#cass's creations and conjurations
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junkmailmusubi · 4 months ago
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post this saturday when they least expect it
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lilxberry · 4 years ago
That’s My Girl - Scott Lang
Requested by: @bnhaxreaderquotes​
Could I have a Scott Lang x longterm girlfriend fic?? Where she’s like super strong but super dumb?? Like she’s Thor but human and female XD bonus if she lifts Thor’s hammer to get to something and everyone’s like 👀 and she’s like ??? And scots like 🥰 “that’s my gf”
I loved this idea, I just really didn’t want to use the word stupid so much lmao I mostly referred to reader as “slow” I believe but like, this whole thing is kinda cute asf so I’m happy with it. I hope you’re happy with it too
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Warnings: Like, a singular swear. Sweet ass Scott. Upset!Reader? IDEK ANYMORE.
Words: 1,645
Pairings: Scott Lang x Reader (female reader) (super strong reader?)
Unplanned sequel; That’s My Wife
There’re many words to describe you.
Sweet? Yes. Kind? Yep. Selfless? Definitely. Beautiful? 100%. Strong? No doubt.
No, just…slow.
It’s not that you lacked intelligence, just, your brain worked at a different pace to that of others. Your fellow teammates could tell you that. Especially your partner Scott.
Scott, the sweetie pie that he is, certainly tries his best to help you catch up, to understand things that hadn’t really made sense to you at first. He’s no stranger to defending you either, no matter who or what it’s against.
Including your teammates.
“So, like C-3P0?”
Your head was tilted in confusion and your face was scrunched up as you tried desperately to understand what Tony was talking about.
You had walked into the lab finding all of the Avengers surrounding Tony rambling on about his newest creation, engineering some crazy new robotic tech. The others that had been subjected to his showcasing had explained to you that he’d called them in, forced them to watch the unveiling of Frankenstarks newest monster.
When you had asked why you hadn’t been called in, you’d missed the way Tony and the others tensed up. They knew that you wouldn’t understand a word Stark was speaking, as if the man were speaking some foreign language to you, but they didn’t want to explain that it was because you were ‘dense’.
The heaven-sent that is Scott stepped forward, a big, bright smile on his face as he entwined his fingers with your own as he came up with an excuse for the billionaire, saving Starks’ skin and sparing your feelings.
“He thought you’d find it boring. We all do to be honest honey but only so many of us are lucky enough to have an out,” was the sugar-coated explanation he conjured up on the spot.
You bought it easily, nodding in understanding with the sweetest of smiles before reaching up on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. The others visibly relaxed, though you were oblivious as you stared up at Scott with a love-sick expression.
You had then gone on to ask what exactly it was that Tony had been working on which had led to a longwinded explanation with wild gestures and a heap of words you certainly didn’t understand whatsoever. Truth be told, he’d lost you within the first sentence.
Tony heaved a sigh. “No, not like C-3P0. The design is completely different and the level of A.I. being used it higher than that of C-3P0,” he spoke exasperatedly, a mocking tone taking over his tone near the end.
Feeling even more confused that what you had originally felt, you tried once more to understand.
“So…like Vision?”
Sam snorted as majority of the others smirked or tried to supress their smiles, Vision unsurprisingly seemed stoic as ever. Tony, on the other hand, had a look of genuine surprise. Almost looking proud.
“Uh, yeah, actually. You worked that out a lot faster than I thought you would honestly,” Tony said as an off-handed comment causing the others to still and Scott to tense slightly beside you while your brows furrowed.
“What’d you mean?”
Scott once again interjected to save the day, dragging your attention to him instead. “None of us really got it, that’s all. I’m pretty sure Thor still doesn’t, honestly.” He whispered the last part as he pointed his thumb towards the towering, blonde Asgardian.
Although your heart fluttered at the thought of Scott trying to be so sweet and kind to you, you couldn’t help the hurt that spread through you. You knew how the others viewed you, how they thought you were stupid, how you don’t understand anything.
Rather than show it affected you, you forced a smile on to your face and a tiny giggle to pass your lips.
Glancing at the others before allowing your eyes to fall back on to your boyfriend, you kept the feigned smile on your lips as you spoke. “I just remembered I gotta load of stuff to do. I’ll see you guys later.”
Scott flashed you his pearly whites in a wide smile before pecking your forehead and giving you a quiet “Sure babe.”
Walking backwards, you called out loudly to the group before exiting the room. “Have fun with Vision 2.0.”
Usually, when the team unintentionally commented on you in such a way, it would never really affect in such a negative way but today, it was just a series of failure after failure, your day all-round being bad.
From the comment in the lab, to the accidental breaking of a trainee’s arm due to you forgetting the strength you held over others, to Steve and Bucky taking the last of the coffee in the pot of the coffee machine which you had no idea how to work.
You had even bumped into someone in the hallway, the file you had been carrying falling to the ground and the papers inside scattering across the floor in disarray, leaving you to try reorganising the lot, taking a whole hour and a half.
It’s unfortunate that the person to be at the end of your disgruntled mood would be someone who you strongly considered a friend.
The Avengers who were currently residing at the compound were all scattered within the main living area and the open kitchen when you walked in, looking dishevelled as you frantically searched for a package that you had been notified had been delivered.
Walking through, you looked to see if the damn thing was atop any table you passed. Hell, you even lifted one of the chairs slightly to see if someone was cruel enough to hide the thing under it.
Although everyone had opted to watch you curiously, it was your sweet Scott to break the silence.
“Hey honey, whatcha’ doing there?” he asked curiously.
You grumbled out your answer, honestly ready for the day to be over with. “I’m looking for my delivery.”
Sam snorted before pointing towards the island in the centre of the kitchen. “You mean that massive package right there?”
Low and behold, there sat your package on top of the cool, marble surface, just with an added feature. You scowled, storming over towards the thing. You turned your fiery gaze to Thor, who was overall minding his own business chowing down on the entire contents of a Pop Tart box.
“WHY DID YOU PUT YOUR HAMMER ON MY FUCKING DELIVERY?!” You roared out, everyone’s eyes widened in complete and utter shock, Thor even jumped at the sudden loud booming. As he opened and reclosed his mouth repeatedly in a pathetic attempt to say something, anything, you continued.
“There could’ve been something really important in there! Or-or super fragile or something! What if you broke it?!”
During your explosion at the poor Asgardian, you happened to grasp the handle of Mjölnir and lift it with ease, causing everyone’s eyes to widen further and even a few mouths to drop open, gaping at the sight in front of them, Tony choking on his drink that he had been taking a sip of. Although Scott was just as shocked as those around him, he more so looked like a small child who’s completely wonder-struck, a twinkle in his eye.
“Never, and I mean NEVER, put your hammer on my damn things again. GOT IT?!” You shoved the hammer into Thors’ chest harshly, causing him to fumble to get a hold of it.
Once certain he had a tight grasp on the thing, you released your hold and spun on the spot, now becoming witness to everyone’s flabbergasted expressions. “WHAT?” you asked in exasperation and confusion, today completely tiring you out mentally and emotionally.
A pregnant silence befell you all before Scott suddenly jumped out of his seat, face ecstatic, arms raised high into the air above his head, hands balled up into fists, a loud and excited shout escaping him.
“You-you’re worthy?” Thor asked quietly to no one in particular.
Your brows furrowed deeply, now entirely confused and ever so slightly self-conscious. “What?”
“You’re worthy babe! Hell yeah! Up top!” he had made his way over towards you, now one arm raised with his hand now relaxed, waiting on you to give him a high five.
“I’m not following…”
“Only Thor could lift the hammer ‘cause he was the only one who’s worthy or whatever. It’s like impossible for anyone else to lift it,” Clint started to explain before being cut off by Natasha.
“Until you, that is. You’re the only other one whose been able to lift it.”
“Oh,” was all you said before shrugging your shoulders and waddling your way past Scott and towards your package on the kitchen island, picking it up and beginning to walk away.
Before you left though, you thought this to be the perfect opportunity to finally boast about something that you had been able to do that the others couldn’t. “Well, I may be stupid but at least I don’t put my back out by trying to lift a little hammer.”
You smirked as you continued to walk away, your destination being your room, package what would be heavy to most in your arms. Scott laughed loudly, something you could hear as you continued to retreat to your bedroom.
“HELL YEAH! THAT’S MY GIRL! WOO!” Scott began to follow after you, still shouting out every single word he spoke. “HONEY! THAT WAS LIKE THE COOLEST THING EVER! DID YOU SEE THEIR FACES?! Oh man, I can’t wait to tell Cass. SHE’S GONNA FREAK!”
The Avengers were still suck in their retrieves of shock, all unmoving, all trying to process the newfound information that you could lift the hammer.
Thor seemed to be taking it the worst, looking ever so slightly frightened, gulping loudly.
“I believe I have new matters to discuss with my father...”
I love any Paul Rudd character just as much as him
I even have a t-shirt with his beautiful ass face on lmao
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
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esoterica333 · 5 years ago
Occult Texts for Beginners 2.0
- The Black Arts (Cavendish)
- The Corpus Hermeticum
- Sefer Yetizrah: The Book of Creation in Theory and Practice (Kaplan)
- Traditional Wicca (Mooney)
- Traditonal Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways (Gary)
- Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick
- Magick Without Tears (Crowley)
- The Golden Dawn (Regardie)
- Book Four (Crowley)
- The Essential Kabbalah (Matt)
- Old Style Conjure (Cass)
- Liber Null (Carroll)
-The Three Books of Occult Philosophy (Agrippa)
- The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic (Levi)
- The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Hall)
-Tao Te Ching (Tzu)
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inkstainedfanfics · 6 years ago
Hi there! I absolutely ADORE your writing skills! Please write a book! tht wud be AMAZINNGGGG. On that note, what are your favorite books?
Tysm! I’m working on one but it’s slow going between school and life. Also I’m a sucker for people asking for my favorite books and I’m putting off a paper so I listed 15 of my favorites here! I’ll list more “read if you enjoy…” stuff about them under the cut but without further ado:
Matilda (Roald Dahl), Lord of the Flies (William Golding), Six of Crows (Duology; Leigh Bardugo)
Delirium (Series; Lauren Oliver), The Thousandth Floor (Series; Katherine McGee), Cruel Beauty (Rosamund Hodge), The Selection (Series; Kiera Cass), It’s Kind of a Funny Story (Ned Vizzini), Death of a Salesman (Play; Arthur Miller), Great Expectations (Charles Dickens), The Jewel (Series; Amy Ewing), The Demonologist (Nonfiction; Gerard Brittle), The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne), The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern)
The Top Three are my personal favorites within this list, though they’re all very good. But Matilda is what got me deciding that I wanted to read everything I could, so it holds a special place in my heart, and LotF is a fascinating look into human nature imo. And Kaz Brekker in SoC???? My absolute darling. But every single character in that duology is perfect and I would die if Bardugo wrote more on them.
If you’re looking for a book to get you out of a reading slump, I recommend the Thousandth Floor series - it’s easy to read and entertaining, esp. if you thrive on reading drama like I do. Cruel Beauty is the only decent fairytale retelling (BatB) I’ve found. In Delirium, love is outlawed and “cured” via surgery by the government (Oliver is an amazing author. I own nearly all her books). The Selection gets ripped on but it’s a fun story so people need to relax; In it, a girl is entered into a competition to marry the prince but her and him strike a deal where she agrees to help him choose one of the other girls while he lets her eat all the sweets she wants (I really simplified that btw) (Also, Maxon is amazing and I would marry him in a heartbeat; oh and Kiera Cass is amazing too). The Jewel is interesting and though I read it a couple years ago, I still think about it from time to time. The Night Circus is a little blah at the end imo but it has one of the most gorgeous writing styles and some fascinating characters, which saved it.
TSL and Great Expectations are classics. Death of a Salesman is a play, if anyone likes those. I highly recommend Miller’s The Crucible as well if that’s the case. 
Matilda if youlike A Touch of Magic, One Character Overcoming Tough Situations, AdoptedMentor, Easily Visible Good vs. Evil, Humor, Easy & Quick to Read Stories,Roald Dahl just in General really
Lord of the Flies ifyou like Stories Relating to Psychology, Survival Fiction, Stranded on anAbandoned Island Trope (Prob. Not a trope but I’m tired), Character ComparisonsIn-Text, Stories that Leave You Thinking/Contemplating, Stories about HumanNature
Six of Crows ifyou like Strong Female Characters, Vivid Descriptions, Urban Fantasy, SomeMagic Use, Realistic Character Development and Just Wonderful CharacterCreation/Continuity, Heists/Crime Stories
Delirium if youlike YA Romance, Dystopic Settings, Rebellion Against the Government, StrongFriendships
The Thousandth Floor ifyou like Drama, Teen Drama, Interwoven Character Stories, Gossip Girl-esque Drama,Relationship Drama, Futuristic Settings, Extremely Varied CharacterPersonalities, Multiple POV Characters, Easy to Read Books to get out of aReading Slump
Cruel Beauty ifyou like Fairytale Retellings, Romance, Gorgeous Descriptions, Myths, Some Worldbuilding,Enemies-to-Lovers Tropes, Information Revealed as the Protagonist Discovers It(Not all laid out ahead of time and watching Protag stumble ahead blindly and rollingour eyes bc it seems so obvious), Fated Love, Demons and Humans, A GorgeousBook Cover
The Selection Series ifyou like Royalty Fiction, The Bachelorette, Love Triangles (It’s really not thatbad), Will-they-won’t-they Tropes, Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers Tropes
It’s Kind of a FunnyStory if you like Realistic Stories about Mental Health, RelatableCharacters, Stories about Depression, Humor
Death of a Salesman ifyou like Plays (obviously), Stories about Realistic People, Stories about aDownward Spiral, Distraught Family Stories, Realistic Fiction
Great Expectations ifyou like Realistic Fiction, Bildungsroman Stories (Coming-of-Age), CharactersGetting What They Deserve, Long Sentences (Ugh, Dickens, wrap it up), Wrappedwith a Bow-Tie Endings, Well-Described Setting, Mysterious Characters
The Jewel if youlike Forbidden Love, Dystopic Settings, Overcoming Struggles, Rebellion
The Demonologist ifyou like Non-fiction, Paranormal Stories, Spooky Stories, The Conjuring Movies,Information on Paranormal Events and Possible Causes, Unusual Life Experiences
The Scarlet Letter ifyou like Long and Vivid Setting Descriptions, 17th Century Settings,Critiques on Puritinism’s Treatment of Women, Semi-Family Drama, GorgeousDescriptions, Sometimes Antiquated Language
The Night Circus ifyou like Magic, Magical Duels, Beautiful Descriptions, Forbidden Love,Mysterious Characters, Paying Attention to Dates bc Time Skips Around, AnEver-changing Setting, Complex Characters that never quite Let On What They’reThinking
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junkmailmusubi · 1 year ago
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another 808 doodle because she is very fun to draw :)
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connorrenwick · 5 years ago
Deon Mixon’s “Design Eye” Emphasizes the Fun within the Fundamentals of Design
Imagine Monopoly, but with rules replacing cutthroat competition for gameplay rewarding creative expression and collaborative efforts. Graphic designer Deon Mixon created Design Eye as a distillation of his profession into an entertaining foray in board game format, inviting players to sketch, present, and critique portfolios as imaginary graphic designers. Highlighting many of the core elements and practices required to turn a good idea into a great design, Design Eye is a rare game aimed at both aspiring creatives and seasoned design professionals. We spoke to Mixon about the motivations and aspirations behind his board game.
Tell us a little about the person behind Design Eye.
My name is Deon Mixon Jr., a graphic designer and author from Detroit. I’m a Cass Tech alumnus, salutatorian, and Bill Gates Millennium Scholar who graduated from Western Michigan University with a BFA in Graphic Design.
After studying abroad in Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, and France), I moved to New York to work as a design intern at Landor, and later at Beardwood&Co. after. I currently work as a brand identity designer at Gyro.
In this era of video games and apps, why a board game?
I believe there’s nothing more effective than a physical, hands-on interactive creative experience that can be enjoyed together with fellow family, friends, and peers. But perhaps more pragmatically, a board game is easier to develop than a digital game. I also just like board games more! But I do have plans to offer a digital app version of Design Eye in the future.
At a more fundamental level, I believe the creative process starts with sketching—putting an idea to paper. I felt it was really important to have a board game where players get to actually create something from scratch.
Are you a board game player? 
I grew up with the typical selection of board games: Monopoly, Connect4, checkers, chess, Sorry, Trouble, etc. But if I had to credit a game that inspired Design Eye, I’d say Monopoly –  the tried and true standard. I liked the idea of turning a practical subject (money and asset management) into a game [revolving around design] framed within a creative context.
Design Eye doesn’t want you to “win” alone, it’s a game that rewards everyone through a process of dialogue and collaboration. As an advocate in the selfless nature of design, I really believe collective ideation can help improve the world.
-Deon Mixon
My original prototype was called GNA (Graphic Design Niche Agent). It hewed closer toward Monopoly. But after peer and player feedback, I realized the format and content was too technical for younger players and the gameplay wasn’t “telegraphic” enough. After further ideation, I landed on the format of what became Design Eye.
Design Eye includes a spectrum of branding designs offered as examples, informing players who might not yet be aware of the differences between a lettermark and an abstract logo. Were these all of your own design, created specifically for the game?
Initial prototypes contained more familiar brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Apple, and work from other studios. But recognizing the copyright rabbit hole I’d fall into, every designs sample in the Studio Booklet and Studio Sheet now represents my own original work.
I felt it was important for players – especially younger players – to be offered some examples to get their wheels turning, but I also did not want to overly influence their own creative process. It’s fascinating when you assign someone to create something without the influence of an existing solution. What comes out from this approach can oftentimes be greater than work conjured from something they saw prior.
What would you like players to take away from the experience of playing Design Eye?
My hope is in playing Design Eye players will realize a greater confidence and satisfaction with their own abilities to generate great ideas—ideas that could later help them in professional efforts and opportunities. Also as a Black creative disappointed with the noticeable absence of BIPOC  representation within the design industry, I feel it’s particularly important to target the realities of underrepresentation by motivating younger creative minds to consider pursuing a career within the design industry, alongside adults who may be looking for a new career who’ve previously put their latent creative skills on the back burner.
The bottom line: I believe everyone has a creative side, and if people really exploited their hidden creative talents it would benefit both their own lives and the world in general.
Self-distancing has prevented us from playing Design Eye with more than two players. Does Design Eye take on a different energy with more players?
Definitely! I’d direct you to my Design Eye IG Stories, where I’ve documented a group of three friends playing together and they had a blast. Design Eye is best played with at least 4 people because presenting your work to three people introduces a greater range of opinions and personalities into the critique experience. There’s something really powerful about sharing ideas with multiple people – laughing, discussing, and thinking through the “what-ifs” together and coming to a resolved conclusion. Most players agree that that’s the best part about playing Design Eye.
Design Eye seems clearly guided by a principle of empathy rather than the imposition of solutions. Who are some other designers who’ve inspired your perspective in the role of design in relation to society?
I immediately think of creatives like architect Louis Kahn and photographer Gregory Crewdson. Kahn believed structures should be built with souls, while Crewdson desired to capture the profound quality of human emotion and lifestyle through photography. Both were not motivated solely in the development of their own creations, but interested in what their creations themselves could help create – the invisible pulses, echoes, ripples capable of inspiring others to do wondrous things. I believe the best design creates experiences capable of transporting people toward unfamiliar realms of happiness.
Design Eye takes on a refreshingly holistic take on the practice of design. What are your opinions of the industry you work within right now?
To be honest, I don’t know. I may not have enough experience yet to offer a more substantial observation about the design industry as a whole. But I do know designers in general want to work with good people with great ideas. I’m personally not motivated by being competitive; I like to share my ideas and consider collaboration the greater force in creativity than a sole reliance upon competition.
We aren’t athletes. We’re creatives! We’re not here to win for ourselves or for our team, per se. We’re here to serve other people and help them win. And while on the surface Design Eye leads players to compete against one other, it paradoxically also guides players to collaborate through the process of presenting their ideas and critiquing one another. Design Eye doesn’t want you to “win” alone, it’s a game that rewards everyone through a process of dialogue and collaboration. As an advocate in the selfless nature of design, I really believe collective ideation can help improve the world.
Many thanks to Deon Mixon for sharing his insights and permitting us to share his photos. Design Eye is available for pre-order today for $50 (+$15 shipping).
>>> For more fun game ideas, visit the Design Milk Shop! <<<
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/20/deon-mixons-design-eye-emphasizes-the-fun-within-the-fundamentals-of-design/
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junkmailmusubi · 11 months ago
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you guys really liked fibo so i colored him
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junkmailmusubi · 9 months ago
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hey rd tumblr. i'm back. is this anything
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junkmailmusubi · 5 months ago
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slowly realizing im picking up habits and mannerisms from the fictional characters i think about so much. its joever for me
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junkmailmusubi · 1 year ago
hello nearly nonexistent adofai tumblr. drops this and runs away
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may make these of other characters. or not
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junkmailmusubi · 2 years ago
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*threateningly shambles towards you covered in blood oil, breathing heavily*
yeah new murder drones episode today. very yippee. i drew @fishoutthefreezer's feral crecher Mally to celebrate
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junkmailmusubi · 1 year ago
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quick rat + co from my notes. i hate him (affectionate)
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junkmailmusubi · 2 months ago
this post activated some neurons
consider the following:
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Surely nothing can go wrong if I combine my hyperfixations. Surely.
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Nothing went wrong [possible V/S chapter 5 spoilers though I guess]
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junkmailmusubi · 2 years ago
fandom jumpscare. hi there. get 808'd
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kbity... kbity lost connection...
og image under cut
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junkmailmusubi · 1 year ago
another goober appears
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junkmailmusubi · 4 months ago
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an angel and a heretic
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