#cat bringing a dead mouse to my door: hi 🥰
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deviant art sexting is like fuck yeah conkrete you know? hi - 🐝
fUCK yeah. Conk Krete. god you're so fukcing right
#HI#LOVE THE HI AFTERWARDS#YOU'RE SIGNING THAT SHIT LIKE FUCKING BANKSY#cat bringing a dead mouse to my door: hi 🥰#hahaha#hello#flusterasks#🐝
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The Boys' Opinions on MC's Cat
I'm doing it!!! And the cat in question is specifically my little kitty man Beanie 🥰

Imma write how all of the Boys react to MC bringing him as her emotional support animal (and honest, after the first school year alone, they totally need one)
Who likes him, or loves him, or really really wishes they could kick this cute little asshole out of the house hehe~
So please enjoy reading and leaning about my sweet baby boy through the Boys' eyes~
But first! His history with me:
Beanie was a stray in my neighborhood who always seemed interested in me and my dog. Whenever I'd take Elsa on a walk, Beanie would sometimes follow us and occasionally lay right in front of us on the side walk just to drive my dog crazy (my dog isn't a fan of cats, something we believe is from her own time on the streets, but more on that in her own post!)
Eventually, he started coming up to our house to ask for food so we'd feed him. I even made a small house for him on my front porch to shelter him from the rain.
Eventually, it started to get cold as winter started to come and Beanie would try to sneak into our home.
My grandma, who is allergic to cats, was unsure about letting him inside at first, but as it got colder she couldn't help being okay with the sweet boy coming in "for the winter season only".
Flash forward about 4 years later and this cat is still chilling in the house with us 🥰
Beanie's other names: Beans, Baby Boy, Beanie-baby, Cat!!!! (Whenever he scratches the couch lol), The Vicious Scoundrel Unfit For Society (whenever he brings a poor dead mouse or baby bunny to the front door)
And lastly
Lord Beanards the First hehe 🥰
Oh devil, this man tried for so long to keep cats out of his house.
Cats could not truly be trained the way dogs can so he didn't want the unpredictable creatures in his house.
His brothers are chaotic enough; he didn't need this furry animal adding to it.
However, Diavolo has said this cat must be respected for legal reasons
And in truth...if any person truly needs an 'emotional support' animal (a human realm term he only now discovered), it would be the human that literally died to help his family once.
And so...he reluctantly accepts the arrogant creature into his home.
It's not always so bad; the cat sleeps more than Belphie does after all and that says a lot.
Once awake though, he is such menace.
Scratches at every couch and chair in the house
And whenever Lucifer tries lifting him up to unhook Beanie's claws from the couch, the cat makes a screeching sound more like a child opera star than an actual animal and jumps from his hands.
Despite his frustration with the cat, Beanie never seemed scared of the pride demon...
But made it his mission to see just how much he could get away with this new man.
Lucifer hides in his office more than ever
And even when his door is locked, some how the feline still finds a way inside.
How does he even do that??
(He slipped passed Luce when he stepped out to get coffee. Beanie is a little freaking ninja hehe)
Over all, does not like Beanie and prefers the cat to be outside.
Mammon is desperate for Beanie to like him.
But this dude is too loud for the cat's liking.
Plus, the greed demon has a little difficulty reading the cat's body language
And in result, has gotten bit and scratched many times.
Says he doesn't care about that 'stupid furball'
But in truth, this man's feelings are just hurt
And he keeps trying to get Beanie's approval regardless.
Despite all of this, Mammon is probably the brother most worried about Beanie going outside.
I mean yeah, the Devildom has their own stray cats, but they grew up here; those furballs were more aware of the dangers here and knew where not to wander to for the most part.
But the cat grew up a stray in the Human realm and refused to be confined so even if he tried to keep Beanie in, the sneaky boy still manages to slip out
And he's still okay so that's good at least.
Overall, likes the cat but struggles to bond with him.
Out of the room!! Go!! Shoo!
Beanie is always sneaking into his room and he hates it.
This cat jumps onto the shelves, will look Levi straight in his eyes as he gently paws at the figurines till they slid off the shelf.
And that wasn't even the worst offense!!!!
Beanie would paw at the glass tank, wanting to get to Henry the fish so badly!
Has literally tossed the cat out of his room
Just to sulk directly after, worried that he was too rough with Beanie.
You weren't! It's okay, Levi~
Overall, finds Beanie to be a nuisance, even if he is cute.
Worships this cat harder than the Ancient Egyptians did.
Loves Beanie to death and enjoys the chaos he causes.
Probably the brother Beanie bonds with the most.
This man will literally put his book down or get out of bed in the middle of the night just to give this cat the attention he screams for at night.
Practically dies from happiness every time Beanie headbutts him.
Is very hurt that Beanie won't let him carry him, but respects the cat's boundaries.
Will even help MC makes sure the cat gets the meds for his breathing issues every day.
Poor Beanie sounds like he's choking without them and it scares the blonde 😥
Overall, loves Beanie to death, even outside of the cat annoying Lucifer~
Oh my devil!! He's too precious!!!
Takes daily pictures of Beanie to post online
And doesn't miss a single day without kissing the cat's head.
Finds the shedding Beanie does to be a bit annoying and dislikes when he uses his capped lipstick as a rolly toy
But overall, thinks Beanie is an adorable little addition to the family!
However, this man is scared of cat claws so he prefers Beanie not to sit on his lap or anything like that.
Along with Satan and MC, he is one of the brothers that spends time brushing the cat to limit the shedding
And luckily, Beanie finds being brushed more or less pleasant so this becomes the two's bonding time.
Overall, loves the cat but hates his claws.
Is neither a cat or dog person, but thinks both animals can be very sweet.
Doesn't have a lot to do with Beanie unless the cat jumps to sit next to him and then he'll scratch under his chin, just as the good boy likes.
Beel knows how to pet Beanie so good that the cat starts drooling and gives him love nips, which the gluttony demon doesn't mind.
This has Satan so jealous lol
Other than that, will try to help with Beanie's meals
And discovered that cat food isn't half bad 😅🤭
He also is usually the first person to let Beanie out when he's screaming at the front door in his demanding baby voice 💕
Overall, likes the cat pretty well, but never tries crowding the little guy like Satan, Asmo, and Mammon.
Eh he's cute, I guess.
What? What else were you expecting?
Belphie does enjoy the cat's company though.
Loves when he wakes up to find Beanie in his arms or on his chest.
Honestly, this man has been looking for a new napping buddy.
Still, he prefers to let the cat come to him.
Knows that if Beanie wants his attention, the cat will not hesitate to make it very obvious.
Easily makes Mammon and Satan jealous with how much Beanie likes him and how effortless his relationship with the cat is.
Thinks those two make things more complicated than they need to be.
Just chill out and be good to the cat and the furry dude will handle the rest; it's really not that deep guys.
Overall, likes the little guy and likes having him as a nap buddy. Also loves seeing the cat drive Lucifer and Levi crazy.
Loves when little Beanie visits!
In truth, Dia is more of a dog person just like Lucifer, but is far from immune to a cat's charm.
Doesn't fully understand how to properly interact with a cat, but enjoys the process of learning
No matter how many scratches or bites he gets 😅
Beanie shows him the ropes in no time though and the two become good friends!
Diavolo is very respectful to the feline and even keeps a jar of treats in his office for the cat's visits.
Eventually buys a little cat bed and sits it on his desk in hope it will entice the furbaby into sleeping next to him as he works.
And he does!!!
The prince couldn't stop smiling the entire day~
Unfortunately (for Barb), this man finds out about catnip and covers his entire office floor with the herb
Beanie was incredibly happy; Barb however, was not 😅
MC jokes that the prince is their cat's favorite drug dealer which honestly makes Dia really happy and proud.
Barb and Luce beg this man not to repeat this joke around others, but he fails to do so.
Overall, loves Beanie incredibly so and starts a new project to help the stray cats of the Devildom.
All because of the new furry friend that constantly breaks into his office 🥰
Enjoys the cat's visits very much.
Beanie makes the butler's job much more enjoyable when he follows Barb around and keeps him company.
Only tried one time to scratch the furniture and the look in Barbatos's eyes was enough for the cat to carefully unhook himself from the thousand year old fabric of the chair and slowly back away from it.
Lucifer is almost tempted to beg the butler to show him his ways hehe.
Honestly, this cat listens to Barb to a degree that even shocks MC
'Cause like I thought you loved me, you little shit hehe
The cat is often right at the butler's heels and even when Beanie walks through the butler's legs as he walks, the man never trips.
The two are weirdly in sync and it's quite impressive to see.
He is also very, very happy when he discovers that the cat took down any mice or rats.
Beanie is a true kindred spirit indeed 🤭
Though he's not a fan of using his future vision, he occasionally does so he can look out for the cat and make sure he doesn't stray anywhere dangerous.
Overall, likes Beanie and does his part to make sure Baby Boy stays safe 🥰
Appreciates the little man and often finds him out on his nightly strolls
Sometimes he finds the poor cat in a fight with one of the Devildom's strays and gently separates them with his magick.
Has healed little bite marks on Beanie's ears so MC won't worry.
Soli is also the one who quietly cleans up the 'gifts' Beanie leaves in front of House of Lamentation so poor Asmo won't be upset in the morning.
Over all is good with the cat, but doesn't really interact or intervene unless Beanie or one of the HoL members needs him too.
Simeon & Luke:
Simeon finds the cat very sweet and enjoys watching Beanie sleep or wander around.
Luke's eyes went wide the moment he saw the black cat in HoL, but he made no move to touch or interact with him at first.
It takes a while for the child ease himself towards the rather aloof cat.
Eventually when Beanie is asleep on the couch, Luke quietly reached out and petted his fur.
He's so soft!
The little boy was so happy
Till Beanie woke up and swatted his hand away, causing a scratch on the little angel's hand.
It wasn't bleeding though and the act wasn't out of aggression; it was Beanie's way of giving a polite warning.
Simeon comforts the little boy (who is trying so hard to pretend his feelings weren't hurt, but his guardian knew better) and teaches Luke little things about a cat's body language.
Honestly, Luke learns a lot quicker than Mammon.
The child is still a bit hesitant with the cat, but thinks Beanie is still so cute.
The latter his guardian agrees with.
Simeon will sometimes buy treats for Luke to give to Beanie just to see the boy's eyes light up when the cat eats it from his hand.
Beanie is not just cute, but provides a bonding experience for the two angels.
#obey me#obey me otome#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphie#obey me brothers#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me solomon#obey me simeon#obey me luke#obey me undateables
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Hi!! I don't know if you're still accepting requests, but if you are, could you write a oneshot for Michael Myers finding a little!reader when he's out hunting one night and deciding to take her to his home?💖💖🥰
Pairing: CG!Michael Myers x Little!reader
Contains: fluffy Michael Myers, kidnapping, cursing, angst, dark themes, possessive behavior, isolation, dark beginning and fluffy ending, canon typical violence, mention of loved ones being murdered, CG/L dynamic, little space
**All parties are 18+ and Littlespace/Ageregression will never be sexualized on my blog**
You had no idea how many months had passed since He had started stalking you. It started slow, just seeing him out of the corner of your eye in his haunting mask and trademark jumpsuit. Then it escalated from finding small bones and your favorite items going missing -especially your little space gear- to the man you talked to in the grocery store was now dead, the barista who made your coffee wrong never made it home, the person who accidentally bumped into you on your way home was found impaled on a fence post. That was just the beginning then it started getting worse. Your closest friends were killed, your family members that weren’t dead had moved, and your remaining friends distanced themselves. He had finally gotten you alone after all these months and now you were standing face to mask with him in the kitchen his cold blue eyes staring into yours as if he could read your thoughts.
Michael Myers
The Shape of Haddonfield himself was standing before you and you braced yourself. There was no running or escape he had caught you and now you were going to die. The cat and mouse game had finally came to a tragic end. You held back a whimper as his hand made contact with your cheek causing you to tense waiting for him to strangle you or hit you or something. He began slowly stroking it almost lovingly you slowly opened your eyes and looked at the killer in front of you thinking this was simply a sick joke and he wanted you to look at him as he ended you. Your worst fears were confirmed when he picked you up and hoisted you over his shoulder and walked out of your apartment just as quietly as he let himself in. After silently crying for what felt like forever you came to a familiar abandoned house you fought back sobbing harder as you realized he was going to take your time killing you.
He brought you inside and carried you up the creaking stairs and carried you towards a back bedroom and you froze the feeling of dread filling you and you give up and close your eyes just waiting for it to be over. You're plopped down on a rather plush bed and once again he strokes your cheek softly you open your eyes you look around the bedroom which is his based on the sparse belongings and various masks hung on the wall you look around to find coloring books sitting on an unused and dusty table, stuffed animals both yours and not yours piled in a corner, from the open closet door you can see the various onesies and other clothing that went missing, there's an adult paci still in the case sitting on the bedside table. You struggle to process this, it's like he's prepared for you to stay, is he not going to kill you? Is he keeping you? You're broken out of your racing thoughts as Michael stands up and holds up his hand in a ‘Stay’ motion you nod slowly and don't move until he's coming back.
You're met by the sight of Michael Myers himself holding out a sippy cup towards you, you stare in disbelief for a second before taking the cup from him slowly he pats your head gently once you bring it to your lips to take a drink. He had gotten your favorite juice as a celebration of him finally bringing you home, it took him months to get you to a point where he could. You were now safe with him, no one to judge or hurt you, just to be loved and protected.
#littlespace fanfiction#x little!reader#xlittle!reader#little!reader#michael myers x you#michael myers headcanons#michael myers imagine#michael myers x reader#michael Myers x little!reader#slashers x little!reader#slasher x reader#slasher agere#horror agere#agere fanfic
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