ethnoplants · 2 years
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🌱Le palmier queue de poisson ou Caryota mitis est un très beau palmier insolite dont les feuilles très découpées ressemblent a une queue de poisson. Il n'est malheureusement pas rustique et doit être cultiver comme plante verte d'intérieur ou sous climat doux. Graines de palmier queue de poisson disponibles sur le site ethnoplants. #caryota #caryotamitis #palmier #palmierqueuedepoisson #Fischschwanzpalme #palme #fishtail #fishtailpalm #palm #ethnoplants #palmacoladepez #palmadepescados #palma #palmera #plantaexotica #exotique #tropicale #graines #graine https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfPpuHoWM2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metmuseum · 20 days
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Wine Palm, Caryota Urens. 1860s–70s. Credit line: Gift of Matthew Dontzin, 1985 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/264584
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cheddar-baby · 3 months
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i think the day i finally find and get a fishtail palm (Caryota Mitis) is the day i just full on stop buying plants. I'll find inner peace and be done. Something about their weird flat leaves brings me joy.
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What is the Kithul treacle?
Experience the exquisite sweetness of Kithul treacle, a natural sweetener that embodies the essence of Sri Lanka's culinary heritage. Made from the sap of the Kithul palm tree (Caryota urens) through time-honored methods, the Kithul treacle offers a rich, velvety texture and a distinctively complex flavor profile.
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toggletina · 10 months
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branching out 🌿
Caryota : : : Fishtail Palm
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iguanablues · 1 year
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My favorite place to spend a rainy day
Pictured: Monstera deliciosa, Madagascar Ocotillo (Alluaudia procera), Peruvian Old Man Cactus (Espostoa Ianata), Fishtail Palm (Caryota mitis)
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newmic · 2 years
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The Snakeskin Fishtail Palm (Caryota ophiopellis) is a rare palm from the Vanuatu Islands in the South Pacific. It has very distinctive banding on the leaf petioles. This palm is slow growing and will grow 20-25 feet tall. It needs shade and is tender to cold so it needs a protected location in Central Florida.
Le palmier Snakeskin Fishtail (Caryota ophiopellis) est un palmier rare des îles Vanuatu dans le Pacifique Sud. Il a des bandes très distinctives sur les pétioles des feuilles. Ce palmier a une croissance lente et atteindra 20 à 25 pieds de haut. Il a besoin d'ombre et est tendre à froid, il a donc besoin d'un endroit protégé dans le centre de la Floride.
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Ice Apple, Nungu, Taal #IceApple #Nungu #Taal
Ice apple is a type of sweet dessert made from the sap of certain types of palm trees, particularly the Borassus flabellifer and Caryota urens species. The sap is collected, processed and then frozen to create a sweet, ice-like treat that is popular in many tropical countries, including India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Some people also call it nungu in Tamil, Taal in Bengali and Taal in…
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phytophiliac · 2 years
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Fishtail Palm Fruit (Caryota obtusa) is native to Thailand and can reach over 65 feet in height. It is monocarpic; after it flowers it dies.
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itstheplants · 7 years
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Been wanting a full-size fishtail palm for years. Finally found this one at Home Depot for $30! Comparable one at Lowe’s was $100. Specimen plants & indoor trees really complete the ‘indoor jungle’ look.
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jmclandscaping · 2 years
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How does a fishtail palm look?
A fishtail palm is a beautiful palm native to northern Australia, Asia, and South Pacific. It has a multi-stem and grey trunk. The bi-pinnate leaves are shaped like a fishtail. It produces creamy flowers in spring followed by berries-like fruits that turn red when ripe. 
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metmuseum · 1 year
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Wine Palm, Caryota Urens. 1860s–70s. Credit line: Gift of Matthew Dontzin, 1985 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/264584
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A natural sweetener is a substance that is derived from plants or other natural sources and can be used as a substitute for traditional sugar. These sweeteners provide a sweet taste without the added calories of sugar and may have additional health benefits. kithul (caryota urenus) jaggery, a natural sweetener include amino acids,anti-oxident and anti-diabetic propertis.also a low glysemic index product.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 10 May 1838
12 40
long in dressing – fine morning but cooler than yesterday – sent things to the wash and had them brought back about 8 this evening! ready at 9 50 and breakfast – had Mr. Proft – he gave the history of the useless damage done to his house in the revolution by the Dutch – mentioned the great improvements here and in the country since then – the great trade and wealth – the improvements and wealth at Charleroi and mentioned the coal-mines there and at Liège 800 metres deep – struck by this account – P- would inquire of a friend of his and return – then gave my passport to be visaed for Paris – Mr. P- returned – yes! the mine at Liège 400 toises deep – go down in baskets – the men only come up once a week – think of going to Liège 12 postes in 4 ½ hours by the railroad – and think of going to Charleroi - .:. gave up Waterloo for today – pass thro’ en allant
à Charleroi – A- would like this route – talked of going to Paris by Mézières but Mr. Proft said there were very curious mines near Mons and 1 near Valenciennes, and thought we might omit Charleroi or turn from there to Mons – ordered a carriage for the day (Mr. Profts’) at 11 – waited ½ hour at the door – a Droshky – took Leon (our valet hired this morning) and the 2 servants and drove to the palace of the prince of Orange – had to wait – walked about in the park ¼ hour – then waited as much longer at the longer at the palace and went into the porters’ lodge – the portière a very nice civil woman – ½ hour in the palace with 2 sets of peuple ¼ hour each going the dull round of the apartments for the man had not time to point out the pictures for which we staid the 2nd ¼ hour – 4 good whole length portraits by Vandyke and one or 2 other pictures – not very interesting – the dining room handsome – handsome parquet of oak, rose-wood, citron and satin wood – sides all marble – heated by a fireplace under window at one end of the room and 4 rooms furnished with cheminées and consoles in granite de Siberie a white almost entirely quartzon coarse-grained polished stone -  then at 12 ½ to the musée d’histoire naturelle – ½ hour there – sought out the conservator – found him very civil – perhaps ½ dozen people besides ourselves or not so many – not a public day – everything very nicely arranged and kept – the collection of Siberian minerals given by the princess of Orange very interesting – M. Delporte professor r. de Rolleberg as pronounced près de grand Sablon (church) arranged all the minerals – thought to write to him for information respecting the coal mines – then to the picture gallery – there from 1 5 to 2 10 A- and the servants too much interested – the concierge very civil – it seems the favourite picture is a little one by Gerard Dow – several pictures by Rubens, and 2 or 3 esteemed Vandykes – then sent the servants home to dinner and I and I drove about the town – to the town hall – a medical examination of students so could not see the interior – then to the great Infirmary or hospice formerly convent des Begnins – 300 poor women – 300 poor men there and some pay-residents – 3 classes of the latter 600fr. a year with sitting room and bed room – 400 fr. a year with one room, and 150 fr. a year 4 or 5 persons in one room – dinner at 12 – breakfast at 7 ½ - saw the laundry and washhouse  - then sick of the carriage (a little more such rumble-rumble would have made me as bad as on board the Princess Victoria) drove to the bank Engel and compagnie – for circular n°4917 got Fr. 637.50 – then at 4 20 home – put away the money – sent away the carriage and A- and I strolled to the Botanic garden there at 4 55 – had sent Leon for a dozen oranges at 2/40 and desired him to follow us and bring the servants – at the botanic garden much amused in the serres and I in the gardens while A- sketched the exterior of the serres – nothing very particular except a fine specimen of Caryota urens (curious 3 lobed rather curled leaf) and a Arenga Saccharifera (palm) – the gardens in want of doing up – Leon said there had not been time only 8 days since the fine weather began – It is in fact a sale garden of flowers and trees – nothing particular – belongs to a company – a man in the livery of the company went round the serres with us and charged me 6 sols a piece and I gave him 12 sols at first for our 2 selves and afterwards a franc for the 2 servants and 8 sols over – In returning bought a pair of thread gloves for A- and inquired for garters but on hearing that cotton were wanted the young woman turned up her nose and we came home to dinner – dinner at about 7 ¼ - wrote as follows to ‘Monsieur, Monsieur le professeur Delporte etc. etc. etc.’ and sent the note by Leon about 9 – Monsieur D- pas dans la maison – Leon said he would call for an answer at 7 ½ am tomorrow – ‘Madame Lister offert ses civilités très empressées à monsieur le professeur Delporte, et le prie de vouloir bien avoir la bonté de lui indiquer le meilleur ouvragée qu’elle peut se procurer à Bruxelles pour s’en server en visitant les mines de houille à Liége, et à Hornu, et à Anzin – Madame Lister serait charmée de faire ca conaissance de Monsieur le professuer chez elle – Hotel Bellevue n°99 Jundi soir, le 10 mai’ – then dessert – and A- I sat talking and looking at maps a little while she then wrote till sleepy and Oddy put her to bed at 11 pm and I wrote out the whole of yesterday and today till now 11 40 pm at which hour F64° - fine day – but a good deal of wind and dust and much cooler than yesterday
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payneswhite · 7 years
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wemdashikurfan-blog · 5 years
This experiment was conducted to identify methods to get rapid and uniform germination and packaging material for storing Kithul seeds. The study was conducted at the University seed testing laboratory, Dodangolla, Kundasale. Pericarp removed seeds were subjected to nine treatments: removal of portion of endosperm (t2), rubbing of seed coat using a sand paper (t3), hot water treatment 80oC for 5 seconds (t4), for 30 seconds (t5), oven heating at 60oC for 10 seconds (t6), for 2 minutes (t7), for 5 minutes (t8), concentrated sulfuric acid for 10 seconds (t9), 0.5M sulfuric acid for 10 seconds (t10) and untreated seeds (t1).
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