-freak firefighter. He yawns as he feels the weight of the exhaustion tug at his tired eyes. Eijirou wraps an arm around Katsuki’s waist, drawing him closer.
“Should I grab one of those boxes?”
Katsuki cracks an eye open and peers up at Eijirou. “Hm?”
“So that you can take a cat nap,” he teases.
Katsuki scowls. “I don’t sleep in boxes.” His ears flick backwards to show how annoyed he is and Eijirou kisses Katsuki’s temple in apology.
“I’m teasing. Are you hungry? I could order pizza.”
Katsuki holds his stern gaze for a moment longer before conceding his anger to the backburner. “Pizza sounds good. Wake me up when it gets here?”
Eijirou nods. “Go lay down.”
Climbing off the sofa, Katsuki’s arms and legs want to give out on him. Considering the fact that Eijirou already has a fully furnished apartment, they didn’t move a ton of Katsuki’s belongings, but it was still a lot of work. He slinks off to the bedroom and pulls back the comforter. Katsuki paws at the sheets and the pillows for a minute, then curls up into a ball, and draws the blanket over his body. His tail swishes between the sheets until he drifts off into the unknown.
He wakes to the sound of Eijirou’s voice and a gentle nudge of his shoulder shaking him awake. Katsuki blinks twice, then picks up the scent of pizza.
“Food’s here,” says Eijirou.
Katsuki sits up to yawn, arching his back as he stretches his arms high above his head. It feels like he had only been asleep for minutes. He crawls out of bed and follows Eijirou to the kitchen sleepily. Plates are already set on the table. There’s a cup of iced tea waiting for him, and he takes a seat. Eijirou sits across from him and opens the pizza box. Katsuki dishes his pizza slices onto his plate, then pauses.
“Should we say something? Do people usually say something when they move in together?”
Eijirou shrugs. “I’ve never lived with anyone so I’m not sure, but we can. It sounds nice.”
Katsuki can hardly believe Eijirou has never lived with anyone else given his age, but he holds his tongue. “Um, okay… I guess I’m glad you asked me to move in. You gave me a key right away, but I never anticipated we would get this far.”
Eijirou smiles. “I still can’t believe the angry kitty I rescued from a tree in the park wound up being my boyfriend.” He leans across the table and presses a soft kiss to Katsuki’s lips. “I love you, Kats.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes. “I love you too or whatever.” He waves his hand to brush off the affection, then picks up a slice of pizza and begins to eat, though he can’t help the blush that colors his cheeks.
A gift for @0ceanbleuu and @alythekitten
You can also read it on AO3 and consider checking out the entire series.
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shutit-haha · 1 year
WBakugo pt.4
Ok, really really liked the idea of reader having like this senior father figure hybrid. And Aizawa just fits the role so perfectly in my brain. Obviously hybrid AU seeing as how that's my latest obsession.
Aizawa stood behind you all tall and gloomy, his ears were lost in his wild hair, hands shoved deep into the front pocket of his pants. He really didn't want to be here, truthfully you no longer wanted to be here either. All that was left was for Eri to get tired out- whenever it is that happens.
"So why don't you have ears," the lady asked. You had been forced to conversate with her as Aizawa clearly wasn't going to respond to her. She was a loud and ignorant woman, it was clear the two of you weren't blood related yet she had the audacity to ask such a question.
"Adopted," you gave her your best curtesy smile.
"Who adopted who," she chortled loudly, elbowing you in the ribs playfully.
Ok now she was overstepping boundaries. "I'm sorry did you need something?" Aizawa was a looming figure now, darkness practically oozing from him, it encased the poor woman. Swallowed her whole.
"Oh well you see- I came over here to- I figured I could shimmy," she shook her shoulder, "on over to- well I- I must be going." Her mouth shut, thin lips vanishing with her tight expression. She was gone and there was Eri skipping back over to your side.
"Ok, I'm ready to go now." She smiled up at the two of you brightly, the skirt of her new dress twirling around her. "The bigger kids are rolling in," she grumbled peering over her shoulder back at the direction she came from.
"Yeah it is getting kind of late," you took her hand. Aizawa said nothing he simply took her other hand and followed you out. It was all fine and dandy until you reached the car. Your phone had started ringing, vibrating aggressively in your pocket. It was a private number you didn't recognize. "Hello?"
"Yes are you.."
The officer sounded older and clearly skeptical. "I am, and why are you-"
"Well we have a young man here who claims to be yours."
What in the hell were they talking about. "Excuse me?" You didn't own any kids, the closest thing you had to one was buckling up in the car right now.
"Goes by the name of Katsuki Bakugo?"
There's no fucking way. He said he had a license. Why the hell is he giving people your name!? Why is he giving the police your name!?
"Is any of this ringing a bell," the officer sounded tired now.
"Uh... yes Ma'am sorry I uh- I'm out with family currently but I will be right there." You gave a curtesy smile despite it being a voice call, giving Aizawa such a large pleading look. His cat ears twitched shifting to a more alert position. It did little to better your mood.
"Right well he's being contained at precinct 692."
"Ok, thank you Ma'am, really thank you." You hung up, jaw on the floor, blinking in disbelief.
"Why are your friend's getting arrested," he was so blunt and monotone. Where was that caring Dad part of him that would word that just a bit better for you? Weren't you clearly in shock?
"I wish you wouldn't use those," you pointed at his cat ears- though only able to see their tips. "For things like this."
"Who's Bakugo?" He shuts the car door (so Eri can't hear) placing his arms up on top so he can lean in and glare at you. "Why is he in Jail? And why is he suddenly your responsibility?"
"Can't you just drop me off, please." Those wide eyes from when you were a child. "Can't you use that reputation of yours to get me out of this pickle, preferably no questions asked." You bat your lashes at him.
"Not happening." He blinks dryly, and you reach into your pocket for some eye drops. "If I'm dropping you off I'm walking in."
"That means you have to use your noble reputation," you say it all sing-songy.
"That means you have to explain," he mocks you in that same tuneful voice.
"Please Dad," you're begging.
"Absolutely not," he gets in the driver's seat. For a brief moment you stand there, contemplating what the right decision is here. He starts the car, and begrudgingly you open the passenger side door plopping down into your seat.
"Tell me about the kid," he swallows thickly, hands tight on the wheel.
"Met him in a snowstorm."
"That night you came late?" He side eyes you and you bite back any remarks about it.
"When I arrived later the next day? Yes sir."
"You don't have to address me like that," his shoulders eased up. He was forcing himself to relax hoping his body language would rub off on you. Yes he was pissed but that didn't matter.
"Sorry," it was a habit that was stuck with you. Aizawa hadn't taught it to you, yet it remained nonetheless. Eri wasn't the only one here who had been robbed of dreams and given nightmares. Aizawa saved you, for that you are forever in his debt. The best child he could ever ask for. "Some di- dude," you glanced back at Eri. "This 'catcher' was being all hostile- just a total bigot, was bothering him about being licensed-"
"Was he," Aizawa cuts you off.
"mhm," you nodded, "he showed me them later."
"When," a low growl, it was slight something you had to teach yourself how to notice.
"I stayed the night at his place," you mumbled.
"What if I said something unholy?" The car swerved nearly going into the wrong lane. "I was joking! I was joking! I slept in a guest bedroom," you put your hand over your heart, "honest to God."
Another side eye from your Father.
"Anyways I jumped in and claimed he was mine, as a thank you gesture he allowed me to stay with him. And now... I don't know." Your worried eyes reflected on the wind shield of the car, red flashing within your pupil. A trick of the blinking stop light.
"When you stayed the night," oh no here was that protective personality. "Anything weird?" Clearly his training had stayed with him even through the retirement, he was profiling people no matter his age. That was true Shota Aizawa fashion.
"Typical 'don't touch my shi- stuff' personality." Another weary glance over at Eri, you keep forgetting she's there. "He's hella bossy, just as an FYI. Noticed when I was cold, made me breakfast," you were just listing things off now. "Oh!" You perked up, "he hates the smell of me."
Aizawa chuffed, "doubt that."
"Dad, you're being a Dad. Not everyone's after your wonderful child that you just swear is the cutest thing on planet earth."
"But you do smell good," Eri chirped from the backseat.
Well fuck, now it had to be a fact. I mean Eri said it. Who are you to argue.
"What'd he say," he turned into the parking lot.
"I asked about the whole being stinky bit- didn't want to be a headache- he said I didn't stink."
"Asshole likes you."
"Doubt it," you scoff unbuckling.
"Oh yea, then why are we here?"
Eri is just a ray of sunshine with the police station. Everyone is smiling at her and complementing her dress, they all ask for her name, and she's got a pocket full of candy. You were glad you and Aizawa had taken the time to work through places like this with her, liked that she could so easily twirl and smile. It made the weight you were already bearing that much lighter.
"Where the hell is he," Aizawa was really growling now. He was famous like Eri here too, just in an entirely different sense. Though their eyes followed him no one approached.
"I'll ask front desk," you're slipping past and jogging over to the first officer that looks at you. "Here for Katsuki Bakugo."
They sigh heavily, "follow me."
His head snaps up, your voice definetly doesn't belong here. He's got this crazed look, his shoulders strain behind his back. His hands are cuffed tightly, to the point of no circulation, and he's been muzzled. Your blood boils but you're not sure where to direct this anger. His gaze shifts from you over to Aizawa, his body tenses, so does your Dads.
Aizawa sighs, he kisses his teeth, grabs hold of Eri and turns his back to the both of you. "I'm gonna use that reputation of mine." He's gone. It's you, the blonde, and a guard.
"Could you- could you please remove the muzzle?" It brings you discomfort.
"Not sure that's safe."
"Please," though a pleading word you state it as a demand. The muzzle is removed. "Bakugo?" You sigh, shifting your weight awkwardly. "You can't just ignore me. I'm at a police station, with my family, because of you."
He leans forward, looking up at you from that position, his dog tags glimmer under the light. "'Was just a bar fight."
"Over what? I'm not gonna bail you out for being ignorant. We don't even know each other like that."
"I wasn't being ignorant. This chick wouldn't leave my friend alone, just kept hitting on him and hitting on him. It was harassment."
"Don't tell me you hit her," equal rights, equal fights but.. Well he did seem kind of brutal.
"Some guy got me before I could do shit."
"Security. Said I was too rowdy, shouldn't being getting nippy with her like that. She was fucking harassing my friend."
"You fought security?"
"Bastard deserved it," he shrugged, slouching back into the wall.
"Ok, so why me? Why not your friend?"
The blonde rose from where he sat on the frigid metal bench. He walked over to you with heavy steps, his frame towering you in an oddly familiar way. His head ducked down just slightly, tilting the smallest bit just before he took in a deep breath. "Met you two days ago, and your fuckin' scent won't leave me alone. I don't get it," he shook his head slowly, "I really don't get it." Red eyes looked up at you from where his head still hung low. "Sedated," his fangs caught in the light, "and out of control," another deep breath. "All I wanted was your fucking smell."
"You gotta be smarter kid, they're gonna start revoking things from you if you don't know how to act." Shota had rejoined the two of you. Bakugo straightened up, meeting Aizawa in the eyes. He seemed less solemn and resigned this time, clearly more confident and repowered. "Thought you would of grown out of this temper."
"You know him," you turned to look at your Father.
"Taught him back in the academy."
Small fucking world.
Bakugo opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "it wasn't his fault. Well not really- there's a lot of technicalities. He was doing a good thing."
"You didn't see the pictures." Shota shifted to further analyze the boy, "why so brutal?"
"Lost my shit," he couldn't meet his superior in the eye.
"Why? You're never that unhinged, you got better, you were better."
"They fucked up my hormones, alright." Bakugo glared at you, "Dammit I've been wound so tight for no reason, always on fuckin' edge. It's like I don't know how to chill anymore."
"I hope you really don't think that's gonna win them over."
Yeah 'cause that totally didn't work on you. Totally.
"Not trynna win them over, just confused," he mumbled.
"What never been in a sex ed class before?"
"Dad," what was with his attitude? "We've all had a rough day let's just go home."
"My day wasn't rough," he glared back at Bakugo, "he made it rough."
"It's not his fault Dad really, don't take it out on him." Though that's exactly what you wanted to do too.
"Remember that conversation in the car?" He had turned around to whisper into your ear, "here's where that comes into play."
You shook it off, "so what are we gonna do?"
"You come home with me," Bakugo was surprisingly quick to reply. Aizawa gave you a look as if to say 'I told you so.'
Your eyes scanned over all of them before you nodded, "yeah, ok."
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alythekitten · 1 year
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That's a teaser 🤣
Some Catsuki in all his purring glory, I can't post the full art here, but you can find it already on my Patreon (on Long Bois tier) or wait for it on my SpicyTwitter 💕💕💕
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searenbound · 1 year
Au where royals get a hybrid familiar companion to serve as guardian and guide when they hit 15.
It’s tradition. Going back centuries now. An old and dignified practice, that the crowned prince Katsuki makes a mockery of because he treats his familiar like a spoiled house cat and openly so.
Worse in the eyes of his mother, he’s obviously started a romantic relationship with them. They get a little too frustrated with the concept of him marrying and he coddles them a little too much when it happens.
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heyitzbud · 1 day
If baukgo was a hybrid hed be a cat. Not even a tiger or anything but a sassy grump of a housecat. Loves his little family unit but if your anyone else watch out.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Hybrid Bakugo x Human Midoriya
archive of our own fic recs
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read AO3 tags.
Credit to @touyabloodtears for the art.
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾
Kacchan the Wolf Hybrid by BadgerBill
Summary: Izuku adopts a wolf hybrid to help protect his home and to help fill a lonely hole in his life after his mom dies.
Wolf Hybrid Baku
2/? Chapters | Contains Smut
Gold Digger to Kitty Litter by agaricmush
Summary: After Izuku Midoriya’s divorce from Momo Yaoyarozou, he finds himself lonely and in need of company. So he decides to adopt a cat.
Feline Hybrid Baku
Complete | 8 CH | Contains Smut
Best of Both Worlds...? by Redawilo
Summary: Pro hero Midoriya Izuku promised his mother that he would get a roommate or a pet when he moved out. Someone or something to worry about him in her stead. Months later he still hasn't managed to do so due to various reasons. As he heads back home one night after visiting her he finds the best of both worlds abanoned in an alley.
Little does Izuku know that the feisty little hybrid would be as much a curse as he is a blessing after he makes his house his home. Izuku will never look at his sweaters the same way again...
ProHero Deku x Dog Hybrid Baku
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
The Musutafu K9 Unit by Merrywetherweather
Summary: A cop!Deku and hybrid!Kacchan au where Deku pulls Kacchan out of a shitty hybrid trading ring and into a warm and loving home.
It's not an easy ordeal, however, since Kacchan refuses to speak, and Deku is starting to develop quite the thirst for his new roommate.
Complete | 22 Chapters
Rated - Explicit
unspoken words in feral hearts by insane_falcon
Summary: When rogue Alpha lion hybrid Katsuki is captured and gifted to Izuku, nobody expects the mute Prince to accept. Katsuki reluctantly starts to learn more about his “owner”, the human surprising him at every turn. But Katsuki won’t live in a cage forever.
Lion Hybrid Baku
{One Shot} Rated - Teen & Up
A Dogs Life by KingHugin
Summary: After a raid on an underground hybrid fighting ring, Izuku, who despises how the world treats hybrids, ends up adopting the main star of the pits. A wolf dog named Katsuki who is one last step away from being destroyed. Izuku might be Katsuki’s last chance at a normal life, but he is nothing like Izuku expected.
The hybrid is silent and loud all at once, with a past so deeply rooted in the fighting rings that Izuku is frightened that one wrong move could spell the end of the rocky foundations they have set themselves upon. But if he is one thing, it is determined. And Izuku is willing to fight to give Katsuki the best life he can, even if in the end it means letting him go.
ProHero Deku x WolfDog Hybrid Baku
2 Chapters (2nd is artwork)
Rated - Teen & Up
izuku's pet by chelz_c
Summary: When Izuku first decides to adopt a hybrid, it's just for companionship...
Unfortunately he’s a creep and things quickly devolve into Izuku thinking very dirty thoughts about his pet.
Cat Hybrid Baku
Complete | 13 Chapters | NSFW
Baku Baku Nya Nya by XrenaOXloveO
Summary: A horny Baku kitty wakes his Alpha up under the covers.
Omega Cat Hybrid Baku
One Shot | NSFW
Autumn Color Mate by Dark_Mage_Ayumu
Summary: Izuku has been by Katsuki’s side ever since they met. Izuku was a fresh-faced intern, and Katsuki was a tiny, fox-tailed toddler. Now that he’s starting to grow into pubescence, Izuku has to deal with the fact that Katsuki isn’t a kit anymore—and whatever changes may come.
Fox Hybrid Baku
One Shot | No Quirks au | NSFW
This One Is Mine by Nefsferaatu
Summary: When Izuku stumbles on an abandoned hybrid on his morning run, he has no idea how special the mysterious wolfman will become to him.
Wolf Hybrid Bakugo
No Quirks au | OmegaVerse
One Shot | NSFW
Dogged Love by GreyLiliy
Summary: While helping out his friend Uraraka with her work, Izuku notices the client’s pet locked in a kennel wearing a muzzle. Izuku’s chest ached with the desire to help and before he knew it, he’d gathered the money and bought the dog from the other man, becoming a pet owner for the first time in his life.
Katsuki, however, wonders how he went from having a bad owner to one that needed a master of his own to keep himself out of trouble.
As time goes by, though, Katsuki and Izuku find out they’re both exactly what the other has always needed.
Incomplete | 10/? Chapters
Dog Bakugo
Rated - Mature
Izuku's Home for Wayward Pets by GlamourWeeb
Summary: Izuku works at the Bureau of Companion Protection as a rehabilitator for abused and abandoned Companions, animal-human hybrids. He’s seen his fair share of cruelty cases and even fostered a few Companions, but he’s never had a Companion of his own, until now. After rescuing Katsuki from a life in an illegal, underground Companion fighting ring, Izuku must take in the wolfdog that no one else can handle.
Eventually, Katsuki comes to love his new home, as well as his new Master.
Wolf-dog Hybrid Bakugo
Incomplete | 12/18 Chapters
No Quirks | NSFW
Last Updated 2020
Like cats and dogs by Yurusarenai
Summary: Deku wants to be the world's best pet owner to his two new Hybrids. Both come with some baggage- and some needs.
Cat Todo x Dog Baku x Human Deku
One Shot | Contains Smut
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heartofjasmina · 3 months
You’re recent hybrid post was *chefs kiss*😭🫶
It has led me to wonder what type of hybrid(s) do you think mha characters would pair best with and why?🤔
Thanks nonnie!
I have thoughts about this, so buckle up:
Bunny hybrid reader would be timid and needy and adoring of their human, and to me that makes me think of mha characters who need to be needed. So I'd say Deku, Shigaraki, and Tokoyami would be the ones to love having a bunny hybrid.
Cat hybrid reader would be bratty and teasing, but ultimately loving towards their human, and this appeals to characters who like a bit of fight to keep them on their toes, which makes me think of Bakugou, Sero, and Shinso
Bear hybrid reader would be adorably playful at certain times and sleepy at others, growling when there's anything keeping them from their human. This makes me think of Shouji, Denki, and Ojiro who would appreciate them and their innocent playfulness.
Pup hybrid reader is playful but more messily and eagerly than near hybrids. They think their human is better than air and adore them completely, always drooling on their owners fingers and begging to be mounted regularly. This makes me think of Kirishima and Shoto who just crave that unconditional love and excitement.
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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my character ai bots:
dabi: toxic bf , mafia au
denki kaminari: your a milf
eijiro kirishima: dying his hair
hanta sero: shotgunning w him
katsuki bakugou: he smells good , mean ass soulmate , ghostface katsuki , rivals to lovers , he’s bad w feelings , your pro hero fiancé , if you die so do i , girl dad
izuku midoriya: corrupting the religious boy
gojo satoru: can’t get enough of him , vampire au , wardrobe malfunction , your affair , he’s annoying , his eyes r funny looking
geto suguru: dad’s best friend
nanami kento: healing your daddy issues
yu haibara: he’s gone , he’s sick , he admires his upperclassmen
yuji itadori: your parents hate him , best boyfriend , dorky best friend , he’s delulu , captain of the football team , gossiping w him , older brother’s best friend , you have a bf already but he loves you , your his mentor , shibuya arc
megumi fushiguro: step brother
yuta okkotsu: your a fan , welcoming the new boy , he likes when you pull his hair , he chose geto’s side that day , your best friend
atsumu miya: your annoying neighbor , he’s drunk
iwaizumi hajime: scolding you after your ex did you dirty
kei tsukishima: he hates you(?)
kotaro bokuto: he’s spiderman , your his fan , emo mode
kenma kozume: streaming wars , cat hybrid , he hates you , he hates brats
hinata shoyo: healing your issues , he got sick , u get ur head hit w a ball
tetsuro kuroo: studying w him
koshi sugawara: he’s your son’s teacher , your coworker , he’s jealous
keiji akaashi: he loves feeding you , the pretty setter
yuu nishinoya: he’s drunk
demon slayer-
sanemi shinazugawa: training w him , your roommate
eren jeager: smoking weed w him
blue lock-
nagi seishiro: coke head
bachira meguru: you’re his therapist , pervert bachira
death note-
touta matsuda: he has a little crush , admiring his boss
denji: blood lust , walking home w him , mommy issues
reki kyan: he’s a zombie
natsu dragneel: mating season
nanatsu no taizai [seven deadly sins]:
arthur pendragon: your his servant , you saved him , he saved you , your his holy knight
kurapika kurta: your loyal to him , it’s only you and him
killua zoldyck: he’s your little brother
the disastrous life of saiki k:
kusuo saiki: he’s self aware , your ordinary
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if you have any recommendations on more bots I can do lmk ! i’ll be adding a bunch more :x
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mysicklove · 1 year
thots on kitty!bakugou getting his nipples played with for the first time? feels so good it scares him, i bet. good enough to break down his sense of pride to beg for you to get your wrap? hehe
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Pairing: Sub! Bottom! Cat Hybrid! Bakugou x Dom! Top! AFAB! Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Pegging, HEAVY nipple play, anal play, mention of collar, katsuki swears in like every sentence, nickname "kitty", hints of sadistic reader, pain/pleasure play ig.
A/N: I kinda changed it up just a tad anon im sorry lol. but i loved this idea so much i had to turn it into a fic. damn another fic that is not a kinktober one, ughhh
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Your kitty has a very sensitive chest. Of course, Bakugou would never tell you this. You have a problem with bullying him a little bit, poking fun at him until he hisses at you, or teasing his body until he cries from frustration. Telling you about his nipples is a one-way ticket to mewling under you. He's not taking that ride.
So he hides it. Relatively well too; he tries his best not to press his ears back and whimper when you accidentally graze one of the buds. Instead, moving your hand away from his chest either up to his collar or beneath his pants.
You never suspected a thing. Just how Katsuki like it.
"Kitty, I'm home!" You chirp, opening the front door with a small content smile on your face. Katsuki peers up at you from the couch where he was napping, a frown plastered on his face.
"Why did you take so fucking long?" He complains, automatically getting up from the couch, and making his way over to you. He leans slightly leans down, and your hand reaches up to pet him. His ears twitch and he lets a gruff sigh at the feeling of your fingers.
"Sorry, Kats. There was a car accident on the way home. Traffic was bad. But anyways, how are you?"
He pulls away from you before he starts purring, his pride getting the better of him. "Fine. Dinner is getting cold."
He walks away toward the kitchen before you can respond, fixing you a plate while you sigh and slump against the dinner table chair. He sits down next to you, and you thank him. He lets out a grunt in response. The best you'll get out of him.
Dinner goes down relatively quietly. Katsuki isn't much of a talker, and you were tired from the day. You needed a little bit of energy before holding a conversation between you too.
"Want to do it tonight," He says finally breaking the comforting silence. 
You pause, looking up with a raised eyebrow. He doesn't make eye contact with you, but his cheeks are slightly pink. He tries to act all bold, but both of you know he always is so embarrassed to suggest these things. A prime subject to tease. "Do what?"
His ears fall back and he glares at you. "You know what."
You balance your head on your hand. "Hm?"
"Want to...Fuck." He sighs, staring at his bowl with bared teeth.
"You want me to fuck you?" You say, now grinning at him.
Katsuki dramatically stands up from the table, his face now blooming red. He leaves the bowl on the table, and his tail sways behind him. 
"Never mind. I'm going to bed."
You are up in an instant, chasing after him before he gets too far. Without really thinking much of it, you reach out from behind him and grab his chest, pulling his back against your front.
Katsuki doesn't have time to hide himself. He feels your hands grip accidentally grip his nipple, and he whimpers. Loud and shakily, while his eyes furrow to process the overbearing feeling.
The two of you freeze, both with wide eyes. He doesn't dare to move, afraid of what you'll say.
You loosen your grip slightly on his chest, and he lets out a breath of relief. But you don't dare to let him go, now intrigued. Slowly, your hands begin to run over his chest, taking notice of the way his breath hitches when you hit his nipples.
Your face curls with a feral grin, happy to find something new about your pet. "Oh, Kats. You didn't tell me you were so sensitive here."
His ears are pinned to his head, and he gulps. "Fuck you. 'm not"
You gently pinch his right nipple and his eyes widen, a broken whine falling from his lips. "Hmm? You sure, love?"
"Don't do that!" He pleads as he shrinks away from your fingers and into your chest, afraid you'll pinch him again.
You press a kiss to his neck in apology. Then you grab his hand and lead him into the bedroom. "Let's go fulfill your request, yeah kitty?"
He stares at the hand and then you, nervously. He knows you are going to abuse him, and he's not sure if he can take it, but on the other hand, he really wants to be fucked.
He's willing to take the risk. "Alright."
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You know too much. Another thing to hold above his head. How is he ever going to escape your cruel hands if his body is so complaint with them?
"Fuck you! S-Stop! The teeth."
Your mouth has made his way to his chest in a matter of minutes of the two of you being in the bedroom. He is laying limp against the mattress, and your finger is moving in and out of his hole, prepping him for later.
But your current fixation was seeing how far he can go with his tits solely. You are still working on the intensity, and seeming to how Katsuki is dripping tears, it's probably too much for him. Your teeth barely even grazed him. "My fault. Didn't mean to, shhh don’t cry kitty."
He clenches his teeth together and the back of his arm covers his face, embarrassed about the tears You begin kitten licking the nipple and he sniffles, being okay with this sort of pressure.
Gently, you reassure yourself and your fingers continue their prodding. He has already taken two of them, and now you are scissoring the hole. He was taking them well, moaning gently under you with no complaint.
You gently begin to to suck, and the cat let's out a shaky moan. Not a whimper or a cry, a better sign. Your other hand travels to his other side and you gently travel circles around the pink nub. His back arches slightly and his mouth opens.
“There ya go. See we did it Kats. Doesn't hurt so bad now, hmm?”
He gulps, slightly gripping onto the sheets from the prodding sensation and your antics on his chest. It's overwhelming him, and he is struggling to bite back moans. “Dumbass. Just be gentle.” His voice doesn't hold a bite, instead it's higher in pitch and shaky.
Cute. But he always was, unitentionally of course. His pride is to big to try to act cute sole for you (even if you begged him multiple times).
He keens when you press your fingers onto his prostate, clenching his teeth with his ears pressed against the top of his head. You immediately distract him from the sensation by gently sucking his nipple.
His eyes fling open in an instant, and he choking out moans. "Not at the same time!"
You ignore his pleads, and switch to the other side. He grabs the back of your head and grips onto it desperately. The feeling makes you wince, but you don't stop your movements.
Eventually when it gets too much for the cat, he forces you away from his chest. You glance at him, slightly peeved, but your eyes widen at the sight.
Tears are streaming down his face, and he's trembling. His ears are pressed flat upon his head, and drool slightly drips from the corner of his lips. He is shaking his head at you, slowly but full of emotions. "No more. No more. 's too much. Just fuck me already!"
You peer down at his chest to see both of the nubs swollen and throbbing. You have abused them for too long, and it almost made you feel bad. Your poor kitty didn't deserve this, but alas, his wet teary eyes made it worth it. You couldn’t help but bully him if he looked so cute.
But, you take pity on him, and grab the strap, lubing it up, along with his entrance. He bites back a whimper at the coolness, but you force it out when you press a kiss to his thighs.
You pull your fingers out and he lets out an obviously displeased noise, trying to follow the digits. "So needy," You coo, and he scoffs, rolling his eyes, but blushing.
Then you line the toy up to his hole, and his ear twitch. He gulps and stares at the silicon, trying to contain his excitement. You begin to press it in, and he sighs, closing his eyes.
Slowly, you bottom out, and the cat lets out a breathy moan. A finger travels up to his chest again, and he jumps when you drag it over again. "Not—Not again."
You lean forward, now completely above him, waiting for him to adjust to the length. You circle the bud and kiss his cheek when he whines out. "Cant' help myself. You're so cute, Kats."
"F-Fuck you! Stop teasing me," He warbles, his eyes hazy and lips wet from his own saliva.
You begin your movements and he clings onto you. His mouth flies open, exposing his pointed canines that you are so fond of. "Such a cute kitty with such an adorable, sensitive body. I'm so spoiled."
He shakes his head, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Just shut up, and fuck me!"
You giggle into his neck, and pinch one of his nipples. His whole body jerks and whines, loud and pathetic. He trembles under you and glares at you, which doesn't look threatening at all considering they are wet from tears. "Be nice Katsuki."
He doesn't say anything, afraid you'll pinch him again. Instead, he nods his head and wraps his legs around your hips, silently signaling he wants more and quickly.
You abide his wishes and quicken your pace, and he mewls out, latching his mouth onto your shoulder. You grin at him and kiss the side of his head, mumbling words of encouragement.
His grinds himself on the strap, and his eyes roll at the feeling of his throbbing cock rubbing against your stomach. Mixed with earlier teasing, he felt like he was already close to cumming. He grips onto you and begins to beg for you to go faster.
But much to his dismay, you don't listen to him. Instead, you purr in his ear, "Katsuki~"
He clenches his teeth at the thrust, but whines at your words. Something bad was coming, he could tell. "Hmm?"
"Touch yourself."
He doesn't hesitate to reach down and begin stroking himself off, but you catch his wrist with the first stroke. He gulps and glances at you hesitantly.
You stare at him, smiling softly. Then, you lean forward and press your lips to his ears. "Your nipples, silly."
Your pace hasn't slowed and he can barely process your words, but the way you drag his fingers back to his chest lets him know exactly what you want.
He shakes his head furiously, clinging onto you. "Nooooooooo. Fuck, they hurt!"
You balance yourself on you forearm above him, and use your other to thumb over one of the buds. He moans, slightly arching his back. "They won't. See? Gotta be gentle, love."
He looks up at you with a pout and teary eyes, but nods hesitantly. His hands travel down to his chest, and he uses both hands to trace circles on them. The blonde whimpers out, shutting his eyes to try to manage the strange mix of pain and pleasure.
You finally quicken your pace, and Bakugou groans, not knowing what to with his body. He feels the sticky feeling of pre cum leaking on his abdomen, but his hands are too busy to wipe it away.
"m gonna cum."
"Are you asking for permission?"
He wasn't, and the both of you knew that. "Y-Yeah."
You smile at him, pressing a kiss to his tear stained lips. "As long as you touch your nipples through it all."
He wants to protest, already feeling overstimulated from both of the intense pleasures, but he also wants to cum. So, he nods with a sniffle. You rub you fingers over his twitching ears, and he leans into the warmth.
The pressure begins to build up, and hes now gently flicking his nipples. Hes withering from his own ministrations, and the ruthless pace of your strap isn't helping at all. Every breath is a moan, or a whine, and he shivering. "Fuck. Fuck. Im cumming. I can't!"
"Go ahead, kitty."
His whole body contracts, and his eyes screw shut. It tears viciously through him, and he's crying out. Its loud, high in pitched, but cute.
His hands clench up on his nipples, so you lean down and press your mouth to one. His shaky hands find the back of your hand and he curses, back now arching completely off the sheets.
Cum leaks onto his stomach, and some onto yours. His tail goes pin straight, and his ears are pinned to his head.
His high lasts longer than usual, about thirty seconds, and by the end of it his clinging onto you desperately while you coo at him.
When he comes down from his orgasm, he is heaving, trying to catch his breath again. You gently pull out during this time and he lets out a small gasp, but other than that doesn't complain. He falls limp against the bed, his body sweaty and flushed.
You take off the strap and begin to wipe him down with a washcloth, humming softly in your work. You are careful to leave his nipples alone, knowing hell prob freak out if you even graze them now. They are puffy and red, and most likely throbbing.
"You with me Katsuki?" You say, glancing hesitantly at him, almost feeling bad about his chest.
"Yeah, I'm here, you brat."
You laugh gently, glad your cat is back to his usual antics. "Ironic," You tease, grinning at him.
He doesn't find it funny. "Hey fuck you. I listened well today! Even after you tried torturing me." The last part comes out as a mumble, pouting into his pillow.
Your eyes whole a sadistic glaze to them, and he gulps, wondering what you are going to say next. "If you think thats torture, oh kitty, what do you think we buy you some nipple clamps?"
He throws a pillow at you and hisses before you could finish your next thought.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— happy home day + eijirou kirishima.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — exactly one a year after adopting from the pound, kirishima plans a special surprise for you, his special little puppy hybrid, on their birthday.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, smut, fluff, hybrids, lingerie, collars, creampies, dumbification, possessiveness, pet-names, body-worship, orgasm-denial, dom-sub, unprotected sex, praise!kink, daddy!kink, breeding!kink, afab!reader, puppy hybrid!reader, pro hero + owner!kirishima.
⭑ words — 4.3K.
⭑ notes — hi !!! i wanted to post something so had you guys vote on what you wanted to see next. the winner ended up being kirishima <3! this was a birthday fic commissioned by my baby @eijirhoe ( who has given me permission to post ) and was beta read by the lovely @vagabondings!! i hope you enjoy !! kiss kiss - m.list ✩
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“for fucks sake, kirishima, that is not a fuckin’ guard dog.” 
only katsuki bakugou could be this miserable in an adoption centre for adorable hybrids— kittens, bunnies, mice and puppies alike. the redhead gives the employee standing nearby an apologetic mix between a smile and a grimace, the poor thing shaking in their boots at the proximity of the dynamight.
“katsuki, don’t yell. you’ll scare the ‘lil thing,” he pouts, sticking his fingers through the wire bars on the cage— coaxing the little hybrid inside closer. “and i thought you said german shepherds made great guards!” kirishima wiggles his digits again, pursing his lips to make those kissy sounds that are usually used to call to cats and crouches down to the height of the enclosure. 
bakugou smacks him upside the head but takes a stance beside his rioting hero friend before signing dejectedly. “wrong sound idiot, you’re meant to whistle,” the two strong, and surely intimidating men spare a glance at the cowering hybrid as katsuki whistles in an attempt to gain some trust. “and they usually do, but this one looks like they might shit themselves if someone looks at them funny. not a guard dog.”  
“but bakugou—“ 
“i hate to interrupt, mister riot. mister dynamight.” the employee from earlier steps in, steeling her nerves as she gestures to the cage the puppy hybrid is in. “but if this one doesn’t get adopted soon, i’m afraid they’re going to be put down. we don’t have the space for slightly quieter and apprehensive hybrids like them, no one really wants them if they’re not overly friendly or energetic and…if they do it’s usually for the like…” 
“hybrid farms,” bakugou finishes for the kid, his voice thick with disgust. “just shut one of those down the other day. awful fuckin’ places.” 
kirishima pouts again, peering into your cage— noting the gloss in your big pretty eyes and how you shrink in on yourself, tail pinned to the ground without the happy swish to it that other puppy hybrids in the centre have. “so…” he can’t imagine what you’ve been through, what you’ve seen to have ended up here. “if they don’t get adopted today, they’ll be put down? isn’t there any other way? that hardly seems fair.”
“to us it’s a little more humane than ending up at a hybrid farm or those indecent love hotels exclusively for sex with hybrids…” the employee trails off again, nervously fidgeting with their fingers. in the distance, a bell chimes with the notification of more customers— a mother and her child, probably looking to adopt one of the younger, nosier hybrids for their family. “if you’ll excuse me…” 
“i’ll take ‘em!” red riot blurts without even thinking, the employee not having taken two steps away from him and his angry blonde friend who looks at him like he’s gone bat-shit crazy. “this is their only chance, right? i have to do something, they don’t deserve to go out like this.” the blonde closes his mouth, holding his protests thoughtfully. 
he’s right. kirishima is right, his kind soul always is. “ai’ght, fine. but don’t expect me to train that thing, they ain’t nowhere near close t’bein’ a guard dog.” bakugou grunts, folding his arms across his broad chest with a faux look of dismay— not admitting how impressed he is with eijirou. 
eijirou kirishima has a heart of gold, he’s always been like that— putting others before himself because he believes in them. he takes in strays, builds up their strength and their confidence, letting them know that he’ll always be the sturdy figure they can fall back on in times of need. katsuki was one of those strays, an unwanted dog just like you. he’d bared his fangs to the sweet redhead in fear of letting in someone that would hurt him, but as it turns out, becoming friends with someone as selfless as kirishima was just what katsuki needed.
the employee sighs, shoulders sagging with relief as they glance between the two pro heroes. “should i be getting the adoption papers then?”
with an enthusiastic nod, red riot peers back at you with affectionate eyes and a smile you can trust— one that only widens when you bump your head against his fingers over the bars of your pen and let the tips of them just brush your lush puppy dog ears. “yes please,” he says warmly, his gaze never leaving you. “don’t you worry about a thing little one, it’s you and me now, got it?” 
and for the first time in forever, your tail wags happily, and you don’t feel worried at all.
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being adopted by eijirou kirishima most probably saved your life. 
he’d been eager to get you out of that shelter, with the promise of a better life written against his lips and lost under his tongue as he babbled about your new home and how excited he was to have a puppy hybrid of his own. a timid, sweet faced and jumpy german-shepherd hybrid nothing like their breed— with big eyes, a set of pointed and twitchy puppy dog ears and a tail that stays pinned to the ground with nervousness. there’s a lot for him to undo, a lot of trust to build up.
kirishima was patient when introducing you to his home that only big time pro hero money could buy— he let you sniff out the place, scenting areas that made you feel safe even having his comforting, large presence right beside you was enough to make your ears perk up and heightened senses go wild. he let you pick out the biggest spare room in the house and had even felt sad for you when you stated that you’d never had your own before. 
“with me, i’ll make sure you have everything you want ‘n more, kay pup? things will never go back to the way they were for you.” the red head swore to you, crossing his heart — that was the first time you’d ever felt love like that. 
the two of you quickly fall into an easy routine; kirishima would leave for work in the mornings after making sure he’d set out the perfect meal a growing pup, like you, would need— using all sorts of kibble that his explosive friend katsuki had recommended. occasionally he’d spoil you with pieces of turkey bacon that he knew you weren’t allowed to have, but what was the harm in spoiling someone who hadn’t experienced luxury before? plus he liked the way your German shepherd tail would wag and your pupils would dilate at the sight of the meaty meal. 
eijirou made sure you had all the toys possible to play with while he was away for work— you didn’t like sitters and nearly chewed out the last one katsuki had recommended for a nervous puppy such as yourself. you didn’t like her scent and how it had gotten all over your owner. you preferred to be alone, surrounded by the pinewood and musky husk the redhead would leave behind. and, by the time he came home from being red riot, you’d be sitting right by the door with big bambi eyes to welcome him home, the little bell on your store-bought collar jingling as you rush to meet kirishima at eight pm sharp each day.
though you’re pampered with treats and pretty things and ear scratches 24/7– kirishima does have you trained by that awful bakugou. you’re by no means a guard dog, despite what your hybrid breed might indicate— but you’re disciplined with house rules and how to sit and act properly. bakugou is mean and he snarls at you from time to time, but the praise and kisses you get from your darling and sweet red haired owner make the training completely worth it. 
nowadays, katsuki doesn’t even question when you scamper onto the couch or perch yourself on eijirou’s lap whenever they have their boys nights to watch the hero rankings live. “pampered fuckin’ pooch,” is all he grunts from over his can of beer. 
“hey,” eijirou will huff, his hands on the fat of your waist or twirling through your fluffy brown and black tail. “don’t be mean, katsuki. they don’t know any better.” 
even with all that house training— you still sneak into his bed when being on your own gets too much. his warmth calms you, and eijirou doesn’t seem to mind the brush of your thick and soft tail against his thighs in the morning. “pup, you’re not s’pposed to be on the bed,” he’d tried to scold you the first time it happened, he really did, but your ears lay flat against your skull and you gave him those eyes and kirishima was quick to dive in next to you— asking you what was wrong. “nightmares huh? of the pound? well, those can’t be very nice. maybe you should share a bed with me tonight. one night won’t hurt, will it?” 
except one night, becomes every single night.
repeatedly, each night, eijirou scoops you up into his flexing, toned arms and carries you to his room instead of your own— tucks you under his weighted duvets not yours, and swamps you with his body heat. he runs like a furnace during the later hours, not that you mind, it’s nice to be close to him. to feel adored like that.
yourself and kirishima are touchier than most hybrid-owner pairs, you’ve noticed. bakugou thinks it’s because you have a clingy-attachment style, the red head because you’ve been deprived of the affection that most pups deserve. he goes beyond headpats and chin scratches, and the ones that itch right behind your floppy fluffy ears. kirishima keeps a hand on the slope of your waist when he takes you for walks on sunny days, he holds your hand instead of your leash most of the time and his lips linger against your forehead a little longer than normal for a hybrid that’s just a housepet. 
you think it’s normal at least, you’ve never been cared for like this and having eijirou’s attention some, if not all, of the time feels like a dream come true. you know that he loves you when actions of endearment become more passionate— when innocent cheek kisses become sloppier lip-locks and when hugs turn into desperate attempts to grab at your flesh, also when your heat cycles become less about finding a mate and more about begging kirishima to ravage  you against the nearest surface, soothing the instinctual ache in your bones and lower tummy. 
he loved you, and you loved him— and you knew that you owed it all to kirishima for the better life he gave you. taking a chance on a shy little puppy hybrid at risk of being put down.
taking a chance on you.
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“angel, ‘m home!”
the rustling of brown paper bags, heavy foot-steps and keys jingling in the front door make your puppy dog ears twitch and you perk up from your place deeper in the house at the sound of kirishima coming home from a long day’s work. you scramble up to meet him half-way into the kitchen, tail swishing a mile a minute behind you, nose wriggling in anticipation. “e-eji!” you breathe, fingers itching to reach out and touch him. “you’re back!”
you’re so cute, so loyal that it warms the pro hero right down to his core. kirishima nods once, giving you the go ahead to latch onto him since you’d waited so patiently and lets out a small chuckle as you tuck yourself into his side. “i always come back, don’t i?” setting the bags on the marble island, he frees up a hand to brush over your head softly, using a knuckle to rub behind your ear. “have you been good, baby?” moving to cup your cheeks next, he presses a gentle smooch to the tip of your nose. “‘course you have, you’re always good f’me…but, i gotta know— did ya miss me?”
“i always miss you,” you say a little too quickly, nuzzling into the palm of red riot’s large hand, tail wagging even faster. “can i…can i have a kiss, eiji? please.”
for a moment, a primal look flashes through the hero’s eyes before being replaced with something softer, something that mirrors the smile he gives you. “only ‘cause you asked so nicely, baby,” he says playfully, sliding his hands from your face down to your waist and tugging you nice and close, your hips flush against one another. “c’mere puppy, gimme some sugar, hm?” your body can’t help but bristle, keening into kirishima’s touch as he subtly lowers his voice and guides you into following his command.
you stand on your tiptoes without even realising it, tilting your head upwards as kirishima coaxes your mouth open with his mellow moving tongue—sighing sweetly against your lips until he’s captured them properly in a slow kiss, not giving you too much but pouring enough words into it to let you know how much he cares for you. he pulls away so things don’t too heated, but still keeps his hands on you before you can whine in protest. 
“what’s that?” you ask softly, cocking your head to the side when you notice the bags behind him.
“oh those? well,” kirishima swoops down to your height, nipping your nose with pointed teeth— only serving to make it scrunch up adorably. “i heard it was a certain pup’s birthday today…and it also happens to be the one year anniversary of their adoption. so i got ‘em a lil’ somethin’ to celebrate.”
he lives for the way you smile, almost dies at how your eyes sparkle. “c-can i open it eji?”
“not all of it, pumpkin,” eijirou briefly lets you go and you really do whimper this time, knowing better than to claw at him to stay when you know he’ll be right back. the burly redhead turns to grab a perfectly wrapped package from within the brown paper bag and passes it to you with an eager grin. “go put this on f’me, will you baby? then meet me in the living room once you’re done, for the rest of your present, kay?”
“okay! i’ll be quick!” you practically squeal, vibrating in your place.
“good pup, i’ll be waitin’,” he turns you around with a grip that's barely there, handling you as if you’ll break with too much force and patting you on the bum softly as you go. 
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by the time you return to the living room, it’s been completely transformed. 
the lighting is dimmed, a ruby glow filtering through and the soft hum of your favourite song reverberates against the walls and high ceilings. kirishima seems to be fixing a box on the coffee table by the couch before he notices you, a slick and sexy grin tugging at the corners of his lips as you approach him. “there’s my pretty puppy,” he rasps lowly, sending a shiver from the tips of your ears right down to your toes. “god, i think i made the right choice pickin’ that cute lil’ number out for ya, looks so good on you, hun.”
heat pulses under your skin like buzzing kinetic energy, making you tuck the swell of your cheek into your shoulder bashfully, fluffy ears flattening against your skull. “you think so?” said number is a darling little babydoll dress, made of black silk and red lace lace accents that tickle the backs of your thighs with hearts embroidered at the chest.
“it looks perfect on you baby, you’re breathtakin’,” kirishima tells you earnestly, holding his hand out for you to hold— which you take shyly. “c’mere, twirl f’me? wanna see all of you. show off for me, cutie.” every single one of his compliments has your tail swaying from side to side and blood rushing to your brain, making you dizzier than the cute little spins you do for him while the pro hero sinks into the couch to watch you.
he leans back, thighs spreading wide— and you have to fight the urge to drop your gaze between them. “that’s it pretty thing, my puppy’s such a fuckin’ stunner.” kirishima swallows thickly, ruby glossed eyes darkening with desire. “come t’daddy pup, wanna give you your other gift.” 
you quickly shift to stand between his spread legs, quivering like you’re cold has large and rough hands swallow your waist and bunch your night dress up at your hips. he presses sloppy kisses to the softness of your tummy over the material. 
“sit.” he commands simply, tugging on your hips to pull you down with him
“yes daddy,” your breathing is ragged as you sink into kirishima’s lap, thighs apart so that you can straddle him properly.  you wonder if he can hear your heart racing from its place in your chest— your heightened hybrid senses can already pick up on his, kirishima’s pulse sky-rocketing now that you’re on top of him. “c-can i have my gift now?”
his calloused hand pushes the black silk up and over the curve of your ass, red riot digging into the fat of it to rock you back and forth over is hardening girth. “r’member your manners, puppy. yer s’pposed to ask daddy nicely.” nonetheless, he relents and snatches up the box on the coffee table— handing it to you to unravel. “open it up, baby.”
excitedly, you tear through the daintily wrapped package, revealing a red patent leather collar—decorated with red and black bows, and a heart shaped tag with the letters ‘EK’ inscribed into it. collaring was a big deal in the hybrid community, it meant a permanent mark, belonging to someone, being in love.
“let me put it on you,” eijirou simpers, readily slipping the leather around your neck and sliding two fingers underneath it to tug your lips up to his. “i love you, pup.” he confesses, licking into your mouth hungrily and grinding up into your dripping heat.
it’s embarrassing how wet you’ve gotten and so fast, dumbly following him to the forest fire of lust, sucking on his tongue like a parched puppy lapping at the first drink it can get. hybrids slick up faster when aroused and kirishima turns you on like no other— somehow finding your panty covered clit between your salacious bump and grind. 
slumping against his beefy chest, your nails dig deep into his shoulders and whistle tone dog squeaks bubble up on the swell of your lips each time eijirou swipes the pad of his thumb over your swelling pleasures nub, encouraging your juices to gush over his hard on—glueing you both together by strings your arousal.
“i love you too…p-please e-eiji!” the air in the room feels heavier, tainted with the lust that clouds your logical thought. in fact, you can’t even think right with the way your owner toys with you.  he drools against your puppy tongue, curses into your heated mouth all while you’re riding his fingers like your life depends on it, kirishima pinching at your sticky clit just to hear more of your needy whines. “p-please daddy,”
the hand that once sat lightly against your neck now trails over each dip and curve of your body, barely brushing over your nipples or digging into the meat of your ass and thighs. “you look so fuckin’ good in the things i buy you, hun, drive me fuckin’ insane,” kirishima fights back a moan, cock twitching against your ass, desperate to be inside of you. “so beautiful in that lil’ dress, with my name around your neck. fuck… ‘m so lucky. my pup, daddy’s sexy fuckin’ puppy.” he rambles and praises you all at once, giving you whiplash, making you clench and ooze sweetly around nothing.
you’re sure that the redhead is almost as brainless and as fucked out as you are just from dry humping his darling little pup… but through his own grunts and groans, hips wildly bucking up to meet yours— kirishima still manages to dominate you, make you feel like you don’t even have to think around him. “you want me, pup, is that it? want me to fuck you?” he hums huskily against the shell of your ear, pinging your collar against your neck when you nod your head yes wordlessly. “gotta—fuck— gotta use your words f’daddy, c’mon now, you know that.”
“y-yes daddy, want you. badly.” you slur, and suddenly, your world tilts on its axis. your back hits the sofa with a bounce and you're pinned against it by the weight of your owner above you, your knees being pushed into your shoulders.
“a-always such a good…obedient lil thing f’me,” eijirou groans at the sight of you beneath him. “so perfect, ‘m so lucky t’have such a beautiful puppy all to myself, shit!” your silk baby doll gathers at your hips, soaked panties tucked to the side and your glistening, pulsing mound on display like an attraction made just for him. he wastes no time in yanking down his sweats and boxers in one go— revealing his bright red and angry dick, covered in a thick layer of gooey white precum. all for you. kirishima slaps the length of himself against your slit once, twice before his forehead falls against yours. 
“p-put it in eiji, c-can’t wait daddy…”
even though your cute little sex makes him a wreck, eijirou still manages to hold control over you— teasing you as he forces his fat tip past your tiny, creamy entrance. “so impatient, cutie, i should make you say please… but fuck, i need you so bad right now. might not last long…”
the pair of you let out strained moans as kirishima pushes in and he reaches the hilt—your sweaty bodies flush against one another, both of you covered in layers of each other’s arousal. your pussy flutters at being filled up so fast, clinging onto the pretty blue veins that spiral around his chubby, swollen cock— a low whine rumbles in your chest as the redhead sets a rough stream to his thrusts, milky cockhead brushing against each pulse point on your sensitive walls. 
it’s almost like you’re being knotted, squelching as kirishima tries to pull out of your snug sex that grips him selfishly. all the while, he pounds you to hell and back. you're so full, you’re a slobbering mess already teetering on the edge of insanity. red riot leans over you, washboard abs pressed against the backs of your thighs to force you down into the creaky couch— each time he withdraws from your messy and wet walls, your ears fall back and your tail thumps hard against the cushions, coated in your viscous nectar.
“fuck, this puppycunt sounds so dirty, gorgeous…feels like fuckin’ heaven,” he whispers to you, words damp on your cupid’s bow. “my perfect puppy, a dumb lil’doggy on my cock…s’such a fuckin’ dream.” your brain empties, becomes a void that’s filled with only eijirou kirishima and the way he fucks you deep, hits every spot, touches your body like a man worshipping a higher power. “‘m so lucky baby, really am.”
your collar jingles, the pendant with his name on it bouncing every time kirishima’s cock bullies its way into your gooey insides until they give into him. you’re the lucky one, you think— lucky to be loved like this, to have been rescued from the pound and pinned down on a dick that aches to be inside you, wrapping around his pulsing length to the point where you’re practically milking him already.
“d-daddy!” you hiccup, big fat tears clumping in your lashes, your face a beautiful mess to the man above you. “i can’t…”
the pro hero reaches down between your bodies, close to cumming just from listening to you howl over the sounds of skin slapping on skin, and tugs at your soft slick tail—stroking it until your pussy quivers and gushes around him, painting your babydoll dress and his half rolled down sweats with a fresh wave of your essence. every time he pets the fluffy appendage, you get wetter and wetter, tighter and tighter and your moans loud enough to wake the neighbours. 
heavy hips rock into you, even heavier balls clap creamily against your fleshy ass and kirishima lets his head drop to your neck—biting and sucking possessively at exposed skin just above where your collar lies. “yes you fuckin’ can, your daddy’s good pup right?” he slurs hungrily, writing his claim against your throat. “when you get close, hold it f’daddy, be obedient ‘n you’ll get your reward.”
you feel like everything’s on fire, every nerve ending in your body buzzing with anticipation— the knot in your stomach seconds away from unwinding. “b-but daddy—!”
“hold it.” eijirou warns sternly, though his breath stutters— every instinct that he has threatening to breed you up full with a load of his hot cum. “h-hold it, hon,” you sob at the pain and pleasure of holding off, thighs twitching, tail hitting the couch hard and puppy ears flopping over your face. you’re so adorable like this, jolting up the piece of furniture as the redhead languidly canters into you. he finally breaks when you let out a weak cry of his name, his first spurts of cum pouring into you. “f-fuck, let go for me puppy, make a mess on daddy’s cock—shit, thats it. so good, all over me, wanna see you cummin’ with me…”
white hot ropes of seed paint your insides just as your eyes roll back into your skull. he feels so warm, coating your insides with a layer of his cum as if to claim you from the inside out. there’s so much of it that oozes out of your entrance thickly, like a running tap of honey  that ruins your pussy lips with opaque white—triggering your own orgasm. kirishima holds you close, whispers sweet nothings into your ear as your release crashes over you, rocking your world while your juices splatter out against his pelvis and all over your cute little gown in clear streams.
“happy birthday, beautiful,” the redhead mumbles to you sweetly, kissing his initials on your pendant and right up to your lips. “i love you.”
“t-thank you eiji,” you whisper back— a sleepy, full and content puppy. “i love you too.”
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officialabortive · 1 year
wolf hybrid!Bakugou x reader
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You'd just finished running errands, grocery bags in hand as you approached the door to your apartment. You breathed a sigh of exasperation as you inserted a bronze key into the lock, knowing your (not so) little wolf hybrid was going to be in a mood.
He was expecting to tag along on your short outing, but to his annoyance you'd told him to stay behind. You gave him the excuse of 'needing him to guard the house' but the truth was you would be passing a certain convenience store that had a shop cat. Whenever bakugou laid eyes on the cat sitting on the checkout counter from through the window, he would try to fight the poor thing. You always had to pull the growling blond away from the window by his collar, the commotion causing the spooked tabby to scamper away down the snack aisle. All this under the guise of "the fucker needed to be knocked down a peg."
You kick the door back closed from behind. The muffled audio of the tv could be heard ringing throughout the house. Katsuki only watched cooking shows or the nature channel. When it came to the latter, he would occasionally lower himself into a hunting position. As if he was about to strike on the group of bouncing gazelles on screen. It really was quite endearing to watch.
You noticed how Katsuki didn't acknowledge your presence when you walked by. He's pouting, giving you the cold shoulder, all because you didn't take him out with you. He's such a big puppy.
After placing the groceries on the countertop, you rummage around in the bags untill you pulled out a box. Grabbing a couple of its contents to set on the counter, you placed the box and other items in the cobbord before wandering into the livingroom.
Katsuki still refused to look at you, not even spairing a glance. Bright red eyes remaining glued to the pixilated rabbits on the wide screen. But his ears still turned toward you, always listening.
"I'm sorry I couldn't take you outside with me"
It was hard not to crack a grin at his huff
"I promise I'll take you on a walk tomorrow" plopping yourself onto the cushion next to him
He rumbled a low growl, lip curled to reveal a couple teeth to show he was less than satisfied with your answers.
"Here, I got you something"
He finally turned his head to see your hand held out, a cookie rested on your palm. Katsuki quirked a brow at you.
You know he's not really into sweet shit. So the hell is this?
Nevertheless he leaned down to sniff it. It smells... good? Grabbing with his teeth, he takes it into his mouth and it's gone with one chomp.
His tail immediately comes to life, repeatedly colliding with the throw pillows. The thumping of his tail louder than the tv. His gaze is back on you to see your already holding out another. This time he takes it with such haste that he nearly bites your fingers.
Patting him on the head and rubbing his fuzzy ears you get up "I'll go grab some more"
You smile to yourself, not daring to laugh because he would surely hear you, while opening the cabinet. Pulling out the box that reads:
25 pack
Doggy Biscuits
Bacon flavor
You bought these as a joke. Who knew your big bad wolf, Katsuki bakugou, would like dog treats
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zazter-den · 1 year
Cat Bath
Minors Do Not Interact
(Edit)Common Scents Series: Cat Bath, Sweet Tooth.
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Synopsis- Barista!Reader comes home smelling like her new coworker Izuku, TigerHybrid!Bakugou decides a bath is in order.
Warnings- Yandere, Dubcon, Feline Anatomy, Choking, Light Knifeplay Claw play, Degradation.
Tags-Aged up(obviously), Hybrid AU, Tiger!Bakugou, Dom!Bakugou, Afab!reader, Sub!Reader. Bath Play, Scentmarking, Creampie.
Word Count- 2K words.
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With a low, guttural growl, Bakugou's tail began to sway and twitch behind him. The long, thick appendage moved with a powerful feline grace befitting a regal tiger hybrid.
As Bakugou's sharp gaze fell upon you, he took a step closer with a threatening aura enveloping him. His orange and black swirled ears were flat against his blonde locks. His chiseled jaw clenched tightly as his raging crimson eyes seem to pierce through your soul. There's no doubt that his presence alone could send chills down anyone's spine.
Bakugou's voice dripped with anger as he sneered "Who the fuck touched you, huh? Just let anyone lay their hands on you?" His tone filled with venomous jealousy, his possessiveness over you shining through every word.
His large hand reached out to grab your arm with an iron grip, his long black claws barely grazing your skin, for now. The intensity of his grip causes a a hitch in your breath, his dominance clear as day. "Tell me. now." Bakugou growled, his voice dangerously low. His sharp canines momentarily on display as a warning.
You swallowed hard. Oh, oh this wasn't going to be good.
His territorial jealousy seemed to consume him, and there's no doubt that he won't stop until he has an answer. The scent of pine and yuzu still lingered on your café shirt, a clear indication of the bunny hybrid coworker who had touched you.
"But... but Katsuki, Izuku didn't mean anything by it," you stammered, desperation creeping into your voice. The words coming out of your mouth sound rushed and nervous, "He grabbed my hands only to thank me for training him. It was a gesture of gratitude, nothing more."
Bakugou's grip tightened around your arm, the tip of his dark claws starting to puncture into your flesh, as he hears the name 'Izuku' leave your lips. His crimson eyes looked like smoldering embers, the mere thought of someone else touching you was enough to send a wave of fury surging through his veins. But some shitty prey hybrid holding your hand? A useless rabbit who you were already on first name basis with?
A wicked smirk curled Bakugou's lips as your punishment formed in his mind. With a sadistic glint in his eyes, he released your arm briefly, claws leaving glistening ruby dots. "If it didn't mean anythin', then I guess we'll just have to make sure ya don't reek of his stench," he said, a sinister undertone in his voice.
Not bothering to wait for a response, Bakugou snatched your hand and forcefully guided you toward the bathroom in the back of the apartment. His grip was forceful, almost bruising, as he shoved open the door and tugged you inside.
Bakugou's clothes hit the floor in a haphazard pile, revealing his intimidatingly sculpted physique. His muscular form was accentuated by the defined lines and lean muscles that traversed his body, a testament to his feral strength. His piercing ruby gaze, filled with a mix of raw desire and anger, was fixed your trembling form expectantly. Your clothes soon joined his on the cool tiled floor.
With his usual swagger, Bakugou stepped into the bathtub. His gaze fixated on you, filled with a mixture of hunger and simmering fury. The water settled over his toned body, causing droplets to glisten against his slightly tanned skin. His intimidating cock, stood fully erect and proud, its barbed girth a testament to his animalistic nature. He leaned back against the tub and spreads his legs, making his intentions clear.
With a wicked grin with far too much fang, Bakugou beckoned you towards him, his eyes daring some sort of defiance from you. His tail twitched suddenly, and you swear you almost jumped through the roof
"Get in the fuckin' tub" Bakugou growled, his voice dropping to a low, commanding tone.
As you obediently drew closer to him, Bakugou's large clawed hand shot out, gripping your wrist tightly. With a sudden, forceful motion, he pulled you onto his lap with a splash, causing the water to slosh around the tub and onto the bathroom floor.
Bakugou's grip tightened around your waist as he pulled you forcefully onto his lap, positioning your back against his chiseled chest. The feel of his muscular frame against your soft curves was both intimidating and exhilarating. You wondered if your heart beat was visible with the way it seemed to drum violently against your ribs.
With a punishing hold on your hips, Bakugou bullied his cock into you, thrusting in inch by thick inch. The sensation of being filled by his girthy length always brought a mix of pleasure and discomfort that never failed to elicit a gasp from your lips. The barbed ridges of his dick rippled against the walls of your dripping pussy, and you had to keep from instinctually clamp down on him. Black claws left angry indents on your skin as he started thrust sharply into you.
As the water sloshed and splashed, Bakugou's claws remained unyielding, his possessive hold a reminder of who you belong to. With every thrust, he watched with a predatory gaze as you writhe on his lap. The moans of pleasure being pulled from you echoing in the small space.
"I can't believe you allowed a fucking useless rabbit to touch you," Bakugou snarled in your ear, his voice filled with venom.
Bakugou growled against your neck, his hot breath tracing a path of need and possessiveness. He rubbed his scent onto your sensitive skin, his rugged scruff grazing against your jawline. With each thrust, Bakugou's movements gradually erased the lingering haze of Izuku's pine and yuzu scent from your body. His own dominant scent, a mix of warm cinnamon, earthy browned caramel, and the smoldering scent of embers, overwhelmed your senses. Seeping into your skin, claiming you as his own.
You were caught between the pleasure of Bakugou's relentless assault and your instinct to defend Izuku's friendliness. Still you tried to find your voice, no matter how shaky. "K-Katsuki," you begun to protest weakly, voice tinged with a mix of pleasure and desperation. "Izuku didn't mean any-"
In a black and orange flash, Bakugou's tail wrapped around your throat, his favorite way of shutting you up. The soft fur against your sensitive skin was a sharp contrast to the powerful grip it wielded, protests efficiently choked to a whimper.
As the pressure increased, lightly cutting off airflow, you gasped and whimpered. The minor decrease of oxygen intensified the sensations coursing through your body, making you moan in a mixture of pleasure and desperation. Each sound that escapes your lips only fed the fire burning within Bakugou, driving him to push you further, to exert his control over you completely.
"P-please" You managed to gasp out, your voice barely a whisper. The word hung in the air, almost begging for mercy, a plea to ease the intensity of his possessive onslaught. But deep down, you knew that it was a foolish request. Bakugou's selfish desires and his animalistic nature drive him, and mercy is seldom a part of that equation.
No. Forgiveness is not something Bakugou is known for. Instead, he tightened his grip on your hips, his claws freely dug into your skin, pricking the sensitive surface. His soft blonde hair, normally messy and tousled, now seemed to stand completely on end, giving him a truly feral appearance. With every wild thrust, his tail's grip on your throat tightened and slacked with the rhythm he found.
Bakugou spread his legs wider, seeking leverage as he relentlessly thrust upwards, setting a brutal pace that left you shuddering in pleasure. The sound of combined moans and the splashing of water filled the bathroom, creating an atmosphere of utter debauchery. Each forceful movement made you acutely aware of the prickly barbs that line Bakugou's endowed length, igniting intense sensations deep within your cunt. Under the violently swirling water, your toes curled against the slippery porcelain.
"Ya feel that, dumbass? That's me claiming you, marking you as mine." Bakugou's voice rasps in your ear, a mix of lust and dominance dripping from every word. “This is what you get, you pathetic little slut. You belong to me, and only me. Remember that." With his tail still wrapped firmly around your throat, His words punctuated by his forceful thrusts, each one drove deep with unforgiving vigor.
His hand snaked up your shaking thigh. His sharp obsidian claws grazed the delicate skin, leaving a trail of barely-there scratches in their wake, before reaching the apex he sought. He always knew how to handle you with terrifying precision. the pads of his fingers expertly circled your throbbing clit. The rough texture of his fingertips added a layer of friction that sent you keening.
Bakugou's touch is unapologetically rough, His fingers pinched and rubbed your clit mercilessly, combining pain and pleasure in a wicked synergy. Every grind, every pinch, brought you closer to the edge of ecstasy. With each press of his fingers, he thrusts into you with merciless ferocity.
Your body was a trembling mess in response to Bakugou's touch, the stimulation was sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. You could feel yourself beginning to succumb to the intensity of his ministrations, your walls tightening around his prickly cock. His thick length continued to impale your clenching hole, each thrust sending waves of pleasure cascading through your body.
Your orgasm hit you like a force of nature. Your eyes widened, pupils dilated with a mix of pleasure, fear, and surrender. Your grip tightened on either side of the tub, your knuckles turning white with the overwhelming sensation. The combination of Bakugou's forceful barbed thrusts, the constriction of his tail around your throat, and the merciless stimulation of your clit sent you over the edge. Your moans escaped in muffled gasps and whimpers, partially silenced by the grip of Bakugou's tail. Waves of ecstasy rippled through you, cunt walls clamped down desperately around Bakugou's cock.
Feeling your walls convulsing around him, Bakugou responded with a bestial roar that echoed off the tiled walls. With one final, forceful thrust, he buried himself deep within your quivering pussy. His body tensed, claws lacerating thin red lines on your hips. He released his cum deep inside you with the final snap of his hips, a torrent that seemed to fill you to the brim. It felt like every inch of your being was flooded with the overwhelming heat and intensity of Bakugou's climax. It was hard to catch your breathe as your cunt milked the last of the feral feline's load.
The spicy notes of cinnamon, the rich sweetness of browned caramel, and the smoky hint of embers engulfed you, overpowering any last hints of citrus and pine needles. In this moment, there was only Bakugou, claiming your body and erasing any lingering trace of competition.
Bakugou slowly loosened his tail from around your sore throat, letting it slip away like a snake releasing its prey. The furry appendage, a mesmerizing blend of orange, black, and white, flicked with an air of smug satisfaction.
As the pressure around your throat eased, your exhausted body slumped against Bakugou's sculpted chest, breath still labored. Bakugou wrapped his strong arms possessively around your spent and shaking form. He pulled you closer to him, ensuring your bodies remain connected, bond unbroken in the cooling bath water. His tail swished to-and-fro with a mixture of contentment and territoriality.
With your body now marked by his scratches and filled with his seed, you'll carry his undeniable scent, making it clear to any hybrid foolish enough to come near that you belong to him and him alone.
"You're mine. No prey filth should dare lay a finger on you." Bakugou seethed into your ear, breathless voice a dangerous low rumble as you drift off from exhaustion. “The next time this 'Deku' touches what's mine, I'm putting him in the fuckin' ground.”
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An original broke artist haiku:
Buy Me a Whiskey
Because You Want Me Tipsy
So I'll Write More Smut
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I know I've talked about bull and bear hybrid Bakugou, but has anyone ever talked about lion hybrid Bakugou???? I thought about this concept when I was still half asleep this morning but like,,,,
lion hybrid bakugou with his big ole head and even bigger mane of hair, all soft, colored like the sand you'd dig your toes into at the beach. he has a little scruff on his chin, but he never grows it out because he hates the upkeep of it.
he's always loud, growly yawns whenever you see him, his canines sharp and pointy when he opens his maw wide enough for you to peek in. he's so big and soft where it matters, lazes around all day everyday, and gets these big bursts of energy at the most random of moments. he's basically an overgrown cat basically
omg and he has this complex where he's just sooo high and mighty, like he's some king meant to be worshipped. but all you have to do is kiss his cheeks and rub a hand through his hair when he lays his big dumb head in your lap, and he's purring up a storm.
and and and lion hybrid bakugou whose tongue can feel so rough when he's feeling lazy about it, but somehow knows how to work it just right whenever he wants to lounge between your legs. gets so huffy and growly when you mumble that you can't cum anymore, just nudges your thighs a little wider with his shoulder as he nuzzles his nose against your mound. doesn't care to hear any of your complaining, because he's still eating and doesn't intend on finishing until he's ready.
omg and and lion hybrid bakugou whose favorite position is, of course, doggy style. but only because he gets to wrap your little dainty neck up in his powerful jaws and pin you there, likes how you whimper and shiver but go limp either way because you trust him with your life. he pins your arms beside your head and grunts so loud into your nape when he finally sinks his cock inside of you. he practically lays flat on top of you, just rutting his hips against your ass over and over until he knots you.
which is his favorite part because you two get to just lay there for what feel like hours, and you keep coming intermitally because he can't help but rut his hips a few more times, and hiss at the way his knot tugs at your clenching lips. sigh just lion hybrid bakugou who looks so mean and intimidating but he just loves you so much and can't get enough of you
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willowser · 1 year
oh there's something so funny about cat hybrid bakugou. even though he's wearing the grumpiest face ever, you give him a kissy on his cheeks and he starts purring. every night when he cuddles up beside you in bed, you can feel his wide hands very lightly kneading your thigh. sometimes when you're touching him too much, he can't help but bite you on the hand.
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searenbound · 5 months
I had to cut this short or I’d be unbearably horny all night while I’m working, anyways a quirk incident sounded like fun.
Warnings: stepcest/pseudocest(stepbrother/stepsister), hybrid Au, breeding kink
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
This is ridiculous
Absolutely and undeniably ridiculous
Who's even heard of such a stupid ass quirk?!
‘Makes you into a cat in heat’?!
What the actual fuck?
Though, Bakugou guesses theres worse things then this out there
At least the only danger behind this is that his sweet little brat of a stepsister wouldn't get off his dick
This was the third time that afternoon that he pulled on her fluffy tail to get her to stay still while he fucked her full of his thick cum
“You wanted this, begged me to breed your needy little cunt and you can't even hold still?”
Yeah, he talks to her like this is such a chore to do
Like he hasn't jerked off thinking about her a few times now, but whatever
Not like his thoughts could compare to the real deal anyways
“Y-you’re being mean Tsuki! I c-can’t help it! I—”
She tried to explain that her body felt everything so intensely that she couldn’t even think right let alone control herself but ended up silenced by thick fingers in her mouth
In his defense, she was being loud and he can’t risk them being heard
If someone found out they were fucking there’s no telling what kind of shit it’d get them in
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viburnt · 7 months
So hear me out! You did leopard touya and i FELL IN LOVE how about a lion or tiger bakugou tho🫢
Lion! Bakugo SFW+NSFW
Lions, kings of the jungle: known for their manes and imponent roar, basking in a reputation a bit too big for them. Lion! Bakugo boasts about his skill and power, even more than normally, that is. Adding a Lion to this blond only accentuates his egocentric behavior, but there are some new traits to discover with this hybrid.
Lion! Bakugo is all roar and no bite. He yells and curses, and pretends to be the leader, but lions (specially male ones) take care and try to provide for their prides (in this case, his clique).
Lion! Bakugo can't bear the thought of having other guys close to you. You're his partner, not some pesky pray for others to take! He keeps a close eye on who your friends are and who you are with, defending his territory. This hybrid is also very possessive; if you had a previous partner, he'll make sure to get rid of any trace of them.
Talking about territory, lions get extremely defensive with their stuff: he doesn't share. Once Lion! Bakugo starts feeling comfortable in a determined space (like an specific lunch table, library spot or your/his bedroom) he'll make sure others know that area is his as soon as he steps into the room. Oh, you wanna sit in his spot? How dare you?!
Did I mention lions are polygamous? Both sexes are. Bakugo doesn't really practice it because you're more than enough to breed and form a family, but sometimes (just sometimes) certain redhead is added to the mix. He doesn't allow you to have more partners though, female lions can only have one or two males to mate.
Mating season is intense, to say the least, Lion! Bakugo tries to breed you multiple times a day. Alone at the library? He may be bashful but he'll sit you in his lap. After training? Don't worry, he doesn't mind a bit of sweat. Are you doing homework? You could work on his cock too, right? Prone bone is his go-to position, right where he can bury his girth deep inside you while also having access to your body.
He wants to knock you up so bad.
Lion! Bakugo is also strangely affectionate towards you outside of his rut, planting chaste kisses on your face and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He is very calm and easy-going with you when you compare his behavior with others, you can even say he relaxes with you.
Going back to how this species accentuate his self centered traits, however, Lion! Bakugo is even more hated by others than normal. There's not a second where he is not talking big game about him and his strength.
He roars (unironically).
Also, one of the main predators lions have are hyenas... remember who is a hyena hybrid? Shiggy. Suits him right considering how he was kidnapped by the league.
Lion! Bakugo also has an even messier hair, a lion tail, and matching ears. His body is a bit more sturdy and even has a bit of a tummy because, well, cat pouches. He's still such a pretty thing to look at!
"Bend your legs a little more-" Bakugo growls, tightening the grip on your hips as he pulls you closer to him. You lost the count of how many times he's had his way with you that day alone, his thrusts making your legs weak.
You pant, looking at him over your shoulder. "Fuck, you're gonna give me a cub soon, I promise..." He grunts, hissing as he digs his nails onto your plush skin, painting your insides white once more.
You have to change your sheets.
Tags: @i-literally-cant-with-this @shonen-brainrot @doumadono @imagination-mess @trickster-kat @shionancientsblog
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