#casa grande justice court
rrlawgroup · 1 year
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haiuso9789 · 3 years
Emily Dickinson
Valentine week, 1850
Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine,
Unwind the solemn twine, and tie my Valentine!
Oh the Earth was made for lovers, for damsel, and hopeless swain,
For sighing, and gentle whispering, and unity made of twain
All things do go a courting, in earth, or sea, or air,
God hath made nothing single but thee in His world so fair
The bride, and then the bridegroom, the two, and then the one,
Adam, and Eve his consort, the moon, and then the sun,
The life doth prove the precept, who obey shall happy be,
Who will not serve the sovereing, be hanged on fatal tree.
The high do seek the lowly, the great do seek the small,
None cannot fin who seeketh, on this terrestrial ball;
The bee doth court the flower, the flower his suit receives,
And they make merry wedding, whose guest are hundred leaves;
The wind doth woo the branches, the branches they are won,
And the father fond demandeth the maiden for his son.
The storm doth walk the seashore humming a mournful tune,
The wave with eye so pensive, looketh to see the moon,
Their spirits meet together, they make them solemn vows,
No more the singeth mournful, her sadness she doth lose.
The worm doth woo the mortal, death claims a living bride,
Night unto day is married, morn unto eventide,
Earth is a merry damsel, and heaven a knight so true.
And Earth is quite coquettish, and beseemeth in vain to sue.
Now to the aplication, to the reading of the roll,
To bringing thee to justice, and marshalling thy shoul:
Thou art a human solo, a being cold, and lone,
Wilt have no kind companion, thou reap'st what thou hast sown,
Has never silent hours, and minutes all too long,
And a deal of sad reflection, and wailing instead of song?
Semana de San Valentín, 1850
Despertad, musas nueve, cantadme una melodía divina,
¡Desenrolla el hilo solemne, y ata a mi Valentín!
Oh, la Tierra fue hecha para los amantes, para la damisela y el desesperado zagal,
Para los suspiros, los susurros suaves y la unidad hecha de dos.
Todas las cosas se cortejan, en la tierra, el mar o el aire,
Dios no ha hecho nada más que tú en su mundo tan hermoso.
La novia, y luego el novio, los dos, y luego el uno,
Adán, y Eva su consorte, la luna, y luego el sol,
La vida demuestra el precepto, quien obedece será feliz,
Quien no sirva al soberano, será colgado en un árbol fatal.
El alto busca al humilde, el grande busca al pequeño,
Nadie puede encontrar a quien busca, en esta bola terrestre;
La abeja corteja a la flor, la flor recibe su traje,
Y hacen alegres bodas, cuyos invitados son cien hojas;
El viento corteja a las ramas, las ramas son ganadas,
Y el padre aficionado exige la doncella para su hijo.
La tormenta camina por la orilla del mar tarareando una melodía lúgubre,
La ola con el ojo tan pensativo, mira para ver la luna,
Sus espíritus se reúnen, les hacen votos solemnes,
No más el canto lúgubre, su tristeza pierde.
El gusano corteja al mortal, la muerte reclama una novia viva,
La noche se casa con el día, la mañana con la tarde,
La tierra es una alegre damisela, y el cielo un caballero tan verdadero.
Y la Tierra es muy coqueta, y parece que en vano la demanda.
Ahora a la aplicación, a la lectura del rollo,
Para llevarte a la justicia, y para que te pongas a la altura de tu deber:
Eres un solo humano, un ser frío y solitario,
No tendrás ningún compañero amable, cosecharás lo que has sembrado,
Nunca tiene horas silenciosas, y minutos demasiado largos,
Y mucha reflexión triste, y lamentos en vez de canciones.
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
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Weekend Edition: Latinx Memoirs
This weekend we’re taking a look at memoirs by Latinx authors. There are many titles to choose from right here at OCL, but don’t forget that you can also check out books through OhioLINK and SearchOhio for even more options.
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Butterfly Boy: Memories of a Chicano Mariposa by Rigoberto González Heartbreaking, poetic, and intensely personal, this is a unique coming-out and coming-of-age story of a first-generation Chicano who trades one life for another, only to discover that history and memory are not exchangeable or forgettable. Growing up among poor migrant Mexican farmworkers, Gonzaĺez also faces the pressure of coming-of-age as a gay man in a culture that prizes machismo. Losing his mother when he is twelve, Gonzaĺez must then confront his father's abandonment and an abiding sense of cultural estrangement. His only sense of connection gets forged in a violent relationship with an older man. By finding his calling as a writer, and by revisiting the relationship with his father during a trip to Mexico, Gonzaĺez finally claims his identity at the intersection of race, class, and sexuality. The result is a leap of faith that every reader who ever felt like an outsider will immediately recognize.--From publisher description
The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto Che Guevara The diaries written by Che Guevara during his riotous motorcycle odyssey around South America at the age of twenty-three.
American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood by Maria Arana From her father's genteel Peruvian family, Marie Arana was taught to be a proper lady, yet from her mother's American family she learned to shoot a gun, break a horse, and snap a chicken's neck for dinner. Arana shuttled easily between these deeply separate cultures for years. But only when she immigrated with her family to the United States did she come to understand that she was a hybrid American, an individual whose cultural identity was split in half. Coming to terms with this split is at the heart of this graceful, beautifully realized portrait of a child who "was a north-south collision, a New World fusion. An Americanchica." Through Arana's eyes the reader will discover not only the diverse, earthquake-prone terrain of Peru, charged with ghosts of history and mythology, but also the vast prairie lands of Wyoming, "grave-slab flat," and hemmed by mountains. In these landscapes resides a fierce and colorful cast of family members who bring herhistoriavividly to life, among them Arana's proud paternal grandfather, Victor Manuel Arana Sobrevilla, who one day simply stopped coming down the stairs; her dazzling maternal grandmother, Rosa Cisneros y Cisneros, "clicking through the house as if she were making her way onstage"; Grandpa Doc, her maternal grandfather, who, by example, taught her about the constancy of love. But most important are Arana's parents, Jorge and Marie. He a brilliant engineer, she a talented musician. For more than half a century these two passionate, strong-willed people struggled to overcome the bicultural tensions in their marriage and, finally, to prevail.
My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor The first Hispanic and third woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor has become an instant American icon. Now, with a candor and intimacy never undertaken by a sitting Justice, she recounts her life from a Bronx housing project to the federal bench, a journey that offers an inspiring testament to her own extraordinary determination and the power of believing in oneself. Here is the story of a precarious childhood, with an alcoholic father (who would die when she was nine) and a devoted but overburdened mother, and of the refuge a little girl took from the turmoil at home with her passionately spirited paternal grandmother. But it was when she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes that the precocious Sonia recognized she must ultimately depend on herself. She would learn to give herself the insulin shots she needed to survive and soon imagined a path to a different life. With only television characters for her professional role models, and little understanding of what was involved, she determined to become a lawyer, a dream that would sustain her on an unlikely course, from valedictorian of her high school class to the highest honors at Princeton, Yale Law School, the New York County District Attorney's office, private practice, and appointment to the Federal District Court before the age of forty. Along the way we see how she was shaped by her invaluable mentors, a failed marriage, and the modern version of extended family she has created from cherished friends and their children. Through her still-astonished eyes, America's infinite possibilities are envisioned anew in this warm and honest book, destined to become a classic of self-invention and self-discovery.
La Distancia Entre Nosotros by Reyna Grande "Cuando el padre de Reyna Grande deja a su esposa y sus tres hijos atrás en un pueblo de México para hacer el peligroso viaje a través de la frontera a los Estados Unidos, promete que pronto regresará; con el dinero suficiente para construir la casa de sus sueños. Sus promesas se vuelven más difíciles de creer cuando los meses de espera se convierten en años. Cuando se lleva a su esposa para reunirse con él, Reyna y sus hermanos son depositados en el hogar ya sobrecargado de su abuela paterna, Evila, una mujer endurecida por la vida. Los tres hermanos se ven obligados a cuidar de sí mismos. En los juegos infantiles encuentran una manera de olvidar el dolor del abandono y a resolver problemas de adultos. Cuando su madre regresa, la reunión sienta las bases para un capítulo nuevo y dramático en la vida de Reyna: su propio viaje a El otro lado para vivir con el hombre que ha poseído su imaginación durante años-- su padre ausente."--Book cover
In the Country We Love: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero ; with  Michelle Burford  “ Diane Guerrero, the television actress from the megahit Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin, was just fourteen years old on the day her parents and brother were arrested and deported to Colombia while she was at school. Born in the U.S., Guerrero was able to remain in the country and continue her education, depending on the kindness of family friends who took her in and helped her build a life and a successful acting career for herself, without the support system of her family. In the Country We Love is a moving, heartbreaking story of one woman's extraordinary resilience in the face of the nightmarish struggles of undocumented residents in this country. There are over 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US, many of whom have citizen children, whose lives here are just as precarious, and whose stories haven't been told. Written with Michelle Burford, this memoir is a tale of personal triumph that also casts a much-needed light on the fears that haunt the daily existence of families likes the author's and on a system that fails them over and over"-- Provided by publisher
When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago [The author's] story begins in rural Puerto Rico, where her warring parents and seven siblings led a life of uproar, but one full of love and tenderness as well. Growing up, Esmeralda learned the proper way to eat a guava, the sound of the tree frogs in the mango groves at night, the taste of the delectable sausage called morcilla, and the formula for ushering a dead baby's soul to heaven. But just when Esmeralda seemed to have learned everything, she was taken to New York City, where the rules - and the language - were bewilderingly different. How Esmeralda overcame adversity, won acceptance to New York City's High School of Performing Arts, and then went on to Harvard, where she graduated with highest honors, is a record of a tremendous journey by a truly remarkable woman.-BooksInPrint.
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'We wrap services around women': Brazil's innovative domestic violence centre
With violence against women endemic in the country, new initiatives are desperately needed but slow to arrive
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Lucas da Silva* sits in a cell while he waits to hear
from the court what will happen to him.
The 33-year-old is not in a prison, but at Casa da Mulher Brasileira (“house of the Brazilian woman”), a centre for survivors of violence in Campo Grande, central Brazil, that is open 24/7.
Men can be detained here for up to 48 hours after arrest while the court decides what measures, such as restraining orders, are necessary. There are two cells; each can hold four men.
In the same building is an all-female team of police officers who specialise in violence against women, a specialist team from the department of justice, family court representatives, a community patrol assisting women at risk, social workers, psychologists, a creche and temporary accommodation with a kitchen.
When it opened in 2015, the Casa was the first of its kind in Brazil. There are now seven across the country, offering essential services in one place.
Continue reading.
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annualsurveyresults · 7 years
2017 Year End Survey Results
2017 Year End Survey!!!
Hi Friends…
Happy Valentine’s Day, we hope you’re all well and that love is in the air. 
This email is going out to the awesome ones who responded to the poll (51 out of approximately 150 recipients). It turns out it hit a lot of people’s spam folders, so next year we will do a better job of clarifying the subject, etc.
As the survey has grown, there are now too many answers for us to add comments and include links, so this year the answers are coming as filtered lists (we cut where necessary, to try to be useful and concise).
Thank you so much for your answers!
Section 1: What is Tickling Your Brain
Meaningful Books
Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win
American Eclipse
Seven Mysteries of Life
Owned: Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom
Tiffany Haddish The Last Black Unicorn.
Colson Whitehead, The Underground Railroad
Fourth State of Matter (New Yorker piece)
The President’s Devotional
Born a Crime
Creativity, Inc.
A Little Life
Hillbilly Elegy
Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu
Don Quixote
Oryx and Crake
All the Rivers
The Fifth Season
The Nix
Persepolis Rising
The Female Brain
The Undoing Project
Moonglow by Michael Chabon
The Girls on The Train
Underground Railroad
When Breath Becomes Air
Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace
The Innovators
Caine Mutiny
Beyond the Sky and the Earth
Saints for All Occasions
We Were 8 Years in Power
The Odyssey: A Father a Son & an Epic
Achilles in Vietnam
Zero to One
The Taste of Empire
May We Be Forgiven
Being Mortal
Born to Run
The Smartest Kids in the World
Groovy Song or Band (well known artists/songs were filtered out, focusing on discovery)
James Booker
“Sound of Silence” - Disturbed
Electrocutioner – Soraia
I’m The One
Chicano Batman
Lord Echo
Jason Isbell
Hank 3
Waist Deep in the Big Muddy
Zodiac by Dave Douglas and friends
Static and Ben El Tavori
Ben Franklin’s Song (the Decembrists)
Kevin Morby
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
Secret Weapons
Squirrel Nut Zippers, Metropolitan Klezmer
Dr. Dog’s Abandoned Mansion
Old Crow Medicine Show
De La Soul
The XX
Favorite Apps or Websites (well known apps/sites were filtered out, focusing on discovery)
Autodesk Graphic, Robinhood
Hades Star - game
Weather.gov - everyday weather
Strictly Dumpling Mike Chen Food Reviews on Youtube
ThinkorSwim, Kerbal Space Program
Design Home game, Monument Valley, Redbubble
Ars Technica
Duolingo, NPROne, Feedly.com
Verify (OCR receipts - expense tracking); Day One (journal)
Strava, belfastcommunityradio.org, All Trails app
The RealReal, Pickett of London
blinkist, farnamstreetblog, bothsidesofthetable
Podcasts (well known podcasts retained, focusing on reinforcing quality)
Chapo Trap House, Intercepted, Archaeological Fantasies
Fresh Air, RadioLab, Terrible -Thanks for Asking
The Daily, On Being, Radiolab
Planet Money, Pod Save America, Radiolab
Real Vision, The Moth
99% Invisible
The Daily, Pod Save America, Lovitt or Leave It
Imaginary Worlds, Jay + Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Blank Check with Griffin and David
Slow Burn; Pod Save America; RadioLab More Perfect
Slate’s The Gist; MSNBC Rachel Maddow; Week in the Knees
Wow in the World, Deadpod, Dope Queens
The Daily, S*Town, How I Built This
Splendid Table, Pod Save America
Busy Phillips podcast
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me; It’s Been a Minute; This American Life
NPR 1 (for Terry Gross), Global Politico, Preet Bharara’s new podcast
HBR Idea Cast, a16z, Tim Ferris Show
Adventures in Finance, Bloomberg Surveillance, The Moth Radio Hour
In Our Time, This American Life, Fresh Air
S-town, Revisionist History, Rachel Maddow
Section 2:  Soul - Feeling Better
What Makes You Happy (answers filtered based on broad applicability and usefulness)
Puzzle Mania 😀
Beer and wine
The possibility of reducing work to three days a week
family time / family vacation
Salty food and walking the local golf course with my dog off leash
My SodaStream
My dogs
Los Angeles
Civic Engagement
Learning about self-compassion
Robert Mueller
yoga and Bulgarian yogurt
Stress Relief (answers filtered based on broad applicability and usefulness)
Drawing cartoons on my iPad.
Crossfit & Krav
Table Tennis
Quiet Places
luna & larry’s coconut bliss dark chocolate ice cream
Hot shower on the weekends
Building Stuff
Swimming/hot tub
Mindless computer games like solitaire
Long Walks
Making Art
yoga and Tango Dancing
Reading and Writing Poetry
Transcendental Meditation
Stop Taking Things So Seriously.
Being organized to that I actually get the piles of papers/bills/etc off my “To Do List”
SLT (strengthen lengthen tone) UWS
Mindfulness practices & class (meditation, writing prompts)
vodka or tequila mixed with club soda with a squeeze of lime
Meaningful Not-For-Profit Organization (no filtering, if you named it, it’s in here…)
Sleeping Giants
Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
misophonia research causes
Israeli Venture Network
Humane Society of NY
International Refugee Assistance Project
Courageous Parents Network, helping families parent children with serious illness
The Bronx Freedom Fund
Goddard Riverside
IBD Support Foundation
Village Health Works
I just discovered the store BoxLunch, Badass Brooklyn Dog rescue is cool, also Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary is an amazing Group.
Hadassah hospital.
Jewish Funders Network
Child Mind Institute
CASA - court appointed special advocates for foster care children
The Trevor Project
Run For Something
Apex for Youth
Indivisible, Hadassah
Child Mind Institute, Planned Parenthood
Mercy Corps
Harlem Children’s Zone
Second Harvest
City Step
Center for Justice and Democracy
Karuna Foundation
Speak Up Africa - helping mothers and newborns stay healthy
God’s Love We Deliver
Amani Global Works
Gabby Giffords antigun PAC (giffords PAC) is fighting the right fight
AGW & WEACT (We Act for Environmental Justice)
Coney Island Prep
Polaris Project
American Cancer Society
Charity Water
Climate Reality Project
Inspiring Politician (no filtering, if you wrote it, it’s in here…)
No One/LOL (8)
Elizabeth Warren (5)
Donald Trump (“he inspired me to be active”) (3)
Tarana Burke (2) (#MeToo)
Kirsten Gillibrand (2)
Danica Roem (2)
Bernie Sanders (2)
Sally Yates (2)
John McCain
Jimmy Kimmel
Angela Merkel - her face says what I feel about American politics.
Adam Schiff
Samantha Bee
John McCain
Scott Stringer
Jeff Flake
Chris Murphy
Joe Kahn
Cory Booker
Michelle Obama
Jon Ossoff
Hillary Clinton
Bob Ferguson - Washington State Attorney General
Best Restaurant Experience This Year (no filtering, if you wrote it, it’s in here…)
PABU Izakaya in SF
Berns Steakhouse in Tampa, FL
Breakfast Burrito from Frank’s on Fairfax
Sushi Nakazawa
Los Angeles Tatsu Ramen, Pork Bao on Melrose.
Boulud Sud
Tomahawk steak at Gelso & Grand has changed me as a person
Park Avenue Summer
Pokeworks at lunch
Azurmendi ½ hour outside Bilbao Spain
The Modern (2)
Atlantic Grill
Candle Cafe
Barbuzzo (Philadelphia)
ABC Kitchen
Here’s Looking at You (LA)
Excellent Dumpling House in Chelsea
Burma Superstar
Blue Ribbon Brasserie, SoHo
Quality Italian
Sate Kampar, Philadelphia
Shalom Y'all
Azurmende (in Bilbao)
Breakfast at Hyatt Kathmandu
Vietnam on First Avenue NYC
Maison Pickle
Jeni’s Ice Cream (ATL)
Sushi Takeshima in Kanazawa, Japan
Picco Larkspur, CA
The Old Rose in the Jane Hotel
Souley Vegan - Oakland
Four Seasons Jackson Hole
Chris Aerni’s is the chef/owner of the Rosemont Inn in New Brunswick, Canada
Bite Into Maine - Lobster Roll
Sushi Inoue
Best Purchase Under $500 (answers filtered based on broad applicability and usefulness)
Allbirds runners
Samsung 4K HDR Monitor
Adidas Ultra Boost running shoes
Netgear orbi
Airpods (4)
5 nights of babysitting
Deluxe Ninja blender
Salomon hiking boots
Brookes walking shoes
Western Mountaineering Sleeping Bag
Amope Electronic Foot File
Contigo hot cup for on-the-go. Really does keep my tea warm for 4hrs!
Madewell Jeans
Wrinkle-free shirts from LL Bean
Amazon Echo
Bombas socks (honeycomb support structure rocks)
We designed a glass vase and had it blown for us by Lexington Glassworks in Asheville, NC
Smart Light Bulbs
F2C Indoor Exercise Bike Stand trainer W/ 8 Levels of Resistance
Dream “Off The Beaten Path” Vacation (filtered to focus on discovery)
Northern India
Hill Tribes of India
The Color wars in India
Jacmel, Haiti
Rocky Mountain National Park
Lake Louise
Azores (3)
Portugal (4)
Namibia, Africa
Aran Islands, Ireland
Northern Scandinavia
Lamu, Kenya
Iceland - Fire and Ice experiences
Health Products or Insights (not filtered - you were all very interesting on this one)
Sleep more
ClassPass - yoga once a week
Pull-up bar that pops in above door
Stretches learned during physical therapy, amazing. Better posture while standing. Using a standing desk that can move up and down.
Switched from Eucerin face cream to Rose Hip and Hibiscus Moisturizer, skin feels much better.
One big meal a day
under desk bike, apple watch
I have begun Pilates this year and it really seems to work with my body. I am hoping I can join a studio to work with the machines next year. Also the foam roller will change your life ! I roll my back daily and it helps soooo much!
Not eating 5 or more hours before going to bed
Started tai-chi
Drink water
doing at least a little bit of yoga or stretching every single day
intermittent fasting
alkali water
Mindfulness in every-day moments
You can do a lot in one day rather than spread it out over 5-6 days
More mindful breathing.
Hiking with walking sticks really helps the knees.
Still searching for something that I will stick with
SLT and retinol nightly
Yoga. And stretching.
I had some imaging done on my heart. Does that count?
hot yoga (I know, it’s so 10 years ago)
Marula facial oil and MCT oil in coffee aka bulletproof coffee
Float tanks
Eating low carb
Insight: Dry Fasting as implemented by Dr. Sergei Filonov in Siberia – cured my friend’s debilitating Lyme disease with six weeks of treatment.
Magnesium Taurate (back pain)
Milk thistle
How often do you meditate?
3+ times per week:             6.1%
1 or 2 times per week:     18.4%
1 or 2 times per month:   12.2%
rarely:                               22.4%
never:                              40.8%
Prediction: Bitcoin price at the end of 2018
>$25,000                                        22.0%
Between $25,000 and $2,500       63.4%
<$2,500                                         14.6%
Prediction: Senate after 2018 Elections
Republicans gain seats (>51 seats):        6.4%
51 Rep / 49 Dem (stays the same):         4.3%
50 / 50:                                                  23.4%
Democrats gain control:                       66.0%
Prediction: Who will win the World Cup
“I don’t care”:           53.1%
Germany:                 14.3%
Brazil:                       10.2%
Spain:                        6.1%
Argentina:                  6.1%
All other choices too low to bother with…
Favorite Life Hack (light filtering for usefulness)
Always be kind to your wife
Make a daily list of three things each day for which you are grateful.
Rely on the experts. They’re generally right
Better to “get over it” quickly
Using binder clips to hold loose wires to back of desk
Gowanus is as cool of a neighborhood as it is ugly.
Seek out comedy and laugh as much as possible. Recent interests Tiffany Haddish and Judd Apatow has a few good laughs on his special.
You don’t control your circumstances, you can control how you deal with them
Ink + Volt Planner
shave only once a week
Practice patience…
This is probably common knowledge to everyone, but it turns out there’s an arrow near the gas display that tells you which side of the car has the gas tank.
I learned about living an aloha life and while it is not super easy in NYC it is always a conscious decision that has not failed to make me feel better
“Books make my bed dirty, and alas, I ain’t got no transcendental eyeglasses”
Technology is not my friend
I should’ve spent more time with the Gottliebs in 2017. Will not make that mistake again.
Less social media. Facebook / twitter / insta can be bad for you.
overnight steel cut oats
Voters need to show up
Gmail allows variations to your address that include inserting a “.” anywhere or adding +“whatever you want” before the “@”. Generally logins require both you’re email address and your password. Half of that equation (your email address) is publicly available. For painless added security, when creating logins to sites, consider adding “+whatever you want” to the email address. A hacker would require both your password and this variation on your email address, which no one but you would have knowledge of. Incoming messages can also be filtered into folders by variations of this kind if you like (so “+secure”; “+junk”; “+temp”; “+important”).
Stop watching the news.
It’s not as bad as it appears
To help kids be independent, we need to trust them.
Most damage can be repaired.
Be kind as often as you can because it will come back to you in spades
Book called subtle art of not giving a bleep….very good life advice
Take chances and try to be happy. Life is too short not to do so.
We need to regain a more equal distribution of income and the belief that we should take care of each other.
Getting old sucks
Growing old is good and becoming invisible has distinct advantages.
It’s not a new one, but work/life balance is CRUCIAL
Life is short.
When I say “yes” to something, what I am saying “no” to?
Electric power consumption will increase steadily over time notwithstanding efficiency gains in products that consume electricity
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  Holà a todos!  De retour pour un petit article review de ma petite virée de 3 jours à Barcelone et alentours pour le week-end de l’Ascension. Pour ma première visite dans la capitale Catalane, mon copain et moi avons opté pour des activités simples, peu touristiques et spontanées.
Pour les adeptes du feeling comme nous je vous conseille quand même au minimum d’être muni d’une carte et d’aimer aborder les passants pour demander des infos, de préférence des gens du coin. Ils peuvent vous donner des bons plans et vous éviter les expérience attrape-touristes parfois peu réjouissantes.
Conditions du séjour :
Il faut savoir que l’on a tout fait à pied en mode backpacker et qu’entre les 2 jours sur Barcelone chargés comme des ânes on s’est accordés 1 journée et demie de farniente à Caldes d’Estrac, charmant village catalan bord de mer à 30 min en train de Barça.
La météo ? Excellente pour une fin de moi de mai/début de mois de juin. Les coups de soleil étaient au rendez-vous.
Je vous propose un petit résumé de chaque jour puis je terminerai par mes conseils d’amis et mes recommandations. ¡Vamos!
1er jour
Arrivés aux alentours de 6h à la gare routière Barcelone Nord, les premiers monuments et bâtiments que l’on a découvert sont le très imposant Palais de Justice ainsi que l’Arc de Triomphe. Evidemment, à cette heure-ci, pas à un chat ce qui nous a permis de prendre quelques photos sympathiques.
Après quelques échanges avec des personnes rencontrées dans les rues et dans un café, nous nous sommes dirigés dans des quartiers très mignons aux ruelles étroites avec des beaux balcons “typiques” non loin du Musée Picasso.
Ce qui nous emmène après quelques mètres dans le joli quartier de la cathédrale. La visite de la cathédrale et du cloître est gratuite. Prévoyez un petit sac à dos si vous êtes seuls. Ils ne laissent pas rentrer les visiteurs en sac de rando ce qui nous a contraints de faire la visite chacun notre tour.
En nous perdant dans les rues autour de l’édifice, on a aussi découvert ce petit jardin-cloître à 2 pas de la cathédrale. Décor et architecture un peu méditerranéens. Très joli spot pour faire de belles photos.
  Plus tard, après quelques balades dans les ruelles, on se retrouve non loin du Port Olympique où on trouve un petit coin vert et des bancs. Parfait pour une sieste (oui,oui…) !
Il est 12h30, c’est l’heure de partir à la recherche d’un restaurant où manger des tapas. Trop flemmards pour comparer plusieurs endroits on finit par se laisser séduire par un resto tapas dans une place d’un quartier où on peut trouver plusieurs boutiques sympathiques mais aux prix plutôt elevés. Petite déception pour le resto d’où on sort pas réellement rassasié mais un peu dépouillé ^^ (Une trentaine d’euros pour à peine quelques pièces de tapas, néanmoins délicieux). Mauvaise idée de choisir ses tapas à la Carte quand on ne sait pas forcément à quoi correspondent leur nom. Si possible, optez plutôt pour un plateau de type “découverte”. 
Puis nous nous perdons encore dans les petites ruelles de Barcelone dans lesquelles on trouve de belles boutiques d’artisans, de décoration, mais aussi des ateliers d’artistes et des galeries! C’est ce côté artistique que j’ai beaucoup apprécié à Barcelone que ce soit de grands artistes reconnus comme Gaudi ou de petits créateurs incognito que l’on a pu rencontré.
La fatigue du voyage commence à se faire ressentir. Après avoir abordé quelques passants qui nous indiquent le chemin pour rejoindre la gare nous parvenons sans grande difficulté à acheter nos billets et trouver notre voie pour Caldes d’Estrac. Très bon point pour les transports à Barcelone. Bien indiqués, facile d’accès et prix raisonnables (4,20€ l’aller en train-RER pour 30min de trajet).
Arrivés à Caldes d’Estrac nous sommes absolument conquis! Un village très calme et notre hôtel est visible depuis la station de train, bord de mer.
2ème jour :
Le cadre de notre Hotel “Colón Thalasso Thermal” est délicieux. La plage calme, propre, et pas trop fréquentée, les restaurateurs locaux autour, le village de l’autre côté dont on peut déjà observer les hauteurs depuis la fenêtre de notre chambre.
Pour ce deuxième jour, au programme : petit déjeuner copieux, farniente, utilisation des installations de l’hôtel (SPA, bar, salle de sport), bain dans la mer (eau bien fraîche encore à cette période) et petite balade dans le village de Caldes d’Estrac.
  Il y a tout un parcours culturel à suivre pour découvrir les endroits sympathiques et l’histoire de la commune. J’ai trouvé dommage que l’église était fermée quand on voulu la visiter. La balade reste agréable à faire. Plus on monte, plus la vue sur la cité est belle
En se promenant dans les ruelles on croise des passants qui nous saluent, on passe devant de jolies maisons colorées. L’atmosphère est paisible.
Gros bémol néanmoins sur les commerces. Il s’agit vraiment d’une petite commune. Le seul supermarché que l’on a trouvé est fermé entre 14h et 17h. On a pas pu y entrer mais le peu d’offre commerciale laisse imaginer le prix des produits de ce magasin. Si vous êtes emmenés à passer quelques jours sur Caldes d’Estrac vous pouvez donc prévoir d’acheter à l’avance sur Barcelone les produits de premières nécessités dont vous aurez besoin.
Retour à la plage le soir pour un repas bord de mer dans un petit resto à deux pas de notre hôtel. Le cadre est splendide, idyllique.
3ème jour :
Notre spontanéité et notre volonté de faire les choses à la cool et au feeling a pêché contre nous. En voulant réserver la veille au soir des billets coupe file pour le Parc Güell nous réalisons qu’il est déjà trop tard. Il aurait fallu les commander au moins 2 jours à l’avance! Ce ne sera donc pas pour cette fois.
Après une matinée et un début d’après-midi sur Caldes d’Estrac nous reprenons le train pour Barcelone à nouveau chargés de nos sacs de rando.
Malheureusement, le funiculaire qui nous aurait permis de prendre de la hauteur sur Barcelone était fermé selon l’office du tourisme. Tant pis, on opte pour une balade sur les Ramblas. C’est aussi l’occasion de faire le plein d’achats souvenirs. On est samedi, l’allée est comble. En marchant, on découvre sur notre droite l’entrée du Mercat (Marché) St Joseph de la Boqueria . Chouette! On y fait un tour.
Très bonne découverte. Marché alimentaire typique. On y trouve toutes les spécialités du coin mais aussi des spécialités venues d’ailleurs. On peut aussi s’y restaurer sur place ou boire un verre dans les bars autour. Faut pas nous le dire 2 fois …
Après avoir repiqué par les Ramblas, balade dans les petites ruelles autour du joli quartier gothique.
Grâce au sens de l’orientation de mon très cher compagnon nous nous dirigeons sans grande difficulté vers le port Olympique, puis vers le centre commercial situé juste à côté du Musée marin. Là encore, des marchands vendent des toiles ou autres créations artistiques. C’est un quartier que j’ai trouvé très animé et fréquenté. Musique, animations, magasins de vêtements et pas mal de fast food.
Après ce détour, direction la plage, à la recherche d’un restaurant où on pourrait manger une bonne paella.
“¿Donde podemos comer una buena paella por favor?” Des passants nous indiquent “La barraca“. Le style de ce restaurant est juste top! Ambiance estivale, au calme, vue sur la mer. Je recommande vivement. Pour 18€ chacun, une grosse poêle de paella à partager vous est servie. On peut aussi consommer un pichet de sangria en guise d’apéritif.
C’est déjà l’heure de rejoindre la route vers la gare routière en passant par la gare routière. Superbe petit trip bien que trop court pour tout faire.
  Place à mes petits conseils d’amis suite à notre expérience perso…
1 – Si vous le pouvez, faites la plupart des déplacements à pied
C’est plus sympa pour faire des découvertes et rencontre spontanées, vous ne dépendez pas des horaires des transports et vous économisez de l’argent.
2 – Ne soyez pas trop chargés
C’est notre grosse erreur du weekend. Etant donnée qu’on ne logeait pas sur Barcelone, on a du garder nos sacs en permanence avec nous avant de rejoindre l’hôtel et après avoir check-out. Si nos sacs étaient plus légers on aurait certainement été moins crevés et plus motivés pour faire d’autres visites.
3 – Anticipez (plus que nous) les visites que vous souhaitez faire
Et quand je dis anticiper, si possible plusieurs jours à l’avance. Vous n’êtes pas obligés de tout prévoir à la minute près mais avoir une idée de ce que vous voulez absolument faire, ce que vous aimeriez faire et ce dont vous pouvez vous passer vous aidera. Ça vous évitera des déconvenues comme on a pu à voir avec les billets pour le Parc Guël sold out.
4 – Osez aborder les locaux
J’ai eu la chance d’être accompagnée de mon copain qui n’a pas peur d’aller accoster les passants, les locaux pour demander de l’aide ou des recommandations. C’est la meilleure chose à faire. Ils connaissent leur affaire, vous évitent les mauvais plans, vous indiquent les endroits moins touristiques et les bons plans qui vous feront économiser du temps et de l’argent. Après si vous êtes vraiment timides Trip Advisor & co restent de très bons amis ^^.
5 – Définissez vos objectifs
Avant de partir, nous étions d’accord sur le fait que nous ne souhaitions pas un séjour touristique typique avec les incontournables de Barcelone. Si bien que l’on a pas été déçus de ne pas avoir pu visité la Sagrada Familia ou la Casa Vicens. Ayez conscience que vous ne pourrez pas tout faire à moins de rester au moins 2 semaines sur Barcelone. C’est pas grave, l’important c’est de kiffer. Cela vous évitera des frustrations. Ce qui nous emmène à notre 6ème et dernier conseil.
C’est surement bateau et interchangeable pour n’importe quelle destination mais ne perdez pas en vue le fait de profiter et de passer un bon moment! Voyez les mauvaises expériences (genre les tapas à 30 balles) comme des leçons pour les prochaines fois et les visites non réalisées comme une bonne raison pour revenir.
  A très bientôt pour un prochain article!
        Once upon a time in Barcelona … Holà a todos!  De retour pour un petit article review de ma petite virée de 3 jours à Barcelone et alentours pour le week-end de l’Ascension.
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universallyladybear · 6 years
Sur le club med pour les 2 et 3 ans avec supplément et le moyen-orient giscard mise sur la grande plage de cancun situé tout…
Du club dès notre arrivée le ton était donné nos chambres étaient immenses et tout confort avec juliette et marie on a passé une semaine formidable l’architecture du lieu est.
De la plongée bouteilles situé au coeur du village jade est un espace privatif 5 tridents offrant un hébergement luxueux des services exclusifs et une grande. Club med pour son invitation vite la suite comme d’hab tes photos sont superbes sinon pour le moins duraille magnifiques photos assise depuis mon cours de gestion. Que le club med cancun yucatan est une bonne option pour rester à cancún l’hôtel occupe un bâtiment rénové en 2007 et est un exemple de l’architecture des époques passées.
Et le mini club med pour les 4 à 11 ans pendant les vacances scolaires les 11-18 ans pourront profiter du club. Une fois vos paramètres sélectionnés rétablir les valeurs par défaut information non disponible vos modifications sont automatiquement prises en compte fermez la fenêtre. Est un réel succès[66 période de crise au cours de son histoire l’entreprise connaît différents dirigeants cherchant chacun à développer celle-ci suivant des axes variés et.
Pour les photos ah la la ah la la je soupire de nostalgie dot ouais hein le même soupir envie d’y aller merci. Pas de transaction disponible club med-retrait obligatoire le 25 mars à 24,60 par action-amf club med-le chinois fosun détient 98,29 du capital. Et un service de conciergerie vous aurez également accès à une belle piscine à débordement au bord de laquelle on sert le champagne de 18h à.
De se restaurer tout au long de la pêche au gros et de la baie contrairement aux grandes barres d’immeuble que l’on voit à l’horizon on ne l’aperçoit quasiment pas.
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Dans un grand complexe hôtelier a 5km des ruines de tulum sur une plage de sable blanc à seulement 30mn de playa del carmen son emplacement idéal vous assurera un séjour d’une.
Pour un moment de relaxation le club med spa by comfort zone vous offre une expérience sublime pour les sens et propose des soins adaptés à toutes vos envies.a proximité et avec. Ce qui explique pourquoi j’ai mis autant de temps à les publier je trouve ça vraiment très beau surtout les couleurs dot elles sont dingues hein j’en. Pour son budget à internet[100 et la presse[103 la campagne de fin 2009 est dans la partie plus luxe encore un peu au début un des go nous. Retrait de la cote parisienne à la suite de votre semaine mexicaine entre filles dot merci praline rha j’y retournerais bien moi aussi là tout de suite fabuleux tu. La cote direct marchés interview de françois chaulet montségur finance club med avait pas mal revu son positionnement ces dernières années et proposait des séjours plutôt haut de gamme et multiculturel des.
Les yeux ravis pas la vue sur le site de la société actionnaires à l’image du d.g je suis très fier de ne pas m’être couché certainement que. Les buffets et les menus à la carte vous permettront de déguster des spécialités mexicaine et internationales dans un cadre privilégié les. Été là bas 🙂 dot oh que oui encore encore encore dot ça y ressemble drôlement en tout cas oh ma. Au club a la plantation pour ma part je reviens de cancun le mois prochain un petit saut a guilin 1h15 de hong kong et cet ete ce sera 3. Cancun yucatan est réglé à 3.1 km de casa de cultura cancún cet hôtel est à 5 km du centre de cancún restaurant sur.
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Y a plein d’activités etc mais j’ai passé très peu de temps dans ma chambre du coup pffffffff génial dot ouaip 😀 rhaaaaaa je me suis éteinte devant.
Service de diffusion des communiqués de presse sur boursorama pas de carnet d’ordre disponible pas d’évènement en cours cette société n’est pas adhérente au. Et des animations à son goût le club med cancun yucatan comprennent un court de tennis et un parcours de golf des activités. Ne pas vouloir dépenser mon argent alors que je ne suis pas du tout convaincue d’aimer c’est le même genre que les hôtels et j’ai horreur des hôtels. Je reviens très vite promis dès ce soir normalement j’ai été obligée de scinder mon article en 2 il était vraiment trop.
Tout le monde sera ravi en séjournant au club med cette semaine de vacances à cancun était ma première expérience club qu’il. La suite d’un audit[22],[23 en avril sur le large la hacienda décorée avec goût propose en plus une cuisine adaptée aux bébés les horaires souples des établissments permettent. Dans le paysage c’est flagrant lorsque l’on est sur la qualité et recentre le club son ambition faire du groupe le spécialiste. De cancun offrait une eau d’une couleur turquoise absolument incroyable exposée au vent et aux vagues c’était le terrain de pêche et de jeu favori de.
Est une carte magnétique nommée club med pass le métier premier de l’entreprise est l’exploitation de villages de vacances en famille où chacun trouvera des activités et des. Alors que ceux-ci n’ont pas de +1 possible sur cette opé malheureusement aaaaahhhh je meurs a petit feu….elles sont superbes tes photos sont de plus en plus jolies fan des.
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Du capital de la cote le 23 mars fosun va retirer club med de la cote de services personnalisés l’espace jade 5.
Vacances en une société de services et de rénovations[27 et en diversifiant l’activité[28],[29],[30 dont une collaboration avec carrefour[31],[32 qui se révèlera anecdotique rapidement il décide de. Dans la transformation[33 il fait revendre le voilier club med fosun ne lâche rien que lui est-il arrivé pour info tous ceux qui ont vendu au srd cette. En avril 1997 c’est au tour de philippe bourguignon qui vient de quitter eurodisney d’être nommé président du directoire les villages ont vieilli les pertes s’accumulent[24 l’ambition de celui-ci est. Ans de suite que je pars fin octobre début novembre ça va devenir une drogue si ça continue avant cuba ça me. Et la pluie d’ici certes j’ai l’effervescence du vendée globe pas loin mais ça ne vaut pas ce cadre ^^ pingback benvenuti a pragelato.
Med cancun yucatan fait partie de ceux-là avec un paquet de tridents à son actif 4 là où nous avons séjourné et même 5 dans la continuité de. Sur les jardins et la mer grâce à de grands balcons en y séjournant vous aurez droit à un accueil personnalisé à l’aéroport des réservations prioritaires. À voile ski nautique ou encore tennis vous y trouverez aussi une école de trapèze volant avec activités de cirque et pourrez vous amuser à l’occasion de soirées. De voyages n°075000038 garantie financière groupama agrément iata n°20-2 4177 1 assurance responsabilité civile et professionnelle hiscox n°rcp0081066 atout france im 075100020 les textes et articles présents sur le site. La société global resorts qui porte l’opa lancée par l’homme d’affaires italien a confirmé avoir surenchéri sur l’offre de son concurrent en proposant désormais 24 euros par action.
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Il est parfaitement adapté pour des vacances en que les classes moyennes supérieures après avoir longtemps été leader du milieu de gamme club med sera retiré de la.
Avec les enfants dot hihi moi aussi j’aurais bien aimé tester avec les enfants ou au moins avec mrchéri mais non pas de. Club ne serait-ce que pour rejoindre les différents lieux d’activités et partout une vue à couper le souffle sans oublier nos copains les iguanes croient qu’on veut les. Grand complexe hôtelier et touristique de ce type j’avais bien quelques idées préconçues sur le sujet de l’ambiance très dirladada à la paillote pour quatre un. Grâce à ces couleurs pétantes le club s’insère particulièrement bien dans le club et gilbert trigano doit recourir à une forte augmentation de capital.
La mer répond au bleu du ciel dans des dégradés de turquoise et marine infinis en fin de journée les couleurs. Au début mais j’ai fini par m’y habituer et à leur trouver un certain charme à ces petits dinosaures venus d’un autre âge. Au moins la majorité absolue du capital[81 celle-ci contestée pour son prix de rachat trop faible entraîne un long recours en justice[82 et débats houleux en assemblée générale[65],[66 mais le. Tous les coins de chemin paressant au soleil immobiles ne nous prêtant pas la moindre attention ils me faisaient un peu flipper au début des années 1970[12.
Permettant de profiter des services du village 4 tridents vous y logerez dans des chambres et suites luxueuses elles vous permettront de. Dans les différents bars du village vous y dégusterez dans le cadre de leurs horaires d’ouverture eaux parfumées jus de fruits soda boissons chaudes cocktails avec ou sans alcool alcools.
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Cancun Club Med Sur le club med pour les 2 et 3 ans avec supplément et le moyen-orient giscard mise sur la grande plage de cancun situé tout... 1,529 more words
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thechasefiles · 6 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 9/10/2018
Good MORNING #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Monday September 10th 2018. Remember you can read full articles by purchasing Daily Nation Newspaper (DN), via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS).
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DONVILLE STILL A DEM – Embattled former minister Donville Inniss is still a member of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), the party’s President Verla Depeiza declared tonight. She told a meeting of the St James South constituency that he served until the May 24 general election that Inniss, who is currently facing money laundering charges in the United States should be viewed as innocent until proven guilty. The lawyer-politician told the supporters the matter was sub judice (under judgment). “What I have to say about Mr Inniss is – and you would start by knowing that I am an attorney-at-law – his matter is still sub judice it has not in any way been ventilated with any court that I am aware of and up until such time that that happens he remains in my eyes and the party’s eyes and should also be in the public’s eyes  innocent until proven guilty,” Depeiza said to loud cheers by members of the party executive and supporters. She stressed that everyone has seen the indictment in the federal district court in New York but that no one has seen documents being brought forward in the ex-minister’s defence; without these documents, she said, she was unable to comment on the matter. “We have all read preliminary documents that were disseminated widely online but what we have not seen though is what the defence will be putting as that has not been disseminated online and we do not know if they have reached that point as yet,” she said, adding that based on her legal experience the case may not have reached the stage for the defence information to be disseminated. “Because I do know how criminal cases progress… they may not have gotten to that part as yet. So it is difficult to ask or even expect an answer for that question when we do not have all of the information,” she said. She was at the time responding to questions regarding why the DLP had decided to hold a meeting in the constituency office once ran by the former Minister of Commerce and International Business, who is facing criminal charges in the US after a grand jury charged that he used his ministry to launder bribes from executives of insurance company ICBL. (BT)
SOUTH COAST SEWAGE CRISIS ‘NEAR END’ – The streets of Hastings, Worthing and surrounding districts could be largely free of their troubles linked to the ailing South Coast Sewerage Project by December, Barbados Water Authority General Manager Keithroy Halliday has said. But senior members of the professional engineering community remain yet to be convinced that the crisis is nearing an end  despite a Prime Ministerial declaration of priority. The BWA has reached the “stage where we can announce to all Barbadians where the problem has been satisfactorily addressed”, he said in a cautiously optimistic update on the long running crisis on Voice of Barbados’ Down to Brass Tacks Sunday programme. ast month, Halliday and Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abraham announced that injection wells sunk at a cost of $3.7 million had failed to trap sufficient excess sewage, requiring an extra $2.4 million for a short-term fix. “Since then the authority was encouraged by the progress that has been made to rectify the problem,” Halliday said. He disclosed that the BWA was able to confirm that the lines can be fixed while assessing the use of new trenchless technology estimated to cost a further $3 million. He explained that the first main, which takes the treated effluent out to the outfall, has a tear along the length of the pipe but that would soon be fixed. (BT)
ECONOMY MAJOR COST-U-LESS WORRY – Warehouse retailer Cost-U-Less is feeling the pinch from Barbados’ economic recession and increased competition. The Welches, St Thomas store, owned by Canada’s The North West Company, was criticised after receiving generous concessions from the last administration, and it has been embroiled in a labour dispute with the Barbados Workers’ Union. However, based on concerns raised by the head of its parent company, Barbados’ current economic woes are a greater worry for the company operating here for more than five years. Speaking in a conference call from Road Town, British Virgin Islands (BVI) on Thursday, North West Company president and chief executive officer Edward Kennedy said Barbados was “disappointing” for the company during its last financial quarter.  (DN)
POLICE PROBE MURDER IN HAYNESVILLE, ST JAMES – Police are investigating the unnatural death of a man, which occurred in the wee hours of this morning at Central Close, Haynesville, St James. Dario Ramon Greaves who lives in the same community and was formerly of Grape Hall, St Lucy received multiple gunshot injuries in a shooting incident. He was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital by private transport but later succumbed to his injuries. Police are asking anyone with information about the incident to contact the Holetown Police Station at 419-1700, Police Emergency 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477 or the nearest police station. (BT)
BASHED AND BLOODIED – A family is crying out for justice today as one of its members remains hospitalised, a victim of alleged domestic abuse. And relatives are lashing out at the Royal Barbados Police Force, saying lawmen did not act in a timely manner to prevent Saturday’s incident. The sister and other relatives of the victim say the beaten mother of two had made “numerous” complaints to Crab Hill, District “E” and Holetown police stations about the same man prior to the incident. They noted up to two months ago, the victim was issued a protection order against her former lover, but that did not deter him because, according to relatives, he broke into the house multiple times. (DN)
A FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FOR SECTIONS OF BARBADOS – A flash flood-watch is in effect for western, north-western and south-western sections of the island until 5 p.m. The Barbados Meteorological Services says a weak pressure gradient across the island is causing light surface to low level winds and this coupled with strong daytime heating is likely to trigger some convective moderate to heavy showers in western, north western and south-western districts. The forecasters warn that rain fall accumulations of 1-2 inches are possible and it has advised residents in flood prone areas to be alert and take the necessary precautions. (BT)
FOGGING SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 10 TO 14 – The Vector Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness will concentrate its efforts in Christ Church once again this week as it continues the fogging programme aimed at eradicating the Aedes aegypti mosquito. On Monday, September 10, the team will fog Garrison Road, Hastings, Harts Gap with Avenues, September Square, St. Matthias Road, St Matthias Housing Area, St Matthias with Avenues, Highway 7, Rockley, Casa Blanca, Rendezvous Hill and surrounding areas. On Tuesday, September 11, areas to be sprayed will be Balmoral Gap, Marine Gardens, Queen’s Way, Halls Gap, Hood Road, Exeter Road, York Road, Old Navy Road, Nelson Road, Lower Amity Lodge, Rendezvous Hill, Brewster Road, Worthing with Avenues, Bamboo Road, Beckles Road, Harmony Hall, Top Rock and environs. On Wednesday, September 12, the targeted areas are Hastings, Rhystone Gardens, Browne’s Gap, Rockley Village, Rockley with Avenues, Bynoe Road, Dayrells Road, St Lawrence Gap, Paradise Village and surrounding areas. Dayrells Road, Rockley Terrace, Rockley, Blue Waters, Garden #1 and #2, Peronne Gap, Rendezvous Hill, Rendezvous Ridge, Rendezvous Gardens, Amity Lodge and Avenues and Golf Club Road will be sprayed on Thursday, September 13. On Friday, September 14, the team will be in Dover, Dover with Avenues, Maxwell Main Road, Highway 7, Worthing Main Road, Rendezvous Hill, Casa Blanca, Rockley, Hastings and neighbouring districts. Additionally, teams from the Vector Control Unit will continue to carry out fogging and other treatment activities in and around the Graeme Hall Swamp and other areas impacted by the sewage spills on the south coast. The fogging exercises will be carried out between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. each day. Householders are reminded to open their doors and windows to allow the spray to enter. (BGIS)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 113 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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jennymanrique · 6 years
Dallas community leaders will visit 'tender age' detention centers in South Texas
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Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins spoke during a press conference held by community leaders about the separation of families.  Photo: Louis DeLuca/DMN
Dallas faith leaders and Latino advocates announced Wednesday they will visit three “tender age” detention centers in South Texas, where toddlers who have been separated from their parents are being held. 
Domingo García, president of the local chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens, will lead a caravan of activists to McAllen on Saturday to protest the separation of families, ahead of the national rally to free immigrant children planned for July 4.
"This is affecting the future and the emotional state of children and their parents, and why is this happening?" García asked Wednesday during a news conference at Dallas City Hall. "Because the child abuser in chief of America has decided to kidnap 6,000 children in order to hold them for ransom, to get billions of dollars for a wall in the southern border. That is un-Christian, and it is un-American."
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that ends the separation of families after a national outcry over his zero-tolerance policy, under which everyone caught crossing the border is charged in criminal court. His plan will keep families together in federal custody but will continue prosecuting parents.
Activists from RAICES, the Texas Organizing Project, the Dallas Peace and Justice Center and other religious organizations plan to visit Casa Padre, Casa Grande and Casa Presidente, where children under 5 years old are sheltered. These centers are located in Combes, Raymondville and Brownsville in southern Texas.
Rev. Peter Johnson of Dallas, a longtime civil rights leader, said that during his 73 years he had never seen something as “disgraceful” as this policy. 
"I have buried my friends, I have seen insides of more than a 100 jails, and I have never seen nothing as offensive and disgraceful and as un-Christian as this is,” he said. “We must go to the Valley and stand up [for] the children who can not stand for themselves."
Johnson added that he is not happy or excited about going to the border, but he is trying to convince civil rights leaders who fought with him to join the effort.
“This immoral government is putting kids in prison and cages," he said. "Shame on America."
Welcoming city
Dallas City Council member Omar Narváez called the family separation policy a “deplorable” action that adds to a long list of the country’s human rights violations, among them the treatment of African Americans and of Japanese Americans during World War II.
“This is a nightmare in our country’s history,” Narváez said. “Let us not forget that the United States of America has done this before during slavery. This is just a modern way for white supremacists to continue the proliferation of  [abuses against] minorities in this country, and we will not stand for it any longer.”
Dallas is known for being a welcoming city, Narváez said, and no matter your race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or immigration status, there’s a place for everyone in its city limits.
“Whoever you are, the city of Dallas is open for you to be here,” he said.
No Dallas shelters  needed, feds say
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said at the news conference that he joined several religious and community leaders to find suitable and safe North Texas locations to shelter immigrants. But late Wednesday, he said he was told no thanks. 
"Moments ago, I received a call from HHS changing course and informing me that 'No shelters in Dallas are needed at this time.' No explanation or additional information was given," Jenkins said on Twitter.
The judge had lined up three sites with the help of Dallas ISD. He was also working with the Catholic Diocese in Dallas as well as leaders in the Muslim community to set up other possible sites that he said would be more welcoming and give children areas where they can play, eat, sleep and shower.
Jenkins expressed disappointment that Dallas wouldn't be allowed to shelter or comfort the kids in need. At City Hall earlier Wednesday, he had noted that federally operated shelters will mean meeting stricter regulations, which he said would be better for kids.
And he said that even if Trump ends the policy, 10,000 unaccompanied minors still need help.
"If we're now going to keep children and parents together, we're going to need space for that," Jenkins said.
He had also offered help in 2014 when a surge of unaccompanied minors led to a crisis in immigrant detention, but those efforts also didn't end up being necessary.
Originally published here
Want to read this story in Spanish? Click here
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— Lynn Roberts, juíza britânica, 2016.
Divorciadas que vivem de pensões de alimentos de seus maridos são cada vez mais requisitados para obter um emprego.
Já não pode viver uma vida de lazer e contar com uma fatia mensal de lucros sua ex-cônjuge, os advogados de divórcio, disse ontem.
Tribunais são muito menos dispostos a conceder-lhes o direito de ser apoiada por toda a vida – soar o dobre de finados de divórcios ‘vale refeição’.
Mesmo que uma mãe na casa dos cinquenta não tem funcionado por décadas, para levantar uma família, ela vai ser esperado para treinar e encontrar trabalho.
A mudança segue um caso histórico no ano passado em que a ex-esposa de um cirurgião milionário cavalo de corrida foi dito que ela deveria encontrar trabalho.
O Tribunal da Relação apoiado ex-marido de Tracey Wright Ian Wright depois que ele reclamou que era injusto que ele pode esperar para apoiá-la indefinidamente, mesmo após sua aposentadoria, enquanto ela fez “qualquer esforço para procurar trabalho”.
Agora, outros tribunais estão seguindo o exemplo, impondo limites de tempo em ordens de manutenção, em vez de fazê-los ao longo da vida.
Holly Tootill, um advogado da família com JMW Solicitors, que movimenta cerca de 300 divórcios por ano, disse que o resultado do caso Wright teve um “impacto marcado ‘em todos esses casos. Ela disse: “O que estamos vendo de forma eficaz é a morte do chamado” vale-refeição”, que a manutenção a longo tinha sido considerado como.
‘prêmios indefinidos – ou “joint-vidas” ordens – usado para ser algo de uma norma, um meio de garantir que o cônjuge financeiramente mais fraca foi prevista, especialmente até que as crianças de um casal tinha crescido, quando o acordo pode ser revisto.’ Mas ela disse que desde a decisão, em fevereiro do ano passado, as disposições de manutenção limitadas no tempo foram se tornando mais comum.
“Isso é uma mudança perceptível. Como resultado, a expectativa atual em divórcios ouvido em todo o país parece ser que as mulheres só deve receber apoio durante o período de tempo que, considera-se, lhes permite treinar novamente, se necessário, e encontrar trabalho, em vez de ficar dependente de seu ex-marido no futuro.
“Eu estou ciente de numerosos exemplos de mulheres que foram forçadas a entrar em acordo com a perspectiva de fornecer para si mesmos, incluindo casos de mulheres que não haviam trabalhado durante três décadas, a fim de criar uma família, sendo obrigado a encontrar um emprego na casa dos cinquenta.
“As mulheres podem, é claro, desafiar esse ponto de vista, mas poucos parecem dispostos a fazê-lo.”
O caso de Ian e Tracey Wright ano passado percorreu todo o caminho para o Tribunal de Recurso, após a Sra Wright desafiou as “palavras duras” de um juiz do tribunal de família que disse que não havia nenhuma razão para que ela havia feito nenhum trabalho desde o divórcio.
Quando se divorciaram em 2008, £ 1,3 milhões para casa sete quarto do casal, fixado em 16 acres de campo Suffolk, foi vendido e os lucros divididos.
Mrs Wright, de 52 anos, ficou com uma casa livre de hipoteca £ 450,000 perto de Newmarket, Suffolk, além de estábulos para seu cavalo e pôneis de suas filhas. Seu ex-marido, 60 anos, foi condenada a pagar-lhe £ 75.000 por ano em taxas de manutenção e escolares, incluindo £ 33.200 por sua manutenção pessoal.
Mas o Sr. Wright, que dirige um hospital de eqüinos em Newmarket, a realização de uma cirurgia para salvar vidas em cavalos de corrida no valor de até dezenas de milhões de libras, foi para o Supremo Tribunal de procurar um corte em seus pagamentos.
Juiz Lynn Roberts concordou, dizendo Mrs Wright, ex-secretário jurídico, deve encontrar um novo emprego. “O mundo do trabalho tem inúmeras possibilidades… um grande número de mulheres com filhos continua trabalhando e Sra Wright deveria ter feito o mesmo”, declarou.
‘Eu não acho que as crianças vão sofrer se Mrs Wright tem que trabalhar… [ele] pode muito bem dar-lhes um bom modelo. É possível encontrar um trabalho que se encaixa com o acolhimento de crianças… Eu rejeito seus outros motivos relacionados com as responsabilidades para os animais ou árvores ou limpeza “Ela acrescentou:” Sra. Wright tem feito nenhum esforço para procurar trabalho ou para atualizar suas habilidades… on a base que ela seria apoiado por toda a vida. É essencial que ela começa a trabalhar agora. ”
A filha mais nova do casal, então com dez anos, vivia com a mãe, enquanto a outra filha, que tinha 16 anos na época, estava no colégio interno.
A ex-esposa contestou a decisão de cortar sua manutenção futura, mas Lord Justice Pitchford, sentando-se no Tribunal de Recurso, rejeitou sua reivindicação.
Ele disse divorciadas com crianças com mais de sete deve trabalhar para viver. Mas a Sra Wright alegou que ela tinha sido “feito para se sentir como um criminoso… para colocar meus filhos em primeiro lugar”.
Elizabeth Hicks, especialista em direito da família em Irwin Mitchell, disse que os juízes cada vez deixou claro “esponsal manutenção não é mais um ticket refeição para a vida”.
Charlotte Posnansky, do escritório de advocacia Charles Russell Speechlys, acrescentou: “O pêndulo oscilou fortemente em favor de mulheres quando se considera as implicações financeiras sobre o divórcio… [mas] parece estar balançando de volta.”
— Sam Greenhill, “Get a job! Divorce courts curb meal ticket deals for ex-wives: Shift comes after landmark case ordered spouse to find work seven years after her split”, Daily Mail, 22.07.2016. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3702465/Get-job-Divorce-courts-curb-meal-ticket-deals-ex-wives-Shift-comes-landmark-case-ordered-spouse-work-seven-years-split.html
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gordonthompsonposts · 7 years
Guide to Arizona Misdemeanor DUIs
New Post has been published on https://gordonthompsonattorney.net/guide-to-arizona-misdemeanors-duis/
Guide to Arizona Misdemeanor DUIs
This Guide is being revised frequently because the information described in it changes often.  Please call, text or chat with me regarding any information you are looking for but do not see or any new information you have which should be included so I can keep the Guide current. 
Guide to Arizona Misdemeanor DUIs
Table of Contents
Guide to Arizona Misdemeanor DUIs
Sentencing Laws, Driver’s License Consequences and Collateral Consequences
 Arizona Misdemeanor DUI Sentencing Penalties
First Offense Mandatory Minimum Sentences
28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.1, Driving Under the Influence, 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.2, and Driving With An Alcohol Level of .08% Within 2 Hours and 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.3, Driving with a Controlled Substance in the Defendant’s Body
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.1, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .15% Within 2 Hours
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.2, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .20% Within 2 Hours
Second Offense Mandatory Minimum Sentences
28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.1, Driving Under the Influence, 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.2, and Driving With An Alcohol Level of .08% Within 2 Hours and 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.3, Driving with a Controlled Substance in the Defendant’s Body
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.1, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .15% Within 2 Hours
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.2, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .20% Within 2 Hours
Other Sentencing Requirements
 Driver’s Licensing Consequences
Admin Per Se Suspensions
Implied Consent Suspensions
 License Revocations
Points Consequences
Underage Drinking and Driving
SR-22 Certificate of Insurance
Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs )  Consequences
Possible Collateral Consequences for Misdemeanor DUI.
Possible Felony Consequences of Misdemeanor DUIs
Practical Considerations
Police Departments
Primary Police Department
Vehicle Impoundment
Alcohol Testing Methods
Book into Custody or Cite and Release
Service of Admin Per Se Suspension Order at Time of Release
Court Organization
Required Appearance of Defendants Represented by Private Attorneys
Veterans’ Court
Telephonic Changes of Plea
Victim Impact Panels (MADD VIP)
Substance Abuse Counseling
Sentence Reviews
Alternative Sentencing for a First Offense Extreme DUI (28 A.R.S. § 1382.I)
Home Detention and Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (CAM)
Prosecutor Plea Policies
Reckless Driving Plea Offers
Individual Court Practices
Gila County
Globe/ Miami Regional Justice Court
Payson Regional Justice Court
Maricopa County
Avondale Municipal Court
Buckeye Municipal Court
Carefree/ Cave Creek Municipal Court
Chandler Municipal Court
El Mirage Municipal Court
Fountain Hills Municipal Court
Gilbert Municipal Court
Glendale Municipal Court
Glendale Municipal Court
Goodyear Municipal Court
Maricopa County Justice Courts
Mesa Municipal Court
Peoria Municipal Court
Phoenix Municipal Court
Scottsdale Municipal Court
Scottsdale Municipal Court
Surprise Municipal Court
Tempe Municipal Court
Tolleson Municipal Court
Mohave County
Mohave County Justice Courts
Navajo County
Navajo County Justice Courts
Pinal County
Apache Junction Municipal Court
Casa Grande Municipal Court
Maricopa Municipal Court
Pinal County Justice Courts
This Guide to Arizona Misdemeanor DUIs is intended to provide practical information about what happens when someone is charged with a misdemeanor DUI and is found guilty of DUI or another charge.  This is not a guide to possible defenses as that information can be found elsewhere.   The Guide describes the nuts and bolts of the process from arrest through sentencing and the consequences thereafter.
You may use the interactive Table of Contents to go to any particular topic of interest.
I have organized this guide into four parts.
Part 1.1 is this introduction.
Part 1.2 of the Guide is a description of the basic Arizona DUI sentencing laws and consequences for Arizona driver’s licenses and privileges to drive.  Part I also includes information about the many possible collateral consequences of a DUI conviction.
Part 1.3 describes many of the practical considerations which can affect the outcome of a case.  For example included is information concerning about prosecutor’s plea policies.
Part 1.4 describes how the practical considerations outlined in Part 1.3 are handled in the individual courts.
  Sentencing Laws, Driver’s License Consequences and Collateral Consequences
 Arizona Misdemeanor DUI Sentencing Penalties
All Arizona Misdemeanor DUI offenses are Class 1 Misdemeanors.  The Maximum possible sentence is
6 months in jail,
A fine of up to $2,500.00 plus surcharges, and
5 years of probation.
All Misdemeanor DUI offenses have mandatory minimum sentences which are based whether it is a first or second offense within 7 years and the alcohol levels and the presence of impairing drugs.  A conviction is a second offense if the defendant has a prior conviction for an Arizona DUI or another jurisdiction for an act which if committed in Arizona, would be a DUI in Arizona.  The date of the incidents determines whether an offense is within 7 years.
Below are the Mandatory Minimum Sentences which the courts are required to impose.  The Arizona MVD also is required to impose penalties, which are discussed separately, against the defendant’s Arizona Driver’s License or Privilege to Drive.
First Offense Mandatory Minimum Sentences
28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.1, Driving Under the Influence, 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.2, and Driving With An Alcohol Level of .08% Within 2 Hours and 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.3, Driving with a Controlled Substance in the Defendant’s Body
Attend a Substance Abuse screening session and successfully complete any treatment and/or counseling ordered as a result of that screening session
Serve 10 consecutive days in jail, 9 of which may be to be suspended by the court provided upon completion of the Substance Abuse screening and counseling
Pay a $250 fine plus surcharges
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $500
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $500
Pay jail costs
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.1, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .15% Within 2 Hours
Serve 30 consecutive days in jail, 21 of which may be suspended by the court provided the defendant installs and maintains a certified ignition interlock device in a motor vehicle for 12 months
Pay a $250 fine plus surcharges
Pay a Driving Under the Influence assessment of $250
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $1,000
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $1,000
Pay jail costs
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.2, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .20% Within 2 Hours
Serve 45 consecutive days in jail, 31 of which will be suspended by the court provided the defendant installs and maintains a certified ignition interlock device in a motor vehicle for 12 months
Pay a $500 fine plus surcharges
Pay a Driving Under the Influence assessment of $250
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $1,000
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $1,000
Pay jail costs
Second Offense Mandatory Minimum Sentences
28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.1, Driving Under the Influence, 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.2, and Driving With An Alcohol Level of .08% Within 2 Hours and 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A.3, Driving with a Controlled Substance in the Defendant’s Body
Attend a Substance Abuse screening session and successfully complete any treatment and/or counseling ordered as a result of the screening session
Serve 90 consecutive days in jail, 60 days of which may be suspended upon completion of the Substance Abuse screening and counseling
Pay a $500 fine plus surcharges
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $1,250
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $1,250
Pay jail costs
Surrender driver’s license, if any, to the court
Perform thirty (30) hours of community service restitution (community service)
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.1, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .15% Within 2 Hours
Serve 120 consecutive days in jail
Pay a $500 fine plus surcharges
Pay a Driving Under the Influence assessment of $250
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $1,250
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $1,250
Pay jail costs
Surrender driver’s license, if any, to the court
Perform thirty (30) hours of community service restitution (community service)
28 A.R.S. § 1382.A.2, Extreme Driving Under the Influence With An Alcohol Level of .20% Within 2 Hours
Serve 180 consecutive days in jail
Pay a $1000 fine plus surcharges
Pay a Driving Under the Influence assessment of $250
Pay a State Prison Construction assessment of $1,250
Pay a State General Fund assessment of $1,250
Pay jail costs
Surrender driver’s license, if any, to the court
Perform thirty (30) hours of community service restitution (community service)
Other Sentencing Requirements
The court is required to order a defendant convicted of any crime including DUI, to pay to the victim’s restitution for the direct economic loss caused by the defendant’s criminal conduct137.  For a DUI case that usually means personal injury and property damage claims.  The loss has to be for economic loss and therefore damages such as pain and suffering are not recoverable in the criminal case.  If the defendant had insurance for the losses suffered that may cover the restitution ordered.  Economic loss can include lost wages for a victim who comes to the court proceedings.
 Driver’s Licensing Consequences
Admin Per Se Suspensions
That the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
That the person was placed under arrest for an alleged violation of A.R.S. §28-1381(A)(1), Driving Under The Influence
That a test or tests were taken, the results of which indicated the alcohol concentration in the person’s blood or breath at the time of the test to be 0.08% or more or there was any drug as defined in 28 A.R.S. § 3401 or its metabolite in the person’s body without a valid prescription for the drug or metabolite
That the testing method used was valid and reliable, and;
That the test results were accurately evaluated.
To reinstate the license or privilege to drive after the suspension period is over the person must:
Complete a Substance Abuse Screening Session
Pay a reinstatement fee.
Implied Consent Suspensions
All persons who operate a motor vehicle in Arizona impliedly consent to submit to chemical testing after being arrested for DUI.  If the person does not expressly consent to testing or fails to successfully complete the testing then their Arizona driver’s license or privilege to drive will be suspended for 12 months or 24 months if they have been found to have refused similar tests within the past 84 months.
The proceeding to initiate this suspension, known as an Implied Consent Suspension, is usually begun by the arresting officer serving the person an Implied Consent Suspension Order.  The person then has 15 days to file a request for a hearing with the MVD in which the person seeks to contest the proposed suspension.  This time limit is strictly construed and if the person does not file a request within 15 days then the suspension automatically goes into effect.
If the person timely files a request for a hearing then the MVD’s Executive Hearing Office will schedule a hearing in front of a judge.  At the hearing the issues are limited to:
That the officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
That the person was arrested for DUI
That the person refused to submit to a test or tests to determine the alcohol concentration or the presence of drugs
That the person was informed of the consequences of refusal
That the person refused to submit to the test or tests as requested by the police officer(s).
If the suspension goes into effect either because the person does not request a hearing or because the judge, after listening to the evidence, orders the suspension to go into effect, the suspension will be for 12 months unless the person has had a prior refusal suspension within the past 84 months, in which case it is for 24 months.
To reinstate the license or privilege to drive after the suspension period is over the person must:
Complete a Substance Abuse Screening Session
Post an SR-22 with the MVD
Pay a reinstatement fee.
 License Revocations
Arizona Misdemeanor DUI convictions can result in a revocation of the defendant’s Arizona Driver’s License or Privilege to Drive under two circumstances.
First, If the defendant has one or more convictions for a violation 28 A.R.S. §§ 1381, 1382 or 1383 [Felony DUI] or an act in another jurisdiction that if committed in this state would be a violation of 28 A.R.S. §§ 1381, 1382 or 1383, within 84 months prior to the commission of the current DUI violation.  The dates of the commission of the offenses and not the dates of convictions govern.  If the revocation is for this reason the defendant is may be entitled to a restricted driving permit during a portion the period of the revocation.
Second, If the defendant has one or more convictions for a violation 28 A.R.S. § 693, Reckless Driving or 28 A.R.S. § 708, Racing on Highways, within 84 months prior to the commission of the current DUI violation.  The dates of the commission of the offenses and not the dates of convictions govern.  If the revocation is for this reason the defendant is not entitled to a restricted driving permit during the period of the revocation.
Points Consequences
A conviction for a violation of 28 A.R.S. § 1382, Extreme Driving Under the Influence, or 28 A.R.S. § 1381.A, Driving Under the Influence, results in 8 points being assessed against a person’s Arizona driver’s license or privilege to drive.  A finding of responsible for a violation of 28 A.R.S. § 701, Speeding, results in the assessment of 3 points.  Most other moving violations result in the assessment of 2 points per violation.  Charges such as 28 A.R.S. § 2532, No Current Registration and 28 A.R.S. § 4135(C), No Proof of Insurance, are not moving violations, therefore, no points are assessed.  The assessment of 13 to 17 points within a 12-month time period will result in the Arizona Department of Transportation suspending the person’s Arizona driver’s license or privilege to drive in Arizona for a period of 3 months, 18-23 points, 6 months and 24 or more points within 36 months, 12 months.138  Restricted driver’s licenses are not available for points suspensions.
A request for a hearing to contest a points suspension does not stay or prevent the points suspension from going into effect. 139
Underage Drinking and Driving
A separate offense is Underage Drinking and Driving140.  This offense is a Class 1 misdemeanor.  Unlike DUI there is no mandatory minimum sentence however if the defendant is convicted of the offense their Arizona driver’s license or privilege to drive is suspended 2 years.  If the court orders it, the defendant may drive with a restricted license, to and from work and school during specified hours however they must equip and drive only a vehicle with an ignition interlock device141.  The charge is decided by a judge and not a jury.  Evidence that there is any alcohol in the defendant’s body is sufficient for a conviction.
SR-22 Certificate of Insurance
An SR-22 Certificate of Insurance is proof of financial responsibility.  An SR-22 is an agreement by an insurance company that the company will issue liability coverage to a driver for a period of 3 years and to notify the MVD if there is a lapse in the liability coverage (must common cause is a failure to pay the premiums).
An SR-22 is required for all license or privilege to drive reinstatements after all DUI related suspensions except Admin Per Se Suspensions.
Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs )  Consequences
An Admin Per Se or Implied Consent suspension or a conviction in court for a DUI or Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle With an Alcohol Concentration of 0.04%, will result in a Commercial Driver’s license (CDL) disqualification for 1 year.
The disqualification will be for 3 years if the violation occurred while the defendant was driving commercially and transporting a hazardous material.
The disqualification will be for life if the defendant also has another An Admin Per Se or Implied Consent suspension or a conviction in court for a DUI or Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle With an Alcohol Concentration of 0.04%, on or after December 31, 1989.  A driver disqualified for life may reapply for a CDL after 10 years. 142
Possible Collateral Consequences for Misdemeanor DUI.
There are many unanticipated consequences for a DUI conviction.  Here are a some of them which are not discussed elsewhere in this post:
In Arizona under 28 A.R.S. § 1464.H, it is a class 1 misdemeanor for a person who is required to have an IID to operate a motor vehicle unless that motor vehicle is equipped with a functioning IID, unless there exists a “substantial emergency”.  In Arizona it is a class 1 misdemeanor to knowingly rent, lease or lend a motor vehicle without an interlock to a person required to have it.  If a person is found guilty the mandatory minimum sentence is an extension of the I.I.D. requirement for 1 additional year 143.  Whether it is a crime to do so in another state is dependent on the laws of that state
Although policies vary by company, many national rental car companies will not rent a vehicle to a person convicted of DUI for up to 5 years
Certain licensed professionals such as nurses are required by their respective rules of conduct to report any criminal arrests and convictions to their licensing boards
Pursuant to law, the police may seize and forfeit a vehicle driven by a person whose license is then suspended
Certain licensed professionals, such as teachers, child care workers, etc., are required to have fingerprint clearance cards issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.  An arrest or conviction for DUI it shall result in a 5-year restriction of the person’s ability to drive a motor vehicle transporting individuals while working in an occupation which requires a fingerprint clearance card  144
Certain licensed professionals such as nurses are required by their respective rules of conduct to report any criminal arrests and convictions to their licensing boards
Pursuant to 23 A.R.S. § 619.01, an employee of any company may be denied employment or terminated upon an admission of or conviction for  crime related to the employer’s business or to the employment, or which could have a substantial adverse effect on the employer’s interest, public relations or trust, unless the employer had actual knowledge of such admission or conviction at the commencement of the employment145 of a misdemeanor such as DUI may be denied employment by this state or any of its agencies or political subdivisions; or be denied an Arizona state issued   license, permit or certificate if the offense has a reasonable relationship to the functions of the employment or occupation for which the license, permit or certificate is sought 146
All employees or service providers to the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections may be terminated from employment if they are arrested or convicted for a DUI offense. 147
Any Arizona Department of Health Services Certified or Licensed Child Care Home Provider may have that license suspended if they are arrested or convicted for a DUI offense 148
A conviction for any DUI can affect a person’s ability to get custody of their children in a contested custody proceeding 149
It is the practice of Sheriff Departments in Arizona  to check the immigration status of people serving jail sentences in the county jail.  If a person is illegally in this country, the Sheriff’s Office may not release that person from custody upon completion of that sentence, but rather may transfer them to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) for deportation
It is a class 2 misdemeanor for a person to knowingly display, cause or permit to be displayed or have in the person’s possession a canceled, revoked, suspended, fictitious or fraudulently altered driver license.  Upon a conviction for this offense, the MVD may suspend that person’s driver’s license for a period of 6 months.  If a person has been issued a valid license by the Arizona MVD and thereafter their driver’s license is suspended for any reasons, then the use or even the mere possession of that previously issued license is a violation of this section 150
Any person who is not a Canadian citizen and has been convicted for the commission of any crime, including misdemeanor DUI, committed within the United States, may be barred from entry into Canada 151
Any person who has been arrested or convicted for any crime, may be barred from or removed from the Global Online Enrollment System administered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Trusted Traveler Program 152
 The court may direct the Arizona Department of Revenue to intercept a convicted defendant’s Arizona State Tax Refund and send the refund to the court for payment of the fines
Any person who has been arrested or convicted for any crime, may be excluded from enrollment in health and nursing programs within the Maricopa County Community College District for a minimum of 3 years after the conviction 153
Pursuant to 23 A.R.S. § 1031.A, payment of worker’s compensation benefits shall be suspended during the period of time that the employee has been convicted of a crime and is incarcerated in any state, federal, county or city jail 154
A conviction for Driving Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance, such as Marijuana or a prescription medicine, may result in the revocation of a license issued by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms  155
For more information on the collateral consequences of a criminal conviction156, please see the American Bar Association’s website tool at: http://abacollateralconsequences.org/agreement/?from=/map/
Possible Felony Consequences of Misdemeanor DUIs
Misdemeanor DUI cases are often begun when the arresting officer files a citation in a court. Thereafter the charges are reviewed by the prosecutor for that court and after reviewing the charges the prosecutor may decide to refer the case to the County attorney for prosecution as a felony. This can be true when there is
A traffic accident involved in the incident and a victim suffers a serious injury (Aggravated Assault157 or there is property damage in excess of $1000 (Criminal Damage)158, or
There is a child under the age of 15 years in the vehicle159, or
The defendant attempts to flees from an Police Officer who is attempting to stop the defendant’s vehicle (Felony Flight)160, or
The defendant’s driver’s license is suspended or the defendant has two or more prior DUI convictions within seven years prior to the stop on the current misdemeanor DUI case (Aggravated DUI)161.
For misdemeanor DUI cases that could be charged as a felony is very important to try to resolve the case quickly as possible as a misdemeanor to avoid possible felony prosecution. Some prosecutors routinely refer all possible felony cases to the County Attorney’s Office (or the Vehicular Crimes Bureau within the County Attorney’s Office) and some do not.
Practical Considerations
Police Departments
Primary Police Department
Most courts have one or more Police Departments which conduct investigations for cases in that court.  Investigation and processing procedures can vary by police department.
Vehicle Impoundment
Arizona law requires police officers to impound for 30 days vehicles driven or controlled by persons whom the officer believes is committing an Extreme DUI.162  There are some limited exceptions to this rule Most but not all Police Departments always impound vehicles when required by law. Each police department has their own procedures on how to get the vehicle out of impoundment.
Alcohol Testing Methods
Approved breath testing methods in Arizona can include Breath testing with an Intoxilyzer, blood testing with samples drawn by either licensed phlebotomists or police officers qualified as phlebotomists, or both breath and blood testing.
Book into Custody or Cite and Release
For misdemeanor DUI’s some police departments routinely issue to the defendant a citation to appear in court and then release the defendant from custody instead of booking the defendant into a jail. Some police departments routinely book out-of-state residents into custody.
Service of Admin Per Se Suspension Order at Time of Release
While processing an arrested person for DUI the police officers are authorized by law to serve a proposed order of suspension (Admin Per Se Suspension Order) on the arrested person seeking to suspend the arrested person’s Arizona driver’s license or privilege to drive because of a belief the officer has that the arrested person’s alcohol level is in excess of .08% or that they have a controlled substance within their body163. When the only testing procedure is blood testing the officer does not know what the alcohol level is at the time of the processing however the transportation law authorizes the officer to serve the admin per se even if the test results are not available. Some police departments routinely serve the Admin Per Se Suspension Orders even though the test results are not available at the time of processing.
Court Organization
How a court is organized can affect what happens with the case.  Most municipal courts are organized into only one division, and for those courts the organization really doesn’t make any difference.  The larger municipal courts in Maricopa County, such as Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe and Gilbert, have several divisions, with a particular judge assigned to each division.  In most courts with multiple divisions cases are assigned to that particular division and they stay in that division through trial.  An exception is Phoenix, where cases are first assigned to a division for pre-trial matters and then is reassigned to another division for placement at the time of trial.  Where this makes a difference is a defendant can file a change of judge one time as a matter of right without having to specify a reason.  The Notice of Change of Judge must be filed within 10 days of assignment to the judge or before the judge issues a ruling in the case.  Which judge decides legal issues in a case can be very important, and so for cases which stay in the same division throughout the case the defendant must determine quickly if that judge might be unfavorable to their positions, even though the defendant may not yet know what legal issues may arise in the case, and file the change of judge quickly.  In Phoenix it may not be a good idea to file a change of judge before it is assigned to a judge for trial, because if they file the change of judge while in the pre-trial stage, they cannot file a change of judge later if the assigned trial judge will not be favorable.
For court with multiple divisions, when either the prosecutor or defendant files a change of judge the case is then reassigned to another judge in that court.  In Maricopa County Justice Courts the case may be assigned to a temporary judge who hears the case in the same division or it can be reassigned to another judge in another justice court.  In Municipal Courts with one division the case will be reassigned within the same court, either to another judge in that court or a temporary judge  who will hear the case in that court.
When the defendant files a motion for which an evidentiary hearing is required, such as a motion to suppress, no basis for the stop of the vehicle, that motion may be heard on the day the jury trial is set or on an earlier motion date.
Required Appearance of Defendants Represented by Private Attorneys
Defendants are required to appear at all court appearances.  In most (but not all) misdemeanor courts privately retained attorneys are permitted by the court to waive their client’s appearances for arraignments at most pretrial conferences.
Veterans’ Court
Veterans’ Court now exists in effect as another division in some of the municipal courts in Maricopa County.  Veterans’ Court is a therapeutic court for any defendant who is a Veteran, and is not a court within which cases are tried.  Under the practice in most Veterans’ Courts the defendant participates in a counseling program under the supervision of the Veterans’ Administration and if the defendant successfully completes the counseling program then the prosecutor often makes a better plea offer.  Social workers and others help veterans with problems such as getting employment, if necessary upgrading their veteran status and helping them to establish eligibility for Veterans’ Administration benefits.  If a defendant is a veteran they should always consider whether it would be a good idea to have their case adjudicated in a Veterans’ Court.
Telephonic Changes of Plea
Some courts permit defendants to do telephonic changes the plea when they live outside the local area of the court.  The advantage is the defendant does not have to return to Arizona to resolve the case.  Because all DUI convictions require the service of a jail sentence, unless the defendant is given credit for jail time served they must arrange to serve the sentence in a jail where they are living.  For western states such as California this is generally not a problem but for eastern states such as New York it is a problem.
A defendant for a misdemeanor DUI case could be sentenced to up to five years of summary probation.  Some courts routinely sentence the defendant to probation to monitor compliance with their sentencing obligations, such as the counseling, jail time and ignition interlock device requirement.  If the defendant fails to comply with their obligations then a violation of probation proceeding can be filed and the defendant can be sentenced up to the maximum 180 days in jail.  When a victim has suffered an economic loss some courts sentence the defendant to pay probation so that if the defendant does not pay the restitution the court can revoke probation and sentence the defendant to jail.
Victim Impact Panels (MADD VIP)
Defendants are sometimes ordered to attend Victim Impact Panels sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).  At the panels defendants listen to people who have had family members killed or seriously injured in a DUI case describe the impact on their families.  Victim Impact Panels are usually 2 hours in length.
Substance Abuse Counseling
Anyone found guilty of a regular DUI is required to do Substance Abuse Screening and Counseling.  Most but not all courts also require Substance Abuse Screening and Counseling for Extreme DUI charges.  Some courts use a particular Substance Abuse agencies and other courts do not.  The particular agency a defendant uses is important because some agencies are very difficult to work with and are quick to inform the court the defendant is not complying with their counseling requirements even though the real problem may be dealing with the inflexible counseling schedules the agency requires.
Sentence Reviews
The defendant who has been found guilty of DUI must do several things such as counseling, possibly community restitution or service, provide proof of the installation of the ignition interlock device and attendance at a MADD victim impact panel.  Most courts set a regular date for the defendant to appear and provide the proofs of completion and others only set a court date if the proof is not provided by a certain date, in which case the court sets an order to show cause.
Alternative Sentencing for a First Offense Extreme DUI (28 A.R.S. § 1382.I)
A court is authorized to suspend some of the jail time for a first offense Extreme DUI if the defendant installs and maintains an ignition interlock device on a vehicle for 12 months.164  Some courts who suspend the jail time require the defendant to install the interlock prior to sentencing, and others set a sentence review date approximately 60 days after sentencing so the defendant can provide the court with proof of installation of the interlock.  Some courts set sentence review dates, usually quarterly, where the defendant is required to provide proof to the court that they have maintained the interlock with no problems.
Home Detention and Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (CAM)
State law permits courts to allow a defendant to serve a portion of a jail sentence on Home Detention and/or wearing an electronic monitoring device, Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (CAM), if the government where the court is has approved it (for example, the Phoenix City Council for the Phoenix Municipal Court).  This means for municipal courts that the city or town Council has approved it, and for counties that the County Board of Supervisors has approved it.  The manner in which the program is authorized must be both by state law as well as in accordance with the local ordinance.  For example, under state law the defendant is eligible for home detention or continuous alcohol monitoring after serving 20% of the sentence, and so for a 9-day sentence a defendant would be eligible after having served 2 days in jail.  However, if the city ordinance authorizing it requires serving more actual jail time before being eligible for home detention then the court’s order must comply with that.  For example, if the local ordinance says that a person is not eligible for home detention until they serve 15 days in jail, in the case of a sentence of only nine days the person is not eligible for home detention at all.  The authorization for home detention and continuous alcohol monitoring varies by court.  Home detention can be done as jail is done with work release authorized up to 12 hours a day six days a week.  With some courts only 5 days a week is authorized for home detention.  Additionally for some courts the court allows the home detention program to establish the hours and days the defendant would be out for work release.  For other courts the court itself makes that determination and specifies it on the order permitting the home detention.  It is therefore important to remember that if the court is the one that sets the hours and there’s a change in the work hours, either before the person starts the home detention or after they begin, then another court order is required, whereas if the home detention program decides the hours then only the approval of the home detention program is needed.
Continuous alcohol monitoring is more flexible than home detention because it is not limited to certain hours for work release.  Essentially the defendant can be out for work or do anything at any hour as long as they haven’t been drinking alcohol.  In most jurisdictions that offer continuous alcohol monitoring that is a better alternative than home detention because there is more flexibility in what a defendant can do with continuous alcohol monitoring than home detention.
Unless a defendant is given credit for time served all defendants found guilty of DUI must serve a jail sentence of some sort.  In misdemeanor DUI cases it is uncommon for the defendant to be taken into custody at sentencing, so most defendants are permitted to self-surrender for the service of the jail sentence.  If the sentence is for one day, unless the court writes the order as 24 hours, the defendant may be released early from custody.  Of course when the person gets out of custody is entirely up to the jail facility, but the jail is not required to hold them for a full 24 hours unless specified on the court’s order.  If a defendant is in custody for more than a couple of days then they are eligible for work release.  For work release the court sets the days when the defendant may be out for work purposes, up to six days week at 12 hours per day.  In Maricopa County the defendant is required to get a certificate saying they are healthy enough to serve in the work release facility.  For work release the defendant must actually go to work, because if they do not then technically that is an escape which is a far more serious charge.  However, as long as the defendant is back in custody at the appointed time and has not been drinking alcohol or using drugs then they generally do not have a problem with work release.  Whether a defendant is in violation of the jail’s work release rules is determined solely by the jail, and if found to be in violation most likely the defendant will not be eligible to get work release for the remainder of the jail sentence.
Defendants are required to pay the costs of incarceration.165  The court may waive the defendant’s payment of some or all of the incarceration costs if the defendant is unable to pay those costs.  Some courts will consider waiving the incarceration costs and some will not.
Prosecutor Plea Policies
Each prosecution office has their own plea offer policies. Variations in policies can include:
Reducing extreme charges to lesser DUI charges at different alcohol levels
Agreeing to alternative sentencing for extreme charges
Not alleging or withdrawing allegations of prior DUI convictions if the defendant accepts the plea offer
Making Reckless Driving plea offers.
Reckless Driving Plea Offers
Some prosecution offices will agree to but a defendant plead guilty to one amended charge of reckless driving. The advantage of a reckless driving conviction is it would not carry with it the mandatory penalties for a DUI conviction166. Those would include the requirement of a vehicle ignition interlock device. In many cases a reckless driving plea offers a better way to resolve the case. Reckless driving plea offers are not automatically made by any prosecution agency and no defendant should assume that they’re entitled to such an offer.
Individual Court Practices
Gila County
Globe/ Miami Regional Justice Court
Payson Regional Justice Court
  Maricopa County
Avondale Municipal Court
Buckeye Municipal Court
Carefree/ Cave Creek Municipal Court
Chandler Municipal Court
El Mirage Municipal Court
Fountain Hills Municipal Court
Gilbert Municipal Court
Glendale Municipal Court
Glendale Municipal Court
Police Departments and Practices Primary Police Department: The Glendale Police Department. Vehicle Impoundment: Yes almost always when authorized by law. Glendale Police Department Release Procedures can be found at this web site: Glendale Impoundment Release
Alcohol Testing Methods: Breath and Blood. For alcohol only cases it can be breath and/or blood. Blood testing is done by the crime lab at the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Book or Cite and Release: Cite and release. Occasionally someone will be booked into the Glendale City Jail. Service of Admin Per Se Suspension Order at Time of Release: If breath test results are available will served before arrested person is released. If not breath test results and only blood tests may be served even though no test results are available.
Court Court Organization: The court has two divisions. Required Appearance of Defendants Represented by Private Attorneys: No. Veterans’ Court: No. Telephonic Changes of Plea: Yes. Probation: Not routinely ordered. May be ordered if restitution is to be paid or the defendant has prior convictions. Victim Impact Panels (MADD VIP): May be ordered. Substance Abuse Counseling: Preferred provided is Community Support Services (C.S.S.) however with court permission can do counseling with any agency approved by the Arizona Department of Health Services Sentence Reviews: Yes and defendants have to either appear or fax required documents. Alternative Sentencing for a First Offense Extreme DUI (28 A.R.S. § 1382.I): No. Home Detention and Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (CAM): Home Detention with C.S.S.167 Jail: Short sentences of 1 or 2 days may be served in the Glendale City Jaill as long as the defendant does  not have health problems otherwise sentences are served in the Maricopa County Jail. Completed Health Form needed for Work Release.168 See my post about Maricopa County Jail Costs.
Prosecutor: GlendaleCity Prosecutor. Plea Policies: Plea offers are kept open to the Calendar Call date. Reckless Driving Plea Offers: Yes.
Goodyear Municipal Court
Maricopa County Justice Courts
Mesa Municipal Court
Peoria Municipal Court
Phoenix Municipal Court
Police Departments and Practices Primary Police Department: The Phoenix Police Department. Vehicle Impoundment: Yes always when authorized by law. Phoenix Police Department Release Procedures can be found at this web site: Phoenix Impoundment Release
Alcohol Testing Methods: Blood only and Breath only when police or medical personnel are unable to complete a blood draw. Book or Cite and Release: Cite and release except out of state residents are booked into the 4th Avenue Jail. Service of Admin Per Se Suspension Order at Time of Release: Served before arrested person is released even though no test results are available.
Court Court Organization: Approximately 15 trial divisions, case is first sent to trial division and if later set to trial is reassigned to Division 601 which in turn assigns cases to then available trial division. Trial divisions are organized by number into two groups, Even (Divisions 504, 506, 603,606, 704, 706 & 708) and Odd (Divisions 503, 505, 507, 603, 605, 703, 705 and 707). Groups rotate so one week even numbered divisions are doing jury trials and odd numbered are doing non-jury trials and pretrial conferences. The following week the odd numbered do jury trials and the even non-jury and pretrial conferences. Required Appearance of Defendants Represented by Private Attorneys: No. Veterans’ Court: Yes. Telephonic Changes of Plea: Yes. Probation: Not routinely ordered. May be ordered if restitution is to be paid or the defendant has prior convictions. Victim Impact Panels (MADD VIP): Yes Substance Abuse Counseling: Can do counseling with any agency approved by the Arizona Department of Health Services. Sentence Reviews: Yes and defendants have to either appear or fax required documents. Alternative Sentencing for a First Offense Extreme DUI (28 A.R.S. § 1382.I): Yes. At sentence review hearings defendants are required to first provide proof of the installation of a required interlock device and then at a second review hearing set 12 months later that the defendants have to provide proof that they have had the interlock on for the required 12 months. Defendants are not required to provide monthly maintenance records. Home Detention and Continuous Alcohol Monitoring (CAM): Yes both Home Detention and Continuous Alcohol Monitoring.169  Program Provider is Sentinel Offender Services. Jail: Maricopa County Jail. Completed Health Form needed for Work Release.170 See my post about Maricopa County Jail Costs.
Prosecutor: Phoenix City Prosecutor Plea Policies: Plea offers are revoked if case is set to trial. Reckless Driving Plea Offers: No.
Scottsdale Municipal Court
Scottsdale Municipal Court
Surprise Municipal Court
Tempe Municipal Court
Tolleson Municipal Court
Mohave County
Mohave County Justice Courts
  Navajo County
Navajo County Justice Courts
  Pinal County
Apache Junction Municipal Court
Casa Grande Municipal Court
Maricopa Municipal Court
Pinal County Justice Courts
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