#cassius coming up soon
lemurious · 2 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Classical Greece and Rome History & Literature RPF, Ancient History RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marcus Antonius | Mark Antony/Julius Caesar, Marcus Antonius | Mark Antony/Gaius Cassius Longinus (d. 42 BCE) Characters: Marcus Antonius | Mark Antony, Julius Caesar, Gaius Cassius Longinus (d. 42 BCE) Additional Tags: Civil War, Pharsalus, All the Foreshadowing, Kissing, Negotiations, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Complicated Relationships, Boats and Ships Series: Part 8 of Aeterna Summary:
After Pharsalus, Cassius switched his allegiance from Pompey to Caesar. This is a take on it with Mark Antony leading the negotiations. Politics and war with a side of heartbreak and maybe even hope. Same 'verse as To Be Remembered
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Twelve|
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"You're serious?" Michael asks, still in shock by the news Y/n just gave him. Y/n nods her head. "I'm just as surprised as you are, but...Maybe this will do some good. At least now I won't feel like I'm being kept in the dark about certain decisions."
"Well...I can't say I didn't see this coming." Said Michael. "You are a very important figure in Heaven. Everyone looks to you for what the future will bring. I guess it only makes sense for Father to do this."
Before Y/n had left after speaking with God, after delivering news of a war on the horizon, and thankfully altering the future, God had proposed an offer to her.
'You want me to...what?' Y/n asks in disbelief.
'I wish for you to join my council. You will be present for most meetings, alongside my most trusted Angels. I believe it will be best to have you here, given it being such a...sensitive time. Adam is gone, and now one of Hell's Overlords have access to angelic weaponry.'
Y/n still couldn't believe this. Very few were apart of God's council, as he said, only his most trusted Angels stood by his side. And now, she had the opportunity to become of those Angels.
'What we choose to do next, will entirely depend on what the future holds. You could be there to guide us to the right path, and keep Heaven safe and untouched by evil. Do you accept this offer?'
Y/n never thought she would be given a chance like this. Yes, her future vision set her apart from many Angels. But she was still beneath so many Angels who held power of their own.
Now, she had the chance to join their side.
And so, graciously, she accepted.
"I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other from now on." Y/n smiles. Michael chuckles. "As if we don't already?"
"Only this time, it will be in a more professional setting." Y/n adds. "To think I'd be along side the best. And the most powerful...Hah. I already feel out of place, and I haven't even been to single meeting yet."
Michael places a hand on her shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about. You know those Angels as well as I do. We all view you with the same respect you view us with."
"Though none of them panic whenever they're around me. Unlike me, around them. You're the only one who I've ever felt comfortable with." Y/n tells him. Michael's smile soften, his heart flutters ever so slightly. He tries not to pay it any mind. "Oh? Not even Cassius?"
Y/n rolls her eyes playfully. "Well, no, Cassius is fine."
"Or Leroy?" Michael asks.
"Leroy is fine too." Y/n laughs. "See, that's two already." Michael says with a shrug.
"Yes, but I really mean Joel and Gabriel. Then of course, Leo. They're all so serious. And Azrael is...Azrael."
Michael laughs. “He is, isn’t he?” His laughter dies down as he places his hand on Y/n’s gently. “As intimidating as this all might be, I know you will do just fine. If father believed you could not handle such an important promotion, he would not have given it to you. And of course, I will be there with you too.”
Y/n smiles warmly. “Thank you Michael.”
“Now.” Michael starts. “I’ll be sure to wake you up early for the meeting tomorrow morning.”
“Tomorrow morning!?” Y/n gasps. “So soon!? Oh my goodness, I-I didn’t think-”
“Y/n, Y/n, calm down.” Michael chuckles. “It’s alright. It’s nothing huge, just a simple meeting about what’s to be done with the former exorcist angels.”
“I’m sorry.” Y/n sighs. “The exorcist angels…There was so many of them. What will they do now?” She asks. Michael shrugs. “That’s yet to be decided. Just try to relax. Everything will be fine.”
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Everything will be fine. That's what Y/n had to keep reminding herself, that everything would be fine. With every step closer to the meeting, her anxiety spiked. But everything will be fine.
At least the people she'd be in that room with would not be total strangers. Some of them more intimidating than others, even if not intentionally. But still, familiar faces nonetheless.
And Michael would be there. That alone made the walk there slightly less nerve wracking.
Y/n slowed to a stop when she came across the two large double doors, on the other side, she could hear the faintest of voices conversing amongst each other.
She inhaled, smoothed out her dress, and opened the doors. Everyone's eyes were on her as soon as she stepped in. Y/n felt as if she would faint right then, the only thing keeping her composure was Michael and the God's temporary absence in the room.
Still, Y/n made herself look presentable and respectful of the angels before her. "Good morning everyone. How are you all today?" She asks with a kind smile.
Michael opened his mouth to speak first, but someone else beat him to it.
"Hi, Y/n! It's been ages since we last talked!" Cassius. They stood from their chair and walked towards Y/n, and taking her hands in theirs. "When I heard you were going to joining father's council, I almost couldn't believe it! Well, almost couldn't believe that you weren't invited sooner. You do play a pretty important part around here."
"Yeah, seriously. Pretty sure Heaven would have more than a few problems if not for your guidance." Leroy says.
"What matters is, she's here now." Said Michael. "And because of that, Heaven's future will be heading on the right path."
Y/n's smile became a bit more genuine. "I'll be sure to do my best."
"You better, otherwise we're all done for." Azrael teases, which earned a sharp look from Leo. "Enough, Azrael." He says firmly.
"Ah, lighten up Leo, I'm just playing around." Azrael leans back in his seat. "We all know she can handle it. I mean, she wouldn't have gotten this far if she were utterly useless right?"
"Azrael." Leo warns, but Azrael just laughs it off. "Come on, Y/n knows I have faith in her. Right?"
Y/n shifts awkwardly. "I hope so." She laughs lightly.
"Pay him no mind, Y/n." Gabriel spoke up. "You are here for a reason. Father believes you can better guide Heaven alongside us. Your gift of the seeing the future is special, it's important. You are important, to all of us, and to the countless souls of Heaven."
"Thank you, Gabriel. That means a lot." Y/n says with a warm smile.
Just then, the doors opened again, and in walked God with Galim at his side. Everyone became quiet as they stood from the seats as God entered further into the room. He took his place at the head of the table before speaking.
"Good morning everyone. I hope all of you are doing well. Let's get this meeting started, shall we?" He spoke. Everyone nods before seating.
There was a slight stretch of silence before God spoke again. "Now....What was the meeting about again?"
Galim, along with a few others sighed in defeat and slight annoyance. Did...Did he actually forget? Y/n watches in silence.
"The exorcist angels, your Heavenly Grace. We are to discuss what must be done with them." Galim tells God.
"Oh! That's right!" God chuckles. "Well, how about you take it from here then? I feel as if I need to be caught up again as well."
Galim nods before clearing their throat. "As you all know, there has been an army of exorcist angels that had been kept secret from Heaven for many years. An army only few knew about. Those being, the late first man Adam, his lieutenant Lute, and the head Seraphim Sera." They continue.
"The proposal was first discussed with Lucifer Morningstar. Once agreed by both him and Sera, Adam was given the ok to raise an army of exorcists, that would once every year, portal to Hell and slaughter it's inhabitants. All in hopes to keep Hell's population controlled."
"As of recent events, the council has decided to put an end to the exterminations along with the army. We have lost many souls to the exterminations, even if they were exorcists. Adam was among those souls." Galim looks to Y/n.
"And with the trusted guidance of Y/n, it was fated that any further exterminations would prove to lead to a terrible future for Heaven and it's people."
Y/n stiffened at the mention of her name, but she kept herself composed as Galim continues.
"Now, we must decide what is to be done with what remains of the exorcists."
"Very good Galim!" God claps. Galim awkwardly smiles.
Michael is the first to speak. "The exorcists won't fit into society so easily. Their whole lives, they had been trained to kill. Aggression and violence is all they know."
"Then what do you suppose we do? Lock them all away? There's hundreds of them." Said Gabriel.
"We could always have them banished to Hell." Said Azrael. "After all, they did go against Heaven by keeping their bloodshed a secret."
"Them, and Sera." Said Joel. "If Sera were not such an important figure, banishment would be a fitting punishment."
"Of course, that would spark panic amongst the civilians." Leo sighed. "There is nothing we could say to explain just why the head Seraphim was casted out of Heaven. Sera would be gone forever, regardless of what we say. And people will become suspicious. And their suspicions will lead to fear if they ever knew the truth."
"I believe we should try and give those exorcist a chance." Cassius speaks next. "One last chance to prove their souls are worth saving."
Y/n listened as they converse among themselves, she was unsure of when she should speak. But also, she was somewhat captivated by the council in action like this.
God took note of her silence, he raised his hand, and everyone quickly became silent. "Y/n? What do you propose we do?"
Y/n froze. What should she say? She didn't want those angels to be banished. She didn't want Sera to be banished either. But could they adapt to a new way of life? Would they even consider it?
"I...I do not particularly favor the idea of banishment." Y/n spoke truthfully. "However, I am unsure of what their reactions will be to fitting in with Heaven's society. Their violent tendencies, their bloodlust, all of it must disappear if they are to join within civilization. And I don't know how easy that will be for them or if they will even like the idea." She took a minute to think.
"I suppose I can look into the future for an answer." She suggests. God nods his head. "If you must."
Y/n closes her eyes, the path of the near future open ahead. In the future, she saw some of the angels agreeing to leave their life of bloodshed behind. But most...most will not comply. Which will lead to one of two things.
The angels who will not give up their old habits will spend eternity locked away from the rest of Heaven. Or...
Banishment. They will all be casted out of Heaven, and never return to Heaven's light.
Then she saw Lute. Y/n looked further to see what might become of her. Adam's death took a heavy toll on her, surely, she would choose to stick with what she has always known. Murdering demons.
However. That is not what Y/n saw for her future. Instead, Y/n saw Lute complying along with the few angels. Choosing a life in Heaven, free from the bloodshed.
Y/n opened her eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. It was that easy? Lute would go along with it just like that? Even after witnessing Adam's death at the hands of the very creatures she hates?
It was that easy?
"Y/n?" God spoke.
Y/n looked up. "U-Um." She cleared her throat. "Very few will agree to live freely with the other civilians of Heaven. Most must be locked away or banished. However, it is up to us to decide which it will be."
"Thank you, Y/n." God says before turning his attention back to the rest of the council. Y/n barely paid any attention throughout the remainder of the meeting.
She was too busy thinking about Lute, and the odd feeling she got whenever she looked into her future...
Suddenly the doors to the meeting room burst open. Shocked, everyone looked towards the entrance, and saw a frantic angel who panted every breath.
"Your heavenly grace!" The angel began. "I have urgent news from the head Seraphim!"
God narrows his eyes, but nods his head. "Go on." He tells the angel. They sucked in a lung full of air before delivering the news.
"A sinner has passed divine judgement and entered Heaven!"
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ilikebookssomuch · 3 months
here goes nothing
I wrote--and am still writing, by the way, this is NOT finished yet--some angsty au thing where Dex and Sophie don't get rescued in book 1. They just...disappear. Anyway, here is a little bit.
Edaline’s POV:
Edaline saw Sophie, her foster daughter, ignore her husband Grady’s calls and race towards the cliffside. Edaline knew the caves were down there, so she conjured up Iggy’s cage and ran after her. “Sophie, wait!” She said, grabbing Sophie’s arm. She placed the tiny imp on Sophie’s shoulder. “In case you need a friend.”
“Thanks,” Sophie said, wiping away a tear.
“Be careful down there. Looks like a storm’s coming.” 
Sophie nodded and climbed down to the caves, her blond hair whipping wildly in the wind behind her. As Sophie vanished into the gaping mouth of the cave, Edaline turned away and walked over to Grady, who had picked up the satchel Sophie had thrown on the grassy pasture ground. 
“She’ll be back soon,” she reassured him, taking the satchel and snapping it into the void. Grady sighed. 
“I don’t know, Eda. What if this time. . . it’s too much?”
“If what’s too much?” a familiar voice interjected from behind them.
“Dex!” Edaline said, hugging her nephew. “Sophie is in the caves, if that was why you came.”
“She seemed really upset when I saw her in the halls today.” Dex kicked the ground and looked away. “Did I do something?”
“No,” said Grady. “It’s our fault she's upset.”
“Oh.” He seemed relieved. “Well, Fitz told me I should stop by, so. . . .” Dex’s voice trailed off. “I’m going to go check on her.” He ran to the caves without saying goodbye.
“I’m sure they’ll be fine. Let’s just go inside and wait it out.” Grady said, pulling Edaline close and hugging her. They walked to Havenfield, passing Verdi on the way. She looked out towards the ocean, letting out a nervous ROOOAR. 
Grady and Edaline sat on their giant, squishy couch for a few hours. They both drifted off when the sun started to set, but were awakened by a loud squeak and the sound of ripping fabric. “Iggy!” Grady yelled. Instantly, the imp stopped tearing apart their pillows and darted over to Edaline’s face, flapping his wings and squeaking. 
“Gah–what do you want?” She yelled, shielding herself. Iggy might be a ball of fluff, but his claws were sharp. Iggy flew over to the window, pounding himself against the glass a few times before repeating his squeaking-flapping-pounding pattern. 
“You want us to go outside?” Grady asked, getting up and heading to the enormous front door. Edaline followed, quickly running down the steps and into the pastures. Iggy followed, leading them towards the dilophosaurus pasture near the cliffs. 
The dinosaurs all looked fine, but Edaline still scanned over their tall, thin bodies for any injury. Aside from a scratch in one’s neck frill, they were fine. Iggy seemed insistent that they still follow him, so she hurried on. That’s when she realized: “Grady! Sophie and Dex are still in the caves!” 
Grady started sprinting down the uneven path to the caves, rocks and loose sand crumbling out behind him. Edaline lifted her gown and caught up with her husband in a few moments, but when they reached the cave, it was empty. 
“SOPHIE? DEX?” They called, looking into the darkest crannies of the cave. When it was clear they weren’t there and the moon had risen to the top of the sky, Edaline decided to hail her brother-in-law, Kesler. After a few tries, he answered the Imparter, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Are Dex and Sophie over there?” She asked, her heart racing with fear for her daughter and nephew. 
“No, I haven’t seen them,” Kesler said, his eyes widening with worry.
“Well, please hail me if you hear from them.”
“Will do,” he said, all of the sleepiness gone from his voice.
After that, they tried hailing Alden, Della, and even Lord Cassius. No one had seen them. 
Grady eventually convinced that they were fine, probably just mad and hiding somewhere to cool down.
 “But where are they ‘hiding,’ Grady?”
He couldn’t answer that. 
They both crawled into bed, but Edaline knew neither of them got a wink of sleep that night.
TO BE CONTINUED, please let me know what you thought of this
figured I'd tag some people too so @myfairkatiecat @lisalovesapplesauce @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @stunning-mess @doodle-do-wop @sophiejacksonchase @ilov3b00kss0much @riordanverseaddict
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ask-half-blood-hill · 20 days
Demigod Gossip #1
Ever wanted in on the latest gossip of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter? Well, you've come to the right place! Today, in the latest gossip:
Camp Activities:
Athena team wins Capture the Flag! Congrats to team blue!
The Apollo cabin hosts a slam poetry competition, which is surprisingly won by Laurel Radler from the Ares cabin! Congrats!
The Athena cabin bands together with the Nike cabin to host a 'Brief History of the Olympics' seminar, along with some sports demonstrations. The Apollo cabin did not participate in the discus throw.
Hebe campers are hosting a 50% off spa day every week this summer! Check out the sign board in front of their cabin for more details!
Myra from the Apollo cabin will be hosting healing and first aid classes, free for everyone! They will be announced at dinner.
Three new campers arrive! Congrats, to all of you!
Camper Gossip:
Cassius Hanover from the Hypnos cabin and Jada Alawi from the Dionysus cabin have started dating! Good luck to you two, lovebirds!
Nathan Solas from the Hebe cabin has changed up his hair color! You look awesome with black hair, Nathan!
Andrea Cornell from the Iris cabin has accidentally changed the colors of Jasper's jacket. Please, steer clear of the Hades cabin for the time being.
Jasper Graves from the Hades cabin is visiting camp this week, so expect to see him around. Seems he's pretty friendly with the new Apollo camper, Ren!
Ren Takayama accidentally spills molten iron on the floor of the arts and crafts building, causing a hole to form. Repairs are underway, and should be done in the next two days!
Valentine Merriweather and Arthur Laguna prepare to leave for Camp Jupiter in the next two weeks!
Rumor has it that the oracle has sent a new prophecy to the camp director! Maybe we'll see a new quest soon?
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Zoro x reader
Soulmate AU
Summary: A man seeks to follow his dreams, following only the path his swords carve for him and wherever his crew goes. Little does he know that the missing piece in his life, his soulmate whom he doesn't admit that he tries to seek would end up in a love-hate relationship.
Chapter Two
"Your Grace. I present to you, Prince Cassius of the Arkand." The royal Stewart announced.
You sat beside your older sisters. Your brothers sitting beside your father. Being the middle child of five children really put you in the position to get married off, seeing as there was no hope of gaining the throne.
Prince Cassius' escorts had entered the grand throneroom. They came in with a flurry of green and blue, representative of their kingdom's dominant colours.
You were surprised at how they managed to fit a large elephant carrying the said prince, it's back decorated with soft rugs and golden jewels. Your eyes went up and met with fiery brown ones, his smile breaking out at the sight of you scanning his features. Dark hair with skin kissed by the sun. It was a mystery to you on how he hadn't been married years earlier even if he was the same age if not a bit older than you.
The elephant stopped in front of the throne and the prince slid down the elephant without any hassle as though he usually did so daily. The rest of his people followed behind as he walked up to the steps that led to where the royals sat and bowed.
There was a small silence as your father looked over towards your future husband and his parade. He stood up, leading everyone present to stamd up.
"It is an honour to have you present." Your father said, his eyes still cold yet welcoming.
"No your majesty, it is my honour," The prince replied with a silky voice, his eyes glancing at you before a small smirk graced his features," You have allow us to take care of one of the many flowers in your beautiful garden."
You quirked an eyebrow in thought, 'Do I go through photosynthesis too?'
"We hope to nurture and care for her as much as you and your kingdom have, if not, more."
Your father chuckled," I am glad to hear that, bit for now, onto the celebrations. I hear your father may come in later since he's handling another matter."
"He will Your Grace, and he sends his regards as well as apologies for being late."
Your father nodded before gesturing to your kingdom's stewart," Lead them to the dining hall. They had a long journey, they must be hungry."
Soon the visitors from Arkland had followed the man. Their servants heading out to place the large and cute elephant somewhere it could rest. Your father made his way with your mother in hand. Your brother's trailing behind with their own swagger. Your sisters taking a glance at you with a small smile before heading to the dining hall.
Lyra almost seemed to magically appear beside you as you walked," So, what do you think?"
You looked at her," Judging by the fact that he looks like God took his time to make him and that he only gets a wife now, I may be dealing with either a hoe or a Draco Malfoy."
"Actually your highness, people of Arkland are only allowdyto marry from the moment they reach 18. He's had two years to find a wife and only now accepts a partner. " Lyra stated.
"Still doesn't change the–"
"I also hear that he's one of the many who don't have a soulmate mark. Rumours speculate that whoever it would have been must've died long before he could meet them."
Your eyes widened in shock and a bit of empathy started to form withing your heart. How much it like to not have known or felt a soulmate mark on your body. No red string, no tattoo, no initial..
"Well, maybe I'll be a bit kinder then." Your hand went to the sting you felt in the initial on your wrist, pulse beating through it. 'What if whoever they are is hurt?'
The thougt had come one evening when the supposed initial had seemed to fade a bit but now it was darker than it was.
Zoro had enough. Not only did he feel a weird sense pulsating through his body, hos eyes were searching around for where everyone went. It felt like he was going in circles.
In truth he was lost trying to find where the Arlong Pirates were. Again. Nami had set him free and now that the truth about her having saved Ussop from dying at the hands of the fishmen reviving everyone's hope to save her. But his navigational skills were nonexistent so he resolved to finding someone he knew.
He caught sight of Sanji lighting one of his cigarettes. Approaching the cook he saw Luffy in the distance, without his hat. Nami beside him.
'Im guessing it's time to fight, properly.'
He disregarded the feel of his wounds aching after his fight with Mihawk a few days ago. Now was not the time to lick wounds. It was time to save a friend.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
4000 Follower Celebration: Safe With Me - Remy Scott x Reader
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Tagging: @whateversomethingbruh @luannysousa @scorpio-1357 @littleone65
References to:
My Girl Series:
Marks - Remy likes to leave his mark.
Too Much, Too Soon - You stand Remy up.
Helpless - Remy learns why you stood him up.
My Girl - Remy checks in with you at the hospital.
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You don’t remember much about what happened during the Rhode Island case. It’s a mix of fragments, images and sounds. You recall stepping into the Enlightenment Room at the Awakenings Centre with Cassius Lee, the leader of a religious sect you believed was trafficking girls. Sitting down on the couch as he served you tea.
Things get hazy after that, you start to feel a little sick, a little faint. You lose control of your muscles, your ability to move, to speak. A hand grips your jaw, forcing your head back so all you can see is the floral etchings in the plaster on the ceiling above.
“Let me go.” You’d mumbled as his thumb traced over your lower lip.
“Why should I let you go when you look so pretty like this?” Cassius had murmured against your throat as he’d drawn down the straps of your dress.
You still dream about that day, it comes to you in the depths of the night, invading your peace. Your heart pounds and your breathing quickens because for a moment you’re back in the Enlightenment Room as Cassius Lee begins to disrobe you.
It’s Remy’s voice that draws you back to the present, his warm, gravelly tone. The shelter of his form is warm and soothing as he gathers you up into his arms, cradling you close. You bury your face into his bare chest, his hand soothing through your hair.
“You’re home baby girl.” Remy whispers against your skin. “With me, in our bed.”
Your breathing starts to even out as the room filters in around you. It’s bathed in the glow from the nightlight that Remy bought when the two of you first got together. He’d realised quickly in the early days that you couldn’t sleep without one. That’s when you knew that he was serious about you, that he was envisioning a future.
His thumb ghosts over the apple of your cheek, his forehead coming to rest upon yours.
“You’re safe with me honey.” He whispers as he looks into your eyes. “You’re always safe with me.”
Love Remy? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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antukaqajsiri · 2 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔶 ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲
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Summary: An old (love) friend of the Cargyll's brothers comes to King's Landing.
Pairing: Ser Erryk Cargyll x OC Female!Reader x Ser Arryk Cargyll
Warnings: AFAB reader, plotting sexual situations, alcohol consumption, implied/referenced abuse.
Words: 2080
Author's note: Thanks for reading, this is my first fic in English and here on Tumblr. I apologise if I made any mistakes, English isn't first language. I wrote this for the first time in Spanish, and you can find more chapters in Wattpad and Ao3.
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Chapter I
114 AC
For Fiona, traveling to the King's Landing was one of the things that fascinated her most. She loved those long trips to the capital in a carriage. Her father had sent her and her brother Angus to see their uncle, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Harrold Westerling, to serve him as a squire, and her to marry some lord of a vast house. The Westerling were not a house of great wealth, and therefore she had to commit herself to somebody as soon as possible before she had lost her youth; she had already flourished several months ago, but her father could not find whom the little lady would accept for husband. He had already rejected three proposals from the Stark, Frey, and Blackwood houses. They were all "old, ugly or stupid," as Fiona had described them with a face of horror. His father was about to lose his head, he was Lord of Westerling, Lord of the Crag, and his seventeen-year-old daughter manipulated him as she wanted, after all, she was his little girl and only daughter; he needed the help of the King and the Queen to betrothed his daughter and turn his son into a warrior; the time they would spend at the King's Landing would help them to form themselves as good lord and lady of Westerling.
“You should have accepted Lannister as much,” said Angus as the carriage moved forward, “you would be richer and your children even richer.” Fiona hit him in the arm playfully. Her Septa Amara looked at her with reproach before continuing with her knitting. “I'm just telling the truth,” he said.
"Have you nothing to say about father wanting you to become a warrior you are not?" Angus didn't have enough to be a knight. He was noble, tall, and handsome, but he knew not how to use the sword, and notably preferred the company of men rather than women, neither did his father's attempts for wanting to deflower women in bordels change his being and the rumors were beginning to be noticed. “I'd change places with you if I could, baby brother”.
Fiona was a fighter, not very good with the sword because they were too heavy and chubby for her taste, but she knew how to move and evade strikes, her art with the bow and arrow was impressive, and she rode on horses with delicacy. If she had been a man she would have been a knight of the Kingsguard, yet she was born a woman and it was up to her to fulfill her role, that was what her mother used to say all the time. She knew it and accepted it, but she wished to find love and not to marry by obligation a stranger. How longed she to enter an adventure like the one her ladies read to her.
"Maybe in another life," Angus tried to conceal his dissatisfaction. “Uncle Harrold will train me and make me a good sir”. He played with his sword that his father gave him three onomastics back, “I will bring honor to Home.” commented in a broken High Valyrian.
Fiona gave him a paw to calm him down. It was supposed that Angus would not be with her on that journey, but for reasons that put him there Lord Cassius sent him away from home to make him a "true man", his father threatened to disinherit and name his sister as his heir just as King Viserys did with his daughter the princess Rhaenyra.
On the way, Fiona could smell the distinctive smell of King’s Landing, a combination of shit, sex, and dragons, when she heard that the doors of the Red Keep were opening, she could not resist running out. She wanted to walk around the castle, eat pastries, and see her two favorite people, Princess Rhaenyra (with whom she had a close friendship since kid), and her uncle Ser Harrold. The horses stopped and could hear a man announcing their arrival.
"Lord Angus and Lady Fiona Westerling of the Westerling’s of the Crag." One of their father's knights helped her get off the wagon. She knew every one of the knights, squires, and lords of their house. Everyone was kind to her. Fiona was too fearless as a child. She always ended up in situations of danger and was not afraid of being repressed, for these reasons it was difficult for her to find a husband, no one wanted a lady who climbed the windows of castles and ran through the alleys.
She tried to behave like a lady, she didn't want to make a bad impression. She knew what it meant to her father that she found a good husband. Something Lord Cassius would never admit was that he hated the idea of losing his little girl and sending her with a lord who would destroy her spirit. It made her feel anxious, not because she cared that much about those people, yet her future depended on how she behaved.
The sound of steel against steel, the vague talks, and the laughter stopped for a short time to begin with the greetings. Lord Corlys Velaryon welcomed them alongside Princess Rhaenyra, and her royal guard, her dear uncle.
"Lord Angus, Lady Fiona," he revered, "welcome to King's Landing."
Her dear friend, Rhaenyra, pushed him aside to go and say hi to her. They gave each other a friendly hug. They had been friends since childhood and shared letters by raven every moon.
"I am glad you are here, my sweet Fi." The hug lasted long enough. It's been a lot of moons that they last seen. Both laughed. Angus greeted Nyra with a kiss on the hand. “It's a pleasure to see you again too, Lord Angus”.
“Nephew, niece,” said the Lord Commander. Fiona gave him a hug, and Angus did the same. They didn't see each other for more than a year.
Nyra took her by the arm and dragged her through the Red Keep, leaving the gentlemen behind, "They can manage themselves," she told her in High Valyrian as she was taking her down the corridors of the castle.
“Let them catch up with their issues of lords and knights,” she said among laughter. “I'll escort you to your new chamber, it's beautiful and with a view of the garden, you'll love it”.
From what Nyra had said to Fiona before her father, King Viserys, re-married no more and no less than her childhood friend, Alicent Hightower, she had little friendship lately, more now that all the eyes of the kingdom were on her younger brother Aegon, whom many called the true heir. Her only company was her white knight, Ser Criston Cole. Of what her friend wrote about him, she imagined a couple of things that she preferred not to say even in writing, there were little birds who listened to their darkest thoughts and could not afford anyone else to find out. Since her father's second marriage, Rhaenyra felt lonely, and now that one of her friends, whom she considered to be her family, had come to keep her company, she began to feel happy again.
The room that they had given to her was very beautiful and welcoming, although it was not comparable to hers at home. It had the perfect view of the gardens, that was true. It was very different at home. She wandered climbing the mountains and swimming in the sea during a hot summer.
"The day of the name of Aegon is approaching," said Nyra, sitting in bed. "I wish you were with me; I do not desire to share all my time with Alicent and the other women of the kingdom, they only seem to be worried about gossip”.
Fiona smiled gently at her, "I will gladly do it," she replied. “It's been a long time since I went hunting, not since my mother died”. Rhaenyra took her hands to comfort her. Fiona's mother had died sixteen months ago, Nyra's just three years ago. Her mothers were as good friends as they were now; they met when Trianna, the mother of Fiona and Angus, came to Westeros to marry Cassius Westerling of The Crag as a union between Volantis and The Crag, and although her mother was no more than the fifth daughter of one of the richest lords in the city, they managed to get her married to the heir of the House of Westerling and give him a good sum of money to acquire soldiers and wealth.
“Sometimes when I fly with Syrax I can feel my mother close,” said the girl with platinum hair in High Valyrian. Fiona replied with an "I would love to see her again" also in valyrian, her mother tongue. Both girls were comforted during their mourning. “I'm gonna let you get comfortable and I'll be back after dinner. You can dispose of the castle as if it were yours, my dear Fin.”
When she finally was alone, one of her maids, Margy, helped her take a bath and dress her. As a welcome gift, Nyra gave her a beautiful nude dress with golden flower fabrics on its sleeves. The clothes she normally wears at home were clothed in fine fabrics brought from her mother's land and that showed her shoulders with beautiful golden chains, but she never took off a bracelet of sea shells that her mother gave her at the age of twelve.
At dinner time she went looking for Angus, who was supposed to be practicing with the sword next to his uncle. Her brother's hairy hair was impossible to lose sight of. Anyone would say they were no related. Angus was the portrait of his father except for the eyes, which were brown, while Fiona, with her long black, and silky hair, looked like her ancestors, her eyes were a bright light gray that you could confuse it with the clouds during a storm.
Seeing the dance among the swords fascinated her. Her brother was no fool, but without a doubt, his skill with the weapons was not his strength. Before her father tried to commit her to some lord, he let her practice with Angus and the rumor said that she was very good at it, although she had taken a real sword, she loved to smooth the weapon with subtlety almost dancing, not until she discovered that the bow was her favorite weapon, never failed to the target.
Angus practiced with one of the knights who lived in the castle. He was not bad at all, even though the knight was distinguished by having much more experience than his attacker, and he had the advantage. She came as close as she could to stay safe and watch her younger brother exercise. A hand lay on her shoulder, and the touch made her turn around, surprised by who was touching her. Blue eyes saw her with astonishment. She knew that look that reminded her of the ocean of her home. It was familiar to her.
"My lady." The young knight hastened to make a reverence in respect without taking his gaze away from her eyes. “I'm delighted to see you again, Lady Westerling”.
"Arryk?" she asked in amazement. She hadn't seen Ser Cargyll for years. “I heard rumors that you became part of the Kingsguard. I didn't believe I'd see you again”.
“It was the greatest honour for my family that the King had chosen us as part of his White Swords”. Everything in him had changed. He was taller and muscular, he was no longer the boy with whom she played in the bay. He had become a man, left behind the younger boy she knew. She couldn't help thinking that he looked handsome with his beard, made him look so masculine, embarrassed her to think of those things. “I see Erryk has noticed your presence”.
Fiona looked at him with curiosity and turned around without knowing exactly where to look. There he was, twin number two, training with Angus. A surprise blow from her brother with the sword caused Erryk to react before he got hurt, his reflexes were good. He could notice how the twin's muscles tightened until he made her brother surrender, he kept seeing her, his eyes on hers. Fin could feel her cheeks getting hot at the sight of the noble knight. He made her a subtle reverence before dismissing Angus and leaving the weapon in its place.
"Enjoy your evening, lady Westerling," said Arryk with a friendly smile. “I'm sure we'll see each other again”.
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whumpiary · 1 month
Dipping into your Cassius masterlist and God he's such a good character! He feels so real and so dynamic in how he changes and all the different impulses he has and how different people perceive him!!!
I love how he can come across arrogantly, and his need to be held and touched, and how he drives a lot of people crazy, and how he predicts human behaviour so well yet struggles with his own introspection. I definitely need to read more!
Can I ask how Cassius came to the Bergen estate or is that part of the mystery? You mentioned he might have been in jail at some point I think
Oh I love this question and I love these comments on Cass! You’re soo on the money and I love very much that he feels so real to you.
Once upon a time it was part of the mystery! But I am so far beyond keeping mysteries with this story anymore. You could probably ask me anything and I’d answer it. I’d much prefer it was out in the world than trapped in my head forever
Cass came to the Bergen Estate via the bridge program that Christopher runs. On paper, The Brighter Horizons program takes in young men with “potential” who have “lost their way” and helps them get back on the right track. Think of the camp from Holes. It’s not juvie, but it’s… not any kind summer camp.
On paper, the program is there to bridge the gap between , often taking young men who are too old for the juvenile detention system, or are just about to age out of it because their sentence is longer than that. There are usually about a dozen living on his property at a given time, usually between the ages of 18 and 25.
Boys in the program live on the Estate for the duration of their contract, under the proviso they commit to their education (delivered by tutors employed by the Estate) and a five year internship at Christopher’s behest after they graduate the program.
As you’ve possibly already seen the program… a little bit more than what it appears on paper.
Cass was onboarded to the program a few months before he turned 18. At the time, he was about to age out of juvenile detention while serving time for a shoplifting charge, and assaulting a police officer. Christopher picked him up specifically, though, because he was flagged by Christopher’s people as being the brother of Henri, who was already in Christopher’s program. Christopher already liked Henri and decided to go and meet the little brother.
As soon as he met Cass, he knew he wanted him. He was utterly delighted to find him surpassing expectations within the first year.
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Tw: child abuse
There's a boy working at the docks, no older than 15. He's old enough to work, that's what Cassius keeps saying.
And he'd have enough money, Mama showed him all kinds of money saving as long as she could, so it should be enough.
If Cassius wouldn't drink it all away. But the boy had seen it coming. He had lied about how much he makes. And soon he would have enough to get away.
Alastor is less than pleased with the idea. Walking along with the boy.
Alastor: “You should have taken your chances before.”
The boy looks up, but quickly resumes working until the end of the shift. He goes home, to the house falling into even worse disrepair.
And Cassius sits on the porch fuming. Well. Fuck.
Cassius: “How much dough you pull in again?”
His tone is dangerous, but the boy doesn't betray in any way that he's lying.
Boy: “No more’n a buck seventy a day. But it all depends on how much work’s goin' on”
Cassius shoots up, pinning him to the wall. Alastor watches apathetically.
Alastor: “You could've gone sooner. You were just scared of scraping by”
Cassius grinds his teeth, not noticing Alastor.
Cassius: “Ain't that somethin'? I went down to ask, an' they done told me a whole lot more!”
Boy: “They must've been tellin' tales to draw folks in.”
Alastor glares at the boy for the little waver in his voice, that's born from fear.
Alastor: “you can lie better than that”
Cassius heard the quiver too, grabbing the boy's face tight.
Cassius: “As long as you livin' in my house, that money be mine. Ya ain't got nothin',ya hear?”
Alastor: “And you just let him?”
He mocks the boy, who looks contemplative until eventually saying
Boy: “Yessir”
Alastor shakes his head. Sighing.
Alastor: “Pathetic”
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venusdian · 20 days
I. Junis' Awakening
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Junis stood on the poorly painted wooden porch. Police sirens were coming from a distance. The beautiful skies didn’t make the tone of the events that occurred. Junis’ mother, Janis' curdling screams echoed throughout the neighborhood as people started rushing out of their houses. Her mother held her older brother, Sylas in her arms. His dark brown eyes were glued to his mother as blood was coming out the side of his mouth. He coughs, and his blood splatters on Janis’ face as she cradles her baby boy. 
         Junis watches as the police sped down the street. The bright white ambulance parked in front of their house. Junis’ vision becomes blurry as she can feel the room spinning. She tries to hold onto the crooked staircase, but her hand slips, and falls down the stairs as everything fades to black. 
          Junis springs up from her queen-size mattress. The quilt that covered her was now messily laid on the floor. Junis begins to pant, trying to catch her breath as sweat coats her face. She exits the bed and rushes into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and waking up her roommate, Síauna Rivera. Junis’ hands firmly grip the white porcelain skin.
          She looked down at the sink. Her eyes were watering. Síauna knocked on the bathroom door, making sure her roommate was alright. 
          “Junis?” She calls out. Her tone was laced with concern but was a bit harsh as she just woke up. Junis stayed silent, softly sniffling. 
          “Junie… Do you want to talk about it?” Síauna asks. Junis softly sighs, shaking her head.
          “No, I’m ok,” Junis answers, lifting her head and looking in the mirror. 
          “You sure? This is your third nightmare this week…” Síauna asks, leaning the side of her head on the bathroom door. Junis looks away from the mirror, letting her hands go from the sink. She wipes her eyes and walks to the door. She opens the door. Síauna stumbles slightly into the bathroom. 
          “I’m ok,” Junis assures her. She walks to her bed. She slips on her Black furry slides and takes her phone off the charger. Síauna sits on her bed, watching Junis getting prepared to leave. 
          “Junie, where are you going? It’s almost three am.” 
“I’m just gunna take a drive around campus,” Junis mutters, grabbing her Tupac hoodie and slipping over her sports bra. Síauna skeptically looks at her.
          “Are you going to see Cassius? You know, he has a girlfriend.” Junis shrugs. 
          “What does that have to do with me?” She questions as she grabs her glasses off the nightstand.
          “I thought you were focusing on yourself this year.” Junis hums and looks over at Síauna. 
          “I am.”
          “How if you’re going to bother the same man who won’t break up with his girlfriend, but claims to be so in love with you?” 
          “I’m not looking for sex… I’m looking for comfort.” 
          “OK, you can just go to Vemini, or you know… Talk to me! I am your roommate.” Síauna points out. Síauna's thick Puerto Rican accent heightens with agitation.  Junis sighs, walking towards the door. 
          “Ju, I don’t know how long I can keep this secret from Zy’onna. You know, she’s captain of the dance team… The Same dance team that I’m on!” Junis shrugs. 
          “Who says you have to keep it a secret? I never asked you to cover for me. I’m a big girl, I can handle Zy’onna, and besides, like I said, we’re not fucking… He’s just great at comforting me.” Junis argues. Síauna, feeling defeated, sighs. 
          “Just let me know when you get there.” Junis opens the door, nodding. 
          “Will do.” Junis leaves the Dorm room, closing the door behind her. Síauna gets back into bed, worriedly sighing to herself. 
          “She just doesn’t know how crazy Zy’onna is… She’ll learn soon enough.” She mutters before turning on her side and quickly going to sleep. 
          Junis pressed the down button on the elevator and leaned back, waiting for the double doors to open. She unlocks her iPhone and opens her Phone app. She presses Cassius' name and begins calling Cassius. 
          Meanwhile, Cassius couldn’t sleep, so he was up playing the game on the PS5 with his roommate, Taurus, when his Samsung began to vibrate. Cassius looks over at the coffee table and nudges Taurus, who is glued to the TV screen. 
          “Aye, T pass me the phone.” 
          “Hell nah, It’s just a ploy to beat me again.” Cassius rolls his eyes. 
          “Nah, nigga my phone is ringing.” Taurus quickly looks at Cassius, who appears serious, before clicking his tongue and gesturing him away.
          “Mane, whatever nigga.” Cassius rolls his eyes, getting up from his bean bag chair and leaning over Taurus, grabbing his phone from the coffee Table. He saw he had two missing calls from Junis and grew worried. 
          “I’ma be right back. I need to call someone real quick.” Taurus waves him off. Cassius goes to the back of his bedroom, calling Junis back. A couple of rings and Junis picks up the phone, without missing a beat, Cassius immediately asks her. 
          “You had another nightmare?” Junis softly sighs, nodding. 
          “You wanna come over?” Junis chuckles to herself. 
          “Uhm if that’s ok with you…” 
          “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t Ju.” Junis softly smiles. 
          “Thanks, I’m on the way.” 
          “Alright, I’ll get the bed set up.” Junis hums then hangs up the call. Cassius returns to the living room, grabs the Roku remote, and turns off the TV. Taurus lets out a flustered groan and looks back at Cassius. 
          “NIGGA, WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Junis is coming over…” 
       “Ok, and? She knows I live here. Why we gotta act brand new?” Cassius rolls his eyes. 
       “T, don’t start. You know, Ju is going through a lot.” Taurus rolls his eyes. 
       “She’s still grieving about something that happened almost four years ago. I mean, I get it. It sucks to watch your blood die. I know what it’s like, but you acting like that’s yo bitch or something.” Taurus argues. Cassius let out a flustered groan. 
       “I just want this to be a safe space for her, ight?” Taurus rolls his eyes and gets up. 
       “You know, that’s not your job. You have a whole girlfriend. Zy’onna would be pissed if she found out her nigga snuggling up with some bitch.” Cassius glares at Taurus.
       “Junis is not some bitch, so cool it with that shit.” Taurus sighs, unmoved by Cassius’ protectiveness over Junis. 
       “Well, she ain’t yo bitch either…” Taurus points out. 
       “What? You want her or some shit?” Taurus amusingly chuckles, shaking his head. 
       “Nah, I’m good, but clearly you want her.” Cassius rolls his eyes. 
       “Ok, your point is?” 
       “You gotta choose… Either Zy’onna or Junis.” Cassius looks at Taurus, shocked by how sensible he’s acting. He places his backhand on Taurus’ forehead playfully. Taurus swats his hand away as Cassius chuckles. 
       “Nigga, is you good? This is the most sense you’ve made… Well, EVER!” Taurus rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. 
       “As Much as I’m a player myself. I happen to like Junis, as a friend. She’s cool peoples. Plus, I’m trying to get with Vemini, and I don’t need you fucking up my game, cause you can’t choose.” Cassius looks at him in disbelief, shaking his head. 
       “Nigga, you not even Vemini’s type.” Taurus scoffs. 
       “She just hasn’t tried me yet so I could prove her wrong.” Cassius burst out in laughter. Taurus furrows his eyebrows, confused by Cassius’ amusement. 
       “What’s funny?” Junis knocks on the door. Cassius walks to the door, shaking his head. 
       “Unless you move weight or are in a gang? She’s not looking yo way.” Cassius explains, opening the door to see Junis with her hoodie over her head. Cassius looks down at the five-foot-two woman. He bit his bottom lip as he always found her short stature sexy. 
       “Are you just gunna stand there and Eye fuck me or let me in?” Junis asks with a slight grin. Cassius clears his throat and moves to the side as Junis enters the apartment. 
       “Hey, T!” Junis greets him as Taurus gives her a slight head nod. Junis looks over at Cassius, slightly worried. 
       “Did I interrupt something?” Taurus puts his finger up to explain the previous event, but Cassius harshly elbows him, causing Taurus to clutch his stomach and crouch down.“No, I’ll meet you in the bedroom.” Junis furrows her eyebrows, perplexed by what is happening, but once Taurus gives her a reassuring thumbs up, she leaves the living room, heading towards the bedroom. Cassius shoots a warning glare at Taurus. 
       “You know, you didn’t have to elbow me. A simple shut up would’ve been fine.” Cassius rolls his eyes, walking to his bedroom. 
       “USE CONDOMS!” Taurus exclaims. Cassius embarrassingly looks down, muttering obscenities, hoping Junis didn’t hear that. He enters his bedroom. Junis is lying on his bed, on top of his red Redland blanket, on her stomach, on her phone. Cassius grins to himself, walking over to her and smacking her butt. Junis jumps in shock and shoots a glare at Cassius. Cassius slightly chuckles, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
       “What? I can’t help that all that ass was in my face, and besides… That shit is mines anyways. Why can’t I have the luxury to feel on it?” Junis sits up on the bed, softly sighing to herself. 
       “We need to talk…” Junis uncomfortably starts. Cassius furrows his eyebrows, confused. 
       “We can’t keep doing this…” Cassius scoots closer, wrapping his arm around her waist.
       “Doing what?”
       “This!” Junis emphasizes, scooting away from Cassius. 
       “I don’t get it… What’s the issue?” 
       “The issue is you have a girlfriend, and I can’t keep being a Side piece. The first two years were cool. I enjoyed your company, and I wasn’t ready for a relationship. But we’re getting older, and I want to focus on myself…” Cassius rolls his eyes, unmoved by her speech. Junis does this often. When she comes to her senses, she decides that they can no longer fuck and can only strictly be friends. 
       Cassius was not buying it this time, nor will he the next time. Junis will never date anyone else. Cassius was too selfish to share her with anyone else. Junis was always gunna be his, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. Being with Junis gave him a high that he couldn’t explain…
         Cassius has wanted Junis since they were little kids playing in the gritty streets of Aurora City. They never got together because they grew apart and were part of separate cliques. Cassius became a jock, and Junis was the outcast. She liked being alone, and he liked the attention of his peers, but Junis continuously plagued his mind. Even when he got with Zy’onna, his peers were envious that he was able to bag the “Princess of Riverdale.
       But eventually, the thrill of bagging a girl like her wore off, and the obsession of Junis came back. So when they shared the same science class and assigned partners for a group project, he took his chance and ran with it. He knew she was a bit vulnerable with the passing of her brother, but he wanted to be there for her and be the support system that she needed.
       And well, it leads to them having sex and a weird, complicated relationship.
You may question why Cassius doesn't break up with Zy'onna? If he's so in love with Junis. Well, Cassius was with her because of Guilt. Cassius felt awful that he was cheating on her, and he thought if he played into her fantasy of a perfect life, that was the least he could do. And well, he needed a back plan if he and Junis didn’t work out. 
       Cassius was very meticulous when it came to his life. Everything had a plan A and a plan B. He already lost Junis before, what's to say he wouldn’t lose her again? 
       Cassius leans in, kissing on her neck. Junis pushes him away, sternly looking at him. 
       “Cass, I’m so serious. No.” Cassius rolls his eyes, annoyed. 
       “Ju, you always do this…” He pauses, scooting closer to Junis, with no space between them. Junis leans back. Cassius pressures forward until Junis is lying on her back. Their eyes lock, and a small smile creeps on Cassius’ face.
       “You know, I love you, right?” Junis, tantalized by Cassius' dark emerald eyes, nods. 
       “I know you love me too. Stop stressing yourself.” He softly cooed as he leaned forward, letting their lip engage in a dangerous tango of lust and romance. 
The Next day… 
The blue, sheer curtain did not stop the bright sun from coming through the white blinds, waking up Junis. She softly yawns, realizing Cassius’ muscular arms encased around her. Her head rested on his bare chest, listening to the soft, heavy breathing of Cassius. She loved hearing him sleep. He sounded so peaceful. She carefully gets out of his arms and sits up beside him. She looks down at him, guilt-ridden.
She meant what she said last night. She didn’t want to be his sidepiece. She didn’t want to do the back and forth anymore. She needed to focus on herself and work through her grief on her own. She always said that. This time, she needed to put her words into action. Cassius was never leaving Zy’onna, and that was the unfortunate reality. She carefully got out of bed and crept around, gathering her clothes.
Cassius could feel that bed got lighter. The weight shift caused Cassius to stir in his sleep. Junis was so focused on getting dressed. Little did she know, Cassius was stirring from his slumber. When Cassius opens his eyes, he sees Junis getting dressed. Confused, he sits up, letting out a loud yawn, startling Junis. Junis quickly turns and nervously chuckles. 
“You scared me, Cass!”
“Why you getting dressed? You don’t have class till the afternoon.”
“Because I should get going…” Cassius chuckles. Cassius gets on all fours and crawls closer to Junis, standing at the edge of his bed. 
“But you’re gunna miss my famous French toast.” He teased, but Junis wasn’t smiling back. She looked remorseful.
���Ju, you good?” 
“Cass, I love you.” She trails. Cassius knew what was next, aggravatingly kissing his teeth. 
“Ju, not this shit again.” Junis shakes her head.
“Cass, I mean it.” 
“I’m not letting you go!” Cassius argues. 
“Just like you can’t let go of Zy’onna!” Junis exclaims. Cassius sits up, taken aback by Junis’ tone. He felt guilty as Junis had a point. 
“Ju…” He starts, but Junis shakes her head. 
“Your actions speak louder than the words you speak. It isn't fair to Zy’onna if I keep interfering with what you guys have.” 
“JU WE HAVE NOTHING!” Cassius frustratingly shouts. 
“If that’s the case, why are you still with her?” Junis calmly asks. Cassius opens his mouth, but Junis’ phone begins to vibrate. She looks down and sees Vemini calling. She answers the call, getting up. 
“Wassup, Vee?” 
“Aye, you going to Dr. Lambert’s class today?” 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Can you take notes for me for the class?” Junis pauses, looking back at Cassius. They share one last intense stare before she leaves his bedroom, closing the door behind her. She left again. Cassius thought to himself. His eyes began to water. He lost her again… 
“Why do you need me to take notes for you?” 
“Well…” Vemini bites her bottom lip as she looks over at Wootie, leaning back in the driver’s seat with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping her thighs. 
“I’m out with Wootie…” Junis rolls her eyes, shaking her head as she leaves Cassius’ apartment. 
“You gunna fail if you keep being up under that man!” Junis slightly scolds. Vemini rolls her eyes and waves Junis off. 
“Gurl bye! As long as I have my cousin Junie helping me out, I’ll pass.” Junis rolls her eyes. 
“Well, I’ll do it for you, but you owe me,” 
“Aight, aight fine! I love you, cuzzo!” Junis smiles, nodding. 
“Love you too.” Junis hangs up the phone, and Vemini looks over at Wootie, grinning. 
“I got my cuzzo covering for me. So, I’m all free!” Wootie chuckles, shaking his head. 
“You can’t keep missing class, ma. I don’t want no dumb bitch.” Vemini rolls her eyes. 
“I’ma still get my degree, stop sweatin’ me.” Wootie sighs. 
“You know, I just care ‘bout chu, ya know?” Vemini blushes, nodding. 
“I know you do, papa.” She cutely replies, her voice in a slightly higher pitch. Wootie looks over at Vemini’s big purple eyes. Her eyes always did something to him. He huffed to himself, shaking his head while Vemini enjoyed the battle of arousal he was fighting with himself.
“Hmm, anyways I gotta make a play real quick, and then, we’ll go to Fun Stop.” Vemini nods. She opens the glove compartment, grabs the leather gloves, slips them on her hand, and grabs the leather holster that held the Smith and Wesson luger pistol. Wootie looks over and sees Vemini on go, which arouses him even more. He loved how down-to-ride Vemini was. 
       That was his rider, and "That’s on GD", he would say.
  Junis sits in her car, staring at the building she just left, feeling the same pain that she felt when she lost her brother. She felt like she lost a piece of herself and regretted the decision to distance herself from Cassius. She felt so alone now that she removed him from her life. She rests her head on the steering wheel, holding back tears. She softly sniffles to herself. 
Although Cassius was never hers, this felt like a breakup. She loves Cassius. She really does, but she’s not going to heal if she keeps using Cassius as a crutch every time she has a nightmare or needs to feel affection from a man. She was only hurting herself because no matter how much they said their ” I love Yous.” Or their “I need yous.” One thing remained the same; He was still with Zy’onna. 
And there was nothing that she could do about it, but put herself first and leave the situation. Junis lifts her head, leaning against the headrest, fighting her tears. She was sad but also angry. Why was she crying over this situation?! She was mad that this situation was affecting her so much. 
She takes a deep breath, and her phone begins to play “I Just Called to Say I Love You” By Stevie Wonder. Her mother was calling her. She clears her throat and makes sure she doesn’t sound like she is in distress. The last thing she wanted her mother to do was stress over her. Her mother had enough on her plate, she thought to herself. She answers the call. 
“Hey, ma,” Junis says, trying to sound happy, but Janis knew her baby girl all too well. That small crack in her voice said otherwise. 
“June bug, what’s wrong?” Her mother asked, concerned. Junis softly sighs. 
“Ma, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.. How are you?” 
“Don’t change the subject, June bug! Tell me, what’s wrong.” Junis sighs, knowing how persistent her mother was, and lets out a defeated sigh. 
“Ma… Why does love hurt?” Junis asks. Her mother hums softly, nodding to herself. 
“Well, June bug… I don’t have the answer to that. I wished I knew why love hurts, but I do know this.”
“That the pain doesn’t last forever. I know it feels like it does, but after a while, it gets better and you soon realize that things happen for a reason. June bug, you’re still young and have a lot to experience. You’re gunna get hurt and disappointed a lot in life, but baby girl, dust off your shoulder and lift up your head. You will rise above this.” Junis sniffles, smiling at her mother’s wisdom. 
“I don’t know how you’re so strong mom…” Junis admits, envious of her mother’s strength. Janis chuckles, shaking her head. 
“I still have my weak moments, Ju. But neither your father nor your brother would want us moping around.” Janis reasons. Junis softly smiles, nodding. 
“Yeah, you're right, and don’t let Sylas know I was crying over a boy, he might just haunt them,” Junis says, lightening up the mood. Her mother chuckles. 
“Yeah, you're right. Are you feeling better, June bug?” Junis hums. 
“A little, but I’ll get over it.” Janis smiles widely. 
“Good! Well, I just called you on my lunch break to check in on you. I’ll call you when I get off.” Junis hums, nodding. 
“Ok, don’t work too hard, ma.” Janis lets out a half chuckle. 
“Those bills don’t pay themselves.”
“Ma, I still haven’t spent my leftover FASFA mo—” 
“Oh, look at the time! I have to go! Love you! Bye!” Janis quickly says, hanging up the phone on Junis. Junis looks at her phone screen, appalled that her mother hung up the phone. She chuckles to herself, shaking her head. She puts her phone in the cup holder and starts up her car. 
She stares at Cassius’ building one last time before smiling to herself… 
It hurts now, but ultimately, it will be all worth it.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Sora x Female!Queen!Reader: Deception
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Summary: A queen must be many things, but above all she must be true to her heart.
Rating/Tags: All (not anti-Kairi; not canon compliant; magic user!reader; party member!reader; Sora & Donald & Goofy; Sora & Donald & Goofy & Reader; shippers on deck; love confession; mutual crushing; fluff)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Notes: I wrote this, like, the week Kingdom Hearts III came out without having played it myself. Thus, it’s intended to be set during Kingdom Hearts II. But there really aren’t any game-specific details in here, so depending on whether you prefer young!Sora, zippers!Sora, or plaid!Sora, you can really just pick whatever game you want to set this during (that he is in, I mean...obviously this doesn’t work for Birth by Sleep).
When the morning sun pushed its way over the horizon at last, you could wait no longer. Your sleepless night had come to an end. Without bothering to wait for someone to dress you or guard you—activities you had done by necessity yourself up until very recently—you left your quarters in swift silence. No one stopped you on your way to the throne room, which allowed you to slip inside it undetected.
The cavernous space plunged into darkness as the doors shut behind you. A few seconds later, a fist-sized fireball floated above your outstretched palm. In its dim light, you made your slow way up the long, thin carpet and up to the raised dais it led to. There you ran your free hand across the gleaming arm of the empty throne. Your father’s throne. Your throne, now.
Your flame flickered as tears sprung to your eyes. You quickly rubbed them away. Today was no day for tears. After so long fighting the Heartless, your kingdom was won. Today you were to be properly introduced to the populace as their queen. No longer was the princess away at war, but there to stay as their benevolent ruler. They needed to see you driven and calm, not mourning what was lost during those years of darkness.
“Your majesty.”
You spun on the spot, fire glowing hotter than ever, only to find no threat waiting behind you. A familiar older man bowed where he stood just a few feet away: Cassius, your captain of the guard. 
So he had followed you after all. It would be some time before you grew used to being watched and protected again.
“Yes?” you said, a little awkwardly.
“You have visitors. The three men from before.”
Your heart sank. So soon? But better to say your goodbyes before everyone else arrived for the coronation. You only hoped you could do what you needed to do without the time you had counted on to mentally prepare for it.
“Send them in,” you said, and clapped your fireball in between your hands. It vanished just as every torch in the room lit up with fires of their own. 
Cassius nodded, then he disappeared back through the double doors that led into the hall. 
You sat on your throne to wait. Resisting the temptation to run your hands up and down its arms again was difficult—but a queen must not be nervous.
In the minutes that followed, you attempted to quash your nerves. You had escaped the coup that killed the rest of your family, learned the magic your parents had despaired of you ever knowing, and defeated your monstrously transformed aunt to bring light back to your world. How hard could it be to say goodbye in comparison to all of that?
Harder than all of them put together, you realized when the doors opened again and you caught a flash of Sora’s smile. The closer he drew, the harder your pulse hammered in your throat. By the time the trio stood before you, you almost felt faint.
“Your majesty!” they said, bowing as one. You tried to swallow away your emotions before the three straightened.
“Sora. Donald. Goofy.” You smiled at each of them in turn. “You bow to no one here. Certainly not to me.”
“Sounds good to me!” said Donald.
“But we have to be respectful,” Goofy chimed in. “You’re the queen now. A-hyuk!”
This was what you had feared the most. The three of them had been your closest companions since their arrival on your world. Without their help, your kingdom would still be under the control of the Heartless. Now that it wasn’t, your true place was revealed. They were no longer your cherished friends. They were subjects just like everyone else. You ached at the loss of Donald and Goofy’s casual antics, but feared more the loss of the boy standing between them.
Sora, however, looked at you with the same sparkling blue eyes as always. “You know, I always thought queens were supposed to wear a crown,” he said.
With a gasp, you reached for the top of your head. You felt nothing there but hair. “I guess I forgot to put it on this morning,” you said with a sheepish smile. “You’ll see it this afternoon at the ceremony.”
All three exchanged looks you liked not at all. Donald opened his beak first, but Sora spoke before he could:
“We aren’t going to make it to the ceremony.”
Your fingers curled against the arms of your throne. “Why not?”
“The Keyblade says it’s time to go. There are other worlds that need our help.”
“Of course.”
It wasn’t just your world that was overcome by darkness. You knew that. You also knew that you couldn’t be selfish. Sora was the only remaining keyblade-wielder, and he had an obligation to rescue more than just you.
Goofy leaned over toward Donald’s head. “You know, I think we should go look at the Gummi ship. Make sure it’s ready to leave,” he said in a stage whisper.
“What?” Donald squawked. Then he saw Goofy’s pointed look from Sora to you, and rolled his eyes. “Oh, all right.”
After many glances backward, Donald left with Goofy. You supposed you ought to have appreciated the latter’s tact, but the last thing you wanted just then was to be alone with Sora. It was difficult for you to even look at him knowing that you would never get to do so after he left.
“I’m sorry we can’t stay,” he said, his brow furrowed with uncharacteristic worry.
“It’s okay. You’ve got other princesses to rescue.”
“You really did most of the rescuing yourself.”
His wide grin sent electricity running up your limbs. You were never going to see that smile again. At first, that same smile—along with Sora’s unflappable cheer and optimism—had irritated you, especially in the face of several dozen Neoshadows. Its light had grown on you, though, and now you didn’t want to imagine a life without its presence. 
But you had to. Sora didn’t belong to you. He had his own world to return to. What were you supposed to do? Tell him you’d thought—after your aunt and her army destroyed everyone you cared for—you wouldn’t love anyone again and that he’d proven you wrong? That you had been so consumed with revenge and loneliness that if he hadn’t arrived when he did, that you’d have been a Heartless by then, too? That you couldn’t have become queen without him and you didn’t think you could be one at all if he were gone? 
No. On his own world, he had his own girl, his own princess. A queen must not be selfish.
Sora stepped up onto the dais, and you stiffened. He didn’t appear to notice. His arms went behind his head in a typical gesture of friendly nonchalance.
“You know, I was thinking,” he said, “maybe we could come back and visit in a little while. The Heartless can’t win forever. Once they’re gone, I can come see you again.”
“No.” The word came out of your mouth before you could stop it. 
Sora looked as though you’d shot one of your fire spells right at his face. Guilt surged through your stomach, but you pushed it away. What did you have to feel sorry for? He had a job to do, and so did you. Too many people were relying on your both—not to mention that no matter how much you loved Sora, you didn’t want to take him from Kairi. He’d spoken too highly of her for him to have any feelings left over for you.
You took a deep breath and tried again: “No. I’ll be far too busy. There’s so much I have to learn and so much we have to repair. I just don’t have the time, and I’m sure you’ll be busy, too.”
Sora’s expression of shock turned into a frown. “I guess you’re right.”
“I don’t want to keep you.”
“Okay.” Still frowning, he stepped away from your throne. He hesitated before offering you one last, shallow bow. “Goodbye, [Name]. You’re going to be an great queen. You’re the bravest, most amazing girl I’ve ever known.”
What that, he turned to go. He didn’t look back. Your innards twisted as you watched him near the doors. Once Sora stepped through them, he would be gone from your life forever. You would never see him again. He would see a million worlds and never know that one of the girls he’d left behind longed for his return. 
That was for the best, wasn’t it? Someday Destiny Islands would call him back. They needed him more than you did. A queen must not be selfish.
“Sora, wait!”
He looked around just in time to catch you as you sprinted for him. His arms went around you automatically, and his familiar laugh rumbled against your face as you pressed yourself to his chest.
“What’s all this about?” he asked.
When you pulled away from him, tears were leaking from your eyes. You didn’t care. You didn’t care if you were being silly or selfish or snobby. Sora was going to leave, but unlike your family, he could come back, if he wanted to. He never would if you didn’t tell him the truth. Maybe it would come to nothing. Maybe he really did love Kairi. All you knew was that  you simply couldn’t let him walk out of your life as easily as he’d entered it.
“I—I…” By then, you were crying openly. “Please come back! Please come see me again. Sora, I…I…”
He pulled you closer into a tight embrace. “I will. I love you, too.”
That was when Donald burst in.
“Oops,” said the duck, in a tone that made it clear he wasn’t sorry at all for the interruption.
“Sorry, Sora.” Goofy stuck his head in, too. “It’s time to go.”
Reluctantly, you disentangled yourself from Sora’s hug. 
He just smiled again and stepped toward his friends. “That’s okay. [Name]?”
His smile widened. “I’ll see you again really soon.”
“I’m glad. Stay safe.”
He left with a final, cheerful wave. 
Shortly after, Cassius returned to ask why you remained in your nightclothes. When you attended to your chambers to allow your lady-in-waiting to dress you for the coronation, you noticed that much of the anxiety that had kept you awake all night was gone. 
The road before you remained difficult and long, but you knew you could handle it. After all, you’d been honest with the boy you loved. For now, through every meeting, through every lesson, through every painful memory, you could go on knowing that Sora never lied. He’d be seeing you again really soon. And when he did, you'd be ready to be completely honest with him.
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operationnope · 1 year
Stick or Twist ~ Ramblings on s7 Sneak Peeks
So after watching and rewatching the first three boys, I actually like Alex the best. But here’s some thoughts on the other two, plus more…
Rafael seems young and he’s been referred to as a puppy at least twice. He’s sweet but head over for his partner already. We’ll see what he’s like when he gets to Casa but it seems like they are setting him up to be loyal.
Joyo has the best looking face imo and I like his tattoos. His traps are WAY too big, though. He’s supposed to be the coolest and seems the most open, but I don’t know. He’s a flirt which is fine, but he seems a bit like trouble to me.
I really, REALLY want to meet Cassius but I’m pretty sure Bryson is up next. It seems like he’s been involved in the most drama so far. If he’s the next sneak peek it will be interesting to see his take.
The new MC design is meh. I don’t love or hate it. I actually think the “curvy” body looks the best out of the two. I’m kinda surprised by how thin they made the other body type. They’ve had no problem making other beautifully curvy characters (Elladine, Najuma, Grace), but they cannot get it right with MC.
I can’t believe there’s only two more weeks until the new season comes out. I think it’s too soon. It feels rushed and the art so far is lacking. I can only imagine what the writing will be like. It’s a shame really because the idea of being a Casa girl is so good. I guess we’ll see.
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violethowler · 1 year
My Thoughts On Light Bringer (Spoilers)
The wait for Light Bringer has been so long that I as soon as I learned that my physical copy wouldn’t be getting delivered until after release day, I immediately went and pre-ordered the ebook version so I could start as soon as it became available. I started reading around midnight my time and I literally only got three hours of sleep before I finished the book. And holy bloodydamn shit was it worth waiting all these years for.
The title of this novel felt incredibly fitting not simply as a reference to any one character, but because after the chaos and death and violence of Dark Age, this book was a ray of light and hope, validating what I said back when Dark Age came out and filling me with such optimism and excitement for what comes next. Even after Cassius’ death, I cried tears of joy when I finished reading the book because with everything in the world being on fire – from the rise in censorship and anti-LGBTQ laws in the US to the various crises caused by climate change, to the ongoing labor issues like the writers’ and actors’ strikes – this book reminded me how to have hope for the future and to recognize that with enough time and enough people fighting back, things can get better. To appreciate the smaller, less-publicized steps forward when I’m feeling overwhelmed by all the big headlines making all the bad things seem worse.
And on top of all that, it was just straight up fun. I love Dark Age and Iron Gold, and their seriousness is important to their themes. But one of the things that I loved about the original trilogy was the capacity of its writing to spark joy and put a smile on my face. Long have I missed a new action sequence that made me cackle like mad as I realized that the tables had turned on the villains, like the escape from Venus or Darrow’s emergence from the leviathan did. Or the powerful, raw moments like Deanna’s pre-battle benediction in Lykos. Or the quiet moments like Lyria and Cassius bonding, or Darrow and Sevro’s gradual reconciliation. These are just some of the many ways that Light Bringer feels like a return to the series’ roots.
The journey Darrow went on felt perfectly timed for the series, and every character grew phenomenally in this book. Some in positive ways, like Diomedes and Lyria. And others in negative ways, like a certain hypocritical, genocidal, fascist wannabe dictator.
Despite my burning desire for Lysander’s enrollment in the Head-In-A-Box club, his POV was masterfully written, allowing us a deeper glimpse into the inner workings of the Society Remnant that we didn’t properly get in previous books, while at the same time showing us at every turn that he is ultimately no different than Atlas and Atalantia. Given Cicero’s reaction to the burning of Demeter’s Garter, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before many of his allies realize that and turn on him.
And speaking of turning, I feel so vindicated that the alliance between the Rim Dominion and the Society Remnant ultimately shattered by the end of the book. But while I didn’t anticipate how it happened, I think it’s better that it happened this way. Firstly, Lysander is the whole reason the alliance exists, so it feels poetic that he’s the one who destroyed it. Secondly, it gives closure to the conflict between Darrow and the Rim over his actions in Morning Star, and that is so much more satisfying than my prediction of the Society being mad at them for Cassius being alive.
I’m similarly impressed with how the Obsidian storyline was handled, and how Lyria’s connection with Volga played into that. In hindsight, the storyline of getting the Obsidians turned away from Volsung Fa was the one plot set up in Dark Age that I could never really think of any theories of how it could be pulled off like I could for things like Sevro’s rescue or the breaking of the Rim-Core alliance. But Lyria being able to use her connections to get to Volga and make the first crack in her armor after Volsung Fa spent eight months manipulating her into following his rhetoric was a sight to behold, and I cannot imagine any other way it could or should have played out. It feels so incredibly fitting that if I hadn’t known Pierce had scrapped his first draft of the book, I would’ve assumed that scenario was planned from the beginning.
Which is really a testament to Pierce’s writing that even if I didn’t always like the choices made in this book (i.e. the lack of Virginia chapters compared to the POVs, the clone plot on Luna being left hanging, etc.), the choices still made sense to me and fit perfectly with the story that Pierce is trying to tell.
After almost 4 years of waiting, Light Bringer defied my expectations in the best way, and I’m even more excited than ever to see Pierce bring it all home in Red God.
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Welcome to Proved Loveless in Death
An Interactive Tumblr Poll game where you choose who's your favorite... and who dies <3
Basic Idea: You are the poor victim of the Court of Fey, targeted with a spell called 'Rose Tint' that makes you able to see choices and decide on what path fate will take in the name of madness and love.
I'll post snippets of backstory and character designs and then write chapters of the story with a poll in the end of updates every once in a while, having votes for how things will proceed. Scuffles and ultimatums, life and death. You've made quite a lot of boys devoted to you throughout your life. Now, years later, see how far the fay's corruption and lovesickness twists their actions through this game.
TW for horror with gore, maiming, psychological abuse, gaslighting, and dub/noncon.
You are trapped having to see the sweet memories and friendships you shared turn into red splatters of blood. The versions of them you remembered, marred forever by how sick and twisted they became as soon as your friends realized this was a competition. You are the prize.
Whoever comes out of it will be your fated lover, and own your heart whole-y (along with getting some compensation from the Fey for the good show of course).
Choose wisely.
Short Profiles and Concept Art of the Friends You've Gathered Throughout the Years:
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Cassius (5-10): Violent, protective, entitled.
You were next door neighbors as kids. He played pranks on you at first but would get mad at others and hit them if they tried to do the same. Although you thought he hated you because of how mean he was sometimes, he would not stop hanging around you instead of going home.
After you heard yelling and shattering from his home, you'd let him slip inside your house in secret too. You really became his security blanket, and he eased up on the teasing. But he'd be mean again if you ever tried partnering with anyone other than him.
When you had to move, he bullied you into promising you'd marry him. You eventually relented as you saw him cry for the first time. He's taken this oath way too much to heart and has been doing his best to become someone reliable and strong for you.
Even years later, he can't stay interested in anyone because of how strongly he clings to the fantasy of you. That his goal has only ever been to become someone you could be proud of. He feels like it's a betrayal to let you go.
So he starts chasing after your trail.
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Ami (10-13): Girly, manipulative, spoiled.
You came to his school as he was getting retribution for bullying his classmates. He had been snide, unsympathetic, and cruel to them, toying with everyone's emotions. Finally, his classmates snapped, and he found out how powerless he could be against a mod. He started getting bullied himself. He had been so sure the adults would help, but there was no response from his teachers, and his parents never noticed. He felt alone for the first time in his life.
He was at his lowest, accepting his fate, and you saved him without having context to the full story. You became his his knight in shining armor; the person that proved to him again that he had value. He clung to you.
With new resolve, he rebuilt himself. He regained his confidence, and began living two-facedly, as he promised himself you'd never know about his mean side. He kept finding ways to shut anyone who tried talking to you about his past... then, because of his overzealousness, he threatened ANYONE who even tried befriending you too.
He couldn't trust them with you. You were *his*friend; his person to play with, spoil and adore... Up until you had to move far away. Again.
He was distraught and tried so hard to convince you to run away, to hide in his house. He'd take care of you! Of course, you couldn't. It was just a dumb, kiddish fantasy. But even now, years later, as his life went on without you, he keeps revisiting the possibility whenever he misses you.
He's made an enemy out of everyone. No one else has treated him as kindly and as sincerely as you. No one is meant for him like you are. He can't let you go.
He just can't.
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Ragnar (13-16): Depressed, asocial, cold.
His mom passed away and his dad moved them to another state. He fell into a deep depression and started having bad, bad thoughts. You were both new to school.
You clung to him because of this; after relying so much on only Ami previously, you were so unsure of how to make friends again that you were terrified. Ragnar was initially disgusted being smothered with attention, he just wanted to be left alone and not care about anything. It was sad, but your classmates started seeing you both in negative ways, and it furthered a divide between you both and them. All the more reason for him him to feel overwhelmed by you. You and your manner of being probing, kind, funny, and so... persistent. He thought he hated you.
But then you got sick and had to miss a few days of school. Getting his wish, being alone all school day and at home, Ragnar realized it was the opposite. He'd unfortunately gotten attached to you.
And he was looking forward to seeing you again.
When you came back, to your shock, he slowly started clinging back. e kept making up reasons as to why in his head. You came to him first anyways, so this much attention was fine, right? And... making sure you weren't be allowed to get close to anyone else was also okay... because it's not like anyone would be able to understand you the way he does.
He began monopolizing you. Everyone in the school was such a fake, you needed someone loyal to look out for you. That could only be him. He was always by your side, ready to give you anything and to keep everyone away. Slipping up on his undiscovered true emotions and telling you at random sometimes, poetic stuff about how much you mean to him and how you two were made to make each other happy.
He was always sweet to you.
When you told him you had to move again, he took it really hard, as if you were the one deciding to leave him. You'd made him want to live again and just took that hope away. He became cold and detached the following weeks, it made you both depressed up until your last day when he was finally to the point of breaking down. He ran to your house, knocked, and hugged you tightly, crying. He didn't say anything as he handed you an envelope and ran away. It said 'Don’t open until we meet again.' You've been obedient.
He knows it's stupid but... he still clings to you as the light in his life that he needs to get back. His life is yours, and yours is his.
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Varrik (16-18): Top student, smart, diligent.
You met him in the later years of highschool as all the pressure put on him being on top was beginning to make him break his charming persona. After moving so much, you'd become tired of trying to keep friendships and were settling into being a loner. But, you caught him having an anxiety attack in an empty classroom and helped calm him down.
Because you were new, Varrik let his guard down and felt like he could open up for the first time in years. You didn’t have a preconceived idea of him. You didn't care. It was freeing. After he was done, you tried giving him reassurance, but he lied about being busy and fled the room. Embarassment caught up to him, but when nothing came of his vent session, he started to relax again.
And the prospect of talking to you started to excite him. Ever since, he'd keep an eye on you, and sometimes, when he caught you alone afterschool, he'd linger just a bit around you, hoping you'd find some reason to talk to him. You fell right into your curiosity everytime and would ask him how he felt. Getting to talk to you in private like that would make his day.
It meant the world to him to be able to have someone understand him. In return, he realized your grades could be better and decided for himself to help you by hosting a lot of study (date) sessions. Also in private.
He knew how much of a loner you were, and that talking to him during school could open you up to other friendships... but he liked things as they were already. You were always available and a little expectant about you activities with him. It was cute.
He tried keeping your meetings a secret for thsoe years, but eventually, someone noticed. To combat this, he readily convinced them that he was set up by teachers to be your tutor in private because you had poor behavior that had to be monitored. He made a convincing story about the real reason you never socialized and always kept to yourself. No one doubted someone as reputable and kind as him.
He got his wish. No one else talked to you, and honestly, you couldn't be bothered to realize what had gone on. Now he never had to worry... but just to be safe, he started moving these (dates) sessions to other places. Like cafes, libraries, the park, his home... You were so close outside of school... even hanging out during the breaks. Giving gifts in secret. He was so happy... he wanted to stay that way.
Come senior year, he had a plan. He'd push you to go to the same, elite college as him. He really did his best to monopolize your time and energy into it with extra tutoring, volunteering, and scholarship hunting. He was picturing a future that HAD include you.
Finally, letters were sent and… You weren't accepted.
He was.
It broke his heart more than it did yours. He-He had to go, he couldn't just… not. His parents, his efforts, it'd all have been in vain otherwise. But he hated leaving you behind and felt wrecked with guilt. You did your best to console him. He pretended it worked.
As you waited with him in the airport, you thought about how what a weird twist of fate it was to be the one seeing their friend off now. You hugged him and reassured him you could meet up again sometime. But with how intense his program would be, you both know that was likely impossible. The last call for his flight rang and he had to let you go. You handed him one last gift before you left him. He opened it when he sat in his seat. It was a little keychain with a small photo of the both of you. He couldn't take his eye off it the whole ride.
He still has it, and stares at it when he needs to feel something again.
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Ludovic (18-21): Domestic, dependable, protective.
Roomies assigned when both your actual roommates dipped at the last second.
Ludovic started off terrible. He was in a shitty friend group that he'd followed into college just to party. He thought you were a stick in the mud and would intentionally get on your nerves a lot. He was the worst during the first semester, and you planned to ditch him as soon as housing gave you the clear.
But, after staying late studying for semester finals, as you were going back to your dorm on your car, you saw Vic being dragged away by two people. As you get closer it looked shadier and shadier.
You stopped the car and told them you were his roommate. You tried to appear friendly as you told them you'd take him back to your shared dorm. They refused, until you recognized one of them (someone Vic had brought over before) and you called her name. That makes her nervous and their bravado broke. They loaded him in the passenger seat and walked away.
He was definitely, unusually out of it.
He was a mess as you drove back home. He puked on your car. And while going up the elevator. And in your room. You had to help him change and he finally he realized who you are. He started crying about how he knew he was a shitty person, and you didn't deserve putting up with him. He was really starting to blabber about how he knew his life was spiraling with his clique, but that he felt helpless. He had no motivation to change.
It made you pause your initial opinions of him and reevaluate him. You were up all night checking on him and thinking about it as he's passed out. You couldn't help doze off after a while... and woke up feeling like you were watched. You turned around and saw him looking at you. Really looking at you. He didn't say anything, and turned around in his bed. You thought he was embarrassed and let him be, going back to your slumber.
Things changed a lot after that. He dropped his friend group, he became a bit more serious about his degree, he cleaned up after himself and... he valued you a lot more.
He had an epiphany after going through that; that he had to make better life choices. He needed more dependable people around him. Like you. He really wanted to make it up to you. A year later, he has gotten very involved in your life.
Once a week, he'd treat you to something you like, walk you to your classes when possible, and inadvertently memorize your schedule, friends, preferences, quirks.
He'd go above and beyond for you, even taking up extra chores and learning to cook things you liked in the communal kitchen. You felt guilty, like you weren't worth all this attention, but he always told you honestly that he just wanted to work on himself. And part of that was by becoming a good roommate to you. That quelled most arguments.
He's still a bit of an asshole sometimes; he likes to tease you a lot because of your inexperience to a lot of things, but he's never mean. You can finally say you're fond of him, and even look up to him for helping you whenever you were in trouble.
Meanwhile, as time went on and he had more introspection, Vic comes to terms with knowing that.. he loves you. But he's afraid. He can't trust himself anymore. He can't trust his judgment on what's right and wrong. On if he's really a good person or just pretending to be so that he can stay close to you. Against better judgement, his thoughts and urges slip into fantasies that aren't... healthy. It's a vicious cycle that feeds into his guilt, wanting to make up for it by doing something special for you, you give him a compliment that gets to his head and makes him think of more. He can't help it.
Another year, and another. Everything is great. Stuff gets lost and he makes fun of you for it. You binge watch shows and always try to eat together. Other friends you make start to drift away, but he remains your constant.
He'd follow you anywhere... it gets so domestic, anyone would mistake you for a couple already! But unfortunately, that last line is never crossed...
It's time for you to graduate. Because of certain mistakes and a lack of concentration in his classes, he isn't able to join your year. This is it. He'd been spiraling over through all of your final semester. You were leaving him.
He helps you pack, hiding the dread he feels, like his life was slipping away. He had to say something, to confess... Or... did he? Could you do long distance? Would you consider waiting for an idiot like him, still stuck in school?
He didn't want to burden you... after everything was loaded into your car, you both wavered. He joked that this wouldn't be the last of him. Next time you need a roomie, he'll zip right over. You laughed and told him you'd take him in a heartbeat.
In a heartbeat.
You drive off and he's alone, trying to tell himself he can always sneak back into your life. He's gonna graduate. He'll go after you. And even if you're in a relationship, married, or just uninterested, he'll find a way to convince you you two were perfect, and he'd claim you.
He just has to wait.
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Xander (21-24): Socially awkward, weakwilled, obsessive.
A tall, gawky, nerdy guy who joined the company you work at the same time as you.
Both of you were given the same assignments so you could help each other out. Xander was super flighty, nervous and stuttered a lot when you first met him, but with you were persistent. You'd take over the reigns when he couldn't, you gently tried making him feel comfortable when he was anxious, and you encouraged him when he did things right. You were a good, sweet coworker, and the man was starstruck, feeling blessed to even be in your presence when he was such a.. screw up.
The reason for Xander's awkwardness was attributed in part, because of his fearful and overbearing parents. He was home-schooled his whole life, kept to the house and taught schooling the 'proper' way. He was told meeting kids his age would only dumb him down, and yet, he felt like he was drowning under his parent's expectations anyways. He was never as good as they wanted.
Finally, he was allowed, at least, to escape to college. He was so nervous and excited. He tried so hard, too hard, to socialize... and found out very quickly that people did not like his ticks. The people in his class thought he was annoying, and he could never get the courage to talk to anyone outside of what was mandatory. Making friends was... too hard. He was hopeless without the tools to express himself well. In the end, he couldn't make any genuine connections up until he graduated.
His dreams of being happy were crushed. He was kicked from his parent's home and felt dread, believing work would be the same kind of hell in a different form.
How lucky he was, that you were there.
You, patient, kind, funny and cool. You, who seek him out even when you're not paired up, who wants to hang out with him for lunch, and doesn't shame him when he makes a social mistake. You're the first person he can call a friend. He's ecstatic and way too overeager... subtly, without realizing at first, he's even building a shrine to you in his head.
Which slowly became into an... actual shrine.
Obsessive. He can't help himself. Overanalyzing the things you talk about, looking for ways to feel closer to you, getting into all the things you're into so you can talk about it at work, stealing your lunch when no one is around and offering his own when you cant find it, soon even coincidentally moving somewhere closer and suggesting carpooling to save on gas. It's all pretty obvious if you weren't so trustful. It's not like anyone cares, no one bats an eye. Xander can get away with it all... for now. The long looks, the extra shifts, random (offerings) gifts in your desk and his constant, looming presence.
You're perfect. There is no one else in Xander's world but you.
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heliza24 · 1 year
Shakespeare Comparisons: Young Royals and the Henriad
I saw this post comparing Young Royals to Julius Caesar the other day, and I actually don’t think Young Royals is that closely connected to Julius Caesar. Sure, August betrays Wilhelm. But there are lots of things that don’t match up at all: Brutus, not Caesar, is the protagonist of that play, Caesar is not a contemporary of Brutus but something of a father figure, and Brutus and Cassius decide to kill Caesar because Caesar is threatening to become king and end the Roman Republic. None of those things are actually very similar to August and Wilhelm’s characters or relationship.
There is, however, a glaringly obvious Shakespeare comparison available to us in the form of the Henriad, or the plays Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 and Henry V. The protagonist of Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 is actually Prince Hal, the prince that will go on to become King Henry V in the final play. At the beginning of the first play, he spends most of his time shirking all royal duties, drinking in a tavern in Eastcheap with his perpetually drunk and broke friend Falstaff. Over the course of Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, Hal has to wrestle with the idea that he will soon inherit the crown, and decide how and when to step up to this responsibility. These plays are literally about the coming of age of a young and erstwhile prince just like Young Royals. 
There are few similarities and differences between the stories that I think are interesting to explore. In the Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, Henry IV struggles to maintain control of the crown. He took the throne as a usurper, defeating Richard II, and throughout the course of these two plays he fights to defend his position from rebels who would in turn usurp him. Because of this precarity, he’s aware of the fact that Hal will have a hard job as his successor, and that currently he’s showing no signs of being up to the task. He instead sings the praises of Harry Percy, also known as Hotspur, the young rebel who is Hal’s age currently vying for the throne. Despite Percy being his enemy, Henry IV recognizes all of the qualities of leadership that Percy displays, and wishes that he were his son instead of Hal (“In envy that my Lord Northumberland/Should be the father to so blest a son/A son who is the theme of honour’s tongue”- Henry IV Part 1, Act 1, Scene 1). But Percy is also hot-tempered and impetuous and possessed by toxic masculinity, and it becomes clear to the audience that he would not be a good king. When he learns that the reinforcements he expected are not going to arrive, he rushes into battle against Henry IV’s forces anyway, allowing Prince Hal to kill him.
In Young Royals, there is a similar precarity to the monarchy, not because someone is threatening to overthrow Kristina, but because modernity threatens to make all contemporary monarchy obsolete. Because of this, Kristina puts a lot of pressure on Wilhelm to maintain the image of the crown. In addition, August becomes a pretty neat parallel to Percy. August succeeds at fulfilling the expectations of a nobel placed upon him: he is straight, feels comfortable wielding authority, and actively wants power where Wilhelm rejects it. August is in some ways the favored son of the royal court, and his promotion into the line of succession feels reminiscent of the way that Henry wishes Percy could be his heir instead of Hal. Similar to Percy, August’s hamartias also revolve around his impetuousness, anger, and complicated relationship with masculinity. 
There’s an incredible scene in Henry IV Part 2, where Prince Hal is called to his father’s deathbed. Mistakenly thinking that Henry has already died, Hal tearfully takes the crown from his father’s pillow and places it on his own head. Henry later comes to and rails at his son, accusing Hal of wishing him dead and of being too impatient to assume Henry’s power. Hal protests; he meant only to wrestle with, and lay blame upon, the crown which he assumed had already killed his father. Hal speaks of the crown as a metaphor here, as something that sucks the life from those that are forced to wear it: 
Coming to look on you, thinking you dead, And dead almost, my liege, to think you were, I spake unto this crown as having sense, And thus upbraided it: “The care on thee depending Hath fed upon the body of my father; Therefore thou best of gold art worst of gold. Other, less fine in carat, is more precious, Preserving life in med’cine potable; But thou, most fine, most honored, most renowned, Hast eat thy bearer up. (Henry IV Part 2, Act 4, Scene 3)
Hal putting on the crown in this scene is a significant step towards his ultimate acceptance of his responsibility to rule. Even though he believes the crown to be a kind of poison, he knows he must wear it. It points to the self-sacrificing, humble king he will become in Henry V.
There’s no direct allegory to this scene in Young Royals, but the discussion of the crown as a kind of poison feels very apt for the themes of the show. As Lisa is fond of saying, Wilhelm being queer would not be an issue if it weren’t for the spectral crown hanging over his family and his destiny. This scene also makes me think of how Wilhelm asks Kristina to just be his mother and not the queen for once in season 2. Even though the crown has not literally affected Kristina’s health, it has killed off the part of her that is Wilhelm’s mother first. The crown has permanently altered their relationship.
I think if we’re drawing parallels between Young Royals and the Henriad, there’s a couple of different ways we can find connections between Prince Hal’s days of frivolous drinking at a tavern in Eastcheap and Wilhelm’s time at Hillerska. Eastcheap was a market street in the City of London (by which I mean the historic city/The Square Mile, not what we think of now as the entire city of London.), far away from any palace, which would have been populated by working class folks. The tavern is a place where Hal can be with his friends, away from the pressure of royal life. So in some ways, Hillerska works as Wilhelm’s Eastcheap. Or maybe I should say Erik’s– Erik’s description of sowing his wild oats and enjoying his time at school before things got serious seems very similar to Prince Hal’s attitude. Or perhaps more accurately we could say that Wilhelm’s adventures in Bjarstad are analogous to Prince Hal’s time in Eastcheap. This is Wilhelm’s predominant exposure to working class people, and he forms a close connection with Simon much like Hal does with Falstaff. (This however, is where the similarities between Falstaff and Simon end). 
At the end of Henry IV Part 2, Hal is crowned King Henry V, and willingly renounces his old way of life. When he sees Falstaff at his coronation, he tells him that he should “presume not that I am the thing I was” (Act 5 Scene 5) and banishes him. To me this feels reminiscent of the way Wilhelm renounces Simon publicly at the end of season 1. The difference here is that by the time Prince Hal renounces Falstaff, his transformation into King Henry V is complete. But Wilhelm’s rejection of Simon only occurs at the end of his first act, while he still has all of seasons 2 and 3 to continue to grow and make different decisions. Because of this I think it’s important to keep in mind that we don’t need to draw one-to-one comparisons between Young Royals and the Henriad, or any other classic text, in order to acknowledge that the two works are playing with the same themes. Lisa and the writers of Young Royals didn’t set out to create an updated version of Prince Hal in Wilhelm, but I think it’s impossible to write about the coming of age of a young prince in the Western World without being influenced, at least indirectly, by Shakespeare’s work. 
On a personal note, I think it’s amusing that I've been obsessed with the Henriad for about a decade, but it took me writing this post to realize that this long standing interest probably primed me to love Young Royals. I really am consistent if nothing else. 
Thanks to @bluedalahorse for helping me organize my thoughts on this as always. If there are any other Shakespeare/Hal lovers in the Young Royals tag I would love to hear your thoughts on these comparisons. And if this has you interested in the Henriad and you want to check out a production, I highly recommend the recorded Globe productions starring Jamie Parker as Prince Hal/Henry V.
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cookiewoli · 1 year
(I will soon add a index for fields of Mistria)
★My time at Sandrock index ★
Here you can see:
- Builder info and stuff
- sketch
- Sandrock's cosplay (link)
(Underlined words are link to other posts !)
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Meet the Sandrock's siblings!
Both are not from Sandrock.
"Cookie", the worst builder you ever met. She aspires to become a veterinarian.
Be prepared to see her smile and laugh 24h/24 ! She's so clumsy that people run away as soon as she comes towards them.
Cassius, the muscular JoJo's guy with a frightening death stare. He's an ex-player, and can't talk without using rude words.Sometimes he forgets that he can't be shirtless in public.
Don't want to mess up with him ? Give him a lollipop or candies and you'll be safe.
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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ~ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
Some info stuff:
- NPC dialogues of "Cookie"
- OC in symbolism (for Cookie)
- Character inspiration (for "Cookie)
- OC ask game
- Short story of Cassius before he came to Sandrock
a animated comic series ★
I'm working to do some others episodes, like a series of animated comic, just wait for it !
Ep OAV : Fireworks
Ep 1 : (soon)
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And another Sandrock's animation !
Based on the song "kyoufuu all back"
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╰─➤ Their Pinterest board :
Cookie Cassius
╰─➤ Spotify OC playlist:
Cookie Cassius
Relationship playlist:
Cookie and Fang Cassius and Elsie
Cookie and Cassius
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↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
⌞ ⌟
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My time at sandrock fanfic -
Moon's whisperer
The story takes place during the quest "Chasing Elsie" so it contains spoilers ! It's about her life out of Sandrock in the camp of the Monsters Researchers. During this time, she met Panah and Cassius, with whom she becomes friends, and maybe closer with one of them...
chap 1
chap 2
chap 3
chap 4
chap 5
chap 6
chap 7
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ~ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤
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╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚
Let's have some fun -
Stupid random sketches #1
-Introduce my brother
-Builders genderswap
Stupid random sketches #2
-Go put some clothes
-Worst crime
Random sketches #3
- Mr.bad wolf
- Jane's pla
Stupid random sketches #4
-He can't say no to her...
- DLC outfit
- Christmas prank
- How to say "I love you"
- Siblings' children
- Our memes at Sandrock round 1
Featuring 11 other builders of the community!
- Our memes at Sandrock round 2
Featuring 9 other builders
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ~ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤
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Want to see my Sandrock's cosplay?
- Fang (to be improved)
- Qi
- Qi 2
- Mi-An
- Nia
- Elsie
- Ernest
- Avery (test)
- My builder Cookie
- Our cosplay at Sandrock
(cosplay of 5 builders of the community ✨)
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My commission are open now!
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