crimsoncosmicdust · 8 years
ANYWAY after all of that drama, here are some colors for you: seafoam, celadon, and wisteria... and eggplant for the heck of it
seafoam: we should be friendsceladon: i want to hug youwisteria: i support and believe in ueggplant: boy howdy!omg thank you so much!!! WE’RE FRIENDS NOW YOU CAN’T LEAVE SORRYCOME HERE FOR THAT HUG
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faith-in-dean · 8 years
Hey! for your supernatural family could I be either 1940s!Dean, Briana Buckmaster, or Kim Rhodes? Thank you!
1940s!Dean is yours :)
Want to join my spn family?
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mojochester11 · 8 years
I was wondering if I could be the overly-anxious sister who wants everybody to be happy all the time and really likes to give presents (it sounds insane but it's basically me in a sentence). btw I really enjoy both of your blogs!! You two are really awesome for making this. :)
We would love for you to join us sister!!! Welcome to the family
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p-b-and-cas · 8 years
Amazing Girl: Caslovesnetflix
Today I want to tell you about someone very precious to me. She is a strong, intelligent girl who has one of the kindest hearts I know.
This high school student with a cumulative 4.0 GPA still finds time to help out others in various ways. She is very active in the Drama club. Even if she has an acting part in the play, she spends hours volunteering at fundraisers for the club, helping out with crew, and providing emotional support to her fellow actors.
As if that wasn't enough, she is an active member of the Girl Scouts of America. In her capacity as a troop member, she dedicates numerous hours every week mentoring younger girls teaching and modeling leadership skills that will serve them later in life. Her hours are also spent spearheading and participating in community service projects that help feed and shelter the homeless, help support the aging, and make the community as a whole a better place. Right now she is working on her Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouts (equivalent to the Eagle Award for Boy Scouts).
I know this sounds like a typical teenage girl, but did I mention that she is plagued by panic attacks caused by anxiety? Did I mention that she has sever ADD? Every day she has to find the strength to keep going, keep fighting, and keep winning her battles with anxiety and ADD. She is one of the strongest people I know!
She has always been strong. She has her own sense of style, and will not compromise, even when she has been made fun of. This has been going on since she was in first grade. It might be hard for us to remember what it was like at this age, but believe me -- kids are cruel. The easier path would always be to just give in and go with the crowd. Something she rarely does (although she is wise enough to lose the battle to win the war if she doesn't have to compromise her principles too much).
She has been bullied numerous times: For her brains, for her clothes, for her choices, for being herself. And yet she finds it in her heart to forgive those individuals who are so cruel. Although she knows they are wrong for their actions, she understands why these individuals are doing it, and encourages others to forgive them on her behalf, and support them in their own struggles.
This past year has been particularly tough for her. She has had to come to grips with her sexuality, and came out to her friends and some family members about her struggles and decisions. She is an avid supporter of the LBGTQ+ community, even when they are less than supportive of her. At the toughest time in her life (teenage years) she has also had to deal with being even more different than her peers than she already was. And she did it. With style, poise, and that same loving and generous heart she has always had.
She faces life every day with a smile, and a wicked sense of humor. Even in her darkest moments, she can find a tiny shard of humor about the situation. Her laughter comes often, honestly, and loudly!
She would give you the clothes off her back. She donates her money to charity, constantly helps friends in need, and gives support in any way she can to those who are struggling.
She is a daily inspiration to me. She has opened my eyes. She has opened my mind. She has opened my heart. Knowing her has made me a better person, and every day she unknowingly challenges me to be stronger and better than I am.
Please help me show her how special she is. I know she would be thrilled to be able to pick something to give to someone else.
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novemberthee5th · 8 years
cinnamonmish answered your question “i changed my theme woo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧  do you like it guys?”
aaww it’s so pretty :)
katteens answered your question “i changed my theme woo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧  do you like it guys?”
omg it's so cute
caslovesnetflix answered your question “i changed my theme woo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧  do you like it guys?”
It's so cuuuuuute!!!!
bagginshield answered your question “i changed my theme woo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧  do you like it guys?”
Love it! :)
thank you guys <333
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hanaaeri · 9 years
I hope your arm feels better soon! I apparently have the flu and my entire torso is in pain, which is, ya know, very fun. A blood clot is much, much worse, but at least we can share in our pain. :)
Ah thank you, I hope you feel better as well
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tequilasdean · 9 years
I'm pretty sure my family is just watching Groundhog Day and eating candy tomorrow... We're so fancy.
Sounds perfect to me!
url:        1|2|3|4|5icon:      1|2|3|4|5theme:  1|2|3|4|5 posts:    1|2|3|4|5 overall:  1|2|3|4|5 following: not yet but ily || Now! || But of course || You’re the Sam to my Dean
Mini blogrates, anyone?
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sadiebun · 9 years
Hey, Sadie! I heard you were feeling down. I hope you have a really nice day! Also, happy belated birthday!!! I'm like 99% sure you have the same birthday as my friend, which is cool. Anyways, you look lovely today (no matter if you have on pajamas or regular clothes). :)
February 24th is my birthday and that’s cool. ; w; Tell your friend happy belated birthday and thank you so much. I hope you have a good day and you look very lovely yourself!
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princesscas · 9 years
✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ (it takes to long to paste all of these but I love your blog a LOT)
awh thanks :D ❉hugs❉
Send me a  ✔ if i’m one of your favorite blogs
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