#cas wouldn't have said shit
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the-mpreg-guy · 5 months ago
the hill that i will die on is that cas would have never said he loved dean if he had to deal with the consequences of it afterwards, meanwhile dean (who was SUPPOSED to tell cas he loved him in the original crypt scene script) would have eventually worked up to saying it without external pressure
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vendettasfanfictioning · 1 year ago
Missed opportunity to have Castiel try to communicate with Dean again using his Trueform except this time, it actually works because 1) Cas has healed Dean enough times for his Grace to recognize Dean, and 2) with Cas' Grace depleting as it is, it wouldn't do as much damage as, say, make Dean's ears bleed, like the last time it happened.
And then Sam walks into the room, that's still shaking and breaking from the power of Cas' voice, and he's fucking decimated he's on the floor yelling what the fuck is happening while Dean's sitting on the bed, mid-laugh because Cas just said the funniest shit ever or something idk he's whipped.
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1mlei · 5 months ago
Dead on Main Soulmate AU [Part 2]
In this AU everyone is born with a tiny red heart tattooed on the inside of their wrist. If you're close to your soulmate the heart will beat, and when you meet them the heart turns to gold. If your soulmate dies, the heart will fade to black.
First part | Next part | Masterpost
CW: Brief mention of suicidal thoughts, take care everyone!
Danny is 15 years old when he's informed that he is the crown prince of the Infinite Realms. He would have loved it if someone had had the decency to explain that the title of Ghost King would be passed down through right of conquest sometime before he fought Pariah Dark. If not that, couldn't someone at least have said something a bit sooner?
Now Danny had been faced with the information that he was ghost royalty out of nowhere, and that's just not something he was prepared to deal with on a random Tuesday afternoon.
As Danny paces the length of his bedroom he chooses to ignore Tucker's pointed reminder of "It's a Wednesday."
Instead of responding, he shoots a tiny ecto-blast at where his friend is lounging in the beanbag, which is easily dodged. Not that it would have hit, whenever Danny was aiming at one of his human friends me made sure to channel his dad and aim almost a full foot away from them, just to be safe.
He may be annoyed with Tucker's lack of sympathy about his situation, but he would never purposefully hurt him. Still, a warning shot when Tucker got extra cheeky wouldn't hurt anyone.
The other boy let out an affronted squawk as he dodged the blast, but wisely stayed silent after that.
Danny continued his pacing for another moment, but before he could start his frustrated rambling again Sam spoke up from Danny's bed, she hadn't even looked up from her phone for the whole time Danny had been ranting.
"It's not that big of a deal Danny, the council have been dealing with things just fine up until now, I'm sure they'll handle things until you're ready."
It was true, he knew that the council would continue to run the realms, and allow Danny to ease into the role.
The thing was, he was hoping that "ready" would mean he was at least of legal age. But no, ghosts saw time and age differently of course, they were satisfied as long as he was at least sixteen. Which he would turn in a few months.
In a desperate attempt to postpone the coronation (because Danny was not ready to become king of an infinite dimension yet, holy shit, he had convinced the council that it would be in their best interest to wait until the summer after Danny turned sixteen.
Danny still had to go to school after all, and the thought of having one measly weekend to be crowned before having to return to the halls of Casper High was not one that excited him.
The council had agreed to wait until summer. Danny wasn't overly happy that he'd still only have two months to adjust, but he'd take what he could get at this point.
He was not looking forward to starting his junior year, to say the least.
As if his looming coronation wasn't enough, now that Danny was aware of his title as crown prince, he suddenly had a bunch of new responsibilities. Supposedly, it was to prepare him for being king. Danny found it tedious at best, but he hadn't found a way to get out of it so far.
Luckily, as long as no ghost caused too much trouble Danny didn't have much to worry about.
A ghost was causing too much trouble, enough that Danny got called in to deal with it.
At first he'd been salty that he had to ditch Sam and Tucker last minute for some stupid job that surely someone else could do. But once he heard what the job was, he was for once glad that he was dealing with it himself.
The situation was delicate, and Danny wouldn't trust a lot of ghost to handle it carefully enough.
An annoying ghost whose name Danny hadn't bothered to fully remember (Wi.. Fin.. Vin..ca.. something or other, not important) had decided to head to the human realm to take revenge for their death.
Now, if Danny tried to stop every ghost that ever tried to avenge their own death he'd never get to rest. A ghost's death was such a personal matter too, Danny didn't feel like he had any right to step in and say what's right or wrong for them to do.
So, in nearly all cases he stayed out of it. A lot of ghosts were happy to avenge their deaths in non-violent ways. Some time spent haunting their murderer, scaring them shitless, and most ghosts were satisfied. Not enough to move on, revenge was rarely enough for that, but enough to exist peacefully in the Realms.
That was all fine in Danny's book, but this particular ghost (Danny mentally dubbed them "Vi" when he failed to remember their full name) had decided that violence was the only answer.
The thing was, they blamed the wrong people. Vi had been a citizen of Gotham when they were alive, and they got caught up in some bad business. That had eventually led to their death.
It wasn't any one person's fault, but Vi blamed the Gotham vigilantes. From what Danny knew, Vi had been running away from said vigilantes, not wanting to be arrested, and had died because they were too focused on avoiding the vigilantes to pay attention to their surroundings.
The details of their death beyond that was not something Danny knew, he had listened to the necessary details from Clockwork before he left, but he didn't like learning exactly how other ghosts died unless they tell him themselves, it felt too personal.
All he needed to know was, the actions of the Gotham vigilantes had indirectly caused Vi's death, so they were on their way to Gotham to take revenge. That was bad, on so many levels.
The absolute last thing Danny needed was The Batman getting interested in ghosts. Danny had done a great job of managing without his or anyone else's help so far, and he really didn't want them poking their noses into his business now.
That was why Danny was speeding towards Gotham City, hoping to get there before Vi managed to track down a vigilante, as he was sure they didn't have any ways to defend themselves against ghosts.
After flying at nearly top speed for half an hour, Danny finally arrived. Not that long if you think about it, but plenty of time for a vengeful ghost to track down their targets.
With no better method, Danny started flying laps around the city, hoping his ghost sense would go off eventually.
His ghost sense remained quiet, but he found something better.
Batman himself, was right there fighting off a group of thugs. It was a small group of people for a skilled fighter like Batman to take on, he didn't really need backup. Which probably meant, the bird was somewhere nearby..
And yup! Standing on a rooftop close by keeping lookout was Robin.
This was neat, two vigilantes in the same location, now Danny could just stay here and keep guard until Vi showed themselves.
Danny hovered over Batman's fight invisibly, realizing how lucky he was that the man was unaware of his existence, and had no access to ecto-powered weapons. Danny shivered just at the thought.
Now that he was thinking about it, Batman was surrounded by a lot of people. A lot of them were probably innocent people, pulled into this business by a lack of better opportunities. Just like Vi.
And if Vi was here only for revenge, surely they wouldn't risk other people suffering the same fate as them. If they attacked Batman now, any one of the thugs could get caught in the crossfire.
Would Vi just wait it out until Batman was alone? It didn't make a lot of sense. Surely they would act soon, but Batman was surrounded, and Robin was.. Robin was alone!
Danny turned around in a panic as a cold shiver ran through his body.
He shot off towards Robin at high speed. Now that he had sensed them he could tell where they were (two seconds) Vi was heading right for Robin, their claws out and ready to strike (one second), they were just about to make contact, barely an inch away from Robin, when Danny crashed into them, phasing them both harmlessly through the vigilante and flying them far, far away in the blink of an eye. His heart was drumming so hard in his chest, (he could feel it all the way through his arms, wow) he didn't realize his heart could beat that hard in ghost form, he assumed his core would take over.
Maybe it was just testament to how stressed out Danny was.
That had been too close.
He had barely a moment to rest, as Vi broke out of his hold angrily.
"Foolish boy, do not get in the way of my revenge again."
Vi tried to fly away to try again, but Danny formed an ecto-barrier around them to keep them put.
"Not gonna happen, you're targeting two innocent people."
Vi hissed at him with frustration,
"You know not what you speak of, fool. Those killers parading around as heroes caused my unfair demise, and I shall have reve-"
At that point Danny decided he'd heard enough, it was a school night and he had to get going, so he grabbed the thermos from his belt and sucked Vi into it mid-spiel. He'd heard that same speech enough times to know how it goes.
Robin still alive, Batman unaware of ghosts existing, Crisis averted, and Danny would still make it home with enough time to get a half-decent nights sleep. Things were looking up.
Jason is 14 years old. It's been a year since his soulmate died.
He's gotten good at pretending it doesn't affect him anymore. After that first night where Jason let himself properly cry in Alfred's arms, neither of them had spoken about the matter again. Alfred made it a point to treat Jason exactly the same as before, knowing that if he were to act extra careful as to not upset the boy it would have the opposite effect.
Alfred was great like that, always noticing and remembering things but knowing when not to bring them up.
He pretended not to notice that Jason never wore short sleeved shirts anymore.
When he found Jason huddled away in the library he pretended not to notice how many more romance novels the boy was reading compared to before.
During the darkest nights, when Jason silently wishes he could go join his soulmate wherever they had ended up, Alfred was there without fail. He didn't speak of the things he knew Jason was thinking about, whether it was as to not make Jason uncomfortable or because Alfred himself didn't dare say it out loud, he didn't know.
But he was there, every time.
And when Jason realized it had been a full year since his soulmate died, Alfred was there as a silent support, just a moment away should Jason need him yet never intruding.
If Bruce notices that anything has happened to Jason, he hasn't bothered to ask about it yet. Jason isn't sure if he prefers it that way or not.
On one hand, he doesn't like the idea of Bruce butting into his personal business, the man had never been great with emotions.
But the realization that his father-figure didn't even know what he was going through had Jason wanting to burst into Bruce's study and tell him everything, if even just to get a reaction out of him.
It had been a year, but so far he hadn't said anything.
When Jason is out on the streets of Gotham, the mask of Robin is always a nice barrier to hide behind. He'll lock his emotions up tight in the back of his mind and cover them up with the veil of an unbothered vigilante who had far better things to worry about.
This night he's standing on a rooftop, keeping a lookout as Bruce deals with a group of thugs. The group was small enough that Bruce would have no trouble at all dealing with them, and Jason's time would be better spent keeping an eye out for anyone trying to slink away unnoticed by the bat.
It had been an uneventful few minutes, watching Bruce dispose of the thugs as all of them kept rushing him, not a single one having the bright idea that whatever payout they were promised wasn't worth sticking around anymore.
Then, Jason felt a shiver run up his spine. He felt like he was being watched. It was a foreboding feeling, like something was going to jump at him any moment.
He spun around, quickly assessing his surroundings, but he found nothing out of place.
The feeling did not go away though, only growing more insistent.
And then in the blink of an eye, a gust of wind picks up around Jason as the feeling of danger flares, and Jason is sure he is about to die right there.
In the next second, the wind turns cold, and Jason could swear he saw his breath fog in front of him for a moment. Yet he doesn't feel even the slightest bit frozen.
The cold passes through him impossibly fast, and with it the feeling of danger vanishes, and so between one blink and another Jason is left standing there dumbfounded at what just happened.
He hadn't imagined it, that feeling of danger was nothing concrete but it had been clear as day in Jason's mind.
The wind was definitely real too, he'd felt it rustle his hair as it passed by.
And the biggest piece of evidence he wasn't going crazy, was the small piece of frost on the ground around Jason's feet. He took a step away from it experimentally, and it quickly faded. But it had been there.
The biggest mystery of the night though, the part of this whole thing that shook Jason to his core, was his wrist.
He raised his wrist and pulled back his glove to check, because there was no way he was actually feeling what he thought he was.
But right there, the tiny black heart that was stuck to his wrist as a permanent reminder of what he could have had, was carefully beating in an excruciatingly slow rhythm. Slow, faint, but real.
Jason lost track of time as he stood there, just watching the heart on his wrist beating slower and slower, until it stopped and refused to move again.
For the first time in a year, Jason feels a dangerous sliver of hope sneak it's way into his heart.
It can't be.
But there was no other explanation.
Jason had been in danger, but some unknown force, one that brought an overwhelming feeling of safe with it had saved him.
And his tattoo was telling him his soulmate had been there.
Jason couldn't think of a better explanation than that the one who saved him was a spirit, or ghost of some kind. It sounded ridiculous.
He looks back at his wrist, gently stroking his fingers over the tattoo as the considers it.
It seemed like a ghost saved him.
His soulmate had been there.
His soulmate who was dead.
Jason felt silly for entertaining the thought, but he couldn't help but want to believe it. That tonight he had been about to die, and the spirit of his soulmate had protected him.
He took that realization and stored it away with the rest of his emotions. He didn't know how to feel about it.
He knew, that for the past year his grief had made him consider some terrible things. But how could he possibly want to go join his soulmate now, when they'd done the impossible and appeared next to him for even just a moment, to save his life.
Jason decided then, that no matter what happened, he was going to live. The sadness may never fully go away, by he would live the life he had been given, and his soulmate would simply have to wait until Jason was ready to join them.
With a lighter conscience than he's had in a year, Jason grapples away from the roof and heads back home, a tiny hint of a smile on his face.
First part | Next part | Masterpost
Tags: @craftyexpertchild
Thank you for reading <3
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shotmrmiller · 1 year ago
You'd look better as mine.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x F!Reader
wc: 1.5k
tw: virginity loss, description of pain, unprotected p in v, explicit smut, the works. cbf!johnny!!
for the soap it up challenge, @glitterypirateduck
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"I wouldn't know." Johnny, who was lying at the foot of your bed, whipped his head towards you so fast, you heard his neck pop.
Turning your attention back to the television, you reiterated. "I said I would not know, Johnny."
There was a pause, and then he quietly asked, "Would ye like tae ken?"
You gave him a teasing laugh. "Why? You gonna have that big buddy of yours with the skull mask teach me what it's like to—" But before you could finish your sentence, you let out a high-pitched squeal.
"Did you just bite my leg?" You glared at Johnny, but his expression was solemn. "No." He slowly crawled over to you and placed one jean-clad thigh in between yours. "I'm offerin' tae teach ye what it's like tae have sex, lass. Dinnae be obtuse."
"Oh?" you timidly questioned. "You doing it as a favor for your old friend?"
Johnny's eyes softened, and he lowered his head to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "I'd be doing it because I want ye tae be mine."
You slowly move your hands to cradle his face and whisper against his lips. "And what about you, Johnny?" and the tender smile he gave you was the answer you were looking for.
"I'm already yers."
Releasing a shaky breath, you softly say, "Okay." You gaze into his eyes— the light from the television makes his limpid blue eyes shimmer. "Make me yours, Johnny."
The moment you finish saying the words, he's kissing you, tongue curling into your mouth. He tastes of mint, and something so utterly him, you can't help but let out a moan.
Johnny quickly pulls away and turns his head towards your open bedroom door. Unmoving, he stares at it for a few, and when he feels satisfied that no one's coming, he looks back at you with a cheeky grin.
"Ye have tae be a wee quieter, bonnie. Dinnae want anyone interruptin' us."
You nod your head impatiently and bring him back down for another toe-curling kiss. This time, he shifts, aligning his hips between your spread thighs, and grinds his clothed erection directly into the focal point of your desire— the sensation of it sending an electric current through your entire body.
Breaking away from the kiss, Johnny's lips find their way to your neck, where he playfully nips at your skin. "I'll take care of ye, I promise, hen."
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He brought you to your peak with just his mouth three times. Three spine-arching, jaw-clenching times. You hadn't even come the first time, and you'd been getting so loud that he had to remove his belt and make you bite down on it.
Johnny moves from between your legs, rests his weight on his hands, places them by your head, and gestures for you to open your mouth. With a comical pop, your teeth detach from his belt, leaving him to inspect the bite marks with his thumb.
"Now when I deploy, I'll always hae ye with me."
Your body is twitching from the aftershocks of your orgasm, heart pounding in your chest and you can't manage to think coherently, much less speak so, and he's cracking jokes. Incredible.
Johnny throws his belt somewhere over his shoulder and starts to pull his jeans down, just enough to take his cock out comfortably, and still be able to re-dress himself quickly if you both are interrupted.
He widens your thighs, and your skin prickles in anticipation of what's to come. You muster the courage to look at what you're going to be taking inside of you and are immediately taken aback.
"You're- that-," You pause to clear your throat. "I hate to be cliché, but you're actually going to split me in half. You're massive."
Johnny gives you a shit-eating grin, and smugly says, "Why, thank ye, bonnie, I didnae-" You cut him off with a swipe of your hand.
"I'm intimidated by your size, Johnny." That promptly sobers him up, and he lowers himself to nudge your nose in apology.
"I'll be as gentle as I can be, aye?" You can feel heat spreading through your body as his warm length, hard as steel, touches your inner thigh. His adam's apple bobs as he swallows, before pumping himself once, pre-cum glistening on his flared head. Johnny pumps himself again and with a trembling exhale, he lines himself up with your slit. He's prepped you beautifully, you're thoroughly soaked from his ministration, and he's agonizingly slow as he sinks into your pussy.
He lets out a sibilant hiss through his teeth, jaw rippling from how hard he's clenching it, and then there's resistance, and it hurts.
"I need ye to relax for me, hen," but you don't hear him, the ringing in your ears is too loud, and your head is focused solely on the prickling sting in between your legs. Tears blur your vision, and maybe one or two spilled because Johnny's immediately cooing at you as he caresses your face.
"I ken it hurts, I ken. Just a little more, and it'll all be over." He lowers his hand to circle your clit under the pad of his thumb and pushes past the resistance with a grunt, and goes in deep, and deeper until his balls are flush against your arse, and you feel him in your throat.
Your torn walls burn a little, you're stretched to the limit, stuffed to the brim. You can vaguely hear Johnny moaning out a 'fuuuuck', but all you can feel is his intrusion. His thumb hasn't stopped its movement on your bud, and as your channel squeezes around Johnny like a vice, you begin to feel pleasure again.
Johnny has the patience of a saint because even though his breath comes out in unsteady pants, his hips stay pressed against yours, completely still.
"Thaaaat's it," he whispers, "Yer mine, now. All mine."
His hand makes quick work of you, reigniting the fire in your belly, and as the coil starts to tighten, your body does too.
"My bonnie lass, did so good for me. Ye feel like heaven, so snug around me. Like a silken fist gripping my cock," and then he tugs on your hair a bit. "Look at me. Look at me as ye come around me."
A wave of intense lust flows through your veins as you lock eyes with him, and your breathing quickens, body begins to tremble as you reach your peak. The filthy words he's showering you with, along with his fingers rubbing small, tight circles on your clit has you so close— and then he begins to thrust.
You choke back a wail as you come, your heart soaring as you finally let go. Your head is filled with white noise, your vision is spotted with black dots from the intensity of your climax. Johnny slurs out a string of curses as he continues to rock his hips, the drag of his thick cock drawing out your bliss.
He stops when he feels your body go limp under him, your limbs like syrup.
"How was that, hen?" and you croak out, "Y-yeah."
Johnny chuckles at your response, and asks, "That good, aye? Oh, but ye've seen nothin' yet."
Lifting your legs, he hooks them over his sinewy shoulders, and states, "Brace." he orders. Your hands immediately scramble for purchase around his biceps and then begins to fuck you.
Your breath is punched out of you with each thrust, and you can do nothing other than take what he's giving you, and he gives it to you so good. Your pain is a part of the past, just like your virginity, and you feel nothing but mind-numbing ecstasy.
He's going so deep at this angle, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, and then his thrusts start turning sloppy, and heavier. He feels bigger inside of you, harder, and then he stills— grinding down into you with a drawn-out moan. You can feel him twitching as he spills inside of you, coating the entrance of your womb with his thick, viscous essence.
Johnny drops his weight onto you, uncaring that you're now wheezing, and when his sweaty forehead touches your cheek as he nuzzles your neck, feelings that you've long suppressed bubble to the surface.
"I love you."
He shoots his head up so fast it clips the side of your jaw causing you to let out a pained groan. Just as you're about to scold him, he interjects, demanding, "Say it again."
With a playful grin, you gently rub your face, completely unfazed by the intensity of his stare.
"I love you, you big goof," and start to feebly push him off of you. "Big, heavy goof, now get off! My lungs are about to collapse."
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bonus: your mom won't stop staring at the back of your head because you refuse to look her in the eye as you wince to sit down while Johnny's beaming a smile that could outshine the sun at your dad as he gives Johnny the 'you treat my daughter right' talk.
bonus 2.0: Johnny takes your bloodied bedsheet with him. It's his now, he'll buy you another. No, he doesn't care that it's your favorite and you could've just washed it.
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godjustkys · 10 months ago
| mndi 18+
| What a perv.
please give requests.
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Pairing: Top!dom!AMAB!reader x bottom!sub!Dean Winchester.
Genre: smut.
Word count: 2,357
Warning(s): slight feminisation, use of pet names, reader being a cocky asshole (just a lil bit), unprotected sex, reader has clothes on/character does not, bratty Dean >:)
Request: "can i req perv dean winchester x top male reader? possibly where dean’s jerking off to something that correlates to the reader (like a picture/boxers/whatever works really), but ends up getting caught? he’d usually use his glib tongue to get away, but poor princess is so embarrassed he’s caught jerking off to a guy."
A/n: i think about dean a lot, putting my headcanons to use here. i need him so badly,,
You had just gotten back from a grocery trip, putting the bags on the kitchen table. “Fuckin' hell, it's quiet.” You murmured to yourself, your hands on your hips.
Sam was out. Somewhere. Said he had business to attend to. He took Cas with him, so the only one that should be home right now was Dean. At first you thought you'd come home to Dean sitting in the kitchen and drinking, or simply watching the TV.
Neither of those were the case. You slowly walked to Dean's room, thinking to yourself. Just as you reached the door to his bedroom, you opened it immediately, figuring it'd be pointless to knock at this point.
“Dean, will y- woah—” you were in the doorway, standing still, your hand on the door handle.
Dean scrambled to sit up, getting a blanket to cover himself up. “What the hell! Knock, you moron!” He yelled at you, his facial expression clearly offended. Dean swallowed hard, eyebrows furrowed.
“Jesus Christ, okay, sorry-” you thought it was funny, how you caught him jerking off. You had a grin on your face, taking in the surroundings for a little while as you took a small step back, planning to close the door and leave Dean alone. Your smile dropped in a matter of seconds when you noticed your shirt — your dirty, bloody shirt that was supposed to be in the laundry,, in the grasp of Dean's hand.
“S'that..” you inquired slowly, squinting your eyes. “Is that my shirt?” You tilted your head to the side, your shoulders slumping. Why would Dean have your shirt in the first place?
“wh—” he looked down at his hand, practically baffled. Once Dean realized you had seen the piece of clothing, his grip tightened. “What? N— no, no that's mine.” He tried hiding it behind his back slowly.
“Dean, that's my shirt.” You pointed out, your facial expression going blank. “Were you-” you paused mid sentence, trying to take in the new information. “Were you jerking off to me?” Your tone had gotten a tad bit more serious.
“Huh?” He turned his head to look at you, wondering if he heard your question right. “No! No way! What in the world are you talking about?” His tone was defensive as he sat up more straight.
“Wait, scratch that. You were jerking off to a guy?” The look on your face was priceless, absolutely stunned. You knew you caught him, he was in a pinch. He wouldn't get out of this easily. “Since when are you so accepting of your attraction to men?”
“Hold on, does that mean you find me attractive? Am I attractive to you, Dean?” You fixed up your shirt, trying your best to look presentable. “Am I hot enough to get you off? Hm?” That same grin crept back on your face. Being friends with Dean was one thing, annoying and teasing the absolute shit out of him was another. You loved every minute of it.
Dean's gaze shifted to the floor, the feeling of heat cursing through him. Was he getting embarrassed? No, he had to come up with something to derail this conversation.
“You're being fucking ridiculous, [Name], get the hell out.” Dean made eye contact with you, trying to keep his poker face up.
“Awh, is my poor princess embarrassed to be caught jerking off to a guy?” You cooed, walking into the room and closing the door behind you. “You know damn well that it is my shirt.” You spoke, making your way towards Dean. Before the other could respond, you reached around and snatched the shirt.
You held it up, taking a proper look. “Yep,” You nodded with an affirming tone. “It is, in fact, my shirt.” Dean looked away from you, eyebrows furrowed as he huffed, clearly annoyed or even embarrassed. “Fuck off, out of my room, now.” He commanded, his voice ever-so slightly shaky.
“Ay, what the hell? I caught you jerking off to me, and now you're trynna kick me out?” You tilted your head to the side, throwing the shirt onto the ground. “Come on, I gotta know if you're in love with me or not,” you pushed further, your tone firm.
Dean scoffed as he laid back down with a small thud, the blanket still covering his lower half. He brought his arm up to his face, covering his eyes. “No. M'not. Get out,” Even though Dean denied it, his tone didn't seem that confident or convincing.
“You want me to get out and leave my shirt so you can continue jerking off to me? Orrr,, perhaps, there's a chance you want me to stay and get the real deal?” You didn't give it up, how could you? Dean Winchester, an absolute ladies man, trying to get off to his friend, a guy.
“What are you talking about??” He asked in an almost offended tone, taking his arm off of his face to look at you.
Deep breaths and groans filled the silent room, your hands gripping his firm thighs as you slowly pushed your cock in. Both of Dean's legs were over your shoulders. “Shit.. t'feels weird,” He breathed out, his left hand resting atop of yours, right hand freely on the bed itself.
“Yeah, well, now you know how a woman feels when you fuck her ass.” You said in a taunting tone, not taking your eyes away from your lower half. The sight of your cock slowly disappearing in his entrance - god.
Dean muttered something out that was followed by a grunt, his hand gripping the sheets underneath the two of you a little. “Jesus Chr— ist..” His voice faltered mid-word, eyelids fluttering shut. “Relax, Dean, relax. You're doin' good,” You encouraged him in a gentle manner, rubbing circles on his thighs with your thumbs to soothe him - calm him down.
“I am- relaxed.” He grumbled out, letting out a small wince. “Wouldn't say it feels like that,” You leaned down a bit, pushing on Dean's legs. Soon enough, you fully bottomed out. “Need a moment?” You asked, eyes flickering all over Dean's torso. “You take me for a wimp?” He said breathily, opening his eyes to make eye contact with you.
Once you looked into Dean's eyes, you got so lost. He looked breathtaking like this, the look in his eyes - full of lust, neediness and want, the glossiness of them. His slightly furrowed eyebrows, clenched jaw, his hand on yours,, the hand gripping the sheets.. so perfect. All of him was perfect. “Fuckin' hell..” You muttered out, moving your left hand to Dean's cock, very slowly jerking him off.
“Mff-..mm.” Soft noises escaped his mouth, followed by a sigh of content. Your touch stimulated him to no end. “You never got to cum, right? I interrupted you,” You spoke in a delighted tone, a smirk plastered on your face. “Why don't we finish off what you started, huh?” Your hand's pace had quickened with your sentence as Dean tilted his head back, his blinking getting more frequent and excessive.
“Fuckkkk..” He said, his voice quiet and low. His breath hitched in his throat for a short moment as you started slowly thrusting in and out. Agonizingly slowly. “Did you grab my shirt from the laundry?” You questioned suddenly, looking down at him with half-lidded eyes. “Cause it was dirty, you know, I'm curious.” You added, a grin flashing across your face.
“Mmh— nhgggh!—” Dean breathed out simple whines and whimpers. You were not sure if he even heard you, your thrusting getting more rhythmic and deeper. It was all new to the other - he'd usually do the fucking. “Hey Dean-oooo, I asked you a question baby,” You cooed, thumb rubbing over the slit of his dick, putting pressure on it. “Son of a bitch— shit!” He pressed his head back into the pillow, hand gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white. Dean had a hard time not squeezing your hand as well.
You moved your hand, intertwining your fingers together as you pushed his arm, making his forearm rest beside his head, pressing his hand into the mattress a bit as you propped yourself up. “Breathe Dean, jeez,” You said with a small breathless scoff, your other hand pumping his cock continuously. “Sh— shut up,, I hate y..you, hhgg!-” Dean managed to speak, his sentence truly holding no malice or hostility behind his tone of voice, moving his head to the side and letting out a hiss at the feeling of your cock inside him. “Do you?” The grin never left your face. “Not only did I catch you jerking off to me, or my clothes rather, but you're letting me fuck you as well. That speaks volumes to me baby,” You shifted on your knees, finding a completely new angle. You pushed in, reaching deep. With that, Dean choked out a gasp, his eyes shooting open as he arched his back off of the bed slightly.
Almost immediately Dean let go of the sheets, bringing his hand to his mouth, covering it. He let out a couple muffled moans, really starting to sweat. Your thrusting pace quickened. It was harsh and deep. “You feelin' shy? We're alone, no one's gonna hear you, Dean.” You mumbled, looking down at your hand jerking him off. His cock twitched, leaking precum. You let out a groan at the feeling of Dean clenching around you.
At this point Dean was seeing stars behind his eyes, the feeling was entirely new to him yet it felt so good. Too good, maybe. He whimpered against his hand, his thighs tensing as they shuddered. You clicked your tongue in annoyance, not exactly directed towards him. You removed your hand from his cock and grasped his wrist, removing his own hand from his mouth so he wouldn't muffle his moans anymore. You pinned it next to his head on the mattress, almost the same as his other hand.
Of course Dean tried resisting being pinned, but you did all of that while fucking him mercilessly and relentlessly. “oh- ah! fucckk—” He bit down on his bottom lip to try and suppress his moaning. You suddenly hit his prostate with a harsh thrust, earning a loud whine from Dean, his one hand clenching into a fist, the other squeezing yours. “Nnh! Shit! Yes yes yes, just like that-” he rambled out, his chest rising and falling with each breath that he took, his lips parted.
His legs started trembling over your shoulders, toes curling. You let a soft groan leave your lips, leaning your body down again, Dean's knees inches away from his chest. He seemed more flexible than you thought. “Yeah? Feels good, doesn't it?” You said in a confident tone, letting out a soft sigh of content, your thrusts ever so slightly losing rhythm.
“Ghhh— pleaseee, pleasepleaseplease,” He whined, his muscles tensed visibly as his body spasmed, shaking his head. You abused his prostate, most likely bruised it as well. Dean squirmed underneath you, his arms aching - couldn't put his hands where he wanted with you pinning him to the bed. His cock throbbed as it was lightly pressed between the both of your abdomens. “w- I'm close! shit! i'm so close!-”
“Go on, cum for me, you've been so good,” You praised him in a softer voice, trying to keep up the same fast pace just to push Dean over the edge. His eyes shut tight, pushing his arms up in an attempt to free himself. As you noticed this, you let go of both of his hands and he almost instinctively wrapped them around your neck, pulling you in as close as possible. Without any further warning, Dean came, making a mess on his own stomach. He choked out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, panting afterwards, eyebrows only stitching together further.
“There we go, good boy,” You murmured, gasping softly as Dean's walls tightened around you. He was starting to get a bit overstimulated with the way you continued pounding into him after he came. One hand of Dean's gripped your shirt, the other holding onto the back of your neck. You felt your own climax nearing.
“Mmhhh,” You hummed out, placing open-mouthed kisses on Dean's neck as a way to distract yourself a little. You ended up only chasing your own orgasm, your cock twitching inside Dean's hole. He shuddered, fingers tangling in your hair, slightly pulling on the locks. “There- there, right there-” Dean moaned out, his voice hoarse and raspy, trying to ride down his own orgasm.
Your hips stuttered, slowly breaking the pace. You were close, almost ready to pull out. Dean felt slight emptiness near his prostate due to you not pushing back in and he whined. “N— no, no, inside, come inside.” Dean rasped out, holding you close to him. You raised an eyebrow at this, nonetheless complying with the other's request. “Fuck Dean, you're kinky,” you joked, pushing your cock all the way in.
His legs continued to shake, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “g-god,” Dean managed to speak through the string of moans and whimpers he let out. With one harsh final thrust and a groan, you came inside Dean, the warm liquid pooling inside him. He let out a shaky sigh, his grip on you loosening. You dropped your head down and leaned your forehead on Dean's shoulder, relaxing. “This fulfilled your expectations of me?” you asked, clearly out of breath. “Or do you wanna go again?” You whispered, your hands moving to remove Dean's legs from your shoulders, lowering them and making them wrap around your waist.
Dean paused as you lifted your head back up again, looking down at him. He made eye contact with you, his eyes ever so slightly teary. “You think you got enough stamina for another round?” He mocked you, his panting very audible, voice quieter than usual. “You're a little shit,” You chuckled, shifting your position to a sitting one. “You're getting what you asked for,” with a tight grip on his hips, you started moving again.
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angelpuns · 4 months ago
“ I've eaten bigger birds than you for lunch, is that all you got?” Leo chuckled, hopping backwards as one of the thugs slashed at him. A lie, since he quite literally had run away from said ‘bigger guy’ just a little bit ago, but these mutant thugs wouldn't know that. 
He’d stopped running when he realized those guys weren't following him, hopping down into an alley to see if he could find something to wear for the time being. It was still chilly, even as the sun was rising into the sky, and he wasn't sure how long he'd be out here. 
After all, he'd yet to come up with a good plan. 
All three of thugs were some kind of birds, though obviously Leo didn’t have the time or care to identify them. 
The one attacking him screeched and slashed at him again with knife-sharp claws, barely missing his plastron. He could probably take these guys, but he had also just woken up, been ran out of his home and was fucking freezing. 
Time for plan B. 
“ As pheasant as it was talking with you, this is starting to get hawk-ward,” 
He dodged another swipe and opened a portal, giving the oversized birds a quick salute as he stepped into it, 
“ so I'm gonna go ahead and duck out while I still ca-”
He was cut off by a screech and the painful tug of one of the thugs grabbing his leg just before he made it into the portal. 
It wrenched him out with a grip far stronger than he thought it'd be, the creature flinging him into the nearest wall with a CRACK!. 
His shoulder burned with pain, a thin line of blood oozing down from a scratch there. He barely had a moment to cover it before he was slammed back into the wall, face pressed into the gritty bricks. That was gonna leave a mark for sure, especially because he was missing his mask. 
His swords were on the ground, just next to his feet but still just a little too far too reach. 
“ H-hey, don't get your feathers ruffled, guys!” He chuckled, fear creeping unto his chest. This felt a little too familiar. Like the leftover sensations of his nightmare were creeping into reality. 
The thug holding him scoffed and pressed harder, sharp talons pressing into his scales. 
“ all turtles this fuckin’ talkative or just you?” 
Leo swallowed. Shit, what was he gonna do? No swords, and he was never really good at hand to hand combat. If he could just…
“ Hey, I'm the only talkin' turtle out there,” he tried to sound convincing, even if then hulking creature in his bedroom had been vaguely turtle-shaped, “ your whole flock as fowl-mouthed as you?”
That earned him another slam into the bricks, and a harder squeeze. Blood trickled down his face and into his eye, Leo blinking hard to try and clear it. He inches his right foot closer to his sword, if he could just distract him enough to break free…
He was starting to feel a bit lightheaded, though, and one more slam could easily be a concussion if he wasn't careful. Or worse. And trying to get home like that would be…yikes. So he had to time it just right. 
“ Hey, what do you call-”
The joke has barely left his beak when something slammed into the thug, taking him down in an instant. There was a flash of red, purple and orange, and Leo quickly grabbed his swords.  Whatever it was, they acted so fast he could barely keep up. Shit, maybe he already had a concussion. He hated treating those, keeping himself awake through’em was like torture!
He hurried to make a portal, turning to thank whoever it was, only to see the same hulking creature and the only slightly familiar faces of the two other guys from his room earlier. 
He went cold from head to toe, falling backwards into the portal and letting it take him wherever it took him. He couldn't go home, they were following him. 
Tracking him! But how - he has portaled, he had- 
Leo swallowed as he landed firmly on his bed - despite not wanting to go home - and a new dread filled his stomach. 
They must have put some kind of tracker on him while he slept. He sat up, the motion making him dizzy. 
How the hell was he gonna get out of thus one?
More of this unnamed au :)
I don't like writing fight/action scenes so this one ended up being pretty short, but I hope y'all like it nonetheless ;)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | part 5
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v1x3n · 1 year ago
˚୨୧⋆。 - "A DATE?"
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john price ⸝⸝ navigation ⸝⸝ bimbo masterlist ୨୧ tags : fluff, suggestive
୨୧ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : you find john on tinder, quickly setting up a cute date you two hit it off!
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You find yourself strolling down a long path, soon entering one of your favourite cafes. A cute little cat cafe, you plop yourself down on a comfy seat whilst scrolling down on your phone. Well more specifically tinder, you wanted to find a boyfriend and a nice one at least. No more silly fuck boys that only want sex. You are really fucking fit but you still wanted love not just lust. A white and grey cat came and sat next to you, he shoved his head to your thigh which made you look down at him. “Ah! kandy! “ you yelp out in awe. You stroke the cat and put her down onto your lap, playing with her fur as you continue your previous acts. 
Some men there were just.. Not your type, men in tracksuits and whose hobbies are drugs are just not your thing. That's when you come across a familiar person. He was tall, he said on there he was 6 foot, he was also very built. His little description was ‘mates told me it's a good idea so here i am’ 
His beard was making you feel some things, total dilf vibes, you almost got wet just thinking about him like that. You instantly swiped yes on him, then a notification popped up saying he had added you back. 
‘Hi dear, sorry if i'm wrong but are you the same little girl from kyle garricks party last weekend? X’
Holy shit! That's where you remember him from! He was Kyle's strange yet sweet boss!
‘Omg! Are you the boss one?’
‘captain , but yeah x’
You slightly giggled and stopped petting kandy again. ‘Didn't think you were single, love x’  he sent another text just a minute later. 
‘How's that?’
‘far too pretty to be single x’ he made your feet kick under the table, which made your fluffy cat run off. “awe “ you pout at the kitty. 
‘Awh, you're sweet! You in the area?’ 
He answered yes, and you two decided to meet up right here at the cat cafe! It was kind of quick but you had met him before and he was friends with Kyle so you knew he wouldn't be some freak. So why not? Lifes is only short. 
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He rocks up with a opened buttoned up shirt and blackish trousers, he looks almost too fucking fancy to be here. You giggle slightly at him which makes his eyebrows furrow towards you. John scoots closer to you whilst smiling brightly, “hello love” his familiar voice brung a small glint of happiness to you. He sits in front of you and moves his head around to look at the inside of the cafe. “The cats are cute” he then looks towards you and takes in your outfit. A fluffy tracksuit, the jacket cropped so it's showing a little of your stomach whilst the bottoms are a little baggy. You smile up at him and nod. “You come here often?” you look away from him and your face lights up, “yeah! Almost everyday” he was nice. 
You grab the menu and pass the other one to John, “I'll pay” you gleam once more at him. He had noticed that you were in a very hyper mood, giggly and bubbly. Or maybe you were always like this? “No need sweetie, I can.”
“You sure? I- i have money” you look up at him, almost pouting. “What you having love?” glancing at the menu and you pick out your usual, “vanilla cream” he does this weird yet cute beaver smile at you. Then he picks himself up and goes to order. 
Soon he comes back with your drink and a coffee, he sets them down then walks off again. Your eyebrows pull up a little as you wonder where he's off too, he wanders to you again with two chocolate chip cookies in his hand. “Hope you like these” he plops himself down and hands you one of the cookies. “Aww thanks!!” giggles sound from you and he sips on his cup of coffee. You look over at him then down at your order, as you two sit in comfortable silence and drink your cups a small kitten hops along to you both and twirls itself around johns ankle. “Who's this little one?” he glances down at the small kitty, you do the same and then give your hand to the cat. He swirls around his ankle one more then jumps at your hand, playfully hitting it. “This one's charlie.”
“You know all their names?” he chuckles softly as you nod. “There's kandy, luna, lottie, bean, nova and charlie” 
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“Out the helicopter?” you squeal and laugh as you and John walk down a long path down to your house. “Yeah it was hard to stay serious after” he chuckles, he looks down whilst seeing the small glint of shine in your gorgeous eyes. 
John's eyes stay connected with the pavement and he sighs softly at you, the eyes that had been looking forward trail along to look at him. And maybe or maybe not then you check him out… his strong, buff arms with his small waist fit perfectly with his bulky thighs. “We… we should do this again!” you smile at him, his eyes move towards yours - connecting eyes and maintaining eye contact with him whilst he chuckles at you trying to not squirm away and blush. He nods and follows it up with, “you like movies?” 
As you nod he takes a left, you do too, “then we should go see something hm? Or we could at my house or yours?” You quickly gaze up at him, giggling as you almost purr, “we should at my house!!” John looks in your direction, he does a singular nod then you stop. 
“Well this is my house” mumbling through your teeth like you were nervous. 
“Goodbye sweetheart” he smiles strongly and bends over to kiss your forehead. You giggle once more. Your heart beats fast as butterflies grow powerful in your stomach, bashing into eachother with how fucking fast they were moving around. Before he leaves you grab onto the end of his shirt, he spins around and his eyebrows look quizzical. “Wait.. I have a question!”
“Was this a date?” your head tilts at him as he smiles, he laughs slightly and then sighs. John nods whilst chuckling and pets your head gently, “if you'd like it to be.” 
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missmarveledsblog · 7 months ago
A kind of sex education part 2 (platonic cas x winchesters x reader)
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Summary : after the whole porn ordeal , castiel finds tumblr and the world of fanfiction has him asking more curious questions  which the residents of the bunker are not so happy to answer . 
warnings : mentions of smutty fics , cas being the curious baby in a trench coat we love .
After the whole angel porn ordeal , they were more careful with what cas was watching not wanting  history to repeat itself . Like monitoring a toddler on an iPad. Especially given that y/n wouldn't come out of her room for days not wanting to look any of them bar sam in the eyes .  Dean even limited his teasing when it came to the subject . Today he was luckily out while cas was on laptop , Sam and Y/N were looking over some incoming cases seeing which needed to be handled first .
" interesting this is very interesting " the angel spoke making them look over both slightly relieved not see or hear an explicit image on the laptop. 
" I've been on a interesting site that led me to many other over the last couple of days " he  spoke up .
" what was that buddy" she smiled over. Their joy short lived when he uttered the next few sentences out of his mouth .
" tumblr that led me to all these other sites , did you know there is fanfiction of us like the play we seen except it's classed as what they call smut " he looked up at the two .
" why didn't  I go on the supply run ,  why am I here when he finds this shit " she cursed up at the ceiling .
" could be nothing " sam offered a weak smile .
" did you know most popular is Dean x y/n fiction seems as though you are most shipped although there are some of Dean and sam with you too " he mused .
" but I could be wrong" sam winced taking the laptop off of cas completely .
" how do you find these things " he asked looking through the tabs .
" I'm very pop culture savvy now " cas said proudly . 
" what the hell man why are you reading all these " sam groaned wanting burning his eyes out seeing an explicitly  wrong image of Dean and himself (no to wincest) .  " you are actually popular with them Y/n " sam mused .
" that's after  that stupid ghost hunting  website and chuck " she grumbled  wondering where she was going to start her new life.
" hey there's even some with you and cas " he chuckled. 
" Alaska or maybe Australia would be better it further Away " she mused .
" wow these are extremely detailed " sam continued .
" would you call Dean daddy , the stories seem to think you would " cas asked .
" what the hell did I walk into " the man in question walked into the room .
" my resignation  " she mumbled hiding her head in her arms. 
" destiel  is another popular one " sam chuckled. 
" cas found smutty fanfictions " she looked up to see the clueless expression on Dean's face.
" they suggest that Y/n is a sub and you are a Dom " the angel stated.
" wanna see if they're right sweetheart " Dean winked .
" wanna kill me cause I can't be dealing with this" she countered wondering if she could also legally change her name.
" why are they so descriptive on the parts , have they seen them" cas sat looking between the three .
" the way Dean sleeps around they probably seen his " she reasoned.
" they also suggest you like..." .
" do not even finish that one" she growled .
"so many kinks cas did you google all these" sam asked eyes widening at the search history. 
" i was looking at chucks book and comments said to check out the tumblr versions " he said looking confused to what he did wrong. " they forgot to add that birthmark just below your tits " he added matter of factly .
" when did you see her ... what he got to see i didn't" dean turned to Y/n , who honestly rather be stuck with Crowley for eternity than this .
" he walked in while i was getting dressed and it not a birthmark it's a scar from a battle with an old favourite bra "she could feel her cheeks redder than they've been so far . "i'm going to my room to pack for my new life in australia" she stormed out her room .
" she's kidding right?" dean asked looking to the mean .
" you should dom her  and make her stay , they said she responds to good girl" cas explained .
" i wonder if she would let me come with her " sam mused walking out after her.  
another awkward dinner bobby was almost afraid to ask. Although dean was smiling more than the others.
" cas read fanfiction , pornographic fan fiction " dean explained .
" i've also read some theories too, like bobby is Y/N Dad and not her uncle" cas smiled making bobby choke on his water.
"  their theories cas they're not right ... right? " she laughed but stopped when she notice bobby expression or how he would barel look at her.
" i mean it's a possibility " he mused truthfully making her jaw drop
" great more daddy issue not like the place is drowning in them with these two " she pinched the bridge of her nose and point at sam and dean.
" so the theories of dean being her soulmate are true " cas asked.
" probably " dean shrugged winking at her .
" why did i ever come here, sam wanna move to australia with me " she ignored the other three men .
" look me and your mom had a brief thing , your dad well your dad agreed while he..." . 
" australia sound nice " sam agreed cutting bobby short .
" hey stop denying our love even nerds on internet think we'd be hot together"dean spoke up .
" cas from now on stop the curiosity or so help me i will make you eat the computer  " she  groaned learning too much information for the day .
"we need to do dna test " she turned to bobby .
" you can pick me up at 7 " she turned to dean before walking out leaving the men speechless . 
" i got punished" cas pouted .
" i got a kid  kinda " bobby gulped .
" i got a date " dean smirked .
" and i got a rock ... It's a thing on tiktok ... what cass isn't the only pop culture savvy one around here " sam shrugged .
part three
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semperamans · 8 months ago
“but daddy i love him” but it’s literally you talking to johnny about benny.
if i’m being annoying feel free to ignore or not respond right away. i’d 100% understand promise ‹𝟹
oh i am sick (nasty shit beneath read more because i fear i may have went too far but i am ovulating so <3)
johnny knows. johnny knows. johnny fucking knows you love benny because who wouldn't? benny with his pretty eyes and slow smiles and lazy speech - fuck - you'd be dumb to not love benny but what johnny can't figure out is why it doesn't bother him. why it doesn't make him angry. why his balls fill at the mere thought of you n'benny sharin' a tender kiss. n'does he jerk himself off on the road to thoughts of benny fucking you? maybe! does he want to watch you throat benny n'be so good for him? yes! but he knows you'll never admit. you'd never wanna make him angry :( not your sweet sweet old man :( no you'd never, but it's there. oh, it is there in the way your eyes light up when benny walks in the room :( i mean, johnny can practically see your want drippin' whenever benny tugs you into his side and holds ya tight :( but you'll never say it - not without some help.
you're so sleepy - such a sleepy, needy baby - but that's okay because daddy's gonna take care of you. that's what johnny promises as he situates your body. you're pliant :( all soft and lithe from the way he's been takin' care of you the last few hours an' y'don't even know if you can cum again :( your smooshy cheek is nuzzled into his fuzzy thigh n'your eyes are just so so heavy but they fly open when the tip of his nose nudges against your spasming cunt :( "johnny," "shhh," your hips are arched so perfectly for him :( n'he places the sweetest little kiss against your hole before wrappin' those strong arms 'round your thighs :( lockin' you in :( "said i was gonna take care of ya. ya trust me? trust your old man?" you do. of course you do. so you're nodding :( pressing kisses against his somewhat hard shaft :( johnny takes care of you so well :( you're so lucky; the way he licks and sucks and probes into you :( you relish in the scrape of his wirey scruff against your thighs :( n'yeah yeah you can cum again - you can feel it building so quick and strong that you're pressin' back against him an’ he can barely fuckin' breathe but he loves it. he's soaked from nose to chin in you n'you're down there mouthing at his balls n'tellin' him how much you love him which reminds him...
"cunt is so sweet, honey." johnny breathes, nipping the skin of your thigh before licking a fat swipe along your slit. "know who would love it? know who i bet is itchin' to put his tongue in ya?" n'you're confused. so confused. you're brain is so hazy - too foggy to play the game - but then he says it. those five letters covered in his spit and your cum: benny. "yeah. benny'd love this, y'know?" his fingers brush against your fluttering opening. "oh yeah. know he would love to have ya fuckin' his tongue. bet ya have thought about it, ain't ya?" you can't think about anything with his tongue and fingers abusing your sensitive pussy but then he says "know i have." and despite the words being muffled against your wet, you hear them and your response comes in a wet hot gasp. "oh daddy," "yeah, daddy's got you," johnny promises "but whatta 'bout benny, hm?" the question makes you lightheaded or maybe it's how he's tightening his grip, pulling you in in in. "daddy want's ta hear how you'd sound if benny were doin' this to ya. call for 'em. go on." your forehead falls, nose brushing the curls around his nuts as you whimper and mew and softly try benny's name on your tongue :( but it's not enough bc there's a sharp bite on your ass cheek, followed by the soothing lick of a thick tongue. "louder." and you obey.
benny. benny. benny. benny.
benny is going out of his fucking mind in the room over because he can hear everything. every lap of johnny's tongue over your gushing hole. every soaking gasp from your wet lips. he can hear his name over and over and over and his cock is so hard :( dragging helplessly against his mattress because the dull tug has to be what it would feel like to rut against johnny's thigh :( but it's not enough because - fuck - he wants to be in you :( and now not even his spit-soaked fist is enough :( it’s just isn't doing it for him but it has to work - he has nothing else - and god he's pathetic :( face pressed against the wall as he jerks himself faster and faster to the sound of you being decimated by the man of his goddamn dreams :( he wants to join wants to join wants to join but daddy hasn't said it's okay :( so he closes his eyes n'presses his forehead harder into the wall until he sees stars.
"y'love benny, don't you?" the squelching noises of three fingers and a tongue in your cunt is sinful. music to johnny's ears. "wanna hear you." "yeah - daddy - yeah. love benny s'much." your fucking back against his face, desperately seeking release n'you sound so cute :( he can't see your face but your cute little asscheeks are jigglin' and covered in his bitemarks and ugh he just loves you :( "mm, know benny loves you too, baby. y'know that? benny loves you." johnny knows. johnny knows. johnny fuckin' knows benny is jerkin' his cock because he can hear his pathetic little whimpers :( he can hear him answerin' even though no one has acknowledged him "yes. yes. yes." "benny'd want you to cum, darlin'. c'mon. cum for benny."
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deanscherrypie420 · 9 months ago
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A/N: Another Cas fic was highly voted for so here it is! My friend helped me with the ideas! Hope you enjoy <3 (Also PETITION FOR MORE CAS GIFS)
Characters: Castiel, Reader Y/N, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Pairing: Castiel X Reader
Warnings: Fluff. That's all I have to say. Lots of fluff.
Summary: You and Castiel have been friends for a little while. You've grown so close and often do everything together. Of course, it doesn't take long for the Winchesters to notice, and after a nice day with Cas, true feelings arise.
Y/N was in the kitchen making breakfast, scrambled eggs and bacon for everyone. Slowly but surely, the boys began making there way to the table, sitting and chatting about a possible hunt.
When she turned around, she smiled at the sight. She walked over with the pan and scooped food into each of their plates. "Don't worry Sam, the fake bacon is on the stove." She teased him and he rolled his eyes, standing up to fix his plate.
"It's not fake bacon, it's healthier." He muttered and Dean laughed. Once they all sat down and began eating they started discussing a case.
Y/N glanced over and noticed Castiel had finished all of his food. "Damn, Angel. That was quick." She received a small smile and a nod in return, motioning towards the food. "It was good."
The brothers looked at each other for a moment, Dean raising a brow and Sam shaking his head. "Cas, I thought you-" He started, but the younger Winchester cleared his throat obnoxiously loud and gave Dean a tense smile. "We thought you could come with us on the case."
Y/N picked up her beer and rolled her eyes, not buying their bullshit. Castiel's face contorted, a puzzled expression creasing his features. "I almost always go with you, why wouldn't I now?"
"No reason, Cas. Just makin' sure." Dean finished before grabbing his plate and setting it in the sink. "I'm gonna go get ready, meet you guys out by the car in thirty."
She got up and grabbed everyone's plate, rinsing them off in the sink before washing her hands and retreating to her bedroom. Castiel was already there, handing her the bag he packed for her.
"Cas, I am fully capable of packing my own shit." She said as she searched through the luggage, making sure she had everything she needed.
"I know, but I like to make things easier for you." He stated and she smiled up at him. "Thanks. Now let's go, I want shotgun." The angel laughed and walked her outside, his hand on her back the whole way.
Unfortunately, Sam had beat her to the front seat and she groaned. "Seriously, Winchester! You always sit shotgun, let me have a turn!" She whined and Castiel frowned at her.
"You don't like sitting with me?" He asked and she quickly shook her head. "No, no, I just-... Fuck. Fine." She stammered, reluctantly getting into the back.
When they arrived in Oklahoma, the brothers went to scout out a motel and insisted Cas and Y/N take a look around the area for anything suspicious.
The town was actually quite nice. Bright sun, markets on every block, pretty houses. While they were walking Castiel noticed a flower shop and motioned towards it. "Do you like flowers?" He questioned, and she nodded.
"Yeah, they're pretty. Do you?" She asked back, and he nodded as well. They crossed the street and went inside, the fresh scent of blooming plants flooding her senses.
"Do you want me to buy you flowers?" The angel offered and she smiled up at him. "No, Dean would be pissed if he found out we wasted our time here." She laughed a little at the thought and kept walking around, admiring the beautiful bouquets.
"But I don't think we're wasting time..." He murmured to himself with a small frown. After a moment he quickly followed her out of the store, earning a weird glance from the cashier.
"Y/N," He started and she glanced up at him. He pulled a bundle of purple flowers out from his trench-coat and handed them to her. "I wanted to get you flowers. Dean can't be mad if I didn't spend money."
She felt her cheeks warm as she studied the purple petals. "Castiel, you are aware you just stole from a shop, right?" She chuckled as he bit his lip to think. "Well, that's okay. I'm sure they can grow more."
The two of them laughed as they wandered through streets, the conversations flowing naturally. After a while she checked her phone and sighed. "We should probably get back to them."
"But they haven't called us. They said they would call us if they needed us." The angel bargained, glancing at her phone to see the time as well. "And it's not even that late." He added.
"Don't argue with me, Angel." She teased and he scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh. "Thank you for the flowers, by the way."
"Of course. They reminded me of you." He responded and she quirked a brow. "Why is that?"
"Because they're beautiful."
After a few nights, they finally could call this a successful hunt. They went out to celebrate at a diner, Dean in the mood for nothing but pie and beer.
After the waitress came by and took everyone's order, Y/N nudged Cas. "You didn't order anything, do you want to share my plate." He shook his head and squeezed her leg. "No, I don't eat food."
"What do you mean? You eat food all the time." She questioned, a suspicious look on her face. "I don't need food. It all tastes like molecules, so I don't really care for it."
She raised a brow, confusion evident in her expression. "You eat my food." Her voice was raised at the end, as if it were a question. He nodded and smiled down at her, "I care about you."
The two Winchesters looked at each other, Dean obviously grossed out. "Get a room you two." Sam bickered and Dean widened his eyes in agreement. "For not liking food you sure do love the cheesy shit." He muttered.
"I love Y/N." Castiel said in an attempt to defend himself, but the table quickly went silent. Sam and Dean looked at each other with raised brows before glancing over at her.
"Was that inappropriate?" Castiel mumbled as he looked over at her, a slightly uncomfortable look in his eyes. She shook her head and let out an airy laugh. "No, it-... It's perfectly fine. I love you too, Cas."
The brothers broke out in an obnoxious celebration, laughing and nearly yelling at the two of them. "You lucky son of bitch!" Dean hooted, and Sam clapped his hands together in a laughing fit. "Oh that was adorable!"
Castiel looked over at her again, a bit concerned. "Why are they acting weird?" He questioned. "Because they're immature little boys." She retorted, not giving a care in the world. She moved forward and kissed the angel, a soft and quick kiss.
"I love you, Y/N."
A/N: yippee. This took me a lot of motivation but I finally finished it. THANK YOU @m1zumon6 FOR THE HELP <3 I'm sorry I didn't let them eat grass 😔
I hope you all enjoyed!
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chameleonsd1sh · 22 days ago
been pondering luffy's aroaceness.
⚠️ CW: discussions of sex and sexuality ahead ⚠️
he's uninterested in getting married, uninterested in romance, and isn't enamoured with pretty women. he understands the classifications of beautiful and ugly and can identify them — he just doesn't care about them.
in reaction nami’s naked body, luffy's expression was the exact same as usopp's, more shocked than anything, while sanji had the typical heart eyes and dropped jaw. oda stated that luffy reacted to nami's body because usopp was there. he framed it as usopp’s presence influencing luffy to let out his “bad side” (sort of riling him up like a puppy?), implying that this is a part of his nature he just doesn’t express. i could, however, see him just acting that way for shits and giggles, because the others are doing it — maybe understanding the reason behind it, maybe not. regardless, what i found interesting was that he only reacted because his FRIEND reacted that way — taking cues from others for the acceptable behaviour. 
because this does contrast his usual behaviour. notice when he was on his own with boa hancock he was completely unaffected by a spell that should affect ANYONE if they have any sort of wickedness in their heart, including desire, when looking at her. nobody has ever been unaffected, regardless of age or gender. but he was. they chalk it up to his pure heart. in the moment he was scared of the spell, then confused as to why it didn't work. intriguingly, oda said “he’s interested, but not entranced by her.”
in my mind, i take all of this to mean that he isn't repulsed by sex or romance, just generally not focused on it. nudity doesn't bother him because he does not see the body as a sexual object. i think he is somewhere on the aroace spectrum, and he is definitely autistic and i believe that affects how he behaves about stuff like this (e.g. taking cues from usopp).
interested, but not entranced. interested, but not in a “wicked” way. i think luffy would be curious about sex. after all, he’s a very physical person — he loves to eat, he tends to move his body a lot and entertain himself that way. i see no reason he would be opposed to trying sex. additionally, although he is selfless in many ways, he is greedy when it comes to food — he’s quite gluttonous — and people — if he wants someone on his side, they’ll BE on his side. this greediness would likely extend to other aspects of his physical and interpersonal life — he would probably enjoy sex. and if that were true, i see no reason he would not continue doing it. luffy approaches things in the simplest way possible. this would surely apply to sex too — if it feels good, he’ll do it.
so luffy would HAVE sex, sure. but does he experience sexual attraction? there is no real evidence of it. i personally don’t believe he would experience sexual attraction — at least not in a typical way. i think he would have sex simply because he wants to. however, he might feel inspired to want to by being very impressed by someone, or by simply being riled up from some big fight. the former could be sexual attraction — wanting somebody because they did something really cool and you’re into it. like a tugging urge to be all over them — not always in a sexual way, but sometimes it goes there with specific people. so i suppose he experiences a certain degree of sexual attraction, but it’s really more extreme respect and excitement, and definitely more of an instinctive emotional thing than any physical reaction. it’s really a very luffy way of feeling it. he just wants.
luffy has no filter, saying whatever is on his mind at all times, sometimes without realizing it. he is often too honest for his own good. he does not really understand or follow social norms, so i think he wouldn't be awkward or weird about attraction. i think he would just be curious about it, for example asking questions that ppl wouldn't typically ask. and his friends would be like “HOW CAN YOU ASK THAT WITH SUCH CALMNESS?” and he'd be like “eh?”
i think, therefore, that he would also be fairly casual about sex without needing a romantic relationship. he would simply ask directly, or be rather clingy and then ask. it’s not a weird thing to him, and he doesn’t get why people are so strange about it. he’s also quite comfortable with his own body, and doesn’t seem uncomfortable with others seeing it (the "family jewels" scene is a good example). HOWEVER, i don’t believe he would have sex with just anybody. he would need to be close to them and trust them. i believe he would likely have some sort of queerplatonic bond with whatever partner he chooses.
i think that because of his autism luffy would not really differentiate between platonic and romantic love. he simplifies. what he does know is that he has a strong connection to everyone in his crew, and that he would trust them with his life. but would he sleep with just any of them? nah, i don’t think so. i think he would just know who he’d want to have sex with. he’d just know.
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queer-n-here · 1 year ago
In love with my baby, Sigma from BSD.
Contents: Sigma has a bad day at the casino and feels like shit, so reader comforts him, and they have sex.
Warnings: Top male reader, soft dom, Smut, praise kink (slightly), nipple play.
Fem aligned and MDNI
Sigma was so close to tears.
He'd had an awful day, filled to the brim with rude customers and lost visitors that made him feel shittier and shittier by the minute. He just wanted to curl up in his bed and pass out, and only wake up when the world had ended. Or not at all, he wouldn't mind.
But you had other plans. As Sigma turned around the last corner to reach his bedroom, he saw you leaning against the wall next to the door to his room. And the moment he saw you, he ran to you.
As you caught him perfectly in your arms without the slightest of stumbles, the tears that had been collecting in his eyes finally slid down his face.
You froze when you heard him sniffle.
"Sigma, baby, what-" You tried to pull away to look at him, but he clutched your shirt, burying his face in the crook of your neck as sobs shook his frame. "Baby, what's wrong?"
He shook his head, trying to pull you closer. You wrapped your arms around him, worry on your face.
"Sigma, let's go into your room first, okay?" You said gently, trying to calm him down.
It worked, and he nodded, not letting go of your shirt as he pulled back just enough to look you in the eyes.
You led Sigma into the room, locking the door behind you so that no one could barge in and ask Sigma to deal with another problem. You sat him down on the bed before following, and he immediately buried himself into your chest again.
"Baby, talk to me," You whispered, stroking his head. "What's wrong, hmm?"
Sigma never wanted to be a burden on anyone. He would rather suffer in silence than ask for help and inconvenience anyone. But you were different. You wouldn't be inconvenienced. You would love him and tell him he was doing good.
"I just... I just f-feel so shitty." Sigma said, trying to steady his breathing enough to speak. "I can't even... I can't even run a ca-casino properly, and-"
His words turned incoherent, and he pressed his face into your shirt, muffling them out.
"Sigma, look at me, baby." You said softly, and he let you pull back to make him look at you, holding his face in both your hands. "Who said you can't? Sky Casino already has a steady reputation amongst the elites. Everyone knows how magnificent your place is. You do your best every time."
"But," He sniffed, swallowing. "But my best isn't always... the best."
"And that's fine, baby." You tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, wiping away his tears with your thumb. "That's perfectly fine. You're always pushing yourself to do better, so what if you fall behind once in a while, hmm? And you're so perfect already..."
Sigma's breath hitched, more tears collecting at the ends of his eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah, baby," You nodded, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "My beautiful perfect baby,"
"[Name]," Sigma's cheeks were red. "K-kiss me, please."
You smiled and obliged him, leaning forwards and placing your lips on his, kissing him slowly and gently, trying to show him his worth. Trying to tell him that he deserved everything in the world and more.
As you prodded his lips with your tongue, he opened his mouth, letting you in. You kissed him gently, but at the same time passionately, and soon Sigma felt your teeth nip at his lips a bit too hard.
"Nhh," He pulled away slightly, looking at you with his moist eyes. "[Name]."
"Yeah, baby?" You caressed his cheeks.
"Can we... Can we do it?" His blush had deepened, but his gaze was steady, and you couldn't help but smile.
"Of course, baby," You planted another kiss on his forehead. "Strip and lay down, okay? I'll go fetch the lube."
Sigma nodded, obedient as always.
You pulled away and stood up, walking to Sigma's bathroom to bring out lube.
Generally, you preferred to have sex in front of the bathroom mirror, holding Sigma's face in one hand to show him how pretty he was, and teasing his nipples with the other as your cock plunged into him repeatedly, leaving his brain foggy and eyes spilling.
When you returned, Sigma was bare, his pale skin a contrast to the dark bed sheets that were going to be stained soon.
You stripped too, letting your clothes fall carelessly to the floor as you climbed on to the bed to sit in front of Sigma, leaving the bottle somewhere on the sheets as you reached for him.
You kissed him again, your movements soft and careful, as if too much vigour would break the man before you. Sigma responded positively, wrapping his arms around your neck and letting you kiss and lick as you liked.
As the kiss grew slightly heated, you pulled back and reached for Sigma's thighs.
"Can you spread your legs for me, baby?" You whispered, and he obeyed, shyly opening up his legs and letting you prop them up on the bed, exposing his hole.
You grabbed the bottle of lube, pouring a considerable amount of it onto your hand before placing your finger against his entrance.
You looked up at him, and he nodded, the way he always did whenever you asked him if you could continue. You slid in a thickly coated finger, watching Sigma's face for signs of unwillingness, because he would never tell you to stop.
You knew his body better than himself, the way his muscles twitched in pain was very similar to the way they twitched in pleasure, but after months of gently easing down Sigma's walls, you had learnt the difference.
Sigma moaned at the feeling of your finger, raising one hand to cover his mouth, his other clutching at the sheets.
As you slid in a second digit, you looked up at him, but there were no signs of discomfort on his pretty flushed face as he panted and huffed.
"[Name]," He breathed. "F-faster, please."
Your hand sped almost involuntarily, wanting nothing more than to give the man beneath you everything he wanted.
Sigma bit his already red lips, trying not to be too loud. He was sensitive, and also loud, both without wanting to be.
As your fingers pumped into him at a constant pace, you leaned down, planting kisses on his neck, collarbone and chest as you travelled down, finally enveloping his perky nipple with your lips, making him arch his back with a moan. You pinched and rubbed the other nipple with your free hand as your mouth worshipped this one, and Sigma whined at the feeling of your fingers speeding up in him.
Your fingers hit that sweet spot in him, making the poor man come undone immediately with only a cry for a warning, ropes of cum shooting out of his untouched dick as a sound as lewd as the devil himself spilled from his pretty swollen lips.
You slowed to a stop, reaching for your cock that had been leaking precum at the sight of Sigma's magnificent body for some release. You left his nipples alone, letting him come down from his high as you stroked your cock, your eyes glued to his beautiful flushed face.
When Sigma came to, and saw you touching yourself, he reached out to clasp your wrist.
"Put it in me," He flushed, looking at you. "Let me help you."
You nodded, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before aligning your flushed tip with his entrance. You entered, being as gentle as humanely possible, but Sigma grew impatient.
"[Name]," He placed his hands on your shoulders. "Don't stall anymore, just... Just put it in."
You obliged, not arguing with Sigma when your cock was throbbing almost painfully. You hooked your hands beneath his legs, and pressed his thighs against his chest before pushing your entire length in. As you filled Sigma up, he arched his back at the feeling, his walls tightening around you once you were all in, holding you in place.
"So pretty," You couldn't help but murmur, brushing a strand of Sigma's sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes. "So beautiful, Sigma. I can't believe you're all mine."
He flushed, his hole fluttered around you at the praise, his eyes wide as he watched you, and you knew he wanted you to continue.
"So heavenly, my pretty baby," Your hips pulled back slightly, before thrusting in again, making Sigma grab onto you, arms wrapping around your neck. "So fucking pretty I can't believe my eyes."
You thrusted as you spoke, slowly speeding up, relishing the sight of Sigma's face, scrunched up and flushed with pleasure.
"So good for me, Sigma," You continued, now bludgeoning into him, each thrust making him cry out at the feeling of your tip poking him in those amazing places. "So brave, and so amazing..."
Sigma's face was almost the colour of blood, and he raised a hand to cover it. But you wouldn't let him, pulling his arm back and entwining your hands before pinning his against the bed. Your hips snapped against his, and his back arched, presenting his erect and swollen nipples to your face. You readily lowered your head to suck on them, and Sigma whined.
"My beautiful baby, so lovely that I don't want anyone else to look at you, or get to touch you."
As you pounded into him, worshipping his chest with your mouth at the same time, tears collected at the corners of Sigma's eyes at the overwhelming pleasure. He panted and moaned, the only thing in his world was you and the amazing way you made him feel, your cock snug between his walls and your teeth against his sensitive skin.
Your name was stuck like a life saving mantra on his tongue, the sound of which made you feel the heat pooling in your stomach.
You pulled back, till the only thing left in Sigma was your tip, and then thrusted in again, hitting his sweet spot, making him scream.
You did it again, and again, and again, till Sigma was tightening around you in that way that you knew meant he was close.
You yourself were not far from the edge, your thrusts getting slightly sloppy as they sped up, panting till you released inside him with a "Fuck, baby,". The feeling of your cum seeping in him was enough to throw Sigma over the edge again, his blunt nails digging into your shoulders as he cried out one last time, his untouched cock spilling over both your stomachs.
As you slowed to a stop, Sigma's tired arms fell off your shoulders, his marked and bruised chest heaving with each breath. You pulled out of him and collapsed next to him, letting his legs fall back onto the bed.
He immediately turned to press himself against you, and you wrapped your arms around him, steadying your breath.
You stayed like that till you had both caught your respective breaths, and Sigma slowly raised his head to look up at you.
The question was plain in his eyes.
"You did good," You placed a soft kiss on the top of his nose.
He smiled, and in that moment he was so dazzling you almost grew dizzy.
"Wanna go again?" You said, a small smirk on your face.
He blushed, but nodded.
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as-goodas-dead · 3 months ago
A note ig
@ur-fave-hoe-cas — I'm sorry. I promised I wouldn't leave you again, but here I am, breaking another promise. I'm so fucking sorry I came back, that I gave you hope of having a decent older brother. I'm so fucking sorry I can't find it in me to actually live. I'm sorry that this is going to hurt you. You're my little sister and I love you so damn much, and I'm so sorry I'm doing this to you again... for real this time. It's not your fault. It's mine.
@r0ss-s1n-cla1re — For a second I thought I could be happy. You made me happy, really fucking happy. You made me smile so much in so little time. Thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you for the clothes. Thank you for the lobster. I'm sorry we never got to go to Mexico. Please go without me. I love you. You were one of the best things to ever happen to me. I'm sorry I can't be with you longer. My suicide jokes will just have to die with me ;)
@y0urg1rlvendetta — You were right. I am pathetic. I'm a coward. I'm horrible to Cas. I'm sorry. I know I said a lot of things to you that I shouldn't have. I apologize. But please, if you can don't do what you're doing to yourself. Don't end up like me. And thank you. For being there for Cas when I couldn't.
@d3x-ter — Hey mate. I'm sorry. Please pick up the pieces to my mess again. I'm so fucking sorry I keep doing this. And thank you so damn much for taking care of cas. Be a better brother for her than I was, please.
I'm sorry I can't find it in me to keep going. I just can't fucking do this anymore. I can't keep fucking pretending. But at the same time, I'd rather die and take this shit with me than put it on you all.
This is where my story ends.
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wellofdean · 1 month ago
I still remember what Jensen said years ago, I think he would disagree with Rob and Rich https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GjTN6m5WUAAxsWG?format=jpg&name=small
Here's the content of that link. Many apologies for reposting, but:
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So, my first answer to this is, as I've said before, I am infinitely more interested in the text itself than I am in what any of them say about it, and the text is what it is (GAY). What's nice about these episodes of Rich & Rob's podcast is that they are actually responding to the thing we all saw in our TV box, and saying "Dial it down to 11 guys, geez," which: Yes. Good to know y'all can see a church by daylight.
But also, in the Q&A format at a con, there are loads of different reasons Jensen might say this or that. What's the context here? Who is he onstage with? What's the crowd like? What exactly was the question? Also, this answer rightly acknowledges that the "whole Dean and Cas thing" was poppin' off in season 8. Well spotted. Perhaps he is thinking that the show needed to separate them for awhile so they wouldn't have to just fucking make out already? In fact, perhaps that was exactly the thinking, because honestly, season 9 goes off on the star-crossed Destiel, complete with parallel cross-species romances to interrogate proof of concept and some serious Romeo and Juliet-ass shit:
Dean praying to Cas and saying "I need you here" while he agonises about what to do about Sam; the whole painful kicking Cas out of the bunker storyline with the yearning date prep and the fanfic gap (plus LOADS of other shit in that episode); Cas gets killed by April and Dean tenderly cradles his face and then is jealous about the sex; they have a big vulnerable heart-to-heart about the Sam situation and why Dean kept Cas away and Cas forgives him immediately and helps Dean; Dean takes the mark of Cain and the Crowley/Dean/Cas love triangle start revving up; Collette is invented for the sole purpose of paralleling Cas; the Garth is a werewolf episode is here about finding love in unexpected places! love Is love, yo!; the fitness centre episode with its many implications that Dean is into dudes; Metatron's speech about what gives a story meaning; Gabriel calls Cas Dean's boytoy; Metatron tells Cas "I left you human because I hoped you would live happily ever after" because HE KNOWS; the whole Romeo and Juliet thing in episode 20 with the werewolf/shapeshifter romance that pointedly mirrors Dean and Cas; Dean drops everything to go help Cas, leading to Cas giving up his army for one man; Hannah is invented to throw another triangle into the works; Metatron says Cas is in love..............with humanity; Dean dies (Juliet much?) and comes back a demon.
Like, I am leaving LOADS out.
Firstly? They were 💯 writing it like that. They leaned the fuck in every chance they got. And secondly, y'all get that Jensen pointedly does not talk about subtext, or things that the story is doing on the DL, or about things that haven't happened yet, and he doesn't talk about any of Dean's feelings that Dean would not openly talk about himself? Jensen is actually admirably disciplined and principled about it? And, you know that he could also just be disingenuous on purpose to avoid doing so, and to allow unspoken things to remain unspoken? If he just tells us, where's our joy in figuring it out going to come from? Y'all should THANK HIM for not stealing our joy.
I personally think? Jensen is clever. He is very intentional and I think he knows what he's doing. If you consider that Jensen talks AS DEAN in cons and never goes beyond something Dean would say, well...then it makes sense he would say that in light of the fact that anyone who understands narrative can see that the text itself is WALL TO WALL star-crossed Destiel, because that's what happens when you separate them and then write them as you have been all along. I'm glad he enjoyed it! Me too!
Like, either you think Jensen is a full idiot, or you have to admit that there might be layers to the things he says.
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justwhisperingfantasies · 7 months ago
Memories Part 1
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Female Reader, Sam Winchester, Castiel. Mention of other SPN characters.
Warnings: near-death experience, language, angst (kind of), cute dean, fluff (kind of) not exactly cannon.
A/N: This is my first ever fic post. Please go easy on me. Hope you enjoy
Summary: You've had your memory wiped and sent off to your death. Sam, Dean, and Cas save you just before it is too late. the guys struggle with being strangers to you after all the years you have shared. You are forced into a life-altering dilemma.
Word count: 3,142 words
This is it. This is how I die. You thought to yourself.
After all the hunts, all the monsters, all the bullshit. 
You hear the door being kicked down as you think about everything you would have done differently.
"CAS! Get over there she needs you!"
You feel arms wrap around you and then lift you as you slip into the darkness.
You wake in a panic on a strange bed. Sitting up to examine your wounds, but there's none to be found. What the hell?! I should be dead. Was it all a nightmare? It couldn't have been, It felt so real! Where the hell am I? You scan the room and notice there is a small writing desk in the far left corner. A sink with a mirror above in the far right corner. A  door that was halfway open in the middle. Nothing fancy.
You turn your head in the direction of the voice. Your eyes find a man with dark messy hair, a lighthearted expression, and the bluest eyes you've ever seen.
"(y/n), Everything is alright. Don't freak out. My name is Castiel. I'm here to help. We are lucky we found you when we did."
"Umm.." just as you were about to blurt out every question that came to mind his cell phone started ringing. He gave you a soft smile and answered it.
"Dean..... Yes, she's alive... Yes, I healed them all…..  She seems to be okay. Maybe a bit confused... Sitting in the spare bedroom looking at me like I have 3 heads..... Well, I haven't gotten a chance to explain everything.... okay, see you soon."
All these thoughts and questions are swirling in your head, but you've lost the ability to talk.
"Before we get into it, do you need anything? Thirsty? Hungry? Bathroom?" Castiel asked, putting his phone away.
You Shook your head no, still at a loss for words.
"Alright then, like I said. My name is Castiel. I'm an angel..."
You laugh out loud at the world angel. "You're an angel?! Like an angel of the lord?"
"Well yes, but exactly." 
"You're an angel? And you came to save me?"
"Yes. As I was saying, we are here to help you."
"My friends and I."
"Let me guess they are angels too." You say rolling your eyes. "Look, bud, I've seen some crazy shit in my life, but angels?!"
"With all the crazy shit you've seen in your life.." He mocked you. "Why are angels so hard to believe?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"One, I have no idea why this is so amusing to you. Two, if you are an angel of the Lord." You mocked him right back. "Then where is he? What kind of god would let there be so much evil and unnecessary death in the world?"
He chuckled "I didn't say he was a good person or that he even cares, but I know he does exist."
"Then he's not much of a god now, is he?" you were starting to get very annoyed. "okay, I believe you or whatever, can we just get to the point? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where is here? And how do I get home?"
"Well, I could have started explaining everything  if I didn't get interrupted." He stated. You couldn't tell if he was being an ass or if he didn't banter well. You made the gesture of zipping your lips. You probably wouldn't believe anything this psycho said. but you might get another good laugh. "You see (y/n) we have met before. we had this same conversation already."
"Ah, I thought you zipped it?" He teased smiling 
RUN!! Your mind screamed at you but found yourself compelled to keep listening.
“Three months ago you were captured by the British men of letters,” The confusion must have shown on your face. “It's a hunting organization. They conducted a brainwash memory wipe experiment on you. Then forced you to work for them. We spent countless hours searching and trying to track you, but with your brains and their technology, it was impossible.” 
You looked up to find guilt in his eyes. You quickly looked back down as you crossed your legs and started fidgeting with your hoodie sleeve. 
“You started asking too many questions. They decided you weren't worth the risk. So they mind-wiped you once more, then sent you to your death.”
“The vampire nest,” you interrupted, an apologetic grin on your face.
“Yes. There weren't just 6 vampires living in that nest. There was about 20. You are an excellent hunter, but you couldn't handle 20 vamps that also had a heads up.”
“But how did you find me?” 
“We got a call from one of them, he explained everything and gave us your GPS information.” He explained. “Do you remember anything before the vampire nest mission?”
“Sort of. I know that I had been working for them for a while, but I don't remember the group name or any of the individuals’ names. I didn't even question it. It's like I just knew I had a mission and it had to be completed. Seems pretty damn stupid now.” you confessed as you got on your feet and started pacing near the bed. 
“y/n, you were brainwashed you can't blame yourself. They programmed you to listen not to question things.” 
“Yeah, I guess. Still, I feel so stupid. But why me? Why am I so special? Why does an angel and his friends care so much? Why would a British hunting organization come for me?” you were a good hunter sure, but not the greatest.
He was just about to answer when the sound of a familiar voice made you stop in your tracks.
“CAS?!” You had heard it earlier just before you passed out. 
“In Here” Castiel yelled back with a smile 
You heard heavy boots rush down the hall. 
You jumped at the door slamming against the wall as two brawny men bursts in. Relief washed over their faces the second they saw you.
The shorter of the two looked at Castiel for reassurance. 
“Dean. She's alright, Just confused, and maybe a bit nervous.” He had noticed your telltales signs. 
Dean looked back at you raising his eyebrows like he was waiting for your confirmation.
“Very confused, but physically I feel fine.” 
He rushed over to you, and before you could react, you were in his embrace. You were resistant at first, but the feeling of his arms wrapped around you made you feel at peace. You inhaled deeply as the sandalwood, vanilla musk that had a hint of leather and gunpowder swirled around you. It's like you could feel the anxiety drain out of you. And you couldn't help but hug him back,
“I'm sorry," he said as he untightened his arms. “I'm just really glad that you’re okay.” a touch of pink on his cheeks as he stepped back a little. 
“It's alright” you smiled at him. You were more mad that it ended rather than it happened, but there's no way you would admit it. “So Castiel, an angel of the lord. (you pointed at Cas) Dean is a strange guy who likes to hug. (you then pointed at Dean) And?.” you pointed at the towering man. You saw the hurt in their eyes even though they all tried to hide it with a smile.
‘I’m Sam.” he introduced himself. “The giant with great hair.” his smile got a little bigger. 
“Gotcha” you giggled. Your laughter eased the tension in the air a little bit.
“You got to be hungry. Let's go find something to eat,” Sam said, gesturing to the door.
“I am starving. Lead the way, Bunyan.” your lips twisted into a teasing smile. This whole situation was so weird. You actually trusted these 3 strangers. Well, they did just save your life you argued inside your head. There was more to it than that. You could feel the love and care they had for you.
He chuckled as you guys walked out the door.
Dean walked over and shut the door. “Well, it's nice she still has her banter, huh,” he said, smiling.
“Yes. although it does hurt when she looks at you like a stranger…” Castiel's words stung, but Dean knew they were so freaking true.
“We are going to fix all that. I talked to Mick on the way over. He was getting on a plane. He said he would call when They landed. That was about an hour ago. So I guess we just hang out and get tortured until he gets here.”
“Sounds great,” Castiel said sarcastically. “Dean, I don't mean to be the “Debbie downer”, but with all the crazy she's been through do you think there's a chance she doesn't want it fixed?”
Dean shot Cas a bewildered glance.
“Think about it. If you got rid of all your bad memories and bullshit, would you want it Fixed?” The sadness showed in Dean's eyes. “I'm not trying to be an asshole. Just looking At the situation and all the options.” Castiel explained. 
“Yes! I would fix it in a fucking heartbeat. I wouldn't trade my Good memories for anything.” Dean exclaimed. He couldn't help but feel hurt. He and (y/n) had some great memories. It would kill him if she chose never to get them back. “I'm gonna grab her some clean clothes. Betcha Sammie is gonna make her favorite,” he said walking towards the door.
You followed Sam into the hallway. It was brighter out here with a blueish tile halfway up the wall. The upper half was a painted white drywall. All the doorways were accented with a pretty white brick.
“What the heck is this place?” you have never seen anything like it.
“Did Castiel get to the men of letters?”
“Yeah, well, the British ones.” 
“ Well, there was an American chapter too.”
“From What I read, back in 1958, some experiments they were doing went wrong and killed most of them The survivors were never seen again. This was their bunker. Dean and I are legacies Apparently.”
He led through a doorway that opened Into a big, beautiful library. Your eyes went wide. So many books, So much lore, and kick-ass swords on display. 
“Yeah, you always did like this room .” He said with a smile. 
“It's beautiful! I get to borrow all your books right? “
he chuckled, “I'm Pretty sure you've read most of them. 
You laughed “Too bad I can't remember any of it.”
“Shit, I'm sorry. “ he said as he closed his eyes and shook his head
“Don't worry about it, big guy. I'm just giving you shit.”
He started walking in the direction of another doorway.
“So I was thinking of making your favorite, but I can make something quicker. I'm sure Dean and Cas wouldn't mind going out even if that's what you want.”
“I can…”
“You can let me make you something.” he cut you off in a teasing tone.
You rolled your eyes “ Fine, Just whatever is easier for you. Although it would be easier if we just went out.” You had a tough time with letting people take care of you. 
You have a look around the kitchen. It was nice, very spacious. A bit dull compared to the library though. No cabinets, they had a decent-sized island with shelves under it. A baker's rack on the far side. They had a walk-in pantry and tons of fridge space. Okay, this kitchen was pretty badass you admit to yourself. The best part was the coffee machine. A Bella Pro Series Combo. It Makes a pot of coffee on one side and espresso drinks on the other. You always took coffee seriously, but you would never have thought that these guys would. 
“Do you mind if make a cup?” you asked as you walked up to the machine. 
He smiled. “Should have known. Have at it, But just a heads up you will probably be making more than one.”
“Eh, I'm okay with that. Do you want one?”
“Oh my God, yes!!” 
His reaction made you chuckle “I wouldn't peg you guys as serious coffee people.”
“We aren't really. Dean bought that for you a couple of years ago. He said he got tired of you complaining about the old one.” He smiled.  “Dean and Cas are probably gonna want one too. It's been a while since we had your coffee.”
You look up to see Dean walking in. You make eye contact and he grins from ear to ear. His bright green eyes filled with love. Your knees go weak and you can't help but mirror his smile. 
“Hey, bab…. err (y/n) I got you some clothes so you can clean up,” he said still smiling. You traded him the clothes for his coffee. Which he immediately put to his lips and sipped. “Mmmm. God I missed this.”
“So (y/n) how does (your favorite food) sound?” Sam asked. You didn't want to burden him but he just seemed so excited to make it for you. 
“That sounds amazing.” You smiled 
“Dean can show you around and I'll get started.” He said pulling food out of the fridge. 
You turned to Dean. He pointed at the extra coffee sitting on the counter “Cas.? You nodded. He picked it up then nudged his head toward the doorway and started walking. You followed. 
“How ya feelin?” He asked as you guys walked into the library. 
“ I told you I'm feeling Fine. Nothing hurts, no holes.” 
You guys walked over to Castiel. He was sitting at the first of two long wooden tables. He had a laptop in front of him and books open on both sides.
“Here bud.”  Dean handed the coffee over. 
Castiel looked up from the book in his hands. His eyes flashed to you then back to Dean. Dean smiled and nodded his head.
The excitement showed on Castile's face. “Thank you!!”  you grinned. 
Dean started walking again. You followed him into the next room. There was an open staircase on the opposite side and a huge table in the middle. As you pass the table you notice the top is a screen-like world map. He noticed you looking at it. “Sam seems to think it's some kind of radar. We can't figure out how to get the damn thing on though.” you nod as he leads you up the stairs.
“Well I'm glad Cas got you healed up, but I wasn’t asking about your physical state. You almost died, had everything healed, met an angel, and were told that you have a past life you can't remember. On top of that, you have two creepy guys smiling at you and telling you they're so glad you're back.”
“Eh, another day in the life.” you joked trying to avoid your emotions.
He could read through your bullshit. “ Seriously, I know I'm a stranger in your mind, but I’m here if you need to talk.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it. All of it.” you gave him a half smile.
Topping the stairs he pointed to a door. “And here you will find an exit on your right” he gave you his best flight attendant voice.  Of course, you laugh. How could you not? He was so adorable.
He turned around still pointing “Down there's the uh dungeon slash storage.” he turned back and started walking “Our room is this way.”
“Our room?!” you raised your eyebrows
His body stiffened a little “ roomsss. I said our rooms.”
“Oh. my bad.” 
You continue down the hallway. “Here is the infirmary. We mainly use it for storage. You walk a little ways more. “Sammy's room”  he was sorta distant now. Was he really that offended that you misheard him? Right after Sam's room, there's a doorway. “ At the end of the hall, there's a stairwell” Little ways more. “This is my room.” he clenched his jaw after he said it. The hall continues but there's also a hallway on the right. He pointed down the hall you are in “man cave, another bedroom.”
“Man cave, No girls allowed?”
“Ehh usually not, but I guess you're cool enough” Finally some of the tension eased. And he turned down the other hall. There was a door on the left. “This one is yours”.
You walk up to the door and hesitantly open it. As you turn the light on your jaw drops. It's a totally different vibe than the rest of the bunker. the floor was a wooden panel. The walls a soft white with a clock on one and art on the other, a King-size bed in the middle that had white bedding with navy blue sheets and accent pillows. There were two nightstands on each side.  A navy blue dresser sat on the same wall as the door with picture frames all along the top of it. You walked over to look at them. You picked one up, it was a young couple holding a newborn baby in the hospital. You didn't recognize them. 
“That's your folks and you.” Dean was watching you while leaning on the doorframe 
“They look happy” You picked up the next one a young couple standing with arms around each other, next to a black car. It kinda looked like you and Dean. You looked up at him asking the question with your eyes.
“Yeah, that's us when we were 17,” he reassured you as he walked over “and this is us about 2 years ago.” he pointed to a picture of him kissing you on the cheek. He pointed at another. “This one is right after you. me. and Sam finished our first hunt together. We were 22. Sam was 18.” you were in the middle of them, blood splatters all over the 3 of you. You blinked back tears. “I took this one not too long ago.” it was of you and Cas making silly faces. He pointed to one of you and an older man. “This is Bobby Singer. He was a great man. Kinda a father figure to all of us.” the last one was a group shot. Cas, Sam, Dean, (with his arm around you) Bobby the man Dean just told you about, but he was in a wheelchair, and two blondes you did recognize. You pointed at the older blonde woman and looked up at Dean. “That's Ellen, she was like your crazy cool aunt, and Jo (he pointed at the younger one.)  was like your little sister.” A tear had managed its way down your cheek. Dean wiped it away. “It's gonna be ok. We have a way to fix your memory if that's what you want.”
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lila-lou · 1 year ago
✨The Talk✨
Summary: Your daughter asks Dean for "the talk".
Pairing: Dean x Daughter (no incest), Dean x Reader, Dean x Sam & Cas (just background)
Warnings: Language, Sensitive topic, Dean being too harsh, fluff at the end
Word Count: 1624
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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"Daddy… do you... umm... you have a sec?", Dean's daughter was standing in the doorway of the library. Dean leaned back in a chair, legs crossed on the table and was looking through some files when his daughter rocked nervously in place. “Sure munchkin. Shoot”, he muttered, lingering on an article.
"You know, Scott and I..umm… we've been together for a year now and... I... I actually wanted to talk to mom about this, but she's not coming back until next week", Luna started talking. "And we're meeting on the weekend and I'm… I want him to like it and I´m not sure how to say this, because it´s…", her hands waved wildly in the air.
“Dad, can you please tell me what I have to do during sex?”. Towards the end, Luna lowered both arms in surrender and looked everywhere but at her father.
Dean took a sip of beer and gagged violently when he heard his daughter's words. Sam, who had just come out of the kitchen with two burgers, stopped dead in his tracks. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, I'll be in my room", Sam placed a burger in front of Dean, who looked at him completely desperate and looking for help.
Luna, on the other hand, had a bright red head and covered her face with her hands. It was hard enough for her to say those words to her father, but now that her uncle also knew what was going on, she just wanted to die.
Dean cleared his throat a few times before taking his legs off the table and sitting up more or less upright. Elbow on the table and face in his hand, he thought as he looked at the bookshelves. After taking a few deep breaths, he rubbed his face and looked at his daughter, who was obviously not so little anymore. "Lu... can you…umm... wouldn't you rather wait until your mom comes back?", Dean answered, trying to control himself. His cheeks are now bright red too.
"No Dad… We...Saturday is our anniversary and Scott's parents aren't home and... please Dad", she murmured, looking pitifully into his eyes.
While Luna explained why she didn't want to wait, Dean's head was already spinning. He imagined the worst possible scenarios, how a boy could break his little girl's heart. His mood suddenly changed from overwhelmed and worried to angry.
“You’re only 15, Luna! You shouldn't worry about something like that! You're going to stay the fuck home this weekend!”, he replied in a stern tone and a little too loudly, which visibly frightened his daughter.
Luna jumped up and looked at her father with her big green eyes. "But Dad! I-", she started, but was immediately interrupted by Dean. "To your room! I don't wanna hear about that shit anymore! Go!", he even yelled at her, which was enough to make her cry. Luna knew better than to argue with her father when he was already angry, so she immediately ran to her room, but not before slamming the door loudly. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Dean put his face in his hand again. His expression was dark, just like his mood at the moment. He was angry. At his daughter, at you for not being there and at himself for making Lu cry.
"That was a bit harsh, don't you think?", Sam entered the library and placed a hand on Dean's shoulder before sitting down across from him.
Dean didn't say anything for a while. He knew Sam was right, but he just didn't know how to handle the whole situation. To Dean, Luna was still a child. Of course, he saw that she was slowly growing up, but that didn't change his protective instinct. It was bad enough when she said she had a boyfriend, now this? That was just too much for him.
“Look at it this way, Dean. Be happy that she has so much trust and comes to you. Very few kids do that these days. Jackson didn't come to me or his mother. Luna is a sensible young girl and Scott makes a good impression too, doesn't he? You have to learn to let her go". Sam's gaze pierced Dean's conscience, even though he still didn't look at his little brother.
“I’ll call (y/n). I want to know what she thinks”, he grumbled, got up and disappeared into the garage.
It took him two tries before you finally answered the phone.
“Fucking finally! It’s nice to have you answer the damn phone!”, your husband complained before you even heard a `hello`.
“Dean, language, for fuck´s sake!”, you scolded back.
 “Sorry”, he just grumbled and leaned against the Impala.
"What is wrong?", you sighed and looked out the window of the motel room you were currently staying in with Rowena.
"I... Luna... damn it!", Dean pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing, raising his hand. "Did you know that Luna wants to sleep with her boyfriend?". Subconsciously, he immediately made a disgusted face and put his free hand in his pocket before he started to angrily walk around the garage.
"Oh…". It was quiet between the two of you for a while. Now you could explain where Dean's bad mood came from. “Babe, we both knew the day would come sooner or later”, a small smile crept onto your lips. Dean had such an intense relationship with your daughter that it was clear he wasn't exactly open to this kind of topic.
While your husband explained to you why your daughter was talking to him and not you and what had happened, you thought about how you could calm Dean down a bit.
When he finished talking, you cleared your throat before starting to try your luck. "Dean. Don't you think it was a huge step for her to come to you with this topic? Almost no girl discusses such things with her father. You should feel honored. And... Come on, Scott's a really nice guy. He likes Luna… and you too, by the way. He won't hurt her. And even if Dean, that's part of it. You won’t be able to protect her from everything”. Your voice was calm and empathetic, exactly what Dean needed right now.
“Go talk to her and apologize for your outburst. The rest will fall into place. Inform her and answer her questions. You can do it, baby. I know you can”, you smiled, even though he couldn’t see it.
“I love you (y/n)”, he murmured. “I love you too”, you chuckled before hanging up.
Dean stayed in the garage for a few minutes to think about everything. Just as he was about to leave, Cas appeared behind him, startling him. "Dean", he murmured monotonously. “Damn it, Cas! Stop it!”, Dean grumbled. Cas looked at him confused for a moment, but then he realized what Dean meant. However, something different took precedence in Cas's eyes.
“Luna is crying. You need to check on her”.
Dean sighed briefly. Since the birth of your daughter, Cas has been something like her personal guardian angel. He had almost as close a relationship with her as Dean did. "I know. I'm on my way", Dean grumbled, leaving Cas to just mumble, "Fine".
Five minutes later, Dean finally knocked on his daughter's door but got no answer. "It's me Munchkin", he sighed.
“Go away”, Luna sobbed from behind the door. Her voice sounded like she had the blanket over her head.
"Lu... I wanna talk to you... please... can I come in?", Dean's voice was much softer than in the library. Luna's whiny voice had hit him right in the heart, which only made his guilty conscience worse.
There was silence again until after a few minutes the door opened a crack and Luna scurried straight back onto the bed under the covers.
Dean entered the room and slowly walked towards her bed. He tried to pull the blanket away from Luna's face, but she held it tight, sniffling.
Sighing, Dean placed his hand over the blanket on her back and stroked her gently.
“I'm sorry, Sweetheart... I shouldn't have yelled at you like that... I'm so sorry... it's just... Lu, you're my daughter. My little girl. When you were born you turned my whole world upside down. Since that day you have been the most important thing in my life. I... It's just hard to see you growing up so quickly and... I... I don't want you to get hurt", Dean admitted quietly.
It took a moment for Luna to poke her head out of the blanket. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, which only hurt Dean more.
“C´mere”, he murmured, pulling her close to him. "I love you, Munchkin", he kissed her head and stroked her back again. “Just like you´re a daughter for the first time, I´m a father for the first time”, he smiled bitterly. “I'm really doing my best”.
Luna looked at her hands as she enjoyed her father's closeness and affection. “I know Daddy. And you're a really great dad... just... I can take care of myself, dad. You taught me everything I need to know and do to defend and protect myself. I know every single monster. I’m not 5 anymore”, she murmured against his shirt.
“But sometimes men can be worse monsters than any supernatural being, Sweetheart. I just don't want you to regret anything or… for anyone to hurt you".
It took a while before Dean had the courage to broach the sensitive subject again.
“Anyway… I know you’re sensible and I’m more than glad you came to me with this. So…”, he took a deep breath.
"Shoot. What do you want to know?".
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
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