simscastaway · 2 years
Fucking hell I need to do some push-ups or something. Was out sawing a piece of wood and literally barely made any progress. Like in the time it took me to cut a few centimetres, my papa totally finished it. Shambles.
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simscastaway · 2 years
omfg now I am just thinking about old games I used to play, or just like core memories associated with them.
Like I vividly remember how much I enjoyed playing gta 4 when I was like 11 maybe?? (pretty much just used it as a city simulator) when I was at my friends houses because my dad wouldn’t let me play it.
He wouldn’t let me play Call of Duty either but did let me play Black Ops: Zombies with him and my uncle which is another core memory lol
The ps2, the wii and my DS (+my DSi) were my top console man. Might use my PC the most nowadays but my DSi?!? Will never be topped.
So is just the wii in general, like making mii’s of people? Amazing.
And idk what it was called, but like the wii fit game thing where you could do the jogging with the dogs and sword fighting thing on the platform??? WII RESORT!!! (Also don’t mean to brag but I had a shiny bowling ball in wii sports ✨)
Omfg no wait, Sonic and Mario at the 2012 Olympic Games as well. Blaze was my absolute go to every time (just as waluigi is in mario kart) and my dad is a try hard who would never let me win any of the running games lmao, but the jokes on him cause now he cannot beat me in mario kart. Growth ✨
Fuck Mario Party is still such a banger game too, but it used to take so much convincing to get my family to play 😂
Big Brain Academy was another one that I used to try hard at. My memory was never better than when I was grinding too scores on that game ahah
Fuck wait, was the hello kitty game for the wii or the ps2??? I forgot about that one until rn but I fucking loved that shit too. Same for whatever that random sonic game I used to play was. HELLO KITTY ROLLER RESCUE! That was the shit, I was obsessed.
Oh and there used to be one of those bubble games on the ps2, fuck idk what it was called by I remember playing with my gran and she was cracked at it lol. Don’t think I got many shots of that one, but tbh I can’t actually remember if I was any good at it or not, just that she was better 😂
I don’t think I had many of the classic ds games though, my Nintendog’s were kitted out, my first dog was a sausage dog called Alice and let me tell you, she can walk around the whole town without getting tired.
I swear to god though, I have a vivid memory of one of my dogs running away at one point though and I swear I came across that Labrador when I was out on a walk and had the moment of wait-wait wtf how to I bring her back hello???? Core memory lmao
I remember really wanting cooking mama, or like the babysitting one but I never got either much to my 10yo self’s heartbreak lol
I can’t actually remember what other ds games I had (well technically still have somewhere) I think I had one of the pokemon games, my sims, mario kart… (I want a working version of My Sims so bad because i remember loving it so much)
Oh fuckkkk there was also whatever that resort thing was where the characters could be in a band and get married, idk what it was calllllledddd
I had like 3 nintendog’s games cause my mum had a ds too and then I think I got another when I got my dsi? Also had a 3ds… idk how many I had but my dsi was by far my favourite and I still have it ahaha (still have the 3ds kicking about somewhere too and they both still work but idk where a charger would be for them- same problem with my ps2 cause I have to use the wire from my PS4 to plug it in 😂)
Mainly I just played the wii to be honest. I had a groovy chick suite case that I used to carry everything in whenever I’d go to stay with family lol
I had a bunch of the connecting things too I think, like the wheel, oh and the drums, guitar and microphone for guitar hero… I think that was it actually lol. Also had the wii fit, which I remember never picking up my weight to play the hula hoop game, constantly lost miserably at that.
I think my wii is broken now though which is shit, idk who broke it or what but I still have it somewhere. (Honestly no idea if it’s actually broken but that’s what my mum always said when it was brought up so who knows lmao)
Oh I had just dance for the wii, but I don’t think we played it that much- wait I just looked up wii games, fuck was it animal crossing lets go to the city I had on my wii?? Fuck I swear I’ve always just remembered/assumed I had the same game for the wii and for when I finally got it on my ds but I think I had new leaf on the ds and let’s go to the city for the wii. Cause let’s go to the city had the like weird gyroid museum right? I vaguely remember struggling to figure out how that worked with my young mind 😂 my mind is blown
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simscastaway · 2 years
I have seen one too many TikTok’s on my fyp of people who had been acting like they were built different during the pandemic because they didn’t catch covid only to catch it on a random day of 2022 and I am mildly concerned that it’s some kind of foreshadowing.
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simscastaway · 2 years
Unsurprisingly, I cried a lot rewatching a silent voice but now I remember everything that happens so hopefully I do not need to repeat the experience lmao
I’m currently trying to remember all the animes I’ve ever actually watched. I wouldn’t say I’ve watched many but I’ve seen more than I thought I had.
But do I remember half of what happens in them? Absolutely not 😂
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