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roskirambles · 1 month ago
Horror Movie of the day: The Wolf House (La Casa Lobo, 2018)
Once upon a time in a Colony in the mountains of Chile, there was a beautiful young girl called Maria who spent her time daydreaming and playing with the animals instead of working. One day, she freed three pigs from the stalls in an act of dissobedience, for which she was expected to spend one hundred days in solitude. Not liking the punishment put upon her, she ran away in the middle of the night. Finding refuge in a small hut in the woods, she finds two little pigs she chooses to care for.
While hiding from the wolf lurking outside, she will learn a lesson about hardships and obedience.
The historical context on which this movie was based on is already disturbing enough: Augusto Pinochet's regime in Chile was calvacade of humanitarian atrocities, the nazi German immigrant colony known as Colonia Dignidad being responsible of some of the most repulsive. But the specific way this movie depicts the subject matter is truly haunting; framed as a propaganda piece from the cult itself about escapees, it shows the story through the eyes of madness in a crude, home made, poorly masked fairy tale of unusually uncomfortable visuals by an unreliable narrator. When praising a movie the term “unique” is thrown around like candy, but there's really no other word to describe this film's approach to stop motion animation. It's deliberately unreal, making even the most mundane scenes look uncanny and profoundly unsettling, as if a twisted reality was forming in front of your eyes every second in a never ending continous take. The sound design doesn't fall behind either, a mixture of rather distorted voice overs, a textured foley and a low pitched cacophony that crawls into your inner ear. Equal parts hypnotic and horrifying, it's experimental visuals and symbolism manage to hit the place where the primal and the cerebral meet, so no matter how you approach it, it WILL get under your skin.
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tanogabo · 3 days ago
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the-fave · 11 months ago
i love my family!!!! i love our family vacations as adults!!!! i love getting drunk with my family!!!! i cant wait to get a partner who i love and adore and have the family love and adore them as well!!!!!
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444namesplus · 5 months ago
Abaja Abdimanar Abeja Abenelere Aberaferi Abezzo Abillin Abona Abonanno Abonni Acelidalp Ademaza Adiaroglu Adilif Adnaoglu Adoglu Adova Adreni Adreniha Agcan Agnogin Ahagri Ahanazar Ahapite Ahirbi Akahra Akaza Akazafka Akazi Akazye Akazzalis Akburg Akgünaza Akinafeldo Akmaz Akmazím Akmellia Akmesayfer Akpına Aksolalen Aksoyaz Aksoyazzan Alakah Alansaman Alaza Alazyra Aldel Alemaz Alenkta Aleymacib Alihaz Alizzel Allet Allezerya Allicle Allim Alliman Alliyelerd Alliyne Allomanin Alparamon Alpekseli Alpele Alpellun Altabelli Althelefer Altın Aluliyel Alzona Alçuksemin Alçín Amalpelia Amazam Ambarmagri Ambin Ambonnice Amboz Amelim Amicilo Amiforekif Amzaco Anash Annicorso Antmellu Apista Apparayd Appepassa Aptufin Aqualis Aqualo Aquaraë Aquarmana Aquel Aquellu Aquez Aquezzana Aquin Aquina Aquiner Aracel Aramichen Aratabin Arato Arayhan Araza Arazaffa Arazan Arbar Ardilal Arkerrula Arkut Arman Armazzi Arniania Arottin Arsero Arsun Arten Aryaz Arzulle Asazo Asquatole Astandreda Asuaro Atafen Atarabra Atarazhal Atassan Ataykafer Athan Athet Athir Atistis Atman Attihalpa Avvan Avvashazan Axibenelli Axicia Axickla Axicola Axirap Axirizzi Axiro Axiscorti Axisibetti Axista Ayaloglu Ayappellia Ayasel Ayaziye Ayazo Ayazye Aydem Aydíkaza Aydınazano Aydırım Aykaryaz Ayran Ayrazharka Ayrazím Ayrim Ayriye Ayseda Ayshan Aythaz Aythina Aythık Ayyazi Ayıldın Ayılmaza Ayılmir Azafa Azafala Azafav Azafà Azaila Azalaudi Azali Azalp Azalth Azamanoglu Azamusu Azana Azancak Azand Azanino Azanit Azanni Azara Azardim Azari Azaru Azham Azhan Azhavrasan Azhay Azhel Azhelerya Azhencio Azhengia Azihalizzi Azihni Azihnia Azinoglu Azisane Azismazisa Azmenlü Azmesik Azmil Azmir Azogan Azoglu Azyran Azyrikin Azzaner Azzark Azzernay Azzia Azzihni Azzoglu Azzontoglu Azzop Azzoparrin Azzopraz Azıcıoglu
Babahmeli Bacin Bahan Bahcel Bahigan Bahmaz Bahrazoglu Bajjarcop Bakmelicda Balalan Baliak Balioglu Balle Balpepis Banacco Banan Banurhali Barascolo Barash Baratan Barba Barbaracef Bardi Barimel Barin Barmazi Barosmel Bartebeli Bartisadi Bassap Bassari Basım Bathemrun Bathir Batongay Batta Battando Bayda Bazahatall Bazaiderim Bazammi Bazarsel Baziha Bazoprece Bazzana Bazzi Bazzo Bazzopul Bazıcı Bazıcıoglu Bedathella Beddin Beddinçel Bedefigil Bedin Begurazhe Begurazo Behilal Behireli Bejada Bejadni Bejarzu Bekes Bekseliz Belalzallu Belay Belea Belenelico Belevin Belia Beliberrin Belicach Belice Belih Belihamina Belik Belimerga Belis Belizzi Belizzoglu Bella Bellan Bellaz Bellen Bellercol Bellescia Belli Bellib Belliz Bello Bellu Belluna Belvant Belvia Belvian Belvilket Belvinep Belvinola Belçınano Benza Benzano Berabara Beraza Berdin Beresch Bergazmi Berrandoma Bescin Beskir Besti Beymaza Beyyin Bezio Bianato Biapisa Biarcia Bigandi Bigandrel Bigertur Bigiogalen Bigiombri Bihay Bilarslu Billo Binavia Binaz Biran Birikir Biroglupia Boffal Boffalle Boffer Boglu Bogluker Bonan Bonar Bonata Bonatabala Bonazmen Bonazzi Bondip Bondosmah Boneca Bonech Bonecino Boneldíkan Boneli Bonella Boneyino Bongin Bongliardi Bonna Bonnazi Bonnok Bonta Bontano Bontasil Bontend Bontenis Bonza Bonzi Bordilo Borgüle Borsoli Bortila Bottajo Bozye Bozyrazzi Brazismett Brino Brisa Briyeli Bugalo Bugamaz Buhaz Bukeseli Bulazan Buoglu Buone Buonella Buraferk Buraman Buraz Bures Burla Burmaz Burmazar Busca Buscaci Buscelis Busrecel Bustah Buttanuele Bület Bülkesello Bülya
Cabeno Cacci Cagli Caglu Caglut Calet Caliar Calpelis Calzone Camel Camitesce Cammullea Canducara Canna Cannia Caogaitan Caparugia Capparafà Cappelihan Caprel Carasirco Carazi Carba Carbaja Carballi Carbara Cardil Cardo Carmi Caroglu Carri Carti Casaz Cascorgio Cashel Cassalpeli Cassan Cassay Cassol Castagiani Castanno Catagno Catanol Catarb Cataryaza Caumarb Cekeryan Celan Celartugaz Celda Celdan Celdarsoy Celdem Celdız Celea Celeb Celefett Celib Celico Celih Celiharak Celik Celikmen Celin Celinil Celis Cellastay Celle Cellen Cellid Celliha Cellizgün Cello Celman Celvalo Celçınal Cemaz Cemieliyeg Cemin Ceyziyazi Chelia Chella Chigala Chimaza Chithebel Cibarro Cibeler Cibet Cimtheogaz Cinasiray Ciorukelar Conathanaz Conele Coneliacch Coneliz Copuzamaz Corannihaz Coraz Cordianno Coreciar Corgio Corsol Corto Crebiracel Crecelan Cumazye Cumet Cumizza Cuoglu Curla Curlıoglut Curçin Cuscibeli Cusutallo Cutan Cutanta Cutantano Cuttraviak Cuttrayd
Daldın Damelim Damonta Damut Danilkel Debard Debardia Debello Deber Deberapis Debnet Debontali Decassardo Deceli Dechellico Dechiortin Dedougeri Defal Defer Deguanzia Deguari Deguilafes Delali Deldeg Delea Delianbur Delisaglu Della Dellea Dellia Dello Dellu Demaglus Demagno Demajada Demalem Deman Demano Demantesti Demanurmo Demaref Demascilo Demasti Demaz Demaza Demazi Demazzo Dembona Dembrutun Demdu Demel Demin Deminaz Demirefel Demithel Demonzi Dempord Demporg Demrebel Demrefel Demru Demsamir Demzi Dengin Denktanar Depania Depassi Depieli Depienri Depisali Depismazzo Deplo Dergaythaz Dergaz Deriha Dersevin Dersla Descia Descin Desibehaz Deslu Despano Despotti Dessania Dessapis Destasap Desti Destra Desut Dettrazím Diacorg Diakinçel Dicopula Difsullow Dilih Dilim Diliz Dimechigo Dimell Dimoneraza Dogauch Doglu Doguthela Domala Donceliclu Donzacı Dorhalli Doublea Dovalia Dovan Dramaz Drayd Dresereliz Dretinmen Drogiorti Drott Duceliacio Duchieli Dumelin Dumhoglu Duraki Durla Dursoy Dëemambari Dëemano Dëemosana
Ebeja Ebeli Ebeyma Ebeyüceli Ebigaz Ecdicelen Ecemelihay Ecezenzaz Edatihaylu Eddin Edemazar Edikiret Ekinok Eklidemon Ekseli Eksoy Eldın Eleferoglu Eleiroglu Elethık Elianoglu Elica Eliclert Elihan Elinari Eliye Ellakorbia Ellia Elloruk Elman Elvanaza Elvano Emanelarul Emaza Emazzi Eminaz Enzaza Eraosman Erapar Erayfenrim Erazalil Eremza Ergalzazio Erihakut Erisace Erixtivana Erlıogaz Ernazím Erolaz Erratahce Erraz Errin Erriye Erriyelia Errobajo Ertevremaz Ervedengin Ervenzal Eryali Eryamellu Eryazziar Eryelia Esabazaner Eschel Esela Eseli Eselianin Esemzihark Eserravah Estra Etisazzi Etiyamel Ettarmaz Ettino Eveli Evelçu Evethel Evili Evkelefevi Evzand Eydız Eyner Ezzoglu
Faban Fabesevell Fabriquat Fahazmim Fahreldín Failemi Falerlo Falla Falzoglu Fambon Fambri Faoglim Faoglunaz Fardi Farruanzi Farteli Farut Fauchiro Faumi Fauran Faurmania Favattin Faviar Favit Favra Fecdal Fehimel Felafil Felarruk Felay Felencal Felerenza Felib Felin Felinç Felis Felle Felleiro Fellico Fellizzet Felçín Fenkth Fenza Feracci Ferada Ferastis Ferazia Ferdal Fereler Ferra Fescato Feselli Festris Feyigal Figazzo Fikmel Fitarb Fitha Fiyallian Fiyel Fiyeli Fiyell Fizzisanur Floglulev Foglu Fordi Fordin Fordinia Foresta Forettis Forsol Fortolo Fracef Fraciela Fracilid Frado Frafrafigo Frakinavit Frappago Frastani Frazafi Frazaracco Fsali Fsammus Fsanta Fsayd Fsuda Fsuma Fsumaz Fsunaya Fualpeli Funaurak Funsem Fügültıno Füsel Füsen Füstan
Gabih Gabrich Gafenza Gafino Gairotti Galafavino Galdan Galdesi Galeilo Galle Gallis Gallo Galpeplow Gambri Gamello Gammucagno Ganaz Ganazıcı Gancatt Ganianden Gannat Ganuellefa Gartela Gasap Gasha Gassall Gataferes Gataprut Gauca Gaurtugarb Gazaller Gazan Gazanteb Gazaru Gazazím Gazis Gazoglu Gazzeni Gazzia Gazzopçuk Gazím Gejerratt Genel Gensuli Gercur Ghelin Ghelizi Ghell Ghenri Ghiel Ghiercorg Ghimazo Ginoyazıcı Gioglicel Gioglu Giombiardi Giono Giormizzo Giortona Giova Giuscico Gonardil Gonaz Gonehimel Gonel Gonerrat Gonta Goyaz Goyoglun Grabesud Graglusre Grale Grata Grazi Grazo Grecini Greguila Gregürath Greldík Grelçuk Grembigno Gremif Greni Grenin Gresi Grifsud Grignoglu Grimoglu Grinaud Griquilia Griquingio Griyelid Grizin Grogia Gruatagno Gruthík Gumien Gunanni Gundoglu Guttriyem Gutünangay Gökhalemaz Gökhelem Gökheman Göndali Göndomazi Gönükser Gülal Gülbabeli Gülbat Gülbinaz Güldale Gülejerri Gülerpier Güleymazzi Gülgenzu Gülkeroglu Gülsehmaz Gülseldíz Gülsemin Gültan Gültınaya Gülyakah Gülyaz Günaoglu Günaro Günarsoy Günayıldík Günaza Günazmiz Gündoglu Günecana Günelle Günelloman Günemazzo Günemsacio Güneparyaz Günerez Günergazím Günerket Günet Güngia Günglu Güngun Günli Gürazhen Gürazi Gürazzo Güreg Güretheli Gürkerif Gürkir Güvek Güvel Güvena Güvesuri Güvet
Halen Halin Hallazan Hallemit Halpantap Halpen Halçuk Hamih Hansuzaik Hantin Harabellut Harazania Harazyr Harecela Harizzazar Harya Hasamazan Hathelihni Hatin Haydalçín Haydın Hayselil Hazím Hazıcıoglu Hocanin Hoglu Hurakazzi Hurkerdil Hyziye Hyzlefa Hyzleth Hübelim Hükhe Hükrüu Hülebeler
Ibehevit Ibelmi Ibeyin Ihaliz Ilesal Ilett Ilian Inmer Inoglia Inçett Ipasale Isatmesork Isaza Iselçuk Iseyhatta Istat Ithemin Izzahiro Izzele Izzin Izziyal Izzoglu
Kadnay Kadni Kafelia Kafer Kafkan Kafkaza Kahalpar Kahiel Kahin Kahiyey Kahran Kahsaz Kamel Kamsalli Kanade Kanaz Kaneldız Kanteven Kanuel Kanueli Kanuer Kapiseynel Karazari Karazi Karde Karmaz Karmazano Karmazím Karrigan Kasalp Kashamelin Kasquelik Kasquella Kasırli Kayazahceb Kazaideram Kazairi Kazali Kazan Kazanacir Kazanilli Kazar Kazarbahit Kazari Kazatan Kazazaras Kazhanu Kazia Kazihtema Kazmech Kazmical Kazoglu Kazopasai Kazoprut Kazyemdu Kazyrami Kazyray Kazza Kazzai Kazzal Kazzarmano Kazzertas Kazzi Kazzis Kazıcıoglu Kelaza Kellan Kellaras Kelli Kellia Kellikma Kemani Kergiomat Kerman Kerturazat Keryale Kesela Kesikernaz Ketti Kettigaza Kiniap Kioglu Kiono Kirak Kirazan Kirikaza Kopan Kopat Kopul Korap Korecel Koret Korgail Korkele Kortel Koyakar Koylu Kozaza Kumaza Kurabar Kuraoglu
Lakafel Larsoyak Layraza Lazzi Lentoglu Lerbarsel Lerdim Lergüle Liana Libenicin Lorembo Lorgio Lusut Lüfeli Lülenza
Magio Maglu Magni Mahrik Majja Majjado Makgüravan Makgürk Malaza Malçınali Manazmel Mancanel Mancappani Manci Mandona Mandro Mangazıcı Mangio Manikres Mannia Manola Manselea Mantaferlo Mantagli Manuella Manurmuk Manzul Mardi Mardian Mardomanti Marulismaz Masiyaz Mazah Mazai Mazal Mazan Mazant Mazantan Mazar Mazarp Mazat Mazaz Mazhello Mazin Mazioglu Maziz Mazmi Mazmicezgo Mazmif Mazye Mazyr Mazzan Mazzek Mazzi Mazzih Mazzo Mazzondomo Mazím Mazıcı Mecas Mecele Meceli Mecell Mecenkthel Mechi Mehebnel Mehell Mehemaraz Mehiegien Mehralat Mehterebel Meila Meilerman Meili Meirco Meiro Melan Meldemane Meleil Meleir Meler Melettil Melevrasel Melici Melimello Mella Mellan Melli Mellia Melliccono Mellichi Melloman Melmanuru Meltabrif Meltan Melvalih Melvile Melvith Mendro Mengaza Menri Menvettan Merazzah Merdinme Merelaz Meriforslí Merrapkin Merri Merrincian Mertan Meryal Methel Micel Micluli Micolazzin Miecino Miferraë Milanna Millidano Milmazian Mimel Minay Minoktakın Minçel Mirancal Mirayder Mireba Miriki Miroga Mitesta Mizzeli Moglu Moglula Monarti Mongioglu Monni Monton Mucatark Mucin Muhalbaro Mulaz Mullano Murazi Murla Murtorlu Muscale Muscorma Musun Musunazi Mutar Muthakaza Mutopali Mübah Müban Mübel Mübell Mücel Müregio Mürken Mısım Mısımhula Mısır Mısırlazzi
Nabahmit Namir Narigi Narsuda Nasha Nazafkaz Nazai Nazalin Nazanuran Nazat Nazih Nazzihano Nazím Nehim Nelia Neliliff Nelle Nelloglu Nemien Nemiroglur Neramirb Nerikal Nermalan Nerren Nesceli Nevza Nezerba Niakmazi Niapat Nihazan Nihsellu Nilazhan Nilef Nilgen Nilgenceli Nilli Nisailla Nitel Nizgioglu Nizzoglu Nolan Nuela Nueldal Nuelde Nuelejer Nuellerslí Nuello Nuellu Nuelvastro Nuezazafà Nurazyrat Nurksuk Nusafà Nuslu Nustan Nükren Nület Nülsek Nülsel Nüzhat Nüzhebezza
Olazista Orazar Oreldat Orgit Orhalza Orkazanju Osmartina Osmazzek Osmet Ozafai Ozafeyfela Ozailger Ozamaza Ozanur Ozazharslu Ozaziye Ozkahrata Ozkamazzih Ozkar Ozkaza Ozkozalaza Ozyel
Pamza Panazyeyha Pancan Pancieg Panni Papkiorik Papola Pappele Parammi Parath Parati Parazan Parbalpeni Paresci Parmarb Parsan Parti Parugaylu Passa Payfelef Pekireli Pekli Pelaumeran Pelet Pelian Pelidi Pellickla Pelloglu Pelçín Pepan Pepappell Perafreyos Perda Perhara Pieci Piella Piera Pierafres Pisamiclus Pisell Pista Piteb Piteumit Poglu Polia Polteller Porbaz Porso Portinglia Pottana Potti Prahren Praza Prechigno Psazhavit Pulia Puzaitelin Puzata Puzgürkan
Quallo Quanada Quani Quard Quatat Queliz Quila Quillo Quinaydın Quinçellia
Rahal Rahayfehe Raksoyazye Raliz Rasaadimel Razailha Razan Razheoglur Razin Raziya Razzafà Razıcı Rebeja Rebelespis Reberci Recel Reldes Relim Rella Rellis Relloglun Relman Reman Renel Renter Reskirtula Reslu Restarini Reydín Reyfer Rienza Rinia Rombrazzen Ríthelafra Ríthen Rízazoglu Rüstekel
Saadara Saadro Sabbay Sabel Sabelle Sabenilhan Sabontanur Sacchet Sacel Sadacol Sadir Sahan Sailerali Sakmaz Salaza Salbal Saldín Salefalina Salin Sallerespo Salli Sallomaro Salpavah Saltabay Salçın Samaz Samecan Sanni Santel Santila Sanuezzopo Sapar Sapis Sappay Saprabrim Saray Sarda Sareliar Sarixtimel Sarracci Sarrizza Sarslay Sartun Saumelinç Sayaz Sayda Saydınan Saykameli Saykaz Saysel Sazai Sazalu Sazamicatt Sazan Sazani Sazanna Sazara Sazmiz Sazoglu Sazyr Sazyran Sazzi Sazzia Sazzihni Sazím Scaudi Scellusche Schem Scheni Schiri Sciba Scice Scieli Scintallea Scongit Scorgio Sedani Seddia Seddimer Seddin Sedel Sedra Sedrazi Sedroglu Sefik Sehtemsib Seicantill Seich Seile Seiro Sekel Sekeli Selaedali Selak Selale Selan Seland Selat Seldík Selejerdo Seleki Seler Selercia Selezendi Selia Seliaquarp Seliar Selih Selihan Selil Selimen Selimonaz Selioglu Selis Selischin Seliz Selizzi Sella Sellan Selle Sellef Seller Selli Sellibetcu Selliff Sellin Sello Selloglu Sellomaili Sellu Selmif Selterrap Seltordo Seltınöz Selva Selvalin Selvia Selvin Selçín Selçın Semaz Semazzi Semicellia Semincelli Semiro Semzihal Serbat Serderraza Sereb Sereceler Sereych Serga Serini Serizi Serkiracı Serlo Serola Seroli Serrap Sersuk Sevdal Sevina Sevkesall Sevza Sevzi Seych Seychellus Seychieg Seychinino Seyilhat Seyinoy Seymazaila Sezzopara Seçkilan Seçkiro Sghet Sgheumi Sghienelia Sghieni Sghinto Sghur Sharacel Shellu Siaquela Sibriye Sintafkar Sipar Sirif Sirolan Siyazím Siyel Siyeliclu Siynel Soglu Solaz Solia Soliz Solizziye Solocch Somel Somosazi Soyal Soyan Soyaza Soymattan Soymazazan Spado Spillu Spistra Spoglu Sporman Spothe Spottihal Stafà Staglida Stale Stana Stancelli Staninazi Stanna Starrima Stemell Strim Suatt Sudalo Sudarcorg Sukcumta Sulal Sullet Sumaja Sumazzoglu Sumel Sumelia Sunansu Sunayray Sunaz Sunaza Sunet Sungitay Suraz Suraza Sutheg Sutin Sutta Sídín Sídíza Sület Sürkelila Sürkerre
Tabeki Tabelia Taceli Tafamazmer Taferr Tafes Tafevil Tafra Tagonalta Tahce Taksun Talejerco Talen Tamazyell Tanacchigo Tandre Tania Tannana Tanuez Taran Taraz Tarazar Tardi Tasaz Tassibran Tatheldo Tatmele Tatumreb Taysazhari Taythella Tekioriye Tektamaz Telazzih Telin Teliye Teliz Telli Telva Temant Temazıcı Temel Temira Tempott Temrami Terefamat Terellih Tesappard Tescia Tesircia Testancel Tevda Tezaz Tezelle Tezeran Tezzende Thale Tharnuel Thaziye Thehelez Thela Thelalesta Theldıno Thele Theleni Theli Thelican Thelih Thelin Thelisa Thell Thellay Thelle Thelli Thellia Thellimut Theltın Themak Themsin Thendra Thenet Theni Therdir Thetherlo Theumaziye Theveli Thieg Thikmazo Thimeryal Thiyemaz Thkur Thmazím Thmetino Thíkaha Thülessik Thüstiyel Tisal Toffar Toffavreli Toglu Togri Togrumaza Tokeli Tokthe Tokthema Tokurakır Tolanci Tonant Tonzamboff Topaleb Topappep Topara Toparmaz Topartes Topasil Topavciro Toprazím Topçuk Toyut Tradarr Tramaz Tramell Trazyey Triha Trihsip Trimazis Triquezzo Troglunaza Trolomlu Tufun Tugazihta Tugrecan Tulila Tullet Tumandil Tunan Tunazzerde Tunazím Turazanti Turmaja Turmazan Turtun Tülaz Tülefel Tülgin Tülnuell Tültelis Tültınarr Tültınazan Tünerhaman Türkadiapo
Ufikir Ufuat Ulazıcı Ultoylazah Unurkura Urazazafil Uremazint Urhat Urmazi Urmonnanus Usomaza Usulimaz Uyguan Uysay Uysayazi Uzacimaza Uzana Uçakmen Uçanazím
Vahaydemaz Valan Valzo Vanavia Vanta Vanza Vanzaillo Vecamoglu Vecaoglu Vecell Vecemaz Veddia Veddikmel Vedika Vekiralpen Velizzetem Vellan Vellu Velvanju Vengio Verdi Vereceler Vesel Vetigia Vimeli Vimonazala Vitelli Vuramir Vusazím Vuzanoglu
Xeravia Xerla Xerveli Xianni Xiano Xiaravala Xibatoffa Xibehimel Xibel Xibello Xibellow Xibrielen Xiceliz Xiraogdur Xirco Xisanzulla Xueldaborg Xueldíza Xuelea Xuelif Xueliye Xuelmahu Xueriffa
Yakmel Yakokur Yaldes Yalisan Yalistan Yalizzet Yalpalbir Yamoglu Yapolocal Yapperd Yardila Yasir Yaslar Yasım Yazacopa Yazah Yazahmi Yazaliz Yazan Yazardep Yazarif Yazazyeyd Yazhe Yazmieg Yazoglu Yazye Yazyramin Yazza Yazzai Yazzia Yazzoglu Yazzopre Yazıcı Yelarro Yelaurman Yelli Yellid Yellow Yelmaglu Yeltın Yelvini Yignoglu Yoglu Yosmaz Yosmazan Yunaba Yunemanaz Yílmane Yílmazai Yücelan Yücelioglu Yükhaykura Yükraza Yürelçın Yürksel Yılda Yıldona Yıldır Yılma Yılmahan Yılmar Yılmazím Yılıç
Zacelangar Zairciman Zalaza Zamazarmi Zania Zaranyeg Zarsan Zarumervet Zazaikino Zazzet Zazıcı Zehimthe Zehmel Zehmi Zehrel Zeldın Zelikir Zelincan Zello Zenallo Zenel Zentelle Zeremaliar Zerhan Zerral Zerrazan Zerro Zervell Zeyda Zeyyazzek Zeyzi Zihal Zihazort Zioglu Ziyel Ziyelli Ziyetülbay Zizzihtay Zizzoroglu Zoglihathe Zoral Zoruhan Zübanura Zübarozyr Zübatay Zübaz Zübel Zübelet Zübelizis Zübello Zübelçín Zühant Zühat Zühathet Zühazi
Çagcalbaza Çagno Çakan Çakazzopar Çantescel Çeleret Çelica Çellaedro Çellaz Çelli Çellichi Çellisman Çelloglu Çelmazar Çelvalda Çelvallih Çelvila Çelçuk Çetinç Çilan Çilhahani Çilli Çobahan Çobbali Çobbardatt Çobbazo
Ömele Ömüben Ömücek Öndoglu Önükrel Önüzhay Özaidelçín Özamo Özazanola Özazmiteri Özazzih Özdebone Özdefelda Özdell Özdemzazar Özdenzu Özelet Özelçu Özethık Özgionan Özgol Özkay Özkazaca Özkazalp Özkumit Özkun Özkuttayth Özlebela Özlen Özlet Özleyd Özmelan Özmeli Özmer Özmeseveli Özmin Öztufattri Öztun Özturak Öztünaz
Ülazyri Ülazzo Ülenesa Ülett Ülgin Ülsel Ümerdina Ümrecelli Ünaucelik Ünavilla Ündriel Ünglu
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cassai-sl · 3 months ago
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New at Cassai!
“The Brooklyn collection” available on MP, top and shorts available separately!
Fitted for: Legacy, Bombshell, Reborn, Waifu, Kupra
The Brooklyn shorts and top are available in a total of 42 colors including 13 fatpack exclusive textures.
Please Try a Demo Before Purchase!
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padfootastic · 2 years ago
Ten Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
thank you for the tag @ambrxsiaa and @leogichidaa!!!
Foundations of Decay // WIP // Gen // Harry-centric (and Sirius when he gets here!)
It had been raining for four days straight. Since the moment Harry had stepped into Privet Drive, it seemed like the entire ecosystem was trying to commiserate with his mood—the skies were pouring incessantly, flowers were wilted, and weeds were running roughshod over the entire back garden.  
2. and so there were three // James/Sirius/Lily // Jily publicly stake their claim on Sirius.
“Times are grave, we must stand together and—“ 
James slowly slides his glasses off his face, massaging the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger in a vain effort to relieve the ache building behind his eyes. This is the fourth Order meeting of this month—it’s only the 16th—and it is shaping up to seem as pointless as the other ones. When they’d joined the Order straight out of Hogwarts, it was with stars in their eyes and fire blazing in their veins. They were ready to fight for their lives and die for the cause. Now? James can’t wait to get out of here as soon as possible.
3. a labor of love // Gen // Potter family & Sirius centric, love and habits passed down through generations.
“Jamie, breakfast’s ready!”
Loud steps thundered around the house as her ten year old raced down the stairs. Euphemia didn’t even bother to reprimand him at this point—she knew it was a pointless endeavour. Instead, she made sure the safety charms on the staircase were always updated.
4. Saudade // Gen // Remus & Sirius have a conversation.
Remus knew he was a coward. 
(He’d shatter)
5. Wife Wars // Jily + QPP Prongsfoot // Lily and Sirius battle for the title of James' premier wife, youtube video format.
The video opens with two people sitting closely on a couch. Both of them are young, in their early 20s, dressed in comfortable, casual clothes. The woman has bright, emerald eyes—visible even through the lens—and deep red hair down to her collarbones, parted in the middle and pinned to the side with large pearl hair clips. There are freckles dotted across her entire face, concentrated mostly around her nose and cheeks, and she’s looking at a point behind the camera. The man has messy black hair, sticking up in the back in stubborn patches. His hazel eyes are covered by a pair of black Boston Model Frames, sitting firmly on the lower end of his nose. There’s a large smile on his face, eerily reminiscent of a golden retriever.
6. the worst timeline // Gen // Harry has a crush on his unnecessarily, unfairly attractive godfather and it's a problem.
“That was a good one, kid,” Sirius clapped a hand on Harry’s shoulder, squeezing firmly. Harry could feel his cheeks flaming , as if someone had taken a blowtorch to his face. 
“I-uh, it was nothing,” he tried to protest, mentally telling himself to calm-the-fuck-down-this-was-not-the-time-to-blush-like-a-schoolgirl.  
7. baby's growing up (oh no) // Oneshot // Gen. Harry goes to a birthday party and Sirius loses his shit.
The first time Harry asks to go to a friend’s house, Sirius damn near has a panic attack.
8. Hot prongsfoot dads. Tumblr/ao3 crosspost.
“—and and and tha’s a sand cassay and Minnie says it’s the best part of the beach, Siri, did you know?” Harry babbled in his godfather’s direction, hardly even turning to look at him, satisfied in the knowledge that he would be listening. Of course he would.
9. Godfather Sirius vs Confused Potters // Oneshot // Jily, Gen.
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me.”
10. i fall to pieces (when i'm with you) // Oneshot // James/Sirius. % times James made Sirius blush.
“You’re so pretty ,” James Potter, heir to the old Potter family, of Sleakeazys’ fame, and notoriously mischievous party guest, said in the most awed tone Sirius had ever heard. 
no pressure tagging @narcissa-black-supermacy @mycupofrum @spindrifters @jmagnabo92 @siriuslystarbucks @gracelesslady23 @benjamin-ovich @siriusly-sapphic @prongsfootandco @roalinda (apologies if you've already done this hehe)
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jezatalks · 1 year ago
Hier j'ai déposé mon 2nd dossier de bourse !
J'ai récupéré un nouvel ordi qui fait 2 en 1 (aka tablette) à 3 fois moins cher que le prix neuf (merci leboncoin) !!!
Par contre ça m'assommé, je suis fatiguée. J'ai rêvé que je stressais au rdv à l'ambassade et cassais mon appareil photo.
Résultats j'ai dormi presque 12h et j'ai mal à l'épaule dès le réveil.
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444names · 5 months ago
Names generated from Maltese surnames
Abdimanar Abeja Aberaferi Abezzo Abona Abonanno Abonni Allet Alpele Alzona Amalpelia Ambarmagri Ambonnice Amicilo Annicorso Apista Apparayd Appepassa Aptufin Aqualis Aqualo Aquaraë Aquarmana Aquezzana Aquin Aquina Arato Arniania Axibenelli Axicia Axickla Axicola Axirizzi Axiro Axiscorti Axista Azanino Azzia Azzop...
Bajjarcop Baliak Balle Balpepis Barascolo Barba Barbaracef Bardi Bartebeli Bartisadi Batta Bejadni Belea Belicach Bella Bellercol Bellescia Belluna Benza Beresch Berrandoma Bianato Biapisa Biarcia Bigandi Bigiombri Billo Binavia Boffalle Bonar Bonata Boneca Bonech Bonecino Bongliardi Bonna Bonta Bontano Bontend Bontenis Bonza Bonzi Bordilo Borsoli Bortila Bottajo Brino Brisa Bugalo Buone Bures Burla Busca Buscaci Buttanuele Cacci Cagli Caliar Calpelis Calzone Camel Camitesce Cammullea Canducara Canna Cannia Caparugia Capparafà Carasirco Carba Carbaja Carballi Carbara Cardil Cardo Carmi Carri Carti Cascorgio Cassay Cassol Castagiani Castanno Catagno Catanol Catarb Caumarb Chelia Chigala Cibarro Cinasiray Conele Coneliacch Cordianno Coreciar Corgio Corsol Corto Cumizza Curla Cuscibeli Cusutallo Cutanta Cutantano Cuttraviak Cuttrayd Damonta Damut Debard Debardia Debello Deberapis Debontali Decassardo Dechellico Dechiortin Dedougeri Deguanzia Deguari Deguilafes Delea Dello Demagno Demajada Demano Demantesti Demaref Demascilo Demasti Dembona Demin Dempord Demporg Depania Depassi Depienri Depisali Deplo Descia Despano Despotti Dessania Dessapis Destra Diacorg Difsullow Dimechigo Domala Doublea Dovalia Drayd Drogiorti Drott Duchieli Dëemambari Dëemano Dëemosana Ebeja Erapar Fabriquat Falerlo Falla Fambon Fambri Fardi Farruanzi Fauchiro Faumi Faurmania Faviar Favra Felerenza Felleiro Fellico Fenza Ferada Ferastis Ferra Fescato Fitarb Fordi Fordinia Foresta Forsol Fortolo Fracef Fracilid Frado Frafrafigo Frappago Frastani Fsali Fsammus Fsanta Fsayd Fsuda Gabrich Gafenza Gafino Galafavino Galdan Galdesi Galeilo Galle Gallis Gallo Galpeplow Gamello Gammucagno Gancatt Gannat Ganuellefa Gasha Gassall Gataferes Gauca Gejerratt Ghell Ghenri Ghiercorg Giombiardi Giono Giormizzo Giortona Giova Giuscico Gonta Grata Grecini Greguila Grembigno Greni Grenin Gresi Grifsud Griquilia Griquingio Grizin Grogia Hyzlefa Kiono Lazzi Liana Libenicin Lorembo Lorgio Lusut Magio Magni Majja Majjado Malaza Mancappani Mandro Mangio Mannia Manola Mantaferlo Mantagli Manuella Manzul Mardomanti Mecas Mecele Mecell Mechi Meila Meirco Meiro Mellichi Mendro Menri Micluli Micolazzin Miecino Miferraë Milanna Millidano Mitesta Monni Monton Mucin Mullano Muscale Muscorma Mutar Nasha Pancan Pancieg Panni Pappele Parammi Parbalpeni Paresci Parmarb Parti Passa Pellickla Pepappell Pieci Piera Pierafres Pisamiclus Pista Piteb Piteumit Polia Porso Portinglia Pottana Potti Prechigno Pulia Quallo Quanada Quani Quard Quila Quillo Rebeja Rebelespis Restarini Rienza Rinia Sacchet Salefalina Sallerespo Sallomaro Sanni Santila Sanuezzopo Sarracci Sarrizza Sazzia Scaudi Scheni Schiri Sciba Scice Scieli Scintallea Scorgio Seicantill Seich Seiro Sereb Serlo Serrap Seych Seychellus Seychieg Seychinino Sghet Sgheumi Sghienelia Sghieni Sghinto Solocch Spado Spistra Stafà Staglida Stana Stanna Starrima Sudalo Sudarcorg Sumaja Sutta Tafes Tafra Talejerco Tanacchigo Tania Tannana Tanuez Temant Tesappard Tescia Tesircia Thendra Toffar Tolanci Tonant Tonzamboff Triha Triquezzo Turmaja Valzo Vanavia Vanta Xeravia Xerla Xianni Xiaravala Xibatoffa Xibel Xibello Xibellow Xirco Xisanzulla Xuelea Xueriffa Zeremaliar Zerro
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justineplanque · 9 months ago
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Dépendante à l'alcool depuis ses 15 ans, Marie-Claire a réussi à s'en sortir grâce aux Alcooliques Anonymes
L’alcool et la violence ont rythmé la vie de Marie-Claire pendant des années. Abstinente depuis 29 ans, c’est sans complexe qu’elle livre le récit de sa vie. Témoignage.
"J’ai bu mon premier verre à l’âge de 15 ans", confesse Marie-Claire. Cette quinquagénaire aux cheveux bruns ne mâche pas ses maux. On pourrait croire, à tort, que tous les alcooliques traînent derrière eux un bagage rempli de honte et de regret. Ce n’est pas le cas de Marie-Claire. Droite dans ses bottes et sur sa chaise, elle esquisse sa vie.
"Je pense que je suis née alcoolique", lâche-t-elle sans la moindre pudeur. Marie-Claire grandit dans une famille ébranlée par l’alcool. Son père boit beaucoup. À chaque gorgée, le mariage de ses parents sombre petit à petit. Adolescente, elle boit son premier verre d’alcool. "C’est l’effet qui m’a plu, pas le goût. D’un coup, j’avais une sensation de bien-être, je n’avais plus peur de rien", relate la quinquagénaire.
De là, l’alcool s’immisce dans sa vie. Les beuveries débutent, les verres se multiplient puis se transforment en bouteilles. L’alcool est omniprésent dans la vie de l’adolescente. Comme un doudou qu’on ne quitte pas. Elle s’enfonce rapidement.
"J’étais très violente quand je buvais, je cassais beaucoup de choses"
"Au début, je ne me suis pas aperçue que je buvais plus que les autres. Mais avec le temps, j’ai compris que j’avais besoin d’alcool." À cette même période, elle rencontre son premier mari. Rapidement, il comprend qu’elle est dépendante. "J’étais très violente quand je buvais, je cassais beaucoup de choses", explique la Puydômoise. Mais il reste et à 20 ans, elle tombe enceinte. Marie-Claire, elle, continue à boire. "Je buvais peut-être moins, mais je buvais quand même." À six mois de grossesse, elle est hospitalisée. "Mon gynécologue devait savoir que j’avais un problème avec l’alcool."
Pendant deux mois, Marie-Claire passe son temps à l’hôpital. L’alcool lui manque. Alors, à sa sortie, à huit mois de grossesse, elle lève le coude à nouveau. Le lendemain, elle accouche. Son fils n’a heureusement aucune séquelle. Rapidement, l’alcool prend le dessus sur son couple. Elle part vivre chez ses grands-parents avec son enfant. Le manque se fait ressentir, elle fonce direction la pharmacie. "J’achetais de l’alcool à 60° que je diluais avec du sirop de fraise et de l’eau." Pour ne pas se faire prendre, elle cache ses bouteilles dans le landau de son fils.
Marie-Claire trouve malgré tout un emploi dans le commerce. Là, elle rencontre son deuxième mari. "Je suis rapidement partie vivre avec lui." Mais, l’homme est collectionneur de mignonnettes. Elle boit toutes ses bouteilles. Et puis tout s’emballe. Trou noir, tentatives de suicides, alcool, violence, cure de désintoxication, trou noir. "Je ne m’en souviens pas vraiment. Je n’ai pas envie de m’en rappeler." À 24 ans, elle pousse la porte des Alcooliques Anonymes (AA). Pour se donner du courage, elle participe à sa première réunion sous l’emprise de l’alcool. L’ambiance ne lui plaît pas forcément. Les participants sont âgés, des bougies sont posées sur la table et un crucifix est disposé sur le mur. "Je me suis dit, “c’est quoi cette secte ?”", rit-elle. Mais, une phrase résonne en elle comme une mélodie entêtante : "Essaye d’arrêter de boire pendant 24 heures." Elle qui, toute sa vie, n’a entendu que des “Arrête de boire, pense à ton fils”, se sent comprise. Alors, elle essaye. Elle y arrive pendant six mois.
"J’ai rechuté. Après quelques semaines d’abstinence, on ne boit pas pareil, c’est plus violent", avoue Marie-Claire. Avec l’envie d’arrêter l’alcool, elle retourne en réunion. "C’était simple, je me suis dit : ”soit j’arrête de boire, soit j’arrête de vivre.”" Marie-Claire s’accroche. Les Alcooliques Anonymes deviennent ses amis, puis sa famille. "On se rend compte qu’on n’est pas tout seul", sourit-elle. Ses yeux pétillent comme un cachet effervescent au fond d’un verre.
29 ans d’abstinence
Tout va pour le mieux dans la vie de Marie-Claire, deux enfants viennent agrandir sa petite famille. Et puis, tout bascule. L’alcool fait à nouveau irruption dans la vie de la quinquagénaire. Son fils meurt, fauché par un conducteur ivre. "J’étais bourrée de rage, l’alcool m’avait encore pris quelque chose", relate la Puydômoise. Cette tragédie l’éloigne des réunions AA : "J’avais peur que quelqu’un y arrive en voiture, alcoolisé…"
Après quatre ans, elle repousse la porte des Alcooliques Anonymes. Là-bas, elle comprend une chose : pour avancer, elle doit pardonner. "Je ne buvais pas, mais j’avais conscience que la bouteille se rapprochait à grands pas." Alors, elle écrit au responsable de la mort de son fils. Ils se rencontrent dans un café vichyssois. Pendant 1 heure et demie, ils discutent : "Je me suis rendu compte que c’était monsieur tout-le-monde." Quelque temps après, Marie-Claire lui écrit : "Je t’ai pardonné."
Depuis, elle se reconstruit. Toutes les semaines, elle se rend aux réunions des Alcooliques Anonymes : "Je ne bois plus mais je suis toujours une addict." Lundi 23 janvier, Marie-Claire a fêté ses 29 ans d’abstinence. De sa poche, elle sort une médaille célébrant ses années de liberté. Un sourire se dessine sur son visage. Aujourd’hui, elle a décidé d’être heureuse.
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jacopocioni · 9 months ago
Andrea del Castagno, pittore
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Andrea del Castagno è stato un grande pittore italiano, nacque nel 1419 in Toscana nell'Alto Mugello nel paese chiamato Castagno Comune di San Godenzo, di cui in seguito lo userà come cognome, facendosi conoscere come Andrea del Castagno. Era figlio di Bartolo di Simone di Bargilla e di Lagia. La famiglia viveva del loro lavoro di contadino. In quel tempo vi furono le guerre fra Firenze e Milano, per l'egemonia del Nord Italia. Nel 1423 Firenze si alleò con la Repubblica di Venezia contro il Ducato di Milano per contrastare l'espansionismo dei Visconti. In seguito si unì con Francesco Sforza contro la crescente minaccia di Venezia. Il pittore per non subire le scorrerie degli eserciti in lotta deve lasciare la sua terra trasferendosi nella fortezza di Belforte. Poterono ritornarci dopo la pace effimera del 1427. E' stato uno dei protagonisti della pittura fiorentina del XV° secolo. Si trova annoverato insieme ad altri artisti presenti in quel tempo a Firenze: Giovanni da Fiesole detto "il Beato Angelico", Filippo Lippi, Domenico Veneziano e Paolo di Dono detto "Paolo Uccello". Il suo stile subì l'influenza di altri due grandi artisti Tommaso di Mone di Antonio Cassai detto "Masaccio" e Donato di Betto Bardi detto "Donatello". Da loro sviluppò la resa prospettica, il chiaroscuro, drammatizzato nei personaggi rappresentati. Andrea arrivò a Firenze nel 1440 sotto la protezione di Bernardetto dè Medci  esponente del ramo cadetto della famiglia Medici di Ottajano. E' conosciuto con il soprannome di Andrea degli impiccati, gli fu dato quando ebbe l'incarico di dipingere sulla facciata del Palazzo del Podestà l'immagine dei fuggiaschi Rinaldo degli Albizi e Ridolfo Peruzzi condannati per aver ordito una congiura contro Cosimo "il Vecchio" dè Medici.
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Lavorò con Domenico Veneziano insieme a Piero della Francesca e altri assistenti, alla realizzazione degli affreschi andati perduti delle Storie della Vergine, che si trovavano nella chiesa di Sant'Egidio. Per lo Spedale di Santa Maria Nuova realizza una crocifissione e santi, dove nella sua opera si nota un influenza masaccesca. Trasferitosi a  Venezia realizza insieme a Francesco da Faenza nell'abside della cappella di San Tarasio, nella chiesa di San Zaccariali affreschi con Dio Padre, Santi e i quattro Evangelisti. Lavora anche nella Basilica di San Marco realizzando i cartoni per i mosaici con le storie della Vergine (Visitazione e morte della Vergine) negli anni 1442/1443. Rientrato a Firenze lavora nel convento delle benedettine di Sant'Apollonia, fra (forse) il 1445 e il 1450, alle scene della passione di Cristo, la Crocifissione, la Deposizione dopo la morte, la resurrezione e l'Ultima Cena. Alcuni di questi affreschi sono stati staccati e conservati nel Museo a lui dedicato nel paese di Castagno Comune di San Godenzo. Gli affreschi rimasti nel luogo in cui sono stati realizzati, sono molto rovinati ma ancora leggibili.
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Per la villa del Gonfaloniere di Giustizia Filippo Carducci, dipinge ritratti di uomin e donne illustri. Molti sono stati staccati e conservati al Museo degli Uffizi, mentre altri sono rimasti alla villa. I ritratti sono: Madonna con Bambino Angeli e Adamo ed Eva, un altro di Eva, Davide con ai piedi la testa del gigante Golia e di Pippo Spano. Agli Uffizi è conservato un affresco rappresentante il Vate Dante Alighieri e la Madonna di casa Pazzi facente parte della collezione Contini Bonacossi.
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Nel 1455 torna a lavorare per i frati Serviti, alla Basilica della Santissima Annunziata, dipinge degli affreschi con la Trinità, San Girolamo Due Sante San Giuliano e i Redentore. Nella Loggia dei Servi di Maria dove si trova l'Oratorio di San Francesco Poverino, per la confraternita di San Girolamo e San Francesco Poverino in San Filippo Benizi. Per la compagnia del Santo Benizi, realizza una statua in terracotta rappresentante San Girolamo. Per i Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore, dipinge un monumento equestre dedicato al Capitano della Repubblica nel 1432 durante la battaglia di San Romano Niccolò Mauruzi da Tolentino, accanto a quello dedicato al Capitano John Hawkwood detto "Giovanni Acuto" di Paolo Uccello. Andrea del Castagno morì giovanissimo di peste il 19 agosto 1457 e sepolto nella Basilica della Santissima Annunziata. Il Vasari nel suo capolavoro "Vite" scrisse che Andrea del Castagno aveva ucciso il suo amico e maestro Domenico Veneziano in un impeto di gelosia, ma erano solo chiacchiere raccolte qua e la, con le quali screditò Andrea già morto quando nel 1461 morì Domenico. L'errore che smontò la falsa accusa venne scoperto tempo dopo, quando dai registri mortuari furono trovati un altro Andrea e un altro Domenico, protagonisti di quel delitto di cui era stato accusato l'Andrea pittore.
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Alberto Chiarugi Read the full article
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hemligdagbok · 10 months ago
Quand je dis que personne saisi la hauteur de mes sentiments pour lui, et en plus on me répond comme si je n’étais rien ou que je cassais les couilles.
Je vais juste disparaître, c’est bon, j’ai compris.
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mhouellebecq · 11 months ago
D'abord, j'ai trébuché dans un congélateur. Je me suis mis à pluerer et j'avais un peu peur. Quelqu'un a grommelé que je cassais l'ambience; Pour avoir l'air normal j'ai repris mon avance.
Des banlieusards sapés et au regard brutal Se croisaient lentement près des eaux minérales. Une rumeur de cirque et de demi-débauche Montait des rayonnages. Ma démarche était gauche.
Je me suis écrouclé au rayon des fromages; Il y avait deux vieilles dames qui portaient des sardines. La première se retourne det dit à sa voisine: «C'est bien triste, quand même, un garçon de cet âge.»
Et puis j'ai vu des pieds circonspects et très larges; Il y avait un vendeur qui prenait des mesures. Beaucoup semblaient surpris par mes nouvelles chassures; Pour la dernière fois j'etais un peu en marge.
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First, I tripped into a freezer. I started to cry and I was a little scared. Someone grumbled that I was ruining the atmosphere; To appear normal I resumed my advance.
Suburbanites dressed up and with brutal eyes Slowly passed each other near the mineral waters. A rumor of a circus and half-debauchery Climbed the shelves. My gait was awkward.
I collapsed in the cheese aisle; There were two old ladies carrying sardines. The first turns around and says to her neighbor: “It’s very sad, all the same, a boy of that age.”
And then I saw circumspect and very large feet; There was a seller taking measurements. Many seemed surprised by my new shoes; For the last time I was a little on the sidelines.
From: La Poursuite du Bonheur
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mags2theythem · 1 year ago
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Fnaf ride the cyclone au
Jeremy as Ricky
Susie as constants
CC as Jane doe
Cassay as nole
Fitz as Ocean 
Gabriel as misa
Charlie as Karnak
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hoghheim · 1 year ago
Önemle Duyurulur: Yeni Blog Yazısı Yayında!!!
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cassai-sl · 22 days ago
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˗ˏˋ CASSAI Introducing the 'Carmen' Set. ´ˎ˗ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
Like, Follow, & Comment your inworld on our instagram for a chance to win all 'Carmen' Fatpacks Legacy, Kupra, Reborn, Waifu Each item is available in 7 colors for individual purchase. Fatpack is HUD driven with options to customise different parts of the mesh. If you like this item, Please leave a comment and/or rating.
Refunds only granted in the case of a double purchase A 'double purchase' is classified as purchasing an item twice, in the same color or for the same body.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cassai_sl/ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cassai_sl/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/cassai-sl
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lalignedujour · 1 year ago
Enfant, je méprisais le bébé en moi. Je cassais mes anciens jouets. Je refusais qu'on me raconte une histoire pour me coucher.
Ado, je méprisais l'enfant en moi. Je me moquais de celleux qui montraient encore leurs devoirs à leur parents. Je profanais les cahiers de coloriages de la salle d'attente de la psy en dessinant à la marguerite des yeux, une bouche et un énorme pétard.
Adulte, je veux chérir l'ado en moi. Ainsi, je trouve ça ok d'arriver au bureau, le cou cassé, la tête en avant, les yeux mi-ouverts, casque audio sur les épaules, en fredonnant le dernier morceau que j'écoutais.
L'ado intérieur.e : prochaine star de mes stages de développement personnel.
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